
Indoor air humidity: its permissible and optimal rate in a residential apartment. How to check the humidity in the apartment

Garden furniture

The reason for the recurrence of allergic and respiratory diseases can be the microclimate in the room: temperature, absolute and relative humidity. Normal values ​​of these parameters create favorable conditions for a person to live in an apartment or private house. But how is air humidity measured? The answer is simple: a hygrometer or a psychrometer.

Before purchasing a device, you should find out about its advantages and disadvantages.

One of the undoubted advantages of the device for determining the moisture content in the air space is its ease of use.

Optimal values

Humidity in the apartment - the degree of air saturation with vapors. It is measured as a percentage of the actual amount of moisture to the maximum possible value at the same temperature. Its increased parameters are easy to determine: mold appears in the corners of the room, a person's chronic diseases become aggravated, and immunity decreases. With low humidity in the room, wooden furniture quickly deteriorates, and family members experience unpleasant sensations of dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. If there is no moisture in the surrounding space, then the dust does not settle on surfaces for a long time, but remains in the air, penetrates the bronchi and lungs.

The target location of the room determines the optimum humidity parameters. The rate is expressed as a percentage:

  • living room - 50-60%;
  • bedroom - 45-50%;
  • children - 50-60%;
  • cabinet - 40-45%;
  • kitchen and bathroom - up to 60%.

The values ​​obtained in the measurement process are influenced by many factors - the season, the power of the heating radiators, the region of residence.

Experts operate with two types of moisture:

  • relative;
  • absolute.

The last value shows how much moisture is in a cubic meter (how the air in the room is measured). In everyday life, the absolute indicator is practically not used.

Moisture parameters can be determined using indoor plants... If the leaves curl and turn yellow, harmful insects often settle on them, then the air in the room is very dry. When brown spots appear on the flowers and the roots begin to rot, this means that there is an excess of water in the surrounding area.

The relative humidity of the air is measured using devices that are convenient for a person without special skills in working with complex devices. This parameter is quite sufficient for determining the moisture content in the surrounding space.

Types of devices

At home, measure the humidity of the air different ways, but the most objective values ​​are obtained using special devices: a hygrometer and a psychrometer.

Air humidity is measured using a hygrometer, the principle of which is based on fixing variables with an increase or decrease in the concentration of water molecules in the surrounding space. Under such conditions, the physical parameters (density, mass, length) of the structure of the material used in the measurement process and actively absorbing moisture change. The results obtained will characterize the degree of water vapor saturation of the surrounding space. Before measuring the humidity with a hygrometer, please note that the values ​​will be approximate.

In specialized stores, hygrometers are presented in a wide range. They are:

  • hairy;
  • by weight;
  • condensing;
  • electrolytic;
  • ceramic.

For domestic use of the device, special accuracy is not required. Determining the relative humidity with a hygrometer is easy, but there are performance characteristics.

Before measuring the humidity of the air, you need to take into account the features of using a hygrometer:

  • always make sure that the material to be moistened is wet and clean;
  • do not place the device near air conditioners or radiators.

The principle of operation of a hygrometer is based on comparing the readings of a thermometer in contact with wet material and a thermometer that records values ​​in a real environment. The results are determined using the usual graduated scale. The difference in parameters is checked against the data of the psychometric table, regardless of which device the values ​​were obtained from.

To measure air humidity using a psychrometer, you need to understand the principle of its operation. When the liquid evaporates, the ambient temperature drops. The more intense the evaporation, the cooler the air becomes, which is what the device determines. This process is influenced by a complex of factors:

  • concentration of water vapor;
  • the speed of air flows in the room.

Taking into account the temperature difference between the moist material and the air, the evaporation rate can be determined. If the device is located near a window or fan, then the obtained values ​​will not be accurate due to the circulation of streams.

Relative humidity is measured using the following types psychrometers:

  • stationary;
  • remote;
  • aspiration.

