
What days can you transplant flowers. Lunar calendar: favorable days for transplanting flowerpots

Basics of garden composition

Indoor plants, just like garden plants, require increased attention. Caring for them is not limited to watering only. Almost all beauties at home need periodic transplants. But at the same time, it is important to know not only how to do this, but also when it is better to transplant indoor flowers. The further well-being of the plants and their appearance depends on the correct timing.

At first glance, the dilemma lies in the choice: in the fall or spring to take up the spatula and the soil. But in reality, there are many nuances in this matter: in the morning or in the evening, a day according to the lunar calendar, whether the age and size of the plant, as well as its condition, affect. Let's take a look at all the factors that affect the timing of the transplant.

When is it better to transplant indoor flowers - in what season

Any transplantation (including transshipment) is intended to improve the conditions for the growth of plants. If this is done on time and in compliance with the rules, then after a while green friend begins to grow and develop more actively. Before considering in detail when it is better to transplant flowers at home, you need to decide on the question of how often to carry out this procedure.

Young plants need soil renewal annually. For adult flowering objects that have already reached large sizes, one can limit themselves to once every 2-3 years. At the same time, many decorative deciduous (, palm trees) and flowering crops (camellias, amaryllis) require an even rarer transplant - once every 3-4 years.

With timely and competent care for pets, such a frequency will be sufficient. Now to the question of what time of the year indoor flowers will calmly take root in a new pot.

The best time for a planned transplant indoor plants- late winter and spring (mid-February to April).

This is quite understandable from a physiological point of view. In the spring, when daylight hours increase, vital processes begin to activate in the body of plants, including indoor plants. First of all, it is photosynthesis, transport of water and nutrients. As a result, the plant begins to actively grow and develop. During such a period, all forces are mobilized and the plant organism can more easily endure the change of soil.

At the same time, more accurate terms within the specified period must be determined, focusing on the plant itself. Since each species has its own individual characteristics... So, bulbous plants are transplanted only after their leaves turn yellow. Any flowering plants do not touch until the last flowers are withered. Only after that you can start transplanting or transshipment.

Exceptions to the rule:

  • If necessary, the period for transplanting flowers can be extended until summer. But in this case, it is important to comply with all the conditions of the procedure and provide the plant with careful care in a new pot. I mean light, water, temperature regime, feeding.
  • For some crops, the spring transplant rule has an exception. An example is cacti. In spring they bloom, and in summer they actively increase phytomass. Therefore, the most convenient time to replant cacti is the beginning of winter (more precisely - November, December) or the end of spring - early summer.
  • And one moment. Even if you bought a new houseplant in a store and the timing seems to be good for a transplant, you should not rush. Let the new occupant in your home acclimate. Otherwise, the procedure may end in disaster for him - he will not stand the double stress.

When flowers are transplanted according to the lunar calendar

The fact that the Earth's satellite affects many processes on our planet has long been no secret. Gardeners plant, prune, feed, dig up plants on personal plot according to the lunar calendar. This phenomenon also applies to indoor flowers. There are dates on which it is very favorable to transplant, and there are those when it is better not to touch the plants.

Transplant and new landing indoor flowers are best produced in the days of the Virgin. In this case, the plants will quickly take root and grow well.

These days and periods change every year. Data for 2018 are shown in the table. While it is best to replant indoor flowers in the spring, there are also suitable days during other seasons (fall and even winter). Indeed, sometimes, for extraordinary reasons, flowers need an urgent transplant.

Moon calendar transplants and pruning in 2018

Month Auspicious days Unfavorable days Forbidden days
January 1, 18 — 30 3 – 17 2, 31
February 17 – 28 1 – 14, 16 15
March 1, 18 – 30 3 — 17 2, 31
April 17 – 29 1 – 16 30
May 16 – 28 1 – 15, 30, 31 29
June 14 – 27 1 – 13, 29, 30 28
July 14 — 26 1 – 12, 28 — 31 13, 27
August 12 – 25 1 – 10, 27 — 31 11, 26
September 10 – 24 1 – 9, 26 – 30 25
October 10 – 23 1 – 9, 25 — 31 24
November 8 – 22 1 – 7, 24 – 30 23
December 8 — 21 1 – 7, 23 — 31 22

Dates in the "auspicious days" column are ideal for doing land work. The days indicated in the middle column are not suitable for replanting and pruning indoor flowers - that is, any drastic measures should be rescheduled for another day. Dates from the last column are an absolute taboo. It is better not to touch the plants these days (this means not only transplanting, but also feeding, pest control, loosening).

