
Enoch, son of Jared. Blavatskaya EP Research of People Descendants Sif Patriarchs Saint Enech

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The descendants of Adam through Sif are transferred, not counting the Adam and Sif themselves, for eight generations. They are talking about several more than about the descendants of Cain. These are the so-called doping patriarchs.

The names of the pedigree Sif suspiciously similar to the names of Pedigree Cain. In both are enoch and lames, as well as other names, if not the same, then similar. Obone, both of these pedigree lines are based on the same legendary material, but one line is drawn from the code J, and the other is from the R. code

Updated patriarchs are famous for their longevity. Some of them, including Adam himself, lived about a thousand years. The record holder is Mafusale, whose name has become nominative: he lived to 969 years.

These patriarchs cannot be identified with any historical characters, and, in addition to the simple mention of the Bible, nothing is known about them. However, it seems that this listing goes back to the Sumerian legends, which tells about the nine or ten kings that rules for the Flood and lived several thousand years (one of them rules 65 thousand years old). The author of the 5th chapter of being, obviously used this mythological material, however, realizing that such huge numbers would cause distrust, reduced the age of patriarchs.

By the way, throughout the six-story, the authors have steadily reduced the age of the main characters, although even the last of them lived surprisingly for a long time more than a hundred years.

But one of the Old Testament Patriarchs lived in comparison with others too little. It was Enoch, Fafusale's father.

Life., 5: 23-24. All days of Enha had three hundred sixty five years. And walked Enoch before God; And it did not become, because God took it.

The fact that Enahh lived 365 years old, while his father Jared lived 962 years old, and his son Methusail - 969 years old seems strange. Is it possible to consider the coincidence that in its annual movement the sun makes a complete circuit in the sky for 365 days? Is it possible that in verses belonging to Eneokh, the echoes of the Babylonian solar myths are transmitted?

What exactly is meant when it says that Enoch "walked before God and did not become it," it is unclear. But later the legends clarify this place, usually interpreting it like this: Eneok was taken alive on the sky as a reward for piety.

In the period after captivity, the Jews believed that Enoch, being in heaven, saw the past and the future of mankind. Between 200th and 50 BC e. There were several books, which were thought to come out from under the pen of Enha. They described this past and the future. These books belong to the genre of "religious fiction", very common during the time after the captivity. (Elements of such fiction, as we will see, penetrated into the Bible.)

Books of Enha in the Bible did not enter, but mentioned in the New Testament. In the message of Judah it is said:

Juda., 1: 14. About them propheted and Egypt, seventh from Adam ...

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Enoch, the son of Cain Expired Cain, apparently settled in the land of Nod (despite the fact that it was implied under this title). He married, and his son appeared: life., 4: 17 ... I built a city; And called the city named Son's son: Enoch. Perhaps this is a vague instruction on ancient

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Enoch Author of the Message of Judas also points to the Book of Enha, which contains a prophecy about the upcoming divine punishment of heretics: Jud., 1: 14-15. Egypt, the seventh of Adam, prophetically speaking: "CE, there is a Lord with the darkness of his holy angels - to create a court

From the book of the author

Enoch Iered, son of Maleleilov, having lived 162 years old, Born Enha. After his birth was in Chadorius, eight hundred years old and gave birth to many sons and daughters. ENOH, having lived 165 years old, gave birth to Mafusala; After his birth, the 200 years stayed in Chadorodia and gave birth to many sons and daughters.

From the book of the author

25. Birth of Sif. 25. And He knew his wife, and she gave birth to his son, and he gave him a name: Sif, because she (she said, "God put another seed to me, instead of Abel, who kained Cain." And He knew Adam still his wife ... and she gave birth to his son and made his name to him: Sif ... "in place of two

Enoch [Heb. , Greek. Ενώχ], name 2 persons mentioned in the Bible. 1. Cain, Father Irada. The name of E. Named built by Cain City (first Uss. In the Bible - Gen. 17-18). 2. Old Testament Platiec, descendant of Adam and Eve in the 7th generation, son of Jared and Father Mafusala, Praded Nov (Gen. 5. 18-24; 1 pairs 1. 3). An extensive legendary tradition that arose in Judaism at the turn of the ER and the spread also in Christianity is connected with his name.

Name E. Etymologically connected with Westernity. root - enter, start (REIF. 1972). Researchers are offered by other values \u200b\u200bof the name E.: "Founder" - as an indication of the fact that with his name, the foundation of the 1st city in Gen. 17 (Westermann. 1984. P. 327), or "dedicated" - as Reminder of the apocryphic tradition of dedication by E. In the sacraments of the world (Vanderkam. 1984).

Old Testament story about E. Different with brevity and mystery. His life is much shorter (only 365 years old) of his ancestors and descendants along the Sif; He is a pious - "walked ... before God" (Gen. 5. 22); Nothing says about the death of E., instead said: "... And it did not become, because God took it" (Gen. 5. 24). Piece of life E., according to researchers, is opposed to the life of the 7th generation of the descendants of Cain, which mounted in bloody (Gen. 23-24) (Sasson. 1978). Among the years of life, E. Interpretations see a symbolic indication of the number of days of the sunny year (365 days).

Enochic tradition

As a possible comparative material explaining the prehistory of ideas about E., scientists led the shift data. and Akkad. sources about the ancient kings and the great sages (Grelot. 1958); The legends of Ziusudra, the king of the sunshine, who escaped during the Flood and received the gift from the gods of Providence (Kvanvig. 1988. P. 179-180). In addition, with the history of E. compare the legends about the Mesopotamian Tsar Enmedranki (Sumer. Enmenduran), endowed with E. features: He is the ancestor of all the providens, the 7th in the list of the ancient kings, rules to the Flood (Wed: Juda 14); The knowledge of astronomy and the art of predicting the future (Vanderkam. 1984. P. 33-52; Lambert. 1967).

In the Book of Wisdom of Jesus, Son Syrahov

E. Recalls and completes a number of heroes and righteous people: "Enoch pleased the Lord and was taken to the sky, - the image of repentance for all kinds" (Sir 44. 15). In Sira 49. 16 lists the Righteous Praws: E., Joseph, Sim, Sif, Adam, and about E. It is said: "There was no one on earth from the created, similar to Eneokh, because he was delighted with the Earth" (Sir 49 . fourteen).

In the book of Wisdom Solomon

dated mn. Sovr. Researchers of Ellinism, says E., although it is not named after (Winston D. The Wisdom of Solomon. Garden City (NY), 1979. P. 139-140), very sublime: "How to gods, he beloved And, as the sinners who lived in the middle of sinners, admired, so that the malice did not change his mind, or the cunning did not prengele his soul. For the exercise in dishonor is dying good, and the excitement of lust corrupts the mind of the kind. Having achieved perfection in a short time, he fulfilled long summer; For his soul was pleased with the Lord, because he accelerated from the wrency environment. And people saw it and did not understand, did not even think about the fact that grace and grace with Holy Holy and the industrial about his favorites "(Prem 4. 10-15). E., t. Oh., Especially stands out from the number of Old Testament Righteous, about which it comes to the 10th ch., And becomes a windshoot sample of holiness. Prem 4. 20 - 5. 8 is an arrangement of 1 ENOh 62-63, and Prema 2. 1-4. 9 contains many coincidences with 1 ENOh 102. 6-103. 15 and 108. 8-9, 13 (see comment by J. Nickelsberg to the corresponding poems of the 1st book of Enha).

In interestate apocryphs

E. appears as a sample of the righteous, a scribe, a sage and a tinoster, who knew the secrets of the creations and the device of the world, his past and the future. Moreover, the tendency to endow E. Angel attributes is clearly trained. Finally, with the name E. begin to bind astrological and astronomical discoveries. Thus, the pseudo-Evapole (probably the Samaritan author of the beginning. II century. BC H.) mentions E. As one of the discoverers of astrology, who submitted to the son of Mafusal, some knowledge obtained by him from Angels (Euseb. Praep. Evang. IX 17. 8-9).

A number of texts appear in the interestate era, the names of E., telling about him or containing revelations obtained by it. All these texts are known in fragments or compilations and recycling of a later time: Enoch first book (or Ethiopian. Book of Enha), which is a compilation of a number of more ancient texts (Book of Guardians, Astronomical Book of Enoch, Books of Dreams Enoch, Egnuch's books, books (Similar books) Enoch), individually not survived (Aram., Greek, Copt., Ethiopian. Version), and the Book of Gigans (Giants) (or Manichaean Book Enoch), Fragments are found in Kumran (Aram is known ., Greek, lat., Persian. Versions).

I. The book of Jubileev. To the Enochic tradition adjoins several. Texts mentioned by E. and even quoted his writings, although on a number of fundamental theological issues they disagree with purely enochic writings. In particular, the jubileev book, compiled between 168 and 150. to R. H., it is considered one of the first evidence of the use of the Scriptures of E. In the interpretation of the pentateuch (cf., however, because J. Wang Ryuyten, who rejects the theory of her lit. dependence on the 1st book of Enha on the basis Analysis of vocabulary and syntax: Ruitn Jtagm, Van. Primaeval History Interpreted: The Rewriting of Genesis 1-11 in the book of jubilees. Leiden; Boston, 2000). We are talking about sections of YUB 4. 15-26; 5. 1-12; 7. 20-39; 8. 1-4; 10. 1-17, where E. essentially matched with a knob. Moses, speaking his predecessor. According to the book of Jubileev, E. "There was the first of the sons of human born on Earth, who learned the letter, and knowledge, and wisdom; And he described the signs of the sky in order of their months in the book, so that human sons could know the time of years in the order of their individual months. He had previously recorded a testimony, and gave the sons with human testimony about the birth of the earth, and I clarified the Jubileev's Sedmians, and announced them the days of the year, and distributed in the order of the month, and I spoke to Saturday, as we were announced. And what happened, and what will happen, he saw in his dream, how it will happen to the sons of human children in their generations until the day of the court. He saw everything and he learned, and recorded at the testimony, and put this as evidence, on Earth for all the sons of human children and for their childbirth "(YUB 4. 17-20). It is also reported about his marriage aged 60-64 years on Adney, Danial's daughter, and his son Methusala's birth. Next, it is said that he was with the angels of God's 6 jubileev (294 years) and "they showed him all that on earth and in heaven, the domination of the sun; And he recorded everything "(YUB 4. 21-22). E. indicated against the guardians, and then in the 65th age he was taken to paradise. The description of his acts in paradise does not correlate with the well-known annoying texts. Here, E. Understand the functions that were usually considered angelic: "... He records the court and eternal punishment, and every evil of the sons of human children" (YUB 4. 23-24; This image of E. is found in the 2nd book of Enha and in " Explanation of Abraham ").

