
Orthodox cross image. Orthodox Cross: value, shape, symbolism

Doors, windows

The Holy Cross is the symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every truly believer man at sight is involuntarily executed by the thoughts of the death torments of the Savior, adopted by him to get rid of us from eternal death, which became the lot of people after the Fall of Adam and Eve. A special spiritual and emotional load carrying an eight-pointed Orthodox cross. Even if there is no image of the crucifixion on it, it always appears to our inner breath.

Death weapon that has become a symbol of life

The Christian Cross is an image of an execution gun, which Jesus Christ was subjected to the forced sentence, made by the procurator of Judea Pittiya Pilate. For the first time, such a type of death of criminals appeared from the ancient Phoenicians and already through their colonists - Carthaginians got into the Roman Empire, where he received widespread.

In the pre-Christian period to the crucifixion on the cross, they were mainly the robbers, and then the followers of Jesus Christ took this martyrdom. Especially frequent, such a phenomenon was during the reign of Emperor Nero. The death of the Savior herself made it a gear tool and suffering a symbol of the victory of good over evil and the light of eternal life over the darkness of hell.

The eight-spin cross - the symbol of Orthodoxy

The Christian tradition knows many different designs of the cross, from the most common crossing of straight lines to very complex geometric structures, supplemented to the same varied symbolism. Religious meaning in them is laid the same, but external differences are very significant.

In the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, as well as in Russia for a long time, the symbol of the church is the eight-spin, or, as often they say, the Orthodox Cross. In addition, you can hear the expression "Cross of Saint Lazar", this is another name for the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross, which will be said below. Sometimes the image of a crucified Savior is placed on it.

External Features of the Orthodox Cross

Its feature is that besides two horizontal crossbars, of which the bottom is large, and the upper is small, there is also a sloping, called fit. It is small and placed in the lower part of the vertical segment, symbolizes the crossbar to which the legs of Christ were relied.

The direction of its inclination is always the same: if you look from the crucified Christ, the right end will be higher than the left. This laid a definite symbolism. According to the Savior in the terrible court, the righteous will stand according to his right hand, and sinners - on the left. It is the path of the righteous in the kingdom of heaven who points up the upward end of the foot, and the left in the depths of hell is addressed.

According to the gospel over the head of the Savior, the board was knocked out on which Pilate's hand was written by hand: "Jesus Nazoria, Tsar Judaian." This inscription was performed on three languages \u200b\u200b- Aramaic, Latin and Greek. It is her who symbolizes the upper small crossbar. It can be placed both in the interval between the large cross-shirt and the top end of the cross and on its very top. Similar drawing allows you to reproduce with the greatest accuracy appearance The tools of the suffering of Christ. That is why the Orthodox cross is the eight-spin.

About the Law of the Golden Section

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross in its classic form is based on the law of the golden section. To make it clear what we are talking about, we will discover in this concept somewhat more. It is customary to understand the harmonic proportion, one way or another, underlying everything that is created by the Creator.

One of its examples is the human body. By simple experience, you can make sure that if we split the magnitude of our growth to the distance from the soles to the navel, and then the same value is separated by the distance between the navel and the top, the results will be the same and amount to 1,618. The same proportion is imprisoned by the phalange of our fingers. This ratio of the values \u200b\u200bcalled by the golden section can be found literally at every step: from the structure of the marine sink to the shape of the ordinary garden turnip.

The construction of proportions based on the law of the golden section is widely used in architecture, as well as other areas of art. With his accounting, many artists manage to achieve in their works of maximum harmony. This regularity was observed by composers who worked in the genre of classical music. When writing compositions in the style of rock and jazz, they refused.

The Law of Building an Orthodox Cross

Based on the Golden section, the eight-spin Orthodox cross was built. The value of its ends was explained above, now we turn to the rules underlying the construction of this chief Christian symbol. They were not artificially installed, but they resulted out of the harmony of life itself and received their mathematical justification.

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross, drawn in full compliance with the tradition, always fits into a rectangle, the aspect ratio of which corresponds to the Golden section. Simply put, dividing its height to the width, we get 1.618.

The cross of Saint Lazarus (as mentioned above, this is another name for the eight-pointed Orthodox cross) in its construction has another feature associated with the proportions of our body. It is well known that the width of the hands of man's hands is equal to its growth and the figure with cultivated hands on the parties perfectly fits into the square. For this reason, the length of the middle crossbar corresponding to the wise of the hands of Christ is equal to the distance from her to the inclined foot, that is, its growth. These simple, at first glance, the rules must take into account every person, before which the question is about how to draw an eight-spin Orthodox cross.

Cross Golgotha

There is also a special, purely monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross, whose photo is presented in the article. It is called the "Cross of Calvary". This is the drawing of an ordinary Orthodox cross, which was described above, placed above the symbolic image of the Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain. It is usually represented in the form of steps under which the bones and skull are placed. On the left and right of the cross can be depicted cane with a sponge and spear.

Each of the listed items has a deep religious meaning. For example, skull and bones. According to the sacred legend, the sacrificial blood of the Savior, shedding them on the cross, falling on the top of Calvary, leaked at her subsoil, where the remains of the progenitor of our Adam were resting, and washed off the curse of original sin. Thus, the image of the skull and bones emphasizes the connection of the victim of Christ with the crime of Adam and Eve, as well as the New Testament - with the Old.

The meaning of the image of a spear on the Cross of Calvary

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross on monastic vestments is always accompanied by images of canes with a sponge and spear. Familiar with the text of the Gospel of John well remembers full of drama moment when one of the Roman warriors named Longin pierced with this weapon of the Savior's Ribra and blood and water flowed from the wound. This episode has a different interpretation, but the most common one is contained in the works of Christian theologian and philosopher of the IV century St. Augustine.

In them, he writes that, just as the Lord made him from the edge of the Sleeping Adam, so from the wound in the side of Jesus Christ, who defeated the Warrior, was created by his bride church. Blood and water, according to St. Augustine, symbolize the holy sacraments - the Eucharist, where the wine is put into the blood of the Lord, and the baptism, in which the person entering the Lono of the Church is immersed in the font water. The spear, which was applied by the wound, is one of the main relics of Christianity, and it is believed that at present it is it stored in Vienna, in the Hofburg Castle.

Image of canes and sponge

Image of canes and sponges are equally important. From the narratives of the saints of evangelists, it is known that the crucified Christ was suggested to drink. In the first case, it was a wine mixed with Smirnaya, that is, a dopeful drink that allows you to fit pain and thereby extend the execution.

In the second time, having heard from the cross, the chuck "thirst!", He was brought to him with a sponge filled with vinegar and bryel. It was certainly mockery over the exhausted person and contributed to the approach of the end. In both cases, the executioners used a sponge planted on a cane, since without her help could not reach the mouth of a crucified Jesus. Despite such a gloomy role assigned to them, these items, as well as a spear, became among the main Christian shrines, and their image can be seen next to the Cross of Calvary.

Symbolic inscriptions on the monastic cross

For those who first see the monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross, there are often questions related to inscribed on it. In particular, it is IC and XC at the ends of the middle crossbar. These letters denote nothing more than the abbreviated name - Jesus Christ. In addition, the image of the cross is accompanied by two inscriptions located in the middle crossbar - the Slavic inscription of the words "Son of God" and Greek Nika, which means "winner."

On a small crossbar, symbolizing, as mentioned above, a sign with the inscription made by Pontiya Pilate, the Slavic abbreviation of Intzі is usually written, denoting the words "Jesus Nazarey Tsar Judaisky", and above it - "King of Glory". Near the image, the spear entered the tradition of writing the letter K, and about the canes of T. In addition, from about the XVI century began to write at the base of the cross the letters ml on the left and RB on the right. They are also an abbreviation, and mean the words "Lob's Lob's Place".

In addition to the listed inscriptions, you should mention two letters of r, standing on the left and right from the image of Calvary, and are initial in its name, as well as G and A - Adam's head, written on the sides of the skull, and the phrase "King of Glory", the wedding monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross. The value embedded in them is fully consistent with the evangelical texts, but the inscriptions themselves may vary and replaced by others.

Immortality given by faith

It is also important to understand why the name of the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross is associated with the name of the Holy Lazarus? The answer to this question can be found on the pages of the Gospel of John, which describes the miracle of His Resurrection from the dead, committed by Jesus Christ, on the fourth day after death. The symbolism in this case is quite obvious: as Lazarus was returned to the life of his sisters Martha and Mary in the omnipotence of Jesus, and everyone, who fishes the Savior, will be delighted with the hands of eternal death.

In a vulnerable earthly life, people are not given to those who have been able to see the Son of God, but they are given by his religious symbols. One of them is the eight-pointed Orthodox cross, proportion, general form And the meaningful load of which was the subject of this article. It is accompanied by the believer man throughout life. From the holy font, where the sacrament of baptism breaks him the gates of the Church of Christ, up to the grave tombstone, the eight-pointed Orthodox cross falls.

A native symbol of the Christian faith

Custom wearing small crosses made from the most different materials, appeared only at the beginning of the IV century. Despite the fact that the main instrument of the passion of Christ was the object of honor in all his followers, literally from the first years of establishing the Christian church on Earth, it was generally taken to wear no crosses on the neck, and the medallions with the image of the Savior.

There are also evidence that in the period of persecution from the middle of I and before the start of the IV century, there were voluntary martyrs who wanted to suffer for Christ and the image of the cross on his forehead. According to this sign, they were recognized, and then betrayed torment and death. After the establishment of Christianity as a state religion, wearing the native crosses entered the custom, and in the same period they began to be installed on the roof of the temples.

Two types of native crosses in ancient Russia

In Russia, the symbols of Christ appeared in 988, at the same time with her baptism. It is curious to note that our ancestors were inherited from the Byzantines two types of native crosses. One of them was taken on his chest, under clothes. Such crosses were called tanks.

Along with them, the so-called encasps appeared - also crosses, but a few more sized and put on top of the clothes. They lead their origin from the tradition to carry carpets with relics, who were decorated with the image of the cross. Over time, Encolpiona was transformed into inadvertent crosses of priests and metropolitans.

The main symbol of humanism and humans

For the millennium, lasting since the Posh, when the Dnieper shores littered the light of Christ, the Orthodox tradition has largely undergone changes. Only its religious dogmas and the basic elements of symbols were unshakable, the main of which is the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross.

Golden and silver, copper or made of any other material, he keeps a believer, protecting him from evil forces - visible and invisible. Being a reminder of the victim brought by Christ to the salvation of people, the cross became a symbol of the highest humanism and love to the neighbor.


This term has other values, see the cross (values). Some types of crosses. Illustration of Lexikon Der Gesamten Technik (1904) Von Otto Lueger

Cross (Praslav. * KRST< д.-в.-н. krist) - геометрическая фигура, состоящая из двух или более пересекающихся линий или прямоугольников. Угол между ними чаще всего составляет 90°. Во многих верованиях несёт сакральный смысл.

History of the Cross

Cross in paganism

Symbol of the God of the Sun Ashhura in Assyria Symbol of the God of the sun Ashshura and the god of the moon of Sina in Mesopotamia

The first civilized people who widely used the crosses were the ancient Egyptians. In the Egyptian tradition, there was a cross with a ring, anch, a symbol of life and gods. In Babylon, the cross was considered a symbol of Anu - God of Heaven. In Assyria, which was originally a colony of Babylon (in the second millennium BC), the cross imprisoned in the ring (symbolized the sun, more often the lunar sickle was depicted under it), was one of the attributes of the god Ashshura - the Sun God.

