
Black mask from black instruction. How to use a black mask from China correctly? What you need to know about blackheads

Answers to questions from gardeners

Blackheads and Clogged Pores relevant in any season. It is especially important for mixed (oily) and oily skin.

Many girls have already stopped fighting blackheads, because they appear very quickly, the pores are clogged instantly and not all cosmetic products are able to remove them.

But today learn about an effective remedy - a black mask, with which you can simply, quickly remove acne.

You can buy a ready-made mask, it is called the Black Mask, or prepare at least effective remedy at home.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the composition, the method of using a black mask for blackheads and contraindications.

Mask-film Black Mask: action, instructions, composition

This mask is a powder, it is sold in sachets, one sachet is designed for 1 procedure.

The manufacturer of the product assures that its cosmetic product is intended to:

Black mask composition Black Mask

The instructions for use of the black mask indicate that it consists exclusively of natural ingredients:

  1. White clay - whitens skin, dries acne, tightens pores.
  2. Castor oil - nourishes, moisturizes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles.
  3. Activated carbon - removes dirt and dust from the pores; has an adsorbing effect.
  4. A series - tones the dermis, fights acne; prevents the aging process.
  5. Wheatgrass - tightens, makes the skin soft and velvety.
  6. Riboflavin - thanks to it, the skin breathes perfectly; the face acquires a healthy color.

Instructions for the use of black mask Black Mask

It's time to learn how to use the Black Mask. First you need to prepare it, also prepare your face for the procedure, and only then apply the product.

It is necessary to pour the black powder into a deep plate, pour it over with 2 teaspoons of water and stir well until it is all dissolved.

Steam the face before the procedure to open the pores, and the smallest particles of the mask penetrate into the dermis.

How to apply the product correctly?

If you do not know how to apply a black mask on your face, you may end up paying for your ignorance:

  • you need to apply the mask in a thick layer so that the product penetrates well into the dermis;
  • do not apply the product to the area around the eyes, to inflamed skin with unhealed wounds;
  • you can apply the mask-film pointwise, zonally (on the T-zone, it is there that girls often have black dots) or on the whole face (with severe rashes).

Some girls don't know how much to keep the film on their face.

Tool manufacturer Black Musk writes that you need to wait 25 minutes... But everything is individual, because every woman applies the product differently, the thickness of the application may differ.

Therefore, you need to keep the mask until it hardens.

Remove the hardened dried mask carefully. while holding the skin so as not to injure it. You need to pick up and start pulling.

You can immediately see the result - dead scales, black dots, plugs even from small pores - everything will remain on the film, and the skin will become smooth and cleansed.

Remains of the mask that could not be removed can be washed off with ordinary running water.

Can be felt on the skin 2 minutes after removal tingling or burning sensation, redness. This is the active stage of the natural regeneration process.

At this moment, the skin needs help, to soothe it. You can use a moisturizing serum after peeling or aloe vera gel 95–98%.

After using the black mask you need to temporarily refrain from scrubs, and it is also advisable not to leave the house immediately after cleansing the face, so that the cleaned, but not yet narrowed pores do not begin to clog again.

Produce advises to do such a cleansing procedure up to 3 times a week.

However, many girls say that they it is enough to do the mask once a week to get rid of blackheads.

You already know how to use the Black Mask black mask correctly, but now we suggest remembering (or writing down) the following recommendations:

In order not to spend money on a black mask Black Mask, you can cook it yourself at home.

To do this, you need the following ingredients:

Homemade black mask is multifunctional, it will also work as a peeling- remove dead skin particles. The face with it will be smooth, any makeup will fit perfectly.

