
Holy Julia Carthage Icon. Life of the Holy Martyr Iulia (Yulia)

Works in the country, in the spring garden

Holy Martyr Julia (Iuliya)

It happened for a long time, two hundred and maybe four hundred years after the birth of Christ ...

The city is rich and gorgeous was the city of Carthage, which is located on the shore of the Mediterranean. Industry, trade, culture flourished in Carthage. The population lived in sufficient and heard formed. There was a lot here and christian temples "After all, the apostle will Either, the" beloved brother "of the Holy Apostle Paul, according to legend, preached the Gospel in North Africa. Without times, the bloating city was destroyed by the pagans, but then rose from the ruins again.

In one Christian family, the girl was grew by the name of Julia. God has enjoyed it with beauty and excellent character. Julia pleased the parents - calm, kind, responsive, obedient by their will. She loved to read, especially the Holy Scripture. Yulia almost turned ten years later, when the trouble was again collected.

The enemy attacked suddenly. However, for more than eight years, the vandals of the robbers were selected to the Carthage, but they could not take the city. And the defenders did not resist. The city was completely destroyed, and the inhabitants were killed, and who captured.

Little Julia looked around did not have time, as it turned out to be in the crowd of prisoners who were unknown to be unknown to the convoy of terrible robbers. What happened to parents, neighbors, friends - this Yulia did not know. The tears flowed down her cheeks, but suddenly inside themselves she heard the words of Christ: "Playing blessed, for they will be comfortable." And there are imperceptibly tears dried, and even though not immediately, but the world and confidence in the Lord reigned in the soul, to his word.

Far from the native places was taken to Yulia along with other prisoners. For many days she walked on foot, sailed on the sea on the ship, walked again or drove on the cart. But the severity of the path did not break the young Christian, did not hurt health, strongly from nature. Julia recalled the words from Psalm Tsar David: "All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth for storing his covenants and revelations."

She arrived in Syria. Far from new places - on the other side of a huge sea, on another mainland.

But the Earth of the Lord Jesus is very close - the Julia comforted himself, remembering the stories of the Father about the Holy Land.

Almost immediately upon arrival, Julia was sold to a slavery to a certain group of tongue. The fate of slaves, especially the slave of Christian, was very heavy. However, Julia was not afraid of slavery: she had already lost everything to her ten years she had - parents, home, native country, property, freedom ... However, she still had to know that freedom was acquired inside a person, and not in the outside world . And she remembered the words of Christ: "Everyone who leaves houses, or brothers, or sisters, or a father, or mother, or the earth for the sake of my name, inherits eternal life." And therefore tried not to remember happy life As a child, who went into the past, and more and more and deeper, thought about the life of the eternal.

How many times the owner tried to force the girl to renounce Christ. Everything was in vain: neither caress, no threat, nor the promise of the best fate, even freedom, - nothing could shake the loyalty of Julia. Yean, the young slave adultel and good. Neither hard work, nor a meager food caused harm to Julia. How not to remember the Jewish years in the Babylonian captivity, which after a long post "turned out to be more beautiful, and the body is fuller than all those details that were fed by royal disasters." The Lord himself supports his faithful forces.

Moreover, the owner noted that the works of his slave - Christians increase his wealth, the estate multiplies his estate, serve as well-being of his house. And his trade is going on spores and with profit, and contracts with other merchants are easy and with mutual benefits, without deception, and guests of Zarovskie willingly attend his home and shopping shops. And he appreciated his slave more than many treasures and no longer insisted on the renunciation of her from Christ. Why, if he was herself for himself? (Was it not so with Joseph sold by his brothers in the slavery of Egyptiain? Then God blessed the house of the Egyptian for the sake of Iosif faithful to him.)

Once, to the owner of Yulia (she was then a little more than twenty years) guests arrived from a distant barbaric country Gaul. They talked about the birth of the country and the considerable benefit of trade with her. And he decided the owner to go to Gallia, taking with him Julia - like the Talisman, storing from the troubles.

The girl on the ship was again, again many days sailed in the Mediterranean Sea, now in the opposite direction. When the Carthage was floating past, the heart was started at Julia, tears began to her eyes, she was kept and whispered: "Yes, I will need my will, Jesus, my beloved Lord ..." The ship turned to the north - floated past the islands of Sardinia and Corsica.

And the merchant passed, the owner of Julia, to the shore of Corsica, where at that time the pagans staged a festival in honor of their idols. They invited the newly arrived merchant to take part in the festival - to bring sacrifice to idols, let them praise and honor, ask idolithic assistance to the future way. The feast unfolded throughout the pier. The feet of the fatty Baran in honor of the idol - eats, drinks, having fun with the pagans. And Julia on the ship remained - mournful of lost, prays of God about their salvation.

