
Through how long, the test shows pregnancy. Positive Pregnancy Test - Reliability of Different Diagnostic Devices

Where to begin

When can I do a pregnancy test. How to spend it right, and how to find out whether a woman is pregnant or not. Proper determination of the result. What are the tests, and how to use them.

All women ask questions - after how much you can do a pregnancy test if there is a delay of menstruation, and how to find out that the result is correct. What is better to use when checking. Is it possible early timing Check for fertilization?

A woman knows in advance that surprises can wait for her. But be that as it may, everyone wish to find out how much test will show pregnancy.

Medicine does not stand still and offers women to find out the presence of conception and offers many opportunities. The most common are pregnancy tests that allow you to check and determine whether there is conceptions or not.

Women tend to do not know when the test shows pregnancy. It often happens that they try to spend it a few days after sexual intercourse, and seeing negative results soothe. But in vain, the definition of conception in the early deadlines will not be correct, but to check whether the result is positive or not, you can already in a few days.

After the first sexual act, the test will not show some changes and the birth of a new life. A pregnancy test in the early deadlines can show some result, with minor delays in menstruation. Immediately after the first unprotected act, the test will not show the result, so it costs to check a little later.

All tests work according to one principle - a fairly simple indicator that allows at home to produce this procedure and immediately find out and check the result. On what time the test will show pregnancy depends on the manufacturer's company, from the dough itself, its features, and which one is better to use, consider further.

Therefore, doctors say that for a more accurate result, it is better to use several different tests. This will allow you to correctly determine and analyze. In the early periods of delayed monthly definition efficiency, it is almost 99 percent. This analysis can be held at home and clinics. Therefore, after the first result, check again.

If all the tests show a positive result, it means that the conception has happened. It must be remembered after the first violation and the delay of menstruation are not fertilization of the uterus, it is worth a little wait. This will allow you to better find out the exact result, and then check again.

In order to understand what time the test is to do so that the result is as true as possible, you need to clarify what exactly it determines. How to use the test is written in each instruction.

The test is a small thin strip, a special reagent is applied to it. When the strip is immersed in the urine, the reagent itself wounds and changes the color. But on the test, the second strip appears when:

  • The hormone level increases.
  • The chorionic gonadotropin is determined.

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The development of the latter in the body of a woman begins at the moment when conception occurred, and it increases every day, to certain period. But there are modern tests that are better to use for a more accurate result.

They are sensitive to the slightest changes in the female organism and they do not need much time to determine pregnancy, after the first cycle disorder.

They can show pregnancy in the earliest. A hormone in a woman is produced almost on the first week after fertilization, but it is so little that a test may not be able to catch the conception. But next week this procedure can be repeated.

Can the test be mistaken

All tests are written that the guarantee of an accurate result of 95-99 percent. That is, this is not 100 percentage and the chance that the test will give a faithful result.

So, when you can get the wrong test result:

  • After the expiration date of the test.
  • If there was a lot of fluid on the eve of the test.
  • If preparations are accepted from infertility.
  • Neoplasm in the body.

Whatever the result showed the test, in any case, with the slightest suspicions of fertilization, a woman must be passed again.

On what day of the delay of menstruation to carry out the procedure\u003doip.1rimed7dkoz3hcsdsiftkqesdw&pid\u003d15.1&p\u003d0&w\u003d219&h\u003d157

The sensitivity of the dough itself is of great importance. Very often they have a sensitivity of 20-25 MME / ml, such strips can recognize the HCG level only after delaying menstruation. And also have tests that are more sensitive 10 MMI, these are these capable of showing the desire for 7-10 days after the alleged fertilization.

These tests are more expensive, but it is very effective and used them in a few days after an unprotected act. The level of HCHG is growing in the body of a woman better and faster than in the urine, because it is possible to determine the fertilization in almost the earliest rates of conception possible.

Many women's forums show video of modern tests, and you can learn the minimum time when this procedure is held to determine pregnancy.

They also show how hormone grows in the first days of implantation, and how he behaves every day.

