
What dreams of two. What is the dream of a dream, psychological analysis


Large dream book

Why dream two in the dream:

Two - in itself this figure in a dream means gossip. Sleep, in which you see twins twins, foreshadows self-confidence, peace and consent to the family. Two heads on your shoulders - rapid climbing on the service staircase. Dream Dream Two - to see someone else with two heads in a dream - to well-being. What dreams of two - a horse about two legs - you will be honored. See at once two moon in the sky - to loss in love due to excessive mercantility.

English Dream

What dreams of two in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream two - the duality of good and evil, darkness and light), polarity, company, femininity, second place. The interaction of male and female, struggle and unity of opposites. In astrology - the moon. What dreams of two are in Tarot the second card - a priestess, meaning the inner strength, meditation, reflections.

Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

What dreams of two, dream interpretation treats like this:

Two appearance - if one person dreams at the same time in two faces, then it means that the unclean soul seduced part of his soul, that is, it is under the influence of unclean. What dreams two appearance is that such a dream foreshadows a sharp bad change for the state of this person: death, severe illness, evil eye, conspiracy, spell, disintegration, unwanted moving against will, prison, etc. What dreams of two - dream book two appearance - bad also In a dream, we consider your own photos - Dangerous any double in a dream, because at this time the soul is divided. For the same reason, it's not good to look in a dream in the mirror.

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

Dream Two

Duality, alternation, distinction, conflict, addiction and static. This is equilibrium, stability, opposite poles, reflection of the dual nature of a person. All that is manifested is already double and forms a pair of opposites. Two - the first number after the unit, so it symbolizes the sinful nature of man. Properties attributed to this number are traditionally associated with femininity: it is soft, tenderness, modesty, obedience and submission. "2" - the number of passive acceptance and receipt in the broadest sense. So, for a businessman number 2 - a favorable day for profit. Couple animals even different speciesbut with the same symbolic meaning, for example, two lions or lion and bull (both solar sign), means doubled.

The number is two - happiness; perfect para.

Among the "2" were concluded two opposites, which are attracted, and repel at the same time, these are two halves of one whole, the eternal and continuous struggle of black with white. Without opposition and the interaction of two, the inner harmony began impossible, there is no day without night and good without evil. This number does not give a person to calm down, filling it with unconscious desires and doubts, forcing him to look for new ways, ideas and answers to eternal questions, not allowing him to be saved in his beliefs. Self-improvement, depth, contrast and desire for equilibrium - that's what is hiding in this number.

The number two symbolizes the duality, the combination of opposites - the male and female, active and passive, unconscious and subconscious, etc. For example, in combination on the cards of two colors - white and black, two towers, two mountains, Yin-Yang characters, two flowers. In the maps of lovers (in love) and the devil image of a couple of people have a particularly pronounced meaning. In Arkanov, the star and moderation of the hierofant we see an image of a pair of objects symbolizing all the same duality. This idea is present in many maps, which in itself already suggests that each of them has both sides - and bright and dark.

Two keys in the dream

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Drawing keys signal the presence of secrets in the dream of a dream, both its own and those that he is trying to solve. Another meaning to be paid to dream books is the possibility that changes will be very soon. How not to get confused, why the keys are shot, and what to do if there were two keys in a dream, the details of the dreams will be prompt.

Ask Miller

Beware of unforeseen change, the dream book Miller, who saw two keys lying in dust in a dream. Although finding the brand in a purest place means that stipoping cases will promote noticeably.

Dreamed the girl that she locks the door to two castles - a symbol of the fact that in reality this particular "powder brains" at once two guys. But if she lost the keys in a dream, then such a vision means separation from a close man.

That they unscrewed: from determination to caution

Involver, what dreams of two keys, remember which locks they spiral. In the dream interpretation of the wanderer, you will find such explanations: your defensions approached many locking wells - expect that the solution to the problem will come unexpectedly and from there, where you were not waiting.

