
We enter the new home signs. Rules of moving to a new apartment


Strong rituals when moving to a new apartment

When there is a settlement, a person is visited by mixed feelings - this is the joy of expectation of something new, but also sadness by the usual, who has loved old. Move to a new place - it's how to start with a blank sheet, and everyone wants to do it right. Rituals when moving to new apartment Or the house is an important, inherent stage of this case.

Rituals when moving to a new apartment or house

Since ancient times, our ancestors have enjoyed unusual rites when moving, learned to read signs, so that save housing from enemies, attract happiness and joy in new house. After a few centuries, customs remain relevant. Conducting preparation for relocation, it is important that the mood was positive, the intentions were clean. The future life in a new place depends on this.

Preparatory stage before moving

When examining an apartment or at home, before you have to move, you need to fully inspect it. When detecting holes, cracks, cracks, you need to launch them before moving. It is believed that the energy of the owner of the house goes through the holes. Check plumbing. Cranes, pipes must be integer, without cracks, because finance goes through the crack. Old things, broken plates, cups from former houseYou should not take a new housing, it promises failures. An exception can be things that are the road to heart.

The house in the old apartment can move together with the owner of the new one. But, if the former dominance does not suit, you can make a new keeper homemade focus. According to the rules of carriage, furniture, kitchen utensils must be made first to a new place, so you should cook it the day before moving. For the evening before moving, you need to knead the dough, while reading the prayer to God about a good life in a new place.

"We are moving soon, and from here we leave. Dough, resentment at home Take, forgive us persuasion. Moving B. new world, I will prepare from you a feast. Bring good luck to us so that the budget was full zloty. Our house is your home. Amen".

Then any croup soak overnight in water, with a calculation of 1: 1. Welcome a thick church candle. She should burn no more than 5 minutes, then it must be put out, leaving the next day for the second stage of the ritual. Also need an overlap or icon.

On the day of moving

The next morning washed under running water, the croup that was clumsy for the night. All components for the ritual take with them to a new home. You also need to cook: matches or lighter, broom, room flower, napkin or paper towel, nails, hammer, juniper branch, a plate designed for a new housekin, if the old remains in the old apartment.

Before bringing things to the apartment, you need to introduce a house with an apartment if he was taken. To do this, pour sweets to the plate, and put in the kitchen. You need to read this text:

"Come in, the house, in your new house, from now on, you will live in it. From now on, you will protect it, the house is most important for you. "

If the settlement is carried out in the apartment, and not in a private houseYou need to invite your relatives who can come. Having gathered at the entrance, go to turn, starting with the oldest, ending with the youngest. Before the door of the apartment, the owner pulls out a flower, and transmits it to the first incoming. The flower must "enter" the first to the house. Attention! In no case can not come to the threshold, this can be configured against yourself the whole apartment. The flower must be put by the window in the hall or guest room. The first time entering the house, there is a custom - to make a desire. It will surely come true. When everyone entered the apartment, the hostess scatters salt for the threshold, along it. This is a kind of protection against evil spirits. First of all, go to the kitchen and hang the charm or icon on the wall.

Rite for settlement

"In the new housing, I light the candle, happiness to wish, I want to wish. Green bouquet on the table Leave, I wish weakness in our family. The charm on the wall is already nailed, from the evil eye and damage will be preserved. We want to live in peace and tranquility, without other spirits, enemies and malice. Amen".

While reading prayer with one person, the other should do what is said in the text. "I light the candle" - you need to light the candle, which is prepared in advance, putting it on the windowsill in the kitchen, "Green Bouquet on the table I leave" - \u200b\u200bthe juniper twig to put on the kitchen table, "the wrapper is already nailed on the wall" - here it is not necessary to do anything on the wall, so How he was hanged in advance, the only thing, during these words it is necessary to cross the icon or charm.

After that, you need to take a new broom, and sweep the floor from the entrance to the kitchen to the window. Put in the corner of the kitchen, and nearby lay the old, brought from the past housing. It is believed that a broom - the transport of the houses, so the old broom must simultarily stand next to the new minimum of 3 weeks, until the house becomes accompanied by a new one. Juniper is divided into as many parts as the rooms in the apartment, including the bathroom, balcony, hallway. In the corner of each room, leave the particle of juniper. During the rite, none of those who entered the apartment does not leave it until the rite is completed. Next, to move the salt with a new broom before entering the home, and wash it under running water.

