
Saint Sergius. All teachings - life


Your life, hedgehogs in the world,
The image of the Former ... Jaco Sun, noticed.
(Canon for gaining relics, song 3)

According to the abundance and variety of iconographic stories, Rev. Sergius Radonezh has no equal among the saints glorified in the Russian Church. The earliest images of the presented appeared at the beginning of the XV century. From the pictures that came to our time, the ancient is obviously covering with the saints of the relevant reverend, dating back to twentieth years of the XV century. (Sergiev Posad Gosud. Historical and Art Museum-Reserve). Facial sewing quite accurately conveys the portrait features of the reverend; In any case, close to the time iconographic plots with Rev. This is a portrait similarity to a greater or lesser extent take into account. It should be noted that later (already the middle of the XV century) of the cover from the relics of Rev. Sergius impressions of portrait similarities are no longer left.

Reverend Sergius Soon after gaining the relics began to often portray in multifigure compositions among the most revered saints. The literary basis for the image of concrete events of the life of Reverend was his life, compiled in 1417-1418. His student's pupil is wisdom.

What events from the life of Rev. Sergius were reflected in the iconographic plots? Epiphanas wisdom, starting the lives of Rev. Sergius, says: I hope I hope on the merciful God and on the prayer of his aspirations, a reverend elder. Apparently, the most first plot learned in the iconography of Rev., was his prayer to the upcoming of the Holy Library Trinity:

From Mladgago age, Father Sergiye, Christ alone and the live footsteps followed, the world had avoided the world and reached the uncommon of the mind of the mind, the idea of \u200b\u200bnow daring Holy Trinity The prestigations, the southerly about all of us are mind (from the canon to gain the relics of Rev. Sergius).

The meeting of the Tretyakov Gallery stores the Novgorod icon of the first half of the XV century. - Our Lady on the throne with the sitting

The Boggladesman surrounded by the saints. On the top field depicted Rev. Sergius, but this is apparently later insertion. From precisely dated icons with the image of the Rev., the icon from the Trinity Cathedral (blown in 1942) of the Stefano-Makhrish monastery should be called. Now this icon of the first third of the XV century. In the meeting of the State Historical Museum. According to the composition, it is similar to the Novgorod: Our Lady is sitting on the throne with the Bog Mountain; Before it is depicted in the prayer of St. Sergius. Blessing St. Sergius Bog Mouden Christ almost definitely repeats the image on the Kemey icon of Rev. - Our Lady of Odigitria XIV century. (From the collection of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra).

Rev. Sergius was often depicted among the Palaeosny Saints on the icons of Our Lady: along with the Muslim Verine and other directions of God, he advocated before God, as they say in one of the prayers to him, for the whole of God for Russia. Rev. Sergius was honored by Novgorod and were often portrayed next to the "their" reverend Barlaam Khutynsky. Known images and on the salty icons, so-called. Novgorod "Tablets" from the Sofia Cathedral.

In the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, there is an excerned from the Ilinsky Church of the suburban Kolomenskaya village Sanduri three-rolled fold - Our Lady Yaroslavl with chosen saints. On the left fold of the folding, among other holy, the Rev. Sergius and Metropolitan Peter are depicted; On another sash, Saint Alexy. This icon is the generic shrine of Sheremetev, written, apparently, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Icon dates back to 1491. The prayer upcoming of the home of God, strictly speaking, cannot be tied to some particular moment - it was constant. At the same time, plots, well-defined in chronological terms appear rather quickly in the iconography of Rev. Sergius.

One of the earliest episodes of life, which became a favorite iconographic plot, is the phenomenon of St. Sergius of the Mother of God. Epiphany talks about how during the commission of the Cael, completing the singing of akathist God's MotherHe suddenly said to his student Mikhai: "Chado! Sober and awake, because now we will have a wonderful and unfaded visit. " He also said this, as the voice rang out: "the most competed", and the Holy hastily came out of Kelly in the aircraft. It was talked with a bright light, stronger than sunny, and blissful saw the most preching with two apostles, Peter and John, from which the ineveracted radiance also proceeded. The phenomenon of the Mother of God Reverend Sergia is known not only as a stigma of the living icon, but also as an independent iconographic plot from the first half of the XVI century: Our Lady with the staff, accompanied by the apostles Peter and John, stretches his hands to meet the Holy, who leans before her in prayer; Behind Rev. Sergius depicts him Cemen, Rev. Michea Radonezh.

Large living icons of Rev. Sergius appear in the second half of the XV century. The literary basis for them was a life written by epiphany to wisdom and in the middle of the XV century. Further recycled and supplemented with a fraud. Among the most famous - the icon of the beginning of the XVI century, the Circle of Dionysia, from the Assumption Cathedral of the city of Dmitrov; Now she is in the meeting of the museum. Rev. Andrei Rublev. Let's see how the life of Trinity Hegumen is represented.

The first stamp (left top) is the birth of the Bartholomew, then follow: "Excretion of a diploma" (an old man blesses the excuses of Bartholomew); Taking the saint to the monks by Igumen Mitrofan.

The next stamp is the expulsion of demons with the prayers of Rev.: Once the reverend Sergius went to the church on the prayer at night, and when he began singing, suddenly the wall of the Church was broken and a variety of demons was visible; They rushed to the blissful, crossed teeth and threatening to kill him. Rev., having hope for God, was worked with a zealous, with tears prayer against enemies; Soon, the divine force suddenly painted him and the breathtaking of the evil spirits.

Next are the plots of supplies of Sergius in Deacon, and then in the rhey, the bishop of Volyn Afanasiy, who lived then in the city of Pereyaslavl. The inscription on the unfolded scroll, which keeps over the glaze of the St. Bishops: Divine Grace, always weakly healing, and insufficient fully fit ...

The following plot is the reference of the source: assembled to the Rev. Inka taken towards the lack of water in the desert monastery. Sergius came out of the monastery, taking one of the monasters with him, and descended with him in the forest ravine under the monastery, where there was never a source of water. The reverend painted the glory sign of the place where the rainwater was stood, and suddenly from under the ground scored a complete source, which beats and so on and from which they take water for all monastery needs, thanks to God and his aspirations Sergius. From the water from this source there were numerous healing of patients suffering from different illnesses if the sicks came to a source with faith, they say in life.

The following stamps tell about the resurrection of the baby on the prayer of Rev. Sergius: The unfortunate father was in a hurry to convey his hard-sick-sick-son to Kelia Reverend and ask prayers about his healing, but did not have time - the son died. The father went after the coffin so that the Son would bury, but the Rev. Sergius had prayed over the dead, and the Lord returned the baby's infant.

The stamp "ministry of Divine Liturgy Reverend Sergey with an angel" illustrates the next story of life. One day, Rev. Sergius served as Liturgy with his native brother Stefan and nephew of the Bishop Feodor. Monks prayed in the temple, Isaacius, silence and Makaria was a vision in the altar of the fourth clergy - shining with extraordinary light in the glittering riza. Inaks realized that the Angel of God served the Holy Sergia.

The wonderful vision is associated with this plot, which had a student of Rev. Simon: When Saint Sergius served Liturgy, Simon saw the fire spilling through the Holy See. When the reverend was involved, the divine fire entered the holy Pathr.

The next stamp is the arrival of ambassadors from Constantinople Patriarch Philof. In the abode of St. Sergius from Constantinople, the Greeks arrived, the Patriarch envies; They gave gifts - Cross, Paraman, Schima - and a message with advice to arrange a hostel monastery in the monastery.

Next - stamps with wonderful healing. Stamp depicting the healing of Greek bishop who came to Moscow. The bishop I heard a lot about the Holy (Glory about Sergia reached Constantinople!), But I thought about myself like this: "Does such a lamp of faith in this country can appear, especially in our last time?" Approaching the monastery, he felt strong fear, and enjoying the monastery fence, land. Rev. Sergius healed the bishop, and he was prose.

On another brand - the healing of Zechariah Borozdin, Tver Boyarov, who gave the abode during illness to visit Sergiev Abodeh; The reverend appeared to him in a sleepy vision and healed; Recovered Zechariah with joy went to the monastery.

Another case of the wonderful help of Rev. Sergius is the healing of some kind of noble person, a cruelly tormented demon. The reverend served a prayer for the suffering, and he began to come to himself and, having stayed in the monastery for several days, went home completely healthy.

