
Who were Mary's parents, Mother Jesus? Where can I find out more about them? Maria and Joseph: Earth's parents of Christ.

House and plot

Virgo Maria (Most High Deva Maria, Virgin Mary) - a Jewish woman from Nazareth, according to the mother of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Matthew and from Luke describe Maria as a virgin, and Christians believe that she pushed her son as a immensant Virgin from the Holy Spirit. The wonderful birth occurred when Maria was already engaged with she married Joseph and accompanied him in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.

Icon of God's Mother "Uming Seraphim Sarovsky"

He will be great and will adopt the son of the Most High, and give him the Lord God the throne of David, his father.

Mention of the Virgin Mary in the Bible.

Virgo Maria is mentioned several times in the New Testament. Most often, the immensant Virgin Mary is mentioned in Gospels from Luke. By name, it is mentioned 12 times. All mentions are associated with the birth and childhood of Jesus.

Icon of God's Mother "Tikhvinskaya"

Gospel from Matthew Mention her name six times, five of them in connection with the infancy of Jesus and only once (13:55) as a mother of an adult Jesus.

Gospel from Mark. Calls it once by name (6: 3) and mentions her as the mother of Jesus, having not called it by name at 3:31 and 3:32.

Gospel from John Mention it twice, but never by name. In the Gospel, it is said that Virgo Maria accompanied Jesus when he laid the beginning of the wonders in Kane Galilee. The second link says that Virgo Maria was standing at the Cross of Jesus.

IN Actsit is said that the apostles, Maria and the Brothers Jesus gathered in the Hube after the Ascension of Jesus.

IN Revelation of John A wife clothed in the sun is described. Many believe that this is a description of the Virgin Mary.

The pedigree of Our Lady.

In the New Testament there are few mention of the origin of the Virgin Mary. In the Gospel of John 19:25 it is said that Mary had a sister.

In the Cross of Jesus, his mother and his mother's sister, Maria Cleopova, and Maria Magdaline.

From this phrase semantically incomprehensible, sister his mother, Maria Cleopova, - This is one person or two different women . Ieronim believes that this is one face. But the historian of the beginning of the second century, Emezipp believed that Maria Cleopova was not the sister of the Virgin Mary, but her relative from Joseph of the wrap.

According to the author of the Gospel of Luke, Mary was a relative of Elizabeth, the wife of the priest of Zechariah, and, thus, came from the genus Aaronov from the knee Levi. Others believe that Mary, like Joseph, with whom she was hoarse, was from the house of David.

Biography of the Virgin Mary.

Immaculate Deva Maria was born in Nazareth in Galilee. After her engagement with Joseph (the engagement - the first stage of the Jewish marriage), angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced her that she would become the mother of the promised Messiah. After the first expression of distrust when declaring, she replied: "I am a slave of the Lord. May I have for your word. " Joseph The wrap planned to quietly disperse with her, but he appeared in a dream the angel of the Lord and told him "Do not be afraid to take Mary, my wife, because there is a born in it from the Spirit of the Holy Spirit."

Mary's engagement with Joseph. I. Chernov 1804-1811.

Angel in confirmation of his words also informed Mary that her relative of Elizaveta, previously fruitless, conceived by the grace of the Lord. Maria went to the house of his relative, where the pregnancy of Elizabeth saw with his own eyes and completely believed in the words of Angel. Then Virgin Mary said a grateful speech to the Lord, who is known as a magnification or the gloriousness of the Virgin Mary.

Having stayed three months in the house of Elizabeth, Maria returned to Nazareth. According to the Gospel of Luke, Joseph, Mary's husband, by decree of the Roman Emperor Augustus, was supposed to return to the native city of Bethlehem to pass the Roman census there. During his stay in Bethlehem, Maria gave birth to Jesus in the manger, since there was no place for them at no one inn. On the eighth day, the baby Mary was cut into the Jewish law, and was named Jesus that in Jewish meant "Yahweh has salvation."

After the days of purification, Jesus was attributed to Jerusalem to submit before the Lord, as the custom demanded. Virgo Maria sacrificed two cores and two pigeon chicks. Here, Simeon and Anna prophesied about the future of the baby. After visiting Jerusalem, the immaculate Virgin Mary and Joseph Wrap, together with the infant, Jesus returned to Galileo, to the city of Nazareth.

According to the Gospel of Matthew, Angel came at night, and warned that the king Herod wants to kill the baby. The holy family ran at night to Egypt and remained there for some time. After the death of Herod in 4 G. BC er, they returned to the land of Israel, in Nazareth in Galilee.

Virgo Maria in the life of Jesus

According to the New Testament, at the age of twelve years, Jesus is separated from his parents on returning from the celebration of Easter in Jerusalem, but the presence of a mother is still traced in his earthly life.

The Bible researchers argue a lot about why Jesus separated from his parents, and, in particular, from the mother, since the fate of his earthly father is unknown, Joseph is mentioned for the last time in the Bible, when Jesus was 12 years old. Some indicate the conflict in the Holy Family. Several quotes from the Bible, really prove this point of view. The gospel of the brand describes the moment:

And the Mother and his brothers and, standing outside the house, sent him to him.

Near him was the people. And they told him: Here, your mother and your brothers and your sisters, outside the house, ask you.

And answered them: Who is my mother and my brothers?

And overlooking themselves around themselves, says: Here is my mother and my brothers;

for who will do the will of God, the brother, and sister, and Mother. ()

Quote attributed to the Gospel of Mark, Christ: " There is no prophet without honor, unless in his hometown, among his relatives and in their own home ". Also proves the possibility of conflict.

If the conflict in the Holy Family had a place to be, the reason for him could serve the disbelief of the family in Christ as in the Son of God.

American Bibleist Bart Erman believes that "there are clear signs in the Bible not only that the family of Jesus rejected his message during his public ministry, but also that he, he in turn, rejected them publicly."

