
Fairytale therapy methodology: psychological work with children and adults. Fairytale therapy as it is Fairytale therapy psychotherapy

Procurement and storage secrets

  1. The stage of spontaneous creation and transmission of stories. It continues even now, since humanity does not stop inventing fairy tales.
  2. The stage of scientific comprehension of metaphorical material. The brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Vladimir Dahl began to collect, systematize and study folklore in Europe.
  3. The stage of using the “packing” fairy tale of the basic toolkit of psychological and pedagogical work. At this stage, teachers and psychologists began to use the tale. They actively created didactic fairy tales, the very concept of fairy tale therapy appeared, and this trend in psychology began to develop.

The purpose of using fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is used in different cases and the corresponding results are obtained.

Fairytale therapy as a tool for the development of the child's personality and abilities.

In this case, a fairy tale has a positive effect on the child's ability to fantasize, contributes to the development of creative thinking and imagination, and reveals the child's inner world.

Fairytale therapy as psychotherapy.

Such an application of fairy tale therapy allows the child to overcome his own fears, excessive anxiety, and work on correcting negative character traits.

The task of the teacher or psychologist is to choose or create a fairy tale in accordance with the needs of the child.

If the fairy tale is chosen well, the child "builds" its message into his life scenario. It is especially useful when the child asks to repeat this fairy tale to her more than once. After all, this is how profound changes take place in a child's life.

Now fairy tale therapy is considered the softest method of psychotherapy. It works without limits and is extremely effective.

The best results can be seen in working with children who actively empathize with fairy tale characters. As we know, at an early age, the type of thinking prevails in children, focused on a holistic figurative understanding of information, an emotional and sensory perception of the world. Therefore, information important for the child is better absorbed through vivid images.

How to create a therapeutic fairy tale?

  1. Choosing a child-like character based on gender, age, or characteristic behavior.
  2. Describe the life circumstances of the hero in a fairy-tale form, find similarities.
  3. Introduce a hero similar to the one the child is experiencing. For example ("The grandfather and the woman took the chicken to the kindergarten ..."
  4. Find, together with the hero of the fairy tale, ways to overcome the problem, show the situation from different sides.
  5. Pronounce the conclusion, involving the child.

Whatever we do, no matter what new or long forgotten technologies, forms, methods and techniques we use, the main and most important task is and remains to provide, create and support the child, help to feel a happy, carefree, real child.

How does fairy tale therapy work?

When a child lives a fairy tale, connections are formed between the fairytale events and behavior in real life. If the parents discuss with the child the fairy tales they have read, life lessons are learned faster, contribute to the further harmonious development of the child and his successful self-realization. If fairy tales are not discussed, life lessons and values ​​are learned passively.

From the first months of the birth of a new life, parents can tell their child fairy tales. While intrauterine development lasts. the baby gets used to the calm and joyful voice of the parents, reacts to their positive emotions. For a newborn, the plot of a fairy tale does not matter. The main thing is that it contains certain rhythmic structures, repetitions, onomatopoeia for mastering the native language.

At the age of 1.5 - 3 years, children begin to speak. Therefore, the tale becomes an impetus for the development of coherent speech, figurative thinking and cognitive interest.

At 3-4 years old, the child recognizes basic emotions. Therefore, he needs fairy tales with simple and vivid plots. At this stage, it is worth discussing in a family circle or in a group the emotions of the characters, their behavior.

At 4 - 6 years old, the language of a fairy tale is the most understandable for a child. It is through the fairy tale that the preschooler assimilates social experience. Therefore, a child performs any task better and with pleasure if he captures him with a fabulous plot.

Therapeutic methods of working with a fairy tale

  • discussion of the finished fairy tale - which character did you like? what do you remember? what is the situation struck by? what would you like to change?
  • creation of a fairy tale by a child - with and without questions;
  • dramatization of a fairy tale - role play;
  • art - therapeutic work based on the plot of a fairy tale - drawing, modeling from clay or plasticine, movement therapy, music therapy, and the like.

Art therapy in working with children

It is known that art therapy affects the personality: it reduces anxiety, changes the attitude towards oneself, makes it possible to express oneself, develops creative abilities and feelings. Psychologists often use art therapy in their work with children, but educators can also use it.

In such classes, one can feel unity with children, a positive emotional contact with everyone and, most importantly, trust.

You can come up with your own new fairy tale, endow the characters with various characters that are not characteristic of them (hare - strong, brave; wolf - braggart and coward; fox - kind, friendly, polite; bear - dexterous and fast, and so on). Offer your child to reincarnate as one of the fairytale heroes and tell him what his mood is right now.

Sand therapy is playing with sand

Goal: development of cognitive interests, overcoming emotional isolation, self-doubt, reduction of mental and physical stress, concentration of attention, verbal memory, logical thinking, development of tactile-kinetic sensations, teaching to act in a group.

Formation of the emotional experience of a preschooler by means of a fairy tale

The use of children's fairy tales is leading in preschool childhood. Characters in fairy tales are endowed with striking features that characterize them as positive or negative. An interesting study of the influence of fairy tales on the soul of a child is described by the American psychologist Bruno Bettelheim “Psychoanalysis of a fairy tale.

On the benefits of the magic. " The author emphasizes that personality development occurs in stages, and each stage is served by a certain fairy tale. A fairy tale helps a child to form his inner world in such a way as to rise one more step in his development.

The tale is traditionally used as a therapeutic agent. The child's attitude to the fairy tale helps to recognize the nature of mental trauma and heal mental wounds. People and children of different ages perceive a fairy tale in different ways. That is, an adult and a child do not perceive fabulous information in the same way.


"Three little pigs" ..

The adult condemns the frivolous piglets who did not want to build a reliable house, and the child identifies with all the characters and lives with them. In this tale, the maturation of the personality is clearly shown. Another character is Wolf. Everyone knows the state of a child when he is angry and wants to break, destroy something. This is the "Wolf" that lives in each of us.

