
Algorithm for cleaning. Requirements and procedure for conducting general cleaning in medicine

Vegetable crops

I. All rooms, equipment, medical and other inventory should be kept clean. Wet cleaning of premises (treatment of floors, furniture, equipment, windowsills, doors) should be carried out at least 2 times a day using detergents and disinfectants permitted to use in the prescribed manner.

In the branches of newborn and premature children: in boxes for children with somatic pathology, it is no less than 3 times a day, a wet room cleaning is carried out: 1 time per day (after third feeding) - using disinfectants; 2 times a day (in the morning and evening) - using 0.5% detergent. Processing is performed by the method of "two buckets". In the wards, in which children are located with infectious pathology, disinfection of objects and floors of rooms are performed using a disinfectant solution at least 2 times a day (after the third and fifth feeding) by the method of "two buckets".

Clinical diagnostic laboratories: Wet cleaning of premises should be carried out using detergents and disinfectants at least 1 time per day, and if necessary, more often.

II. Washing window glasses should be carried out at least 1 time per month from the inside and at least 1 time in 3 months outside (in spring, summer, autumn).

III. The general cleaning of the premises of the ward branches and other functional premises and the cabinets should be carried out according to the schedule at least 1 time per month with the processing of walls, floors, equipment, equipment, lamps.

The dental office of the surgical profile is 1 time in 7 days, the rest - 1 time per month.

Clinical diagnostic laboratories - 1 time per month in premises, where work with native blood, serum is carried out.

Cabinets Polyclinic, requiring aseptic conditions for the implementation of research, manipulations, procedures, - 1 time in 7 days, therapeutic profile - 1 time per month.

General cleaning (washing and disinfection) of the operating unit, dressings, maternity halls, procedural, manipulative, sterilization is carried out once a week with processing and disinfection of equipment, furniture, inventory.

In the branches of newborns and premature children after 10-12 days of stay of children in boxing (with the mandatory translation of children in the disinfeced room) and after their discharge, the boxing is carried out by the type of final disinfection.

IV. The schedule of general cleaning is made every month of the senior medical sister and is approved by the head of the department. Mark about holding general cleaning Made in the journal (graph) of conducting general cleaning by a person responsible for conducting general cleaning.

V. Purpose of cleaning:

Creating safe clean ambient for patients and personnel;

Destruction and minimizing most pathoral microorganisms on the surface of non-living objects;

Reducing the risk of cross-infection.


Labeled wall washing tanks - 2 pcs;

Marked tanks for washing surfaces - 2 pcs.;

Labeled floor washing tanks - 2 pcs.;

Labeled car wash container - 1 pc.;

Mops: for washing walls, ceiling - 1 pc., For floor washing - 1 pc.;

Rags, sterile rags with general cleaning of aseptic premises;

Overalls: Bathrobe, Cap, Acknake Adhesive, Gloves, Glasses, Mask or Respirator, Rubber Shoes;

Disinfecting and detergents.

Technology for cleaning premises by type of current disinfection

Current cleaning of the chambers is carried out in the morning (in the evening), cabinets, aseptic premises - before starting work (at the end of the work), as it is contaminated during the work of younger medical staff in special clothing under the control of the medical sister.

Current cleaning includes:

Processing of working surfaces, equipment, doors, shells by wiping with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution, followed by flushing with tap water with a clean vet;

Irradiation of the room with a bactericidal lamp. The exposure time is calculated based on the data of the passport of a specific bactericidal lamp and the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed room. The time of operation of the bactericidal lamp is recommended to be recorded in the journal accounting of bactericidal lamps.


Wear special clothes;

Processing successively working surfaces, equipment, doors, sinks with a disinfectant solution (use the tank for surfaces and pure rags).

Wash off a disinfect solution with pure tap water with a clean vet;

Wash the floor by the "two buckets" method (use a bucket for washing the floors and the floor for the floor);

Turn off the bactericidal lamp;

Disinfection rags, harvesting inventory in a disinfectant solution, rinse and be sure to dry in a special room.

