
Modal verb shald in English. Shall - auxiliary verb

Fences, fences

The verbs of Will and Shall are usually used to form a future time: in the 1st face of the only number, SHALL is used, and Will - in all other cases.

Simply put, if the pronoun I is subject to use in your suggestion (translated - "I") or WE (we), then you must use the verb shall.

This rule can be illustrated by the table:

But it is important to know what this rule is outdated, in modern English, the verb shall is not used at all For future time education. All faces apply the verb Will. And the verb shall you need only for reading old tests.

Building your current time in English

The affirmative offer in the future is built according to the following scheme:

Subject + auxiliary verb Will or SHALL + Infinitives of the main verb + everything else.

In negative proposals, the scheme is similar, simply after the auxiliary verb Will / Shall put a piece not. To build a questionnaire, you need to postpone auxiliary verb to the beginning of the sentence.

I. wILL Go for a Walk.
I will go for a walk. (Contemporary option with Will Glagol)

I. shall Go for a Walk.
I will go for a walk. (Outdated version with the verb shall)

He. wILL Go for a Walk.
He will go for a walk.

She. wILL Not Live In This City.
She will not live in this city.

Will you sell your home?

Brief Will / Shall verb

The British love to cut everything. Brief forms of phrases with Will / Shall verbs are shown in Table:

Other verb values \u200b\u200bShall

Nevertheless, there are a number of rare cases in which the verb shall is used even in modern English. Here are these cases:

  • If you ask a question with the pronoun to you as subject (2nd person) and expect that the answer will be in the future. For example.

Shall You Go to School Tomorrow?
You go to school tomorrow.

YES, I. shall. (NO, I SHALL NOT.)
Yes, I go. (No I'm not going.)

  • In the second and third person to express the solid intention of the speaker. For example:

He. shall Come Here.
He will come here. (I am sure that he will come here.)

  • In the second and third person to proposals expressing the order. For example:

Each Visitor shall Present a passport.
Each visitor must submit a passport.

Modal verbs act as auxiliary, carry a number of different semantic loads. All these rules have their own logical thread, remembering that you will forever remember the features of Shall, Will, Must, Have To, Should, Ought To, Would and others.

Major concept of modality

Modal verbs perform the feature of the help of one word to another, fill the meaning to the word ligament.

I Should Go to Work. - I have to go to work.

What will happen if removed Should?

I go to work. - I go to work.

Meaning has changed. It is for the correct filing of thought and serve modal verbs.

There are 8 major verbs that are subject to a number of rules, and 5 words that are not modal, but are suitable for some of these rules.

Remember the basic modal verbs are simple:

MMM - Must, May, Might;





  • ought To, Need, Have To, Be Able To (for use in the last time of verbs features);
  • Used to. (denoting the action that was performed earlier, but not performed now).

Basic rules of modal verbs:

  • You will not put s. Never. Forget about it. We are accustomed to: She Speaks English Well. - She speaks with him. With modal verb features: She Might Speak English Well. - She could speak English well.
  • In matters, they behave in the same way as the usual auxiliary verb: Is He Leaving Now? - He leaves now? And now the verb features: Could I Leave Now? - Can I go out now?
  • We use the modal verb first, and then the NOT side and further infinitive. In general, the same principle as in the second rule.

Shall and Will before and now

English is very plastic or flexible. Every day he changes and adjusts to people. This is how the Future Simple rule changed or Future Indefinite Tense has changed.

Previously, SHALL + infinitives were added to the pronouns I and WE. Most famous example From the film The Lord of the Rings, when the hero shouts on the bridge: "You Shall Not Pass!"


  • I SHALL GO TO THE PARK TOMORROW. - I'll go to the park tomorrow.
  • WE SHALL COOK DINNER TOGETHER. - We will prepare lunch together.
  • Shall I Go To The Zoo Tomorrow? - I'll go to the zoo tomorrow?
  • Shall WE Clean Those Windows? - We will wash those windows?
  • I SHALL NOT DO THAT. - I will not do it.
  • WE SHALL NOT GO Anywhere. - We will not go anywhere.
  • I SHALL NOT DRINK THAT. - I will not drink it.

