
Prayer King Heavenly Comforter's soul of truth. Your first prayers

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Prayer King Heavenly, text

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The text of the prayer of the king of Heavenly chants one of the hypostasis of our Lord. Unfortunately, it so happened that believers are very rarely chanting about the Holy Spirit, unlike all other people of Holy Trinity. All this, because knowledge of people are based on the Scriptures of the Gospel, which are evilted in the Old Testament, where the expression of the Holy Spirit is found three times. Twice in the book of the Prophet Isaiah and once in 50 psalms.

Another characteristic fact of the difference between Jewish from the Christian faith is the understanding and interpretation of the creature of the Holy Spirit. In the first spirit - this is not a personality, the property of God Father, that is, the totality of his breathing and strength.

Prayer King Heavenly Comforter

In the gospel about the king, heaven is mentioned more often. Probably, every Christian knows that the Spirit came to the Savior during the Great Baptism. He also came to the apostles when they walked to the sermon. That is why in the texts of the prayer king, heaven to listen to the not familiar chorus "Right" or "Rejoice", and the word "come", which calls on the third face of the Holy Trinity.

Very often, a Christian can not imagine the image of God, which consists of three persons, but at the same time it is inseparable and unique. Nevertheless, all Orthodox Christian tricks are being built on this dogma.

For clarity, the priests advise comparing the Holy Trinity with the way earth woman, Which can also be at once in several faces:

Also, the Lord itself combines three entities.

  • holy Trinity Holiday - Celebrated on 50 day after the celebration of Easter;
  • holy Spirit Day - Monday after the celebration of the Great Trinity.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

and clean from everyone is bad

and save, closs, our souls.

Let the Lord keep you!

Watch the video of the Orthodox prayer King Heavenly:

The prayer "King Heavenly" is also the poem of the Pentecost service. We call on the Holy Spirit so that he came and united "in us" and this can be understood as two ways: or we want each of us to become the inadequate of the Spirit, or - so that the Holy Spirit does between us, uniting us in the body of Christ. But one does not exclude the other. Comments by Ieria Feodor Lyudovsky.

"C. Ary n Fucked, the TERMER, DO TERNES, illy, and all of the executive, from the observation of good and life to the gifted, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone's bad, and save, b Lazh, our souls" .

Translation by Jer. Amvrosia (Timrot):

"King Heaven, Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, everywhere who is being all the filling, treasury and life is a submitter, come and begged in us, and cleanse us from every bad, and save, the good, our souls. »

- The prayer "King Heavenly" is addressed to the third person of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Lord, emanating from his father (see the Symbol of Faith). The origin and authorship of this prayer is unknown, but there is reason to believe that it arose closer to the end of the first millennium of the Christian era.

"King Heaven" "Perhaps one of the most famous prayers, along with the" Our Father "(Prayer of the Lord) and the 90th Psalm of King David. It is part of the so-called "normal start", that is, that sequence of prayers, which sounds at the beginning of many services and the following, including at the beginning of the usual morning and evening prayers: "King Heavenly", Truce, "Most Holy Trinity" , "Our Father".

In addition, there is a custom to read the "king of heaven" to call on the Holy Spirit before starting any case. Disposal, one of these cases is prayer, church service. And by this, it must be assumed, the inclusion of the prayer "King Heaven" is explained in the composition of the usual beginning.

Finally, this prayer is one of the poem of the Pentecost service - and it is this circumstance that has become a reason for today's notes. However, consider first the text of the prayer.

We appeal to the Holy Spirit as to the Heavenly King (Wed. The beginning of the Lord of the Prayer: "Our Father, which is in heaven ..."). This appeal, strictly speaking, is not specific for the third IPostasi. For example, at a great evening, the prayer "Heavenly King, faith approved ...", which most likely refers to Christ - however it is not quite clear; You can also think that she is addressed to the Holy Trinity.

