
English system of child raising from birth and to school. What to do after the tick bite

Fences, fences

First, the insect must be removed. Immediately, let's say this is not easy, since a salivary liquid is distinguished during the bite in the tick, a part of which serves as a fastening material and acts as glue, so the insect's spout flashes with a wound surface. What to do? If the tick has not yet advanced deeply, then it is possible to move it to the left - right, after which it should go smoothly. Forcibly pulling out or pulling the tick tweezers not recommended: so you can remove the tick, but its head will remain in the skin thicker, which will further cause the inflammatory process. You should simply capture the insect with the help of your fingers for the side surfaces of the abdomen, if possible, closer to the head, and gently pull up.

To safely pull the tick, you can apply the usual thread: tighten the loop around the head, the closer to the skin cover, the better. Next, I pull - gradually, slowly. In order to speed up the process, some advise to drip on a tick 2-3 droplets of sunflower oil, alcohol or a strong saline solution.

In most situations, this technique allows you to remove ticks without problems. However, if you hurried, and the head remains in the skin - do not try to board the wound. Usually, for 1-2 days, the skin pushes the alien body to the surface itself. But to avoid inflammation, it is necessary 2-3 times a day to lubricate the place of the Procedure with alcohol, a diamond green or other disinfecting agent.

What to do after the bite of a tick in a child

With the onset of warm days, we increasingly want to go on nature, on fresh air, away from the city bustle. And, of course, we take with you children - they also need leisure. However, simultaneously with the yield on nature can be expected danger - just at this time in the forests and landings are activated by pliers.

Nevertheless, back to the question: what still do if the tick has already bitten the child?

First, you should not rush in panic. It is necessary to take yourself in hand and try to remove the insect of the skin. If you do not take it to do it yourself, you can contact the nearest trauma, or sanitary-index - there it will make it quickly and competently. If you delete yourself, then do it slowly, gradually overlooking the insect, without pulling it out so as not to tear off the head.

After the procedure, it is necessary to handle the wound with alcohol, iodine or diamond green.

When the child's bite, the process of neutralization does not end. Even if you have safely removed the insect, you should not twist the baby in the clinic or to the hospital. It is advisable to put a tick in a closing jar and for 2 days to give to the laboratory to examine the possibility of infection. After analysis, depending on the result obtained, the doctor will tell you about what to do next. As a rule, for the affected child carefully observed for 3 weeks, paying attention to any symptoms that appeared.

If the test of the tick showed its infinity, then the child will be required to be required to pass the blood test. Already 10 days after the bite, blood should be handed over for borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis using PCR. After 2 weeks, analyzes for the presence of antibodies to the encephalitis virus, and 30 days after the bite - for the presence of antibodies to borreliam was forced.

In the form of an urgent preventive event, Anaferon can be assigned to the affected child, but this appointment should only have a doctor.

What do you need to do after the tick bitter?

  • Firstly, best tool From the bite of a tick is prevention. Wear the right clothing, use the appropriate insects, periodically examine yourself and the child for ticks.
  • The means of preliminary prevention of diseases caused by tongs is a vaccination that includes the introduction of several portions of the vaccine at regular intervals. The vaccination should be made at least one and a half before the onset of the "dangerous" season.
  • Remember that the most favorite place of penetration of the ticks are the hair on the head, the subordinate zones, the spine area, the crotch area, a bunch of a bump, legs and arms.
  • When the tick bite, it is possible to drop a few drops of vegetable oil to accelerate its removal, or a sharp smelling substance ( ammonia, ethyl alcohol, acetone, kerosene, etc.).
  • A securely dilated tick should be removed gradually, swaying left-tolevard, without sharp movements.
  • After extracting an insect, you need to carry out mandatory processing of the wound.
  • If the tick was not completely removed, you can contact the doctor for medical advice.
  • An extracted tick is recommended to examine in the laboratory of SanEpidemstation for infectiousness.
  • It should be observed for the general state of the victim - to control the body temperature over 3 weeks. If there are symptoms such as an increase in temperature, pain in the head or in muscles, nausea, or a worse view of the wounds (redness, pain, swelling) should urgently apply for advice to the infectious doctor. As for the child, it is recommended to show it a specialist in any case.

What can not be done after the tick bite?

  • It is impossible to leave the insect in the rink (they say, let's get off - fall off himself). The tick can exist in the skin thicker for about 10 days. During this time, the infection may not just get into the body, but also to spread and develop to a complete extent.
  • You can not try to dramatically snatch the insect, with the power to pull it up, because in such a situation you risk to tear it to the calf, and the head with the trull will remain in the layers of the skin. Ticks need to be easily shaking or unscrew from the wound.
  • It is impossible to put pressure on the tick, piercing it, catch with matches or cigarettes - the danger of infection increases, even if the skin cover is not damaged. Yes, and remove the crushed insect will be more complicated at times.
  • It is impossible to leave the tick after removing the tick leave the rude wound - use any disinfecting agents available at hand - iodine, alcohol, vodka, alcohol solutions, green, etc.
  • After the tick bite, it is impossible to ignore such symptoms as an increase in temperature, pain in the head, weakness in the muscles, redness of the skin, vomiting, etc. necessarily and immediately contact your medical specialist!

If you were bitten by a tick, and you were not pre-vaccinated from tick-borne encephalitis, you can conduct urgent preventive measures with immunoglobulin - a medical specialist introduces prepared antibodies derived from human blood serum. Such antibodies will be able to suppress development in the body of tick-borne encephalitis. Immunoglobulin is injected throughout the first 96 hours, which passed from the time of the insect bite. Important moment: The calculation comes from the time of bite, and not because the tick was discovered. Immunoglobulin vaccination can be carried out in childhood.

If the tick turned out to be infected, and suspicious symptoms appeared at the victim, then it is urgently sent to the hospital. He will be appointed a strictest bed and a sufficiently long course of treatment in the hospital infectious department.

Fortunately, not all ticks are infected. The danger is exactly the encephalitite tick, which is not different from the ordinary representative. For this reason, carefully belong to any bite, as it can have extremely unfavorable consequences.

What to do after the tick bite? Of course, it is better to contact a medical facility without delay. However, such perfect option It does not always work, because there, where ticks live, to the doctor, as a rule, far. Therefore, the recommendations listed by us can help with the organization of first aid to the victim, as well as guide competent further actions.

Ticks, as you know, are a peddler of a huge number of serious diseases. That is why the bite of malicious insect data must be treated with maximum seriousness. If at least one of the ticks pressed to the human body, it is necessary to immediately remove it. For this, there are numerous ways that will be listed in the future. It can be unambiguously argued that it is impossible to pull too long with the removal of the pest. The longer it is in the body, the greater the likelihood that the body is infected with dangerous infections. People are quite logical asking about what to do if the tick bites, because this problem is quite common.

Diseases that are transferred to the tick:

  • lyme disease;
  • enfephalitis;
  • rickeciosis, etc.

The information presented above is a serious reason to closely relate to the situation. Do not impede the negative effect of tick bite. There is a huge number of examples that these situations led to very serious consequences, and the victims were forced to face long and rather severe treatment.

In addition to the usual tweezers, there are other special purpose devices, with which it is easier to remove ticks. If they are not at hand, the Bint, Wat or Marley will suit this operation. These materials are needed in order to grab the insect and repeat the procedure described above. Alternatively, thread is used as an alternative. To achieve his goal, it must be tied to the node. The closer to do it near the trick, the better. Subsequent twisting is performed in one particular direction. Similar actions must be made until the tick is completely removed. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the presented method is not the most convenient.