II. Apocryphal. Genesis discovered in Kumran also contains signs of acquaintance with the Enochic tradition (stories about the guards and the birth of Noah). Although the story has a number of similarities with the book of anniversaries, it is likely that the authors of these apocrys used an echoic tradition independently of each other (Nickelsburg. 2001. P. 76).

III. E. And Kumranian texts. In the 4th Kumran. The cave found a large number of partition fragments of the 1st book of Enoch and related books of gigids dated Nach. II century to R. X.- Nach. I in. According to R. Kh. Given the presence of the Book of Jubileev and Apokrif KN. Being, it becomes obvious that the Enochical tradition was very significant for the community, K-parada kept these texts. However, the identification of this community, as well as its attitude towards the creators of the Egnisious tradition in the present. Time is a discussion problem. Moreover, a number of topical tradition, namely: dualistic cosmology, eschatological expectations, criticism of the priesthood and cult of the Jerusalem Temple - consonant with the community documents (charter, Damascus document), there are differences, the main ones are considerable attention to Kumran. Manuscripts to the law of Moiseyev (about which almost does not say in the echoic texts) and the connection of their eschatology with the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets. According to the theory of Boccacchini, Kumran. The community is a flow that separated due to disagreement on certain issues (primarily due to the teachings on the origin of evil and sin) from the Egnisious tradition, which presented a separate Relig. Movement (Boccaccini G. Beyond The Essene Hypothesis. Grand Rapids (Mich.), 1998).

IV. "Testaments of 12 patriarchs", although they are treated traditionally in a number of intereththous lit-ry, in the form that you have reached us. composition. Perhaps, it is based on written Jewish texts (since in Kumran, fragments of such wills of the Old Testament foreframes are found), but the initial material is significantly recycled. The Scriptures of E. and he himself mentioned in the "Patriarchs 10 wills" many times, but the source of the quotes given is not established. E. is called "righteous" (Test. XII PATR. III 10. 5; VII 5. 6; XII 9. 1). For example, in the "testament of Simeon" is given to the prophecy of E. On the hostility between the descendants of Simeon and Levi (Ibid. II 5. 4). In the "Levi will" on behalf of E., the prophecy is given on the retreat and the uninstitution of the Jerusalem priesthood (IBID. III 14. 1; 16. 1). On the atrocities of the descendants of Judah, Dana, Nuffalim and Veniamine, announced by E., also said in the relevant sections of "wills" (IBID. IV 18. 1; VII 5. 6; VIII 4. 1; XII 9. 1). At the end of E. Mentioned along with Noah, Sim, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, among those who "rise" (that is, they will resurrect) in the fun of the Odessa of God at the end of times (Ibid. XII 10. 6).

E. And Rabbinist Judaism

For ravic tradition, the fixation of which began only with the III century. According to R. H., the critical attitude towards Figure E., which is called a hypocrite (Breshit Rabba 25. 1 on life 5. 24), which is apparently connected with the Yiudochrist. controversy. His "taking" to the sky is considered simply death (on the basis of Jes 24. 16-18).

In early Christianity

The influence of an echoic tradition on Christianity is estimated by researchers in different ways. On the one hand, E. Righteous, who causing God. And in the books of the NZ, and in Christ. Writers quoted his writings. With others. The sides, the image of E. occupies a place in a number of Old Testament foreframes and prophets and is perceived as one of the sorties of Jesus Christ. At the same time, in the end, the ENOGICAL LIT-RA is not recognized as canonical (with the exception of the Ethiopian Church).

In NZ O E. It is said in the Epistle to the Jews: "Beluch of Enoch was transferred so that he had not seen death; And it did not become, because God reset it. For before the resettlement, he received a testimony that he pleased God "(Heb 11. 5). In the message of Judah, a quotation of 1 Enoch is given 1. 9: "They propheted and Enoch, the seventh from Adam, saying:" CE, there is a Lord with the darkness of the holy angels of their own - to propagate the court over everyone and renovate all between them are wicked in all matters, who made their wickedness, and in all the cruel words that the wicked sinners pronounced on him "" (Juda 14-15). Mention to Juda 6 "Angels, who did not preserve their dignity, but left their dwelling," is likely to reflect the legend of the rebellion of the gicaps described in the Enician Lit-Re.

Several. places in the NZ associated with the name of the AP. Peter, also contain allusions on the book E. (Vision AP. Peter in Dean 10 reminds the 2nd dream e.; In 2 Peter 2. 4-5 Uss. The same story as in Juda 6; in the 1st Message Ap. Peter there are a number of places of consonant messaging Enha). In the early christ Interpretations of words from the revelation of John the Theologian about the not named after the witnesses of the Lord, which will be prophesied at the end of times, the general opinion was that we are talking about. Elijah and E.: "And I will give two witnesses to mine, and they will prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days, being tested in the safe ... they have the power to worship the sky so that they will not rain on the ground in the days of the prophesy ... and when they grant their testimony, The beast, coming out of the abyss, will fight with them, and defeat them, and kill them, and the corpses will leave them on the Great City Street ... "(Rev 11. 3, 6-8).

Among the New Testament Apocrifs of the Books of E. is cited in the "Apocalipse Peter" (in the 4th Gl. - 1 Enoch 61. 5; in the 13th HL - 1 ENOH 62. 15-16; 63. 1, 7-9). Moreover, these books stand next to Copt. Akhmim manuscript (Codex Panopolitanus, V-VI centuries). In the processed form, the Enochic tradition is contained in pseudo-climet.

The author of the Varnava Apostle Epistle quotes the 1st book of Enha as a holy. Scripture (1 Enoch 89. 56, 60, 66-67 in Barnaba. Ep. 16. 5; 1 Enoch 91. 13 in Barnaba. Ep. 16. 6), and in Barnaba. Ep. 4. 3 leads on behalf of E. ("As Enoch")) quote, the source is not installed.

About the righteousness of E. Says Schchench. Clement Roman: "Take the Enha, who was found on his obedience, and was pressed and did not see his death" (Clem. Rom. Ep. 1 ad Cor. 9. 3). MCH. Justin not only retends the story of the fallen angels (IUST. Martyr. II APOL. 5. 2), but also refers to the image of E. In connection with the controversy of circumcision: "If the carnal circumcision was necessary ... I would not please [God ] The uncircumcised ENOH is so much that it was not found, because God took it "(Idem. Dial. 19. 3). The same aspect in the story of E. emphasizes SCCHM. Irina Lyon: "And Enoch, although there was a man without circumcision, pleased God, performed the Embassy of God to the angels and was parole and Dynamus remains witness to the Righteous Court of God; Because the angels sinned themselves to the land for condemnation, and the person's challenged is pretty in salvation "(IREN. ADV. Haer. IV 16. 2; Probably, the exterior is based on - 1 ENOH 12. 4-5; 13. 4-7; 15) . He also indicates that E. I revealed the mode of the resurrection of the righteous: "... The delojen delusted God in the body, in which he pleased, predicting the delights of the righteous" (Iren. Adv. Haer. V 5. 1).

The TERTULLYAN was one of those who defended the authenticity and the violence of "Scripture Enoch." In op. "About the female decoration" after the story about the fall of angels (TERTULL. DE CULTU FEM. 1. 2) He writes: "I know that the Book of Enoch, in which such future angels predicted, some reject on the grounds that it is not included in Jewish canon. I hope they do not believe that she was written to the flood, and after the world catastrophe was able to survive. And if they agree with this, then let him remember that the greatness of Enoch was survived by the catastrophe of Noah, who, thanks to the family legend, he had listened to his great-grandfather and about all his prophecies, since Enah his son Mafusal ordered to transfer them to his descendants "(Ibid. 1 . 3). And a little further, he says that in the same book E. prophesied on the Lord (i.e. about Jesus Christ), and therefore "we should not reject anything that has a relationship" (IBIDEM). In the treatise "On idolatry", TERTULLYAN writes: "The first heated ENOH, that all the elements and in general, everything inhabit the world, that is, he lives in the sky, on earth and in the sea, will be demons and spirits of retreated angels to go to idolatry. These forces will try to make it so that instead of God and inadequate to God serving and honor surrounded them. That is why human error and honors anything, just not the creator of everything. These images are the essence of the idol, and the reverence of idols sacred - idolatry. Who makes idolatry, it will undoubtedly be counted to the creators of this very idol. Therefore, the same ENOH is equally threatened and worshiped idols and those who are manufactured. So he says: I swear to you, sinners, that you were caked by sadness in the day of death. I warn you to serve as stones, and manufacturing images are gold and silver, as well as wooden, stone and clay, employees of ghosts, demons and spirits of the underworld and the following delusion, and not to the teachings that you will not find in them help yourself "(Idem. De Idololatr . 4; 1 Enoch is cited 99. 6-7). And a little further, he says like this: "From the very beginning it foresees the Holy Spirit, and through his oldest prophet Enoch, it was announced that the doorways would be subject to superstition" (Tertull. De idololatr. 15). In the treatise "On the Resurrection of the flesh", the TRTRTULLYAN argues about "take" E.: "Enoch and Elijah (they have not yet resurrected, because they are not given to death, but they are admired from her from the ground and therefore already recover eternity) learn from their flesh to every vope, Any damage, any injustice and renovation "(IDEM. De Resurr. 58). In the treatise "About the soul", TERTULLYAN writes that E. still have to die with the knob. Elijah so that "own blood to dismiss Antichrist" (Idem. De Anima. 50. 5).

According to Schchench. Rimsky Hippolyte, E. and Pros. Elijah will be the two witnesses of the prophets, the revenues are stated in Open 11. 3 (Hipp. De Christ etichrist. 43; Wed: Idem. In dan. 4. 35; Idem. De Consum. Mundi. 21, 29 ). Schmch. Cyprian Cartahaginsky also says that E. deserved the relocation from the world of the world, because he pleased God, and was taken to ensure that the dishonor did not change his mind (Cypr. Carth. De Mort. 23). SVT. Ambrose Mediolsky noted that E. was ascended to the sky of St. Spirit (Ambros. Mediol. De ISAAC. 8. 77).

