
The device of the compressor from the old refrigerator. "Saved: Homemade: Compressor from a refrigerator

Billets for winter from tomatoes

It is not necessary to buy a compressor for painting works or packed wheels - you can make it with your own hands from the used parts and knots taken from the old technology. We will tell you about the designs that are collected from the primary materials.

In order to make a compressor from parts and used components, you need to prepare well: examine the scheme, find in the farm or buy some details. Consider several possible options for self-constructing an air compressor.

Air compressor from the details of the refrigerator and fire extinguisher

This unit works almost silently. Consider a scheme of a future design and make a list of necessary nodes and parts.

1 - tube for pouring oil; 2 - launch relay; 3 - compressor; 4 - copper tubes; 5 - hoses; 6 - diesel filter; 7 - gasoline filter; 8 - air inlet; 9 - pressure relay; 10 - Cross; 11 - Safety valve; 12 - tee; 13 - Receiver from the fire extinguisher; 14 - pressure reducer with pressure gauge; 15 - moisture meadow; 16 - Pneummatore

Required parts, materials and tools

The main elements are taken: the engine compressor from the refrigerator ( better production USSR) and a fire extinguisher's balloon that will be used as a receiver. If there is no available, then the compressor from the broken refrigerator can be searched in workshops on repair or in metal reception locations. The fire extinguisher can be purchased in the secondary market or attract familiar to finding, at work, which can be written off OKHA, OVP, OU by 10 liters. The body of the fire extinguisher must be safely emptied.

In addition, you will need:

  • pressure gauge (as for a pump, water heater);
  • diesel filter;
  • filter for gasoline motor;
  • pressure switch;
  • electric toggle switch;
  • pressure regulator (reducer) with pressure gauge;
  • reinforced hose;
  • plumbing, tees, adapters, fittings + clamps, hardware;
  • materials for creating a frame - metal or wooden + furniture wheels;
  • safety valve (for resetting overpressure);
  • pneumature with self-painting (for connecting, for example, to the airbrush).

Another viable receiver turned out of a car without a carless wheel. Extremely budget, although not too productive model.

Receiver from the wheel

We offer you about this experience. Watch the video from the author of the structure.

Homemade craftsmen find the use of outdated refrigerator, in particular, the compressor of it. Unpretentious spare part with a small power is suitable for the invention of the engine, quite working homemade. The compressor from the refrigerator is a design placed in a housing that does not have a cumulative capacity. The electrical circuit is connected, so it is not necessary to change it. So you can make it possible to make a silent and inexpensive motor up to 6-7 atm., Which will be sure to use in the garage room for pumping tires, painting parts, airbrushing.

Possessing some kind of knowledge of tech and digestion to use schemes and instructions, you can convert a motor from a non-working refrigerator for anything, upgrading and adding sensors, relays, pressure gauges, receivers. Possible options:

  1. Old rusty item will distill air, so it is enough to connect to the bus, turn on the network and start applying to pump tires from a bike, machines.
  2. If you unscrew the oil filter at the car's tank, the compressor will be used to pump over the oil. The main thing is to constantly monitor the level of fluid and the voltage in the network, not neglect the safety measures even in the garage.

Reference! The compressor works quite slowly, so it does not pump more than 2 tires in a row. Also possible overvoltage in the network, the output of the unit is out.

Compressor for pumping tires from the refrigerator

To get an aggregate for rapid pumping wheels with a working pressure at an output of up to 3 atm., It will take:

  • compressor;
  • connection cable with fork;
  • air filter from cars;
  • oxygen hose for nozzles;
  • spiral hose in the presence of removable adapters;
  • air gun for swinging wheels;
  • wires and clamps;
  • screwdriver, pliers, knife.

Details about the main stages of work:

  1. Sink up the handboard motor from the refrigeration radiator.
  2. Pick the oxygen hose in accordance with the diameter of the nozzle.
  3. Connect the air filter to the input of the compressor installation.
  4. Cropped with a knife nozzle (out of plastic) for pumping air without closing the hole at the same time.
  5. Take over the copper tube of the motor in different directions.
  6. Place one air filter, at the output of the copper pipe - the second, clamping the locations of the compounds with a tape (self-pressing).
  7. Attach the segment of the oxygen hose.
  8. Connect a spiral hose by means of an adapter. Attach the air gun to swing the wheels.

The main thing is that the pressure in the filter and hoses is average. Additionally, you can enhance the air pistol trigger with a nylon screed so that there are no jumps.

Reference! Air filters (plastic) - weakness Installation. They can quickly burst while increasing tire pressure on 2-3 atmosphere. When assessing the design, it is important to disable the thermostat, marking contacts on the starter relay and isolating the wire so that it does not occur with random shock.

What can be made from the compressor from the refrigerator

Compressor from the refrigerator - an unit that can be useful after reworking for:

  • pump pumping;
  • pumping water;
  • airbrushing with drawings (airbrushes) within the framework of special equipment;
  • repair household appliances (large);
  • pumping oil with installing a special receiver;
  • pumping water from the water supply system, when replacing the (repair) of the water supply.

From the refrigerator, you can make different homemade units (internal combustion engines, internal combustion engines), which will be used for a long time and trouble-freely used in everyday life: air compressor for painting, airbrushing, tire pump, air pump for the purpose of purging mechanisms.

How to make a compressor from the engine

First prepare the tools:

  • 2 hose (100 mm, 600 mm);
  • receiver (suitable case from the old fire extinguisher);
  • wire;
  • clamps;
  • gasoline filter from the car;
  • pressure gauge;
  • drill with drills;
  • pliers;
  • wooden board (base for design).