The fact that the symbol of the cross was used in various forms of pagan worship for the forces of nature to the appearance of Christianity, confirm archaeological finds to almost all the territory of Europe, in India, Syria, Persia, Egypt, in Northern and South America. So, for example, in ancient India, the cross was depicted over his head of a figure that killing children, and in the hands of God Krishna, and in South America, Muissa believed that the cross would drive the evil spirits, and put babies under him. And so far, the cross serves as a religious symbol in countries that the influence of Christian churches does not apply. For example, Tengrian, already before the new era of those who professed faith in the God of Heavenly Tengri, there was an Alezhi sign - a symbol of the cross applied to the forehead or in the form of a tattoo.

Acquaintance Christians with pagan symbolism in the first centuries of Christianity caused various comments on general symbols. So, Socolastik Socolastik describes events during the reign of Feodosia:

In the destruction and purification of serapisov of the temple, the so-called hieroglyphic written writers were found in it, between which there were signs that had the shape of the crosses. Seeing such signs, Christians and pagans, those and others dreamed of their own religion. Christians claimed that they belong to the Christian faith, because the cross considered the sign of saving Christ's suffering, and the pagans argued that Christians and other people were different in particular importance from the gentlemen. Meanwhile, as this dispute happened, some who appealing to Christianity from paganism and understood the hieroglyphic writers, interpreted those cross-shaped signs and announced that they were denoted by a future life. By this explanation, Christians have become more confidently to attribute them to their religion and exalcut the pagans. When, from other hieroglyphic letters, it was revealed that at the time the sign of the cross, meaning a new life, the temple of Serapis will come an end, then very many pagans turned to Christianity, confused their sins and baptized. I heard about those cross-shaped designs. I do not think, however, so that the Egyptian priests, drawing the image of the cross, could know anything about Christ, for, if the mystery of His coming to the world, according to the appearance of the Apostle (Col. 1, 26), was Sokrovna from the eyelid and from childbirth and unknown The very chief of malice to the devil, the less less could she be known to the ministers of him - the Egyptian priests. The discovery and explanation of these letters fishery preferred the same thing that I had previously revealed on the Apostol Pavel, for this, and this, the apostle was wounded by the Spirit in the same way, led many Athenians to faith, when he read the inscription in the temple and adapted her to his sermon. Would anyone say anywhere that the Word of God has relieved in the Egyptian priests exactly as once in the lips of Valaam and Kaiafa, which prophesied good against the will.

Cross in Christianity

Main article: Cross in Christianity

Graphic types of crosses

Ill. Name Note
Anch Ancient Egyptian cross. Symbol of life.
Celtic cross An equal treatment cross with a circle. It is a characteristic symbol of Celtic Christianity, although it has more ancient pagan roots.

Currently, it is often used as symbols of neo-Nazi movements.

Sunny cross Graphically represents the cross, located inside the circle. It is found on the subjects of prehistoric Europe, especially in the era of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age.
Greek cross The Greek Cross is called a cross, in which the lines have equal length, perpendicular to each other and intersect in the middle.
Latin Cross Latin Cross (Lat. Crux Immissa., Crux Capitata) is called such a cross, whose transverse line is divided by vertical in half, and the transverse line is above the middle of the vertical line. It is usually associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, that is, thereby, with Christianity as a whole.

Before Jesus, such a symbol was designated, among other things, the staff of Apollo - the God of the Sun, the son of Zeus.

From the fourth century, our era, the Latin Cross became with which he is associated now - the symbol of Christianity. Today it is also associated with death, wine ( carry the cross), besides, with resurrection, revival, salvation and eternal life (after death). In the genealogy, the Latin Cross denote the death and date of death. In Russia, among the Orthodox Latin Cross, it was often considered imperfect and contemptuously called " kryzh"(From Polish. krzyz. - Cross, and associated with clap - Trim, chop).

Cross of St. Peter / Inverted Cross The Cross of the Apostle Peter is called a turned the latin cross. The Apostle Peter took the martyrdom in 67 through the crucifix downside.
Cross evangelical Symbolic designation of four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Arkhangelsky Cross Arkhangelsk Cross (Cross Calvary, Lat. Golgata Cross.) Denotected a special cross.
Double Cross Double six-pointed cross with isometric crossbars.
Larring Cross Larring Cross (FR. Croix de Lorraine) - Cross with two crossings. Sometimes called patriarch Cross or archbishopal Cross. Means Chin Cardinal or Archbishop in the Catholic Church. This cross is also cross of the Eldelskaya Orthodox Church.
Papal Cross A variety of Latin Cross, but with three crossings. Sometimes such a cross is called western Triple Cross.

Orthodox Christian Cross, which is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches; Contains, except for a large horizontal crossbar, two more. The top symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with the inscription "Jesus Nazarinan, the king of the Jewish" (INCI, or INRI in Latin). Nika - winner. The lower slanting of the crossbar is the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ, symbolizes the "measure righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repellent robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) got into paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his wedding of Christ even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got into hell. The letters of the IIS XS are a Christogram, symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ. Also, on some Christian crosses, the skull or skull with the bones (Adam's head), symbolizing the fallen Adam (including his descendants), since, according to legend, the remains of Adam and Eve were buried at the crucifixion, Calvary. Thus, the blood of a crucified Christ is symbolically washed by Adam's bones and washed away from them and from all his descendants, original sin.
Byzantine cross
Cross Lalibelia The cross Lalibeli is a symbol of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian people and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Armenian cross Armenian cross is a cross with decorative elements on the rays (sometimes unequal lengths). The cross-shaped crosses (with trillight-square completions, etc.) were used since the beginning of the XVIII century in the coat of arms of the Armenian-Catholic community of Mkutarists, having the abode in Venice and Vienna. See Khachkar.
Andreevsky Cross The cross, on which the Apostle was crucified by Andrei First Called, by legend was X-shaped.
Templary cross The Templary Cross is the sign of the spiritual and knightly Order of the Templars, founded in the Holy Land in 1119 by a small group of knights led by Gogo de Pain after the first crusade. One of the first to the reasons from the religious military orders, along with hospitallers.
Novgorod cross Similar to the Templary Cross, including in the center an enlarged circle or a diamond shape. Such a form of crosses is common in the lands of ancient Novgorod. In other lands and among other traditions this form The cross is rarely used.
Maltese cross Maltese Cross (Lat. Cross of Maltese.) - The sign of the powerful knightly Order of Hospitallers - John, founded in the XII century in Palestine. Sometimes called the Cross of St. John or St. George Cross. The symbol of the Knights of the Maltese Order was the White Eight-Spoile Cross, the eight ends of which were denoted eight bliss, waiting for the righteous in the afterlife.
Cropped laptop cross Direct plane cross, option of the so-called crusted lat. Cross Pattee.. This cross rays narrow to the center, but do not have, unlike the Maltese cross, cuts on the ends. In particular, in the image of the Order of St. George, the Cross Victoria.
Bolnisian cross The type of crosses is most widely known and used in Georgia from the V century. It is used everywhere along with the Cross of Holy Nina.
Teutonic Cross The cross of the Teutonic Order is a sign of the spiritual and knightly teutonic order, founded at the end of the XII century. Centuries later, based on the Cross of the Teutonic Order, were created various options The widespread military order of the Iron Cross. Also, the iron cross and today is depicted on military equipment, as an identification mark, flags and pennants of the Armed Forces of Germany.
Schwarzcreyts (Black Cross) The identification sign of the Armed Forces of Germany. Known in our days as the cross of the Bundeswehr army.
Balkan less often Balkenkreuz, TJ. Beam Cross The second name is due to the use of both the identification sign of the German military equipment from 1935 to 1945. [ the source is not specified 1153 days]
Swastika, gammatic cross or catacomb Cross with curved ends ("rotating") sent clockwise or counterclockwise. An ancient and widespread symbol in the culture of different peoples - the swastika was present on weapons, subjects of everyday life, clothing, signs and coat of arms, was used in the design of temples and houses. The swastika as a symbol has many meanings, most of the peoples they have been positive before it was compromised by the Nazis and removed from widespread use. The ancient peoples swastika was a symbol of life, sun, light, well-being. In particular, sent clockwise Swastika is an ancient Indian symbol used in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainis.
Hands of God Detected on one of the vessels of Pshevorsk culture. During World War II, due to the presence of a swastika, the vessel was used by the Nazis in propaganda purposes. These days are used as a religious symbol by Polish neo-language.
Jerusalem Cross Printed to the flag of Georgia.
Cross of the Order of Christ The symbol of the spiritual and knightly Order of Christ.
Red Cross The symbol of the organization of the Red Cross and ambulance services. Green Cross is a symbol of pharmacies. Blue - veterinary service.
Tref. The symbol of the Trefa's master (another name "Krob") in a card deck. Named along the cross depicted in the form of a tribal. The word is borrowed from French, where Trefle is clover, in turn, from Latin trifolium - addition Tri "Three" and Folium "Sheet".
Cross of Holy Nina Christian relics, a cross woven from grapes, which, according to legend, the Mother of God presented Holy Nina before sending it to Georgia.
Tau-Cross or Anthony Cross T-shaped cross. Cross Anthony - Cross T-shaped in honor of the founder of Christian monasticism of Anthony. According to some sources, he lived 105 years old and the last 40 spent on Mount Kizm not far from the Red Sea. The Cross of St. Anthony is also known as a lat. crux Commissa., Egyptian or Tau-Cross. Francis Assisian made this cross his emblem at the beginning of the XIII century.
Basque Cross Four petals bent in the form resembling a sign of solvent. There are two variants of the Basque in the Basque country, with the direction of rotation clockwise and counterclockwise.
Cantabrian cross It is a split Andreevsky cross with imperts at the ends of the crossbar.
Serbian cross Represents a Greek (equilateral) cross, over the corners of which are depicted four stylized Ͻ and FROM- Fig. He is a symbol of Serbia, the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Macedonian Cross, Velyus Cross
Coptic cross It is two crossed lines at right angles with multiplicated ends. Three emitty of the end denote the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The cross is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt.
Crossed arrows

Cultural influence

Russian expressions

  • Take under the cross - an old expression with not quite clear meaning (to pay for the cross promise, to return?) "Take under the cross" - means to borrow, without money. Previously, the issuance of goods from the shop in debt was practiced, while recorded in the debt book. The largest part of the population was usually illiterate and instead of signature put a cross.
  • There is no cross - that is, oxygenous.
  • Carry your cross - to transfer difficulties.
  • Put the cross (also: to chase) - (allegorical) to completely end with something; Luggage on the oblique cross (in the form of the letter of the Russian alphabet "Her") - to delete from the number of cases.
  • The procession is a solemn church procession with a large cross, icons and horagoes around the temple or from one temple in another, or from one place to another.
  • Great sign - a prayer gesture in Christianity (cross) (also: "Opless!" (Call) - "Crossbi!")
  • Baptism is a sacrament in Christianity.
  • Great name - the name taken in baptism.
  • An eyele father and ancient mother - a spiritual parent in Christianity, which in the course of the sacrament of baptism is responsible before God for the spiritual education and piety of the kidnik (saint).
  • Cross-tickers - a game, in the old days called "Herica" \u200b\u200bin the form of the letter of the Russian alphabet "Her" in the form of a slanting cross.
  • Dish - refuse (initially: to protect yourself with a cross).
  • Crossing (in biology) - hybridization, one of the methods of plant selection and animals.
See also: Patriarch Cross and Larring Cross

(russian Cross, or cross of Saint Lazarus) - Eight-pointed Christian cross, symbol of the Orthodox Church in Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Russia.

