
Analysis of the poem "We are not given to predict" Tyutchev. "We are not given to predict": an analysis of the poem

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In his verses, F. Tyutchev not only wrote about the beauty of nature, but also affected the philosophical questions. The poet was confident that the Russian man has a philosopher who tries to comprehend the meaning of life. Below will be the analysis of the poem "We are not given to predict", which is peculiar aphorism.

A little about Tyutchev-philosopher

In the analysis of the poem "we are not given to predict" you can talk a little about another, the less well-known public side of the poet. Fyodor Tyutchev was not only a poet, but also a diplomat - about 20 years he represented the interests of Russia in other countries. Therefore, he, like no one else, understood how much means a word.

Tyutchev sought to inner harmony, despite all the unrest of public life. In his memoirs, he writes about moments of enlightenment when he is becoming obvious. And his thoughts then he recorded in the form of poems. A good example of philosophical reflections is written in 1869. The poem "We are not given to predict", the analysis of which is described in this text.

Main theme

In the analysis of the poem "we do not need to predict" attention should be paid to the definition of the main thought of creation. Despite the fact that it is quite small, when reading it, the reader begins to think about human values \u200b\u200band how the word may affect the lives of people.

According to the poet, the language is given to a person not only in order to simply communicate. With the help of it you can control the whole world, because the word said at the right moment can make a good deed. About this great strength of Tyutchev, poet and diplomat, knew how no one else.

But, unfortunately, a person is not able to appreciate the gift that he was transferred. He does not think about what you need to talk and what consequences may have said the word. Therefore, for Tyutchev, the ability to manage words - selected, which are worthy of it. Why does the poet adhere to such a position?

If you handle the word thoughtlessly, it will turn into a regular toy and will lose its significance. And for others there is sympathy, and to interpose these lines should be treated: words can cause good feelings, and this is graceful for people.

Features composition

The next point of analysis of the poem "We are not given to predict" Tyutchev - this is determining the features of its construction. It consists of four lines that are one stanza. Thus, the poem is a sentence-period.

It can be attributed to the philosophical lyrics, and it consists of two parts. The first part refers to human communication and that the reactions to the words are unpredictable. It is not necessary to think that it is only about simple communication, it is also important what place the word in the world of art takes.

The second part is the consequence of what is said in the first lines. They are talking about possible consequences - this is a feeling of compassion, mercy, kindness. Tyutchev believed that the possibility of good feelings was grace. The poem is written using a ring rhythm.

Artistic means of expressiveness

In verse "We are not given to predict" Tyutchev uses the following trails: metaphor, detailed comparison and anaphor. The metaphor is used here for an animation of the word, because it can affect humans. The use of elevated verbs only enhances the magic effect of the word.

And the end of the poem by a lot pushes a person to further reflections, which is suitable for his philosophical orientation. This quatrain opens to the readers of Tyutchev on the other hand - a philosopher that understands what force is the word, and it is valuable to what can cause good and bright feelings in a person, which presented value for the poet.

Great Russian Poet F.I. Tyutchev was a deep connoisseur of life and characters of people. His creativity is under the influence of lyrical works of such outstanding poets of a last century, like Pushkin, Lermontov and Fet. He lived in that epoch when they had a great shocks, changes and cataclysms in the public life of Russia, which were largely reflected in the work of this poet.

Many researchers of the heritage Tyutchev consider him the last Russian romantic, whose creativity falls on the era of realism. In addition, it is the predecessor of such directions in Russian poetry as symbolism and existentialism. Yuri Tyanyanov saw a fragment masters in Tyutchev, emphasizing the brevity and capacity of his poetic works that literally cling to the soul. And he was not just a great poet, but a philosopher and even a psychologist.

For his life, Tyutchev wrote several hundred poems, which became widely known only after the death of the poet. In the last years of his life, he wrote about fifty works of the poetic genre, including the famous work:

We are not given to predict

We are not given to predict
As the word, our will respond, -
And the sympathy is given to us,
As we are graceful ...

This work was widely known in many countries of the world, where they appreciate and love Russian poetry, and also interested in the works of famous writers and poets.