With the attention of the Scriptures associated with the name E., Alexandrian authors treated. Clement Alexandrian quotes the 1st book of Enha (1 Enoch 19. 3 in Clem. Alex. Eclog. Proph. 2. 1; 1 Enoch 8 in Clem. Alex. Eclog. Proph. 53. 4), in "Stromas" mentions history fallen angels and revelations received from them (IDEM. STROM. III 59. 2; V 10. 2), and also says: "Soon after forgiveness, Cain did not then revealed God on Earth, the son of repentance, and did he show The most that repentance generates forgiveness "(Ibid. II 70. 3).

Origen mentions and quotes the Scriptures of E. (Orig. De Princip. I 3. 3; IV 4. 8; quotes - 1 Enoch 21. 1 and 19. 3), he considered genuine and tuny (orig. Comm. In Ioan. VI 42. 217 (quotes 1 ENOH 6. 5); Idem. In Num. 28. 2). However, in the controversy with Celsis, he wrote that not all churches recognize the informant character of the book E. (Idem. CONTR CELS. 52-55), and doubts are caused primarily by the fact that they are not included in Heb. Canon Bible. But, for example, the contemporary of Origen Julius African quoted 1 Enoch 6. 1 as holy. Scripture in "Chronographs", and Schchmch. Anatoly Laodician relied on the authority of E. in the 5th canon of Easter (EUSEB. Hist. ECCl. VII 32. 19).

Schishmch. Methodius Patarovsky calls E. "The first lover of truth" along with Sif, Avela, Enosome and Noah; All of them are the firstborn mentioned in Heb 12. 23 (Method. Olymp. Conv. Decept Virg. 7. 5). SVT. Cyril Jerusalemsky emphasizes that John the Baptist was higher E. (Cyr. Hieros. Cathech. 3. 6), and the Ascension of the Lord exceeds "Taking" E. on Heaven (IBID. 14. 25). PS Ephraim Sirin adds that the Ascension E. occurred in front of Adam, so that he did not think that E. killed, like Ability (Ephraem Syr. In Gen. 5. 2). For SVT. John Zlatoust Ascension E. served as proof that flesh cannot become an obstacle to achieving holiness (Ioan. Chrysost. In ioan. 75). In the "apostolic decisions" (approx. 380), E. refers to the number of people in each generation calls people to repentance (Const. Ap. II 55. 1). In prayers, he along with Dr. Old Testament Righteous is called the famous God of Holy (IBID. VII 39. 3) and the priest elected (IBID. VIII 5. 4).

An Egnolish tradition was a certain extent known to Athenagor, the issue of Felix, Commodian, Lactation, SVT. Epiphany Cyprus, BLI. Jerome, Rufin, although most likely in secondary sources. Probably in the early christm. The era appeared prototypes of Enoha second book (or glory. Book of Enha), Enoch of the third book (or Heb. Book of Enha, Chelotot), History of Enoch and Elijah (Lat.), "Apocalypse Enoch" (Sir.), Fragments Copt. Apokrif O E. (based on the 1st book of Enoch; 2 Said are known. Versions), "Vision of Enoha Righteous" (Arm).

However, to the con. IV century Citation of Enochic LIT-RL begins to be perceived as a sign of evasion from Orthodoxy (Enochical texts were actually used by mania seeds: for example, in Cologne's Code (Colon. 4780) 1 Enoch 58. 7 - 60. 12 (Wed: 2 Enoch 1. 3 -10)). So, BLZH. Jerome writes that many rejected by the message of Judah only on the grounds that the Scriptures of E. (Hieron. De Vir. Illustr. 4). BLI. Augustine, analyzing the history of gigids, speaks of the apocryphic character of books E.: "Therefore, a disseminated name under the name of Enoch and containing fables about the giants of this kind, they were not people who are not people who are the equitable opinion of people reasonable, should not be attributed to him; For in this way, under the name of other prophets, and in the later time, under the names and the apostles, heretics spread a lot of such that with a thorough study, it was excluded from the number of canonical books under the name of the apocrypha "(Aug. de Civ. Dei. 15. 23). However, his position is dual: he believes that, since the Scriptures of E. are quoted in the message of Judah, they are bewildered ("you can not, however, deny that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, wrote something divine" - IBIDEM), but not taken to the canon : "If the Scriptures did not receive the authority from the Jews, nor with us, the reason for this is extreme antiquity, as a result of which they considered it necessary to treat them with distrust, so as not to accept the false for the true" (Ibid. 18. 38).

In the visant. and sire. Traditions are the latter, who quoted Scripture E., were Georgy Sinkell in Nach. IX century And Mikhail Cyrian and Georgy Kedrin in the XII century.

However, another attitude towards E. was in the Ethiopian church, where the 1st book of Enha was included in the Canon VZ and was composed of several. New works about E. ("other preaching about the birth of Enoch" entered the "book of secrets of the sky and the Earth", as well as inenect. "Vision of Enha"). E. kept authority and calendar issues. In the XV century imp. Zara Yakob argued that no one "cannot figure out the time of fasting, Easter and holidays without eno" (CSCO. Vol. 235. Aethiop. T. 43. P. 99. 10-14; CSCO. Vol. 236. Aethiop. T. 44. P. 87. 17-21).

The memory of E. to heaven is celebrated by Ethiopian and Coptic churches on January 23. (27 Tarra or Tobe, respectively) and July 18 (24 Hamle or Epipe). In some sire. E. monthly monthly monthly weeks or July 7th. In the visant. The traditions of the memory of E. per week is the forefather (in some monthly the memory of the dough patriarchs on March 1).

From the XIX century The image and Scriptures of E. began to be especially memorized by Mormons (the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Days).

In an old-procured tradition

E. Together with Elijah acts as a prophet close arrival of the antichrist. The idea of \u200b\u200bhow the coming of the prophets - sensual or spiritual, caused a controversy among the Old Believers who divided into 2 groups. The first, k-ryom includes followers of the ROCS, RDC and partly DPC, and from the twentieth century. a significant part of the chapels, believe that the appearance of the prophets is only expected and they will come in the flesh; Dr.-Impreparations of various conversations (in the present time minority) - argue that the spiritual parish has already taken place and the Antichrist has long been reigning in the world.

Starting from the first teachers of the Old Believers, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe execution of all predictions was approved, but there was no unity against the prophets. Avvakum Protopop, calling: "Vi's mind of the beast of the chronicle" (Bubnov, Dekova. 1981. P. 150), nevertheless believed that the antichrist had not yet come to the world, and condemned those who wisely "wisely, that the coming of the prophets Elijah And Enoha on the glory of the antichrist will be a spirit, not flesh "(Smirnov. 1898. S. LIV). Diak agreed with him. Fedor, Pop Lazar and Inok Abraham, also claimed that the prophets will come in the flesh. But Yakov Lepёchin in Siberia, Ignatius Solovetsky in Pomorie and Kuzma oblique on Don preached, arguing that the mental coming of the prophets will be held and the spiritual antichrist will appear, which meets the urgent issues of changing life and will continue to dominate. Grigory Yakovlev, who lived on the Veda and who knew the Pomeranian views well, wrote in Ser. XVIII V.: "Ilia and Enoch (with them and John the Theologian) in no way expecting, but meaningless of them spiritually, and not sensually" (Yakovlev. 1888. P. 656). Fedoseevsky spiritual teachers tried through critical reasoning to show the unreasonability of literal understanding, which was most clearly manifested in the composition of the con. XVIII century "The all-powerful petition of Alexei Andreevich Karetnik," in Kr. he shows that Ilya and E. Physically will not be able to hold a preaching throughout the land for 3.5 years, they are discharged to Scripture, therefore their arrival must be understood allegorically. The founder of the wardrong consent of Evfimiy in the writings "On the preaching of the Prophets", "Flower Gold" and "Titin" wrote that the preaching of the prophets should be understood in the spiritual, and not in the letters. sense.

The controversy continued in the XIX - beginning. Xx in. EP. Belochrinitsky Hierarchy of Arseny (Schvetsov) in the "Book of Antichrist" claimed the "Sensual Completion of the coming of Enoch and Elijah Prophets, to the obstruction of the Antichrist, for the appeal and approval by man." Polemicist of Sunzovsky consent A. A. Konovalov argued that "the coming of the prophets of Enoch and Elijah and with them John the Godlovan in a literal sense to understand there is no possibility, and it should be understood spiritually" and that "the prophets are spiritually killed there, where they are corrupted by the wrong understanding of their prophecies" (Konovalov. 1906. P. 33-34). On May 9, 1909, the 3rd interview "about the prophets and antichrist" was held at the Polytechnic Museum under the chairmanship of M. I. Brilliant, from the Pychugin Pomorskoff Pichugin and the representative of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy and the comrade of the Chairman of the Union of Old Believers F. E . Melnikov, during the course the spiritual and sensual views of the interlocutors were reaffirmed.

The twentieth century was marked by a sharp exacerbation of the controversy between these directions, ch. arr. In the east of Russia, which led to the rapprochement of irreconcilable positions and the emergence of a number of old-handed work, allowing both letters. and the spiritual understanding of the Antichrist and the prophets of His coming E. and Elijah.

In Muslim tradition

E. is known under the name Idris. In the Quran about him it was said that "he was a righteous man and the prophet," the reason was ascended by God "at the High Place" (Sura 19. Ayat 56-57). It is called "patient" (Sura 21. Ayat 85). In the "stories about the prophets" it is reported that Idris lived for 308 years of the life of Adam and, according to IBN, Ishaca, 1-M began writing a calene (calam). The Hadith is also given there, in the rum it is said that Muhammad saw Idris on the 4th sky during a night journey and ascension.

Apocryphal associated with the name E.

In addition to the 3 "main apocrys" -1st book of Enoch, the 2nd book of Enoch and the 3rd book of Enha - with the name of this Old Testament Plaque, is connected soon. Works, which were compiled in the Middle Ages.

