
The phenomenon of the Virgin on Mount Athos 30.12 16. The miracle of the light-painted image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Russian in Athos Holy Panteleimon monastery

All about the lawn

The great gates of the monastery gathered a crowd of poor monks sommodahov and pious wanderers. Data is preserved that about 600-800 people received bread pellets from the hands of the monks - Darks. In the urgent days for alms to monastic gates, they began to come, unsubstantiated, unsubstantiated people. On August 14, the Monastery received a letter from the cinema, which expressed discontent with respect to the "useless" and "harmful", in his opinion, alms. Higher Sacred Management of the Holy Mountain demanded that the monastery of Holy Panteleimonov monastery abolish the distribution of alms and find a more acceptable and unusual assistance form. In the message, in particular, it was said:

"The applied gospel of the alms is only then enjoyable and courtesy of God, when it is served in mind - people who are worthy of alms and in need. Given to people who are unworthy of lovers of alms and which only for this visit and live. Here, then such a submission of alms becomes harm. "

On August 21, 1903, smoothly a week after receiving the film writing, the monks of the Russian monastery decided to keep the tradition and distribute to alms, and already read the content of the letter from the cinema attend. At this time, as usual, the main ports have already gathered in anticipation of alms hundreds of needy and wandering people. During the distribution of the cities of Hieromona, Gabriel took a photograph on which the image of Our Lady was manifested, humbly received alms together with other shelters. Looking at an unusual picture, the monks immediately remembered the story of Inok Sevastian, heard from the porter, as if "One Dainnik saw several times a woman with a distribution of the cherks." Some of the devotee, who also seen the wondrous virgin virgin among the poor monks and the petitioners of alms, wanted to say the gatekeeper, but no one seen her on the very day of photographing.

Tropean phenomenon of the Most of the Virgin Little Little Little

Prech the face of yours is twisted, the good, the seeker of the concept of us, Mother of God, the will of B. Blagovolivoli's will be among the brethren, and savage from sorrow, they gathered them. Those more thank yelling: the joy of being performed by all, the preching devo, entrusted to your intercession.

Kondak phenomenon of the Most of the Virgin Little Little

The inener and blessness of yours to the person of watching, the purest cherub and the sorry without comparison of Seraphim. And the image of your browned, and self-disabilities, witness to your inevitable Luzva and Mercy, read that extensively.

Russian on Athos St. Panteleimonova Monastery (August 21 / September 3, 1903) during the distribution of alms is the action of the Mother of God's Mother of His lot in the fulfillment of these wonderful events, and is in an inseparable chain of such wonderful events that were at different times of the history of Athos .

A feature of all of these wonderful events is that the Most Holy Mother of God identified the effect of its industry significantly - the phenomenon of a new miraculous icon. So it was during the phenomenon of Mother of God pre. Afanasia Aconas, who, without preparing the tests, unwell remarked to leave Athos. Waving him, the Most Holy Alling of the Holy Mountain turned him out of this, recalling that herself was stirred about all the needs of the monastery and is not only needy, but also to Economicia. Reminds us about this phenomenon of icon of the Great Lavra iconomissa. It is noteworthy that prep. Athanasius did not find out at first the Blessed Virgin Mary, and only after the wonderful location of the water from the stone, understood who would have to. In the watpiece monastery, the Mother of God took over the duties of Dukhiardi (that is, the storekeeper), as evidenced by the miraculous dohling icon. In Iveron, the Most Holy Virgo announced that herself was the custodian of his lot, the visible sign of what the Iversk icon is.

But not only about the world's favor of the state of the statements of his fourth, the Most Holy Mother of God, the most about the dating spiritual, about which memory is also preserved in many miraculous icons. So now, the Most Holy Quantity appeared to make sure his frequent industrial and to fulfill one of his promises - to be not only a healer, the Nutrient and the mentor of his inkon, but also a permitter in various misunderstandings and temptations. The essence of this misunderstanding was that the Saint Mountain, the Saint Mountain banned the Russian Svyatogorsk Resident to distribute alms in the form of benefits for needy kellotov. The abode could not fulfill this requirement. Almighty to all the poor statements of Athon of different nationalities and, in particular, the support of Russian deserters - were the commandment of the great elders of the Russian Saint-Core monastery of Jerome and Makaria. Ugassed at the end of the 18th century because of Petrovsky reforms and russian-Turkish wars, and quite lost for Russian monastics, the monastery was restored and returned to Russian statements, who did not have more than his refuge on Athos, according to the only mercy of God, which obligated its inkons to alms and support in need. The abode performed this commandment on all the days of his being, both during wealth and during the need.

