
On Orthodox attitude to man. About the attitude towards others

Onions, beets, carrots

Without the understanding of the whole thing happening in the church, without elementary knowledge of Orthodoxy, genuinely Christian life is impossible. What questions and erroneous judgments are about Orthodox faith At the newcomers, the "Orthodox Life" portal was understood.

Myths dispels the teacher of the Kiev Spiritual Academy, Andrei Muzorph, reminding: the one who does not study anything, risks forever to remain newly.

- What arguments exist in favor of what the only one right choice On his spiritual path, a person must do in favor of Orthodoxy?

- According to Metropolitan Surozhsky Anthony, a person will never be able to perceive Orthodoxy as a personal faith if the light of eternity in the eyes of another Orthodox can see. One modern Orthodox theologian once said that the only important argument in favor of the truth is precisely Orthodoxy - holiness. Only in Orthodoxy we find the holiness, to which the soul of man seeks - "Christian" in nature, as the church apologist of the beginning of the III and TERTULLYAN says. And this holiness is incurred with ideas about the holiness of other religions or religion. "Tell me who your holy, and I will tell you who you are and what is your church," so you can rephrase the famous saying.

It is according to the holy of one or another church, it is possible to determine its spiritual essence, its rod, because the ideal of the church is her holy. By what qualities he had the saint, it can be concluded that the church itself calls on, because the saint is an example for imitating all believers.

How to treat the holy and shrines of other religions?

- Holiness of Orthodoxy - the holiness of life in God, the sanctity of humility and love. It is fundamentally different from the holiness that we see in other Christian and non-Christian religions. For the Orthodox Church, the purpose of life was primarily the struggle with his own sin, the desire for a compound with Christ, the burden. Holiness in Orthodoxy is not a goal, this is a consequence, the result of righteous life, the fruit of unity with God.

The Saints of the Orthodox Church considered themselves the most sinful people in the world and unworthy to even call themselves Christians, while in some other confessions, holiness was an end in itself and for this reason, voluntarily or unwittingly, gave birth to the heart of such a "devotee" only pride and ambition. An example of this is the lives of such "saints", as Blessed Angela, Teresa Avilskaya, Ignatius Loyola, Catherine Siena and others who were canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, and some of them are even counted for the village of the Universal Church.

The canonization of such saints is the glorification of human vices and passions. The genuine church cannot do so. What should be the attitude towards such a "holy" from Orthodox Christians - the answer, I think, is obvious.

Why is the Orthodox Church so implicit about other religions?

- The Orthodox Church never called on his followers to any intolerance, especially - religious, because any intolerance sooner or later can grow into anger and anger. In the case of religious intolerance, dislike can easily be redirected from the very religious teaching on its representatives and supporters. According to the Patriarch of Albanian Anastasia, "Orthodox position can be critical only in relation to other religions as systems; However, in relation to people belonging to other religions and ideologies, it is always a position of respect and love - following the example of Christ. For a person continues to be a carrier of the image of God. " Blessed Augustine warns: "We must hate sin, but not a sinner," and therefore if our intolerance leads to anger on a person, it means that we stand on the road leading not to Christ, but from Him.

God acts in all creation, and therefore, even in other religions, let the weak, but still the reflections of the truth, which is fully expressed only in Christianity. In the Gospel we see how the Lord Jesus Christ repeatedly praised the faith of those whom the Jews were considered to be a pagans: faith of Women Canaanianki, Samaritan, Roman centurion. In addition, we can remember the episode from the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, when the Apostle Paul arrived in Athens - a city, as no other aburchase of all possible religious cults and creeds. But at the same time, the Holy Apostle Paul did not immediately regain the Athenians in Multimit, and tried through their polytetic inclinations to bring them to the knowledge of a single true God. In the same way, we must show no intolerance to representatives of other denominations, but love, because only with an example of our own love we can show others how Christianity is above all other faults. The Lord himself is our Jesus Christ said: "According to that, all that you are my disciples, if you have love between sobody" (John 13:35).

Why does God burn evil to accomplish?

- In the Holy Scripture it is said: "God has not made death and does not rejoice in the death of living, for he created everything for being" (Prem 1:13). The reason for the appearance in this world evil is the devil, the highest fallen angel, and his envy. Will the wise way and says: "God created a person for nonsense and presented him of the Eternal Being of His way; But the envy of the devil entered the world of death, and experiencing it belonging to his lot "(Prem. 2: 23-24).

In the created God of the world there is no such "part", which by itself would be evil. Everything created by God is good in itself, because even demons are Angels, who, unfortunately, did not save their dignity and did not resist the good, but who were initially in nature, were created by good.

The answer to the question of what evil is, was well expressed by the Holy Fathers of the Church. Evil is not nature, no essence. Evil is a certain action and the state of who produces evil. Blessed Diarat Fotyish, the devotee of the V century, wrote: "Evil - not there; Or rather, it is only at the moment when they are committed. "

Thus, we see that the source of evil is concluded at all in the dispersion of this world, but in a free will of the creatures created by God. Evil exists in the world, but not as there exists in it all that has its own special "essence." Evil is evading goodness, and it does not exist at the substance level, but only to the extent that the free creatures created by God shy away from good.

Based on this, we can argue that evil is unrealistic, evil is non-existence, it does not exist. According to the blissful Augustine, evil is a flaw or, or rather, damage to good. Good, as we know, can increase or decrease, and here is a decrease in good and there is evil. The brightest and meaningful definition of what is evil, in my opinion, gives the famous religious philosopher N.A. Berdyaev: "Evil is a deposit from absolute being committed by the act of freedom ... Evil is a creation, the observant of itself."

But in this case, the question arises: why does God have not created the universe from the very beginning without the possibility of evil in her? The answer is: God allows evil only as a certain inevitable state of our such an imperfect universe.

For the transformation of this world, it was necessary to transfiguration and man himself, his burness, and for this a person had to initially be established in good, show and prove that he is worthy of those gifts that were laid in his soul the Creator. The man was supposed to reveal the image and likeness of God, and it could only do it freely. According to the English writer K.S. Lewis, God did not want to create the world of obedient robots: he wants to have only sons who will contact him only by love.

The best explanation for the reason for the existence in this world is evil and how God himself can tolerate his existence, it seems to me, are the words of Metropolitan Surozhsky Anthony: "God takes full responsibility for creating peace, man, for the freedom that he gives, and For all those consequences to which this freedom leads: suffering, death, horror. And the justification of God is that he himself becomes a man. In the face of the Lord Jesus Christ enters the world of God, having enjoyed the flesh, having connected with us with all the human destiny and carrying all the consequences of the liberty himself. "

If a person was born in an uninosty country, did not receive the Orthodox education and unresolved died For him there is no salvation?

- In the Message to the Romans, the Holy Apostle Paul writes: "When the pagans who do not have the law are legitimate, then, without having the law, they themselves are the law: they show that they are written in the hearts, as evidenced by conscience Their thoughts, then accused, then justify each other "(Rom. 2: 14-15). Expressing such a thought, the apostle sets the question: "If the uncircumcised complies with the decisions of the law, then his unclaims will not receive into circumcision?" (Rome. 2:26). Thus, the Apostle Paul expresses the assumption that some non-Christians are due to their virtuous life and thanks to the execution of the Law of God, written in their hearts, can still be honored with glory from God and, as a result, be saved.

About those people who, unfortunately could not or will not be able to accept the sacrament of baptism, the saint Grigory Theologians extremely clearly clearly: "other people don't even have the opportunity and take the gift [baptism], or maybe in thought, or by Some of the circumstances absolutely independent of them, according to which it is not advocated to accept grace ... The latter, not adopted baptism, will not have a righteous sucend, they are neither punished, because although they are not captured, but do not hide ... for not Every ... unworthy honor, worthy of already punishment. "

Saint Nikolai Kavasil, the famous Orthodox theologians of the XIVVEK, speaks about the possibility of salvation of unresolved people something, even more interesting: "Many, when they were not baptized with water, baptized the fiance of the church himself. He sent a cloud from heaven and water from the Earth over the expectation and, thus baptized them, and the most of the way was recreated. The words of the famous theologian XIVVEK piercely indicate that some people, being in a world in a world, will become partakers of Christ's lives, his divine eternity, as it turns out that their attachment to God was made by a special mysterious manner.

Therefore, to argue about who can escape, and who is not, we simply have no right, after all, making such peres, we impose the functions of the judge of human shower, which belong to God alone.

Tamed Natalia Goroshkov

1. Attitude towards innerians in the old and new covenants

Insens of Isus Christ, transmitting his words to students, and those in turn to other people who put in them a net doctrine, the doctrine of the salvation of the soul, about righteous life in love and the world with others. And today everyone orthodox Christianwhich goes through salvation, you need to remember the Gospel and build your life on it, following the example of Christ. One of these examples may be the attitude towards people of other religions.

In the "Old Testament", which is the descent to the land of God's son of Isus Christ, was prescribed not to create families with an innumerary, to conduct a separate lifestyle, and, for example, to Samaris, who were with respect to the Jews, they were negotiating, about What we tell the gospel:

4 Delivered him to pass through Samaria.
5 So it comes to the city of Samariy, called Sayman, near the plot of land given by the son of his Joseph.
6 There was a well of Jacob. Icy, bitching from the way, sat down at the well. It was near the sixth hour.
7 comes a woman from Samaria to learn water. Isus tells her: let me drink.
8 For the disciples left him to buy food.
9 Woman Samaryanskaya tells him: how are you, being a Jew, ask to drink from me, samaranka? For the Jews with the samarians are not communicated.

In this passage it is clearly narrated by the mouth of a simple woman attitude between nations: "How are you, being a Jew, ask to drink from me, samaranka? For the Jews with the samarians are not reported. " However, the Lord, without rejecting her, talks to her.

The Lord teaches the Law of Love, who teaches us with a perfect attitude towards people of others. The law of Moses was distinguished by significant rigor to people:

43 You heard that it was said: Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
44 And I tell you: love your enemies, bless you curse you, charging hate you and pray for those who are offended by you and drive you,
45 May the sons of your Heavenly Father, for he commands the sun to be ascended over evil and kind and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous.
46 For if you love those who love you, what is your reward? Are you not doing and sootari?
47 And if you welcome only your brothers, what do you do a special? Does the pagans do not come?
48 So be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is committed.

Matt. 5: 43-48.