And the tale tells: “The wolf is uncontrollable, uncontrollable aggression, which is punishable. Hence the influence of morality: learn to control the "wolf" in your soul. Identifying himself with each character, the child, not with his mind, but with his whole being, goes through these important stages of growing up.

Plunging into a fairy-tale world, the child imagines himself to be one of the heroes: overcomes obstacles, dies. is reborn. The value of a fairy tale lies in the fact that he never puts a ready-made truth into the child's head, but encourages him to actively work on himself.

Overcoming internal contradictions with the help of a fairy tale

In almost every fairy tale we observe the reincarnation of heroes. However, for children, reincarnation does not only take place in fairy tales.

“Here is a mother hugging her child, caressing and caressing ... But then she scolds, screams - apparently she was bewitched by an evil wizard. In the soul of a child, two strong antagonistic feelings for one person collide: love and hate. But you can't hate mom, it's bad, society condemns such feelings.

Fairy tales help children to overcome internal contradictions, in which certain transformations of the personality are quite successfully described.

All fairy tales have a happy ending. It is very important for a child to be sure that everything will be fine in his life. However, sooner or later, the child asks himself many difficult questions: can he learn to love?

To overcome these fears, fairy tales will come in handy, where the bride or groom is an animal that is ugly during the day and becomes beautiful at night. This makes it clear that in a person both animal instincts and beautiful majestic impulses are combined. Teaches you to accept a person as he is.

Rules for familiarization with the fairy tale

  1. Read the story to your child as many times as he asks.
  2. It is better not to read a fairy tale, but to tell it.
  3. Use fabulous events to shape your child's personality.
  4. Remember the specificity of children's perception of fabulous events with magical overtones - for an adult, throwing a character into the fire is a violation of rights, and for a child it is the confidence that evil has been destroyed.
  5. Do not explain the deep content of the tale to your child. He must be hidden from him and affect the subconscious only through the text.
  6. Do not improvise by introducing characters into the fairy tale and deploying new ones storylines from the real world. So you are introducing confusion in the child's differentiation of fabulous and real events.
  7. When telling a fairy tale, use a fairy tale - this is the gate through which the child enters the fairy world.

We create a therapeutic fairy tale step by step

Our ancestors also understood that it is better to explain certain things to a child with the help of magical stories. In a fairy tale, it is immediately clear where it is good and where is evil, the hero's bad actions are condemned, and the good ones are rewarded.

The main character always has a chance to get the help of supernatural forces and to correct evil.

With the help of a specially created fairy tale, it is easy to overcome certain problems in child development and socialization.


We communicate with parents, observe the child to determine the problem. It can be bad sleep, absent-mindedness, aggression, tearfulness, greed, resentment, and so on.


Having identified the problem, we recall how the child exhibits problem behavior. We write down the most typical examples in order to use them later in a fairy tale.


After the manifestations of problem behavior have been clarified, it is necessary to analyze possible consequences such behavior. For example, other children do not want to be friends with a greedy child.


When choosing a hero of a fairy tale, you should adhere to certain requirements. The hero must be of the same gender and age as the child for whom the fairy tale is being created, and have similar behavior. But he should be given a different name, so as not to arouse resistance in the child. It is better if the name and surname of the hero are funny and funny, because humor will positively tune the child.


Now you can compose a fairy tale. First, we talk about how happy the hero was, until he began to misbehave. How many friends there were, how they treated him, But once the evil forces bewitched the hero and so on ...


How the hero exhibits problem behavior in three different situations should be described. After all, repetitions are characteristic of fairy tales (guess 3 riddles, complete 3 tasks, overcome 3 obstacles) - this way the child will better learn and remember the fairy tale. It is necessary to show how with each bad deed the hero becomes less happy, so that the child understands what the bad behavior leads to.


Next, we introduce into the tale the character of the Wise Fairy, Owl, Sage, Vasilisa the Wise, etc., or a good wizard. He will tell the main character a way out of a problem situation and push him to change, teach him how to behave.

In our enlightened age, it is difficult to imagine how distant ancestors did without knowledge higher mathematics, philology, jurisprudence ... But nevertheless, they were no less “socially adapted” from this. The question arises - why. Perhaps because our distant ancestors attached greater importance to the development of "practical intelligence", the transfer and accumulation of life experience. Maybe because they had the kind of knowledge that we intuitively strive for at the turn of the millennium? ..

It is strange, but today many parents of gifted, well-intellectually developed children apply to a psychologist. It turns out that they can have problems too! Often their source is overdeveloped intellectuality to the detriment of elementary everyday ideas and skills. What did these gifted children lack? Of course, fairy tales!

Since ancient times, everyday experience has been transmitted through figurative stories. However, experience is different. You can simply tell a story that happened recently. Or you can not only tell an interesting story, but also draw a certain conclusion, or ask a question that would push the listener to reflect on life. It is these stories that are especially valuable, therapeutic. These stories are the basis of fairy tale therapy.

It is known that our ancestors were engaged in raising children, telling them entertaining stories. Former grandparents were in no hurry to punish the guilty child. They told a story from which the meaning of the offense became clear. Many customs protected children from harm. Unfortunately, today not many people know the customs, do not understand their meaning, and consider them a “relic of the past”.

Dear friends, this is not so! In customs, fairy tales, myths, legends, the foundations of a safe and creative life are described. And maybe today, as we enter the new millennium, we will rethink our heritage?

Let's give an example. Eight-year-old children at the table are hooligans, shove each other, throw bread. Each teacher, passing by, makes a remark to them. However, as soon as adults turn away, the disgrace continues. Probably, many of you have observed this situation. But what is to be done? Let's turn to custom and talk to the children about it. In our case, it was like this:

Guys, do you know about such an old Russian custom: during dinner, the head of the family sat at the head of the table with a large spoon. He did not eat himself, he watched how his family members behaved at the table. And if someone started to misbehave, what did they do?

Gave a spoon on the forehead, - the guys answer.

