
When you need to move to a new apartment. The most favorable days to move to a new home


How to say goodbye to the old house?

The wisdom of past generations often comes to contemporaries encrypted - in the form of superstitions. Many signs are logically justified, some seem completely absurd. For example, in homes, according to folk beliefs, there are verses-houses, whose lose when the crossing is considered to be a big failure.

Houses, despite the name, are not attached to housing, but to people-owners, so you can pick up the spirits in new house. The most common way is to "invite" the house to the box with soft things, put in half an hour before leaving the threshold.

It is rumored that houses love a variety of sweatshops and even live in them; If there is a broom in the house - be sure to take it on a housewarming, so as not to deprive the house of the dwelling. It is believed that the hosts will be taken from spirits and troubles, and therefore before leaving it is worth removing and repair the remaining homemade utensils. Current crane and cracked windows in the windows will appear in the new house, if you do not get rid of them in the old one.

Road signs

There are many "way" superstitions; Most are universal and perfectly combined with such a non-standard journey as moving.

  • If it rains on the road - everything will go well. But no precautionary measures should not be neglected: you can easily slip on the puddle, injured and smashing a raw cargo, no matter how successful.
  • Immediately before leaving you need to sit at the door, preferably on the suitcases. The ritual is useful and without metaphysical background - "on the track" usually silently silent, and it's easier to recall the important call, not covered with a crane or forgotten alert.
  • If the first meeting on the road is a beggar, a pregnant woman or a dog - the owners waiting for a pleasant news shortly after the instill. But a collision with a monk, funeral procession or a young girl - already warning from the higher forces about "bad stars" on the day of the move.
  • An ideal time for departure is considered early morning - right at the dawn. The earlier the tenants leave, the better and richer, according to believe, will flow their lives in a new place. In the evening, to leave and make something out of the house is considered a bad admission.

There are other road taboos - for example, on the day of departure you can not sew, wash and wash your head.

"Rituals" of Novoselov

There are other signs: how to move to the apartment, knowing little - some "rituals" will be required. So, in new housing it is necessary to first let the cat. Changing the animal to move - you need your own pet. It is forbidden and pushing it - the cat must be logged in goodwill; Throw a delicious bait with superstition, however, it does not take place.

The dog, on the contrary, you need to let in the apartment only after people - otherwise the houses will perceive who has entered as someone else and will be a long time for him. Well, according to "Canon", on the night before the transportation of things in the house should be inserted into the living rooster - to overclock the unclean.

In addition to the "animals" of rituals, a complex of action after moving is not important.

  • Immediately after the entrance, spend wet cleaning in the apartment - so you will clean it from someone else's energy and prepare for the new owner.
  • In the following days, if the previous tenants left after themselves broken furniture, plumbing, etc., do repair. As they say, "the crane flows - the money from the wallet is drowning."
  • The same applies to the supplied dishes, broken windows and other cracks in glass and ceramics - if possible, it is necessary to get rid of the broken things immediately, and the trash found in the process of moving should be ruthlessly eliminated.
  • The house should be fed after arrival, leaving on the table to the night of flour, milk, buckwheat, bread with butter and red wine.

If you do everything right, you will make a solid contribution to the well-being of the house. The "bonus" of these rituals becomes a prophetic dream on the first night in a new place.

"Golden" customs

Most will take, one way or another, is associated with financial well-being. The people will make a lot of recommendations on how to move correctly new apartmentTo make money. In the context of moving, the next "recipe" is used: on the first day, the newlywakes you need to throw a handful of coins from behind the threshold. After that, it is impossible to sweep in the house for several days. The subsequently assembled coins should be hidden in all secluded housing places - in antiquity they were inserted into the slots between the flooring or fit into fuel clay walls, but in modern houses You can use even the space behind the plinth.

To attract wealth, the lines are used, filled with money, in which separately storing the mooring coins from metals of different colors. The bill under the dining table tablecloth will also bring wealth to the owners - but it is forbidden to remove it from the table of socket. Some money will need to leave both in the old house; Here works "Boomeranga rule" - giving you, you get.