Fedor Tyutchev was not only an excellent poet and philosopher, but also a magnificent diplomat, from youth dedicated to this field of activity. For two decades, he represented the interests of his country abroad. In general, Tyutchev was an educated person who was divided into many areas of people's vital activity.

Works of Tyutchev remove fans of Russian poetry to a qualitatively new level in the perception of life values. In many respects, they contribute to the moral and ethical formation of the younger generation, aspiring to absorb all the best from the Russian poetic heritage. And this is of great importance in terms of growth and personality formation based on positive trends stated in Russian poetry.

The history of the poem "We are not given to predict"

The famous poem of the poet Tyutcheva F.I. "We are not given to predict" was written at the end of February 1869 during his stay in St. Petersburg. This period was concluded in the work and life of the poet. This poem is a kind of philosophical miniature - compressed, brief and extremely expressive, which cannot leave indifferent true connoisseurs of deep poetry. It can be noted that this work came out of the pen of a very mature and wise man who looked a lot and survived.

As for the publication, for the first time he released the almanac "Northern Flowers" only at the beginning of the twentieth century (in 1903). Thus, after writing this work, almost three and a half decades have passed before it was published and appreciated by literature lovers. Apparently, it originated due to perennial reflections F.I. Tyutchev about the meaning of the life of people, the role of the word in the formation of their behavior and mood.

Academician Zhirmunsky noted that every word that the poet used is the topic, and it can be used as an independent artistic motive. Researchers of Creativity F.I. Tyutchev agrees with his opinion, emphasizing the depth and poetry of the poetic works of this Russian poet. Lovers of his work very often quote his poems that have become particularly popular in the people.

The poem carries a completely complete thought. It is a kind of proposal period. To write it, the author used a four-star yamba, and it is a katron having a ring rhyme. Metaphor, AnaFora and Deployed Comparison are those trails that used Tyutchev in this masterpiece.

The work can be divided into two parts, each of which consists of two lines. Both parts are harmoniously combined with each other, creating the melodiousness and rhythm of the verse. This circumstance was noted by literary criticians who explored the work of Tyutchev.

In the first part, the poet claims that human responses to words can be quite unpredictable:

We are not given to predict
How our word will respond ...

It is emphasized here not only the communication of people as such, but also a poetic word that goes into broad masses and applies to poetry lovers. In this work, Tyutchev sought to reflect the surrounding reality in artistic images, which is an urgent task for Russian poetry at all times. And it should be noted that in the presented fragment it managed Tyutchev almost one hundred percent!

The second part of the poem tells about the reaction of people to the poetic word, that they are waking up such sublime feelings as compassion, kindness and sympathy. And here the poet gives a comparison of sympathy with grace. Tyutchev believed that sympathy for problems, concerns and troubles of the surrounding people are great grace for every person.

And the sympathy is given to us,
As we are graceful ...

In simple language, the first part of the poem is the cause, and the second is a consequence, but they together form a single whole, creating a peculiar picture of the poet's worldview. And in this poem, the essential part of the soul of the poet is revealed, which looks at life with some mystical bias.

Basic idea poem

Tyutchev's creativity researchers believe that the poet in this poem calls to extremely carefully treat the words that may lead to unexpected consequences. If some words are enliven and return the hope of people, then others can simply destroy the person morally and even physically, applying to his relatives and friends.

The poem belongs to the genre of poetic aphorism, and it is filled with philosophical lyrics. In this literary work, Tyutchev reflects on the role of the word in the lives of people, how it can affect their fate and the role in human society. The poet has a closely connects the divine start and human existence, making an emphasis in favor of irreversibility of what is happening in real life.

Despite the fact that the poem consists of only one quatrain, it contains a very deep philosophical meaning. It has reflected the attitude of the poet to life, as well as to what the immense in statements can lead to. In addition, Tyutchev believes that the Divine began managing people, their thoughts and actions. He expresses the same thought in a number of other works.

