
Storage croup in the kitchen. Storage organization in small kitchen

Garden buildings

Usually every kitchen accommodates:

  • many knives, spoons and forks
  • diverse dishes for cooking;
  • aprons, tanks and towels;
  • rag;
  • all sorts of detergents and cleaning products;
  • various household supplies;
  • household trivia;
  • large and small kitchen technique;
  • tea and coffee;
  • dried fruits;
  • dishes for meals;
  • paper, linen and polyethylene bags and bags;
  • bakery products;
  • medicines for first aid;
  • random little things;
  • banks;
  • glass I. plastic bottles;
  • full and empty containers from different materials;
  • capacities for garbage collection, etc.

On the walls, in the absence of other storage methods, you can hang small, most often used.

Special metal boards with deepening utensils are sold in business stores, which are also strengthened by vertical.

If the windowsill is wide, and the space under it is spacious enough, then the washing or dishwasher is often rising.

But we should not forget that the objects put on everyone should be supported in perfect purity, be beautiful and conveniently posted.

Kitchen furniture

Nowadays kitchen furniture Designed taking into account various products storage systems and necessary items. It is usually produced in the form of special complexes, in which all the features of the use of space are already provided.

For each mistress, the present problem is a convenient location of the saucepan and pan.

They need to be placed inside the cabinets or stoves, in order to avoid getting dishes for the preparation of infection or other contaminants.

Plates, cups and sauces are placed in mounted cabinets, and pans, saucers and other items are folded into the lower part due to their heavy weight.

Spoons and forks should not be kept in the open space. For them, it is better to remove extensive boxes or other hermetically closed spaces.

Knives should be removed into tightly stabbed modules, high enough to do not get enough to them small child. Scissors, instruments for opening canned food and corkscrew should also be placed in order to avoid accidental injury.

Handles of cabinets and buffet are usually used when stored. They hang baskets with sponges, rags, kitchen towels or packages.

In the corners put special blocks. They have dried fruits or economic trivia, and also hide here not too often use things, products long storage, Potatoes or means and objects for cleaning the room.

Application for storing horizontal surfaces

Larger household appliances (combine, microwave, steamer, etc.) better put on the worktop. Those devices that are used only occasionally, it is better to remove it so that they do not spoil and did not create a feeling of cramped.

Such surfaces are trying to improve many hostesses. They make a small deepening, in which small fixtures are placed.

It also hosts bread box.

Do not forget about the windowsill. Flowers are most often set on it, but also often use it for storing full and empty bottles. If it is high enough, it can also be used as a bar.

A number of seasonings or fruits are grown right on the window, allowing you to save a family budget, getting fresh greens and retaining the required space.

Additional kitchen devices

It is desirable to have a separate box where you can put rarely used, but the necessary things in the farm (packages, twine, covers, etc.).

The dryer for the washed utensils also has a number of devices. It can accommodate clean rubber gloves and other frequently used utility items.

Detergents are better to put in, which must be appropriately issued. In boxes, tanks or recesses, glass jars, soap, powders and other economic trivia are folded.

Typically, the kitchen adjoin the mezzanine. It is stored objects that are used only in exceptional cases, seasonal accessories, as well as things intended for receiving guests.

Composition of accommodation in the kitchen space

Items and products should not only be placed in the required order, but are placed so that it is easy to reach them and quickly use if necessary.

Closest to the stove you need to position:

  • pots and frying pan;
  • covers;
  • spice;
  • long-term storage products;
  • small household appliances;
  • kitchen towels;
  • salt and sugar;
  • tea and coffee.

In the zone of the nearest accessibility should be:

  • detergents;
  • containers;
  • packages;
  • large home appliances;
  • cutlery;
  • dried fruits;
  • towels and apron;
  • first aid kit;
  • tanks for garbage, etc.
  • knives, spoons and forks;
  • dining room;
  • bread;
  • food products;
  • household trivia;
  • detergents.

It is required to carefully ensure that all products, items and household agents are stored under proper conditions.

If they are able to spoil under the action of high temperatures, humidity or exposure to fat, it is better to hide them away.

Dried fruits and spices should be kept in special, hermetically closing tanks. If they are transparent, they should be placed in the desired order. When stored in dense banks or containers, they need to be improved, so as not to spend time on the search and do not mix different substances.