Note: During the work of the procedural (manipulation, dressing room) of the cabinet, the roller disinfection, harness, oilcloth, the surface of the couch after each procedure, the surface of the desktop as dirty is contaminated. Rafting, moistened with a disinfecting solution, is processed by hand, harness, oilcloth, couch surface. In the case of contamination of working surfaces during procedures, they should be carefully treated with a rare moistened with a disinfectant solution, then a disinfecting solution washed off with tap water with a clean vet. After use, it is necessary to disinfect the vehicle in the container for disinfection.

Technology of conducting general cleaning of premises by the type of final disinfection

The general cleaning of the final disinfection is carried out by medical personnel in accordance with the approved schedule.

The general cleaning assumes the treatment with a solution of disinfectant walls to the ceiling, ceiling, gender, workers and hard-to-reach surfaces, equipment, windows, including internal surface glasses (according to graph). Window washed warm water with the addition of 1 tablespoon ammona alcohol per 1 liter of water or permitted special detergent For windows. Sequencing:

Wear special clothes;

Move away furniture and equipment for cleaning walls and sex for them;

Carry out mechanical cleaning of walls and gender from contamination, using a clean rag (1st rag) and a detergent solution, the space for heating batteries and between them to handle 2 shems, moistened by deeschor;

Wash off the detergent solution with tap water;

Apply to all surfaces with a clean rag (2nd rags) disinfecting solution, withstand the exposure.

Remove the apron, change gloves;

Wash all surfaces with tap water using a sterile rag (3rd rags);

Wipe the washed surfaces with sterile rags (4th rags);

Wash the floor by the "two buckets" method. Praying the floor is carried out by the method of "two buckets". For this purpose, two tanks (buckets) are isolated, which label "1" and "2". In the container "1" poured the required amount (3-4 l) of the disinfectant solution; In the container "2" - pure tap water. Cleaning rags are wetted in the solution of the container "1" and carefully wipe the treated surface. Then the rags are sealed in the tank "2", pressed and re-wetted in the solution of the container "1" and the untreated surfaces of the floor are smelted. The solution in the container "1" is changed after disinfection of 60 m2, water capacity "2" - as it is contaminated;

Turn on the bactericidal lamp, withstand the exposure;

To air the room until the ozone smell disappears;

Default harvesting in a disinfectant solution, rinse and be sure to dry in a special room;

Remove workwear, send to laundry;

Make a mark in the journal of accounting of general cleaning, log of registration and control of ultraviolet bactericidal installation.


For general cleaning, it is allowed to apply disinfectants included in the list of disinfectants permitted to use in the Russian Federation.

In the workplace it is advisable to have methodical instructions or extracts from instructions for used disinfectants.

The publication was prepared on the basis of the order of the Committee on Health of the Administration of the Volgograd region of 12.03.2008 No. 393.


Obstract name: General cleaning in the department, processing of objects, care for patients

Artist: Nurse Department Resuscitation

Busurmanova A.T.

Uralsk, 2017

Cleaning in the premises of therapeutic and preventive organizations is one of the links in the chain of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the in-hospitality infection. At the same time, cleaning from dirt, dust, substrates of biological origin and disinfection, i.e. Destruction on surfaces of microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases.

Exist next species Cleaning:

I. Wet cleaning;

II. Spring-cleaning;

III. Cleaning by type of final disinfection.

Application area

Rules apply to medium and junior medical personnel of clinical units. Cleaning personnel must pass a qualified documented training in harvesting.

Senior medical sisters and sisters of the hostess departments are monitoring control over harvesting.

Control and monitoring of cleaning services are carried out by the service of infectious control.

Equipment list

4.1. Special clothing (bathrobe, hat, mask, gloves);

4.2. Cleaning equipment (vehicles, brushes, mops, rams, pulverizers);

4.3. detergents and disinfectants permitted to use in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4.4. Capacities for cleaning behavior should be marked, used for intended.

Algorithm for general cleaning.