Virgo Maria was present when, on her proposal, Jesus created his first miracle at the wedding in Cana, turning water into wine. Virgo Maria was and at the cross, on which Jesus was crucified. The moment described in the gospel when Maria hugged the dead body of her son is a common universal motive in art, and called "Pieta" or "pity".

After the ascension of Jesus, we find one sole mention of the Virgin Mary in Acts. After that, Mary's mention is not. Her death is not described in the Holy Scripture, but the Catholic and Orthodox tradition believes that her body was taken to heaven. Belief in the bodily Ascension of the Virgin Mary is the dogma of the Catholic Church and many others.

Data on the Virgin Mary from apocryphic texts.

The following biographical data are taken from apocryphal literature.

According to the apocryphal Gospel of Jacob, Maria was the daughter of St. Joachim and St. Anna. Before the conception of Mary, Anna was fruitless and was far from being young. When the girl was three years old, she was led to the Jerusalem Temple.

According to apocryphal sources at the time of their engagement with Joseph, Mary was 12-14 years old, and Iosif 90., but these data are unreliable. Ippolit FiVsky claimed that Maria died 11 years later by the resurrection of Jesus and died in 41.

The earliest of the biographies of the Virgin Mary who came to us - The life of the Virgin,created in the 7th century by the Holy Maxim Confessor, who considered the Mother of God the key figure of the early Christian church.

In the 19th century, the house near Ephesus in Turkey was found the so-called House of the Virgin. It was found on the basis of the visions of Anna Katerina Emmerich, the Augustinian blissful nun from Germany. The nun 2 years before death, during one of many visions of Our Lady, got detailed description Places where Maria lived before his await.

According to legend, in Ephesus, the Most Highway Mary retired during the persecution of Christians along with John theologian. In 1950, the House of the Virgin was reconstructed and faced into the chapel.

Virgo Maria in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox tradition, the doctrine of virginity was adopted. According to this doctrine, Virgin Mary "Virgin hooked, the Virgin gave birth, the Virgin remained." The anthems of the Virgin are an integral part of worship in the Eastern Church and their positioning within the liturgical sequence indicates the situation of the Virgin after Christ. In the Orthodox tradition, the order of transfer of the saints begins the Mother of God, followed by angels, prophets, apostles, fathers of church, martyrs, etc.

One of the most beloved Orthodox Akathists is devoted to the Virgin Mary. Five of the twelve Great Church Holidays in Orthodoxy are devoted to the Virgin Mary.

  • Christmas of the Virgin

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary - This is a holiday dedicated to the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Christmas of the Virgin on September 21 is celebrated.

  • Introduction to the temple

Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin - A holiday dedicated to one of the events in the life of the Virgin Mary. Her parents of Iohhim and Anna led daughter to the temple at a three-year-old, as she had previously gave a vow to devote a child to God. The holiday is celebrated on December 4th.

  • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The holiday is celebrated exactly 9 months before the Nativity of Christ. The day is dedicated to the phenomenon of Angel, who announced the Virgin Mary, that she will become the mother of God on Earth.

Orthodox holiday Notes on the day of the death of the Virgin Mary. According to apokrifam, Virgo Maria died on Mount Sion in Jerusalem. There is now the Catholic Temple of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the apocrypha "Tale of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God" to the mortal Odra of Our Lady of Apostles were transferred to the clouds from all over the world. Only the Apostle Thoma lingered for three days and did not find the virgin Maria alive. He wanted to say goodbye to the Virgin Mary. At his request, the tomb of the Virgin Mary was opened, but there was no body there. Therefore, it is believed that Virgo Maria ascended to heaven. The Assumption of the Virgin is celebrated on August 28.

  • Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary It is celebrated on October 14. The basis of this Orthodox holiday There is a legend about the phenomenon of Our Lady of Yurodivoy Andrei. It happened in Konstantinople, who precipitated enemies. People in the temple prayed to God for salvation from barbarians. Holy Yurodny Andrei saw the Mother of God, praying for the salvation of the people of Constantinople. Then the Mother of God removed the covered from the head and covered them the people who were present in the temple, thereby defending them from visible and invisible enemies. The chokes of the Virgin squeezed the brightest rays of the sun. It is believed that the Mother of God saved Constantinople.

West of the Virgin in the Orthodox Church.

The exaltation prerequisites of the Virgin Mary by all nations (childbirth) are given in the Bible itself, which is said on behalf of the Virgin Mary:

... Majses My Lord's soul, and my spirit rejoiced about God, the Savior was mine that he walked to humility of his slave, because henceforth will be pleased with all the birth; What made me greatness strong, and holy name it ().

In the 11th chapter from the Gospel of Luke, the words of a woman from the people are given:

... Blusherly, worst you, and the nipples, who fed!

Moreover, John theologians in the Gospel of John testifies that the first miracle Jesus made at the request of the mother, so the Mother of God is honored as a guroadatais for the human race. There are a huge number of icons of Our Lady. Many of them are considered miraculous.

Humanity was waiting for her Savior for a very long time. Still in the Old Testament, God promised that the Savior would come to this world through a woman, but without male seed. Virgo Maria voluntarily went to it, although at that time it was very dangerous, including for life. The Virgin Mary had enough faith, spiritual strength and humility to go for this step. After all, the Mother of God knew that the earthly ministry of her son would end quickly and tragically. As a mother she suffered the worst for the save of mankind.

Mariology is the doctrine of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

Mariology - theological doctrine of the Virgin Mary, Mother Jesus. Christian Mariology seeks to combine the Sacred Scriptures and the Tradition and Teaching of the Church of the Virgin Mary in the context of social history.

There are various Christian views on the role of the Virgin Mary in Christianity, from full reverence of Mary in the Roman Catholic Church to minimize the role of Mary in Protestant Evangelical theology.