What should I do if bitten by a tick? First aid

Do not trust everyone without exception existing folk remedies. For example, the surface of the body of the tick is not necessarily to be smeared with an oil or any other substance. In the event that the tick himself leaves the human body, it will only be lost time. It is much faster and more efficient to remove it by the physical method. Plus, the tick, which he himself got out, may not be taken in the laboratory. These tips will help deal with the question regarding what to do if the tick was bitten, and the wound is in hard to reach place.

Home Danger

Absolutely any bite of tick is dangerous for the human body. It is not even short-term, because in this case there is still a high risk of infection with a variety of tick-borne infections. Due to the fact that the tick takes the impressive number of diseases, even after removal it must be saved and attributed to the analysis to the laboratory. To do this, you can contact the infectious department of the hospital.

After removal, the tick must be placed in a glass jar, which is also important to throw a maminated with water. The tick must be alive in obligatory. Only so laboratory analysis will be able to show how contagious it is. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the infinity of the tick does not lead to a hundred percent of cases to the fact that a person affected by his bite will necessarily face any disease. To greater extent, the analysis of the preserved pest is made for complacency. It is possible to check for the presence of a disease and without studying the results of the test of the tick. In an ordinary hospital, you can hand over blood, after which it will be known how well the person is well.

Basic signs of bite

In the process of development of Lyme disease, the bite looks quite characteristic. Speech in this situation is about stained erythema. In different situations, it can increase to 10 and even 20 centimeters in diameter. Only in the rarest cases, this figure reaches an indicator of 60 centimeters, but this concerns only the most difficult cases. The stain in the overwhelming majority is characterized by a circular shape. After some time, the contour of the appeared spot appears several sublime outdoor kaym. It is distinguished by pretty bright red. Statistics indicate that a fully stain with all the consequences disappears in about two weeks. This natural process can be significantly accelerated using special ointments and other means.

  • What to do if the temperature rose after the tick bite
  • What to do if after the tick bite appeared redness on the skin?
  • What to do if I bit the tick, how to properly remove it, what to do for the prevention of tick bites - video
  • Tick \u200b\u200bbite: how to remove (methods), symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis after a tick bitter, prevention - video

  • Pliers, which are found in the territories of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, as well as countries of Eastern and Western Europe, can be sought to the skin of a person of any age and gender in order to obtain blood. The fresh blood of a person is needed by tongs to start the breeding cycle, so these insects are literally can't do without people. In this sense, ticks are similar to mosquitoes, which also requires human blood for breeding.

    but teeth bitesUnlike most mosquitoes, not harmless, since these insects are carriers of several dangerous infectious diseases. Therefore, after the bite, it is necessary to take a number of actions aimed at preventing the development of severe infectious diseases with which the tick could infect a person.

    In Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Europe and the US ticks are carriers and, accordingly, when bite Can infect a person with the following infections:

    • Ticky encephalitis;
    • Borreliosis (Lyme disease);
    • Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever;
    • Omsk hemorrhagic fever;
    • Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.
    Most often ticks are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis, since these infections are distributed in the territories of almost all countries of Europe, the Asian part of Russia and the United States. That is why the prevention of these infections is focused on tick bites.

    The remaining infections (hemorrhagic fevers) are distributed only in the territory of individual regions, therefore it is possible to infect them if a person bites a tick that dwells in this area. And since the ticks do not leave their habitat area, moreover, it is practically not shifted from the place throughout life, conducting it often on the same bush, it is possible to infected with hemorrhagic fevers only if the tick is in the region with The prevalence of these infections. Accordingly, the person himself should also be in the region where hemorrhagic fevers carried by local ticks are common.

    So, congo-Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever It is common only in the Crimea, on the Taman Peninsula, to the Rostov region, South Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and in Bulgaria. Omsk hemorrhagic fever Completed in the territories of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kurgan, Tyumen and Orenburg regions. Sometimes the mold-carriers of Omsk hemorrhagic fever are found in the territory of Northern Kazakhstan, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Tank of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Located in all countries in Europe and Asia, but infection is fixed only in the form of episodic outbreaks and isolated cases of infection.

    So, since ticks can infect human dangerous infections, consider algorithms of actions that need to be taken in various situations after the bite of this insect.

    What should I do if bitten by a tick?

    Algorithm of actions, if bites a tick

    Regardless of the one who was bitten by a tick (child, a woman, a man, an elderly person), it is necessary when this fact is detected to do the following manipulations:
    1. Remove ticks any affordable way (see Sections below);
    2. Processing the place of suction of a tick antiseptic (iodine, alcohol, green, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.);
    3. Place the tick in the closed container and if possible, to pass on the analysis to determine whether it is a carrier of infections;
    4. Pass analyzes on borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis to determine whether infection has occurred after the tick bite;
    5. Preventive reception of drugs, the action of which is aimed at rapid suppression of an infectious disease transmitted by man with a tick;
    6. Watch your own state within a month after a tick bite.

    When the tick bite must necessarily remove the insect as soon as possible and process the place of suction to the skin. The remaining points of the algorithm can not be done, except for observation of their own state within a month. If for 30 days after the tick bite there will be any signs of malaise, you should consult a doctor, as it may be a symptom of the development of tick-borne infections that must be treated.

    Placing the tick after removing from the skin in a closed container is advisable only if it is possible to transport it to a specialized laboratory to study the maximum during the day. Such laboratories are usually in infectious hospitals. However, since in many cities and countries in Europe, the ticks are in principle not investigate whether they are carriers of infections, and observe the state of people after the bite, then the insect packaging in the container in most cases is meaningless.

    In general, the identification of whether the tight is a carrier of infections, it is not necessary, and it is necessary solely for an early accurate determination of the subsequent tactics of the behavior of the busted person. So, if the tick is "clean", that is, is not a carrier of infections, then a person may forever forget about the bite, because it does not bear any consequences. If the tick is a carrier of infections, then this does not mean that he necessarily infected a person and he needs to wait for the development of the disease. Indeed, in 80% of cases, the bite of the infected tick does not lead to human infection. Therefore, if a person bit the infected tick, it is necessary to observe its condition for a month and, if possible, pass the blood tests to identify whether infection has occurred. That is, the analysis of the tick allows the person himself to stick to the right tactics and be prepared for a possible disease, and not rely on "maybe".

    A more rational (compared to passing to the laboratory of a tick) tactics of behavior after a bite is the delivery of blood tests in order to clarify whether the insect has infected with any infection. However, it is not necessary to immediately donate blood, as analyzes will be non-informative. Not earlier than 10 days after the bite, it is possible to hand over the blood to detect tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis by PCR. If the analysis is carried out by the IFA or western blot (immunoblotting), then it is necessary to take blood for the detection of tick-borne encephalitis every two weeks after the bite, and borreliosis - after 4 to 5 weeks.

    In the course of PCR, the presence of the pathogen in the blood is detected, so this analysis It is very accurate. And during the IFA and Western blotting, antibodies of type IgM against the tick-borne encephalitis virus and borreliosis causative agent are detected. IFA method is inaccurate because it is high percentage false positive results. Western blot is reliable and accurate, but is mainly produced, only in private laboratories in major cities, as a result, it is not available to every person whom the tick was bitten.

    If the results of any analysis (PCR, IFA, Western blot) will be positive, then this means that the tick has infected a person. In this case, it is necessary to immediately undergo a course of treatment, which will allow at an early stage to cure a disease.