When an emergency transplant is performed

In the life of domestic plants, there are situations when they need an urgent transplant. This is necessary if it is impossible to solve the problem with other methods of care (for example, feeding, pruning, processing with chemicals).

When, for objective reasons, it became necessary to replace the soil and the pot, they no longer look at the standard terms for transplanting indoor flowers. This emergency procedure can be carried out at any time - both during the period of active growth and during the dormant period of the plant.

How to determine that a plant organism needs an urgent transplant with full or partial replacement of soil? There are several signs that indicate this:

  1. An earthen ball sticks out very strongly from the pot. This means that the root system does not have enough volume.
  2. During the period when the plant should actively grow, it does not form new shoots and does not develop.
  3. Rapid yellowing of leaves throughout the plant (both old and young).
  4. Blooming disturbance - shortening of terms, a decrease in the number of flowers or their underdevelopment and early abscission.
  5. Root decay caused by serious infectious diseases or pests.

Even if outside the window is not the best time to transplant, you can take a chance. But every effort must be made to fix the problem. The thing is that an urgent replacement of soil and container outside the classical terms can both save the plant and destroy it. It all depends on the correct adherence to the procedure.

Thus, if your green pets need to update the soil conditions, then find the right time for this useful work. When deciding when it is best to transplant indoor flowers and decorative deciduous crops, take into account all the factors at once - the season, the state of the plant, the lunar calendar. In this case, the "operation" will end well and homemade flowers will delight the eye.

Good luck in floriculture!

In most cases, the transplant is performed in the spring.

Transplanting indoor plants- This is one of the mandatory procedures that must be performed as part of their care. Not everyone houseplants need such a procedure. But, most of them need to be transplanted every 2-3 years without fail.

Extremely important transplant correctly, because, despite its apparent simplicity, you can do everything wrong and severely harm the plant, even provoke its death. That's why it is necessary to transplant plants in compliance with all the rules.

Favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers

To indoor plants actively grew and bloomed after transplanting, you need to choose a suitable day for this. It has long been noticed that certain days and months are most favorable for this procedure... And there are days when a transplant can lead to the death of a plant. Exist special calendar... This is a lunar calendar, and it is compiled by professional astrologers every year. Therefore, when planning to perform the procedure for planting or transplanting a houseplant, you must first familiarize yourself with the most favorable days for these purposes.

Purchase such calendars are available in flower shops, or just find it on the Internet, which is much faster.

In most cases the transplant is carried out in the spring because this is the most favorable period for these purposes. At this time, the plants awaken from hibernation, a state of rest, when young leaves begin to appear on them. You can also transplant plants fall Yu. This period is also considered favorable for such a procedure.

Transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar

Lunar calendars need to be read very carefully.... And it should be the current calendar for the current year, not the old one. After all, those days that were auspicious last year can be opposite in this one. In addition, astrologers, compiling such calendars, indicate for which types of plants a particular day is favorable. This can be, for example, tuberous, bulbous, climbing plants, etc. After all, a favorable day for transplanting one type of plant may be unfavorable for another species.

Usually, it is undesirable to transplant plants on the new moon.... It is better to water it abundantly during this period. You can remove dried twigs, etc. The best phase when transplanting is allowed is the growing moon. The fact is that during this period, useful substances in the plant circulate actively in its aboveground part. The zodiacal factor is also of great importance. Signs such as Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Pisces and Cancer contribute to the accelerated growth of the plant. In order not to confuse anything and not to make mistakes, it is better to use a fresh and up-to-date calendar. There will be indicated the most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants and the days when it is better not to touch them at all.

How to transplant indoor flowers correctly - technology and advice

To houseplant transplant was successful, it is important to choose the right not only a favorable day for this, but also when this procedure will be performed. It is also necessary to choose the right soil type, pot size, transplant technology,irrigation intensity, the place where the plant will be placed, etc.... After the houseplant is transplanted, it is watered several times and the leaves are also sprayed with water.
Before transplanting a plant at all, you need to make sure that this is definitely required. How to determine this? There are several signs that the plant is cramped in its current pot. For example, if the greenery has recently become so much that the soil is not visible at all. In addition, sometimes the root system can grow, which is visible through the soil. It is necessary to turn the pot over and take out the plant along with the earthy clod. In the event that the roots have entwined all the available soil, this is a clear sign when a transplant is required.
If the plant is growing slowly, there is no point in replanting it in a large pot. The size of the pot should not be much larger than the previous one. If the plant is growing rapidly and the root is large, the pot size should be appropriate. It is very important to consider the type of root system so that it has a place to grow. But, it is not necessary to overdo it with the size of the pot, because in some cases it is the root system that will actively grow and the plant itself can grow, but not bloom. Or just a plant in a large pot will look ridiculous.
It is also necessary to choose the right soil so that it fits the plant. But how to determine this? Information can be found on the internet. It's even easier to just go to a flower shop and ask the seller for soil that is designed for a particular type of plant. It is best to purchase a primer that is precisely suited to certain types of flowers. Universal soils, and there are also such, are best avoided, because they are not suitable for all plants.