Over time, SHALL lost its functions, as auxiliary verb Future Simple. Now we only know Will + infinitives without particle to. Now used Will as an auxiliary verb in combination with infinitive. The Lord of the Rings now sounded as: "You Will Not Pass."


  • I Will Go to the Park Tomorrow. - I'll go to the park tomorrow.
  • We Will Cook Dinner Together. - We will prepare lunch together.
  • He Will Drive His Car Slowly. - He will drive a car slowly.
  • SHE WILL BAKE A Cake. - She will be a cake oven.
  • IT WILL SLEEP HERE. - It (meaning an animal) will sleep here.
  • THEY WILL STUDY ENGLISH.- They will learn English.
  • You Will Pass The Exam. - You hand over the exam.

Brief forms of verbs in all forms

There are the following brief forms of both verbs:

? +
Full shape Shall WE Do Our Homework? We Shall Do Our Homework. We Shall Not Do Our Homework.
Brief form We Shant't Do Our Homework.
Full shape Will We Do Our Homework? We Will Do Our Homework We Will Not Do Our Homework
Brief form WE'LL DO OUR HOMEWORK. We Won't do Our Homework.


Shall today has become a modal verb and executes the function of the link. From the word that the next time indicated, he began to translate as "should". Being an initial form of a well-known Should - should.

Shall is used as a request for the Council:

  • Shall I Change My Clothes? - Should I change my clothes?
  • I Shall Change My Clothes. - I have to change my clothes.
  • Shall WE Do That? - Should we do it?
  • I SHALL NOT DO THAT. "I don't have to do this (I would not have done this)."

Or as a suggestion of something:

  • Shall i do it for you? - Do it for you?
  • Shall wE DANCE? - Dance?
  • Shall I ASK HIM? - I ask him?

At the same time, Shall continues to be used only with I and WE.


Of course, much more responsibilities fell on the verb Will. I and WE are now used with Will in the future. At the same time, the verb is either translated as "I will, you will", etc., or gives the accompanying action of the color of the future time.


What happens to other pronouns? When we use the 2nd face, we mean the proposal, request or invite anyone else's interlocutor.


  • Will You Come to Our Wedding? - You (or you) come to our wedding?
  • Will You Join US Tomorrow? - You (or you) will join us tomorrow?
  • Will You Clean the Dishes? - Will you wash the dishes?
  • Will You Tidy This Room? - Do you remove this room?
  • Will You Have some tea? - Do you want tea?
  • Will You Take My Pen? - Take my handle?

If we talk about Will, as a modal verb, then we use it when 100% are confident in what has been said. Moreover, it concerns as a generally accepted fact (Will Boil in A Minute. - Water will boil in a minute) and our prediction, that is, predictions. We're surely sure that our friend will come on time - he has never been late. - Our Friend Will Come in Time. HE HAS NEVER BEING LATE.

Spontaneous solution - a statement with your Will

Will Used at the moments of spontaneous solution. You wanted to stay at home, but they found out that a new film was released - and now you decided to go to the movies. I'll go to the cinema. - I'll go to the cinema.


  • WE'LL pay for you. - We will pay for you.
  • I'll Do My Homework Later. - I will make my homework later - perhaps the context of this offer implies that you called somewhere. And you decided to make your homework later.
  • I'll Watch This Video Watch You. - I'll see this video with you.
  • I'll Cook The Dinner. - I will prepare dinner.
  • WE'LL Bake This Cake Tonight. - We will bore this cake tonight today.

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Modal verbs Responsibilities

There is a certain list of words denoting the duty to do something. They can be conditionally distributed to the table from "You can perform, you can not" until "Require 100%". All these words are transferred to Russian, as "must" or "obliged."

Must. Run 100%. Rules, laws, clear requirements. You Mustn't Run Near The Pool. "You don't have to run near the pool (forbidden to run by the pool).

