
F. M.

Conifers in the garden design

Sometimes there is not enough time to read fully the work of one of the great classics of literature. Quickly familiarize yourself with it, the main characters will help summary. "The boy from Christ on the Christmas tree" is a story written by Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. It shares with readers with his thoughts, gives you the opportunity to see from the side, what the human indifference leads, invents a very good and positive ending, which may not only be the fruit of fantasy, but also by Jaw.

Structure of the work

So, it starts to acquaint us with a story brief content. "The boy from Christ on the Christmas tree" consists of two parts, the second is called this way, and the first writer entitled "Boy with a handle."

In the first and second chapter tells about different guys. They only have the same age and low despite the fact that both children are very poor, the second causes more sympathy than the first. For his unspoiled soul, for the fact that anyone did anything wrong, for the unfair offenses he was subjected to, Christ will reward the second child according to merit.

Part One - "Boy with a handle"

It is that the work itself begins and his brief content. "The boy of Christ on the Christmas tree" first introduces us with one child. The writer says that before Merry Christmas met a boy who was no more than seven years. In a strong frost, he was dressed almost in a summer. The child was brewing, such children, as he, called "with a handle" for what they went with the outstretched palm and asked alms.

The child answered the writer's questions that his sister is sick, so he goes to ask. Then Dostoevsky says that there were many such children at that time, he opens up the reader of the fate that expects these kids. Many of them become thieves. In unfavorable families - drinking parents, they send their children behind vodka. Fathers, units who beat their wives, "for laughter" can pour into the mouth of this fiery water even their son, nephew. Then these inhumans still laugh when children fall on the floor in infamous ...

Naturally, in such a family, the child is very difficult to become therefore, already matured, and even going to work at the plant, adolescents become real criminals, and they themselves, as their parents, begin to drink. This is such a messy picture described Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

"The boy of Christ on the Christmas tree"

The main characters of this story are boys who were not familiar with each other. One of them at least somehow was adapted to a bench existence, the other fell into that world, full of deprivation, unprepared and turned out to be completely alone - without protection, without adult guardianship.

The second chapter of the story of Dostoevsky begins with the words that he is still a novelist. The author says he seems to him, something similar he has ever heard, and perhaps it was simply chosen.

The second story also happened on the eve of Christmas. She begins in the basement. Here, putting a cake under the head, lies a seriously ill woman. A boy sits on her six or less years. In another corner lies someone else's old woman, which often grieves the child. He and Mom came to this city from home from afar. Apparently, hunger has driven the family from a spaced place. Mom and boy to feed, came here. Perhaps a woman wanted to get a job here, but got sick or completely weakened from hunger. This begins the second chapter that the Dostoevsky "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree" begins. The short content of the story continues.

Completely alone

The child wanted to eat. He was able to get drunk, but there was no food. He has already tried to wake up mom many times, but she did not open his eyes. The boy touched the woman, she was cold. The child became terribly, he did not understand what happened, but he felt - he was cold and scared in this dark basement, where the lights do not ignite.

The baby pushed his light upper clothes, which the author calls a bathrobe, and went out, she struck him. There were a lot of lights around, such a child had not yet seen. Where he came from, in the evenings, one dull lamp was buried in the evening, and everyone was sitting after sunset in their homes.

There was a lively movement, the bright light burned the houses of the houses. In one big window The child saw a huge Christmas tree on which toys hung, apples. Persecuted by a sense of strong hunger, the baby opened the door to this magic world. After all, through it there was a lot of rich guests invited by the owners of the big Christmas tree for a holiday. But the lady snapped his hands on him, jumped the child a penny and drove. The baby was frightened, ran and dropped a trifle.

Bad people

This is about such tough people in this instructive work, which called F. M. Dostoevsky "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree." A brief content of the story tells about these moments. More details. After all, by that time the child has already frozen. There was a terrible cold, and he was dressed quite easily. The child was very painful with their fingers and legs - they blushed, there was a frostbite.

If the lady would allow the child to warm up warmly, fed him, he could stay alive. But not only this woman is to blame. After all, when the boy was walking down the street, past a guardian of the order and turned away to not see the baby. Although he was obliged to fulfill his duty, take the child to the site, to the hospital or in the shelter. That's because of such people and did not become this cute angel. Dostoevsky came up with a very kind finale of history, very soon we will come to him.

