
The main features and DMRV device. What is a mass flow sensor air, its device and principle of work

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On domestic cars very frequent cause Trips a hundred is a sensor mass flow air. This device is often located near the air filter and is responsible for the amount of air that enters the power unit. Measuring the amount of air, the sensor determines whether there are any problems in the engine, and also controls the quality of the combustion chamber and the process of enrichment of the fuel mixture. Not only engine power depends on these important aspects, but also safety in its work. It often happens that it is the DMRV that becomes the most important problem in the car that spoils the quality of the trip.

Many car drivers of the VAZ 2110 family faced problems with this node. Today, for most owners of these cars, it is known how to check DMRV and set up its normal work or replace it with a new one. If you have a more modern machine, it is not recommended to check and change the sensor. It is better to perform work on a specialized station and get a guarantee for the high quality of your suggestions.

What are the first symptoms of DMRV breakdown?

The mass flow sensor does not only measure, but also controls the air supply process into the engine. The work of all technical parts of the machine are managed by computer systems that are automatically controlled in most cases. That is why the work of DMRV is so important. It affects the quality of operation of the power unit and on its suitable modes of operation. Such important roles in the vehicle make the sensor with a real problem when breakdown.

The main features of the failure of the sensor can be described by a list of multiple troubleshooting symptoms. But it is worth considering that in some cases it is impossible to determine the origin of the symptoms of the problem. It is sometimes easier to pay for high-quality diagnosis than to independently look for the causes of a particular problem. Among the typical features of the DMRV breakdown, such behaviors can be distinguished:

  • on the dashboard lights up the cherished light bulb Check Engine and requires the diagnostics of the engine;
  • gasoline consumption increases, while the increase can be quite high and unpleasant;
  • when you stop near the store for a few minutes, the car becomes a real problem;
  • the dynamics of the car decreases, acceleration becomes slower, and the tactic "pedal to the floor" does not work at all;
  • power is not felt especially on the hot engine, in cold behavior practically does not change;
  • all problems and malfunctions occur in the vehicle solely after the engine warming up.

The true problem is that there is too much or too little air, therefore the power unit cannot cope with the fuel combustion in normal modes. This leads to the fact that the modes of normal operation of the engine conceived by the manufacturer are no longer possible. The engine in such situations falls quite difficult. If you also take into account the increased consumption, the wear of the power unit increases.

Also, with incorrect air flow into the combustion chamber in the engine, you can observe incomplete combustion of fuel. This problem is a serious side effect that can lead to difficult consequences. If the unlawful gasoline flows into the Carter, where it is mixed with oil, the quality of lubricant is significantly reduced. This leads to increased friction in the engine and excessively high wear of the details.

Checking the DMRV sensor independently - five ways to combat the problem

If you suspect that the mass flow of air is precisely all your problems, it is worth checking your theory and get an unambiguous answer to the question. To do this, it is enough to perform diagnostics with one of the following methods. But before telling about the methods of checking the sensor, we bring arguments against self-diagnostics and personal care of your car.

Wizards for a hundred will spend all work much faster and without problems, since they have to deal with DMRV almost every day. By making their own efforts to eliminate the problem, you are at your own risk experimenting with the machine. However, this option to eliminate the problem is much cheaper and does not require a trip to the maintenance station. The main ways to verify problems with the DMRV sensor are as follows:

  1. Turn off the sensor from the air supply system. In this case, the computer gives the command to calculate the amount of air on the position of the damper in the engine. If, after disconnecting the sensor, the car began to go better, but increased the turnover, there is a breakdown of DMRV.
  2. Reinstall the firmware in the process of diagnosing the sensor. This method allows you to make sure that the engine problems are not associated with an alternative firmware of the ECU, which may well be the initial cause of all your problems.
  3. Check DMRV using a measuring device called Multimer. You can check out only some Bosch sensors. You can read more about checking in instructions for a car or directly to the installed sensor.
  4. Study and visual assessment of the state of the sensor. With such a traditional check system, it is often possible to determine the presence of a problem. If the inner part of the DMRV is dusty, you can safely change it and carefully monitor the position of all sealing gum.
  5. Performing the replacement of the DMRV sensor. This the method will suit In case you do not want to perform diagnostics, and you have a new sensor in stock. It is enough just to replace this item and make sure that the problem was hidden in this node.