  • Implantation happened to the seventh day, the hormone will be 2 MUI.
  • The next day the hormone shows - 4 MUI.
  • The ninth day of implantation - 8 MUI.
  • Eleventh Day Homon crosses the border - 25 MUI.

And only after this indicator, you can use the test. Hormone level - HCG in the urine it is possible to detect, as it is already enhanced.

Any girl seeking to start a child always wants to learn whether the cherished event occurred as early as possible. Fortunately, we live in the XXI century, and the arsenal of funds in the early determination of pregnancy modern medicine Already quite impressive. An impressive, but imperfect: all diagnostic methods have limitations, and while the method is not invented to check whether the conception occurred immediately, after a couple of hours or days after the act of love. But, fortunately, languishing waiting wait quite short.

What the earliest time when the conception occurs can be tried reliably, and on what day the pregnancy test will show a positive resultAnd it will be discussed in this article.

Methods for determining. How soonen can you learn about pregnancy?

All methods of early diagnosis of pregnancy can be divided into two groups: visual and laboratory.

Visual includes an ultrasound or inspection of a gynecologist in a chair, and to laboratory - determination of the presence in the body of a special hormone, chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated usually written as HCG). It is possible to determine the level of hCG in two main ways - handing over blood test or making a well-known homemade urinary test for pregnancy.

Let's say that visual methods Loose behind the "chemical" on the speed and accuracy of pregnancy. To see the pregnancy on the ultrasound is physically possible only with the third week of the development of the embryo, and then only with the adequate qualification of the doctor and the high quality of the equipment, since. A fruit egg at this time is just a few millimeters. The doctor's inspection in the chair is also subjective in nature, since certain symptoms (softening the cervix, change its form) only indirectly indicate the pregnant status of the patient.

In contrast to them, the tests for determining the level of hCG can be applied a week after the start of the development of the embryo and are deprived of uncertainty. The increase in the level of hCG (normal from a non-remote person of the missing) starts immediately after the fertilized egg will attached to the wall of the uterus, and serves as reliable evidence that the desired event still happened.

If you summarize the methods by which one is the most "speed", then it will be approximately such a list:

  1. Blood test on hCG.
  2. Test strip (urine) on hCG.
  3. Ultrasound.
  4. Visual inspection of the doctor

And since the article we have about how before you define a pregnancy, below we will tell you the level of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman and what day it is worth doing a pregnancy test or run to the laboratory to pass the blood.

How does a pregnancy test work?

The principle of operation of a pregnancy test is very simple - reagents in the test strip change their color if the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine exceeds a certain level (this level is written on a box with a test; Standard tests begin to show the second strip from 25 HCH units. There are also highly sensitive tests , showing a second strip from 10 units HCG. However, only the increase in hCG to level 25 or more is considered a reliable sign of the coming pregnancy, since smaller levels can be caused by simply physiological deviations).

What day does the pregnancy test show a positive result?

Let's figure it out.

A positive result will appear only after reaching a certain level of HCG in the body, but how long does the HCG be sufficient?

Most readers are known that fertilization is possible only during ovulation. However, after the fertilization occurred, a number of events must occur, requiring a certain period of time:

The time from the moment of fertilization to the moment when the test shows two stripes, counted from the date of ovulation and develops from the period of several events:

1) Time for fertilization (up to 1 day)

2) Time to Promotion from the uterine tube in the uterus (up to 4 days)

3) Time to implantation (up to 4 days)

4) Time to develop sufficient CGC (up to 7 days).

First you need to determine when there was ovulation in this cycle. The methods of its determination are quite a lot - from "folk" calendar to 100% of the accurate ultrasound. If you are not familiar with them, we advise you to get acquainted with the article "How to" catch "ovulation"? All about the menstrual cycle by day. "

Suppose you managed to calculate when there was ovulation in this cycle. What's next?

Not later than one day after the exit from the ovary, the egg cell should be fertilized. We add 1 day to ovulation, we get 1 DPO (day after ovulation) or 15 cycle day (for a 28-day cycle).