In heaven

Short content continues. The boy from Christ on the Christmas tree will be very soon. Switching out of a rich house, he stopped near the showcase and stuck on funny mechanical dolls. At this time, someone evil graced a robe from him. The child was afraid again, ran and hid in the courtyard behind the firewood. He tristed, he became warm and good. The boy felt soared near an unusually beautiful Christmas tree. Around him fly the same angels - boys and girls. They hug, kiss him, their mothers who stand a bit aside and with tears in their eyes look at their children.

There was a boy's mother, and the Christmas tree arranges Christ for those children who did not have it in the earthly life, like our hero of the work, which called the Dostoevsky "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree." A brief retelling, as the story itself, it ends. It remains to tell the only thing that the janitor found the boy's corpse, and his mother died even earlier.

This is so sad and at the same time a bright story wrote and called him Dostoevsky "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree." Criticism of that time and modern appreciation appreciated the work. Readers of the XXI century say that they really liked the story, which awakens the feeling of compassion and touches the best strings of the human soul.

The story includes two parts. The first part is called "Boy with a handle." All writer shows not a simple life of children who without home. A group of alcoholics throw away children to frost so that they collect alms. Then they take money. Children live in the basement, where dirty and damp, they see a drink, they are constantly beaten. Their childhood is terrible, so they grow wild and evil, enter into a criminal world.

The second part of the story is called the "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree." Here we are talking about a boy who woke up for Christmas in the basement from cold and hunger. He is only 6 years old. Next to him his mother who died. But he does not understand this and trying to wake it up, but he does not work. He goes wander through the streets.

He goes in the snow and feels like his fingers sick from the cold and frost. He is surprised that the city is so beautifully decorated, because in the village where he lived on the streets dark. But there he was full. A police officer is going past him, who pretends to notice him.

He goes through the streets, and looks into the windows of the houses, where the hearty and clean children are played in toys and view books. He sees the adult gentlemen and ladies behind the tables and eat a lot of tastes. He tried to go to the house, but he was driven. Nobody look at him, not to him. Finger on the legs began to root even stronger. He is very scary and lonely, he felt no one needed. In the end, he falls on some kind of meadow, falls asleep and freezes.

The writer then comes up with the fantastic development of events. The boy is resurrected, and in heaven hits the Christmas tree of Christ. He sees kids who fly as well as he. The Christmas tree is very beautifully decorated. Children hug and kiss him, he saw her mother. All he is happy, they are relatives for him and they need him. He is happy, here it loves him, he acquires here a family and a house.

Home Thought Story Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree

This work writer reminds of mercy and compassion for each other. After all, indifferent behavior is scary. After all, the fact that children cry are suffering - this is all the wrong behavior of adults, their no desire to take into account their problems. This is the attitude of adults to this boy and served his death. The work is very relevant for modern time, because you are increasingly met with cruel and ruthless action in relation to each other, people do not want to know the problems of others, they are interested only in their own. Many simply pass by, because they do not want additional problems or some difficulties. But the writer shows how it all ends in his story.

You can use this text for the reader's diary.

Dostoevsky. All works

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  • Boy from Christ on the tree
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The boy of Christ on the tree. Picture to the story

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Fedor Dostoevsky
Christ boy on the Christmas tree

Boy with handle

Children are a strange people, they will dream and merry. Before the Christmas tree and in the very Christmas tree, before Christmas, I met on the street, on the famous corner, one boy, no more than seven years old. In a terrible frost, he was dressed almost in a summer, but his neck he was lined with some kind of old, "he means it is still someone equipped, sending. He walked "with a handle"; This is a technical term, it means to ask alms. The term invented these boys themselves. Such as he, many, they spread on your road and overstate something learned; But this did not overtightened and spoke somehow innocently and unusual and trustfully looked into my eyes, "it became only that I started a profession. My asked, he said that he had a sister, sits without work, patient; Maybe it's true, but only I learned that these boys are darkness-dirty: they are sent "with a hand" at least in the most terrible frost, and if nothing is gaining, they probably wait for their beatings. Having gained kopecks, the boy returns to the red, in the ridiculous hands in some basement, where any chayka galanikov drinks, from those most that, "I am angry at the factory on Sunday on Saturday, come back to work not earlier as on Wednesday in the evening. . There, in the basements, they are drunk with them hungry and broken wives, they immediately have hungry chest their children. Vodka, and dirt, and debauchery, and most importantly, vodka. With scored penny, the boy immediately sent to the Kabak, and he brings more wines. In the fun and sometimes they climb a mouth in his mouth and laugh when he, with breathing, falls almost without memory to the floor.