"History of Enha and Ilia" has been preserved on the lat. Language in the poetic arrangement of Gotfrid from Witerbo (ɨ 1191) called "Pantheon" (Esposito M. UnpoCrifo "Libro D" ENOCH ED ELIA "// Città di Vita: Riv. Di Studi Religiosi. Firenze, 1947. Vol. 2 P. 228-236). In this apocrifa, the island was stated on the island, on Kr. E. and Elijah await the arrival of the antichrist. In addition. Miracles, this island is abounding with gold. Celt. Monks managed to get to him and talk with E. and Eli C-rye appeared in front of them in the image of the elders. M. Esposito put forward a hypothesis that this apocrypha is based on the "Swimming Brendian swimming", compiled in the IX century. (Idem. An ApoCryphal "Book of Enoch and Elias" as a Possible Source of The Navigatio Sancti Brendani // Celtica. Dublin, 1960. Vol. 5. P. 192-206). However, it was rejected in view of many discrepancies in narration details (Dumville D. Biblical Apocrypha and The Early Irish: A Prelim. Investigation // Proc. Of Royal Irish Academy. SECT. C: Archaeology, Celtic Stud., History, Linguistics and Literature. Dublin, 19 73. Vol. 73. P. 299-338).

Cira "Apocalypse Enoch" is cited in the chronicle of Mikhail Syrian (kN. 11, ch. 22). The authors of the text are called Monophizite bishops Kiriak Sizhistansky and bar Salta Rashainsky. The text refers to the coming to the power of the Omeyad Caliph ABU ABB Al-Malika Marvan II Ibn Muhammad (744-749) and his son. Probably, the apocrif was compiled in order to decline the favor of the caliph (however, his son did not become the heir).

3 Fragment Copt. Apokrif about E., based on the 1st book of Enha, was preserved on the Said dialect on Parchment found in Aswan (Cair. Mus. 48085). E. It is called the righteous scribe, which is responsible for the book of life (Wed: Yub 4. 23).

Another Said version is known in 9 fragments of Papyrus VII century. from Luxor (NY Morgan. Coptic theol. Texts. 3. 1-9). In this apocryph, Christ. or Gnostic origin, we are talking about the prophecy of Sivilles, which is called sister E. She predicts E. His bud. The role of heavenly proud.

"The vision of Enoh Righteous" has been preserved only on AWP. Language (Maten. 1500, 1271-1285) and is medieval. An essay that is not associated with 1, 2 and the 3rd books of Enha. Apocrifa is compiled in con. VIII century (Reflects the events of the conquest by Arabs of Syria, etc.) and the closest to it Arab. "Apocalypse Daniel".

"A different preaching of the birth of Enha" is not an independent product, but an excerpt from Ethiop. "Books of Tyne Sky and Earth", Kraya is a collection of interpretations for holy. Scripture compiled by Bahail Mikael (Avva Zosima) in con. XIV - beginning XV century (Paris. Aeth. 117, XVI or XVII century). On behalf of E. In this text, it is narrated by the history of the world. The appearance of the image E. is not accidental and is associated with an emergence of an emergency era of the ideas about E. as about the inventive of astrology.

In Ethiop. Traditions are famous and others. Text - "Vision Enoch", which is contained in the manuscripts belonging to the falas (Paris. Abbadie. 107, XIX century. Fol. 56v - 59) and Christians (Paris. Aeth. Griaule. 324).

In gnostic op. "Master Sophia" is argued that E., being in paradise, wrote 2 books by Yeu under the dictation of Jesus Christ (Pistis Sophia. 99. 246; 134. 354). However, the name E. or quotes from its essays are not found in those known under such named the Apacrifs.

The story of the giants afterwards. It ceased to be associated with the books of E., although some traces of the Enochic tradition seek in Anglosex. Beowulf (Kaske R. E. Bowulf and The Book of Enoch // Speculum. 1971. Vol. 46. N 3. P. 421-431).

Pedro Alfons († 1140), who turned into Christianity Spanish. Jew, amounted to Lat. Language Collection of short instructive stories, the 2nd and 3rd chapters of the fourth were associated with the name E. Crew. They were translated into Heb. Language called "Book Enha about friendship", and from Jewish - on MN. Europe. languages.

Lit.: Yakovlev G. Notice of the righteous about the split of universities // Bratskaya Word.1888. No. 8. P. 656; Smirnov P.S. Internal questions in the split in the XVIII century. St. Petersburg, 1898; Konovalov A. A. On the coming of the prophets of Enoch and Elijah, about the Antichrist and the destruction of the sacrament of St. Communion. Carvers, 1906; Interviews of the Old Believers L. F. Pichugin, representative of the Pomeranian marriage consent, and F. E. Melnikova and D. S. Varakina, a representative of Popovtsov, susceptible Belokrinitsky hierarchy. M., 1909. P. 156-235; Grelot P. La Légende D "Henoch Dans Les Apocryphes et Dans La Bible // Rechsr. 1958. Vol. 46. P. 5-26; Cassuto U. A Commentary on the Book of Genesis / Transl. I. Abrahams. Jerusalem, 1961. Pt. 1: From Adam to Noah; Reiner E. The Etiological Myth of the "Seven Sages" // Orientalia. NS 1961. Vol. 30. P. 1-11; Lambert WG Enmeduranki and Related Matters // J. Of Cuneiform Stud. 1967. Vol. 21. P. 126-138; REIF SC Dedicated to // VT. 1972. Vol. 22. P. 495-501; Borger R. Die Beschwörungsserie und Die Himmelfahrt Henochs // Jnes. 1974 . Vol. 33. N 2. P. 183-196; The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumrân Cave 4 / ED. JT Milik. Oxf., 1976; Sasson JM a Genealogical "Convention" in Biblel Chronography? // ZAW . 1978. BD. 90. S. 171-185; Bubnov N. Yu., Dekova N. S. The newly found message from Moscow to the emotionist "An uptown from the Son of the spiritual to Father spiritual" and the response of the Avvakum Protopopopa (1676) // Todrl. 1981. T. 36. S. 127-150; Vanderkam J. C. ENOCH AND THE GROWTH OF AN APCALYPTIC TRADITION. Wash., 1984; IDEM. Enoch: a man for all generations. Columbia (S. Carolina), 1995; Westermann C. Genesis 1-11: A Comment. L.; Minneapolis, 1984; Guryanova N. S. Peasant antimonarchic protest in the Old Believer ESChatological Lithuanian period of the late feudalism. Novosib., 1988; Berger K. Henoch // RAC. 1988. BD. 14. S. 473-545; Kvanvig H. S. Roots of Apocalyptic: The Mesopotamian Background of the Enoch Figure and Of The Son Of Man. Neukirchen-vluyn, 1988; Maltsev A. I. Starovarov-Wanderers in XVIII - 1st floor. Hih in. Novosib., 1996; The Jewish Apocalyptic Heritage in Early Christianity. ASSEN; Minneapolis, 1996; Alexander pH. S. From Son Of Adam to Second God: Transforms of the Biblical Enoch // Biblical Figures Outside The Bible / Ed. M. E. Stone, Th. A. Bergren. Harrisburg (Pennsylv.), 1998. P. 87-122; Nickelsburg G. W. E. 1 ENOCH: A Comment. Minneapolis, 2001; Pokrovsky N. N., Zolnikova N. D. Starbers-chapels in the East of Russia in the XVIII - XX centuries. M., 2002. P. 236-237, 257; Arseny (Shvetsov), EP. Ural. The book about the Antichrist and Other Deal, and at it by the Being of the Best. M., 2005. P. 77-86, 112-117.

A. A. Tkachenko, E. A. Ageev


Probably one of the most ancient images of E. presented in the Christian topography of the Alikoplov space (Vat. GR. 699. Fol. 65, con. Ix century). E. depicts "Elderly, with small hair on his head, with a full blond beard, it is thoughtfully, blessing" (Rain. P. 356). On it green chiton with a wide blue claw and pink gymatic. Nearby - the figure of a person sitting on the sarcophagus and turning his face from e. - the personification of death. The image of E. is in copies of the Vatican list of Christian topography: Laurent. Plut. IX. 28. Fol. 118) and Sinai (Sinait. Gr. 1186. Fol. 97).

In Grech. Ermiania Dionysius Furnoagraphi E. is described by an old man with a pointed beard (Part 2. § 128. No. 8). In rus. Consolidated icon-painted script (XVIII century), published S. T. Bolshakov, the description of the righteous is as brief: "Enoch, writes in the scroll. Uphov urge the name of my love to me. "

E., prophesy about the World Flood and Resurrection from the Dead, was depicted among the prophets in the frescic cycles of the Novgorod churches of the XIV C.: Baubea C. Transfiguration in led. Novgorod (1378) - Full-length figure, short hair framing the face and close the forehead, the left hand is omitted, right in front of the breasts outwards; In the medallion on the slope of the Vost. Lental arches in c. Assumption on the volovers field in the led. Novgorod (1363 or after 1380) - Almost naked skull, a long beard with curly ends, a large nose raised to the chest right hand hidden under the end of the Himathyathy's chest, left - before breasting palm outward; Clothes red.

The image of E. is often found as part of the principal number of high iconostasis. Perhaps the earliest image - the inserts with painting of the 50-60s. XVI in. In the board of the XVIII century. In the iconostasis of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin: E. Presented on the belt, midsomecom with short hair and a small neat beard, in blue chiton and red gymathy, with a folded scroll in the left hand, right hand raised to the chest. Nach XVI in. dating a small icon from C. in honor of Vladimir Icon The Mother of God in Yaroslavl (YAIAMZ; 13 × 5 cm), the image on it is an old man with a pointed beard, in growth - is determined by the inscription on the paper sticker on the turnover. Unusual for the righteous clothing is a wide dealer and a strip on Podol. Preserved icons of the XVII century. with a devoid manner E.: Icon of 1652 in the iconostasis of the Pravasian Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin - at E. Long beard of oval shape, red chiton and brown gymathies; Icon of 1678 in the iconostasis c. Resurrection of the word of the Moscow Kremlin - at E. Long wavy hair, a long beard, green chiton and brown-burgundy harmatic (both in GMK). E. Growth image Included in the principal number of Iconostasis XVII W.: In the Smolensky Cathedral of Novodevichy Mont-Rya in Moscow (Kon. XVI century), in the Christmas Cathedral of Antoniyev Monastery in Vet. Novgorod (Kon. XVII century, NGOMZ), in the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatievsky Monastery in Kostroma (1652, kgoams).

