
The best prayer to God. Prayers for fast help

Decorative Cultures for Garden

Sometimes in life the moments are coming when a person is in despair. Help in such a situation and find faith in a happy resolution of problems that have arisen will help strong prayers. But at the same time, it should be remembered that any prayer that comes from the depths of the soul will help to find faith in a difficult moment, but you will need to move on the life path independently, overcoming the obstacles that are destined for fate.

Everyone knows that prayer is an appeal to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saints. This is a faithful way that is used primarily for human soul healing. All prayers came to us from ancient times, but every appeal to God arose in a certain, concrete case. It is written saints or simple people. That is why different prayers help to solve various problems.

It is believed that the only prayer that the Lord gave the Lord is "our father". That is why it has a special force. It needs to be read not only in Mount, but also in joy.

Other prayers invented mortals in different times are classified as follows:

  • Revealing prayers Contain the request of the believer about the forgiveness of their sins, which are considered any bad deeds and thoughts towards other people. Such appeals are directed towards the Lord God and the Holy Mother of God. Any leaking prayer should be read only after repeated prayer.
  • Solifying prayer Used in the event that a person has a difficult life situation and he makes decisions will appeal to God for help. Each person, praying, appeals to God with her request, but at the same time, it should be understood that only the Lord knows that in a specific life period is the most necessary. Such a prayer can be asked to give forces in the fight against earthly temptations.
  • Thank you prayer Designed to thank God for everything he gives a person. Such prayers are read in the morning and in the evening every day, as well as after meals.
  • Praise prayers Used to glorify the Most High. They do not contain any request, so the priests consider such appeals to God themselves.
  • Hodotimal prayers Like a leecope, contain a request. But the difference is that the believer asks the God of grace is not for himself, but for his loved ones. Often such prayers are read to help seriously ill people.

A huge number of Orthodox prayers for a variety of lifestyles were written in initially church ministers. It is they who become prayer samples that were transmitted to generations from mouth to mouth. It is noteworthy that the Orthodox Tradition allows the believer to create its own prayer texts. This is due to the understanding of the fact that if it prays with his own words, it is possible to achieve more intimacy and unity with God, and therefore, it is faster to acquire sincere harmony, which will help solve the problems that have arisen.

3 The strongest daily prayers for the Orthodox person

According to the Orthodox tradition, strong Orthodox prayers need to read every day. They bring spiritual warmth, make life harmonious and joyful. But at the same time, it should be understood that reading prayers need to fully exhausted from the urgent problems, fully focused on communicating with God.

If the believer did not repent in his sins and did not ask for repentance, or he reads a prayer mechanically, thinking about his problems, then his appeal will come across an invisible wall and will not be heard by God. The more often a person will turn to the Lord with a praise prayer, the better it will be for his soul.

A very famous Orthodox prayer that can read every day is to appeal to God, which is called the name "Symbol of Faith." It is special, since it is Orthodox that it confirms his sincere faith in God, and the hope that the appeal will be heard, and after the death of a believer expects eternal life.

This prayer is an accurate and capacious statement of Christian creed. The history of its creation goes in past times when the formation of the most orthodox church. The text of the prayer was approved on the 1st and 2nd Ecumenical Councils.

The text of the prayer consists of 12 members, that is, proposals. Each of them contains a certain truth or, in other words, the dogma of the Orthodox faith.

  • As morning daily prayer;
  • Before reading any basic prayer;
  • At the beginning of the baptism ritual.

To decrypt the text of the prayer as follows:

  • In the first sentence, it is approved that God is the creator of all earthly, and, the man believing in him, takes his primacy in the existing world.
  • In the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh sentence, the true faith in the Son of the Lord God - Jesus Christ is approved. He was crucified on the cross and accepted all the sins of people, after which he was resurrected and ascended to heaven. Since then, he has helped all believing people in the healing of the soul and body.
  • In the eighth sentence, faith is emphasized in the Holy Spirit.
  • In the ninth proposal, faith in a single church is emphasized.
  • In the tenth sentence, it is said about a single baptism, that is, if after it can not be rented from faith, as it is considered to be a great sin.
  • In the eleventh and twelfth sentence, it contains a narrative of the resurrection from the dead and eternal life After death.

This prayer helps to feel the defense of the Lord God and gain peace of mind. There will be bad thoughts from the head, and anxiety will disappear from the soul. If you read it every day, then you will understand that you are not alone in this world and the Lord is always with you. If you are sincerely a believer, honoring God, he will definitely come to your help in a difficult moment.

The prayer "The Symbol of Faith" will be a reminder that for all the prejudices, according to the dogmas of the Orthodox faith will have to pay. Her lines can or try, or sing. It needs to be remembered at any time when the feeling arose in the soul that you are moving away from God and are subject to life temptations. It is believed that this prayer, written on a sheet of paper, can serve as a guard, if we carry it with you.

The life-giving cross is called a wooden structure, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Despite the fact that it is subject to inanimate, they turn into prayer as a person. It is through this symbol who believes turn to God.

The prayer is a honest life-giving cross is a great strength, so help help in the most hopeless situations. But besides this, it is recommended to read it in order to get rid of the negative and fill the soul of harmony. Pronuncating sincere, sincere words of prayer, coming from the heart, filled with sincere faith, devoid of envy and anger, a person receives the Lord's protection against enemy external attacks.

Prayer is so strong that the believer is absolutely not necessary to read it in the original. The main thing to invest faith in every spoken word, and it is easier to do that, pronouncing the phrases of the translated and adapted text.

It sounds as follows:

"God will resurrect, let the enemies disappear, and let everyone who hate it. Let them dispel without a trace; Let it be like wax melts from the fire, all the demons will die around believers in God and the signs of himself with the Holy Cross, in the joyful feeling of exclamations: Rejoice, highly and life-giving the cross of the Lord, the power of His, given by the crucified Jesus Christ, running demons. Our Lord in hell has destroyed the devil himself and gave us your honest cross in order to drive any enemy and enemy. Oh, high and life-giving cross the Lord, help me with the Holy Mother of God and all the saints in all a century. Amen".

The prayer is a honest life-giving cross is recommended to pronounce daily before bedtime in complete privacy. Before reading the prayer, Znay himself with a cross. At the same time, a native cross must be in her hands or on the chest. After the prayer reads, it needs to be kissing. Then you should cross yourself and lie down in bed.

Despite the fact that the text of the prayer is not very long, you can not always find time to read it. In such cases, it is allowed to pronounce it in the abbreviated version.

In this case, words may sound randomly, for example, so:

"Help me, Lord, the strength of the cross of yours, will protect against ill-wishers and enemies. Do not let them harm me. Amen".

In any case, prayer should be read when muted light in silence. It is impossible to utter prayer words in a state of irritation or omble. Well, if before the start of the prayer will be able to listen to church music, it will allow you to correctly tune in.

According to the general recognition of all believers. The prayer "Live in the help of Vysnyago ..." is one of the strongest and helps in the most complex situations. It is found in Psaltry and is also known as a different name - Psalm 90. According to his first, the usual name of the prayer has spread.