... and in my mouth I have a vodka
Ruthlessly poured ...

When he grows up, he is quickly taken away somewhere at the factory, but everything he will earn, he again is obliged to bring to bachens, and they again suede. But even before the factory, these children become perfect criminals. They stand in the city and know such places in different basements, which can be crawled and where you can spend the night. One of them spent the night several nights in a single janitor in some basket, and he did not notice him. Self, become thieves. Theft draws to passion even in eight-year-old children, sometimes even without any consciousness of crime action. Under the end, all - hunger, cold, beatings, - only for one, for freedom, and run away from their bachers to straighten up from themselves. This wild creature does not understand anything or where he lives, nor he is a nation, whether God is whether there is a sovereign; Even these transmit things about them, which is incredibly hearing, and, onek, all the facts.

Christ boy on the Christmas tree

But I am a novelist, and, it seems, one "story" composed himself. Why am I writing: "It seems", because I myself know probably that I composed, but I will all see that it happened somewhere and once it happened that this happened just on the eve of Christmas, in somea huge city and terrible frost.

I will see me, the boy was in the basement, but still very small, six or even less. This boy woke up in the morning in the cheese and cold basement. He was dressed in some robe and trembled. His breath was flying out with a white ferry, and he, sitting in the corner on the chest, from boredom, deliberately allowed this couple from his mouth and amused, depending on how he crashes. But he really wanted to eat. He set up several times in the morning to Naram, where on a thin, like a damn, litter and on some node under his head instead of a pillow lay a sick mother. How did she find himself here? It must have arrived with his boy from someone else's city and suddenly stunned. The hostess of the corners seized two more days to the police; The tenants dispersed, the case is a festive, and the remaining one bachelor has already stayed dead drunk, without waiting for the holiday. In another corner of the room groaned from rheumatism, some kind of eighty old old woman, who had ever lived somewhere in the nannies, and now surrounding the lonely, Owai, grumbling and grumbling on the boy, so he has already been afraid of approaching her corner. He got drunk somewhere in the Seine, but I didn't find your crusts and once in the tenth had already approached wake up my mother. It became terrible to him, finally, in the dark: it was long ago the evening began, and the fire was not lit. Fit the face of Mom, he mowed that she did not move at all and became the same cold as the wall. "It's very cold here," he thought, stood a little, unconsciously forgetting his hand on the shoulder of the deceased, then drove her fingers to her fingers, so as not to heat them, and suddenly, naughting her Kartusishko, Slowly, Pretty, went from the basement. He would still go before, and everything was afraid at the top, on the stairs, a big dog, which took the whole day at the neighboring doors. But the dogs were no longer, and he suddenly went outside.

Lord, what city! He has never seen anything like that. There, he came, he arrived, at night such a black darkness, one lantern on the whole street. Wooden low houses are locked with shutters; On the street, a little frown - no one, everyone is indulging in the houses, and only overstate the whole flocks of dogs, hundreds and thousands of them, spend and nourish all night. But there it was so warm and he was given to eat, and here - Lord, cassi to eat! And what is the knock and thunder, what light and people, horses and carriages, and frost, frost! Frustrated couples valit from driving horses, from hot breathable muids; Through loose snow links about the horseshoe stones, and everyone is so pushed, and, Lord, so I want to eat, even if some kind of piece, and so hurts it was suddenly with fingers. The guardian of the order passed by and turned away, so as not to notice the boy.