See keys from the apartment - a sign of unshakable. You, not expecting it yourself, show a strong character that undermines the desire for envious to harm you. And if you see that the two keys opened the car, and the entrance to the dwelling, then beware of trusting the secrets of strangers, advises East Dream.

Appearance as a symbol of abilities

Sometimes dreams consider two keys, as a sign of a dream inaptity to find any other ways to solve the problem, except for those that "lie on the surface." The reasons for this will be prompted by nuances of dreams, for example, such as appearance Badges.

If the lock "Owners" in the dream is beautiful, made not by a shrub, but a true Creator, then this is a sign of imminent changes in the career. But, if they are fed, sacrapach, they are knocked out - then it is not necessary to take care of cases that you initially seem impliance. Believe the dreams, you do not find the answer, how to perform them competently and quickly.

"Key" manipulations, or changes already nearby

Interpretation of sleep largely depends on what you do with the subject with the subject.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loffa tells what dreams of gold, in which you found two keys: ahead of you awaits the time when you will be able to make great things, and not particularly boring. Losing all the bundles in a dream - to a quarrel, and large-scale.

Pull the keys in a dream - a double symbol. He dreamed that the pins on the beard were very intricate forms - do not wait for light paths in the goal achievements. But, the more easier the beard, the easier it will be to find the right decision.

What made of what

Intetracting, what dreams of this or that vision, pay attention to the little things. Taking up with "unscrews" of locks, consider what they are made:

  • golden - to acquaintance with an influential person;
  • tin - to poverty;
  • from metal - to persistence;
  • wooden - to custody and advocacy on persons;
  • stone - acquire stress resistance.

What dreams time. Number 2 (two) | Dream Pythagora

Interpretation of sleep time. Number 2 (two) in Dream: Dream Pythagora

Time. Number 2 (two) in a dream - if in a dream you look at the clock (see also 2, clock) and see the number 2, which is brightly released on the dial, then in reality after 2 days you will become an object of gossip and ridicule. If your dream left you a pleasant impression, then you will be talking about you because you are a bright person, and it will last this high attention to your person no longer than 11 days. If your dream was sad or unpleasant, then the object is gossipped, you will become because in reality in 20 days before the dream did not behave the best way . In this case, do not wait for the early termination of conversations, at least about two months you will be annoyed by gossips and envious. If you dream that you look at the clock and see that they show two o'clock in the morning, means that 2 days ago you met a person who can give you what you lack. Girls this dream warns against hasty actions and rapid acts. If in a dream you are experiencing annoyance or fright, then in life you will have to be remitted for two months to make advantage of yourself to use the information received from a new acquaintance. If, in a dream, you don't care that the clock shows 2 hours, that is, a deep night, or you even like it, then I will reveal your friend to contact you 2, 11 or 29. If in a dream you see that the clock shows 2 hours in the afternoon, then in life you will have to show your talents - after 2 weeks you will be given the opportunity to get a new job or take up a new, interesting and original, business. Especially this dream is favorable for artists and commruises. However, if in a dream you feel that it is somewhere late, then I will have a real danger to miss this lucky case. Be careful and pay special attention to phone calls (see also 2, phone), which will be distributed in your home after 2 days - the second call will carry this tempting offer. If in a dream you ask from strangers, how much time, and in response, hear - "2 hours", then after 20 days you can figure out the attitude with a person who was before your friend, but from recently I began to avoid you. If people who tell you the exact time in a dream, you will be pleasant to you, then you can resume friendly or love relationship, as it's all the misunderstanding, but if the speakers do not cause you positive emotions, it is unlikely that you will be able to save Relationships are likely to blame for this man. If in a dream you ask how much time, and you resolutely answer: "2 hours of the day (or nights)", then in 2 weeks in real life you will witness entertaining events. Maybe you will have a new boss or the entire hierarchical structure is reformed. If your sleep leaves you in your shower a light and pleasant trail, then I can enjoy the created position of affairs, perhaps you will even get material benefit from this. If, in a dream, you are unpleasant to answer people to the question or you are amazed by the fact that already 2 hours, then in reality the changes that have occurred are chuck you out of balance and make madly spinning so as not to be overboard. If in a dream you appoint a meeting for 2 o'clock in the day and forget to come to her, it suggests that in real life you have two important problems that you need to solve for 2 weeks, otherwise you are uncompaired. If you come to the meeting and are waiting for a person who has invited a person or several people for a long time, then after 2 days you will receive a message from it or from them, and it either will contain in itself valuable information, or just give you joy. If, in a dream, you come to the meeting in a dream and discover that you are already waiting for you, then I will reveal you to report and explain your behavior in 20 days. If in a dream you appoint a meeting for 2 o'clock in the morning, then in life you compromise yourself by unworthy behavior. If you have a date for 2 hours or night in a dream, I'll show you in 38 days later, you will go to an important business trip in which you will get acquainted with new methods of work and you can engage in your professional mind or self-education.

