
What do parts of the Orthodox Cross mean. Orthodox Cross: value, shape, symbolism

Tracks and paving

The cross is one of the most ancient religious symbols in the world. In ancient Egypt, people read it with a ring at the top, which is called anch. For the ancient Egyptians, he symbolized life and still used in the Coptic Church. In Assyria, one of the attributes of the Sun of the Sun Ashura is the cross enclosed in the ring. In Babylon, also read this symbol for God Heaven - Ana. Archaeological excavations confirm that the crosses used even in pagan beliefs.

Cross and his varieties

In astrology, there is a concept about this symbol. Astrologers divide twelve signs of the zodiac into three groups for which a certain kind of cross is characteristic:

  • Cardinal - Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn.
  • Permanent (Cherubic) - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.
  • Movable - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Fish.

The world has a huge number of different options for the image of the symbol. The most common species are:

  • egyptian;
  • greek;
  • maltese;
  • twelve council;
  • christian;


The very first is famous peace The cross is an ancient Egyptian symbol of anne's life. No one still can say with confidence where this symbol appeared and its exact value. Until now, there are disputes in the scientific historical world on this issue. IN ancient Egypt This hieroglyph was decorated with amulets, dwellings and temples. And the anch was the attribute of the ancient Egyptian gods, which were often portrayed with this symbol in their hands. Usually anx call the nile key or the key of life.


It is two identical crossbars crossed at right angles. He was a symbol of the God of the Sun and personifies the four elements - the earth, air, fire and water. Currently this sign is used as designation international Movement Red Cross. For the construction of temples and churches in the Byzantine style, a composition in the form of a Greek cross, for example, the Church of Christ the Savior, is very often used.


This symbol has an equilateral shape of the eight-pointed cross and belonged to the knights - hospital. Another name is ionites, these people were knights of the Roman Catholic Church in Palestine from 1099. Their task was the help of the poor and the protection of the Holy Land. Maltese symbol is often called the St. George Cross.


Represents the Slavic Sign of the Sun, which is executed in the form of crossed in the middle of the lines and with crossbars on each ray prisoners in the circle. He served as an evil and misfortune.


Christianity inherited the symbol after the execution of Jesus Christ through the crucifixion. At that time it was the most common execution in ancient Rome and sentenced to her murderers and robbers. And since the reign of Emperor Nero, it is so beginning to execute the first Christians. According to the ancient legend, the apostle Peter demanded that he was crucified her head, he considered himself unworthy to die like Jesus Christ.

Crosses in the Russian Orthodox Tradition

To understand which Orthodox crosses, species and meanings for a believer, it is necessary to refer to the history of the Church. Small native CrossiR - symbol orthodox manwhich is always wears on the chest under clothes. The cross is not accepted by the deposit, following the example of ancient Christians who feared the persecution and hid their faith from the pagans.

Sometimes people do not understand what the Orthodox cross means a person who believes in God's God, and meanwhile wearing a native cross symbolizes involvement in faith and creates protection from the devilish goat. Those who had to be in the temple and go to confession, know that the father is always wondering, wears a man with a cross or not.

Native Cross

The most common form of the Orthodox cross is eight-pointed. Another form is called the Cross of Saint Lazarus or Byzantine. It is two crossed lines with a displacement of the horizontal crossbar above the center vertical and two small cross. One above horizontal line and denotes a sign (titulus) with the phrase "Jesus Christ, Tsar Jewish", which was written in three languages \u200b\u200b- Greek, Latin and Arama. The oblique line is located at the bottom of the cross and is a table for the legs, one end she points out the paradise, and the other hell.

Often you can see image of Jesus, Virgin Mary, Apostles, the word Nick (Victory) and Skull Adam. According to legend, Calvary, the place of execution of Christ, is the grave of the first man of Adam, who ordered people to death. Thus, Christ tramples the skull and death itself, opening people entry into life eternal. During Easter worship, this is confirmed in the chanting: "Death Death Determining and Identifying the Globhech of the belly."

On the other hand, the crossed is usually the inscription: "Save and save" or the words of prayer "God will resurrect ...". These two prayers help Christian to avoid temptations and falls. And also besides eight-pointed form, a native cross can be six-pointed, in this case there is no title.

Other varieties

In addition to the native, there are other crosses:

Differences of Orthodox and Catholic Crosses

Often, when choosing a native cross, believers do not know what the right Orthodox cross should be, proportions and sizes of this symbol. Usually all the cross are beautiful and very similar to each other. Nevertheless, the differences exist.