You Must Pay Bills in Time. - You must pay bills on time.

You mustn't Live in That Flat With Pets. "You don't have to live in that apartment with animals (forbidden accommodation with animals).

Have to. A frequent substitute for MUST, but not so strict. You have to do your homework. - You have to do homework (but this is a duty for you personally, the ban cannot be imposed).

You have to Tidy Your Room. - You must be removed in your room.

You have to go to work. - You have to go to work.

Ought To. An even less mandatory OUGHT TO can be translated as "follows." We Ought to Give Some Money for Charity. - We should give money for charity.

We Ought to Help Old People. - We should help the elderly people.

WE Ought to Say "Thank You". - We should say "Thank you."

Shld Can translate as advice. You shaldn't say these words. - You should not tell these words.

You shald go to the doctor. - You must go to the doctor.

Need Need to. You do not need to do anything, for example. You don't need to go to school today. It's Saturday. "You don't need to go to school today." Today is Saturday.

Must and Have to - must or must?

The difference between Must and Have To in which the duty comes from. In the case of MUST, these are laws or our own wishes. That is, we ourselves point out what to do.


  • I Mustn't Steal Other Things. - I should not steal other people's things. Law.
  • I MUST GO ON A DIET. - I have to sit on a diet. This is not a law, but our will to put a certain ban or "law" within its own life.
  • I MustN't Kill People. - I should not kill people.
  • I Must Study English. - I have to learn English. For non-compliance with this rule, you can only specify the punishment.

There is another nuance - the translation of the expression "must be", where MUST is not necessary:

Have to. has another nature - we indicate that we are better to do. At the same time, we can not punish us within the framework of the state.

  • You have to go on a diet. - You must sit on the diet. As a state of health, this is a need.
  • You have to go for a walk every day. - You have to walk every day.

Or infidel parents / friends:

  • You have to Calm Down. - You must calm down.
  • You Have to Eat Three Times a Day. - You have to eat three times a day.

Shld as a statement of his opinion

The verb shald has several areas of use:

  • opportunity;
  • advice;
  • criticism.

The difference between Should and Must, Have To in the scope of application. Should translates as "must", but does not refer to the duty, unlike Must and Have To.


You Should Visit Your Grandma. "You have to visit your grandmother (you'd better do it)." You have to Drive Slowly. - You have to go slowly (the responsibility of the rules of the road).
You shald eat more vegetables. - You must eat more vegetables (you are recommended to do it). You have to Clean Vegetables Before Eating. - You have to wash vegetables before meals (insistence).
You Should Call Your Mother. - You have to call your mother (advice). You Must Tell The Police About An Accident. - You must say the police about the accident.

Should and the ability

It is important to notice that the inability to do something, and the assumption that this is quite likely to do.


  • Mother Shld Win You. - Mom must defeat you (it is most likely).
  • Father Should Come for You After Work. - Dad will take you after work (if you have time, if you finish working, etc., it is indicated - the possibility of 90%).
  • Brother Should Be a Great Student. - Brother must be a good student (assumption, but not a fact).

You can use the verb of duties as a council - you would have worth it to do, it would be better if you did as follows. It can be a well-known advice or from a particular person.


  • You shaldnt be there. "You should not be here (it would be better that you were not here at the moment)."
  • You Should Drink 1.5 L PER DAY. "You have to drink 1.5 liters per day (you should drink 1.5 liters a day, a generally accepted fact).

Should and critics

If you criticize, you claim that someone has to do something better. To do this, use modal verb should


  • You Should Try Harder. - You must try more.
  • You Should Study Hard to Pass The Exam. "You have to learn a lot to pass the exam."
  • You Should Go to Bed Earlier Before Important Days. - You must go to bed before before important days.

Difference between Could, SHOULD and Would

Could and Would combines Russian particle. That is, when using these two words, the senior will be present in the sentence.

For example:

  • He could do it. - He Could do that.
  • She could work by the seller. - She Could Work As A Shopkeeper.
  • He would do it. - He Would Do That.
  • She would work by the seller. - She Would Work As a Shopkeeper.