Come to the meeting earlier than all - to be at an altitude in a difficult situation; If you are not amenable to panic 2 numbers of next month, then you will have a lot of supporters.

Women this dream advises to pay all his attention to the event, which will take place in 2 days or after 20 - there they will be able to conquer not one men's heart. But if you come to this night date with a delay or will refuse him at all, then the trip scheduled for the near future can be broken because of your negligence. Pay attention to the fact that the person who born 2, 11 or 29 is advised to you. If you are prescribed a meeting for 2 hours in the afternoon, then after 2 weeks of intensive labor you will get worthy of you and your persecution award - it is very likely that you are nominated for a degree or majorly premium. Well, if you come to this date in a dream second - this suggests that your ideas will be reviewed by the bosses, approved by them and are broken. If you do not come to the meeting, then your ideas will also be accepted by a higher person, but the danger is that someone from your surroundings are assigned to themselves. Pay attention to the person who is older than you for 2 years or 11 years, and to the house of which is a bus or trolleybus with the number 2. If in a dream you spend 2 days, an hour or minute, or 11, 29, 56 and so on (all the numbers in the amount give a two!) Minutes and hours, then you are a life of life, which is only And dreams of fooling you. But if in a dream you are engaged in a pleasant thing, then this person will not be able to catch you in his networks - after 2 months you will prove to him that you fully own the situation.

If you spend this time in a dream, spend on unpleasant responsibilities and affairs, by the end of the second month you will see that they finally confused in the situation and the cunning rival won a complete victory over you.

The most important and interesting on the topic: "Two rings see in a dream" with a complete description.

The ring seen in a dream is positioned by dreambooks as a symbol of the dream of a new status for himself. Also similar images symbolize well-being, loyalty and family happiness. However, the dreams in which you see two rings can mean different events like joyful and not quite. To find out what a couple of "marquizes" is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of your dreams.

Dream Miller

If in a dream you see two rings on your fingers, then remember who these fingers belonged. On her fingers - a vision means that you have taken responsibility, which you cannot do.

But, robust on the fingers of your beloved girl who dreamed of a guy, mean the goods of the promises, which he gave his beloved, but did not fulfill.

What made of what

Drawing rings can fill a lot, depending on what they were made from. Here, for example, why two rings from different materials, according to dreams:

  • silver - to disappointment in a close person;
  • golden - you are waiting for joy and happiness;
  • wooden - to strong and reliable relationship;
  • iron - you have to work much and hard;
  • stone - you have to show the hardness of character.

"Difficult decoration" like a symbol of problem relationships

Did you dreamed a pair of wedding rings on one finger? Dream Interpretation Pastor Loffa offers to clarify whose bangs you saw in a dream.

So, for example, if one wedding ring is yours, another - spouse, then problems are waiting for you in family life. And if on one finger you see wedding rims from different marriages, then in reality you will experience confusion from the duality of feelings to your own husband.

Jewelry - a sign of serious intentions

Clarifying what dreams of the purchase of gold mines, East Dreamnie talks about changes in affairs on the personal front. Buy two identical rings in a dream - you are ready for a serious relationship; Of all - in front of you will be selected, some of the workmen choose.

