
Tatoo Jesus carries. What does the tattoo of Jesus Christ mean

Billets for winter from tomatoes

Several photos, high-quality tattoos on a religious topic. Here are many images of the great prophet - Jesus Christ, God's Mother, crosses, crucifixes, etc.

Tattoos of holy images in our time are very popular. Such a choice, definitely, suggests that the owner of Tatu is a believer man, ready for everything for the sake of his loved ones, relatives - all those whom he loves.

Tattoos Jesus Christ

From the 17th century, tattoos with Jesus Christ became very popular, and so much that it was banned for long time in some countries. So, the value of the tattoo with Jesus Christ in modern world following:

  • her owner believes in God and worships him;
  • he seeks to help all those in need and asking;
  • he is aware of the sinfulness of his past lives;
  • for the sake of happiness of relatives and loved ones is ready to sacrifice yourself.

Prison symbol

Among the criminals, the tattoo of Jesus Christ is no less popular than in law-abiding Christians. For them, a native painting of this character symbolized the charm.

The tattoo value in many ways depended on where exactly posted The image of Christ:

  • if the holy head was located on the chest or the shoulders of the criminal, then this meant the owner's failure government agencies, especially Soviet;
  • if Jesus Christ is placed on his back, then such a squint spoke about repentance of the carrier in front of close and pointed to his faith, hope, love;
  • Jesus in a tern wreath could mean that conviction was obtained for hooliganism.

Tattoos of the Mother of God

The full drawings of God's Mother also, like Jesus Christ, talk about the strong faith and devotion to man to God. Orthodox people We often apply tattoos with this saint with the purpose of the guard from all dark and evil, protection against diseases, misfortunes and other troubles. The images of the Virgin can be performed in combination with inscriptions, prayers and folded in Moluba. If the hands of the Mother of God are raised up, then this is a symbol of light, purity and praying about the world.

In the criminal world Tattoos with the Mother of God say that the owner of the tagged has laid the law and has become a thieves on the thieves for another age.

It must be said that the Church does not approve of all sorts of drawings on the human body, even if it is holy images. Therefore, this kind of tattoo should be made on the ground, which can be hidden from unauthorized eyes.

Tattoos with crucifix, cross

This image also refers to the sphere of spiritual. Believers believe that such tattoos are able to help them be in peace and harmony with others and themselves.

The brightest symbolism of religion, God, faith in it, is undoubtedly the cross. The Son of God crucified on the cross, and therefore it is a cross or crucifixion to a greater extent symbolizes the Christian religion.

Tattoos are stronger and powerful. They carry spiritual strength and love for God. Choosing a religious tattoo, a person declares his faith and confirms belonging to her. The image of Jesus Christ is the most religious tattoo, because the whole story is connected with Jesus orthodox faith. All his life, ranging from Christmas and ending with a crucifixion on the cross, is the source of inspiration of masters tattoo around the world.

Choose such an image, people deeply believers, true Christians.

The Bible states that the body decoration to a true Christian is not an awake business. However, religion allows a tattoo in cases necessary to maintain faith. Therefore, the image of Jesus is resolution. General value This tattoo is associated with the identity of Jesus and its actions, therefore it has a lot of interpretations:

  • Belonging to the Christian religion;
  • The desire to help in need and offended. You can always contact a person with such a tattoo with such a tattoo, it will never refuse;
  • Atonement of their past sins, repentance in bad deeds;
  • Walked from the unclean strength and protection of higher strength. Many owners of Tattoo with Jesus, when they were on the verge of despair, but having stuck such an image, found a new life;
  • Belief in miracles and in fulfillment of desires. When I really want something, such a tattoo helps to appeal to God and help in the performance of a cherished dream;
  • Humility and deception. The spiritual state of the owner. Such a person will not give, do not give up pride and temptation, and will be badly "carrying his cross."

The value of Tatu Jesus on the female and male body.