The latter are considered the most accurate and reliable devices. It is very easy to measure air humidity using an Assman psychrometer - the device is equipped with a protective case. Therefore, the values ​​obtained are not affected by the air flow velocity.

Handy ways

One of the informative methods by which you can determine the humidity in an apartment is to observe a burning candle. In a room with a normal microclimate, its flame is strong, even. With an excessive moisture content in the surrounding space, the candle flame fluctuates from side to side, and scarlet blotches appear on its edge. Do not forget that air humidity is measured in this way with closed windows and doors.

You can determine the water vapor content using a regular glass of water. After placing it in the refrigerator, you should wait about an hour. During this time, the temperature of the liquid will drop to 3-4 ° C. The relative humidity of the air is detected after removing the glass and observing the ongoing evaporation processes:

  • the walls of the vessel remain fogged up - the moisture content is within normal limits;
  • dry walls - low air humidity;
  • condensate flows down - there is a lot of water vapor in the surrounding area.

If the laundry dries quickly in the room, you should think about purchasing a humidifier. And the dampness of objects made of fabrics indicates an excess amount of moisture in the room.

What device to use is up to the owner of the premises. People who care about their health and strive to maintain all microclimate parameters within the normal range, equip their apartment with a real home weather station. Manufacturers have established the production of devices equipped with a barometer, hygrometer and thermometer. Of course, such a device cannot be cheap. But all the costs quickly pay off - the owners of the premises save on medicines for family members, they do not need to change the wallpaper and upholstered furniture damaged by the fungus.

It's no secret that the quality of the air we breathe is an important component of our health. That is why it should be comfortable to breathe in our apartment space.

One of the criteria determining the "correctness" of the air is its humidity. In our article, we will reveal the topic in as much detail as possible, analyzing the questions about what is normal air humidity in an apartment, how to measure it, correct it, and also about what deviations in its parameters are fraught with.

Why high humidity is harmful

Speaking about some deviations from the norm, you should first deal with the question of what should be the optimal humidity in the apartment. Most people can easily answer questions about the acceptable temperature, but the question of moisture content in the air, being no less important, for some reason habitually relegated to the background, although doctors have recently quite strongly recommended to monitor this parameter.

The humidity rate in the apartment ranges from 40-60% , depending on the season and the specifics of the apartment space, and in everyday life, it is measured using a hygrometer, the operation of which is no more complicated than the usual thermometer that measures the temperature.

Any deviations from the normal value are manifested in the form of fogged up glasses, which immediately begin to "cry". Things may become excessively damp, it appears bad smell And most importantly, mold forms and spreads, which is the source of serious human health problems. When ingested in food and respiratory organs, the fungus can provoke allergies, reduce immunity, resulting in vulnerability to infectious and other diseases.

Dampness leads to mold formation - Photo 04

As a result, people living in rooms with high humidity get sick much more often, and the healing process takes a long time and is not always complete. Comfortable air humidity for a person is the key to his health.

Optimal air humidity in the apartment

Returning to the topic of humidity indicators, consider what normal humidity in an apartment is provided for by GOSTs. Note that the required conformity in sleeping quarters is 30-45%, and a figure above 60% is a serious deviation ... Modern representatives of medicine will be outraged by this state of affairs, especially considering the lower limit of the specified range. However, it should be noted that in modern apartments, especially located in old-style houses, in winter the air humidity really fluctuates around 25%.

Today, the relevance of this issue is gaining momentum, being implemented in various solutions in the form of air humidifiers, cans of water or wet clothes on batteries. However, it should be remembered that high-quality regulation of humidity in the apartment is impossible without the normal functioning of the ventilation system ... If the exhaust system does not work well, and the supply of fresh air is excessively limited, it is practically impossible to ensure "correct" breathing. An additional factor here is temperature, which is directly related to humidity.

