
The main symptoms of the bite of the oat, possible consequences and prevention. Bite oat


Many love rest in nature, fishing, hunting or just walking in the forest. The most long-awaited stay can overshadow the annoying insects. Of particular danger represent the bites of the hedgehogs.

Waters (blind) are small gray flies whose bites are very painful. Although they are most often harmless, not always such lesions pass without a trace. If the skin area that was injured, itchies, hurts and bleeds for several hours or even days, this is a clear sign that the bite caused allergies. This reaction is not the damage to the skin, but the substance that enters the blood of a person through the wound. A special danger similar damage is presented for children. The skin of the kids is very gentle, because of this, the bites of the hedgehogs are long sentenced, often causing even suppuration.

Tacule of Fruit: Symptoms

Nobody insured against the bite, the consequences of such a bite are unpredictable. The wound can be affected or an allergic reaction begins. A damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the Zudit, redness appears, sometimes a tumor is formed. Multiple drying bites lead to heavy and dangerous for human life and health consequences.

Bite of the Fun: Photo

Bite of the oat: how to treat?

  • First of all, after detecting the bite, it is necessary to wash the affected place with warm soapy water. If at hand there is a hydrogen peroxide, then a few drops of funds can be dripped on a damaged skin area. It will also be useful lubricate the place of bite "Fuccinic" or simple green.
  • If the fuel was biting the child, the pain will accompany the place of bite throughout the half an hour, so the baby needs to give an anesthetic. The damaged place will cease to be hidden if you make a plantain or prepare a special composition of this plant. It is necessary to rip the leaves of the plantain, thoroughly rinse them with boiled water and grind into porridge. If the dry grass is at hand, then it must be pre-dunk in water. The resulting cleaner should be applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, and overlapping an armband. You can apply the plantain juice - they simply wet a clean bandage or handkerchief and apply to the wound.
  • Another folk remedy From the bites of the hedge - dandelion. To the affected place you need to make white juice, which is formed on a sheet of sheet or escape.
  • You can use a regular bow. It should also be chopped into a cleaner, soak the handkerchief with the sealing juice and applied to the affected skin.
  • By the way, scratch damaged space is strictly prohibited! It will cause even more itching, and the wound will be worse longer.
  • If an allergic reaction does not pass, then the reception of antihistamine drugs should be started. In the event that the temperature rose, nausea appeared, vomiting, difficulty breathing, then in this case it is impossible to deal with self-treatment, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance!

See also:Wasp bite: consequences.

How to protect yourself from dryers?

  • It is easier to prevent insect bite than then to deal with it. One of the best funds from the bitter bites and other insects is bitterly wormwood. The dried or just the collected grass must be tied to the bundles and spend them next to the doors and windows. You can simply scatter the wormwood on the room. Fresh juice of this plant advise to lubricate the wounds, it will help to remove the itching, tumor and pain.
  • In order to scare stinging insects, you can use the PIR. It has a strong fragrance that scares the heaps. The leaves of this plant are recommended to apply to the bite places. For use, healing herb should be dried in the shade, and after grinding into the flour. If you are going to hike with overnight stay in the forest, then you can put a few stems with leaves with you to the tent - it will protect you from insects.
  • By the way, the chamomile will also help scare away the heaps, it is worth burning next to her a few of her stems.
  • In the house, install mosquito nets on the windows and place the spirals against bloodsowing insects.
  • If you are going to nature, it is best to choose clothes that will close the whole body, do not forget about the headdress.
  • The clothes should not be bright, because it is saturated colors that attract the attention of insects. Remember that blindfold love sunlightIn the shadow they become inactive.

The bites of the oat are not only painful, they can cause serious consequences. Skin swelling, allergies, suppuration - frequent consequences. Start the treatment timely! At the first signs of a severe allergic reaction, contact the doctor immediately!

