
"The life of the royal family in the XVII century. Home life of the Russian kings Entertainment of the royal family


Introduction. The overall concept of the princess courtyard in ancient Russia. The courtyard of the first Moscow princes. A general overview of the ancient choir buildings in Great Rus. Methods of buildings, or carpentry. The composition of the wooden sovereign of the palace. Stone Palace, erected at the end of the XV century. Its location at the beginning of the XVI century. The history of the Palace under Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny and his successors. Palace buildings in troubled times, or to Moscow destroy. Upgrading the palace and new buildings at Mikhail Fedorovich. New palace decoration with Alexei Mikhailovic. Distribution and decoration of the Palace under Fyodor Alekseevich and the Board of the princess Sophia. The location of the palace and its composition at the end of the XVII century. Initiation and gradual destruction of palace buildings in the XVIII century. "

Old Russian homemade life and especially the Russian great sovereign with all his charters, provisions, forms, with all the refinement, genuine and focus most fully expressed by the end of the XVII Art. It was the era of the last days for our home and public antiquity, when everything was strong and rich in this older, expressed and ended in such images and forms with which, on the same way, it was impossible to go further. Moscow, the strongest of the vital forces of the Old Russia, to this wonderful and curious era, consisted of his age with the full domination of the historical principle, which it was developed and the waters of which in life cost so many victims and such a long and stubborn struggle. Political unity The Russian land, to which the Moscow's aspirations and legends inevitably, were indisputable and undoubted affair and in the minds of the people themselves and for all neighbors, ever stretching her hand for our lands. The representative of this unity, the Moscow Great Sovereign, the autocrat of all Russia, has become in relation to the land for an inaccessible height, which is hardly thought to be thought of our distant ancestors. Nothing relevant to this "Presserving Tsarist Majesty" in the ancient of our life we \u200b\u200bdo not see. True, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe king was well known to us from the first centuries of our story, especially when our ties with Byzantium were active. Greek king appeared to us the type of autocratic, no limited power, the type of high and great Sana, to which the access was accompanied by an amazing for simple eyes solemnity and the situation of the unspecified shine and magnificence. We received a sufficient concept of all this with the time of the Varangi treasures to Tsargrad. The concept of it did not fade in the next century, distributed by particularly the clergy, Greek and Russian, on the occasion of its frequent interchanges with Tsargrad. Book people of those centuries, usually also clergy, occasionally attributed this title and Russian princes from the desire to the most elevated their san and meaning, at least in their own eyes, from the desire to say the most diligent and servant in the praise of good princes. Later, the same title we began to magnify the king of Ordane, because how otherwise, that is, it could be clearer for everyone, we could designate the nature of the Hannai power and the nature of his domination over our land. We called a new phenomenon by the corresponding name to him, which, as an idea, has long existed in the minds, with which a pretty definite and acquaintance of the concept has been connected with a long standing time. At home, among your princes, we did not find anything respectful name. And if they sometimes called them as well as we mentioned, the only speciality and subdrance, which, with most of the way, was headed in their commendable words, our old book.

A type great Prince of Ancient Russia was not outlined sharply, definitely. He was lost among his own princely tribe, among the warriors and the evening cities, which were almost equal to the independence of the voice, power and actions. The features of this type are disappeared in general. He suddenly becomes even the name great And it is simply referred to as the "Prince" with adding the opposite of the title "Mr.", which showed only the authority of its importance. The scribes, remembering the Apostolic Scripture, sometimes assign him the meaning of the "God's servant", which "is not in vain to wearing a sword, but at the revenge of the villains, in the praise of the same vane." Referred to him "the head of the earth"; But these were the views of the abstract, the books actually; In the actual life, they did not listen about. With the name of the prince, the daily concepts of time were combined only by the importance of the chief judge and the governor, the keeper of the truth and the first warrior of the Earth. As soon as the truth was violated by the actions of the prince, he lost his trust, deprived the principality, and sometimes life itself. In general, he was the "Guardian of the Russian Earth" from the enemies of the internal, home, and from the enemies of the integrees. For the land of it kormila and he himself did not stretch his species on the right to this feeding. Feeding at the same time exploring the overall ownership of the land in the prince's tribe and, therefore, the personal dependence of the prince, at least the Great, not only from Roda, but even from the warriors, because those were participants in feeding and community ownership of land, participants in the fan Truth and in protecting the Earth from enemies. It is clear why the Grand Duke and for Zemstvo became no more than a feeder, not the head of the Earth, but the head of the same feeders, the head of the squad; It is clear why and the relationship of it to the land was so immediate and simple. In those incentively centuries, lively speeches and disputes in which people Wecha and Prince express some fraternal, completely equal relations are very often heard in the events. We will not talk about how much in these lively conversations is detected by consciously developed definitions of life. It may be here only the innocent and straightforward naive childhood of social development, which is generally different in the first time in the life of all historical peoples.

"And we bow to you, princess, and do not want to do you" - this is a stereotypical phrase, who was expressed by disagreement with the princely demands and claims, was expressed at all independent, an independent decision of the case. "Tobe, the princess, clamp meant the same thing that" you are, and we are, "that you do not think. The princes on their part of people are not called the guys, but turn to them with ordinary people's greetings: brothers! My lovely brothers! - Calls to Novgorod, Ancient Yaroslav, asking for help to Svyatopolk; brothers Volodymers! - Prince Yuriy, asking for Vladimir residents; brothers Guys Pskovichi! Who old, then father who is young, that brother! - Domont Pskovsky exclaims, calling for Pskovichi to defend the Fatherland. All this speeches, characterizing the oldest warehouse of the princely relations to the land, finding out the type of ancient prince, which he was in reality, in folk concepts and ideas.

What an immeasurable difference of this type from another, which was named subsequently a great sovereign and by the end of the XVII century. It was forced to ban land, under the fear of the Great Opal, writing to him in the petitions: "Ovuli, Yako God" or: "I work the holop your great sovereign, Yako God." There was a lot of time, and even more oppressive circumstances so that life brings the concept of mass to such a gloom. The new type was made gradually, step by step, under the oppression of events, under the influence of new life began and book exercises, distributed and claimed him.