Prayer is very difficult, it is difficult to listen to it, and it is even more difficult to pronounce her words.

In order for it easier to do, you need to pre-read the translation of prayer and get acquainted with its interpretation:

  • The first sentence contains a statement that everyone who relies on God will receive protection from it.
  • In the second sentence, it is indicated that the one who relies on God will definitely be considered by his patron, trustee and reliable protection.
  • The third sentence provides an approval that God will help the believer to defeat its explicit and hidden enemies.
  • In the fourth sentence, it is emphasized that God will always be a defender of a believer, he will close it with his "wings" and will allow you to feel safe.
  • In the fifth sentence, attention is focused on the fact that the believer, which is under God's defense, fear no external dangers should be.
  • In the sixth sentence, it is indicated that the believer will be able to defeat its mental enemies, that is, those enemies that will try to send a negative at the energy level.
  • In the seventh sentence again confirmed by the fact reliable protection Lord.
  • In the eighth sentence, it is indicated that the believer will see his victories over the evil to everyone.
  • The ninth sentence contains confirmation that anyone who recognized God can count on his help.
  • In the tenth sentence, it is argued that the evil to the truly believer will not approach, and it will be fenced from the evil housing.
  • In the eleventh sentence, it is indicated that heavenly angels are given an indication to accompany the believer on his life path.
  • In the twelfth sentence, it is said that in order not to happen in life, nothing will be able to apply the believer of harm.
  • In the thirteenth proposal, the strongest and luxury animals are mentioned than allegorically focuses that the believer will win over every species of the lucavia.
  • In the fourteenth sentence, it is said that all protection is given to a believer for having loved the Lord and sincerely believed in him.
  • In the fifteenth sentence, it is indicated that the Lord will protect everyone who will call him and ask for protection against evil all.
  • In the sixteenth sentence, it contains a promise that a sincere believer will be given longevity and salvation in the future life.

Understanding the meaning of the pronounced prayer, it will be possible to invest in it with the whole soul, which will significantly increase its effectiveness. Before praying must be presented and repeated in sins. It is believed that if a person resorts to the prayer "Live to help Vysnyago ..." in order to heal from severe illness, then holy words should be accepted 40 times a day. Moreover, in this case, prayer is recommended to memorize.

Who would have read this prayer, God will definitely hear him. The Lord can even help multi-faceted people who at the moment of appeal have a sincere faith in the soul and relieve it. But at the same time, it should be understood that righteous people living in accordance with the commandments of God have more chances of salvation.

How to read or listen to prayer

In order for the Lord to respond, you need to prove the words of prayer correctly. First of all, it is necessary to pray with a pure heart. In Orthodoxy, this is called daring, which should not be confused with the audacity. Unsuccessing should be understood as the manifestation of sincere faith in God, then, as the audacity emphasizes the disrespect for him. It is very important to internally prepare for the adoption of any will of God, even if it does not coincide with the desire.

It is important to understand the text of the prayer, because it is an appeal to God. Therefore, if you read the canonical prayer that you want to read in the Old Slavonic language, be sure to first get acquainted with its translation. If there is no such possibility that you can ask the priest to explain the meaning of prayer.

You can pray not only in the temple, but also at home. From this the power of prayer and its effectiveness is not reduced. In order to create the correct attitude, you need to organize a corner in the house in which to install the icon and be able to light the church candle if necessary. It is possible to pray at home not only alone, but also the whole family.

Since in Orthodoxy is allowed to pray an arbitrary manner, passing the meaning, canonical prayer in his own words, then it should be understood that any prayer should be addressed. It is necessary to contact God, the Holy Mother of God, the Holy or Heavenly Forces of the Notice. Any other appeals, for example, to the Mother Earth or to other natural forces are not allowed. In prayer should not sound any conditions, because it is communication with God all-way and almighty. Therefore, you just need to ask him, praise, thank and take all of his solutions, since only he knows what is most favorable for the believer now.

It is useful not only praying, but also listen to prayers for audio or when they pronounce another person. Often this method helps to hear severely ill people who do not have enough strength to pronounce prayer words out loud. But at the same time, the believer must be necessarily focused on the appeal to God. Despite the state you need to try mentally heard words.

Reading a prayer is a very personal matter. This process needs to be internally prepared and distance themselves from any vital problems. Prayer should be familiar for every day and every time after writing prayer words to the soul should come relief. That is what will indicate that everything is done correctly, and you are heard by God.

Prayer, even brief, - there is a breath of a living soul, a brief prayer is also a conversation with God. Prayer is a force that opens the gate to the help of the father of the heavenly slave of God. The fishery of God to help us on Earth identified holy intercessors and patrons in a wide variety of everyday and spiritual needs.

In this article we have collected for you strong brief prayers (morning and evening) for all occasions. These prayers are also suitable for beginners.

To you, God and the Creator, in the Trinity of the Holy Holy Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, worship and give my soul and my body and my body, and praying: you are blessed, you are a lot of me, and from all siggling, Diavoliscago, and telenago evil. And Laying in the world without sin, you have this day, your glory, and in the salvation of the soul of Moyya. Amen.

Option 2.

To you, Vladyko, people's humanity, from Sleep, Having resorted, and you will hurt your mercy, and pray for you: Pomping at every time in every thing, and get rid of me from all sorts of worship, and save me , and enter your eternal kingdom. You boat my coenter and every good blessing and a submitter, about you all hope mine, and you reveal the glory now, and confessed, and forever. Amen.

Morning prayer for sending grace for this day

Lord, the blesses of the day of this day without sin and all the days of my belly would not leave me, and I will not die Az Okayan. (Bow)

Most Mrs. Ladychitsa The Mother of God, do not leave me from your intercession, yes on this day, and at all the days of my belly, Az Okynaya will not perish. (Bow)

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, Save me on this day without sin and all the days of my abdomen from all sland of misadventures, so for the lawlessness, my Az is not perished. (Bow)

Glory to you Christ my God, that you did not destroy me with my lawlessness, but until now you still tolerate my sins. Give them, Lord, put the beginning of a good one, in order to this coming day, no matter, nor thoughts, do not freeze you, the creator of mine, but that all the works, desires, advice and thoughts are in the glory of your behalf.

Brief evening prayer

Lord, our God, hedgehogped in the days of sedes in the Word, Affairs and Thickness, Jaco, and a Physician, forgiveness; Miren Dream and Demonstrate Darui Mi; The angel of your keeper filed, covering and observing me from all slander; Yako, you are the keeper with souls and the body of our, and you are asked to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Brief prayer in front of the entrance to the temple of God

Option 1

Lord, in your house in your house, worshiped to the temple of Holy Your, in your passion.

Option 2.

I argue about the rustles to me: I'll go to the house of the Lord. Az the same set of mercy, Lord, in your house in your house, worshiped to the temple of the Holy Your Forest in your passion. Lord, there is a true thing to them, the enemy of my forgotten by the sake of my way to you, my way; Yes, without a stumbling block, we will glorify the deity, father and son and the saint spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Brief prayer when starting all

Option 1

Lord, bless me, I started the case, went to the power of your holy, and the desire to do it.