We all love the summer - for his warm days and the opportunity to relax on the lap of nature. However, in addition to the bronze tan and the mass of pleasant sensations, such a rest often brings us the bite of bloodsowing insects. Today, the heroes of our narrative will be blinddly - insects of the detachment of docks.

These large flies are not only in Antarctica, Greenland and Iceland, as well as on a number of ocean islands. They are in abundance inhabit forest areas, steppes and deserts, but the shores of lakes and rivers are in favor of their habitats, as well as wetlands, since water is needed for the development of their larvae.

World fauna has more than 4 thousand species of the blind way, united in two hundreds of labor. During the excavations belonging to the oligocene period (over 30 million years ago), researchers found these fossil insects.

Description of the insect

Blindfold - it is very large (magnitude bullless blind It reaches 2 cm) flies armed with a whole set of incredibly sharp and hard-riveted and cutting stallows enclosed inside the fleshy trunk. The rotter apparatus is blindly incredibly complicated. In its top there are rhoval, jaws, upper lip and softener. On the bottom lip there are wide blades.

Anatomical differences (or pronounced sexual dimorphism) allow you to easily determine sexuality These insects. Huge - with rainbow overflows - females' eyes have a small frontal jumper, while males are practically imperceptible. The belly of males has a sharpening at the end.


In its development, four mandatory phases pass blindly: hatching out of the egg, they turn into a larva, then in the doll, and only then in an adult insect. For the development of their predatory larvae, soil and water invertebrates are needed.

Nutrition of adult females and males differ radically. If the females are needed fresh blood of birds and warm-blooded mammals, then only floral nectar is needed to feed males. Pretty females lay huge pieces of eggs, numbering from five hundred and thousands of pieces.

Most of his life adult insects spend in flight, showing unusual activity only in the sunny daytime. For orientation in space, they use their excellent eyesight. However, there are a special category of flies of rains among the thermal-loving blinders who prefer to fly into cloudy weather.

They will not meet them in the city, but near the suburban reservoirs, in Levada, on the grazing of livestock, the whole hordes of these bloodthirsty flies are flying near the farms.

Despite the incredible annoying and harm that their bits live lives and man, blindly play a very important role in nature. They are a mandatory component of sustainable natural ecosystems. Blood - very valuable food for many species of birds, fish and animals. Dying, they fertilize their soil bodies. Given their huge quantity, whether the insects are wondering that it is one of the main causes of the inexhaustibility of the soil on Earth.

How and why biting blind

After mating with the male females required a large number of Blood necessary for the ripening of fertilized eggs.

Without work punctures, the skin (arsenal of cruel-cutting tools in a trunk blindfold allows him to pierce the skin of any thickness), the female introduces a certain amount of saliva containing toxic substances and coagulants. Thanks to coagulants, blood in the wound is not collapsed for a very long time and follows, attracting all new hordes of bloodsuckers to the victim.

Due to the high content of toxic substances, the skin around the branched place immediately swells, becomes red and begins to get it hard. If the bites should have a multiple character, the state of the person affected by them can deteriorate sharply until the symptoms of general intoxication appears.

Consequences of bites

  • In most people, bites are blindingly caused an allergic reaction.
  • The bite of the blind way is extremely painful for a person - can cause the development of not only an allergic reaction to the saliva introduced into the body. Through it, a person or an animal can become infected with filariasis, Tularemia, Siberian ulcer or tripanosomiasis. Alternately biting the healthy, then sick animals, these ubiquitous flies are transferred to the pathogens of hazardous infections on fairly long distances, giving the beginning of outbreaks of these diseases.
  • Commissioning itching skin, a person or a busting animal can be incurred in her infection. At best, this can end with the development of dermatitis, at worst - lead to necrosis of particularly affected fabrics, abscesses and phlegmon.

Bulls should never attack at once: they certainly describe several laps around the accuracy of the victim. Blood-imaging and rains are blindfolded and rains are embarking on the meal without such ceremonies.