When placing cans or containers on open spaces, it is required to keep track of the maintenance of their cleanliness and change as aesthetic loss external view.

It is advisable to take into account the color, dimensions and character of stored things. In the presence of baubles, jewelry or paintings in the kitchen, it is necessary to place them so that they do not create interference and did not violate the overall composition of the space.

It is necessary to take into account the placement of each category of items, products and things. It should be remembered that staying in the kitchen becomes for every woman the main occupation during the day. Therefore, the space should be organized not only convenient, but also beautiful.

In addition, everything is worth putting and put so as not to make it difficult to maintain order and not create interference when cooking and laundering dishes and surfaces.

The cluttered interior in the tiny kitchen is unrealistic annoying! Not only are there places physically little, so also visually lacking space.

And it seems that in this situation nothing (except for the extension of the living space) is not done, and this step is far from everyone to my pocket. For happiness, there are many steep chips that will help cope with the order in the kitchen, make its interior comfortable and neat.

1. Knives on magnets under the hinged cabinet

Knives on magnets under hinged cabinet.

Standard standing for knives in a small kitchen is an extra object, visually littering space. To get rid of it, hide knives and streamline their storage, use magnetic tapes. Secure several such tapes under the hinged locker. Storage system for knives is ready!

2. Rational use of corners

Rational use of corners.

In the tiny kitchen, the benefit should bring every corner. You can take angles in several ways: install the sink, make the order of the corner headset, put a soft sofa for the dining area. Ultimately, set a few open shelves and put banks with spices on them to always be at hand.

Corner kitchen.

3. Pendant microwave

Suspended microwave.

The microwave is not an especially overall subject of household appliances, but in a small kitchen, even it seems to be gigantic. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a harmonious place for it, wherever she did not interfere with, did not occupy the working surface and visually fit into the space. Solve this task will help the microwave bracket.

4. Microwave in the closet

Microwave in the closet.

Another interesting and practical solution - Hide the microwave in the kitchen penalty and closet. This option will only be appropriate if you have enough storage systems in the kitchen.

5. Folding dining table

Folding dining table.

Often the dining area is located right in the kitchen, but it is sometimes extremely difficult to place it on a tiny area. Even in such a situation there is a way out - a folding dining table, which is fixed by one hand movement, and if necessary, it makes up and does not interfere with moving around the kitchen.

6. Compact Returning Section for Spices

Compact disconsection section for spices.

Each hostess dreams that all the tools needed for cooking were at hand. To do this, only you need to equip the kitchen with several convenient storage systems. For example, to embed a split section into one of the lower lockers. To place spices, cutting boards or dishes for baking.

7. Space over kitchen cabinets

Space over kitchen cabinets.

Use with your mind every centimeter of your crumb, then you will be comfortable in it. Do not ignore space over the kitchen cabinets, if any. There you can put several wicker or plastic baskets with kitchen utensils that you rarely use. So you unload other storage systems and convert empty space in favor.

8. Space over the kitchen stove

Space over the kitchen stove.

Usually over the kitchen stove is an extractor, but as practice shows, even here there is a place for practical application. See how it is functionally equipped with this small piece, and make an additional storage system for pans and a saucepan.

9. Place over the fridge

Place above the refrigerator.

Organize an optional storage locker over the fridge. This place rarely goes to move when it comes to rational use space. But lockers in the kitchen are never superfluous.

10. Multifunctional kitchen utensil storage board

Multifunctional kitchen utensil storage board.

Very modern and stylish in the interior of a small kitchen, a plywood storage board looks. You can find a similar in stores where you sell original organizers, for example, in IKEA or to see online markets. This board will fit a lot of items required in everyday life.

11. Holders for covers

Holders for covers.

Many hacks are settled by the hostesses of the saucepan and pan. They are usually a lot, they fall out of the cabinet and take in it a precious place. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with individual holders for them, consolidate them easy to do the cabinet door from the inside.

12. Magnetic holders of cans with bulk and spices

Magnetic holders of cans with bulk and spices.

A cool idea for the smallest spaces! For its implementation, self-adhesive magnetic tapes will be needed. Today, such can be found even in the usual housing store. Just a few manipulations and storage system for spices is ready.

13. Foldable windowsill, like a dining area and an extra work surface

Folding windowsill like dinner Zone and an extra work surface.