That's right, then you know this old custom.

This is not pedagogical, - notes one of the "advanced" boys.

Why “non-pedagogical”?

Because you cannot beat children, - the young man confidently declares.

It's right. But there was a custom. So, for some reason he was needed. What for?

So that the children behave normally at the table.

Undoubtedly! But why hit the forehead with a spoon?

So that it hurts, and the next time the children behave themselves well, the guys suggest.

That is, you think that children will behave well because they are afraid of getting hit in the forehead?

This means that the custom is based on fear. But it is not so. Let's think about what could happen if a child is grimacing at the table, talking loudly, singing songs, pushing and so on?

In the forehead will receive.

And if there is no one at that moment to give in the forehead?

Then it can choke.

And if you seriously choke, what can happen?

Will hit the wrong throat and die.

May be so. What do we get? Why was the father sitting at the head of the table with a large spoon?

So that it doesn't get into the wrong throat, or what?

It looks like for that too. It turns out that the custom is not built on fear, but on what?

This is called caring. The head of the family, taking care of his playful children, sat with a large spoon. He was not angry with children, he understood that it was possible to save a child from danger only with the help of instant action. Once - and you're done. And you don't need to waste so many extra words. After all, while you explain to the child that it is for his own good, irreparable may happen. The signal with a spoon was in ancient times a warning to your father - you are in danger, if you do not change your behavior, you will get into trouble. Today, many have forgotten about the meaning of this, and other customs, although they explain a lot in life. So, guys, the fact that the teachers have already strictly advised you to stop several times is dictated by the concern for you. By the way, many of the prohibitions of parents are associated with care ...

The main thing is to plant a grain of comprehension in the child's soul. And for this it is necessary to leave him with a question inside. The described case is the phenomenon of “unorganized” fairy tale therapy. Often times in this context, it is even more effective.

How was the fairy-tale therapy process built in ancient times? Children climbed onto the stove and listened to fairy tales, girls spun a tow and told stories ... And they accumulated, accumulated stories in memory. Knowledge about life was accumulated, creating a reserve of vitality in the unconscious, awakening hidden forces, forming desires and plans. So today we pass on knowledge about life to children by telling fairy tales. But we often mistakenly believe that the age of fairy tales is passing. It does not pass if one approaches the fairy tales meaningfully.

It is not enough for a modern child to just read a fairy tale, paint its characters, talk about the plot. With a child of the third millennium, it is necessary to comprehend fairy tales, to search and find hidden meanings and life lessons together. And in this case, fairy tales will never lead the child away from reality. On the contrary, they will help him become an active creator in real life.

But how is it to comprehend fairy tales? How to find hidden life lessons in them? Let's try together.

Let's take, for example, the well-known fairy tale "Kolobok". We are sure that its content is familiar to everyone, so the text is not included. We read a fairy tale with a child, but the fairy-tale therapy process has just begun.

Did you know that in the fairy tale, between the lines, important messages are stored for us? The tale wants to teach us about life, but so that it is not boring, it offers interesting stories. There are many messages for us in Kolobok's history. Let us solve them with you.

Do you remember how the fairy tale began? Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. They lived poorly, ate not well enough. The grandfather asked the grandmother to bake a kolobok. It seems like there is nothing to bake from, but I swept it in the barn, scraped it along the bottom of the barrel, and there was flour for the bun. What do you think the fairy tale wanted to tell us by this?

Yes, it seems like a fairy tale teaches us to make supplies. There are different situations in life, so it is customary to make blanks for future use. In the summer we go to pick berries, and grandmother makes jam. We go for mushrooms, and then we salt and dry them. Why do you think we plant in the spring and dig up potatoes in the fall? Of course, to have supplies. It is customary to make supplies in the animal kingdom as well. Who is the most thrifty of the forest animals? Both the squirrel and the hedgehog. So, the first fabulous lesson - in order not to be hungry, store for future use. Let's remember it.

Could it be that too hot food is bad for us? Can you imagine what would have happened to your grandfather if he had immediately put a hot piece of kolobok in his mouth? Of course, he would have burned his tongue, and for a long time afterwards did not feel anything with them. Therefore, the second fabulous lesson - do not eat too hot, do not rush, even when you really want to try.

And then our kolobok came to life in a fairy tale! He jumped from the window and rolled along the forest path. What is hidden behind this event? Maybe advice not to leave the gingerbread man unattended? The gingerbread man came to life, bored alone and rolled along the path. Who can behave this way? Of course, child! It seems that the fairy tale hints at a childish character - it’s so boring to be alone, and so I want to learn something new, to go somewhere alone, without a dad, without a mother, to show everyone what an adult and independent I am! Do you have such a desire? Of course, that is why it is not difficult for you to understand Kolobok. Probably, the third fabulous lesson is needed more by adults. The tale teaches, on the one hand, not to leave children unattended. On the other hand, the fairy tale as if asks adults to remember themselves as small: when they wanted so much to seem big and independent. When we pulled our palm out of my mother’s hands and said: “I myself!”. Maybe the third fairytale lesson is so that we adults do not forget our childhood? ..

Whom does Kolobok meet on the forest path? First a hare, then a wolf and a bear. All of them immediately want to eat him, and he sings his song to them: “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ...” What does the fairy tale teach us? Of course, first of all, do not get scared right away if someone threatens you. There are different people in life: there are benevolent people, but there are also dangerous ones. And if fate brought you to a dangerous animal or person, it means that a situation has happened that requires you to “overcome the difficulty”.

Let's remember how fairy tales teach us to overcome difficulties. It happens that you need to immediately give the offender back. In fairy tales, the hero draws out his sharp sword and strikes. This is a good way, but it doesn't always “work”. What does it take to give the abuser back change? At the very least, you need to have enough strength, then you need a wonderful sword. Did Kolobok have all this? Could he compete forcefully with a hare, a wolf, and even more so with a bear? Of course not! Therefore, this method of overcoming the difficulty would not lead to anything good.

