
Cathedral of Vladimir saints. Cathedral of Vladimir saints Cathedral of Suzdal saints day of celebration

House and plot

O Heavenly Jerusalem, citizens, all the holy things, the exploits of faith and piety, and many miracles in the Vladimirstey of the earth that shone forth! Look at us with mercy and raise those who are devoted to the earth to the height of heaven. You are grief in heaven, but we are on the earth below, the distance of the creature from you is not only a place, only our sins and iniquities, but to you, as our relatives, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk in your way, teach and guide us, many sinners ... It is natural for you to have, holy, mercy and philanthropy: living on earth, not only about your salvation, you have taken care of, but about everyone who comes to you. Instructions for yours was the cane of the scribe, the cursive writer, on the hearts of the people of Christ the words of life inscribed. It was not bodily only that they healed the nature of illness, but more graceful doctors of the soul appeared naturally, and your whole life was a mirror of every virtue. The upcoming Throne of Light is unapproachable today, in it see all our needs and petitions. You, together with the saints Angels, rejoicing about the only sinner who repents, settle and boldness much to the Man-lover God imata, do not stop crying about us to the Lord, ask for your intercession from our All-Merciful Father, our Heavenly, the peace of His Holy Church, under the sign of the Militant Cross, consent to faith and unanimity, superstition and splits destruction, in good deeds affirmation and blessing, healing sick, sad consolation, offended intercession, help in need, do not confuse us, who come to you with faith and love. Even if you are unworthy of me, only a glorious face of intercessors, but you, imitators of God's love for mankind, make us worthy through conversion from evil deeds to a good life. All God-enlightened Russia, filled with your glorious miracles and blessed with mercies, confesses you to be its patrons and intercessors. Show us your ancient mercies, with the image of our father in goodness you helped nature, and you will not reject us, their children, with their feet towards you, the saint, who are marching. We believe that you are present with us in spirit, moreover, with your incorruptible powers, you are naturally with us. This is Bo, as a priceless treasure, give us the likes of miracles God. Before them, you, as living beings, we fall down and pray, accept our prayers and exalt me ​​to the altar of God's mercy, may we receive you grace and timely help in our needs. But to your spiritual flock, do not stop controlling the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who struggle, raise up the weakened ones, hasten to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule us all in peace and repentance, end our life and rejoice in the blessed interior of Abraham, you rest on your labors and labors, glorifying with all the saints of God, in the Trinity of the glorious, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The celebration of the cathedral of the saints who shone in the land of Vladimir was established in 1982 at the initiative of Archbishop Serapion (Fadeev) of Vladimir and Suzdal and with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Pimen. The date of June 23 was timed to coincide with the celebration Vladimir icon Mother of God in commemoration of the salvation of Moscow in 1480. The host of Vladimir saints included:

Blgv. book passion-bearer Gleb Vladimirovich († 1015, commemorated May 2, July 24, September 5)
St. Theodore, bishop Rostov, Suzdal (+ c. 1023, commemorated June 8, August 20)
Blgv. book Konstantin Svyatoslavich Muromsky († 1129, commemorated May 21)
Blgv. book Irina Muromskaya, wife of St. book Konstantin Svyatoslavich (+ c. 1129)
St. Simon († first half of the 12th century)
Blgv. book Boris Turovsky († c. 1160)
Blgv. book Izyaslav († 1165)
Blgv. book Mstislav († 1172)
Blgv. book Andrey Bogolyubsky (+ 1174, commemorated June 30, July 4)
Blgv. book Gleb Andreevich († 1175, commemorated 20 June)
Blgv. book Michael († 1176)
Venerable Nikita Pereyaslavsky († 1186)
Venerable Ilia Muromets, Pechersky (+ c. 1188, commemorated December 19)
Blgvv. book. Michael and Theodore of Murom (XII century, commemorated May 21)
Blgv. led. book Mary, in schema Martha (+ 1206, commemorated March 19)
St. John, bishop Rostov († 1214)
Venerable Simon, bishop Vladimirsky († 1226, May 10)
Blgvv. book. Peter and Fevronia of Murom (+ 1228, commemorated 25 June)
Mch. Abraham the Bulgarian († 1229, commemorated March 9, April 1, on the Week of the Relaxed)
Venerable Archimandrite Pachomius and Theodosius (+ 1237)
Schmch. Mitrofan, bishop Vladimirsky († 1238)
Venerable Daniel Uspensky († 1238)
Blgv. led. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238, commemorated February 4)
Blgv. book Passion-bearer Vasilko Konstantinovich Rostovsky († 1238, commemorated March 4)
Blgvv. book. Vsevolod, Mstislav, Vladimir, Demetrius, Agathia, Theodora, Maria and Christina (+ 1238)
Venerable Theodosius, in monasticism Euphrosinia (+ 1244)
Blgv. book Theodore († 1246)
Venerable book Euphrosinia of Suzdal (+ 1250, commemorated September 18, September 25)
Blgv. book Svyatoslav, in Baptism Gabriel, Yurievsky (+ 1253, commemorated February 3)
St. Cyril, bishop Rostov († 1262, commemorated May 21)
Blgv. led. book Alexander Nevsky († 1263, commemorated August 30, November 23)
Blgv. book Demetrius († 1269)
St. Serapion, bishop Vladimirsky († 1275, 12 July)
St. Theodore, bishop Vladimirsky († 1286)
Blgv. book Demetrius († 1294)
St. Vasily, bishop Ryazan († 1295)
St. Maxim, Met. Kievsky († 1305, commemorated December 6)
Blgv. book Theodore Starodubsky († 1330)
Venerable Mikhail Vyaznikovsky, Verizhnik († 1333)
St. Alexy of Moscow, Met. Kievsky († 1378, commemorated February 12, May 20)
Venerable book Theodora of Nizhny Novgorod († 1378, commemorated April 16)
Venerable Pachomius Nerekhtsky († 1384, commemorated March 21, May 15)
St. Dionysius, Met. Kievsky († 1385, commemorated June 26, October 15)
Venerable Sergius of Radonezh († 1392, commemorated July 5, September 25)
Venerable Roman Kirzhachsky († 1392, commemorated July 29)
Blgv. book Evdokia (XIV century)
Venerable Euthymius of Suzdal († 1404, commemorated April 1, July 4)
Venerable Stefan Makhrishchsky († 1406, commemorated 14 July)
Schmch. Patrick, Priest Vladimirsky († 1411, commemorated July 3)
Venerable Nikon of Radonezh († 1426, commemorated 17 November)
St. Jonah of Moscow, Met. Kievsky († 1461, commemorated March 31, May 27, June 15)
Venerable Kosma Yakhromsky († 1492, commemorated February 18, October 14)
Venerable Job, Archimandrite Vladimirsky (XV century)
Venerable led. book Sophia of Suzdal († 1542, commemorated August 1, December 16)
Venerable Arkady Vyaznikovsky († 1592)
Prpp. Prokhor and Vassian the Hawks († 1592)
Right. Savva Moshoksky († 1592)
Blzh. Parthenius of Suzdal († second half of the 16th century)
Pravv. George and Juliania Lazarevsky, Muromsky († 1604, commemorated January 2)
Blzh. Cyprian of Suzdal, fool for Christ's sake (+ 1622, commemorated 22 July)
St. Arseny of Elassonsky, Archbishop Suzdal († 1625, commemorated April 29)
Venerable Dionysius Pereyaslavsky († 1645)
St. Sophrony, archbishop. Suzdal († 1654)
Venerable Lucian of Alexandrovsky († 1654)
Venerable Cornelius of Alexandrovsky († 1681)
Right. Karp Medushsky, Kovrovsky (XVII century)
Venerable Feodosia Murom (XVII century)
St. Mitrofan, bishop Voronezh († 1703, commemorated August 7, September 4, November 23)
St. Hilarion, Met. Suzdal († 1707, commemorated December 14)
Venerable Zosima of Alexandrovsky († c. 1713)
Blzh. Evdokia of Suzdal († 1776)

Troparion to the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints

Today, the Most Holy Theotokos flaunts the chosen city / and with it all the ends of the Vladimir land triumph, / the memory of the glorified great face of the saints, / in labors Orthodox faith Since ancient times, they have pleased God in this inheritance, / and cry out to them with love: / about the devotion to Christ of God, the prayer-book, / crowned with glorious crowns from Him, / ask for peace and prosperity for your fatherland / and our souls have great mercy.