To rus. Icones "Resurrection - Descent to hell" in the XVII century. Frequently placed image E. Together with the knob. Elijah as 2 Witnesses of God, about the revenue stated in Revelation 11. 3 (Icons: 2nd sex. XVI century, GVSMZ; from c. Svt. Nicholas Wonderworker (wet) in Yaroslavl, Kon. XVI century, YayMZ ; 40s. XVII century, YAIAMZ; Circle Guri Nikitina from C. Resurrection on Debre, Ambassador. Chedve. XVII century; from c. Theodore icon of the Mother of God in Yaroslavl, Kon. 80s. XVII century , YAIMZ). This version of iconography meets up to the XIX century, often as part of extensive compositions (eg, the icon "Terrchy Court", 1st Chetve. XIX century, Riamz; "Four-Party" Icon, 1813, GMM).

Lit.: Erminia DF. P. 76; The original icon-painted / ed. S. T. Bolshakova ed. A. I. Uspensky. M., 1903. P. 10; Round E. K. Christ. Topography of Kozma Indicoplov by Greek. and rus. lists. M., 1916. Part 1. P. 356-357; Lifshits L. I. Monumental painting Novgorod XIV-XV centuries. M., 1987. IL. 121; Yaroslavl Art Museum. Yaroslavl, 2002. T. 1. Cat. 16. P. 70-71; Kostroma icon of the XIII-XIX centuries. / Sost: N. I. Komashko, S. S. Katkova. M., 2004. P. 511; Icons of Vladimir and Suzdal. M., 2006. P. 250-251.

I. A. Zhuravleva

The appearance of Sif was much majestic than Cain and Abel and looked at Adam more than all his sons. He reminded his nobility of Abel. However, he inherited good qualities than Cain. Regarding the creation of Adam, it is said: "In the image of God created him," but after the sin, a person gave birth to children "like his likely to his own way." Despite the fact that Adam was created sinless, in the image of God, Sif, like Kain, inherited the sinful nature of his parents. But he also learned about the Redeemer and was instructed in righteousness. The grace of God, he served God and glorified him. Turning to sinners, as Avel would do, if he was alive, Sif taught them to honor God and obey her Creator. "Sif was also born a son, and he nare him his name: ENOS; Then they started calling the name of the Lord. " Before the faithful worshiped God, but as the population increases on Earth, the difference between the two groups of people became more and more noticeable. Some openly confessed their loyalty to God, others expressed contempt and did not obey him.

Before the fall, our progenitors were observed by Saturday, installed in emana, and after their expulsion from there continued to sang her. Looking from the bitter fruits of disobedience, they learned that anyone who trampled the commandments of God, sooner or later he learns that the divine establishments of the saints and unshaklemen and that the punishment for their violation is inevitable. Saturday was revered by all the children of Adam, who remained faithful to God. But Cain and his descendants did not comply with this day, which God himself was resting. At their own discretion, they set the days of rest and work, not believing with the command of Jehovah.

Carnated by the Cain God left the house of his father. Initially, he took up the cultivation of the Earth and built a city called by the name of his eldest son. He turned away from God's face, eradicated the promise of a return on returning in the ride, immersed in search of wealth and pleasures on earth, damned for sin, and thus laid the beginning of a large group of people who worship the God of the century. The descendants of Cain have reached outstanding success in affairs, in finding earthly goods, but they were indifferent to God and counteracted his intentions regarding man. To the criminal murder, perfect for the first time Caine, Lamech, fifth on his generation, added many aruges; With causing arrogance, he recognized God only because of personal gain as a curse, having pursuing any killer, provided him with personal security (see everyday life. 4:23). Abel led a nomadic lifestyle, upheld in a tent, and the descendants of Sif followed the same example, honored by the "wanderers and aliens on earth", striving "for the better, that is, to heavenly" (Heb.

Some time, the descendants of Cain and Sif lived separately. Cainites, removing from the place of their first settlement, scattered through the plains and valleys, where Sif's children lived, and the last, wanting to avoid their disastrous influence, went to the mountains and there were spread their tents there. And leading such a separate lifestyle, Sifites retained serving God in all purity. But gradually, over time, they mixed with the residents of the valleys, which led to disastrous consequences. "Then the sons of God saw the daughters of human, that they are beautiful" (Gen. 6: 2). Sif's children who are passionate about the beauty of the daughters of Cainitov, upset of the Lord, took their wife themselves. Many worshiping God were involved in the sin of various temptations that constantly seduced them, and lost their special righteousness. Mixing with the wickedly, they liked them in spirit and in acts; Not belovering the restrictions of the seventh commandment, they "took them their wives, which someone chose." Sif's children went "by Cainov" (Jud. 11); They rushed to earthly wealth and pleasures and neglected the commandments of God. People, having disrupted God, did not glorify him, but "they were attempted in their clarification, and dismissed the meaningless heart." Therefore, "I betrayed them by the infurinal mind" (Rome. 1: 21.28). Sin, like deadly leprosy, embraced all the land.

Almost a thousand years Adam lived among people as a witness of the consequences of sin. He sincerely tried to suspend the flow of evil. He was behaved to educate his descendants in the truth of God, and he carefully preserved and passed to the subsequent generations that God opened him. Adam told his children and children children up to the ninth generation about the holy and happy life of a person in paradise. He repeated the history of his fall, talking about the suffering to which the Lord Obroeks him, convincing the need to accurately fulfill his law. Adam revealed before his descendants with the mercy of God taking care of their salvation. However, only a few listened to his words. Often he had to hear bitter reproaches for the perfect sin, which brought so much burning his descendants.

The life of Adam was performed by grief, humility and repentance. After the expulsion of eager, the thought of death led him to horror. He was the first of the people with the reality of death when his original son Cain became the killer of his brother. The strongest remorse of conscience for their sin and deeply shocked by the death of Abel and the rejection of Cain, Adam experienced the most severe suffering. He saw the depravity of people all increase and eventually lead the world to the flood; Although at first the death sentence, made by him, seemed too terrible, but then, watching the consequences of sin for the millenia of the millennium, he understood that by the part of God was grace to put an end to life performed by suffering and grief.

Despite the lawlessness of the antediluvian world, the time was not an era of ignorance and primitive, as often suggest. People had brilliant opportunities to achieve the highest level of moral and mental development. They possessed the non-Ravy physical strength and an outstanding mind. The possibilities of finding spiritual and scientific knowledge were infinite. It would be wrong to think that if the people of that time lived for so long, then their mental mature matured later. Their intellectual abilities developed early, and those who were afraid of God and lived according to his will increase in knowledge and wisdom throughout their lives. If it was possible to compare the famous scientists of our time with their peers of the dough world, which would seek them in comparison with them in mental and physical terms. His physical strength decreased with the reduction of human life and mental capacity. There are people who learn from twenty to fifty years of their lives, and the world amazes them to successes; But what kind of limited their knowledge will be shown compared to knowledge of those whose abilities have developed over the centuries!

It is fair that our contemporaries have benefited thanks to the achievements of their predecessors. The people of an outstanding mind who explored, inherited and wrote, left their heritage to followers. However, the benefits of people ancient Mira There were incomparably more. Among them, for centuries, he lived the one who was created in the image of God, about whom God himself said "very well", - the man whom God instructed the whole wisdom of this world. Adam recognized the history of creation from the Creator; He saw events with his own eyes, deployed for nine centuries, and transmitted his knowledge to the coming generations. Updated people did not have written and, therefore, books, but possessed huge abilities, excellent memory and accurately transferred their knowledge to descendants. For centuries, seven generations were at the same time, which had the opportunity to share their scholarship and experience.

People of that time possessed unique advantages to acquire divine knowledge through his creation, which was not equal. That time was the time of the Great Light, and not religious darkness. The whole world had the opportunity to know the truth from Adam, and God's living in fear, besides, studied from Jesus Christ and his angels. For many centuries, before their eyes, there was a mute witness of the truth - the Garden of God. The gate of Paradise, guarded by Cherubs, was the glory of God, and there were praying. Here they erected Altari and brought victims. Here they committed sacrifices of Cain and Abel, and God came down from heaven to communicate with them.

Skeptics could not deny the existence of eating while he was in sight of everyone and the entrance was guarded by the angels. The sequence of creation, the garden, the history of two trees, so closely associated with the fate of man, - all this was an indisputable fact. While Adam was alive, few people tried to challenge the being of God, his supreme power and the requirements of his law.

Despite the multiplying lawlessness, at that time there was a dynasty of holy husbands - they, refined and inspired by communication with God, lived on Earth, as if in heaven. They had a mighty power of mind and amazing knowledge. Before them stood the Great and Holy Goal - to form a righteous nature and leave an example of piety not only to their contemporaries, but also to all coming generations. On the pages of the Holy Scriptures, the names of only the few, the most outstanding of them are mentioned; But throughout the centuries, God had such loyal witnesses, sincere adherents.

Ohnah says that he lived sixty five years and his son bore. After that, he walked with the God of three years. Already in the early period of his life, Enah loved God, feared him and observed his commandments. He belonged to the dynasty of those holy husbands that retained the true faith and were the progenitors of the promised seed. From the mouth of Adam Enoch learned about the gloomy History of Falls, as well as the joyful news about the promise of God, and he replaced at the coming Redeemer. But the birth of the firstborn brought the deepest experiences to Eneokh; He closer closely with God. As a child of God, he even deeper his duties and responsibilities. Observing the attachment of the child to himself, his innocent faith in the power of the Father, and he himself experiencing a deep tenderness to his firstborn, Enoch understood the wonderful love of God for the people who gave them his son, and learned confidence, with which children of God should treat the Heavenly Father. Unlimited, incomprehensible love of God, manifested in Jesus Christ, became the subject of his continuous reflection, and with all the ardake of the soul, he sought to show the same love for others.

"Enoch walked before God" not in a state of ecstasy or vision, but in all the daily responsibilities of his life. He did not become a hermit, did not leave people, because it was supposed to work in the world for God. And in his family, and in society he was a persistent, unshakable servant of God.

His heart harmoniously responded to God's will, because "will two go together, without consulting between him?" (AM 3: 3). And this holy union lasted three hundred years. There are few Christians who would not be made much more serious and dedicated if they knew the hour of their death and the close time of the coming of Christ. Vera Enoha became all the harder, and love is stronger even over the centuries.