Calling us to perfection, the Lord calls us to clean faith, love and a kind relation to all people, not only to brothers, but in general, as well as to commit good deeds for all people. The pagans did not believe in the true God, did not have the law, came by the will of their hearts ( "For when the pagans that do not have the law are legitimate by nature, then, without having the law, they themselves are the law: they show that the case of law is written in the hearts, as evidenced by their conscience and thoughts, then the accusations, then justifying one other ", Rome. 2: 14,15). The Lord calls to be higher for their affairs and love their enemies. The Lord calls the commandment to the neighbor, showing this instruction of high and very necessary for our salvation, which we know from his response to Pharisees:

36 teacher! What is the greatest commandment in law?
37 Izus told him: love the Lord God of your God with all our hearts and everything is your soul and all of your understanding:
38 Sia is the first and largest commandment;
39 The second one similar to it: Love your neighbor, like yourself;
40 In these two commandments, the entire law and prophets are approved.

Matt. 22: 36-40.

Turning to the faithful, the Lord teaches them so that those were unlimited good not only to their similers, but also to all other people. Who does the Lord call the neighbor?

27 He said in response: love your Lord God with all your heart, and yours, everything is yours, and yours is yours, and yours all the understanding of yours, and your neighbor, like yourself.
28 [Icy] told him: You've answered correctly; So do, and you will live.
29 But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Icy: and who is my neighbor?
30 ISUS said: some man came from Jerusalem to Jericho and got the robbers who removed his clothes from him, wrote it down and left, leaving him barely alive.
31 On the occasion, one priest was expensive and seeing him, passed by.
32 Also, Levit, who was on the place, came up, looked and passed by.
33 Samaritan Someone, driving, found on him and, seeing him, clenched
34 and, approaching, tied to him wounds, indulcing oil and wine; And by putting it on his donkey, brought him to the hotel and took care of him;
35 And on the other day, departing, took out two dinaria, gave the hotel to the hotel and told him: take care of him; And if you exist what more, I, when I return, give you.
36 Which of these three, do you think, was there a neighbor to robbers?
37 He said: I had mercy. Then Izus told him: Go, and you do the same.

Onion. 10: 25-37.

2. Who is really worth avoiding a Christian

In the New Testament, who gave us the Godrifer of Isus Christ, still there is a strict side, which rightly separates everything more superfluous from the law of love to neighbor. This is what you can not communicate with sinners who learn to any sin.

9 I wrote to you in the Message - not to communicate with the clouds;
10 But not at all with the clouds of the world of this, or Lychihimens, or predators, or Idolars, because otherwise it would have to come out of the world [this].
11 But I wrote to you not to communicate with those who, called Brother, remains a harlist, or Lychihimets, or an idolatle, or a maligative, or drunk, or a predator; It's not even together.
12 For what should I judge and external? Do not you judge?
13 external judding judges. So, spew the corrupted from the environment.

Apostolic messages should not be better clarified by the Gospel Truth for Christian. The Apostle Paul in this message protects the believer from the sin's infection, which is found in any ill society, and rightly proposes not to communicate with the depraved. To reinforce these words, you can recall the poems from the 17th Psalm Davydov:

26-27 With Rev. Reverend Wheel, and with her husband, invincible worship, and wishes were elected, and they are unreleased.

Eutemy Zigaben, Intentending these verses, says:

Revigable is usually called the one who is pious before God; Non-clear one who is pupil before people; Favorites - the one who performed in virtue; Stropive - man is crazy. - The words mentioned above can have their own application to anyone and maintain a very instructive meaning: they mean that what is the one with whom you live together or contact, so you will be and changed according to the properties of a person close to you.

Eviefimy Zigaben

Many people who do not have knowledge about the dangers of sins do not know how those corrupt and lick the soul are not familiar with these truths, and they make these sins from hopelessness and ignorance, for example, theft, smoking, robbing and other vices. But do not forget that sins should only be noticed in order not to look for sorts in the eye in another, when the most problems in spiritual life. Biased attitude towards the sinner is unacceptable. It should be understood that the disbelief in God, as well as its uninostable confession, is also a sin. This is decided by the Church. That is, any doctrine that dogmatically and theological disagreement disagree with the Church of Christ, and even moreover, the breakacted from it is not a saving for the soul. A Christian should not blame other opinions, but also not to praise other creeds, as they are not saving in terms of Orthodox Christianity.

5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and the Father of all who over everyone, and throughout everyone, and in all of us.

The apostle emphasizes that there cannot be true somewhat different exercises, as well as there may be no consent between them, as they have different ideas about God.

Is it worth saying that in modern times the Christian morality, which exists in legislation, moral norms is humiliated? The people really have diseases that need to be heal with the help of post, prayer and faith. Let's return to the fact that for most people, sins are not something bad. As Isaac Sirin said accurately: "The sinner licks the knife blade, drinks his own blood, and because of the sweetness of the blood of his own, does not feel harmful." It would have done to us "in general to leave the world" and not have anything to do with such people? We will find the answer in St. John of Zlatoust:

And do not tell me such heartless words: "What should I take care? I have nothing to do with him. " We have nothing in common with the devil, with all people we have a lot in common. They have one with us nature, inhabit the same land, feed on the same food, have the same lord, they got the same laws, they are called to the same good, as we. Therefore, we will not say that we do not have anything in common with them, because this is the voice of Satanian, the devilish inhuman. We will not say this and show the likeness of caresses. And I promise with all the confidence and hand over to all of you that if all of you want to divide the care of the inhabiting in the city among themselves, the latter will soon correct the whole ... We divide the care of our brothers' salvation. One person is enough, inflamed jealousy to fix the whole people. And when there is not one face, not two and not three, but there are such many of those who can take care of the negligence, it is not for anything else, as in our only carelessness, but by no means of weakness, many die and fall in spirit. Not recklessly, in fact, that if we see a fight on the square, then we run and Mirim fighting - what am I saying - a fight? If we see that the donkey fell, then we still have to stretch your hand to raise it to your feet; And do not care about dying brothers? The hulatful holy faith is the same donkey; Come on, raise him and in the word, and the case, and meekness, and power; Let a variety of medicine. And if we arrange your affairs so, we will look for salvation and neighbors, will soon become welcome and loved ones and for those who receive the correction.

SVT. John Zlatoust

We really have nothing to be in common with the devil and his affairs: anger, murder, curd, fornication, foul language, false, slandering, theft, pride, vanity and other sins, shooting soul and personality in man.

How to deal with people who have other religious beliefs? In no case not to impose your own beliefs, and even more so criticize or insult their religious feelings.From the above, we will not care about the insult of other people, in particular, it shows the dialogue of Christ and Samarita near the well. Of course, unfortunately, there are people who are looking for disputes, incitement of an interethnic and interreligious retail and other inability. This behavior is absolutely not characteristic of Christianity, which teaches not to offend other people. The Christian must remember this when present in any society of innovative.

3. How to act a Christian in modern life among people of others

When we go to the store, do we really worry us the religion of the seller? Should we touch us at all? Should not. When we are in the hospital, how much should we disturb the persistence of personnel, neighbors and so on? In no case. Of course, you need to have the most persistent hope, but to give an answer only when we are asked about it. Do I need to impose your religious beliefs to someone? Also no. The believer person is self-sufficient, and he has no need to prove it around others, to convince in his right thing and especially forcing others to believe in all this.

The religious feeling of each is sacred, what is inside a person along with other feelings. Even atheists have a religious feeling. But we are not about it. Returning to the words of Zlatoust about many generally among all people, it should be reminded that the Christian with external on ordinary worldly needs contacts: the use of services, goods and so on, that is, everyday life may well and not touch the religious aspects and not to associate faith issues. We just need to be able to keep faith in your heart, in your family, community. After all, it is a good attitude towards people praising God:

14 You are the light of the world. The city, standing on the top of the mountain, can not hide.
15 and, burn a candle, do not put it under the vessel, but on the candlestick, and shines to everyone in the house.
16 So yes, the light is shining your before people so that they see your kind things and glorified the father of your heavenly.

Matt. 5: 14-16

What should I avoid? Different sect creeds that distort religious experience, otherwise interpret any generally accepted concept. With the rest, that is, with representatives of the so-called "traditional religions", you can conduct a dialogue about the main positive parties of their teaching - cultivating morality in society, charity, mutual execution and support, without touching any dogmatic and theological differences. This will be the best form of interaction. For example, Orthodox Christian Old Believers participated in the wars, fighting hand in hand with people of others, created joint efforts industry, now help the resettlement of compatriots, promote a healthy lifestyle, because it is prescribed by God through his church. At the same time, the Church of Christ is not mixed with other veras.

The stereotypes are particularly dangerous, when, for example, a person in the temptation of the diazol makes evil deeds with the words of their hope on the lips, covering the creed. As one wonderful philosopher A. V. Antonov said: "All religions are environmentally friendly." Therefore, they exclude the possibility of crimes against other people with their teachings. In this regard, it is not necessary to attribute the flock of one sheep to the entire flock. Evil, from the point of view of Christianity, the person is committed, regardless of his religion to learn the dialer, which sows discord. It will be ugly, if any crime hang on a person marked by his faith. These are engaged in cliking, liars and slanders, who are likened to the main slander - Satan. An example of such an erroneous judgment about the financing of the Oktyabrsky coup in the Old Believers was served. Sometimes, due to the error, some are trying to give such a painting event, as if all the Old Believers were on the side of the revolution, laying in those who listen or reads, hatred or charity. The slander is obsessed with the main task - to destroy someone's good name and defams it. In all cases, this is done without evidence to set up most against others. It is not possible that it is better described in the work of Nikolai Leskov "Mountain", where, in the punching of individuals, Christians were trials.

All that is required of us in the event of communication with the injecting is not to participate in any way in their prayer actions. For example, pray, to use any products related to nonsense worship, and even "in absentia" to participate in such services - to apply notes in the nonsense temples, to put or request candles, because This is detrimental to the soul of Christian.Looking for someone else's faith - the hustling of own. No one has the right to force us to participate in any religious meetings, take another point of view and so on. This is illegal. But we should not impose their opinions and views on your own accord. This happened in Russia in the 17th century, when people were forced to change the faith and take another, not the one at which holy ancestors prayed. Then it happened what is called the Inquisition. Those who were intended to be the article princess Sophia "other heretic heretica except death", had to leave his homes. But this is a story from which it is necessary to allocate and sad, but also the experience of the need for peaceful coexistence.

