
Church of the Praise of the Mother of God. Praise the Blessed Virgin Mary

Billets for winter from tomatoes

Not preserved to this day, the only Moscow church, consecrated in the name of the holiday, the praise of the Virgin, stood on the Volkhonka, at the Alekseev hill near the christ of Christ the Savior. She divided his fate and was destroyed by the Bolsheviks with him.
This church left its mark in the history of Moscow and the fact that he presented the first-heartable remarkable, but long-forgotten Staromoshkovskoy name of the terrain of "shoes" - by the name of the rebuilt temple at the end of the 18th century century of the twin focused nobleman Bashmakov.
The first wooden church of the praise at this point is mentioned in historical documents in 1475 - long before the foundation of the Alekseevsky monastery here. It contained a miraculous icon of St. Nicholas - so that in a trimmed image sometimes even the whole church was called Nikolskaya.
From this icon there was one of the ancient names of the Moscow Church Pravas - "Old Forgiveness". The fact is that in an old man healed from the miraculous icon, called the passingman - "God forgave him." And therefore, when the passing was called the temple, it meant that it contains a miraculous icon, giving healing. So was the image of sv. Nicholas Wonderworker in the church praise the Mother of God. In addition to her, in the old Moscow there were two more temples - Nikola Yuzhnichnaya on Arbat, named from his miracle icon, and Friday Parassels in Zamoskvorechye.
In the echoes of Moscow history, another ancient name of the Church of Praise - "in old groves" has been preserved. Perhaps, of course, that it was distorted from the "old passing." And maybe the trees were really noisy here.
The wooden church burned down in 1629 and then it was built stone. At the very end of the XVII century, the spirit nobleman and printer of the Dementy of the shoes for their own means and for a donation, bent by the Shanntine, rebuilt it in the primary image in which she lived before the revolution. High, five-win, "old gothic architecture," - described her one ancient local history, "and with the gothic architecture of the bell tower." It was not traditional for most Russian and Moscow churches Pyatilation iconostasis, but iconostasis in six tiers.

The Templator of Dementy Bashmakov, who died in 1705, was buried in the arrival of the Church of Praise, along with his mother and her daughter. And he is alone. One of the most interesting and mysterious mysteries is associated with local burials, but also of all Russian history. We are talking about the grave of Malyuts Skuratov.
As you know, the old Moscow legends associated with the name of the chief officer, the neighboring Berserevka on the opposite bank of the Moscow River. Red Chambers of Duma Deca Averkia Kirillov for a long time considered him home. They wrote about the underground moves leading to the Kremlin, about numerous basements with torture, about buried treasures and mysterious burials - silver coins of the time of Ivan the Terrible and human skeletons were really discovered on Berserevka back in 1906 during the construction of a power plant.
And the ancient Nikolskaya Church in Berzenevka was the first to the Cathedral Church of the Zamoskvorechensky Nikolsky Monastery. And the tip of the legend was made about how here, near the house of the torch, as if Metropolitan Philip was languished, then killed by Socratic, and the people crowded the people, glorifying the martyr. And although in fact, the Opt Metropolitan sharpened in the Epiphany Monastery in China, in this legend there is echoes of the legend about the Moscow House of Malyuts Skuratov based on Berserevka.
As usual in such cases, this version had supporters and opponents. The last historian P. Satent belonged to the last historian. And after the revolution during the construction of the Palace of Soviets at the place where the church of Praise was, during archaeological works, a tombstone was discovered with the grave of Malyuts Skuratov. The inscription on it stated that the Malyuta Skuratov was lied here in the Livonian war.
Historians considered this by undoubted proof that the yard of Malutes Skuratov was exactly at this place, that is, on the left bank of the Moscow River, directly opposite Berserevka, because in the old days they were buried at the parish church. For the little ones Skuratov parish and was the church of the praise of the Virgin.
And the construction of the metro in the 1930s has also proved the impossibility of laying underground stroke under the Moscow-River in medieval technical means.
However, this statement was in turn questioned - the underground course leading from Berserevka towards Moscow-River was found in the same thirties, but then not examined. He was so narrow that the boys who found him, the tenants of the new house on the embankment, could not go deep into.
Besides, the message N.M. Karamzin, that Malyuta Skuratov was buried in the Josepho-Voloch monastery, also refuted the discharge of the tombstone. After all, Karamzin did not know about this stove, and his version was not supported by later archaeological data, relied on other evidence.
This grave plate was not discovered earlier, during the construction of the church of Christ the Savior and the demolition of the neighboring all-day church in 1838, apparently, because she was in the chassion nearby the praise standing church, which was not touched. Nakhodka took place after the revolution and became a historical sensation. However, she still did not refute the fully old Glevo about Berzenevka. And if the Malyuta really lived in the arrival of the church of the praise on the left bank of the river, then, for example, he could have his oprichny or secret "residence" on the contrary, especially since the underground move, apparently there really existed.
From the local churches associated with this damned place mentioned in the old legends, only the Nikolsk Church in Berserevka survived. And the church of Pravas was broken in 1932 for the construction of the Palace of Soviets.