Actions after rite

Now you can enter furniture and others. kitchenware in the kitchen. When the kitchen is filled and ready for cooking, the hostess prepares pies or bread from the dough cooked in the old house. From the cereals to cook porridge. Thus, welfare and wealth are invited to the house. When bread is ready, put two pieces on a plate for the house. One for the brought domain, the other for which the former owners could leave.

You need to say the following:

"The house of this house, sorry, but you will have to leave. You do not live here anymore, you will find new accommodation. I ask you not to be offended, but it is impossible to stay here. I wish you good luck, we accept this as a gift and goodbye. Amen".

When all the food is ready, everyone who is engaged in moving, throw their affairs and go beyond the table.

Signs when moving to a new home.

Moving, signs and customs.

Moving, signs and customs.

Rules of moving to new home / rituals and signs

Rules at the entrance to the new home

There are certain nuances, which, when moving, experienced professionals are recommended to stick.

  1. Relatives should be invited to the housewark. Allowed best friends. The main thing is that there are no more than 10 people.
  2. All rituals and rites when moving must be made strictly in turn, as written. In the opposite case, the house will not accept the owners, and they will be perceived as guests.
  3. You need to move in a good mood, and all rites should be with positive thoughts.
  4. It is forbidden to swear on the day of settlement.
  5. If there are furniture of the former owners, and it is nowhere to do, then it is impossible to leave it. The energy of the former do nothing. It is worth paying for charity, sell or dispose of.
  6. If the cat in the apartment was launched before settling, and she was scared, it is worth cleansing. To do this, call the father so that he will sanctify the house.

If a child walks around the future at home, for a childless family, it means replenishment. People's method Presentation of the cat in the day before the settlement says: if the animal behaves wildly, it means in the house evil spirits, if calmly, then there is no other power here. On the first day of settlement, seeing a neighbor man, which means that the family will be friends with their neighbors, if a woman, it means, they will gossip behind his back.

Bad weather on the day of settlement means that there will be small problems with an apartment of different character. Signals say if they knocked on the door, there will be a quiet life, and if they called in the doorbell, then the neighbors will not be saved - they will be frequent guests of this house. Nevertheless, there are no signs to take close to heart, as well as to worry about whether the move is correctly happened. The main thing is that the thoughts are disinterested and the intention of sincere. And in the case of some misunderstandings, if you believe in the signs, you can always take into service effective rituals. The main thing is to fulfill all the rules.

On the signs, rituals and rules during the move to a new apartment

Signs when moving to a new apartment must be taken into account during this important event. Many do not remember them. They will not require a lot of time, but their consequences will have a favorable effect on your new housing. Living you will be more comfortable and calmer. We will remind you of these simple actions.

Preparation for moving

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old housing. It is important to thank him for the past years in his walls and give him proper respect. Before you leave him forever, hover the order there. Wash the floors, windows and everything that is possible. On boxes and other packages for things you need to draw crosses. It will serve their protection against the disappearance when moving.
  • The things you think will be superfluous in the new apartment, do not take with you. They need to get rid of them in advance. Thus, you will ensure the beginning of a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden for you.

Farewell ritual with old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to cook the cake and eat it all with households in the old apartment. You can not pick up the remnants. If you live there is not easy to make a cake salt. With a good life - it should be sweet.