Let's start reworking with preparatory dismantling work:

  • remove the compressor from the refrigerator, located at the bottom with the help of a curly screwdriver, pliers, a set of keys;
  • we bite the pliers (nipples) 2 tubes from the cooling system and compressor;
  • remove the launch relay (black box with wires), unscrew the mounts;
  • snack wires;
  • check the parts for the working condition, because it is not a fact that they are suitable for dismantling, if the refrigerator is old and has long been idle;
  • slide the tubes to pass the air through them;
  • we install the previously removed relay in place;
  • screw the wiring with a fork to the wires located on the housing;
  • wind the connection places with a tape;
  • include in the outlet, if the air went out of the tubes, then the worker unit, otherwise the compressor from the fridge is broken or the wires are incorrectly connected;
  • we take plastic container (2.5-3 l), we drill a few holes at the top;
  • insert the tube from the compressor so that the input is located from the edge of the receiver in 200 mm, the output is inside the tank (from top of 10 mm);
  • pour a resin;
  • drill the hole for the nut in the metal case from the fire extinguisher (if not, it is welded from a sheet of metal sheet Detail to connect the receiver);
  • insert the pressure gauge, screw, we weld;
  • attach the receiver to the wire.

The homemade compressor should consist of three copper tubes: one - short, sealed at the end. When servicing, it will be enough to cut off the solder part, pour the filtered oil, pour again.

Alteration of the compressor from the refrigerator to the air

Homemade devices will be extended much more efficiently and cheaper than other factory counterparts. With the outdated refrigerator, you can create a compressor, knowing some technical features, having disassembled work. At the output will be silent, portable air appliance. The filter with the installation at the inlet of the motor is made of plastic containers. It remains to be purchased in the store locking regulatory reinforcement, such as valves and valves.

The built-in compressor is in any refrigeration unit. For alterations on the aircraft, it is enough to remove the item, equip the reinforcement parts. However, good cooling will be required. Otherwise, the device will not serve for a long time when contacting air. So, to pump the receiver up to 7 atm. The refrigeration unit should work for at least 15 minutes. Yes, and this volume of air may not be enough, for example, for pumping the wheel from the car 1 time.

Another nuance is compressor oil. The compressor at the working refrigerator works from Freon. When contacting the same with air, the mechanism needs to fill with a special lubricant, otherwise it will be quickly fails.

But the idea is conceived, and the compressor looks impressive, so it will take to work:

  • air receiver (for example, a cylon from kamaz with compressed air);
  • oil separator;
  • tube (copper);
  • air filter (input);
  • 2 reinforcements (control, regulating)
  • pressure switch.

Reference! If there is no oil separator, then you can make yourself from the pipe (50 mm in diameter), paving inside metal grid (Sponge for washing dishes), further - to equip the end of the tube with fittings, close pancakes (metal). Set the passage fitting on the pipe wall, slightly retreating from any of the ends.

Stages of work:

  • make a chassis from a metal corner, in addition (if desired) - 2 wheels in order to move the model in the subsequent;
  • mount the air receiver on the chassis;
  • secure the platform at the top of the cylinder, the bracket under the installation of the differential pressure relay;
  • extend the oil separator from the side of the receiver;
  • install the air filter on the inlet nozzle of the motor (if not available, it is made quickly from the plastic container), to attach to the inlet pipe using threaded corners;
  • connect the outlet of the oil separator inlet, and the receiver with a corner;
  • install a ball shut-off crane with a tee at the receiver output and the safety valve in order to provide the message of copper tubes through the taps of the tee with the pressure gauge and the differential relay.

Food of the homemade installation will occur through a start relay, so it is optional to change the electrical circuit. To upgrade, you can add a switch by mounting on the installation housing.

Air compressor to assemble easy. With such an assembly scheme, it will be connected to the network using a two-wire cord with a fork, it turns off immediately as soon as the air pressure reaches the mounted boundaries.

Refrigerator compressor finalization

The compressor installation can be simply modified to make it easier, for example, draining and change the oil in the tank. In fact, the working compressor itself, together with compressed air, drive oil in small quantities. For the manufacture of drain enough:

  • drill the hole at the bottom of the housing (2-3 mm in diameter);
  • cut the thread by the toll, after completing the oil unit;
  • attach the magnet to the label to hold the chips on themselves (particles in the tank are usually always present);
  • screw the tap back, cleaning from impurities at the edges;
  • rinse inside butter oil;
  • docile 2 filters with each other;
  • put inside the magnet;
  • pour oil from one container to another;
  • screw the lid, then unscrew to fill the oil again;
  • drain the oil, close the capacitance to the dipstick, putting the magnet.

Important condition! Metal particles when flowing should enter the magnet, and not back into the container. You need to merge the oil there, until it starts to depart crystal clear. Last but renounce the bolt and copper washer, fill the motor with filtered oil to the required volume. Connect the magnet already on the twisted plug at the bottom of the compressor so that the metallic chip particles remain inside.

The unit from the refrigerator after alteration is obtained silent, low-cost, not occupying a lot of space. If you follow easy circuits, you can make it possible to make it a completely working budget compressor for pumping tires, airbrushing, painting components.

Video: Compressor from refrigerator for pumping wheels

Video: I'm shocked. What is the compressor from the refrigerator

Almost all motorists who every day are mastered in their garage every day, perfectly understand that having in your hands tools and constituents can always create something necessary.

In the same way, you can create a whole compressor for painting a car from an ordinary compressor for the refrigerator.

That's just how to do this in the technical plan, and in what strand?

Therefore, because of the often emerging issues of beginner masters of self-taking in this article, you will learn how to make such a compressor on your own and from under handicraft materials.

What compressor choose (factory or homemade)

The main criterion that should be guided by choosing a station for painting is a uniform air distribution, without foreign particles.

If such impurities get caught, the coverage will be with small defects - graininess, shaggy, caverns. In this case, due to these parts, drums and stains may form, so it's best to entrust painting by the corporate air compressor, that's just there is one snag - such a device is too expensive that many car enthusiasts do not afford.

Save funds and at the same time create a functional model by creating functional equipment, which is described in many videos and articles.

We will only have to spend its precious time on the study of the material, and then the creation of equipment that must be at least qualitative.

The model represented by the plant or homemade - the role does not play, because its principle of its action is the same and it consists in creating excessive pressure. Here is just a method of injection of air completely different - it can be produced by manual or mechanical.

