
Redesign without repair: how to quickly update the interior. How to remake your room if you are a girl how to update the kitchen interior with simple things

Conifers in the garden design

Repair is a useful thing, but not the most grateful. He, as a big ocean refrigera, sucks strength, emotions, money and time. Yes, and leaves after myself sometimes not the most best result. What to do if you start working with cement, perforator and brigade of masters there is no desire, but old interiorMildly speaking, fed up? For such cases in the sleeve for designers, several tricks that help them easily change at least one room, even though the entire apartment - from the kitchen to the bedroom. So, here are the best of them.

Create an open space

"But how to do this without demolishing the walls?" - you ask. Hurry up to delight: much easier than it may seem at first glance. For a start, look at your furniture and determine which items look especially cumbersome. Try to remove some of them or arrange them along the walls to evaluate which layout will allow you to open the greatest space.

If there are furniture in the interior, without having to do (for example, cabinets or shop windows), think about repaint it in warm light colors "So it will become less noticeable (let them live illusion!).

Another trick that creates the illusion of open space is mirrors. Hang them opposite windows - so the light will be reflected, filling the entire room.

In your apartment there is a dining room-living room in which you never eat? What about converting it to a cozy home office, an office or a library with a place to read? This technique will help optimize the space, and at the same time you get absolutely new room without dirt and repair.

Make rearrangement of furniture

If the furniture does not work out, try changing the items in places. Often, our eye is covered due to the fact that things for many years stand in a certain order. Perhaps this is the main reason why the interior after a while begins to bring universal longing to us.
Believe it or not, but simple permutation will help change the one who has become the usual visual row and take a look at the space in a new way. Try to shift accents. The sofa stood at the wall? Put it in the center. Chair clamped in the corner? Move it closer to the entrance.

Replace the upholstery of furniture

Replacing upholstery - a wonderful way to breathe new life in old furnitureAnd at the same time to show your creative potential, turning into a designer briefly. Giving the furniture for a drawing, you can ask for masters to re-fill the pillows, repaint the legs and put in order all broken parts. Just come together with all the seriousness of the choice of color, textures and patterns - ideally, they must correspond to a new style that will reign in your interior, and not contradict him.

Start in the house as many plants as possible

Not that this option replaced the repair, but the appearance of colors in the house quickly and simply change both the situation and the interior. Green color refreshes almost any color gamutplus oxygen is added to the entire plants and toxins are removed from air.

You can also choose accessories with images inspired by nature: Pillows decorated with embroidery of flowers, soaps in the form of sea shells and corals, tablecloths with leaves.

Decorate wall photos or reproductions

Bare walls look boring - if you want to make changes to the interior, try to decorate their reproductions of famous paintings or photographs that will give at least a bathroom, at least a bedroom highlight, while not occupying the precious area. No need to be limited to certain sizes and shapes. Want to hang round panels? You are welcome! Like bright collages? There is nothing easier!

Play with lighting

Lighting can completely change the mood of your home. A poorly lit room looks small, dark and cramped, and brightly lit - open, air and friendly.

There are many ways to diversify the interior of your home with the help of lamps. Place a couple of high floor turntables in the dark corners of the room and watch it comes to life. Place the lamps on the sides of the table to give the house comfort.

If you want something completely atypical, pay attention to unusual lamps, including the chandeliers of bizarre forms. Of course, to establish them, you may need to help the electrician, but at the same time replacing the ceiling lamp is much easier to repair.

Change the handles on the cabinets and drawers

Nothing makes the interior in your kitchen and the bathroom more old-fashioned than worn and dirty handles. Yes, if you do not change them, you make this crime, because it is an excellent chance to give furniture a completely new look.

There are many finish options: bronze, matte nickel, copper and shiny stainless steel. With so much proposals on the market can be difficult to decide what is suitable for your home. Choose several options, and then look at which one looks best in the room.

Buy new curtains

For some reason, thinking about changes in the interior, many misses the design of windows. People often can't decide which curtains want, and act in three ways: a) leave windows with bare, b) buy the first curtains, c) install simple blinds.

