
How to eat rightly. Blow over obesity

To help hostess

Would you like to extend your youth and health? Then you just need to know how to eat. It is worth starting the study of the basics from the words of the Hippocrat: "Food must be our medicine." Plus to everything proper nutrition Allows us to remain healthy, which means beautiful, young and not collide with excess weight problems, cellulite or premature aging.

A balanced diet charges the body of energy, and physical labor or sports make it strong, able to resist viral infections and other sources of diseases.

Foundation of health is laid in adolescence. It can be strong as a stone or fragile, like sand, then in adulthood people become weak and sick. If you dream of a healthy life without disease, learn how to eat right.

3 Rules for proper nutrition

  • The first rule: the correct diet consists of a variety of different products from each level of the food pyramid. Disconnection in food does not provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. The menu for every day should include products of all colors (than them are more, the better for health).
  • The second rule: the menu for every day includes the right amount of products from each level of the food pyramid. Only in this way you can get all the calories and nutrients necessary for normal growth and development.
  • Rule Third: You can not eat too much one type of food. This leads to digestive disorders or other complications.

Balanced diet what she is

How to eat to provide the body with everything necessary? Let's start with the main one. Fruits and vegetables enrich us with vitamins and antioxidants, dairy products - minerals, meat, beans, beans - protein, and cereals - food fibers and healthy carbohydrates.

Balanced diet for every day includes 30% of vegetables, 20% fruit, 20% carbohydrates (starch, such as wheat, rice and corn, etc.), 20% protein (which is contained in meat, beans, legumes, etc. .) And 10% of dairy products.

Bad and useful nutrition habits

Do not skip breakfast. In the morning clock, the body needs food in order to ensure its energy. If you do not eat in the morning, your metabolism slows down, and therefore, excess weight is recruited (not in the form of muscle tissue, but a fat layer).

Early drink plenty of water and a glass - two fresh juice, such a habit will positively affect health and appearance. Still other drinks are harmful, especially store fruit juices, in which only dyes, sugar and a lot of other chemistry.

Do not buy chips, margarine, frozen foods, white bread, candy, etc. All of them lead to an increase in weight and destroy health.

How to eat - Menu on 1 day

A good day begins with a good breakfast, which should include a healthy protein source and a large amount of fiber. Such a combination will help quench the hunger, and keep the feeling of satiety before lunch. Protein can come from low-fat dairy products, nuts. Eggs - a good source of protein. The high fiber content is in products such as fruits, vegetables and solid grains. The best source of fiber - oatmeal.

Menu for breakfast.

  • Egg welded screwed.
  • A toast from solid grain.
  • Fruit juice mug.
  • Oatmeal on non-fat milk with strawberry (banana).
  • Tablespoon or two chopped nuts.
  • Orange juice.

When there is no time for breakfast, drink a glass of yogurt house, and an hour, at work, snack with apple and handful nuts (walnut or pecan).

Menu for lunch.

  • Sandwich from two grain bread slices stuck with a small piece of turkey fillet, lettuce leaves, mayonnaise, tomato sauce or mustard.
  • Grinding carrots (200 - 300 gr.)
  • Fruit juice 1 tbsp.

If you want to eat between lunch and dinner, snack with one apple and a glass of milk or drink water (1 - 2 glasses).

Menu for dinner.

If the diet during the day the diet was scarce, then there is a high probability for overeating during dinner. So that this does not happen, mentally divide the small plate of four quarters.

1. One part of it must be filled with a source of protein (baked chicken breast);

2. Second part: one small baked potato with low-fat sour cream;

3. Third and fourth parts: green and colored vegetables or vegetable salad.

4. Fruits eat for dessert.

5. Kefir - before bedtime.

The interval between meals for an adult should be 4 - 5 hours, and for children - 3 (4) hours.

To implement the idea of \u200b\u200bproper nutrition in your life, you must draw up the menu for every day. Those who have not yet succeeded in this matter, we offer a ready-made plan for 5 days.