Magic talismans for all occasions

How to move to another apartment, retaining full harmony With the laws of the Universe? Our ancestors set overalls around the house, and when moving, they were decorated with them as early as possible. One of the main protective talismans is traditionally considered horseshoe above the door - necessarily nailed or glued upwards.

Folk customs, including those who have developed in a new time, provide for many "magical" items:

  • wreaths of straw with woven in them seeds and beads, beams of the Hyperician, willow, juniper, wormwood and thistle in the corners will scare out unclean strength;
  • clay pots with salt and croups, corn cobs and pepper bales with garlic will do so that residents at home will never remain hungry;
  • perfume figures, homemade dolls-ten, and a small broom, suspended in the corner under the ceiling, linked the houses;
  • napti and miniature hats hanging in the hallway, protect residents from failures and direct home intercourse (for example, in a blizzard);
  • under the threshold after the entrance is put a knife - it is believed that unkind people will not be able to cross them.

In general, any charms can be used. Symbols of Feng Shui, incense, Egyptian figurines and Jewish Hams will bring good luck to the one who believes in their power.

The experience of generations tells us about the existence of important rituals and will accept. When changing the place of residence, the influence of signs and beliefs can be especially bright. Moving to a new apartment is global changes, and changes do not have stability. Therefore, it is in this time segment that it is worthwhile to direct your attention to the wisdom of the people - signs. Here are the most important signs and beliefs, which it is advisable to take into account all new news.

Evaluation of the new place in external factors:

  1. It is necessary to study carefully environment And the location of the new home or apartment. Sharpen your eyes on the bird community. If there is a nest of birds on the roof or under the roof of the new house, then this is a clear sign of a happy and quiet place. Pernaya will never bring their chicks in a place with black aura or dark energy.
  2. If there are a lot of raven in the district and you see that they are not just a guest in this place, but are constantly, then this is a very bad sign. I can hear the frequent crown of the crows in the yard can attract the sickness and decline into the house. Of course, there are no birds of evil or good, but the crow is a mystical bird, special, and far from always bringing good luck.
  3. Another external beacon of a pleasant place is the future neighbors. Well-being often has an extensive impact radius. Living near must emit calm and positive. If there are many asocial families among the neighbors, people, then most likely this territory does not have a light background of energy.

The internal characteristic of the room is who and what lives in the house?

White spider

If you went to the new apartment and saw on the ceiling or walls of white spider, then do not hurry with violence. According to the old folk signs, this albino brings happiness to the house and the possibility of a pleasant event. If he was in the alleged bedroom room, it throws a long-lasting harmony in relations between spouses.


These insects indicate their presence a happy place and good energy. Of course, people they deliver trouble with their appearance in the apartment, but ants live only in bright places.


But if a beetle crawls or flies in the house, especially large is a faithful sign of unfortunate and loss. Signs sad, so if you see such a sign before purchasing an apartment or at home, it is better to think good again. If this house is already bought, then no way to kill the beetle. Castle is a non-unknown messenger and release. Let the beetle takes and takes his sadness with him.

Black mold

Not always a black mold happens only from dampness indoors. Often it symbolizes the presence of unfit and oppressive energy into the home. Moving to a new apartment should be postponed, cleaned everything carefully and fulfill some rituals described below in this article.

Dear Barabash

If there was always order and cleanliness on the old place of living, it was often not lost things, and at night no one pounded, did not bow, scaring the inhabitants of the house, then this brought up a house one should certainly pick up with me.

Our ancestors respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who guarded the dwelling from uninvited guests, fires and accidents, especially with breasts.

Little neighbor before moving you need to lure milk and a bright box of any shape. Put an open box next to milk, which was nalito the houses in the saucer. It is advisable to put a teaspoon in the box, not new, and which was used in the family for a while. Leave it all overnight, and in the morning you can already transport your keeper. In the new apartment, you need to open a box, leave in this position for an hour, and you yourself need to go away, so as not to interfere with the domain calmly go out and find yourself a place in the shower.

Cat - a home assistant. If you have a cat, then sure when moving let it into the house first. It will help the houses find your comfortable corner. Our ancestors did not enter the new home first. For folk signs, only a cat had a similar privilege.

