
Draft document “Akathist in the prayer life of the Church. Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus

Answers to gardeners' questions

Inter-Council Presence. The opportunity to leave comments is provided to everyone.

The project "Akathist in the Prayer Life of the Church" was created by the Commission of the Inter-Council Presence on Divine Services and Church Art in pursuance of the instructions of the Presidium of the Inter-Council Presence dated January 28, 2015. Comments on the draft document are being collected by the apparatus of the Inter-Council Presence until May 2 of this year.

Akathist in the prayer life of the Church

I. General remarks

In modern prayer life, akathists occupy a very prominent place. However, the procedure for using akathists during worship varies greatly in different localities and does not have a generally accepted statutory order. In addition, over the past decades, the introduction of newly written akathists into prayer life, due to the circumstances of the era, was almost not controlled by the church authorities. This led to the circulation among the believing people of numerous hymns that do not correspond in form and content to the Tradition of the Church.

II. Historical introduction

Akathist, or non-sedal singing in honor of Holy Mother of God, the emergence of which is erected by researchers at the turn of the 5th and 6th centuries - an ancient prayer following. Subsequently, 144 invocations were added to half of his stanzas, beginning with the words of an angelic greeting. Mother of God: Rejoice, which has become its most striking feature.

The presence of “rejoicings” singled out the akathist from a number of ancient multi-stanza kontakia, however, it also gave the hymn a unique feature - for many centuries the akathist was perceived as a unique prayer text, and even the greatest Byzantine hymn writers did not compose hymns in its likeness. Until our time, in the Greek-speaking Local Churches, the term "akathist" refers only to the original hymn in honor of the Mother of God, but not to other hymnographic sequences.

III. Akathist as a genre of church hymns

The appearance of the first hymns that have come down to us, imitating the akathist to the Mother of God, is associated with the hesychast revival of the XIV century. First, in Byzantium, and then among the Slavs, “ikos like an akathist” began to appear. Some of them - to Jesus the Sweetest, to St. Nicholas - are in prayer use to this day.

Initially, the akathist of the Mother of God was associated only with the service of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos, and as a component of the rites of this holiday, it is still printed in the Lenten Triodion to this day. However, over time, it began to be used in a personal prayer rule, and in the monasteries of the Holy Mountain there is a custom to sing it at Compline. In pre-Nikonian Russian church life, the akathist to the Mother of God was part of the rule for Holy Communion.

The appearance of "ikos", the formation of the akathist as a genre, led to a gradual rethinking of the place of this kind of hymns in the prayer practice of Orthodox Christians. In the 16th century, the custom was already fixed to read akathists on a personal prayer rule in accordance with the days of the week - on Monday to the Archangel Michael, on Tuesday to the Forerunner John, etc.

Over time, akathists were also included in prayer singing - in many parishes and monasteries, it was customary to perform a prayer service at the revered icon of the Mother of God or before the relics of a local saint with the singing of an akathist. Starting from the middle of the 18th century, the number of newly composed akathists - first in honor of the saints, and later in honor of the Mother of God for the sake of Her appearance miraculous icons, became very significant, so that it was necessary to streamline their prayerful use.

During the 18th - 19th centuries, a practice developed, which still exists today, to submit newly compiled akathists for the approval of the Hierarchy. Akathists that did not receive such approval could not be printed by church publishers.

Some Russian akathists were compiled by the saints of God - St. Innocent, Archbishop Khersonsky, right. John of Kronstadt, schmch. Arkady, Ep. Bezhetsky.

IV. Problems

Akathists are included in the personal prayer rule of pious laity; the custom of many days of reading this or that akathist as a special prayer feat is widespread.

However, despite the very wide distribution, akathists remain without statutory regulation - the current editions of the Typikons, both Slavic and Greek, still suggest only the Akathist in the singular for public worship - a hymn performed on the Feast of Praise. Only in modern editions of the Trebnik, in the rank of a general prayer service, did a note appear after the kontakion and ikos on the 6th ode of the canon that "if the priest wants, he reads the akathist."