At one time, the adult female is blindly able to intercede from the victim to 20 ml of blood. This quantity would have enough seven dozens of mosquitoes.

Treatment to treat bites

How to treat bites caused to blind?

The wounds deposited by blind ways can also be lubricated:

  • Valerian tincture.
  • Sour cream.
  • Cashier from potatoes or garlic.
  • Tincture calendula.
  • Valocardin or Corvolol.
  • Tincture of propolis.

How to protect yourself from bite

Planning a departure to nature, it is necessary to put on the closed clothing of light coloring with a long sleeve, not having a bright pattern. The fact is that the eyes are blindly distinguished only dark or very bright colors. It is noted that pets of light suites blindly pushing are much less than their fellow painted in more dark colors.

For suburban picnics, it is necessary to choose places that are significantly remote from pastures, farms and other places where you can meet grazing livestock, since it always accompany the clouds of blood-suicing insects.

Blindly scares the sharp smell of wormwood. Waving her bundles next to the doors or windows, you can be confident that none of them will fly into the house.

Throwing several chamomile stems into the fire, you can protect the place of the hiking parking lot from the annoying bloodsuckers.

A good way to protect against the attack is blindfold is an anti-mosquito net, thrown onto the tent.

Blinds prefer to bite sweating or wet people, so do not swim in the reservoir located in the places of large cluster of these insects.

Often, special puddles are arranged to reduce the number of bloodsuckers in the livestock courtyards, the lines of a small amount of kerosene or fuel oil. After camming a thin layer on the surface of the puddles, these fluids prevent the insects at the octopus, discouraged to get drunk on them right on the fly.

Do not neglect traditional repellents. When scringing bloodsuckers, they are able to save a person for some time from a variety of bites.

Rest in the forest or the reservoir often spoil bloodsowing insects. A widespread trouble is the bite of the oat - a little flies gray. It delivers tangible pain and discomfort, as the insect highlights a poisonous substance contained in saliva and falling into the bloodstream through the wound.

Symptoms of oat bite

It is impossible not to notice damage to the skin, because immediately after the bite there is a sharp sharp pain. Further signs:

  • fast redness of the epidermis around the wound;
  • burning and itching;
  • skin swelling;
  • void (2-3 days).

Clinical manifestations are even more extensive if there is a place on the bite of the oat. Histamines present in the saliva of the oat provoke a response of the immune system. A swelling of mucous membranes may occur, tearing, bleeding at the location of the wound and an increase in body temperature. Moreover, some people have a strong nausea and vomiting with an admixture of bile, dehydration and other signs of intoxication.

What is dangerous bite of the oat?

The most dangerous varieties are the strip and gastric type of insects.

In addition, the described type of flies is a carrier of dangerous diseases:

  • filiariosis;
  • anthrax;
  • tripanosomosis;
  • tulara'yia.

What to do with the bite of the oat?

Immediately after damage to the skin, it is necessary to immediately rinse it with water, preferably with soap, and disinfection. It is preferable to use iodine, hydrogen peroxide or a diamond green, but if they are not at hand, any solution is suitable with an alcohol content, even vodka. It is necessary to avoid combing the wounds and its additional mechanical damage.

In the event that there is no mutual first aid kit, you can use natural medicines - onions, plantain, dandelion juice, which is highlighted in a slicer of stem, sick grass. The listed products are well disinfected damaged tissue, produce a bactericidal and soothing effect, relieve irritation.

How to treat a bite of the oat?

With significant manifestations of allergic reactions, additional therapeutic measures are needed. The treatment of oat bite involves the use of antihistamine medicines, both local and oral administration. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for relieving pain syndrome, for example:

  • Nooofen;
  • Ibuper;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Ibuprofen.

It is desirable to use such preparations as aspirin, paracetamol as antipyretic means.

Empodes at the bite, the formation of subcutaneous furunculus requires the use of antibiotics. Doctors advise to go through a short course, not more than 5 days, after which it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora and the functioning of the liver.