In the second case, this is a significantly high cost of funds, a manual method is economical, but labor-intensive, requiring continuous control.

Automatic pumping does not spend your strength, but the product requires periodic maintenance, which is only the process of replacing the oil for the compressor.

Only so can be achieved uniform feeding and air distribution. Having studied theory, you are aware of how it is easy to make a compressor station that will work efficiently, while this will not need a lot of time.

We collect the compressor installation from the girlfriend -

If you decide to create an equipment for painting your own car, then you should be as well as defined materials for this:

  1. For the reverse function, automotive chamber will be required;
  2. For the function of the supercharger, you will need a pump with a manometer;
  3. Chamber nipple;
  4. Remkomplekt and Shilo.

When all components are prepared can be proceeded to create a compressor station. To check as far as the camera is hermetic, it is necessary to carry it out.

If the problem still exists, then it can be solved in two ways - by baking or vulcanization of raw rubber. In the resulting reverse, it is necessary to do a hole for supplying compressed air so that it goes uniformly.

A special nipple is placed in the hole for this. Remkomplekt will serve to implement the additional fastener of the pin. To check the uniformity of the air supply, it is enough to unscrew the nipple. Native nipple allows you to get rid of excessive pressure.

The level of pressure is determined during the work when the paint is sprayed. If the enamel on the metal to fall uniformly, the installation is functioning. At the end of the procedure it is worth determining the pressure indicators for this, it is enough to spray paint on the body of your car.

If the enamel lay no tubercles, it means that the device functions efficiently. In addition, pressure indicators can be monitored using a special instrument - a pressure gauge. But, his indicator after pressing aurator should not be chaotic.

As you can see, special tools and knowledge to create a similar compressor will not need. In this case, the repair and painting of the car in this way more effective than the use of the canister.

Remember that neither dust nor water should get into the car chamber. Otherwise, you will have to reinstall the painting of the car.

If this installation is used correctly and using all knowledge, it will last long, and if you also automate the pumping air, then the process itself will pass quickly.

Alternative to a professional device (refrigerator compressor)

Homemade compressor devices serve much longer than the presented time even in comparison with the installations of domestic and foreign production.

It is quite natural, because creating it with your own hands, we do everything for yourself at the highest level. Therefore, the people even thought out how to create a compressor from the refrigerator, which will be at the level with the installations of popular firms.

That's just for its creation, you should stock such components as a pressure gauge, relays, rubber adapters, oil-separating, fuel filters, gearbox, motor, switch, hose, clamps, brass tubes, but also in trivia - nuts, paint, wheels from furniture.

Creation of the mechanism itself

Simplify the entire procedure can buy a compressor from the old refrigerator still Soviet times. This will not pull too much in the budget, while there is already a start-up relay compressor.

Foreign competitors are inferior to this model, because it is not able to work out such a high pressure. But the Soviet copes with such a task.

After eliminating the executive unit, it is desirable to clean the compressor from rust layers. To avoid in the future, the oxidation process is worth using the rust converter.

It turns out that the working casing of the motor is ready for the painting process.

Installation scheme

The preparatory process is completed, now you can replace the oil. Since the refrigerator is old and it is hardly permanent, it is worth updating this moment.

Since the system has always been far from external influence, then there was not justified by maintenance work. To carry out this procedure, it will not be necessary for expensive oil, enough and semi-synthetic.

In this case, it is not worse through the presented characteristics of any oil for the compressor and has many additives used with benefit.

Inspecting the compressor, you will find 3 tubes, one of them is already posted, but the rest are free. Open applied to input and output air. To understand how air will circulate, it is necessary to connect the power of the compressor.

Write down for yourself, which of the holes pulls the air, and which releases it. But the sealed tube should be revealed, it will serve as a hole to replace the oil.

The tip is necessary for the implementation of the tube, it is necessary to follow that the chips do not get inside the compressor. To determine how much oil is already there, we drain it into the container. With the subsequent replacement, you will know how much you have to pour it.

Then we take spitz and pour semi-synthetic, but this time count on that the volume should be twice as much as they already merged. When the container is filled with oil, it is worth drowning the engine lubrication system, it uses a screw that is pre-executed with the FUM tape and is placed simply in the tube.

Do not be afraid if periodically from the output air tube will appear drops of oil. It is not so difficult to resolve this situation, find the oil separator for homemade installation.

Preliminary works are finished, that's just now you can start directly assembling the installation. And they begin with the engine strengthening, it is best to choose a wooden base for this and in such a position so that it be on the frame.

It is worth noting that this item is very sensitive to the position, so you follow the instructions on the top cover, where the arrow is drawn. Accuracy is important in this matter, because the correctness of the installation depends on the correctness of the change of modes.

Where is the compressed air?

The cylinder can withstand high pressure is a container from the fire extinguisher. At the same time, they have high strength indicators and can be used as hinged equipment.

If you take on the basis of the OU-10 fire extinguisher, which accommodates 10 liters, then it is necessary to count on the pressure of B15 MPa. Unscrew the locking and starting device, instead of which you install an adapter. If you revealed traces of rust, then these places are mandatory to handle the rust converter.

Externally, it is not difficult to delete it, but it is more complicated to spend internal cleaning. But the easiest way inside the cylinder pour the converter itself and shake it well so that all the walls are impregnated with them.

When the cleaning is carried out, the water-conductive cross is screwed and we can assume that we have already prepared two working details of the self-made compressor design.

Conducting details

Previously, it was already negotiated that a wooden board is suitable for fixing the engine and the fire extinguisher body, it is even easier to store workers.

In terms of engine mounting, threaded studs and washers will serve, only think in advance to make holes. To fix the receiver in vertically, the plywood will need.

It makes a notch under the balloon, the second and the third is fixed to the main board using self-uses and holds the receiver. To give the design of maneuverability, you should fasten the wheels from the furniture to the base.

In order for dust to be in the system, it is necessary to consider its protection - the use of filter for gasoline can be considered an excellent option. rough Cleaning Fuel. With it, the function of the air intake will be easily executed.