For a number of reasons, akathists find a much broader response among the worshipers. Among these reasons are the greater simplicity of the structure of the akathist compared to the canon, and the greater accessibility of the texts of the akathists compared to the canons and full services, and the simpler language in which most akathists are written. A particularly strong influence on the choice in favor of akathists is exerted by the custom of singing akathists, when the kontakia and narrative parts of the ikos are read by the priest, and rejoicings are sung, often by all the worshipers. The feeling of participation in worship, the introduction of one's own prayer work into the common prayer attract parishioners of many churches and monasteries to such a performance of akathists.

However, the comparative simplicity of the akathists should not blind the worshipers to the treasures of Orthodox hymnography accumulated over the centuries. Shepherds should encourage those who pray to become more fully acquainted with inspired canons and stichera, many of which were created by great holy ascetics.

V Definitions

The Holy Synod, recognizing it expedient to streamline the prayerful use of akathists, determines:

To call on the children of the Church to use in prayer, first of all, those akathists who have stood the test of the centuries-old prayer experience of the Church, among which the akathist of the Most Holy Theotokos occupies a special place, and of the newly written ones, those that have received the approval of the Holy Synod.
In the event that the use of akathists in a particular parish has become a custom, recommend the performance of an akathist in one of the following places of the daily liturgical circle:

  • at Vespers: after “Vouchee, O Lord” and the bowing prayer;
  • at Compline: after the doxology and the Creed;
  • in matins: after kathismas or after the 6th ode of the canon;
  • at the prayer service: before the Gospel.

The publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate should publish a collection of exemplary texts of akathists that have the approval of the Hierarchy, so that henceforth church publishing houses will conform to this collection when publishing akathists.

Researchers believe that the image "Softener of Evil Hearts" had its origin in Southwestern Russia. There is little reliable historical information about this face. Even there is no exact information about where and when it appeared. In this image, the Most Pure One is depicted with seven swords. They are embedded in her heart. Three swords on both sides and a single one below. The number seven in all scriptures means the fullness of something. And on this face, this number symbolizes the boundlessness of grief, sadness and heartache that the Mother of God experienced during her life journey.

Akathist softening of hearts

In its image, it is similar to the image of the "Seven-shooter". It also depicts the Mother of God with ...

The image of the Holy Matronushka is the most popular and famous among Orthodox Christians. The saint always goes to meet, protects and guides the true believers who turned to her in a prayer petition.

Akathist to Matrona of Moscow

In honor of the intercessor, days of celebration have been established, where the akathist to St. Matrona, prayer addresses, kontakions and ikos are pronounced. These days are:

  • April 19 (old style) and May 2 - new;
  • In the temple named after the Tula saints memorable date falls on October 5 (September 22, old style);
  • And in the Cathedral of the Moscow Saints, the celebration takes place on the Sunday before September 8 (August 26, old style).


We often experience situations in life when we are a step away from death. And miraculously we are still alive. Many people talk about such that they were born in a shirt, but believers know that it was our Guardian Angel who saved us. Akathist to the guardian angel about marriage will help those who cannot start a family to find their other half. Who is the Guardian Angel?

It is generally accepted that this is an intercessor whom God assigns to a person to help and protect during baptism. If people did not have such good mentors and intercessors, then the demons could exterminate humanity by various actions. The envy and malice of evil...

In the Orthodox christian church a believer will be able to find miraculous images that will help in various difficult life situations. Most often, they use the akathist to Spiridon, which can be read to assist in any deeds and undertakings, because this saint was a noble miracle worker during his lifetime.

Akathist to Spyridon Trimifuntsky

He was able to cast out demons and mental illnesses, heal from serious illnesses, and even resurrect the dead. However, the special gift of this protector was power over the elements.

Sincere prayer appeals, akathists, kontakions and ikos should be pronounced to this Pleaser of God, thanks to which you can:

  • Solve a difficult housing problem;
  • Improve your financial situation when money is completely

Kondak 1

And the chosen governor of the militia, as we can look at you, O source of purity, are buried by our passions and malice, but as if he had crowns of patience, compassion and meekness, give us your fortress, let us sing to you:

Ikos 1

And you were sent as an intercessor for your land by the Seraphim of God to your people. The same Stylite of Sarov, having foreseen your life, was horrified, calling to the prince like this:

Rejoice, by whom the truth of God will shine; rejoice, by whom the flattering charm will disappear.