In the time described, the nearest student and Assistant Iguman Makaria Schirchimandrite Andrei (Verevkin) - the faithful follower of the covenants of his great elders. Especially about. Andrei jealous about alms. Having received a letter to Protat on the prohibition of the distribution of alms with the poor samples and Kelliotm, he gathered the Cathedral of Startians the monastery for the adoption of a general decision. However, opinions on the cathedral were divided. Most fathers were considered impossible to leave alms and violating the blessing of the elders of Jerome and Makaria. Dissatisfied, taking advantage of a letter from Protata, asked to immediately stop how they considered "waste" treasury. After listening to everyone, Father Andrei, leaning on the will God's Mother, I ordered the time to hold all the distribution of alms for the last time, despite the ban, for the sake of poor sommodahov, who did not know anything about this circumstance.

During the last distribution of alms, a photo was taken, on which the image of the Mother of God was manifested in the monota robe suitable for the alignment. Common surprise and glory covered all - and the monastery of the monastery and poor Kellirov. Myself o. Andrei after an obvious miracle considered the issue exhausted. The Cathedral requested Jeroshimonach Agafodor to make a reporting in the kinot of the Holy Mount on the wonderful event, with the photo app, and with the past to continue to give alms, which was fulfilled. The answer from the cinema did not follow. Almighty was not canceled, but continued even in the most difficult for the abode of times, and was witnessed by a new miracle.

After the start of the First World War and the rupture of relations with the Fatherland, the Afonov Russian monastery (and the Greek, too) fell into great need, especially lacked food, and sodahi was poorly disagreeed - poor wandering wilderness. Monk Sergius (Tokarev) headed then distributing free soldering flour to poor deserts. Possessing a kind heart and seeing the grievous position of Syromanov, he could not refuse the request for the premium of a handful of flour. Distribution approached the end. In rush work about. Sergius did not pay attention to the amount remaining in the grats released for poor flour. When the last ink deserter received his share, then only about. Sergius looked there, where there was a flour, hoping to find lari empty. But they were full, as they were at the beginning of the distribution.

With his phenomenon, the Most Holy Mother of God supported the Russian Svyatogorsk Resident in virtues, comforted the deserters and silently entered the elders of the cinema, made her supreme needle and witnessed the insensibility of their industrial.

According to the current Iguman of the Afonovian St. Panteleimonov Monastery of the Schi-archimandrite of Jeremiah, it was the alms and loyalty to the covenants of the elders who kept the abode in the grave times of the 20th century, it was the alms that would become a barely, who did not give the Russian lamp on Athos to sharpen.

Not so long ago, in Russian in Athos, the original negative of the miraculous light-painted image of the Most Holy Mother of God, who recorded in 1903 the phenomenon of the Mother of God, was also acquired in Athos Holy Panteleimmon Monastery. The negative was found during work with the old photographer of the monastery. This discovery after more than 110 years later, without a doubt, can be considered a miracle, given all the distinguished circumstances, comprehended by the Russian Svyatogorsk Resident in the age time interval. Many negatives died during the fires of 1968, some part fell into private collections. Find this valuable relic after so many years of decline was not even hope.

According to Hegumen Russian on Athos Holy Panteleimonov Monastery of Schirchimandrite Jeremiah (Alekhina), "The acquisition of negative - the primitiveness of the Sveta-written Icons of the Mother of God, is the mercy of the Most Holy Mother of God, testifying that the Athos Unwellness to the monastery and takes a sacrament of her inhabitants."

About the committed miracle was reported to all the brethren for consolation and strengthening in a feat. On the occasion of this wonderful event in the Russian Svyatogorsk monastery, thanksgiving prayers for the Most Holy Mother of God were raised, and the monasses of the monastery and those present pilgrims were distributed photographs made from the 1903 acquired negative.

Saint Athos is revered in the Orthodox tradition as the earthly pit of the Virgin. According to legend, the prechy maiden took the holy mountain under its special patronage.

In 667, the pious ink, Rev. Peter Athonsky saw in a subtle dream of the Virgin Mary, who was exclaimed: "The Athos Mountain is MY MAY, from my son and God to me to remove from the world and choose a mobilical life for their forces, my name is my name Calling with faith and love from the soul, there lived their life without sadness and for their godly affairs would have received the life of the eternal. " It is not by chance that it was on Athos who were excited by many of the miraculous icons of the Virgin ...

The Iversky Monastery is the house icons of the patroness of the Holy Mountain of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Iverskaya - goalkeepers (Portiatitis).

