
Exaltation of a honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. What is celebrated on the elimination of the Cross of the Lord? History and Traditions of the Holiday - This day is considered to be lean & NBSP


Installed in the memory of acquiring the Cross of the Lord, which happened, according to the church legend, in 326 in Jerusalem near the Calval Mountain - Crucifixions Jesus Christ. From the VII century, it began to connect the memory of the return of the life-giving Cross from Persia by the Byzantine Emperor Irakli in 629.

In memory of the crusst suffering of Jesus Christ on the day of the holiday, a strict post is installed. The main action of the holiday is the CHin of the Exaltation of the Cross. During the festive worship service, the cross is made on the throne and then his removal for the middle of the temple to worship the believer, in which the priest raises it to four sides of the world with the singing "Lord, Pomemura."

After the greatest events took place in the history of mankind - crucifixion, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the Holy Cross, who served as the instrument of execution of the Savior, was lost. After the destruction of Jerusalem Roman troops in the 70th year, holy places associated with the earthly life of the Lord were in oblivion, pagan temples were built on some of them.

Emperor Adrian(117-138) ordered to fall asleep the land of Calvary and the coffin of the Lord and on the artificial hill to put the head of the pagan goddess Venus and the statue of Jupiter. The pagans were going to this place and performed idolial sacrifices. Only after 300 years, the Graphic of God's great Christian shrines - the coffin of the Lord and the life-giving cross were again acquired by Christians and are open to worship.

It happened during the Board of St. Equal Konstantina Great(306-337), which, after the victory in 312, over Maxentiy, the ruler of the Western part of the Roman Empire, and above the Liking, the ruler of the eastern part of it, in 323, was made by the unique rulers of the huge Roman Empire. In 313, he published the so-called Milan Edict, according to which Christian religion was legalized, and the persecution of Christians in the Western Half of the Empire ceased.

Equal to the Apostolic Emperor Konstantin, with the help of God who won the victory over the enemies in three wars, saw the sign of God - a cross with the inscription "SIM Win."

Konstantin, wanting to find the cross, on which our Jesus Christ was crucified, goes to Jerusalem with his mother, pious queen Elena, with a letter to Patriarch Jerusalem Makaria.

Elena began in Jerusalem archaeological excavations, because in the IV century there was practically no one to show the place of the crucifixion of Christ, nor the place of his burial.

At the disposal of the Tsaritsa Elena were written evangelical sources with an accurate description of not only events in the life of Christ, but also the places in which they took place. The Golgott Mountain, on which Jesus Christ crucified, was known to any resident of Jerusalem. Another question is that the city has repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. During the times of the passions of Christ Golgotha, it was outside the city walls of Jerusalem, and by the time the excavations of Elena turned out to be inside them.

Pagan ass and Idolian statues that filled with Jerusalem, the queen commanded to destroy. Waving a life-giving cross, she asked Christians and Jews, but for a long time her searches remained unsuccessful. Finally, she was pointed to one old Jew named Judas, who said that the cross was buried where the Vener's Keep is. The capital was destroyed and, having committed a prayer, began to dig the land. Calvary was excavated almost to the base, as a result of which the cave of the Coffin of the Lord was discovered - the place where Christ was buried, as well as several crosses.

In those days, the cross was only a gun of the execution, and the Golgotha \u200b\u200bmountain is the usual place to bring mortal sentences. And how difficult was the queen of Elena to understand which of the crosses found in the land - Christ.

The Cross of the Lord was identified by a sign with the inscription "Jesus Nazori, the king of the Jewish" and on the imposition of a woman who instantly healed. Also there is a legend that the Lord died from the campaign of the cross - he was joined by the burial. Hence the name - the life-giving cross.

Older Judahand other Jews believed in Christ and accepted the Holy Baptism. Judah received a name Kiriakand subsequently, he was ordained in the bishop of Jerusalem. In reign Julian apostate(361-363) He accepted a martyrdom for Christ.

After finding the Cross of the Lord, the Primate of the Jerusalem Church raised him, that is, he erected (hence the EXTENSION), alternately turning to all sides of the world, so that all believers could if not touch the shrine, then at least see it.

In places associated with the earthly life of the Savior, Tsarina Elena has built more than 80 temples.

The special decree of Emperor Constantine in Jerusalem was erected by a huge and majestic temple of the Resurrection of Christ, which is more often called the temple of the Merry Coffin. He included and cave, where Jesus Christ was buried, and Calvary. The temple was built about 10 years and was consecrated on September 13, 335. The day after the consecration of the temple and it became possible to celebrate the elimination of the life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Subsequently, the Exaltation has become the main holiday and gained great distribution in the East.

After the victory of the emperor Irakli over the Persians and the solemn return of the Holy Cross from captivity in 629, the second acquisition of the Cross of the Lord began to celebrate.

Christian shrine captured Persian king Hosroy II.. It was possible to win it only after 14 years, when the Byzantine army broke the Persians. The life-giving cross with great celebration and reverence was brought to Jerusalem. His accompanied Patriarch ZechariaThat all these years was in captivity of the Persians and was unduraially located next to the Cross of the Lord. The Great Shrine wished to carry the Byzantine emperor Irakli himself.