A feature of the eight-pointed cross is the presence of a lower braid crossbar (fitting), in addition to the top two horizontal: top, smaller, and medium, greater.

According to legend, during the crucifixion of Christ over the cross, a sign was knocked out on three languages \u200b\u200b(Greek, Latin and Aramai) with the inscription "Jesus Normarinan, Tsar Judaian." Under the feet of Christ was nailed the crossbar.

Together with Jesus Christ, two more criminal were executed. One of them began to mock the Christ, demanding to free all three if Jesus was really Christ, and the other said: "He is convicted of falsely, and we are real criminals." [K 1]. This (another) criminal was to the right of Christ, and therefore the Cross left side of the crossbar raised. He raised over another criminal. And the right side of the crossbar is lowered down, since another criminal humiliated before the criminal who said justice.

An eight-pointed option is the seven-way, whose nameplates is not attached to the cross, but from above. In addition, the upper crossbind may not be absent. The eight-spin cross can be completed in the ternan crown in the middle.

It should also be noted that along with the eight-pointed Orthodox Church applies two other common draws of the cross: the six-pointed cross (differs from the eight-pointed lack of small, that is, the uppermost crossbar) and the four-pin (differs from the six-pointed absence of oblique crossbar).


Sometimes, when installing an eight-pointed cross on the dome of the temple under the oblique crossbar placed crescents (horns up). There are various versions about the meaning of such an inscription; According to the most famous such cross, it is likened to the ship anchor, from ancient times the rescue symbol.

In addition, there is a special monastic (spiken) "Cross-Calvary". It consists of an Orthodox cross, which rests on the symbolic image of the Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain (usually in the form of steps), the skull and bones are depicted under the mountain, to the right and to the left of the Cross are a spear and a stick with a sponge. Also on it are the inscriptions: above the middle crossbar IIS҃ XS҃ - the name of Jesus Christ, under it Greek Nick - the winner; On the plate or about her, the inscription: Snu BZh҃IY - "Son of God" or Abbreviation Intzі - "Іizus Nazori, Tsar of іudey"; Over the plate: Czcl Slava - "King of Glory". The letters "K" and "T" symbolize the spear of a warrior and a cane with a sponge depicted along the cross. From the XVI century, a tradition arose in Russia near the image of Calvary add the following notation: M L P B - "Lob's place will crucify", G, "Golgoga Mountain", G. - "Head of Adamov". And the bones of the hands lying in front of the skull are portrayed right on the left, as when buried or communion.

Although the Calval Cross in ancient times was widespread, in modern times it is usually only embroidered on Paramanva and Analave.


The eight-spin Orthodox cross was placed on the coat of arms of the Russian state from 1577 to 1625, when he was replaced by the third crown. On some chronicle miniatures and icons, Russian warriors bear red or green (possibly blue) twisted with the image of the Cross-Calvary. In the signs of the regiments of the XVII century, the Calval Cross was also placed.

Coat of arms of Russia with Fedor's press I, 1589 year.
Coat of arms of Russia with the press of Fedor Ivanovich, 1589.
Icon, Dionysius, 1500 year.
Mature banner, 1696-1699
Coat of arms of Kherson province, 1878.


In Unicode, for the Orthodox Cross, there is a separate symbol ☦ with the code U + 2626 Orthodox Cross. However, in many fonts it is displayed incorrectly - the lower crossbar is not tilted in the other side.

Catholic cross. Types and symbols

In human culture, the cross is published by sacral meaning. Many people consider him a symbol of the Christian faith, but it is far from that. The ancient Egyptian anch, the Assyrian and Babylon symbols of the God of the Sun are all the options of the cross, which were inalienable attributes of the pagan beliefs of peoples around the world. Even the South American tribes of the Chibic-Misbirds, one of the most developed civilizations of that time along with the Incas, Aztecs and Maya, used the cross in their rites, believing that he protects a person from evil and personifies the forces of nature. In christianity The cross (Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox) is closely connected with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ.

Cross Catholics and Protestants

The image of the cross in Christianity is characterized by some variability, since he often changed its view over time. Known next species Christian crosses: Celtic, Sunny, Greek, Byzantine, Jerusalem, Orthodox, Latin, etc. By the way, it is the last to currently use representatives of two of the three main Christian trends (Protestantism and Catholicism). The Catholic Cross is different from the Protestant presence of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. A similar phenomenon is explained by the fact that Protestants consider the cross with a symbol of a shameful execution that the Savior had to be taken. After all, in those ancient times, only criminals and thieves sentenced to death through the crucifix. After his wonderful resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven, so to put a crucifixion with a lively Savior, Protestants consider blasphemy and disrespect for the Son of God.

Differences from the Orthodox Cross

In Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the image of the cross has much more differences. So, if the Catholic cross (on the right) standard has a four-pointed form, then the Orthodox is six or eight-pointed, because it contains foot and title. Another difference is manifested in the image of the crucifixion of Christ. In Orthodoxy, the Savior is usually depicted triumphant over death. Widely spreading his hands, he hugs all those who gave life to how to say that his death served as a good goal. In contrast to this, the Catholic cross with a crucifix is \u200b\u200bthe martyrdom of Christ. He serves as an eternal reminder to all believers about the death and preceding the flour, who suffered the Son of God.

Cross of St. Peter

The inverted Catholic cross in Western Christianity is by no means a sign of Satan, as they love to convince third-rate horror strokes. It is often used in Catholic icon painting and when decorating churches and is identified with one of the students of Jesus Christ. According to the assurances of the Roman Catholic Church, the apostle Peter, considering himself unworthy to die, as the Savior, preferred to be crucified down his head on an inverted cross. Hence his name - Peter's Cross. In various photos with the Pope, you can often see this Catholic cross, which from time to time causes unflattering accusations of the church in her connection with the Antichrist.

Varieties of crosses and what they mean

Ankh - a symbol known as the Egyptian cross, a cross with a loop, Circle of Ansat, "Cross with a handle". Ankh - a symbol of immortality. Combines the cross (symbol of life) and the circle (symbol of eternity). Its form can be interpreted as a rising sun, as the unity of opposites, like a male and feminine.
Ankh symbolizes the Union of Osiris and Isides, the Union of the Earth and the sky. The sign was used in hieroglyphs, he was part of the words "welfare" and "happiness."
The symbol was applied to the amulets to extend life on Earth, he was buried with him to guarantee their lives in the world in a world. The key opening the gate of death looks like an ANK. In addition, the amulets with the image of Ankha helped with infertility.
Ankh is a magic symbol of wisdom. It can be found in many images of the deities and clergy of the times of Egyptian pharaohs.
It was believed that this symbol could save from flooding, so it was depicted on the walls of the channels.
Later, the ANCH was used by the sorcerers with a vorozh, fortunate, healing.
Celtic cross, sometimes called jona cross or a round cross. The circle symbolizes both the sun and eternity. This cross, which appeared in Ireland until the 8th century, may occur from "chi-ro", a monogram from the written in Greek first two letters named after Christ. Often this cross is decorated with carved figures, animals and biblical scenes, such as the sin of man or sacrifice of Isaac.
Latin Cross
The Latin Cross is the most common Christian religious symbol in the Western world. According to the tradition, it is believed that it was from this cross, Christ was removed, hence his other name - Crucifixion cross. Usually, the cross is a raw tree, but sometimes it is covered with gold, which symbolizes fame, or red spots (the blood of Christ) on the green (tree of life).
This form, so similar to the man who spread his hands, symbolized God in Greece and China long before the appearance of Christianity. Rising the cross symbolized the kindness from the Egyptians.
Cross Bottoni
Cross with clover leaves, called Bottonian Cross in Heraldry. Clover leaf is a symbol of the Trinity, and the cross expresses the same idea. It is also used to designate the resurrection of Christ.
Cross Peter
The cross of St. Peter from the 4th century is one of the symbols of St. Peter, which, as believed, was crucified head down in 65 AD. During the rule in Rome Emperor Nero.
Some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility, humility and non-understanding in comparison with Christ.
A cristed cross is sometimes associated with its satanists using it.
Russian Cross
The Russian cross, also called "Eastern" or "Cross Sv. Lazari", the symbol of the Orthodox Church in East Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Russia. The top of three transverse crossbars is called "titulus", where the name was written, as in the Patriarchal Cross. Lower crossbar symbolizes footrest.
Cross World
The cross of the world is a symbol developed by Gerald Holtom in 1958 for the "Nuclear Disarmament Movement". For this symbol, Holtom inspired the semaphore alphabet. He made a cross from its symbols for "n" (nuclear, nuclear) and "d" (disarmament, disarmament), and placed them in a circle, which symbolized the global agreement. This symbol has attracted public attention after the first protest march from London to the Center for Nuclear Research in Berkshire on April 4, 1958. Soon this cross was one of the most common signs of the 60s, symbolizing both the world and anarchy.
Swastika is one of the most ancient and, since the twentieth century, the most controversial characters.
The name comes from SUNSKrit words "Su" ("Good") and "Asti" ("Genesis"). The symbol is common everywhere and most often associated with the sun. Swastika is a sunny wheel.
Swastika is a symbol of rotation around the fixed center. Rotation from which life arises. In China, the swastika (lei veins) once symbolized the parties of the world, and then acquired the value ten thousand (the number of infinity). Sometimes the swastika was called "the seal of the Buddha Hearts".
It was believed that the swastika brings happiness, but only when her ends bent clockwise. If the ends are bent counterclockwise, the swastuby is called saousevastics and has a negative impact.
Swastika is one of the early symbols of Christ. In addition, the swastika was a symbol of many gods: Zeus, Helios, Gera, Artemis, Torah, Agni, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and many others.
In the Masonic tradition, the swastika is a symbol of distinguishing evil and trouble.
In the twentieth century, the swastika acquired a new meaning, a swastika or Hakenkreuz ("hooked cross") became a symbol of Nazism. Since August 1920, the swastika has become used on Nazi banners, smokers, sleeves. In 1945, all forms of swastika were banned by the Allied Occupational authorities.
Cross Konstantin
The cross of Constantine is a monogram, known as "Chi-Ro", in the form consisting of X (Greek letter "Hee") and P ("Ro"), the first two letters of Christ in Greek.
The legend says that it was this cross Emperor Konstantin who saw in the sky on the road to Rome to his co-guard and at the same time enemy Maxentiya. Together with the cross, he saw an inscription in hoc vinces - "Won with it." According to another legend, he saw a cross in a dream on the night before the battle, while the emperor heard the voice: In Hoc Signo Visces (you will win with this). Both legends argue that this prediction was consistent with Constantine in Christianity. He made a monogram with his emblem, placing her on his Labarum, the imperial standard, instead of an eagle. The ensuing victory at the Milvian bridge near Rome on October 27, 312 made him the only emperor. After, an edict was issued, allowing the confession of the Christian religion in the empire, believers no longer pursued, and this monogram, which Christians used secretly, became the first generally accepted symbol of Christianity, and also gained wide fame as a sign of victory and salvation.

The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. Crucifixion The meaning of the death of Christ.

Among all Christians, only Orthodox and Catholics, reveal crosses and icons. Crosses decorate the dome of churches, their homes, wear on the neck.

The reason why a man wears a native cross, each has its own. Someone thus gives tribute to fashion, for someone, a cross is a beautiful jewelry, someone he brings good luck and is used as a talisman. But there are those for whom dressed when baptized, a native cross is indeed a symbol of their infinite faith.