Kontakion to the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints

Like the stars of the blessed Church of Russia, / by the confession of the Orthodox faith in that shining, / all the sanctity of the land of Vladimir: / Holy wisdom and faithful princes, / reverend fathers and mothers, / passion-bearers and righteous women, / pray earnestly to Christ God, / forgiveness of sins of love honoring your holy memory.

Prayer to Vladimir saints

About Heavenly Jerusalem, citizens, all the holy things, the exploits of faith and piety, and many miracles in the Vladimirstey of the earth that shone forth! Look at us with mercy and raise those who are devoted to the earth to the height of heaven. You are grief in heaven, but we are on the earth below, the distance of the creature from you is not only a place, only our sins and iniquities, but to you, as our relatives, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk in your way, teach and guide us , many sinful. It is natural for you to have, holy, mercy and philanthropy: living on earth, not only about your salvation, you have taken care of, but about everyone who comes to you. Instructions for yours was the cane of the cursive scribe, on the hearts of Christians-named people, the verbs of life inscribing. It was not bodily tokmo who healed the nature of illness, but more graceful doctors of the soul appeared naturally, and your whole life was a mirror of every virtue. The upcoming Throne of Light is unapproachable today, in it see all our needs and petitions. You, together with the saints, Angels, rejoicing about the only sinner who repents, settle and boldness a lot to the Human lover, God, do not stop crying to the Lord about us, ask your intercession from our All-Merciful Father, our Heavenly Father, for the peace of His Holy Church, under the sign of the Cross militant, harmony in faith and unanimity, superstition and splits, destruction, in good deeds, affirmation and blessing, sick healing, sad consolation, offended intercession, help in need, do not put us to shame, those who flow to you with faith and love. Even if you are unworthy of me, only a glorious face of intercessors, but you, imitators of God's love for mankind, make us worthy through conversion from evil deeds to a good life. All God-enlightened Russia, filled with your glorious miracles and blessed with mercies, confesses you to be its patrons and intercessors. Show us your ancient mercies, with the image of our father in goodness you helped nature, and you will not reject us, their children, with their feet towards you, the saint, who are marching. We believe that you are present with us in spirit, moreover, with your incorruptible powers, you are naturally with us. This is Bo, as a priceless treasure, give us the likes of miracles God. Before them, you, as living beings, we fall down and pray, accept our prayers and exalt me ​​to the altar of God's mercy, may we receive you grace and timely help in our needs. But to your spiritual flock, do not stop controlling the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who struggle, raise up the weakened ones, hasten to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule us all in peace and repentance, end our life and rejoice in the blessed interior of Abraham, you rest on your labors and labors, glorifying with all the saints of God, in the Trinity of the glorious, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

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Orthodox calendar

Mch. Emiliana (363). Mch. Iakinf Amastrida (IV).

Venerable John the Long-suffering, Pechersky, in the Near Caves (1160). Venerable Pamva, the hermit of the Pechersky, in the Far Caves (XIII). Venerable Hermit Pamy (IV).

1 Cor., 137 credits, VII, 12-24. Matt, 60 credits, XIV, 35 - XV, 11, and for Thursday: 1 Cor., 138 credits, VII, 24–35. Matthew, 61 credits, XV, 12-21.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Venerable Pamva of the Caves, hermit, hieromonk

Reverend Pamva lived in the XIII century. He was a hieromonk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

During the siege of the monastery by the Tatars, the monks sent Saint Pamva for food. Great as the danger was, the saint humbly undertook to obey, but the Tatars seized him and tortured him for refusing to renounce the Christian faith.

He told them: “Your gods are cursed, and I believe in Christ, the True God, Who created heaven and earth. He is the Lord, the only True, Almighty, He and will deliver me from your hands through the prayers of the saints of the Caves. "

And, indeed, subsequently the monk miraculously escaped from the torturers: he was caught up by the angels and transferred to his cell in the Kiev Caves monastery.

Until his blessed death, Saint Pamva lived in seclusion, where he peacefully reposed before God in 1241. The relics of the monk rest in the Far (Theodosian) caves.

The memory of the Monk Pamva is also celebrated on August 28 / September 10 - the day of joint remembrance of the Reverend Fathers resting in the Far Caves.

Troparion to the Monk Pamva, the hermit of the Caves, in the Far Caves

By unbelievable obedience / and rejection of my will / I have bridled myself strong, / I gave myself to God for Christ's torment and wounds, / from Him sugubo, all righteous Pamvo, who were married, // pray to our souls.