Next follows the appeal "Comforter" (Greek. Παράκλητος). So the Savior called the Holy Spirit in a conversation with the students: "And I am a smart father, and will give you another comforter, and you will be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot accept, because he does not see him and does not know him; And you know him, for he is with you and will be in you "(Ying 14: 16-17). In addition to the obvious meaning "one who consults", this word can also be understood in the meaning of the Intermediary, "Street", "Intercessor".

About the Holy Spirit, like God "In general," we say both about the omnipresent: "izh everywhere". Church Slavonic expression, coming next - "All executive" - \u200b\u200bprobably many confuses. As can be seen from the above Russian translation, in this case it is not about the execution of our prayers and desires, but all about the same - about the omnipliers of the Divine: "All of the executive" means "all filling yourself." However, it is possible to see and something more: the Holy Spirit is not just "mechanically" fills the universe, but he revives it, every second supports its existence - otherwise everything happened and crumbled, since the world visible does not have a different reason for their own appearance and the labored existence beyond God.

There is another expression in the Church Slavonic translation of prayer, which, as we can assume, is understood by many of them: "The treasure of good" does not mean that the Holy Spirit is a kind of treasure for good people. No, the spirit of the life-giving is a treasury of benefits, a compatibility and source of all the good, good.

All those words and expressions that have now been discussed - all this was an appeal, which takes about two thirds of prayer. And then there is a leaking part.

What are we ask God for the Holy Spirit? We ask Him to come and united "in us." The latter can be understood in two ways (and one understanding does not exclude the other): Or we want each of us to become the inadequate of the Spirit, the temple of God; Either (Wed. In 1:14) - In order for the Holy Spirit to do among us, between us, uniting us into a single body of Christ.

Then we ask the Spirit, settling in us, cleared us from every bad - that is, from passions, from sin - and that he, good (i.e. kind) saved our souls, i.e. would save us From the power of the world, devil and, again, our own passions, and so that he gave us the kingdom of heaven - that is, his own kingdom (see the beginning of prayer).

As mentioned above, the prayer "King Heavenly" is part of the service of the feast of Pentecost (otherwise, the Day of the Holy Trinity). Recall that this prayer is not read in the period from Easter to Pentecost: in the Easter period, it is replaced with a three-time reading (or singing) Easter's tropar, and from Ascension to Easter and is not replaced by anything - and this significant absence emphasizes the tension with which the Church Every year awaits the day of the Nestos of the Holy Spirit. And on the day of Pentecost, after seven weeks of a kind of abstinence, the prayer "King Heavenly" sounds again (often she sing in popularity) - first on the Great Evening, as a penultimate stimit on the notch, and then twice in the morning - after the 50th Psalm and Before the great gloss (instead of the usual "esi, the Virgin Devo ..."). From this day, "King Heavenly" is read daily until the first day of Easter.

Prayer King Heavenly in Russian fully

Then wait a bit, while all your feelings come to silence and thoughts will leave all the earthly, and then make the imposed brief prayers with bows, without hasty and with the attention of heartfelt.

Subsequent prayers before "Our Father" inclusive read completely where in the liturgical books it is indicated "Next, trossimy:" or "Next, Tresvety, by" Our Father: ".

Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

When it is written "Glory:", "and now:", you need to read completely: " Glory Father and Son and the Holy Spirit“, “ And now and confessed and forever. Amen.

There are no sound in the church Slavs, and therefore it is necessary to read the "call", and not "WHO", "yours", and not "yours", "mine", and not "mine", etc.

And now they enlighten your thoughts of my thoughts, the mouth of mouth, so that you want to beat your word, and you understand your commandments, and your will will be willing, and sing, glorifying you from the heart, and chanting your father, father, and son, and the Holy Spirit now , and always, and forever. Amen.

Come, bow our king, God!

Come, bow and come to Christ, the king, our God!

And now I will enlighten my eyes mental, my mouth getting up with the word of yours, and you know your commandments, and you are doing your will, and Peta in confession by heart, and chanting your father, father and son and the saint spirit, now and are confused and forever centuries. Amen.