In 625, from the Nativity of Christ on Saturday of the 5th week of the Great Post, Constantinople was asked by Inoverts Persi. The emperor with the army came out enemies to meet, but those causally attacked the defenseless capital from the sea. The whole city fell in a tear prayer in addition to the Blessed Virgin. And after the patriarch lowered the edge of the icon in the sea, the storm rose and sank enemy ships. So in a wonderfully saved Constantinople, a new church holiday was established in the glory of the Mother of God, referred to as the "Praise of the Virgin". It is from this holiday in the distant XII century the history of Moscow and the Kremlin itself began.

"Having praised, I went to Russia ..."

The feast of the praise of the Virgin became the historical birth of Moscow. On the eve of this church holiday, on Friday, April 4, 1147, the Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (son Vladimir Monomakh, the greatness of Yaroslav the Wise and the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin Monomakh) took on the visit of Prince Novgorod-Seversky Svyatoslav Olgovich - Father of the most prince Igor, who Then he was made in the "Word about the regiment of Igor". In those years, Russia times broke the civil wars for the Kiev Great Throne. Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich, the ally of Prince Dolgoruky, suffered a strong failure, ran from the enemies to the Suzdal lands, but then with the support of Dolgoruki, he had somewhat strengthened his position and received a famous invitation from him: "Budi, brother, to me to Moscow."

Having accepted the invitation, Svyatoslav arrived with the juvenile son Oleg and with a small squad. This meeting took place at approximately the place where the Grand Duct is located in the Kremlin near the Borovetsky Tower and where the Big Kremlin Palace was built later. Guest was met very welcoming: the owner presented his son "Pardus" - probably the valuable skin of Barca, but maybe a living beast, and the most prince generously treated.

However, she was Great postIn addition, there was Friday, and both prince were Orthodox Christians. And therefore, the great feast, the famous "dinner Silen" in honor of the expensive guest was piously given the next day, on Saturday, the feast of the pravas of the Virgin Mary. This event fell into the chronicle, as if in the omen the Russian capital. Already in 1156, the place on the Borovitsky hill was observed with wooden fortress walls. And then the temples dedicated to the holiday of the praise of the Mother of God appeared in it - the "prestial holiday" of Moscow.

Caught several centuries. It was 1451 years old. Moscow efforts of Russian Metropolitans and the Grand Princes have already become the capital of the United Russia. Still stood the dilapidated white-stone Kremlin, built during Dimitri Donsky. There is still no Tatar-Mongolian Igo Palo, but his eyelids got close to the end, and Moscow had already proclaimed himself by the succession of Byzantium. The Florentine Union has already been signed, which Moscow did not recognize, and the second Rome - Constantinople, lived his last years, preparing to give way to the third Rome. Already became Metropolitan Moscow Saint Ion, for the first time delivered in Moscow the Cathedral of Russian Bishops without the participation of the Constantinople Patriarch.

And also touched in the Kremlin, the Old Assumption Cathedral, built under Ivan Kalita, is the chief Russian temple dedicated to the Major Mother of God, her Kremlin dentition in the capital of the Power, who proclaimed himself with the home of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He had two came. The first, Dmitrovsky, in the southern part of the altar, founded in memory of the first main Cathedral of Moscow in the name of Dimitri Solunsky, which stood in the Kremlin to the foundation of the Assumption Cathedral in 1326. The second was Petroviergian, consecrated in honor of the Tezo-estate of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, who founded the Moscow Assumption Cathedral. It's time to appear the third chassion.

In July 1451, on the feast of the position of the Risea of \u200b\u200bthe Most Holy Theotokos in Varotern, the Nogai Tsarevich Mazovshi made his famous raid to Moscow, called "ambulance". He suddenly appeared near the walls of the Kremlin, he asked him, gave a grave battle and at night as suddenly retreated from the city, throwing all the wagon with troubled good. It was a true miracle, and the saint of ion, Metropolitan Moskovsky, was consecrated in gratitude to the preching intercession of Moscow his house Metropolitan temple in honor of the position of Risea, as the victory fell on the day of this holiday.

However, Moscow threatened a new disaster. After all, according to scientists, this raid was made in order to force the Moscow Prince to pay Khan Dan. And he did not want to retreat from his desire. Just a few years passed, and in 1459, the father of Tsarevich Tsarevich Mazovich, Nogai Khan Sedi-Ahmet, rushed to Russia, with a boat, which conquers Rus. "Touching, I went to Russia," the contemporary reported.