1. Definition

2. The general cleaning is carried out once a week according to the approved schedule with processing and disinfection of equipment, furniture, inventory in the following premises:

3. Operating blocks;

4. Dressing offices;

5. Gathering halls;

6. Procedure Cabins;

7. Manipulation offices;

8. Sterilization;

9. Chambers of intensive therapy;

10. Viewing offices;

11. Invasive rooms;

12. Premises with aseptic mode.

13. General cleaning 1 time per month according to the approved schedule and on epidemiological indications is carried out with the processing of walls, gender, equipment, furniture and equipment in the following premises:

14. Chambers;

15. Auxiliary premises;

16. Cabinets.

2. Procedure

2.1. Preparation for general cleaning:

a) wear special clothes (bathrobe, hat, mask, gloves);

b) bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets) are subjected to chamber disinfection or treatment with disinfectory solutions;

c) the premises of the maximum free from furniture or push it to the center of the room, to provide free access to the surfaces and objects;

e) prepare working solutions (detergents and disinfectants) according to the instructions for the preparation of solutions;

e) make medical waste and disinfect the tank.

2.2. General cleaning:

a) ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables and other furniture, as well as equipment of the cabinets to handle 0.5% detergent (50g. Powder for 10 liters of water or disserter with detergent *) and washed off clean water;

b) ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables, and other furniture, as well as equipment of the cabinets to handle irrigation method or wiping with a rare, moistened with a disinfectant approved concentration;

c) after which the room is closed on a certain exposure of a disinfectant solution;

d) after exposure, the room is ventilated;

e) all surfaces are washed off with water and dry (walls, ceiling, furniture, equipment, equipment) pure rag;

e) cleaning is completed by washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

) Then quartzing (according to the list) is carried out in terms of rooms, followed by ventilating;

g) after cleaning the vehicles are disinfected in a disinfectant solution, are washed under running water until the smell of disinfectant is disappeared and dried;

h) Special clothing is rented in the laundry;

and) on holding general cleaning and quartzing The nurse notes in the journal of general cleaning and quartzing.


All cleaning in the registries are held together with the nurse, the nurse begins cleaning with a clean zone, i.e. Manipulation table, dressing table, medical cabinets, refrigerator, couch, work desk of nurses, and a nurse wipes the windowsill, chair, door, door handles, sanitary nodes and finishes floor washing.

In the wards, the Sanitary starts with beds, windowsill, door handles, sanitary nodes and finishes floor washing.

Dining tables, bedside tables and fridge for products processes distribution.

Washing window glasses is carried out at least 1 time per month from the inside, at least 1 time in 3 months outside and as dirty.

* When cleaning is carried out with a remuneration with a detergent effect, the 1st stage of processing of 0.5% of the detergent solution is canceled.

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Page Creation Date: 2017-08-26

The current cleaning of the premises is made in order to prevent, prevent infectious infection, as an anti-epidemic event, as well as to achieve and comply with the adopted sanitary and hygienic regime. Current cleaning ensures the removal of dangerous microorganisms, in addition, the current cleaning of the room retains an aesthetic appearance.

General definition

Current cleaning of the chambers, the current cleaning of the cabinet and other rooms is one of the items in the list of measures and sanitary activities carried out with anti-epidemic objectives. First of all, the current cleaning of the chamber and current cleaning in other premises is aimed at preventing an infection that can spread within the hospital.

The schedule and the frequency with which the current cleaning of the cabinets is made can change - except for two mandatory, it is necessary to produce additional cleaning and disinfection between operations. In all cases, when the planned current cleaning of premises is carried out, the following types of work must be held:

  • Cleaning from various passive contaminants. Dirt, dust, other surface contaminants.
  • Deleting waste of biological origin, especially carefully - if the current cleaning of the operating room is carried out.
  • The use of disinfectants. In mandatory, this is done if there is current cleaning of all rooms, for operating rooms and chambers there may be additional disinfection in several stages.