He dreamed that you received a couple of beautiful gold "marquises" with stones - a sign of an unexpected offer. You were brought to a holiday for a holiday - someone will try to establish spoiled relationships with you. But if in a dream Golden Persdets presented with no reason, then take a look at the "donor", in reality he "unevenly breathing".

Break or lose decorations: from temptations to insincerity

What dreams of gold, in which you managed to swallow two rings at once, will explain the dream book Miss Hasse: you will be tempted by temptations and temptations. Did you have lost the rims donated with the lover? To a quarrel with him or even to parting, a spring dream book prophesate.

To see in a dream that you have in your hand, the unused Persdot, lacks a couple - a sign that you will strike out several people at once from the list of your friends. But, to wear a broken "infinity symbols" means that you will encounter insincerity.

Valuable find, or acquiring the desired

What dreams of a vision in which you are lucky to find two rings, is quite simple: you will receive what was expected for a long time. Find decorations and give them to the owner - a symbol of what you will take in everything you think about.

Nostradamus's dream book offers such an interpretation of sleep, in which you try on the found jewelry: you take on very serious duties, to fulfill that for you will be a matter of honor.

Another interpretation offered by dreambooks for those whom in a dream was made to find two rings bonded among themselves: you will find a long-lost thing that you are the road, as a memory of a close person. Find in a dream the sector screwed to the chipping - a sign of double gain: you are lucky and in your personal life and in business.

Dream Miller

what dreams of two rings

Seeing two rings in a dream that you wear in your hands means that new things are waiting for you, good luck in which you will accompany you. If the ring is broken - may complicate relationships with the beloved. Such a sign of promises frequent quarrels or breaking relationships. A dream in which the girl receives a ring quite favorable as a gift. Her lover will be located to her and their joint future. See the rings on the hands of other people - to success in material affairs and acquaintance with new people.

Dream Vangu

what dreams of two rings

If you consider sleep about the rings from the point of view of Vanga, this symbol means a lot: some circle of events, oath, loyalty or affection. For example, a wedding ring, which in a dream is dressed on a non-stranger finger, means help in solving a long-standing problem. A gift to such a rings partner means that you experience the most sincere feelings to him and never violate communication in loyalty and love. The dream in which you measure the rings and can not decide on the size - says that in reality you do not feel anyone of cardiac attachment. Lost rings - wait for life tests.

Dream of flowers

what dreams of two rings

See two rings in a dream means to get a profitable offer. Lose - to divorce or separation.

Muslim Dream Interpretation (Islamic)

what dreams of two rings

A dream of two rings symbolizes relations with loved ones, partnerships, conclusion of unions, alliances. Golden - to excellent change. Silver - to achievements. Passion and love are stolen with rubies, with amanders - to spiritual affection.

Dream of Freud.

interpretation of sleep two rings

Freud Rings - a sign of a solid union, unity. Many rings talk about the great sexual experience of the partner and the tendency of a person to treason. The broken ring warns about possible health problems.

Dream Nostradamusa

two rings in the dream

Two rings here - symbolize the honorary status of what they are dressed.

If you have dreamed from Sunday on Monday that you got a ring, all the excitement and clarification of a relationship with a person you love, behind. Miller's dream book only figuratively describes the essence of the sleep iron ring get in a dream - a sign of difficult, but wealthy life. Two wedding rings see in a dream - to engagement. If you see that they hung in the air, the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all. Talking about the size of the wedding rings in a dream to hear - a sign that soon you will hear an explanation in love. The size of the ring in a dream means how much your love is. Wedding ring wearing in a dream - a sign of a happy family life or fast engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; Receive - loyalty of the lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then sleep predicts you happiness and well-being in family life. If the ring suddenly swells, then your happiness suddenly overshadowed by some unpleasant event - quarrels or treason. See interpretation: Jewelry.

Miller's dream book interprets your dream so:

If the dreams saw two wedding rings lying on the table, then it will very soon, he will meet a beautiful girl with which a romantic relationship will begin. It is possible that this connection will turn into something more and a new friendly family based on love and tenderness will appear. A similar dream suggests that a person is able to take responsibility not only for his life, but for loved ones.

