
Psychology of chess struggle. Internal opponent in chess Psychological resistance to stress in chess

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Psychology of chess

Man is a creature that is 80% driven by emotions and only 20% by logic. Getting into this or that situation, first of all, we feel the emotional reaction of our body, and only when the first surge passes, our brain turns on. In some cases, it is emotions that help us make the right and right decision, but more often in tense and stressful situations, they are not our advisors. Psychology is a rather subtle area of ​​activity of our body and it is necessary to learn how to manage it, especially when it comes to such a board game as chess.

The psychology of chess is an area that many scientists are trying to study and understand. To do this, they analyze not only the game, but also the players themselves. Chess is a logic game. In it, you need to guess the opponent's strategy, calculate several moves in advance. This board game is one of the most popular and one of the most difficult. To achieve victory you need to make every effort. A game of chess can last long enough, and many experts agree that it is not only a perfectly worked out strategy that is important for victory. But also positive psychological thinking, as well as the ability to make quick decisions in those situations that go beyond such a well-thought-out plan.

Psychological training

Psychological training is very important for a chess player. The fact is that if this moment is not taken into account, then the player's psyche can be significantly shaken. When, over and over again, he will find himself in situations that do not fit his strategy. If a person is not psychologically prepared for such moments, then it takes him by surprise, knocks him out of the rut, the player is lost and victory slips from under his nose. Modern chess psychology says that it is necessary to prepare oneself for various situations, to be optimistic, but at the same time not to exclude the possibility of defeat. The last aspect is especially important. Many people who play chess are perfectionists from the start. This is the opinion of a number of scientists. They consider this game to be ideal in terms of mathematical calculations and logical thinking. And when they fail to match the level of this game - to win, then this leads them to depression. Therefore, everyone who has decided to play chess and who wants to get pleasure from the process, and not a headache and a nervous tic, needs to train their psychological stability. How to do it? Nobody will tell you step-by-step steps or methods. Simply because they are not in the finished version and they are individual for everyone. But thanks to the experience of the players, you can find the best option for yourself.

Keywords: self-regulation, sports form, sports performance, opening, middlegame, endgame, time trouble.

Key words: Self-Regulation, sportswear, athletic performance, debut, middlegame, endgame, pressed for time.

Summary. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of psychological preparation of chess players of the highest categories for sports competitions. Psychological analysis The article turns into pedagogical recommendations on the organization of the educational and training process both for athletes of the first category and candidates for master of sports of Russia, and for their coaches.

Summary. The article concerns the peculiarities of psychological preparation shahmatis comrade-top bits of sports. Psychological analysis of the article goes into pedagogical recommendations on the organization of training process for both athletes and first-dass candidates for master of sports of Russia, and for their coaches.


The work of a coach is difficult and multifaceted when preparing his students for chess competitions. It is necessary to have as much information as possible about future opponents, to outline the exact plans of action, opening formations, the strategy of the middlegame and endgame, to detail the knowledge and skills of the student, to create a working model of the competition, etc. But the most important thing is that the coach needs to "enter" the role of a friend - psychologist-mentor, since the role of psychological preparation for the competition cannot be overestimated. Even losing one game can lead to nervous stress. Competitions are different in purpose, scale and degree of psychological tension: qualifying, control, team, matches, etc. The most difficult psychologically are the world championship matches, because the intensity of the struggle is very high.

The best match fighters were Em. Lasker, A.A. Alekhin, M.M. Botvinnik, G.K. Kasparov. It is also customary to divide competitions into training competitions,

leading and culminating (main). The main start must be approached through a series of training and then leading competitions. The number of starts in these competitions is determined by the coach, based on the individual characteristics of the athlete.

Research methods and organization.

The research carried out an expert survey, psychological and pedagogical experiments on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methods of the IIVS RSUFKSMiT.

Results and its discussion.

It is impossible to achieve high, stable results, rarely participating in competitions. It is there that the potential capabilities of an athlete and his skill are tested, the shortcomings of theoretical, sports and psychological training are revealed, volitional qualities are brought up, and sports form is tested. The highest sports form is characterized by the state of the greatest working capacity and is determined by the complex of readiness components, in particular, by psychological readiness. One of the reasons for the rise or fall of sports results is the working capacity of the central nervous system. Ultimately, it controls all the forces and capabilities of a person. The psychophysiological mood of an athlete is directly related to the central nervous system, therefore it is very important to regulate the athlete's training and rest regime, because they all have different rates of sports form formation and dynamics of central nervous system performance, which requires special attention trainer. First of all, the athlete must be prepared for possible deviations from the simulated conditions, unexpected situations and unforeseen difficulties (for example, M. Botvinnik and his coach-second V. Ragozin played to the sound of the radio and smoking cigarettes).

In the process of preparing for the competition, it is important to carry out psychological, pedagogical and psychological influences:

  • minimize negative psycho-hygienic effects: work to overcome psychological incompatibility;
  • organize a varied cultural program, recreation and entertainment for athletes;
  • conduct lectures, conversations of psychologists about the possibilities and prospects of self-management of the mental state in the process of a duel;
  • organize training of athletes in psychoregulation techniques (for example, options for autogenous training, self-hypnosis techniques, etc.).