Depending on the floor of the owner, the tattoo with the image of Jesus is interpreted in different ways. For a girl, she means the willingness to sacrifice himself, saving others. Characteristic features that are inherent in the owner, this is humility, honesty, resistance to difficulties, she believes in God and honors his commandments. A man with the image of Jesus, the same Bogolyov, but only he is strong and courageous in the struggle for justice. He cares about loved ones and instructs a true spiritual path.

We choose the place of application.

Due to the fact that this image carries religious meaning, it is better to depict it in places that can be closed from prying eyes. It is advisable to use a smooth surface of the body, this is a back, chest and arms. Than more square Surfaces, the more beautiful and the original drawing will turn out. This tattoo is often used in the criminal world. In it, the tattoo with the image of Jesus has a slightly different value. Putting up Jesus, prisoners are trying to fill the emptiness in the soul and ask for protection from God. However, the head of Jesus, depicted on the shoulder or chest, speaks of the failure of the authorities, and the crucifixion on the back repentance and request for forgiveness. In some cases, on a tattoo, it can be understood about the causes of criminal record. For example, the image of Jesus in a tern wreath means an article for hooliganism. In general, it can be said that the tattoo of Jesus on the body, talks about faith in God and readiness for testing. Therefore, if you are not a tary fan of the Christian faith and are not ready to endure the "flour of Christ", then you should not use this drawing just for the sake of beauty.

Tattoos have a long history. Estimation of the centuries Our ancestors applied drawings on their body for protection. The image of birds, animals or symbols was used as an overlap or to attract certain qualities or events. Often the selected image served as a reminder of anything and the value of Tatu Jesus Christ - this is the memory of his victim for us. The choice of such a tattoo always has great importance For its carrier.

The image on the body is primarily a symbol. The client of the salon tattoo, as a rule, personifies himself with the chosen symbol, trying to improve himself. In turn, the tattoo of religious topics carries a very deep meaning, and the image of Jesus is considered the most powerful protection for Christians. Although religious dogmas oppose the drawings on the body, people continue to tattoo on the divine themes using symbols that can serve as a faith.

During the formation of Christianity and Muslims, such a tattoo denoted the believers. There was a time when this image scored such popularity that they had to be banned for several centuries, but today there is no such ban, so the image of the Savior again enjoys considerable demand.

In a broad sense, the value of Tatoo Jesus Christ is religiousness, moral purity, as well as faith, hope and love. Most likely, the carrier of such an image is a believer or a Christian.

This is a powerful symbol of justice, peace, rebirth to a new life. Often, such a tattoo is chosen by those who literally begins life from pure sheet. This is a way to ask for forgiveness before God, repentance in front of loved ones.

Portrait tattoo implies detailed elaboration, and therefore it is worth making such images of medium or large size. However, the tattoo crucifixion of Jesus Christ on his hand may not give up on the beauty and detail of the pallows located on the back, despite the smaller space. It all depends on the selected sketch.

Other images of Jesus Christ

Religious theme occupies a huge niche in medieval art. Artists with a special trepidation approached writing such paintings. As a rule, the licks of the saints were portrayed only in temples and cathedrals and only in modern time People began to transfer image data to amateur canvas. Of course, the canonical images of Jesus Christ could always meet in church shops on icons, but now the development of this image went on.

Jesus Christ on tattoos, as a rule, is already depicted in a more framed form, often without Himba, but it does not spoil the image, but only adds the depth of the symbol.

Looking on the Internet photo Tatu Jesus Christ, you can make sure that the modern interpretation of the Savior's image did not lose its meaning and the impact on those who sees it. New images are represented by Jesus Christ even closer to simple peopleThe sooner, thus, the feelings are caused by the manner, acquire a new shade.

Not only the great creators chose a religious theme for their creativity, modern artists and sculptors on their own ways to recycle all the usual images. New times require revision of symbols and ideals, and fortunately, this topic has not lost its value.

The biggest image of the Savior is located in Rio de Janeiro. The sorotimeter statue weighs several thousand tons and also became a prototype for a nasty painting.