The church in each service prays about strengthening the country, about the world around the world, about fondness to good deeds, calling every child to good delays, to ensure the fruit of spiritual:

22 Fruits of spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith,
23 Meekness, abstinence. There are no law.
24 But those that Christ crucified flesh with passions and lusts.
25 If we live in spirit, then in spirit and should do.
26 We will not vanity, annoy each other, envy each other.


You can consider an example from the opposite when people who do not know how to properly flow in the society society begin to oppress it. Would we be nice if we experienced this oppression? So, being in the society of people of another religion, you need to behave like Christ, who has not experienced neglects to anyone, as in the dialogue with Samarita. The Christian will only benefit if he is well refers to other people, regardless of their hope. This will be Christian doing, this will be a worthy preaching, so that people who have seen us "glorified our heavenly father."

For our unauthorized, proud nature with its attachments sent to some people, hatred in relation to others and with its indifference to the rest of the majority seems to be a difficult and unfulfilled commandment of Christ: "Love your neighbor, like yourself."

If there is a discharge of people who are able to love to self-sacrifice some of the chosen, then there are much more people who do not like anyone, except for themselves, do not want anyone, no one wants to move with a finger.

The discharge of people who really love their neighbors look like in the near, on any resolutely man, as looked at the robber robber, the merciful Samaritan, is the discharge of such people extremely small.

Meanwhile, the Lord, wanting to approve this view of people to each other, wanting to spread this comprehensive love between people, said the Word, which opens the greatest importance of this love, who gives it such a sense, such a height that would make people bring up in every way.

Describing a terrible court, the Lord speaks of that conversation that will happen there between the Terrible judgment and the genus of human.

Calling to itself the blessing of humanity, those who implemented this all-friendly, gentle, warm, caring love for people, the Lord will say to them:

"Get, the blessedness of my father, inherit the kingdom from the addition of peace. Bar, and give Mi Yari, faithful and drinking me; Strange Bech, and Introduction Men. Nag and an attor of me, sick and visit me, in the dungeon of Bech and Pridhospot to me. "

They will ask when they saw the Lord in that position and served him. And he will answer: "Amen of the verb you: Further will make a united brotherhood of my smaller, I will create."

So, the Lord says that he himself takes all that we do for people, thus putting yourself in place of any unfortunate, offender, concluded, weak, suffering, offended and sinful, in place of every person we will regret the impulse of your Hearts and we will assist. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the Lord did not say: "Since you made it one of the small in my name, I created". He speaks only one thing: that everything made for a person, he takes as made directly for him.

This is the feature of love, mutual human assistance and leaving ... That's how it facilitates this feat, as if he tells us: "When a person who needs to help, no matter how little you enthusiasm He seemed to be unpleasant and disgusting to you, say to himself: "It is preventing Christ, helpless, unhappy, requiring help; Can I not have this help to Christ. "

And if we force yourself to look at every person to whom we come together, then, firstly, the world overcrowded by people with their endless disadvantages will seem to us in the populated angels and our heart will be fully still quiet, focused happiness in that sensation, With every step of our life, we serve, help, comfort, facilitate the suffering directly Christ.

We had to see that the commandment about what should love the near, as itself, caused outbreaks of discontent.

I love individual people, "say many," but I can't love and do not understand the love of mankind. I love to choose, for uncertain attractions, according to the community of views, for the qualities that I conquer me, by their nobility ... But how can I love such a multiple huge creature as humanity? Can I look like a brother, as a personally dear creature, to the one who excites disgust in me, a gady feeling, whom I can only despise and hate ... Not to mention the fact that B € Olhes Part of people for me at least did not exist. I love a few, I hate others, I am completely indifferent to the rest, and it is impossible to demand more from me.

But let him ask himself a man, as reasoning, is it in the character of his such features so that he was so pleasant to God, how do you personally have some people chosen to him? What would happen if the Lord had reasoned to him in relation to him as he argues towards most people, that would be if the Lord treated him with quite, maybe he deserved hatred or only with indifference?

The Lord, what he is he is there, he showed a great deal of immortal love towards him.

The Lord, who, in this love of his love, the Lord, illuminating the rays of his sun, sending his gifts and good and bodilyless, the Lord, who wants to look for those perfections that he shines himself, - the Lord is waiting for us so that we look at other people Just as he looks at them himself.

There is some kind of wild horror that we, sinful, disgusting creatures, cannot relate to people with at least a small fraction of the condesception, with whom it applies to us, and to them to all he - the source of perfection, the radiant shrine ...

* * *

And, above all, the incurability of our relations to people is our constant condemnation. This, perhaps, the most common and most bad of the relationship of people's relationship.

The horror of condemnation consists primarily in the fact that we assign new ones who do not belong to us that we, as it were, browse on the throne of the Supreme Judge, who belongs to only one Lord - "I am a mess and az we will repay."

And let no judge be in the world except the terrible, but also a merciful judge - the Lord God! .. How can we judge, who do not see anything, do not know and do not understand? As we can judge a person when we do not know, with what heredity, he was born, as he was raised, under what conditions grew, what unfavorable circumstances was surrounded? We do not know how his spiritual life was folded, how he was angry with the conditions for his life, what the temptations were tempted by his circumstances, what kind of speeches did a human enemy, what examples acted on it - nothing, we do not know anything, and we do to judge!

Examples of such persons like Maria Egyptian, mother and source of debauchery, as the robbers repentable, starting with the one who hung out from Christ on the cross and before whom the widespread doors of Paradise, and ending with those numerous robbers who shine now in the crowns of holiness: All these people show that it is terrible to utter the wounded and blind mistaken court over people.

The one who condemns people shows her disbelief in Divine grace. The Lord, perhaps, becomes sinful to people who will subsequently with the great righteous and the great gloves in order to protect them from the terrible evil - the pride of the spiritual.

There is a story about the quarrel of two monastic elders. Both are already chilly, who have lived, close to pinch, they could not be keen personally, and, having quarreled on something, one sent him to another of his Cemen. Clacer, despite his youth, was fulfilled wisdom and meekness.

It happened, his elder will send with the order: "Tell me the old man that he is demon."

The Clacer will come and say: "The elder welcomes you and ordered you to tell you what he considers you an angel."

Annoyed and so soft, and affectionate greetings, that old man says: "And you pass to your old man that he is donkey."

Clacer will go and say: "The old man is grateful to you for your hello, mutually welcomes you and calls you a great sage."

By replacing the words of Brahi and condemn the words of meekness, peace and love, the young sage finally reacted that the evil of the elders completely disappeared, as if melted, scattered, and they were reconciled and began to live in exemplary love.

So and we: condemnation, swearing, ridicule, with a rough handling of people will not make anything, but only fierce them, while the quiet tender words, the attitude towards the sinner as a great righteous, will soon bring the most accurate man to repentance, will cause a saving coup.

There was such a person who was breathing with love, condescension, the All-Stream - Sarov Stameth Seraphim. He was so affectionate that when he saw people approaching him, first manifted them with his words, then suddenly, did not master his soul love overwhelmed his soul, quickly went to them towards him with a cry: "Fart to me, kang."

He saw the Son of God in every man who stands to him, who could hardly tremble, but still in any time a person present the spark of the Divine, and when he bowed to anyone coming to his feet, having listed his hands on him, he bowed him As children of God, for whom the Lord shed her blood, as for the great goal of the Lord's victim ...

I myself do not judge people, Father Seraphim did not tolerate in other condemns. And when, for example, he heard that the children began to condemn the parents, he closed immediately the mouth of these conciliators with his hand.

Ah, if we could in mutual relations adhere to the same holy rules of love and condescension!

Why is it wrong? Look at our morals.

This is sitting on a visit. Friends with him, gentlemen, trying to show him every way that he is pleasant for these people and even need. They say they missed him and ask him quickly back. And I barely went out of the door, it begins the fierce condemnation. Frequently invent, silent the different non-residents who do not believe themselves, they will register here others and when someone from these others appear, exclaim:

Oh, how we are glad to you! Now ask Ivan Petrovich - now you remembered! ..

But as they remembered, of course, they will not say.

A person comes into some large society: how much about him suspicion how many oblique looks directed to him! Whether who has been time in life: "This man takes his hoarseness, an amazing prolaza." Whether who is sitting in his life in his place, not moving and not growing: "What an inflamed person. It is clear that he is not lucky who needs such people! "

Wait you who kill people with the Word - "Who is needed?" He needs God, who suffered for him and shed his blood for him. It is necessary for you in order to avoid a terrible sentence for the death sin of your condemnation, you could show one other feelings on it and instead of condemnation to regret it and help him.

It is needed in general terms of the house building of God. The Lord created him, and not your business to condemn the one who called him to life and who tolerate him, as he tolerates and you, perhaps, a thousand times more worthy condemnation than this person.

The heart boils with indignation when you see, to which our mutual relationship is perverted, as we cannot do anything in the simplicity of thought and in the nobility of Christian love.

Look at how much this person has various measures for meetings, conversations and treatments with people, how many different tones, ranging from a well-minded, seeker, as if he crawls before he says, to arrogant, rough and imperative.

I was told about one official who considered himself a liberal that he told his boss, who was obliged to many: "You know, what you spent on this place, I am so I am ready to do everything you want. I assure you - if you asked me to clean your boots, I would do it with pleasure. "

To the persons he was looking for, he was surprisingly well, stalling them as soon as he could; To the persons he were not needed, treated with rude self-confidence; To the persons who needed in it were rude and arrogant.

Meanwhile, we must have only two tones, two relationships: the sown-slave, enthusiastic, reverent attitude towards Christ and even soft, alien enhancement, on the one hand, arrogance and arrogance, on the other, in relation to all people.

There is a high concept in England, which in Russia is understood entirely differently than in this country a wonderful nature generation. This is the concept of "gentleman." In English, "Gentleman" is a person who consciously will not do anything else that it could touch this other, causing him any harm or trouble. On the contrary, it is a person who will do everything that can, and to the extent that can.

In this concept of gentlemen, of course, of course, Christian attitude towards people are concluded. Meet the man in order to provide him, at least constraint, help and sympathy; And if you do not make it services, then at least gentle and with the location to look at it, - here's a deed, truly gentlemansky.

And the Englishman will return, rushing somewhere, from his road to show your way to you, a foreigner; It will stand for a long time and give you those explanations that you ask him, will take care of the baggage of the oncoming lady - in one word, as they say, will break into pieces in order to serve you.

And whether you are rich, are valued, beautiful and interesting or whether you are bad, poor, no one needs - the appeal to you with you is equally evenly and nice.