In general, this work of Tyutchev can be considered in the context of the reflection of the poet to philosophical topics, among which you can allocate the role of the word in the lives of people. And through all the poem, despair of the poet is, that it is impossible to gain harmony in the process of communicating people among themselves. Only four lines contain a deep philosophical meaning, which only true connoisseurs of high poetry can be solved.

Poet's contribution in the heritage of Russian literature

The poem of Tyutchev "We are not given to predict" it became so famous in the people, which is very often referred to in the writing of certain articles, presentations on topical topics related to Russian poetry. In addition, it is often mentioned in ordinary life situations. And as not paradoxically, many people who know the text of this work, often find it difficult to call the author's surname, puzzled with other authors. It should be noted that the first line of the poem "we are not given to predict" has long become a winged.

We can say that this masterpiece Tyutchev found his decent place in the treasury of Russian poetry. Despite its small volume, he received many positive feedback in the hearts of people. It is studied in schools, lyceums and other educational institutions, where Russian literature is taught. Already several generations of the connoisseurs of poetry Tyutchev use it in various life situations.

Critics about poem

Numerous literary critics that analyzed this poem, noted a deep philosophical meaning and a frank vitality inherent in a spiritually pure person. This literary work, in their opinion, despite his small size, is among the outstanding achievements of Russian poetry of the nineteenth century.

The role and importance of poem

The depth and spirituality of the poem carries a certain cognitive meaning, which is of great importance for representatives of different age categories, regardless of any time frame. This is the attractiveness of not only this poetic work, but also many other creatures of Tyutchev.

Russian poets who brought up in the poetry of Tyutchev, absorbed her flavor and depth, in their own works raised topics that were previously covered by this legendary representative of the poetry of the last century. In this regard, it is possible to see the continuation of his work in the works of later authors, which forms a certain continuity of moral categories in poetry.

From the poem without a name (1869) Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutcheva (1803-1873).

We are not given to predict.
As the word, our will respond, -
And we are sympathy.
As we are given grace.

( Quoted: As a call to be careful with the word, since it can be horny and deeply hurt a person.)

I, like a psychotherapist, practically every day I write a lot. I write no poems or stories, but during the session with the client - information about yourself about yourself, which is necessary for me for further work. Sometimes, at the first meeting, it takes up to 5 sheets of format A4. In my records I highlight predicates *, I highlight the words and expressions in speech, which speaks of convictions, linguistic designs and are a certain program that works at the level below the awareness (that is, not aware).

In this article, I suggest you pay attention to your own speech, the speech of the interlocutors, relatives, or, if you want, colleagues at work and business partners. You will find in this favor for yourself or not, I do not know. But believe me, there is a rational grain. And with the help of changes in speech, and she always describes a picture of a person's world (whatever he says), the world itself can be changed.

We use a set of words is a powerful tool for self-program! But in order not to stretch this article, I decided to limit ourselves to "harmful" words.

Below will be a list of harmful words, the use of which can lead to programming you on misfortune, unhealthy and not effectiveness in life.

As a native speaker (no matter what), each of us has a completely unique supply (set) of words. This set is a powerful tool for self-program.
Literally: As we say, we live. What we declare, then we have.
Words are the clothes of our thoughts, and the energy of words has an even more dense structure, and this energy is at times faster (compared to the energy of thought) forms matter.
Evidence is already given quite a lot, but I will allow myself and still I will give one more, and it is so serious that it is unconditionally recognized by the discovery capable of healing the most dangerous diseases.

This discovery made Nossrat Phezeskian, a German psychotherapist, he first discovered (and then learned to neutralize) words, programming body diseases. Over time, Phezhekian convincingly proved that these destructive words are present in the lexicon of all people.

Do you understand what I mean? There is no such person who would be cleaned of words that
Program diseases, materialize them in the body or do not allow them to be healing.

Doctor Phezhekian joined organic speech in the name.
Of course, in Russian, this name sounds somewhat container, but the point reflects quite: organic speech is the words and expressions that are really affecting the physiological authorities of a person. You are great for these words and expressions. It is truly dangerous and destructive energy that is able to undermine even the strongest health, whether it is at least three times with a boys.