The end of the healing case depicted on the Dmitrov icon belongs to the posthumous wonders of Rev.: This is the return of vision of the blind man, given to the coffin of Rev. Sergius. The introduction of a recent layer remained in the abode by an officer.

Stamp with the image of the burial of St. Sergius: standing by the coffin angel holds a revealed book with the prayer of the sixth hour of St. Vasily of the Great "God and Lord of the Forces and All Creature ..."

At the living icons of the presented from the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra and the Moscow Kremlin, other than those listed plots are also presented:

"Decrace the elder to the parents with the parents," add-on to the plot "Recovery".

"Miracle about a certain farmer." A certain farmer-agriculture came to the monastery to see the Reverend. The peasant has never seen Sergius before and, having come to the insidency, began to search for him and could not believe that the reverend himself works in the bark in the garden, and turned away from him. At the same time, the prince arrived in the monastery and left the reverend of Sergia, thereby entered by the peasant.

The plot depicting the set of birds. One day, when the saint performed his prayer rule, he suddenly heard a voice: \\ "Sergius! \\" The Monk has opened the 11th of Kelia and saw many beautiful birds flying not only in the monastery. A voice was heard: \\ "Your students will also be numerous, and after you they do not care if they just want to follow your footsteps \\".

It is necessary to mention here and the famous icon of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow with a life written in the late XV - early XVI centuries. Dionisia for the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (now in GTG). Two stamps associated with the relationship between the saint and St.Des deserve attention here. In the seventh brain, the saint Alexy asks Rev. Sergius to let his student of Andronika on Igumenty in the Spassky (now Savazo-Andronikov) Monastery, which SVT. Alexy founded in 1361 on the high bank of the Yauza River in Moscow. Before the seated saint, there is a reverend Sergius and accompanying him two trinity monks; Rev. Humban accepts the primacy blessing (Blessed did not reject the request of the saint and let go of Andronicus with him, says in life). At the thirteenth brand, Metropolitan Alexy, feeling the approach of his death, calls on Rev. Sergius to the primacy service. The reverend sits into the mantle on a wide sednamators opposite the saint Alexy, Metropolitan - on the Holy Throne; Between them, the kiivoriy is towers ... In the great humility, His Rev. Sergius did not accept proposals, and Metropolitan Alexy, comforting the reverend spiritual ignitions, let him go to his monastery. This plot is very precisely reproduced in miniatures of the facial lives of St. Sergius XVI century. (Russian State Library).

At the beginning of the XVI century. For the Cathedral of the Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov, a living icon of Reverend with eighteen stimuli was written; Now Icon is located in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Considering the plots depicted on the living icons of the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, pay attention to their editivity; Each episode of the Life of the Great Hegumen of Saint Rus is not only historically accurate, but opens to the praying pretender to adopt it as a good example in his Christian life: the life of his own, hedgehogs in the world Sea, Rev. Sergiy is the image of everyone - including the current generation of Christians .

The influence of Rev. Sergius led to, among other things, a noticeable revival of the desire for monastic life: from 1240 to 1340 about 30 new monasteries originated, and in the next century, from 1340 to 1440 years old, the generation of the Culikov battle and his closest descendants were given to the world of founders 150 new monasteries. The direction of monastic life has changed. Until the middle of the XIV century, "almost all monasteries in Russia arose in cities or under their walls." Subsequently, the decisive numerical advantage takes monasteries that arose in distance from the cities, on the Non-Non-Flands, and the monastic struggle with spiritual shortcomings of a person connected with a new struggle - "With the inconveniences of outside nature", and "this second goal has become a new tool to achieve the first."

However, the flight of the monks from the temptations of the world has served him with urgent needs. Until the middle of the XIV century, the Russian population was locked in the oil between Oki and the Upper Volga - in a triangle, the exit from which Tatars and Lithuania were locked up, south and southeast. An open path to the north and northeast was led by the Volga, in a deaf impassable edge, in some places populated by the Finno-Ugric tribes. Share in these places Russian peasants were afraid. "Monk-deserted and went there with a bold scout."

New monasteries from the middle of the XIV century and until the end of the 15th century, in their most, the Volga arose, among the Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Vologda forests. The Russian monasticism has won the Finnish pagan voltage for the Christian Church and the Russian people. Numerous forest monasteries became the supporting points of the peasant colonization.

The first image of the saint, embroidered soon after his death, the Caela Icons of Rev. Sergius, the image of the "Hegumen of Russian" in the Spare Tower of the Kremlin and the ancient iconography of the "Vision of the Wartholomew", which we used to imagine on the picture Mikhail Nesterov - All this can be seen in the gallery icons.

. The seasy of the first quarter of the XV century is one of the earliest of the pictures of the saint. It is likely that he was executed for the acquisition of the relics of the Rev., which occurred in 1422 during the Igument of the PRP. Nikon Radonezhsky. Obviously, this image has a portrait similarity to a greater extent than all other images of the presented. There is nothing impossible in the fact that in his performance, somehow, people who personally knew the saint and remembered his appearance (the year of the presumption was presented. Sergius - 1392).

Rev. Sergius in the scenario of Our Lady with a baby, Archangel Gabriel. This icon of the first third of the XV century from the meeting of the state. The historical museum comes from the local series of the Trinity Cathedral of the Makhrish Monastery. There is a suggestion that this icon may be related to the basis of the reverend Sergey of the Blagoveshchensky Kirzhach monastery. (Being disgruntled caregivers and temporarily leaving the monastery, St. Sergius visited the monastery of Pre. Stefan Makhrishchsky, after which he founded the Blagoveshchensky Kirzhach monastery, where he lived for about four years). The image of the archangel of Gabriel on the icon in this case, as it were, reminds of the Blagoveshchensky dedication to the Kirzhach monastery.

sv. Nikolai

Icons of Our Lady and St. Nicholas of the second half of the XIV century, stored in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, according to legend, are the cable images of prep. Sergius.

Schittered cover on the relics of the refuge. Mid XV century. Blue backgrounds of this and the very first cover - Late additions. Initially, the color of the background was dark brown.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh, with life. End of the XV century (?). Icon of the Trinity Cathedral of Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The contribution of the king Ivan IV.

Healing from the blindness of Greek bishop. Stacking icons prep. Sergius from the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra.

Rev. Hariton Confessor, Varlaam Khutinsky and Sergius Radonezh. Icon-tablet from the series of Sofia Sofia Novgorod. End of the XV century, the assembly of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

The phenomenon of Our Lady Reverend Sergia, St. Trinity. The first third of the XVI century, the workshops of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra (?). Carved icon From the collection of the State Russian Museum.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Life. The icon of the beginning of the XVI century Circle Dionysius in the Museum Meeting. Andrei Rubleva. Comes from the Assumption Cathedral Dmitrov:

Elder's phenomenon Patches Bartholomew.

The temptation of the reverend.

Resurrection of a deceased baby.

Pressure prep. Sergia of Our Lady with Apostles Peter and Paul. In the context of the building depicted prep. Micah, an eyewitness of the event.

The burial of the reverend.

A posthumous miracle is the healing of the blind to the relics of the Reverend.

Rev. Sergiy Radonezh. Pokrov, the first half of the XVI century, the workshop led. Princess Solomonia. Meeting of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Life. The second quarter of the XVI century. Icon from the state meeting. The Tretyakov Gallery comes from the Old Believer Chariot in the Tokmakov Lane in Moscow.

Rev. Sergiy Radonezh. Icon of the second half of the XVI century from the meeting of the Sergiev Posad Museum.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Life. 1591 year. Keler Trinity-Sergius Lavra Estafius Golovkin.

Strawn icons.

Miniatures from the manuscript of facial lives prep. Sergius of the late XVI century from the RGB meeting.

Rev. Sergius in the scenario for the brotherhood of the Lavra founded by him


Failing a source of the prayer of St.

Saint Alexy, Metropolitan Moskovsky, caresses the independent accept Metropolitan after his death

Vision of the Divine Fire during the liturgy in the monastery

Rev. Sergiy Radonezh. 1669, Simon Ushakov. Icon from the state meeting. Tretyakov Gallery.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Life. The second half of the XVII century.

Resettlement of the family of Reverend from Rostov.

Rev. Sergius feeds a bear who came to him.

Vision of the reverend of many birds as a sign that many monks will be saved in his abode.