* * *

Often, the good, which we provide people, requires the feat of us, requires the voltage of their forces, requires that we deprived themselves for these people. But a kind person, in addition to this difficult good, will find many cases to apply his kindness where this kindness, bringing a person very significant benefits, will not require any work, no deprivation.

We heard about some very favorable enterprise in which it may not be, they could not join, and they told about this company, who has sufficient funds for him - so we helped a person, not at all without bothering.

Is there any merit in this case? Yes, of course, there is. This merit is in the good value, in that care, with which we treated the person, in our determination to be useful.

Imagine that a person entered a big, unfamiliar society of people, above his standing. If this person is also shy, he passes through the extremely unpleasant moments for him. And there is someone who will notice how it is crammed, as he is not in itself, and will come to him, gently speaks with him - and then the man's arms disappears, and he is not so scary.

In the first one, the second is suitable for him - and that ice, which he felt in this society, as if he cracked. Maybe the opposite. There may not be a single sympathetic man, and the newcomer in this society will be fully in him to feel unpleasantly, stronger and fake.

Often, even one good look, an approving smile, a casual abandoned word is extremely helping to a person, something embarrassed. But not all people understand the importance of mutual assistance, mutual services and approval. And some persons who consider themselves almost the righteous people, look around when they need to have even a slightest service.

I once had to be present with a quarrel of two spouses of various mental mood, which did not fit completely different to each other and which soon had to disperse.

The case was in the huge Pavlovsky Park, where I do not have to get lost so easily. The spouses were walked when the breathless lady came up to them and asked:

How can I get to the station? I have only twenty minutes away from my time. Scary afraid to be late.

A young husband, perfectly knew the park, realized that, if you start explaining to her with words, she would certainly betray from the way and it would be necessary to go through five minutes to bring it to such a place where the straight and clear road was lying from. He now said the lady:

Let me, I spend you, - and quickly went with her.

His wife, who constantly made him the scene, raised his eyes with indignation to the sky and, when he in five minutes later, to bring the lady to the right place, returned, began to reproach him that he, leaving her, entered her extremely impolitely and disrespect.

She saw her husband twenty-four hours a day and found that spending five minutes personality in a difficult situation - it means to treat her with disrespect ... A peculiar and, of course, the wrong look.

* * *

It is strange that in childhood there are some manifestations of meaningless, sophisticated cruelty. How much, for example, from comrades are so-called "new". Squeezing persisions, all kinds of injections, kicks, pricks by the hand under the guise of what the matter is trying with questions "how much", and the same abandonment of the tormentors, will the boy respond to Rugan's swearing or crucible to the wall, without daring to oppose his torch.

But in this environment, small villains come across children with a noble inherent character, who managed to make themselves a position in the classroom and which breasts stand up for unfairly persecuted beginners.

Of course, such noble boys and in life will continue to have the same nobility.

There are also such characters that brutally insulting and worries any violence of a person over man. These people were worried about the injustices and abuses of landowners over the peasants in the days of serfdom. These people with a weapon in their hands rushes to protect the rights of the whole people trapped by another, stronger people. Such was the attitude of Russia to the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula for several centuries, as the Balkan states rose, one can say, in Russian, shed for their freedom of blood.

In the power itself, there is something deeply dangerous for the soul of a man who has this power.

No wonder the best people All centuries were afraid of this power and often refused her. Those Christians who disappeared their slaves to the will, when they penetrated by the Christ covenants, was aware of, of course, how much wrong is to command other people, and as the great merciful Peacock, Bishop Nolandsky, they themselves preferred to become slaves, what to keep in slavery .

In the days of serfdom, many blatant lawlessness were committed. Many unheard of the most severe peasons suffered the peasants from other landowners who, who were fused by their authority, reached some kind of abundance and often even (the top of sinful corruption) found pleasure to torment and torture their fortress.

Yes, there will be a blessed name of that king, who has understood the terrible torment of the Russian peasantry with a warm heart and, freeing it from a fortress dependence, at the same time freed the landowners from the terrible temptation - the authorities over the souls of human, the right to use giving work.

The easiest way to regret those people whose suffering is in front of us. If we see a person who is trembling with cold, barely covered with rubies; If we hear with difficulty breaking from this ocked voice; If timid, hopeless eyes are sent to us - it will be strange, so that our heart has not moved by this voice, so that we did not try to help anyone to help ... But more higher charity is to predict such a mountain that we are not We see, go towards such a suffering that is not climbing on your eyes.

That's exactly such a sense of the actions of people who base hospitals, shelters, alleged; After all, these people have not seen those who are suffering and needing their help, which will use mercy based on them, and so to speak, they regret them in advance.

Frosty. Deep evening over a quiet Ukraine. In the city of Belgorod, everything hovered from the journey to the house. Trees with bent branches shine, lured by silvery rays of the moon. In the frosty air heard a quiet feet of a person dressed by commoner. But when the moon will squeeze his face, immediately can guess that this man is high. He comes up to the poor huts, carefully looking around, does not see anyone who, and then, quickly putting on a window softener or a knot with linen, or something from provisions, or wrapped money, knocks to attract the attention of people inside And quickly hides.

This is a bishop of Joasaf Belgorod, the future great wonderworker of the Russian Earth, makes a secret bypass of the poor before the holiday of the Nativity of Christ to meet this holiday in joy and satiety.

And the next day to some poor people will bring firewood from the bazaar - this saint sends secretly heating to those who frown from the poverty from the cold in the abpense of the sink.

* * *

The great mercy towards people, careful attitude towards them does not exclude the wise hardness and the use of punishment measures where a person sins. Some researchers of the life of the same great saint of Joasaph are in a dead end of the fact that, with extremely developed mercy, with the most gentle and touching manifestations, he, on the other hand, was harshs with the guilty. But there is nothing strange and inexplicable. The saint preferred that the person suffers to Kara is better on Earth than in the sky, so that the suffering incurred in the form of punishment cleaned his soul and relied him from responsibility in eternity.

As far as the wiser was the view of the saint in this respect of a modern view of crime, which is now expressed very often by the judges of conscience.

Over the past, the crime has become extremely frequent - by the way, because the retribution for them became extremely negligible, and because proven crimes are completely and nearby remain without punishment.

That person with a sound reason, who has recently had to be a jury, took just a horror at the form of though to what extent we reach the criminal. There are cases completely outrageous, which jury accurately pushes people justified by them for new crimes.

I had to be present in the meeting in one case, where a few healthy guys were accused of drowned the old woman under seventy years, attacking her in her room, and had a one and a half thousand rubles from her skirt, climbed by her hard life and had the only The source of its existence.

The whole chaka was organized here, which tried to move it from the house where she used to live and where to commit a crime was not so comfortable, in such a junk, where the attack could promise good luck. The attackers were masked. The whole crime was led by a villain, which was due to the robbers.

The appearance of this helpless ancient old woman, old-fashioned dressed, with a ridiculous Ridichell in his hands, inspired the hottest, burning magnitude. And you can imagine that, despite the proven crime, the scoundrels were justified.

There were the sacred name of love, and an eloquent lawyer argued that the robbers were hypnotized by a woman who, by the way, was not found, and acted in the frenzy of love.

In general, this is one of the tricks of modern advocacy - to say that a person acted under the influence of love and therefore irresponsible. At the same session of the jury, it began to analyze another screying case, but was postponed due to the lack of a necessary important witness.

One arteel who served in a large bank assumed himself and missed something about ten thousand rubles. The arteel, a person who is capable of military service, years of forty, was married in the village and had children. In the city, he consisted in connection with the special person who was present in the case as a viewer in an elegant dress and an incredibly large sizes. There were rumors that the pretty money was used to buy this person's dacha at one of the stations on the Finnish railway.

As always, there is a waste in artel, the estate was replenished with contributions from all other artists, all people of married and multi-semen. You can imagine that among the jury they were heard the voices that hardly he could be recognized as guilty, since he also acted under the influence of love for this person.

* * *

The question of retribution belongs to one of the main issues. Christianity does not know for forgiveness without the fault to be smoothed by the corresponding punishment. When the first person fell, God would have to forgive his blame before him, but did not forgive.

Having established an unshakable truth, continued its laws, the Lord did not want to break this truth. And in order for the person to be forgiven, I had to bring a sacrifice, drawn, perhaps before creating worlds. God, the Lord, Jesus Christ, was supposed to bring a godfather, in order to remove the curse with a person, which he led himself to the fall. Understand the full strength of these words that the Almighty God could not disrupt the retaliation law established by him. And since the fall was so great that there could be no measure, no suffering of a person who made the crime made him, in order to correct this crime, they needed the suffering of the Divine. The severity of the weights of justice could not rise up without the greatest cargo, the shipment of earthly life, the humiliation, the cargo of the suffering and the godfather of the Son of God.

It seems terrible and incredible, it seems an unprofitable such phrase: the Lord could not forgive the person, without demanding the relevant remuneration for it, but it could not.

When a well-known crime is committed, the corresponding retribution must be brought for it. This is the establishment of God's law, against which it is impossible to go, which cannot be broken. And Kara should be in accordance with the suffering that this crime inflicts another person.

Imagine that some kind of rags bit at the honor of a young girl or a non-developing child: crimes that are at a small punishment that are currently found with an amazing frequency.

In the morning, the mother released from herself a fun, joyful, healthy child, and in a few hours, on whims of the villain, the explosion of half ruver, with a shame wounded, wounded with a disgrace, with a shame that was dismissed, from until the end of the days with a painful memory.

How can I call about mercy to such a person? As a maternal feeling, compared to the destruction of the fate of her daughter, to reconcile with the fact that this man, politely putting on the dock, will become politely interrogated and then, maybe they will announce that he acted in the fours of passion, especially if he was in intoxication .

I think that good, but fair people would require the most severe penalties for such a person, from which, as they say, blood would froze in the veins, in order for a person who forced so insanely to suffer an unfortunate girl and her loved ones, he would have suffered even worse.

I think that there would be fair, virtuous, but harsh in the truth of our people who would gladly drive their nails into the body of a villain, in order to, as they say, others were unwritten, in order for the horror of the kara to protect other girls from such Attacks and other villains from such violence.

Nowadays, the crimes of ulusing with sulfuric acid are disseminated in terrifying extent. That young student, the only son of a millionaire-engineer, lies on the face of sulfuric acid of an old chore, which he was tired of his barefare, and the unfortunate remained worried, with barely and half saved by the eye and with the victims of others. The bride-interest, who refused the rich bride after he exposed his low dubbing, pours it to blindness. Then the clerk who serves as a rich merchant and made his daughter's marriage proposal, a young run, and received a refusal, lies with sulfuric acid this girl, and at the same time, together with her, her sister.