The humidity rate in the apartment and its compliance with the actual indicator can be established in several ways, namely:

  • specialist call , using equipment;
  • independent manufacture of the device for measuring air humidity in an apartment or purchase of a hygrometer ;
  • using a regular thermometer , measuring the temperature in the room and the water that has stood in it for some time, and then, comparing the resulting ratio with the data in the table, which can be easily found here (hyperlink).

3 ways to measure humidity yourself

Let's talk in more detail about each of the above methods, omitting, of course, the help of third parties. So, how to measure the humidity in the apartment?

  1. Hygrometer ... Such a device is the simplest and most correct solution. When choosing a device, the determining criterion is its accuracy and the provided deviation of no more than 1%. The modern market offers to purchase a measuring device in the form of a multifunctional device that combines, in addition to a moisture meter, a thermometer, a barometer, a clock, etc.

  1. Glass vessel ... Although through this method you will not achieve the most accurate result, however, if necessary, you can easily resort to it, because in every farm there is everything you need to accomplish this task. Fill the glass cold water and cool to a temperature of 3-5 C about. After placing the filled vessel in the room, analyze the result. So if:
  • the walls are fogged up, but after 10 minutes they are completely dry - the humidity level is extremely low;
  • 5-10 minutes after placing the vessel on its surface, the condensation drops have not disappeared and flow into the glass - the humidity is very high;
  • condensation on the walls has not evaporated, but it also does not flow down them in the form of abundant drops - the humidity is within normal limits.
  1. Thermometer (on the principle of a psychrometer) ... First of all, an ordinary thermometer measures the air temperature in the room. Then the head of the same thermometer is wrapped in wet cotton wool or gauze, and after 10 minutes the procedure is repeated. The data obtained in the second step are subtracted from the first indicators, and the result obtained is considered according to the table.

Humidity and babies

Children are the most important thing in any full-fledged family. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of their living conditions. Air temperature and humidity are the most important parameters directly affecting their health. Any deviations can immediately affect their general condition, and modern doctors today put the humidity in the room and the constant flow of fresh air to the fore in relation to the health of every child.

Air humidification for children's health - Photo 12

By providing comfortable conditions for the respiratory system, we strengthen the child's immunity, and in case of illness, maintaining the necessary air parameters will make the healing process much more rapid and can allow avoiding the medication part of the treatment.

Childhood is the stage at which our baby is not only vulnerable to exposure external factors... At this stage, the formation of his health takes place, which largely determines the further quality of his life.

Air humidity in the apartment in winter and summer

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of air humidity in the winter season. As we saw above, it is significantly lower for a number of reasons, namely:

  • radiator heating;
  • additional heating devices;
  • restriction in the flow of fresh air due to closed or sealed plastic windows.

All these factors affect not only the comfortable humidity in the apartment, but can also become an invisible source of health problems.

In summer, most of the listed factors disappear by themselves, moisture is not absorbed by third-party devices, and its amount, as a rule, is sufficient and can be regulated using elementary ventilation.

Methods for improving moisture indicators

Having considered the questions about what should be the humidity in the apartment and how to measure it, it's time to talk about how to regulate this parameter. Some of them have already been mentioned in our article, we will consider them in more detail.

Spray humidification - Photo 14

  1. Drying laundry on batteries ... You can also just put a wet towel on the radiator, but watch the humidity level so as not to overdo it.
  1. Banks filled with water placed around the apartment ... In order to avoid drying out of the inner parts of the piano, this method is still actively used, you just need to remember the need to periodically top up with water.

After considering as closely as possible the question of how to regulate indoor humidity and why it is necessary, it remains to be reminded that your health and the health of your children is the most valuable thing that you should constantly take care of.

Air humidity is the total amount of water vapor in the air in a particular room (or atmosphere, globally). It happens:

  • absolute - this value is constantly changing;
  • relative - this indicator is familiar to us from weather forecasts, it indicates what percentage of moisture is missing in the atmosphere before it begins to condense on surfaces.