Translation: By diligent obedience and rejection of your will, having firmly bridled yourself, you doomed yourself to torment and wounds for Christ God, but from Him especially, revered by all Father Pamvo, you were crowned, pray for our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Pamva, the hermit of the Caves, in the Far Caves

Monastic obedience to the blood of torment reddened, / we please thee kindly, / to the Monk Pamvo, / and, worshiping the honest power, we probably pray: // pray to God for all incessantly.

Translation: Monastic obedience to the one who has stained with martyr's blood, we glorify you with love, Monk Martyr Pamvo, and, worshiping the revered relics, we pray with faith: "Pray to the Lord without ceasing for all of us."

Reading the Gospel with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter XIV, 35 - XV, 11.


35 The inhabitants of that place, recognizing Him, sent to all that neighborhood and brought all the sick to Him. 36 and asked Him to only touch the hem of His garment; and those who touched were healed.


1 Then the Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees come to Jesus and say: 2 Why do Thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.

3 But he answered them: Why do you also transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?

4 For God has commanded: Honor your father and mother; and: he who curses his father or mother, let him die.

5 And you say: if someone says to a father or mother: a gift To god what you would use from me 6 he may not honor his father or his mother; thus you have removed the commandment of God by your tradition.

7 Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied well about you, saying: 8 These people draw near to Me with their lips, and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 but they honor Me in vain, teaching the doctrines, the commandments of men.

10 And calling the people, he said to them: Hear and understand!

11 not what goes into the mouth defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth defiles a person.

(Matt. 14, 35 - 15, 11)


Orthodox educational courses

FAMILY, LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS: A Word on the Day of Remembrance of the Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia

V this Sunday we remember not only the Resurrection of Christ, but also a wonderful holiday is celebrated in our Fatherland - the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, as it is called. It is very gratifying that such holidays dedicated to the family, this greatest value, this greatest manifestation of love, are being established in our country. And it is even more gratifying that they are confirmed on the basis of the remembrance of the saints. On this day, the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia is celebrated, who are rightfully considered the patrons of family life.

(MP3 file. Duration 12:27 min. Size 11.40 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the sacrament of Holy Baptism

V section " Preparing for Baptism"site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, the head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinelsk Diocese, has collected information that will be useful to those who are going to be baptized themselves, or who want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R The section consists of five catechumens, in which the content of the Orthodox teaching within the framework of the Symbol of Faith is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

O Course openings are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course Topics:

    • Conversation number 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible Story
    • Conversation number 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation number 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


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    H There is no doubt that Orthodoxy is such a connecting force, but not in the form in which it came to Russia from Byzantium, but in the form in which it acquired on the Russian land, taking into account national, political and socio-economic characteristics Ancient Rus... Byzantine Orthodoxy came to Russia, having already formed a pantheon of Christian saints, for example, such as Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist and others, deeply revered to this day. By the 11th century, Christianity in Russia was taking only the first steps, and for many ordinary people that time was not yet a source of faith. Indeed, in order to recognize the holiness of the newly arrived saints, one had to believe very deeply, to be imbued with the spirit of the Orthodox faith. It is quite another matter when before your eyes there is an example in the person of your own, a Russian person, sometimes even a commoner, who performs holy asceticism. Here the most skeptical person with respect to Christianity will believe. Thus, by the end of the 11th century, a Russian pantheon of saints began to form, revered to this day on a par with common Christian saints.

Troparion of the Mother of God in front of Her Vladimir Icon

The Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, according to legend, was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Holy Family ate: the Savior, the Mother of God and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed. Satisfying the pious desire of the preeminent Christians, the holy apostle painted on a blackboard with a brush the face of the Mother of God with the Eternal Child in her arms. When the God-wise writer brought this and the other two icons, painted by him, to the Most Holy Theotokos, she, looking at them, repeated the prophetic words spoken to righteous Elizabeth: "From now on they will bless Me, all the births," adding: "The grace of Rodshagos from Me and Mine, yes will be with holy icons. " One of these three icons, according to legend, is the icon now called "Vladimirskaya".