At the same time, individual semantic loads in these modal verbs are also available.

Could perform in two roles:

  • The second CAN verb column (Past Indefinite form);
  • Polite question.


  • HE COULD RUN FOR Hours. - He could run for hours (it was in the past).
  • COULD I CLOSE THE WINDOW? - Can I close the window? (In this case, the role of Lie particle would be).

Should be very often confused with Could in terms of probability. When we say: the working day ends at 18.00, it should be in traffic now. - Work Day Finishes AT 6 P.M., He Should be in Traffic Jam Now., We mean the likelihood with a certain proportion of success. We insist that the script develops in a similar way. Unlike Could.

Work Day Finishes AT 6 P.M., He Could be in Traffic Jam or in a supermarket. - The working day ends at 18.00, he could be in a traffic jam or supermarket. We do not argue that this is so, do not even insist. We express assumption. That is, Should shows the likelihood, and Could is a guessed.

Would also knows two roles similar to CULD:

  • the second column of the verb Will (form for different times, including conditionals);
  • manifestation of desire.

In the first case, the same scheme acts as with CULD:

  • If I Knew Him, I Wouldn't Come. "If I knew him, I would not come."
  • If We Hadn't Been There, We Wouldn't Have Had Trouble. "If we were not here, we would not get into trouble."

At the same time, Would retains the translation with a particle "would".

In the event of an expression of your desire, a particle may descend:

  • Would You Like a Drink? - Do you want to drink anything?
  • I'd Like A Cup of Tea, Thanks. - I would like a cup of tea, thanks.

Would - modal verb and verb form WILL

By itself, Would is used to manifest human will:

  • If we refuse something from something: He Wouldn't Do It Anyway. - He would not do it (he would not want to do it, refused it).
  • Insist: I Said, He Would Wait. - I said, he will wait. (We emphasize the semantic Would).
  • We are talking about intention: I Would Go to Africa. - I will go to Africa.
  • As a question: Would You Like to Go on a Walk? - Would you like to go for a walk? Would you like to have a nap? - You would like to take a nap.
  • As a request: Would You Close the Window, Please? - You could not close the window, please?

Ought to and Should - How to distinguish?

In its essence ought To I. shld - This is a synonymous synonyms with each other.

They have only two differences:

  • Ought We use with a "to" particle, while Should - no.
    • We. ought To. Help Our Mum. - We should help our mom.
    • They shld Come Out in Time. - They should take place on time.
  • Ought To. It is used less and more in moral sense - as a voice of conscience or an indicator of a moral ideal.
    • We. ought To. TRUST EACH OTHER. - We should trust each other.
    • We. ought To. Help Poor People More Often. - We would follow us to help poor people more often.
  • Should can also be used in regular advice that do not affect the moral side of the question.
    • You. shld Eat More Soups. - You should eat more soups.

In other cases, Ought To and Should can be replaced with each other, for example:

  • HE OUGHT TO HELP HIS SISTER WITH A HOMEWORK. - He would have followed his homework sister.
  • HE SHOULD HELP HIS SISTER WITH A HOMEWORK. - He would have had (or he would have followed) to help her homework sister. Meaning has not changed.

May and Should - ask permission

May is used in similar cases:

  • May I Come in? - Can I go?
  • Should I Come in? - Should I go?

Even in the example, the difference in translation is clearly visible. In the first case, we ask permission, in the second - we specify the details. In case of may. - The desire comes from us, we ask whether it is possible to perform this or that action.

In the case of Should, calling the action comes from another person:

  • Here is your task. - Here Is Your Job.
  • Should I make it now? - Shld I do it now?