3-4 days fertilized egg movement moves by mastechnic trumpet In the uterus. In the uterus she falls on 5 DPOs or 19 day cycle.

3-4 days germin (in which at this moment about hundreds of cells) is needed to attach to the uterus wall. If everything went successfully, then the maximum of 9 DPOs or on the 23 day of the cycle, the embryo will attached to the uterus (by the way, a certain number of pregnancies are interrupted already at this stage - if a finely fertilized egg simply could not attach to the uterus wall. This may be one of the reasonsinfertility . Therefore, girls who cannot become pregnant in the absence of a cycle problem, must pass the uterine endometrial test from the gynecologist).

So, after the embryo attached, his outer shell (Chorion, who later becomes a pocent) and begins to allocate cherished chorionic gonadotropin. It is this hormone that blocks the onset of the following menstruation.

Before implantation, its number is approximately 0-5 units. The level of hCG on pregnancy days increases approximately twice every day. That is, if the first day after implantation is equal to the average two units, on the second day after implantation will be equal to 4, on the third 8, on the fourth 16, and, finally, on 5 days after implantation, it will exceed the threshold of 25 units and will be 32 MME / ml. Recall that we have implantation with 9 DPOs (23 day of the cycle), add 5 days to it and we get that the desired concentration will be achieved on day 14 after ovulation or on the 0th day of the cycle (that is, 1 day before the start of the expected monthly) .

But this is the concentration of hormone in the blood! The desired concentrationHgch in urine by day after implantation loading behind the blood in about 1-2 days. That is, the test will be positive about 1-2 day of the menstruation delay.

But there are ways a little "snatch" and find out the information earlier. Here they are:

  • Buy highly sensitive tests (look at the pharmacy box. It should indicate that the test sensitivity is not 25 MME / ml, but, for example, 10 or 15).
  • Collect more "concentrated" urine. The greatest concentration will be in the morning urine, because it copied for a long time - that's whypregnancy test must be done in the morning. And if you drink several glasses of water and make a test after this - the concentration of hormone in the urine will be significantly lower.
  • Watch up to the test. Often, very small time shows a very - very lateral second strip. If you notice such a "ghost" - it makes sense to repeat the test in a couple of days.
  • Well, or just do not sister with urine, and go to an independent laboratory and pass the blood test there to chorionic gonadotropin. Of the minuses of the method - it is more expensive (the price of analyzing HCG in Moscow is about 500-700 rubles, and the price of pregnancy test is about 150).

Test positivity calculator.

To simplify the calculations, we created for youcalculator HCG. Enter the length of your cycle in the field below, and the calculator will calculateon what day the pregnancy test will show a positive result.

21 days - cycle length On the 7th day of the cycle, ovulation took place On 8th day of the cycle, conceived On the 17th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 22th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 24th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 22 days - cycle length Ovulation occurred on 8 day cycle On the 9th day of the cycle, conceived On the 18th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 23th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 25th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 23 days - cycle length Ovulation occurred for 9 day cycle On the 10th day of the cycle, conceived On the 19th day of the cycle there was an implantation On the 24th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 26th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 24 days - cycle length On the 10th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 11th day of the cycle there was conception On the 20th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 25th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 27th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 25 days - cycle length On the 11th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 12th day of the cycle there was conception At 21 days of the cycle there was an implantation On the 26th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 28th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 26 days - cycle length On the 12th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 13th day of the cycle there was conception On the 22th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 27th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 29th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 27 days - cycle length On the 13th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 14th day of the cycle, conceived On the 23th day of the cycle there was an implantation On the 28th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 30th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 28 days - cycle length On the 14th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 15th day of the cycle, conceived On the 24th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 29th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 31th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 29 days - cycle length On the 15th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 16th day of the cycle, conceived On the 25th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 30th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 32th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 30 days - cycle length On the 16th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 17th day of the cycle there was conception On the 26th day of the cycle there was an implantation On the 31 day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 33 day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. Day 31 - Cycle Length On the 17th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 18th day of the cycle there was conception On the 27th day of the cycle there was an implantation On the 32th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 34th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 32 days - cycle length On the 18th day of the cycle, ovulation took place On the 19th day of the cycle, conceived At the 28th day of the cycle there was an implantation On the 33 day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 35th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 33 days - cycle length On the 19th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 20th day of the cycle there was conceived On the 30th day of the cycle there was implantation On the 34th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 36th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 34 days - cycle length On the 20th day of the cycle there was ovulation On the 21th day of the cycle there was conception On the 31th day of the cycle there was an implantation On the 35th day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 37th day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result. 35 days - cycle length Ovulation occurred for 21 cycles On the 22th day of the cycle there was conception Implantation occlared on the 32th day of the cycle On the 36 day of the cycle, blood test on hCG will show a positive result. On the 38 day of the cycle, the test will show a positive result.