According to legend, at the gate, through which it was necessary to go on Calvary, the emperor suddenly stopped and, no matter how he tried, could not do a step. The Holy Patriarch explained the king that an angel was blocking him, because the one who was a cross in Calvary for the redemption of peace from sins, made his gloor path, being humiliated and persecuted. Then Irakli removed the crown, his royal outfit, dressed in simple clothes and unhindered entered the gate.

About the fate of the crosses of the Lord unified opinion. According to one source, the life-giving cross remained until 1245 in the form, in which he was acquired with St. Elena. And according to legend, the Cross of the Lord was fragmented on small parts and was separated worldwide. Its most of it is kept until now in Jerusalem, in a special ark in the altar of the temple of the Resurrection, and belongs to the Greeks.

The story of the monastery, built by the decree of the queen Elena in honor of the life-giving Cross of the Lord

Leaving Palestine, Tsarina Elena saw the cross of the Lord and took with him only his part. During the reverse path from Palestine to Constantinople, Saint Elena founded several abode, each of which was leaving particles of the life-giving cross. This was preceded by significant events. According to the legend, the Tsaritsa Elena caught the storm and decided to hide and wait for the element in one of the bays off the coast of Cyprus.

Over the night, Elena saw a wonderful dream in which an angel came and said that it was necessary to build a monastery and leave in him a part of the Cross of the Lord. The next day it was discovered that one of the crosses made a mysterious manner. Later, Holy Elena and her companions saw this cross, soaring in the air over the top of the Mount Olympus.

Thanks to this sign, Tsarina Elena decided on the need to build a monastery at this place. She personally laid a stone into the foundation of the construction and presented the church one of the large crosses and a particle from the Cross of the Lord.

So in 326, a stavrovni monastery appeared on a 700-meter mountain, which stands there and so on. He was repeatedly subjected to attacks of conquerors, which was a lot for the long history of the monastery.

Nowadays, the Stavrovni Monastery is fully restored and continues to remain a holy place for pilgrims.

Building above sea level, the monastery opens its visitors an extraordinary, fascinating appearance. Standing on the observation platform, you feel some kind of extraordinary feeling of weightlessness and unity with something really great.

Icon acquired by the Chairman of the Cypriot Branch of IPPO L. A. Bulanov in the monastery "Stavrovni"

In Cyprus, many temples and monasteries were built in honor of the life-giving cross. Here are just some of them:
Monastery of the Holy Cross. The village of Omodos.
Monastery of the Holy Cross. Cook village.
Monastery of the Mytov Cross. Not far from the village of Tsad.
The temple of the honest cross. UNESCO is guarded. Village planecing.
Church of the Holy Cross. Village Agia Irini.
Church of the Holy Cross. Village Bearendry.

Therefore, in Cyprus, the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is noted with particular reverence and reverence. And in Cypriot families, children are very often given the names of Stavros (boys) and Starulla (girls) in honor of the Holy Cross, honoring the special role of this Christian relic in the fate and the history of their island.

In Russia, there are also folk traditions associated with the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

Strict post is observed. Who keeps the post, the life has a good life, and he receives the forgiveness of all his sins.

In the new temples, the bells and crosses on the poppies are put only on this day.

On the exaltation "Kaftan with a fur coat moved, and the hat was shook." Exaltation is celebrated on September 27th. The people are believed that from this day the autumn begins to transfer his rights to winter. There will be no real winter frost, but freezing from this day are already becoming the norm for the weather. In the afternoon you can walk in an estagulated jacket, but in the morning and in the evening you need to dress warmer.

For the upstream birds are sent to wintering. If you saw the last dental of birds on this day, you can make a desire, and it is necessary to be fulfilled.

On the exaltation - autumn is moving faster. This day in the people was considered the end of "Babiy Summer."

On the exaltation of the "door on the castle, so that the reptiles in the house did not fall." It is on this day that all snakes begin to hide in their own nora for wintering. For snakes do not crawl into the house, it is customary to keep the doors closed. Be attentive on this day and do not leave the doors open.

To protect your homes from the troubles, in the old days, people painted the crosses over the doors - a bright sign did not give "evil" to penetrate the dwelling and disrupt the well-being of the family.

For the upstream, our ancestors defended not only their homes, but also the roads. Crosses near the roads were useful for travelers: the one who was in a long path could stop, worship the cross.

The fields from which the crop was removed were omitted by icons, asking God to send the bread to God and for the next year. People committed a congestion around the village.

Winter reserves began to make an empty. Special attention was paid to the cabbage, because holidays were sometimes called the "Capulants". The so-called "night-cabbagers" were distributed - funny gatherings. The elegant girls went to visit to chop cabbage, and the work was accompanied by songs and merry conversations. Young people during such villages looked at their future brides. Guests were treated with cabbage dishes.