The windowsill in the kitchen cannot stand empty. It will definitely be used for practical purposes. By the way, instead of a standard window sill you can install a folding countertop. First, so you release the place to move the kitchen without obstacles, and also organize the dining area on a small area. One shot - at once two hares!

14. Storage system in the form of an elongated shelf

Storage system in the form of an elongated shelf.

In any kitchen there are lumen between furniture, they usually have such narrow, uncomfortable and completely impractical. Many do not know how to use them, but here without special organizers sometimes do not do. For example, in such a slot you can put an elongated high shelf, it is convenient to store various kitchen utensilswhich constantly should be at hand. Well, if it is equipped with wheels, so that it is easier to move it around the room.

15. Stylish metal holders

Stylish metal holders.

This idea is not new, but always working, and in the kitchens with different area. Railings, metal baskets, wall holders, magnetic tapes - all these tools are able to make your kitchen more comfortable.

16. Useful use of useless area

Useful use of useless area.

Another option to use space between furniture in the kitchen. Be the owner of a small kitchen, which means being in constant search for convenient solutions. Sometimes interesting furniture items come across the most unexpected places, for example, in stores such as everything for home. Often there are selling narrow lockers with retractable sections. Simple and convenient to use. Be sure to pay attention to when next time you go past a similar market.

17. Small, but very spacious kitchen island

Small, but very spacious kitchen island.

If the kitchen area allows you to put the kitchen in it. Choose a compact model and it is necessary that there are additional boxes, shelves and storage cells. And some models are still equipped with built-in home appliances, such as a fridge, dishwasher, microwave.

18. Mobile Kitchen Island + Lower Cabinet

Mobile kitchen island + bottom cabinet.

You can purchase or make to order a kitchen island on the wheels and hide it under the table or use instead of one of the lower lockers. It will become an extra work surface.

19. Picky table that hides in three accounts

Another mobile object of furniture, which will be simply indispensable in a small kitchen - a gallery table. Use it like a work surface and as a dining table, and when you do not need it, just roll. At the same time, the interior of 100% looks neatly and not cluttered.

Picky table, which hides in three accounts.

No matter how beautiful was not repairs in the kitchen, if not to support the order there, it is not necessary to talk about the beauty of the interior. We have prepared for you more than a hundred ideas in the organization of storage in the kitchen - from tips on the choice of furniture to the recommendations for folding packages.

From how you place the dishes, kitchen utensils, food reserves and all sorts of little things depends the convenience of your work. Before you begin to sort in inventory, think about - did you organize the storage locations? Let's give you a few general recommendations. They will help you to equip the workspace as efficiently as possible and ergonomically.

All you used to use in everyday cooking should be at your hand. It is best to place the dishes and kitchen utensils in the lockers at the bottom of the headset - you can get everything you most as quickly as possible. In a small kitchen, organizing the storage system so as to maximize the walls. Use suspension cabinets or open shelves.

Lifehac for a small kitchen!Are area limited to several squares? Order a headset with retractable panels. Yes, it will cost more ordinary furniture. However, you will save space and conveniently post everything you need.

The items that use more often, place closer to the edge of the shelves. Use a couple of times a month - deeper. If something goes once a year, the reason to think, whether it is necessary for you - it is possible to free the place from unnecessary kitchen combine or a service that dust from the moment of purchase.

All cereals immediately spend in hermetic containers - this will prevent the appearance food moth. If cracks appeared on the dishes - throw it right away. It is not only bad sign, but also a direct way to choke your kitchen.

And, of course, think over the most ergonomic working triangle - such that you can easily get any item in the kitchen. These seemingly simple rules will greatly facilitate cooking and maintaining order in the kitchen area. We now turn to more specific recommendations.

Choose furniture: Assistants in keeping order

Well, if you have a spacious kitchen, where you can place a huge corner headset with countless cabinets and shelves. In this case, the issue of maintaining the order and organization of storage consists only in your accuracy: it is enough to take a separate container for each type of objects.

More difficult, if you have to decide how to accommodate everything you need in a standard kitchen in Khrushchev. However, in this case there are invisible assistants - furniture with hidden tanks.

Now it is not only about standard headsets, where you can equip the retractable shelves that do not occupy a lot of space. Many furniture companies produce P- and M-shaped kitchens, in which the angles are decorated in a special way - in the form of a shelves of complex shape. So you can easily adapt the place to store the place that used to be simply idle.