Option 2.

Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the only begins of your father, you are the Returns of the Returnist Usts. You can not create anyone without me. My Lord, Lord, faithfully in the soul of my and my heart to you spent, falling at your goodness: Pouring sinful, this is a matter, I started me, about you, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Brief prayer

Option 1

Lord, my God, I am, from the mouth of the Chubnago, Zmia, Zrayyukovo Ignorant Mal and to drive into hell.

Option 2.

God, the father of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the father of the Shchedrot and God of all the comfort, comforting us in every trick of ours! The comfort of every sorrowfully, saddlenago, despair, a breaking spirit of despair. After all, each person is created by your hands, Umudren wisdom, is alleged by your hand, it is glorified by your good ... But now we are visited by a fatherly punishment, short-term sorrow! - You are compassionately punish those who love, and you are pretty generously and prize on their tears! So, punishing, humbling and quenching our sorrow; Prorary sorrow on merry and joy solvent sorrow our; I surprise your mercy, wondering in the advice of Vladyko, incomprehensible in the fate of the Lord, and blessed in your business forever, Amen.

Prayer under temptation

Lord! Save me, perish. My boats is my darling of the temptation of the waves, and there is a saccination. You, Yako, the god of merciful and compassionate to our dismissal, the authorities are all the way to ban the wiping of disaster, whoever, to immersing me and regenerate in the depths of evil, - and there will be silence, IKO winds and the sea will listen to you. Amen.

Meal, Lord, the Son of God. Soaring, Jesus, the Son of God. Yes, my eyes will be rejected, but a narrow light is your light and go for you.

Prayer during spiritual unrest

Son of God, surviving sinning! Most Holy Virgin, Pomping Mi! Do not leave me! The soul of your son about me is sinful!

Prayer when oblivion about God

Do not leave me, Lord My God, below the retreat from me: I turned the spiritual eyes from you, you, the creator of my, do not turn your face from me, a proud of me and merry me.

Brief prayer for lost

Lord! Enlighten the lost (names), pay them to your holy church and save them all the way to your grateful! We are also in Orthodoxy, in the true faith of observing, Yako blessed the Esi forever. Amen.

Brief prayer about the world in the family

Meal, Lord, the Son of God, the Son of Davidov in the flesh, I pardoned Esi Canana: My evil soul feces anger, a fierce, a lot of evil and other detrimental passions. Lord! Pomping me, yelling you, not to the earth, walking, but the Odessa Father on Heavenly Sedisse. She, Lord! Give me the heart of faith and love to ensure your humility, goodness, meekness and long-suffering, and in the eternal kingdom of your kingdom it will take care of the communion of our slaves, I chose Esi. Amen.

Prayer for benefactors

Save, Lord, and survive the slave of yours, mild and eat us (names). Robies them, Lord, from everyone sneaking, anger and needs, from all soul diseases and bodies, and forgive them all sorts of freeze and unwitting, and we have mercy, mercy for the sake of the sake of it, I am good.

Brief prayer for the forgiveness of thin thoughts

Vladyko, Lord, forgiven that I was thorough for your mind or in ignorance, because you have mercy forever.

Mother's prayer about his children

Allbody God! Having become my mother, having fun about his children, let them grow out and wing in the days of my life and I support my old age. Acknowledged me, with a hope for your mercy, to appear with them on the terrible court of your trial and with unworthy daring to say: here I am my children who gave me, Lord! Yes, it is cumulatively with them, glorifying inexpressible goodness and your eternal love, exceeding the Most Holy Name, the Father, the Son and the soul of the Holy, forever. Amen.

Brief prayer before meal / after meals

Before consecuting food

The eyes of all on the way, the Lord, and you are going, and you are sending them in the Blagovatonism: you are rejected your generous hand and execute any animal of favor. Amen.

After biting food

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the celestial to your kingdom. But Yako, by the students of yours came, Esi, Savior, the world give them, get to us and save us. Amen.


Lord, whether you see my illness, you know, as I am sin and unreleased: Help me suffer and thank your goodness. Lord, coat, so that this disease is in cleansing many of my sins. Lord Lord, I'm in your hands, hunt me in the will of your will, and if it is useful for me, I healed soon. Worthy of my affairs accept; Roman me, Lord, in your kingdom! Thank God for everything!

Brief prayer from drunkenness

Save, gentlemen and nice slaves of your (name) Divine of the Gospel of your Gospel, readers about the salvation of your slaves of yours (name). They fell, Lord, the terrain of all the sins of them, free and involuntary, and yes, in them, the grace of yours, educating the whole person, will arrange. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Brief Prayer for Prisoner

Lord Jesus Christ's God, Holy Apostle of your Peter from the Uz and Dwarns without harmlessly, free, and humbly molim, the sacrifice of your slaves (the slave of yours; the slaves of yours) (the name of the rivers) in the TsSU Suzhennago), and their prayers (his), Yako, a philanthropist of all solenitally, the circumstances from all slands of zlago and wait for freedom. Amen.

All about religion and faith - "The most powerful prayer from everything" with detailed description and photographs.

Here it is necessary to immediately say that the strongest prayer is "our father", because Jesus Christ himself taught us so praying.


Yes, it will hire your name,

yes, your kingdom will come

may will be your will

yako in the sky and on the earth.

Bread our urgent grandfather to us;

and we leave our debts,

jacan and we leave our debtors;

and do not enter us in temptation,

but you save us from Lucavago.

For yours is a kingdom and power and glory forever.

However, in addition to the prayer of "Our Father", there are other strong prayers that help us in certain situations. We do not always have to build your happiness. The person is sometimes weak, any of us can refuse the power of will, but despite this, everyone wants to be happy. To achieve this very happiness, there are strong prayers that help us find desirable. But the existence of strong prayers does not mean that you can sit, do nothing, in anticipation of heavenly grace. Prayer can help us in the way, but we must go. Below are strong prayers for certain situations and states of the soul.

Prayer for love men.

In the whole world, lonely men are no more than women, and everyone is incessantly looking for each other. What prevents us from finding someone looking for us? Circumstances! There are prayers that help us create a favorable ground for the development of relationships. To do this, you can use a strong prayer for the love of a cute heart of a man. But we should not forget: it is impossible to ask God about someone else's man!

Prayer for love Men usually read before icon Blessed Virgin Mary Either before the image of faith, hope, love.

"Before you, the Mother of the Virgin Mother of God, bow and only before you can open my heart. You know, the Mother of God, everything, what I want to ask, God's slave (name), for my heart is free, empty, can not be hot. I pray and ask, give me the road an ambulance to the only one who can light the whole life and open my heart towards my long-awaited and happy merging of our destinies and find one soul at 2. Amen. "

It happens that some people sometimes come up with a "mission", but really they do not want to be in the depths of the soul. Then they are surprised why their dreams do not come true. But people knowledgeable in these issues know what to do. For this, too, there is a strong prayer aimed at fulfilling desires. But it needs to be read only when we are completely confident that we know what we want, and really want what we ask.

