
French Bulldog photo, description and nature of the breed. French Bulldog: Description of the breed, character than feeding the pet.

Garden buildings

Being a reduced copy english Bulldog., French Bulldog, unlike his fellow, is more suitable for the role of a fun and friendly friend than the bodyguard. Dogs of this breed love to participate in any family entertainment. They will meet familiar guests welcoming, but always stand on the defense of the owners, if they feel the threat from the side. In this article you will find a complete description of the basic characteristics of these decorative dogs.

Brief description of the characteristics of the French Bulldog breed:

  • life expectancy: 10-12 years;
  • height: Male - 30-35 cm, bitch - 25-30 cm;
  • weight: male - 10-15 kg, bitch - 8-12 kg;
  • color: white, tiger with white, yellowish-brown, tiger, cream, reddish-brown, black and tiger;
  • activity: below average;
  • playing: not particularly playful;
  • the complexity of education: problems are possible;
  • training complexity: problems are possible;
  • care difficulty: Easy;
  • attitude to the stranger: adaptation is needed;
  • attitude towards children: good;
  • attitude to other animals: Adaptation is needed;
  • detention conditions: preferably at home.

Consider what the dog of the breed French Bulldog looks like.

Despite the small growth, these dogs have a strong, muscular body. At first glance, it becomes clear that this is a living and very troubleshoe animal with a courageous character. Moreover, males are somewhat larger and massive bitches that have more stretched torso.

A large and massive head has square outlines. On a short facet there is a split flat nose. But Nyuh at the French Bulldog is ignorant - with the help of the smell, he meets the outside world. The top lip of the dog is also divided in half. Eyebrows and eyes are separated by a deep furrow, which does not go to the frontal part. The hill on the back of the head is almost impaired. Dark, big and convexed dog's eyes are inherent in a smart and good expression. Strong jaws of square shape have a bite snack.

The ears in the dogs of this breed are reminded by their shade of volatile mice: they have a standing position, with a wide base and rounded ends. The powerful neck of the dog is rather short, slightly less than the length of its skull. The French Bulldog has such a feature, as from nature a stopped tail - it is broken in a natural way.

The French Bulldog has a height in the withers less than height in the sacrum area. Therefore, he looks a bit squat. Slightly curved back, developed loin and slightly raised croup give the solidity of the bones of this animal. A wide and volumetric chest from representatives of this breed has a cylindrical shape.

Woolen cover

French Bulldog - The owner of a thick woolen cover of a short length. Wool fits tightly to the body. It should be shiny and smooth, to the touch slightly tough.


In French Bulldog, mostly a motley color - a tiger or spotted. There are also homogeneous. Spots of white shade are allowed in the head area and on the chest - the so-called "tie".

If representatives of this breed have white wool color, then in the age, lips, nose and cereals there is no depigmentation. With a spotted color on the face of the animal there must be a mask - peculiar "glasses".

  • dermatitis under the folds of the skin, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe muzzle;
  • allergies to external stimuli or food;
  • stamps of the eyelids;
  • hypotrichoz - symmetric baldness;
  • diseases of urinary tract.

Woolen Care

The woolen cover of French Bulldog needs minimal. Combine it once in seven or ten days with a massage brush to remove the dead fur. After all, representatives of this breed are prone to constant molting.

Battle a dog every two or three months using shampoos. During the rest of the time, with severe pollution, you can use a damp cloth or dry shampoos.

Features of content

Compact French bulldogs can be settleled even in a small apartment. In general, representatives of this breed are best maintained at home, as decorative dogs without attention to the owner can get on the street in trouble.

Education and training

French bulldogs are not the best dogs in the plan, as they have a stubborn character. The mind and email allow these dogs to remember a lot, but not always they have a desire to execute teams.

In order for the dog's teaching of this breed, the owner will have to constantly pass with it the same lesson. And only somewhere at the thirtieth-fortieth time, the pet will finally remember the team and start it unquestioned. But you still have to repeat the passed material, otherwise the pet will again begin to water from duties.