Vision of the Divine Fire during the liturgy.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Life. XVIII century. Meeting of the Museum-Reserve "Ipatiev Monastery".

Prep. Sergius of Radonezh. Palee. XIX century.

Prep. Sergius before the coffins of parents - PRP. Kirill and Maria Radonezhsky. The second half of the XIX century. Museum meeting. Andrei Rubleva.

Savior Smolensky with fallen St. Sergius Radonezh and Varlaam Khutynsky with Spasskaya (Frolovskaya) Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Iconography dates back to the first third of the XVI century, when such an icon was posted on Frolovsky (now - Spasskaya) Tower of the Moscow Kremlin in 1524 in honor of the capture of Vasily III Smolensk in 1514. The selection of saints in the event was quite obvious, since prep. Varlaam was the most revered Saint Novgorod and the North-West of Russia, and pre. Sergius is the most revered holy Russia Moscow.

Sergius Radonezh - the most famous historical and political figure XIV century, a talented diplomat and one of the most famous Russian saints. Founder of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, teacher and mentor of many dozens of Russian saints, canonized by the Church. Life, activities and agricultural works of Rev. Sergius Radonezh proceeded during the formation of Moscow Rus, during the reign of Ivan Kalita and his grandson of Dimitri, later called by Donskoy. For Prince Dimitri, Sergius Radonezh was a spiritual father. According to an ancient legend, mainly from the epiphany reports, the student of the St. Sergius of the Radonezh, his first livestock, it is known that Rev. Sergius Radonezh was born in 1314 in the village of Varnanti, near Rostov, in the family of famous Rostov boyar Kirill and Mary, in baptism got the name of Bartholomew . Despite the fact that his parents were "Boyar noble", they simply lived, people were quiet and deeply religious. It was a second child in the family - he was Stephen older than him, younger - Peter.

At the seven age, Bartholomew began to learn a diploma with his brothers. However, if the last study was made easily and they studied successfully, then the middle brother of the diploma was barely, despite the fact that the teacher worked for a long time with him. Wanting to correct the situation, Bartholomew prayed to God about the gift of "book intelligence" and help in studying. As the chronicle testifies, one day, when the boy passes the horses of his father, he saw a wanderer, an older-worker who performed a prayer, and asked him to pray for the success of his teachings. The elder prayed and blessed him. Since then, the tags began to manage to science. At the same time, he was indifferent to the pleasures of his youth, loved to read the sacred books and sought to all kind of kind.

At about 1328 - 1330. The parents of the future great devotee moved from Rostov to the village of Radonezh, located in 54 versts from Moscow. Before death, they accepted Schima in the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not far from Radonja. Burrying the parents, Bartholomew left his inheritance inheritance to the younger brother Peter, and, together with the elder brother Stefan, retired for deserted into the forest, where they first put Kelia, and then a small church consecrated in the name of the Blessed Trinity. Soon Stephen, without preparing the difficulties of life in the wilderness, left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, where he became the abbot. And the Bartholomew stayed in 1337, at the age of 23, he accepted a cross in a monk with the name of Sergius. The posture was performed by Igumen Mitrofan on the day of St. Sergius and Vakha. It is under the name of Sergius, this Bartholomew when he is tested, he will become famous as a great wonderworker, a devotee and the Holy Rev. Hegumen of the Russian Earth.

For more than a year, the young devotee spent in full solitude, staying in underverttial prayer, overcoming the difficulties of monocities. His life consisted in prayers, post and severe work - spiritual and physical. Thus, improving in spiritual life, Sergius Radonezh has become known in time and other inquars - to recent hermits began to strive for advice and help other monks, and soon the brotherhood from the twelve inok was soon. The village was gradually created, where every hermit lived in his own cell, and together they were going only for worship. Thus was founded by the famous Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra. In 1354, Bishop of Volyn Athanasius dedicated to St. Ieromonach and erected in San Igumen.

Having accepted Igumen, Sergius Radonezh did not change anything in either in his contact with his brother, nor in his busy life, only accepted greater responsibility. Just as before, he performed all the work and served the brethren, and the clothes wore a simple, so it was difficult to distinguish who was the eldest of them and who is younger. Rev. From the very first days embodied in his covenant of the championship, specified by Christ: "Who wants to be the first to be between you, and there will be all the rug." Strictly carried out in the abode of the monastery. With an increase in the monastery grew and his needs. Often, the buildings fed a meager food, Rev. I thought: "Lyutes of grief, but sweet paradise; Painful works, but the eternal reward for them. " But in the hour of extreme needs, on the prayers of brethren, the abode of generous help suddenly served.

Icon Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

Rumor about Saint Sergia Radonezh reached Constantinople, and Patriarch Filofee sent him a blessed letter, where he advised to arrange a hostel monastery on the sample of the monasteries of the Orthodox East. Rev. Sergius, Radonezh followed this Council and, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexy, introduced the communal institution. Before that, the monasteries lived on the so-called "highly character": the rich monks lived in prosperity, they could even have a servant, and the monks of poor families were forced to put on beggars. In order to eliminate this, Sergius Radonezh and introduced the Charter of Community (hostel). According to this charter, the monks did not owe any individual property, and all of their worldly ownership, with which they came to obedience, passed into general monastic property. In Russia's church life, it was a real reform that caused a storm of discontent, although he was held with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexia. Sergius Radonezh managed to create and develop a new type of monasteries for Russian lands - hostels, who were observing not on the alignment, but on their own economic activitiesWhat led to the formation of a rich and influential monastic society.

As life testifies, Rev. Sergius, Radonezh, was the miraculous at his earthly life:
"... The manthomolers came, saw the deserted poverty, but they saw piety and the world and grace among the brethren, and this Zakvaska fell fell in native families, like light as salt. And the name of God's name was nicely in Russia, and many went to him with faith. One village with faith was dangerous to the patient to the Baby to Rev., but he died, and the elder, praying, raised the deceased and gave him to the delightful father. Once, praying, the elder healed the hardly sick in the middle of the village, another time - the demonstrated one from the coast of the Volga, who was in the frenzy of the mind and bite and beat, silently with the inhuman power, so that his ten people could not keep ... ".

"... There was a lack of water, and the reverend with Inok went to the forest ravine and prayed ... and squeezed the place of his sign, and from under the ground there was a rich source of cold key water from the ground, and it flowed a quick stream along the valley. From this waters were healing, and there was enough water into abundance of everything ... "(the material is taken from the" Russian Saints "site).

In addition, according to life, an angel served during the commission of Liturgy, and once the Saint Sergius Radonezh was awarded the vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who appeared during the night prayer and said: "Do not be afraid, my chosen one. I came to visit you. Not grief, for your prayer for students and the abode is heard; From now on, your abode will have an abundance in everything; Not only with your life, but also at the collapse of yours to God. I will not leave this place and I will be uncooked to serve everything you need, save and cover it. " The memory of the phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated Orthodox Church August 24 / September 6.

Saint Sergius Radonezh knew how to act "quiet and krobroy words" on the most cruel and coarse hearts and in this way often reconciled even the warring princes. Thanks to him, all the princes joined the Kulikov battle, recognizing the primacy of the Great Moskovsky Prince - Dimitri. Prince Dimitri and Rev. Sergius Radonezh, collecting together on the girl's field in Kolomna, Russian princes, who had recently recently became friends, understood that this battle would be a decisive step towards Russia's union. The victory on the Kulikov field was laid here - on the girl's field. The shelves were delivered here as the intention of the Grand Duke should have been on the field of Brahi. Each warrior found out his place and saw his leader. The Maiden Field is a field of reconciliation and association, it became a place "where the female froze" between Russian principalities. Here, Russian troops received a blessing from Rev. Sergius Radonezh to the forthcoming battle with the Tatar army.

To help the Great Prince, the reverend blessed the two inks of their abode: Schimonach Andrei (Oll) and Schimonakh Alexander (Perevalt), and predicted the victory by Prince Dimitray. The prophecy of Rev. Sergius Radonezh turned: September 8, 1380, on the Day of the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Russian warriors won the Tatar Horde on the Kulikov field, putting the beginning of the liberation of Russian land from the Tatar yoke. From Kulikova, the fields returned with the victory already a single Russian people. During the battle, the Rev. Sergius Radonezh, together with Brothers, stood on prayer and asked God to give the victory to the Russian army.