On the performance of desires, prayer should be referred to Nikolay the Wonderworker:

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the aspects of the Lord! During his lifetime, you did not refuse people in the requests of their arms, and now help all those who are terrible. Bless me, the servant of the Lord (name), to fulfill the soon desire of my innermost. We ask our Lord about the sense of grace and grace him. Let him not leave the request of my desired. In the name of our Lord, Amen. "

Prayer from accidents.

"The Most Holy Mother of God, save me and protect from anger, from enemies and spares. Close to them the eyes, tighten my heart, and I cut me with my holy cover. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After reading the prayer from accidents, repeatedly, we will feel - the tide of strength and relief, the heart is conducive to the heart.

When we feel that our life is in danger, for example, returning home, at night, when suspicious people follow us, you can cross and read a prayer that helps get rid of danger:

"God will resurrect him, and the guise of him will grow up, and yes, beats from his face hate him. Jaco will disappear smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melt wax on the face of the fire, Tako, the beams will die from the face of those who love God and marked the godfather, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to Hell Shedshago and Propavazgo Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen".

Before learn to influence the situation in Word, you need to master the technique of cleansing. It is no secret that there are sorcerers, magicians, characteristics. They can really help in some situations, because they know how to pray to God for help fit. For example, folk healers and signs pray to God about the cure of all the patients who came to them. God gives them what they are asking. Why? Their soul is chista and disinterested. To clean the soul, you need to get rid of, firstly, from envy. This is the first step. You need to learn how to thank God for someone else's happiness and drive the envy. Just do not try to use prayers to harm to someone.

It happens, a person does not know how to find a way out of the current situation, the heart leads him to the church, he appears in addition to Jesus Christ and asks God for help. For each person, the last hope is God. We pray for help to God, Virgin, Holy, Jesus Christ. It is right. But so that a strong prayer for help could become effective and efficient, you need to know how to read it in a fit, and what to offer God in return.

How to ask God for help?

First, if you have decided to ask God for help, you need to formulate, at the beginning, your request and plenty. Prayer for assistance should be sincere, without pretense and lucava. During prayer, tell God that you have a heart. At the same time, thank God for all the life benefits, for being all alive and healthy. At the end of the prayer for help, you need to swear to God that you will not felt and sin. In order for your prayer to be heard by God, try to live in a different way. Help the poor. Know, there is always a person worse than you. Help such people. Drive the lifestyle, then your prayers will be heard.

When there are many enemies around you and they fell against you. If you are afraid of your enemies, and there is no help to help you, pour a strong prayer against enemies.

"Lord my God, you know that for me saving, help me; And do not let me be sinful to you and die in my sins, for I am sinner and weak; Do not betray me with enemies, I can eat to you, get rid of me, Lord, for you are my fortress and hope and you are glory and thanksgiving. Amen".

Fight with evil forces.

The words of the sorcerer save people from the evil eye or damage, and the Lord God. If you have overcome damage or the evil eye, it means that God was pleased to allow you to teach you something sublime. If you are looking for a strong prayer that will help you in your business, it means that you have already learned something. Reliable witchcraft, evil eye, damage, evil views, influence of ill-wishers, can help the prayer to the Lord about help.

"Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Fences Us Holy Angels and Prayers All-Straightening Ladies Our Virgin Mary and Slenders Mary, Silty Honest and Life-giving cross, Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail and other heavenly forces of the Baptist, Holy Prophet and the forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, the Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop, the World of Lycian Miracle, St. Nikita Novgorodsky, rev. Sergius Both Nikon, Igumen of the Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim of the Sarov Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mother of their Sofia, Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joacima and Anna, and all saints, help us, unworthy, Slava God (Name). Get rid of it from all the causes of enemy, from any evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crap, and they will not be hug to hurt him. Lord, the light of your radiance, Save him in the morning, on the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the power of gracefulness will turn away and delete all sorts of evil wickers, acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought and did, return their evil back, in the underworld, Yako is yours there is a kingdom and strength, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

Strong short prayers.

The example of the short prayer gave himself Jesus Christ, when he told those who listened to him, one parable.

Parable. "Also said to some who were confident about themselves, that they were righteous, and humiliated others, the following parable: two people entered the temple to pray: one Pharisee, and the other Mytar. Pharisee, becoming, prayed in himself like this: God! Thank you that I am not like other people, robbers, offenders, adulteurs, or like this Mytar: Sit down twice a week, I give the tenth of everything that I acquire. Mytar, standing away, did not even dare even raise the eyes on the sky; But, hitting yourself in the chest, said: God! Be merciful to my sinner! I raise you that this went justifiable in the house more than that: for anyone, towering himself, will be humiliated, but degrading himself to rise "(Gospel from Luke 18, 9-14).

The church shortest prayer of God - the prayer of Mytar was not vermin, but nevertheless, God heard her. In the church, this prayer is put in the sample. What does this prayer mean? This is the awareness of the man of death and regret to himself, it is a plea about the grace of God and the rejection of his own pride, without which there is no hope for salvation from the dying. And the sinful, simple mortal worldly man should be incessantly by giving God's mercy. In prayer you do not need to be verbal.

As a short prayer of Mytar, the god died, so your prayers will be heard by God.

Multilia leads to diffraction, and brevity, the balance of its request focuses on a person on the main thing and on one thing. You can pray anywhere in any place. It is possible to pray and in thoughts - in the mind. In this sense, the positive characteristics of the short prayer are obvious. If you are alarmed or excited about something, praying for a long prayer, you can lose the meaning of the rarend. Short prayers can also be pronounced in a hurry. If there is a short prayer, it does not mean that the prayers can be spent on the day a very short time, and assume that everything is fulfilled. Hurrying in prayer does not create, but rather destroys the prayer, thereby depriving all his prayers meaning. "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful!". Pray, and this prayer will be a reliable faith for you.

There are other strong short prayers in the health that you use believers. Prayer "In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen "looks like this is the end of the prayer of" Our Father ". But no, these words can be used as a separate and complete prayer. This prayer contains the glorification and approval of truth. Prayer "Lord, Homes!" You need to read at the beginning of each case.

Prayer "Truce" in another angelic song. This prayer can also be read at the beginning of any case.

"Holy God, the Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomeruyu us." Holy God - God Father; Saint Strong - God Son; Holy Immortal - God's Holy Spirit. Prayer is read three times in honor of the three sacred trinity. Sainted angels in front of the throne of God are chanting this prayer. And an example of a short prayer in Russian - Slavs to the Most Holy Trinity. "Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

In the church there is a prayer that calls for money on the prayer. She looks like a certain ritual, but is quite Christian (Orthodox). This prayer, if we treat it with awe, can attract money for praying. Wealth wait from such a prayer, of course, not worth it. God condemns everything connected with Mammon (God of wealth). If a person asks God is not wealth, as such, and the money for bread is pressing, he can pray with such words without a remorse of conscience:

"Overall to St. Spiridon!

Beggar the wellness of the man of the man of God, do not condemn us on our lawlessness,

but it will create with us by the grace of yours.