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French is a miniature bulldog, which only in size is inferior to its larger brethren. This is a pretty popular breed, and its distribution is associated with the unpretentiousness of dogs, their compact size, and most importantly - amazingly friendly character. What should be known to the future owners of French Bulldogs?

According to history, the name of the breed is not connected with the country of its origin. In fact, the birthplace of French bulldogs is England, or rather the city of Nottingham. Initially, small bulldogs used workers to combat rodents in factories and other industries. The scientific and technical revolution led to the fact that many workers lost their jobs and went to another country, where working hands would not prevent in France. Naturally, they took their own.

And in France, they have gained popularity in a working and trading environment. And closer to the 20th century, small fortresses began to appear in noble families and gradually joined the bohemian life. Being in 2000 at 71 prevalence, today, French Bulldogs moved 50 points higher. Is it not confirmation of their world popularity?

Breed Description French Bulldog

French Bulldogs have classic signs of MOLOGO rocks, differing only by modest dimensions. Despite the size, these are powerful dogs with a compact, square case. Height males varies from 27 to 35 cm, weight - 9-14 kg, the following parameters are the following parameters - an increase from 24 to 32 cm, weight - 8-13 kg. Dogs are characterized by activity, they have developed intelligence. And one more feature is expressive, smart eyes.

Standard describes as follows the breed:

  • Like all Molles, the "French" has a large, even more massive head With folds and wrinkles, located symmetrically. There is a pronounced groove between the abrasion arcs. The occipital borger is present, but it is weak. But the transition from the frontal area to the face is clearly visible.
  • The French Bulldog has shortened topless and nasal bones, as well as the nose and the back of the nose are slightly tilted back. Mordochka ends with drinos, black, wide with a liner. It is worth noting that the shortened muzzle may cause certain breathing problems.
  • The lips are fleshy, hang a bit, painted black. Close in the middle and cover the dental row. The jaw is quite powerful, the bottom slightly is fed.
  • Eyes Large, rounded shape, with dark stroke and iris, alive expression.
  • Small thin ears - Expanded at the base, the tips are rounded. Located high, but at a sufficient distance from each other.
  • The neck is slightly short, muscular with a slight bend, there is no suspension.
  • Torchishche It is characterized by a gradual, but not too pronounced climb from the withers to the lumbar belt. All representatives of this breed have this feature.
  • The back is strong, with a well-developed muscles, turning into a short, convex lower back and a well-tilt croup.
  • Cylindrical breasts, and due to curved ribs, it looks at a barrel, with a good depth.
  • Belly touched, without sudden lines. Tail Short but successfully covered an anal hole. Direct, low landing and narrowed tip.
  • Front limb Posted by short forearms and psyms supplied vertically. The paws are reminded by the type of feline, as they are small, rounded shape, with tightly closed, black claws. The rear is stronger, long and muscular in comparison with the front. It is assigned it, which is associated with the presence of lifting. The dog moves freely, powerfully, measured.

Wool and collar

The coat of the French bulldogs is short, smooth, fits tightly to the skin, has a brilliance and does not have a roof. There are dogs of the following colors:

  1. From light-failing to redhead - with the presence of tiger or without them, with stains white color or without:

  1. Color with white spots:

Fully white individuals are encountered and the standard is allowed if they have a black eyeliner and a nose. However, they are not used for breeding, since the risk of the appearance of offspring suffering from deafness is great.

Character and features of behavior

Some features of the "French" inherited from their English ancestors, however, they are more movable, open and good-natured. They are very smart, but the owners must take into account - French Bulldogs are difficult to train. No, they are completely smart and immediately understand the desire of the owner, but do not want to fulfill the teams. The task of the moderate complexity of the Pesk will repeat, but for this it will take 30-40 times to repeat its request command.