What does a Catholic cross look like:

What does Orthodox look like:

  • According to the custom of eight-pointed or six-pointed shape with four nails.
  • Christ looks alive and stretches his hands, as if wanting to hug the whole world, opening the rheric people the way to eternal life.
  • The presence of inscriptions and the words "Nika".
  • The legs of Jesus are nailed with two nails.
  • Orthodox crucifix symbolizes victory over death, as Christ is depicted alive on it, which indicates His Resurrection and gives hope for eternal life People.

Often, for the sanctification of the dwelling, people draw a cross on their own. Its image can be applied to the doors, windows and different household items. If your own beautiful cross does not work, you can search the Internet vector cross, download a picture and use if necessary. And you can also cut pictures from the old orthodox calendarAnd the remaining pages burn, as books and magazines with saints can not be thrown into garbage. Such an appeal with saints is considered unacceptable for an Orthodox Christian.

During the baptism, each person dresses a native cross. All the remaining life must be worn on the chest. Believers noted that the cross is not a talisman or collapse. This is a symbol of commitment to orthodox faith And God. It helps in difficulties and troubles, strengthens the spirit. When wearing the cross, the main thing is to remember its meaning. Wearing it, a person promises to stand all the tests and live according to God's commandments.

It is worth noting that a native cross is considered a sign that a believer man. Those who have not joined the church, that is, they were not baptized, we should not wear it. Also, according to the church tradition, only priests can wear it on top of the clothing (put on top of the rode). All the rest of the believers is not allowed and it is believed that those who wear it on top of clothing boasted their faith and expose it to appease. And the Christian does not apply such a manifestation of pride. Also believers are not allowed to wear a cross in the ear, on the bracelet, in pocket or on a bag. Some people claim that four-spin crosses can only wear Catholics, allegedly Orthodox it is prohibited. In fact, this statement is false. The Orthodox Church recognizes today different types Crosses (photo 1).

This means that Orthodox can wear a four-ring cross, eight-spin. On it can be depicted the crucifixion of the Savior, and maybe not be. But what should be avoided orthodox ChristianSo this is a crucifixion image with very extreme realism. That is, the details of the crusst suffering, the provistent body of Christ. Such an image is characteristic of Catholicism (photo 2).

It should also be noted that the material from which the cross is made can be absolutely anyone. It all depends on the wishes of a person. For example, some people are not suitable for silver, because it is not a body immediately. They then refuse such material and make a choice in favor of, for example, gold. In addition, the church does not prohibit wearing large-sized crosses inlaid by expensive stones. But, back, some believers believe that such a luxury demonstration is not compatible with faith (photo 3).

The cross must be consecrated in the church if it was bought in a jewelry store. Usually consecration takes a couple of minutes. If he is bought in a bench, which works at the church, it is not necessary to worry about it, it will be already sanctified. Also, the church does not forbidden to wear crosses that went to the inheritance from the deceased relative. No need to be afraid that in this way he will "inherit the fate of his relative. In the Christian faith there is no idea of \u200b\u200ban inevitable fate (photo 4).

So, as already mentioned, the Catholic Church recognizes only the four-spin shape of the cross. Orthodox, in turn, more indulgent and recognizes six-pointed, four-spin and eight-pointed forms. It is believed that the more correct form, nevertheless, eight-pointed, with two additional partitions. One must be in the headboard, and the second for the legs (photo 5).

Little children are better not to buy native crosses with stones. At this age, they are all trying to try, can bite the pebbles and block it. We have already noted that the Savior should be on the cross. Also an Orthodox cross from Catholic is distinguished by the number of nails for legs and hands. So, in the Faith symbol of Catholic them, and in Orthodox - four (photo 6).

We note, on the cross, in addition to the crucified Savior, the Lick of the Virgin, the image of Christ of the Almighty can be depicted. Various ornaments can also be depicted. All this does not contradict faith (photo 7).

Traditionally, most monuments are made up by a portrait, text, memory words and a cross. When choosing a cross to a monument, the customers often have difficulty: what kind of cross to choose? Crosses are four-pointed, six-pointed, eight-pointed. Which of them is Orthodox, what Catholic, what is the difference between the crosses? Let's try to find out.

How to choose a cross on a monument

There was a huge number of crosses in the world: ancient Egyptian anch, Celtic cross, sunny, Latin, Orthodox, Byzantine, Armenian ("blooming"), Andreevsky and other crosses are all geometric symbols used in various era and in modern times to express various meaning. Most crosses are so otherwise associated with Christianity.

In the Christian tradition, the reverence of the Cross originates from the legend of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ. The execution through the crucifixion existed before Christ - so wept usually the robbers - however, in Christianity, the cross acquires the meaning of not only the guns of execution, but the salvation of Christians through the death of Jesus.

To determine the choice of a monument in the form of a cross, it is necessary to understand the difference between different types of their species. Given that most Belarusians identify themselves with Christianity, let us dwell in more detail on the varieties of Christian crosses used in Belarus.