Today, stores and church benches offer a wide variety of crosses of various shapes. However, very often not only parents gathered to baptize the child, but also sellers consultants cannot clarify where the Orthodox cross, and where the Catholic, although to distinguish them, in fact, is very simple. In the Catholic tradition - a quadrangular cross, with three nails. In Orthodoxy there are four-end crosses, six and eight-pointed, with four nails for hands and legs.

Form of the Cross

Four-pointed cross

So, in the West, the most common is four-pointed cross. Starting from the III century, when, for the first time, such crosses appeared in Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East and today uses this shape of the cross as even to everyone else.

For Orthodoxy, the shape of the cross does not have much importance, much more attention is paid to what is depicted on it, but the greatest popularity was obtained by eight-pointed and six-pointed crosses.

The most corresponds to the historically reliable form of the cross, on which Christ was already crucified. Orthodox crosswhich is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches, contains, except for a large horizontal crossbar, two more. Top symbolizes a sign on the Cross of Christ with the inscription "Jesus Nazarenin, Tsar Jews" (INCI, or INRI in Latin). The lower slanting of the crossbar - the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes "Merilo righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repentable robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) hit the paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his own degree of Christ, even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got in hell. The letters of IC HC are a Christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Saint Dimitri Rostovsky writes that "When Christ, the Lord on his shoulders of his cross, then the cross was still four-pointed; because there were no Title on him, nor the foot. There was no foot of it, because Christ is not raised on the cross and warriors, not knowing how much legs Christ, did not attach the foot, finished it already on Calvary ". There was also no Title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the Gospel reports, first "crucified it" (John 19:18), and then only "Pilate wrote an inscription and put on the cross" (John 19:19 ). It was first that the lots were shared by the "clothes" of the warriors "attending it" (Matt. 27:35), and only then "His inscription put on his head, meaning the guilt of it: this is Jesus, the king of the Jews" (Matt. 27:37).

The eight-pointed cross for a long time is considered the most powerful protective agent from various kinds of non-fat, as well as visible and invisible evil.

Six-pin cross

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially during times Ancient Russiaalso had also six-pin cross. It also has inclined crossbinds: the lower end symbolizes an unrecorded sin, and the upper is released by repentance.

However, all his power is not in the form of the cross or the number of ends. The cross is famous for the power of the crucified Christ on it, and all the symbolism and the miraculousness of it in this.

The manifold of the forms of the cross has always been recognized by the Church is quite natural. According to the expression of the Rev. Feodor Studit - "The cross of every form is the true cross" And has unearthly beauty and life-giving power.

"There is a significant difference between Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, as between any other crosses used by Christians. In essence, all crosses are the same, differences only in the form "- says Serbian Patriarch Irina.


In Catholic I. orthodox churches Of particular importance is attached not to the shape of the cross, but the image of Jesus Christ on it.

Until the IX century, the Christ was inclusive on the cross not only alive, resurrected, but also triumphant, and only in the century images of the Dead Christ appeared.

Yes, we know that Christ died on the cross. But we know that then he was resurrected, and that he suffered voluntarily from love for people: to teach us to take care of the immortal soul; So that we can also resurrect and live forever. In the Orthodox crucifixion, this Easter joy is always present. Therefore, in the Orthodox Cross, Christ does not die, and freely extends his hands, the palm of Jesus is open, as if he wants to hug all mankind, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is not a dead body, but God, and his whole image speaks about it.

The Orthodox Cross over the main horizontal crossbar there is another, smaller, which symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with an objection. Because Pondi Pilate did not find how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words appeared on the plate "Jesus Nazoria Tsar Judaisky" In three languages: Greek, Latin and Aramaus. On Latin in Catholicism This inscription has the view Inri, and in Orthodoxy - Ihtsi. (either Іnhі, "іisus Nazaryanin, king of the іudia"). The lower oblique the crossbar symbolizes the footrest. It also symbolizes two robbers, crucified to the left and right from Christ. One of them was redeemed in his sins before his death, for which he was awarded the kingdom of heaven. The other is the same before the death of Hoolil and poured his executioners and Christ.

Absorption is placed above the middle crossbar: "IS" "Xs" - the name of Jesus Christ; And under it: "NIKA" - Winner.

On the cross of the Savior Savior, the Greek letters have written UNmeaning - "Truly Surrounding" because "God told Moses: I am visiting" (Ex. 3:14), discovering its own name, expressing selfishness, eternity and immutability of the beings of God.

In addition, nails were kept in Orthodox Byzantium, which the Lord was nailed to the cross. And it was exactly known that their four, and not three. Therefore, on Orthodox crosses, Christ's legs are nailed with two nails, each separately. The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, first appeared, as an innovation, in the West in the second half of the XIII century.

Orthodox crucifixion Catholic crucifixion

In a Catholic crucifixion, the image of Christ has naturalistic features. Catholics depict Christ dead, sometimes with blood streams on his face, from wounds on hands, legs and rhers ( stigmata). It manifests all human suffering, flour, which had to experience Jesus. His hands are kept under the severity of the body. The image of Christ on the Catholic Cross is believable, but this is an image of a dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. Crucifixion in Orthodoxy just symbolizes this celebration. In addition, the legs of the Savior are nailed with one nail.

The meaning of the death of the Savior

The emergence of the Christian Cross is associated with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which he accepted on the cross on the forced sentence of Pittius Pilate. The crucifixion on the cross was a common way to execute in an ancient Rome borrowed from Carthaginian - descendants of the Phoenician colonists (it is believed that the crucifixion was used for the first time in Phenicia). Usually, the robbers sentenced to death on the cross; Many early Christians who were persecuted, starting with the times of Nero, were also executed in this way.

Before the sufferings of Christ, the cross was a shame and terrible punishment. After his sufferings, he became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, life over death, a reminder of the infinite God's love, the subject of joy. The embodied son of God, his blood consecrated the cross and made him the guide of his grace, the source of consecration of believers.

From the Orthodox dogma of the cross (or redemption) undoubtedly follows the thought that the death of the Lord is the redemption of all, vocation of all nations. Only the cross, unlike other executions, gave the opportunity to Jesus Christ to die with open hands calling on all ends of the Earth (Isa. 45:22).

Reading the Gospel, we are convinced that the god feat of the Bohemian is a central event in his earthly life. He washed off our sins with his own suffering, covered our debt before God or, in the language of Scripture, we were "redeemed" (bought). In Calvary hidden, incomprehensible the mystery of the endless truth and love of God.

The Son of God voluntarily took the guilt of all people and suffered for her shameful and painful death on the cross; Then the third day was resurrected as a winner of hell and death.

Why did such a terrible victim need to cleanse the sins of mankind and did you exist to save people to others less painful?

The Christian doctrine about the godfather's godfather's death is often the "stumbling block" for people with the already established religious philosophical concepts. With many Jews and people of the Greek culture of apostolic times, the statement was controversial that the almighty and eternal god went to Earth in the form of a mortal man, voluntarily underwent a beat, debris and shameful death that this feat could bring the spiritual benefit to humanity. "It's impossible!" - objected one; "It's not needed!" - Approved others.

St. Apostle Paul in his message to Corinthians says: "Christ sent me not to baptize me, but to gnaw, not in the wisdom of the word, so as not to abolish the Cross of Christ. For the word about the cross for dying people are, and for us, saved, is the power of God. For it is written: I will guide the wisdom of the wise men, and reasonable wisdom rejected. Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the Wisdom of this world? For the wisdom of this world in madness? For when the world was not wisdom to know God in the wisdom of God, it was well-known to God for the preaching to save believers. for and Jews demand wonders and ELLINA are looking for wisdom; and we preach the crucified Christ, for the Jews temptation, and for ELLINIONS, the madness, for themselves called, Jews and Eller, Christ, God and God's wisdom " (1 Cor. 1: 17-24).

In other words, the apostle explained that the fact that in Christianity some was perceived as temptation and madness, in fact, is the case of the greatest divine wisdom and omnipotence. The truth of the redemptive death and the resurrection of the Savior is the foundation for many other Christian truths, for example, to consecrate the believers, about the sacraments, about the meaning of suffering, about the virtues, about the feat, about the purpose of life, about the upcoming court and resurrection of the dead and others.

At the same time, the redemptive death of Christ, being an event in an inexplicable in the concepts of earthly logic and even "seductive for dying," has a reviving force that the believer heaves is to seek. The updated and warmed by this spiritual force, with trepidation bowed to Calval as the last slaves and the most powerful kings; Like dark ignoramuses and the greatest scientists. After the descent of sv. Spirit apostles personal experience They were convinced of what great spiritual benefits would be brought by the redemptive death and resurrection of the Savior, and they shared this experience with their disciples.

(The secret of the redeeming of humanity is closely related to a number of important religious and psychological factors. Therefore, to clarify the secrecy of redemption.

a) understand what the sinful damage of the person actually consists and the weakening of his will to resist evil;

b) It is necessary to understand how the devilish will, thanks to sin, was able to influence and even captive the human will;

c) It is necessary to understand the mysterious power of love, its ability to positively influence the person and ennoble him. At the same time, if love is most revealing himself in the sacrificial ministry, then, it is undoubted that the return of his life is the highest manifestation of love;

d) from understanding the power of human love should be elevated before understanding the power of the Divine Love and how she penetrates the soul of the believer and transforms his inner world;

e) In addition, in the redemptive death of the Savior there is a party outside the human world, namely: the battle between God and Gordy Dennica occurred on the cross, in which God, hiding under the guise of a weak flesh, came out the winner. The details of this spiritual battle and the Divine Victory remain a secret for us. Even angels, according to the AP. Peter, do not fully understand the secret of redemption (1 Peter. 1:12). She is a sealed book that only the Lamb of God could reveal (from. 5: 1-7)).

In Orthodox ascetic, there is such a thing as the carry of his cross, that is, the patient performance of Christian commandments throughout the life of a Christian. All difficulties, both external and internal, are referred to as "Cross." Everyone carries their life cross. About the need for a personal feat of the Lord said so: "Who does not take his cross (evades the feat) and follows me (calls himself a Christian), that inadequate me" (Matt. 10:38).

"Cross keeper of the whole universe. The cross is the beauty of the church, the cross of the kings of the Power, the cross is faithful to the statement, the cross the angel of Glory, the cross of the demons of an ulcer ", - Approves the absolute truth of the holiday of the Ere Life-giving cross.

The motives of the outrageous desecration and saint of the holy cross conscious crusading and crosses are quite explained. But when we see Christians drawn into this vigilant case, it is impossible to be silent, because - according to the word of St. Vasily the Great - "God aroused silence"!

Differences of the Catholic and Orthodox Cross

Thus, there are the following differences in the Catholic Cross from the Orthodox:

  1. Most often has an eight-pointed or six-pointed form. - four-sided.
  2. Words on a tablet on crosses are the same, only written on different languages: Latin Inri (in the case of the Catholic Cross) and Slavic-Russian Ihtsi. (on the Orthodox Cross).
  3. Another principal position is position of the legs on crucifixes and the number of nails. The legs of Jesus Christ are located together on a Catholic crucifixion, and each is nailed separately on the Orthodox Cross.
  4. Various is image of the Savior on the Cross. At the Orthodox Cross, God, who discovered the path to eternal life, was depicted, and on a Catholic man, who experienced flour.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

Among all Christians, only Orthodox and Catholics, reveal crosses and icons. Crosses decorate the dome of churches, their homes, wear on the neck.