Meanwhile, the windows need to be embedded. Even if from your apartment offers a luxurious view of the mountains or the ocean, and not on the neighboring high-rise building, there will be no superfluous Roman curtains. Ideally decorated windows will only add points to your interior.

You can choose any colors and textures: and light translucent curtains of light shades, and dense clouds of natural colors. If you can not decide on, look at the colors that are in your interior, or select the curtains in the wall of the walls.

Purchase flavors and perfume for home

New notes in the air can easily help change the impressions of the interior of the house. Just as the smells of detergent or bleach make us think that things are clean, various flavors create a special mood. For example, light, floral flavors give a feeling of freshness and well sit in the kitchen or living room, and warm, musky flavors are best suited for the bedroom (especially during the cold season).
Homemade flavors, such as diffusers or candles, are rapidly gaining popularity. Their choice is great and huge, so do not miss the chance to try something new.

Mouse over to the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house, therefore, making it up for its interior, you need to pay special attention to the issue of storage. Thoughtful furniture in this case will save from disorder. Think if you will be placed in the room the locker or hang the shelves, without sacrificing precious square meters. Get rid of thousands of jars and bottles with cosmetics, and your bathroom will become cleaner, fresh and more spacious.

Color dining table

No, if your kitchen has an antique or expensive table of mahogany, it is better not to touch it. But if he is old, shabby and looks like a fire, water and copper pipes passed, it's time to take a jar of paint. Choose light neutral colors - they give the feeling of free space.

Put in order cabinets in the kitchen

Of course, if the budget allows extra costs, you can update the furniture in the kitchen, buying a new set, but most often you can do without it. Depending on the state of wooden parts, you can immediately paint your kitchen cabinets or pre-align and put them down. Paint instantly refreshing appearance at home. For example, cabinets white color Visitally increase the room and stay in fashion for a long time.

Another option of the decor of old kitchen cabinets - their pasting with self-adhesive film or wallpaper. However, these funds are not so durable.

We all want the house to be not only cozy, but also stylish; To make friends and loved ones to come to visit, and inexpensive furniture and materials used in the finish have not thrown into the eyes. In other words, the interior of the apartment looks more expensive than he really is. We share a few simple tricks, how to achieve this effect.

1. From the eye, a false cute heart of trinkets

Sea of \u200b\u200bdetails - Rock mistake

Instead of forceing the room with racks with numerous souvenirs and non-functional gifts, make a bet on a minimalist interior: remove everything too much, leave only really expressive decor items and stack of books in beautiful covers. Combine objects on the shelves of various heights and colors: thanks to this reception, the space will look more conceptually.

2. To racim old linoleum

Anyone flooring You can transform

Yes, yes, it is painful! Banal "Christmas tree" or wicked squares can be "understood" in minutes. Clean the linoleum (simple water or with the addition of soda), dry it, cover the primer, and then paint - the usual oil is well suited for the floor. And to get a neat and original ornament, use stencils.

3. Decorating the doors of the cabinet

Of course, with the help of mirrors!

Instead of thinking, where to go old grandmother's closet or where to buy cheap new, acquire the mirror. Due to them, the boring doors of the cabinet will instantly transform, becoming more elegant. And the mirrors will add the premises the necessary volume and fill the space light.

4. Maian textiles inexhaustible

And his decorative properties too

Stuffed with books, things, boxes, although it carries a large functional load, but it does not always look pretenno. Unexpectedly a simple and convenient solution - to hang over him cornice with curtains. Agree, a completely different look!

5. Nothing superfluous: hide wire

or create interesting compositions from them.

The wires protruding from the wall from the TV, the DVD player and the columns do not look quite aesthetically. There are several solution solutions:

  • remove the wires into the wall;
  • use a special box;
  • place their artistic way, using the room as decor.

6. Combine different curtains

Bold Mix - Success Formula

We are accustomed to the fact that the curtains should be monophonic and the same in the texture. But in fact, it is not necessarily. The combinations of various tissues and colors create a completely unexpected effect. This very simple idea in the implementation gives its place, a special mood.