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow)

Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow)

2. And in the united Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beast, from the Father born before all centuries, the light from the world, the God of true from the God of a true, born, unprecedented, one-handed father, through which everything happened.

3. For us, people, and our for the sake of salvation that has come down from heaven, and embodied from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and crudely.

4. Consistent for us when Pontius Pilate, and suffering, and buried.

5. And Risen on the third day, by Scriptures.

7. And again the coming with Glovoy to judge live and dead, and his kingdom will not be the end.

9. In the Unified, Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

10. I admit one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

11. I expect the resurrection of the dead,

12. And the life of the future century. Amen.

We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest.

Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried.

And resistant on the third day by Scripture.

And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.

And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end.

And in the Spirit of Saints, the Lord, the life-giving, izh from the father outgoing, and with the father and son of Spoklans and Saglivim, the Glagolashago prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.

The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

And give us a waking heart and sober mind all night our current life to go through, waiting for the coming of a bright day of the phenomenon of my son, gentlemen and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, when he, the judgment of everyone comes to Earth with Glevoy to pay everyone for his affairs; May he find us with no fallen and stunned, but awake and risen, in the performance of the commandments of him, and ready to enter him into the joy and the divine drawn of His glory, where the visiting glasses incessant and inexpressible pleasures contemplating the unraded beauty of your face. For you are a true light that enlightened and sanctifying everything, and you are angry with all creation forever. Amen.

On the wondrous mistake of the Lord, the house of the Divine do me. Doctor who gave birth, rub the perennial passion of my soul. Washed on the waves of everyday life, to the path of repentance to send me. Get rid of me from the fire of eternal, evil worm and the underworld. Yes, I will not find the joy of demon, in many sins of the obedient. Update me, foregrocked, dyeing from inconspicuous sins. Ivavi I'm not interested in all the flour and all the lord of the mind. Acknowledged me with all the saints to join the heavenly fun. Most Mixed Virgo, hear the voice of an indecent slave!

Give me tears streams, the prechile, the soul of my soul cleaning. I apologize from the heart from the heart, - diligence, Ladyman! The prayer service is my acceptance and to God to the Merciful Bring. The ascended the angels above the worldly confusion of me. Light-skinned skins of heaven, spiritual grace in the direction of me. Hands and mouth raise to praise, desecrated by perfectly, all-hearth. From the permanent abomination to save me, Christ gently begging, "he is honored and worship, and always, and forever. Amen.

More than a faith, Laja, saves desperately, see a believer, save me, Yako, my God you and the creator. Belief instead of deeds can be immediately immediately, my God, not the hardship of Bo-affairs from all that is justified by me. My faith will love instead of all, that yes he is releasing, that and justify me, that yes will tell me the party of glory for the eternal.

And save me from many and disastrous memories and intentions, and from all the cases of evil free to me, for all the birth bless you and is famous for the name of your name in centuries. Amen.

* Name: Holy Apostle (Martyr, Saint -, etc.)

Save, Lord, and a lot of Great Mr. and our father His Holiness Patriarch (Name), reprehensible Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops of Orthodox, also Lieev and Deacon, and all the ministers of church, whom you put the mouth of the spiritual herd, and for prayers for their prayer and save me, sinning. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice parents of my (names of them), brothers and sisters, and my relatives of my flesh, and my loved ones, and friends, and give them the earthly and heavenly benefits. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and Velikago Mr. and Father of our Holy Patriarch Alexy, His Holiness Metropolitan, Archbishops and Bishops Orthodoxy, Jeeques and Deacon, and the whole risk of church, Yaza put an essay of a verbal flue, and praying to them and save the sinners. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice father of my spirituality (his name) And my saints forgive my saint prayers. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice parents My (names of them), brethren and sisters, and the affinations of my flesh, and the whole neighbor of my kind, and friends, and give them a peaceful and premium blessing. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and messenger sent to the service, and traveling fathers and our brothers, and all Orthodox Christians. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and hunting hated and offend me, and causing me trouble, and do not allow them to die because of me, sinful. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and humbly sent to the service, traveling, fathers and the brotherhood of our, and all the Orthodox Christians. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and surviving hate and offensive me, and the creast of mi, and do not leave them to die for the sake of sinning. (Bow)