Rejoice, hopelessly fallen appeal; Rejoice, deliverance from the cold filth.

Rejoice, height of virginity and meekness; rejoice, deep wise heart.

Rejoice, dwelling place carried by the Trinity; Rejoice, having Russia in your hand.

Rejoice, star, manifesting the Sun of the Second Coming; Rejoice, vessel of God's dispensation.

Rejoice, through which Holy Russia is renewed; rejoice, we become like we live.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 2

As the New Israel walks to itself in prodigal impurity, it says to its Creator in gloomy despair: we have sinned against Heaven and before You, and we are not worthy to be called Your sons, but in vain the Russian lamb, who takes away the sins of the people, Abiye cries out: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Look for the misunderstood mind, look for the baby, the highlander crying out: why can’t you be us, as well as other children? Who will answer him badly? We, having unfolded the book of Isaiah, hear the prophetic:

Rejoice, for you are before God as a root in the thirsty land; rejoice, as if you don’t have a look or kindness.

Rejoice, for in sickness you have been humbled more than all the sons of men; Rejoice, for you are a man in an ulcer and know to endure illness.

Rejoice, for you bear our sins and are sick of us; Rejoice, as we are charged to be in labor and ulcers from God and in embitterment.

Rejoice, as the ulcer was for our sins; rejoice, for we are healed by your sore.

Rejoice, like a sheep to be slaughtered; Rejoice, for like a lamb before his shearers is silent.

Rejoice, for in your humility your judgment will be taken; Rejoice, for your belly will take off from the earth.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 3

From the strength of the Most High autumn, then to self-denial, the spouses of the God-inspired royal ones: when, seeing her son, I am constrained by fear for the sake of death, I am more afraid of soul harm, than bodily suffering, boldly singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And my God-pleasing heart, Tsarevich, fertilized by many years of suffering, ascended to the crown of martyrdom. The youth Abraham, his name is Isaac, rejoiced in the bosom of his father about the princes, playing, as if crying out to this with songs:

Rejoice, for the God of your father has been tempted by you; Rejoice, only-begotten son and beloved above all.

Rejoice, for you are a burnt offering for the sins of your people; Rejoice, as if you were carried into the hand of your father for slaughter.

Rejoice, cancel the bodily punishment of your people; Rejoice, thou who didst bear the bodily punishment upon thyself.

Rejoice, having been beloved by the Father Who is in Heaven; Rejoice, for the Father loves him and punishes him.

Rejoice, for fourteen years drawing firewood, a hedgehog for a burnt offering; Rejoice, for this evil is the sin of the Russian people.

Rejoice, favor of God to the New Zion; Rejoice, Russian wailing wall.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 4

I b uryu inside having doubtful thoughts about the betrayal of the Kingdom to the son: is this piece of gold worthy to give to the prince of this world: Ladies or not ladies? Grinning, the new Herodians asked: Will you give Caesar what is Caesar's? Speech Sovereign: This is God's man, he will be brought to God, We sing to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

From hearing the Orthodox shepherd, who was your foreign teacher before, the immutability of God's existence through your life tangible, according to your crown the angelic image of the one who received, let us praise Christ our God, and turn the stone to sing about the princes:

Rejoice, lamb and shepherd; Rejoice, Kremlin of those who pray.

Rejoice, torment of prodigal demons; Rejoice, opening of the doors of the Kingdom.

Rejoice, turn our earthly into heavenly; Rejoice, open our eyes to Heaven.

Rejoice, speechless, unsilent mouth of babies; Rejoice, youths of purity, inflexible insolence.

Rejoice, stone, slay the mental Goliath; Rejoice, adamante of the diadem of Christ.

Rejoice, even fathers' insurances crumble; Rejoice, silence and peace for mothers.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 5

God's life appeared to be a star of yours, his days were small and evil: you waited for ten years, but you lived a little more, both you illuminated the feat of your parents with a comforting light, even as you named you, like a mother before, a ray of sunshine, thanking God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

In going foreign and heterodox to the hand of the future lord of the Russian power, their hearts break through to see the glory of God, which is accomplished in weakness, as if to sing to this:

Rejoice, whose soul is in the hand of God; rejoice, his soul will not be touched by eternal torment.