Because on the holes with the input of the compressor equipment, the pressure indicators are low, it does not have to strengthen it.

Having created an input filter to carry out installation work with a compressor, do not forget to at the end to install the oil separator to avoid in the future of droplets of water. As the pressure indicators at the exit high, you will need automobile clamps.

The oil separator filter is joined by the gearbox input and the output of the pressure supercharger. To control the balloon pressure, the pressure gauge itself should be screwed on the right side, where the output is located on the opposite side.

To control pressure and power to 220V, set the relay to adjust. As an actuator, many masters recommend using RM5 (RDM5).

This device responds to work if the pressure drops, the compressor is turned on, if it rises, the device is completely discovered.

To establish proper pressure used springs on the relay. A large spring is responsible for the minimum indicator, but the small for the maximum, thereby establishing the framework of the work and disconnect the self-made compressor installation.

On the fact of PM5 is the usual two-contact switches. One contact will be needed to connect to zero network 220 V, and the second to combine with the supercharger.

The tuber is needed to spend off from it from the network and get rid of yourself from constant running in the direction of the socket. All connected wires for safety should be inlated. When these works are carried out, you can proceed the installation and check it.

Adjusting pressure

When the design is assembled, it is quite natural to check it. Connect the latest components - the spray or pneumatic equipment and connect the installation to the network.

We check the work of the relay how to cope with the engine shutdown, and follow the pressure using the pressure gauge. If everything works properly, go to check tightness.

To do this, it is easiest to use a soap solution. When tightness is tested, we water the air from the chamber. The compressor starts when the pressure drops below the minimum limit. Only after checking all systems and ghost them in the working state, you can proceed to the Painting Parts procedure.

For painting, you only need to determine the pressure and do not load yourself by pre-processing of the metal. To paint the uniform layer, it is necessary to experiment in this way and determine the atmospheric indicators.

It is important to use the supercharger as little as possible. Each motorist will understand the components of the parts and start making the automotive compressor.

Can choose different variants Production, but the use of the navigator start, automatic pressure control is a more complex design, but its use is one and solid pleasure.

It does not have to give time to control the receiver, which will reveal more opportunities, and you can do a painting machine, fence or even a gate.

Regulatory work is a mandatory procedure in order to extend the work of its self-made compressor.

To replace the oil - a conventional syringe can be used to merge or pour it. Replacing the filters is carried out only if necessary when the speed of filling the tank chamber is reduced.

Binding components of the compressor

When it is decided which compressor to choose and reverse, it is worthwhile to make a question of their association. At the same time, it is worth determining how the air will go to the airbrush. For the distribution of air corresponds to the node that mounted to the receiver.

The main thing is that these components are compatible with each other. For the disconnection and switching on the compressor corresponds to the pressure relay. RDM-5 although it is used for water supply systems, but this perfect option For our case - for the relay.

The bottom line is that the element for the connection is suitable for an external inch thread. To find out what kind of pressure in the receiver, you must use a pressure gauge and pre-think the size that is suitable for the connection. In the air preparation unit, we supply pressure and adjust it within 10 atmospheres, at this stage you must attach the filter of the oil separator.

The pressure gauge allows you to check the pressure, and the filter allows you to prevent particles of oil from the receiver. Turns, tees and even fittings are the following components that will have to be prepared for installation. To understand exactly the number, you need to think through the scheme, select inch as size.

After resolving the issue with adapters, it is important to consider the moment of installation of the structure, most often for this use chipboard plates. The design of your station should be maneuverable, because it will have to move it through the workshop to simplify the work, it is worth a feet of her legs.

It is not necessary to reinvent here for a long time, just visit the furniture, where there are quite a lot of such wheels from furniture. In order to save a place in your workshop, you can build a two-storey construction. But here it is better to stock up with large bolts for fixing the design. To simplify the preparation for this stage, make a list of mandatory components.

Assembly of the semi-professional air blower

The assembly begins with removing the spin of the fire extinguisher and installing the transition device. After removing the valve of the fire extinguisher, set the adapter there.

On the durable hose is carried out immediately four components - gearbox, pressure switch and adapter.

The next step will be fixing the wheels to the installation on the sheet of chipboard. Since the design is scheduled at two levels, it is necessary to make holes for the heels, where the fire extinguisher will be placed.

The hydroaccumulator is easier to collect, because there are brackets from two sides. The lower part is fixed to the base, and the upper one is fixed to install.

To reduce vibration when installing the compressor, silicone gaskets are used. The hose is connected to the output and input of air preparation.

The next step will be to carry out work on the connection. Jumper, protective elements - all this must be thought out.

Through the relay and switch, the entire connection chain is carried out, calculating that all connection passes according to the scheme: the phase wire enters the switch, the relay terminal is followed by connection. To ground the relay, a special wire is started.

What is better: buy or make a compressor yourself?

Compressor equipment on the market is represented by a large assortment. Piston components, vibration units, screw stations - all this components that are used in other areas.

If you wish, you can not spend your time on creating an installation, it is represented at any point of sale by auto parts or on specialized sites.

Such an extensive range significantly complicates the choice of the required product. But if you decide to purchase a station, this issue should be guided by technical indicators, worth and reviews of those who have already had time to evaluate.

If you chase for warranty periods, it is worth paying attention to the models of popular brands. Expensive products should be acquired if you are on the professional level by repair work.

You can bring up you products that do not have a name and status, so it's better to spend time once and no longer risk in this matter. Many manufacturers budget options Save on components components.

In the end, you will encounter frequent breakdowns and replacement parts, the warranty repair will take a long time. Therefore, many motorists perfectly understand that the installation collected in their own hands is sometimes more reliable than the factory.

Win such products with technical indicators. For example, the components of the homemade machine for painting the machine serves a lot longer - compressors from refrigerators can work tens of years, the fire extinguisher also has a colossal margin of safety.