Having receding from the Orthodox faith and deceased heresy blinded, the light of your knowledge of the enlightenment and the Holy of your apostles of the Cathedral Church of the Church. (Bow)

Look, Lord, the souls of the deceased slaves of your, my parents (their names), and all relatives on the flesh; And forgive all their sins free and involuntary, giving them the kingdom, and the communion of eternal benefits, and your endless and blissful life enjoyment. (Bow)

Look, Lord, the souls of the deceased slaves of your, my parents (names of them), and all the affinations of the flesh; And forgive them all the warmness of free and unwitting, giving them the kingdom and the communion of eternal good and your unfortunate and blessed life enjoyment. (Bow)

Roman, Lord, and all in the hope of resurrection and the life of the eternal crash, fathers and the brotherhood of our, and sisters, and the Zea Lying and everywhere, the Orthodox Christians, and with our saints, the appearance of your face, vs. and we And a humus person. Amen. (Bow)

From Easter to Ascension Instead of this prayer, the chorus and IRMOS 9th songs of the Easter canon are read: "Angel is a graceful thanks: Pure Delo, rejoice! And Paki River: Rejoice! Your son is resurrected thirtune from the coffin, and the dead erected; People, having fun! Glowing, glowing, the new Jerusalem, the fame of Bo Lord on you. Likui now and have fun, sion. You, clean, sneak, the Virgin, about your christmas christmas. " This remark applies to evening prayers.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, according to the prayers of the Mother of Your Mother, Reverend and the God's fathers of our and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Author of the Russian translation: Ieromona Amvrosiy, in the world of Timot Dmitry Aleksandrovich. E-mail:

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Prayer "King Heavenly" Text with comments in Russian

Orthodox prayer "King Heavenly" (text in Russian you will find below) - is one of the main, during the church service it is read far from one time and in addition, it is referred to by the number of "home prayers". You can read it after awakening and before bedtime. During the service in the Church, it is read one of the first.

Prayer "King Heavenly" Text in Russian with comments

How can the prayer of the king of heaven help?

First of all, he helps everyone understand God's truth: in the Bible you can find promises that he will help us in this. If a person has a sincere desire to become a Christian, he must know the Bible, in which everything is said in detail. Everyone should find time for studying the Holy Book and ask the king of heaven in prayer to help us in this.

The Holy Spirit helps to resist temptations. People should not be afraid of all these temptations, the Lord God and the Holy Spirit will definitely help us not to succumb to it. The Holy Spirit will show a man in every way the way of God, according to which it will be possible to get out of the situation, if somehow a person still fell into her.

Text of the prayer of the Holy Spirit "King Heavenly"

King heavenly, comforter, soul of truth,

Like everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter,

Prime and messed in us, and cleaning from everyone is bad, and save

Prayer to royal martyrs, given a miraculous way

There is such a concept as the baptism of the Holy Spirit. What does it mean? This baptism is not provided to alleviate the emotional state. The main reason is the easy and clean construction of spiritual life, which is far from everyone. And just the baptism of this kind, will contribute to the spiritual growth and improvement in the quality of life.

Remember, Lord, Tsar David and all the meekness of him.

Look, Lord, King Solomon and all the wisdom of him. Obey

Lord killed Tsarist seven And the prayers of their holy surviving us, sinful.

The people are lost, passion to be worn,

Emmey and curvily riddled, the temptation of many self-tested,

You changed and from the faith of your holy, rejected,

You, about the premium Lord, forgive and humbly.

You can visit the goodness of the spirit of the Spirit, the deception of the clarification, the dedication of the temptation of the Oslabi.