Rejoice, thou who didst not eat, die in the eyes of the insane; rejoice, as if your outcome was imputed to bitterness.

Rejoice, for if thou hast taken the torment, thy hope of immortality is fulfilled; Rejoice, having been punished in a small way, you were blessed with great blessings.

Rejoice, for God has tempted you, and found you worthy of Himself; rejoice, as God tempt you, as gold in the furnace.

Rejoice; Rejoice, resplendent at the time of your visit.

Rejoice, for thou hast flowed through the stem of the vine of Christ like a spark of God; rejoice, for the Lord reigns in you forever.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 6

The preacher of the gospel was your educator, Peter the unshakable, returning to the fatherland, having finished his feat, and preaching thee according to the promise of the Kingdom of Christ, the heir, teaching everyone to sing the following: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

In the light of the new Babylon, the former Russia of the Holy, the truth of God's power of righteousness, millennial weaving trampled thou: all this flattery fall on you; many ubo, not knowing anything about you, but only seeing your face, they conceive a compassionate cry, singing:

Rejoice, son of the great martyrs; Rejoice, granddaughter of the king - the peacemaker.

Rejoice, great-granddaughter of the king-liberator; Rejoice, heir to the conqueror's sedition.

Rejoice, blessing of the elder Theodore; Rejoice, successor of the passion-bearer Paul the emperor.

Rejoice, forefather Peter the Great with firmness of will; Rejoice, the quietest king of the namesake.

Rejoice, foretold of the founder of your House; Rejoice, new Tsarevich of Uglich.

Rejoice, kindred of Andrew the God-loving; Rejoice, birth of Boris and Gleb.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 7

X I will take away John, who crowns and closes the City of God on our land, from this present age, the lovely one has died, illumined this with the most heavenly Light from your font, Tsarevich baby, this intelligent eye has perceived this: the Light of Christ enlightens everyone, there is a cry in your heart, in the Heavenly The altar is lifting up your Light, singing, crying out, calling out and saying: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Christ God showed you the new martyr Tsarina Alexandra, showing you the new man of God, opening the New Earth and the New Heaven to us, forcing us to sing:

Rejoice in the Lord, clothe thee in the robe of salvation; rejoice, as God lay a crown on you and adorn you with beauty.

Rejoice, exuding grace, like the world on the head, descending on the arm of Aaron; Rejoice, giving grace to those who pray.

Rejoice, mighty one, girdling your sword on your thigh; Rejoice, thou who bestows, who succeeds, who reigns for the sake of truth and meekness and righteousness.

Rejoice, for your path is blameless, and God sets you on high; Rejoice, for God glorifies you with the right hand of the fortress.

Rejoice, for God's right hand for prayer to you crushes enemies; Rejoice, before birth, after birth and after death, abide in the hand of God.

Rejoice, overcome, inherit God; rejoice, son of God by grace.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 8

Having seen a strange miracle about you, let us leave the world, the mind has gone to Heaven: how, until the fourth generation, after your murder, in songs, books, in the thoughts and on the hearts of your people, according to the prohibition, remember you, your eyes, in the form of a certain lad, relentlessly they tell us: your blood, O Tsarevich, is on us and on our children. O new repentance, have mercy on us to sing to you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Be in the Highest, and do not retreat from below, about the last drop of God's long-suffering: call me Alexy, proclaim your slander, if you see the pestuns, say: Alexy Nikolaevich, if you see the Tsar, name: Your Imperial Highness. O Prince Martyr, you yourself weigh the name of each from us, remember us in prayers to your God, singing:

Rejoice, blameless in all your life, walking in the law of the Lord; Rejoice, testing His testimonies, seeking Him with all your heart.

Rejoice, youngest one, preserving the words of God, correcting your path; Rejoice, taught the justifications of God, for everything you bless the Lord.

Rejoice, for the word of God was in your fear; Rejoice, comforted in your humility by the word of God that lives you.

Rejoice, in the night of your suffering, remembering the Name of God; Rejoice, partaker of all who fear the Lord and keep His commandments.