It is necessary to take into account not only the exact start time, but also the possible duration of the competition, creating in the athlete a powerful psychological mood for a high result at a certain time. On the eve of the start, the athlete usually feels high nervousness. To remove it, it is recommended to practice such sports as skiing, table tennis, badminton, playing football, swimming, etc. The basis of the psychological training of athletes is the education of such moral and volitional qualities as:

  1. Willpower is the most important volitional quality, achieved through the formation of powerful motivation for practicing chess.
  2. Hard work, perseverance, patience. It is brought up by a gradual increase in loads, the group method of performing the exercise is often used, game moments.
  3. Endurance and composure. An athlete's mental stability, his composure and composure in the most difficult and difficult competitive situations are the basis for success in any sport, and especially in chess.
  4. Determination. The lightning-fast changing situation on the chessboard requires instant assessment and decisive action, a willingness to take reasonable risks.
  5. Courage and courage. They express the moral strength and strong-willed perseverance of a person, presence of mind in a dangerous situation, readiness to boldly and decisively fight for the achievement of a noble goal.
  6. Confidence in your strength. This quality is the main basis of the fighting character. It is necessary to strengthen athletes' self-confidence - this will help them master new training loads and achieve success in competitions, which, in turn, strengthens self-confidence.
  7. Discipline. This is the ability to subordinate your actions to the requirements of duty, the rules and norms accepted in our society. Great importance to foster discipline, it has to adhere to the training and hygiene regime, including a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol.
  8. The will to win. It manifests itself in the combination of all volitional qualities of an athlete, but, at the same time, it is necessary to specially strengthen the will to win. The struggle for the sporting honor of the team and the collective greatly enhances the desire to win.

In addition to fostering strong-willed qualities, it is necessary to study the creativity of your potential rivals, their psychological characteristics... The better an athlete knows his opponent, the easier it is for him to fight him.

While training in the simulated conditions of the upcoming competition, it is necessary to prepare the athlete for possible deviations from normal conditions, unexpected situations and unforeseen difficulties. A sober assessment of the situation and the conviction in overcoming it is the basis of sportsmanship. Athletes need to be aware that exaggerated perceptions of difficulties can reach extremes in which not only doubt, but also fear arises. Therefore, mental stability is very important. Even Marcus Aurelius argued that: "Reconstruct your attitude to things that worry you, and you will be safe from them." The main thing is never to lose heart. As a rule, the reason for the defeat is the loss of mental stability. You need to learn how to reflect the psychic attacks of the enemy, but you yourself should treat your opponents with respect and kindness. Some coaches try to create greenhouse conditions for their pupils. It is not right. It is appropriate here to recall the words of I.P. Pavlova: "A greenhouse environment during upbringing can lead to the fact that a person with a strong nervous system will remain a pitiful coward for life." Each coach must understand that in order to bring up various sports and psychological qualities in his student, he himself must have them to the fullest. Raising others - improve yourself!

One more thing. It is very important to follow the advice of a sports psychologist. “Chess is not only a difficult game, but also a struggle of characters, personalities, intellects. Therefore, a variety of factors act on the course of a chess game, depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the athletes, the psychological characteristics of the partners. And many of the problems manifested in chess game are of a psychological nature (loss of concentration, a sense of responsibility, underestimation own forces, overestimation of the opponent's forces, a decrease in the productivity of mental activity in conditions of time pressure, etc.).

The task of a sports psychologist is to help a chess player accumulate such a reserve of will that will help him to win a victory over himself in the most difficult situations when thinking begins to get in the way of doubt and fear.

With regular psychodiagnostics and the active participation of a psychologist in the training process, it becomes possible to take into account the individual characteristics of an athlete, the formation and development of mental qualities and skills necessary for victory. Timely to determine the peculiarities of the psyche and to develop for each student an individual plan for the development of abilities, a strategy of pre-competitive and competitive behavior - this is also the field of activity of a sports psychologist.

Chess is one of the most difficult sports in terms of the quality and quantity of mental stress, therefore, in addition to mastering self-regulation techniques, it is necessary to introduce exercises with physical stress (running, outdoor games). Optimally selected physical activity has a positive effect on well-being, they give confidence and relieve the psychological stress that usually accumulates during the period of participation in the competition.

Undoubtedly, in addition to the coach, parents have a great influence on the sports life of their children. Therefore, it is good if the psychologist interacts with the parents of the athletes, regardless of the age of the athlete. Parents do not always react adequately to the losses and gains of their children. And some athletes experience a negative reaction from their parents, who believe that a tough authoritarian parenting style and constant reprimands, up to shouts and “breakdowns” at their children for losses, can stimulate children to stubborn activities. However, in the first place, the result will be a decrease in self-esteem, self-confidence and a decrease in motivation to achieve victory (and, as the opposite, the motivation for avoiding failure will be formed).