Signals and rituals at housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to new housing, you need to pick up a housekin with you, who lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to do an action with a broom of an old apartment. Just take it with you when moving. Thus, your spirit of home and his and the defender will also move to new housing. If there were no broom in the household, enhance the following way. Take a small box and put any soft things into it, you can fill it with trimming fabrics. Put it for a while her entrance door And the house "settles in it. Take a box with you and you can be sure - the house also moved.
  • During the move, at the entrance to a new apartment, the first to let the cat should be inserted into it. The place he chooses to stop - the most appropriate place For bed. It is necessary to take into account the cat consistent with this folk signs. He must be exactly a cat, not a cat. But the fact is that not everyone has cats. In this case, it is not recommended to use the dog in this case. It serves to protect housing and the first crossing the threshold should not. The dog should enter the new apartment last. You do not need to pass anyone forward. Wait until it is mastered and risks nevertheless. All other new buildings come for him.
  • Following this, immediately "feed" the house. You can put a container with milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and did not go to live to other more generous owners. After that, you can proceed to wet cleaning and the role of things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all the rooms of the apartment. It does not depend on the purity of the dwelling. Even if it is perfectly clean. It eliminates the dwelling from bad energy. She could gather in him before your move.
  • When entering a new dwelling, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better for them to be made of precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being in the house.
  • In advance, purchase a new broom, horseshoe and grass of the Zverboard. Bench put in the corner at the entrance door, and strengthen the horseshoe down the horn. Grass in bags can be twisted in several secluded places. Such a kit will help secure the apartment from an unclean spirit and ill-wishers.
  • It is good to choose a place where you could arrange icons, mascots, amulets.
  • When you discern boxes and get used in a new home, prepare treats. Now it is time to call friends, neighbors to hover a housewarming.
  • Put cash banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is to the welfare in the family and to attract new honest friends.
  • When complying with all these rules, you can calm down. In a new place of residence you will be accompanied by family happiness, all life difficulties will permeate you.
  1. If you have not taken with you the houses from the old dwelling. As soon as the new moon comes and when you will be visible to the moon, you need to call it loudly into the open window: "The house - the house, come back home. You will live with us, and we love you. "
  2. In the new apartment, spend the rite of consecration. To do this, burn the church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Incense is well eliminated by an apartment from negative energy. You can light the aromatic sticks and arrange them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. Excellent sign, if the move happens when it is snow or rain. This is a sign of over that a happy life awaits you in the new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things on a new apartment, in the case of having a bat or cracked dishes, it needs to get rid of it immediately. It can become a source of misfortune.
  6. For new housing, it is necessary to make new purchases. It can be something out of dishes, towels or curtains. It will bring you good luck.
  1. By folk notes better days For this Saturday and Tuesday. They foreshadow a good and calm move.
  2. Thursday is neutral, too good for this.
  3. Resurrection is considered to be God's day. It serves to rest.
  4. The rest of the days will be unfavorable for moving.

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Prayer read when moving to a new home, to live well in a new place

The prayer is read when moving to a new home, to live well in a new place:

Before, how to move from the old house, hover the full order and take all the garbage, the old things throw out so that nothing remains in the old house. Do not forget to pick up your brown with you, if you have a cat, then let it go to the house first, be sure to put your things, bring to the house in bread and salt, but only then put things. Power better on a new moon and in Clear and sunny weather, the best days for this is Thursday and Friday. And in a new place, all members seven read prayer for the new home:

"Our Savior, who is known for Savdaev's discovery and the salvation of this and the whole house, be the same, and now Zede livestly and we, unworthy Molub, and prayer bringing from any harm, is unharmed, blessing those providers, housing and unwinding those belly Save. Amen. "

Important, interesting folk signs and rituals when moving to a new place of residence

The experience of generations tells us about the existence of important rituals and will accept. When changing the place of residence, the influence of signs and beliefs can be especially bright. Moving to a new apartment is global changes, and changes do not have stability. Therefore, it is in this time segment that it is worthwhile to direct your attention to the wisdom of the people - signs. Here are the most important signs and beliefs, which it is advisable to take into account all new news.

Evaluation of the new place in external factors:

  1. It is necessary to study carefully environment And the location of the new home or apartment. Sharpen your eyes on the bird community. If there is a nest of birds on the roof or under the roof of the new house, then this is a clear sign of a happy and quiet place. Pernaya will never bring their chicks in a place with black aura or dark energy.
  2. If there are a lot of raven in the district and you see that they are not just a guest in this place, but are constantly, then this is a very bad sign. I can hear the frequent crown of the crows in the yard can attract the sickness and decline into the house. Of course, there are no birds of evil or good, but the crow is a mystical bird, special, and far from always bringing good luck.
  3. Another external beacon of a pleasant place is the future neighbors. Well-being often has an extensive impact radius. Living near must emit calm and positive. If there are many asocial families among the neighbors, people, then most likely this territory does not have a light background of energy.

The internal characteristic of the room is who and what lives in the house?

White spider

If you went to the new apartment and saw on the ceiling or walls of white spider, then do not hurry with violence. According to the old folk signs, this albino brings happiness to the house and the possibility of a pleasant event. If he was in the alleged bedroom room, it throws a long-lasting harmony in relations between spouses.