In the early Christian eastern church, about 16 types of crosses were spread. Each of the crosses read the church, and, as the priests say, the cross of any form will holy as a tree, which was crucified by the Savior.

The most common types of crosses in Belarus:

  • Stox Russian Orthodox Cross
  • Eight-pointed Orthodox (Cross of Saint Lazari)
  • Eight-Spoard Cross - Calvary
  • Four-pin Latin (or Catholic). As an option is also an Orthodox Cross.

What is the difference between these crosses?

The six-pointed Russian cross is a cross with a single horizontal crossbar and lower inclined.

This shape of the cross is in Orthodoxy along with the eight-pointed, being, in fact, its simplified form. However, it should be noted that the spread of this type of cross is more characteristic of Belarus. In Russia, it is much more often you can meet the eight-spin Orthodox cross.

The lower crossbar of the six-pointed Russian cross symbolizes the footrest, the item that took place in reality.

The cross, on which the crucified Christ, was four. Another crossbar in the legs was attached to the cross before installing the cross in a vertical position, after the crucifixion, when it became obvious place on the cross, where the feet of crucible are located.

The slope of the lower crossbar has the symbolic meaning of the "Meryila of Righteousness". The higher part of the crossbar is located on the right side. According to the right hand, from Christ, according to legend, was crucified and because justified robber. On the left side, where the crossbar is drawn down, the robber was crucified, which the Savior's Hoalament further aggravated his position. In a broad sense, this crossbar is interpreted as a symbol of human mental state.

Eight-spoard cross

The eight-spin cross is a more complete form of the Orthodox Cross.

The upper crossbar, which distinguishes the cross from six-pointed, symbolizes a sign with an inscription (title), which was nailed to the cross, also after the crucifixion, by order of Pilate Pilate, the Roman Prefect of the Jew. In part in the mockery, partly to indicate the "guilt" of the crucified, on the plate on three languages \u200b\u200bit was indicated: "Jesus Nazarenin, Tsar Judaisky" (I.N.Ts.I.).

Thus, in meaning, the six-pointed and eight-spin crosses are the same, but the eight-spin cross is more saturated with symbolic content.

Eight-pointed cross-cold

The most comprehensive view of the Orthodox Cross is a cross-Calvary. In this symbol, many details are collected, reflecting the meaning of the Orthodox creed.

The eight-pointed cross stands on the symbolic image of the Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain, on which, as written in the Gospel, the crucifixion of Christ was accomplished. Left and right from the mountain place alphabetic signatures GG. (Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain) and M.L. R.B. (The frontal place is crucified or, according to another version, the frontal paradise place is by legend, on the site of the execution of Christ once there was a paradise and the forefather of mankind, Adam was buried here.

Under the mountain depicted skull and bones - this is a symbolic image of Adam's remains. Christ with her blood "washed" his bones, having relished humanity from the original sin. The bones are located in the sequence in which there are hands during the communion or burial, and the letters G.A., located near the skull, indicate the words of Adam's head.

On the left and right of the Cross are the guns of the execution of Christ: on the left of a spear, to the right sponge with the corresponding lettering signs (K. and G.). According to the Gospel, a sponge on a cane impregnated with vinegar, the warrior was taken to the lips of Christ, and the other warrior spent his Rybra.

The cross is usually located a circle - this is the crown of Christ.

On the sides of the Cross-Calvary are inscriptions: IP. Xs. (Abbreviated form from Jesus Christ), King of Glory, and neither (which means winner).

As we see, the cross-Calvary is the most complete form of the form of the Orthodox Christian Cross.

Four-pin cross

The four-star cross is one of the most ancient cases of Christian symbolism. The cross of the Armenian Church, in which Christianity for the first time in the world was recognized as a state religion at the beginning of the 4th century AD, was and remains quadrained.

In addition, crosses not only on the ancients, but also on the most famous Orthodox cathedrals have a four-pointed form. For example, at the Councils of St. Sophia in Constantinople, the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl, Petropavlovsk Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg. If we talk about Belarus, then the four-pin cross with the crescent can be seen on the dome of the temple of the Holy Elisavtian monastery in the novelties. Crescent on the cross, in different versions, symbolizes anchor (church, as a place of salvation), an Eucharistic bowl, the cradle of Christ or the Epiphany Fike.

However, if in Orthodox churches, the four-pointed form of the cross is found not often, then only one version of the cross is used in the Catholic Church - four-pin, otherwise called the Latin Cross.

Choosing a cross for a deceased monument that confessed the Catholic faith, it is best to choose the four-pin Latin cross.

The difference between the Orthodox and Catholic Crucifixion

In addition to the difference in the shape of the Cross of Eastern and Western Christians, there are also differences in the crucifixion itself. Knowing important distinctive features of Orthodox and Catholic crucifies, it is easy to determine which direction of Christianity belongs to this symbol.