Log in and create your life

Folk sign reads - to attract wealth and good work on the door of the new house, you need to attach the smallest coin, and for a large and low good luck, you need to hang over the door of the horseshoe. True, there is one nuance - the horseshoe cannot be bought or taken as a gift. It can only be found. Only in this case, it will be filled with your luck and will emit it constantly.

Go to a new place of residence better in the order of seniority. The order and respect - harmony in the head, in thoughts, and therefore, order in the whole environment.

With empty hands, it is better for the first time in your home not to enter. Can be brought with you flowering plant. The flower-brought on the day of crossing the flower will attract the energy of the Sun and Renaissance.

Our grandparents were confident that the threshold in the house is an important place associated with the energy of ancestors. It means excellent solution will be thoroughly wash it when moving meaningful place in the apartment. Try not to stumble on the threshold, entering the new home. Folk sign tells us clearly - this is a bad sign. Under the threshold or under the coating of the threshold, you can put a piece of the grid. It can be any grid, but only from the threads. It is believed that a dark and evil person thinking or planning unkind will never be able to implement it in your home. Having grown up the threshold with the grid, it will instantly lose its strength, and his thoughts will begin to be confused. In later, you can even see this effect, noticing that your guest has no strength at all, and the words of it are often meaningless and unnecessarily frank.

Sprinkle corners in a new house with a large salt - the old sign. Salt has always been considered a special substance that sorcerers often used in the creations of faiths and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners per hour or two, and then wash the floors throughout the house. Salt takes all bad and unclean.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading prayer. It needs to be done calmly, without fuss. Go to the apartment with an icon, place it in the central corner, and then thoughtfully read the words of prayer. The icon is desirable to leave at this place forever. Crightening after all the corners and windows, moving clockwise.

We take with you only happiness

There are things that, according to the customs of the people, do not keep in the apartment:

  1. Comena.
  2. Bird feathers.
  3. Number.
  4. Dry leaves or flowers.
  5. Old clothes, and especially the clothes of dead people.
  6. Dishes with cracks and chips.
  7. Photos with defects and chances.
  8. Old broom.
  9. Horn and stuffed animals.

It is not recommended to keep these things in the house, and take them with you to a new home mistakenly doubly. Such care and attachment to these things only strengthens their negative effect on others. Moving to a new place - an excellent reason to leave all unnecessary and harmful outside of the new life.

Who lives in the house?

No need to disturb the atmosphere of a new place in obscene scandal or scandal, especially on the first day of moving. It is necessary to start from a positive, because a good and correct thread of promise in the future is a great success.

It is better to bring a piece of sugar with you, a handful of beans or pea. According to tradition, sugar symbolizes pleasure, and legumes are money well-being, therefore, let him lie on the windowsill.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small beams of wormwood, tied by red threads. This plant has a magical strength and can be supplemented by dark spirits and entities. You can even set up a twig of the wormwood and allow it to smoke, spreading the smoke to your new home.

And when the basic things will fall into place, it will be useful to cook a festive lunch or dinner. It will correctly be to the table of the pies that were prepared in the new apartment. This will secure a positive acquaintance with the new energy and will set up vibrations on major power.

Do not say goodbye to the old house negatively, do not talk about bad words about it, do not remember chagrins and pain - ungratefulness is always punishable. Even if life in the old place was not very sweet, then you need to evaluate good and thank for the lessons, obstacles that have hardered and strengthened you.

Weather Forecast for Future Life

Try to move to a new home or apartment in good weather. Folk signs celebrate weather connection with a further life in a new place:

  • The sun is promoting joy and success.
  • Rainbow - good health or wonderful healing in a new place.
  • Small rain - monetary successes.
  • Strong rain - life in a new house will force pouring tears quite often.
  • Lightning is a bright and emotional personal life.
  • Thunder and lightning are regular and very large scandals, disagreements in a new place.

Not necessarily, when moving, perform absolutely all recommendations and take into account all folk signs. Sometimes it is sufficient to carefully listen to its inner world and determine for themselves closer options for rituals or necessary actions.