Current cleaning of hospital chambers pursues the main goal in the form of the destruction of microorganisms, which can multiply on various surfaces and be causative agents various diseases, including serious.

Algorithm for current cleaning

Current cleaning of the premises is made at least 2 times a day, includes cleaning and disinfection of floor surfaces, window sills, doors, furniture, all equipment. Additional current cleaning between operations is carried out in the operating. It is allowed to use only certified and safe cleaning and disinfectants.

When conducting current cleaning rooms, it is necessary to follow the principle:

  • The first cleaning is done by applying detergents for careful cleaning surfaces from dirt and dust. The calculation rate of detergent additives is 50 grams per standard decader water bucket.
  • The second cleaning includes the use of disinfection. The concentration and composition is approved by the regulatory documents operating for the hospital.

Current cleaning includes such steps:

  • Cleaning surfaces. For this you need to wipe all the windowsills, the backs of beds, tables, other furniture and planes with a wet cloth or veosh.
  • In dining or power facilities, the purification procedure is carried out. After feeding, the distributor must wipe all the tables, bedside tables and other surfaces.
  • After cleaning furniture and window sills, floor washing. This uses the addition of deceaster.
  • If necessary, additional quartzing is performed. This procedure is required for current harvesting of operating rooms.
  • The final stage includes ventilation.

Used tissue, which was rubbed surface, disinfect. For this, the composition of the deracilism is divorced according to the approved hospital standards. After disinfection, the fabric or rags rinses or washed with flowing water until the smell of disinfector disappears. After that, it is dried.

Current Cleaning Magazines

The current cleaning log includes an approved schedule for their conduct. After cleaning is recorded. The magazine indicates the planned date and time of the holding, the actual data who performed cleaning, which detergent was used, a disinfecting solution, its quantity and concentration. After sure it is necessary to indicate the name of the person who controlled the process and performance. Put paintings by those who did and controlled cleaning.

Separately, a regulatory document is compiled, where the amount of cleaning for each particular type of room is indicated and separate rooms are listed for which a personal schedule exists.

Regulatory documents and instructions

The procedure for holding current cleaning, their number and methodological requirements are governed by the orders of the Administration Committees of the Administration of Individual Regions. The use of quartz irradiators for air disinfection is regulated by the guidelines that the country's chief sanitary doctor approves.

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Cleaning algorithm in
Medical - preventive organizations

1. Goal

Cleaning is carried out to ensure prophylactic / anti-epidemic measures, preventing the spread of infections, compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime, provides both aesthetic look at the premises and for the removal of microorganisms.

2. Definition

Cleaning in the premises of therapeutic and preventive organizations is one of the links in the chain of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the in-hospitality infection. At the same time, cleaning from dirt, dust, substrates of biological origin and disinfection, i.e. Destruction on surfaces of microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases.

There are the following types of cleaning:

I. Wet cleaning;

II. Spring-cleaning;

III. Cleaning by type of final disinfection.

3. Scope

Rules apply to medium and junior medical personnel of clinical units. Cleaning personnel must pass a qualified documented training in harvesting.

Senior medical sisters and sisters of the hostess departments are monitoring control over harvesting.

Control and monitoring of cleaning services are carried out by the service of infectious control.

4. List of equipment

4.1. Special clothing (bathrobe, hat, mask, gloves);

4.2. Cleaning equipment (vehicles, brushes, mops, rams, pulverizers);

4.3. detergents and disinfectants permitted to use in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4.4. Capacities for cleaning behavior should be marked, used for intended.

5.1. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 87 of January 17, 2012. "Sanitary Rules" Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Health Objects. "

6. Document

6.1. Magazine to record cleaning and quartzing.

6.2. Instruction of disinfectant;

6.3. The procedure for disinfection of the air room.

I. Wet cleaning algorithm

1. Definition

Wet cleaning - gender, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors are carried out at least two times a day (in operational operations) and with contamination, using detergents and disinfectants permitted to use in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Cleaning is held daily at least 2 times a day:

1st time with the addition of detergent (50 gr. Funds per 10 liters of water).