Let us see if negligible contemporary punishments correspond to such terrible crimes to those who caused misfortune.

Personally, I would prefer to be executed than being lured with sulfuric acid. You imagine: the girl in the best time of life, rich in hopes, seeking knowledge - suddenly blind, helpless, unnecessary, with a person who shined beauty a few days ago, and now it is a solid ulcer, for which without shudders can not look at the nearest people .

And he, after politely, with him, hesitates for several years in the conclusion: five - six - ten, - and again will return to full strength, with the ability to create a happy existence.

Where is justice? And this easy liability only encourage others to engage in the same vast. And it would seem that the way to take these incredible crimes would be very simple.

It is enough just to establish the law that the face, obtaying another face with sulfuric acid, is exposed to the same operation in the same body. Do you really think that this law will have to apply? One or twice, and the crime will be escaped with the root, because no matter how angry are such rascals, but first of all you tremble for our own skin and the prospect of staying without an eye or an urinary will undoubtedly take their luteness.

Almond with such crimes, we commit the greatest evil by setting off crimes. As it was in the case with the robbery of the old woman with a dozen robber, we deliberately forget about the helpless victim of a crime, honest, worker sacrifice, sorry for the sacrificed villains, and darkestov.

* * *

There is a good one to assign a strange name "harmful good".

This is such a good one to which we agree to a person, and we are unfortunately to subordinate to the voice of this regret, and it brings a person only harm.

The discharge of such a good applies first of all the poles of people - whether it will be the balletness of a small child, a teenager, an adult man, an empty lady, twisting the money from her husband, which he cannot give in their funds, on those excessive outfits that it requires from empty and Dangerous female chivalry.

In one family, a two-year-old girl overly pumped. She had a lot of elegant dresses, all sorts of slippers, an innumerable amount of hats, umbrellas, not to mention toys. They did not know at home, how and what to please her, performed all her whim.

Several times a day, the girl was capricious and crying - it happened neatly with every dressing of her - after sleep, as well as with evening lacking in bed.

She was not the same way, as if she was given sweets or something was given to her. Looking at this madness, I involuntarily terrified the fact that her parents were so balusy prepared her in the future. First, they fell her nervous system with these multiple times on the day crying and whims, which she earned, so to speak, constant performance of their fantasies. And most importantly, they prepared her the saddest fate in the future.

Now, in these infant years, she was a manager of all at home, in the morning prescribed, what dress will put on in the morning and at what later will change himself. She got durable everything she just wanted. And in such a polarity, she had to spend all the years of life in the parent house, not knowing anything.

But then then she had to come that real life, which, rather, too cruel than the soft, which does not give anything to nothing, in which everything goes from the battle and which in most cases destroys one of our best dreams.

What terrible sufferings threatened the life of this subsend the essential essence later! Didn't it hope that her fantasies will be fulfilled in life as exactly as their unreasonable parents performed? Is it possible to be sure that everything she will be desired in life, then will all be fulfilled? Is it possible to vouch that she will give her all what she stretches their hands? And who could promise that if she would love someone, then she will answer her by love?

Already this is one circumstance, so important in the life of a woman, threatened to her the greatest complication.

In general, it was insanely on the part of the parents in everyone to indulge in her, instead of claiming her about the life of everyday struggle, about the upcoming tests of it, about how rarely fate delivers a person what he dreams about, no matter how sometimes these dreams do not seem Simple, easily suitable, legal.

To accustom a child to the fight, to teach him to make herself from higher considerations to refuse to do what he wants, and for the same considerations I could do what he does not want and what he is extremely unpleasant, is the main task of proper upbringing.

To break the character, contribute to the fact that it subsequently seemed to be in life with high dark clouds, and all people seemed to be personal enemies - this is what the reckless pellery of children is going and indulging in everything ...

But you have another example of how dangerous without reasoning to fulfill any requests of people.

It is known that Russian youth has recently took a disgusting habel to live over funds.

The officer will not have time to stop in the regiment for several months on the salary is quite sufficient, to keep himself according to his rank, as large debts already appear.

In the Guards Shelves, where expenses are larger, ordinary parents, in addition to the salaries received by the youth, give it a monthly allowance. But, sufficient with prudent life, it is insignificant with those expenses that young people begin to allow themselves.

You know, "says one of these officers," how long did I have dinner in a good restaurant with my friend, took me for a small fruit vase? Twenty-five rubles, and the whole bill went in sixty.

Meanwhile, this young man received from his father who did not have any other means, except for seven-eight thousand, salaries, - fifty rubles a month of benefits that was already hard to father, since he had three more adult children in his hands and all of them helped.

With such an inappropriate consumption, the son fell into debt, which the family paid for twice for him - something about three and a half thousand.

In addition, he served to go right and left in his acquaintances, his comrades. At the same time, he was very unfinished.

Any friend who lives by his work and not having anything superfluous will give him thirty - forty rubles to his abandoned promise that tomorrow he has a pay and that he will return everything from this pay tomorrow evening. Or will be missed familiar when there is no money to take for him.

He will take a day, but will have to pay himself.

To the horror of his family, he agreed with one of those Baryn, who live at the expense of others, and it increased its costs. He did not argue with the officials and once arrived early in the morning to a friend with a pleasant message that he missed the money entrusted to him, that his immediate boss was already asked him to submit this money and that he finally ordered him to present them at the same morning nine o'clock. If this, he did not fulfill, then a major service scandal would have occurred.

The comrade at that time did not have the money at home, he had to take in such an early age in order to cover this crime.

Several close friends, a few days later they reasoned about it, and one of them was a small man who was distinguished by a big heart, but also strict certain glances, said:

I don't know, maybe I am mistaken, but it seems to me that you did not have to get out of it ... all over the fact that I know about him, this person is incorrigible, but those permanent services that he put to the detriment of all his acquaintances , only give him the opportunity to rip out deeper and deeper. A big catastrophe in the form of an exception from the service in which he, however, is completely useless, one only could form it. He finally realized that it was impossible to live so more and that it was necessary to turn cool. As a person who can work well, if he does not fight, he could still become on his feet.

In the end, this officer had to leave military service and take a modest place in the civil service. He broke with his family when his lady forced him to marry himself, and absolutely left the limits of the circle in which he was born.

A person fate, as they say, Burned. He wore a good honest name, had good abilities, influential kinship and acquaintance, was pleasant in a conversation and, prominent, had enough support for service in the guard, for his simple temper he was loved by comrades of that privileged institution where he was brought up ... and What did all this serve? I am confident that the fatal value in his life was the first extra ruble, which gave him his parents when he began to poke them against their monthly money, the first piece of paper, engaged in acquaintances, while he had always enough So that with the advantage of self.

It is in Russia that parents should especially treat themselves in the matter of the poles of children. It happens that all the children are working and modest, and one rustled, and will not have time to look back, as he has already done debts. And then for salvation, as they say, the name of honor, to pay off these debts, godlessly increased uplovers, is the family heritage, the dowry of sisters is spent, the whole life of the family changes ... Why? For what reason should many due to the madness of one?

As if the Christian regards the same, but they were offended by many and, in essence, crowned vice and shamelessness, punishing virtue.

* * *

In a broad question about our attitude to the near important part, is our attitude to the lower.

There is nothing gage, as if a person seriously convinced that he, being more notable and richer than another, is a lot of higher than this other person; Maybe it is impolite with him, they can command and dispose of them.

First, these people themselves make themselves, so to speak, pit. After all, if I do such a difference between myself and below me with a standing person, how can I expect the same difference between me and sobody another person standing above me as much as I consider myself more than the other, despised by me, man.

Thus, I have to suggest yourself in advance that people, many of me, the highest, should consider me already for the perfect scum and nothingness ...

How it's all for me flattering!

We, especially in Russia, as a remnant of serfdom, have survived some attitude to the lower people, which can not be called like Khamsky.

In other people's parts, the servant does not allow me to talk to them, as we speak with her. There is no such custom to speak with lower people on "you".

Recall here, by the way, the wonderful opinion of the elder Seraphim Sarov on this important issue. He found at all that it is impossible for people to talk to each other "you", that this is a violation of the Christian simplicity of human relations. But after all, the elder Seraphim assumed and considered it natural that all people will speak on "you" - and the servant will say "you" to the owner, and the commoner will say "you" for anything ... And we are just the opposite.

One foreigner who busted in America, allowed himself a rough to speak with the servant hired by him and received a firm reward from him.

Let me advise you, "the servant said," since you do not know American morals, do not treat a person with a serving in America. Otherwise you will not find anyone who agreed to serve you for a long time ... If you do not know or do not want to do what you invited me to help you, if I agree to this help you, then I think you should be before Just for this to be grateful and handle the help with me ... It is a pity that you are in Europe look different.

This lesson of the American servant would not hurt to bruise in her nose to all of us.

In fact, what service we have all these cooks, maids, lackeys, and the size of this service is visible to the first time when you suddenly you, although on the day you will be without them: everything is going on a collar-overall, and you are helpless.

Meanwhile, as we treat them!

The personality for us does not exist - the sad residue of the views of those times when people were considered tens, hundreds and thousands of "souls".

Nowhere, as in Russia, people are not so badly placed. In Europe, no servants will be placed in the kitchen. There is no custom in large houses to get out for servants of the basement. In England in the rich mansions, the upper floor is given for them. They have, as the Lord, their baths are not like somehow on the go, between the case, but are installed for their meals strictly defined hours. They sit in chinno at the table covered with a white tablecloth, with disparate service, and no one from the gentlemen will not come to mind during this meal to disturb them, as the Lords themselves have no custom to disturb their guests during their food.

In addition to the days of the festive, they have the right to exit in the evenings.

It seems like this is insignificant. But this is a brilliant example of a Christianization of human relationships.

In general, our attitude to subordinate people cannot but cause bitterness in the soul of those fair people who witness such an appeal. These compassion and fair people firmly remember the words of Christ that the angels of these degradable people always see the face of the Father of Heaven. I will add from ourselves that, probably, these angels retell to God about those resentments that these lowest suffer from the cruelty of these tops.

Stretcher Seraphim Sarovsky, contemporary of the abuse of serfdom, deeply grieving the grief of fortress people. Knowing that one general is bad managers and peasants in the cast, the old man persuaded the Manturova himself, who reached for building the Diveevsky Church, to go to this estate as a manager. And manturov in a short time raised the welfare of the peasants.