Folk signs and traditions formed by centuries of observations help gain well-being and health. Ignore ancient rituals or listen to the intuition of the people - the individual choice of each. But why not think about them, but suddenly they give a real opportunity to protect themselves, their family, give the launch to their successful future in the new apartment, and maybe life.

There are special customs when moving, which is customary to follow. It is not difficult to do this, since they are all a kind of household white magic. A conspiracy for a happy moving to a new house carries only positive energy.

When moving to another apartment you need to hold magic rituals

People, moving to a new place, hope that life will change for the better. So that it really happens you need to move to a new apartment. Rituals rituals should be observed exactly. Moving to a new apartment will then be successful and will bring well-being for the family.

Moving to a new dwelling is an important event in the life of any person. For many people, this is a real stress. In addition to everyday trouble related to the transportation of things in another city, problems arise with the design of documents, collecting things, delivery of baggage to the place where they are going to live. So that the process of changing the place of residence passed smoothly, it is best to progress with the help of magic.

The smart hostess understands that from the energy atmosphere, in which her husband and children will live - not only their calm life depends, but also sometimes health.

If the apartment or the house belonged to other people, you need to clean the home from someone else's energy, regardless of it is positive or negative.

The most common rules, signs when moving to a new apartment:

  • clear dwelling with the help of holy water or invite a clergy for this;
  • try to negotiate with your houses about moving to a new place;
  • run to the house first cat;
  • read a plot for a happy moving.

It is best before entering the possession of a new home, to spend a conspiracy on a growing moon for a happy moving to your home.

Ritual for moving to new housing

Before you leave the apartment, you also need to keep some old rules. Packaging things, throw everything broken, cracked and unnecessary. Try to get rid of the old rubbish, laying only the most necessary things. You can not take full-scale shoes or leaky clothes with you.

Particularly carefully pack family relics that are custodians homemade focus. It is very important that they are not damaged on the road, and they arrived at the place in integrity and safety.

In a blank suitcase you need to put sweets for the house

Let's worship the old dwelling in the belt, even if it had to survive difficult days or grief. Then take a small empty suitcase and put candy and cookies into it. Invite your houses there so that he will go with you.

After that, go around the old housing with a candle in your hand to put protection against future tenants. Say these words:

"Everything is bad, which was - I do not leave other people, I don't take with you too. I have been released in the freeze field, Dali Dali. Communication with me interrupt, exhibiting home protection. "

Very often, new tenants start evil to curse those people that they lived to them. They may not like the mixer in the bath or wallpaper in the bedroom. Or maybe they will simply regret for some reason that they moved into this apartment.

The procedure for conducting rites when moving

Signs, rules and rituals to move to a new apartment Try to learn in advance so as not to forget anything. Write down the text of the prayer for good luck in the new place of residence.

Make a plan of rituals. Moving takes a lot of time and effort. But if you want to live long and happily in a new place, it is better to pay a little time for household magic.

Transportation to another city of its house is a very important stage when moving. Preparing a treat, put it on the bottom of an empty box or a suitcase and say the following words:

"The house is the hostess, we will go with me to a new home! We will live together, good to look for! Do not leave the owner, in its defense! "

When you got to the new place, you need to hold a rite of entry into a new home. Run the cat in the apartment ahead. This is an old sign, leaving its roots in gray antiquity. Cat has 9 lives, therefore it is if she gave all the negative of the new housing, then nothing happens to her.

The cat's new apartment should go to the first apartment

When the cat has already gone sniffing all the corners and get acquainted with the new refuge, cross the threshold and immediately open the "house house", in which you brought it. Opening it, say:

"House-hostess, here is your new home, you and we live in it! For happiness and wealth, and for joy. You live and house in order to keep, help me. "

After that, proceed to the cleansing of the new dwelling. You must have two new brooms. One need to replace all the garbage that remained from the former tenants. Inspecting an apartment, please note whether there is no challenged coins in the corner, needles or old dolls. If there are such things, they need to be removed without touching their hands.

Then the floors are washed, adding the holy water there. Broom and sex rag emit. The second broom leaves themselves and put on the threshold belt up. Let him cost so three days.