Get a ring from your loved one as a gift - such a dream promises faithful love, strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean welfare growth and new useful dating. The silver ring is unnoticed, but steadily gain power over the beloved, while calling himself his faithful slave. Break or lose decorations: from temptations to insincerity.

iron - you have to work much and hard. See in a dream 2 rings, d. Loff wrote: "Rings can symbolize the contract or take on certain obligations, as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes the rings point to our desire to take obligations to themselves or obtain assurances of obligations to other persons in relation to us or a specific enterprise.

Sleep symbols:

Clarifying what dreams of the purchase of gold mines, East Dreamnie talks about changes in affairs on the personal front. Buy two identical rings in a dream - you are ready for a serious relationship; Different - before you will get a choice of whom to choose from the boy. With you, you are waiting for joy and happiness. What kind of animal can become reliable to defend the conflict, because the insult can last long bring

What foreshadow.

In dream books it is said that if a person saw two rings, it cannot decide on his destiny, does not build his life, but just floats within. Naturally, parents and friends are experiencing for him, because such a person is unlikely to achieve something serious, and will be unknown to be unknown to anyone. Such a dream warns that it is necessary to outline a life goal and follow it, can be to start your business, in any case climb, finally, from the sofa and work.

Wedding or simple to lose - in its fault, destroy the previous connections; find new friends.

It is not removed from his hand - bridle.

If in a dream you can't pick yourself a ring in size, then in real life you are not experiencing anyone of cardiac affection.

Present - connect the union.

The symbol of obligations and promises. Get a ring - to well-being.

Jewelry is a sign of serious intentions.

The dream in which you saw how a person's stranger wedding ring puts on your hand, foreshadows unexpected help in solving the problem that long for a long time.

Give a ring - to marriage.

In a dream, the ring fell in a dream - this is a bad sign. In real life, you violated your promise and oath of loyalty, so fate has prepared you a vital test. Ring on the table or in dishes: a sign that, using help, you can improve your well-being ring on a chair or on a chair: foreshadows help in getting a new place.

See in a dream 2 rings in other dreams

  • Assyrian dream book
  • Dream Azara
  • David Loft Dream
  • Dream Vangu
  • Lunar dream book
  • Dream Nostradamusa
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Dream Miller
  • Dream Interpretation Yuri Longo
  • Dream Kopalinsky

Related dreams

What does the ring dream? In general, the value of the ring in magic is the connection, first of all, of course, a love, as well as friendly, family or intimate. Depending on the accompanying sleep symbols, you can decipher predictions detailed to you in the embrace of Morpheus.

What ring was in your dream?

Wedding Ring (or otherwise - wedding, engagement) Magini's dream book means new connections or the transition of old relationships to a different level.

Golden The ring is dreaming of happiness and good luck. Silver - By disappointment or acquisition of information. Wooden - Unreliable relationships. Iron - hard work.

Ring in a dream was with stone - surprise, with the larger the pebbles, the greater joy of an unexpected incident. Answer with unknown red stone- To an unexpected acquaintance with a person who can win your heart. With blue stone - The dream warns from incorrect actions and promises protection. Ran. with blue stone - Gentle trusting relationships with those from whom you are not waiting. With green stone - You will have hope for the best.

Dream Ring with diamond - A very good dream, which promises to achieve your goals, successful deals and financial well-being. With ruby - Passionate hot relationships with the opposite sex representative. Ring with Emerald - To mutual feelings or wealth. With pearls- Honored Reward. See the ring with sapphire- According to the dream, rocky love. With topaz - gaining new friends. With grenade - Your trouble will soon be resolved by themselves. Interpretation of the Magini Rings with turquoise - Joy, pleasant surprise.

Dream black Ring - Union with a taught. Red - Love connection. Green - Friendly.

See in a dream rusty Ring - loneliness, cool relationships and even widowism. Older - Old love, long-standing friendship. Broken (broken) - This is about the former relations that were previously interrupted. Broken Wedding Ring - Divorce or Broken Heart.