The old man argued the landowners for their heartless and coarse attitude towards the peasants and purposely, with the gentlemen who came to him with their yard, belonged to the serfs with tenderness, caress, rejected for this sometimes from the Lord themselves.

In modern nights between the gentlemen and servants, great wine lies on the servants. We disappear almost without a trading type of previous devotee faithful servants who love the family, which they serve, and living in the interests of this family.

Remember Savelich, Good Pestuna and a friend of the Radiant of Youth Greeneva, the groom "Captain's Daughter"; Evseić - Glorious Pestuna Bagrova-grandson S. T. Aksakova, Natalia Savishna from "Childhood" of Count L. N. Tolstoy, Nanny Tatyana Larina from Evgenia Onegin; Ascetic Nanny Agafia from the "noble nest" of Turgenev, which formed in his petomice, Lisa Galitina, its noble, slim, solid minoscertia.

How far these fragrant images from modern Russian reality!

What the abyss separates this nanny Agafye with her important thinks about eternity, with her stories about how the martyrs of Christ shed their blood for faith and how wonderful flowers were growing on this blood: what the abyss separates these Agaphius, Savelich, Essaichi from the current Branchy, irritable and unfortunate servants.

What a ulcer is this unscrupulousness, with whom the hosts should be in constant struggle, is constantly on guard. Deceive the most impulse. When will they become in theft, they swear with such oaths that it's just scary to listen to: "Yes, God to break me, but I don't go away from this place if I thought about your penny ... So that I didn't see the light of God ... I swear the heads of my Close "- and obviously lean.

The servant does not value at all by its place, absolutely not taking care of the family - not taking care of the house, as even the most dying, ungrateful and divers from pets - cats are coming.

Change places not because they were unhappy, not because the work was unbearable or the hosts are unimaginably demanding and capricious, but simply because they lived for a long time.

What's so! He was lit: here's all the explanation.

For people with a sound reason, it would seem undoubted that if they lived in one place for a long time, so I need to live ... no.

Again, you need to look at other people's edges. There, the servant values \u200b\u200bso in some places - especially in France, - that it is often not only for the misfortune, but for a shame. There, people are completely and nearby live in one family to dozens of years and die in the same families where they started their service.

In patriarchal life, the life of a healthy and modest, deprived of all sorts of swollen, the servant feels much happier at all: the difference between her life and life of the Lord is not particularly cutting.

But where life is turned into a solid rabid holiday, incredibly expensive, where the woman spends thousands and tens of thousands of rubles, where many thousands are thrown into some one evening, to let the society dust in the eyes, where they eat on gold and The car to depart the barin daily decorates fresh flowers - there this lifestyle, this sinful and criminal luxury fills the lower great envy. The servants begin to stupid to imitate the gentlemen in their transit, and a secondary servant, whose monthly salary does not exceed twelve rubles, begins to sew silk dresses with tails.

I heard the conversation once, on the one hand, it is ridiculous, but on the other hand, the tragic in its senselessness, on the perverseness of people of common concepts.

One Barynie lived a servant of a rustic ugly girl, who asked her ahead of her in her sixth week ahead and at the same time asking her constantly "to the dressmaker."

What is it, Dunya, asked a lady, - Do you have big things with a dressmaker?

But what about: a dress for himself to the communion, beging.

Yes, you have a bright dress, and very good.

Yes, how can you come in the dressed dress! After all, I will join my friends. There and our familiar guys will be, who live here in places. They learn if which of us in an old dress will appear.

And the dress was sewn: some reason, with a long loop, while Easter was an early, and there was no place to go on the streets from sticky mud.

Justes with the dressmaker - that's all that this poor girl will take out of his seams, and a new dress with a long tail.

But if it seems to you wild, then, what better the Baryni themselves, with that only the difference that they have luxurious dresses, more expensive and fuss more, but the same attitude towards the sacrament that requires complete focus of the spirit.

The gentlemen are growing in cars - now and servants are serving a car. Many maids are now put by their grooms condition, so that the taxi - otherwise it will not go to the church.

And so in everything: gentlemen show a bad example, and the servants follow this example.

If the servants steal, then mainly because their old age is not completely secured.

Some posts like the cook of the cook are killiguned for health, as they have a hot plate for several hours in the cold air, blowing through the open window, because it is difficult for it to breathe, - this is killed on health, reduces life, causes inexistent rheumatisms .

And what to do a servant that does not have anyone close, when it is to be - how not to be a belling!

It would be fair that the families using the work of the servants were undertaken at least easily tribute - for example, one ruble per month and more or less, depending on the salary delivered by the servant, and thus the inviolable capital was drawn up, from which the ability to work The servants could receive a pension or be included in the alm.

Sometimes people seem to you decent and well-sprinkler, as a suddenly flashed their dash in relation to the servant breaks your assumption.

In one rich house, a company was sitting, speaking of various interesting questions ... drank tea. The newly arriving the son of the hostess, an officer of an elegant regiment, who stood in the vicinity of the capital, rudely broke off the young lacquer, something who gave him not the way he wanted.

Donkey, bastard, - angrily missed he under his chillers.

I noticed how one very educated person would have disappeared, who had a great influence. An hour later, we went to the stairs at the same time.

This is how he is raised, "he said thoughtfully. - I thought that the children of Marya Petrovna were raised differently.

This young officer had to subsequently serve under the superiors of this Mr. They said that he somehow does not give him the go. And I have repeatedly made it at the same time remembering the fleeting scene, in which this influential person with a thin soul noticed unbearable rudeness in this seems to be gluable, and in essence, a coarse and supper young man. And since this gentleman equally hated both rudeness and low-alphabones - and these two features are almost always inseparable one on the other, - that he looked with a clear distrust, as an unreliable person, on this two-day - polite before alone and daring who could not give him a rescura - a man ...

* * *

In the question of the attitude of the highest and lower, it is impossible to get around the work and employers.

Human nature pushes a person looking for work, ask for this work is probably more expensive as she is pushing a person hiring another for labor to offer him this work at the possibility of a lower price. And the average digit is usually installed, unreasonable for those and others.

But power, in most cases, on the side of the employer, and it is easy, as they say, "press" employee.

In the village these people are called "fists".

"Kulak" is a person who enjoys the accidents of man to rinse it.

Someone needs grain for sowing: he will bother him grain, but so that he returned him from the harvest is a grain in double quantities. For data borrowing, money will force twice and three times against existing prices in that area.

To the category of these people belong to those unfasteless individuals who enjoy public disasters for their accompanying: the anticipation of the hunger, the smell is bought by bread stocks, to then resell it on a terribly expensive price.

Of course, such abuses, such use of human disaster for their profit is the greatest of crimes. About these people, we can say that they drink human blood.

The apostle Jacob rattle threatens against all such people, and horror penetrates into the soul when you are thinking about these threats:

"Listen to you, rich: Cry and scold about the disasters of your who are on you.

Your wealth has rotted, and your clothes are made by Mol.

Gold your and silver franged, and their rust will be evidence against you and eat your flesh, like fire: you have collected yourself treasure on the last days.

Here is the fee that you have workers who shake your fields, crying; And the screams of the Rezoreov reached the hearing of the Lord Savaof.

You lost on earth and enjoyed; Wept your hearts, as it were, for the day of the mortgage. "

"Let's live with others" - that is the motto that Christianity gives a relationship - the owner and employee.

It is impossible to live, looking at the working power of living people, as on some impersonal mechanical force. No matter how large an enterprise, in every of his many thousands of workers, the Christian owner should see a living soul, should treat them with sympathy and with a shortness.

In one French novel happened to see the perfectly noticed movement of the soul of one rich man. A young millionaire from Paris is heading the night train to the seaside city of Havre, where it should take on its own yacht for long-term swimming in the seas with a beloved woman.

He sleeps badly. In the morning, still long before dawn, cut the terrain with coal mines, he sees a lot of black pieces of carbon blacks heading into mines on work, and when he compares his life, full of all pleasures, careless, beautiful, with limited, labor life of these people, in constant danger to be crushed and strangled by stone coal and developing gas in mines, this, in essence, is unmarried, the person becomes unlikely ...

His ridges some repentance. He feels that at that moment a lot would be ready to do for these people, but the gust passes, and his life flows in the same self.

And there is, however, people who are in practice - in certain sizes - active assistance to the workers depending on them.

Of course, you had to hear about different auxiliary institutions, superbly equipped in different factories that have arisen on the thought of the owners of the factors and they are thoughtfully supported. Here and the magnificent hospital, Nasli for children, where mother-workers can take on the whole work day of their small children who require the prize, and the seeds, in which you can get everything at a cheaper price and better quality, and reading rooms with light paintings which can deliver such healthy entertainment workers and contribute to the replenishment of their meager knowledge, and the alone workers who have lost opportunities to work, and free schools, who are working out of children knowing working professionals with high rates of their labor, and funeral cashier facilitating the worker family In difficulty days at the death of the head of the family, and different other institutions, which for the benefit of the working Luda can be intense with a warm heart and a quiet mind of a person who wants to relieve the position of the worker's brother.

To establish a sobriety society in the working environment, to help the outstanding, prone to the invention, which is in itself a live spark of talent for a boy to get higher technical education, to build for the factory distant from the village, its own church: how many countless ways are there for a heart entrepreneur at all.

There are owners who are called "native fathers" ... What a high name, what happiness to earn this name from my workers!

But, unfortunately, such a humane attitude of the owner to the workers is far from rule, but rare exceptions. And we see such cases of the relationship of entrepreneurs to the workers, from which the blood is fastened in the veins.

So, it is impossible to remember the Lena History without shudder, where the Lenskaya Gold Industrial Partnership has batched in gold, forced workers to the strike, which ended with the beating to death in any innocent workers.

The attitude of this partnership to the workers is one of the greatest, impoverished bullying of human rights, which have ever been seen. And to this partnership, more than anyone, an terrible curse is attached, which the spirit of the holy mouth of the apostle collapses on ruthless and unfair owners.

In the eyes of a partnership that received fabric revenues, the workers were some cattle, not by people, and treated them worse than with livestock.

They lived in incredible conditions, in disgusting raw dugouts. This area represents the lost angle, a considerable part of the year cut from other world. The workers were forced to buy a provisional price on the partnership appointed by the partnership shops, which was acquainted on this and scooped for a snapslemen knowingly rotten, rotten and torn goods so that for the expensive price, as they say - with the knife at the throat, to make it workers who are in hopeless position, as anywhere, as in the shops of the partnership, it is impossible to get anything there.

