
Pepper ledge is the most delicious recipe. Bulgarian ledge: Best recipes with photos

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

Recipe this bulgarian ledge I suggested a woman from which I bought pepper. She said that she harms him for the winter in large quantities and preservation was perfectly stored in the apartment. I decided to cook, not laying in a long box. During cooking, trying a spoon of leaks, I remained very pleased with the taste. Such a lecture will be in winter a good addition to many dishes. From the specified number of products, 2 liters of delicious Bulgarian ledge will be obtained.

For the preparation of leaks in Bulgarian for the winter we will need:

1.5 kg of tomatoes;

1 kg of multicolored sweet pepper;

3 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 tbsp. l. salts;

2 carnations;

2 peas of fragrant peppers;

2 black pepper peas.

As Pepsell saleswoman said, it will be very tasty if you use peppers of different varieties and colors. I did it: I took the red pepper, green and tilong. Pepper needs to be washed, clean from seeds and cut into circles, stripes or large pieces - it will not affect it.

Tomatoes should also be washed, remove the skin and remove the frozen. If the tomatoes are cleaning badly, they need to be placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then remove and separate the skin from the pulp. Tomatoes fold into the combine bowl and grind, using the nozzle "metal knife".

The resulting puree from tomatoes to pour into a deep saucepan, put on fire and boil on a small fire for 15 minutes, removing the foam and stirring. Then add to the pan of spices: carnation, black and fragrant peppers.

In the hot tomato mashed potatoes immerse the peppers and continue to cook. When pepper is a little limp, add sugar and salt into the pan, mix.

Cooking pepper 15 minutes under closed lid. On low heat. Then delicious lecho Bulgarians should be decomposed in dry sterile cans and tighten with boiled covers. Banks turn over, cover warm blanket until full cooling.

After that, the banks with the Bulgarian ledge are placed in storage storage. Leco, cooked on this recipe, in winter will become an excellent addition to many dishes.

Successful to you autumn blanks!

I want to introduce you to Lecio. Say what have been known for a long time and even rush for the winter? And here is not! I want to introduce you to the real lecture, as it is prepared in Bulgaria, and not with a vegetable salad or vegetable assorted. Who remembers, in the distant Sessrian times they sold the Bulgarian canned food at the iron banks, oh and delicious were! And since my husband is Bulgarian, he will introduce exactly with the Bulgarian version of this workpiece. Go?

List of ingredients

  • pepper sweet red - 1 kg sliced
  • tomatoes (or Tomato Pasta) - 2.5 kg gross (paste 800-500g)
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. (50g)
  • salt - 1 tbsp. (30g)

Cooking method

For lets you need red fleshy bulgarian pepper. This is such a pepper I raised in the country! You can add a little yellow or orange pepper, but do not take the pepper of green varieties - will lose a lot in taste.
I added some of my yellow peppers, it is very tasty and juicy was crushed!

Pepper cut into 2x2 cm cubes or closer stripes.

Prepare tomato puree. From ripe fleshy tomatoes, we squeeze juice, I do it on the power plate.

Juice must be expensive or a little more.
You can not bother with juice, and cook the desired puree from the finished tomato paste. But here the taste of the paste itself is very important, it should be a bright tomato taste.
The paste is simply draining with water to the consistency of sour cream. I can not give accurate paste proportions: water, because The paste is all different.

We take 1 liter of our tomato mashed potatoes, raw in salt and sugar, bring to a boil and lower the chopped pepper there. You can add 1 laurel. Listic and 1-2 shower pea. Pepper, no more! Spices should not score the taste of peppers, but only to shade it.

We bring to a boil and cook when stirring 10 minutes.
We are packaged into sterilized banks and ride.

In winter, when you open the jar of such a real leakage under potatoes, then remember the summer, the sun ... And if you say, thanks for me, I will be very glad!
Taste from the bank of absolutely natural fresh pepper and tomatoes !!!

