
Goose from a tire. Tire swan: master class for real men


D. any master class will not only breathe the second life in old tires, but also to decorate your garden plot. Today we will make kashpo from old tires with their own hands.

So, for our work we will need:

  • Old tire with a small radial protector, without a metal cord;
  • For the clamp - iron strip;
  • Big sharp knife;
  • Two pucks M8, nut and bolt;
  • Brush and paint;
  • Spanners;
  • Drill diameter 10 and drill.

The process of creating a porridge from old tires with your own hands:

1. We take a large sharp knife and, constantly wasting it with water, make symmetrical cutouts on a 2/3 (240 degrees) along the side ring, as shown in the figure. The protector and side part are cut at a distance of 1/3. In the most sides, using a triangular cutout, we separate the side part.

2. We have such a cut piece of the tire.

3. Soak it.

4. Cut the beak from trimming the side part.

5. Lower tires cut along the length. The incision must be a little more than the size of the beak.

6. We insert the beak and with the help of the clamp squeeze the halves.

7. Drill drill the hole and with the help of two washers, nuts and bolts, we tighten the heads of the head.

8. To make your head already, cut off part of the tire on both sides. It should turn out like this:

9. On the main side of the tires are placed chalk and cut out the tail.

10. This species has our workpiece. It remains to paint it.

11. From the iron strips, we make a clamp, with which we are tightened by the side parts of the porridge. If there was no iron strip at hand, you can use a solid rope.

12. Now proceed to painting the parrot. Use blue, yellow, black and white paint.

13. Color the parrot inside and outside. Side rings stain with black paint. If there are no black paint, you can leave them unpainted.

14. Coloring carefully head, we try to achieve maximum similarity with the original. Black stripes and eyes make a black contour.

15. The finished porridge from the tire should be suspended with a robust rope or wire to the horizontal design. And inside can be placed a vase with a beautiful plant.

Thanks Oleg Vashchenko for the provided master class!

How to make a swan

To do this, take the old bus - the older it will be, the better, since the erased protector is easier to cover with a smooth layer of paint and give our craft a more natural look.

The paint and a sharp knife will also be required, some are also used for cutting rubber Lobzik and Bulgarian - but when they are used, certain skills are needed, and it is also necessary to consider that when the tire is heated, it can start melting.

Before embarking on the cutting of the swan their tires, it is necessary to apply the contours for it, for which you will cut the items. You can think of your swan pattern, the main flew of which is the neck with your head and wings. We offer you the following scheme, which is relatively simple, but may further be supplemented with decorative details or additional cuts, slots, gear edges.

By making the necessary cuts on the bus, it is necessary to rinse well and desirable to degrease, and then proceed to painting - then it will laugh longer and will endure any weather.

After that, it is necessary to bring the wings of the swans, giving them the final form, you can also cut the gear edges of the wings and the tail so that your swan becomes very believable.

Also before painting it is necessary to fix the neck of the swan and give it the desired bending with the help of thick wire, which you disguise the paint.

And the final stage in the manufacture of a swan remains coloring his head and beak, you can also use other materials, for example, using the foam swan cut-cut in the form of a foam head, you can get a pretty cute swan, more similar to the present.

Well now your garden, the flower garden will decorate a wonderful swan. If you have a pond, then undoubtedly swan will become an excellent addition to the design and decoration of your reservoir and recreation area near him. And also, of course, the swan from the tire can become an excellent flowerumba - for this, it is enough to place kashpo with flowers in his center.

Swans long chosen not only ponds and lakes, increasingly they meet on panstones. On green lawns you can see whole swan flocks made of car tire tires. Designers called this direction TRESH-ART (from English. TRASH-ART) - the art in which the old trash is involved.

The name is new, but the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating beauty from waste has appeared long ago. Uncommon miracle birds decorated not one courtyard or garden. If you like such art, we suggest to get acquainted with the technology of making swans in detail.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the plot can be made of girlfriend, but it is necessary to understand that it is a work, and not a pellement. In order for the Garden in the garden, the wonder-swans from the tires will be needed:

  • Old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinding machine (Bulgarian);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, passage;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • Metal rod;
  • Paint.

What tires to choose

For swans, old, well-carved tires from passenger cars are suitable. Moreover, rubber should be the most worn out, erased to the limit. Such tires are called lys. The worse the material looks like, the easier it is to work with it. Do not take studded rubber, especially imported production.