Value for women

If you decide to choose for your future tattoo, this symbol is worth clear what the point you want to invest in the image. Religious images is not just a picture, it is a story, feelings, emotions. Think what Tatu Jesus Christ means for you.

There is no big difference between the values \u200b\u200bof this tattoo on men and women, there are only features of execution and perception. If men are more likely to be solved on large, then women prefer more modest sizes. Therefore, carefully consider the place for the future drawing. Are you ready to agree to large sizes and, if not, what is the limit so that after not to remain disappointed.

In various countries, the value of this symbol is slightly different, sometimes even depending on the place of application, the drawing can acquire a new meaning. For example, in some circles tattoo, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on hand means pure thoughts and inability to betrayal. However, the general meaning of the tattoo is always preserved.

What does the Tattoo of Jesus Christ for Men

Religious tattoos for men are characterized by greater painting and courage solutions, as a rule, are bright, voluminous tattoo. Symbolic meaning Images for a man plays a big role, because they are prone to self-discipline and responsibility. Therefore, a person chooses a religious tattoo, most likely volitional and decisive. He is not afraid of sarcasm atheists.

In addition to the standard interpretation, this image has some features. Hands always had great importance in terms of symbolism.

Therefore, the tattoo in this part of the body will be more significant. If a person with such a pattern on the body can be simply religious or striving for moral purity, then the tattoo of Jesus Christ on the wrist is sincere, real repentance, when a person is aware of his prejudices and intends to correct.

Where to fill and in what style

The tattoo in the form of Jesus Christ will be superbly looking in the style of realism or neo - tradition. These styles will help you brighter to pass the image of the Savior and colorfully show all the small details. For such significant and volumetric sketches, you should choose your back, arms or chest. In these places, it is easiest to portray small details, and the drawing will look harmoniously.

Content: Very often found in tattoos.
There is a stereotype that the cross is necessarily religious symbol, but this is not true.
The symbol itself appeared long before Christianity appeared and was used in pagan rites.
Nowadays, such a tattoo can be seen both in religious people and their opposites - atheists.
Who will fit? A tattoo with such a symbol makes men and girls.
It is also not a strictly religious symbol.
Places and tattoo style. Most often, the cross is depicted in black and white. But, there are photos and sketches of tattoos of almost all styles and any color solutions.

Tattoo value cross

The cross was used in the symbols of different nations. It can be said that the cross is one of the oldest geometric symbols on Earth.
The drawing of such a symbol has many options and as a result of values.
In Assyria symbolized four sides of the world: north, south, west, east.
IN a number of ancient cultures The symbol meant male and feminine.
Ancient babylonian They believed that the honed cross they manage to please the Deity of the Moon.

Currently, the tattoo with the image of the cross can symbolize:

  • Revival, beginning.
  • Fate, the path that every person must pass.
  • Suffering.
  • A life.
  • Power.
  • Honor, nobility.
  • Strength.
  • Communication with God.
  • Mind, spiritual development.
  • Cyclicness, eternity, immortality

Tattoo value depending on the place on the body:

Cross on hand - a symbol of patience and power. This is a symbol of a person who is honored above all.
The cross on the wrists, forearms or shoulders, also indicate a special attitude to their own honor from the Tattoo owner.

Cross on the back - Man "His Cross himself". Tattoo means that a person does not agree to meet the expectations and stereotypes of other people. He chooses his destiny and is responsible for his choice.

Cross on the neck - Submissions before destiny. For women, the same thing is as for men on the back.

Cross on the finger - Memory and grief about the deceased of a person.

Cross on chest - For a tattoo in the center of the chest, a person usually chooses a symbol that is crucial in his life.

Tattoo with a cross on the foot Carries a purely decorative character. Can serve as a memory of some important event.

Varieties of the tattoo of the crosses:

Celtic cross Or Irish is a pre-Christian Sunny Cross, symbolizes the sun and its energy. The most common symbol in tattoo culture. It is a cross the correct shape enclosed in a circle. Another name of the Cross "Ions". Indicates communication with the Sun and constant spiritual development.