Such an option seems to you boring? Book a set, where a special spinning platform will be installed in the corner. Convenient, ergonomically and very stylish.

If there is a lot of dishes in the kitchen, it makes sense to think about the retractable rack. In a closed form, it practically does not take place, but the whole kitchen inventory is placed in it. However, the usual vertical rack for dishes with the bottom drawers can also be very convenient. In addition, such furniture is an excellent kitchen decoration.

Is it necessary to store reserves or not too often used dishes? Think about kitchen corner With drawers or lid, it is convenient and no one will notice that there are still cabinets under soft seats.

As you can see, furniture for storing dishes and other utensils are not only a headset. Show fantasy and the organization of the order will become a pleasant and easy business.

Wall storage

However, it is not always possible to put something except headset and small. In this case, cut out the walls! You can use them different ways - Not only in order to install hinged cabinets.

For a kitchen in the country style, they can be replaced by open shelves. True, note that the dishes exhibited there should be beautiful and in impeccable state - which means that cleaning will have to be carried out regularly.

Convenient kitchenware storage chip - perforated wall panel. It is easy to hang any kitchen inventory - from cooks to small pans.

And here is not necessary! Do not attempt to place there all the dishes existing in the house. There is a risk that under its weight the panel will simply collapse.

For cutlery, you can also use a magnetic panel - some laid out on it from the forks and spoons of whole pictures, turning a convenient gadget to real decoration of the kitchen.

The pocket shelves are well suited for storage of plates, flat pan, covers from a saucepan. The latter is a real beach housewife, as it is often in full bardak and occupy a lot of space. So that way you can compact them on the wall.

Organizers for storage in the kitchen

Do not neglect by various organizers - plastic, wooden, fabric, depending on the stylistics of the kitchen. They can be placed both various little things or spices and kitchen devices - sometimes even overall.

Do not limit the standard wall organizers. I wonder the vertical models. We recommend to take those that rotate - they are much packed and more convenient.

Convenient and wicker baskets. They are performed from various materials, so you can easily select an option for your interior design. Baskets can be suspended on furniture or household appliances - for example, on the side panel of the refrigerator.

Want to give the house village charm? Place them on open or retractable shelves. It is comfortable, and stylish.

Alternative can serve a box. It is important to pay attention to quality - standard cardboard used in rooms will not fit. Under the influence of temperature differences and high humidity They quickly splash. But plastic, metal or wooden will use the storage of all sorts of trifles.

It is possible to make storage containers. For example, from old basins or cans. Doodle their beautiful cloth suitable for kitchen interior. Hand-Maid decor element with useful features ready! Accessories for the organization of storage in the kitchen can be very diverse - the main thing, find those that are convenient for you.


On the modern kitchen There are always many devices: microwaves, mixers, toasters, kitchen combines and so on. Properly place all this is quite difficult.

First of all, think that you really need, and what - it's worth putting on mezzani or throw away. Defined? Talk about how to keep it all. Allows space? Tools the so-called functional cabinet (the term takes from professional chefs).

Most often it is a vertical rack, which is assigned to storing small household appliances and large-sized dishes - antines, forms for baking, meat grinders.

For spacious kitchens, you can install a kitchen island, highlighting a place for gadgets. Convenient, fashionable and practical.

If there is not too much space, try to arrange a niche - a wardrobe hidden in the wall with the shelves, where you put all the technique. Place it by frequency of use.

By the way!Now there are many universal gadgets that combine the functions of several devices at once. We recommend to gradually update the technical arsenal - you will noticeably save your place.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to organize the storage of household appliances - if, of course, you are not a gicke, you dream to collect all the devices, including the egg, bananorezka and the peel cleaner.

Talk about dishes

Perhaps the most problems are the storage of dishes in the kitchen. We offer you specific recommendations on how to conveniently place the kitchen and dining room, facilitating the guidance of order. Let's start with the most cumbersome - how to organize storage of a saucepan, pans and covers.

If you have a lot of dishes with handles, use rails - special planks for hanging such devices.

By the way! Teflon and ceramic utensils are recommended to keep this way - it helps to prevent scratches.