These insects indicate their presence a happy place and good energy. Of course, people they deliver trouble with their appearance in the apartment, but ants live only in bright places.

But if a beetle crawls or flies in the house, especially large is a faithful sign of unfortunate and loss. Signs sad, so if you see such a sign before purchasing an apartment or at home, it is better to think good again. If this house is already bought, then no way to kill the beetle. Castle is a non-unknown messenger and release. Let the beetle takes and takes his sadness with him.

Black mold

Not always a black mold happens only from dampness indoors. Often it symbolizes the presence of unfit and oppressive energy into the home. Moving to a new apartment should be postponed, cleaned everything carefully and fulfill some rituals described below in this article.

Dear Barabash

If there was always order and cleanliness on the old place of living, it was often not lost things, and at night no one pounded, did not bow, scaring the inhabitants of the house, then this brought up a house one should certainly pick up with me.

Our ancestors respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who guarded the dwelling from uninvited guests, fires and accidents, especially with breasts.

Little neighbor before moving you need to lure milk and a bright box of any shape. Put an open box next to milk, which was nalito the houses in the saucer. It is advisable to put a teaspoon in the box, not new, and which was used in the family for a while. Leave it all overnight, and in the morning you can already transport your keeper. In the new apartment, you need to open a box, leave in this position for an hour, and you yourself need to go away, so as not to interfere with the domain calmly go out and find yourself a place in the shower.

Cat - a home assistant. If you have a cat, then sure when moving let it into the house first. It will help the houses find your comfortable corner. Our ancestors did not enter the new home first. For folk signs, only a cat had a similar privilege.

Log in and create your life

Folk sign reads - to attract wealth and good work on the door of the new house, you need to attach the smallest coin, and for a large and low good luck, you need to hang over the door of the horseshoe. True, there is one nuance - the horseshoe cannot be bought or taken as a gift. It can only be found. Only in this case, it will be filled with your luck and will emit it constantly.

Go to a new place of residence better in the order of seniority. The order and respect - harmony in the head, in thoughts, and therefore, order in the whole environment.

With empty hands, it is better for the first time in your home not to enter. Can be brought with you flowering plant. The flower-brought on the day of crossing the flower will attract the energy of the Sun and Renaissance.

Our grandparents were confident that the threshold in the house is an important place associated with the energy of ancestors. It means excellent solution will be thoroughly wash it when moving meaningful place in the apartment. Try not to stumble on the threshold, entering the new home. Folk sign tells us clearly - this is a bad sign. Under the threshold or under the coating of the threshold, you can put a piece of the grid. It can be any grid, but only from the threads. It is believed that a dark and evil person thinking or planning unkind will never be able to implement it in your home. Having grown up the threshold with the grid, it will instantly lose its strength, and his thoughts will begin to be confused. In later, you can even see this effect, noticing that your guest has no strength at all, and the words of it are often meaningless and unnecessarily frank.

Sprinkle corners in a new house with a large salt - the old sign. Salt has always been considered a special substance that sorcerers often used in the creations of faiths and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners per hour or two, and then wash the floors throughout the house. Salt takes all bad and unclean.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading prayer. It needs to be done calmly, without fuss. Go to the apartment with an icon, place it in the central corner, and then thoughtfully read the words of prayer. The icon is desirable to leave at this place forever. Crightening after all the corners and windows, moving clockwise.

We take with you only happiness

There are things that, according to the customs of the people, do not keep in the apartment:

  1. Comena.
  2. Bird feathers.
  3. Number.
  4. Dry leaves or flowers.
  5. Old clothes, and especially the clothes of dead people.
  6. Dishes with cracks and chips.
  7. Photos with defects and chances.
  8. Old broom.
  9. Horn and stuffed animals.

It is not recommended to keep these things in the house, and take them with you to a new home mistakenly doubly. Such care and attachment to these things only strengthens their negative effect on others. Moving to a new place - an excellent reason to leave all unnecessary and harmful outside of the new life.

Who lives in the house?

No need to disturb the atmosphere of a new place in obscene scandal or scandal, especially on the first day of moving. It is necessary to start from a positive, because a good and correct thread of promises in the future is a great success.