The reason why a man wears a native cross, each has its own. Someone thus gives tribute to fashion, for someone, a cross is a beautiful jewelry, someone he brings good luck and is used as a talisman. But there are those for whom the native crossed as the baptism is really a symbol of their infinite faith.

Today, stores and church benches offer a wide variety of crosses of various shapes. However, very often not only parents gathered to baptize the child, but also sellers consultants cannot clarify where the Orthodox cross, and where the Catholic, although to distinguish them, in fact, is very simple. In the Catholic tradition - a quadrangular cross, with three nails. In Orthodoxy there are four-end crosses, six and eight-pointed, with four nails for hands and legs.

Form of the Cross

Four-pointed cross

So, in the West, the most common is four-pointed cross. Starting from the III century, when, for the first time, such crosses appeared in Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East and today uses this shape of the cross as even to everyone else.

Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross

For Orthodoxy, the shape of the cross does not have much importance, much more attention is paid to what is depicted on it, but the greatest popularity was obtained by eight-pointed and six-pointed crosses.

Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross The most corresponds to the historically reliable form of the cross, on which Christ was already crucified. The Orthodox Cross, which is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches, contains, except for a large horizontal crossbar, two more. The top symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with the inscription " Jesus Nazarenin, King Jewish"(INCI, or INRI in Latin). The lower slanting of the crossbar - the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes "Merilo Righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repentable robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) hit the paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his own degree of Christ, even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got in hell. The letters of IC HC are a Christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Saint Dimitri Rostovsky writes that " when Christ, the Lord on his shoulders wore the cross then the cross was still four-pointed; Because there was no Title on it, nor foot. There was no foot, because Christ was not raised on the cross and warriors, not knowing what the legs of Christ would get, did not attach the foot, finished it already on Calvary". There was also no Title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the Gospel reports, first " crucified it"(John 19:18), and then only" Pilate wrote an inscription and put on the cross"(John 19:19). It was first that lots were shared by the "clothes" of the warriors " attaching it"(Matt. 27:35), and only then" put over his head his inscription, meaning the blame of him: this is Jesus, the king of the Jewish"(Matt. 27:37).

The eight-pointed cross for a long time is considered the most powerful protective agent from various kinds of non-fat, as well as visible and invisible evil.

Six-pin cross

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially in the days of ancient Russia, also had six-pin cross. It also has inclined crossbinds: the lower end symbolizes an unrecorded sin, and the upper is released by repentance.

However, all his power is not in the form of the cross or the number of ends. The cross is famous for the power of the crucified Christ on it, and all the symbolism and the miraculousness of it in this.

The manifold of the forms of the cross has always been recognized by the Church is quite natural. According to the expression of the Reverend Feodor Studit - " cross every form there is a true cross"And has unearthly beauty and life-giving power.

« There is no significant difference between Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, as between any other crosses used in the Hristians. In essence, all crosses are the same, differences only in form"Says Serbian Patriarch Irina.


In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, there is no particular importance to the shape of the cross, but the image of Jesus Christ on it.

Until the IX century, the Christ was inclusive on the cross not only alive, resurrected, but also triumphant, and only in the century images of the Dead Christ appeared.

Yes, we know that Christ died on the cross. But we know that then he was resurrected, and that he suffered voluntarily from love for people: to teach us to take care of the immortal soul; So that we can also resurrect and live forever. In the Orthodox crucifixion, this Easter joy is always present. Therefore, in the Orthodox Cross, Christ does not die, and freely extends his hands, the palm of Jesus is open, as if he wants to hug all mankind, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is not a dead body, but God, and his whole image speaks about it.

The Orthodox Cross over the main horizontal crossbar there is another, smaller, which symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with an objection. Because Pontius Pilate did not find how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words appeared on the plate " Jesus Norazhai King Jewish"In three languages: Greek, Latin and Aramaus. On Latin in Catholicism This inscription has the view Inri, and in Orthodoxy - Ihtsi. (either Іnhі, "іisus Nazaryanin, king of the іudia"). The lower oblique the crossbar symbolizes the footrest. It also symbolizes two robbers, crucified to the left and right from Christ. One of them was redeemed in his sins before his death, for which he was awarded the kingdom of heaven. The other is the same before the death of Hoolil and poured his executioners and Christ.

Absorption is placed above the middle crossbar: "IC" "xs" - the name of Jesus Christ; And under it: "NIKA" - Winner.

On the cross of the Savior Savior, the Greek letters have written UNMeaning - "True Summer", because " God said Moses: I AM IM"(Ex. 3:14), opening its own name, expressing self-esteem, eternity and immutability of the beings of God.

In addition, nails were kept in Orthodox Byzantium, which the Lord was nailed to the cross. And it was exactly known that their four, and not three. Therefore, on Orthodox crosses, Christ's legs are nailed with two nails, each separately. The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, first appeared, as an innovation, in the West in the second half of the XIII century.

Orthodox crucifixion Catholic crucifix

In a Catholic crucifixion, the image of Christ has naturalistic features. Catholics depict Christ dead, sometimes with blood streams on his face, from wounds on hands, legs and rhers ( stigmata). It manifests all human suffering, flour, which had to experience Jesus. His hands are kept under the severity of the body. The image of Christ on the Catholic Cross is believable, but this is an image of a dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. Crucifixion in Orthodoxy just symbolizes this celebration. In addition, the legs of the Savior are nailed with one nail.

The meaning of the death of the Savior

The emergence of the Christian Cross is associated with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which he accepted on the cross on the forced sentence of Pittius Pilate. The crucifixion on the cross was a common way to execute in an ancient Rome borrowed from Carthaginian - descendants of the Phoenician colonists (it is believed that the crucifixion was used for the first time in Phenicia). Usually, the robbers sentenced to death on the cross; Many early Christians who were persecuted, starting with the times of Nero, were also executed in this way.

Crucifixion on the Cross in Romans

Before the sufferings of Christ, the cross was a shame and terrible punishment. After his sufferings, he became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, life over death, a reminder of the infinite God's love, the subject of joy. The embodied son of God, his blood consecrated the cross and made him the guide of his grace, the source of consecration of believers.

From the Orthodox dogma of the cross (or redemption) undoubtedly follows the thought that the death of the Lord is the redemption of all, vocation of all nations. Only the cross, unlike other executions, gave the opportunity to Jesus Christ to die with open hands calling on all ends of the Earth (Isa. 45:22).

Reading the Gospel, we are convinced that the god feat of the Bohemian is a central event in his earthly life. He washed away by his sins with his own suffering, covered our duty before God or, in the language of Scripture, we were "redeemed" (bought). In Calvary hidden, incomprehensible the mystery of the endless truth and love of God.

The Son of God voluntarily took the guilt of all people and suffered for her shameful and painful death on the cross; Then the third day was resurrected as a winner of hell and death.

Why did such a terrible victim need to cleanse the sins of mankind and did you exist to save people to others less painful?

The Christian doctrine of the godfather's death death is often the "stumbling block" for people with the already established religious philosophical concepts. With many Jews and people of the Greek culture of apostolic times, the statement was controversial that the almighty and eternal god went to Earth in the form of a mortal man, voluntarily underwent a beat, debris and shameful death that this feat could bring the spiritual benefit to humanity. " It's impossible!"- objected one; " It's not needed!"- Approved by others.

St. Apostle Paul in his message to Corinthians says: " Christ sent me not to baptize, but to gnaw, not in the wisdom of the word, so as not to abolish the Cross of Christ. For the word about the cross for perishing people is eruption, but for us, saved, is the power of God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise men, and the mind of reasonable rejection. Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the joint state of the century? Did God dough the wisdom of this world in madness? For when the world, his wisdom, he did not know God in the wisdom of God, it was well-known to be the scientific of preaching to save believers. For and Jews require miracles, and Elleina are looking for wisdom; And we preach the crucified Christ, for the Jews temptation, and for Elle Rooms, the madness, for themselves called, Jews and Eller, Christ, God and God's wisdom"(1 Cor. 1: 17-24).

In other words, the apostle explained that the fact that in Christianity some was perceived as temptation and madness, in fact, is the case of the greatest divine wisdom and omnipotence. The truth of the redemptive death and the resurrection of the Savior is the foundation for many other Christian truths, for example, to consecrate the believers, about the sacraments, about the meaning of suffering, about the virtues, about the feat, about the purpose of life, about the upcoming court and resurrection of the dead and others.

At the same time, the redeeming death of Christ, being an event in an inexplicable in the concepts of earthly logic, and even "seductive for dying," has a reviving force that the believer hearts feel and seeks. The updated and warmed by this spiritual force, with trepidation bowed to Calval as the last slaves and the most powerful kings; Like dark ignoramuses and the greatest scientists. After the descent of St. The Spirit of the Apostles with personal experiences were convinced of what great spiritual benefits would bring them the redeeming death and resurrection of the Savior, and they were shared by this experience with their disciples.

(The secret of the redeeming of humanity is closely related to a number of important religious and psychological factors. Therefore, to clarify the secrecy of redemption.

a) understand what the sinful damage of the person actually consists and the weakening of his will to resist evil;

b) It is necessary to understand how the devilish will, thanks to sin, was able to influence and even captive the human will;

c) It is necessary to understand the mysterious power of love, its ability to positively influence the person and ennoble him. At the same time, if love is most revealing himself in the sacrificial ministry, then, it is undoubted that the return of his life is the highest manifestation of love;

d) from understanding the power of human love should be elevated before understanding the power of the Divine Love and how she penetrates the soul of the believer and transforms his inner world;

e) In addition, in the redemptive death of the Savior there is a party outside the human world, namely: the battle between God and Gordy Dennica occurred on the cross, in which God, hiding under the guise of a weak flesh, came out the winner. The details of this spiritual battle and the Divine Victory remain a secret for us. Even angels, according to the AP. Peter, do not fully understand the secret of redemption (1 Peter. 1:12). She is a sealed book that only the Lamb of God could reveal (from. 5: 1-7)).

In Orthodox ascetic, there is such a thing as the carry of his cross, that is, the patient performance of Christian commandments throughout the life of a Christian. All difficulties, both external and internal, are referred to as "Cross." Everyone carries their life cross. The Lord said to the need for a personal feat of the Lord: " Who does not take his cross (evades the feat) and follows me (calls himself a Christian), that inadequate me"(Matt. 10:38).

« Cross keeper of the whole universe. The cross is the beauty of the church, the cross of the kings of the Power, the cross is faithful to the statement, cross the angel of Glory, the cross of the demons of the ulcer"," Approves the absolute truth of the holiday of the exaltation of the life-giving cross.

The motives of the outrageous desecration and saint of the holy cross conscious crusading and crosses are quite explained. But when we see Christians drawn into this vigilant case, it is impossible to be silent, because - according to the word of St. Vasily the Great - "God aroused silence"!

Differences of the Catholic and Orthodox Cross

Thus, there are the following differences in the Catholic Cross from the Orthodox:

Catholic Cross Orthodox Cross
  1. Orthodox cross Most often has an eight-pointed or six-pointed form. Catholic cross - four-sided.
  2. Words on a tablet on crosses are the same, only written in different languages: Latin Inri (in the case of the Catholic Cross) and Slavic-Russian Ihtsi. (on the Orthodox Cross).
  3. Another principal position is position of the legs on crucifixes and the number of nails. The legs of Jesus Christ are located together on a Catholic crucifixion, and each is nailed separately on the Orthodox Cross.
  4. Various is image of the Savior on the Cross. At the Orthodox Cross, God, who discovered the path to eternal life, was depicted, and on a Catholic man, who experienced flour.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

Among all Christians, only Orthodox and Catholics, reveal crosses and icons. Crosses decorate the dome of churches, their homes, wear on the neck.