So again the street, - Oh, what's wider! Here they will probably distribute so; How they scream all, run and ride, and light, light, then! And what's that? Wow, what a big glass, and the room is the room, and in the room tree to the ceiling; This is a Christmas tree, but on the Christmas tree how many lights, how many gold paper and apples, and around there are pupa, small horses; And the room runs children, elegant, clean, laugh and play, and eat, and drink something. Here is this girl started dancing with a boy, what a pretty girl! That's music, through the glass heard. She looks like a boy, is divided, it really laughs, and he already hurts fingers and on the legs, and they have become very red on their hands, they do not bend and painfully move. And suddenly I remembered the boy about the fact that his fingers hurt, I cried and ran down, and now he sees it through another glass room, again there are trees, but on the tables pies, all sorts of almonds, red, yellow, and sit there four Rich Baryni, and who will come, they give the pies, and the door will be remembered, he enters them a lot of gentlemen. The boy burst up, he glanced suddenly the door and entered. Wow, how they shouted and sniffed! One lady approached as soon as possible and put a penny in his hand, and herself reacted the door to the street. How he was frightened! And the penny immediately rolled out and ran around the steps: he could not bend his red fingers and hold it. The boy ran out and went to the estimated as soon as possible, and where he himself did not know. I want to cry again, it's already afraid, and runs, runs and blows on the handles. And Tosca takes him, because it was suddenly so lonely and terribly, and suddenly, Lord! Why is it again? People stand in the crowd and missed: on the window behind the glass three dolls, small, smashed into the red and green dress and very-all like alive! Some old man sits and as if he played on a big violin, two others stand right there and playing small violins, and they swing in the beat, and they look at each other, and they move their lips, they say, they say completely, - only here Because of the glass is not heard. And first the boy thought, that they were alive, and how they guessed at all that these are dolls, - suddenly laughed. He never seen such dolls and did not know that there are such! And he wants to cry something, but so funny funny on the pupa. Suddenly it came to him that someone grabbed him behind a robe: a big evil boy stood beyond and suddenly he cracked him on his head, threw the cards, and he himself led him with a leg. The boy rolled around, they shouted here, he, he jumped up and run-run, and suddenly he walked himself, he did not know where, in the doorway, on someone else's courtyard, - and sat down for firewood: "They will not be suited, and even dark."

He sat down and felt, and he himself could not catch his breath and suddenly, quite suddenly, it became so good for him: the handles and legs suddenly stopped root and it was so warm, so warm as on the stove; So he shuddered: ah, yes, he fell asleep! How good here to fall asleep: "I'll sit here and go to look at the dolls again," the boy thought and grinned, remembering them, "just like alive! .." And suddenly he heard that he was singing his mother's song. "Mom, I sleep, oh, how to sleep well!"

"Let's go to me on the Christmas tree, a boy," a quiet voice whispered over him.

He thought it was that this is all his mom, but no, not she; Who called him him, he does not see, but someone hit him over him and hugged him in the dark, and he handed him his hand and ... and suddenly, about what light! Oh, what a tree! Yes, and not a Christmas tree, he did not see such trees yet! Where is it now: everything glitters, everything shines and all the dolls, - but no, these are all boys and girls, only such bright, they all circling around him, fly, they all kiss him, take him, carry it with him, yes And he himself flies, and he sees: looking at his mother and laugh at him joyfully.

- Mum! Mum! Oh, how good here, mom! - Shouts her boy, and again kisses with children, and I want to tell him as soon as the pupae behind the glass. - Who are you, boys? Who are you girls? - He asks, laughing and loving them.

"This is" Christ Christmas, "they answer him. - Christ is always on this day a Christmas tree for small kids, who have no her Christmas tree ... - And he learned that these boys and girls were all the same as he, children, but some froze in their baskets in which They were thrown into the stairs to the doors of St. Petersburg officials, others hung around the Chukhukhnok, from the educational house on the feeding, the third died from the withered breasts of their mothers, during Samara famish hunger, the fourth troughs in the third-class wagons from the Smrade, and all now they are here, All of them now as angels, everything from Christ, and he himself in the middle of them, and extends his hands to them, and bless them and their sinful mothers ... And the mother of these children stand right there, aside, and cry; Each recognizes his boy or a girl, and they are flown to them and kiss them, wipe them with tears with their handles and make them not cry, because they are so good here ...

And at the bottom of the morning, the wipers found a small corpse of the slain and frozen the boys for firewood; I was found and his mother ... she died even before him; Both dates out of the Lord God in the sky.

And why did I compose such a story, so not going to an ordinary reasonable diary, and another writer? And also promised stories predominantly about the events of valid! But in the fact of the matter, everything seems to me and see that all this could happen indeed, - that is, what happened in the basement and for firewood, and there it's about the Christmas tree - I don't know how to tell you If it could happen, or not? That's me and the novelist to invent.