It is better to bring a piece of sugar with you, a handful of beans or pea. According to tradition, sugar symbolizes pleasure, and legumes are money well-being, therefore, let him lie on the windowsill.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small beams of wormwood, tied by red threads. This plant has a magical strength and can be supplemented by dark spirits and entities. You can even set up a twig of the wormwood and allow it to smoke, spreading the smoke to your new home.

And when the basic things will fall into place, it will be useful to cook a festive lunch or dinner. It will correctly be to the table of the pies that were prepared in the new apartment. This will secure a positive acquaintance with the new energy and will set up vibrations on major power.

Do not say goodbye to the old house negatively, do not talk about bad words about it, do not remember chagrins and pain - ungratefulness is always punishable. Even if life in the old place was not very sweet, then you need to evaluate good and thank for the lessons, obstacles that have hardered and strengthened you.

Weather Forecast for Future Life

Try to move to a new home or apartment in good weather. Folk signs celebrate weather connection with a further life in a new place:

  • The sun is promoting joy and success.
  • Rainbow - good health or wonderful healing in a new place.
  • Small rain - monetary successes.
  • Strong rain - life in a new house will force pouring tears quite often.
  • Lightning is a bright and emotional personal life.
  • Thunder and lightning are regular and very large scandals, disagreements in a new place.

Not necessarily when moving to perform absolutely all recommendations and take into account all folk signs. Sometimes it is sufficient to carefully listen to its inner world and determine for themselves closer options for rituals or necessary actions.

Folk signs and traditions formed by centuries of observations help gain well-being and health. Ignore ancient rituals or listen to the intuition of the people - the individual choice of each. But why not think about them, but suddenly they give a real opportunity to protect themselves, their family, give the launch to their successful future in the new apartment, and maybe life.


To move it is best to choose a free day to have time to transport all things in the morning, and in the evening to clean and arrange. This, of course, depends on the number of your items: If you do not have furniture or it is very few, you can put it with a move in a few hours. But if you have to first disassemble, package, and then ship into transport all furniture from the apartment, it is better to start this process in advance, without waiting for the onset of darkness.

Usually free days have a working population on Saturday and Sunday. On the one hand, the weekend is the perfect time to enter a new home or apartment. On Saturday you can carry things, and on Sunday it is calmly furnished new housing. However, remember that on weekends, transport companies can take payment at an increased rate, in addition, many have been moving these days, so cars can be occupied. So ordering the transport of things you need in advance, without waiting for the moment when things are already folded. It is best to place the order of the cargo taxi at the end of the work week, and on the day of moving to call and clarify the time of transportation.

By ordering the car to move, it should be borne in mind and the total transport situation in the city. Most cargo taxis have hourly pay, and if the truck with things just just gives a traffic jam and delays if you fulfill your order at least 10 minutes, you will have to pay extra for the whole hour of its work, and this is a considerable amount. Therefore, if you want to save, it is best not to call the car in the morning and in the evening on a weekday, when people go to offices and return from work. Special difficult situation It seems on Friday after lunch and up to late evening. But at the weekend you can choose almost any time to move.

If you follow the signs, the most favorable day for the transport of things to a new place is Tuesday. Business activity rises on this day of the week and by Friday already goes to the decline. Moving will also be favorable on Thursday and Saturday, while Wednesday, Friday and Sunday is better not to take such important things. Leave the former housing is best clean and order - so you will show respect for the former dwelling and its new owners, save only the best memories of your old life.

Among the admission, which tells for those moving folk wisdom, there will be a tradition to start the cat first into the house, to enter the apartment only after the senior family member, do not cross the threshold of the house for the first time without a useful one in the hands and as soon as possible to finish the unpacking of things to save the house from Negative energy.

There is a huge set of and superstition regarding settlement in a new dwelling. People came up with certain rituals and beliefs not just like that. All actions and interpretations are aimed at ensuring that the energy in the new house or apartment is positive, and life in the room was filled with joy and carefree happiness. Therefore, it is worth dealing with which there are signs with a housewarming in a new home.

Housewarming is an important stage in the life of people, so it is important to do everything right

Folk rituals at the entrance to the new home

For those who pay special attention to folk signs and superstitions, it is important that the owners of the new home came initially in the apartment. However, some interpreters will accept think that this superstition should not follow. And the most important thing that should initially enter the new built housing is a pet belonging to the moving family. And best, if this animal is a cat or a cat. It is believed that the representative of the Feline family is the animal that relates peace and prosperity of family and home life for every year. They contribute to the dwelling and joy in their positive aura. Therefore, the owners of the apartment do not hurry and enter the house first of their pet.