    You can not count the tests, and immediately after the bite, it is prophylactic treatment against tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis by taking drugs. Such treatment in most cases makes it possible to prevent the development of infection, and the person does not get ill, even if the tick infected him.

    Despite the temptation immediately after the bite to conduct preventive treatment to protect themselves from the development of infection, if infection occurred, should not do this. Doctors and scientists consider the most optimal and justified the following tactics of behavior after the tick bite:
    1. Remove the skin tick.
    2. On day 11, after the bite, donate blood on the detection of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis by PCR.

    If the PCR result is positive for any one or both of both infections, then the reception of drugs should be taken to prevent the full development of the disease and its cure at the incubation period. To prevent Burreliosis, doxycycline + ceftriaxone, and encephalitis - iodantypyrin or anaferon, produce antibiotics. If the result is positive on both infections, antibiotics and iodantypyrin are accepted for preventive treatment.

    If the result of PCR is negative, then 2 weeks after the tick bite, give the blood to the detection of tick-borne encephalitis by the method of IFA or Western blotting. Then after 4 weeks, it is reused of blood on the identification of borreliosis by the method of IFA or Western blotting. Accordingly, when obtaining a positive result of the analysis, antibiotics or iodantypyrin should be taken, depending on which infection was detected (encephalitis or borreliosis).

    Taking antibiotics and iodantipirin immediately after the bite of a tick without conducting analyzes justifies only in cases where the incident occurred away from civilization (for example, a tourist campaign, bike ride, etc.) and it is impossible to get to medical laboratories. In this case, antibiotics, and iodantipyrin, because of the antibiotics, and iodantypyrin, must be taken to prevent encephalitis and borreliosis, since it is unknown, a carrier of which infection is tick.

    General Tick Removal Rules

    If a person of any age and sex bit the tick, then first of all it is necessary to remove the insect as soon as possible, since the longer it is on the skin, the higher the probability of infectious diseases. It is necessary to remove the tick from any place on the body, and complying with a specific technique, since the insect is very tightly squeezed to the skin with a peculiarity of a peculiar process. These processes make trumps of a tick look like harpoon, so just pull the insect from the skin will not work (see Figure 1).

    Picture 1 - Trumps tick in the skin.

    In order to remove it, it is impossible to drown on a tick of oil, glue, milk, close it with a can and produce any other actions aimed at clogging insect's breathad, located on the back of his body. The fact is that when closing the breath of ticks can not normally breathe, and this makes it aggressive, as a result of which he splashes its saliva in blood very intensively and in large quantities. Namely, the saliva contains the pathogens of the infection that transfers the tick. Thus, the clogging of the peak of the tick increases the risk of human infection by encephalitis or borreliosis.

    You can remove ticks with hands, tweezers, dense thread or special devices of domestic or imported production (Tick Twister, The Tick Key, Ticked-Off, Anticlece), which are sold in pharmacies or in Medtechnik shops. These fixtures have a different form and methods of application, so it is recommended to choose the optimal variety in the "Medtechnik" and use it as needed. Such adaptations to remove ticks should be bought in advance and have with you with a different departure on nature. If there are no devices, it is necessary to remove the ticks with conventional technicians, such as tweezers, thread or fingers.

    Regardless of how the tick is removed, it is impossible to touch the insect with bare hands. This is due to the fact that when removal, you can damage the tick and then the contents of it intestinal tract It will fall on the skin with which it can penetrate the systemic bloodstream if any small, invisible wounds are invisible to it. That is, removing tongs with bare hands, a person increases the risk of infection with various infections. That is why before removing an insect, we need to wear rubber gloves. If there are no gloves, you can simply wrap your hands with a regular bandage or clean cloth. Only protecting its hands in such a way, you can begin to extract the tick of the skin.

    After removal of the tick, it is necessary to disinfect the wound by treating it with any existing antiseptic, for example, iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, tincture of calendula or alcohol. Optimally handling the wound left from the tick, alcohol or iodine. After processing, the skin is left without a dressing. If a person wants to take a tick for the analysis to determine whether he is a carrier of any infection, the insect must be placed in a jar along with a piece of wool moistened, close the container and store in the refrigerator. If a person does not want to give ticks to the analysis, then the remote insect can be simply burned into the flame matches, lighters or a fire or crush it with shoes.

    Consider how to properly remove the tick in various ways.

    Tick \u200b\u200bremoval using Tick Twister fixture

    This device is the best to remove ticks for two main reasons. First, Tick Twister allows in 98% of cases to completely remove the tick, without breaking it and not leaving it, so the insect head in the skin. This is a very important advantage, because the head remaining in the skin will have to remove the needle, as a non-poison, which is quite painful and unparalleled. In addition, the tick head in the skin is a source of pathogenic microbes that transfers insect. And, accordingly, the head of the tick continues to remain a source of infection for a person.

    Secondly, the use of Tick Twister allows you to avoid pressure on the digestive tower path, as a result of which the risk of a large number of insect saliva, containing pathogens of infections, is absent. When using tweezers, threads or fingers often turn out to be strong pressure on the digestive tract of the tick, as a result of which he pulls into the skin a large number of saliva, which contains the pathogens of mite infections. Accordingly, such a loss of saliva increases the risk to infect infection, if this has not yet happened.

    In addition, Tick Twister is very convenient to use and during the removal of the tick does not cause pain.

    To use Tick Twister is very simple: it is necessary to capture the tick between the teeth of the device, after which turn it around its axis counterclockwise 3 - 5 times and easily pull on itself (see Figure 2). After several turns counterclockwise, the tick is easily pulled out of the skin. Removing the tick, the place of suction is treated with iodine or alcohol.

    Figure 2. - Rules for applying a device to extract Tick Twister Tick.

    Tick \u200b\u200bRemoval Rules using the Tick Key tool

    This device allows in most cases to successfully remove the tick, without breaking it into parts, and also not to put pressure on its digestive tract, preventing saliva emissions into the blood. However, The Tick Key in its characteristics is somewhat worse than Tick Twister, since it is inconvenient to use it in some hard-to-reach areas of the body, such as inguinal and axillary folds, an area under the breasts in women, etc.

    Use the Tick Key tool to remove the tick is three steps (see Figure 3):
    1. Put adaptation on the skin in such a way that the tick is inside a large opening;
    2. Move the Tick Key, without taking off the skin surface, so that the tick hit the small hole;
    3. Rotate The Tick Key counterclockwise 3 - 5 times, then pull the tick on itself.

    After removing the tick, the place of suction is treated with iodine or alcohol.

    Figure 3. - Terms of using The Tick Key to remove a tick.

    Tick \u200b\u200bremoval using Ticked-OFF device

    The ticked-off device is as convenient and practical as Tick Twister, however, unfortunately, in most cases it is possible to buy it in the CIS countries only through online stores.

    TickD-OFF To remove the tick should be used as follows: Put a spoon vertically to the skin, after which the sticking part of the tick in the hollow. Fixing the tick thus, you should turn the device 3 - 5 times around its axis counterclockwise, after which it is easy to pull on yourself (see Figure 4). After removing the tick, the place of suction is treated with iodine or alcohol.

    Figure 4. - Terms of use of Ticked-OFF to remove a tick.

    Rules for removing a tick using the adaptation of antiques

    Anticleus is a special wire tweezers (see Figure 5), which allows you to secure the tick and, at the same time, do not put pressure on its digestive tract, which provides fast, efficient and safe skin extraction.

    Figure 5. - Adaptation of antiques.