In half of the 5th century. she was brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople, and in the middle of the XII century. sent Patriarch of Constantinople to Kiev to the Grand Duke Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky and was placed in a nunnery in Vyshgorod. In 1155, the prince of Vyshgorod, Andrei Yurievich, going north to establish an independent possession there, took with him miraculous icon Our Lady. On the way, prayers were served and miracles were performed from the icon. When they were approaching the bank of the Klyazma, the horses carrying St. icon, suddenly stopped and could not move forward a step. After earnest prayer in front of the holy icon, the prince received in a dream the command of the Mother of God to place Her icon in Vladimir. Calling this place "God-loving" because "God love this place", Prince Andrew created two stone churches here, in one of which the holy icon was placed, and later founded a convent and the city of Bogolyubov here.

In 1160, the holy icon was transferred to Vladimir in the newly rebuilt and richly decorated Vladimir Church, and from that time it began to be called "Vladimirskaya", continuously exacerbating its glory with new miracles. By prayer before this St. icon of the book. Andrey Bogolyubsky defeated the Volga Bulgarians. In 1173, after the assassination of Prince Andrei, when the people, incited by rulelessness and murderers, robbed the city of Bogolyubov and Vladimir, priest Nikolai, who arrived with the prince from Vyshgorod, in full vestments walked around the streets of the city with the Vladimir icon and the revolt subsided. In 1185 (April 13), during a fire that destroyed the Vladimir Cathedral with all its wealth, the Vladimir icon was preserved intact. In 1395, the miraculous Vladimir Icon was transferred to Moscow, where it has remained since that time.

The celebration in honor of the Vladimir Icon is held on June 23 (July 6) in thanksgiving for the deliverance of Moscow from the invasion of Khan Akhmat. In 1480, during the reign of Grand Duke John III Vasilievich (1462-1505), the Khan of the Golden Horde, Akhmat, with huge hordes approached the Ugra River, which is called the "belt of the Mother of God", guarding Moscow possessions.

The whole day the troops of the Khan and the Moscow prince stood against each other, without taking any decisive action - “standing on the Ugra”. All of Moscow prayed to its Intercessor, the Most Holy Theotokos, for the salvation of the Orthodox capital. Metropolitan Geronty (1473-1489) and the prince's confessor, Archbishop Vassian of Rostov, supported the Russian troops with prayer, blessing and advice. The Metropolitan wrote a conciliar letter to the prince, in which he urged him to courageously stand against the enemy, trusting in the help of the Mother of God.

The Most Holy Theotokos interceded for the Russian Land. The prince ordered his troops to retreat from the Ugra, wanting to wait for the Tatars to cross, but the enemies decided that the Russians were luring them into an ambush, and they also began to retreat, slowly at first, and at night they ran, driven by fear. In gratitude for the liberation of Russia from the Tatars, a holiday was established in honor of the Mother of God.

Having become famous for many miracles, the holy Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God acquired great glory in Russia. Many historical memories are associated with it. She was transferred from city to city, and these transfers mark the most important periods in the history of Russia: Kiev, Vladimir and Moscow. For several centuries, before this holy icon, the Russian people sent out their prayers to the Intercessor of the Christian clan, and the Most Holy Theotokos more than once, during the danger from enemy invasions, showed Her gracious help. Before this holy icon, many of the most important state acts of Russia were performed: the oath of allegiance to the Motherland, prayers before military campaigns, and when the Russian metropolitans were elected, “the lot of the elect were placed on a shroud in the icon case of the Vladimir icon - a symbol of the common hope that the Mother of God herself would indicate the person she liked”.

And today, remembering the miraculous deliverance from enemies in the 15th century, Orthodox Christians should have firm hope for the help of the Most Holy Theotokos, who never leaves in Her intercession those who diligently follow Her Son and our God - the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are many copies and copies of the Vladimir icon (Vladimir Oranskaya, Vladimir Rostov, Vladimir Krasnogorskaya, Vladimir Chuguevskaya and many others), all of them show miracles, signs and blessings poured out by the Mother of God on the Russian land.