We succeed to us, the servants of God (names),

christ and God has our peaceful serene living,

health and Physical and Physical. Get rid of us from all sorts of spiritual and bodily souls,

from all languages \u200b\u200band diabolian navalov.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord,

yes, give many of our sins forgiveness, selfless and peaceful lives yes give us

the death of the belly of a non-and peaceful and peaceful

and bliss ever in the future either will help us

yes, incessantly releasing the fame and thanks to the Father and Son, and the Spirit of the Holy

now and is dreaming, and forever and centuries! ".

You can pray and Nicholas the Wonderworker, with a prayer about money.

"Oh all-walled, great miracle, Saint Christ, Father Nicholas! Molims you, the hope of all Christians, the faithful defender, accurate feeder, crying cheerleh, sick, by the sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, poor and siery feeder and all the fast assistant and patron, and peaceful zea will live in life and will be able to see the glory of the elected God's chosen in the sky And with them incessantly singing together in the Trinity of the expressed God forever. Amen".

The strongest prayer is Nicholas the Wonderworker.

There is another strong prayer that believers honor even more than the prayer "Our Father". This is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, it is so strong that it is capable of healing the body and souls, and to work wonders. With this prayer, Nicholas the Wonderworker and faith in a miracle, praying can heal from severe illness, can avoid misfortunes. This prayer is also capable of changing the fate of praying.

When and how to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To pray to Nicholas The Wonderworker is made before the icon, with a lit lampada in his hands. It needs to be read every day three times. First you need to read it loud. Then quieter. Last time in the mind, silently. It is necessary to read it 40 days in a row, not missing a single day, otherwise the prayer will lose force.

"The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ the Father Nicholas! The world has a multiple mercy of Miro, and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, the fortresses of spiritual settles, and I praise the Major's Maiden, saint Nicholas: You're also having a dying to the Lord, why of my misfortunes freedom, yes call: Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Miraculous, Rejoice, Nicolae, the great miracle, rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful! Angel image, earthland nature of the Nature of the Creator, the Nature of the Creator; Favorvenny Bo kindness of the soul Tween Pridhev, Pre-Nicolae, Nikolay, teach all the science of you Sita: Rejoice, in the robes of angelic born, pumped in the flesh; Rejoice, and baptized water and fire, I can holy in the flesh. "

"Rejoice, the birth of his parents is surprising; Rejoice, the power of spiritual abie in christmas is. Rejoice, the garden of the promise; Rejoice, the color of Divinestrigaging. Rejoice, Lozo virtuous grapes of Christ; Rejoice, Tree Wonderful Paradise Jesus. Rejoice, cryna of paradise conabilities; Rejoice, Miro Christ of Fragrances. Rejoice, Yako to you will disappear sobs; Rejoice Yako to you is brought to joy. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful! Rejoice, the image of the lands and shepherds; Rejoice, holy cleaner of morals. Rejoice, virtues of great booze; Rejoice, shrine clean and honest dwelling! Rejoice, the luminaire is all over and past; Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate! Rejoice, worthy of angels interlocuting; Rejoice, kind people mentor! Rejoice, the rule of faith pious; Rejoice, the image of meekness spirituality! ".

"Rejoice, Yako You get rid of bodily passions; Rejoice, Yako to you cut the spiritual obstacles! Rejoice, Nikolae, great miracle, rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle, rejoice, Nicolae, the great miracle! Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, challenge grace. Rejoice, unhahered as a voyage; Rejoice, desired by good attackers. "

"Rejoice, a quick contestant in the misfortune; Rejoice, terrible to the prisoner offended. Rejoice, miracles of the baudes, the god is poured; Rejoice, the law of Christ the screened God written. Rejoice, strong borrowing; Rejoice, the right to standing approval. Rejoice, Yako to you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, Yako to you, every truth comes true. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful! Rejoice, all sorts of healing sources; Rejoice, Luhee of the Terrifying Assistant! Rejoice, dawn, shining sinful wandering; Having rejoice, Rewo insignificant in the sovereign works! Rejoice, subsistence requiring a blessing; Rejoice, prepare causing abundance! Rejoice, multiplinks for prevailing; Rejoice, the old seeds will update the power! Rejoice, many delusions from PUBLISTINGA to the accuser; Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful servant. Rejoice, Jaco you enlighten the envy; Rejoice, Yako to you, unfortunately, I fix it. Rejoice, Nicolae, Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful! ".

"Rejoice, from the poverty of the ever-free; Rejoice, wealth Wealth is nonetable feeding! Rejoice, brashly fibly truth; Rejoice in the being inexhaustible thirsty life! Rejoice, from the insurrection and brass observing; Rejoice, freezing from bonds and captivity! Rejoice, Preslaving in the troubles intercession; Rejoice, great in attacks defender! Rejoice, Nicolae, Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful! ".

"Rejoice, the insight of tris-cannago light; Rejoice, Dennica of the Sun Own! Rejoice, candle, divine flames arising; Rejoice, Yako fucked Esi Besysky flame of wickedness! Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; Rejoice, thunder, awesome seductive! Rejoice, TRUNNAGO Mind Header; Rejoice, mysterious to change the mind! Rejoice, Yako to you Poprano worship of creatures; Rejoice, Yako you will learn to worship the Creator in Trinity! Rejoice, Nicolae, Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful! ".

"Rejoice, all virtues of the grazor; Rejoice, all those who run to you strong took! Rejoice, at the Bose and the Virgin, all our hope; Rejoice, the televisions of our health and shower salvation! Rejoice, Yako you free from the eternal death; Rejoice, Yako to you, the infinite life is advancing! Rejoice, Nicolae, Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Wonderful! ".

"Oh, the prevailed and missing Father Nicholas, the consolation of all the mournful, now our acceptance, and from Gehenna, to get rid of us the Lord's mind, woven your petition, and you are singing with you: Allyluja, Alliluia, Alliluia, Alliluia!".

"The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ the Father Nicholas! The world from all over the Multiple mercy of Miro, and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, the fortresses of spiritual settles, and I praise the Major's Major, predicted to St. Nicholas: You're also having a dying to the Lord, the bully misfortunes are free, yes call: Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Wonderful! ".

Strong protective prayers for all occasions

It contains some of the most powerful protective prayers that will help protect themselves and their loved ones from ill-wishers and different troubles.

Prayer of the Lord - Our Father

Our father, izh, at Heaven!

Yes, it will hire your name,

yes, your kingdom will come

may will be your will

yako in the sky and on the earth.

Bread our urgent grandfather to us;

and we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our;

and do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Virgin Devo, rejoice,

Fertile Marie, Lord with you;

blessed you in the wives

and blessed with the fruit of your fraught

yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotok "Softening Evil Hearts". Protects against ill-wishers.

Soften our evil heart, the Virgin,

and attack hate us

and all the crisp your soul is allowed.

On your more holy image of a discrepancy,

Your suffering and mercy about us we will fail

and your wounds are lying,

hands of our, tearing, terrify.