A significant number of publications in this area was written in the 20th century by the theologists of Raimondo Spezzi (2500) and Gabriel Rocchini (900). The centers of modern mariology are the Papal Institute of Mariology and the Papal Academy of Mariology.

Orthodox Jews Jerusalem were irreconcilable in their hostility towards the teachings of Christ. Does this mean that Jesus was not a Jew? Ethically subject to question immaculate conception Virgin Mary?

The son of man often called himself Jesus Christ. Nationality, according to the conclusion of theologians, will shed light on the belonging of the Savior to a particular ethnic group.

Following the Bible, all of humanity occurred from Adam. Later, people themselves divided themselves to race, nation. And Christ, taking into account the Gospel of the Apostles, did not comment on his nationality.

The country of Judea, where Jesus Christ was born, the Son of God, in those long-standing times was the province of Rome. Emperor Augustus commanded the census. He wanted to find out how many residents in each of the cities of Judea.

Maria and Joseph, the parents of Christ, lived in Nazareth. But they had to return to the homeland of the ancestors, in Bethlehem to make their names in the lists. Once in Bethlehem, the spouses could not find a shelter - so many people came to census. They decided to stay outside the city, in the cave, which served as a shepherd for shepherds during bad weather.

At night, Maria gave birth to a son. Having wrapped the baby in the diaper, she put it to sleep there, where they put food for livestock - in Nurserie.

The first on the birth of the Messiah recognized the shepherds. They graze herd in the vicinity of Bethlehem, when an angel came. He broadcast that the Savior of mankind was born. This is a joy for all people, and the infant is familiar to identifying the baby that he lies in the manger.

The shepherds immediately went to Bethlehem and came to the cave, in which they saw the future of the Savior. They told Maria and Joseph about the words of Angel. On the 8th day, the spouses gave the name to the child - Jesus, that in translation means "Savior" or "God saves."

Was the Jew Jesus Christ? Nationality for Father or by Mother was determined at that time?

Bethlehem Star

At that very night, when Christ was born, a bright, unusual star appeared in the sky. Magitia, who studied the movements of the celestial bodies, went after her. They knew that the appearance of such a star talks about the birth of the Messiah.

Volkhiva began their way from the eastern country (Babylonia or Persia). The star, moving across the sky, pointed out the sages of the road.

In the meantime, the numerous people who came in Bethlehem to the census broke up. And the parents of Jesus returned to the city. Above the place where the baby was located, the star stopped, and the Magi went into the house to give the gifts to the future Messiah.

They brought gold as tribute to the future king. Published incense, like God (incense and then used in worship). And Smyrna (fragrant oil, which rubbed the dead), as a mortal person.

King Herod

Local king Herod the Great, who submitted to Rome, knew about the great prophecy - bright Star In the sky marks the birth of the new king of the Jewish. He called for Magi, priests, priests. Herod wanted to know where the Baby Messiah is.

False speeches, in cunning he tried to deploy the location of Christ. Without achieving an answer, King Herod decided to destroy all the babies in the district. 14 thousand children under the age of 2 were killed in Bethlehem and its surroundings.

However, the ancient historians, including Joseph Flavius, do not mention this bloody event. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the number of killed children was much less.

It is believed that after such evils, the wrath of God shook the king. He died a painful death eaten by the worms alive in his luxurious palace. After his terrible death, the power passed to the three sons of Herod. Earth were worn out. Power and Galilee region went to Irod younger. In these lands, about 30 years spent his life Christ.

Herod Antipa, Tetrarch Galilean, in favor of his wife, Iodiad flawed John the Baptist. The sons of Herod of the Great did not receive the royal title. Judea was managed by the Roman procurator. He was obeyed by Herod Antip and other local rulers.

Mother of the Savior

The parents of the Virgin Mary have been childless for a long time. At that time, it was considered a sin, such a union was the sign of God's wrath.

Joacim and Anna lived in the city of Nazareth. They prayed and believed that they would definitely have a child. After decades, the angel appeared to them and proclaimed that the spouses would soon become their parents.

According to legend, Virgo Maria was born on September 21. Happy parents swore that this child would belong to God. Up to 14 years old Mary, mother Jesus Christ, in Temple. Already from the young age she saw angels. According to the legend, Archangel Gabriel worked and guarded the future of the Virgin.

Mary's parents died by the time the Virgin had to leave the temple. The priests could not leave her. But he was sorry for their sires. Then the priests have gained it with a carpenter Joseph. He was more a guardian of the Virgin than her husband. Maria, the mother of Jesus Christ, remained a virgin.

What was the nationality of the Virgin? Her parents were natives of Galilee. So, the Virgin Mary was not a Jew, but Galilean. According to a confessional sign, she belonged to the law of Moses. Her life in the temple also points to the upbringing in the faith of Moses. So who was Jesus Christ? The nationality of the mother who lived in the Galilee pagan, remains unknown. Scythians prevailed in the mixed population of the region. It is possible that his appearance inherited Christ from the mother.

Father Savior

The theologians since ancient times lead to the controversy about whether Joseph is worth considering Joseph's biological father of Christ? He was inadematically treated Maria, knew that she was innocent. Therefore, the news of her pregnancy shook the Joseph carpenter. The law of Moses is strictly punish women for adultery. Joseph was supposed to score his young wife with stones.

He prayed for a long time and decided to let go of Maria, do not keep her near himself. But Iosifa came an angel, who argued about ancient prophecy. The carpenter understood what a big responsibility lies on him for the safety of the mother and the child.

Joseph by nationality is a Jew. Is it possible to consider it a biological father if Mary had a imminible conception? Who is the father of Jesus Christ?

There is a version that the Roman soldier of Pantier became the biological father of the Messiah. In addition, there is a chance that Christ has Aramaic origin. This assumption is connected with the fact that the Savior preached in the Aramaic language. However, at that time, this language was distributed in the Middle East.