Leonid Bulanov, Chairman of the Cypriot Branch of IPGO

The elimination of the Cross of the Lord in 2019 will be September 27. Read more about the background and carrying out this important holiday. Orthodox church Read in the article!

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord in 2019

Holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (Cross Statement) - September 27, 2019

On which the Lord was crucified by our Jesus Christ, the Holy Equal-Apostles Tsarina Elena, the mother of Constantine Great. With the top of her son, the queen Elena lived at the court. Do not interfere with political affairs, she devoted the remaining years of their lives to strengthening the Christian faith. It is impossible to imagine anything sadder and irrevocable the state in which the last Roman conquest left Palestine.

On the ruins of the city of David was restored new town, decorated with pagan temples and other monuments of idolatry. The Altar of Jupiter was placed on the very place where the Solomon temple was before. Intentionally or by chance, the Savior consecrated place, consecrated by the birth and death of the Savior, were dedicated by the heads dedicated to vile mysteries. An image of a pig was supplied to the main city gate, in order to make the emblem's hated Israelis make them more removed from his sacred city.

Upon arrival in Jerusalem, the first desire of the Empress was visiting the burial place of the Savior. "Let's go," she said, "let's go to honor the place where the sacred feet ceased to march." But, to the great surprise, no one could specify this place exactly. Already at a long time, the pagans poured the cave in which Jesus Christ was buried in order to deprive her worship, what Christians rendered her. Almost little and the Christians themselves stopped visiting the cave, in order not to give any respect to the subjects of idolatry, deliberately delivered by the pagans in the holy place. Then, as a result of those who committed in Jerusalem political coups, fires and emptying, the location of the city has changed much.

The new generation, inhabited by the city, almost lost legends about the holy places. From the universal oblivion, only the place of birth of the Savior is preserved - the Bethlehem Cave. But Elena did not retreat before these obstacles. At its invitation, it was gathered for those formed from Christians and Jews and in her presence, a topographical study was made about the place of suffering from Jesus Christ. It is said that in this case there was a large service of one Jew, who inherited the mystery from his ancestors about the Holy Christian places.

Elena Empress finds a life-giving cross. Capella San Silvestro XIII century in the Roman Monastery Complex Santi Quattro Coronati

Almost only defined was the suffering of Jesus Christ, as Elena herself, at the head of workers and warriors, hurried to the specified place and told him to clear it. Work represented great difficulties; It was necessary to destroy a large number of Buildings, towering on the hill of Calval and its surroundings. But Elena had a command from Konstantin not to retreat in any difficulty. Destroyed both the houses and temples of the pagan, dug deep pits, and more conceived as far as possible to carry out dug materials as possible in order to clean holy place From everything that was done by the hands of the pagans. Holy Elena encouraged everyone to work with hot words. "Here," she said, "the battlefield, but where is the victory sign? I'm looking for this sign of our salvation and I do not find it. How! I kingdom, and the cross of my Savior lies in a battery! .. How do you want me to consider myself savage when I see the sign of my redemption? "

Finally, the Emergency Efforts of St. Helena Lord blessed with complete success: under the ruins of the head of Venus, the cave of the Holy Sepulist was opened and, according to all historians (except Eusevia), three wooden cross were found, survived completely unharmed. No one doubted that these crosses were instruments of the execution of Jesus Christ and two robbers, crucified with him. The difficulty consisted only in how to find out from three crosses the Godrifers were injured.

To the place where the crosses were brought, a woman was brought, obsessed with an inexcellaneous disease; Delivered three found cross from the cave. Bishop Jerusalem Macarium, Elena Empress and all those present fell on his knees, asking for the Lord to tell them the tree of salvation. Then the patients in turn were laid two crosses, but unsuccessfully. But barely only the third cross touched the members of the dying, as she opened her eyes, got on his feet and began to walk, glorifying the Lord.

Holding a cross. Athos, Monastery Pantokrator. XVII century

Also, only the Lord's power of a miracle witnessed the true Cross of Christ, like Holy Elena, with a heart, filled with joy and at the same time fear, hurried to approach the sacred tree. She wanted, but at the same time he considered himself unworthy to touch and cut such a great shrine. With the feelings of the deepest reverence, she kept the Cross of Christ.

Before departure from Palestine, the queen was very active, the construction of the Church of the Resurrection and the Cross of Christ, which was decided to erect over the sacred tomb. In addition to this temple, Elena began to build more two more: over the cave of Bethlehem, where the Savior was born, and on the mountain of Eleon - from where he ascended to heaven.

One of the first two-year-old holidays in the church year is September 27, the crusal, the commemoration of the sovereign of the Lord in Calvary Tsaritsa Elena in the III century. The church year begins and ends with an Indictant - a new population, which is celebrated on September 14.

It is known that in the Orthodox Church, the memory of a saint or a holiday is committed daily in honor of the historical event important to the teachings. Each church holiday has a special editing, educational meaning. The holidays of the Church retain the true purpose of the holidays - this is a renewal of life, a reminder of special events, and not just drunk fun, different fun.