In the eyes of feeling and thinking people, this partnership will remain forever sprinkled the blood of the Russian worker, an immortal monument of human abomination and criminal korestoloby.

And if our society was Christian, it would have made the life of criminal leaders of this society impossible. From them everything would be rejected, despite, or, rather, to say, it was because of these money out of them, this working sweat and blood turned into gold. They would not have served hands, they would have spoiled in their eyes, they would be loud called the thieves and killers.

The terrible power of man over man. Once it was the limitless power of Mr. Over the workers. Now it is no less severe economic dependence; Types of her are infinite, as the infinite of the abuse of this heavy power.

Pulling the strength from the worker in the unemployed time, the fall of a woman in a hard poverty that is purchased by a rich altitude, said that the wife and daughters of Lena workers were to satisfy the whims of local employees - all sorts of rudeness, resentment, injustice: all this merges in one terrible ocean tears, violence , bullying, in which the working person is chipped. And the horror will be an hour of payback. That moment is terrible when, on the terrible court, these offended, drunk, humiliated people in the crown of their suffering and their patience will be shown on their oppressants, robbers, offenders and murderers - the most excuses and those pathellies with which these The enemies of the people were justified by the residential judges of human.

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The question of missionary openness is a question about the attitude of Christians to people of another faith. In the Holy Scripture, this topic is revealed through the attitude of Christ to Samaris.

Samaritan times of the Savior's Earth Life is a classic sect inside Judaism. They had an alternative place to worship God - on Mount Garisim, and not in Jerusalem, like Jews. They had an alternative clergy. They even had an alternative list of the Pentafire Moses - the so-called Samarist Pentateuch, which contained up to 6,000 discrepancies with the Jewish Masorette text. Consequently, the entire system of relationships of the Lord Jesus Christ with Samarits - this is the evangelical doctrine of relations to people of another faith.

How does Jesus Christ communicate with Samarits? We see how he talks at a well with Samarita (see: John 4: 7-27). She asks a question: "You worship God in Jerusalem, we are on Mount Garisim. Who is more correct to worship? " Responding to this question, Christ says: "You do not know what we are wearing, and we know what we bow out, for salvation from Jews." That is, our Lord did not share the beliefs of Samaryan and was squeezed himself with the Old Testament Church, saying: "Salvation from Jews." But, unlike the Jews themselves, Christ with Samarians speak. And the Jews had a rule: they did not communicate with the Samarians at all. Jews were very squeamingly related to people of other faith.

The gospel shows that these semi-sectants were people with different moral qualities. There are, for example, the parable of good Samaryanin (see: Lux. 10: 25-37) - If you translate into a modern language, the name of this parable, probably, will work like this: the parable about the good sectance. In this parable, the orthodox priest ran past the man, he ran past him, probably, they were very busy with their affairs. But the Samaritan, more precisely, the sectarian, more precisely - the heretic, stopped, took care of this man, bandaged his wounds, indirdening wine and fools, brought to the hotel and placed there, taking on all costs on its content. Christ told this parable of good Samaryanin, answering the question: who is my neighbor? That is, it turns out that sometimes a person of another faith may be near. The gospel also shows that the sector-sectants were more grateful to God. When Christ healed ten lepers, only one of them appeared back to thank Christ - the evangelist writes even with some kind of annoyance that it was a Samaritan (see Lux. 17: 12-19).

The Lord Jesus Christ so often spoke so well about these people, that the opponents of Christ the Pharisei recorders said: "You yourself are like a Samaritan."

St. John Zlatoust: "There should be wicked dogmas to express, but people need to spare through and pray for their salvation"

And how did the Holy Fathers taught about the attitude towards people of another faith, about the limits of missionary openness? Let's see what the saint John Zlatoust wrote. He wrote: "Heretical teachings, not consonant with accepted by us, should curse and wicked dogmats to expose, but people need to spare and pray for their salvation." Also, Zlatoust in his word "about statues", responding to the perplexity of some Orthodox, who did not want to communicate with heretics and said that "we don't have anything in common with them," said the following words: "And do not tell me such heart-minded words:" What should I take care? I have nothing to do with them. " We have nothing to do with the devil, with all people we have a lot in common. They have the same nature with us, inhabit the same land, feed on the same food, have the same lord, they got the same laws, they call the same good, as we. Therefore, we will not say that we do not have anything in common with them, because this is the voice of Satanic, the Divor's inhuman. We will not say this and show the likeness of caresses. And I promise with all the confidence and hand over to all of you that if all of you want to divide the care of saving in the city, the latter will soon correct the whole ... We divide the care of our brothers' salvation. " As you can see, Zlatoust calls the brothers lost heretics. "One person is enough, inflamed with jealousy to correct the entire people. And when there is not one on the face, not two, not three, but such many of those who can take care of negligent, then nothing else, as in our only carelessness, but not much of weakness, many die and fall in spirit. It is not reckless that if we see a fight on the square, then run and Mirim fighting. What am I saying: a fight?! If we see that the village fell, then we all rush to stretch your hand to raise it to your feet, but do not care about the digestible brothers. Through the housing holy faith (that is, the heretic. - prot. O.S.) The same falling downtown. Come on, raise him and in the word, and the case, and meekness, and power - let the medicine will be varied. If we arrange so much your business, we will look for salvation and neighbors, will soon become welcome and loved ones for those who get correction. "

Here in these statements of Zlatoust, we see his principled hatred, the rejection of heretical delusions and love for the lost themselves. And Christ, without sharing Samaryan's fabulings, communicated with these people and even reported to grace healing.

Saint Feofan The rejupping wrote in a letter, responding to some bewilderment about the sectarians: "Why he (that is, a sectarian. - prot. O.S.) Come to you? You had to help him. I think that you will do well if, meeting with those persons, you can gently talk with them, as if nothing was. You can say: "I then flared a little bit, I apologize, but this does not mean that I approve of your act ..." On the milk of the present, it is necessary to judge condescendingly. Snacks around the wine, and these with the milk mother suck the heresy. "

We must not pursue the devoted, and help them gain spiritual impairability

Brothers and sisters, we must understand that in our country b aboutthe more part of the sectarians, lost heretics - it is 80-90% of previously baptized people in Orthodoxy, the world-matched, who were kidnight even the Holy Taine. Therefore, we should not perceive these people as strangers. These are the sheep of our herd. When Jesus Christ sent the apostles for the sermon, he said: "Napachi go to the dead sheep at the house of Israel" (Matt. 10: 6). That is, the mission should be started with their people who have dialed from a true path for one reason or another. Now, unfortunately, the mission acquires the form of "countermission", and some adhere to the principle of such a totalitarian theory that these people need to fight, organize lawsuits, etc. But we, Orthodox Christians, have a religious means of impact on these people, preaching positive teachings of the Church. We help these people gain spiritual impairability.

And see, brothers and sisters: In the definition of the Bishops' Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church on the pseudochrystian sects, neo-diversities and occult from December 1994, it is said: "At the same time, the Bishops Cathedral calls on all the faithful chad of the Russian Orthodox Church to be widely preaching the Gospel of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, create Catechiza schools, explain to people a fear of falsecracies, help those who temporarily stumbled, succumbing to the propaganda of sectarian preachers. " "However, - clarify the fathers of the Cathedral, - the opposition of false views should not be accompanied by an intolerant attitude towards the Namiors that are incompatible with Christianity ... We urge all members of the Church to pray for the enlightenment of obsessed with false teachings."

And we, Orthodox Christians, pray every morning about the lost heretics when we read the prayer: "Recovering from the Orthodox faith and deceased heresy blindfolded, the light of your knowledge of the enlightenment and the Holy Apostles of the Cathedral Church of the Church.

The topic is interested in almost anyone who turns to Christianity becomes a believer. Now in the Orthodox Church, about five thousand people are recognized as saints, and almost half of them were canonized relatively recently. Because of this, cases of accusations of the Russian Orthodox Church were frequent that this process was put on the conveyor: the process itself is carried out too quickly, and the holy becomes ambiguous for many people. For example, doubts cause a figure of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. As the church defines a holy man and what needs to be done to get under all these criteria, tell me in this article.

Holy quality

They know in detail how to become saints, the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church. Its representatives note that holiness is determined not one day, not in some bright and noble act, but by many years of prayers, works, desire to fulfill all the commandments.

In the church it is believed that in response to such pious behavior, God sends a person with his gifts, which in the Bible lists the Apostle Paul. Love, world, joy, mercy, long-suffering, meekness, faith, abstinence. It is based on these human qualities, as well as some supernatural gifts (they include impassive, love for enemies, true humility) can be judged by human grace.

And we are not talking about standard love and joy in understanding an ordinary person. This is temporary. The apostle talked about incredit joy. For example, when a person is tortured, and he feels joy from being with God. As an example, you can also lead new martyrs who have become saints already in the 20th century. Before our time they reached their diaries and letters in which people say, as they were in the terrible conditions, sat in prisons, in the camps waiting for a fast shooting, but at the same time felt joy, happiness, admit that they never felt so close and noticeable nearby with you God. This, according to the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, one of the main evidence that the eternal bliss people can find only in God.

The sincerity of these thoughts and feelings determine the devotees who have a sharp concept of "soberness". Over time, they have a special skill in times to feel the truth, to distinguish it from lies. Since it is very difficult to become saints, in religion with special respect and reverence relate to those people who were honored by this title.

Can the robber be holy?

The question made in the subtitle recently began to be discussed increasingly after the Russian orthodox Church He made a decision on canonization of the family of the last Russian emperor, including Nicholas II itself. After that, many have become wondering how the saints became saints, can people who are guilty of death and murders can become.

There are examples when the saint becomes a dashing person and in the Bible itself. For example, a robber who hung on a cross next to Jesus Christ. In the church, this is explained by the fact that this man went through repentance, he confessed, and then suffered all the suffering. Although all these events were accomplished in just a few hours, but in the spiritual plan were so large-scale that even the robber received forgiveness and eternal bliss.

The main claims to Nicholas II are that he gave permission to shoot a peaceful demonstration in 1905, this event entered the Russian history as bloody Sunday. In the Russian Orthodox Church, they disagree with a similar interpretation, emphasizing that the emperor himself did not give the order about the execution of the workers' demonstration. It was invented later than the Bolsheviks, it was one of the popular myths of the Soviet power, delaying the previous leadership.

In general, the giving Nicholas II and his family of rank of saints is not connected with the state activities of the Russian king. As a rule, there can be no reason in it at all for empowers the status of the saint.