The danger was great: it threatened not only by ruin, but also by rolling. Grozny Khan came out "with many forces" of the young Knazhich Ivan Vasilyevich, the future Grand Duke Ivan III. Praying the whole city. And this time, the enemy was dangling on distant frontiers: the Moscow army did not give Khan to crouch through OKU, and he turned back. The plan of Khan was overthow.

In gratitude for the new wonderful salvation of Moscow from the bloody invasion, Saint Jona raised the most the most important virgin in the main temple dedicated to her in Russia. In the Assumption Cathedral, he founded the stone embedded in honor of the holiday praise of the Virgin. His contemporaries so explained the initiation of the facing: in the memory of the Tatar "Pravale", who was attracted by the Mother of God. However, another, intimate and deep thought are both: as the daily Persians were wonderfully thrown away by the power of Our Lady of Constantinople, and the Tatars-Inoverts fled from the limits of the Orthodox Russian Earth and from the holy walls of Moscow - the Third Rome, because by that time Constantinople, who signed the treacherous Florentine Ulya, already fell under the blows of the Turks.

So the Uspensky Cathedral appeared the third day. Then it was a small stone temple supplied separately next to the cathedral from the south side. And when exactly 20 years old, in 1479, a new Assumption Cathedral was consecrated in Moscow, built by the Italian architect Aristotle Phioravanti, all the features were transferred to his altar: Petroviergsky was consecrated in the northern part, in South - Pravas and Dmitrovsky.

Every one came with time received its special purpose. In Petrzherigsky, Pratra prayed to the St. Peter resting in him and swore before his coffin on loyalty to the sovereign. In Dmitrovsky, the kings were repurchased when they were married to the kingdom. And the praise came to the clergy. It was in him who elected candidates for the Metropolitan, and then the Patriarchy Throne. But again, the prayers for salvation were raised.

The new miracle of Our Lady was revealed in the summer of 1521, when the Crimean Khan Mehmet-Gary was attacked into Moscow. At the end of July it was already waiting for the approaches of the capital. The city was preparing for the siege, and Muscovites were diligently, incentively prayed for help and salvation, calling for the Most Holy Virgin. The Rostov Archbishop John, who was then in Moscow, took the blessing to the feat of prayer for the Fatherland from Metropolitan. And having won in the praise, he prayed for the day and night. Terrible signs were then given to Moscow. The most gates of the Assumption Cathedral prayed to St. Vasily Blessed. Suddenly he heard the noise, and then saw the door of the temple turned away from the Vladimir icon, the voice came: "For the sins of people, I will leave this city with the Russian wonderworkers." And Vladimir icon went off the place, and the temple was filled with fire. And it was given to the Holy Orthodox Revelation that the Lord permeats Moscow only on the prayers of the queen heavenly.

At the same time, one blinding inknee of the Ascension Monastery wonderfully saw, the saints of Peter, Alexy, Ion and Leonte Rostov, and the miraculous way, and Leonte Rostov, are overlooking the spas gate. And they went to meet Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Varlaam Khutynsky and asked not to leave the hail. All together they raised the prayer to the Vladimir Icon, and the procession returned back to the Kremlin, to the Assumption Cathedral. At that very hour, the enemy retreated from Moscow. According to legend, God sent an angelic army to the defense of Orthodox town, and Tatar riders, fell into indescribable horror, fled away, no matter how he sent them to Khan to take Moscow Earth. And again the manifested miracle reminded the feast of the praise of the Virgin.

It was in the chassion in honor of the praise that the earliest event was committed to the Russian Church: they were elected Russian Metropolitans, and then the Patriarchs. Until the end of the 16th century, the bishops were gathered at the election of Metropolitan, under the primacy of the Archbishop of Novgorod, they defined three candidates and recorded their names into special sealing papers. After a long prayer, the head of the assembly took one note, printed and announced the name of the new Metropolitan. Then the chief in the same praise came to the Metropolitan and from there he kept him into the sovereign Palace. The sovereign, having accepted the named Metropolitan, together with him he was sent again to the Assumption Cathedral for prayer in the miraculous icons and holy tombs of the saint. The next day of the instructed Metropolitan was supplied in the Assumption Cathedral.

A special chin was compiled for the Patriarch, but alone one feature. Over time, the praisee came to the very top, in the southeast chapter of the Assumption Cathedral, held a narrow screw staircase from the altar to him, and served there once a year for the throne holiday, since the premises of the premises became tiny. It is believed that this happened in the XVII century. However, one old historian argued that this was a century earlier, on the grounds that Konstantinople Patriarch would like to like the praise, it was "in mind his inaccessibility and height." And allegedly there, in the dome of the cathedral, a meeting of the highest clergy took place to elect the first Russian Patriarch Iova in 1589. Other evidence contradicts this fact. The adoption of the first patriarch really happened in the praise chassis, but then he was obviously still located in the altar part, because during the rank of delivery, it was not once removed in the praise, and returned to the cathedral again - it was unlikely that he had to use the screw staircase and Climb the dome.