Despite, however, for a distance that separated every land from the "Presserved Tsarist Majesty", despite the orders of life, apparently, so many different and alien legends of antiquity, the Great Sovereign, with all the height of political importance, did not remove them from folk roots. In his life, in his home everyday, it remains a very popular type of owner, the head of the house, the typical phenomenon of the building of life, which serves as the basis of the economic, household life in the whole of the people. Some and the same concepts and even the level of education, one habits, tastes, customs, home orders, legends and beliefs, some morals - this is what equal life of the sovereign not only with Boyarsky, but in general with peasant life. The difference was found only in a larger space, more coolness with which life passed in the palace, and most importantly in wealth, in quantity gold and all sorts of jewels, all sorts cA In which, in the opinion of the century, all sorts of San, and even more so the San sovereign was inconsporated. But it was only outfit Life, not at all changed its essential sides, the essential of its charters and provisions and not only in moral, but also in the material environment. Hestern peasant, fired in the palace, for the states of living, cleaned by rich fabrics, Sroll, painted, still remained friction In its device, with the same shops, a conic, an anterior angle, with the same measure in half aterage, keeping even the nationwide name of the hut. Therefore, life in the palace, essentially needs, was not wider than life in the peasant hives; Therefore, the onset of life was found to find themselves quite appropriate, the most convenient shelter in the same hut.

In 1635-1636 Sovereign built for himself and for children residential, or overlooking, choirs stone, - What is in the royal house, for that time, it was news, because a wooden church was always preferred for housing, which old habits did not change and subsequently. Maybe the fire of 1626 enclosed, among wooden buildings, although one housing is more secure. These stone choirs were erected on the walls of the old building, built by Alieviz, Mastery of Palatoo. And over the chambers are subcounted, which a number stretched further to the church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Before this subcutton floor of the Aleviz buildings, between the two receiving tsaritsynye chambers, the rear and the onset, that is, the Golden Tsaritsyna, stood bedroom wooden choirs, in the place of which were erected now three new Floor, subhead with queen receiving chambers, with a gram at the top. The upper floor with a terme was appointed for young Tsarevichi Alexey and Ivan, which is also in the inscriptions that have survived on the entrance of Dynam. Terem at the time was called Attic and Stone Tereme, And at the beginning of the XVIII century Gold Teremk Why and now all this building is called a terman palace. The whole building, thus, retained the type of wooden residential chorus and serves as a curious and one-of-kind monument of the ancient Russian civil architecture. In its facade and even in some details of the external decorations there is still much, which resembles the nature of the ancient wooden buildings. Such, eg, stone rosiski. and rubber in cash windows; In the drawing, they quite resemble a wood thread. But the very character of the wooden buildings, which had such an effect and the stone, is revealed in the internal structure of the building. Almost all of his rooms, in all floors, the same measure, each with three windows, which absolutely reminds the Great Russian Host, until now the preserved number of windows. Thus, the Terem Palace represents several of the Lords set nearby, one beside the other, in one connection and in several tiers, with a attic, or a terme, upstairs. The power of the needs and constant living conditions, among whom our ancestors lived, subjugated to their goals and stone, rather extensive, structure that gave full means to make a plan more spacious and more convenient for life, at least according to the present concepts. But it goes without saying that it is quite responsible to the then requirements of convenience and cozyness, and we will be unfair, if only from our point of view will consider and condemn our old life and all forms in which he discovered its requirements and provisions. In 1637, these new stone choirs were finally finally: some kind of Konya Ivan Osipov, the Zlatopisian craft, already suggested at this time with grained gold, silver and different paints on the roof of the rear "yes to the troops of the Church, in all windows (athigh the attic , i.e. Terema) made the alleden ending. " At the same time, how these choirs were built (1635-1636), from the eastern part of them, over the gold minor the Palaet Tsaritz, the special home temple was built in the name of the unscrupulous Savior of the image with the attack of John Belogradsky, the asoimenate of Tsarevich Ivan. In antiquity, as we have seen, such temples indicated by the expression: what's on sieves They constituted one of the prerequisites of each individual room in the royal house. Hay, rigid The temples were also in a queen half, as well as Tsareven and Tsarevich, why and the construction of a new temple in this part of the palace was called only the only new placement of sovereign children. The playground between Terem and the new church formed Front stone courtyard from which the staircase went down on the bed porch and stuck later gold lattice, Why and the church of Sava was designated: what a gold lattice. It is necessary to mention that the Russian Palace and the Church of the Savior built Russians stone dooms, According to current architects, Bazhen Cucumbers, Antipon Konstantinov, Trefil Sharutin, lady Ushakov. At one time with the construction described, the same substructions were built over the curie palace gates a new stone Light In which Tsaritsyn Master, Goloste and Belokhwemy, with their students were to work. In the past three years of his reign, Mikhail has built some other palace chambers and arranged a new choir at the Tsarekolovsky yard for the Danish queen of Voldemara, for whom he wanted to give his daughter to His Irina.

Thus, the king Mikhail during the thirty-two years of his reign, it managed not only to restore the old palace, but also increased it with new stone and wooden buildings, which were expressed as the royal family and the development of the needs of life, which, despite the strength of the legend, little Still, moved further, forward, predatory in some, albeit small, relationships approaching the reform. His son, the king Alexey Mikhailovich, remained a little case in relation to the main structures. And indeed, in his reign we do not meet particularly significant buildings in the royal court. He renewed the greatest part of the old, reworked and decorated the buildings built by ancestors or his father in his thought. At first, when he was only 17 years old, in 1646, that is, a year later, his father, he built himself new Funny choirs Which then quit the Palace Carpenter Vaska Romanov. From other buildings, we mention more significant. So, in 1660 the Palace Chamber, built, may be renewed, with Mikhail, which was located the pharmacist order and pharmacy. Stone Affairs of the apprentice Kavilka Savelyev did in it the windows and doors and under the old arches led new arches, and a banner, that is, a draftsman, Ivashka Nightingale wrote a wall letter. This Chamber stood not far from the church of the Nativity of the Virgin. In 1661, instead of the old dining room, the sovereign built a new one and perfectly decorated her threads, gilded and painting in the new overseas taste, fiction Engineer and Colonel Gustav Desenpine, who under the name fictional I left for us in 1658. Carved, golden and picturesque works performed already in 1662. Also ingenic masters, more than a Pole, designed to Moscow during the Polish War, precisely cutters, cut windows, doors and Podvock (ceiling): Stepan Zinoviev , Ivan Magovka with students, Stepan Ivanov and painters: Stepan Petrov, Andrei Pavlov, Yuri Ivanov. In the same 1662, April 1st, in the name of the queen, the sovereign guided a wide housewarming in this dining room. Similarly, a new dining room Tsarevich Alexei Alekseevich, built in 1667, was decorated in 1668. In 1668, painters were painted: Fedor Svidersky, Ivan Artemyev, Dorofey Yermolin, Stanislav Kutkeev, Andrei Pavlov; And the students of those mentioned above were the masters mentioned, of which Ivan World worked for the thread and painting by Podvock. Also, later, new bed choirs, built by king in 1674 were decorated, and the sovereign was ordered on three plaffones of these chorus proverbs of the Prophet of ions, Moses and Esphyri. In 1663, the Stone Affairs of the subset of Nikita Sharutin repaired at the Palace, at the top of the sovereign, cathedral The church of the Savior of an Offended Image and Meadow Made Nano. Without a doubt, the meal was spread against the former, because the House of Savra, with Tsar Alexea, who lived in the terman rest, became the Cathedral and in this meaning he replaced the ancient cathedrals-Preobrazhensky, Blagoveshchensky and Sretensky for the royal court. For the same time, alterations and renewal in the terman building were probably produced. In 1670, the front top courtyard, or a platform, which was between these quit and the church of the Savior, was decorated with a copper sliced \u200b\u200blattice, the entrance to the entrance from the stairs, which led in Terem from the bed porch. It is curious that this beautiful lattice, preserved and donyn, was overclit from copper money, issued before the people and made so many displeasses, losses, sink and executions.