Nicholas II received this status, because he suffered in conclusion, to the end carried his cross and accepted martyrdom from the hands of executioners. True, the emperor died not for Christ, usually, for such reasons, man cannonize, then no one has any questions, why the saints became saints. In the case of Nikolai II, the situation was different, in the church on this occasion the hot spores were conducted not one year. This decision had a lot of opponents inside the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, it was decided to carry out their canonization not in the status of martyrs, but passion recorders. These are those who suffered innocent suffering and death, in Orthodoxy such people also become saints. Now you should be clear how Nikolai became holy.

At the same time, not all innocently killed people can expect that they canonize them in the future. In the case of the imperial family, it is reliably known that they were a pious church life, regularly went to confession, on the basis of their diary records you can find out that Christian qualities, such as humility, they showed to the very end.

Who decides on canonization

The people who became holy, according to the priests themselves, determines God. In order for the remaining people there is no doubt, he sends a sign in the form of a miracle. The holiness of man in most cases is obvious in his life.

Holy crews wonders with prayers, foresees the future, has the ability to heal people. On the basis of miracles, special reverence is born, which people who surround it are being experienced to this person. Therefore, they do not have any questions, why the saints became saints. For most holiness, a person is clearly noticeable in his life.

People for advice and support are constantly coming to him, seek help. After some time after his death, the bishop, whose diocese of this devotee believed, instructs his livelihood. All the evidence of the wonders committed by the wonders, as well as the harmful assistance he rendered the Middle, are carefully collected. It is important to find out whether all the wonders have been realized, whether it was wrong with a false reversion. Here's how the saints became saints.

False saints

Cases of false reverence in this world are not so rare. One of the bright examples of recent years is a discussion of the possible canonization of the Bulgarian predictor of Vanga. The ROC is convinced - this is one of the samples of a false reverence of a person during life.

Although it is argued that she did wonders, but it is not enough to priests. After all, miracles are not only from God, but also from the devil. In addition, in the Russian Orthodox church, the devotees were most often glorified on the basis of miracles who happened after their death, and not in life. As a rule, it happened when the Divine grace began to act as a result of prayers facing him, or through his power. It happened when the relics exhibited in the temple, and nothing happened, then the decision to canonize such a person was postponed until God definitely speaks about the holiness of this person.

What is the basis of a person recognize holy?

In order to figure out how a person becomes holy, it is also necessary to understand the principle of the commission under the Russian Orthodox Church, which accepts this decision.

For this, priests work carefully with documents and archives, study memories that have remained about this person, they establish their authenticity, analyze the periodicals.

The process of canonization itself is compared with a thorough and scrupulous study. It is necessary to study a large amount of documents that testify to the worship of the righteous, about its prayer assistance, wonders and intercession. If we are talking about new martyrs, investigative cases are carefully studied, since many of them have taken the suffering of faith from Soviet power. The materials collected by the Commission are sent to the Synodal Commission for Canonization by signing the ruling bishop. A discussion is organized, according to the results of which the materials are either deflected, or sent to refinement if members of the Commission come to the conclusion that the data for making a decision is not enough, or begin the procedure for making a final decision on the glove of saint.

Who is included in the Canonization Commission?

The composition of the synodal commission on canonization is changing from time to time, one of it comes out, new people appear. At the moment, it includes about 15 people. Often, on certain issues, the Commission decides to attract third-party specialists to help sort out some nuances. The main thing, all members of the Commission are appointed by the decision of the Sacred Synod.

Among them, researchers, scientists, teachers who explore the question, is worthy of the person's title, and give their argued expert assessment. Among them also bishops, church administrators, in whose tasks are a thorough observance of the sacred legend.

The Commission is collected several times a year, as a rule, from three to five times. Work was especially intense in the 2000s, when they began to open archives hidden by decades from the public. At that time, it was necessary to consider hundreds of questions, now there are fewer appeals and candidates.

At the same time, the opinion that the Russian Orthodox Church ranks for the face of the saints recently all in a row is mistakenly insist in the ROC. The Commission on canonization quite often refuses due to the inconsistency of the canonization criteria or due to the lack of or low level of preparedness of the materials. There is no certain time that canonization can occupy. It can continue from several years to centuries, hard and specific deadlines here can not be. So, when you think that you want to become a holy, be prepared that this process can stretch greatly in time after your death. In addition, the desire for life to get the saint rank is not encouraged by the church, it is a pride, which refers to one of the sins, inappropriate to the Holy Man. Be sure that no one has dreamed of the lifetime of the posthumous canonization. Independent affairs were committed with another purpose, which is why they began to be appreciated after their death.

Could it be holy not orthodox?

How to become a holy person, if you do not believe in God, is it possible, is it enough for canonization to create good and live pious? On this question, which today concerns many, the church is responsible for the service of material and spiritual spheres.

All wise rulers, brave commander, patients and benefactors who helped hundreds of people, philosophers and writers who taught good and justice, honor and appreciate their outstanding talents, but it should be understood that they all belong to the field of earthly existence. They remember them, they call the street and city in their honor, they put monuments.

But every service of the material sphere is temporarily and early or late. With the help of the Saints, the church glorifies God and his acts in this world. In the affairs of people who were canonized, indisputable donations were observed, the sources for whom God became and faith. They gave the opportunity to resist any trials, led to humility, contempt of all earthly, self-destruct, refusal of wealth, human glory, comfort and even sometimes their own life. So the service of material and spiritual areas is completely different things that can not be mixed.

Therefore, canonization is a recognition that a person lived a righteous life with God at the same time, and now he himself becomes an example and a role model for many followers. Only accurately following the teachings of the church, the saints became saints. In the temples worldwide they are now honored and extolled.

The first saints

Boris and Gleb brothers and Gleb were the first Russian saints. These are Russian princes, who were the sons of Kiev Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. According to the official version, confirmed by the majority of historians, they died in the internecine war, which began in 1015 after the death of their father. In order to eliminate any competitors who could prevent him from becoming a full-awake ruler, they killed their elder brother Svyatopolk, who later got the nicknamed.

Boris and Gleb became the first Russian saints, they were canonized them as passion recorders, making the patrons of the Russian land. There is no consensus when it happened. According to the most common version, they were counted for the saint of saints after transferring the relics to a new stone church. According to the chronicles, this solemn ceremony took place in 1072, the children of Yaroslav Wise Svyatoslav, Izyaslav and Vsevolod, and also became its initiators. kiev Metropolitan Georgy. For the brothers immediately installed general terrorist veneration, making the cartridges of the Russian Earth. Now you know who became the first Russian saints.

According to the canonical version, Boris was first killed. He was called in Kiev when Prince Vladimir got sick. However, soon it became known about the invasion of Pechenegov, and his father sent him to reflect the raid. Boris Pechenegov never met, on the way back, stopped on the Altea River. Then he learned about the death of the father and the top of the Svyatopolka. The priest loyal him suggested to go to Kiev, but Boris did not want to break the holiness of the relationship, rejected this option. After that, the warriors left him, leaving only several close.

Svyatopolk sent the Eastern Boyar to kill Boris, since he was a dangerous opponent, he was sympathetic to the squad and the people. To the tent on the alte, they reached on July 24th. When the prince lay down, the killers broke into the tent and silent with his spears.

Crawing with Boris, Svyatopolk called in Kiev Gleb, fearing that he would revenge, because he was a single brother. Stopping under Smolensk, Gleb learned from another brother, Yaroslav, about the death of the Father, the top of the Svyatopolka and the murder of Boris. Yaroslav strongly did not advise him to go to Kiev, fearing for his life.

The young prince began to pray for a brother and father with tears in his eyes. At that moment, people sent by Svyatopolk appeared to him. Gleb killed on September 5, 1015, he was buried there, on the shore of the Dnieper near Smolensk. Only in 1019, when Kiev took Yaroslav, the prince's body managed to find and transport to Vyshgorod to bury together with Boris. That's who became the first saints.

Anthony Kareysky

Among the Orthodox saints there are many special personalities, such as Anthony Karoei. This is an example of a sinner who has become holy.

Holy Anthony, who received the name of Onufriya at birth, was born in the second half of the XV century on Volyn. Parents brought him in piety, but when he became the tag, began to lead a rampant life. Then he did not think how to become saints. Onufry was engaged in robbery and scatteries, even committed a murder.

But after that his conscience awakened. He began to repent, renounced the wealth and family, which he had, entered the Annunciation of the Supratsky Monastery, which was in the vicinity of Belostok. Only memories of the perfect crime did not give him peace.

He decided to go along the way of new martyrs who witnessed their faith in the lands captured by the Turks. He decided to go this way to free himself from guilt. He was advised by onufrey to continue ascetic feats, fearing that he would not stand the torment, but he was adamant. Finally, he was touched into the monks under the name of Anthony and sent to Athos to find out the opinion of fathers.

The elders advised him to get out of the surrounding world, to keep a strict post and constantly pray. Anthony followed this advice, strongly advanced in spiritual mobility. Once he learned the history of Serb John, who was subjected to torture for 11 months, the desire for martyrdom again took possession.

Anthony went to the Dessalonik, entered the church converted to the mosque, openly began to pray and be baptized. Turks grabbed him immediately and beat him. The local governor of the city ordered the saint and put into prison without food. Having learned in ten days, that he was still alive, Pasha ordered him to turn him into Islam. Anthony rejected the religion of Mohammed, tied her with war and violence. Pasha sent him to the judge, but he found the accused is not guilty of death sentence.

Then Pasha took another attempt to turn him into Christianity, and failed, ordered to betray to burn. Anthony quietly went to the place of execution, despite the proposals for help and salvation. He spat into the executioners, one of them hit the holy iron stick on his head, and after him they threw into a hot stove.

When the body of the martyr burned down the turks, the Turks dispelled his dust in the wind so that Christians, even worse than this, could not collect him.

Among the saints there are many women. In 1881, Matron Nikonov appeared in the peasant family in the Tula province. From birth, she was blind, the girl had no eyeballs.

Since 8 years old, Matron had a deep faith, she had the ability to heal the suffering and predict the future. At the age of 17, her legs were treated.

After the revolution, she went to Moscow with her friend. Takes up to 40 people per day, giving them advice and healing. During his life, she began to read the monks of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. That is why Matrona became saint.

There is a legend that she met Stalin, after the Germans appeared near Moscow, and predicted victory in the Great Patriotic War. In the canonical life of the Holy This meeting is not described. Matrona died in 1952.