    To remove the tick to the adaptation of anti-flask, it is necessary to capture the insect as close to the skin surface as possible. To do this, you need to press a large and index fingers to the middle of the tweezers to dilute its tips to the side and put them in such a way that the tick head is between them. Then should stop the pressure on the middle of the tweezers, allowing its conchs to come together around the tick. After that, you need to turn the device 3 - 5 times counterclockwise around your axis and easily pull on yourself.

    After removing the tick, the place of suction is needed to be treated with iodine or alcohol.

    Tick \u200b\u200bRules Tick Tweezers

    In order to remove the tick of the tweezers, you need to capture it, closer to the instrument's tips as close as possible to the skin surface. Then, holding the tick in the grip, you need to turn it around your axis counterclockwise 3 - 5 times. After that, it is necessary to easily pull the insect on itself, which should be easy to get out of the wound. If the ticks cannot be pulled out, then you should turn it several times counterclockwise and pull again. After removing the tick, the place of suction must be treated with iodine or alcohol.

    Rules for removing tick thread

    At first, it should be slightly pressing on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sucking tick, as if you try to squeeze the pimple. After that, take a solid thread of 15 - 30 cm long and take the inserted loop with a diameter of 2 - 3 cm. Then put the loop on the skin so that the tick hit it. Firmly tighten the loop, connect both ends of the thread into one and start turning your fingers counterclockwise. When the thread turns out to be tightly twisted, you should pull over it, and the tick is easily removed from the wound (Figure 6). The remaining in the place of the tick rink to handle iodine or alcohol.

    Figure 6. - Removal of a tick with thread.

    Rules for removing ticks fingers

    Wear on the hands of the gloves, or cover your fingers with several layers of bandage or a clean cloth. Then secure the ticks with the fingers and turn it around its axis counterclockwise 3 - 5 times. After that, pull the tick on yourself, and it will easily be removed from the wound. Place of suction of a mite to be treated with iodine or alcohol.

    Rules for removing the remains of the tick of the rings

    If you fail to remove the tick, and there are any parts of his body in the skin (most often a head with a trunk), then they must be pulled out. If the remnants of the tick do not pull out, an ulcer can form on the skin or there will be a long-term inflammation that does not pass until the parts of the insect body are independently.

    The removal of the remains of the tick from the wound is performed in the same way as the zanosis is removed, that is, with the help of the needle. The needle is pre-sterilized by treating hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or holding a flame 1 - 2 minutes. Then a sterilized needle takes the remains of the tick of the wound and processed by it with iodine or alcohol.

    How and how to handle the place of bite of a tick?

    After the tick was removed from the skin, it is necessary to process this place by any antiseptic agent. The best way For this purpose, alcohol and iodine are suitable, but you can use hydrogen peroxide, and chlorhexidine, and green, etc. Any existing antiseptic is poured into a piece of clean wool and abundantly lubricate them the wreck left after removing the tick. After such treatment, the skin is left open and not impose a bandage.

    At the site of the tick bite for 3 weeks, redness, swelling and itching can be saved. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the inflamed area of \u200b\u200biodine and tincture of calendula every day, and take any antihistamine drug (for example, Erius, Telfast, Supratin, Phenolic, Zetrin, etc.).

    How to transport ticks to a laboratory for analysis?

    To transport ticks to the laboratory, it is necessary to place a live insect into the container, which can be closed tightly, for example, in a jar with a lid, etc. In a tight container, it is necessary to put a small piece of wool moistened with water. Until the moment of transportation, the tick capacity must be kept in the refrigerator. Remember that only a live tick is suitable for analysis, so if the insect died in the process of removal from the skin, it does not make sense to transport it into the laboratory.

    How and what are the tests after a tick bite to detect tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis at the stage of the incubation period?

    Currently, to identify whether the man's tick infected with encephalitis or borreliosis, the following blood tests are produced:
    • Venous blood for determining the presence of a tick-borne encephalitis virus and borrelia by the PCR method (analysis takes no earlier than 11 days from the date of bite, since it is not informative).
    • Venous blood on the definition of antibodies to the IGM type mite encephalitis tick-type virus (analysis surrender in a minimum 2 weeks after the bite).
    • Venous blood on the definition of antibodies to the Burreliosis Virus type IGM by the IFA method (analysis surrender in at least 4 weeks after the bite).
    • Venous blood for definition different options Antibodies (VISE, P83, P39, P31, P30, P25, P21, P19, P17) To the IGM type tick-borne encephalitis virus using the Western blot method (analysis takes at least 2 weeks after the bite).
    • Venous blood for the definition of various options for antibodies (Vise, P83, P39, P31, P30, P25, P21, P31, P30, P25, P21, P19, P17) to the Burreliosis virus type IgM method of Western-blot (analysis surrender in at least 4 weeks after the bite).
    The most informative are blood tests produced by PCR and Western blotting. Therefore, it is best to make these analyzes for early detection possible infection tick-in-law infections. The IFA method should be used only if PCR or Western blotting are not available.

    To identify hidden ticky infections, it is recommended to test the tests twice after the tick bite. The first time in the deadlines specified for each method (after 11 days for PCR, after 2 or 4 weeks for ELISA and Western blot), and the second one month after the first test of analysis. Both times should be given blood for the analysis by the same method. For example, if the first analysis was delivered to PCR, and then the second must be produced by the same PCR method. And the second time the analysis is rented only if the results of the first were negative.

    If the first and second tests for both infections will be negative, the tick did not infect a person. In this case, you can simply forget about this unpleasant episode of your life. If the second analysis turns out to be positive, then a course of prophylactic treatment should be taken, which will suppress the disease at the stage of the incubation period.

    If the first analysis showed a negative result for one of the infections and positive for the second, then the tactics change somewhat. For the prevention of detected infection, the analysis of which turned out to be positive, the necessary drugs (iodantipyrin for encephalitis and doxycycline + ceftriaxone for borreliosis). For the second infection, the analysis of which was negative, re-analyzed a month after the first. Accordingly, with a negative analysis, you can completely relax and forget about the bite of the tick. And with a positive analysis - to undergo a course of prophylactic treatment with the necessary drugs.

    How and which taking drugs after a tick bitter to prevent the development of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis?

    To prevent the development of borreliosis After the bite of a tick man of any age and gender, two antibiotics must be taken:
    • Doxycycline - 100 mg to 1 time per day for 5 days;
    Receiving data of two antibiotics makes it possible to prevent the development of borreliosis (even if the tick has infected a person) in 80 - 95% of cases.

    To prevent the development of encephalitis People of any age and gender after the tick bite there are two main techniques:

    • The introduction of serum is produced in a clinic or hospital, and only in the first 72 hours after the bite. The introduction of serum in a later date is useless.
    • Reception Iodantypyrin people over 14 years old and Anaferon children's teenagers under 14 years old.
    The administration of serum is an ineffective and dangerous method, since people often develop severe allergic reactions up to an anaphylactic shock. Therefore, this method of prevention of tick-borne encephalitis is currently not used in Europe and the USA, and in countries former USSR From him also gradually refuse.

    Today is quite effective and safe method The prevention of tick-borne encephalitis after the tick bite is the reception of iodantypyrin or child anaferon, depending on the age of the victim. Iodantipin After the tick bitter, it should be taken by adults and adolescents over 14 years old according to the following scheme: in the first two days 3 tablets 3 times a day, in the next two days 2 tablets 3 times a day, and then within 5 days 1 tablet 3 times a day.