Pi.Sy. For doubting - vinegar is not necessary !!! It is beautiful in the apartment in the storage room, making many years. No carrot, onions, etc. Vegetable, it is a Bulgarian ledge, and not vegetable salad. So it is boy on my husband's homeland.

Bulgarian pepper leak - This is one of the most popular winter blanks. There are many variations of cooking this twist, but as a result you will still get a vitamin dish with a delicate taste that will become an excellent satellite for the second dishes.

Bulgarian ledge with tomato paste

2 kg of Bulgarian pepper well rinse (water should be running), dry, and then remove seed boxes and fruits. Prepared vegetables Cut the strips.

Drain the water tomato paste in the ratio of 1: 1, add 5 large spoons of sand sugar and an incomplete tablespoon of salt. Stir good. Be sure to try the fill in taste, it may happen that it will be necessary to further plan it or salt.

Pour the mass into the pan and bring it to a boil. Peter cutting in a boiling mass and mix. Do not worry if it seems to you that there are too many stripes - they will soon respect. Leco boil on a small fire for 20 minutes.

Vews are packaged by pre-sterilized jars and sunk with metal covers. The jars are well shook in the blanket or plaid, while turning them up upside down. After 12-24 hours, the workpiece is cooled, and they can be deposited.

The recipe for Bulgarian ledge with beans

Unusual and very satisfying can be called a variation of a Bulgarian dish with the addition of beans. To make it preparation, you should clean up a dozen onion bulbs, 3 kg paprika cut off the tails and free the fruits from the seeds, 2 kg of ripe tomatoes cut the flowers and all damaged places. Cut the cup with semirings, paprika - in small pieces, well, and tomatoes are thin slices.

Prepared cutting mix with 3 glasses of boiled beans, 250 g of sand sugar, 60 g of salts, 100 ml of vinegar and 250 ml of vegetable oil. We are alive of several stratching of fragrant peas. Pan with all the ingredients, put on fire, salad boil for 25 minutes, and then package it in advance prepared containers. Take the package for a day, and then look for her place for further storage. In winter, you will definitely delighted this satisfying.

Bulgarian lecho for winter with grape juice

4 kg of sweet pepper baked in the grill (for a tens of minutes at 180 degrees). Put hot vegetables in a plastic bag, cover it and let it cool. Skin delete, and then cut the pulp not very large squares.

For a few minutes, lower 4 kg of tomatoes in boiling water, then transfer them to cold water, remove the skin, and Purirate flesh.

Wash 2 kg of grapes and remove the berries from the twigs. Pass grapes with hands, put a lot in gauze and squeeze juice. Boil it.

Put the tomato mass on fire. While she boats, cut the small 6 heads of garlic (in this recipe should not be used with a garlic cat), as well as the pod of a red sharp blower - all this is thrown into the pan. Also add a glass of sugar sand and a couple of large spoons of salt. All this mixture boil throughout the hour. Then add a cup of lean oil, all grape juice, 2 tablespoons of acetic essence (7%) and pepper cutting. Boil still for half an hour, and during this time, prepare the container - sterilize and put 4-5 peas pepper into each jar. Fill the hot blank and roll the tin lids. With grape juice is ready!

The recipe of the Bulgarian ledge for winter from zucchini

Wash 2 kg of zucchini, remove the skin with them, and then cut the cubes of a small size. Clean 8 perchin, cut them with slices. 6 bulbs Clean the husks and cut the rings.

To prepare a syrup, it is necessary to mix 500 g of tomato paste, 250 ml of vegetable oil, 200 g of sugar, 2 large salt spoons, 2.5 glasses of water and 5 fragrant peas peppers.

Boil the syrup for a 3 minute, and then pumped the zucchini there, after 15 minutes add the same pepper cutting there and boil 5 minutes. Next in the pan is sent onion And all together is boiled another half hour. For each liter of the Village at the end of cooking, add on a large spoon of 9% vinegar (it should be 3 liters). Spread the salad by sterilized jars and close clean covers. The refrigerator is suitable for storage, and any cool place. This will definitely enjoy all your homeymen.