The reason why a man wears a native cross, each has its own. Someone thus gives tribute to fashion, for someone, a cross is a beautiful jewelry, someone he brings good luck and is used as a talisman. But there are those for whom the native crossed as the baptism is really a symbol of their infinite faith.

Today, stores and church benches offer a wide variety of crosses of various shapes. However, very often not only parents gathered to baptize the child, but also sellers consultants cannot clarify where the Orthodox cross, and where the Catholic, although to distinguish them, in fact, is very simple. In the Catholic tradition - a quadrangular cross, with three nails. In Orthodoxy there are four-end crosses, six and eight-pointed, with four nails for hands and legs.

Form of the Cross

Four-pointed cross

So, in the West, the most common is four-pointed cross. Starting from the III century, when, for the first time, such crosses appeared in Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East and today uses this shape of the cross as even to everyone else.

Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross

For Orthodoxy, the shape of the cross does not have much importance, much more attention is paid to what is depicted on it, but the greatest popularity was obtained by eight-pointed and six-pointed crosses.

Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross The most corresponds to the historically reliable form of the cross, on which Christ was already crucified. The Orthodox Cross, which is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches, contains, except for a large horizontal crossbar, two more. The top symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with the inscription " Jesus Nazarenin, King Jewish"(INCI, or INRI in Latin). The lower slanting of the crossbar - the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes "Merilo Righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repentable robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) hit the paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his own degree of Christ, even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got in hell. The letters of IC HC are a Christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Saint Dimitri Rostovsky writes that " when Christ, the Lord on his shoulders wore the cross then the cross was still four-pointed; Because there was no Title on it, nor foot. There was no foot, because Christ was not raised on the cross and warriors, not knowing what the legs of Christ would get, did not attach the foot, finished it already on Calvary". There was also no Title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the Gospel reports, first " crucified it"(John 19:18), and then only" Pilate wrote an inscription and put on the cross"(John 19:19). It was first that lots were shared by the "clothes" of the warriors " attaching it"(Matt. 27:35), and only then" put over his head his inscription, meaning the blame of him: this is Jesus, the king of the Jewish"(Matt. 27:37).

The eight-pointed cross for a long time is considered the most powerful protective agent from various kinds of non-fat, as well as visible and invisible evil.

Six-pin cross

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially in the days of ancient Russia, also had six-pin cross. It also has inclined crossbinds: the lower end symbolizes an unrecorded sin, and the upper is released by repentance.

However, all his power is not in the form of the cross or the number of ends. The cross is famous for the power of the crucified Christ on it, and all the symbolism and the miraculousness of it in this.

The manifold of the forms of the cross has always been recognized by the Church is quite natural. According to the expression of the Reverend Feodor Studit - " cross every form there is a true cross"And has unearthly beauty and life-giving power.

« There is no significant difference between Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, as between any other crosses used in the Hristians. In essence, all crosses are the same, differences only in form"Says Serbian Patriarch Irina.


In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, there is no particular importance to the shape of the cross, but the image of Jesus Christ on it.

Until the IX century, the Christ was inclusive on the cross not only alive, resurrected, but also triumphant, and only in the century images of the Dead Christ appeared.

Yes, we know that Christ died on the cross. But we know that then he was resurrected, and that he suffered voluntarily from love for people: to teach us to take care of the immortal soul; So that we can also resurrect and live forever. In the Orthodox crucifixion, this Easter joy is always present. Therefore, in the Orthodox Cross, Christ does not die, and freely extends his hands, the palm of Jesus is open, as if he wants to hug all mankind, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is not a dead body, but God, and his whole image speaks about it.

The Orthodox Cross over the main horizontal crossbar there is another, smaller, which symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with an objection. Because Pontius Pilate did not find how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words appeared on the plate " Jesus Norazhai King Jewish"In three languages: Greek, Latin and Aramaus. On Latin in Catholicism This inscription has the view Inri, and in Orthodoxy - Ihtsi. (either Іnhі, "іisus Nazaryanin, king of the іudia"). The lower oblique the crossbar symbolizes the footrest. It also symbolizes two robbers, crucified to the left and right from Christ. One of them was redeemed in his sins before his death, for which he was awarded the kingdom of heaven. The other is the same before the death of Hoolil and poured his executioners and Christ.

Absorption is placed above the middle crossbar: "IC" "xs" - the name of Jesus Christ; And under it: "NIKA" - Winner.

On the cross of the Savior Savior, the Greek letters have written UNMeaning - "True Summer", because " God said Moses: I AM IM"(Ex. 3:14), opening its own name, expressing self-esteem, eternity and immutability of the beings of God.

In addition, nails were kept in Orthodox Byzantium, which the Lord was nailed to the cross. And it was exactly known that their four, and not three. Therefore, on Orthodox crosses, Christ's legs are nailed with two nails, each separately. The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, first appeared, as an innovation, in the West in the second half of the XIII century.

Orthodox crucifixion Catholic crucifix

In a Catholic crucifixion, the image of Christ has naturalistic features. Catholics depict Christ dead, sometimes with blood streams on his face, from wounds on hands, legs and rhers ( stigmata). It manifests all human suffering, flour, which had to experience Jesus. His hands are kept under the severity of the body. The image of Christ on the Catholic Cross is believable, but this is an image of a dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. Crucifixion in Orthodoxy just symbolizes this celebration. In addition, the legs of the Savior are nailed with one nail.

The meaning of the death of the Savior

The emergence of the Christian Cross is associated with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which he accepted on the cross on the forced sentence of Pittius Pilate. The crucifixion on the cross was a common way to execute in an ancient Rome borrowed from Carthaginian - descendants of the Phoenician colonists (it is believed that the crucifixion was used for the first time in Phenicia). Usually, the robbers sentenced to death on the cross; Many early Christians who were persecuted, starting with the times of Nero, were also executed in this way.

Crucifixion on the Cross in Romans

Before the sufferings of Christ, the cross was a shame and terrible punishment. After his sufferings, he became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, life over death, a reminder of the infinite God's love, the subject of joy. The embodied son of God, his blood consecrated the cross and made him the guide of his grace, the source of consecration of believers.

From the Orthodox dogma of the cross (or redemption) undoubtedly follows the thought that the death of the Lord is the redemption of all, vocation of all nations. Only the cross, unlike other executions, gave the opportunity to Jesus Christ to die with open hands calling on all ends of the Earth (Isa. 45:22).

Reading the Gospel, we are convinced that the god feat of the Bohemian is a central event in his earthly life. He washed away by his sins with his own suffering, covered our duty before God or, in the language of Scripture, we were "redeemed" (bought). In Calvary hidden, incomprehensible the mystery of the endless truth and love of God.

The Son of God voluntarily took the guilt of all people and suffered for her shameful and painful death on the cross; Then the third day was resurrected as a winner of hell and death.

Why did such a terrible victim need to cleanse the sins of mankind and did you exist to save people to others less painful?

The Christian doctrine of the godfather's death death is often the "stumbling block" for people with the already established religious philosophical concepts. With many Jews and people of the Greek culture of apostolic times, the statement was controversial that the almighty and eternal god went to Earth in the form of a mortal man, voluntarily underwent a beat, debris and shameful death that this feat could bring the spiritual benefit to humanity. " It's impossible!"- objected one; " It's not needed!"- Approved by others.

St. Apostle Paul in his message to Corinthians says: " Christ sent me not to baptize, but to gnaw, not in the wisdom of the word, so as not to abolish the Cross of Christ. For the word about the cross for perishing people is eruption, but for us, saved, is the power of God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise men, and the mind of reasonable rejection. Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the joint state of the century? Did God dough the wisdom of this world in madness? For when the world, his wisdom, he did not know God in the wisdom of God, it was well-known to be the scientific of preaching to save believers. For and Jews require miracles, and Elleina are looking for wisdom; And we preach the crucified Christ, for the Jews temptation, and for Elle Rooms, the madness, for themselves called, Jews and Eller, Christ, God and God's wisdom"(1 Cor. 1: 17-24).

In other words, the apostle explained that the fact that in Christianity some was perceived as temptation and madness, in fact, is the case of the greatest divine wisdom and omnipotence. The truth of the redemptive death and the resurrection of the Savior is the foundation for many other Christian truths, for example, to consecrate the believers, about the sacraments, about the meaning of suffering, about the virtues, about the feat, about the purpose of life, about the upcoming court and resurrection of the dead and others.

At the same time, the redeeming death of Christ, being an event in an inexplicable in the concepts of earthly logic, and even "seductive for dying," has a reviving force that the believer hearts feel and seeks. The updated and warmed by this spiritual force, with trepidation bowed to Calval as the last slaves and the most powerful kings; Like dark ignoramuses and the greatest scientists. After the descent of St. The Spirit of the Apostles with personal experiences were convinced of what great spiritual benefits would bring them the redeeming death and resurrection of the Savior, and they were shared by this experience with their disciples.

(The secret of the redeeming of humanity is closely related to a number of important religious and psychological factors. Therefore, to clarify the secrecy of redemption.

a) understand what the sinful damage of the person actually consists and the weakening of his will to resist evil;

b) It is necessary to understand how the devilish will, thanks to sin, was able to influence and even captive the human will;

c) It is necessary to understand the mysterious power of love, its ability to positively influence the person and ennoble him. At the same time, if love is most revealing himself in the sacrificial ministry, then, it is undoubted that the return of his life is the highest manifestation of love;

d) from understanding the power of human love should be elevated before understanding the power of the Divine Love and how she penetrates the soul of the believer and transforms his inner world;

e) In addition, in the redemptive death of the Savior there is a party outside the human world, namely: the battle between God and Gordy Dennica occurred on the cross, in which God, hiding under the guise of a weak flesh, came out the winner. The details of this spiritual battle and the Divine Victory remain a secret for us. Even angels, according to the AP. Peter, do not fully understand the secret of redemption (1 Peter. 1:12). She is a sealed book that only the Lamb of God could reveal (from. 5: 1-7)).

In Orthodox ascetic, there is such a thing as the carry of his cross, that is, the patient performance of Christian commandments throughout the life of a Christian. All difficulties, both external and internal, are referred to as "Cross." Everyone carries their life cross. The Lord said to the need for a personal feat of the Lord: " Who does not take his cross (evades the feat) and follows me (calls himself a Christian), that inadequate me"(Matt. 10:38).

« Cross keeper of the whole universe. The cross is the beauty of the church, the cross of the kings of the Power, the cross is faithful to the statement, cross the angel of Glory, the cross of the demons of the ulcer"," Approves the absolute truth of the holiday of the exaltation of the life-giving cross.

The motives of the outrageous desecration and saint of the holy cross conscious crusading and crosses are quite explained. But when we see Christians drawn into this vigilant case, it is impossible to be silent, because - according to the word of St. Vasily the Great - "God aroused silence"!