For 1 portion of the film mask you will need:

  1. 2-3 teaspoons of water or herbal decoction(yarrow, oak bark, fenugreek). You can also use blackcurrant juice. It further brightens the skin, tightens pores and evens out the complexion.
  2. Dissolve 2-3 tablets of activated carbon in the water part... It is able to penetrate the pores and draw out impurities.
  3. Add an incomplete teaspoon of black clay... It is an excellent adsorbent. It perfectly softens the skin and evens out its tone.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. Final component- gelatin. Choose only one that is made in accordance with GOST. Gelatin is collagen and collagen is the firmness of the skin. It turns out that we combine care, cleansing and cell renewal.
  6. Stir again... Let it brew, swell the mass so that the gelatin is saturated with moisture.
  7. Melt the mixture in the microwave(put on for 20 seconds) or in a water bath.
  8. You constantly need to stir the mixture, it should not boil, otherwise the gelatin that is part of the mask will not seize.

  9. When the gelatin grains dissolve, you need to remove the mixture from the heat and, stirring constantly, wait for the mass to cool (25-30 degrees). The mask should turn out to be viscous, plastic.

Apply the product need on a previously cleansed face with a cosmetic brush. Leave the mask until it dries completely, this will help to achieve the maximum effect of cleansing the pores, since, while hardening, the mask, due to adhesion, can easily and completely remove the plugs from the pores.

After how long you take off the mask, you will see for yourself. If the mask has not yet frozen, then there is no need to rush to get rid of it. You can easily check whether it is frozen or not: gently run the mask with your fingertips.

If there are no black marks left on the skin, then the mask has cooled down and you can already get rid of it. Remove the black mask carefully so as not to injure the skin.

Homemade black mask can be applied up to 3 times a week- if the skin is oily, it is abundantly covered with acne. And also no more than 2 times a week, such a mask should be done for girls with dry skin type.

Black mask from blackheads can become your faithful companion in the fight against acne. The main thing, know how to use a black mask to prevent problems such as redness of the skin, peeling, the appearance of allergic reactions.

You need to withstand the mask for as long as indicated in the instructions. Remove the mask carefully. so as not to damage the skin and do not hurt yourself.

Video: Black Mask From Black Dots

More recently, the Internet was blown up by an amazing novelty proposed by the inexhaustible beauty industry - a black mask from black dots. Is this a marketing coup or a real comedo panacea? As always, the opinions of people who have tried the cosmetic "know-how" were divided approximately in a ratio of 50 to 50. Some argue that the mask is very effective, that literally after the first sessions, the skin breathed and revived, cleared of nasty points that clogged pores for decades. Others argue that there is no claimed effect in principle.

Why comedones appear

To begin with, let's understand what "black spots" or comedones are. The skin has pores, and sebaceous ducts and sweat glands exit to these pores. Due to this, the skin is thermoregulated, and the secreted sebaceous secretion protects the skin from environmental influences.

With enlarged pores of the sebaceous secretion, more than necessary is released, it stagnates in the pores, and dust and dirt, joining, paint it black. This is how points are formed. They do not disappear when washed with lotions and tonics. They are usually localized on the nose, cheeks, chin, and sometimes on the forehead. Often they become inflamed and acne appears.

Composition and principle of operation of the Black mask

Black cosmetic face mask from blackheads for a very short term has won admirers and users who say about a great effect. The skin is cleared of comedones after the first application. Moreover, when removed, the contents of the pores are visible on the reverse side, which confirms its excellent quality.

At the heart of its medicinal components, which gives a radical black color, charcoal. This unique agent - activated charcoal, literally miraculously, without squeezing and traumatizing the skin, removes all blackheads and cleans the pores of the face from dirt.

Usually, a black mask from dots is understood as the composition of the Chinese-made Pilaten black mask, which can be ordered through Aliexpress. This mask is not a novelty of modern cosmetologists. The composition is selected in accordance with ancient recipes from the following ingredients:

  1. Bamboo charcoal is the base. It is thanks to this component that the sebaceous contents are drawn out of the pores, with all toxins and microorganisms.
  2. Wheat germ extract has a tonic and mattifying effect, eliminates oily sheen, relieves irritation.
  3. Grapefruit oil stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands, whitens and tightens pores, thanks to it the skin acquires a fresh color and velvety texture.
  4. Provitamin B5 soothes the skin, makes it elastic, relieves inflammation.
  5. Panthenol promotes the healing of any lesions formed on the skin, acne, microtraumas, in addition, it has cleansing properties.
  6. Collagen and olive squalane moisturize and nourish.
  7. Glycerin serves as a binder for all components, softens and enhances the action of the components.