This indicator is influenced by: the location of the room, its purpose, the nature of the property stored in it, climatic and weather conditions. Measurement of air humidity is carried out based on the nature of the room.
There are several types of moisture measuring devices, we will focus on two: professional and household.

Measuring air humidity at home

The simplest household methods for measuring humidity include:

  • a glass of water. The principle of operation is simple: after filling a glass with water, we put it in the refrigerator for several hours so that the liquid cools down to almost zero, but does not freeze, then we bring it into the room of interest to us.

a) if the air is dry, the walls of the glass are fogged up, and after that they have dried out almost once;
b) air with an average humidity indicator: the glass fogged up, and after 10-12 minutes the condensate evaporated;
v) high humidity air - drops of water flow down the walls of the glass.
By the way, you can just as well use the usual plastic bottle filled with cold water.

  • Thermometer. In principle, the method is quite close to professional moisture meters. We measure the room temperature with an ordinary mercury thermometer, write down the resulting value, then wrap the thermometer head with wet gauze (cotton wool), and after 10-12 minutes we fix a new indicator. The resulting temperature difference will be the average percentage of air humidity.

Professional moisture measuring devices

If we talk about professional devices for measuring indoor humidity, then these include:

  • thermohygometers;
  • psychrometers.

Hygometers measure humidity, thermohygometers are a more complex device that also measures temperature. They are:

  1. Hairy: measuring devices based on synthetic "hair", which changes length depending on humidity. One end of it is attached to the spring, the other to the hand of the dial, which makes it possible to read the slightest changes in indicators. Such a device is quite accurate and easy to use.
  2. Film: organic film changes physical properties depending on the humidity of the air: it compresses when it decreases, and stretches when it rises. The values ​​are displayed on the dial. Hygrometers are used in rooms with low temperatures.

Psychrometers are the most accurate moisture measurement devices. Consist of two thermometers. One dry, records the air temperature. The second is immersed in a tank of water to show the temperature of the humid environment. The resulting difference will be the desired room humidity.

When measuring humidity in an apartment or house, it should be borne in mind that operating air conditioners, heating, ventilation, and hoods reduce the overall indicator, and increase its presence in the premises of open aquariums, decorative fountains, a large number of plants, or regular wet cleaning.

How to make your moisture reading comfortable

The optimum level of air humidity in residential premises is 65%, regardless of the season. The lower limit of the indicator is 30-40%. For other premises of garages, baths, saunas, greenhouses, production workshops and warehouses, the indicators are regulated by building codes and regulations.

If the indicators are below the norm, special air humidifiers are installed. But practice shows that the more common problem is not low, but high humidity. It is familiar to summer residents, owners of garages and cellars, owners of baths - dampness provokes the development of mold colonies, the appearance of wet spots, soaking of the finish, rotting of supporting structures and floors.

In European countries - Germany, Spain, France - solar collectors have been used to reduce humidity since the 80s of the XX century. The devices warm up and ventilate the premises every time they are exposed to the sun's rays. In Russia, such devices appeared in 2014.

Solar Fox has invented, tested and marketed an analogue of European devices - the air solar collector... It has all the advantages of overseas equipment:

  • guaranteed to get rid of moisture and dampness;
  • easy to install;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • versatile;
  • works in any climatic and geographic zone;
  • saves money on ventilation and protects the building.

But besides, the Solar Fox equipment is cheaper than the European one.

In order to avoid unpleasant health problems associated with sub-optimal humidity in the house, you should constantly monitor its level in the room. Dry dusty air can contain a large number of allergens, which is fraught with consequences. Damp indoor air can lead to various chronic diseases. So how to measure the humidity of the air? A very detailed answer can be given to this answer.

To carry out this control, you should regularly measure the humidity in the room. At the moment, there is a very useful device that will measure the level of humidity in the house. Such a device is a hygrometer. There are several types of hygrometers that you should learn more about.

