
Collection of potatoes on the lunar calendar. Thank you! You are signed on our newsletter

Secrets for harvesting and storage

After you dig the harvest, put green sitterats on this site or ozimous rye. This is done for improving the soil and in order not to grow weeds. Spring Siderates need to be mounted and sinking the ground with this green mass and roots.

Before collecting potatoes, you need to cut off the top 10 centimeters. Work is performed two weeks before the start of harvest. So, nutrients We will go only into tubers, and the diseases that were on the tops will not threaten the potatoes.

According to Porbatats - Associations for the promotion of potatoes. This value is only 1/4 of the production value. Manufacturers talk about "crisis" and "strong impact" in their companies. The combination of factors meant that the campaign, which was good last year, became "desperate", explains Antonio Gomez. On the one hand, the prospect of the lack of potatoes in Europe forced many farmers to focus on culture. Then "exceptional" production, which was recorded on the whole continent.

And finally, the fact that such diseases like mold did not attack culture. This led to an increase in production volume than expected, and the subsequent devaluation of the product. However, for normalization may require more than a year. Manufacturers are concerned.

According to lunar calendar, Friday and Saturday, when the moon passes Aries sign, most favorable days For harvest. So boldly this Saturday go to the cottage and your household plot to dig in potatoes.

Sort tubers need to immediately. Of the best bushes, where all the potatoes are smooth, healthy and there are many of them, - put it on the seeds. But many dackets do differently - first collect all the potatoes without parsing, they dry it, and then chose from the total mass of seed tubers - suitable size. But a good uterine tuber can be from a bad low-cycle or even a sick bush. And all these quality will manifest on the next year. So the potatoes on the seeds should be taken only from good nests.

To circumvent the situation, Bacefrurt is trying to collect all potatoes from the field and store them until the prices rise again, which is a "very high" costs. Some of them are sold for animal feed, but "We do not charge the fee for this potato."

He is engaged in this 35 years, and Miguel Santos and Tose Santos, company executives, say that "in our story we do not have references to a similar situation." In addition to issues in product disposal, there are also questions about the quality of some potatoes. In particular, "registered temperature changes" means that potatoes cannot have conservation, which they must have under normal conditions and years.

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Last summer was rainy and cool. On the one hand, for potatoes it was not bad - many daches noted that the harvest this year is very good. On the other, the increased humidity of the soil and air led to outbreaks of mushroom diseases. Right up the tubers and competently prepare them for storage.

The cooling capacity was a key factor in mitigating the consequences of this crisis. Without these conditions it was impossible to fulfill their obligations. The official history of Morro Reiter as the municipality is recent, since it was released by state law No. 583 of March 20, 1909. Prior to that, it was a terrain that belonged to Does Irmashu, the 4th district of San Leopoldo.

The first immigrants in the "real faila" Lino Cochammammo, later in Leopoldo, on the historic day on July 25, the pioneers began to cleanse forests, climb the hills, lay the roads, break roads, to establish villages and cities. According to Justini Antonio Vieer, the first mayor of Daisa Irmas, the settlers settled in Morro Reuters from 1 year of this year in the construction of the house of the first resident of Matias Methas. Around this date, the evangelists of the Lutheran confession elevated the first church and began their church school.

In protracted rainy weather, tubers can bend in the ground. Given the weather conditions and the lunar calendar, it is also important not to forget that by the end of September the potatoes should be dug.

When digging potatoes in the date of date. Latest news.

In September, favorable days for the harvest of potatoes are 3.5, 10.17 and 20, and it is necessary to take into account that it is better to choose a dry and cloudless day. The tubers after digging need to hold a few hours on Earth, so that it would be good to dry. It is very important to remember that potatoes for storage should dig up on a decreasing moon, these days the activity of bacteria is lower than with a growing moon and there is a possibility that they will be better stored . Rights for ambulance - on growing, in the tubers such plants contain more useful elements.

Before the arrival of the White region was populated by the Indians who lived from the field, they collected fruits and roots to complement food. After decades, natural residents disappeared, both in confrontation with colonizers and as a result of the destruction of diseases, as well as as a result of the degradation of which the Indians became victims of all Brazil. Once abandoned, these primitive galleries were captured by volatile mice.

The inputs should have been blown up and closed, which eliminates access to them. Immigrants who came to settle Morro Reuters spoke on the dialect of the Hunsryuk region, in the west of the old Prussia. They fled from a serious economic crisis provoked in Europe for about 20 years of Napoleonic War. Periodic droughts and overpopulation also led to the fact that the Prussian government encouraged the country's care. They were forced to resume life in a new country, despite all the difficulties, difficulties of adapting to a hostile environment, wild animals, diseases and the resistance of the Indians who refused to live peacefully with white trailings.