What other ways are there to overcome difficulties in fairy tales? Yes, you can call your friends for help. But did Kolobok have friends? Nothing is known about this in the tale. In addition, while Kolobok was calling for help, even a quick hare would have time to grab him and eat him. It seems that this method is not suitable for Kolobok's situation either.

There is also a wonderful way to overcome difficulties - cunning. Do you remember Puss-in-Boots? As he cleverly said to the cannibal: "I will never believe that you can turn into a little mouse!" The giant was caught. Could Kolobok have used a trick? What would it look like? For example, having met a hare, Kolobok tells him: “Hare, and hare, everyone says about you that you run the fastest in the forest. But I don’t believe it. Exactly, it is weak for you to run to the edge and back, while I take three inhalations and exhalations! Yes, you are probably not so fast, if you are so hungry that you want to eat me. " Maybe Kolobok could have outwitted the hare, but maybe not.

What way of overcoming difficulties does Kolobok choose in a fairy tale? Yes, he sings a song and runs away. There are times when it’s best to run away from danger.

But what is he singing about? “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the hare, and I’ll leave you, the wolf, even more…” What does the Kolobok do when he sings a song? Of course, he brags and then runs away.

What is the fourth fabulous lesson - Kolobok teaches us not to get lost in difficult situation, not to be afraid, but to come up with a way to cope with the difficulty.

You and I realized that in his song Kolobok is bragging. And further from the fairy tale we learn what this led to. The sly fox ate Kolobok. Let's think about what a fairy tale can teach us in this situation.

Of course, boastful songs, even if they helped out before, will not bring to good. There is always someone who will listen to the boastful songs while biding their time. The bouncer will relax, feel that nothing threatens him. This is where trouble comes in. Therefore, the fifth fabulous lesson may sound like this - being in the forest, finding yourself in a difficult situation, be on the alert: not always dangerous people or animals directly inform about their intentions (“I will eat you”), it happens that they hide their true desire, speaking sweet affectionate speech. And we must be very careful in order to unravel the intentions of people like the fox in time. This is a very important life lesson. Both children and adults need it.

Here the tale is over. Do you think the fairy tale has a good ending or not? Do you think this fairy tale has a bad ending because the fox ate Kolobok? And let's think with you what would happen if Kolobok rolled away from the fox.

He would ride in the woods for a week or two. I rolled home to my grandmother and grandfather. And then - began to live to live well and to make good? Is this ending good? Do you remember why your grandfather asked to bake a bun? Yes, he was hungry. Now imagine what your grandfather would have done right away if he had seen a bun? I probably would. Now imagine: the bun traveled through the forest for a week, in what state would it roll home, how tasty would it be? Agree, eating a stale and dirty kolobok is not very pleasant. But, "hunger is not an aunt." Therefore, most likely, the bun was really eaten.

And, in fact, what was it baked for? To satisfy hunger, to bring joy. The fox was just more fortunate.

What is the sixth fabulous lesson? The tale teaches, each of us has our own destiny. What it is? Each of us has abilities and talents. When we grow up, we choose a profession and go to work. We choose a profession and job for a reason. We choose them according to our purpose. We know that it is in this job that we will bring the most benefit to ourselves, our loved ones and other people. And if a person has done a lot for others, they say about him: "He fulfilled his purpose."

Do you see what important things can be learned from a simple fairy tale? How many life advice we have received. Are you interested in solving fabulous lessons? Then choose the next tale ...

This is how the process of deciphering the knowledge inherent in the fairy tale takes place. Indeed, when you begin to solve fairy-tale lessons, it turns out that fairy-tale stories contain information about the dynamics of life processes. In fairy tales, you can find a complete list of human problems and figurative ways to solve them. Listening to fairy tales, the child accumulates in the unconscious a certain symbolic “bank of life situations”. This “bank” can be activated if necessary, but if there is no situation, it will remain in liabilities. If you and I, together with the child, reflect on each fairy tale we read, the knowledge encoded in them will be in the child's asset, not in liabilities. Not in the subconscious, but in the mind. So gradually, we will be able to prepare the child for life, to form the most important values.

To solve fabulous lessons, we, adults, do not need to know everything in advance. Before thinking together, you do not need to re-read all the literature on fairy tale therapy and practical psychology. “Solving”, “decoding” is a living creative process, the joint joy of thinking and cognition. If you don't know something, make assumptions, correlate fairy-tale situations with reality, fantasize and joke. Indeed, in fact, it is precisely doubt, comprehension, co-creation with an adult that is the main driving force behind the development of a child. And remember the rule: the more you ask yourself questions, the more, sooner or later, you will receive answers. Some of the child's questions cannot be answered right away. Don't be afraid to say:

I don't know yet, but let's think about it together. After all, wise people say: "It is impossible to ask a question if somewhere in the depths of your consciousness you do not know the answer." True, it happens that the answers come after some time. It's great that you and I have the opportunity to think about it!

Therefore, we define fairy tale therapy as the process of forming connections between fairy events and behavior in real life, the process of transferring fairy meanings into reality.

Fairy tales - the childhood of each of us was held in their sweet captivity. Surprisingly simple, but at the same time instructive stories were breathtaking, immersing in the world of dragons, goblin, brownies, beautiful princesses and evil witches. Are these uncomplicated stories as simple as they seem at first glance? Is it just an entertainment tool or universal educational programs to help children get comfortable in this difficult world?

Fairy tales in ancient times

Earlier, when clever words like psychiatry and psychotherapy had not yet been invented, fairy tales were passed from mouth to mouth, immersing the listener in the world. amazing stories interesting for adults and children. Through fairy tales, the new generation comprehended the moral norms of that time, got acquainted with various situations that could meet them in later life. It was a kind of exchange of life experience, increasing the chances of children to survive when faced with the difficulties of adulthood.