Crossment among the two-month holidays

In the annual church circle there are twelve holidays, called "two-chain" (in-church Slavonic duodenic). These are days dedicated to the most important events of Christ's earthly life and Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebrations were formed for centuries, and today they are celebrated worldwide, and, thanks to their prevalence, even the life of non-religious people will be covered. This is the church preaching, the fame of Christ, which goes for the church fence.

In each Orthodox country, these holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historically established culture. So, in Russia and Greece in different holidays are brought to the blessing of earthly fruits. The elements of Slavic rituals are preserved, for example, in the traditions of bonds for the holiday of Christmas in Ukraine, in Russia and Belarus.

Thanks to the tolerance and love of the Orthodox Church, many ancient good traditions reached the present day.

These days are like spiritual bright milestones of the year. Recalling this or that event, having praise the Lord and the Virgin, we rejoice in the love of God to people and look again on the part, trying to be worthy of this love. Believers try to confess and compete in the two-month holidays.
The two-month holidays are divided by content:

  • The Lord (Lord) - Eight Holidays,
  • Virgin - four,
  • days of the memory of the sacred events.

By solemnity of worship, determined by the Charter:

  • small
  • medium
  • great.

By time and date of celebration:

  • fixed;
  • movable.

Note that the two-month holidays do not apply Light Easter Lord. It is "holidays holiday and a celebration from celebrations." According to the comparisons of church writings, the two-month days - like the stars, the Christmas of Christ can be compared with the moon, and the Holy Easter - the Sun, without him (without the resurrection of Christ) and life is impossible, and the stars are faded.

About Easter need a separate thorough story. In the Easter night in all temples are committed solemn cross movesPeople try to come to the service at least for a short time. However, night service is often accomplished on the Christmas of Christ, and in some arrival and other holidays.

History of the Exaltation of the Cross

It is known that in the first centuries in the birth of Christ - they are also called first-year-old times - many thousands of people gave their lives for Christ, refusing to renounce him, and became martyrs. The fact is that the emperors of Rome at that time confessed paganism, and the most important thing - the emperor himself was necessarily in the host of the pagan gods, and his prayers were assumed (although how could he hear them?) And the victims were brought. Moreover, the emperor was announced by God on the right of the throne: no matter what the level of his morality was, whether his life was righteous and whether he was true. On the contrary, from the history we know about the emperors-killers, depressants, traitors. But the emperor could not be overthrown - just kill. So, the disciples of Christ refused to worship the gods, calling the God of one Christ, for this, as they who did not obey the emperor-God, tortured and killed.

But once, having heard the preaching of the students of Christ, the mother of Emperor Konstantine first was baptized - Tsarina Elena. She raised her royal son with an honest and righteous man. After baptism, Elena wanted to find a cross, on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and who was buried on the mountain of Calvary. She understood that the cross would unite Christians, would be the first great shrine of Christianity. Over time and Konstantin Great accepted Christianity.

The Cross of Christ was found in 326 by the Queen of Elena, who sought him together with the priests and bishops, among other crosses - the guns of execution - on the mountain of Calvary, where the Lord was crucified. As soon as the cross was raised from under the ground, he rose the dead, who was rushed by in the funeral procession: Therefore, the Cross of Christ immediately began to call the life-giving. It is with such a big cross and is depicted on the icons of the queen Elena.

Throughout his future life, she helped Emperor Konstantin in the spread and sermon Christianity throughout the Roman Empire: Estimated the temples, helped those who needed, told about the teachings of Christ.

Icons of crushesization

The icon of the erection of the cross is an illustration of a great historical event, in honor of which the Holiday of Crossing is installed. After the earthly life of Christ and his godfather, the instrument of his execution itself - but also the weapons of human getting rid of sins, the Holy Merran Cross was lost.

This image was very common in Russian churches in the XV century.

On the icon depicted many people against the background of the temple. In the center - Patriarch in black and white clothes with a cross, which he holds over his head raised. Holy Equal-Apostles Konstantin and Elena cost from him. The rest of people are praying to God Orthodox Christians.

Church legend says that the holiday icon of the exaltive cross was written by Byzantine icon painters in the IV century, when one of the greatest wonders in history happened: Emperor Byzantine Konstantin learned about Christianity and, unlike his royal predecessors, did not erect the persecution of the students of Christ , and in his heart turned to Lord Jesus. And before one of the terrible battles after the hidden prayer, the emperor saw the shining cross in the sky over the battlefield and heard God's voice: "Sim Win!" - That is, you will "win with the help of this sign." So the cross became a military banner of the whole empire, and under the sign of the cross for many centuries, Byzantia flourished. Constantine was named great and after death, canonized as a holy equivalent king - for his affairs and for his faith.

The Holy Church on this day resembles a believer not only about the foundation of the Cross Holy Queen by Elena in Jerusalem, but also about the return of the life-giving cross from captivity in the VII century Emperor Irakliem: the shrine was captured by Persians, and then returned to Christians.

