
Why night butterflies fly to light? Why butterflies can not fly without pollen

Pests of garden plants

Gubchenko Yana.

The work performed the grade 4 student. Work consists of a report and presentation.



Slide 1.

One day a boy came up to me. He had a butterfly in his hands, and in his arms - pollen. He asked me: "Can I fly a butterfly to fly?" I did not know the answer to his question and decided to find out everything.

Theme of my project:

Slide 2.

Objective of the project:

Explore how butterfly flies.

Slide 3.

Project tasks:

4. Determine how butterflies fly.

Slide 4.

Research methods:

  • study of literature;
  • analysis, generalization;
  • questioning.

Slide 5.

I suggested that the butterfly

Slide 6.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

I studied the structure of the butterfly wing.

Butterfly wing structure.

Butterfly Wing Scheme:
1 - wing root;
2 - front edge;
3 - rear edge;
4 - Top;
5 - the command area;
6 - rear corner;
7 - the roasting area;
8 - middle area;
9 - postdis-potassal area;
10 - glue area;
11 - edge area.

Slide 10.

Why does the butterfly fly?

Slide 11.

After conducting the survey, I found that most of the children of our class believes that the butterfly cannot fly without pollen on the wings.

Slide 12.

I will definitely tell you about this my classmates in the lesson of the surrounding world.

Signatures for slides:

If you take a butterfly in your hands, you can damage the gentle scaled layer, which covers the wings. It is enough to harm only the small part of the wing and the whole picture of the picturesque drawing will already be far away. Moreover, damaging the outer layer can be deprived of the butterfly possibility of normal flight
In the course of the study, I concluded:
The butterfly cannot fly without pollen on the wings. If you erase too much protective pollen from the wings of butterflies, it can damage them. If they touch the wing of butterflies and the moth, dust will remain on the fingers. This "dust" is very small and consists of small scales, you need to look closely on the butterfly wing to see her. These scales help fly, and it is they who are responsible for the color color that we see on the wings of butterflies.
Objective of the project:

No one knows the origin of this word. It is possible that it happened from the yellow-oil color, most European butterflies call the jaundice butterfly for their greenish-yellow color.
Butterflies (calculated) One of the largest insect detachments with a complete transformation includes more than 140 thousand species. Most characteristic feature whose representatives are the presence of a thick cover of scales (flattened hairs) on the front and rear wings (while the scales are located both on the veins and on the wing plate between them).
It is divided into more than 100 families. Dissolves all export, with the exception of areas involved in glaciers.

Walked, fixed,
Up and flew away.

can the butterfly fly without pollen on the wings
MBOU Guliai Borisovskaya Sosh
Gubchenko Yana.

Love Anatolyevna
x. Guliai-Borisovka
can't fly without pollen on wings.
Why flies butterfly?

The response to this question scientists got only when high-speed shooting was applied. It turns out that, during the flight, the butterfly wings are first climbing up, closing in the plate, and then swing all the breadth and clog under the belly. It is interesting that when picked up the wings upside there is a closure of not the entire plane, but as if a wave moving from the front edge of the wing to the back. Between the rear edge of the wings above the belt, a canal with a correct oval cross section is formed. Just through this channel, the wings with force pushed the jet of air. And as well as exhaust gases emitted from a reactive motor nozzle raise the butterfly up.

Research methods:
study of literature;
analysis, generalization;

Playlists N.N. "
animative entomology. "


Project tasks:
1. Get familiar with the butterfly insect squad.
2. Find out the value of butterflies in nature.
3. Examine the structure of the wing of butterflies.

5. Conduct a survey "Can a butterfly fly without pollen on wings?"

The value of the butterfly in nature.
Butterflies are a miracle of wildlife! Butterflies are one of the most beautiful living beings on Earth!
Most butterflies are pollinators of flowering plants. For a person, first of all useful types of butterflies whose caterpillars can produce silk. Caterpillars of certain types of butterflies can be used in the fight against weed plants. And there are butterflies, larvae and pupae which serve to feed birds.

