
Mastery test on modern history on the topic: “The world at the beginning of modern times. Mastery test on modern history on the topic: "The world at the beginning of modern times What city was called the gateway to Europe?


Probably the most popular architectural landmark in the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. However, few people still know that there are two such extravagant buildings in Madrid. These are two skyscrapers leaning towards each other. The Spaniards call this miracle the "Gateway to Europe".

The main difference between the grandiose architectural complex and the Pisa rival is that the Italian tower "falls" due to the ill-conceivedness of the architect, and the Spanish skyscrapers are the deeply calculated brainchild of the talented American engineers John Burge and Philip Johnson.

Let's remember the history of their creation ...

Photo 2.

This whole story began in 1996, when John and Philip decided to surprise the whole world with something unusual. The architects' daring creative plans were to destroy the stereotypes of rectangular construction. Sophisticated minds have found a way to bypass Earth's gravity. This is how the most unique twin towers appeared in the capital of Spain, tilted to each other by fifteen degrees. The works of inquisitive architects today amaze millions of tourists visiting Spain. The Gate of Europe can rightfully be called one of the main centers of attraction for visitors to Madrid.

The towers are 114 meters high and have 26 floors. After the Torres de Santa Cruz towers, these are the second tallest twin towers in Spain.

The European Gate, the world's first "falling" skyscrapers, was designed by American architects Philip Johnson and John Burgey. They are also known as the KIO towers, as they were originally commissioned by the eponymous Kuwaiti company.

Photo 3.

Tower-building company Urbanor became a defendant in a noisy fraud case - one of the largest economic scandals in Spain. However, a little later, the tower was bought by a Spanish investment corporation, where the originals were found, which called this building among themselves “the gateway to Europe”. People liked this name very much and now the towers are called only this way and not otherwise. I must say that today this is a completely official name for the towers. Aquamarine glass structures are hard to miss.

The grand opening of the towers took place in 1996. Shortly after the end of the project, another high-profile lawsuit attracted the public's attention: the financier Javier de la Rosa, who led the investment operations of the KIO group, was charged with misappropriation of 375 million euros and sentenced to imprisonment.

Photo 4.

The rooftops of the ultra-modern skyscrapers have multi-colored helipads. The platform on the left tower is blue, and on the right one is red. One of the towers was recently owned by the financial conglomerate Caja Madrid, as indicated by the prominent logo on the glass façade. Another tower is owned by the Spanish construction company Realia, which also placed its logo at a height of 100 meters.

I must say that, despite the fact that the towers are not the tallest structures in Madrid, they still captivate the eyes of new visitors. Falling skyscrapers give the city a special charm, make it more modern and at the same time contrasting against the background of numerous medieval palaces. The towers were made even more aesthetically attractive when a white stone obelisk was installed between them in honor of the famous politician Jose Calvo Sotelo.

Photo 5.

In 2009, the appearance of the square where the towers are located changed markedly due to the construction of an obelisk designed by Santiago Calatrava. There is also a monument to Jose Calvo Sotelo (1960) on the square.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Mastery test for two options with answers on modern history: textbook A.Ya. Yudovskaya, grade 7.

It is advisable to use this test to control students' knowledge on the topic.

"The world at the beginning of modern times." The test tests the knowledge of historical concepts, actual

material, historical dates, assignment to establish correspondence, grouping of facts.

Time for completing assignments lesson-45 minutes. For the convenience of the teacher, keys are attached to the texts

with answers.

Option 1

1 Which country was the leader in the exploration of new lands:

1) England, 2) France, 3) Portugal, 4) Italy

2. Which seafarer was the first to discover the sea route to India:

1) B. Dias, 2) F. Magellan, 3) Vasco da Gama, 4) A. Vespucci

3 .What city in Europe was called the "gateway to Europe":

1) London, 2) Paris, 3) Berlin, 4) Antwerp

4 .Choose from the suggested list of Renaissance artists:

1) T. More, 2) F. Rabelais, 3) Leonardo da Vinci, 4) Cervantes, 5) A. Dürer, 6) D. Velazquez

5. Which of the following scientists was a famous physician:

1) N. Copernicus, 2) D. Brunno, 3) G. Galilei, 4) W. Garvey

6 .In what year the Reformation began in Europe:

1) 1517, 2) 1520, 3) 1525, 4) 1530

7. Name the year of the creation of the Jesuit Order:

1) 1530 g, 2) 1540 g, 3) 1550 g, 4) 1555 g.