Ring in the formsnakes in dreams - dangerous connections. Be careful in choosing heart attachments. Colek with religious inscription, Type "Save and Save" or "Allah Great", has interpretation of Magini's dream book as charm.

Many rings- Communication, rotation in society, many new acquaintances. Two Rings - Union of Lovers of Hearts. Three - love triangle.

Alien Ring to see in a dream - doubt in loyalty, short-term intrigue. Alien wedding ring - someone else's happiness. According to the dream wedding Ring Husband (Wife) Reduces, predicting communications directly spouse (spouses). Be careful to dreaming dreams, you have a chance to look into his (her) personal life.

Big Ring (Veliko not in size) - Significant changes in life. Little (little) - troubles in relations with a close person.

See in a dream earrings and Ring Together - wedding troubles, new feelings.

Where does the ring dream?

You see a ring in a dream on his finger - commitments to a close man, on someone else's hand - New acquaintances, on the finger of a loved one - To treason.

Ring The finger is an intimate relationship and success with the opposite sex, also given a dream may have an interpretation as an ambulance wedding. To put on the hand of the stranger - the fulfillment of the promised. Put on a pallet beloved - loyalty to her love. Wear a wedding ring with a spouse (spouse) - a new round of relationships, treasure, waving.

You put on hand Ring Favorite Man - Sleep points to his strong feelings; If this makes a stranger - unexpected help and support.

At the same time rings on the left hand warn you from dishonest people and incorrect actions, and on the right - On the contrary, sleep is promulit the adoption of the right solutions and a decent environment.

Ring on unnamed finger It has an interpretation of Maginy's dream book as marriage. On Mizinza - friendship. On the index finger - to be guilty. On the big finger Ring the ring is support in career promotion and financial affairs. On average - Predictions about intimate relationships.

Wedding rings in a box - falls soon to walk at the wedding.

Ring in water Clean and transparent - noticed you, you are welcome; In muddy - loneliness.

What happened to the ring in a dream?

Rings find (find) By dreams - new connections. Find wedding rings to be a new novel or the official registration of existing relationships. Find a ring with a stone - an unexpected pleasant acquaintance.

Collect The rings are very popular with the opposite sex.

You in a dream published Ring - someone wants to achieve your location. A specific man gives - thinking about you Matrimonial plans. Gave the ring a familiar guy - you are nice to him. Get a hand ring from a husband - a sign of strong love. To give himself - Show care and affection for someone.

Steal Ring - "Will to hover" someone else's passion. You have stolen "Who you are miles to be seduced on the side."

Sweat (smoked) - Cooling in the relationship. Broke (cracked, breaking, burst)- Serious gap, quarrel, divorce. Stone fell From Parsny - Loss of support, patron.

Lick the ring - Quarrel, loss of a friend. Lose the wedding ring - lose love. Lose and finddifficult situation In a relationship, when patience and wisdom will help you. Search for coles - Attempts to establish communication, resurrect the past feelings.

Remove With the hands - your act will be the cause of trouble and swelling. Remove the engagement ring - a temptation will appear to change your beloved. Give away Anyone - refusal of relationships. Relief the wedding ring is a voluntary decision on parting. Throw away- a sharp break of all kinds of relationships.

Measure the ring - to arrange your life, feel favorable changes. Measure someone else's decoration - the temptation of forbidden love.

Buy (buy rings, buy) By the dream of Magini - change on the personal front, long-term connection. In a dream to choose Owl is the ring - in life, stand up before the difficult choice. Perhaps you have to give preference to one of their several workers. Choose the wedding decoration - your family life will depend on the solution you will depend on.

Get in a dream proposal for marriage coupled with ring- Success in heart matters, it is possible that you will hear recognition in love, and you will have a chance to get married.