The first news about it belongs to the IX century - the times of iconocrust, when, on the orders of heretical power in houses and temples, they destroyed and betrayed the holy icons. A certain piety widow, who lived near Nice, kept the cherished image of Our Lady. It soon opened. The arrived armed warriors wanted to take an icon, one of them hit the shrine with a spear, and blood flowed from the face. With tears praying to Vladychitsa, the woman went to the sea and lowered the icon into the water; The image of standing moved along the waves.

Two centuries, the monks of the Greek Iversky Monastery on Athos saw an icon supported by a fiery pillar. Rev. Gabriel Svyatogorets, having received an indication of the Virgin from the Virgin, walking on the water and brought the icon to the cafolic, but in the morning it was discovered over the gate of the monastery. Tradition reports that it happened so repeatedly. The Most Holy Mother of God, who appears. Gabriel, explained that no monks should guard the icon, but she is guarding the monastery. After that, the icon was placed above the gates of the monastery and got the name "goalkeeper", and on behalf of the abode - the Iversky Monastery - she received the name of the Iverskaya.

According to legend, the phenomenon of the icon was made on March 31, on Tuesday of the Easter Week (for other information, on April 27). In the Iversky Monastery, the celebration in her honor is held on Tuesday Light Sedmians; Brachia S. procession Going to the sea, where an old man of Gabriel took the icon.

Icon of the Mother of God "Trikeruss"

In the Russian tradition, this icon is called "Troochitsy". Icon is located in the Hilalyndar monastery on Athos.

The image was the personal icon of St. John Damascus. In the period of the iconocration of the Holy, defending the icons, wrote the emperor-iconoborets to Leon III Isavro. The same to justify himself, slandered him in front of the Sracinsky Prince, who ordered to cut off his holy hand. The Saint John with the uncontrolled brush came to the icon of Our Lady, who was at his house, and asked him to heal him. The brush miraculously collapsed and saint John in memory of this miracle attracted a brush of silver to the icon. In this form, the icon is also understood.

The image was in the abode in the name of Saint Savva until the XIII century, when it was brought by another Saint Savve, Archbishop Serbian. At the invasion, the Orthodox Agaryan, wanting to save the icon, they laid it on the donkey and let it be without a self-esteem. With precious swing, he himself reached the holy Mount Athos and stopped at the gate of the Holelyndar Monastery. Local Inaks took the icon as a great gift, and the donkey began to make a negligence annually.

Once in the Hilalyndar Monastery, the old hegumen was soil. The elections of the new were summoned among the brethren of discord. And then the Mother of God, who appeared to one to the recovery, announced that henceforth he would have brazening the monastery. As a sign of this, the "Troochitsy" stood in the altar of the monastery cathedral was miraculously moved by the air to the middle of the temple, to Igumenskaya. Since then, the Holyandarkan monastery is managed by the sacred-governor, standing during the services of the Igumenskaya sector, where the image of Troyoulist is stored - IMEGENIA TO THESE CONSTRUCTION. Inkoki is taken from it, applying to the icon, as if from Ihuman.

The icon of the Mother of God "worthy is"

The shrine is located in the Assumption Church of the Administrative Center of the Holy Afonov Mountain - Kageri.

According to legend, in the x century in the cave near the kagery, some old man saccharged with a novice. Once Under Sunday, June 11, 982, the elder went to the monastery on vigil vigil, the novice stayed at home. Late night in the celia knocked an unknown ink. The novice stranger bowed, gave the water from the road, offered to relax in the cell. Together with the guest, they began to sing psalms and prayers. However, during the singing of the words "honest cherub", the mysterious guest unexpectedly noticed that in their places they sing this song: adding to the "honest" words "worthy there, I will truly truly Bunity, the Mother of God, the courtesy and the presets, and the mother of our God " And when the Inok began to sing these words, then the Icon of the Mother of God "The Milver", which was standing in the cell, suddenly excommunicated the mysterious light, and the novice felt suddenly a special joy and buried out of the dignity. He asked the guest to record wondrous words, and he draws their finger on a stone slab, softening under his hand like wax. After that, the guest, who called himself a humble Gabriel, suddenly disappeared. Icon continued to shine the mysterious light. The perception was waiting for the elder, he told him about the mysterious stranger and showed a stone slab with the words of prayer. Spiritually experienced old man immediately realized that the Archangel Gabriel came to Keliya, sent to Earth, in order to heal the wonderful song in the name of God's Mother. Since then, the angelic song "is worthy ..." Soon during every divine liturgium around the world - wherever there is at least one Orthodox throne or at least one Orthodox Christian lives.