Orthodox cross - The symbol of the Christian faith, symbolizes the unity of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If a crucified Jesus is depicted on the cross, such a tattoo serves the owner of a reminder of the martyrdom and the teaching of Jesus.

Cross with wings - Religious sign combining two symbols: and a cross as a symbol of religion.

Latin Cross - The symbol distributed in a number of Western countries. Often call catholic Cross. The staff of such a form was at Apollo, the God of Arts. Symbolizes salvation, resurrection and eternal life.

Inverted cross - Symbol of destruction. Often used among subcultures. For example, in the Satanists' environment is a symbol of Satan. In Christianity there is a reference to the apostle Peter, because He was crucified on such a cross.

Egyptian cross - "ANK". It is depicted as a cross with a loop at the top (with a handle). The circle at the top of the cross symbolizes eternity and wisdom, the cross itself is the key that opens the divine knowledge. In culture Ancient Egypt He was the personification of the rising sun and the unity of opposites. There is a belief that such a symbol helps from infertility.

Black cross - Schwarzkreyz, Separate Sign of the German Army. Cross Army Bundeswehr. Black Cross is called, also, Balkan or Boyflock Cross - identifying sign military equipment Germany (from 1935 to 1945).

Armenian cross - symbolizes life-giving power. Helps a person to follow his way.

Hands praying with a cross - This tattoo often accompany the quote from the Bible or the image of the rosary. The meaning of this symbol is a prayer to God to help stay on the righteous way.

Maltese cross - was considered a protective symbol and a guard. Otherwise, was called the Cross of St. John of Jerusalem or St. George Cross (he is the cross of St.). It was this symbol that was the first postage stamp. Symbolizes the courage and courage. Also, symbolizes the benefits waiting for people who righteously lived after death.

On the images below you can see the most popular symbol of the cross in different cultures. Click on the image to enlarge it:

Tattoo famous people:

Dmitry Nagiyev, Drew Berrymore, Robbie Williams, Mickey Rourke, Britney Spears, chalk si, anastaishia, Drew Berrymore, Kelly Clarkson, Nikki Hilton, Eva Longoria.

The value at the zone:

Crosses on the fingers, as a rule, mean the fact of staying in prison. The duration of stay often reflects additional elements: rays emanating from the cross, points around it, etc.
Cross on hand, shoulder or chest. Most often performed as a swastika. Means denial of prison orders.
Cross on the back - strong will.


Video collage from photographs Tattoo with the image of the crosses:

Tattoos on religious themes are found quite often. In Christianity, a special role is given to Jesus Christ than the image is mercilessly used as a sketch for tattoo. Moreover, this is not always the image version indicates a truly believer person. Criminals on the zone also use the image of Christ in their squals. The value of this kind of tattoo may be ambiguous. He is chosen and believers, and people, just giving tribute to fashion. In the latter case, you should pick up the sketch and place of application.

The emergence of tattoos

Initially, the tradition of painting his body patterns was brought from Polynesia by navigators. The tribes often applied tattoos that had to give them protection against evil spirits, attract good luck. So, a variety of tattoos are known, thanks to which Polynesians tried to draw their gods.

James Cook was one of those who brought the concept of "tattoo" to Europe. At the same time, the navigators faster all the fastest with a new direction in the decoration of the body. Tattoo Jesus, the photo of which was varied, was a frequent companion of everyone who was associated with the sea. It was believed that this is a powerful champion, the symbol of faith, the invisibility of the obscures in any situation.

Image of Jesus under the skin

Who prefers tattoos for religious topics

Undoubtedly, tattoos associated with any religion prefer people, a certain mind warehouse. To those who can fill themselves the image of Jesus belong:

  • deeply believing personality;
  • criminals who have made a knack on the zone;
  • persons who give a tattoo Jesus meaning not related to religion.