Signatures for slides:

Why, if you take a butterfly for the wing, then the drawing is gradually
If you take a butterfly in your hands, you can damage the gentle scaled layer, which covers the wings. It is enough to harm only the small part of the wing and the whole picture of the picturesque drawing will already be far away. Moreover, damaging the outer layer can be deprived of the butterfly possibility of normal flight
In the course of the study, I concluded:
The butterfly cannot fly without pollen on the wings. If you erase too much protective pollen from the wings of butterflies, it can damage them. If they touch the wing of butterflies and the moth, dust will remain on the fingers. This "dust" is very small and consists of small scales, you need to look closely on the butterfly wing to see her. These scales help fly, and it is they who are responsible for the color color that we see on the wings of butterflies.
Objective of the project:
* Explore how the butterfly flies.
What is the origin of the word butterfly
No one knows the origin of this word. It is possible that it happened from the yellow-oil color, most European butterflies call the jaundice butterfly for their greenish-yellow color.
Butterflies (calculated) One of the largest insect detachments with a complete transformation includes more than 140 thousand species. The most characteristic feature of which is the presence of thick cover of scales (flattened hairs) on the front and rear wings (while the scales are located both on the veins and on the wing plate between them).
It is divided into more than 100 families. Dissolves all export, with the exception of areas involved in glaciers.

Slept the flower, and suddenly I woke up to sleep anymore,
Walked, fixed,
Up and flew away.

can the butterfly fly without pollen on the wings
Prepared a student of 4-a class
MBOU Guliai Borisovskaya Sosh
Gubchenko Yana.

Love Anatolyevna
x. Guliai-Borisovka
can't fly without pollen on wings.
Why flies butterfly?

The response to this question scientists got only when high-speed shooting was applied. It turns out that, during the flight, the butterfly wings are first climbing up, closing in the plate, and then swing all the breadth and clog under the belly. It is interesting that when picked up the wings upside there is a closure of not the entire plane, but as if a wave moving from the front edge of the wing to the back. Between the rear edge of the wings above the belt, a canal with a correct oval cross section is formed. Just through this channel, the wings with force pushed the jet of air. And as well as exhaust gases emitted from a reactive motor nozzle raise the butterfly up.

Research methods:
study of literature;
analysis, generalization;
Kalashnikov V. "Wonders of Nature. Animal world."
Playlists N.N. "
animative entomology. "
Candles V. "Atlas of the Seasons of the Year."
L. "Live world. Encyclopedia."
Strelkov D. "Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals."
Project tasks:
1. Get familiar with the butterfly insect squad.
2. Find out the value of butterflies in nature.
3. Examine the structure of the wing of butterflies.
4. Determine how butterflies fly.
5. Conduct a survey "Can a butterfly fly without pollen on wings?"

The value of the butterfly in nature.
Butterflies are a miracle of wildlife! Butterflies are one of the most beautiful living beings on Earth!
Most butterflies are pollinators of flowering plants. For a person, first of all useful types of butterflies whose caterpillars can produce silk. Caterpillars of certain types of butterflies can be used in the fight against weed plants. And there are butterflies, larvae and pupae which serve to feed birds.

"Legends of flowers" - and would remain a royal prisoner if not a gardener Georgy ... A beautiful legend tells about Astre, which translated from Greek means "star". Circle occupation on the topic "Legends about colors." Lilac. But the royal flower has already broken down to the will and became loved by the people. Lily of the valley. A few drops fell to the ground and turned into lilies.

"How plants feed" - 3. There are plants predators. Marna is beautiful. It is allocated: in the atmosphere oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. 1. The plants have: Baygwatova Z.Z. Form: organic substances for plant nutrition. Soil nutrition. Raffleresia Rosyanka Venusina Mukholovka. Organic substances. Energy of sun.

"How animals eat" - spider - a crusade of the butterfly mosquito. Conclusion 1. Check your knowledge. Nutrients Consisted on the growth and movement of the Organization. Scheme lesson. How and what do insects eat? Teeth lotting network Trumps Cleaning Welcome Cytic Cape Clamps. Digestion scheme. How different animals eat. How and what is the spider feed?