Perm State Academy of Art and Culture

Course work on the NHC

Homemade life of Russian kings and people in the 16-17th century


student of the RTK-12-1 group

Alekseev P.G.


Dudoladova M.M.,

lecturer, graduate student.


1. Homemade life of Russian kings 4

1.1. Sovereign yard or palace 4

1.2. Normal day 7.

1.3 day off 9

1.4 Christmas 11.

2. Life of Russian people 12

2.1 Gen. 16-17th century 12

2.2 Holidays 15.

2.3 Progress of the Russian people 16-17th century 16

2.4 Effect of Church 17

2.5 Current Culture 19

Conclusion 20.

List of references 21

Appendix 22.


The purpose of my course work: Stop and deepen theoretical knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200beveryday life of medieval Russia. In this paper, I combine the story of the kings and the people to the ratio of the highest and middle layer of society and influence each other.


  1. Examine literature on the everyday life of medieval Russia.

  2. Based on the material read, reveal the features of residential space

  3. Reveal the role of the sovereign of his duties and features of everyday life.

  4. Reveal the features of the culture of a simple people

  5. Learn about the achievements of the Russian people

  6. Examine the influence of the authorities on the culture and life of the Russian people
By the beginning of the XVI century, Christianity played a decisive role in the influence on the culture and life of the Russian people. It played a positive role in overcoming harsh morals, ignorance and wild customs of ancient Russian society. In particular, the norms of Christian morality had a huge impact on family life, marriage, raising children. True, the theology was followed by a dualistic appearance on the separation of floors - two opposite beginners - "good" and "evil". The latter personified in a woman, determining its position in society and the family.
The norms of behavior, family foundations, the norms of morality in the XVI-XVII centuries. Associate with such a concept as "Domostroy". "Domostroy" is a housekeeping, a meeting of useful advice, teachings in the spirit of Christian morality. In the family relations, Domostroy prescribes the head of the family to punish children and his wife in case of disobedience.

^ Relevance of the topic: I believe that this topic is very relevant. In any person, except parents should have a native history, native land, native language, native culture. But the most important of these roots is a native story.

Why today it is so important to know and explore the story. Yes, because, not knowing the past, it is impossible to comprehend and understand the present, look into the future. Only through history, you can comprehend the spiritual world of the ancestors, understand its language and culture.

^ Chapter 1. Homemade life of Russian kings

1.1 Sovereign Yard or Palace

Grand-per-rook choirs, both the oldest and structured in times

kings can be considered as three special branches. First, choirs

bedding, actually residential, or, as they were called in the XVII century, the ass. They are not extensive: three, sometimes four rooms served as sufficient indoor of the sovereign. One of these rooms, usually the furthest, servilative king. Next to her was satisfied with the cross or prayer. Another who had the meaning of the modern cabinet was called the room. And finally, the first was called the front and served as a reception. The anterior venouncement of the concept was served by Songyazhnin half, the choirs of sovereign children and relatives were made separately from the residential chorus of the sovereign and, with minor changes, for the last one for the recent. Well, the second branch of the Palace of the Palace treated the choirs are not ordinary, intended for solemn meetings. They have a sovereign, followed by custom, appeared only in solemn cases. The Spiritual and Zemsky Cathedrals in Nichrotted and the festive and wedding tables were given. As for the name, they were known as tabletami, flavors and cooking. And the third department belonged all economic buildings, which were called the palaces. Known Palaces Konya, Living, Feed (he is zepiced), bread, satisfying, etc. As for the grandeur of the treasury, which was usually made of gold and silver vessels, precious fur, expensive matters and similar items, then the Grand Duke, following the most custom, retained this treasury in the basements or lines of stone skewers. So, for example, Ivan the Trozny tanta was kept in the church of St. Lazarus, and his spouses, the Great Princess Sophia Foubness - Under the Church of Joannapreditchi at Borovitsky Gate.

As for the appearance, the palace at the end of the XVII century represented

extremely a lot of buildings of the most diverse value, scattered away with any symmetry, so that the palace did not have a facade in a concrete sense. The apartments were crowded against each other, one over the other was tested and even increased the overall motion of their diverse roofs in video, skird, barrels, with slotted gilded Combs and gildedimachers at the top, with patterned tubes, folded from tiles. In the yonests, towers and turrets with eagles, unicorn, lions, instendforceers rose.

We now enter the chorus inside. All that served as an ornament inside the choromy was their necessary part, was called the outfit. There were twitted outfits: choir and tantry. The choir was also called carpentry, i.e.otsed walls, ceilings and walls were squeezed with red peasants, made shops, grants, and so on. This simple carpenter outfit received a special beauty, if they were removed with carbon carving. The tental outfit consisted of a cleaning room with cloth and other tissues. Much attention was paid to the ceilings.