Natalia Native

Dream Sheremeinskaya

Duality, alternation, distinction, conflict, addiction and static. This is equilibrium, stability, opposite poles, reflection of the dual nature of a person. All that is manifested is already double and forms a pair of opposites. Two - the first number after the unit, so it symbolizes the sinful nature of man. Properties attributed to this number are traditionally associated with femininity: it is soft, tenderness, modesty, obedience and submission. "2" - the number of passive acceptance and receipt in the broadest sense. So, for a businessman number 2 - a favorable day for profit. A pair of animals, even different species, but with the same symbolic value, for example, two lions or lion and bull (both solar sign), means twice force.

What dreams of two in the dream book -

Gypsy dream book

The number is two - happiness; Perfect couple.

What dreams of two in the dream book -

Numerological dream book Pythagora

Among the "2" were concluded two opposites, which are attracted, and repel at the same time, these are two halves of one whole, the eternal and continuous struggle of black with white. Without opposition and the interaction of two, the inner harmony began impossible, there is no day without night and good without evil. This number does not give a person to calm down, filling it with unconscious desires and doubts, forcing him to look for new ways, ideas and answers to eternal questions, not allowing him to be saved in his beliefs. Self-improvement, depth, contrast and desire for equilibrium - that's what is hiding in this number.

What dreams of two in the dream book -

Large dream book

By itself, this figure in a dream means gossip. Sleep, in which you see twins twins, foreshadows self-confidence, peace and consent to the family. Two heads on your shoulders - rapid climbing on the service staircase. To dream of someone else with two heads - to well-being. Horse about two legs - you will be honored. See at once two moon in the sky - to loss in love due to excessive mercantility.

What dreams of two in the dream book -

Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

If one person dreams at the same time in two persons, then this means that the unclean soul seduced part of his soul, that is, it is under the influence of unclean. Such a dream foreshadows a sharp non-good change of the state of this person: death, severe illness, evil eye, conspilation, spell, family break, unwanted moving against will, prison, etc. Bad also in a dream to consider your own photos - Dangerous any double in a dream, because in This time of the soul is divided. For the same reason, it's not good to look in a dream in the mirror.

You dreamed two?

Duality, alternation, distinction, conflict, addiction and static. This is equilibrium, stability, opposite poles, reflection of the dual nature of a person. All that is manifested is already double and forms a pair of opposites. Two - the first number after the unit, so it symbolizes the sinful nature of man. Properties attributed to ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams 2. (Two, two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The number meaning the equilibrium of the energies of the Universe Yin and Yang. It says about readiness to give way to his place. Appears when there is equilibrium and union. Duality, alternation, distinction, conflict, addiction and static. This is equilibrium, stability, opposite poles, reflection of the dual nature of a person. All that is manifested, ...

Two - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see the two-to-catch diary.

Dream "Two" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Get in school Two - revealing a good assessment.

Dream Interpretation: What a Double (Map) is 2 (two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is the smallest card in the deck, so see in a dream that you play cards and you have solid twos in your hands - to unpleasant family troubles. If nevertheless you win, then the period of concern will last 2 ...

Dream Interpretation: What Double (Evaluation) is 2 (two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see in a dream that you are a teacher and put your student's assessment "2" means that in reality you will show stubbornness and inconsistency after 2 weeks, and as a result, lose your ability to make a valuable purchase or take a good position. If you see a student ...

Two - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

2 - see figure.

Seen sleep - numbers

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The dream in which you heard some numbers warns you of bad or good. Such a dream can predict a huge gain, getting money. The greater the numbers you hear in a dream, the more money you get revealed. Try to also remember these numbers, so ...

What does sleep mean in which dreams of signs (letters, numbers, figures)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Implement in a folded symbolic form: knowledge, state (consciousness), situations, the prospect of sleeping. The meanings encoded in one universal sign reflect the relevant principles. Examples: "Star" - harmony, military theme. "Spiral" - development. "Cross" - the end of something, misfortune, suffering or protection. "a circle" - …

Dream "numbers" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Maybe bad sleep. Dreamed in a dream digit (unambiguous number) means that the symbolism of sleep concerns you personally. If the number is a number in the calendar - you need to remember it, and better - write down. This is a dream warning. This day will happen important ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of money. Number 2 (two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Have in a dream a lot of two-hour Soviet coins means that I will show some important agreements in reality and regulate connections with necessary people. Pay special attention to people whose phone number includes the number "767". If you have in a dream ...