May be used for:

  1. Expressions. HE May Be Upstairs. - It can be upstairs. (We do not know this for sure, express a very vague assumption - 50 to 50). A similar form MIGHT is also translated in the same way, but it has a smaller probability - 40 to 60. The assumption is even more vague. IT Might Want Some Food. - It (meaning an animal), probably wants food. We do not know this accurately, so I express an assumption.
  2. Permissions. You may Play Computer Games. - You can (I allow you) Play computer games. And, accordingly, I do not allow: You may not play in the garden. - You are not allowed (you can't) play the garden. A similar form is very official, more often used as a written statement of rules. Another formal question of resolution with the verb might. MIGHT I COME IN? - Can I come in?
  3. Questions, requests. When we need something. May i have a cup of coffee, please? - Can I have a cup of coffee, please? Might here has the same meaning in a more official equivalent (rarely used). Might I Close The Door? - Can I close the door? According to the degree of formalities, you can compare with the Russian "Liquid". I dare to close the door. QUITE FORMAL, ISN'T IT?
  4. Ban. You may not smoke here. - You can't smoke here (it is forbidden). A more formal phrase than MUST.

Might can also act as the form of the past time for the verb May.

How to remember all this?

The main task is to correctly translate into Russian. Examples of education and use - a guarantee of successful memorization of any rule. It will help to assist the rule of various exercises and tests.

Modal (and auxiliary) verbs are divided into three types: responsibilities, if possible, permission. At the same time, a permit may include almost every verb. Therefore, the third type includes those used only for permission.


  • Duty. Must, Should, Ought To, Have To. - You must have obliged or you should.
  • Opportunity. May, Can, Could, May, Might. - You can.
  • Others. Shall, Will, Need. - We ask, clarify, talk about the absence of the need (there is no permission or permission not to do anything).

From the very beginning, we explain that the concept of "modal verb" is inextricably linked with the concept of "function", since each modal verb has its own concrete value. For those studied, they are all the same, but, with the inappropriate modal verb, you can pass the interlocutor at all of the wrong message that was going. AND THAT "S TOTALLY NOT COOL!

Modal verb should in English, which will be disassembled today, has the function "Council", "Recommendation" and not only. Let "S Find Out more!

Modal Glazol Eating Rules Should

This verb is used, as a rule, when tilting tips. With the help of it, it is possible to express your opinion regarding the correctness and feasibility of what is happening. Since "should" expresses a must, then with its help you can express the order, but in the form of persistent wishes. The verb is usually translated as "follows":

You follow Think over it.
You. shld Think about it.

"Should" can be translated as "must", but this is much more softerthan in "MUST".

Formal verb shaped shaft

"SHOULD" is self-sufficient Modal verb and does not need auxiliary verbs in the formation of negative and question purposes.

If you want to ask questionthen the verb "should" goes into place before subject to (acting person):

This verb not inclined by persons and numbers and matter present, future and last of time.

For example, if there is a semantic verb in the past time, "Should" automatically relates to the action in the past.

We. shld Leave Tomorrow.
Us follow Leave tomorrow.
SHE SAID THAT WE shld Go for a swim.
She said that we were worth it Swim.

Equivalent of the verb should - Ought To

The oght to verb is translated as "should / must". By meaning it is very similar to "should".

When the verb is used by oght to

  • When we talk to someone to do something, because what this is will be rationally.
You look tired. You. ought to. REST FOR AN HOUR OR TWO.
You look tired. You need to Relax an hour or two.
  • To to do assumption What do you think good idea. This is especially true of situations. relationship between people.
She. ought to. Take Her Father "S Advice.
To her follow Listen to the Council of his Father.
  • To say that someone follow to do something or something should happen because it morally right or fair.
You. ought to. Ask for your teacher "s permission.
You should Ask permission from your teacher.
  • To say that, as you think, should happen or is likely truth.
This Team. ought to. Win.
This team should WORK.

In their meaning, these verbs are practically no different from each other, but you should know that " ought to.»Used much less frequent, especially rare - in matters and denials.

Eating modal verb should

"Should" is one of the most frequently used verbs in English, so it has many features in the language. Let's get acquainted with them:

  • Advice (Advice).

This is the most common function of the modal verb "Should". With this verb you report that, from your point of view, it would be good / correctly do or not to do. That is, when we use "Should", then I mean: "It would be nice if you (did) ...".