Take into the hands of a burning church candle, and go around the apartment clockwise, ranging from the entrance. Must get a vicious circle. Corners, doorways and windows cross candles. During bypass, read prayer when moving our "Father". Then, read the prayer at the new place of residence, bypassing again in a circle with holy water:

"Lord, bless. On the high mountain It is worth the throne, and the Mother sits on the throne Holy Mother of God And keeps his cross and water in the hands. Water sprinkles, the cross drives away from this threshold damage, thin yes. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Copy Salt need to sprinkle the corners of the apartment

After that, make the third bypass of the dwelling in a circle. Sprinkled salt sprinkled at the threshold, near the walls, in the corners, near the windows. During these actions, a prayer is pronounced, helping when moving:

"In this house, it is damaged not to live, I will not go to Liu. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Vintage traditions of moving to new housing

Our ancestors sally believed in virtue of people will adopt and rites of joining a new home. They were trying to observe their life in the new house was happy and full.

Here are some of them:

  1. When the cat enters the house, it can not be treated there, put on hands or push. So that the process of passing through the threshold passed smoothly, throw any delicacy through it, which will interest the animal.
  2. Through the threshold of the dwelling, he stopped at the beginning the most eldest member of the family, then moved in order, ending with those who were the youngest.
  3. The one who comes to the house is the first, in the hands there should be a plant in a pot. He is entered in an elongated hand so that it will have to bring down the bad energy at home if it is present there. Then they throw it out. IN summer period can be replaced home flower Bunch of wormwood. It will have even greater effect.
  4. Extract the threshold is very careful not to stumble - then life will be smooth and without interference.
  5. When the first time join the floor of the new home, they only think about good. Then they make the most intimate desire.
  6. Reducting the threshold, the younger family member, should put three coins under it. Very good if it small child. As the child will grow, and the well-being of the family will also grow - they will be satisfied to live.

After all the households enter the apartment, the hostess must be saturated with a consecrated salt behind the door. It will be a good protection against evil entities and negative energy. After that, at a reasonable place of residence, the prayer of ours is pronounced.

Most people keep rituals when moving. Some fulfill them as the fathers and grandfathers taught them. Others do not perform rites for joining a new home, considering it an annoyed nonsense.

Moving to a new apartment is always easy and linked to the troubles. And at the same time, it is so exciting: what changes are waiting for you in a new place? Therefore, a lot of people will take with relocation.

Farewell to the old apartment.

First you need to correctly say goodbye to the old apartment. Our ancestors baked pie - if life was difficult, with numerous problems, then the treats were made salty, and vice versa - the cake was sweet if the stay in the old apartment brought mainly positive emotions. The cake was divided between all the households and eaten to the last crumb.

In some villages, there is still a tradition when the hostess collects ash from the furnace in a pot and pouring it into the oven in a new house. Bad sign when moving to leave in the old apartment holy water, church candles and consecrated herbs.

Signs in the new apartment.

Everywhere, before entering the new home, they allowed a cat or dog ahead (for a long time, people believe that the animal takes on all negative energy). In addition, cats possess strong light, and the place that the cat chose, according to the signs, is ideal for a bedroom or children's bedroom.

It's believed that best time To move to a new apartment - Morning, about 11 hours. Good sign, if at this time there is snow or rain. When entering the house, throw a few coins over the shoulder. This will bring the financial well-being of new residents. In addition, and in the old apartment, signs are recommended to leave a handful of coins. It is believed to get something, first need to give something.

The house in the new apartment.

If you were friends with the houses on the old apartment, it is necessary to take it with you. To this end, on the eve of the move, the corner leave an empty outdoor bag, and in the morning transported it with the rest of the things. Upon arrival in the new apartment, the bag is unleashed and leave for the night in the kitchen.

It is possible to make friends with the "local" house - the spirit of the house, the keeper of the home hearth. For this, the feast with the village on the table is suitable. For the house, leave some hotswear after eating. It can be milk, porridge, a piece of bread or sugar. Mystical stories of our readers about houses, by the way, you can read.

After moving. Housewarming.