Today, it is generally accepted that fairy tales are a purely childish hobby, but many old stories that have survived to this day have not childish content at all. Even a fairy tale writer like Hans has created some of his masterpieces for an adult audience. This suggests that for a long time people have used fairy tales not only for the entertainment of children, but also for some other purposes.

Fairytale therapy

Fairytale therapy as a method psychological correction- one of the innovations of modern psychology. This method has become widespread recently, but its roots go back to the founders of this science. Among the scholars who interpreted and analyzed fairy tales were such experts on the human soul as Jung and Freud. Fairy tales were of interest to the luminaries of science for a reason. It was believed that they contain all the main psychotypes, and the events considered in these instructive stories could help find a way out of a similar situation in life.

But it is only in our days that they consciously use fairy tales to resolve internal conflicts. Fairytale therapy as a method of psychological correction of children has shown its incredible effectiveness. It turns out that this is what our ancestors were doing, they just did not come up with a separate term for this process. Fairytale therapy allows you to immerse a person in a fairy-tale world, where he can, using the example of the characters in the story, realize his own problems, see himself from a different angle.

Fairytale therapy for children

If a child behaves badly: is capricious, does not listen to parents, or even shows aggression, then the generally accepted methods of education may be powerless. You can force a baby to obey, but this will leave a negative imprint on his psyche. Children often ignore simple requests and attempts to explain why it is necessary to do this and not otherwise. But a fairy tale may interest a child. Interesting story is able to completely capture the attention of a naughty child, immersing him in a fairy-tale world, in which he will experience everything that the characters experience, feel their emotions and even identify with them. This is where it becomes clear how strong fairy tale therapy is as a method.

Effects of fairy tale therapy

The banal telling of fairy tales can have a powerful effect on the formation of a person's personality. You can choose one of the many ready-made stories that suits a specific situation, or you can come up with your own to best suit the task at hand. For example, if your child offends other children, then you can come up with a fairy tale, main character which does the same. This will lead him to difficult situations, create a lot of problems that will be solved after the hero changes for the better.

Also, fairy tale therapy as a method of psychological correction for children can relieve your child of obsessive fears, help to survive a difficult life period. Another plus of this method is the development of the child's creative abilities, the formation of more broad view for life. The fairy tale will help to accept the injustice and cruelty of the world, prepare for adulthood. The more fairy tales the kid learns, the richer will be his "bank" of life stories, to which he will unconsciously refer to in later life.

Get to know the child

Psychotherapy with the help of a fairy tale not only teaches the child to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, but also allows parents to better understand his inner world. Therefore, fairy tale therapy as a method of psychological correction of preschoolers has become so widespread. The stories that the child likes the most are a reflection of his own fantasies and goals. Having studied the favorite stories of the baby, you can understand what worries him, what he is striving for.

In addition, it is imperative to discuss the plot of the tale, together to seek solutions to the problems described in it. This will make the knowledge gained by the child more practical. Otherwise, they will be in a passive form, from which it will be much more difficult to use them at the right time. Also, through the discussion of the child's fairy tale, you can push in the right direction, form positive features character and get rid of the negative.

Fairytale therapy as a method of psychological correction for adults

Adults, like children, can greatly benefit from fairy tales. Unfortunately, today this activity is recognized as purely childish, which is a completely wrong approach, since many problems that arise in adult members of our society are wonderfully solved with the help of fairy tale therapy. The stories told to older audiences are different from those told to children. Fairy tales for adults have a deeper meaning, they use more metaphors, they are more blurred. To get to the bottom of them, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the situation, after which individual elements will form a whole picture.

Adults often follow the same life algorithms, even if they do not produce results. Through fairy tale therapy, you can expand their view of the world, help find new ways to solve problems. Using the example of the protagonist of a fairy tale, a person can realize that all his life he played someone else's role, acted according to a destructive scheme. Only after realizing this fact will he be able to change his life attitudes, find a way out of the seemingly

How to apply fairy tale therapy

Today, treatment with a fairy tale is used everywhere - there are many group and individual lessons for all age categories. They are usually inexpensive, but this option is not suitable for everyone. Some people want to use fairy tale therapy on their own to help their child or themselves. There are several options for using this technique. You can take a ready-made fairy tale that suits the desired life situation. The main thing is not to forget that after reading it you need to disassemble and discuss.

It is not for nothing that fairy tale therapy has gained such popularity as a method of psychological work with children and adults. One of its most effective manifestations is writing an author's story for a specific person. In this case, as the story unfolds, people become aware of themselves in the main character, which helps them to accept their weaknesses and change. The main thing is that the fairy tale does not condemn the actions of the hero, but considers his problems, without giving a negative assessment of his actions.


Another way of using fairy tale therapy is a person writing his own fairy tale. The main thing is, before starting this process, you need to calm down, realize and accept the problem. The beneficial effects of fairy tale treatment will begin to be felt even during the writing of history. Since this will reveal the author's hidden shortcomings, it will allow him to look at himself from a different perspective. But for fairy tale therapy as a method of psychological correction to reveal its full potential, it is necessary that someone else read the fairy tale.

Reading a magical story, you can understand the author's inner world, find out what worries him and what kind of person he has. Usually, what worries a person will be the main idea of ​​a fairy tale. And the climax that he came up with will make it possible to evaluate his life experience, to understand whether he was positive or negative. Many people are close to fairy tale therapy as the best method, because all this can be done without difficulty on their own, without letting strangers into their inner world.

The benefits of treating a fairy tale

Fairy tale therapy looks like an unscientific and unreliable method. How can a silly fairy tale help in our age of technological progress? It turns out that this method is much more effective than most modern scientific research. Having plunged into the jungle of strict rationalism, we have lost touch with that huge layer of knowledge that humanity has accumulated over its history. Rationalism and a scientific approach were elevated to the absolute, and everything old began to be considered the delirium of ignorant people. Now the old methods are taking on new meaning, finding scientific confirmation and being adopted by scientists around the world. Fairytale therapy as a method of psychological correction turned out to be a legacy of antiquity, surpassing many modern means in efficiency.