As for transplant technologies, there are not many of them..

  • The first way implies transplanting only a plant, completely clearing it root system from the ground.
  • Second way- this is a transshipment, when the root is taken out of the pot along with the earthen lump.
  • Third way- it's just replacing the top layer of the soil. In the latter case, the plant is not transplanted into another pot. The top layer of the earth is simply removed, and new soil is poured in its place, possibly also fertilizers.

Transplanting indoor flowers in autumn (September, October)

Autumn is also considered a fairly favorable period for transplanting indoor plants.... Basically, transplanting is carried out in September and October, when active growth stops, as well as flowering. Anyway, it is better to do a transplant in the fall if there is urgency... For example, if the root system has entangled the entire soil, if the plant is in a temporary transport pot, etc. But the transshipment can be done in the fall, however, as at any other time of the year. In the fall, the transplant must be carried out as quickly as possible, without stretching this process for a long time, so that the roots of the plant do not dry out. As well as in the spring, the transplant in the fall must be carried out taking into account the data. lunar calendar, choosing the most favorable day for this.

In order to create favorable conditions for good growth and development of indoor plants, they should be watered, fertilized, and also transplant, renew the land and select the most suitable pot. Experts today recommend transplanting your favorite potted plants in accordance with the phases of the moon.

Why is it important to know an auspicious day for a transplant?

The lunar period and the zodiacal position of the moon directly affect the vital activity of the flora. The calendar table compiled by professional astrologers indicates on which dates it is allowed to transplant, and on which days it is undesirable to disturb them.

With the onset of the new year, successful and not good time changes and it is important to have up-to-date information.

By transplanting on dates with positive lunar energy, you can be sure that the plants will adapt well in a new place, will not get sick, but will delight the owners with their flowering appearance.

Which days are good for a transplant?

Lunar calendar for 2018 will tell those who are engaged in flower cultivation on which dates the transplant will be successful and which days are unfavorable. The lunar energy is quite powerful and changes every month.

It is important for gardeners monthly take into account lunar features, for example, it is not recommended to transplant home flowers during the period of the birth of the moon and the days of the full moon, and when the moon is growing, the transplant will be successful, but the most important thing is in the conjunction of which signs of the zodiac the mysterious satellite of the Earth is located.

The most fruitful constellations:

  • fish;
  • Taurus;
  • Scorpion;
  • scales;

And the least fruitful constellations are fiery: Aries and Sagittarius.

Consider in the pivot table on which dates in 2018 the moon will be favorable for home gardening:

Month Auspicious, unwanted and forbidden days
January Auspicious days: 18-27

Unwanted days: 1-3, 14-17, 28-31

Forbidden days: 4-13

February Auspicious days: 17-24

Unwanted days: 13-16, 25-28

Forbidden days: 1-12

March Auspicious days: 18-26

Unwanted days: 1, 2, 12-17, 26-31

Forbidden days: 3-11

April Auspicious days: 17-25

Unwanted days: 14-16, 26-30

Forbidden days: 1-13

May Auspicious days: 16-24

Unwanted days: 11-15, 24-31

Forbidden days: 1-10

June Auspicious days: 14-22

Unwanted days: 10-13, 23-30

Forbidden days: 1-9

July Auspicious days: 14-21

Unwanted days: 10-13, 22-31

Forbidden days: 1-9

August Auspicious days: 12-20

Unwanted days: 8-11, 21-31

Forbidden days: 1-7

September Auspicious days: 10-20

Unwanted days: 9, 21-27

Forbidden days: 1-8, 28-30

October Auspicious days: 11-18

Unwanted days: 9, 10, 19-25

Forbidden days: 1-8, 26-31

November Auspicious days: 12-18

Unwanted days: 1, 2, 7-11, 19-25

Forbidden days: 3-6, 26-30

December Auspicious days: 8-17

Unwanted days: 1-7, 18-24

Forbidden days: 25-31

Sure, best time spring is considered for transplant, but if the flower is already cramped in the pot, because of the voluminous foliage, the soil is not visible, the rhizome stretches upward, withers, and top dressing does not help, then you cannot hesitate.