You can always improve the indicators of your compressor yourself, everything is in your hands, but you don't experiment so much with the factory device.

The neighbors on the garage will surely acquire when they see a good made and thought-out device.

The compressor can be used in a wide variety of areas - to swing tires, airbrushes, painting parts etc. Possessing the necessary tools and certain technical knowledge, it is quite possible to manufacture this unit based on the usual refrigerator. The homemade compressor gives about 7 atmospheres, which is quite enough for the ordinary garage workshop, so many are increasingly thinking about how such a compressor can be made? Refrigerator compressor do it yourself it turns out quite quiet and, most importantly, cheap at its cost.

On average, the manufacture of this unit will require order one thousand rubles For all components.

Before trying to make our old refrigerator, you must compare two of these options, i.e. sold in specialized stores, and our homemade option. All can be highlighted several main differences Between them:

  • In the design of the factory compressor, there is an electric motor that transmits torque to the working chamber through the belt transmission. As for the homemade compressor, it consists of a housing and the engine itself, without belts.
  • In the factory embodiment, automatic pressure reset, input and output filters, pressure indicators, etc. have already been installed. The compressor from the refrigerator will have to install the adjusting equipment independently, given all the features.
  • Despite the fact that most factory compressors are equipped automatic systemsIn some budget models, such a feature is not implemented. In other words, these aggregates will have to be turned off independently, checking the time by the clock. Homemade compressors, mainly equipped with a protective relay, turning off the engine when the risk of overheating occurs.
  • In some factory models, there may be no lubricant. Of course, they have a small motor life, but there are no different exhausts. This circumstance is very important, especially if the paintopult behaves quite capriciously, without suffering different impurities. As for homemade compressors, it is plenty of oil. By the way, you need to pay attention to which it is to pour - synthetics very badly combined with usual, so it is not necessary to pour everything that fell.
  • The main feature of the homemade compressor is that it works very quietly, especially if you put all the tubes on it correctly, observing tightness. As for the factory compressors, they behave more noisy, so its use is possible only outside the house.
  • The cost of making a self-made compressor is very low, because the main components we take from the old technique, and the adjusting equipment will cost us one thousand rubles. As for the factory compressor, then the case is different.
  • In the factory compressor it is impossible to make any technical changes. In other words, if the unit is not enough powerful, it is possible to use it only as a pump for, no more. Homemade options are good because you can add some details, such as a large receiver, thanks to which you can significantly increase the power of the device.
  • The factory compressor is a complete technical device, so any improvisation is impossible with it. With the homemade unit you can do almost everything - to bring some details outside the body, or hide everything in one box, and on top to attach a handle for convenience of transportation.
  • On the homemade compressor you can install the fan so that it is cooled from the outside.

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Most refrigeration compressors possess some restrictions in terms of their work. Total shared several modes:

  • Normal - from 16 to 32 C.
  • Subnormal - from 10 to 32 C.
  • Tropical - from 18 to 43 C.
  • Subtropical - from 18 to 38 C.

However, combined modes are more common, possessing a different range.

So, homemade compressor maybe much more efficiently factoryIn terms of work with air.

On the video version of the self-made compressor for pumping wheels

Dismantling works

To make a homemade compressor from the refrigerator, it is necessary to produce initial training. It lies in certain dismantling work. It is elementary to remove the compressor from the refrigerator itself. It is located behind the refrigerator, in its lower part. To remove, we need an elementary set of tools: pliers, cape keys and two screwdrivers (plus and minus).

The compressor is located between the tubes that are connected to the cooling system. These tubes need to be bought off with the help of pliers, but in no case can be cut off with their hacksaw. The fact is that with this method inevitably the fine chips are formed, which can get inside the compensator.

Then go to the removal of the start relay is the usual black box, with wiring sticking out of it. We unscrew the mounts, then snack the wires that lead to the fork. You must not forget to mark the top and bottom of the launch relay - this is useful for us later. By the way, all the fasteners elements also take together with the aggregate itself.

Checking performance

After we removed the compressor, you need check its performance.

The fact is that we remove the device from the old refrigerator, so you need to make sure that our unit is still alive. So, flatten the tube pliers - it is necessary so that air flow passed through them. Next, we need to put a start relay to the position in which it stood in the refrigerator design. This is very important, because with the wrong position there is a risk of a device breakdown, as well as the failure of the compressor winding.

On the case of the relay there are wires to which you need to screw the piece of wire with a fork. The connection site is better wrapped with a tape to eliminate the risk of lesion to the current. Turn on the device into the outlet. If you did everything right, the compressor will work, and air will go from his tubes. By the way, it is necessary to mark from which tube the air flow comes, and which goes.

Step-by-step instruction

Before proceeding with independent making, you need to make sure that you have everything necessary materials and tools.

We offer to watch video from detailed description Process of one of the manufacturer's options

Read the same: We select oil for air compressor

In addition to the compressor itself, which we previously removed from the refrigerator, we will need:

  • Receiver. In this case, you can use the body of the old fire extinguisher, or weld the body from sheet metal and pipes.
  • Various hoses. At the same time, the length of one hose must be at least 600 mm, and the other two is about 100 mm. In this case, you can take hoses from the car.
  • Various consumables - gasoline and diesel filters, wire, clamp, pressure gauge and epoxy.
  • Related toolkit, i.e. Screwdrivers, pliers, drills, etc.
  • In addition, we need the usual wooden board, which will be the basis of the whole design. Attach the compressor to it using conventional screws. The mount should be carried out exactly in the same position he occupied in the refrigerator design.

We take any plastic capacity of a suitable volume (from 3 liters or more). At the top you need to drill a pair of holes for the sizes of the output tubes. Insert the tubes, after which we pour all the epoxy resin. The inlet tube in which air enters must be located in such a way that there was about 200 mm from its end to the bottom of the receiver. The output tube must be immersed inside ten centimeters.

This is a description of the plastic receiver, but for greater tightness it is best to make a receiver in the iron case. In this case, there is no need to pour all the resin, and the hoses are elementary brewed. To the same, only a pressure gauge can be installed on the iron receiver.