The mind of these dogs has the direction by no means for the execution of official teams, but on high socialization. These pets can build relationships with their family, thinly catching emotions and mood. French Bulldog is a universal dog that is suitable for both a numerous family and single people, including the elderly and having physical disadvantages.

The Frenchman is a real defender, he feels when a person threatens a real danger. And this despite the seeming decorativeness and modest sizes. This is due to their initial function of the fighters of the crowds of large and evil rodents - rats. Pets of this breed are quite peaceful, distinguished by devotion and tenderness in relation to their family. They are not embarrassed by the cluster of people, and to be the focus of attention to them even impreams.

Mentally they are very stable, are not prone to panic and nothing is afraid. Some bullds are quite capricious, can be offended, but evil will not remember and almost immediately "thaw." These dogs are excellent companions and need regular communication with man. They are very playful, but also to be alone they are not alien. But long-term loneliness is carried out badly. The owners should consider that such a pet will constantly demand attention, but if the owner cannot do this at this time, he will not bother.

Dogs love to travel, so if you have the opportunity - you should not leave a pet, and it is better to take it into travelers. He will not deliver the trouble and perfectly moves the trip on any transport. The French Bulldog dislikes itself similar and extremely negatively related to cats. This is not surprising, as he himself loves her affection, attention, and the peel is difficult to accept competing. Therefore, it is desirable that he be the only pet in the house. The only exception is if the pets grow together. Such a dog is the best companion for games, so the French love children and be happy with them to cut down.

Education and training

If you do not require something difficult from a pet, even a child cope with the training of bulldog. They perfectly assimilate the main teams that are required for comfortable interaction - "sit", "nearby", etc. Rise a puppy better from the first days of his appearance in the house.

If the dog fell into the family already adults, then in this case he will be able to learn the basics of the dresser. The owner does not require special knowledge - it is enough to show perseverance, the sequence and not to give will feelings.

Buldogs very quickly get used to the toilet on the street, assimilate that it is impossible to pick up the garbage and treat other people's hands. They grow rapidly, and already a one-year-old pet will not stitch, damaging the property.


The Frenchman requires a certain attention and to the hygienic procedures of the puppy must be accepted from the first days. The coat of these dogs is easy to care, in addition, they almost do not lose and do not have a specific smell. So that the wool has shine, it is enough to handle it with a massage brush with a soft bristle, 2-3 times a week. By the way, wool is the first pet health indicator - if it has become dim, it means there are disorders in the body.

Bulldogs wash not so often - 1 time in 2-3 months or as needed. You can use both special means and baby soap. It is necessary to regularly inspect the ears of the pet and in the presence of pollution processing them with a cotton swab. Eyes are processed with a wet napkin daily.

Teeth can be called weak place In the health of the dog, they are prone to different diseases and aging. Therefore, giving a pet often bones should not. IN preventive purposes It is necessary to regularly clean the dog's teeth and give special delicacy with the cleaning effect. Claws An animal is cut regularly - in the winter period more often.

Features of feeding

The nutritionality of the diet depends on which lifestyle is a pet leads. If this is an active dog, then it must be more calorie than that of the "Domaeda". The meat should be the basis, its share in the daily rate is about 70%. Suitable products for Bulldog are low-fat beef, lamb, horse, rabbit. It can be given raw, but previously dropped.

You can also give boiled offal - liver, kidneys, scar, heart, etc. Usually the calculation of the amount of meat goes, based on the century of the pet - 20 g per 1 kg. The remaining 30% includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, greens, fermented dairy products. Porridges can be cooked from buckwheat, rice, bunch and oatmeal. They are prepared on water without salt, at the end of cooking meat and vegetable ingredients are added. It is also useful to season the dish with vegetable oils.

Milk adult pets is not recommended, since their body is poorly absorbed. But they can be treated with kefir, yoghurt, robust, cottage cheese. Vegetables are given as raw (if the pet eats them) and boiled. It is suitable for pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, etc.