As well as a CHG table by day after ovulation:

Day after ovulation HCG level in blood HCG level in urine 1 (conception) 0-5 0-5 2 0-5 0-5 3 0-5 0-5 4 0-5 0-5 5 0-5 0-5 6 0-5 0-5 7 0-5 0-5 8 0-5 0-5 9 (implantation) 1 0-5 10 2 0-5 11 4 1 12 8 2 13 16 4 14 32 (Analysis is positive!) 8 15 64 (Analysis is positive!) 16 16 128 (Analysis is positive!) 32 (Test is positive!) 17 250 (analysis is positive!) 64 (test is positive!) 18 500 (analysis is positive!) 128 (test is positive!) 19 > 1000 (Анализ положителен!) !} 256 (test is positive!)

Output. What day does the pregnancy test show a positive result?

Let us summarize the foregoing.

How long can you do a pregnancy test?

2-3 days before menstruation, if you use a highly sensitive test and morning urine. However, the most reliable results are at the end of the first week of delay.

And some of the most common questions that arise from a girl in connection with pregnancy tests:

Already too big delay, and the test is still negative, how much to wait?

If the date of the last ovulation is known, and from its moment more than 21 days have passed, and the test is negative, then it is worth visiting the gynecologist to eliminate the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, especially if there are symptoms such as pain or cargo sections.

On what day the pregnancy test will show a positive result with an irregular cycle?

With an irregular cycle, count the very late date of the alleged ovulation. Add to the date of your last monthly length of your longest cycle and deduct 14. It will be the date of ovulation in this cycle. To this date, add about 15-16 days - at this time the test must already show the correct result.

What does it mean if in the pregnancy test one strip is bright, and the second pale?

Most likely you are pregnant. Repeat the test after 1-2 days, in the morning urine.

That's all. I hope we could if not answer all your questions, then at least give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat mechanisms the mother's organism works in the early pregnancy. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. And if you have already found two stripes on your dough, we advise you to read the article: "I am pregnant. 5 things that must be done in the early periods of pregnancy "

In the life of each woman, pregnancy is the most long-awaited and happy period. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in that, at the very first suspected pregnancy, a woman wants to find out whether she will be soon with his mother. At this time, women begin to be interested in a logical question: "At what time it is desirable to do a pregnancy test?". After all, not all the ladies know what time the test can show the correct answer.

What is the basis of such tests? As part of any of them there is a reagent, which quickly responds to the appearance of hong hgch in the blood (chorionic gonadotropin). In future mothers, the level of this hormone in the blood is 0-10 honey / ml. Chorion's fabric begins to allocate hCG immediately after attaching the embryo to the endometrium of the uterine cavity. This hormone is distinguished from the body with urine, so urine is often used to test the level of hCG in the body, that is, the presence or absence of pregnancy is checked.

A large dose of hCG in the blood can be noticed a week after the toddler conception. Check pregnancy at this stage is possible only if you use very sensitive tests. They are able to identify the presence of a hormone with 10 honey / ml and show a positive result. In such early, hCG in the blood is already present, but in small quantities.