Jews Jerusalem had no doubt that somewhere there is a real father of Jesus Christ. But all versions are too doubtful to be true.

The appearance of Christ

The document of those times, describing the appearance of Christ, is called "Message Leptula". This is a report to the Roman Senate, written by Proconsul Palestine Leptul. He claims that Christ was an average height with a noble face and a good figure. He has expressive blue-green eyes. Hair, ripe walnut color, broken on a straight sample. Mouth lines and nasal impeccurn. In conversation, he is serious and modest. Heads gently, friendly. In anger is terrible. Sometimes crying, but never laughs. Face without wrinkles, calm and strong.

At the seventh universal cathedral (VIII century), the official image of Jesus Christ was approved. On icons should have written the Savior in accordance with his human appearance. After the cathedral began painstaking work. She concluded in the reconstruction of a verbal portrait, on the basis of which the recognizable image of Jesus Christ was created.

Anthropologists assure that non-Semitky is used in icon painting, but the Greco Syrian type of appearance: thin, straight nose and deeply planted, big eyes.

In the early Christian iconography, they knew how to accurately transfer individual, ethnic traits of the portrait. The earliest image of Christ was found on the icon dated to the beginning of the VI century. It is kept on Sinai, in the monastery of St. Catherine. Lick Icons are similar to the canonized lamp of the Savior. Apparently, the early Christians ranked Christ to the European type.

Nationality of Christ

There are still people who argue that Jesus Christ is a Jew. In this, this huge number of works issued on the topic of the non -udean origin of the Savior.

At the beginning of the I century, our era, as he figured out Gebra scientists, Palestine broke up into 3 regions, which differed in their confessional and ethnic signs.

  1. The Judea, led by the city of Jerusalem, was inhabited by orthodox Jews. They obeyed the law of Moses.
  2. Samaria was closer to the Mediterranean Sea. Jews and Samarians were long-standing enemies. Even mixed marriages between them are prohibited. In Samaria, there were no more than 15% of Jews from the total number of residents.
  3. Galilee consisted of a mixed population, some of which retained the loyalty to Judaism.

Some theologians assure that Jesus Christ was typical Jews. His nationality is not doubtful, since he did not denounce the entire system of Judaism. But only I did not agree with some postulates of Moiseeva law. Then why did Christ react so calmly that Jews Jerusalem called him Samaryanin? This word was an insult to the true Judea.

God or man?

So who is right? Those who claim that Jesus Christ is God? But then what nationality can you demand from God? It is outside of ethnicity. If God is the basis of all the existing, including people, not to speak about nationality.

And if Jesus Christ is a man? Who is his biological father? Why did he get the Greek name of Christ, which means "anointed"?

Jesus never claimed that he was God. But he is not a man in the usual sense of the word. His dual nature was to find the human body and divine essence within this body. Therefore, as a man of Christ could feel hunger, pain, anger. And as a vessel of God - to work wonders, filling around the space of love. Christ said that he mercy did not heal himself, but only with the help of the Divine Dara.

Jesus worshiped and prayed to his father. He fully subordinate himself his will in last years Life and urged the people to believe in a single god in heaven.

As a son of man, he was crucified in the name of the salvation of people. As the Son of God, he resurrected and embodied in the trinity of the god-father, the Son's God and the Holy Spirit.

Miracles of Jesus Christ

About 40 miracles are described in the Gospels. The first happened in the city of Cana, where Christ and his mother and the apostles were invited to a wedding. He turned water into wine.

The second miracle of Christ made hearing the patient, whose illness lasted 38 years. Jews Jerusalem looked at the Savior - he violated the rule about Saturday. It was on this day that Christ himself worked himself (healing the patient) and forced to work another (the patient himself carried his bed).

The Savior resurrected a deceased girl, Lazarus and the Son of Widow. Healed the rampant and tamed a storm on the Lake Galilee. Christ sat down with five babes after the sermon - they gathered about 5 thousand, not counting children and women. Went on the water, healed ten lepers and Jericho blinds.

The wonders of Jesus Christ prove His Divine Entity. He had power over demons, illness, death. But I never committed wonders to the glory of my own or for collecting offering. Even at the interrogation, Herod Christ did not reveal the sign as a testimony of his strength. He did not try to protect himself, but asked only sincere faith.

Resurrection of Jesus Christ

It was the resurrection of the Savior who became the basis for new faith - Christianity. Facts about him are reliable: they appeared at the time when there were also events of events. All fixed episodes have small discrepancies, but do not contradict each other as a whole.

The empty Tomb of Christ testifies that the body was taken away (enemies, friends) or Jesus rose from the dead.

If the body took the enemies - they would not be able to undelivered over the disciples, thus stopping the new faith's originated. The friends believed little on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they were disappointed and suppressed by his tragic death.

Honorary Roman citizen and Jewish historian Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bmentions in his book about the spread of Christianity. He confirms that on the third day, Christ was living his disciples.

Even modern scientists do not deny the fact that some followers Jesus were after death. But they explain it with hallucinations or another phenomenon, not challenging the authenticity of evidence.

The phenomenon of Christ after death, an empty tomb, the rapid development of the new faith is the proof of His Resurrection. There is no well-known fact that deny this information.

Appointment by God

Already from the first Ecumenical Councils The church unites the human and divine nature of the Savior. It is one of the 3 cards of a single God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This form of Christianity was recorded and declared an official version at the Nicene Cathedral (in 325), Constantinople (in 381), Ephesian (in 431) and Chalkidonsky (in 451).

However, disputes about the Savior did not stop. Some Christians argued that Jesus Christ was God. Forgi assured that he is only the son of God and completely subordinate to his will. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe trinity of God is often compared with paganism. Therefore, disputes about the essence of Christ, as well as about his nationality, do not subside to this day.