This day I remember also Great death Gentlemen and as a sign of honoring the sufferings of Christ, believers hold a strict post (without food of animal origin: meat, milk, eggs, fish). If you want to honor this holy day, but never fasted, it is worth refraining at least from meat and delicious delicacies, sweets, delicacies.

During the service on this day, a large cross is taken out to the middle of the temple, to which believers are applied.


Many church holidays He became truly popular, compets were timed to them, began to be consecrated, that is, the blessing by God in the church certain seasonal fruits, pray for certain things related to the holiday.

The beginning of the preparations for the winter is connected with the crossing, the first frosts. At this time, Rusi was usually harvested by cabbage, they said that a good owner pie will be with a cabbage on this day. You can coincide with the holiday Family Cabbage.

Speczing snakes for cross-drive - People's belief that on this day can not go to the forest, because snakes crawl out of their holes. Orthodox Christians do not believe in conspiracies, but to listen to believers will not hurt, because the signs are the storage of folk wisdom.

Prayer for crosses

Particles of the life-giving cross today are in many temples of the world. Perhaps and in your city there is a particle of the life-giving Cross of the Lord, and you can make this great shrine. The cross is called the life-friendly - creative and giving life, that is, having great strength.
In the morning and evening prayers, which are in every Orthodox prayer, there are prayers calling for the power of God, originating from the Cross of the Lord. Orthodox Christians, therefore, protect themselves for every day and for every night by the power of the Cross of the Lord.

Contact a prayer to the Lord, protect yourself with the godman and sincere faith in God - and you will see how your life will change.

Fence me, Lord, the strength of an honest and life-giving your cross and remove me from evil.
Save, Lord, your people and bless the church, the victory to Orthodox Christians on the enemies feeding and yours preserving the Cross of your believers.

Faith, given by the Lord, knowledge of his help must multiply among people. Therefore, in contrast to conspiracies that distribute the ministers of the dark forces and which must "be secret", you can and must share your faith, talking about the wonderful help of God and His mercy. Good things that are worked with the calling of God's grace will always be successful.

What can not be on the cross

In the Orthodox Church, compliance with posts and lean days is one of the most important traditions. Believers, if possible, in accordance with health, keep the calendar of lean days and follow him.

Only monks may adhere to the full church charter, but according to your zeal, you can observe such a post at least on the day of the Exaltation, and for long posts you need to take the blessing of the priest. It is impossible to eat on the cross

  • Meat,
  • Milk products,
  • Eggs
  • A fish.

In long posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the charter forbade fish, wine and firrels and is allowed to eat without vegetable oil (dry) only after evening worship. On the other days - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - allowed to eat food with vegetable oil.

It is important to understand that the post is not a goal, but a means to humble your flesh to cleanse from sins through abstinence in food. It is the abstinence, not an excess of the body, therefore, the rules for compliance with food posts each should make meat with their own, with the degree of preparation for the post.

The duration and measure of the post may be different depending on the internal state of the Christian, as well as the objective conditions of his life. In particular, with acute or chronic diseases that require a special nutritional mode, food post can be reduced, facilitated or canceled. It also applies to Christians, on a temporary or permanent basis in a secular hostel involving common food (military units, hospitals, boarding schools, special schools, places of detention).

Cross of Christ and Cross Sign

Native crosses of various forms and from different materials Wear all Christians.
It doesn't matter what the cross is made, different traditions have existed in different centuries, and today the cross can be made of metal or from wood; from thread or beads; be enamel or glass; most often choose the one that is comfortable to wear, durable - usually these are silver or golden crosses; You can choose the crosses of black silver - they do not accept any special.

The church recommends choosing crosses with a crucifix - that is, the figure of Christ and the inscription "Save and Save", which is usually on the reverse side. They are sold in the temples. Appeal to the strength of the life-giving Cross of the Lord - Great Protection for Everyone. It is known that a demonal impact is designed by the procession: the devil and his servants cannot bear the right cross, so often trying to mock it (this is exactly the origin of the satanic symbols of the inverted cross).

The correct criticism is made by the right hand, compressed large, index and middle fingers (they symbolize the strength and omnipotence of God the Father, the Son's God and God of the Holy Spirit - the inseparable Holy Trinity). First, the fingers need to press to the forehead, then to the stomach (approximately at the level of the waist), to the right and then to the left shoulder.

Yes, the Lord keeps you the strength of an honest and life-giving cross!

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Icon climbing the cross describes the acquisition of the Queen of the Elena Cross of the Saint, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. After crucifixion, the resurrection and ascension of the Lord, the torture of the Savior was lost. It was possible to find it. Tsaritsa Elena, Mother of Emperor Konstantin Great, only in 326 after exhausting searches.

The date of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Life-giving and honest

The Holiday Exaltation of the Life-Giving and even Cross is a holy afternoon for the Orthodox Church, the celebration of which the believers fall on September 27. On this day, the believers are given to remember the wonderful acquisition of the cross during the crucifixion of Jesus.

This holiday is considered to be a two-month in the afternoon, which is dedicated to Jesus, so called the Lord's Day.