These are simple ways to diagnose a mass flow sensor of fuel will help you determine the most important moments The works of this node. Of course, in the garage conditions, it is easiest to fulfill the first and last variant of diagnosis and repair. These are the most accurate and unmistakable ways to determine the correctness of the operation of the sensors and establish the necessary modes of engine operation modes in your car without large financial costs.

However, any sensor breakdowns are better diagnosed with special equipment. Specialists know the direct indicators of the poor performance of a sensor, a node. They often do not even have to start diagnostics to solve the problem. Despite the description of the methods of self-definition of all possible problems, we do not recommend our own interference in the sensor operation system. Another way to check with visual accompaniment We offer to look at the video:

Let's sum up

A successful solution to almost any problem with the car is a trip to a professional service station, a professional diagnosis and replacement of spare parts for the original or recommended by the manufacturer. But it turns out not always. Sometimes much easier and cheaper to conduct personal diagnostics of the car with a sufficiently simple and famous methodsnot requiring special equipment.

If you want to experience such methods, you can check the fuel consumption sensor with your own hands. The only disadvantage of this process is that the inept installation of the sensor is practically guaranteed to lead it out of order in the next few months. Therefore, before installing, read the appropriate chapter in the instructions for the car, as well as pay attention to the desired location of all sealing rubber on the device. Have you ever changed sensor DMRV yourself?

The exact operation of the injector or diesel engine will omnitally depends on the accuracy of the sensors serving it. It is one of the sensors to give a crash, the entire control system is rebuilt beyond recognition to force the engine in optimal mode. And one of the most important sensors is the one that determines the amount of air consumed by the engine at a certain point.

During operation, the engine consumes not only expensive fuel, but also free air. Moreover, according to the laws of the physicochemical process of fuel ignition in the combustion chamber, the motor is necessary about 12-14 liters of air for the combustion of the liter of fuel. Only then efficiency from combustion will be maximal, only then there will be no fuel recalculation and then the amount of toxic emissions will be minimal. Fuel is easier. How many nozzle was supplied to a cylinder, so much fuel and burned down. How many gasoline bought, so much of its pump in the fuel frame and pumped. The air is still released in one hands unlimited, if we talk about the process of combustion of fuel, then oxygen needs to be clearly controlled. For this purpose, the DMRV is installed, the mass flow sensor of the air.

DMRV measures the exact amount of air entered into the cylinder and transmits this information to the electronic motor control unit. ECU in turn, based on this data, draws conclusions about how much fuel should be applied. DMRV, of course, is not the last instance that affects the flow of fuel, but its testimony is very important in this matter.

Principle of operation DMRV

To determine the engine load and the amount of the mixture that is necessary for the motor operation in this mode, the ECU performs the computation every second to compile the proportion of the mixture. Pressing the accelerator pedal, we open an air damper that skips a certain amount of air, and its exact amount determines the sensor.

The sensor itself is arranged in front of the throttle, and it consists of a platinum spraying conductor with a thickness of about 70 microns. In general, two types of sensors are distinguished:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Thermal.

The mechanical sensor simply defines the amount of air, pushing out from the position of the throttle. Now such sensors are not used in internal combustion engines. The thermal method of measuring the flow of air occurs, taking into account the heating of the platinum element. Install the sensors are usually between the filter and the choke in the inlet path.

DMRV malfunctions in diesels and injection motors

Since the indication of the DMRV is based on the adjustment of the mixture formation, then the output may noticeably affect the operation of the engine as a whole. Sometimes the symptoms of malfunction of DMRV can be expressed in the complete refusal of the engine, it would seem without visible to the reasons. There is, however, less disturbing, but more eloquent symptoms that the sensor works incorrectly or refused at all.

Since thermal type sensors are installed in diesel engines, the symptoms can be identical. Extremely diesel symptoms include characteristic black smoke from the exhaust pipe, but also cannot guarantee an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms are familiar to those who have come across completely different problems in the work of the motor, so only for them can not be judged by the state of the sensor. If there are suspicions in the correctness of its readings, the sensor needs to be checked.

