
Money tree: Secrets of care. How to care for money tree at home

Preparing plants for winter

The crack is one of the most unpretentious and well-known indoor plants. Even a novice flower model will grow at home. Popular money tree is also the fact that it is considered by Feng Shui, can attract prosperity, love and good luck to the house. That is why on the windowsill of many apartments you can see the Tolstanki tree with the leaves similar to coins. But, despite the worstness, the plant requires a certain and careful care.

Description, views and photos of Tolstyanka

Fat or Crassus refers to the genus of succulents and the family of Tolstanka. A rather small and neat church, which we used to see at home, in nature grows up to four meters. On his thick trunk, opposite each other, simple and whole extreme leaves grow. They can be green, light green, silver and dark with red border. Under good conditions, growing and proper care, the plant can be blooming with white, blue, yellow or light-red colors. All Tolstanks are distinguished by fleshy leaves and endurance to drought.

There are many numbers different species money tree, among which there are annual I. perennial plants . At home, only some of them are grown:

Fat: care at home, photo

Grow and care for cash tree quite simple and interesting. By providing a tropical flower the necessary conditions of detention, it should be remembered that in the spring and summer in the plant, the period of active growth, and in the winter - the period of rest.

Lighting and air temperature

refers to light-loving plantsBut does not tolerate direct sunlight. Put it better about southeastern windows, where enough sun, not too hot and do not burn the sun's rays. In winter, the plant can be put on the southern windowsill, and in the summer, take a balcony or garden. In the fresh air, the flower will start well and can bloom. To do this, select the place protected from the wind and the scorching sun.

In the warm season, the Crasus grown at home will feel good at air temperature within + 20- + 25 degrees. In winter, the plant has restTherefore, it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of about + 10- + 14 degrees.

If it is not possible to provide a thickness to the necessary temperature in the winter season, it is recommended to put away from the heating devices. Otherwise, from dry air and heat leaves from the plants will begin to fall, and the tree itself will stretch out. Begins to reset the leaves of money tree and with constant drafts indoors.

Watering and subordinate

When caring for Tolstanka, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to fill the plant with fleshy stems. Normal watering leads to reinforcement of roots and loss of leaves. It is watering the Crassus only after her earthen com from above will dry by three - four centimeters.

During the period of rest if the plant from November to February is contained in a cool room, watering almost ceases. At this time you need to just follow that the substrate in the pot does not breathe completely.

The pot in which the money tree grows, it must necessarily have holes through which water falls into the pallet. Before planting the plant on the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour a thick layer of drainage.

In the hot season and the content of the plant in a room with the included batteries several times a month, the money tree is needed wash under the warm shower. The upper part of the pot with the Earth should be pre-wrapped with polyethylene so that the water does not get into the ground. In its place, Tolstanka can be caught only after water stands from it. If there is no opportunity to arrange the shower with a plant, then its leaves are periodically sprayed from the sprayer and wipes with a damp cloth.

Often feeding Tolstanka is not recommended. It is enough once a month in spring and summer, and once every three months during the period of rest to fertilize the plant special for succulents with nutritional solutions. To fertilizers, the roots do not burn and have absorbed well, they bring them every other day after watering the flower.

Money Tree Transplant Features

Caring for Tolstanka at home suggests plants transplant once every two years. Crassula roots are too small, so the pot for her must coincide with their size. At the same time, the tank for landing should be severe, because with a small root system a big tree May begin to fall.

Press the plant in a special soil for succulents, which is sold in flower shops. Prepare an earthen mix To transplant Tolstanka, you can independently, mixing for this:

  • sheet Earth - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 4 parts;
  • humid - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

At the bottom of the pot is definitely embanked by clay, pieces of coal or brick crumb.

In the process of transplanting the roots of the plant, it is recommended to carefully examine and remove fallen. In this case, the location of the cut is sprinkled torpedible activated coalThe tree leaves for a day to dry the roots and only then settled in the prepared container.

Methods of breeding Tolstyanka

The monetary tree at home can be multiplied in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction of seeds

Plant seeds seed in seaside tanksfilled with moisturized soil. From above, crops are covered with glass or polyethylene. Care is to spray the soil as it dries and daily ventilation mini greenhouse. The first seedlings should appear in two weeks. The glass needs to be immediately removed, and to put out the seaside containers on a well-lit place. The soil around Crasus's seedlings is better not to water, but spray. As soon as young plants are growing and fixed, they can be searched into small separate pots.

Reproduction of cuttings

This is the easiest way to breed money. Harvest and disembark cuttings is recommended in March or April. In this case, according to experienced flowerflowers, it is possible that the fat man will bloom.

As a cutlets, you can take simply leaf of a plant or cut bar. In the prepared soil, the segments are deepened by about 6 cm, and the leaves are 1 cm. For better rooting of the cuttings, a transparent container is put on top of the cuttings. In such a mini greenhouse, the plant will feel much comfortable and faster is rooted. Carrying behind the cuttings should be carefully, after performing them daily and checking the humidity of the soil.

Possible problems in the cultivation of money

At home, with proper care, the fastener usually does not ill and is not amazed by pests. Therefore, if problems arose with an unpretentious plant, then that's for sure errors in its content and care:

  1. Watering with cold water and excess water leads to reinforcement roots. The plant first change the color, and fall leaves. Then it becomes a soft table and flower gradually dies. In this case, in the early stages, the soil needs to be dried and shed preparations from fungal diseases. If this does not help, the plant is pulled out of the pot, and its rotten roots are cut.
  2. Insufficient lighting can serve that the tree will stretch the stems and it will become an ugly form. Therefore, in little lit rooms, the plant is recommended to grown on the windowsill.
  3. With too dry air in the room, the leaves of the Crasus can begin to dry and wither. In this case, the tree can be taken out on fresh air, and in the winter period, it is regularly sprayed.