It is indisputable that it was in the praise ahead that the highest Greek and Russian clergy gathered for the election of the first patriarch. Now the procedure has changed a bit. By choosing three candidates - Ieow, Metropolitan of Moscow, Alexander, Archbishop of Novgorod, and Varlaam, Archbishop Rostovsky, the list brought a sovereign. The king wished Job, after which he was declared the "nassed" patriarch. And January 26, 1589 in the Assumption Cathedral Konstantinople Patriarch Jeremiah dedicated to San Patriarch Iova, for which a special rank of service was compiled. After the delivery, the king presented the Patriarch Iow by the staff of St. Peter's Patriac. In the praise, the adhesion of Patriarchs Ermogen and Philaret took place. And during the supply, all the Patriarchs were reprocessing in the praise, like the kings were reprocessing in Dmitrovsky Potion during the wedding for the throne.

On the southern wall of the Assumption Cathedral there is an icon "Praise the Virgin of the Akathist" of the end of the XIV century, executed by the Serbian master - this is the earliest in Russia preserved icon with illustrations towards Akathist.

Inheritance of a racing palace

Many Muscovites are now surprised: where did you get a beautiful, gingerbread church, towering over the Kremlin Wall from the Mokhovaya Street? It was restored from non-existence the temple in honor of the praise of the Virgin, disassembled before the invasion of Napoleon.

In 1390, in the retinue of the Great Princess Sofia Vitovtov, brought two from Lithuania miraculous image Vyacheslav Sigismundovich Korsak came to Moscow and "The Honor Sky", Korsak Corsak arrived in Moscow. He became a source of two famous nobility dynasties at once: the Korsakov and Roman-Korsakov, from the younger, Miloslavski occurred from his senior grandchildren.

Miloslavsky were first pretty shattered surname and did not complain special honors. Only in the troubled time, one crawler in the patriarch of the phylaret was stolved. And then Daniel Ivanovich Miloslavsky has served to the governor in Siberia and Kursk. His son Ilya was directed in 1642 with the embassy to Turkey. To walken in the seas, yes on a foreign trade, but his daughter Marya was liked by Alexei Mikhailovich, Alexey Mikhailovich. And the sovereign married her in January 1648 - on the day of the holiday of the worship of the Verigams of St. Peter, and at the same time he gave her younger sister for his favorite Boyarina B.I. Morozova. A week after the wedding, the king granted the batcher of the Boyarsky Chin, a high position and gave the courtyard in the Kremlin next to his Teremes.

The daily boyar built the stone Petroviergian church on the cover of the Wooden Temple of the same name, erected by Ivan Grozny, since his wedding at the kingdom also took place on the holiday of worship by Verigam. And its Kremlin possession turned into luxurious boyars chambers, like Summer Teremes, as well as the royal test. Already in 1652, the magnificent house church about three chapters was arranged in them, consecrated in honor of the pravas of the Virgin (probably so boyar thanked the Queen of Heaven for his mercy) with the faces in the name of Alexey, the man of God, and Maria Egyptian - on the names of young royal spouses. For the sake of pious adherence to the canons, the altar was on the special brackets put on the air, so as not to have it above the living quiet, and the little bell tower was put on the western side. Yaroslavl masters wrote the temple image for this church the praise of the Virgin, who is now exhibited in the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles.

The church crowned the house incredible beauty - They were the symbol of the Dopurerov Moscow. They consider them a "hidden" prototype, which vain boyar was considered for a sample to imitate. Miloslavsky's house is called the first "skyscraper" of medieval Moscow: he was about four floors, not counting the deep cellar, clogged with overseas wines, with an expensive hanging garden, with white-named trim, decorated with a thread with a picture of fantastic animals - Griffins, birds Sirin. The Lev and Unicorn were conquered on the front - symbols of the royal minor power and its power, which meant the owner of the house to the royal family. And even the front entrance was decorated with a lion gate. His, indeed, exceeded only the royal palace.

The Kremlin House expressed the status of the "Chief Boyarin". And in just six months after the wedding, in June 1648, the salt riot and the former Favorita Morozova was removed from state activities, transferring the reign of the reign of the royal test. After Salo Bunta, Miloslavsky became the first boyar in the Duma, led nine orders (ministries), including the most important - financial and military, participated in the creation of the General Legislative Code - Cathedral Carding. It is said that he was unimportant to the state leader and thoroughly launched all the economy, indulging in the joy of vanity, which was very inclined. The queen was always on the side of the Father. So he focused great power and managed to stay "afloat" even after the copper rebellion of 1662 years, although Miloslav people considered the main culprit of the depreciation of the money, for he conducted all the cases of treasury.