How to check the air consumption sensor

Since we no longer use mechanical sensors, but we use only thermoelectric, then we will measure the electrical parameters of the sensor to check it. Although the most children's way to check the sensor - at idle turns simply remove the block from the DMRV connector. As soon as the block turns off, the computer loses the sensor from the field of view and gives an emergency operation signal, and, in the meantime, it is focused on reading the valve position angle sensor. At this point you can find out, DMRV works, or not. After turning off the pad, the engine can start working with interruptions and idle will float. On a warm engine, you can drive a few kilometers with a disconnected sensor. If the thrust appeared and the power has visually increased, the sensor is unsuitable for use.

Also, the check can be measured by the signal at the extreme right wire. If the sensor works, the stress on the leg will be within 1-1.5 V. If the readings are higher, the sensor is faulty and is subject to replacement or flushing. So simple ways can be pre-without diagnostic equipment to determine the malfunction of DMRV. Do not dump the sensor, and successful all the roads!

The correct operation of the automotive engine and the car as a whole depends on a large number of different factors. But the most important of them is the ratio of gasoline and fuel in a combustible mixture, due to which the engine is performed. At the same time, each mode of operation requires a special mixture, to achieve an optimal ratio of which is possible only due to such a device as air flow meter. Like any other device, for one reason or another, it may fail. Therefore, it is very important to constantly monitor its work, and in case of manifestation of signs of the failure of the device fail.

1. Basic signs of air flow meter fault.

The mass flow sensor, or, simply speaking, the flow meter allows you to control the air supply to the engine combustion chamber. You can directly find this device near. His main task is to define and adjust the volume of the air mixture entering the cylinders.

In this case, the sensor is not able to measure exactly which volume of air passes through the car motor. With it, an assessment is made as the mass of compressed air entered the engine for a certain unit of time, and the result of such control is in kilograms per second. Flow meters are used both on diesel engines and more common gasoline. These devices apply not only on cars, but also in industry.

But it is almost impossible to meet this device on modern production cars. Approximately from the beginning of the two thousandbile, almost all foreign concerns abandoned the use of flow meters, successfully replacing them with devices capable of determining air pressure, and not its volume. Supported designers to such a solution that the flow meter is a fairly delicate device, which is why it often fails. The reason for this can serve as overload, and just a careless touch of a wet rag to the surface of the sensor. Unfortunately, it is impossible to repair the flow meter, so you have to buy and install a new one.

The flow meter works on a familiar to everyone since the school of Ohm. That is, with the help of the heated wire, the air mass flows into the engine combustion chamber is calculated. In fact, this sensor is an analogue of the anemometer, with which the air mass movement velocity is measured. The sensor contact is heated by air, which causes changes in the resistance of the metal from which it is made. The larger the temperature of the wire, the higher the sensor indicator, or the greater the mass of the air flow, the higher the resistance.

The data obtained by the sensor are transmitted to the electronic control unit of the car, which can correct the air supply in accordance with the operation mode of the machine and the indicators that come from other sensors.

But sooner or later, the sensor can "enhance". As a result, malfunctions will arise and complications in the work of all other car systems and, first of all, in the engine. Signs for which you can determine the presence of problems in the air flow meter, there is quite a lot. Let's call the most typical of them:

1. The engine stopped starting at all.

2. There is an unstable operation of the engine at idle.

3. There are very large or very small revs during the engine operation at idle.

4. During overclocking, "failures" in the engine work, the car generally shows a bad dynamics of work.

5. Significantly increased fuel consumption.

It is worth noting that such signs may not treat the flow meter at all. Such a vehicle reaction can manifest itself through the improper functioning of air supply. That is, air flow sensor remains in good condition, but with the corrugated hose, with which the sensor is connected to the throttle valve, can be completely covered with cracks.

Thanks to the electronic control unit, learn about the presence of a malfunction in the engine, and possibly in the flow meter, it is possible to thanks to a special signal on the instrument panel in the car - light bulb "or" Check Engine ". If this light bulb lit up, then it will be more correct to carry out the complete diagnostics of the engine. After all, besides the flow meter, other devices can be left.

2. How to check the air flow meter on their own and what is needed to check?

Fortunately, it is possible to carry out the diagnosis of air flow meter not only at car maintenance stations, but at home. Make it can be very simple, without using completely no remedies.

Just try to turn off the flow meter and make a car without his participation. In this case, the controller activates the freelance operation mode, and mixing the fuel mixture for combustion will be carried out in accordance with the throttle position. The tachometer indicator in this mode of operation of the car should rise higher than 1,500 revolutions per minute.