Prince Dimitri Ioannovich deeply read his spiritual father - Rev. Sergius Radonezh, who was also the godfather of his sons. After the victory over the Tatars, Dmitry Ioannovich became referred to as "Donskoy", and he had a great respect for his spiritual father and invited him to bore a spiritual testament, according to which a new order of the Preconsession was established - from his father to her senior son. Before that, the throne inherited the elder in the family.

Icon Rev. Sergius of Radonezh
In 1385, Sergius Radonezh went with a diplomatic mission to Ryazan, successfully coping with the prevention of war between Moscow and Novgorod. Reconciling Russian princes, Sergius Radonezh contributed to the association of the state.

According to historians, as well as chronicle sources, Sergius Radonezh tied a close friendship with Metropolitan Alexia, who at that time was the head of Russian Metropolis. He often laughed at St. Sergius Radonezh important powers and prepared him with his successor, but Sergius Radonezh refused to be elected.

Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky died on September 25, 1392, having achieved deep old age, foreseen his death in two years and appointing a successor to himself - he blessed his student, regardless Nikon. On the eve of his death, he last urged all the brotherhood to give his spiritual children to the last instructions and farewell. Rev. Sergius Radonezh was buried in the monastery founded by him, and 30 years after his death, his power and clothes were found to be found.

It was done on July 5/8, 1422 rev. Igumen Nikona during the construction of a new temple in the name of the elbow trinity on the site of the wooden, consecrated September 25, 1412. Before the start of construction, the Rev. Sergius Radonezh was one pious Mijanin and ordered to convey to Igumen and brethren: "Why leave me so much time in the coffin, the ground of the stovered, in the water that implants my body?" And when they were digging rally for the foundation of the cathedral, the unwanted relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh were open, and everyone saw that not only the body, but also clothes of St. Sergius of Radonezh were unharmed, although water was really standing around the coffin. With a large coherence of the people, in the presence of the son of Dmitry Donskoy, Prince Zvenigorod Yury Dmitrievich, the holy relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh were deposited from the Earth. Upon consecration in 1426, the Stone Trinity Cathedral of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh was transferred to it, where they dwell. In 1452, Sergius Radonezh was canonized by the Russian Church and ranked saints.

Founded by Sergius Radonezh Trinity-Sergiyev Lava is a spiritual center of Russia, it is also the largest historical and architectural museum, a monument of cultural of world importance. Thousands of foreign tourists come to Sergiev Posad, in order to admire the golden domes of temples with magnificent architecture, rarest icon painting and ancient frescoes.

Created by Sergey Radonezh in 1337, a small monastery with a wooden temple in the name of the Holy Trinity quickly became a spiritual center of Moscow lands, support for Moscow princes. It was here that in 1380 the Father Sergius Radonezh blessed the army of Prince Dimitri Ivanovich, who went on battle with Mama. In 1392, Rev. Sergius Radonezh died, and the monastery founded by him for several centuries was a cultural and religious center Russian state. The monastery made up the chronicle, the manuscripts were rewritten, the icons were written. The "Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh", written in 1417 - 1418, was created, written in 1417 - 1418 by his student of the epiphany. "Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh" is one of the largest monuments of Old Russian literature, the most valuable historical document.

In troubled times (1598-1613), the monastery, withsting the 16-month siege of Polish-Lithuanian interventory, became one of the optotes of the second militia of Minin and Pozharsky. The monastery was favorite Russian kings, they regularly committed pilgrimage to the holy places of Trinity-Sergius ("Trinity move"). According to some information, Ivan Grozny was baptized in the monastery. In 1682, during the Streetsky Bunta, the monastery served as a refuge for the prince of Sophia Alekseevna, Tsarevichi Ivan and Peter.

In 1689, Peter I was hidden in the monastery in the monastery. With it, a magnificent baroque refectory with the temple of Rev. Sergius Radonezh appeared in the monastery. It was in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery that there was a breakdown over supporters of Sofia, hence the Petr's one-chased ruler went to Moscow.

Icon Rev. Sergius of Radonezh
In 1744, Trinity Sergiev Monastery was awarded the honorary title of Lavra. Saint Sergius Radonezh founded, except for the Holy Trinity Sergius of the Monastery, a few more monasteries, and his disciples established up to 40 monasteries in the north of Russia, which contributed to the development of culture, literacy among the population, filled life ordinary people spiritual meaning. The influence of Sergius Radonezh with a lot of power affected his numerous students, of whom many people themselves became famous for their sacred life and were educators of the surrounding society. In the "grades" of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra called about a hundred of the saints of devotees, one way or another connected by spiritual uzami with the great "All Russia's igumen".

The determination of the Holy Patriarch of Pimen and the Sacred Synod of December 26, 1978 was established by the Order of the Rev. Sergius of Radonezh. The Order is awarded representatives of churches - for church and peacekeeping services, state and public figures - for fruitful works to strengthen peace and friendship between nations.

What a miracle happened

With the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, many and many stories about the wonders who took place during the lifetime of the saint, and at all times after his rest.

In the city of Pokayev, a woman lived, who had no her bed, regards, because she, believing, led a strange life. It happened that the police (now the police) began to conduct a strict cleaning of the city from the beggars and lively without registration. Therefore, she went to Sergiev Posad, then he was called Zagorsk. But that year, though there was winter, the cholera epidemic began in Zagorsk, all the places of mass accumulation of the people were closed, the temples did not take the pilgrims for overnight, and she had nowhere to spend the same thing to spend the night, and anyone had no one. They somehow sniffed from a private house, but the nightly cold was unbearable, and they were warmly prayed, so that the Mother of God and the Holy Sergius helped them to live until the morning.

Suddenly, a suddenly appeared elder-monk approached them and invited them to Lavra and spend the night there in the refrapping temple. As soon as they approached the gate of the Lavra, they were quietly opened, as if themselves, and also quietly closed. Warming and thanks to the Lord, the wanderers entered the temple. The old man told them to be located for the night, but with the condition - not to talk among themselves. And left…

The next morning they found a monk-key and, having wrapped around, strictly asked how they came here against all instructions, because he was stuck from the evening a gate, and the keys were all the time with him. Then they told the monk the whole story, and then everyone understood who was the old man. Everyone fell on her knees and was together the grateful prayer of St. Sergius, the founder of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, for it was he himself in the appearance of the elder and did not die from the frost with a young people.

One woman told that she visited the Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra to visit - it was necessary to go to pray to Saint Sergia. There was money to the edge, and there was a choice in front of it: whether to buy a big candle and put the saint Sergia, or to buy a toy son, which she looked at the store. Thinking, she still decided to buy a candle. I bought, put it with a soul, full of peace, went home. And suddenly on the seat of the train, in which he drove, saw a new toy, exactly such a thing that saw in that store! With a toy in his hands, she bypassed the whole car, and no one admitted her thing. Then she understood with all his heart that it was a gift to her child by the will of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and with a relaxed soul brought a toy son ...

From the book "Lugu Spiritual" of Blessed John Mosha

Icon Rev. Sergius of Radonezh
In this story, it is said that in the abode of St. Sergius somewhere in the early 1870s, "white" deacon came, that is, ink, but not a monastic, father of Joasaf. Despite the San of the Priest, he had a serious illness - the solar drunkenness. Now doctors would be called alcoholism in a serious stage. One day, Deacon Joasaf served in the temple of the Velomi Martyr Barbara, which was at the hospital building of the Lavra. After the objects in front of the Kheruvim Song, opening the Liturgy of the faithful, he walked into the altar to the throne and suddenly fell unconscious, and on his face he was imprinted in the wrong anxiety, as if he saw something stunning.
Diacon immediately moved to the hospital, where he was three days in an insensite state. And when he woke up, the following told his confessor. When he entered the altar, he saw an angel from the throne in a styard of 1, cocked by Orarara 2 and with a sword in his hands. The angel approached Joasuph, took off his stir and orap from him, hit the sword in his hands and said that she would prefer to deprive his life than the vestments, but he could not, because he was presented before God, whose prayers he could not give up ... He was removed here, and the deacon-drinker saw that he had a hot prayer for him to the throne, the reverend Surgeon himself ...

For about a year, Ierodiakon Joasaf lay in paralysis, tearfully dropping and praying for forgiveness. He knew the date of his death in advance, apparently, he was notified miraculously, because she immediately asked her daughter who was about him all the time, to carry him into funeral clothes. In full memory, he met the holy gifts and, turning to someone invisible, happily and quietly said: "They came" and with the same way.