Healthy diet: menu for 5 days.

  • 2 eggs (boiled screwed),
  • 1 Plate of oatmeal with honey,
  • 50-100 gram fresh spinach (cut into small pieces, you can add some lettuce),
  • glass of green tea.
  • Salad recipe (if you do not like spinach).
  • 2 orange, 3 - 4 cloves of garlic, fresh basil - to taste, olive oil - 3 tablespoons.

Gourmet salad

1 cup of green tea.

Recipe for gourmet salad.

Ingredients: arugula and goat cheese, almonds and pears, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and apple vinegar (about half a glass).
Place arugula in a plate and add the goat cheese.

Cut the pear into small pieces and grind the almonds, place them in the pan, adding an oil spoon. Cushion about 5 minutes (pears must remain crispy). Place in a plate to cheese and arugula.

Prepare Sauce: Take an apple vinegar and pour it into a frying pan, add some oil. Boil on slow heat for 1 minute. Fill with this salad sauce and add chopped turkey pieces.


Dinner must be easy to eat right, it is recommended to eat for 5 - 6 hours before sleep. If you can not fall asleep because of the feeling of hunger, drink a glass of hot tea.

Salad assorted - Try included as much as possible different vegetables and fruits, such as spinach, arugula, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, fresh basil, apple or pear, etc.

Also add a piece of beef, chicken, turkey or fish to the dish.

One coffee without caffeine or green tea.

  • Omelet with oat flakes and eggs.
  • 200 - 300 grams of raw vegetables,
  • orange juice.

Omelet recipe.

Half of the cup of oat flakes, two eggs, two tablespoons of olive or coconut oil, salt to taste.

Heat the frying pan on slow heat and add a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Place oatmeal and roast them approximately 5 minutes, stirring until they become a golden color. Suck them and move to the edge of a pan. Add the rest of the oil on the vacation place and break the eggs on it.

Do not mix the eggs immediately with oats, let them absorb oil. Then, after 2 - 3 minutes, they can be mixed, close the lid and grieved on slow fire until complete cooking.

  • Sandwich from whole grain bread with tuna,
  • 1 portion of raw vegetables,
  • cranberry or brushing juice.
  • Chicken breast size with palm,
  • 200 gr. raw vegetables
  • floral tea.

Balanced meals on the example of the menu samples for each day will help keep the health and beauty of the body, will affect weight, improve the mood and increase immunity. Try to eat only a few days to see a big difference that will manifest in excellent health and beautiful appearance.

We all sooner or later think about our nutrition: problems with weight, with skin, with health in general make us open your refrigerator and skeptically inspect its contents. We ask questions "What to exclude from the diet?" And "How do I start to eat right?", We are looking for your way to a healthy and beautiful body.

Meanwhile, healthy and proper nutrition is not a strict exhausting diet, not mockerying the body and not deprivation of his joys, it is just a number of rules, while complying with which you can drastically change yourself, to gain new useful habits, a beautiful figure and significantly extend life.

Our body is a reflection of what we eat

It's no secret that obesity has become a huge problem of modern people - we are less moving, we consume a large number of fatty products, calorie sauces, sweets. Everywhere endless temptations, and manufacturers compete, who will offer another super-product, against whom no consumer will stand. The result of this race can be observed on the streets of any metropolis - according to statistics, almost every second resident of developed countries is abundant. Obesity, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of many diseases is directly proportional to the amount of excess weight. Diabetes, heart problems, gastrointestinal tract, with reproductive function - this is only a small part of possible diseases arising from non-compliance with the power mode.

Good news is that last years Caring for the state of your body began to go into fashion: more and more appeals to play sports is heard from the state, public organizations, organic and dietary products appear on the shelves of stores, the press applies to the press, how to eat.

Basics of healthy eating, or how to eat

When making a healthy eating menu, you should remember several general rules: First, you need to eat frequently and small portions. It is the most convenient to have a small plate, which is placed portion of the sizes with a hassle. No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy power point implies 5-6 meals for the day. It is also good to teach yourself to eat at the same time - it stabilizes the work of the stomach and will contribute to weight loss.