The holiday of Exaltation has a deep meaning in Christian destinies around the world. Due to the fact that the cross was granted before the feast of the Holy Easter, then the festival fell on the second day of Easter.

This day is the celebration of two events:

  1. The hurrying of the cross near the Golgotha \u200b\u200bmountain (in Jerusalem) in 326 on the site of the Holy Crucifixion.
  2. The return of the life-giving cross from the Pensky captivity in the VII century - the holy banners returned Irakli in Jerusalem, the Greek emperor.

The arrival of the holy day of Christians meet strict post - it is impossible to eat from meat, fish, eggs or dairy products. As seasonings for food, it is recommended to use only vegetable oils - olive or sunflower.

The proliferation of the Cross of the Lord is short and sincere:

"I ask the incomprehensible and invincible divine power of an honest and life-giving cross not leave us, sinful."

The value of the image of the cross

The most common plot icons of the Exaltation Russian icon painters provided churches in the XV century. On the holy web can be familiar with the great accumulation of people against the background of the temple of one-eyed. The Patriarch with a cross is visible on the Embon, over his head raised. In the foreground, the icon shows the saint and all believers. On the right you can see the Queen of Elena with the king of Konstantin.

The icon of the upstream of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord can be seen in:

  • Alufyevsky Temple of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
  • The Moscow Temple of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on a pure enemy
  • Vatican - in the church state you can see the miniature of the Menology of Emperor Vasily II, written in the 11th century.
  • The Roman Monastery Complex of Santi Quattro-Coronati - in Chapel of San Silvestro XIII century, you can see the canvas, on which the find of the life-giving Cross of the Queen of Elena is displayed.

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord Icon - what helps

The climbing icon is known for its miraculous abilities. After the sincere prayer of the Holy Cross, a seriously ill woman managed to go a full-fledged path of healing from Kalv.

In 2012, an electrician who came from Roslavl was severely inflamed. And at night, and in the afternoon, I could not unhappy to find peace and fulfill the work entrusted to him. He did not consider himself a man church, and the icon itself was little interested. He was offered to take a restless lamp, lubricate her oily cavity of the mouth and ask for healing from the icon.

With a deep faith in its cure, the electrician performed the specified one - and the birth retreated. The next morning he was on his knees with tears read a prayer before the miraculous way.

Helps icon Erecting in sincere prayers, they are pronounced in front to:

  • Cope with infertility.
  • Get rid of incurable diseases.
  • Cure sick bones and joints.
  • Credit with chronic migraines.
  • Cure toothpick.

Icon climbing the Cross of the Lord is a mapping of the find of the Holy Cross of Queen by Elena. This holy canvas helps to recover even from chronic or incurable diseases.

God bless you!

The event of the honest critic.After the greatest events in the history of mankind came across - crucifixion, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ, St. The cross, who served as an instrument of the Savior's execution, was lost. After the destruction of Jerusalem, the Roman troops in 70 g. The holy places associated with the earthly life of the Lord were in oblivion, some were built pagan temples.

The acquisition of the holy cross occurred in the reign of St. Equal to the Emperor Constantine Great. According to church historians IV century, Mother Constantine, St. Equal to the Apostles Elena, set off at the request of the royal son in Jerusalem to find places related to the events of Christ's earthly life, as well as St. Cross, whose wonderful phenomenon was for St. Constantine is a sign of victory over the enemy.

There are three different versions of legends about the acquisition of St. Cross. According to the most ancient (it is given in church historians V in. Rufina Aquilaskiy, Socrates, was created and others and probably goes back to the lost "church history" Gelacy of the Kesiairi (IV century)), an honest cross was under the Sanctuary of Venus. When the sanctuary was destroyed, three crosses were discovered, as well as a signboard from the cross of the Savior and the nails, which he was nailed to the execution tool. In order to find out which of the crosses is the one on which the Lord was crucified, Jerusalem Bishop Macarium (+ 333) offered to attach alternately each of the crosses to a seriously ill woman. When that healed after touching to one of the crosses, all the college glorified God, who referred to the greatest shrine of the true tree of the Cross of the Lord, and the honest cross was raised by the Bishop Makarius for the Universal Friend.

The second version of the legend to gain honestly crusted in Syria in the 1st floor. V c., Related this event not to IV, but to the III century. And suggests that the cross was found by Protonika, IMF. Claudia II (269-270), and then hidden and re-found in IV century.

The third version also, apparently, which arose in V c. In Syria, reports that Elena tried to find out the place of stay of the Cross from Jerusalem Jews, and in the end one old-old Jew named Judas, at first I did not want to say, after the torture pointed the place - the temple of Venus. St. Elena commanded to destroy the temple and spread this place. 3 crosses were found there; The Miracle's cross helped to show the cross - resurrection through touch to the true Tree of the Dead Man, who was rushed by. Judas reported that he subsequently accepted Christianity with the name Kiriak and became Bishop of Jerusalem.

Despite the greatest antiquity of the first version of the legend of the acquisition of the honestly of the Cross, the third version became the most common and prominent era; In particular, it is based on the prolite legend, designed to read the Holy Crossing, according to the modern liturgical books of the Orthodox Church.