Meaning icon

On the icon of St. Saint Sergius of the Radonezh Wonderworker, we see an elder with a narrow, strict face, his right hand is raised in a gesture of blessings, in the left - scroll as a symbol of perfection in knowledge. Since the reverend Sergius on the girl's field under the ancient near Moscow Kolomna blessed the holy prince Dmitry Donskoy on the battle on the field of Kulikov, to his miraculous icons Many and many are flowing.

The icon of St. Sergius is written by the icon painter Yuri Kuznetsov in bright and clean tones, and they soften the canonical severity of the face ... From the image of a holy elder, itifies wisdom, rigor and kindness. This icon is often made to the house where there are small children, and on the prayers of the parents in front of her Holy Sergius, the wonderworker prizes them - for their studies, obedience to the elders, helps to enjoy the naughty, especially adolescents in transition.

Already with adolescence, people begin to fall into the sin of pride. But, looking at the icon, reading the story of unique, full spiritual feats and the sainted human life And comparing his life with this sample, every believer or just interested person will involuntarily think about what it would be worth changing in his relationship with loved ones and with God. With loved ones - with their households, friends, colleagues - maybe it is worth becoming alert and attentive. With God - more often to turn his heart to him and ask about the intercession in front of him the Mother of God and His saints, and certainly - in the holy miracle of the land of the Russian St. Sergius of Radonezh. Holy Sergius did not leave any lines after himself, he avoided direct school all his life. As we remember, he did not immediately accepted into the cell and Rev. Nikon, considering it rather the younger brother and an assistant than the student. His life is the teaching of the mobility, the acts of good for the benefit of God, the Church, strengthening the monasses in Russia and simply - a sample of selfless service to people given to us to learn.

1 The stir is the long liturgical vestment of sacred and christmasperson with a hole for the head and with wide sleeves.
2 oraar - the belonging of the liturgical vestments of Daucion and Ipodiakon. In Orapar Orapar, part of the liturgical vestments of Prododoacons, as well as hierodics and archicalacons. Orari is performed in the form of a long narrow tape from brocade or other color matter.


Born on May 3, 1314 in the village in the vicinity of Rostov Great. At birth was called Barfolomeum (the name of Sergius he received later when he knew into Inkock).

St. Sergius Radonezhsky. Pictures of Nikolai Roerich.

Varnitz - Motherland Sergius Radonezhsky.

Trinity Sergiev Varnitsky Monastery

Parents of Bartholomew - Boyar Kirill and Maria Ivanchini - Purchased by people simple, despite their wealth and noblence. Very often the wanderers and beggars stopped in their house. Then there was a conversation about God, faith, about the fact that an interesting thing happened in the world.

Sv. PRP. Cyril and Maria. Painting of the Ascension Temple on the town (Pavlov-Posad)

Bartholomew was a gentle, gentle and shy child. He was not at all a diploma, and this circumstance was the cause of ridicule from other children. In such cases, Bartholomew went to the side and could not object to anything.

In the evenings in their family, it was customary to read the Holy Scriptures, they did it all in turn, except for the Bartholomew. And once they have stopped for the night passed by the village of Monk. In the evening, as usual, after dinner, the whole family gathered in a big hall and began to read the Gospel of John. After reading a bit, the children were transferred to each other while the turn did not reach the Bartholomew. "And what don't you read?" - asked the monk of the child. "I do not know how," the boy replied timko. "You will read. Take a book in hand! " The monk filed an embarrassing Bartholomew book and put his hand on the head of the child.

Fullies of warfolomes and a monk. Nesterov M.V.

Because of the raids of the Tatars and internecine wars, the father of Bartholomew, along with the family moved to village Radonezhskoye In seventy versts from Moscow. It happened in 1330. Parents and brother Bartholomew Stepan became monks in Khotkovsky monastery .

Khotkovsky female monastery

The very same warfolomew life in the monastery seemed too vigor, so he persuaded his brother to leave together in the deaf thicket and there to create a monastery in 1337

At the place of the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra, they built a chapel and celia and began to live in complete loneliness. Without withstanding too severe and ascetic lifestyle, Stephen soon left the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, where he later became igumen. Bartholomew, remaining in complete loneliness, called on a certain Ighumen Mitrofan and took the victim from him under the name of Sergius, since the memory of martyrs was celebrated on that day: Sergius and Vakha.
Having committed a rite of tensions, Mitrofan joined Sergius St. Secrets. Sergius seven days did not leaving him in the Church, prayed, did not "taste" anything, except for the prosphora, which Mitrofan gave. And when the time came, Mitrofan leave, asked his blessings to life deserted.
Hegumen supported him and reassured how much he could. And the young monk one stayed among the gloomy their forests.

Life alone satisfied him, he read a lot and prayed. Yes, Sergius and did not feel lonely, the forest world was full of life - there the squirrel jumped out of the branch on the branch, there the hare went down to hunt for a mouse, and after him ran the fox, hundreds of birds twitched from the morning until late evening for different voices. Sergius based birds and two squirrels, and they completely stopped afraid of man, began to take food straight from his hands.
Not far from his cell was a whole plantation with a forest berry, young ink collected a berry, kept her for a long cold winter. Once, having heard a noise, looking at the opposite side of the glade, seeing Sergius among the wild bear bushes.

Youth of Rev. Sergius. Nesterov M.V.

Neither a man nor the animal was in a hurry to throw their lesson. The beast occasionally rose to the hind legs, as if listening, but did not leave.

The next day, the same thing happened, and another day a bear, when Sergius went home, walked after a man, holding him away from him at a short distance. And now, wherever Sergius go, he walked for him, as if guarding.

For about three years, Sergius lived alone. But however, no loners were reverend at this time, rumors about his deserted walked. And here they began to appear, asking for to take to themselves, to escape together. Sergius discouraged. Pointed to the difficulty of life, on deprivation, with it related. The example of Stephen was still alive for him. Still - gave way. And accepted several ... and soon there were twelve people.

Built twelve koles. Obtained a tone to protect against animals. Celi stood under huge pines, firings. Stunched stumps just cutted trees. Between them bred his brachia her humble garden. They live quietly and severely.
The territory of the monastery was divided into three parts - residential, social and defensive.

Sergius filed an example. Keels himself, buried the logs, wrapped the water in two waterproofs to the mountain, Molovye handle millstones, a pitch of bread, cooked food, crown and sewed clothes. And probably, it was now excellent. In the summer and winter went in the same clothes, nor frost took him nor angry. Bodyly, despite the scant food, was very strong, "there was a power of two people."
Was the first and services.

Proceedings of Rev. Sergius. Nesterov M.V.

The igumen of the monastery was at first there was Igumen Mitrofan, having tonsured Sergius to the monks. After the death of Mitrofan, Iguumers wished the monastery of Brathy so that Sergius became Igumen. And he refused.
"The desire of igumenia," said, - there is the beginning and the root of the power.
But the brotherhood insisted. Several times "proceeded" to him the elders, persuaded, convinced. Sergius after all founded the desert, he himself built a church; To whom to be igumen, to make a liturgy.
The insistence passed almost in the threat: Brathy stated that, if there is no igumen, everything will be dispersed. Then Sergius, conducting the usual sense of measure, gave way, but also relatively.
- I wish, - said, - It is better to learn, rather than learning; It is better to obey, rather than boss; But I'm afraid of the court of God; I do not know anything to God; Holy Will of the Lord will be!
And he decided not to stop - transfer the case at the discretion of the church power.

Metropolitan Alexy at that time was not in Moscow. Sergius with two oldest brethren went on foot to his deputy, bishop Athanasia, in Pereslavl-Zalessky.
Sergius returned, with a clear instruction from the church - to raise, lead the deserted family. He did it. But his own life, in needle, did not change anything: the candles rolled himself, Cookied Kutu, prepared prosphoras, swore wheat for them.
In 1344, the thirty-year-old Sergius received San Iguman.