Bishop of Vladimir († 1226)
- († 1275)
- Theodore († 1286)
- († 1295)
- († 1262)
- († 1373)
- († 1654)
- († 1703)
- († 1963)

The faithful

- († 1015)
-, Muromsky, prince, miracle worker († 1129)
- (XII century)
- († 1158)
- († 1165) - the son of the great. book Andrey Yuryevich Bogolyubsky.
- († 1174)
- († 1174) - son of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. Baptized George. Commemoration of July 4 (17).
- († 1228)
- († 1238)
- († 1238)
- († 1238)
-, prince, son of Blgv. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238)
- († 1238)
-, infant, prince, martyr. († 1238)
-, led. prince (+ 1246). Father of St. Alexander Nevsky.
- (Yuryevsky), prince († 1252)
- († 1263)
- († 1269)
- († 1294)
-, Prince Starodubsky (+ 1330). Commemoration June 21 / July 4

-, princess, wife of St. Constantine of Murom († c. 1129)
- († 1228)
-, wife of blgv. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238)
- Maria Vladimirskaya, princess, mts († 1238). Her origin is unknown. Wife of the right-believing prince martyr Mstislav, daughter-in-law of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri II Vsevolodovich.
She was killed during the storming of Vladimir by the Tatars on February 7, 1238. M. V. Tolstoy about the tragedy of 1238: “On meat-eating Sunday, February 7, shortly after Matins, the Tatars' offensive began. Vladyka Mitrofan, together with the grand ducal family and people, locked themselves in the Assumption Cathedral. Those present accepted monastic tonsure from Bishop Mitrofan, confessed, received the Holy Mysteries and prepared for death. The Tatars took possession of the city and, having come to the temple where Bishop Mitrofan and the people were, broke down the church doors, made fires around the temple and in the temple itself, and lit it. Then Bishop Mitrofan said: "Lord, stretch out Thy invisible hand and accept in the world the souls of Thy servants," then he blessed everyone with the inevitable death. All those who were in the cathedral died from the smoke and swords of the enemy. " Feast of St. Mary set June 23 / July 6 in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.
-, princess, mts., daughter of blgv. book Georgy Vsevolodovich († 1238)
-, princess, mts., wife of blgv. book Vladimir Georgievich († 1238)
- Theodora (in the world Anastasia (Vassa)) of Nizhny Novgorod, princess, abbess, wife of blgv. book Andrey Konstantinovich of Nizhny Novgorod († 1378). She was born in Tver in 1331 and named Vassa. Her father was a native of Kiev and was nicknamed, as evidenced by the Book of Degree, Ivan Kiyasavsky, and her mother Anna. Theodora studied the Divine Scriptures from infancy and intended herself for a monastic life, but her parents passed her off at the age of 12 for Prince Andrew. Having lost her spouse after a 13-year marriage, Vassa divided her estate to the beggars and was tonsured with the name of Theodora from Archimandrite Dionysius. She founded a nunnery in the city of Galich, known as the Conception, and was abbess of it for 22 years, having 160 nuns under the leadership. Venerable Theodora ended her life in this monastery at the age of 48, in 1378. The Convent of the Conception was abolished in 1764. The relics of the saint rest hidden in the Savior Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod. Remembrance - April 16, June 23 / July 6 in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.
-, princess, daughter of St. Alexander Nevsky († XIII)
- († 1407)

Blessed ones, fools for Christ's sake

Partheny of Suzdal († second half of the 16th century) - polemicist writer, resident of Suzdal; lived in the first floor. XVI century Two of his works are known: “The Canon of St. Archangel Michael "and" A letter to the unknown against the Luthor. " P.'s first work is in the library of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in the 17th century canons, № 280, 284, 287 and 293, and in the "Followed Psalter" of the same century, between the canons of the Suzdal saint, written by the hagiographer monk of Suzdal Gregory. The "Epistle", which is a sample of the Russian initial polemic against the Lutherans, is placed in one of the manuscript collections (No. 423) of the library of I.N. Tsarsky, which became part of the count's library. It testifies to the author's deep knowledge of Holy Scripture and contains a refutation, on the basis of the Gospel and the Apostles, of the main points of Lutheran teaching and can now serve as a weapon against Stundism. Commemoration June 23 / July 6.
-, for Christ's sake, holy fool, miracle worker, blessed (+ 1622). Commemoration July 22, October 2 and in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.
- Evdokia of Suzdal, for the sake of the holy fool (+ 1776). She lived in Suzdal in the 18th century. Foolish for Christ's sake in Suzdal for 50 years. She died on December 22, 1776. The tomb of blessed Eudokia is located near the cathedral of the city of Suzdal.

Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Vladimir Land
By the blessing Holy Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia established the Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Vladimir Land. The date of celebration has been determined on September 18 / October 1, on the day of remembrance of the schmch. Konstantin Tverdislov.
- Hieromartyr (1892 - † December 26 / January 8, 1938) - Archpriest.
- Prpisp. ... † January 28 / February 10. Suzdal Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery, the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, the Church of St. John Chrysostom.
-. † 4 (17) February. Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God, Melenki, Vladimir region; Temple of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God, with. Pushushka Petushinsky district Vladimir region.
-. † February 18 / March 3. Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage in the Aleksandrovsky district.
-. † March 21 / April 3. Christmas church in the village. Lezhnevo of the Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir province (now the village of Lezhnevo in the Ivanovo region).
-. † March 23 / April 5. Theotokos-Rozhdestvenskaya Svyato-Lukianova male hermitage in Lukyantsevo village Aleksandrovsky district.
-. † May 28 / June 10. Theotokos-Nativity church, the village of Makhra, Alexandrovsky district.
- (Morzhov). † May 28 / June 10. Svyato-Smolensk Zosimova hermitage, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region.
- (Lebedev). † August 30 / September 12. Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage in the Aleksandrovsky district.
-. † August 30 / September 12. Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, s. Narma, Gus-Khrustalny (Kurlovsky) district, Vladimir region; Church of the Nativity of Christ, with. Zakolpye Gus-Khrustalny district; temple of Paraskeva Friday, with. Velikodvorie (Friday) Gus-Khrustalny district.
- Schmch. ... † 2 (15) September. Bishop Vyaznikovsky, vicar of the Vladimir diocese.
-. † 10 (23) September. Alexandrov, Yuryev-Polsky, Vladimir region.
-. † 12 (25) September. Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple, with. Aleksino Kolchuginsky district (Yuryevsky district) Vladimir region.
- (Blagonadezhdin). † September 18 / October 1. with. Chekovo (part of the Nebylovsky rural settlement of the Yuryev-Polsky district).
- Hieromartyr (1881- † September 18 / October 1, 1937) - cleric of the Vyaznikovsky St. Kazan Cathedral. Born in the town of Gorokhovets.
- (1885-1937). † 03 (16) November.
-. † 14 (27) November. Temple with. Gavriltsevo (or Golenishchevo village) of Yuriev-Polsky district.
-. † 14 (27) November. Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, p. Sedikovo, Voznesenskaya volost, Kovrovsky district, Vladimir province; temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, with. Ivanovo Petushinsky district Vladimir region.
-. † 19 November / 2 December. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, with. Gruzdeevo Yuzhsky district Ivanovo region.
- (Mochalov). † November 22 / December 5. Smolenskaya Zosimova hermitage in the Aleksandrovsky district.
-. † November 27 (December 10). Uspensky Cathedral the city of Vladimir. Diocese of Vladimir and Suzdal (ruling bishop).
-. † 3 (16) December. Church of the Holy Trinity, v. Dolgopolye (Pavlovskaya wasteland) Aleksandrovsky district Vladimir region.
-. † 3 (16) December. He lived in the village of Churilovo, Yuryev-Polsky district. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village. Lykovo, Yuryev-Polsky district.

Canonized New Martyrs and Confessors Who Fought on the Vladimir Land
PriestMartyr (1867-1918)
Hieromartyr (1863 - 1918) - Archpriest.
Hieromartyr (1876 - 1938) - priest, teacher at the Gorodishchevskaya school at the Usad station.
The Hieromartyr (1873 - 1938) was born in the village of Babaevo, Vladimir province, into the family of a psalmist.
Hieromartyr (1885-1938), archpriest. Born in the graveyard of Nikolo-Pesyansky, Vladimirsky district.
PriestMartyr (1877 -1938) - Archpriest. Born in the Vladimir district.
Hieromartyr (1876 - 1918) - rector of the temple of Elijah the Prophet in the village of Urjar, dean of churches in the Urjar district of the Turkestan diocese. Born into the family of a priest from the village of Iudin, Alexandrovsky district.
Hieromartyr (1872 - 1922) - priest of the Holy Cross Church with. Palekh. Born in the village of Parmos, Sudogodsky district.
Hieromartyr (1860 - 1938) - priest of the Nikolopensky churchyard of the Vyaznikovsky district.
Hieromartyr (1867-1922) - priest of the Shuisky Resurrection Cathedral. Born in the village of Kartmazovo, Sudogodsky district.
... † December 13 (26).
Schmch. ... † 12 (25) March.
Schmch. Jacob (Jacob) Zyablitsky. † January 26 / February 8.
... † December 25 / January 7.
Prpmch. Mauritius Poletaev. † September 21 / October 04.
Schmch. Nikolay Aristov. † May 28 / June 10.
Schmch. Nikolay Vostorgov. † January 19 / February 1.
Schmch. Nikita Delectorsky. † 6 (19) November.
Schmch. Pavel Uspensky. † January 17 (30).
Schmch. Peter Belyaev. † 4 (17) June.
Schmch. Peter Zyablitsky. † January 26 / February 8.
Mch. Peter Yazykov. † April 27 / May 10.
Schmch. Seraphim Zvezdinsky. † 13 (26) August.
Schmch. Sergiy Rodakovsky. † April 8 (21).
Schmch. Sergiy Florinsky. † December 17 (30).
Schmch. Simeon Kulyamin. † February 15 (28).
Prmch. Feofan Grafov. † 5 (18) March.
Schmch. Feodor Dorofeev. † December 27 (January 9).