Having opened the lunar calendar table and choosing the right time, you should start transplanting an overgrown plant.

Transplanting on the right day will help you quickly get used to a new place, easily settle down and start growing with renewed vigor.

As a rule, potted flowers need to be transplanted every few years, but the top layer of the earth must be replaced every year. To do this, you need to remove from 2 to 5 centimeters of old soil and cover with fresh soil. So what days of 2018 will be good for floriculture?

When to replant in January?

The first month of the new year follows moderately care for indoor flowers: they are still asleep, and it is not advisable to disturb them with transplants without a strong need.

For a transplant, choose the second half of the month, from January 18, a successful phase of the waxing moon begins.

Table: Calendar of transfers in October 2018

When to replant in November?

In November, the flowers feel drought from the active work of central heating in the apartments. Flowers should be regularly spray with water... Flowers transplanted in mid-November, take root well and are not susceptible to disease. Fortified plants will be able to please the gardener with beautiful flowering in winter.

Table: Calendar of transfers in November 2018

When to replant in December?

At the beginning of winter, the flowers do not sleep yet, but continue actively grow and bloom... December is favorable for root care, cultivation and thorough loosening of the soil.

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low fertile soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How do moon phases affect plant growth?

Scientists have long proven the influence of lunar energy on all living things. Indoor flowers are no exception: their growth and development are associated with lunar periods. Therefore, when gardening and floriculture work, one should take into account what phase the moon is in at the moment.

In total, up to 8 lunar phases are distinguished. The growing moon has a beneficial effect on flowers, which is very symbolic. During the passage of the moon through each phase, it is necessary to perform the recommended manipulations for good growth and development of indoor crops.

There are 4 main phases of the moon. Let's consider them separately.

New moon

The new moon phase lasts 3 days. During this phase, the plants do not grow well, they should be provided with rest and not be actively nursed.

Forbidden during the new moon:

  • Plant and replant.
  • Process the roots.
  • Grafting indoor.

Waxing moon phase

This is the most favorable period for plant growth.

  • Plant seeds and shoots.
  • Transplant overgrown flowers.
  • Process and fertilize the soil.
  • Plant the soil.
  • Watering and soldering flowers.

Full moon

The full moon phase, like the new moon, lasts only 3 days. When gardening during this vulnerable period, care should be taken not to harm the plants.


  • Remove weeds.
  • Deal with pests.
  • Treat leaves and stems for disease.

Forbidden during the full moon:

  • Transplant the plant to a new location.
  • Cutting off the twigs can cause injury to the shoots.
  • Inoculate home cultures.

Moon waning phase

During the waning moon, there is a direct effect of the lunar energy on the roots of plants. During this period, you need to be careful with transplanting so as not to harm the roots. But the trunk, leaves, flowers and fruits can be actively looked after during this period.

  • Planting young shoots.
  • Thin out overgrown seedlings.
  • Removal of bugs and weeds.
  • Treatment of flower diseases.
  • Fertilization with useful elements.
  • Cropping, shaping.

Video: How to determine the right time for plant transplantation?


Knowing the influence of the moon on the state of plants, you can be sure that you do not harm indoor flowers with unnecessary manipulations.

It is convenient to have a table of favorable and unfavorable days for transplanting home plants, so as not only not to cause stress, but also to help the flower take root in a new pot. By applying the information from the article, your houseplants will feel good all year round.

How can the lunar calendar for 2018 help flower lovers? It indicates favorable and undesirable days for transplanting indoor plants and other procedures with them, for example, watering and feeding. He will tell you how to increase the yield of some crops in the home.

Rules for transplanting indoor flowers

Healthy specimens that grow slowly are moved to another place every 2-3 years, and young, actively developing shoots - every year.

Adult well-formed flowers - every 2-3 years.

Treelike - once every 4-5 years.

Conifers - before rest.

Early flowering - after they have faded.

If the plant is affected by a disease or pests, as well as if the container is damaged, an extraordinary transplant is carried out.

How to transplant house plants according to the lunar calendar?

The day before transplanting, the flowers must be watered.

Prepare the pots: wash and disinfect.