But on this check does not end. By running the engine without a flow meter, try to drive by car for a short distance. If at the same time the car will work fully and without any failures or "failures" - your flow meter is correct.

However, this is not the only way with which you can estimate the efficiency of the air flow meter. This can be done even by ordinary visual inspection. At the same time, the main attention must be focused on the internal surfaces of the air flow sensor and the corrugated hose, which is connected to it.

Ideally, all inner surfaces must be in a clean and dry condition, without mud floor and spots from the engine oil. Since the flow meter consists of very sensitive elements, even the most insignificant drop of oil can bring them out. How can oil get to the surface of the sensor? This happens if the oil level exceeds permissible norm, Or the ventilation system has occurred.

After that you need to try to extract the sensor. Under it is a sealing ring, the main function of which is the opposition to the external mass of air. If you find that this ring is not on the device, or it is stuck in the air filter housing, it means that the body of the flow meter is hopelessly clouded with dust. As a result, the service life of such a sensor will be reduced at times, and it is not possible to restore it.

If all the above options for checking the air flow sensor did not give any results, and you could not make sure all 100% are that the air flow sensor is really faulty, another check option remains. You will need an ordinary multimeter or an electronic device that converts the voltage into the binary digital cipher (ADC). Follow the instructions below for checking:

1. We translate the multimeter to the voltmeter mode, which will allow us to measure the voltage. Set the voltage 2B, which will allow diagnosing the functioning flow meter.

2. Open the car hood and find the flow meter, which is directly near the engine. Four wires are connected to this device:

- the first transmits the output signal;

The second is the output device voltage;

The third is grounding air flow meter;

Due to the fourth device is connected to the relay.

3. Do not turn off the ignition and when the engine running at idle is connected to a multimeter air sensor.

4. The process of making diagnostics will be as follows: we take the red wire from the multimeter and connect it to the sensor wire, which is painted in yellow; The black wire of the multimeter must be connected to the green wire of the device. In order for the signal coming from the sensor to be stable, the connections need to be secured using special clamps.

5. Carefully follow the arrow on the multimeter dial. If the indicator exceeds the allowable value in 2B - the device is faulty.

If you find that the sensor really requires repair or replacement, after completing the diagnostics, you must perform the following steps:

1. Turn off the ignition of the car.

2. Using the key on 10, we remove the hose from the flow meter, along which the air flows to it.

3. Remove the device, repair it or replace it with a new one.

As for the reverse installation of the device, it is performed in the reverse order. Together with this, you need to follow several rules: do not forget to wear a sealing ring onto the flow meter before installing and check the sealing skirt. After that, the flow meter can be safely installed on the engine of the car, or rather, on the air filter housing.

Types of faults of air flow meter

There are several types of air flow meter design that are used on vehicles. Along with this there are and different types Faults that can manifest themselves. The shovel type sensors are very often out of order due to wear of the current-carrying surfaces of potentiometers, as well as due to the appearance on the working surface of oil trails. Due to the wear of the potentiometer, the electrical signal with the data may disappear, and the electronic control unit will receive a distorted data from the sensor.

As for the damage to the thermoenemometric sensors of the mass flow of air, then they are mainly consistent with the power break. That is, the flow meter simply may not come tension from the on-board network of the car. Unfortunately, this type of device is not subject to service or repair. The only possible option to restore the operation of such a sensor is the restoration of electrical contact connections, if any were violated. If the flow meter was contaminated - you can try to blow it with compressed air.

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The air flow sensor (DMRV) is attached to the air filter and determines the amount of air transmitted by it. The quality of the combustible mixture depends on the correct definition of this indicator. Faults will immediately affect the engine.

Signs of damage

At the first signs of disruption of the engine, you should not panic, hurry to the store and take a new DMRV. An assumption may arise that the mass flow sensor is damaged. How to check his work? First, you need to listen carefully to the car. He himself will indicate that the DMRV sensor is faulty, and will behave as follows:

The computer will give a Check Engine error;

Reduced power;

Increase fuel consumption;

The engine will be bad;

Dynamics will decrease.

What if the mass flow sensor does not work incorrectly? How to check his condition?