The rotating showcase is also convenient, but it is not possible to put it on each kitchen. But it facilitates access to the necessary, and you always see all your range. The lids can be stored on the inside of the locker door - if they do not fit closely in the shelves. Set there special fasteners or magnetic panels - the order is observed, and the covers do not occupy a lot of space.

You can also order a special headset with separators - it will help to decompose the dishes in size and not be confused. Easy and convenient way to support order, but quite expensive. Alternative - make separator itself using metal grid. The covers are conveniently stored in a special flashes, which clings to any vertical surface.

Experiment with a pan's storage system and a saucepan in the kitchen - it is possible that you will be comfortable for the usual vertical pyramid, assembled on the principle of matryoshki. For fragile dishes like glasses, we recommend using a vertical suspension organizer or purchase a special stand. This will prevent regular beating of quite expensive dishes.

Designer reception! Sometimes, as a place for storing glasses, they use ... Lastra. Touch the crystal dishes to it using special loops. When they are not used, it is a great and unusual decoration. True, if the house has children such a reception is not suitable - too exercise.

Beautiful cups can be placed on open shelves. If there is a desire - make small separate shelves under each cup. In this case, it is not necessary to select the same dishes - it will be enough to withstand the overall stylistics.

Like country style? Gently place them on a textile napkin in a wicker basket. The variants are many - it is enough to show fantasy! It is also the case with plates: Find convenient organizer Or use plates as decor.

Important!In no case do not put them simply vertical stack. Sooner or later someone will put a smaller dish under greater or try to pull the base of the pyramid in a hurry. You risks to lose immediately most of the dishes.

Knives, forks and other cutlery are conveniently stored in special organizers. Make sure that they do not accumulate water or thoroughly wipe the dishes: the liquid can be molded, and metal to darken.

Knives are most conveniently located in special stands or on magnetic boards. The last option is perfect for a kitchen with small narrow headsets, where in the price of each square centimeter.

Storage cutting boards In the kitchen, you can also turn into the decoration - however, for this they should look suitable. Position them on suspended hooks along the walls. If this approach does not impleate you, use bins with separators or take them a separate shelf in a closed closet.

Today, as I promised, we will talk about the organization of our kitchen cabinets and drawers.

Since the kitchen is a very individual space that carries an imprint of the character and habits of its owners and is very different from home to the house at least in such characteristics, as its size, the intensity of use, functionality, thoughtfulness at the planning stage and many more and many Others, it is very difficult to give what universal instructions regarding the guidance of order. However, I want to offer you several recommendations that will help you in the difficult thing to organize such a difficult room, like a kitchen.

  1. Throw out too much

The main rule of the guidance of order in kitchen cabinets and boxes - get rid of extra and unnecessary, grouped together similar to the function and use of objects, and the groups received to place in the zones of their use.

First of all, I want to warn you from attempts to disassemble everything and once. Considering that sometimes it is possible to disassemble one kitchen boxes, it is also difficult to bring up the room as a whole room, the likelihood that your fuse or temporary resources runs out as soon as you remove all the contents of all boxes and lockers, which will lead to even greater chaos. Therefore, the surest way to achieve the desired result is not to hurry and smash the work on the steps (for example, one box per day).

At this stage, our goal is to free the place in the cabinets and boxes to store what you really use. As a result of the work done, you should be able to easily and quickly find the right thing, not spending extra effort on shifting other items. In addition, boxes and cabinets should be easily open and when opening it should not fall out. To achieve this, you must maximally assess the usefulness of one or another item, ruthlessly getting rid of everything dubious and low (is it true you need so many containers or so many knives? What is the use in a container without a lid?).

  1. Sore and spread left things on their use zones.

In the previous article we already concerned the issue of zoning the kitchen. It is the zoning of a kitchen to tell you where and what to keep in terms of ergonomics

  • Storage: Zone "Storage" is used to accommodate such things as:
    Economic trivia;
    Small electrical appliances.

In addition, the food is stored in this area, so there is a refrigerator for the placement of perishable and frozen products.

  • Sink: In this area there is a dishwasher, if it is meant, washing with a wardrobe. In the closet you can put:
    Bucket for garbage;
    Cleaning products and inventory;
    Dishwashing agents;
    Garbage bags.

But be careful: in the locker under the sink also there are pipes - which means that there is always a danger of leaks. Therefore, things that you store there must be securely protected from water, and the storage system used should not prevent free access to the pipes.