Black mask is a proprietary trademark of Pilaten, but there are an abundance of analogs of various quality from manufacturers from other countries on the market. Among them:

  • Black Clean with activated carbon (Belarus);
  • Black Cavyar Mask (RF);
  • Black Mask from Shills (China);
  • Magnetic Mask (RF).

If you believe the reviews, these funds are an inexpensive alternative to the Pilaten black mask, and also help to cope with quite successfully.

How to use the black mask

If you decide to use a Chinese-made mask, you will have to face one problem - the fact is that the instructions for use are written in Chinese and English... You need to know how to use the mask correctly:

  1. An allergy test should be done immediately, especially for persons prone to allergic reactions. To do this, open the bag, dilute the powder on the tip of a knife with a drop of water and apply it to the bend of the elbow or wrist overnight. If there is no redness in the morning, then you can start applying it to the face.
  2. The face must be properly prepared. First, thoroughly clean it, and then be sure to steam it so that the pores open.
  3. Dilute 1 teaspoon of the mask warm water(2 teaspoons of water is sufficient) and apply to the T-zone. This means that the first time the composition is applied only to the forehead, nose and chin. Spread on a fairly thick layer. When it dries slightly, apply a second one.
  4. How long do you need to keep a black mask on your face - this is the most important point... The instruction advises to leave the composition until completely dry. This is usually 20-25 minutes. But practice shows that you cannot wait for complete drying when the face begins to tighten. Because then the mask will either have to be torn off from the face with pain, or washed off. As soon as the composition, when touched, stops smearing the skin, you need to pick up the mask with your fingernail by the edge and remove it from your face in one motion.
  5. After removal, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream-gel with a light texture and refuse any scrubs and peels for the entire time of cleansing from comedones and acne.

The mask can be applied up to 3 times a week for initial stage cleansing from dots. Later, you can do 1 mask per week, and when the skin is cleaned, then once a month for prevention.

How to make a black mask from black dots at home

The main ingredient in the blackhead remover is activated carbon. Of course, mask manufacturers claim that coal should be from burning bamboo, but practice has shown that ordinary activated carbon is quite suitable for the simple reason that it is an excellent sorbent and literally pulls out all toxins from any environment where it gets.

The attempt to make a black mask for blackheads at home was so successful, and the effect impressed the former owners of the points so much that they shared their recipes completely disinterestedly.

Recipe 1


  • activated carbon - 3 tablets;
  • black cosmetic clay - 0.5 tsp;
  • food gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • water or herbal decoction - 3 tsp.

Mix coal with water and add clay, then mix with gelatin, and put it all in a water bath, stirring constantly. As soon as the composition becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and apply immediately to the prepared face. Leave the composition for 20 minutes until dry, and then remove the film from the face.

Recipe 2


  • pharmacy coal - 3 tablets;
  • chicken egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • cosmetic wipes for the face - 2 pcs.

Be sure to crush the coal to a state of fine powder, beat the eggs into a foam with a mixer, add coal powder and beat well into a fluffy mass. Apply to face, bypassing the area around the eyes and mouth. On top of this mass, apply a napkin with slots for the eyes and mouth and press it tightly against the face. Apply the remaining mass on top of the napkin and leave on the face until dry. When dry, remove it and apply a moisturizer.


You need to take the following components:

  • activated carbon - 2 tab.;
  • black cosmetic clay - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops;
  • mint essential oil - 3 drops;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Crush the charcoal to a powder and mix with cosmetic clay. Dilute this composition with milk and add essential oils and honey. Stir the composition well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply to a cleansed face. It makes no difference how to apply a black mask to your face. You can use a brush or a sponge, or you can just use your fingers. The area of ​​the eyes and mouth remains intact. When the mass thickens and dries slightly on the face, apply a second layer. Leave the composition for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer to your face.