Really affect the harvest period. Early varieties You need to collect at the end of July - early August. Cleaning of potatoes of the middle-edge variety falls in the middle of August. Calculation of the middle and middle-varieties of potatoes is carried out at the end of August or throughout September.

If the potato is digging for long storage, it is still better to listen to the "Soviets" of the lunar calendar.

In the pioneer times in the Morro region Reuters written little records. Information is unlikely from the testimony of the descendants of the first inhabitants. Therefore, this is a fragile explanation of the origin of the locality name, which was born. It would be the honor of the Family Reuters, one of the pioneers, who in the first decades of colonization supported the hotel, an indispensable stop for the tropeiro and their mules loaded by goods. This place of the passage was a reference as a resting place, on another unstable road, where there were hills and Reuters. There is no greater accuracy than this.

Abused Imperial Government, immigrants were doomed to isolation. The German character of mutual assistance, religiosity and language was the main elements of unity, endurance and survival. As Justino Vier describes in his book, any contact with the outside world was limited by letters or packages that were transferred to the ass of the Donkey: Thus, immigrants were far from the earliest inhabitants of the province and politically separated from the government without actions are unable to provide schools, Communications and other major needs of the population.

"The quality and safety of potatoes has an impact of many factors. One of the main is the choice of tuber cleaning time. It is possible to determine the favorable cleaning days by the Phases of the Moon and finding it in certain zodiac signs.

In the south of Georgia in the akhalkalak and the Akhaltsih districts, which are famous for their potatoes, the cleaning of potatoes is held in September.

It is known that settlers, without the support and help of local authorities, but very little, followed the recipes and knowledge obtained in their homeland. The insulation of these shower of new peoples has preserved their language and contributed to his learning to his new generations born in this new world.

If there were about 15 thousand inhabitants at the Porto Alegre, then in Morro-Reuters, the population was no more than a dozen families isolated in some areas of what would be the current municipality. In the bibliography of war in Farrapos, no author refers to major armed conflicts or confrontation with significant victims in the Sinos Valley area. The main battles were held in other areas of the continent of St. Peter. In addition to the death of people and shocks in the regional economy, the greatest damage of the German colony, possibly, was the cessation of the arrival of new settlers.

As for the period of collection and preservation for a long time, the digging should be carried out on a decreasing moon. During this period, the microbes are weakening, and for the preservation of potatoes it is of great importance. In September it will be a period from 25 to 30. Excellent if the moon is not only to decrease, but also in parallel in the constellation of Aries, Capricorn or Lion.

Matthias Mombak is known for its work quoted by the authors such as Theodore Amstad, Hilda Flores, Carlos de Souza Moraces and Herman Oscar Mohelak. Under the command of Hillebrand, when he was nearly 70 years old, Matias became called Farrapos hunter. Clear stream passes through the rocky ground in the twilight from the ground. And, a few steps, a black tiger, a boar, a deer to choose. For the enemies of Lochmotyev, such as Matias and Hillebrand, the rebels who dared to declare the Rio Grande Patriotic Republic were the threat of invasions, robberies, confiscation of killer assets.

In the Urals and Siberia - time is approximately similar, but there are more looking at the matinee and, as soon as the first strong matinee "beat" the tops, you should immediately begin cleaning. Otherwise, the frozen potatoes will be stored extremely bad.

Recently, many gardeners, when boarding or harvesting, are guided by the recommendations of the lunar calendar, while it is observed that when gardening work is carried out according to its advice, the vegetables are growing much better. It has long been known that the rhythm of the moon has a great influence on the crop, the potatoes are no exception.

That is why all the gangsters appeared on the mountain climbing in the near future were associated with far-reaching. It was the case with the notorious Boy-Devil, who once again put Matias Mombaha as a character in the history of Morro Reiter. On the nicknamed "The Devilish Boy" because of his short growth, he led the theft and murders in the old Estonian, IVITI, DISA IRRAN, Morro Reuters, Picada Café and Lomba Grande.

Faraphoto or a hacker, it is undoubted that the devilish boy was wounded and imprisoned by Matias Matombah and some settlers who met the group on the Diais Irmaas road. The idea of \u200b\u200bMatias was to turn the thief to the court. But relatives and neighbors of the victims were lynching the devil boy. Gangster would be forced to dig in his own grave before was killed. After the war, Matias Mombach returned to Valahai, already as a legendary figure, has a more documented trajectory than the Pioneer Reiter, which is almost not known about, although this is the name of the city.