Rejoice, having been humble before the Lord, as if you had learned His justification; Rejoice, for all those who fear the Lord have rejoiced over you.

Rejoice, for your soul lives forever, and praises the Lord; rejoice, sought by the Lord, the legions of angels rejoice over him.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 9

In all angelic nature, marvel at your great humility: when you were informed about the denial of your holy father, below with a single word you asked about your porphyrogenic rights, man of God, both your first word about Russia was, the same begged the Holy Trinity, She is standing now, save us our Russianness, that is, Orthodoxy, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the itia of the many-talked, like a voiceless fish, we see about you, Tsarevich: if you want to slander you, like your father and mother, they have no time: God save you inviolable from the flattery of demons, the same we pray to you:

Rejoice, for if wisdom does not become, like you, they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; rejoice, for the Lord of wisdom and strength was not chosen, but thee was chosen.

Rejoice, you who fulfills the wisdom of wisdom; Rejoice, drying up streams of promiscuity.

Rejoice, for by you the fierce exactors are put to shame; Rejoice, manifesting the stench of the newest fabulists.

Rejoice, tearing apart Jewish weaves; Rejoice, filling our souls with peace.

Rejoice, thou who turns intelligent ignorance into the warmth of the heart; Rejoice, mind in faith unshakably affirming.

Rejoice, child, strengthening fathers; Rejoice, you vouchsafe the prodigal sons for the repentance of fatherhood.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 10

From the mouth, although a thousand-year peace is being established on this land, many times your father condescended to the prodigal people: follow thee to your place, offered to eat, so that they would be ashamed of their son; but you have become accustomed to suffering, the same and suffering and burdened with sins by many, you have longed to be an intercessor, calling God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

From the shadow you are a baby, a lad and maidens, O Tsarevich, you easily cast out the pus and stench of the abominations of Sodom, placing a good yoke and a light burden in the heart, the voice of coldness is thin, the stench of heavenly tear-giving tuna bestows upon us, yes we thank:

Rejoice, in the image of the military fatherland of love; Rejoice, mark of military chastity.

Rejoice, showing nobility from childhood; Rejoice, son of crippled royal crowns for patience vouchsafe.

Rejoice, you who builds the young warriors of the new martyrs; Rejoice, youngest warrior in your father's army.

Rejoice, archangel of all the children of the slain; Rejoice, fight against fornication.

Rejoice, save those threatened from violence; Rejoice, warmly return chastity to the penitent.

Rejoice, transforming those who have innocently spent their childhood in illnesses into the messenger of Christ; Rejoice, cleanse those who mock motherhood and virginity with suffering.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 11

Every song is conquered, striving to stretch out to you with your many fierce ulcer, and finally stretch out your being in the basement of the Hypatian house in the midst of your state, forever tempered, not able to die abie. O sweetest child! Oh glory Russian! O lepoto impregnable! How thou hast gone as a Christ-hater, prostrates, striving on the Cross prostrated to her God, to Him we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

From the veto-receiving light to the one who exists in the darkness of sorrow for the murdered son of the governor of Albion, we see you, Tsarevich; immaterial, for burning fire, compassion for this: it should not be one at this hour, you say, neighbor to him, teaching us to sing to you:

Rejoice, exhausting your life in suffering; rejoice, exude compassion for us.

Rejoice, great martyr in your life; Rejoice, having found eyes to see the suffering of your neighbor.

Rejoice, staining the royal purple with your blood; Rejoice, receive the cross in the scepter.

Rejoice, your blood, as you bring the alabaster of peace to Christ; Rejoice, heal incurable diseases easily.

Rejoice, you received the Kingdom of Heaven for the earthly kingdom; rejoice, admonish the earthly fatherland to love, that we may be honored with the heavenly one.

Rejoice, if your race is cut off by you; rejoice, giving birth to us into Eternal Life.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 12

Desiring to give grace to a child, even an unfaithful one, the Heavenly Father reveals to us the radiance of your cross glory, let us be put to shame of this new martyr - the Tsarevich, this through all life we ​​crucify being the sins of the Russian people, ever singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

As we sing your third Christmas, we all praise you, the animated temple of our resurrection: your sufferings rejoice us, nothing to be afraid of except the loss of the love of Christ, teaching us to sing to you in our small sorrows:

Rejoice, beautiful martyr's crown with childish malice; Rejoice, with your mouth blocked the hardness of the heart of the haters of Christ.