Option 1. Disconnection

With a plugged engine, disconnect the connector with DMRV. A disconnection of the device will occur, the controller will fall into the emergency mode, and the fuel mixture will be prepared with the current position of the throttle. About the transition to such a mode will announce the engine again, it should keep turns over 1500 rpm. The final conclusions about the malfunction of the DMRV can be done if you will understand that after disconnecting the speaker sensor improved. Note: ECU of the modification I-7.2 and M-7.9.7 After disconnecting the DMRV, the engine will not increase.

Option 2. Firmware

It is possible that the EU has already been modified by firmware, then it is not entirely clear how he behaves when using the option given above. In this case, the mass flow sensor may not work incorrectly. How to check it out? Take a plate with a thickness of 1 mm and insert it under the focus of the damper. After we climbed disconnecting the terminal with DMRV. If the engine continues to work, then the causes of malfunction in the ECU, namely in the PCX steps. They do not respond to emergency mode without DMRV.

Option 3. Diagnostics Multimetime

This option is acceptable to diagnose the Bosch sensors with indexes: 0 280 218 004, 0 280 218 116, as well as 0 280 218 037. On the tester, we set the measurement limits 2B, in the constant voltage mode. (Salon orientation):

Signal input - yellow;

Power sensor - gray-white;

Grounding (minus) - green;

To the main relay - pink-black.


The colors of the wires is indicated for most models, colors may vary, but the content value is equally.

The procedure for carrying out measurements

After turning on the ignition, without starting the engine, we carry out scanning. Red appliance probe connect to the yellow wire DMRV, and black to green. So we carry out voltage measurement and fix it. Comparing the obtained readings with the manufacturer's recommendations, which will allow to judge the device's performance. New DMRV has a voltage of 0.996-1.01 V.

Deviceability parameters Depending on voltage:

1.01-1.03 - the sensor is operational;

1.03-1.04 - is operational, but the sensor resource is almost exhausted;

1.04-1.05 - the resource is exhausted if there are no signs of malfunction, it is possible to operate, but it is time to acquire a new one;

1.05 and more - faulty, replacement is required.


To check the air consumption sensor, you can learn from the "Voltage from Sensor" parameters.

Option 4. Visual inspection

With a screwdriver, unscrew the clamps, removing the corrugation, inspect the sensor and corrugation. All surfaces should be dry without oil sediments and condensate. Causes of DMRV Pollution:

Contaminated air filter;

Oil level exceeds the norm;

Scored ventilation systems.

By eliminating the reasons for DMRV pollution, it is necessary to correct the consequences, and this will require the cleaning of the mass flow sensor. Using a 10 key, unscrewing the sensor fastening bolts separating it from the air filter. A rubber ring should be on the sensor to prevent the superscript of unofficulated air. If there is no or located on the spot, the input grid of the device under consideration will be in dust. This can be the cause of the sensor malfunction.

Installation sequence:

A sealing gum dresses on the device;

The sealing skirt is checked;

The sensor is installed in the filter housing.

Procedure for replacement

Turning off the ignition, remove the plug from the sensor. Weave the clamps, disconnect the inlet air nozzle. Next, unscrew the sensor and remove it from the filter housing. To unscrew it, you will need a key to 10. After the inspection, the question of whether the air flow sensor is faulty, how to check its performance. Evaluating when diagnosing the condition of the device, it is not necessary to immediately acquire a new one. It should be said that the cost of DMRV fluctuates from 1500 to 2000 rubles. But you can simply eliminate pollution and spend the maximum of rubles 200.

Remedies for pollution

In order to wash the DMRV qualitatively, it must be removed, the removal order has already been described earlier. There is a mesh inside the device. It has 2-3 sensors, in the form of small wires. During operation, the details are contaminated, which leads to a failure in work. To give a second life to the device, you need to clean the mesh and the sensors, for this the carburetor cleaner is suitable. Spraying the remedy, wash the contamination from the inside of the DMRV. Full elimination of pollution can happen from the first time, you will have to repeat the procedure. All subsequent sputtering should be carried out after drying. Conducting the sensor cleaning, it is worth considering the condition of the nozzles - in the presence of contaminants, remove them. Applying a means to eliminate contaminants from the carburetor shows that 8 out of 10 devices are started to function in the correct mode. But in some cases you have to buy a new DMRV sensor.