    Children's Anaferon Give all children and adolescents under 14 years after a tick bitter in order to prevent tick-borne encephalitis. Children under 12 years old give 1 tablet 3 times a day, and adolescents are 12 - 14 years old - 2 tablets 3 times a day. Anaferon Children in these dosages should be given to children within 21 days after a tick bite.

    What to do at home, if we bite the tick?

    At home after the bite of the tick, it is necessary to remove the insect from the skin primarily and process the remaining rice with an antiseptic (iodine or alcohol). After that, if it is possible to pass tests at appropriate dates - after 11 days per PCR, after 2 and 4 weeks per ELISA and Western blotting. However, if for some reason it is impossible to pass the tests, then immediately after the tick bite, it is recommended to drink the course of antibiotics (doxycycline + ceftriaxone) and iodantypyrin (for adults) or children's anatherson (for children) in order to prevent tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis. Antibiotics and iodantypyrin or children's anaferon can be taken simultaneously, each in its schema. Moreover, the reception of drugs should be started as early as possible after the tick bite.

    What if the baby bit the tick?

    If the tick bit the child, then the algorithm of action is exactly the same as in relation to an adult. That is, first of all, it is necessary to remove the leather ticks and process the place of squeezing with iodine or alcohol. Then, within appropriate time, pass tests for the presence of infections in its body. Accordingly, if the results of the tests turn out to be positive, to conduct a course of preventive treatment of the child with the necessary drugs (doxycycline + ceftriaxone for Borreliosis and Anaferon Children's for tick-borne encephalitis). If the result of the tests is negative, then after a month, it is reused. Accordingly, if the second analysis turns out to be negative, then you can forget about the bite of a tick, and if positive, then conduct a course of treatment.

    In the case when it is impossible to pass tests, it is recommended to start giving child to child and antibiotics as quickly as possible after the tick bite (Doxycycline + Ceftriaxone), and Anaferon Children's prevention and borreliosis. Antibiotics are given in age dosages, and doxycycline - for 5 days, and ceftriaxone - within 3 days. Anaferon Children is given within 21 days 1 tablet 3 times a day for children under 12 years of age, and 2 tablets 3 times a day to teenagers 12-14 years.

    What if the pregnant woman bites the tick?

    If the tick bitten a pregnant woman, then it should be removed from the skin and handle the wound with iodine or alcohol. Then, during the required time, it is recommended to pass tests for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis. Further, if borreliosis is revealed, then amxiclave should be made in terms of pregnancy for 16 to 20 weeks, taking 625 mg 3 times a day.

    To prevent tick-borne encephalitis, pregnant women can not be taken any medicines, and it remains only to wait and observe their own state. If there are signs of encephalitis (temperature, headache, etc.) or poor well-being for a month after the tick bite, you should immediately contact the doctor, hospitalized in the hospital and get the necessary treatment. More than any action after the bite of a tick of a pregnant woman do not need.

    What if we bite the encephalitite tick?

    If we bite the encephalitite tick, it is optimal to prevent the development of an infection that has already fallen into the body, to put the iodantypyrin (adults and adolescents over 14 years old) or children's Anaferon (children under 14 years old).

    Iodantipirin should be taken to all people over 14 years old according to the following scheme:

    • 3 tablets 3 times a day in the first 2 days;
    • 2 tablets 3 times a day in the next 2 days;
    • 1 tablet 3 times a day in the next 5 days.
    Children and adolescents under 14 Yodantypyrin is contraindicated. For the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, they use Children's Anaferon.

    Children's Anaferon gives all adolescents and children under 14 for 21 days. Moreover, children under 12 years old give 1 tablet 3 times a day, and adolescents are 12 - 14 years old - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

    What if bitten a borreliosis tick?

    If a borreliosis tick bit, then a short course of antibiotics is recommended to prevent the development of the disease according to the following scheme:
    • Doxycycline - 100 mg to 1 time per day for 5 days;
    • Ceftriaxone - 1000 mg 1 time per day for three days.

    Tick \u200b\u200bbitten, but not satisfied

    If the tick bitten, but did not have time to sleep, it should be simply treated with an antiseptic (iodine, alcohol, etc.). No one needs to be taken, because during the bite the tick does not have time to infect human infections. After all, for the transmission of borreliosis or encephalitis, the implave is necessary in the skin at least 6 hours.

    Bit the tick - where to go?

    If we bite the tick, then you should contact the infectious informationist to the clinic at the place of residence. In addition, you can contact the centers of epidemiology and prevention (former Santsans) existing in regional cities and district centers. In the cities of Siberia, where the ticks are widespread and often bite people, there are specialized centers for the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne infections. If a person lives in Siberia, then you should find out where there is such a center in the near city and turn there.

    First Aid when tick bite

    The first assistance in the bite of the tick is to remove from the skin and the processing of the remaining rings with an antiseptic (iodine, alcohol, etc.). To relieve itching and inflammation at the site of the bite, any antihistamine drug (phenyatil, suprastine, telfast, zetrin, etc.) can be adopted.

    What to do if the temperature rose after the tick bite

    If the temperature rose after the tick bite, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass tests on borreliosis and encephalitis. If the analyzes are negative, then it is possible not to worry, because after the tick bite, a person can hold the temperature to 37.8 o C for a month.

    What to do if after the tick bite appeared redness on the skin?

    Redness on the skin after a tick bite can be a symptom of early borreliosis or allergic reaction. It is not always quickly possible to distinguish, which caused redness in each particular case - an allergic reaction or borreliosis. Therefore, with the appearance of redness, it is recommended to take antihistamines (suprastin, phenyatil, claritine, parliament, etc.). If under the action of antihistamine means within a few days of the Redness, it will significantly decrease in size, this means that an allergic reaction occurred, which will be fully held for a month. If, under the influence of the antihistamine drugs, the Reds is practically not reduced, this means that borreliosis develops with a high probability of a person. In such a situation, it is necessary to pass tests on borreliosis, and in the case of positive results, the treatment immediately begin.

    Good day dear our readers. Summer time spring and summer. In the last time, we meet or hear such a disease as "tick-free encephalitis". People are afraid to go to the forest. Someone says that there is a tick and in city parks and so on. What is the bite of the tick?

    With the arrival of spring, the ticks leave their minks and sit on the edges of the Earth itself and are just waiting for whom to lean their sharp blood jaws. In order not to become a victim of this bloodstray, which can carry the disease dangerous to a person, are properly equipped for a hike into the forest or countryside.

    But also, before we talk about what to do if the tick bites, it is necessary to understand what the bite of the tick is dangerous. The enemy, as they say, you need to know in the face. Only so you can avoid panic and do not make incorrect actions.

    For ticks, seasonality is characteristic. The first cases of attack are registered in early springWhen the air temperature becomes above 0 0 s, and the last - in the fall. Peak bites is observed from April to July.

    The bloodsicles do not like the bright sun and wind, so they podkashind their prey in wet, not too shady places, in thick grass and shrubs. Most often found in ravines, on the edges of the forest, along the edges of the paths or parks.

    The most frequent diseases transmitted through a tick bite.