There were two types of ceilings decoration: hanging and saliva. Vistol-dumb carving with a number of hinged details. Slyudyaya - the decoration of mica cutting decorations from tin. The decoration of the ceilings was combined with decoration. The floor was laid out the boards, sometimes brought oak bricks. I am now to furnishings of the rooms. The main rooms of the Tsarist Half: Front, Room (Cabinet), Cross, Overweight and Myulenka. I would like to stop my gaze on the crowd, because this room was the richest decoration for those times. So, overtake. The main thing is to make the bedroom's decoration was the bed (bed) bed corresponded to the direct value of this word, i.e. She served and took the point of the tent. The tent was expanded with gold and silver. The curtains have been fringe. In addition to the curtains, in the heads and in the legs, the beds were shy (rhodation of drapery). The shy was also embroidered with gold sophisticated silk, decorated with tassels, they portrayed people, animals of the sacrificed wonderful herbs and flowers. When in the XVII century. Fashion went to the German phuric thread, the beds became even more beautiful. They became decorated by therapy, crowded tents, gzymses (eaves), shprengels, apples and

bowls (genus ball). All carving is golden, silver, painting paint.

Such a bed can be viewed in the Big Kremlin Palace, and though, that bed refers to a later time, but the idea, in general, is reflected.

Prices for royal beds ranged from 200r. up to 2r. Two rubles Stoila

the collapsible hiking bed, covered with a red cloth - an analogue of the folding beds. The most expensive and rich bed in Moscow of the seventeenth century cost2800r. And Alexey Mikhailovich was sent to the Persian Shah. Standing was decorated with a crystal, gold, elephant bone, turtlepanitzim, silk, pearl and pearl. If the beds were so richly satisfied, then the bed itself is not less luxurious. And for special cases (wedding, christening, the birth of a child, etc.) existed its own bed. So, the bed consisted of: x / b mattress (wallet) at the base, bells (long pillow in full swing), two down pillows, two small down pads, blanket, bedspread, drove the carpet. Blots were assigned pads. They are needed in order to climb on the carpet. Moreover, the covered beds are so high that it is difficult to climb without these attack pads.

Many have an idea that the details of those times were

they are taken by icons. It is not so, for prayers served crusades, which were carried out as small churches due to the number of icons. In the overtime of the same Poklonnaya Cross.

    1. ^ Normal day

The day of the sovereign began in the room or the chapel branch of the palace. BUT

specifically, earlier the morning forced the sovereign in the cross, with a rich

an decorated iconostasis, in which already before the emergence of the sovereign ignited alpads and candles. The sovereign ranked usually at four o'clock in the morning. Transferring his dress. Having washed in Myyenka, the sovereign is the same challenge to the crusade, where they were waiting for the confessors. The priest blessed with the state budget, the morning prayer began. According to the prayer, it is usually about a quarter of an hour, having listened to the final spiritual word, reading Dekom, the sovereign sent a particularly trusted person to the public suddenness of her health, to know how to reveal? After that, they together listened to Saunny. Meanwhile, there was a tender, duma, boyars, the neighbor, "man to hit

sovereign. Staying with the boyars, talk about affairs, the sovereign in

accompanied by the court chasing in the hour ninth into one of the courtserkways to listen to a late lunch. Lunch lasted two hours. After the dinner, the king listened to ordinary days and petitions was notified by current affairs. After the boyar was driving around, the sovereign (sometimes with particularly approximate boyars) went to the dining room, or dinner. The festive table was very distinguished from ordinary. But the even-sided table did not go to no comparison with the table of the sovereign during the future. Plugs and asceticities in observance of posts by sovereigns could be wondering how much. For example, Tsar Alexei during the post eating only 3 times introduced, namely on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, on the other days a member of black bread with salt, along a salty mushroom or cucumber and saw Popopatkana beer. He eating fish only 2 times for the entire seminid great. Even when there was no post, he did not eat meat on Mondays, Wednesdays

and Fridays. However, despite such a partnership, meat and fish days, up to 70 diverse dishes were served behind the ordinary table. After the launch spot usually went to bed and won until the evening, three hours. In the evening, the departure was going to boyars again and other ranks, accompanied by whose tsar to the evening. Sometimes after the evening, things were also obeyed or gathering. But most often the time after evening until the evening kushan king spent the family circle. The king read, listened to Bahambers (storytellers of fairy tales and songs), played. Among the most beloved entertainment kings were chess. The fact of the power says the fact that there were special masters of checkers in the weapon chamber.

In general, the entertainment of that time was not so poor as we think. For

the courtyard existed a special fun chamber, in which all kinds of fun robusts were a royal family. Among these fun, there were scrums, gemps, Dombachi. It is known that under the court states were fools-jesters - Uzarya, Durkey-joking, dwarfish and dwarfs - at the Queen. In winter, especially specialists, the king loved to watch a bearish field, i.e. Fight of the Hunter with Dixedem. In early spring, in the summer and autumn, the king often traveled to the falconry. Usually this fun

lasted the whole day and was accompanied by a specially critic

evening prayer.

    1. ^ Day off
To the dinner, the sovereign went by usually on foot, if it was close and

allowed the weather, or in a carriage, and in winter in the sleigh, always accompanied by

boyar and other seruners and courtyards. The magnificence and richness of the sovereign exodudation corresponded to the value of the celebration or holiday on an occasional event was made, as well as the state of the weather on that day. In the summer, he was in light silk feashed and in the golden hat with a fur coating, in winter, in the fur coat and fox, in the fall and in general in rainy weather - in Sukonovooga. In the hands there was always a staff of the unity or Indian from Chernotoza. During large festivals and celebrations, what were Christmas, the Epiphany, Light Resurrection, Assumption and Some Other Satells Broadcast in the royal outfit, which belonged to the royal dress, Tsarskaya Staedan Kappan, the Tsarist Cap or Crown, Diadem, Affect Cross, the Ipersion, which were resting on the chest; Instead of the staff, the royal rod. All this

shone gold, silver, precious stones. The shoes that the Sovereign Sovereign at this time were also richly joined by pearls and stones. The severity of this outfit was very unassigned, and therefore, in such ceremonies, the sovereign is always supported by the Middle of the boyars. That as describes the Italian Barberini (1565): "Merring ambassadors, the sovereign gathered for lunch. Having passed the halls and other people, he descended from the courtyard porch, speaking quietly inspired, leaning on a rich silver melted rod. There is more than eight hundred people in the richest clothes. There was an onposreda of four young people who had thirty, strong and

reloble: These were the sons of the most notal boyars. Two of them went ahead of him, Adopa others behind, but in some distance and at a smooth distance of it. All four were dressed in the same way: on their heads they had high white velvet with pearls and silver, chopped and published by a round-round fur. The clothes on them were from a silver fabric to the legs, he was shot down by the mountainous; on the legs were underwear boots with horseshoes; Everyone carried a large ax shining silver and gold. "