During this period, women are very often paying attention to the fact that after the test there are 2 very weakly prominent lines appear on it. It may say that the hormone in the body is still very little.

Most of the tests are still calculated on the minimum indicator of 20 honey / ml in the blood. They give a much more reliable result, but they can only be used after 14 days after fertilization. This period, as a rule, coincides with the start of the monthly delay (about 3 days). The highest level of hCG is celebrated for 8-9 weeks of carrying the baby, this is the period when the pregnancy test shows the result as correct as possible, after that the hormone level begins to gradually drop.

Pregnancy can be diagnosed by the presence of HCG in the blood itself. For this, an allegedly future mammy must pass some blood for conducting required analyzes. Currently there are 2 types of blood tests. The 1st shows only the presence of HCG in the blood. But the 2nd allows you to identify not only pregnancy hormone, but also to obtain data on its exact level. Their big plus is that they help to identify quite accurate gestational ageif it is available.

What rules should be observed to ensure that the test results for pregnancy are correct?

According to studies, tests in 97-99% of cases show reliable information. However, there is still a small chance that the results will be false. So that such an unpleasant situation does not happen to know several important rules.

  • There is no one sense to check the presence of pregnancy immediately the next day after possible fertilization. The HCG level on this period does not increase, so the truthful result will definitely not be. In this case, most likely, there will be a negative result, even if the pregnancy is available.
  • It is advisable to use the morning urine. The highest concentration of hCG in the blood is in the morning urine. If the term of pregnancy is already high enough, for example, if 6-7 days after the delay passed, then the test can be done at any time of the day. At this period, the level of hormone pregnancy is already quite high.
  • You can read the result from the dough within five minutes after it. If the time has passed much more, the results will be invalid.
  • The level of hCG can be checked with blood. In order for the result to be truthful before donating blood, no drugs cannot be consumed.
  • Diagnostation can be carried out only in fresh urine, that is, on the urine that was collected on the day of the test.
  • In about 2-3 hours, it is not desirable to eat watermelon or any diuretic drugs. The fact is that strongly diluted urine can show incorrect results and the accuracy of the result is in doubt.
  • In order to urine a good concentrated, it is not desirable to visit the toilet within 3 hours before.

What can cause false test results?

  • Results can be false if a low-quality test was purchased. That is why it is important in the pharmacy to pay attention to the tightness of the packaging and for its shelf life. If the test is at least a little wet, then its results can be considered invalid.
  • Not following the instructions that are specified on the package can also cause false results. Very often the women themselves are to blame for the fact that the pregnancy test shows the wrong results. It's all about the inattention of women. Each package has an instruction that must be carefully studied before use.
  • In women who take HCG preparations during the period of testing the results of pregnancy, there is also a risk that the test will show incorrect results.
  • Preparations that are used from infertility often show pregnancy when it really is not.
  • The results can be false negative in the event that no morning, but day urine in the early stages of pregnancy was used for verification.
  • False-positive results may be possible if the residual level of HCG remains in the blood after the pregnancy recently interrupted.
  • False information may be even if the woman suffers from diseases that have a violation of the growth and development of the trophoblast.

If, after the test, a woman appears suspicions that the results are false, the doctors recommend to progress and buy another one. It is necessary to try products from different manufacturers and seek help from specialists. If the test showed negative results, and the monthly still do not begin, it is worth buying another and again check for pregnancy.

The test in no case cannot be used for the second time, even if after the first time the result did not work out. The test that has already in contact with the urine should be immediately thrown away, it will not show the right results.

How to choose?

Now there are a huge set of pregnancy tests. Some are more comfortable, others are less. The strip strips are most common and cheap. They must be omitted in the morning urine for a few seconds and then immediately take out and put on the table. Results can be viewed in a few minutes.

Inkjet tests are considered the most sensitive. On their packaging there is a mark of 10 honey / ml and can be done at any time of the day. The most expensive are electronic.

If you adhere to the rules and strictly follow all the advice, the pregnancy test will show only true information. Professionals argue that there is no big difference between tests, so it is not always advisable to spend too much money on them.