F. M. Dostoevsky

Christ boy on the Christmas tree

But I am a novelist, and, it seems, one "story" composed himself. Why am I writing: "It seems", because I myself know probably that I composed, but I will all see that it happened somewhere and once it happened that this happened just on the eve of Christmas, in some A huge city and terrible frost.

I will see me, the boy was in the basement, but still very small, six or even less. This boy woke up in the morning in the cheese and cold basement. He was dressed in some robe and trembled. His breath was flying out with a white ferry, and he, sitting in the corner on the chest, from boredom, deliberately allowed this couple from his mouth and amused, depending on how he crashes. But he really wanted to eat. He set up several times in the morning to Naram, where on a thin, like a damn, litter and on some node under his head instead of a pillow lay a sick mother. How did she find himself here? It must have arrived with his boy from someone else's city and suddenly stunned. The hostess of the corners seized two more days to the police; The tenants dispersed, the case is a festive, and the remaining one bachelor has already stayed dead drunk, without waiting for the holiday. In another corner of the room groaned from rheumatism, some kind of eighty old old woman, who had ever lived somewhere in the nannies, and now surrounding the lonely, Owai, grumbling and grumbling on the boy, so he has already been afraid of approaching her corner. He got drunk somewhere in the Seine, but I didn't find your crusts and once in the tenth had already approached wake up my mother. It became terrible to him, finally, in the dark: it was long ago the evening began, and the fire was not lit. Fit the face of Mom, he mowed that she did not move at all and became the same cold as the wall. "It's very cold here," he thought, stood a little, unconsciously forgetting his hand on the shoulder of the deceased, then drove her fingers to her fingers, so as not to heat them, and suddenly, naughting her Kartusishko, Slowly, Pretty, went from the basement. He would still go before, and everything was afraid at the top, on the stairs, a big dog, which took the whole day at the neighboring doors. But the dogs were no longer, and he suddenly went outside.

Lord, what city! He has never seen anything like that. There, he came, he arrived, at night such a black darkness, one lantern on the whole street. Wooden low houses are locked with shutters; On the street, a little frown - no one, everyone is indulging in the houses, and only overstate the whole flocks of dogs, hundreds and thousands of them, spend and nourish all night. But there it was so warm and he was given to eat, and here - Lord, cassi to eat! And what is the knock and thunder, what light and people, horses and carriages, and frost, frost! Frustrated couples valit from driving horses, from hot breathable muids; Through loose snow links about the horseshoe stones, and everyone is so pushed, and, Lord, so I want to eat, even if some kind of piece, and so hurts it was suddenly with fingers. The guardian of the order passed by and turned away, so as not to notice the boy.

So again the street, - Oh, what's wider! Here they will probably distribute so; How they scream all, run and ride, and light, light, then! And what's that? Wow, what a big glass, and the room is the room, and in the room tree to the ceiling; This is a Christmas tree, but on the Christmas tree how many lights, how many gold paper and apples, and around there are pupa, small horses; And the room runs children, elegant, clean, laugh and play, and eat, and drink something. Here is this girl started dancing with a boy, what a pretty girl! That's music, through the glass heard. She looks like a boy, is divided, it really laughs, and he already hurts fingers and on the legs, and they have become very red on their hands, they do not bend and painfully move. And suddenly I remembered the boy about the fact that his fingers hurt, I cried and ran down, and now he sees it through another glass room, again there are trees, but on the tables pies, all sorts of almonds, red, yellow, and sit there four Rich Baryni, and who will come, they give the pies, and the door will be remembered, he enters them a lot of gentlemen. The boy burst up, he glanced suddenly the door and entered. Wow, how they shouted and sniffed! One lady approached as soon as possible and put a penny in his hand, and herself reacted the door to the street. How he was frightened! And the penny immediately rolled out and ran around the steps: he could not bend his red fingers and hold it. The boy ran out and went to the estimated as soon as possible, and where he himself did not know. I want to cry again, it's already afraid, and runs, runs and blows on the handles. And Tosca takes him, because it was suddenly so lonely and terribly, and suddenly, Lord! Why is it again? People stand in the crowd and missed: on the window behind the glass three dolls, small, smashed into the red and green dress and very-all like alive! Some old man sits and as if he played on a big violin, two others stand right there and playing small violins, and they swing in the beat, and they look at each other, and they move their lips, they say, they say completely, - only here Because of the glass is not heard. And first the boy thought, that they were alive, and how they guessed at all that these are dolls, - suddenly laughed. He never seen such dolls and did not know that there are such! And he wants to cry something, but so funny funny on the pupa. Suddenly it came to him that someone grabbed him behind a robe: a big evil boy stood beyond and suddenly he cracked him on his head, threw the cards, and he himself led him with a leg. The boy rolled around, they shouted here, he, he jumped up and run-run, and suddenly he walked himself, he did not know where, in the doorway, on someone else's courtyard, - and sat down for firewood: "They will not be suited, and even dark."