In 1668, Ilya Danilovich Miloslavsky died peacefully "the first boyar", but it was not in his home church in honor of the praise of the Virgin, but in the Church of the Troitsky Foreigner in the Kremlin. He left his life on time when luck was still favorable to him. The next year his daughter Maria died, and the king married Natalia Naryshkina, after which dynastic intrigues began for the heir to the throne and for influence on the throne. Miloslavsky's chambers crossed the treasury. And the king very much loved his second wife, cheerful and young, and when she won the heir, she tried her in every way to chew. In 1672 (the year of birth of Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich), the king arranged a fun theater for the spouse - the first theatrical ideas in Russia. These "fun" were given not only in Preobrazhensky, but also in the former possessions of Miloslavsky, and his house was now referred to as a funny palace.

So read the traditional version. However, there is another, less well-known opinion: Miloslavsky chambers were initially a fun palace, which was given to the royal test for the Kremlin home device. The fact is that the fun chamber was known in Moscow since Boris Godunova. And the first novels arranged in the basement of his terry palace special fun Horomina, where he was entertained ("fucked") crumbs, jessels, fockers, narrowers, gemiers and violinists. And as if King Alexey Mikhailovich built a new one, a separate stream palace, and then presented him under his test. With fun, there were serious difficulties, because the stern defender of the young Alexey Mikhailovich, the famous Prostopop Stefan Wonfatyev forbade him "pipes and organs and all sorts of fun" even at the wedding with Miloslavskaya. But then he himself got into disfavor to the king and knead himself into the monastery, and the new Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna loved secular entertainment, jokes and fun. And then the former ownership of the royal father-in-law became a fun palace again, only with the houses of the Church, which inappropriately neighboring the "sweeteless hall." However, the pious Alexey made the ideas: instead of the squirrels of "ridiculous tricks", a mysteries were to represent the Mysteries on Old Testament themes, like "Nebuchadnezzar, King Babylonian".

In 1676, Alexey Mikhailovich died. The racing palace became the new tsarie terme, since the family of royal households was very numerous. In addition, hostile Miloslavsky and Naryshkina were divided by houses. In a rash palace, which was connected to the royal terme stone transition, the maiden half of the Kremlin settled - princesses. Little sisters Peter I lived here, for them the house church was updated in honor of the praise of the Virgin, but the fun in the palace remained. Tsarevna Sophia, quite prone to theatrical dramas, not only composed many plays, but even herself played roles in them - in the troupe, gathered from the courts. And the younger sister of Peter Natalia Alekseevna put political performances about the Streetsky Bunte, where the "unsuccessfulness of the uprisings and always unfortunate their end was demonstrated in the allegory."

Peter I himself often visited the walls of the racing palace. According to legend, it was here that Nikita Zotov taught his diploma. And when in March 1698, Peter went abroad, after disclosure of the conspiracy and on the eve of the new Streetsky Bunta, he handed over the fun Palace of Prince Fedor Yurevich Romodanovsky under the order of secret cases. For theatrical ideas in 1701, a wooden "comedy temper" was built on Red Square, in order to attract to secular art and simple people.

After the transfer of the capital to Petersburg, the fun palace remained the only comfortable refuge - Peter paid a little attention to the Kremlin, and the princesses, on the contrary, retained the spirit of life in it. Anna Ioannovna was stopped on the coronation here, and in 1735 she commanded to postpone the rosy Palace of the Northern War Trophy, where in two years they died in a terrible fire, destroyed and the Kremlin King Bell. The church of Pravas was seriously injured, then she had to renew it again. Lovely loved the sweetest Palace and the royal daughter Peter Empress Elizabeth, and with Catherine II, Architect V.I. Bazhenov, when he tried to build a notorious large imperial palace in the Kremlin. The house church here was already nothing.

And in the very early XIX. The century in the rash palace is the Kremlin's commandanda with the office of the commandant, from which the Kremlin Kolymaya Tower nearest to him began to be called Commandant. Architect I.V. Eotov rebuilt the palace for new needs. In 1806, the former house temple was abolished and disassembled him chapter with Altar. Above the former refectory, the turret was preserved on which a sentigious tower was arranged. About the church in honor of the praise of the Virgin Mary forgot to two centuries.

After the revolution, the fun palace was given to the new residents of the Kremlin under various needs. Since the summer of 1931, Stalin's apartment was located in him, and it was here that, in one of the rooms, the Nadezhda Allilueva committed suicide. After that, Stalin again changed the apartment and moved to the building of the Senate.