The differences between the Orthodox and Catholic crucifixes:

  • The number of nails visually distinguishable in crucifixes
  • The position of the body of Christ.

If four nails are depicted in the Orthodox tradition on crucifixes - for each hand and legs separately, then in the Catholic tradition of the legs of Christ crossed and nailed by one nail, respectively, three nails on crucifixes.

Orthodoxy explains the presence of four nails that the Konstantinople brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople from Jerusalem, at which Christ was crucified, there were traces from four nails.

Catholics substantiate their version of three nails in that all nails of the cross are stored in the Vatican, on which Christ was crucified, and there are only three of them. In addition, the image on the Turin Dospanice is printed in such a way that the legs of crucified crossed, therefore it can be assumed that the legs of Christ nailed with one nail.

The position of the body of Christ on the Orthodox crucifixion is slightly unnatural, the body of Jesus does not hang on his hands, as it should have happened in physical laws. On the Orthodox crucifixion of Christ's hands stretch along the cross to the parties, as if calling "all ends of the earth" (Is. 45; 22). In the crucifix, there are no attempts to reflect pain, it is more symbolic. Orthodoxy explains these features of the crucifixion by the fact that the cross is, above all, the weapon of victory over death. Crucifixion in Orthodoxy is a symbol of the victory of life over death, and, no matter how paradoxically, almost the subject of joy, because it contains the idea of \u200b\u200bresurrection.

On the Catholic Crucifixion, the position of the body is as close as possible to physiological: the body saves on his hands on his own weight. Catholic crucifix is \u200b\u200bmore realistic: often depicted bleeding, stigmatics from nails, spears.

Proper arrangement of the cross on the monument

In fact, as such "the right" location on the cross is not. Most great importance Has the presence of a cross, if the deceased was a Christian.

Of course, the entire monument can be performed in the form of a cross, and this option would probably be the best tombstone for a Christian. However, in modern monuments, the cross is more often used in the form of engraving on steles of various geometric shapes. The cross can be granite, as an integral part of the monument, may be overhead metal or engraved.

Usually, the cross is located just above the portrait or medallion, if available, in a higher part of the monument. If the image is missing, the cross is located above the text (above the d.O. deceased).

On the symmetric stele, the cross is better to position the right, because the icons of the Savior on the iconostastes of Orthodox churches are located on the right side. Traditionally, the right part of the inner space of the church is considered "male", women in the temple are given to the left part, although this rule is more strictly observed in the temples under monasteries.

Form cross crossbaster You can choose, taking into account the font of the text. If the text is printed, the shape of the crossbar can also be straight, without decorative elements. To text made in italics, you can choose a cross with curly crossbars.

What if the small size of the granite cross does not allow it to make it six or eight-pointed?

In this case, the engraving of the six-pointed or eight-pointed Orthodox cross is applied to the four-pointed form. Very often, the native Orthodox cross are fulfilled precisely for this principle.

We hope our article will help you make right choice The shape of the cross to the monument. If you have difficulty, consult with our orders. If possible, we will help you to decide on the choice of the cross to the monument.

The cross is the most recognizable symbol of Orthodoxy. But any of you saw many types of crosses. What is the right one? You will learn about this from our article!


Varieties of the Cross

"There is a true cross in every form of a form," he taught the Rev. Theodore Studit stillIX.century. And in our time it happens that in the temples refuse to take notes with four-spin "Greek" crosses, forcing them to correct them to eight-pointed "Orthodox". Is there any one, the "right" cross? We asked to understand this, we asked the head of the icon-painted school of Hmm, Associate Professor, Hegumen Luka (Golovkov) and the leading specialist in Starography, Candidate of Art History Svetlana Gnutov.

What was the cross on which Christ crucified?

« Cross - this is the symbol of the sufferings of Christ, and not only a symbol, and an instrument through which the Lord saved us, "says igumen Luka (heads). "Therefore, a cross is the greatest shrine through which God's help is performed."

The history of this Christian symbol began with the fact that the Holy Queen Elena in 326 found a cross on which Christ was crucified. However, how accurately he looked, is now unknown. Only two separate crossbars were found, and near the plate and foot. There were no grooves or holes on the crossbars, so the opportunity to determine how they were attached to each other, no. "There is such an opinion that this cross could be in the form of the letter" T ", that is, the three-end," says leading Specialist in Starography, Candidate of Art History Svetlana Gnutova. - The Romans had a practice at that time to paint on such crosses, but this does not mean that Christ the cross was exactly the same. He could be four-pointed, and eight-pointed. "