To install it, you need to drill the hole under the nut on the receiver housing. Insert it, then brew. Only then screw the pressure gauge into this nut, after which the work is completed. Now freamed by the receiver to our base with wire. The scheme will be approximately the following:

Our homemade unit is almost ready.

On the Internet there are quite a lot of photos and video of his work, for example, it is shown how it is used in airbrushing and for painting various parts, therefore the feasibility of its manufacture is quite obvious. At the end, you need to add several additional strokes to our device.

It is necessary to take one of the hoses, the length of which is ten centimeters, and put it on the filter. If this happens with difficulty, you can slightly heat the end of the hose so that it makes it easier for the fitting. The second end of the hose put on the inlet of our device. In this case, the filter will be protected from dust from entering the housing. The second 10-centimeter hose you need to connect the receiver's inlet and the output compressor. In this case, the connection site is better to tighten the clamps. Our third hose must be put on a diesel filter, and the other end to insert the receiver outlet. At the same time, the free fitting of the filter will continue to join various equipment for airbrushing, a spray gun for painting, etc.

Another video on the topic

Some technical data and service features

It is quite difficult to definitely say what kind of pressure will show one or another compressor. Here much depends on the specific brand and the operational period of the device itself. By the way, the old aggregates show even greater indicators than modern.

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Maintenance of our self-made device is very important moment In operation.

The main works will be to replace diesel and gasoline filters, as well as on the replacement of oil in the device. The design of compressors is present, as a rule, three copper tubes. Two of them we used earlier, and the third remained not touched. It is the shortest and posant at the end. So, draining oil is made through it. To do this, you need to cut off the sealed part, after which it is to drain the processing, the fill is made through it.

Do I need to repair the compressor?

As for the repair of the resulting device, then here everything is personally for yourself - Does it make sense to mess with it or not.

The repair will be in the translaimation of the relay, as well as to replace the oil in the device. If the manipulations did not help, then there is absolutely no need to invent something else. It is best to throw out the device that has served, then make a new one. Moreover, the issue price is not more than 1000-1500 rubles.


In principle, we figured out how to make a compressor from the refrigerator.

The feasibility of its manufacture is difficult to overestimate, because using this device you can produce various works Under airbrushing, pumping tires, painting various components and other works requiring pressure.

An additional advantage is that such a device can be used at home, because it makes little noise. In fact, this is the same refrigerator, only without unnecessary parts of the housing.
Recommended compressors are presented below:

Description and characteristics


Compressor type - Piston Oil

Engine type - electric

Power - 800 W

Max. Compressor performance - 110 l / min

Min. Pressure - 0.2 bar

Max. Pressure - 8 bar

The volume of the receiver - 9 liters

Drive (type) - direct

Buy or not buy? That is the question. But having an old faulty refrigerator with a working compressor this question disappears - of course make a compressor for painting using existing materials yourself!

The self-assembly of the compressor is not so complicated as it seems at first glance, especially if you know the principle of its action. To assemble the compressor, you will need the engine to drive the air into the container, where the same air will be under pressure. The mechanism is arranged in such a way that the surplus of air, due to which the pressure in the container may exceed the required, output through a special shore valve. It is necessary in order to in the process of painting a car (or what is still needed), the paint lasted evenly on the entire surface, and such an effect can be achieved only when constant pressure in the sprayer.

The compressor can be used in a wide variety of areas - to swing tires, airbrushing, painting parts and so on. Possessing the necessary tools and certain knowledge, it is quite possible to manufacture this unit based on a conventional refrigerator. The homemade compressor gives about 7 atmospheres, which is enough for the ordinary garage workshop. The compressor from the refrigerator will be quite quiet and, most importantly, cheap at cost.

What is better - homemade or purchased?

You can allocate several main differences between them:

  1. In the design of the factory compressor, there is an electric motor that transmits torque to the working chamber through the belt transmission. As for the homemade compressor, it consists of a housing and the engine itself, without belts.
  2. In the factory embodiment, automatic pressure reset, input and output filters, pressure indicators, etc. have already been installed. The compressor from the refrigerator will have to install the adjusting equipment independently, given all the features.
  3. Despite the fact that most factory compressors are equipped with automatic systems, in some budget models, such a feature is not implemented. In other words, these aggregates will have to be turned off independently, checking the time by the clock. Homemade compressors, mainly equipped with a protective relay, turning off the engine when the risk of overheating occurs.
  4. In some factory models, there may be no lubricant. Of course they have small, but there are no different exhausts. This circumstance is very important, especially if the paintopult behaves quite capriciously, without suffering different impurities. As for homemade compressors, there are plenty of oil.
  5. The main feature of the homemade compressor is very quietly working, especially if you put all the tubes on it correctly, observing tightness. As for the factory compressors, they behave more noisy, so its use is possible only outside the house.
  6. The cost of making a self-made compressor is very low, because the main components are taken from the old technology, and the adjusting equipment will cost a maximum of 1000 rubles.
  7. In the factory compressor it is impossible to make any technical changes. In other words, if the unit is not powerful enough, it is possible to use it only as a pump for tire paging, no more. Homemade options are good because you can add some details, such as a large receiver, thanks to which you can significantly increase the power of the device.

As practice shows, the homemade compressor for painting the car breaks much less often than its overseas and domestic factory counterparts. On the Internet you can find a lot of instructions for the construction of compressors with your own hands. So let's discuss several options that can help in this matter.

Homemade Compressor Making Schemes

Here are some options for the device assembly schemes - choose which better suitable for your purposes:

Details for compressor assembly

  • pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge;
  • reducer with oil separator;
  • oil filter oil separator;
  • adapters;
  • cross;
  • fitting and nut;
  • coupling;
  • nipple;
  • a tube;
  • car clamps;
  • receiver;
  • nuts, hairpins, washers;
  • furniture wheels;
  • automotive oil;
  • toggle switch;
  • fork and cord;
  • fuel filter;
  • plywood panels (chipboard);
  • compressor from the refrigerator;
  • maslo-resistant hose, screws, "epoxylin", sealant, paint, tape FUM, Rust Remiring and Other Small Melochka.