One of the gathering of the pagan penetrated the ship, inspired a sorrowful maiden, learned that she was a Christian, and reports about his leader.

They say, there is a girl on the arrived ship, the face of a beautiful and milling slender ... However, our gods are hoolit, does not approve of our victims.

The leader of the pagans appealed to the merchant.

Why not all your people take part in the holiday? They say, there is a girl on your ship, who does not want to read our gods. Bring it here!

And answered the merchant:

This is my slave. She fell to me. Never could not dismiss it from Christian misconception. But in the work there is no wound, but zealous, therefore tolerate it.

On this leader of the pagans told him with hidden threat in voice:

If you do not lie and really honor our gods, I immediately make her bow to them and bring them to the victim. And better give it to me, I'll pay you generously ...

I did not agree a merchant to sell your favorite slave - for him no wealth was made in comparison with her.

Then the head of the robbers, secretly conspiracy with his people, made another larger feast and drove up the merchant to the loss of consciousness. And his subordinates hurried to the ship and cruel led Julia to their leader. Grozny demanded a pagan from Julia:

Bring our gods to our gods, and I promise you freedom from slavery.

Freedom where the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord of My Jesus Christ, answered Julia.

And then the pagans began to beat and stretch Yulia. But when they beat her, she said as if he had themselves:

My Lord has undergone misfortune for me and beating, I will suffer and I for the sake of him.

When they took off her clothes and beat all over the body, she whispered:

Confessing the one who beat and crucified for me! Lord My and Vladyka, give me the strength to undergo suffering to glorify you with you in the kingdom of your ...

And then the villains built a wooden cross and crucified Yulia on it, as Other executioners crucified the Lord.

When her owner came to himself, his beloved slave, and more precisely, the slave of Christ was already parted with earthly life, and without renounced Jesus Christ. And when the last sigh escaped from the chest of Yulia, then many saw - as if the White Golube spoke from her mouth and rushed to the sky.

Fear and horror embraced the pains at the same vision, and they ran away, leaving the body of Julia on the cross. However, not a single bird, no beast even approached the body of the martyr.

Very close to Corsica there is a small island of Gorgon. At that time, Gorgon was male monastery. Suddenly, the monks of this monastery Angel appeared and told them about the sufferings of Julia for Christ, her belieled to remove her body from the cross and bury in his monastery. So monks and entered.

They say that in the place of the torment of Yulia, and many miracles were performed on the spot of her burial. Yes, and prayers facing it did not remain unanswered.

I can report to you, my dear, that, according to the results of my "adventure", I wrote a letter of thanks to the hospital administration, where it was especially noted, a clear thing, Dr. Mohammed and ... Sanitary. And all the staff. But now I have the opportunity to tell you why my operation went without complications and I met in the hospital only good people. I learned about it when I returned.

It turns out that while I was lying, I was waiting for a small parcel, souvenir from Jerusalem. She was sent by my girlfriend from Israel, tender Morning Dew. Morning dew This is a translation of her alias on LIRA. She was going for a long time, and now her choice fell especially by the way. After all, this icon heals the disease! Imagine how lucky I was that I have such a friend!

I did not immediately consider the names of the featured faces, written enough, and took a magnifying glass. Icon is performed on a natural tree in the form of triptych. From the edges, the Holy Julia is guarded by two Archangel - Mikhail and Gabriel. But what they write about Holy Julia on the Internet.

Icon - Holy Martyr Julia (Julia) Carthaginskaya. 60 * 75mm. Lithograph, tree, gold stamping.
Memory Celebration - July 16 / July 29

Virgo Yuliya (Julia), a notable carfagean, after the fall of the Carthage in 625, was sold to the slavery to the pagan and taken to Palestinian Syria. Iuliya, although he served Mr. Gentham, tightly held the holy faith in Christ, in which he was born: she lived chawedly, often prayed and fasted.
A merchant and threats, and caressing forced her to renounce Christ, but she was ready to die rather than abandoning his faith. The merchant decided to already destroy Christian, but seeing that she would surely serve and hardly working, spared the girl and wondered her good moral, meekness and humility. It was always pale, dry. Exhaust from work and abstinence.
Going out with the goods on the ship, the merchant took with him and faithful Slava Julia. The ship is pinned to the island of Corsica, whom he sailed. Near the pier had a lot of people. These pagans brought victims to their gods. The merchant took part in the sacrifice, and Julia refused to take part in the pagan festival. Then the head of the holiday, headed by sacrifices, was subjected to holy terrible tortures: she was bilted, her hair was praised, the body was finally crucified on the cross.
The monks from the neighboring Island took off the body from the cross and took into the monastery, where they buried in Christian in the church. With a coffin, it began to make miracles, and healing all sorts of diseases. Miracles were made at the place where she suffered. The miraculous relics of her in 763 were transferred to Brecia to the women's monastery.