7. With tariff subjects - a new life!

Handmade is relevant than ever

With the help of a spray or color scotch, the appearance of the refrigerator can be changed beyond recognition. Paint it in a monophonic color, make it striped or in polka dot or cover the layer of paint with the effect of a styling board to leave on the refrigerator notes to each other. Act - I. old refrigerator will turn into an art object!

8. And use things not by appointment

Unexpected solutions - always winning!

Forget about boring containers and typical storage standing storage. Think creatively! And also act: a bright stand under the desserts can be an excellent pedestal for kitchen sponge and bottles with cleaning and cleaning and washing agents; A vintage porridge - accessory for storing kitchen accessories.

9. D EKOR Ventilation Holes

Remember even about the slightest details

Few people usually draws attention to these small grilles under the ceiling. But if you update their color, even these details will play with paints and pay attention. You can go further and replace the lattice on the openwork, and then cover it with bronze paint.

10. Have a Bed Baldakhin

Choose light air fabrics

Secure the rains for curtains under the ceiling, you will make a sleeping place much more comfortable. You can change the curtains depending on the time of year and the illumination of the room, creating a cool twilight hot summer day.

11. Not ordinary ceiling - room raisin

Don't worry experiment with color

These changes are more serious than updating the ventilation grids, but if you decide on them, think well - in what tint you want to paint the ceiling. Try to give up prejudice that bright tones look alapotato, and dark colors - Gloomy. This is not at all.

12. R AMKI for switches - why not?

Our advice - come to the decor with humor

Like ventilation grids, switches simply exist in the interior, and do not catch up. But the wall looks much more interesting when the switches on it have a bright and unusual framing.

When the apartment is bored with you, this is a faithful sign that you need to refresh the interior, bringing new notes into it. You can achieve this as using practical parts, for example, a table lamp or rug and adding a few simple things to raise the mood to the situation. Notice, all this without repair and special costs will not require, but quickly and just helps to resolve the issue ,.

You can wish to update the interior of the entire apartment or a separate room, for example, the living room. For such cases, we want to give several existing ways.

How to update the interior of the living room

In many cases, it is the living room playing the most important role All dwelling. There we spend a pleasant watch for reading books, tea drinking with relatives and friends, watching interesting films or even a family meal. How to update the interior of the living room?

First, you can change the boring curtains to more attractive for you. Let it be a favorite color or coloring you, pleasant and qualitative material. Channel change will make it possible to drastically change the interior, but still, it requires certain costs of finance and time, so for many people it will be much easier to decorate them. Hang new pickups for curtains or use original buckles, clips, clamps to open a breath of landscapes outside the window.

Secondly, the question how to update the interior of the apartment In general, or the living room itself will help to solve the decoration of the walls. To do this, you can use both special vinyl stickers on the walls and your family photos within, paintings, panels. Today it is very fashionable to use black and white pictures and images, as well as photos in retro style under the appropriate interior style.

Thirdly, the living room needs comfortable and beautiful setting, and outdated or lost attractive objects of furniture only spoil the entire view of the room. The output can be a hauling of upholstered furniture, painting of shelves and lockers, drapeting furniture with cloth and so on. Also, any sofa and interior as a whole perfectly refresh the variety of decorative pillows. One should only stock with pillowcases and change them from time to time to update the interior of the living room every time.

Fourth, refreshing the interior of the living room will help green plants. Multiple colors in pots will be perfectly cope with this task, as well as beautiful room trees.

Several ways to update the bedroom interior without repair

The bedroom is a place for a healthy sleep, rest, love and relax. It wants to feel most comfortable and protected. You can also easily update the bedroom interior and without repair.

The first thing to pay attention is a bed. It is only worth changing bed linen for a new one, with a coloring for your mood, as the bedroom will be revived and immediately become more cute for you. The same applies to the covers.

Put on the bedside tables table lampsand if you already have them - update them, decorating the lampshade decorative elements Or drapeting it with a light cloth, like organza.