In their own variants, checked several different control valves. After several attempts, the Ruck14iamsv check valve ordered, it does not buzz and can perfectly approach the construction of the compressor from refrigeration plants. Also need to buy a safety valve (MINI SVM14-12). Take from the powder fire extinguisher 16 kg. The pressure in the tank is 9.5 bar, the shelf life is 2 months.

IMPORTANT: Notice what kind of oil to fill - synthetics is very bad with usual, so you do not need to pour everything that fell.

  1. An oil separator must be installed between the compressor and the tank.
  2. Oil should be added through the third solder tube.
  3. It is best to solder the connector and screw in screw or a metal plug.
  4. Install the dehydrator, it also captures the oil.

In connection with the sudden failure of the refrigerator, became the owner of an effective unit for 110 W. Of course it can be converted to the compressor. There is a car aerography, which was previously used with a 12-hundred-made compressor, as well as with high power compressor. These devices are noisy and short-lived. So I had to do homemade.

Compressor assembly instructions

It is important to perform the correct dismantling of the compressor so as not to damage it. First, using pipes snack tubes, leaving the engine leading to the radiator grille. Next, the wires from the relay are cut, but their length should remain about 20 cm. Before unscrew the compressor, it is necessary to make a mark on the relay lid.

After the contour of the compressor supercharger from the refrigerator is broken, an atmosphere affects the spindle, which will lead to the loss of its properties. If the supercharger does not replace the factory oil, its pistons are rapidly wear out, as a result of which the engine fails. Therefore, it is recommended to be first replaced with a motor semi-synthetic. like car.

In addition to the output and inlet tube, the compressor from the ordinary refrigerator is equipped with a third tube with a sealed end. In order to use it in the future to paint a car, it is necessary to eliminate the clogged part. To do this, using the cutter for metal, you should make a neat incision in a circle, but it is not flowing to the end, after which it was broken off the inscribed piece. It is important that the metal chips do not get inside.

The remaining nozzle must be collapsed and drained the old oil, then pour semi-synthetic in it in the same quantity. After that, the nozzle is clogged with the screw of the wrapped fum-ribbon.

The fire extinguisher body will be excellent for the receiver. It is important that it is cast, seamless and possessed a volume of 10 liters. Before using it, it is required to examine the fire extinguisher from the inside for corrosion. Flashlight is used for inspection. If corrosion is still present, it is necessary to get rid of it using a special fluid.

Stages of assembly work

Make a compressor from the refrigerator - it means to perform a simple sequence of steps:

  1. Take pliers, a cape key to 12, 2 screwdrivers - on plus and on minus. At the bottom of the rear panel, eat tube passage connecting the compressor with the cooling system. Unscrew the start relay, pre-posing on it the upper and lower sides. Disconnect the relay from the plug. All fasteners take with me.
  2. Checking the performance: connect back relays, ensure air access to the compressor on the tubes, connect to the network. If everything is done correctly, the device works. The air will go to one tube, and from another exit. Mark these tubes.
  3. Attach the compressor with self-drawing to a wooden board.
  4. We take the old fire extinguisher, 1 600 mm long hose, 2 others - 100 mm, fuel filter, clamps, pressure gauge, sealant. Drill, twig, pliers we already have.
  5. If there is no fire extinguisher, we will make a plastic container. To do this, we must take a container with a volume of more than 3 liters. Make 2 holes. Insert in 1 hole inlet tube at a distance of 2 cm from the bottom of the container. The output pipe is lowered deep into 10 cm. On the plastic tank, it is impossible to install a pressure gauge.
  6. If there is an iron tank, then you can fix the tubes with welding. Install a pressure gauge on the iron receiver.
    We fasten the receiver and compressor.
  7. 10 cm long hose Put the filter, attach the free end of the tube to the inlet of the designed apparatus. Another hose connect the receiver input with the output of the compressor. Docking places fix clamps. A diesel filter is fastened to the last hose, and its free end is inserted into the receiver outlet. The remaining end of the tube can be put on the need for the need for airbrushing, painting.

The second version of the step-by-step instruction:

  1. Serve a special hole for the adapter to be consolidated. You can choose different methodsFor example, the most affordable is cold welding (using epoxylin).
  2. Carefully cleaned the bottom of the receiver from pollution - plaque and rust. This is necessary in order for "epoxylin" well concluded with the surface for durable gluing. Well, of course, that the paint does not contaminate and did not get into lumps with garbage. You can achieve this by reading the bottom of the fire extinguisher to the metal glitter with rotationally circular motions of sandpaper.
  3. We fix the adapter, clamping it with the front side with a nut, and let the time to frozen "epoxylin" according to the instructions.
  4. Go to the bottom of the compressor, for which you need to get three wooden boards or a piece of plywood of 30 for 30 cm. For the convenience of further moving our device to the base, you can fasten mobile wheels for furniture. We specifically do not describe the size of holes and other little things, since it will all be purely individually, as it depends on the selected material, such as the compressor and so on.
  5. Drink holes for the compressor and spills and mount them. Studs are fixed with nuts and washers.
    We wear a car filter with a special paper core on a breath of compressor. It will help to avoid falling inside the compressor of dust and other small contaminants.
  6. Next, we will deal with the electrician. So that our homemade compressor for painting the car is convenient to use, equip it with pressure relay (for example, PM5 or RDM5), as well as shutdown togglers. The first device, pressure relay, we need to turn off the compressor in the process of pumping air into the receiver when the pressure reaches a permissible maximum, and vice versa, turn it on when the pressure drops below the allowable minimum. It is possible to adjust the value of the maximum and minimum pressure values \u200b\u200bdirectly on the relay using springs, and the large spring is responsible for the minimum pressure (and the corresponding inclusion of the compressor), and the small one is due to the difference between the maximum and minimal pressure value.
  7. Consider carefully and see on the relay 2 of the contact, designed specifically for connecting it to the network. Since initially, such relays were used in the water supply system, we will slightly change its purpose and connectivity. Our task is to connect the first contact to the network, and the second to the compressor.
  8. A complete shutdown toggle switch put on the gap between the pressure relay and the 220V network. It will help de-energize the entire installation, so as not to run constantly to turn on-off.
  9. Prayer receiver and proceed to the final assembly.
  10. Screw the nut with the fitting on the filter-oil separator.
  11. We take the hose and put it with one end on the fitting, and then stretch on the compressor tube and clamp all this with clamps. For this, the hose take reinforced, oil resistant. Each threaded connection should be sealing a fum-ribbon.
  12. We screw the filter to the bottom of the receiver and process the silicone sealant connection.
  13. We screw the cast-iron cover, but pre-process its threaded connection with the same sealant. To improve sealing, you can put a rubber gasket under the cover.
  14. It is necessary to screw the tube on the lid, the thread of which should be a quarter of an inches, and on it - to fasten the cross.