Icon of the Mother of God "Gerontisa"

In Russian tradition, this icon is called "Staritsa". The shrine is stored in the monastery Patnocrator. One of the most revered on Athos.

According to an ancient legend, the first miracle from this icon occurred during the construction of the future monastery, which began approximately in five hundred meters from modern buildings. One night and the icon, and all the tools of builders were disappeared, and in the morning there were found at the site of the current location of the monastery. So repeated several times, and then people realized that the Most Holy Lady elected the place to disappoint her abode.

In different years, a lot of miracles were revealed from the "Gerontisss" icon. Stretcher-Igumen Resident, who received a revelation about his soon of the reference, designed before his death, coming around the Saints of Christ Tyne and humbly asked the priest's employee to hurry with the commission of Divine Liturgy. However, he did not make a request of the elder. Then, from the miraculous image who was in the altar, the Terrible Glow, who had the priest immediately fulfill the desire of Hegumen immediately. He communioned by Umrew, and he immediately moved peacefully to the Lord. It was after this miracle of the icon, as a patronage of older, and got the name "Gerontiss".

In the XI century, during the attack of Saracin on the monastery, the following happened: one of them wanted to split the icon into parts to blaspheme his tube, but at the same instant he had lost sight. Then the barbarians threw the image into the well, where he stayed over 80 years. Before his death, blinded for the audacity of Saracin repented and commanded his households to re-visit the Holy Athos and specify the place where the icon is located. The shrine was acquired and honored in the Cathedral Church of the monastery.

Icon of Our Lady "Spearness"

Icon is written on the Holy Mount Athos and is kept in the Dohir monastery, in which his gracious power was revealed.

The legend refers the time of its writing to X century, by the time of the abbot of the monastery of St. Neophyte. In 1664, the Tuppezar Neil, passing at night in a refectory with a burning lady, heard from the image of the Mother of God, hanging over the door, a voice calling him to continue here and not to smoke the icon. The monk thought that this was a joke of any brother, neglected the sign and continued to go to the refectory with the smoking rays. Suddenly he is blind. In bitter repentance prayed Neal before the icon of the Mother of God, begging for forgiveness. And again heard a wonderful voice that felt about forgiveness and return and ordering to build all the brethren: "Since this will be referred to as the Sia Icon of Icon Suspended, because I will defend everyone who runs to her, I will be mercy and the fulfillment of the past."

Soon the miraculous icon became known throughout Athos. Numerous crowds of monok and pilgrims flocked on the worship of the shrine.

Through the icon there were many wonders and healings. Many suffering got a get rid of obsession and infantlessness.

Holy Deva helped avoid shipwreck and captivity. The Most Holy Mother of God fulfilled and now fulfills his promise - it is an ambulance and consolation to everyone, with faith to it flowing.

Near the icons worth twenty lampades. Six of them are restless, they donated to Christians in memory of wonderful healings. The firings also add the suffering that have gone rid of the ailments due to the help of the Mother of God. And in 1783, the icon was entrusted with a Srebochastic Riza. She made Russian benefactors.

In Russia, we have always enjoyed great love and reading lists with the miraculous Athos Icons "Spear Silver". Many of them became famous for wonders. Particularly noted cases of healing from the pack of illness and the launion.

Icon of the Virgin "Sweet Lobzia"

Sweet lobsia (GlycoFiluss), miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin. It is referred to as if the Mother of God is depicted on her the publizing baby of Christ, belongs to legend, to one of the 70 icons written by the evangelist onion. Located in the Philofeev Monastery on Athos.

Icon became famous in the times of the iconocration. She belonged to the pious woman Victoria, the wife of some kind of Simeon Patricia. Victoria with a danger to the life of the honor and kept her in her room. The husband demanded that she would burn the icon, but the woman chose to put it into the sea. Icon appeared on the shore before the Philifean monastery. Hegumen and brethren made it to the Cathedral Temple. Since then, and Dynam on Monday, Easter is made from the monastery of the procession to the place of the phenomenon of the icon.