Pay attention to how virtuosically disguised words-destroyers. Immediately I can not believe that such harmless words may be harmed so much.
Here are examples:
I burst my patience
I already broke my head
Something is gnawing me
all the shoulders shred
Sits in my kidneys (something, someone),
I was blocked oxygen,
Do not digest (something or someone),
All juices out of me squeezed,
I was drowned a lot of blood,
I wanted to sneeze
tired of nausea,
just a knife in the heart
I'm already kogotit (shakes),
all the neck served
Fed up with,
with the soul grogit
drove me to death
Go to my skin,
put on me
Find outwards.

Well, so on. Naturally, this is not a complete list, but I did not assume the compilation of it. How do you? True, great disguise? It seems to us that we use capacious metaphors, and in fact we give our body such clear teams that their body does not even dare not fulfill, so performs. After all, the sound, like the light, is a wave. We are wave guys.

What happens when we worry, I will not write here, and there is no goal to "enjoy" for you a large amount of information.

Dr. Phezhekian published his own conclusions on the influence of organic speech on human health, but these conclusions have already managed to check for a hundred rows. Especially carefully studied this question: Organic speech creates a disease or reports it? It turned out that it creates. In other words, it was the assumption that the speech words appear in the speech of a person after the occurrence of the disease - they say, so the unconscious, which manages all physiological processes, signals the failures. However, no, the assumption was not confirmed.

In this regard, you can convinced that the picture is this: First, the person includes the words-destroyers (often not himself, but with the help of parents, educators, teachers, parties, governments, ...) To their active speech, thereby lays the program specific Diseases, and only then the disease arises. Not some disease, but exactly the one that was declared.
And now that it is noteworthy: creating a disease, the destructors' words are even more rooted in active speech, and not at all in order to report the disease (signal).

The task of the words-destroyers is completely different - to support the disease, give her the opportunity to "live and flourish." This is understandable: organic speech is an independent mental program, and it has a well-founded mission: support what is created.

Below are summarized data of detailed speech studies of many thousands of patients. Of course, a set of words in context of diseases is much richer than in the list of list, but if you specify the goal of establishing words in your own speech that destroy your health, efficiency and well-being, the above illustrations will help you in this productive (and truly healing ) work. And be sure: as soon as you find the word-destroyers in our everyday life, your speech will be quickly cleaned. Checked, as usual, on yourself.

And the mechanism here is simple and understandable: detected - it means exposed. Exposed - it means disarmed. Do I need to say that when words-destroyers go, then and illness?
This largely proved the method of Dr. Pesheshkian.

And here is the promised list:
These words and expressions create and maintain a disease:

Put on nausea, full of throat, with a shower grief - nervous anorexia

Weave cargo cargo. Carry your cross. Problems that sit on the neck-sucker

Something is gnawing, to poison life, I do not belong myself, tired of all to death - cancer

To be engaged in self-selected, it is umber, something (or someone) not to digest - ulcer

Something sits in the kidneys, the urine hit the head, there is no strength, deadly -urological diseases

Find outwards, give will to your anger, overlapping oxygen, sneeze on someone - bronchial asthma and hyperventive syndrome

Sucking blood, squeeze juices, it entered my flesh and blood-progestion of blood

Take a close to heart, the heart breaks, blow in the very heart of the myocardial infars

He does not sleep, would not want to be in his skin, easily, thin-skinned - skin diseases and allergies

Break your head, risk your head, still heads, solid headache - migraine, meteo-viability

Chrome on both legs, unstable, shaky, impassable -chronic cramps, gout

Losing steam, patience burst, put the heat, spit-hypertonia

Caustic, I'm bitter, bile so that the life of honey does not seem, no joy - diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as well as obesity

The eyes would not see, terribly looking, depending on why, the light is not mil, impenetrable - eye disease

I do not want to hear this, do not say, silent, shut up, noisy, rinsing - liquefying hearing, deafness

Baby, shakes, infuriates, eats, not fool (darkness), my patience burst - depression

I will make a note that there is no difference in which (or what) these and similar words and expressions are applied. The very fact of their presence in active speech lays down (and then supports) a program of illness or problem.