He sat down and felt, and he himself could not catch his breath and suddenly, quite suddenly, it became so good for him: the handles and legs suddenly stopped root and it was so warm, so warm as on the stove; So he shuddered: ah, yes, he fell asleep! How good here to fall asleep: "I'll sit here and go to look at the dolls again," the boy thought and grinned, remembering them, "just like alive! .." And suddenly he heard that he was singing his mother's song. "Mom, I sleep, oh, how to sleep well!"

Let's go to me on the Christmas tree, the boy, - whispered over him suddenly a quiet voice.

He thought it was that this is all his mom, but no, not she; Who called him him, he does not see, but someone hit him over him and hugged him in the dark, and he handed him his hand and ... and suddenly, about what light! Oh, what a tree! Yes, and not a Christmas tree, he did not see such trees yet! Where is it now: everything glitters, everything shines and all the dolls, - but no, these are all boys and girls, only such bright, they all circling around him, fly, they all kiss him, take him, carry it with him, yes And he himself flies, and he sees: looking at his mother and laugh at him joyfully.

Mum! Mum! Oh, how good here, mom! - Shouts her boy, and again kisses with children, and I want to tell him as soon as the pupae behind the glass. - Who are you, boys? Who are you girls? - He asks, laughing and loving them.

This is the "Christ Christmas tree," they answer him. - Christ is always on this day a Christmas tree for small kids, who have no her Christmas tree ... - And he learned that these boys and girls were all the same as he, children, but some froze in their baskets in which They were thrown into the stairs to the doors of St. Petersburg officials, others hung around the Chukhukhnok, from the educational house on the feeding, the third died from the withered breasts of their mothers, during Samara famish hunger, the fourth troughs in the third-class wagons from the Smrade, and all now they are here, All of them now as angels, everything from Christ, and he himself in the middle of them, and extends his hands to them, and bless them and their sinful mothers ... And the mother of these children stand right there, aside, and cry; Each recognizes his boy or a girl, and they are flown to them and kiss them, wipe them with tears with their handles and make them not cry, because they are so good here ...

And at the bottom of the morning, the wipers found a small corpse of the slain and frozen the boys for firewood; I was found and his mother ... she died even before him; Both dates out of the Lord God in the sky.

And why did I compose such a story, so not going to an ordinary reasonable diary, and another writer? And also promised stories predominantly about the events of valid! But in the fact of the matter, everything seems to me and see that all this could happen indeed, - that is, what happened in the basement and for firewood, and there it's about the Christmas tree - I don't know how to tell you If it could happen, or not? That's me and the novelist to invent.

Children are a strange people, they will dream and merry. Before the Christmas tree and in the very Christmas tree, before Christmas, I met on the street, on the famous corner, one boy, no more than seven years old.

In a terrible frost, he was dressed almost in a summer, but his neck he was lined with some kind of old, "he means it is still someone equipped, sending. He walked "with a handle"; This is a technical term, it means to ask alms. The term invented these boys themselves. Such as he, many, they spread on your road and overstate something learned; But this did not overtightened and spoke somehow innocently and unusual and trustfully looked into my eyes, "it became only that I started a profession. My asked, he said that he had a sister, sits without work, patient; Maybe it's true, but only I learned that these boys are darkness-dirty: they are sent "with a hand" at least in the most terrible frost, and if nothing is gaining, they probably wait for their beatings. Having gained kopecks, the boy returns to the red, in the ridiculous hands in some basement, where any chayka galanikov drinks, from those most that, "I am angry at the factory on Sunday on Saturday, come back to work not earlier as on Wednesday in the evening. . There, in the basements, they are drunk with them hungry and broken wives, they immediately have hungry chest their children. Vodka, and dirt, and debauchery, and most importantly, vodka. With scored penny, the boy immediately sent to the Kabak, and he brings more wines. In the fun and sometimes they climb a mouth in his mouth and laugh when he, with his breath, will fall almost without memory to the floor, ... and in my mouth I was pouring a ruthless vodka ...