You. shouldn't Add More Salt To the Soup. IT "S Salty ENOUGH.
You do not do itadd more salt into soup. It has enough salt.

With "SHOULD" in this function, verbs are often used " think."(Think)," suggest" (offer), " insist."(Insist)," recommend."(Recommend)," propose" (offer).

I Think You. shld Work hard.
I think you should to work hard.

There are also expressions " iT's Important." (important), " iT's Essential"(Essential)," iT's. vital." (vital), " iT's. necessary."(Necessary). Usually "should" in such suggestions not translated.

It's undesery that we ( shld) Get To the Camp Before The Sun Sets. It is necessary that we get to the camp before the sun sits away.

We also use the design "I Should (Do Something)" when we want to give someone advice. This form of the Council is quite polite and unobtrusive. It will be translated into Russian words " on the yours place i would... ", or just -" I would ... ".

I. shld wait. For a bus. It's about to come.
I would waited bus. He is about to approach.

  • Opportunity and waiting (probability. & eXPECTION).

The verb "Should" is used when we want to say about something that with a lot of probability can happen. In this case, "should" is synonym « pROBABLY"(Perhaps), and we translate it into Russian as" must be», « possibly».

IT. shld Rain Tonight.
In the evening must be it will rain.

This feature has another shade of the value: "Should" speaks of our nadezhda and expectations.

She Has Been Preparing Her Spech for 2 hours. She. shald impress EveryOne.
She prepared her speech 2 hours. She is should produce impression At all (we are very waiting for this).
  • Certification and duty (obligation & Duty.).

We use "should" when we want to report like right will be reportor talk about someone responsibilities.

Jane shld Send You A Report Tonight.
Jane should Send you a report tonight.
Where is he he? He. shld Have como by now.
Where is he? It should Already come by this time.

We also use "should" when we are wondering what is happening unusual for us. In such cases, expressions are often found: "IT's interesting"(Interesting)," IT's strange."(Strange)," IT's funny."(Funny)," IT's natural"(Naturally)," IT's typical."(Typically).

IT's Interesting That You shld Compete in this race with bert.
I wonder what you should Competimate in this race with Berth.

  • Criticism and reproach (criticism & reproach.).

"Should" in combination with " perfect Infinitive.»Used in relation to past and expresses that faceabout which did not fulfill his debt or receivedIn your opinion, wrong.

She. shld Have Taken A Gun With Her.
She should take a gun with him.
  • In conditional sentences (Conditional sentences).

Modal verb "Should" is used in conditional suggestions when we want to show unlikely act. we very hope that what will it happenAlthough the chance is small. The Russian language "Should" will be translated by the words " if a suddenly», « happened so».

If suddenly you will meet him, tell him to call him.

The difference between SHOULD and MUST

"MUST" is stronger than "should". "SHOULD" - persistent recommendation, but it can be followed, and you can not follow. And "MUST" does not leave the choice - it is impossible not to follow!

You. shld Obey.
You must submit (this is a recommendation, but it can not follow).
You. must. Obey.
You must submit (you have no choice, you must submit).


That's all you should know about the modal verb "Should". We looked at the form of education of proposals and the functions that modal verb in the language.

In order to practice in his use, we offer to write advice for those who want to explore English, improve their health or find a job. It all depends on your imagination!

Enjoy English and Have Fun!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

Talking about any grammar, you can go two ways:
a) tell about everyone without exception (but then it will be very long) and
b) Talk only about the most common cases (but not all will be lit).
I chose the second in order to make clear most important places.

So, Could., Would and Shld.

  1. "Could" or "Clell" last time.

    Examples: I Could Play The Piano When I Was 10, But I Can't Now. "I could play a piano at the age of ten, but I don't know how."
    My School Friend Peter Could Imitate Any Voice. - In school, my friend Peter knew how to speak any voice.
    I Could Swim Before I Could Walk - I knew how to swim before walking.