The exact date of gaining the honest cross is unknown; Apparently, it took place in 325 or 326 years after the acquisition of St. Cross Emperor Konstantin began the construction of a number of temples, where divine services should have been committed with solemnity with a solemnity. Around 335 was consecrated erected directly near Calvary and the Cobrian Cave of the Lord Big Basilica Martyrium. Day update(i.e. consecrated) Martyruma, as well as the Rotunda of the Resurrection (the Merzhnaya Coffin) and other buildings on the site of the Crucifixion and Savior Savior on September 13 or 14 began to be celebrated annually with great solemnity, and the memoir of the honest honest entered into festive celebration In honor of the update.

The establishment of the Handling holiday is due to the holidays in honor of the consecration of Martyrium and the Rotunda of the Resurrection. According to the Easter Chronicle of the VII century, the Chin of the Exaltation of the Cross was for the first time during the celebrations in the consecration of Jerusalem temples.

Already in con. IV century The holiday of updating the basilica of Martyruma and the Rotunda of the Resurrection was in the Jerusalem Church of one of the three main holidays of the year, along with Easter and Epiphany. According to the testimony of the pilgrimage con. IV century Egeria, the update was celebrated in a continuation of eight days; Every day the divine liturgy was solemnly accomplished; Temples were decorated in the same way as on the Epiphany and for Easter; For a holiday in Jerusalem, many people came, including from remote areas - Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria. Egeria emphasizes that the update was celebrated on the same day when the cross of the Lord was acquired, and also holds a parallel between the consecration of Jerusalem churches and the Old Testament Temple, built on Solomon ("Pilgrimage". Ch. 48-49).

Selection 13 or 14 September as dates of the holidayThe updates could be due to the fact of the consecration of the temples that are these days and a conscious choice. According to a number of researchers, the renewal holiday has become a Christian analogue of the Old Testament holiday, one of the three main holidays of the Old Testament Worship Services (Lion 33-33-36), which celebrated on the 15th day of the 7th month on the Old Testament Calendar (this month approximately matches September) Moreover, the consecration of the Solomonian temple also happened during the tuning. In addition, the date of the festival of the update on September 13 coincides with the date of consecration of the temple of Jupiter Capitoliysky in Rome, and the Christian holiday could be installed in return (this theory did not receive much distribution). Finally, it is possible to parallels between the erection of the cross on September 14 and the Crucifix day of the Savior 14 Nisan, as well as between the cross) and the celebration of the transformation, celebrated 40 days before. The question of the reason for the choice is September 13, as the date of the celebration of updates (and, accordingly, on September 14, as the date of the holiday of the Holyting)) in modern historical science is not finally resolved.

Update and crosses.In the V c., According to the certificate of the church historian, the update holiday was celebrated in the Jerusalem Church, it is still very solemnly, in continuation of 8 days, during which even the sacrament of baptism was taught. Church story. 2. 26). According to the V in the Armenian translation, the V., on the second day of the festival, the honest cross showed the whole people. Thus, initially crossed was established as an additional holiday accompanying the main celebration in honor of the update - similar to the holidays in honor God's Mother The day after the Nativity of Christ or St. John the Baptist the next day after the baptism of the Lord.

Starting with the VI century. Crossing began to gradually make a more significant holiday than the holiday of updates. If in the life of the PRP. Sava consecrated, written in the VI century. PS Cyril Skifopolsky, also speaks of the celebration of the update, but not exaltation (ch. 67), then in the life of the PRP. Maria Egyptian, traditionally attributed to SVT. Sofronia of Jerusalem (VII century), it says that the PRP Maria went to Jerusalem to celebrate precisely Exaltation (ch. 19).

The word "EXTENSION" ( ypsosis) Among the preserved monuments, first meets with Alexander Monk (527-565), the author of the commendable word Cross, which should be read on the holiday of cross-shift according to many liturgical monuments of the Byzantine tradition (including modern Russian liturgical books). Alexander Monk wrote that September 14 is the date of the celebration of the Exaltation and the update established by the fathers on the command of the emperor (PG. 87G. Col. 4072).

By VII. The close relationship of the holidays and crosses has ceased to be felt - possibly due to the invasion of Persians to Palestine and the plundering of Jerusalem in 614, which caused the capture of the honestly of the Cross Persians and the partial destruction of the ancient Jerusalem liturgical tradition. So, SVT. Sofronia Jerusalemsky in the sermon says that he does not know why the resurrection precedes the cross in these two days (13 and 14 seconds), that is, why the holiday of updating the temple of the resurrection precedes the exaltation, and not vice versa and that the reason for this could know more ancient bishops (Pg. 87g. Col. 3305).

Subsequently, it was the cross approach that became the main holiday; The holiday of the renewal of the Jerusalem Temple of the Resurrection, although preserved in the liturgical books up to the present time, became pre-holiday in front of the cross.