The factory mask is already ready, nothing can be added or taken away from it, and with homemade recipes you are free to do whatever you want. In any case, the official manufacturers of the product have balanced the ingredients better. It's up to you: to cook with your own hands, or to purchase a finished product.

A homemade mask does not work as radically as a ready-made one, but it has a cleansing and pore-tightening effect with regular course use. A course of at least 10 masks, but no more than 2 times a week.

How to prevent comedones

A mask against blackheads is quite effective, but after you have managed to cleanse your face, it is worth thinking about prevention to prevent their appearance. There are several rules, the observance of which will help in the future to avoid the appearance of dots, so spoiling the appearance and mood:

  1. Enough to adjust proper nutrition so that the skin stops shining and the pores are clogged with dots. It is necessary to revise the diet in favor of vegetables, fruits, complete proteins. Give up fatty, carbohydrate foods, sweets and alcohol. The condition of the skin directly depends on the purity of the intestines. Improve the work of the digestive tract, and the skin will thank you with a matte freshness instead of an oily sheen.
  2. Home care needs to be done on a continuous basis, not on a case-by-case basis. Cleansing lotions and tonics should form the basis of facial beauty care. Mattifying tonics work well: they remove excess sebum, which prevents clogging of pores with sebum and the formation of dots.

Surely, almost everyone has already heard about the sensational Black Mask, which deeply cleanses pores, eliminates annoying blackheads. Today we will try to reveal the secret of this miracle remedy and present to your attention various variations of the recipes for this mask. Yes, yes, you understand everything correctly, we will tell you how easy it is to make this wonderful mask at home. So, today's article is about how to make a Black Mask at home.

Why do black dots appear

For the formation of acne and blackheads, all ages are submissive. The reasons can be very different:

  • oily skin;
  • improper skin care;
  • ecology;
  • improperly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  • genetics;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • hormonal change in the body;
  • stress;
  • taking medications, etc.

The roots of the problems must be found in your lifestyle or inheritance. Of course, one of the most common reasons is poor nutrition, alcohol and smoking.

Next in the ranking of the reasons for the appearance of blackheads is improper skin care: excessive dryness or lack of moisture. Feel in moderation when using alcohol-based lotions. Do moisturizing masks more often. Before going to bed, do not forget to cleanse your face of makeup. And in general, do not skimp on cosmetics that you put on your face. Since low-quality products will make themselves felt, and in some cases will not only spoil the mood, but also add additional costs for doctors and cosmetologists.

Another reason is your mood. For a long time, psychologists around the world have proven that any stress or experience in one way or another affects our health. Note that people who are always dissatisfied or angry develop wrinkles earlier. People who are often stressed are more likely to have other skin problems: acne, acne, blackheads, etc. This is all due to the fact that people with cranky nervous system the level of production of the sebaceous glands is much higher, and therefore, they do not have time to go outside, thereby forming acne.

Blackheads are called comedones - they are dirt formed in the pores due to the exposure of the upper fatty layer of the skin to oxygen. More precisely, the sebaceous glands do not have time to go out, harden and form, thereby, black dots.

Why is the black mask

In general, in cosmetology, masks are called black masks that contain one of the following ingredients:

  • healing mud;
  • black cosmetic clay;
  • or activated carbon.

I think many girls have already tried this or that mask. As you know, masks based on mud or clay are a little heavy. Therefore, be careful when applying them: do not frown, do not wrinkle your forehead when applying the mask. Otherwise, the mask will harden along with your grimaces and only spoil everything, which means you will not get the desired result.

Masks based on activated carbon are applied with a film. This is convenient when removing the mask. In addition, many girls note that they are more effective than simple scrubs or masks made of clay or mud.


  1. If you have dry skin, a film mask is not suitable for you.
  2. Test the mask on your wrist before applying to avoid allergic reactions to the components of the mask.

Masks based on activated carbon perfectly tighten and tone the skin, make it elastic, even out complexion, stretch blackheads, and also normalize the subcutaneous metabolism.