If you can choose, it is better to take rubber with a kapron cord. Such material can be cut just a knife. Tires with metal cord are more difficult in processing, in this case, without special tools can not do.

Alternatively, in search of suitable materials you can contact the nearest tireage. Usually, in such places, unnecessary tires give pleasure. For one swan you need one tire. If you wish to experiment with the form of birds - take a few. Before starting work, rubber needs to be washed and dried. All work is better to spend outdoors.

Marking of the circuit on a tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the markup scheme. During the operation, the tire will need to turn. The complexity of this process will depend on how you make cuts.

On how to make a birdhouse with their own hands, told.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of swan do it yourself:

Tire marking, for the manufacture of garden swan.

With the help of chalk, it is necessary to share the bus in half. Then outlined the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be greater than half the length of the circumference of the tire. The wheel R13 is a circle length of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For a proportional head, 10 cm is needed, the beak length is 9 cm.

  • The tire must be cut according to the outlined lines. A knife can cope with the tires of an old sample with a kapron cord. In order to facilitate work, prepare a soap solution and plunge the cutting object from time to time.
  • Metalokord knife will not succumb to. You can use the grinding machine. It is necessary to work solely outdoors, and do not forget about closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Note that the operation with rubber increases the flow of circles. It will take about 3 disks per swan. In addition, the ragged rubber spreads not the best smell around, nothing and soot are provided to you. Bulgarian cuts quickly, but not eco.
  • Lobzik work more pleasant. For the plant, the sawdill needs to make a hole. You can use chisel or drill. Lobzik's pylon wear increases from high speed. Optimal option - Work on the turns below average using a reverse tooth millet. So you can repeat the metal cord without any problems: the reverse move of the peel will simply break it, and a small speed will not give the tires to heat.
  • For adherents of the hand tool, the mill will suit the mill. It will also cope with the metal cord, but the speed will be lower. What are the tracks from traffic jams from plastic bottlesset out.
  • You need to cut the bus along the contour of the neck and head, the transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, it is a gross mistake that newbies allow, there will be a complete sawing of one side of the neck. If you cut the bus on one side, the second cut will be quite difficult.

  • The next step is the tail. His length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and makes it easier to turn the tire. Cut it similarly.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is time-consuming and looks like: the workpiece is molded by a cut part down, it is pressed by foot and pull, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be sold.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. Side half rings need to lower down. If you took a tire tire with a metalocard, then the edges need to be treated with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to fully smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made of tires with a metal coordinate only for the decor, but not for playgrounds. Touching cutting with protruding wire is unsafe for adults, what to talk about children. More details about crafts from tires for the playground, learn.
  • In order to give the swan the desired shape, you should strengthen the neck. For fasteners, you need to drill two holes over the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They need to be located along the axial line. In the holes insert brackets made of thin soft wire. Brackets need to fasten the thick steel wire. It will take about 1.50 m. The bottom end is fixed from the inside of the neck, at the base of the tire, the top is at the head level.
  • The swan is almost ready, you just need to bring it the neck and make your eyes from rubber. They can be screwed with screws. The edges of the wings are caught for the decor, then the jar resemble the bird's fool. If you wish to have a princess-swan in the garden - make a crown from a plastic bottle.

Tire sculptures

In order for the birds to look uncomply and aesthetically need to be painted correctly. For swans usually choose white or black color. Silvery and golden sculptures look good. It is suitable for any stable paint for external work.

Rubber is well painted with oil, enamel and nitrocrasses. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean dry surface. Properly applied paint to bed well on the sculpture is not deformed and keeps quite a long time. Aerosols of automotive paint are suitable. Then work will go quickly. Smoothly painted surface can be decorated with acrylic paints. Draw your head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.

The decor of the country area is not always carried out among the patterns of colors alone, as well as green fences and columns. Small details in visual perception general design Also important. Many of them can be made with their own hands. For example, swan from an unnecessary tire.

Tire swan with their own hands: choice of material

The priority is the selection of tools for work. It depends not only the complexity of the process, which will take far from one minute, but also the final result.

It is recommended to adapt to such a sculpture that served his tire with the erased protector. In addition to the fact that the extra relief is not needed here, cutting on a similar surface will be much easier. The initial pattern on the tire does not matter. Although the longitudinal pattern apply the scheme and, subsequently, cut, easier. In addition, paint will fall on it with the smallest problems.