Hang on the wall picture with sea scenery, image of nature, forest, your family photo.

It will help to update the bedroom interior, as well as the living room, the change of curtains or and decorating.

It is also fashionable to lay a beautiful rug in bed, and you can make it with your own hands - wicker and knitted mats today at the peak of popularity. Use multicolored patchworks or thick yarn for this.

How to update the kitchen interior with simple things

If your dining table is in the kitchen, you can refresh its interior with a simple shift of the tablecloth or a new table serving. Buy new cups each family member, beautiful plates and identical devices. It should not be hiding far away and your festive dishes, every day I am contentted with a wearing attractive look. Remember that the more beautiful you will serve the table, the more pleasant will be the process of making food, therefore, the digestion and mood will improve. You will immediately notice how your collaborative family meals will please you more and more.

Put a vase with fresh colors on the table, original salt and the list, beautifully laid out napkins. On Table B. work zone Kitchens can be put on new holders for spices and stands under hot.

Pay attention to the kitchen textile - tape, apron, towels and tissue napkins should be updated more often, as they wear out very quickly. These things can have one style. Choose bright colors that will raise your mood.

How to refresh the interior of your child's children's room

In order to update the interior of the children's room, you will need a few bright details.

On the walls sticker decorative stickers of children's themes - For example, images of African animals, cartoon or fabulous heroes. In the gaming zone, bed is a bright rug on the floor. Also scatter on the floor more colorful pillows - children really like pillows toys. Change baby bedding for a new colorful coloring.

The schoolboy's room will help refresh a few details on his desktop. The simplest thing is the stand for the handles made by their own hands. Use a regular jar for this, which can be decorated with napkins (decoupage technique), or paints. You like your schoolchild and a new table lamp.

As for the new furniture, this is a costly cost, but if you still want to please the baby with any new subject, but not particularly disturbing the family budget, you can buy a frameless baby chair. Today there are quite a lot of suggestions for such furniture at affordable prices.

As you can see, update the interior of any room can be simple things, and we have led only a few examples to show that it can be done easily and simple. Your fantasy will necessarily help in its own way, individually solve this question, how to update the interior of the apartment without repair, and you will see how your home will be attractive again, bringing you pleasure from life. After all, living comfortable - it means to live fully!

May 30, 2017 Sergey

Create eclectic kitchen apron From different tiles, and he will delight you much more than a cheap and diverse option from the construction hypermarket. Successful and self-sufficient apron will save even the most ordinary headset!

2 new color

In most cases, this technique does not imply additional spending - you just need to choose bright. Let it be parts of the background (door, wall, window frame), which will be visual accents. Color by itself satishes the interior, and you look, no other decorations will be required at all.

If you have a painting wallpaper, you can change the room dramatically, and quite quickly and with minimal effort.

You can repaint only one wall by making it the main accent of the interior. By the way, designers advise to repaint it in color, consonant with upholstered furniture.

3 New flowers

Some new indoor plants Also allow. There is a place indoors - buy a large palm tree or ficus, although several pots with violets will become a completely noticeable element of the decor.

4 Updated furniture

No, no, no need to buy new sofa Or armchairs and do not rush to throw out the old furniture - perhaps it is suitable for renovation. For example, with the help of bright colors, you can turn a shabby dull chest in the main hero of the interior. In addition, drag soft furniture It will cost cheaper than buying a new one. And the visual effect will be the same.

5 New headboard

Ordinary boards fold into a spectacular headboard for bed: it is possible to have them vertically or horizontally, ladder, large slices or small dies. The remnants of laminate will rise on the headboard, and old parquet, and old doors - sometimes it seems that there is no such an item that cannot be attached to this place.

6 New shelves

Simple - not only functional, but also decorative decor. The main thing is to choose the option, contrasting with the wall.

You should think about filling the shelves in advance: the semi-empty will create a feeling of incomplete interior. Let them arrange hourglass, lamps and candles, original ceramics, beautiful holders for books.