I want to suggest you to watch the speech. No, not for its own - it may be difficult or even impossible. In practice - watch what words-destroyers are present in the speech of your loved ones. Just avoid "preach".

Please, delicate: people, and especially close, wounded the teachings and instructions. Just share information. For example, let me read this or other articles on this topic: provide your loved ones, friends or acquaintances to make independent conclusions and make independent decisions. Remember: individual speech is that it is impossible to rob in it!

Here, on the forum, work (if work) goes in text mode. And I often read and pay my attention to the expressions of psychologists like: "The image of your problem rushed into my eyes", "I hurt from your words," and the like. Colleagues - Take care of yourself !!!

Kandal words
Now you know the words-destroyers in the face, and this means that they are disarmed. Now, if these words and become slipped in your speech, then you instantly notice this and replace the "pest" to neutral (or even productive) synonym. And very help your health. So everything is simple: the masks were removed and the speech is cleared: the exposed words of the destroyers from it gradually go.

The same thing should be done with one set of words. These words were called the word-shackles. Very accurate name, because it reflects the very essence: by using words-shackles, we are limiting ourselves in freedom, and in the possibilities, and in the right, which is default (i.e. without any conditions) is given to each of us from birth: to receive From life all the best. To the big fortune, the words-shackles are not so much, and it will not be necessary to make much effort to clean our speech from them.

It is enough just to know that the community of shaft phrases (hereinafter will write - words) consists of 4 main "clans" (or families - so they are called).

1. The clan of the shaft words "I will not succeed." These words clearly indicate uncertainty in themselves, behind them always looms the conviction of a person in the fact that his abilities are limited that he is gray, inconspicuous - "ordinary".

The words of the clan "I will not succeed" in the literal sense, it is forced to stand still - and it's beating alive (forgive me for these words) ... and everything would be nothing, but for the imaginary harmlessness of these words, we do not even notice their cunning and not realize that They leave or even make it remain in the position in which we are. And this is not always a "paradise" and more often some swamp, in which a person is in a habit.

I will not talk here about our divine nature and that a set of unique abilities that we all are endowed from birth, nothing obliges us; And that the message addressed to everyone who is a person: "You are endowed with talents and you are responsible for them," this is not at all to us.

Look, here they are, these words, for which it is very convenient to hide, trudge and not fulfill their unique life mission:
I can not,
I do not know how,
not sure),
will not work,
This is above my possibilities (forces),
I can not promise
It does not depend on me
I will not take such responsibility.

One of the most cunning words of the clan "I will not succeed" - this jewelry disguised "I will try." Remove the fake faith from this word, remove semi-middle-term enthusiasm from it - and will certainly see his true face. And you will understand what actually broadcasts this word. Saw? That's right, this is: "I do not believe in myself." It comes to us from childhood when the child was praised for "effort", and not for the made.

2. The clan of the shaft words "I am not worthy (-n)." With the external similarity, the words of this clan have a fundamentally different task (compared with the words of the clan "I will not work"). The admirers of words from the clan "I am not worthy", as a rule, do not stand still, they truly strive for self-development and well understand that in this, in fact, the meaning of their lives. It is these people who have a reputation as wonderful smarts and masters for all hands, it is they who carry everything and everyone, they take responsibility for everything, and only they are confident that the working horse, and they themselves are synonyms (and that criticism and dirking which will not be scared by their ride on their neck - this is the norm).

As one customer said, about his work: "A horse worked better in the collective farm, but never became the director of the collective farm"

And you know, do not be an experienced psychologist to notice how much fans of the words of the clan "I am not worthy" are afraid to receive adequate rewards themselves. And in order to prevent the goods to them, who are so far to them on the door, they erect such booms that they do not climb through them ... As a rule, these barriers are formed from moral norms that were born in early childhood. But, as they say, "We all come from childhood."

Show and help get rid of their own good, confident in your "unwillingness" that these norms are outdated that these are our parents and the progenitors inspired it in past centuries, and there is one of the tassel of a psychologist.