General softness is also not the last condition. In the case when the material can be selected, and not to use only the one that is currently at hand is worth finding an option without labeling "STEEL". It means that metal cord is mounted inside the rubber to giving the tire of stiffness. For the wheel itself, it is fine, but for further recycling of the tire - not too. It is not enough that cutting on a similar source of joy will not deliver, the risk of injury through contact with the metal wire increases. The perfect cord is nylon.

In addition to tires, you should think about other devices. In particular, the markup will be carried out using chalk and roulette. Cut the material is more convenient to any shoe knife, the blade of which is pre-diligently sharpened. In addition, "Bulgarian" will go to move, as well as electric jigsaw. The cutting disk is desirable.

Additionally, you should prepare a drill. It will require 2 drills. The diameter of the first will be 3 mm, and the second is 10 mm. It is also connected by a steel wire, which will go to the brackets, any rod from a metal with a length of 1.5 m, pliers. For coloring, you need white, red paint and brush.

Tire swan: scheme and action description

The preparatory stage for creating a garden decoration is waiting for a suitable weather. Working with a tire stands on the street because of the smell source when cutting. Before this, the tire is maximized. Cleaning the surface will make it easier for marking, and cutting.

The first stage is the division of the entire circle into 2 parts. One of them will have torso swan, to another - neck and head with a beak. There is also a longitudinal axis line, which will help preserve the symmetry of the parties. They will draw a mirror friend.

From the border of one of the semicircles, the beak, turning to the head, which will end the long neck. The proportions of these parts look like 4: 6: 25. In particular, in length in 70 cm long. The beak will take about 8 cm, the head is 12, and the neck is already all 50 cm.

In Klyus, the end is assumed to be pointed, so the maximum thickness will be in the articulation zone with head and will be half of its length.

Everything is more complicated with the neck itself. First, its length will exceed the length of the semicircle, and therefore, the indicated 50 cm is not the limit. Another 5-10 cm will need to be extended by the second zone. But what is up to the thickness, then in the place of the boundary will be equal to 10 cm. The tail in the bird is formed independently when the beak is cut. It will create the resulting letter "V".

How to cut a swan from the tire?

Cutting is one of the most painful stages. Here even the choice of tools depends on own forcesand from the selected material. More rejected rubber can be cut with a shoe knife. But the place of his insert will have to drill anyway.

If the tire is still firm enough, option 2 is an electric jigsaw or "Bulgarian". The latter, of course, seems preferable. We must not forget that in contact with rubber with rubber, there is a burning and selection of caustic smell. In addition, the tire is not the material with which it is worth working by the "Bulgarian" because of its mobility. In addition to the violation of the drawing, there is a chance to be injured.

Electric jigsaw for action of this kind is most successful. The tool is selected with a high frequency of the location of the teeth whose direction when working is oriented upwards. To make it easier to be managed with a jigsaw, in all angular points you need to drill holes. The cutting of the cutting will not be from the beak down, but on the base of the neck - to the beak. Moreover, mistakenly engaged first with one side, and then move onto dr. Important moment - Uniformity.

Another Council regards the cutting is the need to find a high-quality support. The fact is that the electric jig will necessarily force the tire to vibrate, which makes it difficult for the process. Therefore, it is worth putting a vertical wooden block in which the tire will gradually move.

Tire swan with their own hands: final stage

As soon as a part of the beak to the bottom of the neck will be cut, it will be necessary to do the edge processing. If nevertheless, the tire contained metal cord, they are wicked by a "grinder". In other cases, a shoe knife is going to run, after which the sandpaper is cleaned.

Before the swan proudly boasts his head, a few more steps remain. The first - turning inside out of the tire. The final appearance is open to the outside of the wings of the bird. To create a neck into business, a pre-prepared metallic rod in a tandem with wire and pliers. Two recents are involved in creating a bracket, and the first will become the main holding neck and head with a design. For this, the thinnest drill is applied to the rubber holes. They should be located along the axis from the central point of the head to the tip of the tail. Their distance from the symmetry line is 5-7 mm.

Laid inside the rod fixed with brackets. The ends of them are flex with pliers, excessive cut by nipples. The final gesture is the formation of the neck bend. After that, only to paint the swan. Eyes can be made of short bolts with wide hats.

Of course, ways to make a swan from a tire, a lot. Such a composition is made from plastic bottles, and garden hoses or even pipes from the vacuum cleaner. Algorithms are somewhere easier, and somewhere, on the contrary, more complicated. BUT appearance In most cases, it will very much.