In 1355, a new, hostel charter was introduced in the monastery.
He did not cease to worked - he wore water from the spring, Colop Firewood for all monks, Pailed "like a slave bought." At the same time, it was fed only by bread and water, and had the strength for two.
When there was no meal at all, Sergius, taking the ax, she walked and worked in a nearby village - someone built Song, someone's home, often for his work was a piece of bread.
This showed an example of tolerance and obedience. Sergiy forbade his monks to ask for alms in the neighboring villages, believing that it was better to earn money than to ask.
The water had to go far, and the way back was uphill, it took a lot of time and strength. And here Sergius noticed that after the rain in one place, the water did not dry for a long time, he prayed, picked up in his hands and hit several times in this place. From the Earth scored a source with holy water, which is also valid to today.
By the way, water in this source has a completely different taste, depending on when you type it. If you scored it before sunrise, she is sweet, after sunset - with mustard, and during the day it does not look like anyone or another. And the taste does not change, no matter how much water is, it does not matter where it stands in which dishes.

In the fifties, Archimandrite Simon came to him Smolensk regionWhen he having heard about his holy life. Simon - the first brought to the monastery and means. They allowed to build a new, more extensive church of St. Trinity.
Since then, the number of novices will grow. Kelia began to put in some order. Sergius's activities have won. Sergius did not immediately. I observed, I studied the very spiritual development of the arrived.
Despite the construction of a new church, an increase in the number of monks, the monastery is all strict and poor. Everyone exists own forces, There is no common meal, pantry, barn. It was necessary that in his Cheels Inok spends time or for prayer, or for thinking about his sins, checking behavior, or for reading St. Books, rewriting them, icon painting - but not in conversations.

Sergiev Abodeh continued to be the poorest. Often lacked and necessary: \u200b\u200bWines for the commitment of liturgy, wax for candles, oil lamps ... Liturgy was sometimes postponed. Instead of candles - Luchin. Often there was no handful of flour, nor bread, nor salt, not to mention the seasonings - oil, etc.
In one of the attacks in the abode there were dissatisfied. We walked two days - snapped.
"That's," said St. Inok from the face of everyone, "we looked at you and listened, and now you have to die with hunger, because you forbid us to go into the world to ask alms. We will not be afraid of a day, and tomorrow we will leave everything from here and no longer refund: we are no power to make such a poverty, such rotten breads.

Sergius turned to the brethren with the guarantee. But he did not have time to cum him, as the knock was heard in the monastery gate; The gatekeeper saw in the window that they brought a lot of bread. He himself was very hungry, but still ran to Sergia.
- Father, brought many breads, to accept. Here, according to your holy prayers, they at the gate.

Sergius blessed, and several carts loaded with baked bread, fishes and varying scenes drove into the monastic gate. Sergius was pleased, said:
- Well, you are accurate, tilt our feeders, call them to divide the common meal with us.

I ordered to hit the beat, everyone to go to the church, serve thank thank youth. And only after the prayer was blessed to sit behind the meal. Breads were warm, soft, just just from the stove.

Trinity-Sergiyev Lava. Liscancy E.

Soon in the monastery settled the blind monk, and Sergius began to treat it with water from the source and prayer. Monk seemed !!! And the fame of wonderful healing was ruled far beyond the limits of nearby villages.
From everywhere they reached for Sergia in need of help, and he began to study people from a variety of diseases. One day, a lifeless boy was brought to him, the parents distrailed from grief asked to return their son. Sergius was able to help the child, which fell from a high temperature to whom and fell asleep with lethargic sleep.

Sergius sewed a robe of simple fabric and went in it until the fabric turned into rags, feeding an example of modesty. Other monks wore clothes much richer than their igumeman, and for this, many pilgrims did not recognize Sergius for the main thing.

Bishop Constantinople - Greek - did not believe that in Russia there may be such holy people. He decided to make sure that it was.
But the bishop chose the path of deception - which Saint Sergius did not like. Greek changed his accompanying clothes to his own clothing, thereby deciding to check Sergius, who not only treated people, but could read the thoughts of human and foresee the future.
When the retinue began to approach the Sergiev monastery, the eyes of the bishop unexpectedly began to get out and terribly burning, the last meters of the way were terribly painful. Sergius immediately found out about the substitution and pointed it to this bishop. The patron of the saint removed the pain in the arrived guest, and he was able to open his eyes.

One rich took a pork carcass from the poor man. On the persuasion of Sergius to return the carcass back he answered with refusal. And when in the morning, the rich was looking at this carcass, he saw her worms eat her, although a strong frost was standing on the street and the carcass was all intimidated.

Rev. Wanted a more strict order approaching the first christmas community. All are equal and all the poor are equally. No one has anything. The monastery lives a community.
Activities Sergius innovation expanded and complicated. It was necessary to build new buildings - the refectory, bakery, storerooms, barns, to keep the economy, etc. Formerly, his leadership was only spiritual - the Inka went to him as a confessor, to confession, support and instruction.
All capable of work should have worked. Private property is strictly prohibited.
To manage a complicated community, Sergius chose assistants and distributed duties between them. The first person after Iguman was considered a kel. This position was first established in Russian monasteries. Feodosia Pechersk. The keeper headed the treasury, puments and farm - not only inside the monastery. When arrived, he behaved and their lives. Rules and court cases.
Already in Sergia, apparently, there was a private bias - there are arable fields around the monastery, they are part of the monks, part of the hired peasants, part of those who want to work on the monastery. So the kelary worries a lot.
One of the first laurel keligars was, later Igumen.

Rev. Savva Storozhevsky

In the confunists appointed the most experienced in spiritual life. He is a brethren confessor. Savva Storozhevsky, the founder of the monastery under Zvenigorod, was from the first artists. Later this position received epiphanies, Biographer Sergius.

For the order in the church was observed ecclesiah. Smaller positions: Paraexiah - kept church clean, canonarch - the "pollosy obedience" conducted and kept the liturgical books.
So lived and worked in the monastery of Sergius, now already glorified, with roads laid to him, where it was possible and stayed, and staying for some time - if people, or princes.

According to the chronicle sources of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra in 1358, the Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky left the Trinity Monastery for a while and went on the road in search of a place to build a new monastery. In he met with Hegumen Stefan and took himself in the satellites of the monk Simon. After many wanderings, the travelers stopped at the left high shores of the Kirzhach river.

After some time, Sergius came to the new place of stay. Brothers were built by Celi and the Wooden Church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Having lived in the monastery in Kirzchech for four years, Sergius Radonezh returned to the Trinity Monastery, leaving the abbot of his student of Rev. Hieromonach Roman, who was engaged in the improvement of the Kirzhach monastery to death - until 1392. Roman Kirzhachsky Filmed by the Church to the Famine of Saints, is considered the first igumen of the monastery.

The monastery, originally existed as a male, was managed by the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In the XVI century, a stone temple was built on the site of the Wooden Annunciation Church, as well as the refectory church, consecrated in honor of Sergius Radonezh.

Blagoveshchensky Cathedral in Kirzchach

In 1656, for the altar of the Blagoveshchensk Church, Boyarin Ivan Andreevich Miloslavsky over the graves of his parents built the Spare Church with the bell tower. Subsequently, this place was the family tomb of Miloslavsky. Archival documents suggest that the monastery was surrounded by a stone fence in the Middle Ages, behind which the chapel of the well died from Sergius Radonezh from the northern side was surrounded.
See Holy Blagoveshchensky Kirzhachsky Women's Monastery.

Sergius constantly myrlen with each other of Russian princes, which were conducted by internecine wars.
On August 18, 1380, Dimitri Donskoy, with Prince, Serpukhov, Vladimir, the princes of other areas and voivpets came to Lavra.
Began prayer. During the service, henger arrived - the war and in Lavra went, "the enemy was reported, they warned to hurry. Sergius has contacted Dimitria to stay to the meal. Here he told him:
- It's not enough time to wear a crown of victory with eternal sleep; But many, no number, your wreaths of martyrish wreath on your employees.
After the meal, the reverend blessed the prince and the whole retire, sprinkled St. water.
- Go, do not be afraid. God will help you.
And, leaning, he whispered in his ear: "You will win."
There is a great one, with a tragic tint - in the fact that the assistants of the prince of Sergius gave two Skimnikov monks: the reboot and dock. The warriors were in peace and the Tatars went without helmets, shells - in the form of shhima, with white crosses on monastic clothes. Obviously, it was attached to the tack of Dimitri's sacred crusadic appearance.
The 20th Dimitri was already in Kolomna. On the 26-27, the Russians switched to OKU, Ryazan earth fell to Don. September 6th reached it. And they swapped. Will Tatars wait for?
Seniors, experienced governments offered: to wait here. Mamay Silen, with him and Lithuania, and Prince Oleg Ryazan. Dimitri, contrary to the tips, switched through Don. Back the way was cut off, it means that everything forward, victory or death.