    1a) Notice - all these "Could" and "Clell" belong not to one concrete case in the past, and to what was at all. If we are talking about one particular case in the past, in Russian, we say "I could" (and not "could"), but in English - managed To..

    Examples: The Traffic Was Terrible, But We Managed To Arrive On Time. - The movement was terrible, but we were able to get in time.
    Did You Manage to Find The Glasses At Last? - You in the way you can find glasses?

  2. Requests: "I can", "you could,", etc.

    for example: Could I Open The Window? - May I open the window?
    Could You Wait Here A Few Minutes? - Can you wait here for a few minutes?
    Could i ask you to repeat what you've said? - Can I ask you to repeat what you said?

    2a) If this is not a request, but just the question "can you", then rather, we will say "CAN You".

    for example: Can You Speak Chinese? - Can you speak Chinese?

  3. In the phrases, when in Russian we say "may be that." But be attentive: in English the whole structure of the phrase changes! The Russian structure "may be that + subject to" turns into English "subjectable + maybe + verb":

    for example: It may be that Peter will come tomorrow. - Peter Could Come Tomorrow.
    Maybe he speaks Chinese - he lived in China for a long time. - He Could Speak Chinese - He Lied In China for a Long Time.

If short, Would is "would be".

  1. Where in Russian they say "would" speak English "Would". Would in colloquial speech is usually reduced to 'D.

    for example: I Wouldn't Recommend This Film. - I would not recommend this film.
    I'd Play Tennis with You. But, Really, I Have No Time. - I would play tennis with you. But I really have no time.

    1a) this is the most "would" often part SECOND CONDITIONAL and Third Conditional (second and third types of conditional sentences, see Lesson 9).

    for example: If I Knew Her Number, I'd Phone Her. "If I knew her number, I would call her."

  2. In the design "I'D Like" - "I would like" or in question: "Would you like ..?" - "Want to..?"

    for example: I'd Like An Apple Juice. - I would like apple juice.
    Would You Like Some Coffee? - Would you like to get coffee?

  1. Should is most often council; What is translated into the Russian word "follows."

    for example: You Shld Drink More Water and Less Coffee. - You should drink more water and less coffee.
    Mary, I Think You Should Stop Worrying and Get Yourself A New Boyfriend. "Mary, I think you should stop worrying and finding yourself a new guy."
    I don't Think You Should Go to Italy in January. "I don't think you should go to Italy in January."

  2. In phrases, when in Russian we say "it is very likely that." This is a close relative of the case number 3 with the verb "Could". Again, be careful: In English, the whole structure of the phrase changes! The Russian structure "is very likely that + the subject" turns into English "subjectable + shald + verb in the first form":

    for example: IT Should Be Fine Weather Tomorrow. - It is very likely that the weather will be good tomorrow ..
    It is very likely that he speaks well in Chinese - he lived in China for a long time. - He Should Speak Good Chinese - He Lied in China for a Long Time.
    Already six. It is very likely that he is at home. - IT's Six O'Clock. He should be at home.

The exercise.

Translate proposals.

  1. I would not bought such a tie.
  2. At school, I could ski better than everyone.
  3. Want to go to Brazil on vacation?
  4. I think you do not need to stop learning English.
  5. It was hard, but I was able to open a bottle.
  6. I would leave you the key if I was sure it is safe.
  7. You should sleep more and drink less.
  8. I want a cola with lemon.
  9. Can you cook Lazagne?
  10. It is very likely that he remembers your phone.
  11. Could you buy me some cheese?
  12. Maybe George also plays the guitar.
  13. Where is the remote control? - It is very likely that he is under the chair.

The keys to the exercise are.

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In English, there are two modal verbs that do not like others in their own way. It is about Will and Shall - two grammatical structures that may have status not only modals. The fact is that their use is known, perhaps not only in the modal value; They are often used as auxiliary verbs of a real time. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what values \u200b\u200bshall or Will is used as modal, and what functions each modal verb carries.