Rejoice, for you are the assurance of the true faith; Rejoice, with the flow of your blood until now blocking the streams of iniquity.

Rejoice, thou who didst resemble the ancient seven Maccabees with firmness of soul; Rejoice, wiser look at the damsels Faith, Hope and Love.

Rejoice, sobering us to the fearless testimony of the Truth; Rejoice, as our intercession is your honest suffering.

Rejoice, for you are a true Israelite, and there is no flattery in him; Rejoice, for for this sake you were killed for Christ.

Rejoice, long-dying malice of the Jews exhausted; Rejoice, filling the Church with grace with the outpouring of your blood.

Rejoice, Tsarevich Alexy, warm protector of chastity.

Kondak 13

O passion-bearer, the fourteen-year-old Tsarevich Alexy! When you laughed in the darkness, contemplating self-moving pictures, all those around you turned to behold you: there is a place in suffering that overshadows you, like the laughter of Sarah, like the joy of Empress Helen, when you find the Honest Cross, and like the joy of your mother, when be born to you. Pray to the Lord and our God that we not be deprived of this joy, bestowed with tears of repentance, may the joy of angels be over us, more than about ninety and nine unerring sheep, and about us you can sing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “With the Angels and all…” and the 1st kontakion “To the Chosen Governor…”.


Oh, passion-bearing holy Tsarevich Alexy! New Demetrius to the prince, like this one, who concludes his house! Gabriel of Bialystok and another baby, accuser of the Jews, similar. Artemy to the youth, neglected by the people, the next. It is known to us, like a militia army, surrounded by rebellious ones, you were driven out of the swamp impenetrable without restraint. These same harassment, priest, with boldness to Elijah the Thesbite, like a stammering prayer for salvation, I am not glorified by people. Now see your kingdom, about which you spoke: Whenever I be king, there will be no lie around me - today the kingdom of the father of lies appears, for even now you do not reign in the hearts of your people. Ubo himself, Tsarevich, come and stand here with us, make us wise, even if we do not lead: you are a fair doctor, leading us more than we need to our salvation. We are your compassion, we are your meekness, we are your love for your people: help your existing people in long-term illness, do not let them be lovingly left before Holy Russia, but you yourself, like weigh, take boldness for our salvation. Amen.

Troparion, tone 3

From the holy branch of the Romanov, the root, passion-bearing Tsarevich Alexy, on the earth with tears of illness, after that you were crowned with your blood, now standing in heaven to the King of Christ, pray to Him, let him put a legislator in the country of Russia and understand, like Esma's people.

Kontakion, tone 6

To the mouth of the Lamb and the purity of the krin of the village, like a ray of light, the sovereign parent was thou, holy Tsarevich Alexy, martyred from the enemies of the Orthodox faith, illumine with your prayers the hearts of those who love you, may we not perish evil without repentance.