8 ... Which country did England compete with for the maritime championship:

1) France, 2) Spain, 3) Holland, 4) Denmark

9 Which French king received the nickname "glorious and kind":

1) Karl X, 2) Heinrich II , 3) Heinrich III , 4) Heinrich IV

10. Richelieu was:

1) first minister, 2) major admiral, 3) banker, 4) industrialist

11 .Establish a correspondence between a cultural figure and the area in which he worked






12. Which four of the following events were related to the reformation:

one). 95 theses, 2) T. Münzer, 3) Jesuits, 4) fencing, 5) humanism, 6) indulgence

13 ... Give a definition to the concepts:




14 .Place the missing words in the text: “Spirit (1) _________ transforms society as well.

The numbers and wealth of the bourgeoisie are increasing. Much of the urban

population works according to (2) ______________. They are hired workers.

15 ... What new features in the economic life of society make it possible to talk about

the emergence of a capitalist economy?

Mastery test on modern history on the topic: "The world at the beginning of modern times"

Option -2

1 Which country was the leader in the exploration of new countries:

1) 1) France, 2) England), 3) Spain, 4) Italy

2 Which sailor was the first to make a round-the-world voyage:

one). H. Columbus, 2) Vasco da Gama, 3) F. Magellan, 4) B. Dias

3 ... Every merchant in Europe visited almost daily until noon:

1) church, 2) town hall, 3) manufactory, 4) stock exchange

4 .Choose from the list of faces of the figures of the literature of the Renaissance:

1) T. More, 2) F. Rabelais, 3) A. Dürer, 4) Cervantes, 5) D. Bruno, 6) W. Shakespeare

5 Which of the following scientists considered the human mind as a source of knowledge:

6 ... In what year did the peasant war in Germany begin:

1) 1517, 2) 1520, 3) 1525, 4) 1535

7. Name the founder of the Jesuit order:

1) J. Calvin, 2) M. Luther, 3) T. Münzer, 4) I. Loyola

8 ... With which country did Spain fight for sea dominion in X VI century:

1) Italy, 2) France, 3) England, 4) Germany

9. In what year was the Edict of Nantes signed in France:

1) 1558, 2) 1568, 3) 1588, 4) 1598

10 Which of the following is relevant to Richelieu:

1) was an ardent opponent of reforms

2) support for the Huguenots in France

3) encouraged the development of industry, trade, shipping

4) encouraged duels between nobles

11 Match the names of scientists and their discoveries


1.I. Newton A. developed the doctrine of natural human rights

2.G. Galileo B. the law of universal gravitation

3 W. Harvey W. discovered the moons of Jupiter

4. D. Lokk G. concept of blood circulation

12 .Which three of the listed events are related to the rule of the English

Queen Elizabeth I :

1) England has achieved success in the development of trade and navigation

2) proclaimed the Protestant Church

3) adored feasts and holidays

4) persecuted the Puritans

5) was an affectionate and kind ruler

6) did not support corsairs (pirates)

13 ... Give definitions to the concepts:




14 .Insert the missing words in the text: “..However, the old (1) _______,

unwilling to change and trying to keep their (2) ____________ and old

economic structure.

15 Why exactly at the end of X V -beginning X VI centuries became possible Great

geographical discoveries?

Keys to tests

Option 1














Manufactory is a large enterprise where there is a division of labor and manual labor

Auto-da-fe-enactment of the verdict of the inquisition

Edict - a particularly important decree of the king



15. Development of domestic trade, the establishment of international trading companies,

exchanges testify to the development of a market economy. Development of manufactories,

the use of hired labor.

Option -2














Exchange - place of conclusion of transactions

Huguenot - Protestant supporter

Taglia is the main direct tax in France



15. K X V century the population of European cities has grown rapidly.

crafts, trade, international trade. Invention of new types of ships -

caravels, made it possible to make more distant travels with a minimum

the crew and the large capacity of the ship. The appearance of firearms

secured these journeys. Great success was achieved by cartography, maps of steel

more accurate, and instruments are successfully used in navigation: compasses and astrolabes.

Trade with the countries of the East gave fabulous profits of 700-800%.