The early Christianity has preserved quite a lot of information as a period of cruel violence with followers of the teachings of Christ. Adherents new faith We were terrible, deadly torture, but they did not refuse their views and remained to the end of the devotees in serving God. This is the story and about the Iulia (Yulia) Carthaginskaya.

Meaning icon

It is worth noting that the icon of Holy Yulia Carthaginskaya is equally revered both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism. The spiritual feat of this girl inspired different artists to create a miraculous image. So, in the city of Nonace - the place where Holy Julia was killed as a result of torture, there is a small church dedicated to it in which the icon is holy.

Iuliya (Julia) Carthage Martyr

This image, according to the stories of pilgrims, gave many healing, because many seek to get into this unfamiliar place.

The icon of St. Julia Carthageskaya is an example of the resistance of faith, a symbol of infallible loyalty to God and the ignorance in making torment, the readiness to incur any suffering and not renounce Christ.

Important! The meaning of this icon is especially great for people who devoted their lives to God today. The image of Holy Yulia helps them cope with the monastic life and strengthens them in faith.

What helps

The icon of Holy Yulia helps and protects believers in heavy everyday situations. It helps to keep faith when despair and disappointment are pierced into the soul. For women who bear this name, the image of Saint Yulia, is an assistant and landmark in life.

Important! According to the testimony of women, the icon of Julia Carthaginskaya in many women's affairs is helped, because it is often praying for this holy of children about the offspring, about the preservation of the family.

A lot of legends appeared around the life of Holy Yulia.

So, according to one of them, after the martyrdom, adopted by the Virgin Yulia, her body, after a while, was found by monks living on the island of Gorgon. Here, in the Gorgon Monastery, the body of Holy Yulia was buried, and her relics were sent to one of the cities of North Italy, where it is still around the image of Holy Yulia, the wonders of healing occur.

Saint Lick Description

It should immediately make a reservation that the main images of Holy Yulia Carthaginskaya are divided into two types:

In the city of Nonace, in the Church located on the site of the execution of the Saint Great Martyr Yulia, the iconographic image is stored, on which Holy Julia Carthaginskaya is captured in accordance with the historical accuracy, which is described by its execution. So it is represented, as well as Jesus Christ, on crucifixes, with a sliced \u200b\u200bbreast during torture. This icon-painted image is known since the XVI century and has several lists.

However, in Russia such an icon-painted image was not taken due to the special chastity in accordance with Orthodox canons prohibiting the image on the icons of the naked body, even if the testimony of torture, which Holy Julia underwent.

For this reason, Russian orthodox Church He knows the other image of Holy Yulia Carthagean - she holds Holy Scripture in Him, and in later lists icons - crucifixion. In addition, there are some more options for the icons of St. Julia, it is depicted next to the saints such as the Hope Roman, Saint Vladislav - Serbian Prince and Rev. David Solunsky.

Interesting! Masters from the people and jewelers also loved the image of Saint. Therefore, you can meet not only traditional icons, but also made in the technique of "beading embroidery", as well as a native pendant with the image of a saint face.

Holy Martyr Iululia

All about religion and faith - "Prayer Holy Martyr Julia" with detailed description and photographs.

Shop on Big Ordinke, 60/2

Sales Department, Warsaw sh., 37a

Shop on Tchaikovsky, 22

In the workshops of the Holy Trinity Brotherhood, many church crafts and the art of national fishery are carried out. For surprising short term The existence of workshops Wood carving has grown into truly people's folk fishing. Today in the Holy Trinity Brotherhood, unique carved iconostasis, kyots, anals, altars, thrones on the same place, remote crosses, lithium and memorial tables, departments and other objects of church interior are made. In many temples and monasteries, kyots sold, performed by Schigrovsky craftsmen.

The small provincial town of Shchigra, known only that the writer Ivan Turgenev asked her "Gamlet Schigrovsky County", suddenly became ... All-Russian Center for the production of church decoration. Create authentic masterpieces, adorning the best temples of Russia and abroad. Where did this miracle come from?

It happened for a long time, two hundred and maybe four hundred years after the Nativity of Christ.

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Prayer Holy Martyr Julia

  • Again about grandfather mazaya
  • November 23, 2017.

There was a grandfather mazay

On the hillside over the forests.

From the waters of the beast saved -

They heard themselves.

In the middle of the meadows

On a large boat

He sailed. Known was

Even in the Far Solot:

All warm and this grandfather

Call for many years!

And was it hunting to climb?!

The onboard wave shakes.

Hares wet tremble

And, of course, dull:

"Oh, why so many of us

In this duck veste

Twisted at this hour.