Currently, the federal guard of the Kremlin is located in a rash palace. And only today, scientists have received full access to the ancient monument. In the basement even found a bell of the former house church. After conducting the necessary archaeological and scientific studies, they decided to restore the temple in honor of the praise of the Virgin, for it turned out to be possible. So, Moscow returned to himself another temple, and the Kremlin has enriched in the newfound heritage of the Doparer era. After all, now the haul Palace remained a unique monument of private Kremlin ownership: this is the only surviving Boyarsky Yard in the Kremlin, who survived all his rivals.

Note that the Kremlin Walls were still temples dedicated to the holiday Pravas of the Virgin. One of them was in the Novinsky Monastery on Smolenke until the end of the 18th century. Another (where, by the way, they found a tombstone from the grave of Malyuts Skuratov) was an ordinary parish and stood on the Magonka, the temple of Christ the Savior, dividing his fate with him. So the revival of the Pravas Temple in the Kremlin is a very joyful, significant celebration for Moscow.

HISTORY HISTORY Praise the Most Holy Virgin

At the end of July 626, with the Emperor Irakali I (610-641), the Persian and Scythian troops began a strengthened assault to the city walls of Tsar Grad, while applying heavy equipment. Then by blessing Byzantine Patriarch Sergii I (610-638) The people gathered at the Night Prayer to the Varlaner Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where Holy Icon was kept, written, according to legend, St. Evangelist Luka. Then, coming out of the church with a miraculous Varhrano icon, all people went around procession At the walls of the city, asking for help and intercession of the Major Virgin. And then the Great Storm rose to the sea, which broke and sowed the ships of opponents. This event has a detailed description in Sinaksar on the 5th Saturday of the Great Post:

"The patriarch with all many people, the divine Icons of the Mother of God is wearer, wanted on the walls of Grad above, and from there the fortress gathering himself. Yako Sarvar Sarvar from the East, Kagan from the West of the West, and the Fire Palace is the closest king of Grad ... Kahagan is the Scythian from the Earth countries, to the walls of Constantine Grada fits, with a lot of countless arms, firmly animated arms approved. Toliko Bo Many Beasha, Elico Uniform Buckwheat, with ten Skifyans are broken. Obakha is an invincible subordinate, with small bearer of the warrior, who acquired in the temple of Herh, nine Pyhius, many of them. A suddenness of Gins is a boldness of acceptance, from the governor not a widdle of God Mother, Onekh firmly won defeated. The rearrangement to humility of citizens, not at all.

Boy is reacted by Caran, not loved by God, they believe in one. Morning Bo Veda Your hail at the imam.

Citizens hearing, Ruta to God God. Consider buying, Caigan and Sarvar, from Sushi and from the sea to attach, and the tricky grads of pleasant at least ... The focus of the gunner, bypassing the sea, the horn of the sinus is nominated, the enemy of God's temple is Mother Nennica. And Abium Storms Silna Sea Sipad, and divided this for separation. With the ships of Boy all the checks of the VSI VSI ".

In Russian history, numerous cases are also known when the Mother of God submitted his fertile assistance to the field of Brani Orthodox soldiers who defended his native land from the invasion of the sacuosts. It is noteworthy that, according to Russian chronicles, Holy Prince Alexander Nevskiywinches over German knights on the ice of the wisdom of the lake on the day of the praise of an invincible governor: in 1242, on April 5, it coincided with the 5th Saturday of the Great Post, i.e. With church reading akathist. In help from the Mongol-Tatar invaders and during the Polish-Lithuanian intervention, the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary were especially famous.

Praise the Most Holy Virgin. Worship

The service of gratitude praise in honor of the Blessed Museum of the Virgin Mary has its own distinctive statutory order. On this day, the only time in the year, in the Old Believer Churches for the divine service, it is stared Akathist Virgin (non-discharge), compiled from 24 anthem, or song: 12 Kondakov and 12 Ikosov, which are located, respectively, the 24th letters of Greek alphabet. Each new song begins with the next letter of the letter, Kondaki ends with the Psalm "Hallelujah", Ikosa - the greeting of the archangel "Rejoice the bridesmaid nonsense."

The first time of the Akathist's holiday was committed in Constantinople in the Velversary Church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and the sacred items of her earthly life - Riza and her belt; But then he was introduced to the charters of the monasteries of St. Sava Studiorsky and in church civil servieties and became common to the whole Eastern Church. Then SVT. Joseph Solunsky (brother of the PRP. Theodora Studit) was a festive Canon Praise the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Split your God's heritage, our sins are all despite now. On the CE having a prayer for you, right on the ground without a seed, we sing in the nine song of the canon's praise of the Virgin.