    1. Christmas
The feast of the Nativity of Christ, the sovereign listened to the Golden Chamber in the dining room. In the second hour of the day, while the Blagovesting of the attitudes began, he did an exit to the dining room, where the coming of the Patriarch was expected. For this, the dining room dressed up with a large outfit, cloth icons. The forearm place was put in the front corner, and the wheelchair. Patriarch, accompanied by Metropolitans, Archbishops, Bishops, Archimandrites and Igumen, came to the sovereign to the Gliverchrist Golden Chamber and Health of the Sovereign, bringing with him the Corollary Cross and Holy Support. The sovereign met this procession in the Seine. After ordinary prayers, the sovereign sovereign Multi member, and the Patriarch spoke to congratulations. Then Patriarch

she walked the same order to praise Christ to the queen, in her golden chamber, and the subside all the members of the royal family, if they were not gathered at the Queen. Releasing the patriarch, the sovereign in the gold or in the dining room was enjoyed in

the royal outfit, in which he marched to the cathedral to dinner. After liturgy,

moving the royal outfit for an ordinary weekend dress, the sovereign walked the waterway, where the festivestole was prepared in the dining room or the Golden Chamber. So this ended the festive celebration. On the day of Christmas, the king did not sit down at the table without not feeding the prison sedles and prisoners. So in 1663 in this holiday

964 people were fed on a large prison table.

Chapter 2. Life of the Russian People

^ 2.1 god 16-17th century

For a long time, Russian peoples had a big family that united relatives in a straight line and side lines. Distinctive features of the large peasant family were collective farm and consumption, total possession of property two and more independent marriage couples. The city's city population has less and consisted, as a rule, from two generations of parents and children. The feudal family were usually small, so the son of feudal, having reached 15 years, had to serve the state service and could get both his own separate secure salary and a complained victob. This contributed to the early marriage and allocation of independent small families.

With the introduction of Christianity, marriages began to be made through the rite of church wedding. But the traditional Christian wedding rite remained in Russia even about six to seven centuries. The church rules did not negotiate obstacles to marriage, except for one: "the lack of the groom or the bride. But in real life, the restrictions were rather tough, primarily socially regulated by customs. The law formally did not forbid the feudal to marry the peasant, but in fact it happened very rarely, since the class of feudalists was a closed corporation, where marriages were encouraged not just with the faces of their circle, but with even smooth. A free man could marry the fortress, but was supposed to get permission from Barin and pay a certain amount by agreement. Thus, in the ancient, and in the city of marriages could be performed mainly, only inside a class of class.

The dissolution of marriage was very difficult. Already in the early Middle Ages, the divorce was allowed only in exceptional cases. At the same time, the rights of spouses were unequal. The husband could be divorced with his wife in the event of her betrayal, and communication with strangers outside the house was equated with the treason without permission from the spouse. In the late Middle Ages (from the XVI century), the divorce was allowed with the condition of breaking into the monks of one of the spouses.

The Orthodox Church allowed one person to marry no more than three times. The ceremonial rite of the wedding was committed, usually, only at first marriage. The fourth marriage is categorically forbidden.

The newborn baby was to be baptized in the church on the eighth day after baptism the name of the Holy of this day. The rite of baptism was considered the church the main, vital rite. Unreleased did not have any rights, even the right to burial. The child who deceased is not baptized, the church forbidden to bury in the cemetery.

The next rite - "Masting" - was held a year after baptism. On this day, Kum or Kuma (godparents) drew a strand of hair in a child and gave the ruble. After trimming, they celebrated the name of the Name Day, that is, the day of the saint, in honor of which the person was named (later became known as the "Angel's Day"), and then - a birthday. The royal names were considered the official public holiday.

In the Epoch of the Middle Ages, the role of chapter was extremely great. He represented the family as a whole in all its external features. Only he had the right to vote on the gatherings of residents, in the urban evening. Inside the family, the head of chapter was almost unlimited. He ordered property and the fate of each of his members. It concerned even the personal lives of children whom he could marry or marry against the will. The church cried it only if he brought them to suicide. The orders of the head of the family were to be carried out unquestioned. He could apply any punishment, up to physical. "Domostroy" - the encyclopedia of the Russian life of the XVI century - directly indicated that the owner should beat his wife and children in educational purposes. For disobedience to parents, the Church threatened by broadcast.

Inside a manor family life was a long time relatively closed. However, ordinary women - peasantry, Posanny - did not make the recovery lifestyle at all. Certificates of foreigners about the terman navation of Russian women applies, as a rule, to everyday feudal nobility and eminent merchants. They were rarely released even to church.

Information about the routine of people's day in the Middle Ages is a bit left. Labor day in the family began early. Mandatory meals from ordinary people had two - lunch and dinner. At noon, production activities were interrupted. After lunch on the old Russian habit, a long rest followed, a dream, then work began to dinner again. Together with the end of the daytime, everyone went to sleep.

Public life included playing games and fun - both military and peaceful, for example, taking a snowy city, fighting and fist, towns, Czechards, etc. From gambling, the game was distributed in the bone, and from the 16th century - in Cards brought from the West. Favorite entertainment kings and knew was hunting.

2.2. Holidays

With the adoption of Christianity, the official holidays have become the highly honorable days of the church calendar: Christmas, Easter, Annunciation, Trinity and others, as well as the seventh day of the week - Sunday. For church rules, holidays should have dedicated to pious affairs and religious rites, to work on holidays was considered a sin. However, the poor worked on holidays.

The relative homemade lobby is diversified by receptions, as well as festive ceremonies that were arranged mainly during church holidays. One of the main glory moves was arranged for baptism - January 6, Art. Art. On this day, the Patriarch sanctified water Moscow - rivers, and the population of the city committed the rite of Jordan (holy water washing). On holidays, street performances were arranged. Stray artists, crumbs, are known in Ancient Russia. In addition to the game on hobslies, dulls, the songs of the sceners included acrobatic numbers, contests with predatory animals. In the burst, the troupe is usually the Harbor, Gaer (Acrobat), puppeteer.

Holidays, as a rule, were accompanied by public peers - fraternities. However, the situation of non-digesting of Russians is clearly exaggerated. Only during the 5-6 largest church holidays the population was allowed to cook beer, and the Kabaki was a state monopoly. The content of private kabaks is strictly pursued.