And when will the sun get? "

Korshun over water soars;

Looks vicious without blinking

And Mazay says

(His hinting for lunch):

"Stupid, harmful old grandfather!

Where are you dragging the hares?!

In the yard you already

Do not go from guests!

Choose on your outfit

That smooth and healthy!

You're in a boat all in a row!

I know you want to sew updates

From the shaggy gray skins!

And they will not rise:

This one is, and the one - Poore;

Togo - the eyes will leave.

You have a pioneer in your house!

This is an effort to the whole village:

Bunks, hedgehogs - like trash!

You will arrange an epidemide! "

Santa Mazay did not answer:

How could he leave the hare?

He warmed his shed

For fluffy guests,

They are straws

Yes, brought the cabbage to bother.

Sakes, water will come down -

He will let them go to the will.

In this section, you will read the articles that I write, cooperating with the Orthodox business publishing house "RusiSdat". Church construction and beneficiation of temples, art history and general history, jewelry - about this and many other things are narrated by the magazines "Church Builder", "Blaven Brasser", "Church Jeweler" and "Risnica", which I have the honor to represent.


  • Copyright
  • July 18, 2011.

If you want to reprint something out of my works - write to me an email address - I think we will find a common language.

Life of the Holy Martyr Iulia (Yulia)

Holy Julia, (or, as they usually say today - Julia), was born in Africa, in the city of Carthage. Parents are rich and noble inhabitants of the city - brought up their daughter in faith and piety. Little Julia was a smart and obedient girl; She loved to read the Holy Scripture, the lives of the saints ... a lot and warmly prayed to God.

But over the city hung the trouble. The numerous troops of the Persian Tsar were surrounded by Carthage. Changing Tarana's urban walls - heavy trumple guns, and went to the assault. Fire, smoke, screams ... The clouds of arrows fly here and there, some defenders, not gentle and civilians. With a crash and crash, urban gates collapsed under powerful blows. Scary Persian warriors broke into Carthage, began to rob and kill its inhabitants. In vain, I wanted a little Julia to hide from enemies in a dense garden near my house - they found it, dragged somewhere ...

Rich prey captured Persians in the defeated city. Fun and noisy celebrated victory, they shared gold and jewels, and the unfortunate captives were drove on the slave market. Sell \u200b\u200band Julia. So the girl became the slave of a rich Syrian merchant.

"Lord, nice me, sinful! Do not allow me to destroy my soul, do not let you disappear from you, my Savior "- Julia's warmly prayed, being among the pagans, in someone else's country, where there was no Christian temple, nor priests. But the Lord said: "God's kingdom inside you" - and Julia made his pure soul temple. Day and night quietly, imperceptibly for others, prayed to the girl to God, and the Lord helped her - defended from evil people, he had heard how she lived ... Almost all his time gave labor and prayer, almost did not resist, strictly fasted. Julia faithfully served her Mr., never roped on hard work, worked honestly and diligently. But, if the owner wanted to make her do something sinful, nasty God - could not force a girl to obey him and disrupt the law of God. Many times he tried a wicked pagan to force his maid to bring victims to idols, renounce Christ, but the girl remained adamant. Syrian beat Yulia, tormented hard work, scolded and intimidated ... angry with a recalcitrant slave, he already wanted to kill her, but ... The girl was good, obedient (when it was not a sinful), who worked. "Yes, let yourself pray, as Wants!" - finally decided the owner and left his attempts.

It was not easy for a young girl to maintain purity among corrupted pagans.

- Julia, let's go with us - they called her peers gathering on sinful playing - we will dance, sing songs, having fun ...

The girl usually did not respond to the pagans - they still will not understand. She quietly went to some secluded place where he prayed - he talked with God - the only patron and the father who previously protected her in a foreign person ... The pagans first laughed at the strange girl that seemed to them, but gradually felt the strength of her spirit and began to respect the Christian. The owner noticed that, whatever Yulia did - the help of the sky accompanies her, and therefore the hardworking prisoner is very useful for its farm. He appointed a girl with a guide of his estate.

How long, briefly, the owner of Julia in a long journey gathered. Hired a big ship. For several days, servants worked, folding in deep holds dear goods. The merchant counted in advance, which profit will receive with a favorable outcome of the case ...

- You will swim with us - he said to Yulia - I have long noticed that where are you - there is no unpleasant surprise. Yes, and for the product is needed.

I sparkles, sparkles the South Sea in the sun. A passing breeze inflates the birds of the Syrian ship. "Glory to you, Lord, blessing our way," Julia prays. Here, among the endless blue, the green point seemed to grow rapidly. Finally, the ship went to the island. "Corsica - IMPORTANT said the merchant - we sail along the planned path. Thank you about the great gods! " Julia sighed sadly. It was mournfully for her to look at people sinking in pagan errors who do not know the true God. But what is it? What kind of music hears from the shore, why so many people gathered around large bonfires laid out right on the coastal sand? The owner sent one of the servants to the shore, ordered to explore the situation.