2-yaraz - using a disinfectant approved concentration.

2. Procedure

2.1. Vegetable rapid bed, window sills, other furniture;

2.2. The satellite after feeding the patients rubbs the bedside tables, tables;

2.3. The removal is completed by washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

2.4. The press is carried out quartzing (according to the list) in terms of rooms, followed by ventilating;

2.5. After cleaning the vehicles are disinfected in a disinfectant solution according to the instructions for dilution of dissertation, are washed under running water until the smell of disinfectant is disappeared and dried;

2.6.O. To conduct quartzing, a nurse notes in the journal of general cleaning and quartzing.

II. Algorithm for general cleaning.

1. Definition

2. The general cleaning is carried out once a week according to the approved schedule with processing and disinfection of equipment, furniture, inventory in the following premises:

3. Operating blocks;

4. Dressing offices;

5. Gathering halls;

6. Procedure Cabins;

7. Manipulation offices;

8. Sterilization;

9. Chambers of intensive therapy;

10. Viewing offices;

11. Invasive rooms;

12. Premises with aseptic mode.

13. General cleaning 1 time per month according to the approved schedule and on epidemiological indications is carried out with the processing of walls, gender, equipment, furniture and equipment in the following premises:

14. Chambers;

15. Auxiliary premises;

16. Cabinets.

2. Procedure

2.1. Preparation for general cleaning:

a) wear special clothes (bathrobe, hat, mask, gloves);

e) prepare working solutions (detergents and disinfectants) according to the instructions for the preparation of solutions;

e) make medical waste and disinfect the tank.

2.2. General cleaning:

a) ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables and other furniture, as well as cabinet equipment to be treated with 0.5% detergent solution (50gr. Powder per 10 liters of water or disserter with detergent *) and washed off with clean water;

b) ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables, and other furniture, as well as equipment of the cabinets to handle irrigation method or wiping with a rare, moistened with a disinfectant approved concentration;

c) after which the room is closed on a certain exposure of a disinfectant solution;

d) after exposure, the room is ventilated;

e) all surfaces are washed off with water and dry (walls, ceiling, furniture, equipment, equipment) pure rag;

e) cleaning is completed by washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

) Then quartzing (according to the list) is carried out in terms of rooms, followed by ventilating;

g) after cleaning the vehicles are disinfected in a disinfectant solution, are washed under running water until the smell of disinfectant is disappeared and dried;

h) Special clothing is rented in the laundry;

and) on holding general cleaning and quartzing The nurse notes in the journal of general cleaning and quartzing.

III. Algorithm for cleaning for the type of final disinfection

1. Definition

Final disinfection - after discharge, translation, the death of the patient, a cleaning of the final disinfection is carried out in the released ward.

2. Procedure

2.1. Preparation for cleaning by the type of final disinfection:

a) wear special clothes (bathrobe, hat, masks, gloves);

b) bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets) are subjected to chamber disinfection or treatment with solutions of disinfectants;

c) the premises of the maximum free from furniture or push it to the center of the room, to provide free access to the surfaces and objects;

d) to prepare working solutions according to the instructions for the preparation of solutions;

e) make medical waste and disinfect the tank.

2.2. Cleaning by the type of final disinfection:

a) the method of irrigation or wiping to process ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables and other furniture, moistened with a disinfecting solution with a wet rapid approved concentration for final cleaning;

b) after which the room closes at the time of exposure exposure;

c) after exposure, the room is ventilated;

d) all surfaces are washed off with water and dry (walls, ceiling, furniture, equipment, equipment) clean rag;

e) cleaning is completed by washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

e) then quartzing (according to the list) is carried out in terms of rooms, followed by ventilating;

e), after cleaning, the vehicles are disinfected in a disinfectant solution, are washed under running water until the smell of disinfectant is disappeared and dried;

g) Special clothing is rented in the laundry;

h) On the holding of concluding disinfection and quartzing, a nurse notes in the journal of general cleaning and quartzing.