Enoch possessed a strong, outstanding mind and extensive knowledge. He was awarded special revelations from God. But despite its continuous communication with the sky and never left him a sense of divine greatness and perfection, he was the most humble man on earth. The more closely his connection was becoming with God, the deeper he penetrated the consciousness of his own imperfection and weakness.

Depressed by the growing lawlessness of Godothels and fearing so that their disbelief did not weaken his reverent attitude towards God, Egypt avoided constant communication with people and spent a lot of time alone, indulging in reflection and prayer. So Eneoch relied on God, seeking to know his will, which should be fulfilled to fulfill. For him, the prayer was breathing life, he lived in the atmosphere of the sky itself.

Through the Holy Angels, God told Eneokh his intention to destroy the world by the Flood, and also opened him a more complete atonement plan. With the help of the Spirit of the Prophecy, he showed him all the coming generations after the flood and great events associated with the second coming of Christ at the end of times.

Enoch worried about the dead. It seemed to him before that the righteous, and the wicked would come to the grave, and this would end. He could not comprehend what he expects a feature of death. He was given a prophetic vision regarding Christ's death, he saw His coming in glory, with the darkness of all Holy Angels to liberate their people from the grave. He also saw the corrupted state of the world before the second coming of Christ, saw a boastful, wayward, arrogant generation of people who reject a single God and Lord Jesus Christ, who feet his law and reject his salvation. He saw the righteous, crowned with glory and honor, and lawlessness running from the presence of the Lord - destroyed by fire.

Enoch became a preacher of righteousness, telling people that God opened him. Living in fear of God was looking for communication with this holy husband to listen to his instructions and pray with him. He preached God's message to everyone who sought to accept the words of warning. He preached not only to Sifitam. In the ground, where Cain ran away to escape from the face of the Lord, the Prophet of God told about the wonderful events that have passed before him in the vision. "CE, there is a Lord with the darkness of the Saints (Angels) of their own - to approve the court over everyone and rented all the wicked in all matters, which made their wickedness" (Jud. 14.15).

He was a fearless accuser of sin. Preaching God's love, open in Christ, his contemporaries and begging them to leave the ways of vice, Egypt revealed by lawlessness and warned that the court of God would not slow down to accomplish over wicked. The spirit of Jesus turned the mouth of Enha. This spirit manifests itself not only in the words of love, compassion and plea - the holy men are called upon to speak not only pleasant. God is wound in the mouths and hearts of their messengers and truths, crushing like a double-edged sword.

Listening Enoch felt the power of God, acting in his servant. Some have accepted its warnings and left the former sinful lifestyle, but most mocked the Grozny news and with even greater perseverance continued to walk along the path of evil. In the last days, the servants of God will proclaim a similar news, which is rejected with the same non-worker and mockery. The doppoplary world hescribed the words and warning of one who walked with God. So the last generation will be frivolously reacted by the warnings of the foresights of God.

Releasingly preaching, Enoch did not lose touch with God. The harder and more importantly, his works were, the sincere and more persistent were his prayers. Sometimes he broke all communication with people. Then, remaining some time among people, instructed them, helping them with a word and an example, and again removed to feel and quench the thirst for those divine truths, which only he can give alone. Staying in such communication with God, Egyn has become more and more and more likened the Lord. His face glowed the holy light that shines on the face of Jesus. Once he communicated with God, even chaselessness with a reverent fear looked at his face, on which the seal of the sky was resting.

The lawlessness of the world has reached such a limit that his death was predetermined. Years passed, the flow of human crimes was long, and the clouds of divine mens schish were thickened with grim and gloomy. However, ENOH, the witness of faith, tirelessly went ahead on the chosen path, warned, praying, persuading, striving with all their might restrain the flow of crimes and boom arrows. Although his warnings were rejected by a sinful, frivolous people, but, encouraged by the Lord, he continued to devote himself to fight with a multiply evil, while God did not take him from a sinful land into the holy monastery of the sky.

Contemporaries Enoch considered this man insane, for he did not think about gold, silver and other jewels here, on earth. Heart Enoch sought to eternal treasures. He looked at Heavenly Grad. He saw the king in glory, squeezing in the middle of Zion. His mind, heart, all his thoughts belonged to the sky. The more dishonesting, he was striking in his father's house. While still on Earth, Yenoch faith has already dwell in the abode of light.

"Blessed with a pure heart, for they are a bit of God" (MF.5: 8), for three hundred years, Eneok sought his spiritual purity to be in harmony with heaven. He walked with the Lord for three centuries. From day to day, he sought all to a closer unity with God: more and more relatives became communication, until God took him to him. He stood on the threshold of eternity, only one step separated him from the promised land, and here the gate turned away, and the one who constantly walked with God on Earth, the first of the people entered the holy hail.

The absence of Enoch was acutely felt on Earth. The voice that was warned every day and instructed, silent. Some of the believers, as well as lawlessness, noticing his absence, thought that he, as usual, retired. Friends of Enoch then long and diligently wanted him, just as the disciples were looking for Elijah, but everything was in vain. Then they told others that he had nothing anywhere, for God took him to himself.

The ascension of Enoha on the sky God wished to teach people an important lesson. There was a danger that people, seeing the terrible consequences of the Fall of Adam, fell into hopeless despair. Many were ready to exclaim: "What is the benefit from what we live in fear of God, keep your commandments?! Anyway, a terrible curse of a heavy burden lies in humanity, and death is a lot for everyone. " But the truths opened by God Adam, and then transferred to the Sif and embodied in the life of Eneokh, scattered darkness and darkness and gave people the hope that both the death and immortality would come through the promised Redeemer. Satan tried to inspire people that immaculate life is not rewarded, and sin is not punished, and that in general it is impossible to observe the divine establishments. But in the case of Eneokh, God claims that "he is, and he is raising him" (Heb. 11: 6). The Lord showed what he will do for those who keep his commandments. Thus, a person is able to obey the law of God; Even living among the sinful corrupted world, the grace of God, people can resist temptations and become saints and immaculate. On the example of Enha, they saw the blessedness of such a life; His ascension appeared for them proof of the truth of his prophecy relative to the future: for the executing will of God - crowned with the glory and the joy of eternal life, and for those opposed to him - carrying grief, condemnation and death.

"Beluju Enekh was transferred so that he did not see death; And it did not become, because God reset it. For before the relocation, he received a testimony that he pleased God "(Heb. 11: 5). In the deceased world, Eneok lived in such a close deal with God, that he was not allowed to be in the authority of death. The piety of this prophet personifies the holiness of the life of "redeemed from the Earth" (Open.14: 3) during the Second Coming of Christ. As before the flood, in the world will multiply the lawlessness. Following the attractions of his spoiled heart and the deceptive wisdom of this world, people will rebel against the power of the sky. But, like Eneokh, the children of God will strive for the purity of the heart and the fulfillment of his will, so that their lives became like Christ. Like ENOH, they will preach the world about the second coming of Christ, about the courts who will comprehend sinners. With its own example, the holiness of their words they will coordinate the sins of lawlessness. He was taken to heaven in front of the flood, destroying the world and the living righteous will be taken from the ground before the destruction of her fire. The apostle says: "Not all of us will die, but everything will change suddenly, in the blink of an eye, with the last pipe." "Because the Lord himself, at the bonus, when the Archangel and the Pipe of God, will come down from the sky, and the dead in Christ will be resurrected before; Then we, survivors, together with them we will be admired on the clouds in the statement of the Lord in the air, and so we will always with the Lord. So console each other with these words "(1 Cor. 15:51, 52; I FES. 4: 16-18).

(This chapter is based on the book Genesis 4:25 - 6: 2)

Adam was given another son, who was supposed to become the heir of the divine promise and theological birthright. He was called Sif, which means "appointed" or "remuneration", for, his mother spoke, "God put another seed, instead of Abel, who kained Cain." The appearance of Sif was much majestic than Cain and Abel and looked at Adam more than all his sons. He reminded his nobility of Abel. However, he inherited good qualities than Cain. Regarding the creation of Adam, it is said: "In the image of God created him," but after the sin, a person gave birth to children "like his likely to his own way." Despite the fact that Adam was created sinless, in the image of God, Sif, like Kain, inherited the sinful nature of his parents. But he also learned about the Redeemer and was instructed in righteousness. The grace of God, he served God and glorified him. Turning to sinners, as Avel would do, if he was alive, Sif taught them to honor God and obey her Creator. "Sif was also born a son, and he nare him his name: Enos; then began to call the name of the Lord." Before the faithful worshiped God, but as the population increases on Earth, the difference between the two groups of people became more and more noticeable. Some openly confessed their loyalty to God, others expressed contempt and did not obey him.

Before the fall, our progenitors were observed by Saturday, installed in emana, and after their expulsion from there continued to sang her. Looking from the bitter fruits of disobedience, they learned that anyone who trampled the commandments of God, sooner or later he learns that the divine establishments of the saints and unshaklemen and that the punishment for their violation is inevitable. Saturday was revered by all the children of Adam, who remained faithful to God. But Cain and his descendants did not comply with this day, which God himself was resting. At their own discretion, they set the days of rest and work, not believing with the command of Jehovah.

Carnated by the Cain God left the house of his father. Initially, he took up the cultivation of the Earth and built a city called by the name of his eldest son. He turned away from God's face, eradicated the promise of a return on returning in the ride, immersed in search of wealth and pleasures on earth, damned for sin, and thus laid the beginning of a large group of people who worship the God of the century. The descendants of Cain have reached outstanding success in affairs, in finding earthly goods, but they were indifferent to God and counteracted his intentions regarding man. To the criminal murder, perfect for the first time Caine, Lamech, fifth on his generation, added many aruges; With causing arrogance, he recognized God only because of personal gain as a curse, pursuing any killer, provided him with personal security (see everyday life. 4: 23, .24). Abel led a nomadic lifestyle, upheld in the tent, and the descendants of Sif followed the same example, honored by the "wanderers and aliens on earth", striving "for the better, that is, to heavenly" (Heb. 11: 13,16).