Recipe lecture from Bulgarian pepper without oil and vinegar

This option is notable for preparing without vinegar and oil, and this means that children and people with gastrointestinal diseases will be able to enjoy in winter the appetizing salad.

Cut 1.5 kg of fleshy tomatoes, the size of pieces is non-sharply. Slices Cut 1 kg of juicy paprika. Fold vegetables into the pan and bring to a boil. Cook a quarter of an hour on slow fire.

Cut another 1.5 kg of tomatoes and send to the saucepan. Keep another quarter of an hour on fire. Grind greens (you can add a parsley or dried basil - about 2 large spoons) and 6 garlic shots (it can not add it at all), add these ingredients in the brew, and pour a spoonful salt and three times more sugar, add spices to your taste , eg, bay leaf, carnation, black peas. All mix and keep on the fire another 5 minute.

Ready should be decomposed on a hot sterilized container, block the boiled metal covers. Such a blank is stored quite well, and both in the cellar and in an ordinary apartment - in a cool place.

Bulgarian ledge with eggplants

To put a tomato mass in a large cauldron (pre-miss 2 kg of tomatoes through the meat grinder), add a sugar half a compartment, 2 large salt spoons, tea - acetic essence and a glass of lean oil. Boil a couple of minutes.

Do not very finely cut the shelter of red paprika and a couple of chili peppers, throw in the cauldron, boil a couple of minutes.

Wash 2 kg of eggplants and cut down strips, size from the little finger, send to vegetables, there are 3-4 crushed garlic heads. After boiling, let the mixture be boiled for 20 minutes. Cut the big bunch of dill and after this time, throw in the cauldron, cook a couple of minutes, and then turn off the fire.

Spread your workpiece over sterile jars, roll up and turn upside down. Leave up to complete cooling. and eggplants are ready!

Treatment: Tomatoes, Bulgarian Pepper in Cossack

To prepare such appetizing yummy, you need to skip 6 kg of tomatoes through the meat grinder, and 0.5 kg of carrots, finely cut 2 heads of garlic, on the beam of the greenery of parsley, celery and dill, choppers cut 1 bitter pod. Mix all the cutting, add 200 g of sugar sand, 3 large salt spoons and 125 ml of a label olive and put on fire.

After boiling, the intensity of the fire should be reduced, and after a quarter of the cooking hour, add small slices, approximately 3 per 4 cm, sweet pepper (you need to recycle 5 kg of vegetables). Let the brew boil, and then boiled for 45 minutes. Approximately 15 minutes before the end of the preparation, 75 ml of 9% vinegar should be pouring. The mixture, even boiling, burst over the sterilized banks, roll, and then shut up to the complete cooling. Try to cook also.

Treatment: Bulgarian pepper for winter with honey fill

Cook marinade from 2 l tomato Sauce., 100 ml of vinegar, 100 g of solka and glasses of sugar-sand, 200 ml vegetable oil, 5-6 tablespoons of honey and bitter punch.

In a boiling fill, put a Bulgarian pen, cut into 4 parts (it will take 5 g), 6-7 repressed bulbs squeezed by rings, and boil, without turning over, for 10-12 minutes. Vegetables decompose in advance prepared vessels, and then fill with hot marinade and sunk. That's ready to help you cook the best winter treat.

Option with plums

Clean the seeds and tails of 30 sweet peppers, carefully wash and cut the pieces of arbitrary size. Clean and wash 10 bulbs, cut into cubes. Wash and clean the block 30 of the draining of any variety. Clean the 2 heads of garlic, a couple of bitter peppercorn wipe and clean.

Grind us with a meat grinder or a precision blender and sharp components. In a large saucepan, pour the glass of vegetable oil and a stall of vinegar, add 2 large spoons of salt and sugar-sand, all thoroughly, pour another 100 ml of water and put on fire. After boiling, add all the ingredients and boil 10 minutes. Spread out leaks, roll and wrap.