When he grows up, he is quickly taken away somewhere at the factory, but everything he will earn, he again is obliged to bring to bachens, and they again suede. But even before the factory, these children become perfect criminals. They stand in the city and know such places in different basements, which can be crawled and where you can spend the night. One of them spent the night several nights in a single janitor in some basket, and he did not notice him. Self, become thieves. Theft draws to passion even in eight-year-old children, sometimes even without any consciousness of crime action. Under the end, all - hunger, cold, beatings, - only for one, for freedom, and run away from their bachers to straighten up from themselves. This wild creature does not understand anything or where he lives, nor he is a nation, whether God is whether there is a sovereign; Even these transmit things about them, which is incredibly hearing, and, however, all the facts.

Boy from Christ on the tree

But I am a novelist, and, it seems, one "story" composed himself. Why am I writing: "It seems", because I myself know probably that I composed, but I will all see that it happened somewhere and once it happened that this happened just on the eve of Christmas, in some A huge city and terrible frost. I will see me, the boy was in the basement, but still very small, six or even less.

This boy woke up in the morning in the cheese and cold basement. He was dressed in some robe and trembled. His breath was flying out with a white ferry, and he, sitting in the corner on the chest, from boredom, deliberately allowed this couple from his mouth and amused, depending on how he crashes.

But he really wanted to eat. He set up several times in the morning to Naram, where on a thin, like a damn, litter and on some node under his head instead of a pillow lay a sick mother. How did she find himself here? It must have arrived with his boy from someone else's city and suddenly stunned. The hostess of the corners seized two more days to the police; The tenants dispersed, the case is a festive, and the remaining one bachelor has already stayed dead drunk, without waiting for the holiday. In another corner of the room groaned from rheumatism, some kind of eighty old old woman, who had ever lived somewhere in the nannies, and now surrounding the lonely, Owai, grumbling and grumbling on the boy, so he has already been afraid of approaching her corner. He got drunk somewhere in the Seine, but I didn't find your crusts and once in the tenth had already approached wake up my mother. It became terrible to him, finally, in the dark: it was long ago the evening began, and the fire was not lit. Fit the face of Mom, he mowed that she did not move at all and became the same cold as the wall. "It's very cold here," he thought, stood a little, unconsciously forgetting his hand on the shoulder of the deceased, then drove her fingers to her fingers, so as not to heat them, and suddenly, naughting her Kartusishko, Slowly, Pretty, went from the basement. He would still go before, and everything was afraid at the top, on the stairs, a big dog, which took the whole day at the neighboring doors. But the dogs were no longer, and he suddenly went outside.

Lord, what city! He has never seen anything like that. There, he came, he arrived, at night such a black darkness, one lantern on the whole street. Wooden low houses are locked with shutters; On the street, a little frown - no one, everyone is indulging in the houses, and only overstate the whole flocks of dogs, hundreds and thousands of them, spend and nourish all night. But there it was so warm and he was given to eat, and here - Lord, cassi to eat! And what is the knock and thunder, what light and people, horses and carriages, and frost, frost! Frustrated couples valit from driving horses, from hot breathable muids; Through loose snow links about the horseshoe stones, and everyone is so pushed, and, Lord, so I want to eat, even if some kind of piece, and so hurts it was suddenly with fingers.

The guardian of the order passed by and turned away, so as not to notice the boy. So again the street, - Oh, what's wider! Here they will probably distribute so; How they scream all, run and ride, and light, light, then! And what's that? Wow, what a big glass, and the room is the room, and in the room tree to the ceiling; This is a Christmas tree, but on the Christmas tree how many lights, how many gold paper and apples, and around there are pupa, small horses; And the room runs children, elegant, clean, laugh and play, and eat, and drink something. Here is this girl started dancing with a boy, what a pretty girl! That's music, through the glass heard. She looks like a boy, is divided, it really laughs, and he already hurts fingers and on the legs, and they have become very red on their hands, they do not bend and painfully move. And suddenly I remembered the boy about the fact that his fingers hurt, I cried and ran down, and now he sees it through another glass room, again there are trees, but on the tables pies, all sorts of almonds, red, yellow, and sit there four Rich Baryni, and who will come, they give the pies, and the door will be remembered, he enters them a lot of gentlemen. The boy burst up, he glanced suddenly the door and entered. Wow, how they shouted and sniffed! One lady approached as soon as possible and put a penny in his hand, and herself reacted the door to the street.