- Oh, Mr. - he reported to he, returning to the ship - we arrived in favorable time. The inhabitants of the island today make a holiday in honor of the great gods - the patrons of Corsica.

- Perfectly! - A merchant was delighted. - I will bring the sacrifice with them, you will have fun - and tomorrow I do business. And you - the owner turned to Julia - so be, you can not go ashore. And then the troubles because of you will not be wrapped. Sit quietly on the ship, so that none of the locals did not see you.

The pagans are noisily celebrated. The river pours blood brought to the sacrifices of the messolas of bulls and rams, decorated with floral garlands. Seven-brand men and women dance, sing, drink wine ...

"Lord, with the pleasants of these unfortunate, it prays on Yulia's ship - after all, they do not know that they die that they would always suffer from evil demons to which they serve, calling the gods!" Suddenly, some rustling ran out of the door, quick steps. "Probably, the owner ordered someone from the slaves to take something from the ship," the girl noted to himself and went back to prayer again.

To the main pagan priest ran out one of his ministers.

- Mr.! He spoke at a hurried whisper - I was just on the Syrian ship. There is one girl - a Christian. She prays her God and scolds our ...

- Great gods are predicted for such worst! - Exclaimed priest - everyone who is now on this shore or near him, must bring the victim to our patrons, otherwise they will punish us! ... why not all your people come to our holiday and sacrifice?! - He headed the head of the pagan assessment to the Syrian merchant.

"You are mistaken, about the great priest - I tried to deceive his merchant - all my servants are here."

- Not true. The gods tell me that a girl remained on your ship, who does not want to give them reverence, scold and hoolit them.

"Oh yeah ..." said the merchant - this is my slave. For many years I tried to dismiss it from Christianity, convincing worship the great gods. But neither caresses nor threats nor severe punishment defeated her persistence. If she was not true to me and so diligently in the work, I would have destroyed it with various flour.

- Make it now to bow to our gods, take part in the sacrifice! - the priest frowned - or sell it to me ... If you want, I will give four slaves for it - or their value. And I will be able to break her stubbornness!

- I have already said - the merchant answered firmly - that this girl is impossible to disappear from her faith. She will rather die, what will bring the victim to our gods. And I can't sell it: if you gave all her own property for it, it could not compare with her service - it is really very true; My estate increases in her hands, so I assured everything.

"Well, your will, a merchant - priest smiled smiled. - Forget about the wicked Christians, we will drink and have fun in the glory of our gods!

Everything is rampant having fun. New and new bowls with wine were taken pretty to the church merchant and his servants. Finally, when all the guests slept drunk bed, the head of the priests smugly grinned and ordered:

- Immediately bring this Christian here! We have to force her to renounce your faith before it is waging her owner!

Paheraids stringly rushed to fulfill the command of their elders. When Julia led, the priest looked at it with a long evaluating eye. Loud, pale from work and abstinence. Watching calmly - is it really not afraid?

- Maiden - smiling flatly, began is he - Bring the sacrifice of great gods. I will give a redemption by your owner and let you go to freedom. After all, do you want to become free?

"My freedom is to serve as a clean conscience to Christ, God God," Julia answered firmly - I bend about the same misconception.

- Oh, so you say?! - Dropped the preliminary gentleness priest - you gitfightly regret it! Bate her on the cheeks!

The tormentman ordered to torment Julia for his hair, and then - to sit and brutally beat all over the body. But the holy under blows speaking loudly:

- I am confessing the one who beat me for me! Mother of my thorns and crucifixion on the cross. Let me, a slave, I will be a imitator suffering to him to glorify me with him in the kingdom of him!

It was terribly tormented by the Holy Julia. She courageously endured, strengthened with his love burning in her heart to Christ, invisiblely connected with him the golden thread of prayer. Finally, afraid that the merchant will wake up and will select Rabov from him, leader of pagans I decided to execute Julia.

- She said that her God was crucified on the cross - priest grinned priest - if she wants so much, let it be shattered the same!

Skoro Skolly corsicans Wooden cross, set it on a small cool hill near the shore, knocked off the virgin hands and legs ... Lord himself, cross death Its saved by the human race, strengthened his bride, facilitated her suffering.

When Julia was but Already at death, the Syrian merchant awoke. Purchased, unpaired revealed his eyes and ... I saw crucified.