The discussion about the "right" cross arose today. The dispute about what Cross is the right, eight-spin or four-ring, the Orthodox and Old Believers, and the latter called the simple four-spin cross "Printing Antichrist". In defense of the Four-Spanned Cross, Saint John Kronstadt, who devoted the PhD dissertation with this topic (he defended it in 1855 in SPBD) "About the Cross of Christ, in the glory of imaginary old goods": "Who does not know and not honor the Holy Cross about four ends from the elder and before the hotel? And this well-known shape of the cross, this oldest shrine of faith, the seal of all the sacraments, like something new, unknown by our ancestors, appeared yesterday, our imaginary old workers suspected, derogged, drove among the White Day, sprinkling Jules to the fact that from the very The beginning of Christianity and accommodate served and serves as a source of sanctification and salvation for everyone. Watching only an eight-spin cross, or a tris-contained, that is, a straight tree and three diameters, located in a well-known way, they call the seal of the antichrist and the abomination of the cross the Cross the so-called fourthone, representing the true and consuming shape of the cross! "

St. John Kronstadt explains: "Byzantine" four-pin cross in fact there is a cross "Russian", since, according to the church legend, the Holy Equal-to-Apostle Prince Vladimir took out of Corsun, where he was baptized, it was such a cross and first installed him on the shore of the Dnieper in Kiev. A similar four-pin cross was preserved in the Kiev Sofia Cathedral, carved on the marble board of the Tomb of Prince Yaroslav Wise, Son of St. Vladimir. " But, protecting the four-spin cross, St. John makes the conclusion that it is necessary to read the same and the other, since the principal difference itself of the cross for believers does not have. Igumen Luka: "In Orthodox church From the shape of the cross, its holiness does not depend in any way, provided that the Orthodox Cross is made and consecrated precisely as a Christian symbol, and not initially made as a sign, for example, the sun or part of the household ornament or decoration. Chin consecrated crosses for that and became mandatory in the Russian Church, as well as icons. Interestingly, for example, in Greece, the sanctification of icons and crosses is not necessarily, because Christian traditions in society are more stable. "

Why do we not wear a fish sign?

Until the IV century, while the persecution of Christians continued, the images of the cross were openly done (including so that the persecutors do not abill on him), so the first Christians came up with ways to encrypt the cross. That is why fish became the most first Christian symbol. In Greek "Fish" - ίχθύς - an acronym of the Greek phrase "iησοvς χριστoς θεov υιoς σωτήρ" - "Jesus Christ of God's Son Savior." The image of two fish on the sides of the vertical anchor with the top in the form of a cross was used as a secret "password" on Christian meetings. "But the fish did not become the same symbol of Christianity as a cross," explains Igumen Luka, "because the fish is an allegory, allegory." Holy Fathers on Fiat Sixth Trill Universal Cathedral 691-692 was directly condemned and banned allegory, because it is a kind of detective image, which only leads to Christ, unlike the direct image of Christ himself - our Savior and Cross of Christ - the symbol of his suffering. The allegory was gone from the practice of the Orthodox Church for a long time and only ten centuries began to penetrate the east under the influence of the Catholic West. "

The first encrypted images of the cross himself were found in Roman catacombs II and III centuries. The researchers found that the tomb of Christians affected by faith often painted a palm branch as a symbol of eternity, a brazier - as a symbol of martyrdom (it was such a way of execution to be distributed in the first centuries) and Christogram - an alphabetic reduction of the name of Christ - or a monogram consisting of the first And the last letters of the Greek alphabet α and ω - according to the word of the Lord in the revelation of John the theologian: "Az, Ey Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 1, 8). Sometimes these symbols have painted together and have failed in such a way that the cross image of the cross was guessed.

When the first "legal" cross appeared

The Holy Equal-Apostles King Konstantin (IV) "In a dream, Christ was, the Son of God, with the sign in the sky, and commanded, making a banner like this seen in the sky, to use him to protect him from attacking enemies," writes church historian Eusevia Pamphil. - This banner happened to see us with their own eyes. It had next appearance: On a long, golden spear was a transverse sign, which formed the sign of the cross with a spear, and on it two first letters named Christ, combined together. "

These letters, called subsequently by Monogram Konstantin, the king wore on his helmet. After the wonderful phenomenon of St. Konstantin ordered to make the images of the cross on the shields of his warriors and installed three memorable Orthodox cross in Constantinople with a gold inscription in Greek "ic.xp.nika", which means "Jesus Christ is a winner." The first cross with the inscription "Jesus" he installed on the triumphal gate of the city square, the second with the inscription "Christ" - in the Roman column, and the third with the inscription "Winner" - on a high marble post on the city's bread square. From this it began to universal reverence of the Cross of Christ.