Installation of details of the device

For ease of storage and movement, it is best to position all the compressor details compact on the same base. As the basis, we will use a wooden board, on it we reliably fix the engine - the supercharger and the fire extinguisher body.

The compressor engine is fixed using threaded studs, which have been done in advance drilled holes, and nuts with washers. The receiver is located vertically, using three sheets for fastening, in one of which cut the hole under the balloon.

Two others, with the help of self-tapping screws, attach to the bearing board and glue with the retaining receiver sheet. Under the bottom of the receiver, at the base, squeeze the recess corresponding to the size. For maneuverability, screw the wheels from furniture accessories to our base. Next, perform the following operations:

We provide protection for our system from dust and coarse particles, for which, as an air intake, use a coarse filter of the fuel of gasoline engines. We use a rubber hose for this purpose, a tightly crimping filter fitting and a supercharger inlet. At the entrance of the compressor, low pressure and amplification of contact with automotive homutics is not required. Thus, we made an input filter for the compressor with your own hands.

At the output of the compressor, the oil separator should be installed, it will not allow passage of liquid particles. As this element of protection, use diesel engine power systems filter. He is attached to the supercharger with the help of a oil-resistant hose. Since the pressure at the release of the compressor is increased, here and everywhere further, to strengthen the contact we use automotive clamps with fasteners tightening with the screw.

Oclohylar separation filter connect with gearbox input. We need a gearbox to unleash the receiver pressure and the output of the supercharger. Its high pressure yield we apply to the water pipe to the left or right.

From the opposite login of the quarter, we screw the pressure gauge, we will control the pressure of compressed air in the cylinder. Top view of the crosses retard the adjusting relay. All connections compact fume ribbon and sealant.

The relay will allow you to set a wide range of pressure levels in the receiver, in a timely manner of the supply chain of the supercharger. As an actuator, you can choose RM5 or RDM5. These devices will include a compressor if the compressed air pressure in the receiver falls below the marker, and turn off when the specified range is exceeded. Required pressure is configured on the relay using two springs. The large spring sets the minimum level of pressure, and the small adjustment of the upper limit by setting the border of the compressor shutdown. RDM5 and PM5 were initially produced for use in the water supply network and electrically passive, that is, they are conventional switches with two contacts. One contact we connect with zero network 220 V, and the second with a supercharger.

Phase network wire through a toggle switch to the second network entry of the compressor. Introduction to the electrical diagram of a toggler allows you to quickly disable the system from the power, without running each time to the outlet. All electrical connections are disappearing and carefully insulated.

Compressor Testing and Configuration

Now it remains only to paint the entire compressor and move to field tests.

Collecting the design, it is necessary to check its performance. Connect to the output of the compressor the paint clock or gun to swing tires. After that, when the toggle is turned off, turn on the plug into the network. I exhibit the adjusting relay on minimal pressure and then apply power to the supercharger. The pressure generated in the receiver is controlled using a pressure gauge. Making sure that when the relay is reached, the engine turns off the engine, check the tightness of the air ducts and connections. It is easy to do with a soap solution.

Making sure that the compressed air does not go out of the system, wagate it from the receiver chamber. As soon as the pressure in the cylinder falls below the marker, the relay must work and run the compressor. If everything works properly, you can try to paint some unnecessary detail. Preliminary work on the preparation of the surface to apply enamel here is not required - it is important for us to work out skills and determine which pressure will need to paint the product. An experimental way determine the amount in the atmospheres, in which the excess pressure is enough for the color of the entire part of the uniform layer with a minimal number of opening the supercharger.

Adjustment and testing

The main check of the self-made compressor is to determine the possibility of effective pressure regulation, which is created in the collected system. The easiest way to do this with a test painting of any surface. At the same time, the following is sequentially:

  1. Exhibit relays on 4 ... 5 atmospheres.
  2. Connect the compressor to the network.
  3. The manometer is monitored for the stability of the parameter. If the relay is operational, then when the pressure is exceeded, it will turn off the compressor, otherwise open the reset valve, and the unit is immediately turned off.
  4. Check the system on the absence of spontaneous energy boom, for which a conventional soap solution can be used.
  5. When the pressure is reduced to the level, below the minimum permissible, the relay must automatically turn on the compressor.
  6. After staining any surface, it is necessary to check the quality of application of paint - with an external inspection, traces of moisture, extraneous particles and dirt should not be revealed. If such defects still have arisen, you should additionally check the operation of the output filter - the oil separator.

Video instruction on the compressor

The work of the assembled unit will be long and reliable, if it periodically holds the regulatory service. It comes down to replacing the input filters, the periodic purge of all air lines, as well as the oil change in the compressor.

To load the compressor by more than 75% of the power undesirable. But it is quite difficult to understand where the trait is located for which it is impossible to implicit, predict what pressure will show the compressor. It depends on when a refrigerator was released, what brand it is. In old models, this indicator will be better. Then, for comfortable quality, you will need only replacing consumable filters.