- What did you do?! "Nurse from horror and pity, he barely whispered." At this point, everyone clearly saw, as the shining white dove flew out of the mouth of the martyr, rushed to the sky - the soul left the saint's insistered body. And in the heavens of the Songs of Angels met Julia, joyful gloomy greeted her. According to God's Magic, the pagans saw Angels, prison and soul sick ... Horror attacked them and, gone each other, idolaters rushed with screams in different directions.

God did not paint his body martyrs Stay without burial. Nearby from Corsica there is a small island, called the time of St. Julia Margarita. There was a male monastery. The angel of the Lord appeared to the inocities and told them about the martyr's feat of the bride of Christ. In the thrill, thanks to God for a wonderful phenomenon, the monks sat on the ship and swam to the Corsican coast. Here, they reverenely removed the saint's body from the cross, wrapped it with a clean veil and taken to her monastery. There, the Slavs of Christ, who has strengthened his faithful slave to the feat, the Inka with honor buried Julia in the Church of God.

At the scene of the saint from under the stone, the source of pure healing water is expired. Some time later, in the place where Julia was crucified, Christians built a temple.

Many miracles occurred and to this day occurs at the scene of the suffering of the martyrs of Julia and her relics.

Saint Elia icon

At the dawn of Christianity, the bloodless sea sheds due to the approval of the new faith. Many innocent men and women died. Among them were sincere heart and pure spirit, selflessly resisted by persecutions and tortures of the pagans. Subsequently, these people were ranked saints.

This article will be discussed about the Holy Martyr Iulia Carthaginskaya, its lives and wonders exhibited by an icon.

There are two legends, only separate fragments repetitive each other. According to one of them, Holy Julia (or Julia) was born in Carthage, in a notable family. She grew up obedient, beautiful, intelligent and responsive girl. Hariously prayed and read the Holy Scripture. When in 439, the city was captured by vandals, a ten-year-old girl was captured, and Syrian Essiew's trader was sold to slavery. Despite its position, Julia found freedom within himself and began to work in good faith. Her owner was a pagan and argued more than once with the girl, asking for paganism. Julia was predicted by Christ. She continued to pray to pray, to resolve the Eusevia itself occasionally read the Holy Scripture.

So passed for several years. Once the owner loaded the ship with various goods, took the girl with him (as a talisman who defends himself from the troubles) and went to Gallia, rich then the country. Eusevia ordered to land at Corsica (near the city of Nonets), where they brought a bull to sacrifice the pagan gods. He decided to join the festival. The young Christian asked to stay on the ship. She cried that so many people live in delusion.

When the Local Governor Felix Saxo found out about the slave Christian, he drove away Eusevia. After the guest fell asleep, by order Felix, Iulia was lowered ashore. The governor commanded the young virgin to bring the victim to the gods. Brave refusal led to Felix's rabies. And Julia immediately sentenced to death through cruel torture. The girl broke his face into the blood, dragged the hair, and then crucified. During the torture of Iulius whispered prayers. She did not resist, and humbly accepted his fate. On the last sigh of the mouth of the martyrs flew away the blueberries as a symbol of purity and indispensability. To the girl's body after her death did not touch the bird or a beast.

It was the version of the livelihood of St. Julia that the clergymen in the dioceses of the city of Ajaccio are adhered to.

Another version

According to the second version, which is also welcomed by Corsicans, Iulia was a native of the city of Nonets and the contemporary of Saint Girls (about 303). For refusal to bow down the pagan idols and bring them a victim to the girl tortured, and then killed. She was cut off both breasts and dropped them from the cliff. In the place where they fell, two healing sources opened. After that, the furious executioners tied the holy Julia to the fig tree, where she died of pain. At this time, a dove flew out of the mouth of the virgin. This moment is exactly the previous version of the martyr.

The icons depicting the saints carry spiritual value. They protect, protect and help believers in difficult situations. Many women with the name Julia and not only turn to the image of the martyr. He is a symbol of an uncomplicated faith and chastity. There are several options for the embodiment of the image of the Virgin Maulia.

Corsican version of life found a direct reflection in iconography. The holy martyr Julia is depicted crucified on the cross, with sliced \u200b\u200bnipples. An example of this is the canvas belonging to the 16th century. It has survived to this day and is located in the Church of the Holy Martyrs in the city of Nonace. There you can wish to bow and the statue of the Christian Virgin. According to local artists, the image is miraculous. Everyone who appeals to him with sincere prayer receives blessing and help.

At Orthodox icons, Holy Muliya is traditionally presented with the Scripture (or Crucifixion in Hand). There are also the so-called family images on which the martyr is depicted along with other saints (St. Vladislav, Prince Serbsky, St. Hopication of the Roman, Picture, prep. David Solunsky). Also folk craftsmen proposed several options for execution of icons. Present masterpieces are considered to be the faces of St. Iulia, embroidered beads. The characteristic moments here are white clothes as a symbol of the purity and innocence of the Virgin and the courage performed.