Black Mask recipes at home

So, let's proceed to the consideration of the main, common analogs of the recipe for the popularized Black Mask. It should be said in advance that the whole secret lies in the main ingredient - gelatin. Gelatin is the head of everything! In its composition, it contains collagen, which not only cleanses the skin, but also tightens it, making it more youthful.

Steam your face before applying the mask - this will increase the effectiveness of the mask and allow deeper penetration into the pores.

Activated charcoal gelatin mask

This is perhaps the main and most direct analogue of the Black Mask.

So, for 2-3 grams of gelatin, you need to crush 2 tablets of activated carbon, mix all the ingredients with water (5 ml).

For the mixture to acquire the desired consistency, hold it on a water bar for a couple of minutes.

Apply a warm consistency to a previously cleansed face. Wait for the mask to dry completely. Depending on the thickness of the consistency, it will take a different amount of time. If the mass is too liquid, then it will take a little longer for it to dry. After the mask is dry, remove it. Most often, it is pulled off the skin not like in an advertisement for a famous mask, but in pieces. But this does not prevent you from seeing black dots elongated from the skin on the surface of the mask.

It should be noted that you can apply the mask not to the entire face, but only to problem areas. This is especially true for those with mixed skin types.

Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent. It draws out all the dirt from the pores, cleansing and toning the skin. If your skin has reacted negatively to gelatin, the following mask recipes can replace your previous recipe.

Activated carbon and aloe

  • 3 tablets .;
  • 1 tsp sea salt;
  • 2 tsp aloe juice and the same amount of water.

Mix everything and apply on the face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Activated carbon and yogurt

1 tablet of a.v. mix with 5 ml of natural yogurt, add 1 tsp lemon juice... Mix everything and apply on the face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Gelatin and milk mask

Also an amazing tool. Milk is a valuable product not only for the body, but also for the skin of the face.

In this recipe, milk acts as a thickener for gelatin. To prepare this mask, mix 50 g of gelatin in 30 ml of milk. You can also add 3-4 tablets of activated carbon (optional). Let the mixture swell. To do this, you can warm it up in a microwave oven or in a water bath.

Apply the mask to your face. Let it dry. After application, the mask is set with a film, so it is easier to remove from the skin. But sometimes this process is painful.

Gelatin and black clay mask

1 tablet of a.v. mix with 1 tsp. black cosmetic clay, add 1 tbsp warm milk and 1 tsp. gelatin. Mix everything and apply on the face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Blackhead Fruit Gelatin Facial Mask

Fans of fruit and vegetable masks will love the following mask recipe. To make it, you will need fresh fruit or vegetable puree or fresh juice. In general, the ratio of ingredients is as follows:

  • 200 ml of fresh juice concentrate requires 20 g of gelatin. Next - a water bath and refrigerate for half an hour. Then we apply it to the face.

It is very important to take freshly squeezed juice for the preparation of this mask, and not concentrated in tetrapacks. Choose the right fruits or vegetables for your skin type.

Egg Gelatin Mask

A chicken egg is the richest chest of useful microelements that are so necessary for our skin. In addition, the egg-based gelatin mask gently acts on the skin without injuring it. Egg masks can be done up to 3 times a week (depending on skin neglect). Always use a mask for one application, as you cannot store egg masks for a long time.

Different masks use different parts of a chicken egg.

  • Recipe number 1

1 egg white mix with 10 g of rolled oats and add 1 g boric acid... Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly until foam appears. Apply to face and leave for 20-25 minutes.

  • Recipe number 2

Mix 1 yolk with soda (3 g) and with soapy water (for 10 g of baby soap - 50 ml of water). Rub the resulting consistency onto problem areas of the face. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

How often is a gelatin face mask made?

This mask can be done up to 3 times a week in case you have oily and neglected skin. For dry skin, it is best to apply this mask 1-2 times every 14-17 days.

After these masks, it is better to refrain from scrubs for a while and does not leave the house for a couple of hours so as not to clog the pores again.

Remember to moisturize your skin after the procedure.

Having cleared the skin before the procedure, a properly prepared mask and skin care after it will lead to visible results in the coming weeks. Make sure that all the components of the mask are fresh and do not store the prepared mass for a long time.