The cross of Jesus Christ is a symbol of martyrdom in the name of the atonement of the sins of human. Does it make sense to discuss the nationality of the Savior if faith is able to combine different ethnic groups? All people on the planet are the children of God. The human nature of Christ stands over national characteristics and classifications.

The feminine, the image of a female mother, a donel of life is revered in all world religions. So, B. Ancient Greece Thus, it became, in Asia, the goddess of Kibel prayed, in Egypt, the Supreme Women began personally. Christian religion did not exception. In the image of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the divine miracle of the birth of life, and the earthly path of an ordinary woman, whose fate was far from cloudless.

Childhood and youth

The Father of the Virgin was Joamak, a man believes and righteous. Mother named Anna, like her husband, always followed the letter of God's law. This family lived in complete agreement, only one overshadowed the existence of spouses: the absence of children. For many years, Anna and Joacim prayed that the Lord would send them a child, but the plea were in vain. The suffering of a childless pair strengthened and ridicule others who did not miss the occasion to state over the grief of this righteous couple.

Alna and Joachim lived in a marriage for almost 50 years and was already desperate to have a child. But once Anna, walking around the garden, saw an angel. He promised a surprised woman that she would soon become a mother, and her child would be known to the world. Anna hurried home to tell about the vision of her husband. What was the surprise of Anna, when it turned out that Joachim also saw an angel, who argued that prayers about the child were heard.

After some time, Anna was really pregnant. Then the spouses gave vows, which will give the newborn to the ministry to the Lord. The daughter was born on time and received the name of Maria (in Hebrew this name is pronounced as Miriam and translates as "beautiful", "strong"). The neighbors of Joacima and Anna again began to gossip, this time combing the miracle.

The spouses raised her daughter and prepared to fulfill the promised. Three years later, they gave a little Maria to raising in the Jerusalem Temple. Surprisingly, the girl easily overcame fifteen steps to the gates of the temple, which and adults sometimes were silent.

A few years later, the righteous Anna and Joachim died. Maria continued to live at the temple, studying with other girls in a special school. Here, young pupils were taught the foundations of sciences, taught the Word of God, and also prepared for worldly life, the management of farms and the upbringing of children. Up to 12 years old Maria lived in the walls of this school. The best girl was given sewing. There is a legend that it was she who was entrusted to sew a curtain and a coat for the temple sanctuary.

Given this upbringing, an enviable bride should grow from Mary - hardworking, piquetious and educated. But such fate did not attract a girl, and she gave any vow of celibacy. It created certain difficulties: Mature girls were not allowed to live at the temple, and the grown Mary had to leave God's house.

But it was impossible to live alone according to the laws of that time. The exit was found by clergy, attached to the pupil: Mary was issued for the elderly widower of Joseph, which, by virtue of age, was to preserve the purity of the girl, allowing her to disrupt the word given to God.

At first, the elder was not delighted by the young bride who fell on his head. In addition, a man was afraid of the backs of his back and ridicule of relatives and neighbors - so great was the difference in age. However, Joseph did not dare to move the will of the priests and took Maria to the house, calling his wife.

The birth of Jesus Christ

After some time, Joseph, who worked by a carpenter, left the house for several months, going to the next construction. Maria, remaining on the farm, looked after the order, the fault and prayed a lot. According to the legend, during the prayer, the angel was an angel who told about the soul of his son.

The boy, according to Angel, had to become the Savior of people, those who had long expected Jews. Mary embarrassed this revelation, because she remained a virgin. To which she was the answer, she would suffer from the highest strength, and not from male seed. This day in the Christian tradition was the celebration of the Annunciation - in memory of the Good News, which Mary's Virgo received.

And indeed, soon Maria realized that she was pregnant. The woman has not yet been aware of the role that her son had to play, but he understood that he became a participant in the real miracle of the immaculate conception.

Joseph, who returned home after a while immediately noticed the changes that happened to his wife. This kind person did not immediately believe the story of Mary, deciding that the naive girl just became a victim of the deception of some neighboring hedge, who seduced her.

The old man did not blame his wife and even wanted a secret to allow that to leave the city so that she would not be a victim of justice: treason in those days cruelly caught, the wrong woman could score with stones and whips. Then the carpenter came an angel who told about the immaculate conception of Mary. It was convinced by Joseph in the innocence of the spouse, and he allowed the girl to stay.

Shortly before the term of birth, Kaesar August declared a general census. For this, people should have come to the Bethlehem independently. Joseph and Maria went on the road. Arriving in place, they found that the city is simply filled with crowds of people. The place for the night failed to find, and the spouses decided to swell in the cave in which shepherds hid cattle from rain.

Virgo Maria with baby Jesus

There's Maria and her son. The first cradle of the boy served as a nursery for feeding animals. The same night over the cave, the Bethlehem Star, the light of which told people about the phenomenon of a miracle to Earth. In addition, the light of the Bethlehem star saw the Magi, who immediately went to the way to personally bow the newborn son of God and bring her gifts.

Seven days later, as required by the law of that time, the baby made circumcision and gave a name. The son of the Virgin Mary was mashed. Then the boy brought to the church to imagine God and bring a traditional sacrifice. Some old man Simeon, who also came to the temple that came to the temple, blessed the baby, who had understood who in front of him. Marya he allegorically hinted at the fact that both her and her son were prepared hard fate.

Evangelical events

While the Holy Deva Mary with her husband and a newborn baby was in Bethlehem, the birth of the Son of God learned the cruel and ambitious king Herod. However, the predictors who told Idod about the accomplished miracle could not give an answer to the question, Jesus was born in whose family.

Then, no longer thinking, the king ordered the destroying of all the newborn, which only is in Bethlehem. Joseph's impending trouble warned Angel, the newly appeared old man in a dream. Then the carpenter with Maria and the baby hid in Egypt, and only when he passed the danger, returned with the family in his native Nazareth.