Considering that treatment with a fairy tale began to be practiced relatively recently, its results are simply staggering. Even the most can easily understand and accept what parents want to convey to them, if this information is clothed in a "magic" wrapper. For some adults, fairy tale therapy has proven to be a tool that has helped where traditional methods were powerless.

Fairytale therapy as a method of psychological correction. Examples of

In practice, fairy tale treatment usually looks like this. For example, your child often takes other people's things without asking, takes away toys from peers. No persuasion or explanation helps - he continues his negative work anyway.

In this case, you can tell him a fairy tale, the main character of which constantly took other people's things without asking, and this led to serious trouble for him. The way out of the difficult situation was found only after it had changed. It is important that the kid understands that a happy ending came only after the hero of the fairy tale got rid of his bad habit.


Perhaps this article will help you change your attitude towards fairy tales. Today, it has become clear that they are a serious means of shaping consciousness, and not just stories that allow you to have fun. Fairy tale therapy is especially useful for children. As a method of correcting their behavior, she knows no equal. Attempts to directly confront your child will only lead to conflicts and mutual reproaches. Another story is a tale told emotionally and with interest. To date, fairy tale therapy is the most enjoyable and effective for children.

There are still quite a few people for whom the term "fairy tale therapy" evokes a smile and treats it as a "child's" method, but after getting to know fairy tale therapy better, they change their minds. Fairytale therapy is the oldest method of practical psychology in human civilization and one of the youngest in modern scientific practice.

The first scientific theories devoted to the problem of fairy tales date back to the 18th century.

This direction was developed by domestic teachers and psychologists Vygodsky, Elkonin, Osorina, Propp, Gnezdilov, etc. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva - doctors psychological sciences, rector of the Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy.

Definition of the concept of "fairy tale therapy". Typology of fairy tales

Fairytale therapy is an actively developing direction in psychotherapy. According to Stanislav Raevsky, "a fairy tale helps a psychotherapist and his client to speak the same language, gives a general system of symbols. Sometimes a lot can be understood simply by asking a person what his favorite fairy tale is."

In information sources, the definition of "fairy tale therapy" is used in different contexts, since Fairy tale therapy is used in upbringing, education, development, and training, and as a tool for psychotherapy.

Let's give several definitions of the concept of "fairy tale therapy" depending on the area of ​​use.

Fairytale therapy as a tool for transferring experience "from mouth to mouth". This is a way of fostering a special attitude towards the world in a child, which is accepted by a given society. Fairytale therapy is a way of transmitting to an individual (more often a child) the necessary moral norms and rules. This information is embedded in folk tales and legends, epics, parables. The oldest way of socialization and transfer of experience.

Fairytale therapy as a development tool. In the process of listening, inventing and discussing a fairy tale, the child develops the fantasy and creativity necessary for an effective existence. He learns the basic mechanisms of search and decision-making.

Fairytale therapy as a narrative. Listening to and perceiving fairy tales, a person builds them into his life scenario, forms it. For kids, this process is especially bright, many children ask them to read the same fairy tale to them many times.

Fairytale therapy as psychotherapy. Working with a fairy tale is aimed directly at treating and helping the client. The fairy tale therapist creates conditions in which the client, working with the fairy tale (reading, inventing, acting out, continuing), finds solutions to his life difficulties and problems.

At present, the typology of fairy tales proposed by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, which includes artistic (folk and author's), psychotherapeutic, psychocorrectional, didactic, meditative.

In the understanding of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva fairy tale therapy is not just a direction of psychotherapy, but a synthesis of many achievements of psychology, pedagogy, psychotherapy and philosophy of different cultures.

In this regard, it distinguishes four stages in the development of fairy tale therapy (in a historical context):

stage - oral folk art;

stage - collecting and researching fairy tales and myths (C.G. Jung, M. - L. von Franz, B. Bettelheim, V. Propp, etc.);

stage - psychotechnical (the use of a fairy tale as an excuse for psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development);

stage - integrative, associated with "the formation of the concept of Complex Fairy Tale Therapy, with a spiritual approach to fairy tales, with the understanding of fairy tale therapy as nature-friendly, organic to human perception of the educational system, tested by many generations of our ancestors."

As T.D. herself rightly points out. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, artistic tales have didactic, psychocorrective, psychotherapeutic, and even meditative aspects.

Fairytale therapy is a young, modern and promising direction in practical psychology, which, using the metaphorical resources of a fairy tale, allows people to develop self-awareness, become themselves, and build special trusting, close relationships with others.

Here is a small list of problems that a fairy tale will help to cope with:-fight fears,- increase the child's self-esteem,-to instill certain household skills,- save yourself from the whims,- calm down and relax,- to develop cultural skills,- to protect nature and those around you,- brighten up everyday life,-develop the child's vocabulary and imagination. And, of course, write down all the fairy tales you write and put together your family collection. With schoolchildren you can come up with fairy tales together. To do this, you can start special magic box, where the most common objects, toys, trinkets will be added. And then, sitting in a circle, you can deliver objects from the box and compose endlessly. Or play confusion. To do this, it is enough to take any fairy tale and mix all the characters in it. And if you mix different fairy tales, then you get a passionate game not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults. Story " The letter is lost " will pass with a bang in any children's company. Any fairy tale is taken and told (read) without one letter. You can still compose fairy tales from famous proverbs and sayings. For example, the expression “ Kind word and the cat is pleased ”will be an excellent help for the fairy tale about the culture of behavior and politeness. As you can see, fairy tales are an excellent lifesaver for parents. Moreover, this is a wonderful chance to return to your childhood and live it again. Even on a different level. Of course, we will not become children, but we can touch childhood more often, putting aside our adult concerns. After all, children look into us as if in a magic mirror and reflect what they see there.