If you are a visual, then the following video will help you in preparing the simplest Black Mask recipe.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always looking forward to your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls stay attractive and stay young for a long time.

How to properly apply a black mask on your face?

However, to make the effect more amazing, the skin should be pre-treated with a scrub in order to remove dead cells and a thin layer of fat, which will not allow "grabbing" the head of the blackhead. Then be sure to hold your face over the steam. It is better to take a decoction of herbs (chamomile, string, St. John's wort, calendula and others). It will be even more useful. Essential oils and beneficial substances with steam will get on your skin. And since it will open the pores under the action of steam, the penetration of these very substances will be carried out into the very depths of the skin.

When the skin has been thoroughly steamed, then you can already apply a mask of gelatin and charcoal to your face. Despite the fact that almost everyone knows, it is worth recalling that the area of ​​the lips and around the eyes should not be subjected to any such influences. She is too gentle and easily traumatized. Therefore, they do not clean it with a scrub so that the steam does not burn, grease it with hygienic lipstick or a piece of butter. And the mask is applied to these areas. These are all the rules to help you keep your skin clean and beautiful without damaging it.

How does the black mask from blackheads work?

To understand why the mask is so useful, it is worth understanding the benefits of each ingredient of a black mask for blackheads separately. 1. Gelatin. This is a product of animal origin. It is obtained from connective tissue. If we talk simple language, then this is the most natural collagen. But unlike expensive collagen creams, where the percentage of penetration of artificial protein is very low, collagen from gelatin is very well absorbed by the skin. From here it becomes more elastic, fit, beautiful. Wrinkles are smoothed out faster. The contours of the face are tightened, something like a home lifting is obtained. Also, the composition of gelatin contains a protein that is responsible for normal intracellular metabolism. The work of facial tissues improves. A healthy color appears. The skin is smoothed after gelatinous masks. And this applies not only to wrinkles. If there is any damage, cracks, then they tighten and level out much faster.

The gelatinous mask allows you to remove the old epithelium. Something like a very gentle scrub. Just do not rub and worry that microparticles in the scrub can injure the skin. Gelatin is also suitable for very delicate skin (but not the one around the eyes or lips, not so delicate). 2. Activated carbon. Excellent adsorbent. It is able to "carry away" a huge amount of toxins and slags on its surface. And since it gets into the pores of the skin, imagine how much nasty it will pull out on itself. Were there bacteria? Now they won't be there. He will not kill them, but he will extract some of them on himself. When the skin is overwhelmed with toxins, it looks very painful and tired. Activated carbon will refresh it by removing various toxins. In addition, charcoal dries out the skin perfectly. This is good for oily skin or the one that suffers from breakouts. After the muck has been removed from the skin, it is necessary to close the "gate". And coal copes with this. It remarkably stimulates the closure of pores. And this is a kind of prevention against the appearance of new acne and acne. Thanks to coal, the corks in the pores are broken down into their constituent components. And this will greatly simplify the process of extracting eel (especially with a film of gelatin). And the final effect is to soothe the skin. Redness and inflammation are relieved. 3. Often a mask of gelatin and charcoal for the face is supplemented with milk. But some are replaced with warm water. Yet the original mask contains milk. It can whiten the skin. This is good for those who have redness on their skin from acne or pimples. Even yellowness or excessive pigmentation disappears. The skin becomes even. It's no secret that Cleopatra loved milk baths. This is understandable. Milk perfectly rejuvenates and softens the skin. In addition, milk helps the gelatin mask to be less aggressive. It softens the action of some of the components that make up the charcoal and gelatin.

Gelatin and charcoal mask recipe

Observe the expiration dates. The fresher the product, the more beneficial it is for your skin. Before smearing the mask on the face with a brush, on small area skin around the wrist or elbow (where tender areas) check the sensitivity of the skin to the mask. You don't need to keep it for a long time. If there is an intolerance, which is extremely rare, then you will notice redness or feel severe itching.