^ 2.3. Progress of the Russian people in the 16th and 7th century

Not only historical, but also the geographical knowledge of the people of Middle Ages expanded. In connection with the complication of the administrative management of the increased territory of the Russian state, the first geographic maps were drawn up ("Drawings"). This also contributed to the development of trade and diplomatic relations of Russia. Russian navigators have made a great contribution to geographical discoveries in the north. By the beginning of the XVI century, they were examined by white, student (Barents) and the Kara Sea, a lot of northern lands are open - the islands of the Bear, the new land, etc. Russian pomaros were first penetrated into the Arctic Ocean, created the first handwritten maps of the surveyed northern seas and islands. They were among the first to mastered the northern seaway around the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Specific progress was observed in the field of technical and naturally - scientific knowledge. Russian masters have learned to produce rather complicated mathematical calculations in the construction of buildings, were familiar with the properties of the main building materials. When building buildings, blocks and other construction mechanisms were used. For the extraction of salt solutions, deep drilling and gasket of pipes were used for which the liquid was distilled off using a piston pump. In the military, the casting of copper cannons was mastered, trumpet and throwing guns were distributed.

^ 2.4. Influence of church

In the XVII century, the role of the church in the influence of the culture and life of the Russian people intensified. At the same time, the state power penetrated more and more into the church affairs.

The objects of the entry of state power in church affairs should be the reform of the Church. The king wanted to obtain the sanction of the Church to state transformations and at the same time take measures to submit the church and the restriction of its privileges and land necessary to ensure the vigorously created the noble troops.

The communional church reform was carried out on the stamp cathedral, called so on the collection of its decisions, consisting of a hundred chapters ("Strolev").

Questions within the church order were nominated for the first plan in the works of the Poland Cathedral, primarily associated with the life and life of the lower clergy, with the departure of the church service. The blatant defects of the clergy, the careless fulfillment of church rites, besides, deprived of some uniformity - all of this caused a negative attitude towards the ministers of the church, created a libelism.

The sale of church positions, bribery, false donos, extortion was so common in church circles that the stogal cathedral was forced to adopt a number of decisions, several limiting arbitrariness as higher hierarchs in relation to the ordinary clergy and the latter in relation to the laity. A duty with churches, from now on, should be gathered not by the forens who abused its position, but the earth builders and the dozen priests appointed in rural areas.
With its decrees, the stallal cathedral tried to impose the seal of church among the folk life. Under the fear of royal and church punishment, it was forbidden to read the so-called "renounced" and heretical books, that is, books that were then almost all secular literature. The church was prescribed to interfere in everyday life of people - to disgust from the brainstorms, from chess, from playing musical instruments, etc., pursue the crochets, these carriers of the alien church of the folk culture.

^ 2.5. Current changes

One of the largest achievements of the XVI century was a typography. The first typography appeared in Moscow in 1553, and soon the books of church content were printed. Among the earliest printed books include "Triododi Lachy", published about 1553g., And the two Gospels printed in the 50s. 16th century.

In 1563 The organization "Survae of the Printed Court" was instructed by an outstanding investigator in the field of typography in Russia Ivan Fedorov. Together with his assistant Peter Mstislavts 1 March 1564. He released the book "Apostle", and next year "Chapel". With the name Ivan Fedorov we associate and appearance in 1574. In Lviv, the first edition of the Russian century.

Under the influence of the Church, such a peculiar work as "Domostroy" was created, the final version of which belonged to Protopope Silvestra. "Domostroy" is the Moral Code and everyday rules intended for the prosperous layers of the urban population. He is permeated by the sermons of humility and unquestioned subordination to the authorities, and in the family - the obedience to the temple.

For the increased needs of the Russian state, we needed competent people. On convened in 1551. The stamp cathedral was raised about the adoption of measures to disseminate education among the population. The clergy was offered to open schools for learning children by literacy. They trained children, as a rule, during monasteries. In addition, home learning was common among the rich people.

The intense struggle with numerous external and internal enemies contributed to the emergence of extensive historical literature in Russia, which, was the question of the growth and development of the Russian state. The most significant monument of the historical thought of the period under consideration was the chronicle vaults.

One of the major historical works of this time is facial arch (i.e. illustrated) the chronicle: he consisted of 20 thousand pages and chalk 10 thousand. Beautifully completed miniatures, giving a visual understanding of various sides of Russian life.

In 1553-54, the Temple of Joan Forerunner was built in the village of Dyakov (near the village of Kolomensky), an exceptional originality of decorative decoration and architectural intention.


The church has greatly influenced the culture and life of the Russian people, therefore the state for their own purposes, the implementation of reforms, increasingly penetrated into the cases of the Church, which prescribed interference in the daily life of people.

In the hard conditions of the Middle Ages, the culture still achieved great success in various fields. The first geographical maps are compiled, trade diplomatic communications are developed. Russian masters have learned to produce complex mathematical calculations in the construction of buildings. In the 16th century a typography appeared. Schools have opened to teach a diploma.

Thus, the life of a Russian person in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, although it was relatively monotonous, but was far from being exhausted by the production and social political spheres. Despite all the household worries and family life, the Russian people were also holidays, their customs, holiday time and fun.

At first glance, modern life with its lightning pace, developed communications, numerous means of information with the Internet and all-enveloped television, the wide participation of the population in the political process is little similar to the leisurely life of our ancestors in the XVIXVII century. However, its foundations (public service, traditions of family relationships, the device of the house, habit, or what is called everyday weight), was laid in those distant times. And knowledge of these foundations significantly expands the horizons of a modern man


  1. The history of Russia from ancient times to the second half of the XIX century. / G.Ya. Taratonenkov / M.: 1998

  2. Russian people, his customs, rites, legends, superstition and poetry / M. Forinn / Simferopol.: 1992.

  3. Zabelin / I.E. Homemade life of Russian kings in the 16th and 17th centuries.


Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich

Church book 16-17 century

Cherryazh - Upper Swingwear

The difference between the royal life was distinguished
from peasantic
Pumbness and wealth.
All in it - rosy
Palaces, dear clothes,
Huge state
Court and servants emphasized the special
the position of "sovereign all
Rusi ", standing high not
Only above the simple
people, but even over
nobles and boyars.