Fish can enter the diet - it replaces meat, but no more often 1-2 times a week. River fish is boiled, but the sea is better to give in raw form. This food should be cleansed from bones. If the pet loves fruit, they are advised to give them a treat. In some cases, such a sweetheart is an excellent incentive for teaching a puppy.

Trying to diversify the diet of the pet, the owners can harm his health. For example, one should not give the milk and meat dish. In addition, there are a number of products that should not be in the diet of a dog:

  • potatoes (you can occasionally give boiled tubers, but only the young, the old vegetable is rich in starch, poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract);
  • flour products (bread, pasta, etc.);
  • sweets (cookies, cupcakes, candy, ice cream, etc.);
  • smoked;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • sausages;
  • bones - tubular, solid;
  • pork, fat.

Do not give pet food with spices, sauce, ketchup, fried, fatty dishes. If the owner prefers dry rations, then it must be high-quality premium feed and. If the pet suffers from food allergies, then it is worth choosing a hypoallergenic meal, which is usually produced in the ruler of the hololistic feed. Proper full nutrition is a pledge of the health and longevity of the pet.


How much is puppy

Due to the fact that this breed is quite popular, problems with the purchase of a pet will not arise. Options will be many, and any price category:

  • A puppy without documents and, as a result, without guarantees of pure breed and health, can do in 2500-3500 rubles. It is worth considering that such a dog is suitable exclusively as a pet.
  • A puppy from a nursery without a pedigree, but with the possibility of obtaining it and a guarantee of compliance with health, can be purchased for 10,000-20000 rubles.
  • The cost of "French" with documents varies from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles. It depends on the set of factors, such as the title of manufacturers, compliance with puppies standard and so on.

French Bulldog - Dog, who does not dare, merry and devoted. This is an excellent companion for travel, a friend who will look forward to the return of his master. And what will he require in return? Attention, love, affection, friendly relationship and high-quality care. This is the key to good relationship between the owner and its four-legged favorite.

French Bulldog nurseries

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg
  • Minsk

Whoever dreamed about his favorite pet behaved like a person? So he to be lying with you on soft sofa, watched TV, ran in nature, doing with you loved sports games, I was unobtrusive, but devoted friend. French bulldogs have all the best qualities inherent in dogs, but at the same time, they are endowed with their deep inner world, have an individual unique character and habits. Dogs highlight one distinctive feature Breed French Bulldog - these dogs are hard to part with their owners, changing their place of residence for some reason. For them, it becomes a genuine tragedy, which is hard to survive. Maybe therefore, they so quickly conquered the hearts of many people who had their homes.

Breed Description French Bulldog

In their appearance, our funny French are very much reminded by English fellow, although some experts claim that they have a rather complicated pedigree. Alans are mixed here - Spanish bulld-like dogs that have already disappeared. Modern French Bulldogs appeared as a result of the crossing of the bulldogs (lowered aliens from England) and local, terriers. The new breed reminded the reduced, having a standing ears of a bat, a large head, a short facet and a small increase (up to 30 cm). They have a well-developed musculature, adult animals weigh about 12 kg. Color there is a fawn, tiger, there are both redhead dogs and colors of coffee with milk.

Breed French Bulldog - character

Among the advantages of this breed of dogs they call their compactness, short wool, what they do not need to stop the tail. The French are almost no harness without any reason, as this happens often with other animals. Small sizes do not prevent them from being a fearless defender of your property and children. A good intelligence allows them to quickly memorize teams, they love walks and classes in nature, not conflicting with surrounding people and dogs on the street. Some mistresses do not tolerate the smell of "dogs". French bulldogs almost do not smell, and on this account you can be calm.

But there are also disadvantages that are also inherent in French bulldogs. They are afraid of sudden temperature differences and unpleasant drafts. In the cold season for a long walking, they are better not to take them. The tail in them is tightly adjacent to the body, you have to wipe this place with a cloth so that there are no diallos on the skin. This dog has large ears that need to be periodically visiting and clean. By the way, such ears do not give them to swim, the water can very quickly penetrate and harm. Sometimes dogs of this breed, most often at puppies, mark allergies to different stimuli. There is another drawback that will not like those who want to keep the French at night in their bedroom - they snore in a dream.