According to the above scheme, you can make 2 versions of the bird, not too changing the course of action. On one of the final stages, the side zones are simply cut along the circle. As a result, the wings will fall on the ground, and the central circles of the tire will be temporary. Pressing the neck and head is made through the use of a metal rod.

This version, in contrast to the classical, will not allow to apply the garden decor as a flower bed due to the lack of space under the ground and seedlings. This swan is more "slender" and less "closed".

Now you know how to make a swan from a tire, which tricks will facilitate a difficult process, and what you need to achieve an excellent result. After reading the main algorithm, you are mastered and more complex versions, and your garden will get your bright highlight!

Swan is a beautiful, elegant bird, but they love it not only because of such qualities. It is a real symbol of love, tenderness, inseparation, cleanliness. Therefore, many people often perform crafts in the form of paper swans, wood, plastic bottles, ice and many other materials. Another one interesting material It is a car tire. Let's look at how step by step to make a swan from the tire.

What instruments need

To make a beautiful and elegant swan from a tire with their own hands, you should approach the lesson with responsibility and prepare the necessary items in advance. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • tire without spikes;
  • lobzik or knife;
  • paint - white or any other, as well as yellow and black;
  • painting brushes;
  • metal brackets;
  • drill or acute nail;
  • elastic wire or metal rod;
  • passatia.

If you want to cut one swan from the tire with your own hands, it is enough and one tire. And if you want to make a cute pair or a whole company, then, of course, the number of automotive tires must correspond to the number of "feathered" instances.

It is best to use worn, shabby, old tires of passenger cars. It is with such a material easier and more convenient to work. Also optimally use domestic products.

It is not necessary to make a decoration for the garden with your own hands from the coating of foreign production, with spikes, with a metal cord.

Before you start, you need to clean the material from dust, dirt, let them dry.

Step-by-step instruction of execution

Creative event requires caution and care. Before starting work, wear tight gloves and safety glasses. And then follow the step-by-step instructions, how to cut the swan from the tire:

  • Take the tire and make a chalk markup at which you will cut the desired bird. The future view of the decoration depends on this scheme. First you need to split the wheel into two parts, make the markup of the head, neck, they must match the length of half the wheel. Then make a torso, wings, tail. To help you come a photo with a swan marking scheme:

  • After that, you need to cut the swan from the tire, for which you can use a jigsaw or a sharp knife. It is necessary to cut according to the scheme drawn by chalk.

Tip! Do not cut first one side, and then try to do another. The process will be very laborious and uncomfortable. It is recommended to cut the swan in parallel, working with each side.

  • Cut out? We proceed to giving the bird realistic form. To do this, put the material cut down part down, step onto it and pull to twist the side elements.

  • Now you need to fix the neck of the swan from the tires, otherwise it will not hold on. You can do this according to the following scheme: Make two holes along the neck for every 10-15 centimeters (using a drill or conventional nail, if there is no first tool), such holes need to be done in the body torso. Then insert the metal brackets into the paired holes, secure the wire on the neck and the torso, lock it with the brackets using the passage.
  • The next step is to paint the swan from the wheel. It is necessary to choose stable paints, so nitrocracy is suitable, oil, enamel, car paint in aerosol form. Traditionally used white colorBut you can use any other to make a non-standard bird in the plot. The head tip must be painted in an orange or yellow shade to mimic the beak. In addition, it is necessary to highlight with black or blue eyes, and you can also prevent feathers. Acrylic paints can be used to design such parts.

Video: step-by-step instruction Performing a swan from the tire.

Where and how to place

And now work on making decorative birds behind. Surely the question arises - where is it better to place the swan, so that he wonders color and spectacular? Consider some of the most popular and interesting options:

  • In an artificial reservoir. Swan is a waterfowl, therefore, for it, a natural habitat is a water. And even artificial herd Swan from tires will be organically looked in the water.

  • On a blue tire, imitating water. It is not necessary to have an artificial reservoir in the country and vegetable garden, it is possible to make it imitation of a tire painted in blue or blue.

  • Make a flower leb. You can place a bird on any prominent garden plot and make a flower bed from her with your favorite flowers.

  • Swan on stone flowerbed. The product will be interesting to look at any flower bed. On how to make such a flower, read in.

  • The product can be placed on a garden that mimics the reservoir. It can be covered with sand, stones painted in blue, decorated with plants or flowers.

