
Information and communication technologies. What you guessed, but shy to ask

Answers to gardeners

Sex - the basis of the relationship of floors. For someone, this is an axiom, someone will accepted zealously to argue, stubbornly repeating that salt is not in this, but just in understanding, trust and mental harmony between partners. Anyway, sex is definitely a basis, without which any normal relationship is hardly possible. That is why sex was, there is also one of the most discussed and ambiguous phenomena.

It is ambiguous. Because, first, there is no limit to perfection, and secondly, it's still that it is so important to turn off the impulses in time on time, turn on the head and ask the simple question: "Does I do everything right?" Familiar? Sure! Otherwise, you would hardly meet this material in the World Wide Web. Therefore, especially for you answers to 10 most intimate questions about the most interesting :)

If the sex does not have enough rudeness, how to start?

During the "prelude" with the power of laying his hands with their own hands up and behind the head, to hold them as for a while, until you kiss him. If a this is It does not occur in a horizontal position, use the wall as a point of support.

Why many prefer sex at light?

As you know, men love their eyes, so they are especially important for them not only to surrender in sex, but at the same time also admire the partner. It is not worth shy and confused, because at the time of the proximity of the emotion and perception of you are different from everyday, and the estimate vector is always to the sign "+".

How long does a man take between rounds?

The average is from five minutes before half an hour. However, everything is also individually and depends on both from physiology and from the partner's traction to you. Therefore, it is not necessary at all in the case of the too long of his "recovery" after sex to blame in everything exclusively a man. Maybe you should just change the tactics?

What clothes will excite a man?

According to surveys conducted, the strongest half of humanity is more excited by a strong half of humanity, without any shecrase-wise fasteners, linen. A little smaller interest causes white, cream or red monophonic openwork lingerie. And, of course, there are already practically classical men's interest in the straile shoes, which can, by the way, leave on themselves and during sex.

Does he love caresses of nipples and buttocks?

If any pets of the penis and everything that is connected with it, often bringing it to the frenzy, then with other parts of the body, whether it is men's buttocks, nipples or something else, everything is individually. Do not try - you do not know.

What products are better suitable for sex games?

Using or directly during sexual intercourse of certain products is due, as a rule, with the desire to diversify their sex life, in the literal sense to make sharp or sweet notes into it. And for a woman, this is also a way to make the tongue of a man at the right time in the right place. What to choose to do this? The palm of the championship is steadily holding cream in a canister. Or fruit.

Can there be an overabundance of sex?

If with natural lubricant (or, as it is also called, lubricant) you have order, no harm to sex to bring, of course, can not. If this problem still takes place, there is a risk of developing a urogenital infection, which is a consequence of damage to ultra-sensitive tissues of genital organs. Exit - the use of various lubricants, which in our time a great set.

What pose is better to use for the bathroom or soul?

Do you want your first experience in the bathroom end with a visit to a traumatologist? Choose sustainable postures! It is important to find the points of support for hands and legs and rushed well in the back. A man must be behind. Such a posture will not only provide deeper penetration and give new sensations, but will allow you to experience a sense of unpredictability, because you never know what will happen behind the back in a moment.

What will give a man more fun during oral sex?

Avoid a feeling of banalism and suggesting your partner. Remember: Connecting to the task "deliver him a maximum of pleasure" different parts Your body (hands, lips, teeth, language), as well as a frequent change of style of movements will give a stunning effect and will give you both the most vivid impressions. Enthusiasm, enthusiasm and only he! You can also imagine that you eat delicious ice cream.

How to strengthen his sensations?

About a couple of minutes before its orgasm, the circular motion is massaged by the zone behind the scrotum - and after a minute you will see a surprising result. In addition, most men adore when a woman squeezes the muscles of the vagina. It is not any of us to achieve this. However, by regular training intimate muscles By doing the exercise of Kegel, you will quickly come to the desired effect and give you both unforgettable moments!

Kilt - traditional Clothes of Highlanders Scotland - is the national proud of the country. In ancient times, this wool wardrobe object, resembling a skirt, performed an important function: the person's color to one of the oldest clans was determined by the color of the ornament. Now the colors - the so-called tartanov - it became, of course, much more. Among them are a special Russian Tartan. Only it, if follow tradition, we can wear with you.