26.04.2018 The file of the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Three Joys", has been updated, several typos have been corrected.
28.02.2018 Added akathists: Blessed Matrona Anemnyasevskaya. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Bishop Tikhon the Wonderworker of Voronezh. Venerable Anthony, the Wonderworker of Leokhnov. Reverend Macarius of Zheltovodsky, Unzhensky miracle worker. Reverend Moses Ugrin. Venerable Nikita the Stylite, Wonderworker of Pereslavl. Reverend Nikodim, Kozheezersky miracle worker. Venerable Nile, Stolobensky miracle worker. To the Monk Onufry, the Great Desert Dweller, Prince of Persk. Venerable Paisios, the Wonderworker of Galich. Venerable Paphnutius of Borovsky the miracle worker. Saint Peter, Tsarevich of Rostov, miracle worker. Saint Savva the Wonderworker of Krypetsk. Reverend Savva, Abbot of Storozhevsky, Wonderworker of Zvenigorod. Reverend Sampson Hospitable. Venerable Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker. St. Sergius of Radonezh wonderworker. Venerable Tikhon, Wonderworker of Kaluga. Venerable Elders of Optina. Saint and wonderworker Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kiev. Saint Nicholas and Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia. Saint Luke, Confessor, Archbishop of Crimea. Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker. Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh. Saint Nectarios, Metropolitan of Pentapolis, Wonderworker of Aegina. Saint Pitirim of Tambov, miracle worker. Saint Sophrony, Bishop of Irkutsk. Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky. Saint Stephen, Bishop of Perm. Holy Great Martyr Marina. Holy and equal to the apostles Grand Duchess Russian Olga. Holy Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Holy Martyr Tatiana. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia. Holy Blessed Prince Oleg of Bryansk. Holy Great Martyr Mina. Holy Great Martyr Nikita. Holy righteous Simeon the God-bearer. Saint Macarius, hegumen of Kalyazinsky, miracle worker. Saint Savva of Vishera, miracle worker. Saint Simon, Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal, Wonderworker of the Caves. The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Apostle of Christ, Simon the Zealot, who is also called Kananit. Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom. Saints Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus. To the Holy Martyr Sisters Minodora, Mitrodor and Nymphodor. Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. Hieromartyr Macarius, Metropolitan of Kiev. Cathedral of the Saints of Pskov-Caves.
14.09.2016 The file of the akathist to the Holy Martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov and their mother Sophia has been updated, several typos have been corrected.
17.02.2016 The file of Akathist to the Nativity of Christ has been updated, several typos have been corrected.
30.10.2015 At the request of the author, the akathist "Joy of the Orthodox" has been removed.
14.09.2015 Added akathists: to St. Adrian, hegumen of Ondrusovsky, Olonets miracle worker. Holy Martyr Adrian, Abbot of Poshekhonsky, Wonderworker. Holy Rev. Alexander Oshevensky wonderworker. Reverend Alexander, hegumen of Kusht, wonderworker of Vologda. Holy Righteous Alexander, Chagrin miracle worker. Venerable Alexy Karpatorussky, Confessor. Holy Righteous Alexy, Wonderworker of Bortsurman. Venerable Martyr Anastasia of Rome. Our Reverend and God-bearing Father Athanasius the Wonderworker of Athos. Saint Athanasius, Bishop of Kovrov, confessor and hymnographer. Venerable Barnabas of Gethsemane. Holy Reverend Job, Abbot of Pochaev, miracle worker. Righteous Jonah the Wonderworker of Odessa. Hieromartyr Joseph, First Metropolitan of Astrakhan and Terek. Venerable Joseph of Volotsk, Wonderworker of Volokolamsk. Holy Great Martyr Irene. Hieromartyrs Cyprian and Justina. Reverend Cyril and Mary, parents St. Sergius Radonezh. To Our Reverend and God-Bearing Father Cyril, Abbot of Beloezersky, Wonderworker. Venerable Cornelius of Alexander. Martyr Cornelius of the Pskov Caves. Holy Unmercenary and Wonderworker Cosmas and Damian of Assia. Venerable Kuksha, Wonderworker of Odessa. Venerable Lawrence of Chernigov, wonderworker. Holy Righteous Lawrence, Wonderworker of Kaluga. Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slovenian teacher. Holy Blessed Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich, Wonderworker of Tver. To the Reverend Fathers, who shone on the Holy Mount Athos. Saint Roman the Melodist. Even in the saints of our father, St. John, the Wonderworker of San Francisco and Shanghai. Holy Martyr Tryphon. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and Helena.
2.05.2015 Akathist "Joy of the Orthodox", written during the war in Donbass, has been added.
9.03.2015 The files of Akathists to the Guardian Angel and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Merciful" have been updated, several typos have been corrected.