Photo Gallery for ideas and inspiration

Although all the implementation schemes are very similar, decorate your garden with an artificial bird in different ways. And all the options will differ individuality and style. Photos below prove it:

Video: Master classes for the manufacture of a swan from the tires with their own hands.

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To decorate your garden with the help of submitted means - not only easy, but also nice. After all, such a lesson can unwind the whole family, and everyone will find a matter of shower and on shoulder. Today we will tell you how to make a swan from the tire with your own hands, and consider several forms of these figures and how to use the garden and in the flower bed.

Materials, Tools, Basic Concepts

You probably saw private houses in rural areas or on dumart sites These figures in the form of swans. And, perhaps, they wanted to do something similar next to their home. So why not, if you have a pair of older, who taped your tires in the barn? Even if they are not, you can find a few pieces from any car repair shop.

I will not say that the swan made of tires is a very simple task. Rubber is quite rigid and elastic, so there will have to make some efforts, as well as abide by caution and accuracy. But the occupation does not take you a lot of time, just about an hour per swan. And you make sure it is worth it!

So, what we need in work:

  • old car tire;
  • bulgarian;
  • lobzik;
  • wire for fixing form;
  • paint, white or black - for swan, red - for beak.

Old tires - excellent material in order to apply fantasy

In some cases, we will use additional materials and tools. But they will dwell on them during the description.

Please note: Try to immediately decide what you will cut a tire - a grinder or a jigsaw. Using the Bulgarian, you will quickly cope with the work, but the harness and smell of burning rubber can greatly harm.

Where can I use such swans? You can set the figure anywhere in your garden. Swan will just serve as a toy and decoration, it can be used as a flowerbed and even the basics for a small country fountain.

And now we consider separately several options.

Little flowerbed

This is perhaps the easiest option, and at the same time functional. In order to make the flower swan, take advantage of a simple scheme, applying it to the tire in advance.

Flower-Swan Flower Scheme

  1. On the black lines, cover your head and neck with the jigsaw. Red lines in the diagram denote the tail, blue - the plumage of the wings. Do not cut on them.
  2. Now it is the turn of the most difficult part: you need to turn the tire inside out. Do it neatly, and turn out carefully so that the tire is not damaged.
  3. The main work was done, the little things remained. Make the beak (of plastic, plywood, a piece of another tire) and paint it into red.
  4. Two half heads fold together. To do this, you need to unhappy hard cord, insert the beak and consolidate the entire design with self-draws. They must be tied to the place of eyes.
  5. Raise your head, press it slightly into the wheel. Secure the resulting fold in several places by self-draws. Tighten as close as possible so that the head keeps better.
  6. It remains only to paint your design in white or black, depending on imagination and desire. Screws at the place of the eyes can be painted with black paint, and it is better to stick the tape with circles.

Here is such a flower bed in the form of a swan can turn out of the tire

Now install your mini-flower in the planned place, pour it off to the top of the prepared soil and fall out inside the flowers. It can be pansies, velvets, matiol, begonias or any other low plants.

Figurine decoration

This swan is only aesthetic value. It is not more difficult to make it than the previous one, but you have to work a little over the form of bends. But this figure will decorate the plot is no worse than the antique statue!

Choosing a tire for swan, note that there is no metal cord on it - it will be much easier to cut it. In order to subsequently fix the neck, take an aluminum wire or an elastic iron bar. Arm yourself with a sharp knife and an electric bike for cutting very dense areas. To secure on the tire of the iron plank, drill will be required.

Garden Swan Execution Scheme

Please note: for processing it is better to take the "bald" auto strokes of domestic production. They are softer and better sufficiently cutting.

  1. With chalk, divide the tire into two equal parts. On the one hand, the beginning of the tail and head, and on the other - the base of the neck. Note the silhouette of the head and lines of the wings.
  2. For the outlined lines, cut the bus. If you use a knife, moisten it in a soap solution, it will facilitate the process.
  3. Now you need to turn the tire inside out. To do this, you will need an assistant, but you can cope with yourself, coming to the exterior tire rim. The frame of the future swan is almost ready.
  4. Secure the neck: Drill paired holes in the tire and attach the neck with a thin wire to the iron bar from the outside. After you paint the swan, the mounts will be almost not visible.

Paint the housing of the swan white paint, and the beak - red

The flexible iron plate will help to give the neck of the desired bend. The plate should be slightly longer and already the neck itself. Do it in it a hole drill and secure, giving the right shape.