But the advantages of the nature of French bulldogs are so great that you quickly forget about the shortcomings. These creatures are simply happy when the whole family is assembly. They can play for a whole clock with the guys or fleeing quietly next to the sofa, Not disturbed the owners of trifles. It does not prevent them from being real shores of an apartment or a private house. Data data disassembled, in people very quickly, perfectly understanding who is a faithful friend, and who is not the last guest here. To the first one he will go, and ask for hands, but with the second it will cost Surgovo, rushing to the aliens. Often the French are very similar to their owner, adopting all its main features. A moving person and a bulldog energetic, sociable and joyful, but at slow households, bulldogs often become lessels and it is hard to raise them for a walk, taking off the sofa. Their owners need to remember that they started not a soft funny toy, but a living creation that good care And love can become an excellent companion and a true friend.

The French Bulldog is distinguished by an extraordinary intelligence, charm and a peculiar character. Despite small growth, this dog looks quite solid and seriously.

French Bulldog has a calm and affectionate character.

There are various versions of the origin of this breed of dogs.

The history of the origin of the French Bulldog

According to one of them, this breed has occurred from Spanish bulldogs, which no longer exists in our time. They were short-acting dogs, they were protected with their help, and also accompanied cattle. Later they took part in the battles with bulls. These dogs were very similar to today's French Bulldogs.

French bulldogs inherited a lot from their ancestors - Staroangali Bulldogs, "the other, most popular, version, whose ancestors were MOLOGO DOGs, distinguished by outstanding battle qualities. With the onset of the era of technology, in the XIX century in England an industrial crisis broke out, because machines came to replace machines. Therefore, many British were forced to emigrate to neighboring France. And as a warm memory of the Motherland, they took these faithful pings with them.

French kinologists held a great breeding work until this breed of dogs acquired today.

Features of French Bulldog.


As can be seen with the photo French Bulldog, it is a typical room small dog. It is characterized by a short face, where the flat nose and twisted wide upper lip, Tarling sharp cutters. Dogs are characterized by short standing ears that are closer to the top begin to spin. A deep furrow ending in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead serves as a separator of abnormal arcs. The presence of mini tails is the corporate difference between these dogs from others. This breed, except that, similar to ordinary bulldog. In fact, it should be, since our dog is a reduced copy of its larger fellow. The characteristic of the French Bulldog has much more advantages than minuses.

Type and color of wool

It is distinguished by rigid wool, which does not have a roofist and is characterized by a large density, density, specific glitter. In addition, it is short enough and smooth.

Color can be:

  • uniformly red, with the presence of tiger, limited white spotty;
  • tiger or fawn, with the spotting of the medium size (spots per palm and more);
  • black and white.

a) tiger color; b) black and white color

In addition, all shades of fawn, ranging from bright redhead, to dark "coffee with milk" is allowed.

Height and weight

An animal refers to a small (up to 32-35 cm in the withers), strong, muscular, with a short muzzle, dogs. Bitch, usually weigh from 8 to 12 kg, and males - from 10 to 15 kg.

How to choose a french bulldog puppy

What do you think, how many French bulldogs live? So, the life expectancy of French Bulldog is, on average, 10-12 years. Therefore, the choice of your little pet is not easy and responsible.

Before choosing a French Bulldog puppy, you need to consult with experienced specialists, to think carefully because it will live a fairly long period of time.

First you need to decide for what purpose you want to buy a dog that can serve for:

  • breed breeding;
  • participation in canine exhibitions;
  • houses and souls.

It is connected, as well, with the price of peel. Show categories puppies, Breeder are the most expensive. They will be able to become champions in the future, to be used as a good breeding material. PET category puppies are a category of companion dogs, and will bring you at home with a pleasure. They are not entrenched to breeded breeding. Such puppies are relatively cheaper than their true thoroughbred fellows. Caring for the French Bulldog puppy does not foresee some features.