    Disease Causative agent Tick \u200b\u200bof the carrier What does it look like?
    • Tick-borne encephalitis
    Virus from the Flavaviridae family Ixodic ticks:
    I. Ricinus, I. Persicatus
    • Ixode Tick Borreliosis (Lyme Disease)
    Spirochete -Borrelia burgdoferi. Ixodic ticks:
    • , I. Persicatus (Europe, Asia)
    • I. Scapularis, I. Pacificus (North America)
    • Crimean hemorrhagic fever
    Virus of the genus Nairovirus, the Bugherevirus family Pincers roda Hyaloma.
    • N. marginatum
    • H. Punctata, D. Marginatus, R. Rossicus


    • Tick-borne encephalitis- infectious viral disease transmitted through tick bites, characterized by fever and lesion of the central nervous system, often leading to disability and death.
      In the middle symptoms, the disease is manifested in 7-14 days (5-25 days) after infection. The beginning of the disease is sharp, more often than the patient can indicate not only the day, but also an hour of the beginning of the disease.
      In most cases, the disease ends with complete recovery. With focal forms, a large percentage of what a person remains disabled. Disability deadlines from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months, depending on the form of the disease.
    • Ixode Tick Borreliosis (Lyme Disease)- This is an infectious disease transmitted through the uncertic ticks, characterized by the damage to the nervous system, leather, joints, hearts, the disease is prone to chronic flow.
      If the tick is removed no later than 5 hours after the bite of the development of bulliosis can be avoided. This is due to the fact that the pathogen of the disease Borrelia is in the intestine of the tick and begins to stand out only when the tick actively begins to eat, and this happens on average 5 hours after the introduction of human skin.
      The forecast for life is favorable. Upon late and improper treatment, the disease acquires chronic character and can lead to disability. Terms of disability from 7 to 30 days depending on the flow and form of the disease.

      Crimean hemorrhagic fever- severe viral infectious disease transmitted through tick bites characterized by fever, intoxication and bleeding. The disease relates to a number of dangerous infectious diseases.
      Late hospitalization Incorrect diagnostics and treatment often leads to a deadly outcome. Mortality is 25%. Terms of disability from 7 to 30 days depending on the form of the disease.

    How is the bite of the tick?

    The tick flies the skin with the help of a hypostite (oral apparatus) of the growths destroyed along the edges. Such a structure of the body helps the bloodstation to be tightly held in the owner tissues.

    When borreliosis, the tick bite looks like a focal erythema of up to 20-50 cm in diameter. The form of inflammation is most often correct, with an outdoor border of bright red. A day later, the center of Erythema pale and acquires a blue tint, a crust appears and soon the place of bite is chosen. After 10-14 days from the lesion there is no trace.

    Signs of tick bite.

    • weakness is observed, the desire to lie down;
    • ozb and fever occurs, it is possible to increase the temperature;
    • the lights appear.

    Important! People of this group, symptoms can be supplemented with reduced pressure, an increase in heart rate, itching, headache and an increase in nearby lymph nodes.

    In rare cases, breathing and hallucination is observed.

    Temperature after bite as a symptom of the disease.

    Each infection caused by blood bite has its own characteristics:

    1. When tick-borne encephalitis, a rolling type fever appears. The first temperature rise is registered for 2-3 days after the bite. Two days later, everything comes to normal. In some cases, there is a re-increasing temperature of 9-10 days.
    2. For borreliosis, fever in the middle of the disease is characterized, which is accompanied by other symptoms of infection.
    3. With monocytic erlihiosis, the temperature rises to 10-14 days after the tick bite and keeps about 3 weeks.

    Almost all diseases transmitted by bloodsuckers are accompanied by an elevated temperature.

    Rules of behavior when tick bite.

    So what to do, if bites a tick? First of all, do not panic, do everything according to the instructions. It is necessary to remove blood blood as soon as possible. It is necessary to do it slowly and carefully, so as not to damage it and not provoke an infection.

    It is impossible to use gasoline, nail polish and other chemicals. Will not help I. vegetable oil or fat. It is better to use efficient and proven in practice in ways.

    STEP 1- Remove the tick immediately, as discovered.

    Remove the drip tick as quickly as possible. If the tick is infected, the likelihood of tick-borne encephalitis depends on the amount of the virus penetrating under the "bite" of the tick, that is, during which the tick was in the requested state.

    Ticks should be tried to remove alive with his head, because in the head in a tick of salivary glands, in which viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms.

    What to do first if bites a tick:

    • proceed the bite of the alcohol-containing agent,
    • if there are rubber gloves - put on,
    • pull the tick using one of the devices:

    Method 1 Tick \u200b\u200bFlipper:

    move the slot (loop) to the tick device along its narrow part as close as possible to the skin, then rotate the tick around its axis (as a screw) - when rotating the threads, the trick is twisted and after 2-3, the tick turnover is removed entirely.

    The homemade tick flipper can be made from the clamp for the bread package (make an incision at the end and bend) or cut out of the packaging material, for example, from packaging for tablets.

    Method 2. With thread:
    Tie a durable (synthetic) thread around the head of the mite in the form of a loop on the knot as close as possible to the trunk of the tick as possible to the skin, make several revolutions so as not to break the tick thread in half.

    Stretching the ends of the thread on the sides by the swinging and twisting movements gently remove the tick, slightly pulling it up. Do not make sharp movements, pull slowly, without jerks and with stops.

    Or, after the thread tied, curl both ends of the thread among themselves, holding a twisted thread at an angle of 45 degrees to the place of bite, start doing rotational movements around the tick, slightly tightening the thread on yourself:

    Method 3. Tweezers:

    Capture a tick tweezers at the trunk is close to the skin without squeezing the abdomen, rotate the tick around its axis.

    When using a tweezers, it is necessary to act very carefully, since there is a big risk to surrender (crushing) the body of the tick and put into the wound infection, which will increase the risk of infection.

    Method 4. Fingers:
    If there is nothing on hand, try to remove ticks with your fingers. Dress gloves, attacks or wrap your fingers bandage.

    Wipe the skin with alcohol.

    Rotate the tick around its axis alternately in the same way.

    After removing the tick, the wound process is treated with any antiseptic (iodine, green, betadine, alcohol, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, cologne, etc.) and thoroughly wash your hands. Rank need to process an antiseptic every day, not necessarily fix the bandage. The rank usually heals for a week.

    If the tick head broke off when removing - if there is a head, a black point will be visible - it needs to be removed. The remaining part can cause inflammation and suppuration. When the tick head is cut, the infection process can continue, since a significant concentration of tick-borne encephalitis virus may be present in salivary glands and ducts.

    To remove the torn head, it is better to contact the nearest therapeutic institution.

    If there is no such possibility, the remains of the tick can be flushed out of the wound sterile needle (pre-calcined on fire). After it is retrieved, the place of bite washed with soap solution, dry and decapit with alcohol, green, iodine or other alcohol-containing solution.

    If there is no sterile needle and antiseptics, leave as it is - after the head of the head (trot), the tick is squeezed together with the pus.

    Work in rubber gloves or attacks. Do not contact with a tick.

    If you can not remove the tick on your own,
    It is in a hard-to-reach place or you fear him to damage, contact the nearest medical institution at the place of your location (trauma, surgical department of polyclinic, infectious hospital, FAP, medical ambulatory).

    To find out where the nearest medical institution is located by phone:

    • c urban phone number 03
    • c mobile phone by number 112

    With me, you need to have a passport and policy of the OMS.

    On the Polish OMS in any medical institution required (in accordance SP 3.1.3310-15):

    • remove tick;
    • deliver ticks to study for hazardous infectious diseases inherent in the territory where he was assembled;
    • carry out emergency prevention;
    • in the case of an infection of the tick to inform the victim about the need to take measures of emergency prevention within 72 hours after sizing under the supervision of an infectious examiner, and in its absence, a physician.
    After removing the tick, you must save to analyze.