Drainage should be placed in the container, a soil mixture should be poured with a slide, which should meet the requirements of the plants.

First, the flower must be removed from the previous container and turned upside down, holding the stem.

It is necessary to shake off the roots from the soil, examine them to identify old and painful areas that must be removed immediately.

An indoor flower should be placed in a pot, spread the roots and fill the container with soil mixture, without deepening the roots, crush the soil and leave space to the top 2-3 cm.

Plants should be gently watered along the edge of the pot or over a drip tray. The container should be rearranged in a bright and warm place so that direct sunlight does not fall into it.

Within 6-8 days, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying.

Blooming flowers cannot be transplanted.

Transplant pots should be 1.5-3 cm larger than the previous ones, and if the specimens are large - by 8-10 cm.

How do moon phases affect indoor plants?

It is known that the moon goes through several stages that affect the flora in their own way. Therefore, the lunar calendar of the grower was created.

Let's list these phases:

  1. Young (growing) moon. This time is most favorable for placing flowers in a garden bed or other form of transplantation. The fact is that this process gives the plants additional energy, which seriously affects their growth. Astrologers advise to take a closer look at the phases when the Moon passes the constellations Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius.
  2. Waning moon. During this period, all actions with plants, including movements, are excluded, since at the indicated time all energy is concentrated in the root system.
  3. 2nd and 4th phases are undesirable for transplanting and other processing of flowers. If you plan to grow street options, then during this period it is better to prepare planting material.

Astrology connection with indoor flowers

Each phase of the moon is corrected by the zodiac sign in which the satellite resides. If sowing is carried out with a "dry" sign, the Moon will not provide him with energy and strength for productive development.

Fertile signs include: Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo.

To infertile: Sagittarius, Aries.

Moderately fertile signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn.

Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are considered "leaf days"; Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn - "root days" when watering is necessary; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - "flower days", in which it is better not to provide plants with water.

It is easier to navigate by the lunar calendar when it is presented in the form of a table:

Winter calendar 2018

It is better to deal with houseplants in January on the 18th-27th. On these days, flowers can be cut, moved to other rooms, and transplanted. But on January 4-13, it is advisable not to do anything with them, you can only water and feed. It is better not to touch the ground under them.

Plants need less water in winter than at other times of the year.

On February 17-24, you need to pay attention to shrub and tree-like options, on the 25-27th - the days of flowers and cacti. On February 1-12, transplanting is undesirable, it can harm the condition of the plants.

December 25-31 are unfavorable dates, and 8-17 are good ones. These days you need to be more attentive to your plants.

Spring calendar 2018

In the period from March 3 to March 11, any manipulation of flowers should be avoided. Top dressing is best done on March 18-26. The most successful time is the night of the 25th.

On April 17-25, the plants are rapidly moving upward, and on the 27-30th - the period of root growth. You need to pay special attention to this, then there will be a high-quality result. Any procedures with the ground on April 1-13 are undesirable.

When a flower is actively growing, it needs feeding. Indeed, the soil may not have enough nutrients for development and life. decorative culture... Here you can remember the powders.

On May 16-24, new containers are chosen for plants and transplanted. But numbers 1-10 don't.

Summer calendar 2018

The pot must be selected strictly according to the parameters of the plant, including the root system. If the container is very small, the flower may wilt. And in a container that is too spacious, it is difficult to water and fertilize the soil.

Flowers need to be paid attention to on June 14-22, and it is undesirable to touch them on June 1-9, since they are extremely sensitive to external influences.

July 14-21 is the time for new transplants, loosening and fertilizing the soil. All manipulations should be carried out carefully, since even in favorable lunar days flowers are sensitive. It is better not to disturb the plants on July 1-9.

It is advisable to deal with flowers and bushes on August 12-20, tree-like specimens - on the 21-23. It is better not to disturb the indoor flora for the first 7 days of the month, this may affect the growth of plants. It should be borne in mind that there are specimens that need the sun for life, and there are those that cannot stand it.

Autumn lunar calendar 2018

There are enough bad days in September. These include 1-8, 28-30, when it is better not to feed or transplant flowers. This can be done without any problems from 10 to 20 September.

October is the month when you need to be more careful about plants. If the roots come out of the hole for the withdrawal of liquid or the earth turns into 1 stone lump, this means that the transplant has been required for a long time, and the size of the pot is very small. The procedures should be carried out on October 11-18, but you should not touch the flowers on 1-8 and 26-31.

A plant that is transplanted during flowering sheds its petals and buds as a result of stress.