Scottish kilt makes a special fabric - tartan, woven from natural wool. In the usual understanding of Kilt, it is almost no different from the pleated skirt, but in the Middle Ages, his length could reach seven meters. If necessary, they could wrap the whole body to protect against cold.

The word "Tartan" of Celtic origin and translates as "color of the terrain". Initially, tartans (ornaments, not fabric) belonged to eleven Scottish clans inhabiting various areas of the country, and were created in strict accordance with the laws of Heraldry. Therefore, in color of the pattern, it was easy to determine where the man came from.

The earliest image of the Scottish soldiers in kilts, Xylography of 1631 years old.

Until the XIX century, only natural dyes were used to dye the tartan yarns. A black shade was received from alder, from birch - yellow, heather attached to the threads orange, blueberries - purple, blackberry - blue. Red Tartan was considered a sign of prosperity, because with the help of natural dyes, the red color is quite problematic.

In the middle of the XVIII century, when the British were suppressed by the uprising of the Jacobites, they forbade the Scottish to wear kilts. Some obeyed the orders, but the Scots who lived high in the mountains did not shoot Kilt even under the fear of death.

Picture "Battle of Callodena". As a result of this battle, the uprising raised by the Scottish to return to the British throne of the role of Stuarts, was finally depressed.

The only one who was allowed to wear kilts were military personnel of special royal regiments, patrolling the mountains of Scotland. They wore Tartan Black Watch ("Black Watch") - one of the most recognizable patterns, which became the first military tartan.

After removing the prohibition, it turned out that many traditional Tartan colors are forgotten. Then a large-scale campaign began to revive the National Heritage. Tartans were restored by picture and old tailor books.

In 1822, King George IV arrived in Edinburgh and proclaimed: "Let everyone carry his Tartan." On this variety of tartanov began to grow in geometric progression. Today there are more than four thousand varieties. The most popular of them:

1. Caledonia is a universal Tartan who can wear every scot.

3. Dress Campbell - Cameplate Clana Parade Tartan.

4. Burberry - Tartan, who was worn by the generals of the British army during the Anglo-Board War.

5. Dress Gordon is an elegant version of Tartana Clan Gordon.

6. Royal Stewart - the world's most famous Tartan, owned by the Royal Stuart Dynasty.

In addition to clan colors, there are many, so to speak, narrowly specialized tartanov. Many public organizations and government agencies have their own branded drawings on the tissues, including the Royal Bank of Scotland. There are mourning tartans, hunting, festive ...

The Scottish Tartans Society created in 1963 (Scottish Tartans Society) assigns unique code to all registered patterns - by the number of threads of each color.

There is also a "Russian" Tartan. It is composed of Barclay and Lermontov tartans, respectively, in honor of the commander Mikhail Barclay de Tolly and the poet Mikhail Lermontov, who had Scottish roots.

This money can not touch. But everyone wishes them. The Bitcoin course is now growing rates that did not even dream of the dollar in relation to the ruble on the most black days of the Russian economy. Many probably know about cryptocurrency. But far from everyone still understand how it functions. If you are increasingly hearing about bitcoins, mining, blockchain, tokens, etc., but shy to ask what it is, so as not to be a person who has passed away from time to time, then this publication is for you.

1. How does cryptocurrency functions?

Today, more and more people for whom mining is not just a game, but hardly the main source of income. Mining is a cryptocurrency earning process. For example, we are already about Electromontoyre Andrei Turkish, who, without leaving the house, earns more than a thousand dollars a month.

"- I took a loan of 100 thousand rubles to buy the so-called farm - this is a computer and 5 video cards on 8 gigs each," says 31-year-old Andrei. - Now you can buy a finished farm, but I collected myself. Equipment cost me 127 thousand.

To understand how mining is happening, it is necessary to understand the principles of work cryptocurrency. The very concept of cryptocurrencies appeared in 2008. The Creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Natavomo (by the way, this is a pseudonym, no one knows the real name of this person) conceived cryptocurrency as a counterweight of the banking system, which has proven its instability and unreliability during the global financial crisis. The basis of cryptocurrencies is the technology of blockchain.

If we say simplified, this is a principle, thanks to which all owners of bitcoins are associated with each other with a virtual network, which allows you to translate to cryptocurrency to each other directly, without intermediaries in the form of banks. Such money has advantages: they cannot be stolen, they can be paid anonymously, and translations occur in seconds.