Now checking DMRV own forces can be considered completed. And on questions about whether the mass flow sensor has a mass flow rate, how to check its condition, reply from 100% warranty to a hundred, conducting a diagnostic examination using special equipment.

When the mass flow sensor fails, the operation of the injection system will be broken, and therefore the operation of the engine engine as a whole. When signs of malfunction of the DMRV, the easiest way to be diagnosed to install instead of the controller is a deliberately working device.


What is DMRV and his appointment

In the car, this controller is a device used to estimate the amount of air that enters the motor. The sensor refers to the class of regulators of the electronic control mechanism of the power unit. The first thing that the DMRV is affected is the operation of the injection system. The device is intended to determine and regulate the air flow, which enters the engine cylinders in order to form a combustible mixture. The car controller can be used in conjunction with air pressure level sensors and temperature, which are used to change its testimony.

Where is he located?

The regulator can be seen under the hood. Regardless of the vehicle model, the sensor is installed in the inlet path after the air filtering device. The fixation of the controller is carried out on the air duct.

The channel "in the garage at Sandro" spoke about the diagnosis, as well as the location of flow meters in VAZ cars.

Principle of operation

The principle of the DMRV operation can be based on the vortex counting of the KRAMAN or the displacement of the potentiometer slider by means of a blade installed on the air flow stream.

The first option is considered more reliable because it is not equipped with moving elements of the structure. In this case, the device calculates the vortices of Kraman, appearing in the laminar air flow. On the path of the latter, special obstacles with sharp edges are used as resistance. The air flow is broken from them, which linearly depends on its speed. The controller of this type works solely if there is turbulence in the air.

The channel "Starsauto" spoke about constructive features, as well as the principle of operation of automotive flow meters.

If the sensor is equipped with a measuring potentiometer, then it functions on the principle of offsetting the slider. Its working blade is equipped with a spring and is installed in the flow of consumable by the motor. If it increases, proportional to the blade displacement occurs. The flow has a pulsating character, respectively, to reduce the effect of ripples, the blade of the controller is connected to the damper. The potentiometer slider is also associated with it, which when the sensor is running, is shifted to the level proportional to the volume of the air flow.

This element of the design is performed on a ceramic surface where the resistor elements of the voltage divider are installed. Their conclusions are located in a row and are covered with a special resistive layer. The device slider is pressed to the contact component. Due to this, the voltage level on it corresponds to the magnitude at the point of contact with the resistive layer. If the blade changes its position, the elements move occur, which leads to the abrasion of the slider.

Design DMRV

Constructively, the mass flow sensor includes six elements:

  • device work board;
  • plastic case;
  • radiator element;
  • sensitive component in the form of wire or nickel network;
  • the nozzle on which air flow passes;
  • mesh on the release and inlet of the device.

To the sensitive component, the current must be supplied, otherwise it will not be able to heat up. When the device is running, the average temperature of the thread should be 75-100 degrees.

Photo Gallery "DMRV Design"

Fitting device with a board inside Film flow meter for cars

The most popular DMRV faults

The main signs of the DMRV fault:

  1. The failures of the flow meter can inform the ENJINE check indicator that appears on the dashboard in the car cabin.
  2. Depending on the type of device and the machine on the control panel, an icon indicates a low level of the DMRV signal.
  3. The power unit began to work with interruptions. When the sensor is disconnected, the machine stalls or turnover of the engine start jumping into a large smaller side. The power of the DVS decreases, the car is hardly taken overclocking, especially moving uphill.
  4. Increase fuel consumption.
  5. When switching speeds on the gearbox, the engine arbitrarily stops.

Faulty sensor can be determined by the integrity of the case. The presence of damage on it, as well as on the corrugated highway, may report problems in the controller. We are talking about a nozzle that connects the controller with the throttle. If during operation, the engine arbitrarily stalls, it can report faults in the operation of the power line.

If the control device for the number and distribution of air is faulty, the symptoms of the breakage may be similar to errors in the operation of the air filter.

Causes due to which the device fails:

  • the sensor is not connected to the power supply of the machine;
  • break or damage to the power chain;
  • to malfunctions in the operation of the controller, the appearance of failures in the operation of the engine control unit can be obtained;
  • incorrect connection of the signal cables or their cliff;
  • oxidation or damage to the contact elements.