The pests of Tolstanka are rarely affected, but, nevertheless, they sometimes attack them:

  • mute Cherver in the sinuses of the leaves forms a white flare;
  • the web tick is a very small insect, which between stems and leaves leaves sticky clashes;
  • the shield in the form of yellow or brown convex spots can be seen on the trunk and leaves.

In all cases, the plant is processed folk remedies or special chemicals.

So that the monetary tree had a neat round shape, and did not look like a shrub with thin stems, it is recommended to affect the formation of its crown.

It is necessary to start forming Tolstanka in young age, when the three - four pairs of leaves appear on its branches. For this, a new kidney located between the leaves is pinched to the nails. After some time, after the proceeded procedure, two or three new kidneys will appear on the site of the remote kidney, and the tree will begin to branch. At this time, you need to follow that there are no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch. The tip of the talked tree is plugged.

If the Crassus was purchased in adulthood, then its height and pomp can still be adjust. For this, the branch is cut over the fourth pair of leaves, and the cut place is poured by extractive activated carbon.

For uniform growth and development of the crown, Tolstanka periodically must be rotated by different sides to the light. It is not recommended to land in one pot at once a few sprouts of Crassus. In this case, after a while there are several shapeless bushes.

An unpretentious and sustainable diseases of the money tree at home will be able to grow even newcomers in garden matters. With proper care decorative plant It will decorate any room and, if you believe in Feng Shui, will attract prosperity and good luck to the house.

Flower ingestion

Tolstanka - Crassus - call "money tree". The plant belongs to the family of Tolstankovy ( crassulaceae, Lat..), Tolstanka genus. Other of his names: a monkey tree, a living tree, a tree of happiness. But more often called "monetary" due to its fleshy leaves, similar in shape on coins.

Habitat in vivo

Motherland Tolstanka - South Africa. The plant dwells in dry areas of South Africa, on Madagascar Island, in South Arabia. Some representatives grow in wet regions of Australia.


Representatives of the genus Tolstanka combines one common feature - fleshy leaves and trunk, which is why the plant and got its name. A total of about 300 species were revealed. For home conditions, only some representatives are adapted. The varieties of this village can be grown on her windowsill.

Crassula Arborescens

The most popular view of the home plant is a grazing tree. In an adult condition, she resembles a small tree with a rich crown. Brown-gray trunk, thickened, reaches 7 cm in diameter. The sheet is fleshy, thick, slightly elongated, with a rounded edge. Its length can be 7 cm, and the width is 3-4 cm. Coloring saturated green or dark shade.

Crown grows up to 1.5 meters wide and height about 10 years. At the same age, bloom is possible.

Egg-shaped fat (Crassula Ovata)

The plant has a kind of shrub, whose stalk is rich in sprigs. As it grows it turns into a pronounced trunk.

The shape of the leaves is rounded, reminds the egg, for which Crasusla and got its name. The leaves are a rich-green shade or silver-gray - in the sun they acquire a reddish edge. Sometimes white specks are formed.

Hobbit (Crassula Hobbit)

This is a Cultivar of oval and milk tolstank, resembling coral polyps. It looks exotic due to the unusual structure of the sheet: it is twisted inside and stretched up, the neighboring blades grow together to the middle. The plant has a trunk, the principle of growth is similar to Crassula Ovata. An unusual representative of the family is used to create bonsai compositions.

Milk Crassula (Crassula Lactea)

Decorative shrub with flutter shoots. It reaches a height of 60 cm. Feature is an inverse-shaped form of a sheet that has grown to the middle with adjacent leaves. The color is green, with white dots, resembles a milk raid.

Melcoat Capitella (Crassula Capitella)

The unusual form of the sheet determines the name of this plant. Little leaves, only 0.6-1.0 cm long, are collected in the outlet. Light green, with red specks and medium venge. The trunk is thin, it is evenly soaked with sheet outlets. There are many varieties of this species, among them there is a plant with bright red leaves.

SURE CRAVIFOLIA (Crassula Brevifolia)

This is a plating with a direct barrel, mowed shortened leaves of a rounded form. Their length is only 1 cm. Color - from light green to gray, with silver or reddish.

List all the varieties of domesticated Tolstyankas are difficult - their many. Flowers tamed wild plants and adapted to life at home the most beautiful representatives of this family, brought new varieties.

Magic abilities

Why are Crasus call a money tree? The custom of investing in a decorative tree Magical meaning came from the ancient China, where Tolstanka since the sincerversion was considered a symbol of wealth. Its leaves are like coins, and a thick stem on an expensive wallet. The plant accumulates moisture and retains it like a leaning person. Hence sacral meaning. It is believed that the tree drops the leaves to financial losses, and the gradual increase in the crown is promoting an increase in the welfare of the owner.

So it is or not, everyone will decide for himself in its own way. For the same reason, the tree symbolizes happiness that combines prosperity and joy. The tree of life is called due to the amazing survivability of the juicy representative of the flora in dry adverse conditions in the natural environment.

Breeding and planting of a tree

To plant a monetary tree, you need to find a piece or cutter, as a last resort - buy seeds. Of course, the faster plant will be formed from the sheet. For this, a leaf or leaf cutter is cut off a healthy bush.

There are two ways:

The first 3 years the plant gives a significant increase, because it will have to transplant it regularly, changing the pots on wider and deep for the development of the root system.

Transplant the money tree by the third year need to be in a heavy wide pot: the root system is not always able to keep big plant Alone, the tanks often turn over, traumating the Crassus and bring the inconvenience of the owners. For this, the barrel is removed from the old capacity, purify the main ground with roots and populate into a new prepared pot.

You can reproduce Tolstanka in a couple of years when the seating material will acquire a full size.

The transplant is desirable to exercise in spring during the actively awakening of the plant world, the live tree can be multiply in spring and summer.