  • Cutting and preparation of products: This zone is the main workspace in the kitchen. In this area, it is recommended to place kitchenware that are necessary for cooking. For example:
    Cutting boards;
    Vinegar, oil, etc.;
    Spices and seasonings;
    Bowls and bowls;
    Food processors, meat grinder and other technique.

In addition, in this zone, you can store open and frequently used products.

  • Thermal processing of food: the cooking zone is undoubtedly one of the main working areas of each kitchen. It contains a stove, extractor, oven. It is there that it is best to store items used for cooking on the stove and in the oven. For example:
    Nitens and lattice;
    Baking shapes and foil;
    Devices and components for baking;

Even in the smallest kitchen, you can easily select the most sought-after from these zones.

At this stage, you are required to place the remaining items in those areas of the kitchen, where they are most often used to not waste time on their search.

  1. Decay things in places

Now that we have determined that in which zone should be stored, it is necessary to decompose things to gently in our place.

It is important to remember that the most frequently used items must be stored in the zone of your availability (the space that you can see well and before where you can reach, without getting on the socks and not squeezing).


Here I remembered one video dedicated to the guidance of order in kitchen boxes. The author pulls one of his boxes. It is pretty chaotic to lie various economic supplies (sponges for dishes, packages, gauze, foil, etc.). The lady pulls everything, lins the bottom of the paper, and then everything in the free order folds back. Honestly, it was very similar to picking up puzzles - which was placed where it was left. So: so should not be in any case! Throw everything too much, folded back as the necessary items fell - this is a direct path to the mess. Such an order with the active use of the box will last for a week, and then all things are mixed again, and you will return to what they started.

At this stage, you are important to limit the free movement of things in the box. Here are some tools that will help this achieve:

  • Dividers for the shelves. Probably, each mistress in one of the drawers has a separator for storing cutlery. Why not use separators and in others? Moreover, their diversity will allow you to choose the desired based on what and where you need to share.

  • Plastic baskets. I have already devoted them a whole ODU, praising their numerous advantages and possibilities of use. Organization of order in the box - one of them

  • Unnecessary boxes. Why carry extra objects to the house (even if they are intended to maintain order) when you can use already available?

What is better to store in the boxes:

The most frequently used items are more expedient to be stored in drawersthat simplifies access to them. It can be:

      • Kitchen objects of essentials, such as canning knives, garlic press and so on. Usually they are stored together in one box.
      • If you often do pastries, you may want to have a separate box only for measuring cups, measuring spoons, molds and other devices.
      • You can highlight place in the box for kitchen towels and tapes
      • In the bottom drawer, you can store grocery products, like croup, flour, salt, sugar, etc.
      • You may need a separate storage box for food containers and objects such as foil and parchment for baking.

By the way, a couple of words about containers. Prefer the square and rectangular preference - during storage they take less space!


What are we most often stored in lockers?

      • A variety of dishes: cups, plates, bowls.
      • Small household appliances (remember that this is a heavier device, the closer to the floor it should be stored).
      • Grocery and seasoning

From the point of view of the organization, the lockers are much inferior to the convenience of drawers.

In the case of cabinets, due to their constructive features, quite a lot of empty space is formed, due to the inconvenience of use without special organizers. For example, in the depths of the locker - this space can be used to store rarely used things, but the risk of losing them at all. Commitely selected organizers will help you to cope with these inconveniences. I would especially allocate the following.

  • Multi-tiered stands (usually two-, three-). The items put on it are well visible even in the depths of the cabinet. If there is no desire to spend on a special stand, you can build something similar to yourself, putting deep into the cabinet unnecessary narrow box and exposing things to it.

Maintaining order in the kitchen is not as easy - as a rule, the kitchen set can not cope with dishes, appliances and other utensils. But we have a solution: With the help of small tricks, you will not only bring order in the kitchen, but also save the interior space. Read and proceed to the point!

Idea number 1: Strictly vertical

Vertical storage system is the best solution for small cuisine. Compact shelves will not take a lot of space, but they will easily fit all your dishes.

Idea number 2: from the eye

And the retractable net baskets inside the kitchen cabinets will become an excellent place for the secret shelter of detergents.