When digging potatoes in 2017 calendar. News to this hour.

On this occasion, the dacms are constantly arguing. , They say, tubers without tops are greatly disregled in the crop. Supporters of the method assure that the cleaning of the tops allow potatoes better to crumble and avoid diseases.

It is necessary to dig up potatoes so as to maintain all the beneficial substances. It's starch and mineral salts, and organic acids, and vitamins. By the way, vitamin C in potato as much as in oranges. Therefore, it is important to optimally determine the time for harvesting.

Among the "Morruitiates" of the consequences of war lost by Maragato, again became the case of banditry. He was a bandit known as Negro Malakias, who several months led some "maragatos", thieves and murderers without any connection with the federal party.

As in the period of Farurip, in relation to the gangs that took advantage of the confusion of war to kill and steal, followers of the Jacobin Visioner Maurer were described in the reports of settlers with bandits. On the contrary, Catholic priests and Lutheran pastors condemned the bizarre followers of the Devil Sanarron. Even today there are stories about the invaders of the mixer, who came to Morro-native places to plunder real estate. Even legend There is a legend: in the same caves dug apartments on the rocks of Morro Reiter, it would be a treasure, the fruit of robberies sent by Jacobina.

With the help of a lunar calendar, gardens and gardeners determine the dates of planting and harvesting crops. With potatoes a little more complicated, from the variety of varieties of this culture, it may divert at different times. Early potato varieties can ripen in July, but they are not suitable for storage.

In Valahai, some settlers dared to Sapinger because of the glory of the cult leader. They reported that the men kissed Jobin during consultation. The inhabitants of Valahai were frightened married womankissing so it was a deadly sin. No one else dared to look for Ferrabres.

Not by chance, in the imperial line, in the Nova Petropolis area, the credit cooperative was implanted in Brazil. But if 20 people are combined at the same time, under the guidance of one of them, they will be able to jointly divide the stone and open the way for everyone. In them, colonists, full confidence in this direction, deposited in the interests of their economies, which were re-applied in the same region, borrowed from other colonists in need of a temporary loan.

When digging potatoes in 2017 photo. Detailed information.

If, after cleaning, weeds and tops left on the field, then they can be left in the sun for several days, and after gather and bury into the compost pit. However, if there is fungus or other diseases on the tops, it should be burned.

Raiffeisen's system began to be guided and guaranteed the economic development of the region. Before Hitler began Nazi invasions in Europe, Gethulio Vargas began a campaign of nationalization of education, which raised mainly rural schools, where the only language was inherited from immigrants against the descendants of the Germans, when Brazil entered the war to fight Germany.

And it prohibited the teaching of a foreign language to children under 14. Nationalization was also understood as cultural societies. There were cases when hostility was strengthened, the stability of some rural communities was radically radicalized the same as the actions of the police invaded the house, breaking registration, which existed within 50 or more in the riots.

First, with beveled tops, the nutrients from the aboveground part will begin to switch to the tubers, due to which the peel will faster and increase the focus of potatoes. Secondly, the diseases accumulated in the summer at the tops are not penetrated into the tubers, which will also be favorably affecting the quality of the storage of the harvest.

When planting an apple tree, make sure the superphosphate. Better double - 1 cup for each sapling. And necessarily in combination with the Organic - 2 buckets of overwhelmed manure, humus or sheet compost (fresh manure and chicken litter cannot be used!). This is also needed to add 1 soviet woodwood shovel.

The definitions of the Ministry of Education led to the fact that the teachers of Morro Reuters appointed to teach in Portuguese, with new booklets. Fathers and pastors responded if they were extruded in preaching, in defense of parish schools. In my opinion, the Henry Arnek room will be provided. Even during the war, German-hurried migrants had to demonstrate that they are all Brazilian citizens and patriots to the dough. The German attack on Brazilian ships on August 17 led the government to join the global conflict.

Some begin to dig tubers at the end of July. It is not done for storage, but for cooking dishes from young potatoes or for sale in the market. However, it is impossible to collect young young potatoes for the winter. The young peel is easily damaged, as a result of which tubers dug up prematurely, start quickly to deteriorate and rot.

The easiest most forks so as not to damage the tubers. Clauses stick to the ground in about a distance of 15-20 cm from the base of the bush and gently turn the earth. Then from the edges of the pits on the grumbling ground, some tubers are there.