Preparation of soil

For planting and transplanting plants, we need a loose soil approximate to the soil of the natural habitat. To do this, you can buy a ready-made mixture for cacti in a botanical store or make it yourself:

  1. Development land - 3 parts.
  2. Dern - 1 part.
  3. Peat - 1 part.
  4. Large sand without dust - 1 part.
  5. Birch coals or brick crumb, grainzit granules are stacked for bursting.

It is desirable to plant a young escape in the soil prepared according to the prescription, for an adult individuals proportions can be adjusted, and the amount of turf increased by 2 times.

Before planting a plant in the soil, you need to position the layers in a pot:

  1. The bottom is falling asleep 1-2 layers of clay.
  2. Put the prepared land on half or 2/3 of the volume.
  3. It is planted by Crasus a tree or another variety.
  4. Sleep the ground and press the top layer.

Planting flower is necessarily watered.

How to care for a plant

Cash care at home does not require special efforts - the plant is unpretentious. Nevertheless, it is necessary to observe the measures of the hygiene of the floral pet, to water correctly, to feed and form a crown in a timely manner.

Watering mode

The money tree is a fat man - accumulates moisture and keeps it for quite a long time, because in abundant moisturizing the soil does not need.

How to water Tolstanka:

  • In the summer, it is necessary to water the tree no more than 2-3 times a week, but the amount of moisture should be determined by the state of the soil. If the surface of the earth dries out, the addition of water is required. It is important not to turn the soil in the swamp.
  • In winter, there is almost no need to water the plant, the tree is in the hibernation. Mode - 1 time per month. Of course, if the pot stands above the heating radiator battery, then the humidification mode is summer.

Cleaning from dust

Money tree - Crasus - has dense leaflets, for which dust is lowered in the usual mode. To remove it, use a moistened soft rod. Spraying in the case of wide leaves may not be effectively. Some flower products practice showers for the tree of life: put the pot into the bathroom and spray with water from the shower. At the same time, it is not worth directing the jet to the side of the pot in order not to dismisse the soil.

Lighting and temperature

To care for the tree it was easier, you need to put it in favorable living conditions. The plant loves the sun, but in moderation - the pot is better to put on Western, oriental or related sides. The southern direction gives too intense radiation, from which green leaves burn out and acquire brown color. In the north of illumination is not enough.

After the winter you need to teach the plant to the sun gradually, exhibiting it on the sunny side.

Rail the money tree is quickly possible only in comfortable thermal conditions:

  • In summer - + 20-22 ˚C;
  • In winter, during the hibernation period - not lower than +70 ˚C.

In the summer, the tree can be taken to a plot or on the balcony - it loves fresh air. With substantial cooling pots, the pot must be entered into the house.


Another rule from the series "How to care for money tree" is a timely soil fertilizer. The plant is unpretentious, frequent interventions do not require. And yet improve the condition of the earth will help the mixtures for cacti, sold in flower growing stores. Use them in summer period According to the instructions. Winter fertilizer is not required.

Crane molding

Often the tree is formed unevenly, some branches develop quickly, others slowly. So that it does not happen, the weaknesses pinch for 2 sheets, in this place the growth of the new escape is activated. Molding is carried out in the period of spring-summer so that new shoots will have to lay blooming kidneys.

Flowering housewood

Probably, few have seen how the money tree blooms. Many novice flowerflowers are confident that Crassus - not at all flowering plantBut it is not. The following demonstrates the beauty of the tree in a blooming state.

Crasusla white-pink flowers, in shape resemble an asterisk. They are assembled in loose panicles and are located at the ends of young shoots.

Flowering is possible only in adult individuals from 10 years, young plants do not have such a feature. Blowing begins in the autumn-winter period when the plant is preparing for peace.

Flowers a live tree for 2-3 months, as the flowers are wiping, they are removed so that seeds are not formed if it is not required.

Planting the plant can only be fully compliance with uncomplicated rules of care during complex watering, sufficient amounts of sunlight and feeding. If the Crasus is good, then she will definitely know about it.

After flowering for the remaining winter period, the tree needs to be removed on the rest of the dark place before the onset of spring.

A room plant called Crasusul knows not many, but what does a money tree or a fat man look like, they probably know everything. And although his historic homeland is Africa, in many flower houses this flower takes an honorable place. So this is the same plant, everyone's favorite for the unusual beauty of the crown, an unpretentious character and its ability to clean the room from negative energy and attract wealth into the house and well-being. In this article you will find useful advice Care for money trees (Tolstanka) at home, including during flowering or rest period.

Note that only a healthy and well-groomed money tree has this property. There is a belief that the patient plant has a direct opposite effect on its owner. It may be missed in financial affairs and loss of money. So that this does not happen to you, try to be a fat man, living in your apartment, has always been well-groomed, beautiful and healthy.

It is believed that the money tree contributes to financial well-being

However, even when good care The money tree will begin to wake and, even, may die if a long time is in a negative atmosphere of the scandals between family members, if its owner or the hostess constantly experiencing stress or is seriously ill. Remember this and, if you want, in your home you can live for many years, try to avoid conflict situations and do not get sick.

Useful properties of Tolstyanka

Everyone knows that the money tree has positive energy. In addition, it still has healing qualities, is a filter plant. Its leaves are isolated into the air phytoncides, which have pronounced antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties than the air indoors are disinfected.

Tolstanka leaves contain arsenic, consuming them in food is strictly prohibited.

But externally, the cash of money is used to treat many diseases:

  • From the angina and the inflammation of the gums - in the form of rinsing. For rinsing, take juice from several leaves, dilute it warm water 5 times. Such a solution is made of mouth and throat up to 5 times a day.
  • From the bites of insects, herpes, injections, bruises, cuts - in the form of a mow. For a row, take a few leaves, scatter them in a stupkey in Cashitz. Sterile bandage, moistened in this casket, attach to the patient. If necessary, you can make a dressing and keep it on the wound up to 4 hours. Especially effectively with muscle stretch and bruises. Herpes is treated with Tolstanki juice - every 30 min. Lubricate their lips.
  • From diseases of the joints, arthritis, arthrosis - in the form of trituration juice plants before bedtime.
  • From calluses - clean the leaf from the film and attach to the corn the plaster for the night.