"What feeds animals" - chimpanzees. Hamsters. Cats are another carnivorous animals. Hamsions can not be given sweet, salty and acute food. Proteins - herbivores. Proteins feed on nuts and seeds, mushrooms and berries, will not refuse and apple. Wolves. What fruit chimpanzees like most? Of course, ripe bananas! Carnivorous or predators eating meat.

"How to eat" - the diagnostic direction to study the nutrition of schoolchildren by a survey and survey. Hot meals for everyone! To grow and develop, you need to eat right! It is necessary to wash your hands! Vitamin table! Be healthy always - day, week, year! Objectives and objectives: Preparing for a contest "Clean plates".

"Drawing a butterfly" - from eggs appear larvae, which in butterflies are called caterpillars. Like all insects, butterflies lay eggs. The second version of the cartoon butterfly. Many butterflies and winter in the pupa. We drew a butterfly! Different metamorphoses occur inside the doll. We erase all the auxiliary and the lines you do not need.

Managed to find out how butterfly flies
Peter samples

The English scientists have secured miniature transmitters on the butterflies and found that insects move along two trajectories - quickly in rectilinear and slowly in circular.

British researchers found out that the butterflies do not make out of the garden, but choose certain movement routes. For this, they attached miniature sensors to insect, the testimony of which was observed with a radar. It was possible not only to find out the flight path, but also its speed.

One of the authors of the work, Lizzy Kant from the Rotamster Dimensional Research Center in Harpenden, says that it was not possible to follow the flight of a more kilometer for a flight more than a kilometer. Transmitters weighing 12 mg made it a reality. They were installed on the backs of the butterfly of the peacock of the eye (Inachis IO) and the butterfly of the Urticae (Aglais urticae). Making sure that the devices do not affect the behavior of insects, scientists have released 33 copies on the field of 500x400 meters in the estate of the Rotamster, which was scanned by the radar. As a result, the path trajectories of almost every butterfly were obtained - more precisely, 30 of them.

After analyzing the records, scientists came to the conclusion that there are two types of movement: rapid straightforward at a speed of 2.9 m / c and slow, circles, when collecting nectar at a rate of 1.6 m / s. Obviously, slow circle helps butterflies find flowers, identify them and determine the place for wintering. Butterfly for another 200 meters recognized the inappropriate habitat, for example, a dense row of trees, and did not approach it. And on the contrary, for another 100 m they found the faces of the feeding.

With proper financing in a few years it would be possible to carry out a more large-scale study, to identify how different types Butterflies as the landscape affects the flight path. Lizzy Kant is going to repeat the experiment soon rare species Butterflies - bright brown and swamp pearl. Previously, with the help of the radar, the movement of bumblebees and honey bees was tracked. With seemingly far from practice, this work can be useful to nature conservation specialists and farmers.

The practical benefits of fundamental research is sometimes not immediately. The writer Vladimir Nabokov was proud of its entomology of entomology, in particular, also because this science was probably the most distant from real life. However, in the middle of the last century, chemical signals were allocated by insects. It turned out that the butterflies feel up to 1 molecule of the sex attractant (attractive substance) in 1 cubic meter of air. Over time, these substances of the complex structure have learned to artificially synthesize and use to attract harmful insects. By installing a trap with a substance on the field, it is often possible to completely abandon the field processing chemicals Plant protection is quite harmful to humans. Currently, the Pheromonov market is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

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Butterfly anatomy butterfly breeding butterflies

Can fly butterfly, depends on temperature. Strong winds and raindrops can damage the wings of butterflies. And since the butterflies cannot restore their wings, they usually seek their shelter in such weather. But the worst of all for these insects is not raining or wind, but low temperatures.