Air humidity meter

Thermohygrometer is a very complex device that measures not only the humidity of the air, but also the temperature in the room. Among other things, the thermo-hygrometer records readings about the state of temperature and humidity, recorded from different points. That is, directly from the place where the thermohygrometer itself is installed and from the point where the sensor was previously installed.

The device synchronizes the readings obtained from different points in the room, and based on this, it already provides the results of checking the humidity level and measuring the temperature.

A few words can be said about the technical characteristics of the thermohygrometer. The cable of this device has a length of one and a half meters, and the indicators are displayed in the range from 0 to 90%. There is also wireless models thermohygrometers. These devices are equipped with another useful function, which is that in case of a critical state of humidity in the room, an alarm is triggered, notifying of an unfavorable change in the state of the air.


A psychrometer is also called a psychrometric hygrometer. It has two thermometers. One is called "dry" and measures the air temperature. The second is called moistened due to the fact that it is wrapped in a cloth wick and immersed in a vessel of water. This thermometer shows wet wick temperature... Moisture readings are derived from moisture evaporation. The lower the humidity in the room, the more intensively the moisture evaporates. And already as a result of these processes, it is possible to obtain the necessary data on both the air temperature and its humidity.

Hair and film hygrometers

The principle of operation of a hair hygrometer is quite simple and at the same time very interesting. It consists in the presence of synthetic fat-free hair in the mechanism of the device, which tends to change its length depending on the state of the air. The hair is pulled between the spring and the end of the arrow. In the presence of hair vibration the hand moves on the dial showing air condition data.

This moisture meter has a fairly wide range of values ​​(from 0 to 100%), which indicates the accuracy of the hair hygrometer readings. One of the biggest advantages of such devices is its simplicity. Hair hygrometers are very easy to use, which will avoid unnecessary headaches when using it. You can also mention again about the accuracy of his readings. Hair hygrometers can be hung on the wall.

In addition to hair hygrometers, there are film hygrometers. Their device is different, therefore, the principle of operation of film hygrometers is somewhat different. In such devices there is a sensitive element made from organic film... This material tends to stretch or shrink depending on the state of humidity in the air. The indicators are displayed on the dial when the position of the center of the film sensitive element is changed.

If the conditions in which the device will be used to determine the humidity of the air will provide for the presence of relatively low temperatures, then it is the two types of hygrometers described above that will be the only devices that will be able to measure the level of humidity in the room.

How to choose a hygrometer

Before choosing a hygrometer, you should familiarize yourself with the information about what types of such devices exist. There are several of them:

  • wall
  • tabletop
  • mechanical
  • digital

Which hygrometers to choose from those presented in the list above, the buyer decides for himself. In order to determine the choice of such a device, you should pay attention to its specifications and make for yourself a couple of important conclusions that will need to be guided when choosing a device.

  • First, you should decide for yourself what the accuracy of the hygrometer should be. It sounds rude, but in fact it can help in choosing an instrument. The point is that different instruments give different results. This assumes that some devices will give very accurate readings of air humidity, while others will only give relative readings. This does not mean the existence of "bad" devices. It's just that many buyers are content with relative data, since there is no need for super-accurate data.
  • Then you need to decide where the hygrometer will be installed. This can help in choosing, since not all models of hygrometers can be installed anywhere in the room. For example, not all hygrometers can be wall-mounted.
  • When choosing a hygrometer, you should very carefully check that the device has the correct equipment. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of indicators and a psychrometric table. A high-quality device will definitely have this in the package.

High humidity in the apartment

Indoor humidity measurement is carried out to avoid problems associated with dry air or high humidity. Perhaps many people think that this is not a valid reason to exercise humidity control. In order to change the attitude towards this issue, one should pay more attention to the possible consequences.

Humid indoor air affects the development of mold... A humid environment is an ideal environment for the growth and proliferation of spores of this dangerous fungus. Mold spores flying in the air can lead to the development of various allergic diseases. Dampness in the room will allow the mushroom to grow many times over and increase the number of spores thrown into the air. The presence of mold is detrimental to health. Allergies are not the only dangerous consequence of indoor mold. The fungus is capable of provoking the appearance of other infections.