Always insect bites on a person's body provoke swelling. In addition, other unpleasant symptoms appear. These include itching and redness. Whatever to get rid of these phenomena should take measures in a timely manner. If the bite of an insect and a swollen leg turned out, then it is worth finding out for many moments. First of all, it is important to know what the insect it was. It is worth telling about it further.

basic information

People who suffer allergies are noticeably feeling the symptoms. As a rule, they are disturbed by serious allergic reactions. At the same time, annoying itch does not disappear within a few weeks. Conventional people can also feel many negative moments from the bite of an insect. In any case, when the bite of an insect can be rendered first aid. So, listen to the following advice. After a bite you need:

  • Take advantage summer alcohol and process them bite and skin next to it.
  • In a separate ass, dilute: vinegar, soda, lemon juice water. The resulting mixture is worth wing the place of bite.
  • Take into inside the medicine against allergies.
  • If at home there is an ointment with a cooling effect, then it can also be used.
  • In the event that the tumor does not fall - it is important to contact the doctor.

Bite midge

Quite often arises such a situation when a leg was swollen after the insect bite. This may happen after the bite of midges. And if you were bitten by this insect, the bite is processed by the ammonia alcohol. And the special folk remedy will eliminate itching. So, there will be vodka or cologne. This means watches wool and processed the affected place. Cherry leaves may be effective. They are applied to the bite for 15 minutes.

On a note! As if not to suffer from unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to take special funds with them to the nature that protect from bites.

If you are interested in why the leg swells after the insect bite, then it is important to explain the following moments. So, the tumor is the natural reaction of the body. So our body reacts to unknown substances that enter the body together with the bite. Blood accumulates in bite places, and the amount of intercellular fluid also increases. With inflammation in the tissues, lymph accumulates. As a result, their volume becomes more.

Signs of bite, probably familiar to everyone. But it is worth transferring them again. It may be:

  • Redness,
  • Pain and itching
  • Seal and swelling.

What do we have to do?

If after the bites of insects swell their legs - it is important to take the following measures.

  1. It is necessary to remove the suggestion of the skin if it can be seen on the surface.
  2. For wound processing, iodine or hydrogen peroxide is used.
  3. Whatever removal of swelling, the ice is applied to the place of bite.
  4. Be sure to drink an antiallergic agent.
  5. Special ointment is applied to the wound to remove itching.

As a rule, these actions in this situation will be enough. In some cases, a person may experience the intolerance to the poison. In this case, the appeal to the doctor will be the right solution. And before the arrival, the doctor is worth using an anaphylactic package. It consists of: harness, antihistamine preparations and injections with adrenaline.

Folk methods.

  1. Folk remedies are also very effective. Apply them after the bite of an insect.
  2. Iodine and alcohol are used in the bite of midges.
  3. When the oat bite or blindness use soap and ammonia. Little is taken in 3 to 1 ammonia alcohol.
  4. Something to get rid of the tumor will need a sheet of aloe or plantain.

Bite blind

Slept is a huge fly. In the trunk of this fly there are cutting styles. If this insect bite you, then the affected place is washed warm water. Also used soap. After that, the bite is dried by a towel. The wreck is treated with hydrogen peroxide and flashes with green.

If the child bites the blind, then strong pain will be observed for half an hour. At this time, it is advisable to drink anesthetic. There is no need to scratch the bite. It is best to attach a seafrontist to it.

Often in nature after the bits of insects swell their feet. And if there are no handy means, then we can go healing herbs. In addition to the plantain, a dandelion can be used in such a situation. Thanks to him, it is possible to facilitate itching and pain. It needs only juice. They are lubricated by the Rank himself,

When biteing can be used onion. And if itching and pain favored, antihistamines will be required. And if there is a high temperature and nausea, then you should contact the hospital.