We remind you that you can use the juice of money tree only externally. Lack of U. room flower Regular flowering, makes it practically hypoallergenic. Allergies in the form of redness, itching, tear or rash can very rarely. In this case, this medication should be refused. Pregnant women, children and nursing mothers are better not to risk.

Cash care at home

Check out our article in order to choose a flower in the shower. Here we will tell you about how to care for Tolstanka to please you for many years.

Location and lighting

Intensive lighting - the key to active growth, health and beauty of your pet. The place for the pot must be selected on the spacious windowsill of the southern, southeast or southwestern directions or near them. Almost all kinds of tree crousses, namely, they include Tolstanka, react well to solar lighting. The color of their leaves directly depends on the lighting intensity.

Only from varieties with a pure green coloring leaves from the midday sun, the surface of the leaves can become dark brown, and its edges acquire a reddish edge. So that this does not happen, shadow such a flower from direct sunlight in the middle of the day curtain or blinds. The rest of the money is not afraid of the rest of the money.

With a lack of lighting, the voyage and flowering varieties can lose the bright color of their leaves and not blooming. To uniformly form a flower crown, it is necessary to periodically rotate it to the source of illumination with different sides. In the summer, all Tolstanka is desirable to endure on open air. Place Choose well lit, but protected from wind - there they will grow well, and some will bloom.

If you have in the apartment window only the northern direction, you can not do without the help of phytolamba or daylight lamps. Without them, after a short time, the plant will lose its decorativeness - shoots will begin to stretch to the light, leaves thinning, fill and fall.

Money Tree Detention Temperature

The money tree feels well at normal room temperature in the range of 22 - 28 grams. In summer, it can be reached by a balcony, a veranda, garden. If you do not have such an opportunity, rearrange the pot from the window sill to the floor - there is a bit more cool. The temperature change during the day is only beneficial for the flower.

How to care for money in rest

In winter, the fat man prefers to relax. From the end of November to February, it is necessary to provide a lower temperature: 14 - 16 grams. Remove the pot away from the heating devices, put it balcony doors, more often ventilate the room (not forgetting how the drafts can destroy the plant). Water once a month, do not feed. If you have a heated loggia, the Crasus can winter on it at a temperature of 8 - 10 grams. At high temperatures during the winter peace, the plant can reset the foliage and lose decorativeness. The experts argue that the fat man can withstand a decrease in temperature to 0 gr. But we do not advise you to do this. But to secure three months of cool content you try.

We resemble - draft plant does not tolerate.


It is important to know how to water the money tree at home. The thickness reacts greatly to the presence of excess moisture in the soil. It can be said that the flower in moisture needs little. Never pour succulents. Their root system is prone to reinclinition, immediately will begin to fall off the leaves, the lush crown will turn with a bald stem. Therefore, before starting watering, make sure that there are drainage holes in the pot. If there are no holes in your pot on the bottom of the hole, you will have to do them - drill a drill or burn a hot seer. Now you can water.

In summer, the money tree is watered abundantly once every 2 - 3 weeks. Young specimens watered more often, especially in the heat, every week. The substrate during this time should dry at least 2 - 3 cm. Deep into the pot.

If you have an adult plant, you can safely go to rest, not worrying about it. Thick juicy leaves of money delayed moisture, and the plant can wait for your arrival for a month without losing a single leaflet.

In the fall, water Tolstanka in 3 - 4 weeks. Remember that the upper layer of the substrate fits very quickly, especially on the sunny windowsill through the glass, but this is a deceptive moment. Check out a little deeper - most likely around the roots of the soil still raw. The next watering, produce when the substrate will dry by 4 cm deep into the pot.

If the soil between irrigation does not dry up for a long time, then it was not chosen correctly or a pot is too big and the problem is in it. Excess moisture after watering from the pallet must be merged.

In winter, if the fat man is in a cool room on vacation (from November to February), watering comes down to a minimum. Watch only that the soil in the pot does not dry completely. Signal to watering is the leaves - they become soft.

Watering water should be used resistant, filtered or boiled, room temperature or for a couple of degrees above.


The humidity in the room does not play a large role in the life of a money tree. This plant is succulent. Its stems and leaves accumulate moisture and consume it into adverse dry periods, for example during the heating season. Under the condition of regular ventilation of the room, it feels great in an urban apartment. If for some reason the fastener turned out to be in a wet microclimate, then watering is reduced to a minimum. And in spraying, this flower does not need, because it can lead to a deterioration of the appearance of leaves and, even - to their winding.

At the same time, to maintain the purity and elasticity of the leaves, they should be wiped with a wet sponge or napkin. Clean leaflets are best saturated with oxygen. While the dimensions of the flower allow, you can periodically wash the leaves with a warm shower in the bathroom. Just follow the water to do not get to the substrate, it is better to close the pot with a film.

The soil

What land is needed for money? Soil should be not so much nutrient as loose, moisture and breathable. Special soil is suitable for succulent plants, which can be purchased in flower shops. Prepare yourself are also possible. To do this, mix 1 hour. Sheet land, 3 hours. Derdy earth, 1 h. Humming, 1 h. Large river sand, 1 h. Small gravel or agroperlite. You can add some ash. Fan Shui lovers can put two - three coins of different dignity to attract wealth. At the bottom of the pot, along with drainage, add pieces of wood or activated carbon to prevent fungal infections.


The root flower system is basic, rather weak, surface. Therefore, a pot for money should be selected by the width of the roots. In addition, it should be shallow and heavy, better - clay, so that the growing village does not overturn him. In such a pot of roots will be well developed, delivering moisture and nutrients to the stems and leaves.

Young, fast-growing fastest in a year it will be necessary to change the pot - on the pot, more spacious. Adult specimens require transplants less often - once every 2-3 years. In adulthood, the money tree has a lush crown and a high strong trunk. The risk of tipping the pot increases. We recommend during the next plant transplantation to install a support in a pot to which the flower bind.