Also dangerous consequences can entail ingestion of mold spores in food... This will lead to foodborne diseases, which tend to spread throughout the body. This poses a danger to all family members.

To avoid such dangerous consequences for the body, you should regularly ventilate the room. Despite the air temperature outside the window, it is imperative to carry out such events at least twice a day. This will help reduce the risks of humidification and mold to a minimum.


Awareness of the state of humidity in the air allows you to avoid many unpleasant and even dangerous consequences for health. This is what devices such as hygrometers are for. The range of such devices is very diverse, which will allow the buyer to choose a hygrometer that will meet all the requirements.

When choosing a hygrometer from various existing models, you should pay attention to the accuracy of the air humidity indicators provided by the device. Not every buyer needs ultra-accurate hygrometer readings, content with relative ones.

Also, when choosing a hygrometer, you should very carefully check all its technical characteristics. A spontaneously selected hygrometer can do not fulfill all the declared functions, which will affect both the nerves and the mood. Wasted money will certainly not add to your joy. In order to avoid such troubles, it is imperative to take a receipt upon purchase. It should always be possible to return a defective product back to the store.


Purchase a special device in a specialized store - a hygrometer, psychrometer, or a household humidity indicator. Distinguish hygrometers hair, film, weight, electrolytic, ceramic and condensation. Each type has its own characteristics, but one basis is the hygrometric method of measuring or determining the dew point. A psychrometer is considered a more accurate instrument for measuring humidity. Distinguish between mechanical and electrical. Based on the indicators of this device, the moisture level is determined using special psychrometric tables or psychrometric graphs. Today the so-called household (or home) weather stations are on sale. They are digital thermometers with humidity indication. This versatile device will show you both the air temperature and the humidity level, and the upcoming changes in. Visit a specialized store, ask for help from a consultant. He will help you choose the device you need.

Use one of the methods for measuring the level of air humidity without special devices. The readings, of course, will be very approximate and conditional, nevertheless, they will help determine the degree of humidity in your home. Fill a small glass with tap water. Put it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. The water should cool down to 3-4 ° C. Take out the glass and take it to the room where you want to know the humidity level. Place a glass of water in the center of the room (away from the battery if you are taking measurements in winter), its walls should be fogged up. And then just watch. If after 5 minutes the glass remains fogged up, then the room has an average humidity level. If after 5 minutes the walls of the glass are dry, then the humidity level is low (i.e. the air in the room is too dry). If, after 5 minutes, trickles flow down the walls of the misted glass, it means that the humidity level is high.

Watch indoor flowers. They can "report" low humidity levels in apartment... Especially broadleaf. For example, monstera, asplenium, fatsia, pyzonia, ficus, etc. At low humidity, the tips dry out and become papery. Of course, if you regularly spray the flowers with a spray bottle, they may not react to excessive air. On the other hand, by frequently spraying plants, you increase the moisture level in apartment... Thus, flowers serve well in apartments. A large number of living plants in the house itself creates an increased humidity air, so that by varying their number, you can adjust this indicator in one direction or another.

Listen to your feelings. If you feel persistent dryness and irritation in your nose and throat, then the moisture level in your apartment extremely low.

You can determine the relative humidity v apartment, observing how quickly things were washed in the rooms (if for some reason you have to dry them at home). If the laundry dries quickly (literally within half an hour, or even less), then in your apartment the air is dry and humidity low. And, conversely, if the laundry dries for a long time, moreover, it acquires a moldy smell, it means that in apartment very high humidity.

Build a hygrometer. Take a spruce cone. Place it on the plywood. Secure the center of the bump with a stud or tape. If they quickly begin to open up, then humidity in your apartment low, if the lump will be in the "initial position" for a long time, it means that humidity fine. Well, if after a day its tips do not rise even slightly upward, then the humidity level is high.