The average price of 2016 for unwashed potatoes in the wholesale was at the level of 10 rubles / kg, and the spring fell below the cost - up to 5-6 rubles / kg. To insure against the risks of overproduction, it is necessary to improve product quality, increase exports and build enterprises for processing.

In the 2015/16 season, the potato harvest reached the highest since the end of the 1990s - 33.6 million tons. The last time more, namely, 35.1 million tons, the country collected 20 years ago - in 1997. Such production can be called the 2000-x record, because this volume is 17% higher than the average year of this period. However, as often happens, a big harvest has collapsed prices. Many potato manufacturers have calculated multi-million losses that cannot be compensated in the short term, and some farms had to go from the market.

Euphoria from import substitution

According to RosstatIn 2015, potatoes in Russia increased by almost 7% in Russia, and the yield of agriculture in agricultural producers reached a record mark - 233.5 c / ha. The main factor of the high collection was the increase in crops, explains the expert of the institution of the agricultural market conjuncture ( Icar) Svetlana Kuleshova. "On the Euphoria of import substitution, industrial producers (agricultural organizations and farms) have increased areas for planting potatoes from 320 thousand hectares in 2014 to 360 thousand hectares," she says. -Porality with this considerable part of the population returned to the practice of growing agriculture on panstones Due to the declined purchasing power. " As a result, the crop in the corporate sector increased by more than 20% from 6.1 million tons to 7.4 million tons. His role was played by favorable weather conditions, the use of more high-quality agriculture producers seed material, as well as the increasing introduction of modern mechanized technologies, adds the deputy director of the Potato economy to them. A. G. Lorch Viktor Starovytov. In LPH, according to Rosstat26 million tons were grown. Icar Assesses the real production in the private sector about 10 million tons less.

To such large volumes of potatoes, the market was not ready: consumption, despite the fall in revenues, last years It remains fairly stable. In the conditions of exceeding the supply over demand, the price of the agriculture fell and not recovered until now. As a rule, at the end favorable for the gross season, and at the beginning of the next price is significantly reduced, Starovyov says. So, the average price of potatoes in 2015 was 13.2 rubles / kg, and by the beginning of 2016 it decreased to 10.25 rubles / kg.

"With the problem of overproduction for ten years of the company's existence, we first faced and turned out to be absolutely not ready for this," recognizes the general director of the Tula "National Land Company" (NZK, the volume of production - 200 thousand tons / year) Andrei Samoshin. The excessive pressure of a record crop led to the fact that the potatoes have fallen in price after successful 2014. According to the head, at certain points, the priceland reached a three-time level. "Many players hoped that falling in the fall, and in the spring they would get sales at a higher price, but this did not happen, he divides. - An excess on the market did not go anywhere, and in April-May last year the manufacturers covered the second wave of falling prices. " According to him, in May 2016, potatoes in the wholesale cost 6 rubles / kg, which is below the cost of production. Revenue from the sales of potatoes in the nzk decreased by almost 40%.

Moscow region Agroholding "OSP Agro" (included "Agrofirma Sosnovka" and "Emelyanovka enterprise") Record crop of potatoes (almost 20 thousand tons) brought significant financial losses. Last year, the company generated a common loss for both farms in the amount of 18 million rubles. "If earlier at a retail price of 25 rubles. / Kg We earned 10-13 rubles / kg, then now forced to implement potatoes in the wholesale 7 rubles / kg at a cost of 8 rubles / kg," states the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Holding Alexander Markin.

"Two years of agricultural producers live in conditions when the proposal exceeds demand," says the company's deputy projectors Malino»Tatyana Grina. - High price of the 2014th (about 25-30 rubles / kg in retail) reoriented the demand of the population for goods-substitutes - pasta and cereals. " According to the results of 2015, the Group, including enterprises in Moscow, Tula and Lipetsk regions, produced 130 thousand tons of potatoes, in 2016 - 150 thousand tons. The company hoped for good sales and a significant increase in annual revenue, but the declined prices violated plans. According to the top manager estimates, the wholesale price for a kilogram of the unwashed potato was reduced by 20-30%, the average annual figure was recorded at a mark of 10 rubles / kg (for comparison, in 2014 it was 15 rubles / kg). For the "Tver agro-industrial company" (20 thousand tons / year), the price of implementation in the last two years ranged in the range of 8-12 rubles / kg at costs 6-8 rubles / kg, notes the general director of the enterprise Sergey Conanaenine.