Best of the bottom of the butterflies work at a body temperature of 28 degrees Celsius. Because if the body temperature drops significantly below this level, the butterflies cannot move their muscles of wings, and accordingly, they cannot fly, extract themselves food and hide from predators. Most butterflies use the color of their wings to scare away predators. For example, with its bright colors, they blindly blind a predator or simply frighten it with their big eye on wings, and then fly away. Butterflies also use their color to prevent predators about chemical defense capability, for example, toxic or dirty substances. However, with very cold weather, butterflies are not able to use their "weapons", and therefore are easy prey. Unlike mammals, which can constantly maintain their body temperature, even at very low temperatures, butterflies have to maintain body temperature due to ambient. For this, they sometimes have to resort to every tricks. At night, the butterflies are looking for a warm shelter to protect themselves from freezing, in the afternoon there is a completely different story.

Throughout the day, you can watch how butterflies spread their wings, so they warm in the sun. On a colder day, butterflies use wings as reflectors. Slightly folding the wings, they focus sunlight On your chest to which the wings are attached. Sometimes butterflies are sitting on warm stones and attract heat from below. On a very hot day, the butterfly can roll their wings, so that the rays of the sun fall only on the outer edges of the wings and did not puzzle the wing itself.

But sometimes the sun closes the clouds and butterflies cannot be basked under his rays that they need to take off. In such cases, the butterfly can quickly move the wings, gradually warming muscles. This movement is very similar to the shake of the human body in cold weather. Ultimately, the butterfly muscles are heated from such a movement, and it can fly.

But even climbing into the air, the butterfly does not cease to take care of the temperature of his body. The body of butterflies cools from any blow of the wind, as well as cooled a spoon of hot soup, if you look at it. That is why butterflies fly only for short distances on a very cold day. Making permanent landings, butterfly warms her body before the next flight, moving from a flower on a flower or any warm place.

However, not all types of butterflies have to periodically landing from a flower on a flower. More than 200 butterfly varieties migrate to other countries, overcoming long distances. For example, Danadaida, or, as they are called in the people, a monarch butterfly, will fly away for the winter to California and Mexico, where new generations of butterflies are generated. In order to make such a flight, a butterfly needs to eat well and save as much energy as possible. Next, you will learn about how butterflies eat, about the fact that butterflies drink water from small puddles at all because they cannot drink from deep reservoirs.

Why night butterflies fly to light? If he likes it so much, they would live in the afternoon when there is a lot of it.

First we will deal with the second part of the question - why are the butterfly fly at night, why not do it during the day when and so light? The fact is that in nature every animal occupies its ecological niche. It is impossible to just take and go to another niche, because it is often already occupied by competitors perfectly adapted to it. Moreover, a number of animals turned out to be profitably adapted to the night lifestyle.

What could be the advantages of nightlife for butterflies? As we said, one of possible causes - Lack of competing with dayts. And at night, most insectivore birds sleep, so the threat to be eaten at this time below. In addition, exist flower plantswhich spread a strong fragrance attracting pollinators at night. And we know that Imago is an adult stage of development - many butterflies feed on flowers, at the same time poling them. The relationship of certain types of butterflies and plants can be so strong that they even evolve together. For example, this is known for the brand Xanthopan Morgani. and Madagascar orchid Angrecum semi-winte ( Angraecum Sesquipedale).

So, we dealt with the question why some butterflies live at night. But why are they flying to light? Although scientists are fighting for a long time over the raysterity of this phenomenon, there is no unambiguous answer. One thing is clear: the insect insects are a comprehensive phenomenon that has many reasons, and in each particular case they can be different.

In fact, not only butterflies fly to light and not only night. The light attracts many insects, and the daytime too. The fact is that the light is one of important factorsallowing insect to navigate in space. Light is an irritant. Insects described the phenomenon of the directional movement to the source of irritation at a certain angle (that is, the insect does not fly straight to the stimulus!), Which received the name of Menotaxis. Many insects are peculiar to Menotaxis regarding the rays of light. For example, it was with Menotaxis that the famous bee dance is connected, during which the foragehouse bees report information about the food source to other bees family members.