"The holy images were everywhere in order to, more often visible, they encouraged us to love prime," explains Igumen Luka. - After all, everything that surrounds us, one way or another affects us, evil and kind. The Holy Reminder of the Lord helps the soul to rush to the thought and heart to God. "

In from as wrote about these times SVT. John Zlatoust: "The cross is located everywhere in Glava: at home, on the square, in solitude, on the roads, on the mountains, on the hills, on the plains, on the sea, on the ship masts, on the islands, on the beds, on the clothes, on weapons, On the feasts, on the vessels of silver and gold, on precious stones, on wall painting ... so the opposition to everyone admire this amazing gift. "

I wonder what since christian world It became possible to legally make the images of the cross, encrypted inscriptions and Christograms did not disappear, and moved, as an addition, the crosses themselves. This tradition came to Russia. Since the XI century, under the lower braid crossbar of the eight-pointed cross-crucifix, which was installed in the temples, the symbolic image of the head of Adam, buried, according to legend, on Calvary. The inscriptions are a brief commentary of the circumstances of the crucifixions of the Lord, the meaning of his godfather death and decipher so: "M.L.R.B." - "The frontal place will crucify", "G.G." - Mount Golgotha, the letters "K" and "T" mean a copy of the warrior and a cane with a sponge depicted along the cross. Above the middle crossbar is placed inscriptions: "IC" "XS", and under it: "Nika" - "Winner"; on the plate or near the inscription: "SN BJ" - "Son of God", "I.N.C.I" - "Jesus Nazi Tsar Judaian"; Over the sign of the inscription: "CZP" - "King of Glory". "G.A." - "Head of Adamov"; And the bones of the hands lying before the head are depicted: right on the left, as when burial or communion.

Catholic or Orthodox crucifixion?

"The catholic crucifix is \u200b\u200boften written more naturally," says Svetlana Gnutova. "The Savior is depicted in his arms, the image conveys the martyrdom and death of Christ. In the ancient Russian images, Christ is depicted by the risen and reigning. Christ is shown in force - as a winner holding and calling the entire universe in his arms. "

In the XVI century, Moscow Dyack Ivan Mikhailovich, Vicalcan even spoke against crosses, where Christ is depicted on the cross with compressed in a fist, and not open palms. "Christ on the cross spreads his arms to collect us," explains Igumen Luka, "so that we rushed to the sky so that our aspiration was always to the city. Therefore, the cross is the symbol of collecting us together so that we are united with the Lord! "

Another difference between the Catholic Crucifixion - the Christ crucifier crucified three nails, that is, nails are drunk in both hands, and the feet feet are folded together and nailed with one nail. In the Orthodox crucifix, each foot of the Savior is naught separately by its nail. Igumen Luka: "This is a fairly ancient tradition. In the XIII century, Custom Icons for Latinians were written on Sinai, where Christ was already naught by three nails, and in the XV century such cruises become a generally accepted Latin norm. However, it is only a tribute tradition, which we must respect and save, but not to look for any theological burden. In the Sinai Monastery, the icons of the crucified three nails of the Lord are in the temple and reverass on a par with Orthodox crucifixes. "

Orthodox Cross - Love Crucified

"The iconography of the cross develops like any other iconography. The cross can be decorated with ornament or stones, but it cannot be in any way to become a 12-end or 16-end, "says Svetlana Gnutova. "The diversity of the forms of the cross in the Christian tradition is a variety of glorifying the cross, and not a change in its meaning," explains Igumen Luka. - The gymnographers glorified the cross with many prayers, as well as the icon painters in different ways glorify the cross of the Lord. For example, the iconopus appeared an image of the Camation - the royal or princely pendant in the form of a crescent, we usually use the icons of the Virgin and Christ, - soon she appeared on the cross to emphasize his royal meaning.

Of course, we need to use crosses that are written in the Orthodox tradition. After all, the Orthodox cross on the chest is not only assistance to which we resort to prayers, but also testimony of our faith. Although, I think we can take images of crosses of the ancient Christian denominations (for example, Copds or Armenians). Catholic crosses, which, after the revival of the revival, became too naturalistic in forms, do not coincide with the Orthodox understanding of Christ crucified as a winner, but since this is the image of Christ - we should treat them with awe. "

As wrote St. John Kronstadt: "The main thing that should remain in the cross is love:" The cross without love can not think and represent: where the cross, there is love; In the church, you are everywhere and see all the crosses in order for everything to remind you that you are in the Temple of Love, crucified for us. "

In Christianity, the reverence of the Cross belongs to Catholics and Orthodox. Symbolic figure decorates the dome of churches, houses, icons and other church attributes. Orthodox cross It is of great importance for believers, emphasizing their infinite commitment to religion. No less interesting is the history of the appearance of a symbol where the variety of forms allows to reflect the depth of the Orthodox culture.