Statistical data indicating the overproduction of potatoes include the results of activity and personal subscribed farms, and small farmers, and large holdings, although they offer a completely different product in quality, which is focused on different categories of consumers, pays attention to the general director. AFG National»Yuri Belov. For example, the volume obtained by the LPH (according to RosstatThis is 24 million tons of the total 31.1 million tons collected in 2016), is produced for personal needs and are not suitable for sale. According to the commercial director of Boris Shabanov, the fall in prices for potatoes is due not to so much a high collection as a number of other factors. These are consumer habits, and the market structure in various regions, and the level of income of the population, and qualitative indicators.

Added problems with quality

Last year, the unprecedented results of the industry led to a reduction in areas under potatoes by about 3% to 2.05 million hectares in all farms. Reduced and general collection, according to Rosstat, up to 31.1 million tons. Industrial volumes have become less than 7%, reaching 6.8 million tons. Usually after the low prices season, the next agrarian year is quite successful for manufacturers in price relations. In 2016, such a regularity was not traced. According to IcarDuring the year, prices for potatoes were at about the level of depressive December 2015.

The cost of potatoes began to influence and its qualitative characteristics. In 2016, due to adverse weather conditions (pouring rains in the Southern District and in the North-West, early winter in Central Russia and the Volga region) most of the crop remained in the field either turned out to be significantly lower than quality. According to analytical reports IcarIn Udmurtia, 70% of potatoes produced at all. In the Central Federal District, where the landing area of \u200b\u200bthe agriculture makes a third of the All-Russian - 109.2 thousand hectares of 338.2 thousand hectares, 8 thousand hectares remained, from which 3.2 thousand hectares in Moscow and 3.1 thousand. ha in the Tula region. "Thus, in many manufacturers, some of the crop disappeared before the collection, the part was damaged during harvesting due to high humidity, And the long-term contact of the cleaned tubers with moisture can cause additional losses during storage, "says Belov. " AFG National»Potato collection In 2016, for example, in the Novgorod region, it was also difficult to be difficult - heavy rains were in the region: in June, there were 23 rainy days out of 30, in July - 19. Nevertheless, from all production sites of the holding in Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod And the Rostov regions last year managed to get about 80 thousand tons.

The quality of potatoes really decreased, and the cost of production also depends on it, confirms the river. On potatoes with any disadvantages, retailers are forced to set the minimum price. "For the buyer, the difference in 2-3 rubles. / Kg is insignificant, and for agricultural enterprises are serious losses that do not allow to invest in further development," she emphasizes.

Considering the shortage of Russia's storage facilities (technological storage facilities, there are few potatoes in bulk), in the near future the market is unlikely to be oversaturated with high-quality products, and with an unfavorable situation, it is not even excluded by its deficit, continues. "Local substantial drop in the cost of potatoes in the regions where overproduction is observed during the harvest period, it is always possible, but the closer the next season, the less high-quality potatoes," he says.

The "Novgorod AgroChemical Company Agro" "market changes led to a zero financial result, the profitability of production in 2015 decreased by 42% compared with last year when revenue from hectares about 178 thousand RUB., Director of Strategic Planning and Development Eurochimservis, which includes an enterprise, Igor Lazuko. Sophisticated weather conditions in the region in 2016 and the preserved low price level did not improve the situation, it recognizes. In the new season, subject to the implementation of all available products and the preservation of the current situation in the market, revenues from hectare will be 130 thousand rubles, assesses the top manager. According to Samlenos, the average amount of hectare costs in the NZK is 200 thousand rubles, the revenue in the current season is at the same level. "A year ago, an unprofitability was 5-6%, and in the current season we will go to zero or at minimal profits with a slight increase in prices," he predicts.

Most of the overproduction in the 2015/16 season, small commodity producers were injured, and 2016/17 agricultural benefits also do not promise significant profits, Kuleshov believes. Probably they will continue to cut the area under potatoes, but large manufacturers, on the contrary, will increase them, waiting for the cargo from the market of small players.

Prospects for the new season are ambiguous

According to the forecast IcarIn 2017, the planting volume of potatoes will be at the level of last year, but a redistribution will occur: population farms will reduce the area by 3-5% with respect to 2016, and industrial manufacturers will increase them about the same amount. In the spring, the wholesale prices for agriculture are expected higher than a year earlier. In early March, the market has already begun to feel the seasonal shortage of high-quality products, Kuleshova knows. For example, in the Bryansk region, the approximate price for such potatoes at the beginning of March was 8-9 rubles / kg against 5-6 rubles. For the same period last year.