Not gone to us, Mother's blessing,

in our cruelways

and from the hardness of the near die.

You are able to truly evil hearts softening

Strong protective prayer Jesus Christ from any evil

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the fences of our holy angels and the prayer of the All-Exercise Lady of Our Mother of God, the power of honest and life-giving your cross the victim of the Heavenly Forces of the Funny Honest Prophet and the Forerunners of the Lord of John and all your saints Help us sinning unworthy slaves (name), save us from Any evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcerence, from evil deer man. Yes, they will not be hug they causing us no evil. Lord, the power of the cross of yours will save us in the morning, for the evening, to sleep the coming and powerfulness of your grace, and removed all sorts of evil uncleans acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought, or did, return their evil back to hell, Yako bless you are in eyelids. Amen

Protective prayer Jesus Christ from evil people

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Meaning my enemies and sorcerers, do not punish them with mournful pains. Defend me OT. scary words, those are pronounced tires. Sawn me from evil people, help recover from grief. Protect my children from them. Let your will be on it. Amen.

Protective prayer honest cross

In prayer, we express faith that the procession is the strongest remedy for the defendance of demons, and ask the Lord spiritual assistance to the power of the Holy Cross. Banning yourself with a cross and say prayer:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hes Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Protective Prayer Archangel Mikhail from Dark Forces

Oh, Saint Michael Archangel, Svetlothy and Terrible Heavenly Tsar Voivodo! Hermers of the sinsmano, demanding your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemy, and there is a savings from the horror of the mortal and from embarrassment of the diabolian, and there is a restless to see the creator of our terrible and righteous trial court. About all great Mikhail ArchReart! Do not despose me a sinner, who praying for you about helping and interpreting you in Either Sech and in the future, but it is advised by Tamo what to buy the soda of Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer Archangel Mikhail from enemies

Lord, God's great, the king is initial, went, Lord, the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slaves (name). Protect, Archangel, us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Demons crusher, prohibit all enemies fighting with me, and the coordinate of their Yako Sheep, and Smiri their evil hearts, and crushing their sneaks in the face of the wind. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Six-colored first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force - Cherubimov and Serafimov, Budge the assistant to all the troubles, sorrow, in the sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet man. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Get rid of us from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya, Zechy will hear us, sinful, praying for you, calling your name Holy. Speakers to help and bring all opposed to us, the power of honestly and the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the Holy Apostles, the saint of the Wonderworker Nikolai, Andrei, Christ for the sake of whitewash, the Holy Prophet Elijah and All Saints Great Martyrs: Holy Martyr Nikita and Eustafia , and all the reverend fathers of our, from the century God of the faithful, and all the saints of heavenly forces.

Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Help us a sinful (name) and save us from a coward, a flood, fire, sword and in vain death, from the great evil, from the enemy of flattened, from the storms of infant, from the evil to get rid of us forever, now and died and forever. Amen. The Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail, the lightning sword of your discharge from me the Spirit of the Deck, tempting and Toying me. Amen.

Protective prayer for the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, everyone will give me this day. Lord, let me quite go to the will of your holy. Lord, for this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Lord, I will discover your will to me for me and surrounding me. Lord, no matter what I will receive news during the day, let me take them with the late soul and solid belief that your entire holy will of yours. Lord, the Great, Mercy, in all my affairs and the words of my thoughts and feelings, in all unforeseen circumstances do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you. Lord, let me reasonably act with each of my neighbors, no one is upgrown and no one confuse. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of this day and all events during it. I will manage willy and teach them to pray and love all non-estatery. AIMN.

Protective Prayer for Driver

God, all-storey and all-airily, all guarding their greatness and humans, humbly pray, the concept of the Virgin and all the saints, save from a sudden death and everybody, sinning, and the people entrusted to me and the pump unharmed to deliver everyone to his needs. God merciful! Ravering me from Zgrave the Spirit of Piancocity, the unclean power of Pianism, causing unfortunate and sudden death without repentance, save me, Lord, with a clean consistency to live to a deep old age without the burden of those killed and cripped up in my unfortunate of people, and it will be glorified by your sacred, now and dream , and forever in centuries. Amen.

Protective prayer Obereg

(Wear in the inner pocket of clothes, or embroider on the nasal scarf)

"I love and believe. God trust the whole protection insert! "

Psalm 90. Strong protective prayer in the face of danger

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

There is a saying "Not everyone succeeds", saying that good luck comes not to each. But how to challenge it, how starting a new thing to be confident in his favorable completion? Resort to prayer, talk to the Lord to strengthen your own faith in the success of any undertaking.

In contact with


People are looking for the Lord not only protection and calmness, but often we need help in ordinary worldly problems. Most often, people keep problems in their hearts and can not always tell us about their relatives and loved ones, but you can always alleviate our condition, remove the cargo of restless thoughts, with the help of prayer and talk to the Almighty. And even in such matters as financial well-being, luck in the implementation of conceived plans, success in the initiative of any new case, communication with the Lord will come to the rescue Through prayer.

It has long been righteous of righteous Christians, before the start of an important thing, they were baptized and uttered their requests, in order for the Lord to help attract success in their business. If there was a heavy operation or there were problems with health, people turned to the holy patrons and God gave healing or the operation was successful.

There are 3 strong prayers for luck who guarantee a favorable outcome and give luck in any case, Whether the opening of the business or the beginning of a serious building. Upon completion of any work, it is necessary to thank the Lord for the rendered care and assistance in matters. Need to have bright thoughts and be sure own power When pronouncing prayers for good luck, 3 the strongest prayers helping to achieve success much faster, you need to pronounce in the morning and in the evening.

3 The strongest prayers that attract good luck

  • Prayer to the Lord God, with a request to give success to the case.
  • Prayer for the Most Holy Nicholas asked.
  • Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel.

Prayer for the success of the Lord God

Who is asking good luck in the first place, as not the Creator, our creator? If good luck needs you not in selfish business, but in the righteous, then the Lord needs to be diligently prayed. Righteous Christians from prayer begins their morning, she calls on the help of the highest strength and brings good luck to all things.

Sit with a church candle, cross and refer to the Lord God, sincerely reading the prayer:

"Lord, our father is gracious, our Savior! Let us take off the request of yours to the throne, and the word my word is not lost in the prayers of others, and I will not be misserved by my poverty in the thoughts! Every child you love your own and bless him for success, life is joyful and righteous. Each child is your dressing, you are pretty and forgive, your love you will heal the flavors and wash their man's sinner. Sincerely praying find peace and happiness near your feet. Give me, God, my forgiveness and good luck in my pure things, you have pleasing. In the name, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. "

Before important matters, pronounce this prayer with pure thoughts and God will not leave you in trouble and bless you for good luck if your thoughts are clean.

Before bedtime also needed pray with gratitude about all the things that have come truethat brought this day. In a dream, the human mind honors himself unprotected, so you can ask about calmness, to wake up full of new forces. Even in such a daily case, as a dream, the support of the Lord is required, so that the rest was full, and the sleep is strong. Before prayer, you can sit in silence, calm the raging thoughts, emotions and experiences.