How he was frightened! And the penny immediately rolled out and ran around the steps: he could not bend his red fingers and hold it. The boy ran out and went to the estimated as soon as possible, and where he himself did not know. I want to cry again, it's already afraid, and runs, runs and blows on the handles. And Tosca takes him, because it was suddenly so lonely and terribly, and suddenly, Lord! Why is it again? People stand in the crowd and missed: on the window behind the glass three dolls, small, smashed into the red and green dress and very-all like alive!

Some old man sits and as if he played on a big violin, two others stand right there and playing small violins, and they swing in the beat, and they look at each other, and they move their lips, they say, they say completely, - only here Because of the glass is not heard. And first the boy thought, that they were alive, and how they guessed at all that these are dolls, - suddenly laughed. He never seen such dolls and did not know that there are such! And he wants to cry something, but so funny funny on the pupa. Suddenly it came to him that someone grabbed him behind a robe: a big evil boy stood beyond and suddenly he cracked him on his head, threw the cards, and he himself led him with a leg. The boy rolled around, they shouted here, he, he jumped up and run-run, and suddenly he walked himself, he did not know where, in the doorway, on someone else's courtyard, - and sat down for firewood: "They will not be suited, and even dark."

He sat down and felt, and he himself could not catch his breath and suddenly, quite suddenly, it became so good for him: the handles and legs suddenly stopped root and it was so warm, so warm as on the stove; So he shuddered: ah, yes, he fell asleep! How good here to fall asleep: "I'll sit here and go to look at the dolls again," the boy thought and grinned, remembering them, "just like alive! .." And suddenly he heard that he was singing his mother's song. "Mom, I sleep, oh, how to sleep well!"

Let's go to me on the Christmas tree, the boy, - whispered over him suddenly a quiet voice. He thought it was that this is all his mom, but no, not she; Who called him him, he does not see, but someone hit him over him and hugged him in the dark, and he handed him his hand and ... and suddenly, about what light! Oh, what a tree! Yes, and not a Christmas tree, he did not see such trees yet! Where is it now: everything glitters, everything shines and all the dolls, - but no, these are all boys and girls, only such bright, they all circling around him, fly, they all kiss him, take him, carry it with him, yes And he himself flies, and he sees: looking at his mother and laugh at him joyfully.

Mum! Mum! Oh, how good here, mom! - Shouts her boy, and again kisses with children, and I want to tell him as soon as the pupae behind the glass.

Who are you, boys? Who are you girls? - He asks, laughing and loving them.

This is the "Christ Christmas tree," they answer him. - Christ is always on this day a Christmas tree for small children, who have no herring tree there ...

And he learned that the boys of these and girls were all the same as he, children, but some froze in their baskets, in which they were thrown into the stairs to the doors of St. Petersburg officials, others hung in the chukhukhnok, from the educational house on the feeding, The third died from the withered breasts of their mothers, during Samara hunger, the fourth tried in the third-class wagons from the Smrade, and now they are now here, all of them now as angels, all of Christ, and he himself in the middle of them, and extends to them Hands, and bless them and their sinful mothers ... And the mother of these children are all standing right away, aside, and cry; Each learns his boy or a girl, and they are flown to them and kiss them, wider tears them with their handles and quarreled them not to cry, because they are so good here ... And at the bottom of the morning, the wipers found a small body of the slain and frozen boyfriend; I was found and his mother ... she died even before him; Both dates out of the Lord God in the sky. And why did I compose such a story, so not going to an ordinary reasonable diary, and another writer? And also promised stories predominantly about the events of valid! But in the fact of the matter, everything seems to me and see that all this could happen indeed, - that is, what happened in the basement and for firewood, and there it's about the Christmas tree - I don't know how to tell you If it could happen, or not? That's me and the novelist to invent.

The text of the Sagnaya Status is taken from the book: Silver blizzard. Big book of christmas works. Cost. T. V. Strygin. Artist A. Koltsov. M.: Nikeya, 2015. - 592 C.: IL. - (A Christmas gift).