And the whole gracious strength of your defense and the sore and the heart of our chungy truth are given.

Who is the Holy Spirit King Heaven?

Who is the Holy Spirit or the king of Heaven?

It is customary to be called the third face of the Holy Trinity - heavenly king. With it, you can find sources of good, the Holy Spirit - a true God who is able to work wonders, he helps people to cleanse from sins. The human souls of the Holy Spirit cleans and fills with prudence, all the kind cases for which a person is aimed will be blessed by him.

It is customary to talk about the Holy Spirit, as the Lord God, in some cases he is called the king of heaven in prayers. After all, he supports the universe every second, fills it.

The actions of the Holy Spirit before, how a man became a Christian

Long before a person becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit is already beginning to worry about him.

  • From the moment when a person is at all a child, the Holy Spirit begins to report sin. He addresses everything, solely, through human conscience. At the moment when a person tries to not pay attention to the voice of conscience in any way, he gradually brings himself to what he ceases to hear the Holy Spirit, which means that at the moment when he tries to expose him, he would not notice this.
  • The Holy Spirit helps to get close to God and leads us to him. The Lord God loves each of us, even sinners he tries to instruct the true path. The Holy Spirit helps bring us to this truth.
  • To everyone who decides to follow the Most High, comes the Holy Spirit and lives inside such a person. So he helps spiritual growth, and at the moment when a Christian begins to repent, he feels in some kind new life. This life is the Holy Spirit.

Peter and Fevronia

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Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

(King Heaven, Comforter Spirit Truth, everywhere who is all filling, the source of all good and the owner of life, come and set aside in us, and cleanse us from every sin and save, good, our souls.)

Tsar. - king; Comer - Comforter; Soul of truth - Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Truth; Other - Which the; Sly - the only one; all executive - all filling; treasure of Goodness - Treasury, a compatibility of all the best, of all kind; life of the feeder - lifestyle; priide and noded - come and not in us - in us; from everyone is bad - from any uncleanness, that is, from all sins; Faithfully - Good, kind.

In this prayer, we pray to the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity.

We call the Holy Spirit in it King of heavenBecause he, as a true God, equal to God to Father and God to his son, invisibly reigns over us, owns us and the whole world. We call it ComerBecause he consotes us in our mourn and misfortunes, as he comforted and the apostles on the 10th day after the ascension of Jesus Christ on the sky.

We call it Spirit of Truth, (So the Savior himself called him), because he, as the Holy Spirit, teaches all only one truth, truth, just that it is useful for us and serves to our salvation.

He is God, and he is everywhere and all fills everything: right, everywhere and all the executive. He, as the manager of the whole world, sees everything and, where what needs, gives. He is treasure of Goodness, that is, the keeper of all blessings, the source of all is good, that only we need to have.

We call the Spirit of the Holy life of the subderbecause everything in the world lives and moves the Holy Spirit, that is, everything is getting life away from him, and especially people get spiritual, holy and eternal life behind the coffin, cleaning through it from their sins.

If the Holy Spirit has such marvel properties: everywhere is located, everything fills his gracious and gives everyone to life, then we appeal to it with the following requests: Come and set aside in us, that is, constantly stay in us, as in your temple; clean us from every bad, that is, sin, make us saints worthy of your stay in us, and save, kind, our souls From sins and those punishments that are for sins, and through this give us the kingdom of heaven.

Questions: Who do we appeal to this prayer? Holy Spirit What is the face of the Holy Trinity? How is it called in this prayer? Why is the king of heaven, comforter, the spirit of truth, everywhere located, all filling? What are we asking him about? What does it mean: come and not in us? And clean from everyone is bad? And save, closs, our souls?