Another biography of the Virgin Mary in the Gospel is written by Skupo. It is known that Maria everywhere accompanied Jesus Christ, supporting him and helping to bear the Word of God to people. Also, the woman was present at the mirac, which made Jesus, turned water into wine.

Obviously, Mary had to be not easy: constant sermons who pronounced her son did not always cause good response in people. Often Jesus and accompanying him had to demolish the ridicule and aggression of those who did not want to receive postulates of religion.

On that day, when Jesus Christ was devoted to the crucifixions of the executioners, Maria felt the pain of his son and even lost his feelings when nails pierced his palms. And although the Virgin Mary from the very beginning knew that Jesus was destined to take flour for the sins of people, the maternal heart barely withstood such suffering.

Death and Ascension

The rest of the life of Mary spent on Athos, preaching among the pagans and carrying the Word of God. Now at that place built a large complex of monasteries and cathedrals, in each of which the evidence of the wonders appeared by the Virgin: numerous miraculous icons (Some of them, according to legend, are unspecified), the Belt of the Virgin (stored in the monastery of Watoped), as well as the relics of people found by the Church to the Famine of Saints.

At the end of the life of Maria, he spent all the days in prayers, asking her son to pick her up to her. Once a woman again came an angel, who argues that the plea were heard, and after three days her desire would be fulfilled. Maria, happily perceived the news of the ambulance, he devoted three days to the farewells with those who were her roads.

On the appointed day, Maria, lying on her deathbed, persogently expected his fate. People close to her gathered around her. All of them witnessed a new miracle: Jesus Christ himself descended from heaven to pick up a mother with him. Mary's soul left the body and ascended to the kingdom of God. The body remaining on the apparent seemed to glow grace.

Ascension of the Virgin Mary

According to the records of the historian Eusevia, Caesarian, Maria died in 48 after the Nativity of Christ, but there are other written evidence, calling earlier dates, and later. According to biblical legends, the Mother of God lived 72 years.

After some time, the apostles found that the body of the Virgin Mary was gone from the funeral cave. On the same day, the Virgin appeared to them and announced that her body was ascended to the sky after the soul, so that she could become Holy Prime to God for the people who need help. Since then, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin is considered one of the main Christian holidays.

According to the legends of Muslims (which Christ is not as the Son of God, but as one of the prophets), Jesus (or Isa) created the first miracle, still in the womb of the Virgin Mary. It happened on the day of birth, when the Virgin Mary had completely disseminated from pain. Then Isa pointed out a woman to a spring, created by God, and on the shock palm tree, covered with fruits. Water and dates reinforced Mary's forces and facilitated suffering in childbirth.

On some icons, the Virgin is depicted with lilies flowers in their hands. This flower is not chosen by chance: Lily is considered a symbol of chastity, purity and indispensability.

The description of the appearance of the Virgin Mary has been preserved in the works of the church historian Nikifora Callista. Judging by the entries of this person, the Mother of God was average growth. The hair of the Virgin was cast in gold, the eyes, alive and fast, were Maslin's colors. Nikifor also noted "juicy lips, arcuate eyebrows and long arms and fingers" Mary.

After the terrestrial death of the Virgin, there were several places, which, according to legend, are considered the devices of the Virgin Mary. This is Mount Athos, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Iberia (now this territory of Georgia) and Seraphimo-Diveev monastery. It is believed that prayers read in one of these diets will certainly be heard by the Virgin.

December 8 - the day of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary - in some countries is even declared in the afternoon. From European countries, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain adopted this decision. On this day, worship services are conducted in the Catholic chips and Orthodox churches and read prayers. Also, this day is considered a weekend in Argentina and East Timor.

Despite the fact that Mount Athos is considered one of the earthly devices of the Virgin Mary, women are not allowed to pass on the territory of monastic complexes. This rule is even enshrined by law, and the violators are waiting for a harsh punishment (up to prison). However, this ban was violated twice: during civil War In Greece (then women and children were hiding in the forests on the slopes of the mountain) and during the period of Turkish rule over these territories.

Memory (in the Orthodox Tradition)

  • March 25 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • July 2 - the position of honest rhizes of the Most Holy Virgin in Velverne
  • August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • August 31 - the position of the belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Halcutracy
  • September 8 - Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 9 - the memory of the saints of righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin
  • October 1 - Pokrov to the Most Holy Virgin
  • November 21 - Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God
  • December 9 - conception of the righteous Anna Blessed Mary
  • December 26 - Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Asks Galina
Alexander Dulger answers, 11/19/2011

Peace to you, Galina!

Mary's parents, Mother of Jesus Christ, are not mentioned in the Bible.

According to the Christian tradition, it was Joamak and Anna.

About Mother Mary, Anne, is narrated only in the apocryphic writings, in particular in the "Protoevogenia Jacob", as well as in the "Gospel of Pseudo Matthew" and "Golden Legend". The tradition was also influenced by the "Word for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin" Andrei Cretan (VII-VIII century).

Joakim, according to legend, lived in Nazareth. He married Anna, the daughter of the priest Matfan from the knee Levin from the genus Aaronov. In marriage, when the spouses have reached old age, the only child was born - Maria, who became Mother Jesus Christ. According to life, Ioakim lived 80 years. The body of Joachim was buried in Jerusalem in the underground tomb over which the church of the Holy Family was later built.

Apocrophic works mentioned above can be found through the search on the Internet.

In the Orthodox and Catholic doctrines, it is argued that Maria itself was conceived by her parents immaculately, i.e. Her mother was a virgin when Maria was in her womb.