Let the cat first in the new apartment is considered good

Another superstition and good admission that needs to be observed when you enter a new apartment will be the scattering of coins on the threshold of the house. It is believed that this action will bring prosperity and financial well-being residents of the house on whole year. And it does not matter whether these are gold coins, silver, or keys. The fact that coins will knock on the threshold and thereby attracting money. Therefore, new owners must be needed at the first visit to their apartment to throw a handful of coins on the threshold. Such an action can be repeated every year and even on New Year's Eve.

If a young family is not settled in a new building, and in the purchased apartment in which people already lived, then the first thing is required to perform general cleaning. And it does not matter that the apartment will be sold in perfect order. Cleaning actions are not only hygienic, but also energy. With such a cleaning, special attention should be paid to the corners of the house. It is there unconsciously from year to year, a negative energy can accumulate. After all the actions on careful wiping dust are completed, you should invite your good friends and close relatives to the housewarming. Then all the corners of the rooms will fill out the positive energy of love, laughter and joy a few years ahead.

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Actions to attract wealth

In order for the money of the river to flow into the wallets of the owners of the new home, it is believed to be necessary to make several important actions.

  1. As already mentioned above, the first thing should come to the house. Or another pet covered with wool.
  2. Also, a small cash bill should be strained at the kitchenette. Such an action must be taken when will be covered festive table For invited to the housewarming friends and relatives.
  3. In accordance with Christian and Slavic traditions, a new apartment must be consecrated. For these purposes, the priest is invited, which is bypassing the room, sprinkles holy water and reading special prayers.
  4. Placing icons over the door of the room. Usually, after the consecration of the apartment, the priest gives such a home icon at home. Such an icon will protect the house from the leakage of financial flows, and will also prevent the appearance of the evil community and envy to the owners of the house.

Signs and superstitions about the house

Many people believe in the fact that houses live in old houses. The family can live in the same apartment for many years and there is sure to settle the house. What to do if when moving to a new apartment I want to pick up the house with me? After all, such a good spirit is very well guarding the family from the unchalled, quarrels and bad intentions. In order to attract the houses in a new dwelling, the first thing to talk to him. We need to mentally call him with you and explain that in the new house he will not live worse, and even on the contrary - better. The house should feel faith and hope for his presence. If you put positive energy into this conversation, then the house will surely hear the call and go into a new dwelling.

Signals for housewarming

From generation to generation, knowledge and special signs are transmitted, which have long been present in the everyday life of many, and who are known from our ancestors. For example, a sign of the fact that in a new house must be a special broom or broom to protect against evil challenges, misfortunes, sorrows and troubles.

Everyone has ever met at the entrance to the apartments hanging horseshoes. It is believed that the horse horseshoe brings good luck to its owner. So that the sign worked on the complete power of the horseshoe should be removed from the horse. Also, Horseshoe will be an excellent defender from quarrels between households and lack of financial wealth.

And at the entrance to the room, bundles of dry herbs are a good faucet. You can take pleasant herbs, such as St. Justice or chamomile. Herbs, like a broom, protect the owners from the evil eye and envy of the guests at home.

These are all traditional Russian superstitions and rituals associated with the settlement in a new home. There are also eastern superstitions, for example, the Energy Teaching Feng Shui, which fully discloses the issue of the correct placement of furniture in a new house, as well as the rules when moving in accordance with the Eastern traditions. It will not be a mistake to use Eastern traditions when moving to a new apartment. The difference in which of the vessels will be used by new owners does not exist. The main thing is that all actions have a positive character.

Day for moving

Many signs and traditions allocate particular importance to what day the main move of the hosts to a new home will be made.

The interpretation of people will accept and superstition converges to the fact that on Monday it is best to move. On this day, all actions aimed at entering the new home will go awry. Many small and unpleasant obstacles will occur. What will undoubtedly spoil the mood to the newly minted owners of the apartment. For the purpose of moving, it is better to wait for Tuesday. After all, this day will foreshadow a lot of fun and good luck in their homework. Wednesday For the purpose of moving testifies that the hosts are not lined at the new place and they will soon have to change the place of residence for any reason. Therefore, the housewarming should be transferred to Thursday. This day is quite neutral for moving and does not carry special energy sections. Friday is not considered a good day for the undertaking of any case and including to organize moving to a new apartment.