Some time, the descendants of Cain and Sif lived separately. Cainites, removing from the place of their first settlement, scattered through the plains and valleys, where Sif's children lived, and the last, wanting to avoid their disastrous influence, went to the mountains and there were spread their tents there. And leading such a separate lifestyle, Sifites retained serving God in all purity. But gradually, over time, they mixed with the residents of the valleys, which led to disastrous consequences. "Then the sons of God saw the daughters of human, that they are beautiful" (Gen. 6: 2). Sif's children who are passionate about the beauty of the daughters of Cainitov, upset of the Lord, took their wife themselves. Many worshiping God were involved in the sin of various temptations that constantly seduced them, and lost their special righteousness. Mixing with the wickedly, they liked them in spirit and in acts; Not belovering the restrictions of the seventh commandment, they "took them their wives, which someone chose." Sif's children went "by Cainov" (Jud. 11); They rushed to earthly wealth and pleasures and neglected the commandments of God. People, having disrupted God, did not glorify him, but "they were attempted in their clarification, and dismissed the meaningless heart." Therefore, "I betrayed them by the infurinal mind" (Rome. 1: 21.28). Sin, like deadly leprosy, embraced all the land.

Almost a thousand years Adam lived among people as a witness of the consequences of sin. He sincerely tried to suspend the flow of evil. He was commanded to raise his descendants in the truth of God, and he carefully preserved and passed to the subsequent generations that God opened him. Adam told his children and children children up to the ninth generation about the holy and happy life of a person in paradise. He repeated the history of his fall, talking about the suffering to which the Lord Obroeks him, convincing the need to accurately fulfill his law. Adam revealed before his descendants with the mercy of God taking care of their salvation. However, only a few listened to his words. Often he had to hear bitter reproaches for the perfect sin, which brought so much burning his descendants.

The life of Adam was performed by grief, humility and repentance. After the expulsion of eager, the thought of death led him to horror. He was the first of the people with the reality of death when his original son Cain became the killer of his brother. The strongest remorse of conscience for their sin and deeply shocked by the death of Abel and the rejection of Cain, Adam experienced the most severe suffering. He saw the depravity of people all increase and eventually lead the world to the flood; Although at first the death sentence, made by him, seemed too terrible, but then, watching the consequences of sin for the millenia of the millennium, he understood that by the part of God was grace to put an end to life performed by suffering and grief.

Despite the lawlessness of the antediluvian world, the time was not an era of ignorance and primitive, as often suggest. People had brilliant opportunities to achieve the highest level of moral and mental development. They possessed the non-Ravy physical strength and an outstanding mind. The possibilities of finding spiritual and scientific knowledge were infinite. It would be wrong to think that if the people of that time lived for so long, then their mental mature matured later. Their intellectual abilities developed early, and those who were afraid of God and lived according to his will increase in knowledge and wisdom throughout their lives. If it was possible to compare the famous scientists of our time with their peers of the dough world, which would seek them in comparison with them in mental and physical terms. With a reduction in human life, his physical forces and mental abilities decreased. There are people who learn from twenty to fifty years of their lives, and the world amazes them to successes; But what kind of limited their knowledge will be shown compared to knowledge of those whose abilities have developed over the centuries!

It is fair that our contemporaries have benefited thanks to the achievements of their predecessors. The people of an outstanding mind who explored, inherited and wrote, left their heritage to followers. However, the advantages of people of the ancient world were incomparably more. Among them, for centuries, he lived the one who was created in the image of God, about whom God himself said "very well", - the man whom God instructed the whole wisdom of this world. Adam recognized the history of creation from the Creator; He saw events with his own eyes, deployed for nine centuries, and transmitted his knowledge to the coming generations. Updated people did not have written and, therefore, books, but possessed huge abilities, excellent memory and accurately transferred their knowledge to descendants. For centuries, seven generations were at the same time, which had the opportunity to share their scholarship and experience.

People of that time possessed unique advantages to acquire divine knowledge through his creation, which was not equal. That time was the time of the Great Light, and not religious darkness. The whole world had the opportunity to know the truth from Adam, and God's living in fear, besides, studied from Jesus Christ and his angels. For many centuries, before their eyes, there was a mute witness of the truth - the Garden of God. The gate of Paradise, guarded by Cherubs, was the glory of God, and there were praying. Here they erected Altari and brought victims. Here they committed sacrifices of Cain and Abel, and God came down from heaven to communicate with them.

Skeptics could not deny the existence of eating while he was in sight of everyone and the entrance was guarded by the angels. The sequence of creation, the garden, the history of two trees, so closely associated with the fate of man, - all this was an indisputable fact. While Adam was alive, few people tried to challenge the being of God, his supreme power and the requirements of his law.

Despite the multiplying lawlessness, at that time there was a dynasty of holy husbands - they, refined and inspired by communication with God, lived on Earth, as if in heaven. They had a mighty power of mind and amazing knowledge. Before them stood the Great and Holy Goal - to form a righteous nature and leave an example of piety not only to their contemporaries, but also to all coming generations. On the pages of the Holy Scriptures, the names of only the few, the most outstanding of them are mentioned; But throughout the centuries, God had such loyal witnesses, sincere adherents.

Ohnah says that he lived sixty five years and his son bore. After that, he walked with the God of three years. Already in the early period of his life, Enah loved God, feared him and observed his commandments. He belonged to the dynasty of those holy husbands that retained the true faith and were the progenitors of the promised seed. From the mouth of Adam Enoch learned about the gloomy History of Falls, as well as the joyful news about the promise of God, and he replaced at the coming Redeemer. But the birth of the firstborn brought the deepest experiences to Eneokh; He closer closely with God. As a child of God, he even deeper his duties and responsibilities. Observing the attachment of the child to himself, his innocent faith in the power of the Father, and he himself experiencing a deep tenderness to his firstborn, Enoch understood the wonderful love of God for the people who gave them his son, and learned confidence, with which children of God should treat the Heavenly Father. Unlimited, incomprehensible love of God, manifested in Jesus Christ, became the subject of his continuous reflection, and with all the ardake of the soul, he sought to show the same love for others.

"Enoch walked before God" not in a state of ecstasy or vision, but in all the daily responsibilities of his life. He did not become a hermit, did not leave people, because it was supposed to work in the world for God. And in his family, and in society he was a persistent, unshakable servant of God.

Enoch's heart harmoniously responded to the will of God, for "will two go together, without consulting between him?" (AM 3: 3). And this holy union lasted three hundred years ...

Enoch possessed a strong, outstanding mind and extensive knowledge. He was awarded special revelations from God. But despite its continuous communication with the sky and never left him a sense of divine greatness and perfection, he was the most humble man on earth. The more closely his connection was becoming with God, the deeper he penetrated the consciousness of his own imperfection and weakness.

Depressed by the growing lawlessness of Godothels and fearing so that their disbelief did not weaken his reverent attitude towards God, Egypt avoided constant communication with people and spent a lot of time alone, indulging in reflection and prayer. So Eneoch relied on God, seeking to know his will, which should be fulfilled to fulfill. For him, the prayer was breathing life, he lived in the atmosphere of the sky itself.

Through the Holy Angels, God told Eneokh his intention to destroy the world by the Flood, and also opened him a more complete atonement plan. With the help of the Spirit of the Prophecy, he showed him all the coming generations after the flood and great events associated with the second coming of Christ at the end of times.

Enoch worried about the dead. It seemed to him before that the righteous, and the wicked would come to the grave, and this would end. He could not comprehend what he expects a feature of death. He was given a prophetic vision regarding Christ's death, he saw His coming in glory, with the darkness of all Holy Angels to liberate their people from the grave. He also saw the corrupted state of the world before the second coming of Christ, saw a boastful, wayward, arrogant generation of people who reject a single God and Lord Jesus Christ, who feet his law and reject his salvation. He saw the righteous, crowned with glory and honor, and lawlessness running from the presence of the Lord - destroyed by fire.

Enoch became a preacher of righteousness, telling people that God opened him. Living in fear of God was looking for communication with this holy husband to listen to his instructions and pray with him. He preached God's message to everyone who sought to accept the words of warning. He preached not only to Sifitam. In the ground, where Cain ran away to escape from the face of the Lord, the Prophet of God told about the wonderful events that have passed before him in the vision. "CE, there is a Lord with the darkness of the Saints (Angels) of their own - to propagate the court over everyone and rented all the wicked in all matters, which made their wickedness" (Jud. 1: 14,15).

He was a fearless accuser of sin. Preaching God's love, open in Christ, his contemporaries and begging them to leave the ways of vice, Egypt revealed by lawlessness and warned that the court of God would not slow down to accomplish over wicked. The spirit of Jesus turned the mouth of Enha. This spirit manifests itself not only in the words of love, compassion and plea - the holy men are called upon to speak not only pleasant. God is wound in the mouths and hearts of their messengers and truths, crushing like a double-edged sword.

Listening Enoch felt the power of God, acting in his servant. Some have accepted its warnings and left the former sinful lifestyle, but most mocked the Grozny news and with even greater perseverance continued to walk along the path of evil. In the last days, the servants of God will proclaim a similar news, which is rejected with the same non-worker and mockery. The doppoplary world hescribed the words and warning of one who walked with God. So the last generation will be frivolously reacted by the warnings of the foresights of God.

Releasingly preaching, Enoch did not lose touch with God. The harder and more importantly, his works were, the sincere and more persistent were his prayers. Sometimes he broke all communication with people. Then, remaining some time among people, instructed them, helping them with a word and an example, and again removed to feel and quench the thirst for those divine truths, which only he can give alone. Staying in such communication with God, Egyn has become more and more and more likened the Lord. His face glowed the holy light that shines on the face of Jesus. Once he communicated with God, even chaselessness with a reverent fear looked at his face, on which the seal of the sky was resting.

The lawlessness of the world has reached such a limit that his death was predetermined. Years passed, the flow of human crimes was long, and the clouds of divine mens schish were thickened with grim and gloomy. However, ENOH, the witness of faith, tirelessly went ahead on the chosen path, warned, praying, persuading, striving with all their might restrain the flow of crimes and boom arrows. Although his warnings were rejected by a sinful, frivolous people, but, encouraged by the Lord, he continued to devote himself to fight with a multiply evil, while God did not take him from a sinful land into the holy monastery of the sky.

Contemporaries Enoch considered this man insane, for he did not think about gold, silver and other jewels here, on earth. Heart Enoch sought to eternal treasures. He looked at Heavenly Grad. He saw the king in glory, squeezing in the middle of Zion. His mind, heart, all his thoughts belonged to the sky. The more dishonesting, he was striking in his father's house. While still on Earth, Yenoch faith has already dwell in the abode of light.