But there is also another extreme. Overprotection on the part of parents also has a negative impact on the competitive performance of children, as a result of which, in a stressful, uncertain situation, the athlete will be lost, instead of turning to his own resources. Often at competitions, some parents take too much care of their children, preventing them from mobilizing and entering the desired state, and the anxiety, excitement of parents at a tournament can be transmitted to children. Therefore, the psychologist consults parents, telling how they can help children in their sports life, how to provide support at competitions, help them experience the bitterness of defeat and be allies in this difficult sports matter.

Greater performance psychological work is achieved if the psychologist cooperates not only with the athlete and his parents, but also with the coach, because the coach is the main person in the sports life of his athlete. Often you have to develop effective ways seconds of the athlete to calm down or, conversely, to activate the athlete, and the correctly chosen words sounding from the coach's mouth play very important role not only in the mood before the competition, but also when discussing the results of the game. After all, a word can inspire, and you can also help to reduce faith in yourself. Therefore, knowing the psychological characteristics of an athlete (temperament, strength nervous system, driving motives, etc.), an effective approach can be found for each individual, which will affect the professional growth of an athlete. It is good when the “order” to the psychologist to work with the athlete comes precisely from the coach, who better than others knows his ward and the peculiarities of his pre-competitive and competitive behavior, then psychological control goes along with the coach, helping the psychologist to develop optimal paths achieving the set goals. Therefore, the interaction of a coach and a psychologist is optimal, because they have the same goal - the success of athletes.


Summing up the above, we can conclude that in order to achieve the maximum sports result in the preparation of chess players, a harmonious combination of three components is necessary: ​​technical-tactical, physical and psychological.


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Psychology has always been an integral part of chess. In any chess game, the winner is not the player who is stronger, but the one who is more psychologically stable. An example of this is the facts when chess players, because of the experiences of defeat in one match, lost precious points in the next, when the players, faced with unforeseen situations during the game, were lost, nervous and thereby predetermined the outcome of the matches in the wrong direction, etc. ... Therefore, if a chess player wants to progress, psychological training should be an integral part of his training.

Has its own aspects. Firstly, it is the psychological state of the chess player's inner world throughout the entire tournament. Secondly, it is the psychological stability of the athlete during the fight. Therefore, experts from the field of chess psychology give some recommendations regarding the anti-stress state of chess players:

1. It is necessary not only not to tear the jersey on oneself after a loss, but also to discard the excessive desire to recoup. This can lead to the fact that during the next game the chess player will lose touch with reality and inadequately assess the current situation on the field. This will most likely result in another defeat. Therefore, after the first defeat, you must not be critical of the loss. You just need to fully analyze everything that happened, analyze your mistakes, the mistakes of your opponent, etc.;

2. You must always sit confidently at the chess table. But this must necessarily be not indicative confidence, but real. Only then will the enemy feel this on himself and begin to get nervous. If your opponent starts to panic, then never rush to finish the game faster, since you can make a mistake on the courage;

3. The choice of the correct psychological tactics or its quick change during the fight. As a rule, rivals study each other's strengths and weaknesses. But a professional chess player should always be able to quickly push on weak spots in the opponent's game or instantly change the situation on the field. It is not always possible to put pressure on the weak sides, but you can always transfer the fight from a calm channel to a rapidly developing one. In most cases, in such situations, the opponent experiences psychological stress, which leads to serious blunders on his part.

You should never forget that the opponent can use similar techniques or will simply be psychologically stronger. Therefore, every chess player needs to devote a lot of time to classes. chess psychology.

Good day, dear friend!

In order to win, it is important not only to be good at playing on a 64-square board. It is important to understand who is sitting opposite you. Psychology in chess - the most important moment, which is revealed in the book presented today.

Name: Psychology of Chess Struggle

Going to print: 2017, publishing house Russian Chess House

Volume 87 pages

What is this book about?

On the psychology of chess. To beat an opponent, you need to understand how he thinks, what he fears. It is important to learn how to manage yourself, your emotions, confuse and suppress your opponent.

Chess is played by real people with psycho-complexes peculiar to them. The psychological state of a chess player, his ability or inability to recognize and use the opponent's weaknesses, is the most important factor when preparing for the game, choosing the next move, plan and strategy of the game.

Almost all outstanding chess players have noted the importance of psychology in chess. Botvinnik , Bronstein,. The list goes on and on.

Psychological techniques were used at the board, Alekhine, Tal, The same Botvinnik, Kasparov, Bronstein .

The goal of psychological preparation in chess is twofold:

  1. Maintaining and maintaining your optimal emotional state during the game
  2. Transfer of the opponent into a state of psychological discomfort, fertile ground for mistakes. Certainly correct, civilized methods.

The book will be useful and interesting to a very wide circle of chess players - from beginner to master.

about the author

Mikhail Efimovich Osherov - An experienced chess coach with over 45 years of experience.

The book consists of 14 chapters. Here are just a few of them:


The psychological aspects of wrestling are often underestimated not only by beginners, but also by experienced chess players.

Sometimes a psychological victory over the person sitting opposite you is enough to win at the chessboard. And above himself, first of all, so that he is at the board in an optimal psycho-emotional state.

The study of this book will allow you to "pump your psychological skill" and, with a high probability, will have a beneficial effect on practical results.

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