Mosquito bite

Mostly man bite females mosquitoes. The blood of a person is necessary for them for the deposition of eggs and obtaining protein. At the time of the bite, the female lets a special substance into the blood of a person, which does not allow blood to curl. As a result, a person appears in the form of redness and itching. Because if there is a tumor and itching, it is necessary to take action.

After the mosquito bite, it is not necessary to comb. Thus, it is possible to apply infection. It is better to rinse the skin with soap. Further. Make therapeutic agent and apply it to the affected area and wait for it drying. The healing agent is prepared from: soda (2 ppm) and water (1 ppm).

Welcome to the bite of a mosquito can essential oils. For example, it may be: peppermint, eucalyptus or lemon. With a strong edema, take inside: Hydroxyzine or diphenhydramine.

Bite oat

The fuel is considered to be a cunning insect. A person, as a rule, attack two individuals at once. One individual distracts man, and the other makes a bite and puts out the larvae. After the defeat, pain appears, and then itching and swelling. Allergys may have rashes. If this happened to you or with your loved ones, it is necessary to provide first aid. It consists in the following actions:

  1. In order to prevent the spread of allergies, the place of bite is needed to make a solid object.
  2. Cool skin, and after washed with soap and water.
  3. After that, it is treated with green and alcohol or iodine.

It will also be useful to the juice of the plantain or dandelion, which processed the branched place. If a lot of salt is at hand, you can make a compress with it. Medicinal binding and MVSI will also be effective. To do this, you can use:

  • Glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory ointment. Thanks to her, you can eliminate swelling on the leg. Apply it on the bite every 3-4 hours.
  • Antihistamine preparation in the form of tablets or injections.
  • Compress based on Dimeksid. He will also remove swelling. The remedy is bred with water. Dimekside need 1 part and 3 parts of water.

If a large bump and pus appeared, then the surgeon intervention will be required. First, the affected place is powdered by an anesthetic drug. After that, the skin is cut and the wrecks are released from the tissues with the pus. After that, the doctor on the sick place imposes a bandage.

Bite of wasp

Feet swelling after insect bites Frequent phenomenon. And this phenomenon arises after the bite of the wasp. After the OSA is terrified by a person, a hole remains in his skin. As a result, this place acquires red. A sting from the skin should be removed by nails or tweezers.

On a note! Do not press on the skin at the time of removal of the sting. This action you can increase tissue edema.

After removal, the wreck was washed with antibacterial soap and processed: vodka, peroxide, iodine, tincture of calendula, ammonia alcohol.

You can use: Miramistin or chlorhexidine . Disinfect bite is required because there may be many bacteria in the ultold. After processing on the wound, the bandage is superimposed on top of the plaster.

Bee bite

Many people can be found with the complaints of the leg hurt after the insect bite. Bees also often bite people. When insect data bite, first aid is important. It will be concluded in the following moments:

  1. The bite place inspect and remove the sting if it is presented. You need to do it with a tweezers with neat movements.
  2. The bite place is processed by any antiseptic.
  3. You can also drink an antihistamine drug that is at home.
  4. In order to get rid of itching from salt, they suggest Cashitz and impose compress. Good result Can bring ice that was wrapped in a napkin.

What not to do after the bite

If an insect bite occurred, then as a rule, a tumor appears on his leg, as in the photo. In this article, you were able to get acquainted with many important information. But so that after the bite there is no allergies, you need to comply with some simple rules.

  1. The place of bite is not rubbing. This action can lead to the spread of infection.
  2. Redness from midge do not process chemistry. These funds can cause allergies.
  3. You do not need to calculate the place of bite. The wound can receive infection and communicate.
  4. If hormonal ointments were prescribed, they are applied around the bite. E.
  5. If complications arose, antibiotics or antihistamines are used. Medications should only be prescribed to the doctor.

Talk about prevention

Now you have become clear how to remove the edema of the leg after the bite of an insect. Exclude insect bites from their life is possible if you follow some rules.