Miscellane and medallions are becoming increasingly. They are made by silver and gold jewelers and are spiritual observes of believers. It is usually images of the Lika Saint Egypt. Rare of these include jewelry images of the martyr in the hands of the Guardian Angel.

Corsican martyr in Nonace was honored since its cruel murder. For this not far from the city, the sanctuary (or Sanctuary) was built. However, in 734 it was destroyed by barbarians. In addition, holy sources are open on the island to which local pilgrims flock with requests for healing and protection.

The day of St. Julia on Corsica is celebrated annually. The martyr herself, according to the decree of the Holy Congregation of the rites of August 5, 1809, is considered the patroness of the island.

According to one of the legends, the body of the martyr was discovered by the monks of the island of Gorgon and buried in their monastery. Before that, an angel came to them and told about the suffering of the girl and her feat for the sake of the faith of Christ.

Much later, the holy relics were transferred to the city of Brescia in the north of Italy. Every year thousands of believers come here to worship Saint Julia Carthaginskaya and ask for help. Here you can buy icons of martyr. According to the priests, she patronizes mothers and sore children.

To the image of Saint Egylius in prayer, absolutely everyone who needs help and healing can appeal. In Orthodox sources, you can find a trail in honor of the martyr. It is often attached to personalized icons. Also, the calling of the Holy is possible with the help of a general prayer: "God's moths about me, the Holy Runta of God's martyr Martyr, Yuko Az diligently, resort to you, an ambulance and prayer about my soul." It was after this part of the appeal to the holy on the Orthodox Custom, it is necessary to read the tropar.

According to legend, at the site of the burial of the Carthage Martyrs from under the stone made his way a healing spring. He created a lot of wonders: blind helped to hear, deaf - to start hearing, weak - stand up on his feet, fruitless women - give birth. Miracles occur today. They exuded the holy image of the Julia in the temple, built many centuries ago at the site of the crucifixion of the martyr.

Saint-Juli City in Canada, Quebec Province, named after St. Julia Carthaginskaya. Also, its name is the asteroid, which was opened in 1866.

In the Orthodox tradition, another martyr named Iululia is honored. She is one of the seven of the Saints Devs, which were recessed in the lake after cruel torture for Christ faith. Later, their bodies were burned with pagans. Holy is referred to as Ankir (or Corinthian) at the place of birth. Her memory day is celebrated on May 31 and November 19 for a new style.

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It happened for a long time, two hundred and maybe four hundred years after the birth of Christ ...

The city is rich and gorgeous was the city of Carthage, which is located on the shore of the Mediterranean. Industry, trade, culture flourished in Carthage. The population lived in sufficient and heard formed. A lot was here and Christian temples - after all, the Apostle Either, the "beloved brother" of the Holy Apostle Paul, according to legend, preached the Gospel in North Africa. Without times, the bloating city was destroyed by the pagans, but then rose from the ruins again.

In one Christian family, the girl was grew by the name of Julia. God has enjoyed it with beauty and excellent character. Julia pleased the parents - calm, kind, responsive, obedient by their will. She loved to read, especially the Holy Scripture. Yulia almost turned ten years later, when the trouble was again collected.

The enemy attacked suddenly. However, for more than eight years, the vandals of the robbers were selected to the Carthage, but they could not take the city. And the defenders did not resist. The city was completely destroyed, and the inhabitants were killed, and who captured.

Little Julia looked around did not have time, as it turned out to be in the crowd of prisoners who were unknown to be unknown to the convoy of terrible robbers. What happened to parents, neighbors, friends - this Yulia did not know. The tears flowed down her cheeks, but suddenly inside themselves she heard the words of Christ: "Playing blessed, for they will be comfortable." And there are imperceptibly tears dried, and even though not immediately, but the world and confidence in the Lord reigned in the soul, to his word.

Far from the native places was taken to Yulia along with other prisoners. For many days she walked on foot, sailed on the sea on the ship, walked again or drove on the cart. But the severity of the path did not break the young Christian, did not hurt health, strongly from nature. Julia recalled the words from Psalm Tsar David: "All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth for storing his covenants and revelations."

She arrived in Syria. Far from new places - on the other side of a huge sea, on another mainland.

But the Earth of the Lord Jesus is very close - the Julia comforted himself, remembering the stories of the Father about the Holy Land.

Almost immediately upon arrival, Julia was sold to a slavery to a certain group of tongue. The fate of slaves, especially the slave of Christian, was very heavy. However, Julia was not afraid of slavery: she had already lost everything to her ten years she had - parents, home, native country, property, freedom ... However, she still had to know that freedom was acquired inside a person, and not in the outside world . And she remembered the words of Christ: "Everyone who leaves houses, or brothers, or sisters, or a father, or mother, or the earth for the sake of my name, inherits eternal life." And therefore tried not to remember a happy life in childhood, who went into the past, and more and more and deeper, thought about the life of the eternal.