2. How to earn bitcoins?

Something cryptocurrency resembles torrent. In essence, this is also a program that is located not on a separate computer or server, but on millions of users of users connected to the system. Who rocked pirated films, knows that the film is stored on cars of hundreds of users who transmit information to each other directly and without control.

The bitcoins program also works, which united millions of users. Only they exchange not files, but ensure transaction. It is clear that no one will keep in his computer an incomprehensible program so that someone has the opportunity to translate the money where he wants. Therefore, for finding in the system, participants are issued virtual glasses - bitcoins. The big information of the information can transmit your computer (farm), the more units of cryptocurrencies you can easily.

The farm power is ensured by video cards. Because of the fashion for mining, the video cards have become a big deficit in computer equipment stores, and their cost increased by one and a half times.

"" One video card worth 20-25 thousand rubles from 3 thousand rubles a month from 3 thousand rubles, "says the Aytichnik from Voronezh Pavel Pereledygin. - True, now the Mayers of Bitcoins on the video card does not make sense. Since the Minenga of Bitcoins has already come up with special equipment - "Asiki" (from the English. Asic. - "E!"). Maja on video cards can be other types of cryptocurrency.

Pavel Perelygin Mynitis is perhaps the second most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoine - Etherumer (Ethereum). Etherium course is about 750 dollars.

3. What are cryptocurrency, except bitcoins, still exist?

To date, there are several thousand types of cryptocurrency. And the number is constantly growing. Each cryptocurrency has its own course. You can track it on a special site

In fact, each can create their cryptocurrency. Recently, a group of enterprising Voronezh residents created a new cryptocurrency - Milkkina. To do this, they came up with a business plan for the construction of a milky and commodity complex for 2400 milk cows and put this project on the ICO public Internet playground.

ICO technology (Initial Coin Offering, from English - "Primary proposal of coins, primary placing coins") allows you to attract investments in cryptocurrency for a specific project. It is necessary to establish the amount required, and the deadline for which it needs to be collected. When the required amount is collected on time, those who have invested in the project will receive tokens (peculiar shares), and will actually be co-investors of the enterprise. For the release of Milkochnov, it was necessary to assemble 3.3 thousand Etheriums (according to the current course - more than 140 million rubles). True, it was not more than 2% of the required amount (66 ether).

4. Why is Bitcoin's course grows?

Bitcoin's course before the new year broke a record mark of 20 thousand dollars (though, then fell to 14 thousand). Although at the beginning of 2017, 1.3 thousand dollars were given for it. The cause of the jump is that the demand for fashionable currency is much higher than the offer. The program is designed for issuing a specific number of bitcoins - 21 million. And the more users, the less each earns. Then new types of cryptocurrencies began to appear, what we wrote above. They are cheaper, because not so fashionable and promoted.

5. Is it possible to buy something on bitcoins?

Bitcoins have already been recognized as a settlement monetary unit in Germany and Japan. In Russia, the turnover of cryptocurrencies is not regulated in any way. That is, buy something for bitcoins in our country is not officially impossible. However, this does not interfere with the translate bitcoins in rubles or dollars.

"- To turn cryptocurrency in real money, you need to register on a special Internet exchange," says Pavel Pereljkin. - We sell bitcoins there, Etherians or another cryptocurrency at the existing course, and withdraw money on the map.

Russian authorities increasingly recognize that cryptocurrency is a phenomenon in the global economy with which it is necessary to reckon. Another summer, the adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on Internet issues Hermann Klimenko compared cryptocurrency with shells, which the Mumba-Yamba tribe pays.

"" You arrived there, rested, took the seashells, brought to Moscow - you can exchange them from the same shells owners, but no more, "explained Klimenko.

However, in October, Vladimir Putin instructed to create a Russian cryptocurrency law. And recently, the head of the Duma interdepartmental group on risk assessments of Cryptovatovat, Elina Sidorenko publicly confirmed that direct transactions for the exchange and purchase and sale of cryptocurrency in Russia are not prohibited. At the same time, the official added that negotiations with the federal tax service on taxation of such operations are currently being underway.

The dynamic development of information and communication technologies, penetrating all areas of the life of modern society, has changed so much to attitude towards the methods of receiving and the amount of data of interest, the possibilities of instant audio or visual connection almost with any point of land and near space, which can already be told about the evolution of information consciousness man.