Fairytale therapy as a psychotherapeutic technique serves to achieve the following goals: - psychological diagnostics and correction, - self-knowledge, - development of creative abilities, - disclosure of inner potential, - adaptation of the personality to the conditions of the surrounding world. Fairytale therapy is not only intended for children, it is suitable for people of all ages, as in the process fairy tale therapy there is an interaction with the "childish" principle in a person, his "inner child", which is characterized by purity of perception of the world and connection with the spiritual principle. Fairytale therapy genres: parable, fable, anecdote, legend, epic, myth, fairy tale.

What is a fairy tale?

In literature, a fairy tale is an epic genre of folk art. V art therapy the fairy tale has become a method of psychological work, accessible to every person. Unique psychotherapeutic properties of a fairy tale were discovered at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and have since been used in many techniques. V fairy tale therapy a fairy tale is understood as the life experience of ancestors encoded in a metaphorical form. The tale also encrypts archetypal processes occurring at the unconscious level. T.Zinkevich-Evstigneeva highlights the following properties of a fairy tale: - the tale is not of a didactic nature, and its meaning is not imposed, - the collection of images, the uncertainty of the place of action, the names of the characters, - the multilevel nature of encrypted information, from the everyday level to the philosophical, - the presence of a successful outcome in history, which serves as psychological protection, - the possibility existential perception of reality, - motives of magic, giving the key to the disclosure of superpowers in a person. Fairy tale therapy methods: - storytelling (group and individual), - composition of fairy tales, - drawing of fairy tales, - analysis of a fairy tale, - staging a fairy tale, - meditation on a fairy tale.

Fairytale therapy is a productive method of psychotherapy designed to maximize the disclosure and correction of the mental state of both healthy people and people with mental disabilities.
The human mind, as you know, is not able to come up with something beyond its own limits. Another thing is that everyone has different limits. And even inventing dragons or magic, we obey the already existing laws. The dragon is nothing more than an exaggerated real living reptile (or a synthesis of some types of reptiles). The storyteller makes us not only see the world through his eyes, but also feel everything that he experiences.
Whatever one may say, but life is a game and people in it are nothing more than actors - more or less talented. In other words, we somehow live life according to a clearly defined scenario, and only sometimes we deviate so as not to get bogged down in this routine. We are accustomed to refer to this scenario as "FATE".
Fairytale therapy is designed to escape from the standard scenario of our life and take on new fantastic roles that are much brighter and more suitable for us than those that we are used to playing in life. We break away from reality and transform into princes, princesses, magicians, monsters or animals. This is what makes it possible to become not a doll, but a puppeteer, forgetting about logic and rationality.
Fairytale therapy essentially provides endless possibilities for unleashing our creative potential. After all, we are so rarely given the opportunity to use our imaginations. Our life is limited by frames, stereotypes and logic! And the fantasy remains "humiliated" in front of a career and family. And its rare manifestations are so mundane that we lose the meaning of showing it. Fairytale therapy will allow us to expand our world, feel in our place and become ourselves for at least half an hour.
A fairy tale will allow you to take on the image of the character that most fully reflects our inner world and determine how to become more successful and original. Our problems are primarily a conflict with ourselves. And in order to solve it, we need to find unity with ourselves. Trying on certain roles, we solve this conflict and our subconscious mind finds a productive compromise with our consciousness.
Psychotherapy, unfortunately, has a bitter reputation. The reason for this is the fear to admit our weaknesses and courageously overcome them. We perfectly understand our problems, but we are afraid to admit them to ourselves, because we will have to solve them. And then the standard "I don't have time, I am too busy a person ..."