The following story is connected with this miraculous icon. During the German occupation of Greece, wheat stocks in the monastery of Rev. Philof Was on the outcome, and the fathers decided to stop taking visitors. One pious old man Savva was saddened by this and began to ask for the Council of the Startians the monastery not to do this, because they would tear the Christ and the monastery will lose their blessing. He was obeyed. However, after once, when the stocks of bread practically dried out, the elder began to displays with ukrai. Savva answered them: "Do not lose hope on GlycoFilus. Check the remaining twenty-five OKAD, bake bread from them and distribute it to the brethren and the laity, and God, as good father, will take care of all of us. " After some time, the ship moored the pier of the monastery, and the captain offered to exchange wheat, which he was driving on firewood. Monks, seeing the obvious fishery of the Mother of God, who, as a kind mother, took care of his children, glorified God and God's Mother. Miracles and today are made from this icon.

Icon of the Virgin "All Communion"

Miraculous icon of "All Commissal" (Pantanass) is located in the cafolicon watopad

The image was written in the XVII century and was the blessing of Joseph Isihast famous on Athos as his students. The story of the elder about this icon has been preserved. In the twentieth century, a strange young man appeared in front of the icon of the Mother of God. He stood something vaguely mumbling. And suddenly the face of the Mother of God flashed, like lightning, and some invisible power threw a young man to the ground. Only he came to himself, as he immediately set off to confess the fathers with tears in his eyes, that he lived far from God, engaged in magic and came to the monastery to test his power on holy icons. The miraculous intervention of the Virgin convinced the young man to change his life and become pious. He healed from mental illness and then stayed on Athos. So this icon first showed his miraculous power On a man, obsessed demons.

Later began to notice that this icon has beneficial influence And on patients with various malignant tumors. In the twentieth century, she was first written off by the Greek monk and gradually became known all over the world as a healer of cancer. The name of the icon itself is a dispatch, BSE-Lady - speaks of its special, comprehensive strength. For the first time, heavily, his miraculous power against the magical spell (and after all, the wicked, passion for magic and other occult "sciences" spread Christian peace Like a cancerous tumor), the Allbitsa has grace to heal the most terrible of contemporary humanity.

Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal"

The icon of the Mother of God "Mammal" is a holyrak monastery on Athos. The form depicts the Most High Deva, nursing the breast of the Boggob

Initially, the image was in the Lavra of Rev. Sava consecrated near Jerusalem. The Holy Founder of the Lavra, at the end, predicted the brotherhood that the Lavra will visit the pilgrim from Serbia Savva, and commanded to transfer him to the blessing miraculous icon. This happened in the XIII century. Sava Serbsky, Savwa, brought an icon to the Hilalyndar monastery on Athos and put it on the right side of the iconostasis, in the church in the Karean Kelly, subsequently called Tipicarica, since the Charter of St. Savva was kept.

Theological meaning of the holy image is very deep: "The mother feeds the Son, the same she nourishes our souls, as well as God feeds us" Pure verbal milk Words of God (1 Peter 2.2), so that we, ryy, go from the food of the milk to solid (Heb. 5,12)

On the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mammall, the mammal depicted the sun and the moon with appropriate inscriptions. The image is sometimes found in the mirror image and with another symbolism. There are several miraculous lists, each of which has survived written and oral traditions. So, in Russia the image found in 1650 in the village of Crossogorsk near Minsk was famous. In the middle of the XIX century. - In 1848 - another list of the icon "Mammal" was famous, brought to Russia Schimonach Ilyinsky Skit on Athos Ignatius. He was sent to Russia to collect donations and was blessed in the path of this icon. In Kharkov, the first miracle was revealed from her - the stoolear who corrected the kyot of the icon without proper reverence, their hands were taken away. Repentant prayers from the brought image brought healing, and the first miracle followed many others: in Yelets, Zadonsk, Tula, Moscow ...

Icon of the Watopadian Mother of Mother "Otrada", or "consolation"

The image of the Mother of God "Otrada" ("paramyphia") is located in the Watopedian monastery.

The name Watopedskaya was obtained from the fact that in 390, Nambros, opposite the Holy Mountain, fell into the sea from the ship, Junior Tsarevich Arkady, the son of Emperor Feodosia Great, and the wonderful intercession of the Mother of God was transferred to the coast and unharmed. Here the next morning found him sleeping deep, calm bed Under a dense bush, not far from the destroyed Annunciation Cathedral. From this event, the name "Watoped" ("Bust of Exchange") occurred. The Emperor Feodosius in gratitude for the wonderful deliverance of the son, instead of the destroyed monastery, a new temple, where the altar was at that very place where the saved young man was found.