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of the address. Number 2 (two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you hear the voice, pronounced the address that consists of one two, then I will have to find out about betrayal close man. The more bobbies will be in the address, the more difficult it will be. However, pay attention to the voice - if he ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a bog

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Wander on the swamp and get bogged in the bog - trouble, illness. At the very beginning of the journey in dreams, you already visited the swamp (see swamp). Why did you need to climb into the bog now? Or maybe you will be visible in "twos"? We will have to get to study.

Dream Interpretation: What a Bomb dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

News, surprise. After the bomb, no surprise is not terrible, even twice!

Why dream of a mathematician dreams?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a dream, one way or another associated with mathematics, means that you will have to do business, if not related to some calculations, then require accuracy and strictness in execution. If you dreamed of a certain number, I can get happy or ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of two

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In some cases, there is a deep conflict, opposition, opposition. The emphasis of this number indicates the presence of a psychological problem. In other cases, the deuce means the completeness of some action. This is a sign of equilibrium and immobility. For example, two identical flower in a dream symbolize the extinction of feelings, two ...

Dream - figure - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What do the numbers mean in a dream: 2. Two

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Keyword "cooperation". The corresponding planet moon. Moon people are emotional, well adapt to the surrounding. Two in a dream foreshadows you someone's help or indicates the need to search for it. Sometimes warned against indecision, duality in affairs.

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Two girls, no matter how they looked in a dream, having dreamed, give rise to strengthen vigilance. However, it is still not necessary to worry much, the main thing is to strive for the fact that any situation is to turn into the right one to you, tell dream interpreters, intense, why there are similar images.

Interpretation of sleep Miller

Miller's dream book, explaining why two girls dream, advises to pay attention to their external data.

So, if in a dream you see the Miloid Girls, then this means that the rainbow prospects are waiting for you.

But the skinny and pale ladies are stolen, having dreamed of the disease, like the very dream, and someone from his family members, grieves the interpreter.

Ahead - only happiness

Beautiful girls, having dressed up a husty guy, promise a quick acquaintance with the future wife, assures the dream of Pastor Loffa.

But a married guy or a man in the years, to see in a dream of pretty beauties means success in affairs and gaining new major projects.

Gypsy dream book explaining why the guy is dreaming fun in the company of beauties with oriental appearance (Armenians, Georgians, Turkmen, etc.), it will prophes it to the all-consuming passion and burning love.

Will be sad and sad

Otherwise, treats English Dream Interpretation, what dreams of entertainment in the company of two girls. If you see in a dream, how dancing immediately with a couple of beauties, then it means that you will know sadness and disappointment.

Have you dreamed of young women in the wedding dresses of a very caller? Stop with treason and family conflicts. True, if the wedding outfits were modest, then this is a sign of harmonious relationships.

See how two girls and a guy kiss? This is a symbol of deception, tells the Eastern Dream. Especially if all kissing are your friends.

Do not be afraid to make a choice

Taking over with what dreams of two girls, between which you cannot choose one, dream interpreters assure that this is a display of real affairs. It is likely that you have unresolved questions, the postponement of which will lead you to problems.

But if you see two familiar young women with different character and appearance, thus the subconscious about the unstable state of the soul. You need to deal with your feelings and emotions, otherwise you will get stress, hinting dreams.

Surprises are waiting for you

Did you have pregnant girls? This is to surprise.

Very good, if two girls, being pregnant with you in a dream, assure that you are dad of their future children. Such a plot indicates an unexpected increase in office or receiving solid profit.

But sex with multiple partners immediately is a negative sign, which is unknown, from where the problems encountered with people around you. Especially strengthening vigilance if the girls involved with sex in a dream are your former real passion.

Also bad to catch in a dream for having sex of two girls, one of which is your former, and the second is a pregnant stranger. This means the unexpected disclosure of the mystery that will only bring you only suffering.