People have always been engaged in fairy tale therapy. True, they called it differently. Today we distinguish four stages in the development of fairy tale therapy. It is noteworthy that none of the stages we have identified ended, giving way to a new one. Therefore, each stage marked the beginning of a certain process.
The first stage of fairy tale therapy is oral folk art. Its beginning is lost in the depths of centuries, but the process of oral (and later written) creativity continues to this day.
The second stage of fairy tale therapy is the collection and study of fairy tales and myths. The study of myths and fairy tales in a psychological, deep aspect is associated with the names of K.-G. Jung, M.-L. von Franz, B. Bettelheim, V. Propp and others. It is pleasant to note that the terminology of psychoanalysis is based on myths ... The process of cognition hidden meaning fairy tales and myths continues to this day.
The third stage is psychotechnical. Probably, there is not a single pedagogical, psychological and psychotherapeutic technology in which the "Compose a fairy tale" method is not used. Modern practical approaches use a fairy tale as a technique, as an excuse for psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development.
The fourth stage is integrative. This stage is associated with the formation of the concept of Complex Fairy Tale Therapy, with a spiritual approach to fairy tales, with the understanding of fairy tale therapy as nature-friendly, organic to human perception of the educational system, tested by many generations of our ancestors.
Today, more and more attention is paid to the development of creative abilities, "creativity" of children and adults. Erich Fromm formulated the concept of creativity as "the ability of a child, an adult to be surprised and learn, the ability to find a solution in non-standard situations, focus on discovering new things and the ability to deeply understand their experience." The process of cognizing the World and one's own capabilities is like a fairytale road full of unexpected discoveries and adventures. A fabulous story that conveys the life experience of many generations, filled with amazing images, mystery and magic, is often the shortest path along which one can approach the inner world of a child, help him understand the “laws” of the surrounding reality.
The form of metaphor, in which fairy tales, stories, parables, anecdotes are created, are most accessible to the child's perception. This makes her attractive for correctional, learning and developmental work. In addition, working with a fairy tale, modeling within the framework of a fairytale form develops the personality of the teacher, creates an invisible bridge between a child and an adult, brings parents and children closer together.
Many psychologists, teachers, defectologists, educators and parents use the magic influence of a fairy tale in their work and the process of upbringing. However, not all the possibilities and advantages of fairy tales are used by specialists to the full. In the form of a fairy tale, metaphors can be synthesized by numerous modern psychological technologies that are so necessary for teachers, educators, defectologists, and, of course, parents. Children spend a significant part of their time with them. It is they who at the present stage are becoming the main consumers of psychological technologies. However, psychological approaches are numerous, difficult to formulate, and this makes them insufficiently accessible to potential users. Therefore, the main task of fairy tale therapy was to synthesize the most effective psychological technologies within the framework of the fairy tale form; combining and adapting a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques into a single fairy-tale context. This is the relevance and novelty of complex fairy tale therapy.
This is a method that uses a fairy-tale shape, a halo of magic to integrate personality, develop creative abilities, develop adaptive skills, improve ways of interacting with the outside world, as well as learning, diagnostics and correction.
Belief in miracles lives inside our soul, as its potential ability. Therefore, it is very important to create such conditions for psychological and pedagogical work in which this ability is manifested, strengthened and helps a person overcome what hinders his development.
This aspect became fundamental in the creation of the concept of fairy tale therapy. For fairy-tale therapy is also therapy with an environment, a special fairy-tale environment in which potential parts of the personality can manifest themselves.
The principles of fairy tale therapeutic psychodiagnostics, correction and development are close to the principles of humanistic, positive therapy:
1. Psychodiagnostics with the help of "fairy-tale" methods means projective diagnostics, which describes both a complete picture of a personality and its individual problematic and potential elements.
2. Fairytale therapeutic correction is understood as a systematic enhancement of the potentiality and creative abilities of a person, due to which problematic elements are overcome.
3. Fairytale therapy correction excludes directive changes in negative forms of behavior. Instead, the principle of "broadening the spectrum of alternative reactions" is proposed. That is, a person in a fabulous form is offered a variety of models of behavior in various situations and is given the opportunity to play, “live” as many of these models as possible. Experience shows that the more a person has an arsenal of possible solutions, models of behavior, the better he is adapted to the conditions of the surrounding world.
The sources of the concept of fairy tale therapy were the works of A.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, research and experience of B. Bettelheim, therapy with the stories of R. Gardner, works of E. Fromm, E. Bern, ideas of K.-G. Jung and M.-A. von Franz, positive therapy with parables and stories by N. Pezeshkyan, studies of children's subculture by M. Osorina, works of V. Propp, ideas of E. Romanova, psychotherapeutic tales and ideas of A. Gnezdilov, experience of A. Zakharov, as well as the development of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva.
Recently, more and more specialists are gravitating towards the method of fairy tale therapy: psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, teachers, educators, and defectologists. The fairy-tale therapy programs of G. Azovtseva, A. Lisina, T. Rechitskaya appeared.
The team of the Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy received information about new areas of application of the method. These are not only preschool institutions and schools, but also rehabilitation centers for disabled people, children with various developmental problems, correctional institutions (for especially "difficult" adolescents), higher schools... Andrei Vladimirovich Gnezdilov conducts a unique fairy tale therapy work with cancer patients and other difficult patients (in the hospice and in the Komtemuk home theater he created).
Fairytale therapy is closely related to art therapy (art therapy) and play therapy, gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis, body-oriented therapy, psychoanalysis and TRIZ. The development of fairy tale therapy involves the inclusion of the best elements of various psychological and pedagogical developments.
In the fairy-tale therapy process, five types of fairy tales are currently used:
1. Artistic (author's, folk);
2. Didactic (teaching);
3. Psychotherapeutic (fairy tales, parables, biblical stories);
4. Psychocorrectional (fairy tales, stories);
5. Meditative.

General scheme correctional work is as follows:

1) we design a fabulous space, presumably isomorphic to the client's living space, in which the problem area is located:we introduce the characters necessary by type and quantity, determine the relationship between them, provide identification with one of the characters, predict possible projections, etc.

2) when telling (perhaps composing on the go) this fairy tale, we make sure that the resonance is as clear as possible: we track the reactions, the play of feelings.If necessary, you can ask the client to compose his own part of the tale in order to better tune in. We can ourselves “stretch” the plot longer so that the client “falls through” into the fairy tale, feels into it, and begins to live by its events.

3) we introduce difficulties in doses that are feasible for the client, give him the opportunity to act (continue the tale) in the problem situation we have created,which, let me remind you, in some respect should be close to the client's problem. Despite the fact that the problems are “fabulous”, to continue the plot, a child or an adult will need an inner readiness to solve them - but it is precisely this readiness that he does not have, which is his personality problem. Of course, our reflections will be valid only if a strong internal connection is established between the fairy tale and the client's life situation.

4) if the client turns out to be unable to solve the fairytale problem (which, by the way, indicates a good attitude to the problem), we make such changes in the fairytale space,which help to unpack the resource necessary to solve the problem: we attract additional characters (donors, assistants, prompts, motivators ...), we modify the conditions, etc. So we make it easier until the client begins to confidently solve problems (with good skill, you can immediately give a relatively easy task);

5) we gradually complicate the problems, and / or the necessary (missing) resources are introduced so that the main character has to do everything himself.At the same time, it is important to ensure that the client really has the desired resource state;

6) we repeat paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 as many times as necessary for confident updating of the resource, with with the help of which the client will be able to solve his life problem (remember, this can be courage, honesty, activity, strength, endurance, desire, responsibility, the ability to ask friends for help, intelligence, search for patrons, the use of technical means of communication, and much more);

7) we consolidate the ability to independently cope with difficulties, to solve emerging problems. To do this, already outside of the fairy tale, we provide the opportunity to access the developed resources in real life: we give homework (similar to fairy-tale in semantic drawing), discuss the client's real (not fabulous) beliefs, program the connection to the future (NLP technique), etc.

Fairy tales are constructed in accordance with the current situation and served under various "sauces": analysis, storytelling, writing, rewriting, puppet therapy, image therapy, drawing, psychodynamic meditations, setting fairy tales in a sandbox and much more (and this is not fairy tale therapy itself, but fascinating its context).
“Perhaps, indeed, in our difficult time, when many people lose the meaning of life, faith and hope, fairy tales with a good ending can help children and adults find their Way ...”