HOLIDAY HOLIDAY in the Cathedral worship of Constantinople IX-XII centuries.In Tsargrad, the holiday of updating of Jerusalem churches did not have such a value as in Jerusalem. On the other hand, reverence of the honest tree of the Cross of the Lord, which began with St. Equal to the Apostles Emperor Constantine and especially intensified after the victorious return of St. Cross Emperor Irakli from Persian captivity in March 631 (with this event also involves the establishment of the Calendar Memia of the Cross March 6 and in the Crossfonna Week of the Great Post), made the crusal of one of the great holidays of the liturgical year. It was within the framework of the Constantinople tradition, which in the afterconobological period became decisive in the worship of the entire Orthodox world, the Exaltation finally exceeded the holiday of updates.
On various tipic lists Great Churchreflecting the post-committee Cathedral practice of Constantinople of the IX-XII centuries, the celebration of the crossing is a five-day festive cycle, which includes a four-day period of preferences on September 10-13 and the day of the holiday on September 14. Special importance is also attached to Saturday and Sundays before and after the upstream, which received their liturgia readings.

The worship of the honest crossed began in the days of the Combination: 10 and 11 September for worship came men, September 12 and 13 - women. The worship was made between the morning and noon.

On the day of the holiday, on September 14, the service was distinguished by solemnity: on the eve they made a festive evening with reading paremia; For the holiday served Penniais (solemn service at the beginning of the night); Morning was performed on the festive rank ("on the Ambon"); After the great Slavovia was committed. At the end of the exaltation and worship, the Cross began the divine liturgy.

In the Byzantine post-proof monastery typiconsthe charter of the Handling holiday received its final look. The chassis of chants of the holiday on these typicons in general is the same; The holiday has pre- and inprediation; Liturgian readings of the holiday, Sabbath and weeks before and by applied, borrowed from the Tipicon of the Great Church; From the Konstantinople, the CHin of the Cross Exaltation on the festive morning is borrowed, compared to that somewhat simplified. In the Jerusalem Charter, starting from his early editions of the XII-XIII centuries. There is an indication of the post on the day of the cross. PS Nikon Chernogorets (XI century) in the "Pandeks" wrote that the post on the Evidence Day was nowhere to anywhere, but is generally accepted practice.

According to the Jerusalem Charter, the History Cycle of the Orthodox Church, the festive cycle consists of permits of the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection on September 13), the holiday of September 14 (in the XX-XXI centuries - September 27, in the New Style) and seven days of the projection, including Entry on September 21.

Holiday chants.Compared to the gymnographics of other two-month holidays, not all the chants of crushes are connected with this event, many of them are part of the congestion of Okeych (on the services of environments and Fridays of all glazers), as well as in the following holidays in honor of the cross: origin of honest The trees on August 1, the phenomenon of the sign of the cross in the sky on May 7, a casponic week of the Great Post, that is, they constitute a single building of the gymnographic texts dedicated to the Cross of the Lord.

A number of chants in the following festival V. Traditionally include praying for the emperor and petitions to give him and his host of victory. In modern Russian editions, many lines containing the perisions about the emperor, or removed, or reformulated, which was due to historical circumstances. The reason for the appearance of such stations should be seen in the Orthodox sense of the cross as a sign of victory (which made the cross part of the Byzantine military symbolism), and also in the fact that the acquisition of the cross and the establishment of the Evaluation holiday took place due to the first place, the Holy Equal-Apostles Constantine and Elena. The latter is confirmed by the presence of a special memory of St. Konstantin and Elena in the Sinai Canonary of the IX-X centuries. September 15, that is, the next day after the exaltation (the establishment of this memory expresses the same idea that the establishment of the memory of the Most Holy Virgin the next day after the Nativity of Christ or the memory of St. John the Forerunner the day after the baptism of the Lord - those persons are glorified immediately after the event. who were of paramount importance for its implementation).

The hymnographic follow-up to the crushes contains a tropar Save, Lord, your people ..., Kondak Ascended by the Cross will ..., Canon PRP. Mauman's cosma, a large number of stimuli (22 self-grade and 5 cycles of similarities), 6 sealrooms and 2 luminaires. The canon in the following cross is only one, but the ninth song in it includes not one, and two irosos and two cycles of the trails, and the four of the last letters of acrostic from the eighth song and the first group of the trails from the ninth song of the canon are duplicated in the second group of the Tropar of the ninth song. The unusualness of such a structure of the canon explains the legend that has been preserved in Athos, according to which the PRP Cosma Mauman, having come to Antioch for the Holiday of Crossing, heard in one temple that his canon was not singing at that entanglement he himself had in mind, making the canon. PS Kosma made the singers remark, but they refused to correct the error; Then the Monk discovered them that he was the compiler of the canon, and in the proof amounted to another group of the Tropar of the ninth song. In the manuscripts, the Byzantine interpretations have been preserved on this difficult, written canon, on the basis of which he wrote his interpretation (having greater fame in Greek churches) PRP. Nicodemus Svyatogorets.

According to the materials of the article by Diacon Mikhail Zholtova and A.A. Lukashevich
"Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" from 9 Tom "Orthodox Encyclopedia"