Diagnostics DMRV

If there is no similar sensor, then there are other ways to check the efficiency of the flow meter:

  • visual diagnostics;
  • check during movement;
  • determination of firmware matching;
  • diagnostics tester.

Visual inspection

Before you check the device with this method, it must be dismantled from the landing place. To do this, the nozzles are disconnected from the air filtering element housing. From the inside the controller must be dry, the presence of traces of engine fluid and condensate is not allowed. Often, the device breaks due to non-compliance with the air filter replacement intervals, as a result of which the dirt remains on the sensitive component. This leads to the fact that the controller issues incorrect readings.

If there are traces of a motor fluid on the inner cavity of the controller, this indicates a high level of pressure of lubrication in the power unit. The reason may consist in clogging the ventilation of the crankcase. When checking, it is necessary to make sure that the sealing element is located in the desired place where the corrugation is installed. This part could be stuck in the air filtering device housing. With this problem in the engine, the air drum occurs, which falls inside with dust and pollutes the regulator.

Diagnosis in motion

You must turn off the power circuit plug from the sensor and run the engine, and then disconnect the block. On the dashboard will appear the ENDIN check indicator. Minimum motor turns should increase to 1500 per minute. If the engine has become more stable after turning off the device, it says about its malfunction. The sensor needs to be replaced.

User Igor Belov spoke about several methods for diagnosing a flow meter, including verification during movement.

Compliance with DMRV firmware ECU

To check the firmware match, you need to take a plate with a thickness of 1 mm and bring it under the focus of the damper, it will lead to a change in the rotor of the motor. Then it is turned off the pads with wires from the controller. If the engine does not stop the engine, then the reason for the firmware of the microprocessor module, the idle speed controller without a flow meter in an emergency mode.

Check DMRV Multimmeter

Ignition activation is made for diagnostics, but the power unit does not need to start. The contact of the red probe on the tester must be touched on the first cable (yellow color), and black goes to the ground (green contact). The connection is not recommended for the use of acute items, as this will lead to the appearance of errors in the testimony. This method of diagnosis will allow you to determine the level of voltage between the conductors.

The state of the sensor will be allowed to know the readings:

  • from 0.99 to 1.01 V - the parameters of the new controller;
  • 1.01 - 1.02 V - a controller in excellent condition, you do not need to change;
  • 1.02 - 1.03 V - generally satisfactory condition of the device;
  • 1.03 - 1.04 V - the service life of the controller is almost exhausted, a replacement will be released soon;
  • 1.04 - 1.05 V - unsatisfactory condition of the sensor, it is time to change the device.

Diagnosis Tester can be performed not on all types of flow meters. Pre-diagnostic multimeter mode must be configured to measure the DC value and set the maximum parameter to 2 V. Four cables are supplied to the controller, each of which is indicated by a certain color.

Starting from the near conductor to the windshield:

  • yellow contact is designed to enter the pulse of the flow meter;
  • white or gray cable is used as the output channel of the supply voltage;
  • green contact is a mass or ground;
  • a black cable equipped with a pink strip is responsible for accessing the main relay.

The coloring of contacts on DMRV can be different, but the location of the wires is always identical.

The channel "Simple Opinion" spoke about the implementation of the diagnosis of the flow meter using the tester.

What to do with the low level of DMRV signal?

With such a problem, diagnosis is made:

  • availability or lack of supply voltage, as well as the reliability of the device connection to the mass;
  • the resistance level between the contact element 5 (on the diagram) of the connector and the mass, this indicator must be from 4 to 6 kΩ.

The problem may consist in:

  • poor-quality contact;
  • the wrong track of the harness with wiring;
  • wear or damage to cable veins or insulating layer;
  • poor connection of the device with grounding;
  • connecting to a block of more powerful energy consumers.

Diagnostics of the device includes the following steps:

  1. The quality of the contact between the conclusions 7 and 12 on the injection system connector, as well as the sensor, is checked. A visual validation of the block of the pad is performed on the subject of the compound. The problem may be damaged by locks or the use of damaged contact elements. Perhaps the poor quality of the conductor connectivity to the block.
  2. It is necessary to make sure that the harness's track is not broken. Problems may occur if the harness with cables is laid next to high-voltage wires.
  3. The integrity of the harness is performed, damage is not allowed. If the visually element is whole, you must try to move it and at the same time monitor the testimony of diagnostic equipment.
  4. The air filtering device is also checked. If required, it is replaced.