2. List of quartzing of premises

Quartzing is carried out after each cleaning in terms of the room, followed by ventilating in the following premises:

· Operating blocks;

· Dressing rooms;

· Maternity halls;

· Procedure Cabinets;

· Manipulation rooms;

· Sterilization;

· Chambers of intensive therapy;

· Viewing offices;

· Invasive cabins;

· Premises with aseptic mode.


All cleaning in the registries are held together with the nurse, the nurse begins cleaning with a clean zone, i.e. Manipulation table, dressing table, medical cabinets, refrigerator, couch, work desk of nurses, and a nurse wipes the windowsill, chair, door, door handles, sanitary nodes and finishes floor washing.

In the wards, the nurse begins with beds, windowsills, door handles, sanitary nodes and finishes the floor washing.

Dining tables, bedside tables and fridge for products processes distribution.

Washing window glasses is carried out at least 1 time per month from the inside, at least 1 time in 3 months outside and as dirty.

* When cleaning is carried out with a remuneration with a detergent effect, the 1st stage of processing of 0.5% of the detergent solution is canceled.

General requirements.

All rooms, equipment, medical and other inventory should be kept clean. Wet cleaning of premises (floor washing, furniture watches, equipment, window sills, doors, etc.) should be carried out at least 2 times a day, and if necessary, more often, with the use of detergents and disinfectants permitted to use in the prescribed manner .

Washing window strokes should be carried out at least once a month, and as pollution, and at least 1 time in 3 months outside (spring, summer, autumn).

The general cleaning of the premises of the steamed departments and other functions and cabinets should be carried out according to the schedule at least 1 time per month with thorough wash of walls, floors, equipment, furniture, freshlies.

General cleaning (washing, disinfection) of procedural, manipulatory, sterilization rooms are carried out once a week. General cleaning is carried out according to the schedule approved by the head of the department. The senior medical sister of the department is the responsible person for conducting general cleaning.

Carrying the chambers and other rooms in need of fresh air through the velocity, fraumuga, sash, must be carried out at least 4 times a day.

For the collection of household garbage and other class A waste in corridors, toilets and other auxiliary premises, urns must be installed, in procedural and other similar rooms related to the media process - pedal buckets. The accumulated garbage is assembled and packaged in plastic bags. It is disposed of containers located on the territory of the LPU.

The procedure for conducting current cleaning.

In all therapeutic and medical and diagnostic, laboratory premises, where parenteral interventions are conducted, work with biological material from patients is underway, only a wet method is carried out every day at least 2 times a day (in the morning - before starting The working day and at the end of the work shift) and as needed, with the use of detergents (2% of the soda soda solution (if it is prepared by centrally) or 0.5% of the Synthetic detergent (CMC) p-ra . Powder on 10 liters of water. The second wet wiping and washing surfaces that do not have contamination of the patient's secretions (blood, stew, urine, pus, etc.) is carried out using disinfectants -

3% chlorine schlorine, 0.5% solution of chlorine lime, 6% hydrogen peroxide solution with 0.5% CMC solution, neutral anolyte 0.05%, compostor 0.4.%

Working surfaces can also be wiped with disinfectants of a new generation designed for these purposes, guided by "Methodical Recommendations" for their use, approved by the head of Rospotrebnadzor (SanEpidadzor) and the instructions of the manufacturer. Cleaning is carried out specially highlighted with a rapid using a marked inventory (buckets, basins, mop).

Cleaning equipment is stored in a strictly reserved place. Cleaning equipment designed to work in epidemiologically significant vehicles (procedural, dressings, maternity hospitals, toilet rooms, and more), is stored in places.

A medical sister or a nurse before harvesting puts on a bathrobe, specially allocated for these purposes and gloves.

The clean vehicle for surface treatment is wetted in a container with a disinfectant solution and wipe all the surfaces twice with the interval of 15 minutes in a strict sequence: a table for sterile materials, cabinets for sterile solutions, equipment, manipulation tables, chairs, a couch for patients.