After all, the Most Holy Mother of God is the main assistant not only in the fight against obvious support, but also in never ceases invisible, spiritual brethren, the victory in which is the most important in life for the rescue of the human soul. She prayed at an hour of attack and despondency, in difficult life circumstances: it is known that thanks to the concept of the Mother of God, the forgiveness of sins and the most desperate sinners can get forgiveness. " Rejoice, I will always be your prayer before God!"" So, who was in the unfamiliar glory, promised the Most Holy Virgo to Christ the Apostles when they were in sorrow about the recent advice. " Mostly Mrs. The Mother of God, save us!"- We encourage every church service, with love and great faith by contacting the heavenly patroness.

Akathist of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The authorship of Akathist Church Tradition relates mainly to the Byzantine Patriarch Sergia I. "Angel Constitue with Heaven ..." The first Ikos of the Akafist begins by the Arkhangelsk greetings of the Major Verine, further, to the average part of it, follows the consistent story of the Gospel Events: Meeting of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Elisavente, the resolution of the doubt of the presenter of the Mystery of the Holy Congority Joseph, the congregation of Christ, the worship of shepherds and Magi, mention of St. Simeon God Apply, flight to Egypt. Unfortunately, we do not know so much about the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin: the church legend has kept here relatively brief information. One of the most remarkable historical documents, especially in detail about the adolescent years and the Assumption of Our Lady, is "" (facial arch, world history, book 3). The editorial office of "Life" was prepared on the basis of the Earlyzantine "Word of the Knife of the Most Holy Theotokos" by Greek ink Epiphany, who hung in the middle of the first century in the monastery of St. Callistrate. To better understand the liturgical text of the akathist, it would be nice to read with attention and remember how the years had spent the years of the Most Holy Deva - "Svetzenka Heaven, about the Neighing of God."

Library of Russian faith

At the beginning of "Life", the pedigree of Our Lady, originating from the knee of Judah and the royal clan of King Davyda. Next, reported on the vision, formerly in the Church of St. Joacima - the Father of the Virgin, when during the prayer he heard a wonderful voice: "There will be a child to you, and those will become famous." Dead old age was waiting for St. Jacob permission to prophecy, on the execution of which blessed her daughter, the parents called Maria, in honor of the sister of St. Righteous Anna. Speaking in his narration about the introduction of the Major of the Marnette, the monk of the Epiphany reveals the details of this event. So, he writes that the parents brought to the temple, the Most Holy Musk is not alone, as it is considered, and twice: the first - when a three-year-old Maria was admitted to the holy of saints. Parents led her with many gifts, who took the Ieri Varachia from them - Father St. Zechariah and the forefather of St. John Office. However, Maria's baby was not left then for permanent residence in the temple, but with her parents she returned home back. At the achievement of the seven-year-old age, Sv. Otrokovitsa was already completely entrusted to the care of the yeeks for life and serving at the temple, literacy and needlework.

The eightieth old man Joacima shortly afterwards, sv. Anna left Nazareth and moved a residence in Jerosalum, but she was praised after two years. Osapotev, the Most Holy Maria came out only to the relative of his sv. Elisabeth, who lived in the city of Bethlehem, quickly learned by diploma and deeply delve into the Holy Scripture. Among all the other girls, her wisdom was amazing and high virtue. As the binding monk writes:

"There was a place in the church to the left of the altar, Maria was staying there, working as a satellite in the church, serving Jereyews only. The custom of her is as follows: Chista in everything, MaloGoliva, permanently, blessing, not daring to any person, so that all her mind and verbs were divided. It was her: spinning of wool and flax and vison. Growth was medium, others say that low, blond, with golden hair, eyes are fragrant, long hands, rounded face, long fingers, the grace of God is fulfilled and beauty, harmonious, shame, constant, humility immutable had: because he walked on her God, as she said, the magnitude of the Lord. Clothes loved the same and wore, as he testifies to Holy Pokrov. They believed her the Khli Church of the Lord, and was fed in the church, staying in prayer and reading, in dignity and needlework and in every virtue ().

The first revelation of the Holy Virgin Version had taken over her, being twelve from the genus: Once at night, "When she prayed before the door of the altar, in midnight, the light was listened to the shine of sunny. And the voice from the sanctuary came to her, the verb: "give birth to my son." She was silent, no one told the secret of this, until Christ was ascended "().

When the Most Holy Maria turned 14 years old, St. Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, praying for her, took 12 wands from the yeeques and from relatives of other girls and put them in the altar to find out from the Lord whose maiden. In response to his prayer petition, the sprouted Sv. The elder of Joseph, who was then about 70 years old and who had accounted for a cousin of the Blessed Virgin. The high priest with honor instructed him the Most Holy Virgin, but not for marriage, but on the preservation and observance of immaculate virginity. St. Mary began to live in the house of Joseph, raising two of his younger daughters and staying, according to custom, in post and prayer. After six months, in the summer 5499 and in the 36 Summer of the reign of August, the month of the Distra (Martha) on 25 days a week, with the ninth hour of the day, Gabriel was sent to the Virgin. This month, as the ink epiphany tells, is "The first among months a year, in which God drove the darkness and said God:" Let there be light "- And became light "().