If you want to choose really porn PSA.You must visit several nurseries. Experienced breeders will provide information on how the heredity of the animal, who his parents. It is desirable to examine appearance Puppy: It should be shiny, the belly is soft, skin-clean, without acne.

Care and content of French bulldogs

Such a breed of dogs is very suitable for retirees and housewives, since care for such a dog requires a lot of time.
It is a short-haired dog, so it is sensitive to cold. In this regard, in winter, in the presence of large frosts, it is desirable not to withdraw it for a walk. If you walk in the winter, try to move the dog more. The dog is very sensitive to drafts, so it is better to avoid them.

Pay special attention to the face. The presence of a wide and surrendered its shape, in summer, can lead to an overheating of the animal. In such cases, if you are traveling with him in the train, bus, car, then you need to constantly make a dog face.

The dog does not require combing wool, because it is very short. Bathtub puppy is best using the Children's Shampoos. But the water procedures should not be frequent, and in winter - to completely refuse bathing.

Dog eyes also need attention. It is necessary to remember that if the cornea begins to curb, then this is the result of the exposure to the external environment or poor nutrition.

Than feeding french bulldogs at home

Meat or by-products (35-70% of the total mass of the diet). It is recommended to give low-fat slices of beef, horseback, rabbits, lambs with a calculation of 20 grams per 1 kg of weight. Do not everyone know than feeding French bulldogs at home. So, as well as all meat, they need more meat. But not everyone can afford to do it quite often.

  1. Cereals (25-30% of the total mass of the diet). Buckwheat, yarn, rice and oatmeal are best suited.
  2. Dairy products (25-30% of the total mass of the diet). It is not recommended to give milk, but only the innocent prostrip, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  3. Vegetables (10-20% of the total mass of the diet). Best of all, in porridge add cabbage, pumpkin, pepper, beets, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini.
  4. A fish. Suitable both river and sea. Moreover, the river - it is necessary to freeze or boil, and the sea - you can give raw, frozen or boiled.
  5. Fruits. They are most often used during training, as a promotion.

a) buckwheat porridge; b) low-fat meat

How many french bulldogs live

Over time, the owners of the pieces of this breed begins to be interested in the question: how many pets can live?

Statistics says on average, most dogs live 10-12 years old. There are individuals, the life expectancy of which is more than 15 years!

Although, it is well known that the smaller the dog car, the longer it can live. But this rule does not apply to our little French friend. Why?

The fact is that:

  • Although the dog is small, but he is still a bulldog, and they all live long.
  • The presence of a shortened muzzle negatively affects the respiratory and cardiovascular system, which also shortens life.
  • Training and upbringing French bulldogs

Before the training of French Bulldog, you need to get acquainted with the history of the breed, the features of her pets.

After that, proceed to the upbringing process, while observing the elementary rules:
  1. give to understand the peel that in the learning process he is obliged to fulfill your teams;
  2. it is impossible to interrupt training if the dog begins to show his stubbornness;
  3. the lesson should last as much as you think fit. One should never interrupt training due to the fact that the dog no longer wants to do;
  4. use, the so-called "contrasting method" of the impact, which foresees how encouraging and punishment;
  5. it is forbidden, as a punishment, beat the PSA, since a intangible animal can bite, spoil things, perform other inadequate actions;
  6. if your pet will fulfill all your requirements, then you must encourage it.

French Bulldog (Fr. Bouledogue Français) - a breed of dogs with a lot of prejudice. However, for those who are familiar with the many years of history of these dogs, these are wonderful pets and wonderful companions.

Breed history

Ancestors of modern French breed bulldogs is the ancient Greek breed of dogs Molossa. Phoenician traders in ancient times contributed to the spread of its representatives around the world. Subsequently, Molley reached England, and thanks to them there were such dogs like bulldogs. They were used to participate in the popular games with bulls. However, in 1835, these bloody games were banned in England, and the bulldogs became "unemployed." Previously (until 1800), they were already bred for other purposes, and so the breed was translated into category fight dogs. Some breed representatives were crossed with terriers, as a result, there were smaller dogs.