    Place the remote tick into clean dishes (test tube, bubble, jar, etc.), in which you first place a slightly moistened with water hygroscopic paper (filtering, paper napkin, etc.) - it is important that the body of the insect is in a humid environment.

    Storage and delivery of ticks in compliance with these conditions is possible only for 2 days (According to some laboratories - up to 5 days). The earlier you deliver the tick, the more accurate will be the analysis.

    For the study on encephalitis and buryllosis, you can bring the living, and dead, and part of the tick, but it is advisable to keep the ticks as integer and alive, because not all laboratories have equipment for analyzing a dead tick or its parts.

    What do not do:

    • Do not take and do not press the tick with bare hands - the infection can get into the blood through the microcracks on the skin.
    • Do not remove ticks with teeth, in this case it does not exclude infection with infections of infections through the mouth.
    • Do not flick the tick with sharp objects.
    • Ticks can not be squeezed, drag for the abdomen and pull sharply.
    • Ticks do not need to pour and smear.
    • Ticks do not need to catch.
    • Do not comb your bite.

    If an uncomplicated tick is found, it is removed and destroyed (thrown into the fire, in the jar with hot water (\u003e 60 degrees. Celsius) or Oil Liquid).

    Step 2,1- Make a tick analysis within 2 days from the moment of bite.

    Within 2 days (48 hours), take the preserved tick for a laboratory study for tick-borne infections.

    Some laboratories take ticks up to 5 days from the day of the bite, but the most informatively study of the tick in the 1st day (24 hours) from the moment of removal.

    To study on encephalitis and buryllosis, you can bring the living, and dead, and part of the tick, but it is advisable to keep the ticks as integer and alive. Some laboratories take on the analysis only a whole tick.

    Analysis of the tick make state and non-state institutions.

    The address of state institutions (hygiene and epidemiology centers, infectious hospitals, laboratories), where the analysis can be carried out, you can learn:

    • c urban phone number 03;
    • c mobile phone by number 112;
    • in the Internet.

    Attention! The laboratory does not provide a service for removing the tick of the skin, and conducts only the diagnosis of the ticks extracted. Remove ticks only in medical institutions (traumopuncture, hospital, clinic, FAP, outpatientation).

    Analysis time 2 days (1st day - delivery, 2nd obtaining results results, sometimes on the same day, if you brought ticks in the morning). It is better to order a comprehensive analysis of the infection tick (necessarily - on mite encephalitis and tick-boring borreliosis, preferably on other infections).

    If, according to the results of laboratory studies, the infections tick is not detected, for 30 days, observe your well-minded. If you feel everything in order, you don't need to do anything else.

    The presence of infection at the tick does not mean that you will get sick.

    The tick analysis will save from anxiety in the event of a negative result and allow to act consciously and rationally in the case of a positive result.

    Step 3.1- Tick is infected: no later than 4 days from the moment of bite, consult medical attention.

    If the tick was infected, no later than 4 days (96 hours) from the moment of bite, consult medical attention. You can contact the clinic at the place of residence or in a paid clinic to a doctor-a-therapist or infectious background. The doctor will appoint a treatment appropriate to the causative agent.

    The most severe infections caused by the tick bite, which proceed very hard, have a chronic course and a long rehabilitation period (up to 1 year) and can lead to disability and death:

      borreliosis or Lyme disease (bacterial infection),

      ticky encephalitis (viral infection),

    Treatment usually consists of a course of antibiotics and immunomodulators. They are better to start taking on the first day after the tick bite. Treatment must appoint a doctor.

    In case the tick is infected with the tick-encephalitis virus and from the moment of bite, no more than 4 days (96 hours) passed, as an emergency prevention, the doctor may prescribe the seroprophylaxis - a single intramuscular injection of human immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis (this is an integral part of serum proteins ) In a dose of 1 ml \u003d 1 ampoule by 10 kg of body weight.

    Immunoglobulin is introduced to persons who are immiscounted against tick-borne viral encephalitis; received an incomplete course vaccination; having defects in the vaccine course; Without documentary confirmation of prophylactic vaccinations, as well as vaccinated persons in the case of multiple plusing of ticks.

    The effectiveness of the administration of immunoglobulin is strongly influenced by the rate of treatment for medical help after a tick bitter, especially for childhood.

    After administration of immunoglobulin, antiviral drugs of the interferon group and vitamin C are prescribed to stimulate immunity.

    In cases:

      impossibility to introduce immunoglobulin,

      in the absence of a laboratory study of a tick or blood,

      if you appealed to the doctor when the tick has passed more than 3-4 days after squeezing,

      you have no money for immunoglobulin,

    the doctor may prescribe an emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis with an antiviral drug of iodantipirin.

    Iodantypyrin tablets are accepted inside after meals:

    • 300 mg (3 tablets) - 3 times a day during the first 2 days;
    • 200 mg (2 tablets) - 3 times a day for the next 2 days;
    • 100 mg (1 tablet) - 3 times a day for the next 5 days.

    Total 45 tablets for 9 days.

    Together, immunoglobulin and iodantipyrin is not recommended.

    Iodantipyrin can also be used as an additional measure if you have been vaccinated from tick-borne encephalitis.

    Part of the doctors iodantipirin does not cause confidence as a drug for the treatment of tick-borne infections.

    At the time of the incubation period of tick-borne encephalitis, ensure balanced nutrition, try to avoid any stressful situations for the body (overheating, hypothermia, heavy physical exertion, etc.).

      In contraindications to immunoglobulin and iodantypyrin, pregnancy is meant.

      Iodantipyrin is contraindicated to persons with increased thyroid function and increased sensitivity to iodine.

      Neither Immunoglobulin nor iodantypyrin protects against other tick diseases.

      Repeated application of immunoglobulin is possible no earlier than 1 month after administration.

    Some experts are recommended in the regions where the high risk of borreliosis infection, during the first 3 days after the bite (the better, the better!) Start the prevention of borreliosis with antibiotics, not even waiting for the results of the tick analysis.

    IMPORTANT! The decision to introduce antibiotic immunoglobulin and the appointment of antibiotics and other drugs is taken by the doctor!

    Step 2.2- If you have not passed the test tick or there are suspicions of infection, hand over blood test.

    If after the tick bites:

      you did not surrender ticks for analysis;

      or, according to the results of the analysis, it turned out that the tick is a carrier of tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis;

      or there are any symptoms (temperature rise, headache, weakness, malaise, etc.)

    pass the blood test on tick-borne encephalitis and tick-top borreliosis and other tick infections, even if you feel well. Burreliosis (Lyme disease) can flow and asymptomatic.

    Blood is surrendered on an empty stomach (after meals, there should be at least 4 hours), do not smoke within 30 minutes before surrendering blood.

    With you, it is necessary to have a passport, an OMS policy (or DMS, if any) and insurance from the tick bite (if any).

    Dates of blood delivery for analysis:

    Blood on tickiness infections for analysis by 10-20 days after bite:

      after 10 days - on borreliosis and encephalitis by the PCR method (PCR method, the presence of tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis, granulocyte anaplase, monocytic erlihiosis);

      after 2 weeks (14 days) - on IGM antibodies against the tick-borne encephalitis virus,

      through the Z - 4 weeks (21-30 days) - on IGM antibodies against the borreliosis pathogen.

    Before surrendering analyzes, consult with your doctor or a laboratory doctor, in what time frames and what tests you need to pass.

    If the results of the analysis are positive, it means that the tick has infected you with infection.

    You can hand over blood for analysis for free in the clinic at the place of residence. To do this, contact the therapist or infectious background.