Idea number 3: in suspended state

In addition, do not forget about the suspended net baskets, in which it is convenient to store not only cups, but also vegetables with fruit.

Idea number 4: Near horizontal

The functionality of the kitchen can be easily increased by rails. Today, many different modules, hooks, special jackets for spices are produced for them.

Idea number 5: side by side

Shelves do not happen much - having bought a few added mesh baskets in chrome color, you will decide the problem with the storage of dishes forever.

Idea number 6: everyone in sight

Not so easy to fold all the pans and frying pan kitchen box! Better hang them next to the hood or on the door of the door. This will help you a special perforated wall panel.

Idea number 7: Original approach

The space in the very corner of the kitchen is quite difficult to use. Special retractable racks and corner boxes of special design will help solve this problem.

Idea number 8: Clean and order

Use dividers for boxes to make them more functional. Now maintain order will be much simpler!

Idea number 9: attraction force

Attach knives to the wall - and in the literal sense of the word. Special magnetic plank will show them who is the main one here!

Idea number 10: House Spices

On magnets can be stored and cans with spices. Attach them, for example, on the wall of the refrigerator or the inside door of the cabinet.

Idea number 11: take a height

Use special racks for frying pan and a saucepan - so you can use all the box of the drawer and you do not have to go through them before each cooking.

Idea number 12: successfully caught

And the bulky covers from the pan and the pan are conveniently stored using simple crossbars: attach them to the free surface of the wall in a convenient place for you.

Idea number 13: Along the wall

Metal pocket shelves will help accommodate covers on the wall kitchen cabinet. If the cabinet is fully occupied, such a shelf can be placed outside the cabinet.

Idea number 14: all in places!

Inside the cabinet it is convenient to store not only dishes, but also narrow boxes with pasta and dough. Simply attach a vertical drive to the door - and he will completely justify his new place.

Idea number 15: in Shebbi-Chic style

And in order not to climb the cuisine behind the rolls of foil or films, hang them directly on the wall - with the help of old hangers.

Idea number 16: in the access area

Remember how it is convenient to view postcards or small souvenirs on the turntables in the store. Add a few mobile racks In one of the cabinets - and all jars and tanks with spices will always be at hand.

Idea number 17: under control

Tired of cleaning the box with sweets from crumbs? Decide this problem once and forever, having grated packing with a biscuit with a regular clothespin.

Idea number 18: assistant labels

To no longer waste time in search of salt or sugar, sign the caps of the cans in which you store cereals and grains.

Idea №19: full order

The organization of recipes will help speed up the cooking process. More than throwing in the kitchen: fold all recipes in one place, and better - in alphabetical order.

Idea number 20: a practical example

IN wall cabinets Too little place! Attach the hooks to the shelves and hang on them coffee cups. Store the glasses under the shelves - in the inverted form.

Idea number 21: Stand in a row

Long narrow shelves are easily attached to the wall and are ideal for storing spices and a variety of bottles with oils.

Idea №22: place under the sun

To the top kitchen headset You need to put something that you rarely use. For example, let it be baskets with alcohol or dishes for the preparation of festive dishes.

Idea №23: Surprise Rack

And various modules, racks and racks will help even the most narrow and uncomfortable places. For example, retractable cabinets of a kitchen headset.

Idea number 24: for the smallest

Numerous spices place in packages from under the "Tick-Taka". Just do not forget to sign them!

Idea №25: Spectacular decor

The dishes can be stored not only in closed cabinets, but also on narrow open shelves. Let the favorite service be original decor Kitchen!

Idea number 26: Basket for boards

The company of cutting boards will no longer fall into the sink, if you introduce it with a compact basket. Choose models from artificial rattan - material resistant material.

Idea №27: Budgetary idea

Do not throw away tin cans and broken rakes, because with due processing they can come in handy for storing kitchen accessories - spoons, forks and blades.

Idea №28: Smart approach

And compact magnetic shelves for trifles can be made with their own hands. You will need small baskets from the shopping store, magnets and superchalters.

Idea №29: Home!

Buying a few plastic containers For sorting food, you will not only free the space in the refrigerator, but also facilitate cleaning in it.

Idea number 30: Little tricks

Do not forget to use the lower parts of the cabinets - in boxes or baskets directly under the headcard, it is convenient to store cereals and grains, as well as materials for creativity and needlework.