Beautiful jesus tattoo in color

It is important! In the Bible, which is followed by a true Christian, contains mention that the decoration of the body is not always an awake business. The poet should pay attention to this. Religion allows for tattoos only in rare cases when it is necessary for faith. For example, in Muslim countries, Christians did a small image of the cross on the wrist in order for them to be born along the canons of the Bible. Tattoo Jesus, the value of which varies from the sketch, may refer to this category.

Exhausted Jesus in the form of a tattoo

Tattoo value Jesus

The tattoo associated with the image of such a person as Jesus cannot have a clear designation. Therefore, there are a number of assumptions that helps decrypt the image:

  • designation of belonging to a specific religion, in this case to Christianity. However, not everyone pays attention to the fact that the decoration of his body is not encouraged by the Scripture;
  • defenselessness, the desire to help your loved ones (options for crucifying) are mostly solved here. Tattoo Jesus, the sketch of which can occupy a fairly large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, preferred by altruists. So people are important to help the neighbor, give them warmth. A similar image very clearly explains the attitude towards life and others. The owner of the tattoo can always be requested to help;
  • awareness of your sins, the desire to upload past mistakes. This kind of image can apply those who are customary to call sinners. The image of Jesus, or any other associated with religion, may designate repentance;
  • search protection for higher strength. It is often used by people who are already practically on the verge of despair. It is believed that this kind of tattoo helps to get rid of the negative impact of evil forces;
  • equality of desire. The tattoo with the image of Jesus can be an option to appeal to God. The owner of the tattoo, most likely, has a cherished dream, which cannot be carried out independently;
  • humility. A person who chose such a sketch is not capable of a selfish act. The owner of the picture is trying not to stand out, does not give in pride;

Crucified Jesus on Back

Tattoo application locations

The tattoo with the image of the Face of Jesus can be applied onto the back. By the way, this is the most popular option. This is due to the fact that the image applied to this area can be hidden under clothing. Thanks to the large area, the tattoo looks brighter, the features do not become like caricature. Also popular image zones are considered forearm, shin, chest. Most often, the tattoo is made in one, less often several colors. Almost always the image is strict, not bright.

I did a tattoo with the image of Jesus Christ immediately after school, when I refused to follow the footsteps of the Father. I did not reject religion, but, according to the parents, I did it exactly. Such a tattoo reminds me that I am always in sight of God, he is able to see all my actions. It helps to adhere to certain principles. The image itself is very modest, easily hidden under the T-shirt. It is not intended for strangers.

Anna, Moscow.

Smiling Jesus with the inscription on the shoulder

Tattoo with the image of Christ and the criminal world

Despite the fact that the subjects associated with religions seem unambiguous, it is not quite so. For example, in the medium of prisoners, the tattoo with the image of Jesus can be made of radically opposite values.

Crucified Jesus on the forearm - an unusual tattoo

Did you know? Because of the great popularity of this kind of tattoos among navigators, in the countries of Europe, at one time there was a ban on the image of Jesus on the skin. However, he existed not long.

The head of Jesus could be located on the shoulder, chest, neck. Such a location said that any power does not inspire a trembling Sitage. You could also meet the sketch version, in which the image of Jesus was arranged by the flame. "Vera burned!" - That is how the criminal criminals explained such an image. At the same time, the tattoo located on his back could talk about repentance, love to loved ones. Also, the tattoo with the image of the face of Christ could indicate the reason for the conclusion. For example, if the head of Jesus was decorated with a barbed wreath, then the tattoo owner was planted for a grille for hooliganism.

Jesus Tattoo, Looking Up On Shoulder

Tattoos on a religious theme is difficult. It is impossible to just fill yourself a drawing without thinking about the consequences. For me, such an image is a wanted from evil. Jesus on my back looks terrible, but also with humility in the view. I had to spend a bunch of time to search for the desired sketch. But the result turned out to be magnificent. The main thing is that the image should not be fringe.

Artem, Omsk.

Video selection of tattoos with Jesus