Floor washing is carried out with a disinfectant solution. The current cleaning of ultraviolet irradiation of the room is completed and carry out within 20 minutes.

General cleaning procedure

The general cleaning of premises differs from the current multiplicity of carrying out, the amount of work, the concentration of disinfectants, the duration of the disinfection of air depending on the type of messenger, its epidemiological category. In the procedural and dressings, the opener, Rodzale, any clinic surgery, where parenteral manipulations are performed, and the general cleaning buffers are held once a week. General cleaning (according to the type of concluding disinfection) is carried out once a week according to the appropriate schedule, with a record in the relevant magazine.

If for general cleaning, solutions of chlorine and other chlorine-containing drugs are used, then before applying these solutions on the surface, the latter is washed with 2% soyl soda solution or 0.5

% CMC solution. Then the detergent is washed off with water and deceoration is applied. If perishability preparations are used for general cleaning, the detergent is added to the peroxide and the steps of mechanical cleaning and disinfection are combined. Total useful for general cleaning of medical premises (procedural, dressing, operational block) with means are 5% solution of chlorine and a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution with 0.5% detergent in accordance with the recommendations of the Order of the USSR No. 720 from 07/31 to work Surgical departments and departments, resuscitation. For general cleaning in procedural,

out, relatives of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № 345

26.11.97. A 3% concentration of chlorine solution with 0.5% concentration of detergent synthetic agent (CMC) is used.

On the processed surfaces, the drugs of hydrogen peroxide or chlorine-containing agents are twice with an interval of 15 minutes and leave for one hour, then washed off with tap water and wipe with sterile diapers.

In the room, all the processed surfaces wipe the sterile rags in a disinfectant solution (walls, in the direction of reconciliation down, window sills, doors, furniture, equipment, surface, floor) in a disinfectant solution. Cleaning is carried out at closed doors and the vents.

The cleaning of the ultraviolet irradiation of the room and the dispensing within 20 minutes is completed.

Medical personnel When carrying out general cleaning, a clean bathrobe, shoes, mask, adhesive apron, gloves are used.

Requirements for cleaning inventory.

All cleaning equipment (buckets, thais, mops, etc.) should have a clear marking with an indication of premises and types of cleaning work, to use strictly for its intended purpose. Cleaning equipment is stored in removal cabinets, niches or other selected places with marking

"Cleaning inventory."

Cleaning equipment is contained in purity and after each cleaning is disinfection.

Cleaning inventory that cannot be disinfected (brushes, brooms, etc.), it is prohibited. For cleaning furniture and gender use separate harvesting equipment.

Cleaning of epidegenous premises always ends with air disinfect with bactericidal irradiators. Bactericidal irradiatel is an electrical device in which: a bacterial lamp, a reflector, a starting device and other auxiliary elements are placed. Bactericidal irradiators are placed on the ceiling or wall, as well as bactericidal irradiators are mobile. They are divided into two groups: closed (shielded) and open, (non-exposure). Both types of irradiating must have separate switches, and the switch for an open eruption is displayed in the corridor. The closed irradiators can work in the presence of people open - only in the presence of personnel and patients.

All rooms in the LPU to be equipped with bactericidal irradiators are divided into 5 categories:

The range of quartzing time in the absence of people open and

combined irradiators from 15 min. up to 120 or more min. When working only the shielded lamp, the duration of its combustion can be up to 8 hours a day, and every 2-3 hours the irradiator turns off by 1.5-2 hours. After work, bactericidal irradiators is always carried out the premises for removing ozone and nitrogen oxides.

The personnel working with open irradiators should ensure the means of individual protection (facial masks, gloves and points), the direct rays of the unshielded irradiator are harmful to people, causing photophthalmia and erythema of the skin.

An important point Sanitary and hygienic regime in the LPU is ventilating. With the help of end-to-end ventilation into the external environment, dust and hospital strains of substituents of mineralized infections (WBI), resistant (sustainable) to applied disinfectants, quartzing, antibacterial agents are removed.