7 New layout

The easiest and fiscal way to change the interior is to simply rearrange the furniture. To be confident that the sofa and the wardrobe will be successfully changed in places, arm yourself with a tape measure and draw a simple hand plan: it will be easier to present space.

To transform interior with your own hands and give a room fresh species, add comfort, optional to do expensive repair and buy new furniture. It is enough to follow the advice of experienced owners and the recommendations of designers.

How to update the interior of the room without repair do it yourself

Without repair - it means that the floor, the ceiling, the walls and windows will not be painted, new finish or replacement. To begin with, make careful cleaning and throw away all the unnecessary trash, dust lamps, seerled mats and a vase with a chopped edge. This procedure will cleanse the space and improves the energy of the house.


Boring monophonic walls and burnt sections on the wall at the window is no longer a problem: decorators have come up with stickers. All sorts of images, textures and effects (glowing in the dark, velvet, glossy) on these stickers will help create a completely new and original view of the room. The price of stickers is small, and technology stickers are simple.

A huge selection of different wall stickers can be found in online stores.

A successful solution will be a change in lighting, its zoning and the ability to adjust the brightness, use for wall lamps of colored lampshades, through which light penetrates and gives the room a more intimate or warm atmosphere.

To create a more cozy atmosphere, you can use yellow light for desk lamp

Buying a real picture of even a little-known artist expensive pleasure, but the modular interior options should be considered, they are superbly soling and focusing the attention of the viewer, the space revives. Modern posters give sophistication and emphasize the style of the room. Copies and imitation of vintage canvases harmoniously look at classic interior, add to him solidity, luxury and vintage.

Images on modular krrtines can be any - they are made under the order with your drawing

The shelves of an unusual shape or bright colors attract the look and change the appearance of the room.

Suspended shelves can be placed chaotic or create a single composition

You can expand the close space of a small room by placing several different reflective surfaces on the walls. Mirrors and glossy stickers are suitable for this purpose.

The smaller the dimensions of the mirrors, the more interesting looks mirror Wall generally

A new direction in the decor is a vertical gardening, when the shoots of the plant hang down or wrapping vertical supports. Phytocartes and phytosen look original, for them use curly or creeping flowers: flashes, grapes, ampel, in combination with asparagus and chlorophytum, moss. The corner of the nature of the house is easy to make himself, attaching to the walls of cascaps or containers with indoor plants.

To decorate the interior, it is best to choose discharge plants

Flowers B. beautiful pots Or suspended porridge not only please the eye, but also clean the air, create a comfortable microclimate residents.


A new mood and a neat view of a hidden boring floor will give a bright new carpet. Shades of the pile can be contrasting, create a color spot, add color or become the center of the composition.

Ideal if any part of the interior will be combined with the carpet, for example, sofa pillows

Transforming and zoning the room will help rearrange furniture.

To see the result of the work, you do not need to carry heavy cabinets and armchairs, you can simply download the application for visualization and on the screen to go through all the options for the location of the interior elements for free.

It is enough to change the sofa covers, pillows, bedspreads - and the room will acquire a new look.

Floor vases with high plants and mobile partitions Separate individual zones. The mood has changed - it is easy to rearrange in a new way.

As outdoor flowers You can use artificial options


Another effective method Change the view of the room - change the curtains. They perfectly fit into the ensemble, if there are a tone with sofa pillows or bedspreads, bright and funny drawings in the nursery will raise the mood, and the delicate pastel colors will emphasize the romantic bedroom interior.

For the children's room you can use volume chandeliers in the form of various toys

Successfully selected chandelier and point ceiling lamps will complete a solid composition. Directional rays will dry needed elements Decor and hide in the shade of defects. If you change the rigorous cold light of day lamps on a turbulent, the interior will immediately become more comfortable. You can attach the cauldhens and curtains separating the private recreation areas to the ceiling.

These simple and low-cost events will help not only refresh the interior and add new paints and the effect of novelty, but also hob the small defects of the floor and wall finish. Disguised sofas and armchairs, stylish curtains, mirrors and live greens, a new carpet - the room will be comfortable and filled with air.