It is important to remember that God sees every human need, but does not impose his will, he is always waiting for a person himself to contact him. It is necessary to understand their responsibility, but at the same time not to despair, wait and rely on the kindness and will of the Lord.

Prayer for good luck Nikolai Wonderworker

Saint Nikolai is one of the strongest saints all over the world. Nikolai Miracle Miroor The intercessor of all disadvantages, saved from an unfair execution, came to the fishermen during a strong storm, helped survive in difficult times and in everyday storms. And also Nikolay patronizes travelers, before a long dear, many righteous people order in the temple, the Batyushka gives to the cross and sprinkles them. Many drivers choose their image of Saint Nicholas into the car for good luck on the road and avoid any trouble.

Protects Nikolai Wonderworker and Children, no wonder the people's beliefs turned him into a good wizard, who fulfills children's desires and dreams.

IN modern world Any Christian at the arrival of the temple must be bowed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, who helps us to achieve us good luck, welfare, success And all that we need every day, they worship Nicholas the Wonderworker after worshiping the image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker will not leave the prayer and causing in need, will give good luck and wealth. The aspectant of the Lord Nikolai patronizes to everyone who treats help to him with the thoughts sincere and good things. Starting a new thing can always be referred to the Saint Nicholas and ask for his blessings.

"The wake of God, Nikolai Miracle, the intercessor of the Saint and our benefactor! Take me under your defense, under the wing, and bless my prayer my prayer. Get out of my sin, my soul is to clean my soul, in order to praise our Lord. Aim me at good luck with your hand. I ask you to intercession both in the path of independent and in the whole house, so on Earth hard and in the sea. I glorify you, Nikolai, your help, your miracles. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer Angel Keeper for good luck

According to Christian teachings at birth, every person is given an angel who accompanies and helps him in his life. Guardian angel protects a person from the evil eye and damage to human, I will save from the evil of human and envy, directs on the way the righteous. But if sinlessly sinlessly or squander, then your angel may turn away from you. The same keeper angel meets the soul of the deceased to spend it into the sky.

In any important case, in any difficult circumstances, you can contact your guardian angel with a prayer. It is important to have good intentions and not get involved in your experiences and emotions, you need to ask specifically and try clearly formulate your thoughts without confusion. Bring success only if it does not violate 10 Christian commandments.

The prayer of the guardian angel is short, but will bring good luck only if it is said from a pure heart:

"My guardian's angel, what's behind my back, given to me by the Lord, sent to me from heaven. You see all my acts, you hear every word, you read all my thoughts. He appeals to you the soul, my sinful and help asks. Fees to me in the affairs of my righteous, protect me from the evil eyes of a person, point me to the right path, to our father leading. Bring the prosperity to my life in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

These three prayers are considered christian world One of the strongest, you need to remember that the prayer sincere, is able to raise the most heavens and send mercy on the prayer, make the day successful, and all the cases will argue.

Other strong prayers

  • Prayer for good luck Matron

It is believed that holy matron helps to cope absolutely with any problem: Health, infertility, lack of failure, unemployment. The blind matron of life helped everyone, found the strength to hear and help everyone in need. Sleeping Matron through his prayers strengthened faith in God, helped to find the path lost and instructed them on the right path.

"Saint Staritsa, righteous Matron, moths of God about us, help my thoughts will come true."

After these short words, say your thoughts, in your opinion, is your luck. Please should be short and specific.

  • Help with a request for work at the holy trifon

"The Most Holy Martyr, the Fast Our Assistant Trifon, be a defense against the devivals of the desert and the assistant, the conductor to the kingdom of Heaven, Lasting the Most High to give me joy from work, and my Duma will be fulfilled, and he will come with me in all matters."

A conversation with God through prayer needs to pronounce alone, with pure thoughts and bright intentions and they will be heard.

The simplest and necessary prayers

Simple common prayers

Choose for yourself those prayers and words that are with desire and easily read. Here are common simple short prayers from which you choose.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Forgive me sinful, God, that a little or at all I do not pray to you.

Help me, God, located next to me, talk to you.

Mr. Mr., Lord, Merit, Mr. Merit.

Most Holy Virgin, save us.

Holy Angel of God, the keeper of my, moth of God about me ......

The moths of God about me (about the Chad my ...) Holy Range Nicholas Wonderworker (Seraphim Sarovsky and other saints).

God, bless me to fulfill the desired business. Give me for this necessary strength, determination, understanding, wagon and humility.

And do not let me, Lord, today to be in the straight and inaction for your business, and help me to be in favor of you, and not a breath.

God, gracious Budy me sinner (oh) (three times).

God, be with me, do not leave me and help me.

Save and save me, Lord.

The intercession is diligent, Mother Virgin, help me (my child, close ...) And give salvation.

Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and the life-giving cross and save from any evil.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, hunt me sinful (s). (This is the famous Jesus prayer, which many pray, repeating her dozens and hundreds of times).

Lord, help me to be with you. I'm glad to be advancing God.

Lord! Clean the sin of my minor (disbelief) and give me faith in Christ!

Glory to you, God, thank you, thank you for all blessings.

Thank God for everything.

Pray also and their god-free words, as the heart suggests.

You can choose special words and prayers from the church morning and evening prayer rule.

Some prayers can be repeated even better.

What is a prayer and how should it be created?

It is useful to respond once again into the simple words of the Holy Fathers about prayer, reflecting what prayer is and how it should be created.

Prayer is a conversation of a man with God, who sees and hears us, loves all people and knows every idea, every feeling. If we appeal to him, even mentally, about themselves - he hears us.

The prayer of the Christian is the heart appeal to God when faith is expressed in him, hope for him and his son's love for him. Prayer is a reverend man's desire to God, this is a conversation of a person with his loving, Almighty Father. Therefore, it is useless to pray if there is a resentment or evil on someone. In this case, you first need to pray for the health of the offender.

Creation of prayer is the first majority of a believer person. From how and how much time does Man creates prayer, first of all its proximity to God and the patronage received from him, protection, help, grace. And who does not pray, the Lord in his court says: "I don't know you." The soul that was not with God in the earthly life could not be with him and in the life of eternal, and therefore doomed to hellish torments instead of Eternal Bliss.

And in joy, and in sadness, and when there is any need, we must contact God with a prayer. And the Lord is always kind and gracious to us, and if from a pure heart, with faith and zeal, we will ask him about your needs, he will certainly fulfill our desire and give everything we need. God has no prayer forgotten: "True, truly, I tell you: what's wrong with my father in my name, will give you" (John, 16: 23); So the Lord himself said. Therefore, it is necessary to fully rely on His holy will and wait patiently. Only one Lord knows that and when we give, that it is useful for us and what is harmful.

What are prayers?

The Lord gives us the ability, health, well-being and grief for our benefit. For this we must glorify and thank God thanks, laudatory prayers.

If you happen to any misfortune, illness, or trouble, or need, we ask God for help. Such prayers are called leisure.

And if we do a thin case, we warmly and hung up before God, we should ask him forgivers - repent. Such prayers are called repentant.