    Or in paid laboratories.

    The readiness of the analyzes is about 1 week.

    If the blood test did not confirm infection, there is no danger, but it is necessary to observe for well-being.

    If the blood test confirmed infection, it is necessary to apply for a treatment for a physician or infectiousness to form a diagnosis, hospitalization, treatment and medical observation.

    After the course of treatment, another blood test is carried out, with a positive result, treatment continues, and when negative - it is advisable to repeat the analysis of blood in 3-6 months to eliminate relapses.

    Step 3.2- did not pass ticks or blood for analysis: for 1 month, observe the doctor and watch out well-being.

    If for some reason you did not handle the tick or blood for analysis, it is necessary for 1 month from the moment of bite to be observed in an infectious background.

    Also watch well-being: do not show the symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis or other infections.

    The symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis are usually manifested during the 2nd week after bite. Symptoms may occur before, and later - after 1 month after infection

    General symptoms: chills, temperature rise to 38-40, headache and lubrication in the body.

    The main distinguishing feature of borreliosis (Lyme disease) is a migrating ring-shaped erythema. This is a bright red spot at the bite, which gradually increases, forming the rings. In case of borreliosis, the eryterma may not form, but to proceed with symptoms similar to the tick-borne encephalitis.

    Borreliosis is very well treated on early stages, in running cases becomes difficult.

    With any deterioration of health, urgently contact the medical institution for examination and possible subsequent treatment.

    Prevention of tick bites.

    The main and main measure of preventing diseases transmitted by bloodsuckers is vaccination. The event significantly reduces the risk of infection after tick bites. Vaccination is necessary for persons living in epidemiologically dangerous districts or people whose work is related to forestry.

    Council. Despite the limited risk group, the vaccination is better to do everything. After all, it is not known where "lucky" to meet with a tick.

    Primary vaccination is permitted from an early age. Adults can use domestic and imported drugs, children - only imported. You should not buy a vaccine and bring to the vaccination office. There will be no drive anyway.

    The drug requires very stringent storage rules, compliance with a certain temperature and light mode, which is not possible at home. Therefore, to acquire an expensive drug and keep it in the refrigerator there is no point.

    There are two vaccination options:

    1. Preventive vaccination. It helps protect against the tick bite throughout the year, and after an additional vaccination - at least 3 years. Revaccinations are held every three years.
    2. Emergency vaccination. It allows you to protect the tick bites for a short time. For example, such a procedure will be needed when a urgent trip to the regions with high mite activity. While in epidemically dangerous areas, it is recommended to take iodantipin.

    The introduction of vaccines is carried out only after a detailed survey, visual inspection and temperature measurement. Persons having inflammatory diseases are not vaccinated until complete recovery.

    How to protect yourself from the bite of a tick?

    Going into an unfavorable zone, you should choose the clothes of light tones:

    • shirt or jacket with cuff and fitting collar, pants, tired in boots;
    • antiehangephalitis suit;
    • a dense hood with ties, protecting ears and neck from ticks;
    • clothes are desirable to handle insecticidal agents.

    For tick scarement, special insecticidal means based on DETA are manufactured, but repellents are not effective enough and require applying every 2 hours. You can process them open areas of the body and clothing.

    More effective acaricides. Preparations are used for contact destruction of ticks. You can handle them only the upper clothes that are worn on underwear.

    Attention! Often, acaricides are found for applying for skin. However, they should be used very carefully. A strong allergic reaction and poisoning is possible.

    Insurance against tick-borne encephalitis.

    Recently, the costs of expenses associated with the possible disease of Encephalitis after the "meeting" with the tick took widespread. Such a measure is often used as an addition to vaccination or as an independent event.

    Insurance will help pay expensive treatment of tick-borne encephalitis and other infections carrying bloodsuckers.

    Attention! The article is referenced. Competent diagnosis and treatment of diseases is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

    We all have this, we hope that this article will help you, be careful and careful. Join us in classmates, and read us on our channel in Yandex.Dzen. So far so far.

    Based on materials:,

    Tick \u200b\u200bbite - detailed instructions what to do. Updated: April 4, 2018 by the author: Subbotin Paul

    After detection, the tick must be removed. Better in a medical institution and as far as possible. Since the tick is deep and thoroughly introduced into the skin at all power, it is necessary to remove it very carefully so as not to tear the truths. There are some prescriptions that are desirable to adhere to with removal.

    When removing the tick is captured close to the trunk. Usually it turns out to be pulled out completely after 1-3 turns. In the absence of tweezers, you can use thread. Read about it and about other removal methods in more detail in the next article.

    If when pulling out the head or trumps, a black point will remain on the body. It should be processed by any disinfectant and leave to a natural destruction or contact the surgeon to remove in the clinic.

    The first assistance to a man when the tick bite can be carried out at home, but within 96 hours the question of emergency prevention should be resolved. Therefore, the appearance of the injury or therapeutic and prophylactic institution specified in the insurance policy is obligatory. The doctor will determine further tactics and the necessary amount of medical care.

    When the tick bite it is necessary to trace the common condition, temperature and local reaction to the bite for 2-3 weeks. If a round shape occurs on the body, pain in the joints will appear, the headache will rise, the temperature will rise, medical care may be required.

    What can not be done when tick bite

    Very often, after the tick bite, people make mistakes trying to remove it on their own. Every resting person should remember that in the event of a bite:

    The first thing is trying to make most people at home after the tick bitter - it is something to smear it. Not everyone knows that the artistic breath is breathing through the rear pass. Purpose leads to the fact that the tick becomes aggressive and injected into the human body all harmful substances accumulated in its digestive system.

    After meeting with the tick, immediately apply to the hospital at the location. As an option, a call to 03 or 112 asking to advise about what to do if a person bit the tick. It is very important to keep calm, as the fact of a collision with bloodsucker does not mean that you will certainly get sick.

    The ability to appeal to the hospital is not always. In this case, the algorithm of actions during the bite of a person should be approximately as follows:

    1. Pull the tick alone.
    2. Place of bite to treat a disinfectant.
    3. Deliver a segmental to the laboratory to check.
    4. Contact the clinic to produce anticipating immunoglobulin for three days after possible infection.
    5. Get fundamentals of non-specific prevention to appoint a doctor when handling later than 96 hours from the moment of suction or if it is not possible to purchase immunoglobulin.
    6. Consult about laboratory research.

    On time, the correct measures will help prevent the possible development of tick-free infection. Therefore, before doing something at home, if we bite the tick, it should be formulated for myself a plan of action and stick it to it.

    Questions answers

    Which injection is made when the tick bite?

    The tick victims of the tick bite, in the case of a positive result of the analysis of the articraft-eyed to the infection of the tick-borne encephalitis virus, is injected with anticipating immunoglobulin at the place of medical care during the clinic hours.

    The drug is made from blood donors vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. With the introduction of specific immunoglobulins, a passive immunity against infection is created. It is aimed at the destruction of the virus by antibodies.

    How quickly needs to be done?

    After squeezing the tick, the domestic anti-tech immunoglobulin should be introduced during the first 72 hours, Austrian - 96 hours. The introduction of the drug is contraindicated to people with allergic reactions to the introduction of protein blood products.

    Do I need to put immunoglobulin if there is a vaccination?

    Immunoglobulin can also be applied to the past vaccination, if there is a big risk of infection, for example, multiple tick bites. An indication for the introduction of anti-antlery immunoglobulin for the purpose of prevention is also the incomplete receipt of the vaccination course.