It should be noted that if Virgo Maria, was the same holy and immaculate, as the Lord Jesus, then the fact that she was conceived immaintly, in the Bible would be a mandatory mention, since this is an incredible event in the history of mankind. Over the time of the fall, no one was born sinless. The first case described in the Bible is the birth of Jesus Christ (). If there were other people who born sinlessly, that is, from immaculate conception, the Bible would certainly be paid to this unique event.
However, what do we find in the Bible? Nothing! There not only not described the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary itself, but also her parents are not mentioned, although the father of the stepfather of Joseu, Joseph, mention ().
This is clearly visible to the providence of God. The vigorous author of the Bible foresaw that people would try to deify the mother of Jesus and deliberately squeezed Mary's parents, and her own, having moved them to the background in Evangelical narrations. In the Bible there is not a single mention of the divinity or sinlessness of Mary or a hint of her immaculate conception. Any information of this kind comes from church legends and legends, the accuracy of which is impossible to check.

Yours faithfully,

02 Sep.

Spouses, Joakim and Anna, came from a noble family and were righteous before God. Having wealth is real, they were not deprived of both the wealth of spiritual. Decorated with all virtues, they disgruntily observed all the commandments of the Law of God. For each holiday, pious spouses separated two parts from their property, one was given to church needs, and another handed over with a poor.

Ioakim and Annaat's righteous life was pleased to be God that he encouraged them to be parents of the Blessed Virgin, the pre-liberated Mother of the Lord. From this one, it is already seen that their life was holy, godly and clean, since they had a dosphere, the Holy All of the Saints, who favored God's most, and the cherubis is honest.

At that time, on Earth, there were no more people of people, rather than Joachim and Anna, in immaculate their lives. Although at that time it was possible to find many living righteous and catering to God, but these two surpassed everyone with their virtues and were before God the most worthy of God's Mother's born. Such grace would not be given by God if they really did not exceed all righteousness and holiness.

But how the Lord himself had to come true from the Blessed and Mother Mother, so like the mother of God to happen from the Saints and Pure Parents. Just like the Earth kings have their own porphyres, made not from simple matter, but from the grain, and Heavenly king I climbed to have a grateful mother, in the flesh of which as in the royal porphyra, it was supplied to him, born not from ordinary impossible parents, as it were from simple matter, but from the chastity and saints, as it were from the matter of the chiller, the prototype of what the Old Testament Tabernacle served, Which God ordered Moses to make from the crimson and shrouded matter and from Visson (Ex LD.27: 16).

This tabernacle was converted by Mary Mary, who was united in which God had "with human people" as it is written: "CE, the tabernacles of God with the people, and he will dwell with them" (Rev.11: 3). Criminal and shrinking matter and Vison, from which the tabernacles were made, transformed parents God's MotherWhich occurred and born from the chastity and abstinence, as it were from the crimson and sterling clothes, and the perfection of them performed by all commandments of the Lord, as if from Visson.

But these holy spouses, in God's realization, were childless for a long time, - in order to conceive such a daughter in conception and the birth of God's grace, and the honor of the born and dignity of parents; For a progressive and aged woman to give birth differently, it is impossible for the power of God for the grace of God: no nature is already available here, but God, winning the laws of nature and destroying prizes of progress. Born from progress and elderly parents is a great honor for the most born, because it is born that is not from impudent parents, but from the absolute and elderly, which were Joamak and Anna, who lived fifty years in marriage and did not have children.

Finally, at this birth, the dignity of the parents themselves opens, since after a long misfortune gave birth to the joy of all over the world, which was likened by the Holy Patriarch Abraham and the pious spouse of His Sarah, gave birth, on the promise of God, Isaac in old age (Geno.21: 2). However, no doubt, it can be said that the Christmas of the Virgin is higher than birth to Abraham and Sarros Isaac. As far as the birth of Virgo Maria is higher and more worthy of the disposal, rather than Isaac, so larger than the advantage of Joacima and Anna, rather than Abraham and Sarah.

This dignity they did not immediately reached, but only a diligent post and prayers, in the spiritual sore sorrow and in the heartless grief were discouraged about the seeds of God: and the sorrow came to joy, and their dishonor was a harbinger of great honor, and a zealous passage by the head for the receipt of goods, and Prayer is the best passata film.

Ioakim and Anna for a long time grieved and cried that they had no children. One day, Ioakim brought a gift to the Lord God in the Jerusalem temple of the Lord; Together with Joachim and all Israelis brought their gifts to sacrifice God. The former High Priest Issahar did not want to take the gifts of Joachim, because he was childless.

"It should not," he said, "take away from you, because you do not have children, and therefore the blessings of God: probably you have any secret sins."

Also one Jew from Knee Ruvimov, together with other who brought his gifts, reinforced Joachim, saying:

"Why do you want to bring sacrifices to God before?" Don't you know that you are not fit to bring gifts with us, for you will not leave the offspring in Israel?

Sea's ukols were very sadly saddled by Joachim, and he was in a lot of grief left the temple of God disgraced and humiliated, and the holiday for him appealed to sorrow, and festive joy was replaced by sorrow. Deeply grieving, he did not return home, but went to the desert to the shepherds, Easter His herd, and there I cried about the impairment of my and about the appreciation and scratches made by him.

Remembering Abraham, the forefather of his who already in the old age God gave the Son, Joachim began to warm the gentlemen to him so that he would make it a bit of the same favor, he would have heard his prayer, pardoned and took him away from him by the The fruit of his marriage, as once Abraham.

"May I be," he prayed, "to be able to refer to the father of the child, and not the childless and rejected from God to tolerate stoles from people!"

To this prayer Joachim joined the post and forty days did not bother bread.

"I will not eat," he said, "and I will not return my own home; Let my tears be needed to me, and the desert is of the house, until he hears and does not take me away from me, the Lord God of Israel.

Also, his wife, being at home and hearing, that the high priest did not want to take their gifts, turning in loyalty, and that her husband from great grief retired to the desert, cried with disadvantaged tears.