The history of this image is associated with the events that happened on January 21, 807. Robbing Shaka, who decided to rob the watopedic monastery, landed in the dark ashore, hid in the vicinity of the monastery, intending to wait for the opening of the monastery. At the time when the robbers were waiting for the opening of the gate, the morning and brethren ended in the cells for temporary rest. One abbot of the monastery remained in the church. Suddenly, from standing near the icon of the mother of God, he heard a female voice warning about the danger that threatened the monastery. Hegumen rushed his eyes to the icon and saw that the Licks of the Virgin and the Bogomladse were changed. Watopedic icon was similar to "odigitria", on which the Godhead is always depicted with a blessing hand. And now Iguumen sees how Jesus raised his hand, scaring the mouth of the Virgin, with the words: "No, my mother, do not tell them this: let them give their own sins." But the Mother of God, evading his hand, twice said the same words: "Do not rejected the gates of the monastery, and climb the walls of the monastery and worry the robbers." The amazed Igumen immediately gathered her brotherhood. Everyone was amazed by changing the outline icons. After a grateful prayer before saint, the inspired Inki climbed into monastic walls and successfully reflected the attack of robbers.

Since that time, the miraculous icon was named "Otrada", or "consolation". The outlines of the icons remained the same as during the warning said to Igumen: the Mother of God ran away from the simplest Drain of Jesus Christ.

The icon was decorated with a sober-excited rhea and placed in the church, built on the choir of the cathedral. In this place, the icon remains to this day. In memory of the miracle in the Church of the Mother of God "Otrada", there is a lead of the monks and the thanksgiving prayer singing of Our Lady before the miraculous icon.

It is unlikely that there is at least one person in the world who did not hear about the Virgin Mary. From the first days after its Assumption and to this day, the Most Holy Virgin Mary helps Christians. According to the Holy Scriptures, the Mother of God, who appears on the Apostles on the third day after his Assumption, told them: "Rejoice, I will be all the days with you."

It is noted that the phenomena of the Virgin Most often coincide with some coming catastrophes, wars and other large-scale disasters.

Virgin Mary as if warns people about danger. Most often it appears in the form of a lung, as if woven from the haze female silhouette. According to church writings, crucified on the cross Jesus handed her mother to the care of John the Theologian, his beloved student, and all of humanity - the Most Holy Virgin.

There is an opinion that the Virgin is not everyone, but only to those who love deeply and listen to her advice. Of course, this is a divine miracle, like all other miracles, exposed to criticism and disbelief of skeptics. But be that as it may, there were cases when Divine help contributed to the salvation of people.

In Latin America, the most revered shrine is the delicious image of the Virgin Mary Gwad-Lupe. She is considered the patroness of both Americas and is called: "Our Señora Guadeloupe." It all started in December 1531, when the 17-year-old Indian Juan Diego, walking on the morning mass past the Hill Tepeak, heard someone's singing on top.

Having rummaged to the hill, the young man saw a young woman who was more like his tribesmen than in Spaniard. The woman was as if inside a shining cloud. She introduced himself as Mother of God. Four days in a row was the Virgin Juan Diego, turning to the young man as a request, in order for this hill the church, where everyone could read her son - Jesus Christ.

However, the priests decided that the young man simply fasses, because the Indians, as the Spaniards considered, there is no soul, it means that the Virgin Mary cannot appear.

Then Virgo Mary ordered the Indian to collect flowers on the rocky hill. The young man obviously obeyed, though he knew well that nothing grows there. And suddenly he saw pink bushgrowing right on the stone. "Here is my sign," said Virgo Maria. - Take these roses, wrap in your cape and take the bishop. This time he will believe you. "

When Juan Diego turned his cloak before the bishop, then all those present fell on his knees: the image of the Blessed Virgin was captured on the tissue of the raincoat. After that, six million Indians accepted Christianity. So the baptism of Latin America took place.

"I am immaculate conception"

The small town of Lourdes, located in the south-west of France, was widely known in 1858 thanks to the 14-year-old girl Bernette Subit. It was she who honored to be a witness of the whole 18 (!) The phenomena of the Virgin Mary. In the cold February of 1858, Bernadetta and other children were collected in a grove branch for extras.

To get to the deposits of the branches, they had to move the stream. When Bernadett came to the other coast, she heard the noise similar to the wind noise, and near her gaze who had opened her gaze saw a lady in a white dress, the feet of which were scattered yellow roses. Surprisingly, no one else saw anything.

This time the girl did not dare to talk with a stranger, she decided that this is a ghost of a recently deceased village resident. Despite fear, she was drawn to the throat, and she came there again and again. Now the girl has already understood that the Virgin Mary is, who asks her to pray for sinners. In one of his phenomena, the Mother of God gave Bernette the order: "Go to priests and tell me: I want to build a chapel here."