The signs associated with the move and the house are currently slightly lost their relevance, and many no longer remember the traditions and customs of our distant ancestors related to note and new home. With the harmony and the creation of harmonious relations between the apartment itself and its new owner there are many well-known adoption which in the long-standing vains were strictly observed. Nowadays, only a few will be able to answer the questions: why our ancestors saw different talismans at the corners of the house and small mating of the grass of the Hypericum, for what purpose the knife put the knife under the threshold, and how the houses were brought. The only admission preserved to the present day was hanging on the house or directly above the door of a happy totem house called Horseshoe.

Exists snackWith before moving to a new home, it is necessary to pick up a brownie with you, who lived with you in the old house for many years. According to the tradition of signs, it is simple enough. To achieve this goal there are many ways. The most uncomplicated and most affordable to execute from them, in this case, is a simple manipulation with the old home broom. Take it with you when moving to a new home, and accordingly, the houses from your home will move into it with you.

However B. modern apartments It often happens that a broom as a cleaning agent in it is not observed. For this purpose, you can use a box filled with soft things. In the box can be your old things or various trimming fabrics. In order for the house "settled" in the box, it must be rendering and put on the threshold for a short time. However, make sure that there is nothing solid or sharp in the box so that the house is able to get in it more comfortably and go along with you to a new home or other place of residence.

As folk signs say, when moving to another house it is very important to trace the first to cross the threshold of new housing. Most likely this sign is still used in modern time, and most people especially older people know that the first one oddly to move the leg through the threshold of the house, is not the newly new owner or the hostess, and the beloved pet is a cat. And it is very important that the cat also respond to all the requirements of people will accept. IN perfect version The cat, - it should be black, and moreover, it should be exactly a cat, not a cat, and must have a calm and affectionate character.

There are more often problems with this. First, not every person contains a cat. This in antiquity they were started to deliver the dwellings from small rodents, in the modern world, the need for it disappeared, and cats with cats are just for beauty and entertainment. In addition, pick up a cat with iron nerves, which without fear will enter an unfamiliar room for himself first, also not easy. Instead of a cat to skip in a new home or apartment - a dog edge is not recommended, since in accordance with folk traditions I will accept, the dog should guard the entrance to the house, and not overlap the threshold. If you are still owner and dogs and cats, then just make sure the dog goes into the house or apartment of the latter.

the main thing rule of signs With the very first entry into the house - do not rush the events, and actually a cat, and do not propose him for the threshold forcibly, otherwise spoil the entire procedure for the right moving to the house. It should also be noted, do not cross the cat for themselves, - this rule concerns a direct move with things and property. After the cat is mastered by behavior, and still oversail the threshold of the house, - next to him you can enter the rest of the news. After that, it is necessary to immediately "feed" the house, -Withing tired during the move in the box or on a broom. To do this, simply put the saucer and fill it with milk. If you immediately throw out things after cleaning, then home can find you too compass and go to look for more generous owners.

Other folk signs

There are several other people who will take a moving to the house. For example, at the entrance to a new house, you need to throw several silver coins on the floor, - this method of folk signs is not used for a simple reason (the mute to take silver coins). However, if this is done, then this ritual, among other things, promises newly wealth and cash wealth. In addition, in the old house, it is also desirable to leave a small amount of money so that your life and life of the residents who came to your place was rich, - the meaning of this superstition is that there will be a return place (after all, if you want to have something, first You should give something).

Another admission associated with financial well-being is the monetary bill that is put under the tablecloth on the table on which food is taking. At the same time, the money to touch or pull out this place is simply not recommended, - otherwise it will not work.

After you entered a new apartment, you need to spend wet cleaning in all rooms. Cleaning should be carried out even if you entered into an absolutely clean room, the only element of the situation in which the floor and naked walls are. Well washed window sills and windows, as well as the shining purity floor are not only a way to eliminate the accumulated dust, but also with negative energy neutralizers, which could accumulate in this house to your move.