"Blessed with a pure heart, for they are a bit of God" (MF.5: 8), for three hundred years, Eneok sought his spiritual purity to be in harmony with heaven. He walked with the Lord for three centuries. From day to day, he sought all to a closer unity with God: more and more relatives became communication, until God took him to him. He stood on the threshold of eternity, only one step separated him from the promised land, and here the gate turned away, and the one who constantly walked with God on Earth, the first of the people entered the holy hail.

The absence of Enoch was acutely felt on Earth. The voice that was warned every day and instructed, silent. Some of the believers, as well as lawlessness, noticing his absence, thought that he, as usual, retired. Friends of Enoch then long and diligently wanted him, just as the disciples were looking for Elijah, but everything was in vain. Then they told others that he had nothing anywhere, for God took him to himself.

The ascension of Enoha on the sky God wished to teach people an important lesson. There was a danger that people, seeing the terrible consequences of the Fall of Adam, fell into hopeless despair. Many were ready to exclaim: "What is the benefit from what we live in fear of God, observe his commandments?! Anyway, a terrible curse is a heavy burden lies in humanity, and death is a lot of death for everyone." But the truths opened by God Adam, and then transferred to the Sif and embodied in the life of Eneokh, scattered darkness and darkness and gave people the hope that both the death and immortality would come through the promised Redeemer. Satan tried to inspire people that immaculate life is not rewarded, and sin is not punished, and that in general it is impossible to observe the divine establishments. But in the case of Eneokh, God claims that "he is, and he is raising him" (Heb. 11: 6). The Lord showed what he will do for those who keep his commandments. Thus, a person is able to obey the law of God; Even living among the sinful corrupted world, the grace of God, people can resist temptations and become saints and immaculate. On the example of Enha, they saw the blessedness of such a life; His ascension appeared for them proof of the truth of his prophecy relative to the future: for the executing will of God - crowned with the glory and the joy of eternal life, and for those opposed to him - carrying grief, condemnation and death.

"Believing Enoch was transferred so that he did not see death; and he did not become, because God moved him. For before the relocation, he received a testimony that he pleased God" (Heb. 11: 5). In the deceased world, Eneok lived in such a close deal with God, that he was not allowed to be in the authority of death. The piety of this prophet personifies the holiness of the life of "redeemed from the Earth" (Open.14: 3) during the Second Coming of Christ. As before the flood, in the world will multiply the lawlessness. Following the attractions of his spoiled heart and the deceptive wisdom of this world, people will rebel against the power of the sky. But, like Eneokh, the children of God will strive for the purity of the heart and the fulfillment of his will, so that their lives became like Christ. Like ENOH, they will preach the world about the second coming of Christ, about the courts who will comprehend sinners. With its own example, the holiness of their words they will coordinate the sins of lawlessness. He was taken to heaven in front of the flood, destroying the world and the living righteous will be taken from the ground before the destruction of her fire. The apostle says: "Not all of us will die, but everything will change suddenly, in the blink of an eye, with the last pipe." "Because the Lord himself, at the bay, when the Archangel and the Pipe of God, will come off from the sky, and the dead in Christ will be resurrected before; then we, survivors, will be delighted with them on the clouds in the reference of the Lord in the air, and so always with We will be the Lord. So comfort by these words "(1 Cor. 15:51, 52; 1 Fez. 4: 16-18).

The history of the development of the myth about Satan will not be full, if we do not specify the character of the mysterious cosmopolitan of Enoch, differently referred to as ENOS, Hanoch. And finally, the Greeks Enoïchion. It was, from his book were the first ideas about fallen angels writers from Christians of early centuries.

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Some writers interested in this theme - especially Masons, - tried to identify Enoch with Tom from Memphis, Greek Hermes and even with Latin Mercury. As an individuality, all of them are different from each other; From the point of view of the profession - if only you can use this word, now so limited in its sense - all of them belong to the same category of sacred writers, dedicates and chroniclers of the occult and ancient wisdom. Those who are Korana Idris or "Enlightened" were collectively called, dedicated to, worn in Egypt the name "Tota", the inventor of arts, sciences, letters, music and astronomy. Jews Idris became Eneokh, which, Bar-Hebraeus "y, "He was the first inventor of writing", books, arts, sciences, and the first one who led the movement of the planets. In Greece, he was called an orfeit and, thus, he changed his name according to every nation. Since the number seven belonged and was associated with each of these initial dedicates, as well as the number 365 astronomically connected with the number of days a year, he identified the mission, the nature and sacred appointment of all these people, but, of course, not their personality. Enoch is seventh Patriarch. Orpheus - Outdoor Lyra (Phorminx), What denotes the seminarian mystery of the initiation. He, with a sunny disk about seven rays over his head, floats in the sunlight (365 degrees), popping out from it every fourth (jump) year for one day. Finally, the Lunus is a seven-year-old God of seven days or weeks. Esoterically and spiritual Enoïchion. Means "Spirituals of Open Oka".

Joseph Flavia's story about Eneokhe, that he has cooked his most valuable scrolls or books under the pillars of Mercury or Seth, is identical to legend about Hermes, "Father of Wisdom", sipped his wisdom books under the post, and then, opening two stone pillar, found written on them science. Joseph Flavius, despite his constant efforts to undeservedly glorify Israel and that he attributes this science (wisdom) jewish Eneokhu, - still gives historical data. He claims that these poles still existed in his time, and reports that they were built by networks "OM (SIFOM). It is possible that it was so, but only not the patriarch of this name, the fabulous son of Adam, and not the Egyptian God of Wisdom - Tet, Seth, he, SAT (subsequently Sat-en) or Hermes, which, all are united - but "the sons of God-Zmia" or "Dragon Sons", the name under which Egypt's Ieropians and Babylon were known before the flood, as well Like their ancestors, Atlanta.

Because what Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200btells us, leaving aside the application that has been done from this must be allegoric Right. According to his interpretation, both famous posts were entirely covered with hieroglyphs, which, after their discovery, were copied and reproduced in the most intimate corners of the internal temples of Egypt and, thus, became the source of its wisdom and exceptional knowledge. These two "pillar", however, are the prototypes of two "stone sketches", carved by Moses at the rally "Lord". Consequently, arguing that all the great adepts and mystics of antiquity are similar to the Orpheus, Gesyoda, Pythagora and Platon, - borrowed elements of their theology from these hieroglyphs, he is in one sense of rights, but in another one is mistaken. The secret doctrine teaches us that art, science, theology and especially the philosophy of all the peoples preceding the latter world famous But not the worldwide flood, they were recorded ideographically on the basis of the initial oral traditions of the fourth race, and that they were inheritance, transferred to her early third indigenous racially before her allegorical fall. From here, the Egyptian poles, and even "White, Oriental Stone-Porphyr" of the Masonic Legends - which Enoch, fearing that the true and most valuable secrets will be lost, hidden before the flood in the depths of the Earth, - all of them were simply more or less symbolic and allegorical copies of the initial records. Book Enha It is one of these copies and, in addition, she is chaldean origin and is now a very incomplete presentation. As already mentioned Enoïchion. In Greek, it means "internal eye" or "Clauds"; on Jewish, with the help of mastery points, This means "dedicating" and "mentor" (חכור).

ENOH is a collective name; And besides, the legend is also a legend of several other prophets, Jewish and pagan, with some changes in fictional details, but at identity of the main form.

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To recognize Enoch for a biblical personality, for a single person, the same thing that admit Adam as the first person. Enoch was a collective name, attributed and wearable to dozens of individuals at all times and centuries, in every race and the people. It can be easily removed from the fact that the ancient talmudists and teachers Mithrash usually disagree in their views on Hanoch Son of Jared. Some say that Enoch was "big holy, beloved by God and was taken alive on the sky," that is, the one who reached the Mukh or Nirvana on Earth, as reached this Buddha, and others continue to achieve; Others argue that he was a sorcerer, an evil wizard. But it only shows that "ENOH", or its equivalent, even in the days of later Talmudists, was the term meant - "Clairvideo", "Adept in secret wisdom" and so on, without any definition, as for the nature of the carrier of this Name. Joseph Flavius, speaking about Ilya and Eneokh, notes that:

"In the holy books it is written that they [Ilya and Enoch] disappeared, but so that no one knew that they died."

It simply means that they died in their identity As yoga die in India today or even some Christian monks - for the world. They disappear from the eyes of people and die - on earthly - even for themselves. It's like a figurative way of expression, but, nevertheless, he literally correct.

"Hanokh. transferred the science of science (astronomical) calculation and calculating the seasons of the year, "says Midrash Pig ; R. Eliazar refers to Eneokh that others attributed to Hermes Trismegist, for both are identical in their esoteric meaning. In this case "Hanokh" And his "wisdom" belongs to the cycle of the fourth race of Atlantov, Noah to the fifth. In this case, both depict the indigenous races, the present and preceding it. In another sense, Enoch disappeared, "he walked in God and there was no longer him, for God took him"; Allegory This refers to the disappearance of the sacred and intimate knowledge among people; For "God" (or Java-Aleim - High Ieropians, the heads of schools dedicated to the priests) took him; In other words, Enochi or EnoïchionClacing and their knowledge, and wisdom have become strictly guarded in the secret schools of the prophets, among the Jews, and in the temples, from the pagans.

With interpretation, with only a symbolic key. ENOH is the type of human dual nature - spiritual and physical. Therefore, he occupies the center of the Astronomical Cross, as it has been issued by Elyphs Levi from the innermost labor; Cross, who has a six-pointed star - "Adonai". In the upper corner of the upper triangle there is an eagle; in the left, lower corner, is the lion; in the right - Taurus; whereas between the Taurus and Lv, above them and under the eagle, the face of Enha or a person is placed. So the images placing on the upper triangle personify four races, releasing the first chip or race, with the "Son of Man", Enos or Enoch, is located in the center where it stands between the fourth and fifth race, for he represents the secret wisdom of both. This is four animals Ezekiela and Revelation. This double triangle against which "Exposed Isis" Ardkhanari Indians placed, is a much better symbol. Since only three (for us) historical races are symbolized in the latter; Third, androgic, through Ardha-Nari; The fourth is symbolized by a strong, powerful lion; And the fifth - Aryanian, is represented by the Taurus (and the cow), which is and to the present the most intimate symbol.