Special attention is paid to the drainage layer. The crack is a very sensitive plant to the rebupping of moisture, so a good drainage layer in a pot is simply necessary. As a drainage you can use any non-rotting material - clayzit, stone, pebbles, cork. Before use - disinfect them.


The money tree needs feeding only during the active growth of stalks and leaves - from the end of spring and until mid-August. Three baggords during this time. Preferences should be given fertilizers for cacti or succulents. In order not to suffer the root system, the feeding should be made in liquid form after some time after the main irrigation.

If the flower in the spring was transplanted into a new substrate, it should not feed it this season. In winter, the plant is also not feeding.


The best time for transplanting Tolstankov is considered autumn or end of March - April. Young trees transplant annually, adults - after two or three years.

So how to transplant the money tree? If the time has come, remove the flower from the old pot. Inspect its root system. Broken, fed or too long roots cut off the sterile tool. Separate locations Push the activated carbon. Leave the tree for several hours in the air - let the wounds be lit and delay. Only then proceed to landing in a new pot.

If you did not find visible damage to the root system, do not disturb the earthen com, and simply pass the plant together with the ground into a new pot, in which there is already a drain layer and a little fresh substrate. Fresh soil pour all the roots so as not to remain in the pot of emptiness. Do not block the root neck. Slightly construct substrate and pour.

When buying a plant in the store, do not rush home at home immediately reset it into a new pot. Let him live with you for a couple of weeks in the transportation container, in a warm, well-lit place. Let it be adapted in the new conditions. At this time, exclude any negative impact on the village, surround it with attention and love. Remember that the young cash trement is very important to feel the positive energy of the room. Only after that you can proceed to the transplant.

If there was a need to transplant an adult large plant, which has a fat barrel and heavy crown, prepare a wider ceramic pot for him, on the bottom of which are two or three stones to drag the porridge, make it stable and prevent the flower drop. Take advantage of the transfer to the support of the support and tie a stem to it. After the transplantation, at the time of fixing the root system in a new pot, put the stem of the treet on top of the substrate with large stones to prevent the fall of Tolstanka on the side. Put the flower in the half-day for a week and do not disturb it, let the roots fasten in the substrate. Then the stones need to be removed.

How to form a croon of tolstanka

If the flower has already reached the size you need, and it is not necessary that the money tree continues to grow, stop replanting it into a more spacious pot. Just annually change in the old pot of the top layer of the substrate.

Croon Tolstanka herself is formed in the form of a tree. But you need to know how to crop the money tree at home, because some side branches will grow so strongly that under the weight of its own weight will break. As a result, it will turn out the tree of a completely unsightly form. If it is timely pruning a young plant in a timely manner, you can form a neat and beautiful mini-tree of the original look.

To form a monetary tree, start in infancy when the stem and shoots of gray-green color, and the sections do not leave marks on them. When trimming an adult tree, hemps remain in the places of segments, which spoil the decorative type of flower.

The essence of the formation of the crown comes down to first remove the side processes until the tree is growing up to the desired height: a naked stem should be about 15 cm, and all the plant is 25 - 30 cm in height. Now it is necessary to join or cut off the top with two upper leaves. After some time, four sheets will appear in their place. So go further. As your tree grows, in those places where you want to get new shoots, pinch the upper kidney escape.

Try so that there are no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch of the money tree. If you missed the moment, 6 - 7 pairs of leaves were formed on the branch, trimming over the growth point of the fourth pair of leaves. Scroll suck with a torque coal or cinnamon powder. To avoid bending branches for one side, more often turn the flower to the light of different sides.

The money tree refers to the tree form of the Crasus, grows in the form of a tree and gradually resets the leaves at the bottom of the decisive trunk.

This is how your church should look like: a bolor thick, gray-green. Over time, it will decide from below. From above, it decorates a neat crown of thick leaves of dark green or silver color, with a glossy surface, with a reddish edging or the same tone of stains. The height of the flower may be like you want - from 50 cm. Up to one and a half meters.

Also the monetary tree can be given a view of bonsai. It will take some time, perhaps not one year. At first you should grow a strong tree, whose trunk will reach the thickness you need. Then you will do it dramatically and wait patiently when you grow up new branches. These branches you will cut almost all the leaves - leave only those that at the most ends. So, gradually, you will form the desired crown of your pet, and the money tree will be the main decoration of your interior.


The fat man (money tree) is extremely rarely blooms at home and only in adulthood (about 10 years). On the blossom of Crasus, with a lot of probability, only ideal conditions of detention can be prompted: intensive lighting all year round, long-term cold wintering and regular plants in a new soil. If a miracle happens, then you can see how the money tree blooms. Blossom will continue two to three months.

So blooms money tree

Numerous flowers collected in loose inflorescences in the form of umbrellas will appear at the ends of young affected shoots (therefore, the september and pruning for the purpose of forming the crown should be done in early springSo that after trimming, these shoots appear, so that they grape for the summer and ripen to autumn when the bookmark begins flower kidney For flowering for the next year). Flowers have a monetary tree very small, as stars white color With a pinkish or greenish tint.

The flowering tree will have a strong sweet aroma during the entire flowering period. The blurred inflorescences should be removed so that the plant does not spend strength on the formation and cultivation of seeds. Try to carefully care for your beautiful Tolstanka, and we hope that it will delight you with beautiful bloom.

Reproduction of money trees

Reproduction with cuttings and sheet

Most often multiplied Tolstanka with cuttings. Even a randomly broken twig can approach you as a planting material. We recommend that the branches do not break down the reproduction, but carefully cut off the stem or sheet cutlets with a clean knife. Switching space when the activated carbon is crowded to eliminate the infection. Give the time to dry the air. The fat man has poisonous leaves, so put the cuttings in such a place so that animals and children can get it.