"Now," she said, "I am unhappy everyone: we are rejected by God, in people in a pioneering and her husband left!" What to cry now: about Width of Him, or about Beschada, about the orphanhood or that he was not honored to be called Mother?!

So bitterly cried all those days.

Slave Anna, named Judith, tried to console her, but could not: for who can console the sorrow of which is deep as the sea?

One day Anna sad went to his garden, sat down under a laurel tree, sighed from the depths of the heart and, erecting his eyes, full of tears to the sky, saw a bird's nest with small chicks on the tree. The spectacle of this caused her even greater grief, and she began to call with crying:

- Mount to me is childless! I must be the most sinful among all the Dshchemen Israel, that one before all wives is so humiliated. Everyone is the fruit of their womb in their hands, "everyone comforts with their children: I am alone else's joy. Woe is me! The gifts of all are accepted in the temple of God, and for Chadorodie they have respect: I am alone rejected from the temple of my Lord. Woe is me! Who can I like it? Neither the birds of heaven, no animals of the earth: for they bring you, Lord God, our fruit, I am alone in progress. Even with the earth, I can not compare myself: for it stabbles and grows seeds and, bringing fruits, blesses you, Heavenly Father: I am alone fruitless on Earth. Alas to me, Lord, Lord! I am alone, sinful, deprived of offspring. You, who gave once Sarah in the deep old age of the son of Isaac (Gen..21: 1-8), you, who rejected Anna's womb, Mother of Your Prophet Samuel (1Car.1: 20), Watch now on me and hear my prayers. Lord Savaof! You know the renovation of the tore: stop the sadness of my heart and holes my womb and I properly prepubly prefabricated, so that we brought you to me as a gift, blessing, having fun and according to glorifying your mercy.

When Anna with cry and sobbing so exclaimed, the angel of the Lord appeared and said:

- Anna, Anna! Your prayer is heard, your reebeant has passed through the clouds, the tears of yours appeared before God, and you will warm up and give birth to the dashing of the predicted; Using her blessing, all the tribes of the earth and will be granted to the whole world salvation; Her name will be Maria.

Hearing angelic words, Anna bowed to God and said:

- Lord God alone, if you are born my child - I will give him to the ministry of God. Let him serve him and glorifies the holy name of God's day and night at all time of his life.

After this, the wrong joy, the Holy Anna quickly went to Jerusalem, so that there with the prayer to pay thanks to God for his gracious visit.

At the same time, the angel came and Joachim in the desert and said:

- Joacim, Joakim! God heard a prayer to your and favor your grace: Your Anna's wife will try and give birth to you, the birth of which will be joy for the whole world. And here's a sign that I am the truth to you: go to Jerusalem to the Temple of God and there, at the Golden Gate, you will find your wife Anna, which I revealed the same thing.

Joacim, surprised by such angelic evangelism, the sorvarovy of God and thanks to his heart and mouth for great mercy, happily and cheerleep hurriedly went to the Jerusalem Temple. There, as an angel declared him, he found Anna from the Golden Gate, praying to God, and told her about the angelic evidence. She also told him about what he saw and heard angel, who argued his daughter about her birth. Then Joacim and Anna glorified God, who created such great mercy by him and, bowing to him in the Holy Church, returned to their home.

And he won the holy Anna during the ninth day of December, and the eighth of September she had a daughter, the preching and predicted Virgin Mary, the beginning and a mentaire of our salvation, the sky and the earth were refused about Christmas. Joakim on the occasion of her birth brought God the great gifts, victims and burnt offensions, and received the blessing of the high priest, priests, Levites and all people for ensured by the blessing of God. Then he arranged his abundant meal in his house, and everyone with merry glorified God.

The growing virgin Mary of his parents was shouted as Zenitsa Oka, led by the special revelation of God, that it would be the light of the world and the renovation of the natural nature of the human. Therefore, they brought up her carefully carefulness, which was like that was the mother of our Savior. They loved her not only as a daughter, as long as expected, but also worshiped her Mrs., remembering the angelic words, said about her, and enjoy the Spirit, which should take over it.

She, performed by Divine Grace, mysteriously enriched by the grace and his parents. Just as the sun illuminates the stars of heaven with his rays, paying them to the particles of their world, and God-loved Maria, as the sun, was illuminated by the rays of the grace of Joachim and Anna, so they were performed by the Spirit of God, and firmly believed in the execution of angelic words.

When Mary's Otrokovice turned three years old, her parents introduced her with Glory to the temple of the Lord, accompanying with the armed luminaires, and dedicated her to serving God, as they promised. After several years after the introduction of Mary in the temple, the Saint Joamak died, eighty years from birth. Holy Anna, remaining a widow, left Nazareth and came to Jerusalem, where he was near his Blessed Daughter, praying incessantly in the temple of God. Having lived in Jerusalem for two years, she has read about the Lord, having 79 years old from Born 2.

Oh, how blessed you, holy parents, Joachim and Anna, for the sake of their daughter's sakeful!

Purely blessed you for the sake of her son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, through which the blessings were received by all the peoples and tribes of the earth! Fairly you, the Holy Church named Bogottsy 3, for we know that God was born from the Blessed daughter. Nowada, he is close in heaven, pray, and it will also be given to us although it is also a certain part of your joy endless. Amen.

Tropear, voice 1:

It is also right in the legality of the righteousness of the former, the infant of the Bogodanago is breeding to us, Joakim and Anna: the darkness of the bright, fun, honestly celebrate, the Divine Church of Honest Your Memory, the Slavs of God, Radiaggo Horn Salvation to us in the House of David.

Kondak, voice 2:

Today, Anna is rejoiced, absolutely resolved Souza, and nourishes the most convening, convene all the tranquits, who are asked by a man and insensuranny