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The prayer of the Holy Spirit King Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, sozing, soul

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The prayer of God the spirit of the Holy King Heavenly, the comforter of all-storey, the soul of truth, from the Father is boring out of the father and in the Son will be consistent, the obvious source of the divine gods, sharing their cochojo, is a sorry. I am also, unworthy, sanctifying and appointed ESMA per day

From the book of the author

The prayer of the Holy Spirit King Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of the truth, the same everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of the benefits and life of the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, sozing, soul

From the book of the author

The prayer of God to the spirit of the Holy King Heavenly, the comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and the whole perform, the treasure of good and life the submitter, come and noted in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, too, our souls. and the creator of all sorts, God, our hands, to

"The greatest gift for a person is just a gift of the Holy Spirit."

(From the program "Union ”)

"King Heaven, Comforter, Soul of Truth,
Izh everywhere and all the executive
Treasure of good and life to the submitter,
priide and messed in
and clean from everyone is bad
and save, too, our souls. "

For the first time with the prayer of the Holy Spirit, I met, reading the book "Ezoosmos" Anastasia New. Perhaps I did not understand much in her mind, but inside it penetrated until the depths. I felt an extraordinary soulful trepid, great thanks for everything, everything God gave us, for all his love for us, Heatham. Then I have repeatedly returned to this place in the book, every time I am experiencing this episode as if live. Deep under the ground, in the cave, against the background of fatigue after a long, heavy path through the labyrinths of underground climbing- and suddenly such a solemn, such a heartfelt moment, filled with some kind of life-based force, outgoing from the most depths, from the depth of the source itself. Like prayer.

"- Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and are confessed, and in the eyelids. A-Mi-and-Yin ...

His voice spilled around the hall, filling the space with his solemn sound. The father paused, obviously listening to Ehu, and, explicitly, remaining quite satisfied, began to read the prayer to the Holy Spirit:

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the fulfillment, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and missed it, and the cleaning from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

The sound, dreamed by the hall, really produced a stunning effect. Even goosebumps ran from such powerful vibrations of the voice of John's father, distributed from darkness. This sound gave rise to some inner inspiration, made into the depths of the soul, as if forced each cell of the body to vibrate him in unison. When John's father finished reading a prayer, an absolute silence came, thanks to which the last words, as an echo, were repeated in their own consciousness, to the little things exactly reproduce the voice of the voice of the father. As if fascinated, we sat, not lying, enjoying this amazing sound effect. Batyushka so dreamed that he began to hold a whole church service. He changed intonation and gradually moved to a quiet, monophonic singing of prayers. His voice became a velvety, soft, lulling. I covered your eyes. Light Dunda covered my consciousness. "

(Anastasia New, "Ezoosmos")

The sermons of Archbishop Luke recorded from the first mouth the people themselves, reprinted, passed from hand to hand. In Soviet times, of course, all this was done secretly, with a huge risk for life. But such was Vera parishioners into a living word filled with the power of God. I want to carry this word further ...

The prayer "King Heavenly" is one of the main in Orthodoxy. It is surely read during every church worship. It is also considered a home prayer, which is recommended to read in the morning after awakening and immediately before bedtime. In addition, there is a tradition to read the prayer "King Heavenly" with the goal to call for the Holy Spirit in his life before any endeavors.

The origin and authorship of this prayer appeal are unknown. It is clear that the horses this prayer goes into deep antiquity. Most of the clergymen are inclined to the fact that it originated approximately at the end of the first millennium of the Christian era.

In the prayer text "King Heaven", one of the attacks of our Almighty Lord is chanting. This is done infrequently and is due to the fact that the knowledge of believers is based on the Old Testament. And in it, the mention of the Holy Spirit is found three times: twice in the book of the Prophet Isaiah and once in 50 psalms.

But the power of the Holy Spirit is unconditionally known to all believers. Every Christian knows that the Holy Spirit descended to the Savior during baptism. He also came to the Holy Apostles, before they went to the sermon.

Very often, believers have difficulties in understanding the image of God in three hypostatas, but at the same time inseparable and unique. It is on this dogma that the Orthodox Christian Coriatory is based. In order to clearly explain, the priests use the earthly comparison - the image of a woman.

It can be at the same time:

  • mother
  • daughter
  • sister.