Then, place the cuttings for rooting in a slightly wet substrate to a depth of 5 cm. If a leaf is rooted - the depth of immersion in the substrate must be 1 cm. It is better to spend this operation in the spring, in March - April. Well, if you arrange a mini-greenhouse for seedlings. As a substrate, use a mixture of peat with sand. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated, moisturize ground with a small pulverizer if necessary. The root temperature is maintained within 18 - 22 grams. Usually, the rooting of cuttings is quickly and without problems. How to plant a process of money? As soon as you see that your young tree began to grow, develop, reached 10 cm, transfer it to suitable in the size of the pot, put on a well-lit place in the half and take care, as an adult plant.

Very often, the cuttings are rooted in a glass with warm watering water. So that the stem did not start, the activated carbon tablet is added to the water. And so that the roots appear faster, the solution of the root formation stimulator is dripping there, for example, corneser or zircon. After the emergence of stable roots, the cuttings can be resettled into its pot.

Reproduction with seeds

Another way to reproduce a money tree is with the help of seeds. This method is less common and less efficient. If you decide to get your copy of Tolstanka in this way, we will help you. Prepare a substrate for sucques, container, seeds. At the bottom of the container, put a layer of wet soil, lay on it the seeds of Tolstanka, cover the cover. If necessary, conduct ventilation and moisturize the substrate with a small pulverizer with warm water. Best time Seeding seeds - February. Two weeks wait for the appearance of the first sprouts. After the mass appearance of sprouts, rearrange the greenhouse into a light warm place and organize additional backlight so that they do not stretch. Start moving the container cover, first - for a while, and then completely remove. As soon as sprouts are fixed, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. In the first year, the period of peace is not satisfied with the plant - let it grow and gains strength.

Diseases of money trees

Fascinally sick is extremely rare. She has a rather strong immunity. However, if it is strongly neglected by the rules of its room content - it will get sick. Consider some such cases.

  • If brown spots appeared on the leaves of the plant, if the leaves began to refuse - these are signs of fungal disease. The reason is in excessive air humidity and substrate. For the same reason, the cash trees may have a leaf fall, it is in short term may have bald. The affected plant is treated with a drug - a fungicide, which includes copper. Adjust the irrigation frequency and the quality of the water used.

  • Why fall leaves of money on money? Sudden dropping of leaves in the summer time says that you insufficiently water the plant or water too cold water. If the fat man drops the leaves every two to three years without visible causes - this is the norm.

  • If the flower leaves were covered with black spots, pay attention to the location of the pot. If he stands on the sun - probably, the plant got sunburn. Rearrange it to another place or pronounce it. If the fastest period of rest spent in a dark place, then it should be accepted in spring to sunlight again, gradually.
  • If the money tree has become kept and faded - this is a sign of choking. Plant is hot. Remove it on fresh air or ventilate the room, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, spray the ambient air with cool water.
  • Why does not the money tree grow? Perhaps a transplant is required to a more spacious pot. Perhaps you have not picked up a plant for a long time. Perhaps in the roots wound insect pests. Perhaps the roots are simply rotted from frequent and abundant irrigation. Anyway, transfer the money tree to a new pot and a new substrate. If you find pests - treat pre-roots by some insecticide: Aktara, phytodeterm, accility. If there are no living roots - the plant can not be saved. Try to root his shoots or leaves.
  • If brown specks are formed on the leaves, most likely it is dry healing wounds from insects - pests. Cosmetic defect, but nothing dangerous.
  • From excess moisture, the plant barrel can darken. Stop watering. After a couple, the troika of the substrate and the roots in it are well dried, and the crack can recover. If the flower still disappears, remove it their pot, inspect the roots. If they are all black and soft - the flower is no longer saved. Cut the top and try to root it. If only part of the roots is amazed, remove them and all the fiddled parts of the plant. Treat fungicide or crowded coal. Place a new container with a new substrate. And follow the watering mode.
  • Roots can partially donate with a long lack of watering in the hot season (for example, the owners were on vacation). When resumed irrigation, the plant will almost certainly grow new roots if the root rotations did not happen.
  • If the leaves of the money tree became soft, lost the tour, then it looks like insufficient irrigation or the absence of nutrients in the soil. Rather, paint the plant with warm watering water. After watering, if necessary, make feeding fertilizer for cacti or succulents.
  • If you water regularly, the substrate is constantly wet, and the leaves are withering and yellowing - it means that the problem is in the root flower root system. Most likely, the roots began to rot. This may happen for several reasons:
  1. from the overaffect of moisture in the soil;
  2. from incorrectly selected substrate;
  3. from watering with cold tap water;
  4. from the pot of too much in the plant.
  • If the flower began to stretch or fall into one side, then it lacks lighting. If not to take action, over time, the plant's stalk bends, and it can break and die.
  • If the trunk of Tolstanka began to swell, the lower leaves be downloaded - check the temperature of the flower content, the presence of drafts and the frequency of irrigation. In addition, fresh air indoors is extremely important for the plant - do not forget to venture regularly. In the warm season, take a plant on open air. And never water the plant with cold water from the tap.

If you noticed in time that the fat man is not healthy, try to cure it. Remove the flower of the pot. Release the roots from the substrate. If you need - rinse them under water. Inspect the roots. Planting the plots cut the pure tool. Ranks treat with integrated activated carbon or cinnamon powder. If the damage is severe-trees with a suitable fungicide. Hold the treated plant for some time in the air - let the wounds will drag on. Then flower put in a new potted pot in a new soil for succulents. Adjust the frequency of irrigation. Use water only resistant or boiled. We hope that you will be able to save your money tree.


In any case, the appearance of insects is a very disturbing signal. They quickly multiply, form huge colonies, suck juices from leaves and stems. We recommend using special preparations - insecticides, such as Aktara, Akttellik, Phytodener and others, which are a huge set in special stores. Read recommendations for the use of each drug. Perhaps one time will not be enough to get rid of all individuals, their larvae and eggs.