Tsarist Residence and Management

The king had a sovereign yard.
Sovereign yard was official
tsarist residence, where he lived and
Worked the sovereign. Farm
royal court consisted of
bread yard - where they baked all
flour products; Feed
the courtyard who served the royal
kitchen; Rady yard - VED
royal drinks; Animal
The courtyard where large
grain stocks; stable courtyard
where everything you need was stored for
Lush royal departures. All this
The economy was engaged in order
Big Palace. Existed
Also the royal palace. Established
The royal palace of four rooms in
Three windows each: Song, front,
Through, overtime. In
Palace king spent big
part of their time as worker
So free from affairs. Here
There was everything necessary for
royal labor and rest.

Royal duties

Kings in its position
were obliged to participate in
Many nationwide
Holidays and courtesome
ceremonies. In the days of large
Orthodox holidays christmas Christ
Baptism, verbal
Sunday, Easter - Sovereign
died in full royal
Outfit The appearance of the king before
The people always reminded
Grand performance,
who attached important
value. Solemn
Outputs and sovereign
were a mandatory part
Many holidays I.
Court ceremonies.

Entertainment of the royal family

Kings not only
affairs and participated in
Lush courtesy
ceremonies, they loved
Have fun hunting:
Brutal hunt - with
Dogs, Sokolina
Hunting - with birds, and when
Aleksa Mikhailovic
as a theater.

Tsarist marriage

Special place in the life of the sovereign
occupied marriage. In the bride
appreciated primarily beauty and
health. First of all passed
Selection of the bride, then passed
Tsarist Women and, choosing the Queen,
Wedding preparation was wedding
and wedding feast. Tsarist marriage
in Russia was considered as
Event big state
importance, because the queen was supposed to
give the heir to the throne
The future king. In Russian society
17th century woman was in
dependent position from the man.
even the queen in this respect is not
amounted to exceptions living
in the palace in the position
Shooter. the main thing
The purpose of the queen consisted in
to give a sovereign
Heir to the throne. If the queen
It was not able to give birth to a boy,
She did not expect anything good.

The birth of the heir to the royal throne

Birth of the heir to the throne
It was a huge event
importance and in the documents of that
Time was called
"Sovereign Worldwide
joy. "Capture
born passed either in
Miracle monastery of the Kremlin,
Either in the Assumption Cathedral.
Performed their Blagoveshchensky
Protopop. Cross
Parents usually
The relatives of the king became
or queen. Birthday in
royal houses like in
peasant, did not celebrate.
It was replaced by nameday. In that
Day King treated Dukhovenism,
Boyar special, birthday
Cake with cheese or poppy.

Fun and raising royal children

Royal children, like all
Others, loved to play
Games in the old days called
fun. Princess played
Main in dolls.
The boys were other
games and toys: fun
balls, guns, bows,
arrows, drums,
Education of royal children
took place in the palace under
Nibya's supervision,
"Mamok", "Uncle".
Education of the Future
the king was preserved mainly
in learning a diploma and

Royal feast "mountain"

Peers often satisfied in the palace.
Powered in christian
Holidays, in the days of family
celebrations. Rich tables
arranged on the occasion of wedding
to the kingdom, election of the patriarch,
Foreign ambassadors.
Tsaric Peters most often passed
in the grain fest of the Kremlin - the most
The big hall of the palace. Tsarsky
The feast was very
long, sometimes six
and more hours and ended far
Over midnight. Departed by
Table everything, observing ancient
The law of locality. Tsarist guests
Could enjoy in one evening 150200 dishes. A variety of drinks on
tsarist peaks are not less struck,
than food. In Russia sincecrall drank
Beer, honey, kvass. Russian kings, (Ivan Grozny, Mikhail Alekseevich, Alexey Mikhailovich ...) to Peter the first lived in our Russian tsarist etiquette. Consider the day of the life of Alesa Mikhailovich Romanova.

For the king, for the queen and for royal children, the choirs were different and lived all separately. The king in his horrors had Seni, the front room, the work room, a cross room and a church. The queen had less, she did not have a working room. The king's choirs, queens and children were connected by corridors. Of course, everyone had separate servants.

The royal day began so. The king woke up at 4.00 in the morning, it was a servant-bedroom and helped the king to wash and get dressed. The king was sleeping alone in his oath, and the queen is one in his Christie. From the olooevinny, the king followed the crusade, it was the royal home church. There, the king had already been waiting for a personal confessor and priests who were already waiting to serve the king of prayers. The whole room was in icons, candles and lamps. In the middle of the room, always put a new icon, the Holy Day. Daily from different monasteries of Russia, where there was a throne holiday, an icon of a holiday from that monastery for the king, as well as a candle from that monastery, prosfora and holy water. So the prosphoras and holy water in the house of the king were daily from different monasteries. When the king was part of the crusade, then the prayer began. He lasted not long, minutes 15 minutes. Then the king came to kiss the icon of the Holy of this day, the king's confessor sprinkled with holy water and filed a prosfora.

After the prayer, the king sent a servant in the king trap, to learn about the health of the queen, whether she was not sick at night and if she is healthy, can he come to her choirs and visit her. The king has always been a response from the mantle, in anticipation he listened to reading the word of teaching from Deca and then went to visit Tsarice. Queen was waiting for the king in the front room or dining room. The king and the queen took every morning in the root of the queen and then together went to the general home church to stop the dinner, which served specifically for the king and the queen.

While the king prayed in his choir gathered boyars. With the appearance of the king, all the boyars had to bow the tsar. If the king pays attention to someone in a word or removed the hat before someone, it was a special mercy and then the tsar that man bowed to the king many times, there were cases and up to 30 times.

By 9.00 in the morning, the king, the queen and boyars solemnly marched into the cathedral, in order to attend Liturgy. In the cathedral, the king spent 2 hours, and if it was a holiday, then and 5-6 hours. During the liturgy, it was done up to 1500 terrestrial bows.

After the liturgy, the king and boyars walked into the royal work room. The king sat down and the boyars standing in front of the king reported on state affairs. None of the boyar had the right to sit at the taking of the king and only on Fridays the king called the meeting of the Boyarskaya Duma to decide the states. And then all the boyars were sitting with the king, but gone from the king.

At 12.00, the king had to have dinner. If the king for lunch was invited by the boyar or a guest, then dinner took place in the king's sorry without the presence of the queen. If the king left no one for lunch, he dined with a queen by prior arrangement in his Christie or Christie Tsaritsa. If the king wished, the older children invited to this lunch. If a royal child had a birthday or a family dinner, a family dinner was preparing. Such a dinner was preparing in Zaromas Tsaritsa and the king was invited there and all children gathered at the table.