Sergius these days were also in the rise of the highest. And in time he sent a diploma to the prince: "Go, Mr., go ahead, God and St. Trinity will help!"
September 8, 1380!

According to legend, Peresvet, long ago ready for death, and, clutching with his mother-in-law, hitting him, fell. The common battle began, on a giant at the time of the front at ten miles. Sergius said correctly: "Many martyr wreaths wreath." They were woven a lot.
The Rev. in this watch prayed with brother in his church. He spoke about the progress. Called the fallen and read the funeral prayers. And at the end said: "We won."

After this victory, Sergius Radonezh began to be considered a patron saint of the Russian man.

September 25, 1392, at the seventy-eighth year of life, Saint Sergius Radonezh departed to the world of others.

Icon - the acquisition of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Cancer with his unwanted relics is now in Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, based on them. The relics of the saint occur the wonders of healing.

Cancer with relics prep. Sergius Radonezh in Trinity Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral

Cancer with relics Rev. Sergius

Having received a label at 1432 in the Horde, Prince Vasily II came to the Bogomol "To Trinity", thereby putting the beginning of the tradition of "Summary Bogomoli". Since then, everything to the united Russian vencers prayed to the cancelors of St. Sergius on the well-being of the Fatherland entrusted to them.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh lived to deep old age. For six months before the death, anticipating the defender, Holy Igumen instructed the abode of the management of his student of Nikon, and he himself was betrayed perfect silence. In September 1392, he ill was ill, called on the brotherhood and commanded them to love each other Nelitaryingly, to keep binding, purity of spiritual and bodily, to learn humility. Before the conching itself, on September 25, the Monk met and betrayed his soul to the Lord. Immediately, the celia was filled with adultery, and the Lick of the God-Friend Elder was a wondrous light.

Wostering students buried the righteous in the Trinity Church. Hegumen the monastery was the reverend Nikon Radonezh - "The perfect student of a perfect teacher." With it, the monastery, burned in a bit of the invasion, was literally revived from the ash. September 25, 1412, on the day of memory of Rev. Sergius, a wooden Trinity Cathedral was consecrated. Ten years later, July 5, 1422, with the digging of the RVs under the foundation of the new Stone Cathedral, the holy relics of St. Sergius were acquired. When the coffin was opened, the fragrance was spread around and everyone saw that the removal did not affect not only the bodies, but also the vestments of the presence. Holy relics laid in cancer and put in the Trinity Temple.

At the scene of the Reverend, skilled architects built a beautiful white-stone Trinity Cathedral, for the painting of which Daniel Black and Andrei Rublev was caused from Savier Andronikov Monastery. Rublev wrote here his famous temple image of the Holy Trinity - one of the most revered in Russia miraculous icons.
After consecration of the new Trinity Cathedral, the holy relics of the organizer of the monastery were transferred there. The fame of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery attracted powerful pilgrims and benefactors. Half-a century after the death of Sergius, and the insidual has already become the main shrine of the Moscow Principality.
In 1737, Empress Anna Ioannovna arranged a magnificent silver model over four pillars to which more than 25 silver pounds went.
In the canceli, the icons of his "prayer" were located, that is, the Kesel, the Virgin Odigitria and Nicholas of the Wonderworker. Here, the priestly riza belonged to him, Epitrohil, instructions, wooden staff, Analyan from Shima, a knife with a vagina and a spoon.

Sergius of Radonezh. Fragment of the cover of the holy power. 1420s.

Sergius Radonezhsky has a heavenly patronage to people born on October 8 (new Art.). Male infants in this can be called Sergey.
Sergius of Radonezh is asked for help in a difficult teaching, about deliverance from pride.


July 5/8 - the memory of St. Sergius, Hegumen Radonezh, All Russia, the Wonderworker,
October 8 - acquiring honest relics (1422),
June 23 / July 6th
- In the Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints.

Church in the name of Sergius Radonezh in Murom

Temple-monument Sergius of Radonezh on the Kulik field

Nizhny Tagil, Ural, Church of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

Prayers Rev. Sergia Radonezh

Prayer first

About the sacred glabel, reverend and the gardener of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith, and love, Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, still in the abode of the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, your arranged, and Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin Mary visits, and the gift The miraculous grace is admitted, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God, and the heavenly forces are involved, but from us the spirit of LUVE, not the retreating and honest your power, Yako vessel grace full and overcoming, we are left! Having having a bold to the furnace lords, the moths of Savings of His slave, which is the grace of His believers in you and to you with a lovely driving. We succeed with us from the god of our god of our every gift, to all and Komugoto well-consistent, faith is immaculate observance, the hails of our statement, the world is a dedication, from the glad and the harm Salvation Return to Protecting Strengthening, Proposing In the Affairs of Good, Introduction and Blessings, Babies Education, Young Guidelines, Ignorable Experience, Orphans and Widridness, extending from this time of life to eternal good preparation and farewell to the forefront, and all of the prospect SPO parties on the day of Strashchnago shima part of the rid of the gums of the country's general publicists and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: take a blessing of my father, inherit the kingdom of the world's addition. Amen.

Prayer Second

About the sacred glabel, Rev. Father, Avvo Avvo is great! Do not forget your wretched to the end, but remember us in your holy and favorable prayers to God. Acknowledged your herd, hedgehog himself dropped the ESI, and do not forget the visiting of yours. Moths for us, the sacred father, for the children of your spirituality, Jaco having a dying towards the Heavenly King, not silent for us to the Lord and do not despose us, faithful and loving you. Purchasing us, unworthy, the throne of the survival and not to stop praying for us to Christ, because it is given to you grace for us pray. We do not understand the desire of the fortune, it's too much of the Boy and the body, they were pressed from us, but also lively my stays. Do not retreat from us with the Spirit, keeping us from enemiah arrows, and everyone charming unknowy, and the goat of the Diavolian, our kind shepherry; More than bo and the power of your cancer, before the purification of our, you can always eat, but the holy soul with the angels of the Militia, with challenging faces, with heavenly forces, the throne of the almighty is fully having fun. The leader's leader's leader and in the death of alive of the fortune, you fall and you pray, I am praying for our all kinds of our God for the benefits of our souls, and we ask the time for repentance, and about the unnecessary rethion from the earth on the sky, solarms of bitter, demons, air princes And eternal flour to get rid of, and the heavenly kingdom heir to visit all the righteous, from the century to the Lord to our Jesus Christ. Jested with all the glory, honor and worship with the original father, and with the Most Holy, and good, and the life-giving His Spirit now, and dreamily, and forever. Amen.

Prayer Third

About the celestial citizen of Jerusalem, Rev. Father Sergie! Reviews to us gracious and to the Earth committed to erect to height of the sky. You are grief, in the sky; We are on the ground, bottom, removed from you, not to Toliko, Elico sins with their and lawlessness; But to you, Yako we are akin to us, resort and clarify: to hod us the way by yours, attendants and guidelines. It is peculiar to you, our father, landscape and humans: I live on the earth, I don't care about your current saving to be a care, but also about everyone to you. Insertions of your father's cane of a scriber, on the Heart of the Head of the Life Verba, is intense. Not bodily Tokmo Healing Esi Diseases, but the soulful's soulful is a graceful physician appeared, and the whole of your holy life is to be a grayshad of virtue. Thirdly was, the Tolik was Esu, Saint God, on the Earth: Colik now, for the sky! You are your prestone the throne of the world impregnifiable, and in it, Yako in the glory, the Seeurs of our needs and petitions; You are taking off with the angels, about the only sinner who enjoy rejoicing. And the philanthropy of God is inexhaustible, and your audacity to him is a lot: do not presaten about us yell to the Lord. We succeed as the victim of your world of the world of our world of church, under the sign of the cross of militant, consent to faith and a single-dryness, the symbol of the same and discoloration, the approval in the good decelery, patients with healing, sad consolation, offended by the presence of help. I do not mind us, to you with the faith of those who flow. More than Bo and Unworthy of the Esma Tolikago Father and agnosed, but you, a imitator of the former human-mindedness of God, the coordinates are worthy of the appeal from evil affairs to good lives. All God-promoted Russia, your wonders fulfilled and delimited, confess to the life of his patron and the intercession. Javi of the ancient grace of yours, and I need to remember the Father, do not revine us, and their children, their footsteps to you. Believe, I'm sorry to us with the Spirit. The look of the Lord, the Word teaches us, Tamo and his servant. You are faithful to the Slave of the Lord, and God is escorted everywhere, you are in it, and he is in you, there is a paze and body with us. Becultuous and giving your own power, Yako treasure is impossible, handing us miracles God. Pressure them, I can also live with you, fall and pray: our praying and ascend them to the altar of the wretchedness of God, but we will weiss you grace and faithful in the needs of our help. We have strengthened us, unwell, and approve us in faith, but undoubtedly we hope to get all the benefits from the blessing of Vladyka with your prayers. The flock of your spiritual, to you gathered, do not fully manage the rod of spiritual wisdom: the overtakers, weakens, weave, argue, and we manage to manage the world and rest in peace and repent of our belly and having to rest with hope for the blissful subsoil of Abrahamov, You are joyful in the work of labor and the support of the solarders, glorifying God with all the holy saints, in the Trinity of Slavimago, Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh Wonderworker
Tikhomirov V.A. Tree, Levkas, temperatures, varnish