How many times the owner tried to force the girl to renounce Christ. Everything was in vain: neither caress, no threat, nor the promise of the best fate, even freedom, - nothing could shake the loyalty of Julia. Yean, the young slave adultel and good. Neither hard work, nor a meager food caused harm to Julia. How not to remember the Jewish years in the Babylonian captivity, which after a long post "turned out to be more beautiful, and the body is fuller than all those details that were fed by royal disasters." The Lord himself supports his faithful forces.

Moreover, the owner noted that the works of his slave - Christians increase his wealth, the estate multiplies his estate, serve as well-being of his house. And his trade is going on spores and with profit, and contracts with other merchants are easy and with mutual benefits, without deception, and guests of Zarovskie willingly attend his home and shopping shops. And he appreciated his slave more than many treasures and no longer insisted on the renunciation of her from Christ. Why, if he was herself for himself? (Was it not so with Joseph sold by his brothers in the slavery of Egyptiain? Then God blessed the house of the Egyptian for the sake of Iosif faithful to him.)

Once, to the owner of Yulia (she was then a little more than twenty years) guests arrived from a distant barbaric country Gaul. They talked about the birth of the country and the considerable benefit of trade with her. And he decided the owner to go to Gallia, taking with him Julia - like the Talisman, storing from the troubles.

The girl on the ship was again, again many days sailed in the Mediterranean Sea, now in the opposite direction. When the Carthage was floating past, the heart was started at Julia, tears began to her eyes, she was kept and whispered: "Yes, I will need my will, Jesus, my beloved Lord ..." The ship turned to the north - floated past the islands of Sardinia and Corsica.

And the merchant passed, the owner of Julia, to the shore of Corsica, where at that time the pagans staged a festival in honor of their idols. They invited the newly arrived merchant to take part in the festival - to bring sacrifice to idols, let them praise and honor, ask idolithic assistance to the future way. The feast unfolded throughout the pier. The feet of the fatty Baran in honor of the idol - eats, drinks, having fun with the pagans. And Julia on the ship remained - mournful of lost, prays of God about their salvation.

One of the gathering of the pagan penetrated the ship, inspired a sorrowful maiden, learned that she was a Christian, and reports about his leader.

They say, there is a girl on the arrived ship, the face of a beautiful and milling slender ... However, our gods are hoolit, does not approve of our victims.

The leader of the pagans appealed to the merchant.

Why not all your people take part in the holiday? They say, there is a girl on your ship, who does not want to read our gods. Bring it here!

And answered the merchant:

This is my slave. She fell to me. Never could not dismiss it from Christian misconception. But in the work there is no wound, but zealous, therefore tolerate it.

At this leader of the pagans told him with a hidden threat in his voice:

If you do not lie and really honor our gods, I immediately make her bow to them and bring them to the victim. And better give it to me, I'll pay you generously ...

I did not agree a merchant to sell your favorite slave - for him no wealth was made in comparison with her.

Then the head of the robbers, secretly conspiracy with his people, made another larger feast and drove up the merchant to the loss of consciousness. And his subordinates hurried to the ship and cruel led Julia to their leader. Grozny demanded a pagan from Julia:

Bring our gods to our gods, and I promise you freedom from slavery.

Freedom where the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord of My Jesus Christ, answered Julia.

And then the pagans began to beat and stretch Yulia. But when they beat her, she said as if he had themselves:

My Lord has undergone misfortune for me and beating, I will suffer and I for the sake of him.

When they took off her clothes and beat all over the body, she whispered:

Confessing the one who beat and crucified for me! Lord My and Vladyka, give me the strength to undergo suffering to glorify you with you in the kingdom of your ...

And then the villains built a wooden cross and crucified Yulia on it, as Other executioners crucified the Lord.

When her owner came to himself, his beloved slave, and more precisely, the slave of Christ was already parted with earthly life, and without renounced Jesus Christ. And when the last sigh escaped from the chest of Yulia, then many saw - as if the White Golube spoke from her mouth and rushed to the sky.

Fear and horror embraced the pains at the same vision, and they ran away, leaving the body of Julia on the cross. However, not a single bird, no beast even approached the body of the martyr.

Very close to Corsica there is a small island of Gorgon. At that time, a male monastery was on Gorgon. Suddenly, the monks of this monastery Angel appeared and told them about the sufferings of Julia for Christ, her belieled to remove her body from the cross and bury in his monastery. So monks and entered.

They say that in the place of the torment of Yulia, and many miracles were performed on the spot of her burial. Yes, and prayers facing it did not remain unanswered.