Modified reality

Moreover, this fracture in consciousness occurred rapidly, literally for a decade, which does not mean the spontaneity of the causes of the causes that cause such a reaction.

In turn, the personal transformation comes to the global restructuring and modernization of sufficiently inert institutions of the state, which determine the prospective development of countries in the legal, social, economic and other directions.

Computer science and communications: from different definitions to a single whole

More recently, the phrase "Development of Information and Communication Technologies" was used only with the Union "and", and not with a hyphen between words, since it was about the development of various industries.

Communication technologies are determined by methods, tools and methods used to facilitate communication. Information are used to create, recording, modifying and displaying transmitted content. Each of them was developed as a separate technological direction and the independent industry until the 1970s until the informatics were applied in telecommunication networks. The term was adopted to designate convergence (from Lat. Convergo - to "bring closer") of these technologies and industries. Today, this term determine electronic computer communication methods used as part of modern telecommunication networks or together with them.

Brief History of ICT

With the launch of the first commercial copies of the electric telegraph in 1837 and the phone in 1876, it was possible to communicate on long distances for long distances almost instantly, which was significantly progressive than earlier communication methods - knocking in the rail, signal bonfires and postal pigeons.

Communication wireless telegraph (1895), shortwave radio (1926), and then more reliable high-frequency radio waves (1946) overcame the physical limitations of the need to connect the source and receiver from the wire or cable. Ultra-screw waves (1957) provided greater power to transmit television signals and created the basis for the development of satellite and space communications. In 1970, the first mobile phones were developed, as well as basic technologies for the appearance of the World Wide Web. Both mobile and Internet bonds were rapidly developed from the moment they appeared in the 1980s to such an extent that mobile access to the Internet (for example, smartphones) became the dominant and fastest growing type of communication.

Information + Communication \u003d Future

Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies in the 21st century are fixed precisely on the expansion of the parameters and capabilities of equipment and communications. In the 1990s and 2000s, the term "technological convergence" became the leitmotif of the principle of the application of this symbiosis of technologies to combine previously independent communications, such as telephone, radio, television, newspapers and computer data, into a single worldwide web operating on the basis of broadband telecommunications Large capacity networks.

Areas of applications ICT

ICT technologies continue to be improved, and the Internet is developing with them, covering all large territories. The scope of modern software products has emerged far beyond the information and communications industries, and it is already difficult to call the scope of activities that are deprived of their attention. Expanding the ability to collect huge amounts of detailed information (metadata) and the creation of communication devices allows you to use a mass useful applications In areas such as learning, health care, monitoring ambient etc., but at the same time, alas, provides additional loopholes to remotely track users from stakeholders or organizations.

Information as a worldwide monetary unit

It has long been recognized that advanced communication technologies can provide huge economic, political and military advantages. Information is power. The use of information and communication technologies can guide the vector of political and social sentiment within society in the required power by the pre-warbed, and this applies not only to the internal aspects of the state, but also foreign policy. Therefore, there is no big secret in that the main part of research and development in this area was financed and is still funded from the military budgets of the most influential powers.

Today, for any state, the use of ICT is the cornerstone of industrial and political strategies aimed at developing the national economy and the association of the country, as well as receiving advantages in the competitive global political economy.

Caution, Internet!

ICT technology is often presented as a panacea to solve economic and social problems, guaranteeing new benefits and freedoms both in the workplace and in social life. However, not all the effects of new technologies may be foreseen. In the competition to promote the advantages of new technologies, potential disadvantages and adaptation problems are too often ignored, and sometimes they are simply dragging. Consider a small example. On the one hand, for Russia, as the largest country in the world in the world, with a relatively low population density, the issue of creating a global information network as a means of unification of the country is relevant more than anyone. This work was carried out and now is actively conducted by both public and commercial organizations. Thousands of kilometers of fiber-optic cable are suspended annually, thousands of kilometers of fiber optic cable are suspended, giving the possibility of communication and access to media struggles to the population of the most remote corners of the country. However, not always this bottomless source of information is filled with adequate content. And this is the most active segment of network users, attracts dynamic, bright and professional content, which is not so much from national media resources.

That is, the promotion of information and communication technologies must be solidarially with the creation of its own and, most importantly, high-quality media product, progressable in the network space.