The main characteristics of the modal verb shall

As mentioned, this verb has never been pure Modal. Nevertheless, he has a number of certain grammatical characteristics that are inherent in these words. So, after this verb can not go Full, but only Bare (without to). In addition, the infinitive form itself can only be indefinite, which largely distinguishes it from most Modal Verbs. Naturally, the ending -S is not used with it. There is also a structure in PAST for him, which is known to develop in a separate modal.

The difference in modal shall from the auxiliary is also the fact that in time Future Auxiliary Verb, as is known, depends on the face. This means that Shall or Will must be used depending on how to be subject to: in the first person - Shall. But with modal verb, this rule does not work, and Modal in certain functions is used with different persons.


Regardless of whether our verb is modal or auxiliary in the future, in questions, it is always placed in first place:

  • Shall I Help You? -To me help you?
  • Shall we. fINISH their work right now? - Do we finish work right now?

Negative shape is formed very standard. A particle not comes to the rescue, which is placed after the verb - SHALL NOT. In addition, abbreviated forms are also used in negligents. Reduction looks like Shan't:

  • I. shall Not. Participate In This Affair -I not accept participation in it is business

Functions in the sentence

Despite the fact that this VERB can be used with different persons, the form of the subject is still important, which is especially important when it comes to possible values:

1. Will, want.

This function is characteristic only for the first person and is usually used in a formal speech style:

We. shall Support All The Wishes of Our People -we support everything desire oUR people

2. Questions.

Characteristic only for the first and third person:

Shall I Open the Attic? -To me open attic?

3. Forcing, hard order.

Only the second and third person are possible in this feature:

You. shall leve. tHIS house. right now! - You will leave this house right now!

4. Threat or warning (also the second and third person):

Johnny! You. shall BE PUNISHED IF You DON'T STOP DOING IT! -Johnny! You will be punished if you don't stop doing it

5. Promise (second and third person):

Don't worry; They shall Take You WITH THOO -Not worried, they are and you take from by himself

6. Legal requirements for a third party

A very rare function, which is similar to Must:

Their sheriff. shall maintain. order iN. hIS tOWN. - Sherifa is to maintain order in his city

The main characteristics of the modal verb Will

Will verb can also act as auxiliary and modal. He is inherent in the same features as the previous verb. Differences can be found only in functions and in the fact that being auxiliary verb, the second and third person is used with it, but not the first. In addition, there is a form of Will and for the past time - Would, which over time has acquired the status of an independent verb.


In matters from Will there is no difficulty: it goes to first place, then subject to and the whole rest structure:

WILL Jack Come in? -Jack will go?

Denial and brief forms

Will Not - Typical denial of this Modal. Also, the abbreviated form Won't is found:

  • I. will Not. Take Any Measures -I not want accept nic mer
  • We. wON. t. dRINK. tEA. or. coffee.. - We do not want to drink tea or coffee.

In the values \u200b\u200bof this verb, the face is not so important. However, possible optimal options There are here:

1. Will, want.

And here, in contrast to the predecessor, it is not about something high and formal. Typical translation - "Want"; Here are any faces here, but the first is most common:

I. wILL Tell You The Truth -I want to tell you the truth

Note: Very often, this function is found if the proposal has an IF Union. Do not confuse this situation with the conditional proposal; Here Will has retained its meaning "Want":

She May Take Any Drink If She wILLShe iscantakeanydrink, if awants

2. perseverance

on something related to this or future and often displays habits:

Don.t. aSK. me. about iT.. – But. I. wILL ! - Do not ask me about it. - And I will still be!

3. Expression of a polite proposal to anyone:

WILL You take a Piece of Cake? -Not want to lie slice cake?

4. Assumption or kinda prediction,

which refers to the future:

Did You Hear The Doorbell? - YES, IT wILL Be Brian -You i heard call in a door? – Yes, this is will be Brian

All these nuances will help determine what the main difference between SHALL and Will, as well as what moments should be taken into account, I use one or another Modal. Their distinction for two separate structures is an important point Grammar in the Modal Verbs section and can help in expressing certain emotions and states.