Where, when and how much should it pray?

You can pray to God everywhere: both in the house, and in the temple, and on the way, because God is everywhere next to us.

There are three levels of prayer. The first is a celian prayer when a person prays one. The second level, when several people are talking about somewhat one. This prayer is stronger. And the strongest prayer is church, during worship in the temple.

There is a golden rule orthodox people: "Work and pray and all you need to have" - \u200b\u200bpray during a variety of physical work, travel, on the road, forced littleness, etc.

The prayer should be standing with the reverence and fear of God, since the Creator itself, the ruler of all and the judge itself. It should be elevated in front of him invisible living God, who looks at us and listens to you out loud or mental prayer.

Speak prayer slowly, with cardiac participation, with attention to each word. Try to invest your mind in the words of prayer, understand and comprehend the depth and completeness of the content of prayer, which is useful to reflect on and after reading the prayer.

Prayers should be read before icons, which are windows in the spiritual world. All of our ancestors were necessarily in the house of the icon of Christ the Savior, the Virgin and His Saint or Saint. The Lord through icons and prayers gives protection to the house and households from the dark evil spiritual forces, which in our time there are a lot. To enhance the prayer at the beginning or at the end, and where he pleases the heart of the procession. To do this, there are also waist bows, touching the floor with the hand, and earthly bows.

It should not be limited only to the morning and evening prayer rule, try more often and more in prayer communication with God. When you start to perform any small business (somewhere went somewhere, we started to work in the kitchen, in service, etc.), I should say: "Lord, bless!" When the larger point is beginning, read the "king of heaven ...". If something happened successfully, "Glory to God!", And if something does not work or the danger of which "Lord, humbly!".

Before each meal read "Our Father ..." or at least - "Lord, bless." After the meal - "Thank you, Christ God". "

Favorited by the people of the Gospel

Our ancestors loved Christ the Savior, who was a teacher for them and at the same time an ideal of a righteous man. And many tried, as far as they could, follow his life and wisdom. Therefore, our ancestors loved and highly appreciated the Gospel - the main book about the life and teaching of Christ. Most Russian people before 1917 knew the Gospel and turned their lives with him. They believed that live on conscience was to live in the Gospel. In suitable cases, the Russian man led the words from the Gospel. More often quoted the following statements of Christ.

"The commandment is new I give you, yes love each other; As I loved you, so you love each other. "(John, 13:34).

"Love your neighbor, like yourself" (Matthew, 22:39). Love nearby no more and no less, in this man.

"There is no more than that love, as if anyone puts his soul for their friends" (John, 15:13).

"So in everything, as you wish, so that people do, so do you and you with them" (Matthew, 7:12). Otherwise, the Lord will not give us the desired.

"Take goodbye if you have to whom. Farewell, and you will be forgiven "(Mark, 11:25; Luka, 6:37). Goodbye any offense at once. In this, the highest love and wisdom of God. Just for this, the Lord gives forgiveness at his court.

"Let's, and will give you: for, what a measure to take, the same measurement and you" (Luka, 6:38). For such God's law, a person receives goods both in real earthly life and in eternal.

"Everyone asking you from you and from the next you do not require back" (Luka, 6:30). Especially if you see the difficulty of the neighbor.

How to find and save the highest love to Christ, who has been injured for us on the cross and gives the greatest benefits to our love: "If you love me to follow my commandments. If your commandments keep them, be in my love. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you "(John, 14:15, 18, 15:10).

"True, truly I tell you: what is neither ask the Father in my name will give you. Dynam you did not ask anything in my name; Request, and get the joy of your perfect "(John, 16: 23-24).

"Ask, and it shall be given you; Search and find; Touch and dispel you. For anyone receives, and the seeker finds, and we will turn out "(Matthew, 7: 7, 8).

"All that you will ask in prayer, believe that you will get," and will be you "(Mark, 11:24).

We believe Christ because we know: he gave himself to the godflocks to the godflower. And in his earthly life, we truly believe that someone know that he loves me, and his life will not spare for me.

"Who is in me, and I am in it, he brings a lot of fetus; For without me, you can not do anything "(John 15: 5). Without Christ, it is impossible to create and make a truly kind.

"If you are in me and my words will be in you, what you wish, ask, and will be you" (John 15: 7). Cardiac prayer appeal to the harm to Christ, the Virgin and Saints never remains unrequited.

Christ said:

"I am the light of the world; Who will follow me, he will not walk in darkness, but will have light of life. If you are in the Word of mine, then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. "(John 8:12, 31, 32)." Walk in the darkness "means not to distinguish between good and evil.

"True, truly I tell you: all sin there is a slave of sin" (John, 8:34), that is, unquestioned subordinate to Satan.

"They are blind leaders blind; And if blind is blind, both will fall into the pit "(Matthew, 15:14). Blinds are people who have no faith and who did not know the gospel truth.

"I am a way and truth and life; Nobody comes to the Father as soon as you have "(John, 14: 6). Only in conjunction with Christ, a person acquires a complete faith in God and all her benefits.

"I was born on this and came to the world to testify to the truth; Anyone who is from the truth, listening to my eyes "(John, 18:37).

"So, all sorts of who listens to the words of my Siai and fulfills them, like her to a prudent husband who built his house on the stone; And it went raining, and the rivers spread, and the winds were poured, and the one rushed to the house; And he did not fall, because it was founded on the stone. And every one who listens to these words of mine and does not fulfill them, the man will become a reckless, who built his house on the sand; And the rain went, and the rivers spread, and the winds were poured, and he left to the house; And he fell, and there was a drop in his great "(Matthew, 7: 24-27).

"Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned" (Luka, 6:37). Do not say anything bad about people. "For anyone will be humoring themselves, and degrading himself is raised" (Luka 14:11).

"God is opposed by Gordy, and humble gives grace" (1 Peter 5: 5). God turns away from proud and does not help them in anything, but the good to everyone.

"Beginning of pride - removing a person from the Lord and the retreat of his heart from him" (Sirah 10:14).

"The kingdom of God is inward" (Luka, 17:21), in the heart of a person.

"For the kingdom of God is not food and beings, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rome 14:17)

"Not everyone who talks to me:" Lord! Lord! " Will be in the kingdom of heaven, but fulfilling the will of my heavenly father "(Matthew. 7:21).

The Lord knows that for many, the acquisition of faith requires great efforts and therefore instructs: "The kingdom of heaven is taken by force, and the consuming effort delight him" (Matthew. 11:12).

"Do not take care and do not say:" What do we have? " Or: "What to drink?" Or: "What do you get dressed?" Because all this is looking for pagans, and because the father of your heaven knows what you have need in all this. I am also looking for the kingdom of God and the truth of him, and it will be all applied to you "(Matthew, 6: 31-33).

The words from the Gospel are also prayer! They teach us how righteously live with Christ.

Brothers and sisters!

Even simple short prayers are of great strength. They are also in saving themselves, children and destroyed Russia. Take this feat on yourself and help your neighbors.

Professor, priest

Alexander Polovinkin