Interestingly, folk signs advised to celebrate the housewarming twice. The first time you invite loved ones and relatives, and then neighbors and friends. The table should be very rich and break away from treats.

If you were invited to a housewarming, in no case do not give money, as well as things for personal use! A gift for a housewarming should be practical, such that will certainly come in handy in the farm. For this, the dishes are suitable, kitchenware, overagi, etc.

Also, after moving to a new apartment, it will not be superfluous to conduct an audit of all your things. In the new housing there should be no bit of dishes, glasses, mirrors. You should also not take the proceeded clothes.

From the old days there was an interesting tradition - "Vlasins". However, today it is observed, for the most part, only in the villages, since it is not suitable for the inhabitants of height ... The hosts together with all the guests invited to the housewarming, go outside and smoothly at midnight go to a new house through the window. This is done so that the unclean power, evil spirits, illness and misfortunes did not pursue the novels in the new housing.

Protection of a new apartment from the evil eye.

Signs are recommended to take a broom with an old apartment. In the new - it is put in the angle handle down. It is believed that it saves from the evil eye. Before it, be sure to sweep the floors in the old apartment and throw the garbage, as evil people can damage it.

Above the door of a new apartment you can hang horseshoe, horns up. According to believe, it will attract the world to the house and well-being. You can also be on the door above the threshold at an invisible place to stick the needle with a small piece of thread - it will save from the evil eye.

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Other folk signs and superstitions.

Sketches hit the elbow.

Boots elbow, according to the signs, marvel different events. To understand this, you need to pay attention to the side of the bruise; Your age and gender also matter ...

To scatter the salt. Sketches.

Scatter salt - to be a quarrel; To avoid it, you need to laugh, let you hit my forehead or throw a pinch through the left shoulder. This folk sign Comes from legend ...

Feng Shui moving to a new apartment

Moving to a new apartment. SIGNS!

If you very soon have to move to a new apartment or to a new home, then our article can become very useful. Read what there are signs and rituals of moving, how to organize the unpacking of things in a new home.

You can say that when moving to a new apartment is quite common sense and a clear plan, a list of actions and a list of things that need to be packaged? In fact, moving is quite a serious life experience, and it is better to learn some nuances in advance to make everything right and get involved in a new place.

You ask, do you use this if you move to a removable apartment? Of course! After all, you will live there for a while, perhaps even very long. We advise you to read our advice on how to landscap the removable apartment and make it more comfortable.

Some rituals when moving to a new apartment

As we have already found out, move from one place to another - the case is not easy, responsible. Do not forget anything, to carefully pack, safely to take and, finally, to place in its place - this is only a dry presentation of the sequence of actions, and how many labor-intensive processes are behind these words ... And yet, most people find time for some more people, Usually we call these rituals.

At the same time, some rituals when moving to a new apartment are not deprived of meaning, and others cause bewilderment and light shock - there is no definite answer, as it should be treated. You can walk from pure curiosity to several of them, at least in order to smile, and may be interested.

Moving to a new apartment conventionally includes three stages:

Actions on the old place (collection of things, loading);
Actions in a new place (unloading, alignment of things).

Here in such a chronological sequence and consider some rituals when moving.

One of the curious rituals is the Council from the teaching of Feng Shui, to which more and more people have listened to. You are invited to bake a loaf, pie, korzh or something in this spirit from the dough on the recipe for your choice. The only condition is the form of your baking should resemble a house. Eat it is recommended immediately before moving, thereby you wake with you the very essence of the house where you lived.

Another ritual of the move is from the discharge of more mystical. In the vessel, it is desirable made of glass or ceramics, you carry the old house at home, mentally representing how it absorbs the entire energy of your life in this house, all emotions, negative and positive. Give salt to stand in a dark place for a while, posing during this, how your clean an old house From everything that was. At sunset in a deserted place, this salt should be buried and leave without looking around. After that, you need to wash your hands.

As for rituals in a new place, the most beloved of them is a housewarming. It is useful and pleasant in all respects - housewarming will help to get acquainted with future neighbors and psychologically adapting in a new place. It is not surprising that this ritual not only came across, but also switched to the discharge of mandatory.