After the cat was mastered in a new residence, the house left a broom or a box with soft things, in which it was transported, walls, windows and floors shine purity, it's time to execute modern adoption with tradition, - to note on (human) so that the housewarming is remembered in the circle of their friends relatives and loved ones. After all folk signs were observed, you with a calm conscience can make a new home in full confidence that all sorts of adversity will bypass you as a party - and you will be happy.

Moving to a new apartment or to a new house - someone is waiting for this for many years, and someone moves pretty quickly.

Each have their own reasons for changing the place of residence, but one rule is indisputable and unconditionally: relocation and change of housing is a new page in life, waiting for positive changes and in general a joyful event. There is an opportunity to make a place where you live, more comfortable, lighter. If there are children in the family, the expansion of the area is often associated with the possibility of arranging the children's room, etc.

Rules and traditions

Of course, moving to another apartment is a kind of magical ritual, which is associated with certain folk signs and customs. Saying goodbye to the old house, you must comply with some traditions (rules).

1. To take apart, leave it be sure to clean. Wash the windows, boil in the cabinets and storage room, throw away everything too much and unnecessary. Be sure to wash the floors. It is necessary for new tenants to remember you only good words. Be sure to bake the pie and eat it completely with all the households: if life in the apartment was a dismarket - add salt, if on the contrary - sugar.

2. To say goodbye to the neighbors: remember everything is good that they have survived with them in the past years. It is even better if you arrange something like a farewell lunch (dinner) and invite neighbors to visit. Good memory of you will help you get a good and on the new apartment.

Now let's talk a little about rituals before the final move to a new dwelling. And it does not matter, a new apartment (new building) or someone lived in it. First of all, in a new housing before arrival, you need to take and wash the floor. This is done not only for considerations of cleanliness, but in order to remove and mentally "throw away" all someone else's and negative, which was at the previous tenants.

Let the pure apartment remain empty at least one night. Move better early in the morning: the sooner, the better. Early bright and sunny morning - the same life will be in the new home.

Before moving it is important to decide who will be the first to enter the house. There are various legends, beliefs that are prescribed to the first to enter the home of a senior family member or the head of the family. But most often in the house first enters. She is sharpering people with a positive and negative energy.

Where she will fall, you should put a bed - sleep will be easy and calm. If there is no cat, you can entrust this important mission to the dog. By the way, in a private house, a rooster was closed before arrival at night. It was believed that, dull, he expels from the dwelling all evil. Animals in the house are not only a cat or a dog, but also fish or hamster - they carry the world and peace of the dwelling.

So, you launched the animal, but you yourself do not hurry. Each stepped threshold should throw one or more coins of different dignity to the floor. So you will attract happiness and well-being in the house, there will always be prosperous in it - what is called "full bowl". Keep in mind that all those who come to visit the housewarmer should also throw coins.

Housewarming number 1 and № 2

Not only possible, but also necessary. For the first time, the housewarming is celebrated in a circle of relatives and very close friends. It is noted either on the day of moving, or the next day. And it does not matter that the apartment is a mess, and things are not disassembled. The meaning of the celebration is to bring good and warm emotions in housing. For the second time, the housewarming is celebrated after all decomposed and placed in places, that is, much later. In this case, friends and colleagues are invited.

As gifts, it is customary to present something for the house, but not money. It is believed that the happiness and warmth of the home of the hearth, and their place occupy monetary signs. True, you can give a piggy bank, and there must be several coins of different dignity inside.

On the first day it is necessary to bypass the whole apartment with a church candle and read "Our Father ...", cleaning the dwelling from evil spirits and the evil eye. If you brought with you the "old" houses, be sure to put a saucer with sweets in a secluded place. If they are imperceptibly disappeared, then the house has taken root. The same must be done for the new houses so that he protects you and your home.

Pay attention to the former owners left in the apartment. Whatever old and beautiful they are, they can keep negative. Who and with what thoughts in them looked, we are not given to learn, so it's better to get rid of these interior items.

When moving to a new house, hang on the horseshoe's entrance door, be sure to end. So you will create invisible protection from unwanted guests.

After moving, I really want a new apartment to become cozy. But remember an important rule: Do not litter her abundance of unnecessary, albeit beautiful things. There should be space in the apartment, and therefore it is necessary to have only important and necessary things that do not acquire anything superfluous.

In conclusion, it remains to wish you to improve housing conditions, happiness and warmth in a new house. Moving to a new place of residence is always associated with troubles and chaos, but how many positive and useful in it!

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