In the divine fishery about our salvation there are no accidents, but all events have their own intimate meaning. At the same time, when the creation of the world began on biblical history, and the light was created, and heavenly, the non-resident light on the ground and was embodied in the womb of the Most Holy Mother of God, which, according to church tradition, we call the Mother of Light. "Having rejoiced the luminous unforgettable lights",- So we sing on the 11th Ikos of Akathist, the second half of which is devoted to the commendable Slavs and the Blessed Virgin Mary: "Rejoice, the doors of salvation", "Rejoice in the village of God of the Word", "Rejoice in the wings of the victory" ...

Ancathist three-time singing with earth bows of the 13th Kondak, which does not have its own Ikos, and the repetition of the initial Ikos and Kondaka " Hanging the governor»:

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Praise the Most Holy Virgin. Icons

The Iconography "Pravas of the Virgin" is based on the words of the Old Testament prophecies, according to which the Virgin Mary is "a stronal", "Wand", "Gaming", "Morning Elegant", "Gostela Cadillary", "Saberitza", "Thrust Tsarev", etc. The icon-painted image is very rich in content and shows many ancient prophets who are surrounded by the Mother of God and the visible objects explain their talk about it. So, sv. The forefather Jacob is depicted with a staircase, St. The Prophet Moses - with an unhapite buggy room, Valaam - with a star, Gideon - with Ruhn, Jesse and Aaron - with the withers, Davyd and Solomon - with layouts of the Jerosalim Temple, Isaiah - with ticks and coal, Jeremiah - with Skriezhal, Ezekiel - with gates , Daniel and Avvakum - with the mountains. The most ancient icon of the praise of Our Lady in Russia is the icon "Praise the Mother of God with an Akathist" from the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, created by the Greek Master in the second half of the XIV century.

Temples in honor of the praise of the Most Holy Virgin

In the XV century in honor of the praise of the Blessed Virgin The church in Moscow was consecrated, at the corner of the All-day passage and the Prechistenskaya Embankment. First mentioned in 1475. The temple was the only one in Moscow, consecrated in honor of the holiday praise of the Virgin. It was the miraculous icon of St. Nichola. In the old days, this temple had another name - "the old farewell", because a man who received healing from the icon was called the "passingman." In 1629, the wooden church burned down and was anewded in stone. The old name of this area "Shmaki" is connected with the surname of the Duma Nobleman, who once again rebuilt the stone church at the end of the XVII century - Dementia Bashmakov. In 1932, the temple building was demolished with the aim of liberating the territory for the construction of the Palace of Soviets.

In honor of the praise of the Most Holy Virgin consecrated church of Trinity Danilova Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The stone church was built in 1695.

At the end of the XVI century, in honor of the praise of the Most Holy Theotokos was consecrated church at Dimitrovsky Fightthat under the copper (Tver region, Novotorzhsky district, polishing Dimitrovsky). The stone church in the style of Baroque was built instead of the former wooden (1652) for funds I.P. Rozhnova. In the refectory were placed warm attacks: Dimitrovsky and Nikolsky. Closed in the 1930s, ruined. Basically, the internal paintings in the style of Academism are partially preserved. In 1991, the ROC returned, slowly restored, only the main throne is consecled.

In honor of the praise of the Virgin Mary consecrated the bog of the church of the Epiphany of the Lord with. Red-on-Volga Kostroma region. The temple was built in 1592 for the means of Uncle Boris Godunov - Dmitry Ivanovich, on the blessing of the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The church of the Epiphany in Red is the only stone tent church of the XVI century in the Kostroma region. Inside the temple there is a restored iconostasis, and the walls and vaults are painted in the traditions of Orthodox painting of the XVI-XVII centuries. In Soviet times, the church served as a warehouse for grain, a storage of vegetables, a library and a club. The temple was completely renovated in 2009.

Church of the Epiphany of the Lord. Red-on-Volga

The church of the praise of the Virgin at the bishop house in the Tula Predoychensky monastery was built in the XVII century, between about 1640 and about 1660. In 1864-1865, updated and partially rebuilt. Circulated around 1919. When transferring the Bishops of the HCC, later broken. The surviving buildings are engaged in the management of the FSB in the Tula region.

Church of the praise of the Virgin at the bishop house in Tula

There is no information about the Old Believer Temples in honor of the praise of the Most Holy Virgin.

1. "The Word of the Epiphany Monk about the life of the Virgin". Facial chronicle arch, World History, Book 3
2. There
3. Ibot