As of 1850, the so-called "toy bulldogs" were so popular that they became participants in official exhibitions. In the early 1860s, the requirements for them changed - allowed dogs weighing 3-5 kg, contrary to the previously existing frameworks (not lower than 5.4 kg). Nevertheless, after the industrial coup, many English entrepreneurs remain without work and move in Normandia (France).

They brought with them many dogs, including Bulldogs of the English. Those gradually won popularity in France, and there began trade in such animals. Soon they began to unite them in a separate breed and gave it the name "French Bulldog". Dogs were originally gained great popularity among Paris Curtains, artists, writers and designers. These bulldogs were then crossed with terriers and pugs, and the puppies received from them sticking ears and round eyes.

Fashion Characteristics French Bulldog

Each French Bulldog should be a muscular dog with a wide bone, smooth wool, compact and medium in size to the physique.

Family of French Bulldogs. Photo by: Andres R photography.

Officially recognized colors of this breed - a tiger or fawn. White marks must also be present. Allowed miscellaneous Square Plots with white wool. Marks can be either insignificant and occupy more than half of the body surface. The ICF and divides the breed of French bulldogs by two varieties, and both are based on these properties of the color: 1st, so-called, "with minor white marks", 2nd - "with an average or prevailing amount of white."

The skin of the representative of the breed must be soft and flawed, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head and shoulders, thereby forming folds.

Wool - shiny, thick, short and smooth.

The muzzle should be flat and have a square shape with a slightly rounded ends. Between your eyes there is a slight recess. The muscles of the cheeks have a big dog. The nose of French Bulldog should be very short, have broad nostrils and a clear line between them. The nose and lips of the black dog (the exception is individuals with the prevailing white color - they are allowed brighter shades). The lips should be thick and wide, reach the lower jaw and cover your teeth that cannot be visible when the dog closes the mouth. The representatives of the representative must be far from the ears and from each other, being round and have a dark color.

Bulldog French. Photo by: Andres R photography.

Ears are wide at the base, elongated, with a rounded tip.

Torch and limb

The front paws of the representative of the breed must be short, thick, straight and muscular. The body is a short, expanding shoulders and tapering on the tail. Breasts - wide, with large ribs. The rear paws must be muscular and longer than the front - so that the scope of the groin is located above the shoulders.

The tail is straight, short, non-sticking, thick at the base and tapering at the end.

French Bulldog - Juvenal. Photo by: Andres R photography.

Puppies and training

French Bulldog, like many other breeds, requires constant contact with people. Puppies are very active, adults are more calm. This ps practically does not need additional games, but for him there are mandatory daily physical exercises. Owners of Brachicephalov (French bulldogs with shortened muzzles) need to know that these dogs cannot live in the open air. Massive bodies and difficulty breathing significantly reduces their ability to adjust their own temperature. A typical problem For the breed is also swimming. Consequently, during the heat you need not to drag French bulldog into the bath or on the river, but to take other measures.

Care and content of French bulldogs

Wool of such a dog practically does not require any combing. They need to bathe them no more than 4 times a year. In general, the care of the French Bulldog will be easy for its owner.

French Bulldog overshadows Labrador. Photo by Michiyo Roch.

Psychological portrait of French Bulldog

Such dogs are excellent companions. They rarely go and do it only to draw attention or show that they are sad. Representatives of the breed are also very patient and relate well to children. Moreover, French Bulldog can be safely left alone with a child without fearing the life and health of the offspring.

Bulldog French B. home interior. Photo by Raul Garcia.

Dimensions and weight of French Bulldog

Weight: Male - 10-15 kg, bitch - 9-12 kg

Height: Male - 30-38 cm, bitch - 28-35 cm

Aristova Maria