11.06.2014 Added akathists: Blessed Basil, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Moscow miracle worker. To all the saints who have pleased God from time immemorial. For the one who died. Even in the saints to our father Arseny, Bishop of Tver, miracle worker. Even in the saints to our father Basil, Archbishop of Caesarea Cappadocia, the Great. Metropolitan Alexy, Holy Hierarch of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker. Venerable Euphrosyne of Polotsk. Venerable Avramius, Archimandrite of Rostov, miracle worker. Reverend Arseny, Wonderworker of Konevsky. Venerable Archimandrite Euthymius, Wonderworker of Suzdal. Rev. Athanasius the Younger, hegumen Vysotsky, Serpukhov miracle worker. Venerable Varlaam of Khutynsky, Novgorod miracle worker. Venerable Gabriel of Athos. Venerable Gregory of Vologda, miracle worker. Venerable Demetrius of Prilutsk, Wonderworker of Vologda. Venerable Eleazar of Anzersk, Solovetsky Wonderworker. Our Reverend and God-bearing Father, Anthony, the Wonderworker of the Caves. Saint John, Rylsky miracle worker and hermit. Our Reverend and God-bearing Fathers Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver, Wonderworker of Kazan. Saint Basil, Bishop of Ryazan, miracle worker. Saint Gregory, Bishop and Wonderworker of Neocaesarea. Saint Gury, Wonderworker of Kazan and Sviyazhsk. Hierarch and Wonderworker Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Saint Innocent, Wonderworker of Irkutsk. Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantine. Holy Blessed Grand Duchess-Nun Anna Kashinskaya. Holy Great Martyr Barbara. Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Holy Martyr Zinaida. Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth. Saint Alexis the man of God. Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Holy Martyr Avramius of Bulgaria. Holy Martyr Boniface. Holy Righteous Alexy (Mechev), Presbyter of Moscow. Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, miracle worker. Saint Athanasius, hegumen of Brest. Holy Rev. Galaktion, Wonderworker of Vologda. Saint Elijah of Muromets, Wonderworker of Kiev-Pechersk. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Holy Wonderworker John the Warrior. To the holy and noble princes and martyrs Boris and Gleb. Holy and Righteous Father of God Joachim and Anna. Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius of Vilna. Holy Martyrs Guri, Samon and Aviv. To the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love, and their mother Sophia. Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon. Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia.
9.06.2014 The file of the Akathist to the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity has been updated, several typos have been corrected.
15.04.2014 Added akathists: to the Archangel of God Gabriel. Guardian Angel. In memory of the General Resurrection and the Last Judgment. Lord Jesus Christ the Coming One. Repentance or songs that bring a person to the consciousness of his sinfulness. Repentant wives who have killed babies in their wombs. Penitential Compiled on the basis of the Great Canon of Andrew of Crete.
12.04.2014 Added 44 akathists to the Theotokos: I am with you and no one is with you; Akhtyrskaya; Vladimirskaya; Upbringing; All-Tsaritsa; Georgian; Worthy to eat or Merciful; Life-Giving Source; Zhirovitskaya; Intercessor and All-Good Guardian of the Church of Christ; Sign (Kursk-Root); Omen (Korchemnaya); Iverskaya; Iberian Montreal; Jerusalem; Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted; Kazanskaya; Kaluga; Kozelshchanskaya; Kosinskaya (Modenskaya); Lyubechskaya; Gracious; Mammalian; Murom; Inexhaustible bowl; unexpected joy; Ozeryanskaya; Joy or Consolation; Peschanskaya; Pochaevskaya; Most Pure Mother of Mercy; The addition of the mind; Look at humility; Pyukhtitskaya (At the source); Bright abode of homeless wanderers; Quick Hearing; Passionate; Tabynskaya; Tolgskaya; Three joys; Three-handed; Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos; Czestochowa (or Invincible Victory); Economissa or Abbess of Mount Athos.
6.05.2013 Added akathists: to the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity. Presentation of the Lord.
1.05.2013 An updated font is built into all akathists. All updated files have been uploaded to the site.
29.04.2013 UPDATED FONT Izhitsa2, updated Akathist "Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevskaya (with accents).
26.04.2013 Added akathists: Fedorov Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
10.04.2013 Added akathists: Thanksgiving Thank God for everything. For the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Transfiguration of the Lord.
07.04.2013 Added akathists: To all the Saints who shone in the Russian land. Resurrection of Christ. Life-giving Sepulcher and Resurrection of the Lord. Holy Easter. Ascension of the Lord. Jesus the Sweetest. Cross of the Lord. Lazarus resurrection. Theophany of the Lord. Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.
17.02.2013 Opening. A small group of akathists has been posted.