In general, in the Christian religion of the Holy Spirit - this is a certain independent essence. It represents an involuntary creation that can permeate the world of dead and alive. The Holy Spirit has no character, faces and emotions. But he is able to fill a person by the Divine force and give a blessing. It is through the Holy Spirit that the baptism is carried out. It is noteworthy that by virtue of the disembodiment and invisibility of the Holy Spirit can not act independently, but at the same time it can take various forms. The most popular image of the Holy Spirit is a pigeon.

It has consolidated since the emergence of the Christian religion.

The text of the prayer "King Heavenly, Comforter, Soul of Truth" in Russian

In Russian, prayer sounds like this:

"The king of heaven, comforter, the soul of truth,
You are everywhere and you can fulfill everything.
You are the treasure of favor and life submitter,
Come and disperse in us, cleanse us from different soup,
And save, the Holy Spirit, our souls. "

Prayer text with stress

To properly arrange accents, you should understand what prayer is about. Despite the entire brevity of prayer appeal, a deep meaning lies in it.

This prayer contains an appeal to the Holy Spirit, as the Heavenly King. The appeal "Comforter" is due to the fact that so was called the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ himself. In one of the conversations with the disciples, he promised that his father would give the Father to the people of another comforter who would be forever. It will be the spirit of truth that people will be very difficult to accept, as it will be invisible. The combination of the words "Comforter" and "Soul of Truth" can be understood as the "mediator" or "intercessor".

About the Holy Spirit in prayer says that he is present everywhere. This definition also applies to God. This is followed by confirmation that the Holy Spirit can fulfill. Under this implies not only all the desires and requests sincerely believer. Such a phrase indicates that the Holy Spirit fills the whole world around us and revives it. Every moment he supports the existence of the world as a whole, otherwise everything will be destroyed. That is, this prayer focuses on the fact that God is the creator and the Creator.

The treasure of goodies is the source of mercies and all the best. Since in the old Slavonic version, this phrase sounds like the "treasure of good", it should not be understood that the Holy Spirit is a treasure itself for people.

In the prayer handling of the Holy Spirit is called "Life Self." This emphasis on the fact that every righteous soul is fueled by the Holy Spirit. This is what is approved in many church chants.

After appeal there is a leaking part of the prayer. First of all, praying remembers that the Holy Spirit came and united in us. This is understood by two. That is, on the one hand, we want each of us to take the Holy Spirit and become His abode, and on the other hand, each of us has a desire for the Holy Spirit among us, and therefore united us, excluding disagreements and quarrels. But at the same time it should be understood that no statement excludes the other, they are fully compatible.

Next, in the prayer appeal, we appeal to the Holy Spirit Clear us from different badges. Under this implies a request for the forgiveness of the limits and protection against the devilish temptations. We want the Goodness, which means Good Holy Spirit, helped save our souls and gave hope for the kingdom of heaven.

In order to understand the essence of the prayer appeal to the Holy Spirit, it is necessary to deeply understand this concept itself in religion. It should be known that even before a person becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit has an impact on him.

As a child, the Holy Spirit begins to report what was perfect. And it makes it by using such an internal characteristic of a person as a conscience. It is through her that the highest strength appeals to a person and takes part in the formation of its character. If it happens that the person continues to do not conscience, and does not pay attention to the signs that are given over, the Holy Spirit leaves him.

The Holy Spirit, putting in a person, brings him closer with God and eventually leads to him. This means that a person gets reliable protection from the Lord God, because the Most High loves each of us, so even sinners he does not throw in difficult moment, trying to teach live according to the commandments of God and instruct the right way. And the Lord leads us to this truth through the Holy Spirit.

In every person who sincerely believes in God and makes decisions to live according to the laws of the Church comes to the Holy Spirit, aligning it in it and lives inside such a person. Thus, the Lord contributes to spiritual growth, and at that moment when a Christian begins to sincerely repent of his own pregressions, he feels that he heard some power. And this power is the Holy Spirit.