In this article we told how to grow a monetary tree with beautiful and healthy. If you master the simple rules for the care of Tolstyanka - you will drink it on time, feed, bathe, make her hairstyle (trimming), change its outfits (pots) and export in nature, the flower will give you all your best decorative and healing qualities, will become la Decoration of your home, the mascot of his well-being and financial state for many years. In some families, cash trees are pleased with one generation of households.

Crasusla (crack) - a plant from the Tolstanka family.

In vivo, more than 300 species of this plant grows.

They differ in variety of forms: ampel, soil, bush, tree.

In bedroom flowering, this succulent became popular for his unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance.

At home cultivated next species:

Podtomanka tree Known as "money tree". When complying with the necessary conditions, it can be raised to 1.5 m height. After reaching the 10 years of age, it can bloom with white or pinkish flowers.

Fastener shovel It has four-shaped creeping stalks, on which air roots grow. This species needs regular watering all year round.

Fastener Cooper - Little grassy view of the Crassus with subtle escapes forming the curtains. Blossom occurs in the summer. Pale pink flowers exude sweet smell.

Polyanyanka Playovoid (mucous) It is a strongest semi-walker. The decorative plant gives its minor pointed leaves located on the stem in the form of a tile. Soothes of young plants standing, and with age they run. It blooms this distorted solitary nondescript flowers of pale yellow painting. It grows very quickly, easily multiplied with cuttings.

Portulakaya Prayman Known as an oval or egg-shaped. It can grow to 1 m. Flowers with pink or white flowers.

Although the Crassula is not demanding about the care, still knowing it biological features Allows you to create suitable conditions for its cultivation.

Money tree - home care: reproduction

The monetary tree at home is breeding with cuttings and seeds. Vegetative method is the easiest and most reasonable option. You can glue Tolstanka all year round. To do this, choose an overwhelming process or a large leaflet, separate it from the parent plant and leave it for 1-2 days to become soaked.

Cushion cuttings

Root cuttings in water or in the ground. Water coal for disinfection is added to the water container. The cutlets will start roots for 14-20 days.

When rooting in the ground, a drainage is laid in the prepared pot and add a substrate from the garden land and sand in equal proportions. Planting cuttings are covered with a can or glass. Every day you need to ventilate a seedling. It is watered with small portions or spray the ground from the pulverizer as it dries.

Reproduction of seeds Rarely apply at home due to the high cost of time and painstaking care. This process is performed as follows:

The dishes for sowing are selected clay without glazes, which prevents the air and moisture;

Soil for sowing is made of leaf or garden land and sand in equal proportions;

Seeds of Crasus Small. After sowing, they are sprinkled with sand;

The seedlings with seedlings are covered with film or glass;

Daily landing (the soil must be wet, but not wet);

The emerging shoots are picked and put in a well-consistent place;

When seedlings rise to 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into separate pots.

Crassula Transplantation

Tolstyanka is transplanted as the lands of the land are braced once every two or three years. Doing so better spring TRANSFER METHOD. Pots should be used wide and stable, since the ground part of the plant is sufficiently massive and heavy, and the root system is weak. Be sure to make drainage on the bottom of the new pot to prevent the roots.

Money tree - care at home: watering, feeding, lighting, humidity

Location and lighting

Tolstanka, like all succulents, need bright and scattered light. For this, the plant is placed on the southwestern and southeastern windows. In winter, on the contrary, the pots are rearranged with the crucial to the south side or use additional lighting, otherwise, with a shortage of light, the plant will be pulled out, and the leaves are fine. In the summer she will enjoy fresh air on the balcony or terrace. It is necessary to ensure the shading from direct sunlight.


The root system at the money tree is small and sensitive to the moisure, and the crown due to the accumulation of moisture in the leaves is quite a weight. Pots should be selected based on these plants features. For the sustainability of the thickness of the planting tank should be wide, shallow, heavy with drain holes. Drainage of ceramzit or clay shards is required.

Temperature mode

In the spring and summer optimal for Tolstanka there will be a temperature of + 19-25ºС. In the autumn and winter, the plant will be comfortable at + 14-17ºС. Therefore, it must be rearranged away from the central heating batteries. Maintaining such a regime contributes to the stimulation of flowering of money.

Air humidity

Tolstanka is not demanding of air humidity, but its sharp fluctuations affect the appearance Plants: leaves will yellow and begin to be down. Spray Crasus in hot summer days with hygienic purposes - wash off dust. On other seasons, for this you can wipe the leaves with a soft wet sponge.


The money tree easily transfers rare watering due to moisture reserves in fleshy leaves. Excessive soil moisture leads to the root system. In the spring-summer season, Crasus is watered with periodicity once every 3-5 days. At the same time, the earthen whom must dry up to half. In winter, there is a 1-2 one-time watering per month. Water for watering is used in an intermediate room temperature.

The soil

The fat man can grow even on the poor nutrient substances soil. For its cultivation, the ready-made mixture for cacti and succulents can be purchased in a flower shop. If there is no such possibility, then it is made of a turf or leaf land, sand and humus (4: 1: 1).


Feed the Crassus in the spring and summer monthly fertilizers for cacti. Do it only after watering, otherwise the probability of burning the roots is great. In the cold period of the year, the feeding is reduced to half the dose recommended in the instructions.

Trimming and pinching

So that the monetary tree pleased with his magnificent crown, it is necessary to make pieces of shoots. This procedure is pretty simple: 3-4 pairs of leaves leave on the stem of the young Tolstanka, the rest is plugged. At this place later the branch will begin.

If a crunch of an adult crushed plant is trimmed, then the sections are made directly along the node (in the place where the leaves grow) and are treated with charcoal. For uniform development of the crown, the pot with a thickness is turning from time to time.

Money tree - care at home: why does not grow and die?

With proper care, the pests rarely affect. Among them are the most frequent non-crushed guests Crasusles are the shield, a torment cherry, a web tick, a word.