The history of the emergence and importance of the Orthodox Cross

Many people perceive the cross as a symbol of Christianity. Initially, the figure symbolized the murder instrument in the executions of the Jews during Ancient Rome. In this way, criminals and Christians were executed since the reign of Nero. A similar type of killing was practiced in ancient times at the Phoenicians and twisted through the colonists - Carthaginian to the Roman Empire.

When Jesus Christ was crucified on the post, the attitude to the sign has changed in a positive side. The death of the Lord was the redemption of the sins of the human race and the recognition of all nations. His sufferings were covered by human debts before the Father by God.

Jesus Vesus on the mountain is a simple crosshairs, then the warriors were attached to the foot when it turned out to what level of Christ's legs are reached. In the upper part there was a sign with the inscription: "This is Jesus, the Tsar of the Judaisky", brought by order of Pontius Pilate. From the moment the eight-pointed form of the Orthodox Cross was originated.

Any believer, seeing Holy Crucifixion, involuntarily thinks about the martyrdom of the Savior, taken to get rid of the eternal death of mankind after the Fall of Adam and Eve. Emotional and spiritual burden carries an Orthodox cross, the image of which appears inner a believer. According to Saint Justin: "Cross is a great symbol of the power and power of Christ." In the Greek "symbol" means "compound" or the manifestation of invisible reality through naturalness.

The grafting of symbolic images was difficult during the days of Jews with the emergence of the New Testament Church in Palestine. Then he wondered the commitment to legends and the images considered as idolobes were prohibited. With an increase in the number of Christians, the influence of the Jewish worldview decreased. In the first centuries, after the execution of the Lord, the followers of Christianity were persecuted and made rites secretly. The oppressed position, the lack of protection of the state and the church directly affected the symbolism and worship.

The symbols reflected dogmas and formulas of the sacraments, contributed to the expression of the Word and were the sacred language of the transfer of faith and the protection of church teachings. That is why the cross was of great importance for Christians, symbolizing the victory of good and over evil and granting the eternal light of life over the darkness of hell.

How the cross is depicted: Features of the external manifestation

Exist various options Outthewing crucifixeswhere you can see simple forms With straight lines or complex geometric shapes, supplemented with a variety of symbolism. The religious load in all designs is the same, differs only external design.

In the Mediterranean Eastern countries, Russia, in the east of Europe, the eight-pointed form of the crucifixion is the Orthodox. Another name is "Cross of Saint Lazar".

The crossress consists of the uppermost crossbar of small size, the lower - large and inclined foot. Vertical cross-placed in the lower part of the pillar was intended for the support of the legs of Christ. The direction of inclination of the crossbar does not change: the right end is higher than the left. Such a provision means that on the day of the terrible court, the righteouss will stand along the right hand, and sinners - on the left. The kingdom of heaven is given to the righteous, which is evidenced by the right angle, ascended up. Sinners will be overthrown into the lowland of hell - indicates the left end.

For orthodox symbolism Characterized by the monogram inspecting mainly at the ends of the middle cross - IC and XC, indicate the name of Jesus Christ. Moreover, the inscriptions are located under the average crossbar - the "Son of God", then in Greek Greek - translates as a "winner."

The small crossbar contains an inscription with a sign made by order of Pilate Pilate, and contains an abbreviation in Ini (Intzі - in Orthodoxy), and Inri (INRI - in Catholicism), "Jesus Nazarey Tsar Judaian" are denoted. The eight-pointed mapping with great accuracy transmits the tool of the death of Jesus.

Construction Rules: Proportions and Dimensions

Classic version of the eight-pointed cross It is built in the correct harmonious proportion, which is that everything embodied by the Creator is completely. The construction is based on the law of a golden section, which relies on the perfection of the human body and sounds like this: the result of dividing the magnitude of the human growth over the distance from the navel to the stop is equal to 1.618, and coincides with the resulting result from the division of growth in the gap from the navel to the top. This ratio of proportions is concluded in many things, including in the Christian cross, the photo of which is an example of the construction according to the law of the golden cross section.

The drawn crucifix fit into the rectangle, the parties are given in the ratio of the Rules of the Golden Section - the height separated by the width is 1.618. Another feature is that the magnitude of the hands of man's hands is equal to its growth, so the figure with the open hands harmoniously lies in the square. Thus, the size of the average intersection corresponds to the scope of the hands of the Savior and is equal to the distance from the crossbar to the beveled foot and characteristic of Christ's growth. Such rules should take into account anyone who is going to write a cross or apply a vector pattern.

Native crosses in Orthodoxy Those are considered to be under clothing, closer to the body. It is not recommended to set a symbol of faith, putting on over clothes. Church products have an eight-pointed form. But there are crosses without upper and lower crossbars - four-pointed, these are also allowed to wear.