  1. Around the private house is to eliminate a large amount of grass.
  2. You can protect your accommodation with anti-moskit grids.
  3. When visiting the forest or nature, protective equipment and ointment use.
  4. Clothing long sleeve will save you from insect bites.
  5. In the evening you should not walk for too long. It is at this time that there is a large number of insects on the street.


The bite is blind in the norm leads to the development of local and moderate edema affecting about one square centimeter of the surface of the skin. Later, Papula appears in the central part of the affected area, which looks like a white pimple.

If the patient has an allergy, then the situation is significantly aggravated. The swelling becomes more (so the affected limb can be swollen completely), the strongest itching appears and in some cases even pain.

In this article, we will talk in detail about how dangerous bite is blinding, what are his consequences and how their treatment occurs. We will also tell me how to protect yourself from unwanted reactions to the bite blindness.

Slept is quite large (reaching up to two centimeters) insect, which looks like an ordinary fly. Slept has a huge amount of biological instruments for introducing a host in the skin. So blinding "armed" by the following devices:

  • stiletto styles;
  • cutting styles;
  • fleshy trumps (embedded in the master's skin);
  • hurried;
  • jaw.

Having raised from the egg, there is no blind in the larva for several days. After that, one more metamorphosis occurs: the larva turns into the doll from the larva. The final stage is rebirth in an adult special, which is immediately ready for the search for the victim.

Note that males do not feed on the blood of mammals. Their goal is to collect nectar. But females are aimed only for the use of blood of birds and warm-blooded mammals.

The search for mining usually goes to a sunny daytime, whereas on cloudy days and after sunset the sunshine stops hunting. Many people mistakenly believe that the name of this insect is somehow connected with his eyesight. Alas, it is not so, the orientation in space in the blind way occurs due to very thin and detailed view.

Usually, in urban environments, this type of insects are not working, only occasionally several dozen individuals may mistaken to the city. Adorable places of blindweight - reservoirs and places near farms. On sunny days in these places there may be tens of hundreds.

When and where to fear bites blindfold?

Adult blinding is usually found away from the city. As mentioned earlier, these insects are usually hunting for sunny daytime, whereas in the early morning and in the evening there are practically no happening.

However, one of the subspecies are blinding, namely, "flies of raincoats", prefer cloudy days and can hunt even in the evening. But, again, only outside the city.

Expect the invasion of these insects in the spring-summer period, when the most favorable conditions for reproduction and the need for blood extraction are developing.

Of particular danger in terms of the risk of bite should be placed places of accumulation of these insects:

  1. Country reservoirs.
  2. Levada.
  3. Scottle grazes.
  4. Farm.
  5. Cottages and villages.

In addition to the person, these insects are striking and animals. Most often it is a domestic cattle, but do not break out blind and the blood of pets pets (cats, dogs).

Why does a man biting blind?

After the mating occurred, for the subsequent ensuring fertilized eggs, the amount of blood is required to ensure the amount of blood (by insect). At the same time, the blood source is absolutely not important in the insect: it can be both a person and, for example, a dog.

The person is attacked by the blind way so often, because it lives in close proximity to the accumulation of these insects. Moreover, serious joke The system of removal of the heat of man in the form of sweating is played.

The insect responds to the substances allocated with then and easily detects the location of the victim (in our case of a person). But to protect itself with the use of deodorants will not be released: this smell attracts the blind way.

What happens after bite: symptoms

Regardless of whether there is an allergy or not, the bite will cause the body's response.

List of symptomsobserved almost immediately after the blind tree bitten the person, as follows:

  • allergy (including anaphylactic shock);
  • swelling (especially strongly can swollen limbs, visually increasing in size);
  • strongest itching;
  • pain (usually not strong and fast passing);
  • at the place where she bit blindd, an elevated papule appears (bump);
  • an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees Celsius;
  • easy dizziness (but only if there is an allergy to the bit creation of insects);
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • redness of the skin (inflammation) on the periphery of the place of bite.