But the priests took stories for empty fictions, and the girl was completely crazy. Only her confessor asked to find out the name of the woman. And the Mother of God replied: "I am immaculate conception." When the girl handed him these words, the priest was amazed to the depths of the soul.

Bernadetta could not know that shortly before the described events of Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the immaculate conception of the Most Holy Virgin. Yes, and the servants themselves used to use the expression "sinless conception." And this meant that the girl really communicates with the Virgin Mary.

God's mother showed Bernette and the miraculous source to which millions of people subsequently began to flow. Only in the first year this source had five officially certified healings. Later, Bernadetta became a nun under the name Maria Bernard and died at the age of 35. Already in 1933, it was counted for the face of the Saints Catholic Church.

Before admitting it to Holy, representatives of the Catholic Church opened three times the grave. Witnesses of exhumation were not only priests, but also doctors, as well as other respected members of society. And every time they were all convinced: Bernadetta's body sussu is not touched by decomposition. On the site of the phenomenon of the Virgin, the temple was built, and Lourdes now attend about five million pilgrims per year.

Fatimo miracle

Perhaps the most significant and well-known series of phenomena of the Mother of God began in May 1917 in the Portuguese city of Fatima.

First, Mary Mary was three children: Lusie, Jasinta and Francischka, who played in the field near the house. She asked whether they were ready to become chosen by the Lord to redeem an insult and blasphemy inflamed. Those with delight agreed.

Leaving, she punished the children to pray daily about the world and saving sinners and ordered to come to the meeting place in the thirteenth day of each month. The guys told about all parents, and those in turn neighbors. And already on the 13th of the next month, children accompanied about 60 people.

It must be said that no one saw the Mother of God, except for these three guys, nevertheless, with each month of people on the field became more and more.

In Fatima from all over the world, pilgrims began to flow. Two days before October 13, all roads leading to the city were clogged with wagons and hiking. Waiting for the phenomena of the Virgin Mary, people, and there were about 70 thousand, they slept on Earth, despite the October cold rain, which had already lighted for three days.

All faded to the thread. At noon, all those present dropped to her knees, despite the dirt and puddles. Lucia, seeing the Virgin, exclaimed: "Here it is!", And everyone saw how children enveloped a light white cloud. It rose three times and again lowered for children.

Then the eyewitnesses were told that suddenly the rain stopped, the sun looked out, but his appearance was strange: a disc, surrounded by a radiant crown, which could be looked without finding.

In the eyes of all the sun, first spinned, like a huge fire wheel, scattering multicolored bright flashes in all sides, then it would be separated from the sky and the spiral began to descend down, radiating warmth. This dance of the Sun continued at least ten minutes and was visible for many kilometers from Fatima.

When it all ended, people were surprised to find that their clothes suddenly dried. It was the last phenomenon of the Virgin Children.

Virgo Maria left them three predictions, the last of which was revealed quite recently. The first and second were made public to resolve Pope XII in 1942. In one it was said about the upcoming war, which will take millions of lives (apparently, was in mind the second world War). The second prophecy concerned Russia, which should devote his heart to the Virgin Mary, so that the world and peace came to replace the chaos in the country.

But the third message for a long time remained secret for seven seals. Only in 2000, Pope John Paul II opened the veil: it concerned the attempt on his life. And indeed, in 1981, a Turkish terrorist shot in John Paul II.

But this is not all: presumably, the third message also contains information on the further tragic fate of the Catholic Church. It seems that church hierarchs prefer to hide it in order not to cause excitement among believers.

On the roads of war

Immediately after the invasion of Hitler's troops into the USSR territory, Patriarch Antioch Alexander III accepted a pickup and retired in the dungeon, which kept the icon of the Mother of God. Without food, water and sleep, he prayed for help for Russia.

After three days, Virgo Maria came to him and said: "Temples, monasteries, spiritual academies and seminars should be opened throughout the country. Priests must be returned from the fronts and issued from prisons. They should start serving. Leningrad can not pass! Let the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God derive and bring it to the congestion around the city, then no enemy stops on the holy land. Before the Kazan Icon, you need to make a prayer service and in Moscow, then she must arrive in Stalingrad. Kazan icon should go with troops to the borders of Russia. "

Surprisingly, Stalin won these words. He promised to Metropolitans Alexia and Sergia any assistance. Icon of the Kazan Mother of God was made from Vladimir Cathedral, she was carried by the congestion around Leningrad, and the city survived.