Cathedral of Radonezh saints

The history of the Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints goes back to the Ser. XVII century It was at that time that the first lists of students of St. Sergius of Radonezh were restored, "Canon Prayer, the Reverend and the gloomy father of our igumen, and his student, Nikona, the Wonderworkers, was printed. Approximately the same time refers to writing the icons of the Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints.
Subsequent events in establishing the Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints are associated with the name of Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret. In 1843, the governor of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra Archimandrite Anthony for the blessing and under the supervision of Metropolitan Filaret made a hostel branch of the Lavra - Ghefseimsky Skit. On September 27, 1853, the sovereign church was consecrated in the skete in the name of St. Sergius and Nikon Radonezh. By the summer holiday of the acquisition of the relics of St. Sergius (on July 18, a new style) was compiled "Service of the Reverend Father of Our Sergia and Nikonu, Radonezh Wonderworkers. In the temple of them, in the sovereign of Hephsimania. " For the XIV-XX centuries. The trience-Sergiye Lavra was formed, which includes more than seventy-five waters of God, including the affinations, disciples and interlocutors of St. Sergius, the Holy Inkoki Trinity-Sergius Resident. On June 11, 1981, the governor of Trinity Sergiye Lavra Archimandrite Jeronim was consecrated by the new chaff in honor of the Cathedral of the Radonezh saints, arranged in the northern part of the temple in honor of all saints, in the land of the Russians that were found in the Assumption Cathedral.
On the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Pimen was established the celebration of the Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints the day after the holiday in honor of the acquisition of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh - July 19.
On July 19, 1981, the solemn celebration of the Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints was performed for the first time.

The Cathedral of the Radonezh Saints, headed by Rev. Sergius, included his affinations, disciples and interlocutors, as well as the Holy Inkoki Trinity-Sergius Resident. A total of start. XXI century In the Cathedral I remember more than seventy-five waters of God, including:
PS Sergius, Igumen Radonezh and All Russia, the Wonderworker († 1392; Memory July 5, September 25).
Snod rods. Sergius:
PRP. Cyril and Maria, parents († 1337; Memory January 18, September 28);
PS Stephen, brother (XIV-XV centuries; memory July 14);
SVT. Feodor, archite. Rostov, nephew († 1394; Memory on November 28);
Students PRP. Sergius:
PS Abraham Galichsky, Chukhlomsky († 1375; Memory July 20);
PS Sylvester Obnorsky († 1379; memory April 25);
PRP. Warriors-Schimonakh Alexander Peresvet († 1380) and Andrei Oll (XIV century) (Memory September 7);
PS Leonty Stromynsky († OK. 1380; Memory July 20);
PS Elijah Keler († 1384, MEMORY on May 29);
PS Micah († 1385, memory on May 6);
PS Isaic silence († 1388; MEMORY on May 30);
PS Athanasius Iron Staff and Theodosius Cherepovetsky († approx. 1388; memory September 25, November 26);
PS Vasily dry († to 1392; Memory January 1);
PS Mitrofan-Igumen, an elder († to 1392; Memory June 4);
PS Simon, Archimandrite, Smolensky († to 1392; MEMORY May 10);
PS Methodius Peshnoshsky († 1392; Memory June 4, June 14);
PS († 1392; Memory July 29);
PS Savva Stromynsky († 1392; Memory July 20);
PS Ignatius († after 1392; memory December 20);
PS Macarium († after 1392; Memory January 19);
PS Simon Ecclishiarch († after 1392; MEMORY May 10);
PS Moscow Andronician († OK. 1395-1404; Memory June 13);
PS Bartholomew (XIV century; memory June 11);
PS Elisha Deacon (XIV century; Memory June 14);
PS Jacob Embolic (XIV century; Memory October 23);
PS Jacob Stromyansky (XIV century; memory April 21);
PS John (XIV century; Memory November 4);
PS Naum (XIV century; memory December 1);
PS Netry, Bulletin (XIV century; Memory November 29);
PS Oniim goalkeeper (XIV century; Memory February 15);
PS Gregory Golutvinsky, Kolomensky (XIV-XV centuries; January 25);
PS Ferapont Borovensky, Kaluga (XIV-XV centuries; Memory May 27);
PRP. Athanasius senior († after 1401) and Athanasius Jr. († 1395), Vysotsky, Serpukhovsky (memory September 12);
PS Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky († 1406; Memory January 19, December 3);
PS Savva Moskovsky († approx. 1410; Memory June 13);
PS Nikifor Borovsky († to 1414; Memory February 9);
PS Epiphanas wisdom († approx. 1418-1422; MEMORY on May 12);
PS Sergius Nuromsky, Obnorsky († 1421; Memory October 7);
PS Nikita Borovsky († after 1421; Memory of May 1);
PS , icon painter, Moscow († 1426; Memory July 4);
PS Daniel black, icon painter, Moscow († 1426; Memory June 13);
PS and all Russia's wonderworker († 1426, memory on November 17);
PS Alexander Moscow († after 1427; Memory June 13);
PS Pavel Kollysky, Obnorsky († 1429; Memory January 10);
PS Jacob Zheleznoborovsky († 1442; Memory April 11, May 5).
Interlocutors PRP. Sergius:
SVT. , Mitre. Kiev and All Russia († 1385; Memory June 26, October 15);
BLGV. led. kn. († 1389; MEMORY 19 May);
Prmchch. Gregory and Cassian AVNJSC († 1392; Memory June 15);
PS († 1392; Memory February 11, June 3);
SVT. Stephen, EP. Great († 1396; Memory April 26);
SVT. Mikhail, EP. Smolensky († 1402; Memory on November 28);
PS († 1404; memory April 1, July 4);
PS († 1406; Memory July 14);
PS Princess († 1407; Memory July 6);
PRP. Theodore († 1409) and Paul († after 1409) Rostov (Memory October 22);
PS Ferapont Belozersky, Mozhaisky, Luzhecksky († 1426; Memory May 27, December 27);
PS Kirill Belozersky († 1427; Memory June 9).
Saints Inki Trinity Sergium Resident:
SVT. Vasian (Ryl), Archipel. Rostov († 1481; Memory March 23);
PS Martinian Belozersky († 1483; Memory January 12, October 7);
SVT. Serapion, archite. Novgorod († 1516; memory on March 16);
PS Arseny Komilsky († 1550; memory August 24);
SVT. Joasaf (Skripitsyn), Miter. Moscow and All Russia († 1555; memory July 27);
PS Maxim Greek († 1556; Memory January 21, June 21);
Schishmch. Joasaf Borovsky († 1610; Memory January 12);
PS Irinarh Ponomar († 1621; Memory January 12, November 28);
PS Dorofeofe Bookfirst († 1622; Memory June 5);
PS Dionysius Radonezh († 1633; MEMORY on May 12);
SVT. Joasaf (Gornko), EP. Belgorod († 1754; Memory September 4, December 10);
PS Anthony (Medvedev), Archim. († 1877; Memory May 12, October 3);
SVT. Innocent (Veniaminov), Mitre. Moscow († 1879; Memory March 31, September 23);
PS Varnava (Merkulov) Gefseimsky, Ier. († 1906; Memory February 17)

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