ICT growth difficulties

Uncritical adoption of technological changes does not take into account its problems and traps. For example, excessive commercialization of the Internet, when the dominance of private profit desire is the main trend that determines the development of information and communication technologies, while the creation of promising social areas (new opportunities for education, more democratic participation in political processes, remote medicine) is moved to the rear Plan, in favor of momentary benefit.

An ICT underwater stones include a significant reduction in privacy and, as a result, an increase in crimes using personal information received from users. The problem of methods that technologies contribute to changing the employment models and income of the population remains. Creating new jobs, the Internet at the same time "buried" is not one hundred professions, and as analysts predict, it is only the beginning of large-scale changes in the labor market. Due to the mass of the reasons, there are not all the remaining people in a state to quickly find an equivalent replacement for the cause of all their lives, and this is already a problem of a national scale.

What is good that bad is a choice for us

Although these concerns are real, they are in no way unique for a particular state. And the solution of the question of where the development of the revolution in the application of information and communication technologies (in the interests of their citizens or large businesses) depends only on the priorities of the state policy of each country. Achieving maximum opportunities, minimizing undesirable consequences and finding the right balance between private and public activities - a serious problem, especially in an economic environment where powerful private corporations dominate.

New learning technologies

Consider a segment in more detail as one of the most significant directions that determine the development of ICT, as well as its very existence in the future. The prospects for technologies are inextricably linked with changes within a particular person, the ability to take a new one, to fully use it and develop, becoming as a result of the cell of the information society, where the well-being level will determine the information and the ability to use it competently. In this context, today before the education system, the task of developing methods and forming conditions for maximum adaptation of students to the requirements is modern life, identifying and developing personal abilities subject to high basic knowledge. Achieving these goals involves the use of a whole complex of measures: technical support, development of didactic materials, the creation of advanced training technologies, training of pedagogical composition and much more.

Harvard at home

Enormous potential last years A wide distribution of a remote form of training, which has been released on a perfect other level precisely thanks to ICT. In the lessons, students and students receive a unique opportunity to study the subject of interest to their best teachers, having obtained the most complete information that for most people, due to different reasons, was actually unattainable.

This form Training together with traditional methods, technologies and methods of education actively uses educational knowledge bases of the Internet, because equipping educational institutions with information and communication technologies - one of important elements Modernization of Central and High Schools. The education system becomes part of the information space, corresponding to the growing requirements of a developing society. The trends towards the creation of unified economic zones and similarities for international organizations inevitably intensify the processes of globalization and improvement of the education system of any member state of such an association.

Global consequences

ICT resemble a fantastic teleport, capable of connecting in time and space distant at a huge distance of access point with the ability to transfer and collecting large-volume information and diversity.

However, the full functioning and maintenance of such a miracle of technology requires tremendous costs, special equipment and qualified specialists. And, as they say, who pays is the conductor, because the main beneficiaries of this activity are often transnational corporations using ICT to expand their sphere of influence, increasing sales markets and instantaneous translation of financial resources around the world.

Gentible problems ICT

For many, especially developing countries Internet expansion may pose a threat to domestic production and employment, national sovereignty and local culture. Although the rapid spread of mobile phones around the world allowed millions of people in poor countries for the first time to access basic communication services, so far there are plenty of places on Earth, where the population is deprived of such an opportunity. The closure of this "informational break" is the purpose of initiatives of international, state and some non-governmental organizations. The question is only as much as this desire is disinterested.

The procrastination earned a bad reputation for himself - and there is for what. In time management, it is considered the biggest and rude mistake associated with laziness, weakness, inorganic and lack of self-discipline.

So why are we doing all this? Well, it turns out, in fact, you can get some benefit from the laying of inevitable. In some cases, procrastination can bring more good than bad.

The benefits of procrastination

1. Energy

This is the most valuable plus of procrastinations, allowing you to do what you did not want to do. You obviously did not dreamed about this task, otherwise it would not be postponed by its execution so long. If you are waiting for the work, the fear of the consequences will be pushed, the adrenaline wave will make you immediately take the case. And everyone knows that start a project that I don't want to do is the most difficult. If you need a feeling of fear to encourage you to action, then you will get it with the help of procrastination. And - Bam! You started the case, and therefore, on the way to its completion.