It is also recommended on arrival at a new place of residence to announce its presence by making several consecutive actions. You need to open the windows in all rooms, light the light in each of them, merge some amount of water. This ritual is useful to the fact that you at the same time check the health of all devices and devices.

You can continue to infinity, the transfer of rituals, which combines one common property - they are all called upon to attract well-being in your new home and to save the best way, which was in your old house. You only need to remember that you can only make rituals.

Moving to a new apartment: Interesting Signs

An important adoption when moving, especially if you enter the apartment after old owners, is the disposal of the negative energy accumulated there. It is very important for this immediately after moving to do. general cleaning, thoroughly wash the floors, wiped dust in all places.

From our grandmothers, we know that in a new house over the entrance door you can hang horseshoe, it is followed by horn down. This sign is associated with the new apartment or house happiness and well-being.

But from evil forces and uncleans to ancient in the houses, the beams of the Hypericum were hung - this is the so-called charm.

Specifications, according to which when moving should be the first to run to the cat's house, will help your new dwelling become welcoming. Therefore, they say that the cat should go to himself, just put it at the door. With a cat, it is completely connected very much and even superstitions. Some look at her behavior in a new place, remember the places she chose. For example, in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time, put the bed. But it is not always correct, because the bed is located both on the principles of a hairdry shui bedroom, and in other signs. Well, what if the cat fell asleep in the kitchen or in the bathroom? Of course, there you will not sleep!

How to pick up your brownie from the old apartment

It is unlikely that today many pay attention to this particular thing, but in the old days without a house one, the dwelling did not move at all - it was necessary to lure with him any ways.

In general, the house is your friend and buddy, who not only protects the house from trouble, but also takes care of households. And when you are friendly with him, I probably noticed that you live well. Therefore, it is important when moving to pick up your friend - the house, in your new apartment. The easiest way to do is after collecting things to put entrance door The box in which soft things will be folded, and then leave it, at least for 10-15 minutes. Your house will surely take this box and go with you. And some of the beliefs convince us that to move along with her houses, it is enough to grab a broom with the old apartment.

Anyway, but after arrival it is necessary to let the houses. Put the same box on the input and open it. Then pour milk in the saucer and put on the floor. The house must certainly go to eat out of your caring hands, especially since he could and get drunk on the road.

What things to unpack the first when moving

So, the car with all the good things you entered the courtyard of your new dwelling. But it is still early to relax. You will have unloading and alignment of things, and it depends on how good the move to your new apartment will be. We hope that you prudently numbered your boxes with things, and the most prudent also wrote a list of all things on the box for convenience. Then the final stage of moving will not cause questions and does not take much time. You only need to decide which things to unpack the first.

First of all, you need to unload from the car all items that will interfere with the furniture tackle. It can be fragile chandeliers, TV, houseplants And so on - all this can temporarily accommodate on Earth or on a bench near the house. Now you can render and deliver furniture to the house. As furniture is made, it should be immediately unpaved and inspect for damage on the road. It will be easy if you have an inspection certificate on your hands. Furniture is recommended to collect if it is required, and place with the help of movers immediately where it will be in the future. It is better to plan in advance and include in the move plan. If you cost without a plan, simply keep this information in the head and control each coming of movers with furniture, giving them instructions on the alignment of objects.

If necessary, you can walk with a damp cloth by external surface Furniture and rub the shelves in the cabinets.

After the primary placement of furniture and laying things out of the boxes, it's time to get rid of unnecessary containers in the form of a countless amount of boxes and a packing material. As soon as the maximum space was freed, it would not be superfluous to wipe the floors. However, it is necessary to do this after mounting the eaves, installation of the blinds or hanging the curtains on the windows.

The question of which things to unpack the first, has already lost the relevance, and it came to those things that lonely expect their fate on the street. Make a TV, plants, vacuum cleaners, bedside tables, otfiki, chairs, in general, everything that remains. When the last thing is listed, and your act the entire list of things is marked with a check mark, it remains to take everything once a master's eye and sign an act of performing work with a calm soul to let go of movers and stay in the circle of your family.