Shooting shield It is characterized by the appearance on the leaves of yellow-brown spots. The affected places are wiping with alcohol solution with an interval of 5-7 days.

When appearance custom tick The leaves are turned yellow, then brown crust is formed on them. Insects themselves are noticeable - these are small reddish brown spines. To combat them, the plants spray with soap solution, and with strong damage to insecticides (phytodeterm, fufanon, karate).

Mathematical Cherweet Wash off the leaves with a sponge dipped in garlic tincture or alcohol. If the roots are damaged, the plant is spilled by a mospilant, phytodeterm or vermitec.

Much more harm to the money tree brings wrong care.

If the money tree ceased to grow, I need to find out the reason: inspect the root system for the presence of rot, pests. When the growth stops in the young plant, he is transplanted into a small pot: while the entire earthen one will not be mastered by roots, the ground part of the Tolstanka will not grow.

Lack of lighting Makes the plant to stretch, stems are twisted, the leaves are minced and fall.

If the fat man stands light sunny rays, then the burns of the leaves are inevitable - they black.

Excessive moisturizing of the soil - One of the most dangerous factors of the death of Crasus. The leaves change their color (darken), become sluggish, fall. The root rotting begins, the signs of which are the appearance of a white-pink plaque on the root neck and softening of the trunk. In this case, it is necessary to inspect the root system of the plant. If it is damaged not entirely and healthy roots are preserved, then the plant is transplanted into a new pot. At the same time, rotten parts are removed to a healthy tissue and sprinkle with charcoal wounds. If the plant becomes early early, then the sole option remains to cut cuttings and grow the plants again.

Moisture deficit and long-term heat Also cause leaf foll Tolstanka. The leaves are frozen and dry, become flat, brown spots appear on them. When renewing the right regime of irrigation, the plant is restored.

The leaves are blushing or have a clear red kimea appeared on them? Such a phenomenon except for varietal features is characteristic of prolonged and bright lighting (often observed in spring). So that the plant turns out again, it must be removed away from the window.

Crassula does not bloom? For a home plant is normal. For house growing Fasting rarely pleases with its flowering. For this, it should achieve at least 10 years. It is also necessary to provide winter peace period with a decrease in air temperature and watering restriction. Some flower products using the known fact that in the threat of death, the plant begins intensively multiply, stressful conditions are suitable for stressful conditions (inappropriate air temperature, long lack of watering).

Money tree can often be found in modern apartments. Most often in the appearance of the ovat firmware. These plants are popular due to their unpretentiousness and simple cultivation conditions.

Money tree can often be found in modern apartments. Most often in the appearance of the ovat firmware. These plants are popular due to their unpretentiousness and simple cultivation conditions. It is believed that this plant improves the financial position of its owner and attracts money to the house.

How to care for money

As already mentioned, the rules of care for Tolstanka are pretty simple, but as they say, they are still there, and for good growth of the plants, they are best observed.

The plant fools refers to the genus of Crassol, more on representatives of the family and their varieties can be found in the article: the paintula, crack or money tree

Newcomers for growing should choose the collapse of a tree-like Ovat, these plants are the most unpretentious in growing from all numerous kinds.

Conditions for growing

The soil . If you want your plant well in a new place, it is worth correctly choosing the soil. The factors relate to the group of succulents, and these plants are growing in natural conditions on light drained soils. Such a soil can be made independently, for this take two parts of the peat, two parts of the leaf land and three parts of the sand. All components are perfectly mixed and poured into a pot, prepare planting plants.

Tableware for landing

Not very deep clay or plastic pot. Only before falling asleep the substrate, do not forget to put on the bottom of the drainage layer with a height of 2 cm.

Temperature mode

For growing plants, the air temperature is suitable about + 20 - 25 ° C. In winter, the temperature can drop to +4 - + 15 ° C, but below +4 ° C should not be lowered, the plant may die.


The plant is well tolerating the shadow and the half, grows perfectly, but too strong solar rays can harm him. With excessive lighting of sunlight on the leaves, they begin to dying and blushing, and subsequently and fall.

Money tree - how to plant

Planting a money tree will not cause you absolutely any difficulties. In the prepared substrate, make a deepening and lower your process, sapling or young plant in it. After that, close the roots of the soil layer and move well the substrate, and after expand the soil so that in the pot it turns out a smooth layer of the Earth. After landing, the plant must necessarily pour, and with the need to glue the soil.


The plant is watered once or twice a week, in the winter period, watering can be reduced to once every two weeks. Watering should be carried out with warm water. It should not be strongly reinforced by an earthen com, or allow it to dry.

Falker Plants

In principle, this plant does not require feeding, as in natural conditions it is accustomed to the scarcity of the soil, but the feeding will benefit to any plant only to know the measure. You need to feed Tolstanka in the summer it will be enough to pour a plant with any comprehensive fertilizer once a month.

You can feed the flower in summer, twice a month will be enough. A good fertilizer is suitable for cacti.

How to transplant money

Cash transplantation will cause you no more difficulties, rather than landing. It is worth noting that too frequent transplant these plants are not needed, it can even harm them. It is enough to transplant Tolstanka once every three or four years. For transplantation, take the pot a little more in size than the previous one, lay on the bottom of the drainage layer and pour the substrate. After that, remove the plant from the old pot, smooth the roots from the old substrate, just do it gently so as not to damage the root system. Overview in the substrate, the recess is a bit more than the size of the roots, and install the plant in it and falling down the roots with the substrate, it is good for its comic. After transplanting, be sure to raise the plant.

Money tree - Fat: reproduction

It is multiplied with letters and cuttings. The leaves that demolished themselves should be slightly dry in air and put to rouding in the substrate consisting of a mixture of peat with sand. Also come with cuttings. After the cuttings or leaves were placed in the substrate, it should be water from time to time or spray to maintain soil moisture. When the cuttings can be rooted in some pots for a permanent place.