According to some reports, the plane controlled by the Picture of Stalin, shelted and around the defendant Moscow with a miraculous Kazan way on board. Few people know that the Stalingrad battle began prayer. Then the icon was standing among our troops on the right bank of the Volga, and the Germans could not move the river, how much effort was given.

Phenomenon in Chernobyl

The abbot of the Holy Ilinsk church Nikolai Yakushin says: "The rainy spring in the evening in the sky over Chernobyl, many citizens saw in an extraordinary shine female silhouette, descending from the rain clouds. At certain times, the rain is completely bought and an extraordinary silence has come. Witnesses of phenomena with fear understood that something particularly important was happening relating to the city itself.

From an unclear silhouette, the image similar to the image of the Virgin in the form of oranges gradually became clearly visible.

The townspeople saw a bundle of dry grass in the hands of the Virgin, which she dropped, grass fell and flew over wet earth. In May, when everything else begins to be green, blooming and blossoming, the dried grass is practically not found.

And here on earth in large quantities It turned out to be dry stems of grass, called Chernobyl. At one time, the radiance moved to the Holy Ilinskiy church, and the Holy Deva two hands blessed God's temple. The vision is also suddenly, as it appeared. "

Then the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary was interpreted in its own way: allegedly God's Mother Blessed the temple, and the dry grass, most likely meant the lack of town year. Only 20 years later, the meaning of the wonderful phenomenon of the Virgin was understood. She warned about threatening danger, because the bundle of dry grass, called Chernobyl, or wormwood, was no coincidence of it on the city of the same name.

"The Third Angel has been incense, and a big star fell from the sky, burning like a lamp, and fell on the third part of the rivers and on the sources of water. The name of this star is "wormwood", and the third part of the waters became worried, and many of the people died from the waters, because they were bitter "(Revelation of St. John the Bogoslov 8: 10-11).

In the life of St. Andrew, the vision that opened him was described: he was shown the beauty of Paradise, but, without seeing anywhere in the Mother of God, he asked his mysterious satellite: "Where is she?" In response heard: "She walks on the ground and collects the tears of crying." This is how the Most Holy Virgo Maria is walking and to this hour and will walk along the ground always, collecting tears of those who suffer.

One of the military participating in the Königsberg storm in 1944, told: "When the front commander arrived, there were priests with the icon of the Mother of God. After serving a prayer, they calmly went to the side of the front. Suddenly, neither with this shooting with the German side ceased, and our troops began the assault.

It happened incredible: the Germans died with thousands and thousands of people surrendered! Captive Germans in one voice then said: "Before the beginning of Russian assault in the sky, Madonna appeared, which was visible by the entire German army. At this time, absolutely everyone refused the weapons - they could not make a single shot. "

Everyone memorable tragedy in Budennovsk in 1995, when Banda Basayeva seized the staff and patients of the Central City Hospital. In those terrible days, the locals seized several times in the sky the image of a grieving woman, closed in dark clothes and standing at the cross formed by the clouds.

The phenomena of the Virgin Mary took place before the terrorist attack itself, and after the militants left the city. Many and now are convinced that part of the terrorists was demoralized by her appearance and that was the decisive moment to liberate the hostages.

Fiction or reality?

Still no unified opinion On the phenomena of the Virgin. People relate differently to such rumors. Those who were lucky enough to become witnesses of this miracle, with indignation reject the assumption of a hoax. Skeptics shrug.

I must say that scientists have not yet managed to solve this mystery. Some of them explain it more familiar modern world reasons. So, for example, the Franco-American scientist Jacques Valle is confident that aliens are involved in the Faimsky miracle.

"Famous visions in Fatima are a bright historical example of a religious painting of meetings with UFOs. The actual side of the events is well known, but I am ready to beat the mortgage that the true essence of what happened in 1917 near this small Portuguese town knows a few.

Yet less peopleAs I believe, know that a series of observation of the creature, which was accepted for the Virgin Mary, began two years before that, a number of classic UFO classical observations, "Walle wrote in the book" Parallel Peace ".

The Russian scientist V. Mezentsev explains that the dance of the Sun, which, 13,000 pilgrims, who came to Fatima, were observed on October 13, 1917, who came to Fatima was an optical deception, a light game. Whatever it was, the Roman Catholic Church officially recognized the faulty miracle and many other phenomena of the Virgin.

Today, when the world now and then shudders from the catastrophe, tragedies, confrontations, intolerance and wars, probably, it is necessary not to break the spears in meaningless disputes, but simply make these warnings and hear the main call of the Most Holy Virgin: "People, stop in our madness!"

And then there will be more good in the world and less grief.