But not any light is equally attractive for insects. Most of all, they fly to lamps containing ultraviolet in the spectrum - for example, used in street lighting lanterns. And this happens because the vision of insects is shifted to the purple spectrum region, so it is most likely that they will choose sources of ultraviolet as a guide. Such sources also include the sun and the night sky.

In nature, the intensity of light from natural sources (sun and moon) is always constant, that is, it has no gradient for the insect. With artificial light sources, the story is different: when the lamp approaches the lamp, the light intensity increases and blinds the insect, disrupting the coordination of its movements. Despite this insect still continues to strive for a light source.

To sort out one of the hypotheses explaining this phenomenon, they will deeper into physics. Normally, the rays of light are parallel straight, and, accordingly, the trajectory of the insect movement can be represented as a direct. So insect, for example moth, which was previously focused on the night sky, may accidentally choose an artificial light source as a reference point - for example, a lamp. Approaching the lamp, unlucky flying falls into the area of \u200b\u200bstrong lighting. We remember that the insect does not fly straight to the stimulus, and approaches at a certain angle. The lamp is a point light source, and light rays emanating from it are radially divert. Our butterfly is trying to preserve a certain movement angle (remember Menotaxis!), But these light rays divergers "knock down" in different directions, and she begins to approach the spirals. This hypothesis was proposed in 1917 Von Buddenbrok (W. von Buddenbrok, 1917. Die Lichtkompassbewegungen Bei Den Insekten, InBesondere Den SchmetterlingsRaPen) and, in particular, explains why the insects flying around the light bulb.

But why do the butterflies commit these meaningless movements, and not fly away?

In 1967, Vladimir Borisovich Chernyshev highlighted the hypothesis that the insect blinded by the bright light arises a response from possible danger. Normally, this reaction is automatically directed towards the light, because it is associated with an open space, where insects fly in case of danger. Thus, it turns out a vicious circle: the closer the insect to the light source, the stronger the light is annoyed; As a result, the insect, trying to fly away from the danger, continues to strive for the lamp as an open space.

By the way, it is precisely the desire for open space that the fact that insects attracts not only the point source of light, but also the illuminated zone, for example, a glowing screen (this is, by the way, entomologists for catching insects are widely used). In addition, in vivo, insects can move towards the world's most favorable levels. This explains, for example, mass departure of insects from the forest at sunset. This is true for insects emerging from the pupa and ready for migration and reproduction - therefore, at the beginning of the season, there are so many night butterflies flying on artificial light.

But back to our unlucky butterfly, which continues to melt around the lamp. After some time, her eyes gradually adapt to the light, and the excitement, forcing it to fly in a circle, falls. Many night butterflies after chaotic flight near the lamp calusate and freeze near it in a pose characteristic of day rest, with folded "house" or flat triangle wings. It can be assumed that they begin to perceive artificial light as a day and become inactive waiting for twilight. Other insects, calming down, fly back into the darkness.

Light attracts not only night insects: some daytime mistakes also arrive. A single fly of daytime insects (for example, butterflies) at night to artificial light sources can be explained by the fact that they or remained at such a source from the evening, or were disturbed at night and flew over in the framework of the flight response.

Does artificial light harm insect? Definitely yes, especially in cities where very high levels of light pollution. Every year, millions of randomly attracted insects die near the artificial light sources of light in the cities. Note that light pollution causes huge damage not only insects, but also vertebral, for example, migratory birds, which also use light for orientation.

However, as the results of a newly published study show, some butterfly populations produce behavioral mechanisms that allow them to avoid the negative effect of artificial light. The authors collected the caterpillars of the mountainous moth ( Yponomeuta Cagnagella.) First age (before the first molt) in places without light pollution and in an increased light pollution area. Caterpillars from both places developed in the laboratory at a normal lighting day. Butterflies that came out of the caterpillars who were collected in the area with elevated artificial lighting30% were less attracted by artificial light. Scientists suggest that such a change in behavior increases the reproductive success of urban butterflies.

Anatoly Krupitsky