Mastery test in modern history on the topic: "The world at the beginning of modern times"

Option 1

1 Which country was the leader in the exploration of new lands:

1) England, 2) France, 3) Portugal, 4) Italy

2. Which seafarer was the first to discover the sea route to India:

1) B. Dias, 2) F. Magellan, 3) Vasco da Gama, 4) A. Vespucci

3 .What city in Europe was called the "gateway to Europe":

1) London, 2) Paris, 3) Berlin, 4) Antwerp

4 .Choose from the suggested list of Renaissance artists:

1) T. Mor, 2) F. Rabelais, 3) Leonardo da Vinci, 4) Cervantes, 5) A. Durer, 6) D. Velazquez

5. Which of the following scientists was a famous physician:

1) N. Copernicus, 2) D. Brunno, 3) G. Galileo, 4) W. Harvey

6 .In what year the Reformation began in Europe:

1) 1517, 2) 1520, 3) 1525, 4) 1530

7. Name the year of the creation of the Jesuit Order:

1) 1530 g, 2) 1540 g, 3) 1550 g, 4) 1555 g.

8 ... Which country did England compete with for the maritime championship:

1) France, 2) Spain, 3) Holland, 4) Denmark

9 Which French king received the nickname "glorious and kind":

1) Charles X, 2) Henry II, 3) Henry III, 4) Henry IV

10. Richelieu was:

1) first minister, 2) major admiral, 3) banker, 4) industrialist

11 .Establish a correspondence between a cultural figure and the area in which he worked






12. Which four of the following events were related to the reformation:

one). 95 theses, 2) T. Munzer, 3) Jesuits, 4) fencing, 5) humanism, 6) indulgence

13 ... Give a definition to the concepts:




14 .Place the missing words in the text: “Spirit (1) _________ transforms society as well.

The numbers and wealth of the bourgeoisie are increasing. Much of the urban

population works according to (2) ______________. They are hired workers.

15 ... What new features in the economic life of society make it possible to talk about

the emergence of a capitalist economy?

Mastery test on modern history on the topic: "The world at the beginning of modern times"

Option -2

1 Which country was the leader in the exploration of new countries:

1) 1) France, 2) England), 3) Spain, 4) Italy

2 Which sailor was the first to make a round-the-world voyage:

one). J. Columbus, 2) Vasco da Gama, 3) F. Magellan, 4) B. Dias

3 ... Every merchant in Europe visited almost daily until noon:

1) church, 2) town hall, 3) manufactory, 4) stock exchange

4 .Choose from the list of faces of the figures of the literature of the Renaissance:

1) T. More, 2) F. Rabelais, 3) A. Durer, 4) Cervantes, 5) D. Bruno, 6) W. Shakespeare

5 Which of the following scientists considered the human mind as a source of knowledge:

6 ... In what year did the peasant war in Germany begin:

1) 1517, 2) 1520, 3) 1525, 4) 1535

7. Name the founder of the Jesuit order:

1) J. Calvin, 2) M. Luther, 3) T. Munzer, 4) I. Loyola

8 ... With which country did Spain fight for sea dominion in the 16th century:

1) Italy, 2) France, 3) England, 4) Germany

9. In what year was the Edict of Nantes signed in France:

1) 1558, 2) 1568, 3) 1588, 4) 1598

10 Which of the following is relevant to Richelieu:

1) was an ardent opponent of reforms

2) support for the Huguenots in France

3) encouraged the development of industry, trade, shipping

4) encouraged duels between nobles

11 Match the names of scientists and their discoveries


1.I. developed the doctrine of natural human rights

2.G. the law of gravitation

3. W. discovered the moons of Jupiter

4.D. concept of blood circulation

12 .Which three of the listed events are related to the rule of the English

Queen Elizabeth I:

1) England has achieved success in the development of trade and navigation

2) proclaimed the Protestant Church

3) adored feasts and holidays

4) persecuted the Puritans

5) was an affectionate and kind ruler

6) did not support corsairs (pirates)

13 ... Give definitions to the concepts:




14 .Insert the missing words in the text: “..However, the old (1) _______,

economic structure.

15 .Why it was at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 10th century that the Great

geographical discoveries?

Keys to tests

Option 1

Manufactory is a large enterprise where there is a division of labor and manual labor

Auto-da-fe-enactment of the verdict of the inquisition

Edict - a particularly important decree of the king


15. Development of domestic trade, the establishment of international trading companies,

exchanges testify to the development of a market economy. Development of manufactories,

the use of hired labor.

Option -2

Huguenot - Protestant supporter

Taglia is the main direct tax in France



15. By the fifteenth century, the population of European cities had grown dramatically. Developing rapidly

crafts, trade, international trade. Invention of new types of ships

caravels, made it possible to make more distant travels with a minimum

crew and large ship capacity. The emergence of firearms

secured these travels. Great success was achieved by cartography, maps of steel

more accurate, and instruments are successfully used in navigation: compasses and astrolabes.

Trade with the countries of the East gave fabulous profits of 700-800%.