A believer is always distinguished by modesty. They never exaggerate their advantages, they are not typical of pride and they never cheat. They do not commit any other sinful actions. These features and say that the Holy Spirit is present in man. The main gift of the Holy Spirit is fear of God. In this case, a person understands that he cannot consider himself self-sufficient, since everything in this world depends on the Lord God. Only after the realization of all the greatness of the Lord, a person is given to see the reality of the surrounding world. Sincerely believes with time, listening to the inner voice to make the right decisions and do right choice. It is also proof of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The prayer of the king of Heavenly is an appeal to the Holy Spirit, which is part of church service. The Holy Spirit is the third face of the Holy Trinity, the Lord of the life-giving. The name of the prayer comes from the first two words from her text. From Easter to Ascension, this prayer is not read, her place is occupied by the Easter Tropean "Christ Risen ...". From ascension to the day of the Holy Trinity, the prayer is not pronounced.

The prayer of the king of the Heavenly - the poem of the sixth chapter on the notch on the Great Evening of Pentecost. It is referred to VIII-IX centuries. The authorship of prayer remains unknown. It is impossible to designate the exact date, but it is known that it was not at the Konstantinople statute of the IX century. You can read the prayer of the king of Heavenly and Cemely, in home prayer.

Often you have to hear that the king of Heavenly is a very strong prayer. You can pronounce it when a person:

  • Asks for help in any business.
  • Can not be freed from the power of sin.
  • Tested by the crisis of faith.

But the strength of prayer depends not on what text is pronounced, but from the faith of man. The ritual pronunciation of the text of the prayer without a true conversation with God has no "special" strength.

King Heavenly Text Prayer

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.


Soul - Spirit. Izh - which. Syous - the only abiding. All executive - everything is filling. Treasure - storage, source. Good - good. They messed up in us - not in us. Spruce - sin.

In Russian:

King Heavenly, comforter (adviser, mentor), spirit of truth, everywhere formerly (found) and everything filling (presence), the treasure of the goods and the submitter of life, come and set aside in us, to cleanse us from every sin and save, predict, our souls .

Interpretation of the prayer "King Heaven"

The Holy Spirit is mentioned in the Old Testament three times: twice in the book of the Prophet Isaiah and once in 50 psalms. But in the New Testament of the Holy Spirit appears much more often. In the form of a dove, he descended during the baptism of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Gospel characters said more than once. He came to the apostles when they walked to the sermon. Therefore, when the prayer pronunciation, the king of Heavenly does not have the usual chorus "Rejoice" or "Rejoice", but there is a word "come", which calls on the third person of the Holy Trinity.

About the Holy Spirit in Scripture

The imperishable spirit is in everything. Prem.12,1

When he enters, the Spirit of Truth, he will instruct you for any truth because it will not speak from herself, but will say that hearse, and the future will hear you. He will glorify me, because from mine takes and will hesitate to you. In.16: 13-14

But you will take power when the Holy Spirit will come down at you; And you will witness in Jerusalem and in the whole Judea and Samaria and even to the edge of the earth. Acts 1,8.

God of Hope will give you all the joy and peace in faith, in order to you, the power of the Spruce, Host, enriched with hope. Rome.15,32

But the time will come and has come already when the true fans will worship the Father in the spirit and truth, for such fans the Father is looking for himself. Ying.4,23

When they behave to betray you, do not care in advance what to tell you, and do not think about it; But what will be given to you at that time, then say, for you will not talk, but the Holy Spirit. MK. 13:11

For the God of the Spirit gives me a measure. In.3.34

For all, driving by the Spirit of God, the essence of God's Sons. Because you did not take the spirit of slavery to live in fear again, but took the spirit of adoptions, which I wrote, "ABVA, Father!" This very spirit testifies to our spirit that we are the children of God. Rome.8.14-16

And do not insult the Holy Spirit of God, which you are captured on the day of redemption. EF. 4.30