The mask is smeared and removed only in one direction and this is from the bottom up. No sideways, circular motions, or whatever you like. Don't talk, don't make faces, don't laugh. Otherwise, do not be surprised that instead of a smoothing and rejuvenating effect, you will have the opposite: a whole network of small mimic wrinkles will appear. As soon as you removed the mask, be sure to moisturize your skin with your favorite cream. During the week, this mask is done 1 time. Maximum 2, if very serious problems with acne. However, it is done in a course of 1.5 months. That is, the procedures will be from 6 to 12. You can repeat the treatment, but after waiting at least 2 months. And now the recipe itself. Take gelatin in the amount of one teaspoon, 2 times more milk and only 1 tablet of charcoal. Coal must be thoroughly grinded, crushed, practically into dust, as finely and thoroughly as possible. Pour in gelatin and mix everything. And then pour in milk (or filtered water). Take liquids cold. Stir and microwave immediately. It takes only a few seconds (no more than 15, if the microwave is powerful, then 5 is enough). Stir, check that everything is dissolved. Leave the mixture to cool until comfortable. room temperature... And then apply the mask with a brush from bottom to top. Everything, it remains only to wait for it to dry completely. You will feel how the skin has begun to tighten. And the dry mask will not stick to your fingertips when you touch it. Earlier, experts talked about masks for wrinkles at home.

Blackheads are open comedones formed as a result of clogging the mouths of the hair follicles with sebum together with dead cells. The only effective way to get rid of them is to cleanse the skin with penetration deep into the pores.

Film-type masks have been on the market for a long time, but not all of them can boast of special effectiveness. However, Black Mask has established itself as a remedy that has a noticeable effect on the condition of the skin. It helps to get rid of acne and blackheads.

One of the main features of this product is ease of application, speed of action, as well as absolute naturalness - there is not a single synthetic component in the composition.

The manufacturer declared the following list of actions to be taken:

  • refreshes the skin and gives it a rested look;
  • tightening of tissues;
  • normalizes the amount of fat produced, and thanks to this, the surface of the face ceases to shine and becomes dull;
  • if you use it correctly and regularly, you can get rid of puffiness;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • significantly improves metabolism in cells, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • helps to get rid of blackheads and unpleasant acne;
  • soothes and relieves redness;
  • tones up;
  • when inflammatory processes are running, it blocks acne in a short period of time, dries up and disappears, after a short period of time;
  • improves the shape of the face;
  • provides protection from the harmful effects of external factors;
  • supplies the dermis with nutrients and minerals;
  • enhances collagen production.

The photo shows the result of applying an organic mask against acne (before and after):

  • increased fat content with a tendency to rashes;
  • uneven texture;
  • the presence of acne and comedones;
  • unhealthy dull complexion;
  • earlier aging;
  • the presence of redness and inflammation;
  • fatigue and swelling of the face;
  • irritation.


Considering the natural composition of the cosmetic preparation, there are practically no contraindications for use. In any case, you should check yourself for the absence of allergic reactions to the components of the mask.

A good way to check for allergies is to apply a small amount of the compound to the inside of your elbow. If spots, swelling and redness did not appear during the day, then the product can be used without fear.

There is only one main contraindication - serious diseases in which there are deep wounds. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor, as this may indicate terrible diseases.


Now that we have figured out the scope of the mask, let's take a look at the composition. According to the information published by the manufacturer, it contains substances enriched with useful trace elements, vitamins and biologically active components.

Instructions for use

The procedure for use is not complicated and you can handle it yourself. To achieve maximum efficiency, we have developed our own algorithm.

The substance is dispensed in powder form, so first it must be mixed with warm water or milk in a 1: 2 ratio.

The given algorithm of actions is valid for the Pilaten Black Mask, the instructions for similar products from other manufacturers may differ slightly.

After the procedure, you should not go outside, as the surface of the dermis has become more sensitive.

The full course of application is one month.

Well, have you decided to give it a try? Finally! For the first order we give you a 50% discount!

If you have acne, Black Mask will be an excellent remedy for getting rid of them. Its composition of natural ingredients has the desired positive effect. Also it will be good remedy for prophylactic use.