Differences of the Catholic and Orthodox Cross

Thus, there are the following differences in the Catholic Cross from the Orthodox:

Catholic Cross Orthodox Cross
  1. Orthodox cross Most often has an eight-pointed or six-pointed form. Catholic cross - four-sided.
  2. Words on a tablet on crosses are the same, only written in different languages: Latin Inri (in the case of the Catholic Cross) and Slavic-Russian Ihtsi. (on the Orthodox Cross).
  3. Another principal position is position of the legs on crucifixes and the number of nails. The legs of Jesus Christ are located together on a Catholic crucifixion, and each is nailed separately on the Orthodox Cross.
  4. Various is image of the Savior on the Cross. At the Orthodox Cross, God, who discovered the path to eternal life, was depicted, and on a Catholic man, who experienced flour.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

On the cross we see God crucified. But life is mysterious in the crucifixion itself, just as many future ears fall in wheat grain. Therefore, the Cross of the Lord is revered by Christians as a "lively tree", that is, a tree, giving life. Without a crucifix, there would be no resurrection of Christ, and therefore the cross from the execution of execution appealed to the shrine in which the grace of God acts.

Orthodox icon painters are depicted near the cross those who relentlessly accompanied the Lord during his godfall: and the Apostle John the Theologian is a beloved student of the Savior.

And the skull in the foot of the cross is a symbol of death, which entered the world through the crime of the progenitor Adam and Eve. According to legend, Adam was buried on Calvary - on a hill in the vicinity of Jerusalem, where many centuries later crucified Christ. God's fishery, the Cross of Christ was installed just above the grave of Adam. The Honest Blood of the Lord, spilled on Earth, reached the remains of the progenitor. She destroyed the original sin of Adamov and freed his descendants from slavery.

The cross is the church (in the form of an image, subject or procession) - the symbol (image) of human salvation by the Divine grace (image) of human salvation, recovering us to his primitiveness - to the crucifixed Godchovel, adopting cross death For the sake of redemption of the human race from the power of sin and death.

Honor of the Cross of the Lord, is inextricably linked with the atoning victim of the Bohemian of Jesus Christ. Honed cross orthodox Christian Putting a worship to God himself to the word, who had learned to come true and elect a cross with a sign of victory over sin and death, reconciliation and connecting a person with God, to give the new, transformed grace of the Holy Spirit of Life.
Therefore, the image of the cross is filled with a special fertile strength, for through the crucifixion of the Savior, the fullness of the grace of the Holy Spirit is revealed, which is reported to all truly believers in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ.

"The crucifixion of Christ is the action of free divine love, this is the action of the free will of the Savior of Christ, who gives himself to death so that others can live - live eternal life, live with God.
And this whole is a cross, because, ultimately, love, loyalty, loyalty is not tested by words, not even life, but by the return of your life; Not only death, but with renunciation of himself so complete, so perfect that only love remains: the godfather, the sacrificial, who gives himself love, dying and death to itself in order to live. "

"The image of the cross shows the reconciliation and the Commonwealth, which man joined with God. Therefore and demons are afraid of the cross of the cross, and they do not to see the sign of the cross and even in the air, but they run away from this immediately, knowing that the cross is the sign of the Commonwealth of the people with God and that they, like apostates and enemies to God, removed from his divine face , have no more freedom to approach those, Koi reconciled with God and connected with him, and cannot more tempt them. If it seems that they are tempted by some Christians, yes, everyone knows that they are fighting those who were not known as the high sacrament of the cross. "

"... It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that every person on his life path should raise his own cross. Crosses countless, but only my doctor my ulcers, only mine will be in salvation, and only my I will carry with God, for it gives me the Lord himself. How would not be mistaken, how not to take the cross in their arbitrariness, the arbitrariness, which first and foremost should be crucified on the cross of selflessness?! Self-dollar feat - this is a homemade crossAnd the incarnation of such a cross is always ends with a drop of great.
And what does his cross mean? This means to go through life on your way, stacked for every fishery of God, and on this way to raise precisely those sorrow that the Lord will consist (gave vows of monastics - do not look for marriage, it is connected by family - do not strive for freedom from children and spouses.) Not Look for big sorrows and feats than those that are on your life path, is pride to knock down from the road. Do not look for liberation and from those sorrels and works that they are sent to you - this is a self-amendance with a cross.
Its cross means content to be content with the fact that according to your forces. The spirit of the self-priority will call you to unbearable. Do not believe Llander.
As diverse in life and grief, the temptations that the Lord sends us for our healing of our, what a difference in people and in the bodily power and health itself, as diverse and our sinful weakness.
Yes, each person has its own cross. And this His cross is commanded to each Christian to take with selflessness and follow Christ. And to follow Christ is to explore the Holy Gospel so that only it has become an active leader in carrying our vital cross. The mind, heart and body by all their movements and actions, explicit and secret, should serve and express the saving truths of Christ's teachings. And all this means that I am deep and sincerely aware of the doctor's power and justify the court of God, I have to me. And then my cross becomes the Cross of the Lord. "

"It should be worshiped and read not only that one life-giving cross, which was crucified by Christ, but also every cross created in the image and likeness of the life-giving Cross of Christ. It should be worshiped, as the one, on which Christ was bezed. After all, where the cross is depicted, from any substance, - there comes grace and consecration from the god of our heavily on the cross. "

"The cross without love can not think and represent: where is the cross, there is love; In the church you are everywhere and see the crosses, in order for everything to remind you that you are in the temple of the God of love, in the Temple of Love, crucified for us. "

Three cross treated in Calvary. All people in their lives carry some cross, whose symbol is one of the Calval Crosses. Few saints, elected friends of God, carry the Cross of Christ. Some have encountered the Cross of the Robber Robbing, the Cross of Repentance, who led to salvation. And many, unfortunately, carry the cross of that robber, who was and remained a prodigal son, because he did not want to bring repentance. We want this or not, but we are all "robbers". We will try to at least become "prudent robber."

archimandrite Netary (Antenopulos)

Church Services Cross Lord

In the meaning of this "applied", and you will see that something is something that does not allow another kind of death, except for the cross. What is the reason for this? One Paul, admired in the Pointers of Paradise and heard in them inevitable verbs, can express her ... can interpret this mystery of the cross, as partly and did it in the message to Ephesians: "So that you can comprehend with all the holys that latitude and longitude, and Depth and height, and urgently superior to the wise of the love of Christ, so that you will be fulfilled by the fullness of God "(). Not arbitrarily, of course, the divine eye of the apostle contemplates and inscribes the image of the cross here, but it already shows that the eyes wonderfully peeled from the darkness clearly clearly turned into the very essence. For in the outlined, consisting of four opposite crossbars overlooking the common focus, he sees a comprehensive power and a wondrous industry of the one who favored the world in him. That is why the apostle of each of the parts of this outline absorbs the special name, namely: the one that descends from the middle, calls the depth, going up - height, both transverse - lard and longitude. This, as it seems to me, it seems clearly to express that everything that neither is in the universe, above if heaven, in the underworld, or on earth from one edge to another, - all this lives and dwells in Divine Will - under the oxide Great.

You can still contemplate the Divine and in Your Soul Presentations: Reviews to the sky and the mind of both hell, send your mental look from one edge of the Earth to the other, thoughts and about that mighty focus, which all this connects and contains, and then in your soul Self itself will imagine the outline of the cross, stretching its ends from top to bottom and from one edge of the earth to another. This outline was the great David, when he spoke about himself: "Where can I go from your spirit, and from your face where I escape? Whether to go to the sky (this is height) - you are there; Will you go to hell (this is the depth) - and there you are. Whether the wings of the dawn (that is, from the east of the Sun is a latitude) and move on the edge of the sea (and the Jews called the West - it's a longitude), - and there your hand will lead me "(). Do you see how David depicts a cross inscription here? "You," he says to God, "there you exist everywhere, everyone is associated with everything and all contain. You are at the top and you down, your hand is on holiday and your hand one. " For the same reason, the Divine Apostle says that at this time, when everything is filled with faith and maintenance. The only name will be called and worshiping the name of Jesus Christ from Heavenly, Earth and Humanwood (;). In my opinion, the mystery of the cross is also hidden in another "yother" (if we consider it with the top transverse feature), which is stronger than the heavens and the harder land and the stronger of all things and about which the Savior says: "Doc not let the sky and the earth, none Yota or none of the feature will not deal with the law "(). It seems to me that these divine words mean mysterious and gdessing () to show that the cross is all contained in the world and that he is an annual content of the entire contents.
For these reasons, the Lord did not just say: "The Son of Human to die", but "be crucified", that is, that is, in order to show the most contemplative theologians to show that in the image of the cross is hidden, the almighty force that has so much on it and the fraud So that the cross becomes everything in everything!

If the death of our Jesus Christ is the redemption of everyone, if his death is destroyed by the mediastinity of the barrier and the vocation of peoples is committed, how would he call us if it were not crucified? For in one cross underwent death with open hands. And because the Lord needed to undergo the death of this kind, spread his hands to bring the ancient people with one hand, and the other - pagans, and both gather together. For himself he, showing which death will redeek everyone, predicted: "And when I am ascended from the ground, I will attract everyone" ()

Jesus Christ did not undergo either the death of John - with the cut-off of the head, nor the death of Isaiah - pinpoint saw, so that in death the body was preserved not dissected, to take away the occasion to those who would dare to divide them.

As the four ends of the cross are binding and connected in the center, so God's power is also contained and the height, depth, and longitude, and latitude, that is, all visible and invisible creature.

All parts of the world have been rescued by the parts of the cross.

Who will not die, looking at the wanderer, so poorly returning to his home! He was visiting us; We gave him the first night in a stall between animals, then spent it to Egypt to the people idolat. He did not have anyone to browse his head, "came to his own, and did not accept him" (). Now they sent him on the road with a heavy cross: they laid his heavy burden of our sins on his shoulders. "And, carrying his cross, he went into place, called the frontal" (), holding "all the word of his power" (). True Isaac is caring - a tree, which should be sacrificed. Grave cross! Under the weight of the cross falls on the road strong in the firewall, "the Muscle Holding Muscle" (). Many cried, but Christ says: "Don't cry about me" (): This cross on the shoulders have power, there is a key that I am a heating from the prisoners of the hellish doors, "do not cry". "Issahar ass Strong, lying between water flows; And he saw that she was good, and that the Earth was pleasant: and kept his shoulders for carrying the burden "(). "The man comes to his business" (). It carries the throne of his bishop to bless with him all parts of the world. It turns out on the field of Isau, taking onions and arrows to get and bring game, "catch fishing" father (). The Savior is coming out by the Savior, taking the cross instead of Luke to "catch fishing" to attract us all. "And when I will be ascended from the ground, everyone will attract to him" (). It comes out of Moses, takes a rod. The cross his own, stretches his hands, shares the cherry sea of \u200b\u200bpassions, translates us from death to life, and a devil. As Pharaoh, swears in the abyss of hellish.

Cross - truth sign

The cross is the sign of the wisdom of spiritual, Christian, godfather and strong, as a good weapon, for the spiritual wisdom, the godfather, there are weapons against the opposing church, as the apostle says: "For the word about the cross for perishing people is, and for us, rescued, - power God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise men, and the mind of reasonable reject ", and further:" ELLINA is looking for wisdom; And we preach Christ crucified ... God's power and God's wisdom "().

Two-wisdom lives in the Middle Kingdom of people: the wisdom of this world, which was, for example, in the Ellen philosophers who do not know God, and the wisdom of the spiritual, what is she in Christians. Moorish wisdom is madness before God: "Did God drew the wisdom of this world in madness?" - says the apostle (); The spiritual wisdom is revered by madness by the world: "For the Jews, temptation, and for ELLINOV madness" (). Mirous wisdom - weak weapons, powerless militia, weak courage. But what a spiritual wisdom weapon is seen from the words of the Apostle: the weapons of the military of our ... severe God for the destruction of solid "(); And the "Word of God's vivid and effectively and the sharper of every sword of a double-edged" ().