Allergic is the greatest danger, since with it the usual bite should turn into a serious problem, sometimes even threatening life.

The first symptoms of the allergic reaction to the bite of the blind way, at which immediately need to call an ambulance, such:

  • the strongest edema (especially if the bite fell on the neck);
  • unbearable itching with systemic redness of a huge skin area;
  • the strongest pain (pain from the fact that the blind tree bites the role does not play, the suspicion must cause the strongest pain in the shishke, after 1-2 hours after the bite);
  • severe dizziness;
  • vomiting;
  • severe weakness (testifying about the pressure drop);
  • incoming urination or defecation.

What to do when these symptoms appear? It should be called an ambulance, as it will not be possible to help the patient in this situation with the help of the first aid kit and undergraduate funds. All that surrounding people or patient himself is to drink an antihistamine drug. However, as practice shows, he rarely deal with him in hikes outside the city.

What is dangerous bite?

If the blind is blinded by a person predisposed to allergies, or to the cooledosis in particular (allergies on blood-sized insects), then the outcome can be very serious. In most cases, local edema develops, they can strongly swollen limbs and itching.

Such an allergy development is not dangerous and usually passes itself. Help the acceleration of the process can antihistamine treatment, and best tool In this situation - Cetirizin-based drugs.

However, the situation is very dangerous when the head swelling is developing. After the bite, the language may be swollen or even larynge, which ultimately can lead to asphyxia (suffocation) and death. In addition, in rare cases, a severe allergic reaction of an immediate type is an anaphylactic shock.

It is impossible to treat such a condition in the field, and process the bite place will not be enough. Even who arrived on time, ambulance could not always help the victim (usually she simply does not have time).

There are no cases when after 2-3 months from the bite of a blind way, the resistant bump on the site of the bite begins to decay. After a complete decay of the cones, thin helmintes appear, which is usually very frightening the patient, but in fact it is not something fatal.

The consequences of the bitter bite (video)

First aid and treatment when bitten teas

To prevent the infectious flora to prevent the infectious flora in the wound, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the wound hole left to the blind one. For this, the bump occurred at the site of the bite is processed using antimicrobial preparations (Fuccinic or ordinary Zelenka is suitable).

To reduce the occurring tumor, you need to attach ice or any cold object to it. It is advisable to keep it at least thirty minutes, since at a less long time it does not have a proper effect.

To remove itching, the usual domestic apparatus is suitable - soda solution. They should be impregnated with a gauze tourand and wipe the bite. A greater efficiency has any antiform agent, which you need to anoint the tumor immediately after the bite.

Treat the blood squeezing that appeared after the bite. First, thus it will not be possible to remove infectious pathogentes are consequely listed. Secondly, the depth of puncture with rivals is blindd to so small that it will not be possible to squeeze even drops of blood.

Only the processing of the bite space is quite effective treatment. However, in most cases, uncomplicated bite allergies passes for 2-3 days.

With a severe allergic reaction, it is impossible to treat the patient in the field. Followed by as soon as possible Call an ambulance brigade and, when you stop the patient's heart, conduct cardiovascular resuscitation before the arrival of an ambulance caught.

Prevention of ukuusov

Help in preventing bite can closed clothes (so that the insect does not have access to the skin cover) with a bright coloring. The fact is that the eye system is blind enough well and detailed only the dark or extremely bright objects.

Neuriki light colors Poorly perceived eye receptors blinddown. But it does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against bite, although significantly reduces the risk of its implementation.

To scare up these insects, any means containing a large amount of wormwood is suitable. The sharp smell of wormwood is blindfall and are not cleared to an odor to a similar distance.

The caustic smoke from the fire also scares the blind way, although not enough effectively. Where to best protection When traveling to nature, an ordinary mosquito net is served, which you need to throw it closer to the tent.