Agroholding "OSP Agro" has a wide range of activities, the potatoes account for 20% of the total product sales. The company does not plan to reduce its production in the hope that in the perspective of two or three years the situation is stabilized. Under future yield 650 hectares are isolated, as well as a year earlier. The "Tver agro-industrial company" (560 hectares) and Eurochimservis (200 hectares) adhere to the similar strategy. At the same time, agroholding " Malino", Which did not reduce the area (5.5 thousand hectares) last year, in the hope of compensating for losses from the low price of 2015, decided to reduce potatoes planting in 2017 to improve crop rotation and focus on improving productivity and product quality . "National Land Company", which traditionally occupies potatoes of 4.8-5 thousand hectares, in the past year reduced the area by 15%. "What is the point of producing losses? It is more important to rebuild the strategy than we do, "Soslein explains. - Now we sum up the season 2016/17 and if we understand that the volume of potatoes in middle lane It is still excessive, then it is quite possible, even reducing the area. "

« AFG National»Sees prospects for the development of a potato segment. "Since 2015, we actively invest in this direction, increasing the volume of production and increasing the land bank, says Belov. - For the 2017, the next expansion of potato production is planned to 92.5 thousand tons (taking into account seed). The planned investment in the company's vegetable direction as a whole for this year is about 1.3 billion rubles, but most likely the amount will be revised towards the increase.

We need export and processing

The problem of overproduction of potatoes recognized and Ministry of Agriculture. To solve it, first of all it is necessary to increase export volumes, the Director of the Planting Department of Agricovers Peter Chekmarev at the All-Russian Aggonomical Meeting was noted in February. In his opinion, it is necessary to remove 2-3 million tons from the market. The rate of export in the last two seasons has really increased. According to IcarIn 2016, a record 215 thousand tons were delivered abroad, but so far the main buyers are countries former USSR (Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia). "The key consumers of Russian potatoes are the unrecognized republics of Eastern Ukraine, which until recently provided themselves or imported it from Western regions," says Kuleshov. "So, when stabilizing the situation in the region, Russian potatoes may be unclaimed."

In turn, the import of potatoes in recent years has significantly decreased. If in 2014 670 thousand tons of agriculture were imported, then in 2016 about 270 thousand tons. "Traditionally, the supply of potatoes into our country are seasonal in nature, the main volumes of imports fall for the period from February to July," Kuleshov states. - The need for import is largely related to the shortage of capacity storage facilities, and, therefore, high quality goods are. "

A strategically important task for regions growing potatoes is the construction of potato-processing plants, believes Ministry of Agriculture. According to Chekmareva, they need to "build one or two plants in order to sell finished products." Now there are no full-fledged processing of this agriculture in the country, there are separate enterprises that can develop only small volumes, self-sustaining. For comparison, in the West, the proportion of potato processing exceeds 50% of its production, while in Russia - no more than 3%, he knows.

According to Icar, last year the production of the processing product exceeded 150 thousand tons. The last two seasons of trends towards the development of industrial processing and potato storage systems were injected due to the complex macroeconomic situation, Kuleshov adds. "But we expect the market to return to this vector in the coming years," she predicts. So, at the end of 2016, a loud event in the industry was the defrost to the ambitious project of the White Dacha project on the construction of a plant for the production of frozen frost potatoes in the Lipetsk region. When you exit complete power, it will produce up to 90 thousand tons of products. It is assumed that the work of the enterprise will allow almost completely abandoning the import of fries, which is estimated at 70 thousand tons per year. In March, VTB opened investors a credit line for 5 billion rubles.

How many potatoes eat?

According to FAO, the average per capita consumption of potatoes in Russia is one of the largest in the world - 130 kg per year, but the potato union estimates it at the level of 80 kg. According to the data of the potato economy. A. G. Lorch, the level of potato consumption ranges in the range of 95-110 kg per person per year, the average for the 2016th was 104 kg. "Potatoes are considered a relatively cheap product and at the same time a caloriest, so the level of consumption depends primarily not so much from the volume of harvest, as from the economic situation in the country. As soon as it worsens, consumption increases, "explains Viktor Starovytov.

Forecast for the 2020th

According to the forecast of the vni potato economy. A. G. Lorch, the tendency to reduce the planting of potatoes will continue. By 2020, agricultural organizations and farmers can reduce crops by another 8-9% to 176-178 thousand hectares and 136 thousand hectares. Wherein medium yield The agriculture will grow.