2. Concentration

This is the second valuable plus of procrastinations, and therefore some people succeed, working under tension. Fear gives additional forces, a clear look and concentration on the current task. Adrenaline begins to jump when you approach Deadlina. Suddenly, you do not allow breaks for yourself and are not distracted by other things - telephone, email or colleagues, - until you finish work. Fear can awaken you and give such clarity of mind what happens after good night or dose of caffeine.

3. Speed

If the task takes at least an hour and you have exactly this hour before Dedlayina, there is no chance that you will spend more time. You do not allow yourself such deligances as rest, do not give your thoughts to wander and do not allocate this lesson more time than you need. An hour later, you will be able to delete it from the list of cases.

4. Less effort

You do not need discipline to start and remain focused on the task; Dedine and fear of consequences will make it for you. You would need a lot of self-discipline to complete this four-hour report, if you proceeded for a few days ago, or to wake up and start packaging things from that attic, but now the discipline is not needed: instead, there is fear as motivation. And this is really a big deal, because the discipline is completely uninteresting, and even so difficult! :-)


You probably ask yourself every time: "Why do I do it with me?" Now there is a clear answer: to get energy and do what you do not want. The level of your energy is higher, you are more difficult to distract. Your speed increases; You are gaining momentum to have time in time. And it takes less effort; It's just easier!

These are the advantages of procrastination. That is why many say: "I get it best to do everything at the last minute."

Fear is an effective motivator.

If you are waiting for the last minute, an atmosphere of urgency occurs, which can be confused with performance. Do you rewar a bunch of work for a short period of time, and is it bad? But in fact, do not take into account the quality: you evaluate the quantity. In this sense, at least some part of the work is really done. But do you give out best resultwhen you hurry? Do you create the work of the same quality and when you work at the last minute, and when do you give yourself enough time?

Harm procrastination

1. Stress

When prolopting, you are experiencing strong pressure. Although the short energy explosions help for survival purposes, they are not intended for a long period of time. It is not very useful to procrastinate your lifestyle. Stress initially appeared as a way of survival, but if it is in this mode for too long, it will inevitably have to meet with the consequences in the form of burnout.

How do you feel, being some time in the cycle of procrastination and constantly trying to have time to fulfill the next task? If you have gotten out of forces, nervous, tired, depressed, then this is not the best way Work and manage life.

2. Low quality

Pressure and quality is intense relationships. They do not get along. When pressure is enhanced, quality is often reduced. Have you ever seen someone breaking under pressure - for example, athletes playing a big game; employees responsible for documents in which the simplest errors are detected; Candidates who begin to stutter at the interview? What about the products released in a hurry, just to immediately be returned to refine?

The fear of Deadline prevents creatively and narrows the horizon.

When you wait until the latter, usually do not show a high result, as if a sufficient amount of time was given. It just means that you need to choose in advance what level of quality you want, and not to give Dedlayin to choose for you.

3. Less control and comfort

Procrastination makes Dedine main in your life. Despite the fact that you have a choice of the time to start the task, as soon as you reach Deadline, there is no choice. At that moment, every minute is valuable. You do not have the opportunity to pay attention to anything else. Do everything at the last minute usually uncomfortable. We rank speeds to the advantages of procrastinations, because energy and adrenaline that appear at this time can hurry and work faster.

But what if you can't affect speed? The task may take more time than you were originally expected.

Imagine that at the last minute you almost complete the working draft and suddenly discover that information from the person is extremely necessary, which is now on vacation. Now it is not yet to hide that you have postponed the work until the last and absolutely do not respect the project, if you did not bother to give him enough time, attention and mind.

If you are waiting until the last minute, then deprive yourself with the opportunity to choose the most convenient and fast period of time that the task can occupy. You refuse to control the situation and, in fact, are fully relying on luck and confluence.


Now, when we weighed all the pros and cons of procrastination, it was time for the final opinion.

When quality does not matter, procrastination is normal.

The quality of many solutions of problems, such as voice mail check, decomposition of documents, purchase of products, washing, removal of garbage, does not suffer from what you do is at the last minute. They do not require thinking, analysis, research, feedback, brainstorming, deduction or deep immersion in work. So use on the health of this explosion of energy and focusing from procrastination to end with all the solutions of problems and tasks of the third urgency.

No one judges how much you thrown garbage; It matters what you did it. And as long as the bills are paid on time, you are safe.