To the Tsar Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich always served the simplest dishes, rye bread, a bit of wine, oatmeal or light beer with cinname oil, and sometimes only one cinnamon water. But this table did not have any comparison with those that the sovereign held during the posts. The Great Post, Tsar Alexei dined only three times a week, namely: on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, the remainder of the days he drove on a piece of black bread with salt, along a salty mushroom or cucumber and drank a half-liter. He drove fish only twice a great post and observed all seven weeks of the post ... except for posts, he did not eat anything meat on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; In short, no monk will surpate him in the rigor of the posting. We can assume that he fasted eight months a year, including six weeks of Christmas post and two weeks of other posts. True, when the posts were not, the king was served for lunch to 70 dishes, but it is not necessary to think that he eaten everything, he passed the dishes to boyars like mercy from his table.
At first cold and cookies, differently, then roasted, and then soiled and ears or ear.

The table of the king covered the butler and the keysticker. They covered the tablecloth, put salt, horseradish, mustard, bread. In the next room, the butler covered the same table and herself. The king was fed as follows. Before the Kushan to file the king, he ate his belief, which then passed the dish of the key, the key of the dish in the king's choirs, and next to him he followed the threshold, who should have followed the dish and guard him. At first, the dish put on the table to the butler, he tried and decided whether it was possible to carry it on the king. Further, the dish of the dish of the table was a mustache and the edge of the table passed it to Ruezchim, who tried the dish in front of the king and put it on the table. Only then could eat king. It was also with wine. Behind the king there was a servant-a cup and all lunch kept the cup with wine in his hands. When the king demanded wine, the cup poured out of the cup in the bowl, drank from the bowl and put the bowl before the king.

After lunch, the king for an hour three went to sleep.

In the evening, the boyars were gathered in his work room, they met the rested king everything went to the home church for the service of the evening.

After the evening, the king invited children to himself. The king with children read the lives of saints. Often he invited 100 year old elders and with children listened to their experienced stories about life and travels in Russia, they were also invited to conversation as blessed and affiliates. Everyone went to the fun chamber, there the king had jesters. Soon songs, there were dances, played musicians, the king with the children played the games - Zhmurki, and with the elders in checkers or chess. Fun were usually in winter, and in the summer they often replaced hunting.

After fun, the king went to dinner. And after dinner, he again walked into a crusade for about 15 minutes to make evening prayers. After the prayer, the king went to sleep and his bed was accompanied and helped to warm up bedding. The bedding was obliged to sleep in the royal chopper near the king and guard the royal sleep. Overlooking only the bedding, as well as the streams and two crawls, it was always the most approximate king people. Neither the butler, nor the key, nor children, nor even the queen without the permission of the king could not be inloade, however, as the king could not enter the chief of the queen, who had its pribriate servants.

Regarding the outerwear in the summer, the king went out of the palace in a light silk bespan (long-term kaftana) and in the zoom hat with a fur circuit; in winter - in the fur coat and in the horsepad (fur) fox; In the fall and in general in rainy, wet weather - in a closed one-order. Under the upper clothes was the usual room outfit, zipun, worn on a shirt, and a caftan. In the hands there was always a staff of the unity, from the bone of the unicorn, or Indian from the Chernago Tree, or a simple from the Karelian birch. And those and other squals were decorated with expensive stones. During big holidays and celebrations, what were the Christmas, the Epiphany, the Verbal, Light Resurrection, the Tricky Day, the Assumption and Some Others, the sovereign in the outfit of the royal, to which belonged to: royal dress, Porphira actually, with wide sleeves, royal becoming Caftan, royal hat or crown, diadem or barma (rich overall), on-sided cross and digestion discharged on the chest; Instead of the staff, the royal silver rod. All this shone gold, silver and expensive stones. The most shoes who put on the sovereign at this time were also richly lured by pearls and decorated with stones. The severity of this outfit was no doubt very significant, and therefore, in such ceremonies, the sovereign was always maintained under the hands of so many worms, and sometimes a boyars from the neighboring people.

At all the outputs from the Palace, there was a bedding with different objects, which were required at the exit, and which carried the bedding, it was: a towel or a handkerchief, a chair with a zhole or sicker, on which the sovereign was sitting; The foothold of the carpet on which the sovereign was becoming during the service; Sunshift or umbrella, protecting from the sun and rain, and some other items, depending on the output.

In winter, the sovereign coming ordinary in Sanya. Sanya were bigger, smarter, that is, sprinkled, painted with paints and uphawned by Persian carpets.His sleigh, on the sides of the place where the sovereign was sitting, stood the most significant boyars, one right, another on the left; The SanNago front shield stood nearly workers, also one on the right side, and the other with the left; Near the sledge of Sanya was the boyars and other dignitaries. The whole train was accompanied by a squad of the Archers, among the hundred people, with battles (chopsticks) in the hands "For the crisp of the human tsarist, or Kucher in this case, had a crawler from near people.

On the eve of the great church holidays, the king at 5.00 went to the street of Moscow to communicate with poor people and everyone filed alms. Often the king went and in prison

The most expensive guest at the king, it was of course the Patriarch of Moscow. The patriarch always came to the Christmas of Christ. Always for the arrival of the patriarch was removed separate dining room. Everything was covered with carpets, there were two thrones, for the king and the patriarch. All the boyars were invited. The king went out to meet the patriarch himself in Songy and took the blessing from the Patriarch.

No sovereign in other countries has used such respects of subjects as the queen of Russian. Nobody dare not only speak free about the queen, but even if it happened, and look at her person.

When she sits in a carriage or coming out of her, everyone bowed to her to the ground. Of the thousand courts, you can hardly have one that can boast that he saw a queen or someone from the sisters and the daughters of the sovereign. Even the doctor never could see them or touch to a naked body, even the doctor was obliged to listen through the handkerchief. The Tsaritsa church comes out on a special gallery, from all sides completely closed. During hiking, the Tsanitsa hid the Tsonnya floors from the folk eyes, wearing the marchs from all sides. Distressed in this way from a male hostel, the queen, of course, did not participate in any public or solemn meetings among the male rank, where the sovereign himself first.

The queen was not part of the state affairs, but was engaged in charity. I prayed, met with women Rus, sewed linen with young children, engaged in the wedding affairs of the courtiers, played in his free time, wondered. The Queen organized home holidays from states of states. She had the right to accept only the Patriarch, as well as bishops and boyars. The life of Tsaritsa did not differ from the king's life. Only all the servants were women and girls, and the prieved queens, the worn workers were boys who have not reached the age of majority .. ..