In the presence of the tester, check the health of the mass flow sensor can be like this:

  1. The key in the lock scrolls to turn off the ignition. You must disconnect the connector with the wires from the controller.
  2. Then the ignition is turned on, but the power unit does not start.
  3. Using the tester, the voltage level is diagnosed between the contact elements on the connector. Between the outputs 2 and 3, this value should be above 10 volts, between 3 and 4 - 5 V, and between the ground and the third contact - 0 V. If the obtained indicators are other, it is required to eliminate the lines on the line and get rid of the ground closure.
  4. Then the ignition in the car is turned off. With the help of the multimeter, the resistance level is diagnosed between the fifth contact and grounding on the block.

Connecting the flow meter to the microprocessor

If the value obtained is about 4.6 com, the controller itself is faulty. The problem may be in its low-quality compound. At the resistance level of 0 ohms, the problem is to close the fourth contact or a sensor malfunction. If the value obtained was more than 100 kΩ, it speaks about the cutting of the wires of the wire 4 or the failure of the regulator.

What to do with a high level of DMRV signal?

With this problem, it is also necessary to check the availability of the power circuit and the quality of the ground sensor connection. The parameter is diagnosed and on the fifth pin of the connector.

Check is performed like this:

  1. The ignition is turned off. From the device you need to disconnect the connector with the wires.
  2. Ignition turns on, the motor will not start.
  3. Using the multimeter, the voltage diagnosis is performed on the block. The readings should be the same as when the sensor signal is low.
  4. Then the resistance is performed, the tester is pre-configured to the appropriate mode. Measurement is carried out between the fifth contact element and grounding. If the obtained value is 0 B, the controller is faulty and is subject to replacement. Other parameters will indicate the closure of the conductor 4K to the power source.

How to independently clean the sensor?

By cleaning and flushing the air flow controller, you can restore its operation.

In particular, it will have to work with a sensitive sensor element - this part during the flow meter is always contaminated.

Choosing a cleaner

To perform the task, you must purchase a cleaning agent:

  1. Liquida moth. Purifier Sensor Mass Flow Sensor This brand is expensive. But its application allows you to effectively remove contaminants and restore the device. The use of moth cleaning facilities can be carried out on DMRV operating on gasoline or diesel engine.
  2. Technical or medical alcohol. This option is one of the oldest and efficient. Chemical properties Alcohol allows you to qualitatively remove dirt with a sensitive part of the sensor.
  3. Cleaner carburetor engine. One of the budget and effective ways Restore the operation of the controller.
  4. Liquid key. It is allowed to use not only on DMRV, but in order to clean other nodes and mechanisms.
  5. WD-40. Allows you to remove not only dirt, but also traces of rust.

Step-by-step instruction

Repair of the air flow sensor with their own hands is carried out like this:

  1. Before removing the sensor, the ignition is turned off and the terminal from the battery is disconnected. In the engine compartment from the flow meter is dismantled by the connector.
  2. The pipe is connected to the device, it is also weakened and disconnected. Using a wrench, a bolt is unscrewed, locking the mechanism on the air filter, in particular, on its housing.
  3. The device is extracted from corrugations. Depending on the car model, you may need different tools for this, including keys-star. Self-tapping screws fixing, and then removal of the flow meter from the landing site.
  4. If the device has traces of oil, they must be removed. To clean, one of the above-described means is used.
  5. The sensors themselves on the flow meter are usually made in the form of a wire located on the grid. Using the cleaner, it is necessary to carefully process the sensitive component. It is impossible to damage the film. When the location of pollution is cleaned, it is necessary to wait about 10 minutes so that the tool affects.
  6. If the dirt on the device is too much, then it is advisable to repeat the cleaning procedure several times. To ensure rapid evaporation, the means can use the compressor or pump. But too high pressure can lead to the destruction of the sensitive element of the flow meter.

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Removing the sensor and replace it

The device's operating resource affects the air flow cleanliness, which passes through it. Therefore, when using the flow meter, it is necessary to prevent the formation of deposits on its working surface. To do this, it is recommended to periodically check the operation of the air filtering device. If necessary, the sensor must be changed regularly. If the car is operated in a large and contaminated city, then the replacement of the part must be performed more often than this is indicated in the car maintenance regulations.