For the same analogy, you can see the words of the clan "I am not worthy (-n)" - and you will understand everything: "It's not time," I would like, but ... I never know why I want! "," Want not harmful " "Who am I /-', so that ...", "we, Ivanov, beggars, but proud", ...

And pay attention to these "masterpieces" - they are so easily penetrated that they don't even need to disguise:

"I can't afford nothing like that and never!" And how many synonyms of this exclamation? Seven-ranked and from the frank vulgar Argo - just the richest oral creativity.
* It is clear that this phrase is only in the context of self-restraint.
But when we, for example, say: "I can not afford to neglect my health" - this is how children say, "not an invoice."

3. The clan of the shaft words "I do not want, but forced." Oh, well, these are our favorite words! Judging by the frequency of their application, we do not just love them, but adore:
It is necessary necessary (not in the context of the need, and in the meaning "obliged"),
Must (must), problems are required (very insidious word, and it is well disguised: it does not refer to the existing problems, as it may seem, it forms them). If we consider the words "necessary" and "should" in the theory of transactional analysis of Eric Bern and the counterpart, then they belong to our parent part (internal parent), which means "by inheritance". They are always outwardly motivated, and at the reception I usually ask: "Who needs?" And "Who should?" And often it forms a pause. And, really, who should I make money? Should myself? After all, I did not borrow. Another thing "I want" and "I stand."

How many times a day we say (and hear from their surroundings) these words? Yes, do not count! But we are not just saying - we are clearly (and without any discrepancies), we declare yourself and each other: "My life is a hopeless robust."

And what is noteworthy: we have liked this shackles so much, which is not even trying to take them away at least temporarily, we use them even when we are talking about our personal needs that have nothing to do with obligations to other people (or before circumstances). Listening, it is easy to notice that the words "I need to do" and "I have to do) we are consumed into business and not in the case, and thereby we are building huge cordons, through which it is not just a joy (which is responsible for our" internal Child"). So we go with concerned persons - and completely forget that we came out here, in this world, solely to enjoy life.

4. And the final group of the family of words-Kandalov is the clan of the shaft words "impossible." Their use simply takes the oxygen in everything that we call the dream. Fortunately, times rapidly, when the word "dream" (and its derivatives) was accompanied by an indulgent grimace (they say, a separation from reality). Now no one needs to be convinced that we owe everyone to the dreamers and fantasies with all that we use with such pleasure: electricity, telephony, television, internet, airplanes, cars ... you can continue this list.

In general, as they say, the blessed of heaven, that they send us the dreamers to convey to us and not let us forget that everything is possible. All (absolutely!) That we recognize as an internal request (they say, I want. I want - this is the words "internal child") is a direct indication of the opportunity. And on the fact, of course, that all the opportunities have a powerful incarnation potential, otherwise the requests would simply not arise. By the way, and for our state corresponds to the "inner child". It he "chases us" from joy to sadness, from pleasure to sadness.

These are these words:
Can not be,
If suddenly (refusal of the possibility),
If that (and this is also a refusal of the possibility: they say, I want, I want, but hardly get),
It may happen so ... (Planning obstacles. This phrase is the most reliable way to not only not get what they strive for, but guaranteed to ensure that you do not want anything),
And suddenly (the same song),
God forbid (from the same opera).
And the most calm: there is no choice.

Know: Candalous words - as well as words from the category "Organic Speech" significantly reduce the setting speed of the productive dominant. And this is understandable, reduces the speed of your movement towards the goal.

How, ask, save your speech from the shaft words?

I will not be clever and say that it employs "specially trained people" and offer you to go to a reception to a psychologist.)

Perhaps you will help the reception "challenge".

Reception Simple: Write the shaft words from this article and post this list for a prominent place (for example, to the refrigerator - as the most visited place in the house), and let it (list) will come there for 7-10 days. It is not worth the longer to leave, firstly, a lot of honor, and secondly, for this period it is already formed what the reception is to be a blacklist. The black list is a skillful sanitary, and he always copes with his task: removes all the elements of destructive programs from speech.


P.S. Thank you in advance for support in the form "Thank you"! It motivates and inspires writing new articles! I wish you good luck and well-being!