Troparion to the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints

Voice 4
Today the Most Holy Theotokos brightly flaunts the chosen city and with it all the ends of the land of Vladimir triumph, the memory of the perfected God-glorified great face of the saints, in the labors of the Orthodox faith from the earliest times in the inheritance of this God pleasing, and to them with love they cry out: oh, devotion to Christ God, praying women, crowns crowned from Him, ask for peace and prosperity for your fatherland and great mercy for our souls.

Kontakion of the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints

Voice 4
Like the stars of the blessed Church of Russia, / by the confession of the Orthodox faith in that shining, / all the sanctity of the land of Vladimir: / Holy wisdom and faithful princes, / reverend fathers and mothers, / passion-bearers and righteous women, / pray earnestly to Christ God, / forgiveness of sins of love honoring your holy memory.

Prayer to Vladimir saints

O Heavenly Jerusalem, citizens, all the holy things, the exploits of faith and piety, and many miracles in the Vladimirstey of the earth that shone forth! Look at us with mercy and raise those who are devoted to the earth to the height of heaven. You are grief in heaven, but we are on the earth below, the distance of the creature from you is not only a place, only our sins and iniquities, but to you, as our relatives, we resort and cry: instruct us to walk in your way, teach and guide us, many sinners ... It is natural for you to have, holy, mercy and philanthropy: living on earth, not only about your salvation, you have taken care of, but about everyone who comes to you. Instructions for yours was the cane of the scribe, the cursive writer, on the hearts of the people of Christ the words of life inscribed. It was not bodily tokmo who healed the nature of illness, but more graceful doctors of the soul appeared naturally, and your whole life was a mirror of every virtue. The upcoming Throne of Light is unapproachable today, in it see all our needs and petitions. You, together with the saints Angels, rejoicing about the only sinner who repents, settle and boldness much to the Man-lover God imata, do not stop crying about us to the Lord, ask for your intercession from our All-Merciful Father, our Heavenly, the peace of His Holy Church, under the sign of the Militant Cross, consent to faith and unanimity, superstition and splits destruction, in good deeds affirmation and blessing, healing sick, sad consolation, offended intercession, help in need, do not confuse us, who come to you with faith and love. Even if you are unworthy of me, only a glorious face of intercessors, but you, imitators of God's love for mankind, make us worthy through conversion from evil deeds to a good life. All God-enlightened Russia, filled with your glorious miracles and blessed with mercies, confesses you to be its patrons and intercessors. Show us your ancient mercies, with the image of our father in goodness you helped nature, and you will not reject us, their children, with their feet towards you, the saint, who are marching. We believe that you are present with us in spirit, moreover, with your incorruptible powers, you are naturally with us. This bo, as a priceless treasure, give us the same kind of miracles God. Before them, you, as living beings, we fall down and pray, accept our prayers and lift me up on the altar of God's mercy, so we will receive you grace and timely help in our needs. But to your spiritual flock, do not stop controlling the rod of spiritual wisdom: help those who struggle, raise up the weakened ones, hasten to bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule us all in peace and repentance, end our life and rejoice in the blessed interior of Abraham, You rest on your labors and labors, glorifying God with all the saints, in the Trinity of the glorious, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.
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