The way and the sign of worldly Ellinskaya wisdom are Somomorrian apples, which it is narrating that they are beautiful, inside their dust smoldering. The cross of Christian spiritual wisdom is the sign and the sign of Christian spiritual wisdom, because they are revealed and no matter how the treasures of the wisdom and the mind of God are open. The wisdom is Mirskaya - the dust, and the word of the godf

Cross - the sign of the future immortality

Cross - the sign of the future immortality.

Everything that was accomplished on the tree of the godfather was the healing of our gentlemen, returning the Old Adam there, where he was illegal, and leading to the tree of life, from which the fruit of the trees of knowledge was deleted from which it was unreasonable. Therefore, the tree for the tree and the hands of the hand, the hands, courageously prostrate, - by the hand, unemployed, the hands are degraded - by the hand, spent by Adam. Therefore, the ascension to the cross - for falling, bile - for bile, the thorns of the crown - for thin dominion, death for death, darkness - for the burial and return to the ground for light.

As sin entered the world through wood fetus and salvation - through the tresh of the godfather.

Jesus Christ, exterminating that the disobedience of Adam, who first accomplished through the tree, was "obedient even to death, and the death of the godfather" (). Or otherwise: then the gravestone, which was committed through the tree, healed by obedience perfect on the tree.

You have an honest tree - the cross of the Lord, who, if you wish, you can use the bitter water of your own.

The cross is the line of divine care about our salvation, it is a great victory, it is a trophy, erected by suffering, it is the crown of holidays.

"And I do not want to boast, unless the cross of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, whom the world crucifates for me, and I for the world" (). When the Son of God appeared on Earth and when the corrupted world could not bear his sinlessness, unparalleled virtue and accurate freedom and, condemning this holy face on a shameful death, nailed to the cross, then the cross became a new sign. He became an altar, for the great victim of our deliverance was brought on it. He became a divine altar, for he frozen the invaluable lambraid. He became a throne, for he overtakes from all his deeds the great Messenger of God. He became the rapid sign of the Lord forces, for "led on the one that was pierced" (). And these piercing nothing for nothing recognize him as soon as he saw this sign of the Son of Human. In this sense, we have a respect to disappear not only on the very tree, which is consecrated by touching the preching body, but also for any other, which is the same image, not tieting our respect to the substance of the tree or gold and silver, but relating to himself Savior, on him who committed our salvation. And this cross was not so much so much for him, how much relieved and saving for us. His burden is our calmness; His feats are our reward; His sweat is our relief; His tears are our cleansing; His wounds is our healing; His suffering is our consolation; His blood is our redemption; His cross is our entrance to paradise; His death is our life.

Plato, Metropolitan Moscow (105, 335-341).

There is no other key that would clarify the gate to the kingdom of God, except the Cross of Christ

Outside the Cross of Christ there is no Christian succeeding

Alas, my Lord! You are on the cross - I'm drowning in pleasure and thief. You will hurt for me on the cross ... I'm lying around, in relaxation, looking everywhere and in all calm

My Lord! My Lord! Give me to urge the meaning of your cross, attract me to your crosses of your fate ...

About worshiping the cross

Prayer Cross is a poetic form of appeal to the one who crucified on the cross.

"The word about the cross for perishing people is eruption, and for us, saved, is the power of God" (). For "the spiritual judges about everything, and the mental person does not accept the fact that from the Spirit of God" (). For it is madness for those who are not taken with faith and do not think about the goodness and omnipotence of God, but divine cases are examined by human and natural reasoning, because everything that belongs to God, above the nature and mind, and thoughts. And if anyone becomes weighed: how God brought everything out of non-existence into Genesis and for what, and if he wanted to comprehend it through natural reasoning, he would not comprehend. For this knowledge is spiritual and demonskoe. If someone, guided by faith, take into account that the deity is a good and almighty, and true, and wise, and righteous, he will find everything smooth and smooth and direct. For it is impossible to save outside the faith, because everything, both human and spiritual, is based on faith. For without faith, neither the farmer cuts the grooves of the Earth, nor the merchant on a small tree entrusts his soul to the launched abyss of the sea; Neither marriage, nor anything else in life. I think we understand that everything is made of non-existence in Genesis of God; Faithfully committing all things - both divine and human. Faith, further, there is an unlocked approval.

Every, of course, the act and the miracleness of Christ is very great and divinely, and amazing, but the most amazing thing is honest cross. For death is expelled, the progenitarian sin was destroyed, Hell was robbed, the resurrection was granted, given to us to despise the present and even the very death, the initial bliss was returned, the gates of Paradise, our nature village was open, we became children of God and the heirs not through the other that, and Through the Cross of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. For all this is arranged through the cross: "We, we, having broken in Christ Jesus, says the apostle, - he was baptized into death" (). "All of you, in Christ those who are silent, in Christ enjoyed" (). And further: Christ is God's power and God's wisdom (). Here is the death of Christ, or the cross, dressed us in the Hipostasic wisdom and power. The power of God is the word Great or because the power of God opened through it, that is, the victory over death, or because, just like the four end of the cross, connecting in the center, firmly and firmly bind firmly and through force God is also contained height, depth, and length, and latitude, that is, all visible and invisible creature.

The cross is given to us as a sign on the brow, like Israel - circumcision. For through it, we, faithful, vary from incorrect and recognize. He is a shield and a weapon, and a monument to victory over the devil. He is a stamp, in order not to touch us the extermination, as Scripture says (). He - lying uprising, standing support, weak staff, Pasomy rod, returning leadership, successful way to perfection, souls and bodies Salvation, deviation from all sorts of angry, all sorts of blessing the culprit, sin of extermination, sprout of resurrection, the tree of life eternal.

So, the most tremendous, precious in truth and expensive, in which Christ brought himself sacrificing for us as a consecrated touch and holy body, and the holy blood, should naturally worship; Similarly, and nails, pucks, clothes and holy housing - nursery, Vertay, Calvary, Saving Life-giving coffin, Zionu - the head of churches, and the like, as Bogotets says David: "Let's go to the dwelling of him, bowing to the foot of his legs." And that he will understand the cross, shows what it says: "Become, Lord, at your place of peace" (). For the cross follows the resurrection. For if the house is lined with, and the bed, and the clothes of those whom we love, how much more is that belongs to God and the Savior, through what we are saved!

We worship the same way and the image of an honest and life-giving cross, at least it was made from a different substance; Worship, honor is not a substance (so it will not!), But the image, as a symbol of Christ. For he, making the will to his disciples, said: "Then the sign of the Son of Human in the sky will appear" (), of course. Therefore, the Angel of the Resurrection said wives: "Jesus is looking for Nazarenin, crucified" (). And the apostle: "We preach the crucified" (). Although many of Christ and Jesus, but one is crucified. He did not say: "Pierced by a spear", but: "Crupical". Therefore, should worship the sign of Christ. For where there will be a sign, there will be it myself. The substance from which the image of the cross is, at least it was gold or precious stones, after the destruction of the image, if this happened, should not worship. So, all of what is dedicated to God, we worship, referring to Him himself.

The tree of life, planted by God in Paradise, prevailing this honest cross. For since death entered through the via the Tree, it was supposed to be given life and resurrection through the tree. The first Jacob, bowing to the end of the rod of Joseph, by means of the image, and, blessing to his sons with changed hands (), he quite clearly drawn the sign of the Cross. The same was the rod of Moiseyev, the crucifably struck the sea and saved Israel, and Pharaoh Sherry; Hands, Cross-shaped AMALIKA arranged and escape; Bitter Water delivered by the tree, and rock, torn and pouring sources; Rod, acquiring Aaron, the dignity of priesthood; Zmiy on the tree, ascended in the form of a trophy, as if he was killed when the tree healed those who looked at the dead enemy with faith, just like Christ the flesh, who did not know sin, was heard for sin. The Great Moses says: You will see that your life will hang on the tree before you (). Isaiah: "Every day I stretched my hands to the people of the recalcitrant, who went to unkind, according to his thoughts" (). Oh, if we, who twisted him (that is, a cross), got the lot in Christ, which was crucified! "

Rev. John Damaskin. Accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith.


Christian (Orthodox) is a native cross - a symbol of faith that a person gets at the time of his admission to faith - baptism and bears in his own will all his life until the last of his earthly days. He is intended to protect, protect from the troubles and misfortunes, carry inspiration and remind of the essence of faith.

Cross has ancient historyHe appeared long before Christianity in different cultures: Eastern, Chinese Indian and others. Archaeologists find the ancient penetration of the cross in the rock paintings of the Cabs of Scandinavia, Easter Islands, in India, Japan ....

The cross personifies the great equilibrium, harmony in the universe, carries a deep secret meaning of knowledge accumulated by our ancient ancestors. Sacred (hidden deep) The value of the cross acquired after it was crucified by Jesus Christ.

There are people who wear a cross as an ornament, like a tribute to fashion, while not counting themselves believers. Is it forbable? Of course not, for such a person a cross and will perform the role of decoration, perfectly deprived of the meaning of those things that we marked above.

What is the difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic

The eight-spin cross with the ancient people is considered the most powerful protective guard from the unclean, and all sorts of evil. Although the hex is also widely used.

It is the opinion that Catholics and Orthodox are different forms at the cross. How to distinguish the Cross Orthodox from Catholic? In general, such a question in the Orthodox believing should not be, since any form of the cross is acceptable for such a believer. Rev. Fedor Studit wrote:

"There is a true cross every form."

And let the shape and meaning of the cross changed over the centuries, some attributes were added, but since he accepted Christ's victim, he became a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

About how this symbol is important for every believer, the Lord himself said:

« Who does not take his cross (evades the feat) and follows me (calls himself a Christian), that inadequate me"(Matt. 10:38). -24).

Serbian Patriarch Irina says so:

« There is no significant difference between Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, as between any other crosses used in the Hristians. In essence, all crosses are the same, differences only in form».

And what is the meaning of all the edges of the cross and what do they mean?

Orthodox more often worn crops six-pointed, when the lower crossbar was added, symbolizing the "measured righteous": on one cup of scales - sins, to another - righteous acts.

For orthodox form The native cross should not matter much more important is the information that is indicated on it.

  • The inscription "Jesus Nazarenan Tsar Judaisky" on crosses are the same, only written in different languages: at the Catholic Latin font "INRI", in the Orthodox - Slavic-Russian "IHTSI". Sometimes it has such a form "IC" "XS" - the name of Jesus Christ;
  • Often on the back of the cross is the inscription "Save and Save".
  • At the very bottom, sometimes elsewhere you can see the inscription "Nika" - which means the winner.

  • One more a distinctive feature It is the position of the legs on crucifixes and the number of nails. The legs of Jesus Christ are located together on the Catholic crucifixion, and each individually is nailed on the Orthodox Cross.
  • Western Christians (Catholics) depict Jesus exhausted and the dead for them is a man. For Orthodox Jesus is God and man in one person, his crucifixes most often has a flat image. Catholics make it more voluminous.
  • Catholics on the head of Jesus a thorns wreath, the Orthodox head is not covered.

But I repeat once again, in fact, all these differences are not so significant.

And yet, choosing a cross and a child, give preference to the one that without crucifixion. With all the love of Jesus and grateful and worship, remember that the energy of pain and suffering was enclosed in the crucifixion, which presses on your soul and heart chakra, filling your life with your life. Think .... Look at this video:

And remember that the cross is just a symbol of faith, and he cannot replace faith itself.