Regards, Safronov Alexander Viktorovich.

Practitioner psychologist, a valid member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League.

For all questions, write to private messages.

* - Predicate (Lat. praedicatum. - said) in logic and linguistics - a legend judgment, what speaks (approved or denied) about the subject. Predicate is located with a subject in predicative terms and shows the presence (absence) at the subject of some feature.

We are not given to predict, / as the word our will respond
From the poem without a name (1869) Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutcheva (1803-1873).
We are not given to predict.
As the word, our will respond, -
And we are sympathy.
As we are given grace.

Cited: How to call to be careful with the word, because it can liven up, and deeply hurt, "kill" a person.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

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    Talk beautifully - One of the human qualities in the fact that for the sake of the red sense, people retreat from terminology into the world of words, often nothing meaning that it allowed to say to one poet: we are not given to predict how the word ours will respond, and the other ... Theoretical aspects and foundations of the environmental problem: the interpreter of words and ideomatic expressions

    Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich - (1803 73). Russian poet. Form and love lyrics (Sat. "Poems", 1854, ed. I. S. Turgenev; 1868, ed. I. S. Aksakova), including (Creation Dates), "Spring Thunderstorm" (1828, Recycling. 1854), "insomnia" (1829), "madness", "Autumn ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    false interpretation - incorrect interpretation of someone else's speech. Cf. One student wrote in the composition that Chatsky in Comedy A. Griboedov "Mount from the mind" was crazy, because he drank a lot of tea, referring to the words of the xlestea about him: "Tea, drank not in the years." Cf. We are not ... ... Culture of speech communication: ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

We are not given to predict
As the word, our will respond, -
And the sympathy is given to us,
As we are graceful ...

Analysis of the poem "We are not given to predict" Tyutchev

The poem of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev "We are not given to predict" was written in 1869. For the first time published only in 1903, in the collection "Northern Flowers". The work is a philosophical reflection of the poet on the topic of communicating and relationships in society.

The basic idea

The main idea that stretches the ribbon through all the poem is communication between people, the importance of the words said. In just a few couplets, the poet managed to fit thoughts, experiences, emotions and meaning. The poet puts the emphasis on how they react to the words surrounding people:

"We are not given to predict,
How does the word ours respond ... ",

While writing the work of Tyutchev tried to convey to people the main thought - one of the most important things in life is a careful attitude towards each other, understanding the needs and experiences of the interlocutor. He believed that words are of great importance. After all, you can never find out in advance what will turn careless for a person, a sharp word thrown into his address. Each person has a different character that for one can be insignificant and quickly will rush, for the other it can be a real tragedy and turn into a squall of negative emotions and mental torments for a long time.

Structure of poem

The poem of Tyutchev "We are not given to predict" the poet wrote using a classic four-stranded yamba, with a characteristic ring rhyme. To emphasize and allocate the main idea, he used an ephors, metaphors and comparisons.

Compared to other works of the author, this poem is a brief, capacious, but containing a clear message to the reader. Tyutchev tried to invest in his creation all emotions, experiences, his own worldview and the vision of modern interpersonal relations. The author believed that inner calm and harmony with himself would be unrealistic to achieve, without being a good person, who responsibly applies to his words and actions.

This topic has repeatedly raised and discussed in works and poems of many writers of that time. This is due to the fact that the mental organization of each poet is thin, sensitive and quite multifaceted. They are much more difficult to find a common language and join the team than not creative personalities. They pass through themselves even the most minor little things and problems, sharply experiencing moments of failures, misunderstanding and lack of inspiration.

The main thought of the poem, which Tyutchev tried to convey to the reader, this is what you need to be responsible for every word, and always put yourself in the place of the interlocutor before you voice this or that fact.


From the moment of writing the poem, "we are not given to predict" more than a century passed, all metaphors and many words that used the poet while writing their work has long lost relevance and are considered outdated. Despite this, the topic itself and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem today is more relevant and in demand in modern society. Anyone who will read this creation of the author will feel every thought and emotion embedded in the writing of the rows and will take them close to the heart, thinking about the main theme of the poem.