The canonical option looks like eight-pointed products with an image in the center of the Savior or without that. Custom wearing church crosses performed from various material, emerged in the first half of the IV century. Initially, the followers of the Christian faith were made not to wear crosses, but the medallions with the way gentlemen.

During the periods of persecution from the middle of I and before the beginning of the IV century, martyrs existed, expressing the desire to suffer for Christ and the crossroads in the forehead. According to the distinctive sign, volunteers were quickly calculated and made martyrdom death. The formation of a Christian religion introduced into the custom of carrying crucifixes, then they were introduced into the establishment on the roofs of churches.

The diversity of the forms and types of the cross does not contradict the Christian religion. It is believed that the whole manifestation of the symbol is a true cross carrying life-giving strength and heavenly beauty. To understand what happens orthodox crosses, species and meanings, Consider the main types of design:

In Orthodoxy, the greatest value is paid not so much form as an image on the product. More common six-pointed and eight-pointed figures.

Stox Russian Orthodox Cross

On the crucifixion, the inclined lower crossage acts as measuring scales that estimate the life of each person and its inner state. The figure in Russia was applied since ancient times. By 1161, the six-pointed Poklonnaya Cross, introduced by prince Efrosinia Polotsk. The sign was used in Russian heraldry as part of the coat of arms of Kherson province. In the amount of its ends concluded miraculous power Crupifying Christ.

Eight-spoard cross

The most common appearance is a symbol of the Orthodox Russian Church. Differently called - Byzantine. The eight-component was formed after the act of crucifying the Lord, before that the form was equilateral. A feature is the lower footage, in addition to the two upper horizontal broadcasts.

Together with the Creator, two more criminals were executed, one of which began to mock the Lord, hinting that if Christ was true, then he was obliged to save them. Another convicted objected to him that they are real criminals, and Jesus is condemned false. The defender was right hand, so the left end of the foot will take up, symbolizing the elevation over other criminals. The right side of the crossbar is lowered as a sign of humiliation of the rest before the justice of the words of the defender.

Greek cross

Also called "Corsunchik" Old Russian. Traditionally, used in Byzantium, is considered one of the oldest Russian crucifixes. The legend states that Prince Vladimir was baptized in Corsuni, where the crucifix was taken away and installed on the shores of the Dnieper of Kievan Rus. The quarter-side image was preserved and today in the Sofia Cathedral of Kiev, where carved on the marble plate of the burial of Prince Yaroslav, which was the son of Saint Vladimir.

Maltese cross

Refers to the officially adopted symbolic crucifixion of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem on Malta Island. The movement was openly opposed by Freemasonry, and, according to some information, participated in the organization of the murder of Pavel Petrovich - the Emperor of the Russian, patronizing Maltese. Figually, the cross is represented by equilateral rays expanding in the ends. Issued for military merits and courage.

Figure contains greek letter "Gamma" And reminds from the sight of the ancient Indian sign of the swastika, meaning the highest being, bliss. For the first time, he was depicted in Christians in Roman catacombs. It was often used for jewelry of church utensils, the Gospels, embroidered on the clothes of the Byzantine servants of the Church.

The symbol was widespread in the culture of ancient Iranians, Ariyev, often met in China and Egypt in the Epoch of Paleolithic. Swastika was worshiped in many regions of the Roman Empire and the Old Slavic pagans. Depressed sign on rings, decorations, rings, signing fire or sun. The swastika was harvested by Christianity and many ancient pagan traditions are rethought. In Russia, the image of the swastika was used in the decoration of church objects, ornaments and mosaics.

What does the cross on the domes of churches

Raspberry crosses with crescent Decorated cathedrals since ancient times. One of these was the Cathedral of Saint Sophia Vologda, built in 1570. In the housetolian period, the eight-pointed form of a rainfall, under the crossbar of which was placed crescent, turned horns up.

There are various explanations of such symbols. The most famous concept is compared with a ship anchor, considered to be a symbol of salvation. In another embodiment, the moon marked the font, which is taught by the temple.

The value of the month is interpreted in different ways:

  • Bethlehem Fike, who adopted the Baby of Christ.
  • Eucharistic bowl containing the body of Christ.
  • Church ship driven by Christ.
  • Zmiy, flooded with a cross and entrusted to the feet of the Lord.

Many people concerned the question - what the difference catholic cross from Orthodox. In fact, it is very easy to distinguish them. In Catholic, there is a four-way cross, on which the arms and feet of the Savior are crucified by three nails. Such a mapping appeared in the III century in Roman catacombs, but still remains popular.


Orthodox cross over the past millennia, the Orthodox cross invariably protects a believer, being a faithful from evil visible and invisible forces. The symbol is a reminder of the victim of the Lord to salvation and the manifestation of love for humanity.