Actual numbers for transplanting indoor flowers: November 12-18. 3-6 and 26-30 numbers are not suitable for this.

Knowing all the successful and unsuccessful periods of 2018, flower growers will be able to provide their plants with active development and lush flowering.

The moon affects all living organisms on earth, this is noticeable by the ebb and flow. Indoor flowers and plants also depend on the influence of the lunar rhythms, since they contain water. Are there favorable days for transplanting indoor plants? Consider in which phases of the moon it is best to transplant flowers, and when you should not disturb the tubers and the root system.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the effect of planetary biorhythms on animals and vegetable world... Over the centuries, knowledge has accumulated that can help us care for our favorite home flowers and plants. For example, in the first half lunar month(from the new moon to the full moon) vital juices are directed upwards - to the leaves and inflorescences. It is this time that is most favorable for plant transplantation.

Note! If you collect fruits from plants, then in the first half of the lunar month they will be the most juicy and tasty.

If a lemon or other tree grows in your house, you need to collect the fruits only during the increase in the lunar disk. Hilling and loosening the soil is best done on full moon days. At this time, you can add soil to the bare roots, add fertilizer.

It is more correct to change the land in flowerpots on the growing moon. Gardeners recommend carrying out this manipulation in the spring season (April-May), summer time(July-August) or in the fall in favorable time... If you need to change the earth in winter, this can be done in December during the growth of the lunar disk.

However, the time of the waxing moon must be distinguished from the new moon. A new moon is considered two days from the beginning of the lunar month, when the disk is not visible in the sky. These days, the life juices of flowers accumulate in the tubers and roots, so they cannot be transplanted.

The new moon is ideal for forming the crown of bushes and cutting off branches. On the new moon and on the dying moon, seeds are collected: they contain the concentration of the growth force. Planting seeds harvested at the specified time will ensure quick shoots and vigorous growth of seedlings.

Lunar eclipses are a special time period. You cannot engage in flower transplantation and other manipulations. Let the plant rest for a few days before and after the eclipse. It is believed that the influence of eclipses begins a few days before its onset and lasts for some time after.

Check out the 2018 plant manipulation calendar:

Moon in the signs of the zodiac

The lunar disk goes through the 12 zodiac signs, which influence the biorhythms of the night luminary. It is important for gardeners to know the following information:

  • waning moon in Scorpio and growing in the sign of Capricorn - you can transplant tubers and flower bulbs;
  • the waning moon in Cancer and growing in air signs, Scorpio and Pisces - decorative deciduous plants can be transplanted;
  • waning moon in Sagittarius and Virgo, growing in Gemini - vines and ampelous plant species can be transplanted.

Note! Favorable signs of the zodiac for working with plants are Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. Unfavorable signs are Aquarius and Leo.

If the moon passes through the constellation Aries, plants do not perceive nutrients- feeding is useless.

The Leo constellation is also not favorable for fertilizing, watering plants and treating pests.

Planting seedlings and sowing seeds is best when the growing moon passes through the constellation Virgo or the waning moon is in the constellations of Cancer or Scorpio.

Trimming and pinching is best done when the waning moon crosses the constellations Gemini or Aquarius.

Unfavorable and neutral days

What can you do with plants on unfavorable lunar days? It is best to leave them alone, because any manipulation will bring stress to our pets. Especially unfavorable are the days of eclipses - both lunar and solar. Transplanting flowers at this time can simply destroy them.

What can you do on neutral days according to the lunar calendar? At this time, you can feed the plants, spray with pest control, water and loosen the soil. The plant may not survive radical changes. However, in urgent cases, you can transplant the plant on neutral days - if a flowerpot has broken or pests have attacked the plant.

Plants always delight us with their flowering and the beauty of their leaves. Correct care- the guarantee of a long life for green handsome men. Remember that transplanting flowers is best done during the warm season of the year: this time is completely favorable for working with soil and tubers.

If you need to transplant a flower in late autumn, you must strictly observe the lunar phases and take into account favorable days. It is not recommended to disturb the plants in winter, their life processes are at rest.

If you carry out a plant transplant taking into account the change of the lunar phases, this will not bring stress to the tubers and twigs. Flowers quickly take root in a new flowerpot and do not lose their attractiveness.

If you transplant a plant without taking into account the influence of the lunar phases, it can get sick and wither. Therefore, always check your plan of action with the lunar calendar and the advice of expert astrologers. Then your flowers will always delight you with exuberant flowering and a healthy look.