Second an important rule - I remember about calories. There is no need to scrupulously calculate them throughout the life every time after meals, it's enough to post a week for your meals, and the habit will automatically "pretend" the calorie food will appear by itself. Each calorie rate has its own, you can find it, for example, using a special calculator that is easy to find on the Internet. For example, a woman is 30 years old, weighing 70 kg with a height of 170 cm and a small physical activity On a day it is necessary about 2,000 kcal. To lose weight, you need to consume 80% calories from the norm, that is, in our example, about 1600 kcal per day. Additionally, it is no sense to cut the diet - the body will simply slow down the metabolism, and harm from such a diet is more than good.

The third rule is to keep the balance between "incomes" and "expenses", that is, that energy that is spent by the body for the main exchange, work, sports, and caloric content. Food includes four main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nutritional fibers - all of them are necessary to our organism. The only question is which one of them (fats and carbohydrates are different), in what quantities and proportions to use. Approximate recommended indicators - 60 g of fats, 75 g of proteins, 250 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of fibers. Fourth Rule - Drink Water. Often, we do not want to eat, just our body takes a lack of fluid for hunger and makes us eat what is not really needed. One and a half or more liter clean drinking water They will help to get rid of the pseudogol, make more elastic skin, improve the overall condition of the body, will accelerate the metabolic process.

And the fifth rule - choose products with the mind. Read the labels, composition and caloric content of products, eliminate Fast Food from the diet, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, dyes. You should know what you eat, and then the way to beauty and health will become fast and enjoyable.

Healthy food

We will try to answer the eternal question "What to eat to lose weight?" The main thing in the preparation of the menu for a healthy diet is the observance of the balance between expenses and consumed products.

So, it is necessary to include in the diet of a healthy nutrition for every day:

  • cereals, in the form of porridge and muesli, rich in slow carbohydrates, which will provide our body with energy;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots) provide the body with food fibers - fiber;
  • legumes - a rich source of vegetable protein, especially necessary those who are rarely or not at all use meat;
  • nuts, especially walnut and almonds, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and are the source of polyunsaturated fatty acids of Omega-6 and Omega-3, trace elements;
  • efficiency products: Natural yogurts (without adding sugar), kefir, degreased cottage cheese provide calcium and improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sea fish contains protein and essential fatty acids Omega-3;
  • fruits and berries - a storehouse of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
  • non-fat meat - chicken breast, rabbit, beef - protein source.

Useful products should not have in the composition of preservatives, artificial dyes, palm oil. Sickles better limit - you can pamper yourself from time to time, but you should not get involved.

If you have a problem of excess weight, then the sugar should be abandoned at all, even if you are sweet tooth and you can not without a cup of sweet coffee in the morning - Sakharoz submits will solve this problem. It is not necessary to be afraid of them, high-quality substitutes on a natural basis harmlessly, practically do not contain calories and pleasant to the taste.

Under the strict ban!

We decided with useful products, let's look at the meal list that is incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and the right nutrition:

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. They do not quench thirst, irritate the gastric mucosa, as a rule, contain a monstrous amount of sugar - about 20 g in every glass, artificial dyes and flavors, preservatives.
  • Fryer food. Potatoes fries, chips, crackers and all that is fried in a large amount of oil must be crossed out of the diet. Carcinogens, lack of useful substances and fat - not what a healthy body needs.
  • Burgers, hot dogs. All such dishes contain a mixture of white bread, fatty sauces, incomprehensible descent of meat, inciting appetite seasonings and large number Salt. What do we get as a result? The real calorie "bomb", which instantly turns into pleats on the body and does not bear any nutritional value.
  • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. First, they completely hide the natural taste of food under spices and additives, forcing me more, secondly, almost all mayonnaise sauces from the store are almost pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other harmful substances.
  • Sausages, sausages and meat semi-finished products. At this point, some explanations are unlikely to be needed - it is enough to read the product label. And this is only official data! Remember that under the points "Pork, Beef" in the composition most often hid the skins, cartilage, fat that you would hardly have become, do not be so skillfully processed and beautifully packed.
  • Energy drinks. Contain the shock dose of caffeine in combination with sugar and increased acidity, plus preservatives, dyes and many other components that should be avoided.
  • Lunches fast cooking. Noodles, puree and similar mixes that are enough to pour boiling water, instead of nutrients contain a large amount of carbohydrates, salts, spices, taste amplifiers and other chemical additives.
  • Flour and sweet. Yes, yes, the sweets beloved by us are one of the most dangerous products. The problem is not only in large calorie: the combination of flour, sweet and fat multiplies harm several times and instantly affects the figure.
  • Packet juices. Vitamins and other useful substances almost completely disappear during the processing process. What use can be from a concentrate of diluted with water and confused by a fair amount of sugar?
  • Alcohol. It is already said about the dangers of it for the body, we only once again note that alcohol contains calories, increases appetite, interferes with the assimilation of beneficial substances, and when minimal doses are non-compliance, the organism slowly destroys, because ethanol is a cell poison.

The transition to a balanced healthy nutrition will not be in a burden if you comply with simple recommendations.

First, you should not torment yourself hunger. If you felt discomfort, eat an apple, some nuts, dried fruits or muesli.

Secondly, drink a lot and choose useful drinks. Well contributes to the slimming of chicory - it suppresses a sense of hunger due to a large amount of fibers in the composition, has a beneficial effect on the body. Green tea is also useful, especially with ginger.

Diverse diet! The more different useful products you consume, the more the body receives various trace elements, vitamins, amino acids.

If you really want something forbidden - eat it for breakfast. Of course, it is better to abandon the harmful products at all, but first time helps the idea that sometimes you can pampel yourself.

The less in the food of the unfulfilled components, the better. Want to have healthy foods - It is better to choose a piece of meat instead of sausage, fresh vegetables instead of canned, muesli - instead of buns.

Make a menu "Healthy nutrition"

How to start well eat? First of all, you need to know how many calories are required to your body. Suppose it is 2000 kcal daily. In order to reset weight, you need to use 1600 kcal per day, distributing them on 5-6 meals.

So, make a healthy power menu for every day:

Breakfast. It should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, you can include:

  • porridge oatmeal, mueslie or grain bread;
  • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or a piece of cheese.

The second meal - Easy snack between breakfast and lunch:

  • any fruit whose weight is about 100-200 grams, or some nuts, dried fruits;
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner Must be the most significant meal for the day:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat or brown rice, pasta from the flour of solid varieties. In the dish, you can add carrots, onions, pepper;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • Salad of fresh vegetables, filled with yogurt, little soy Sauce. or linen, olive oil.

Afternoon person , between lunch and dinner - another light meal:

  • A small fruit or a glass of fresh juice is better from vegetables.

Dinner - light and tasty:

  • 100-200 grams of low-fat beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, fish or legumes;
  • Salad of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables rich in fiber.

Finally A couple of hours before sleep:

  • A glass of kefir, chicory or drinking savory yogurt.

During the day in unlimited quantities, you can use water, green tea and drinks from chicory with natural eccene extracts, ginger or ginseng.

The amounts of portions are approximately dependent on the individual parameters - the daily calorie rate, weight loss rate and other individual factors. In any case, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

Feed correctly easier than it seems. Armed with knowledge, you will be almost the goal. If a healthy eating is not a victim for you, but the ability to improve your life, then you are close to the goal. You no longer need someone who will tell about all the advantages that you will bring the rejection of hamburgers and donuts. You need to find out how it is done, and from this article you can get some idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle.


Part 1

Choosing a healthy ration

    Choose the right carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates, such as in sugar and flour, are quickly absorbed by the digestive system of the body. This leads to an excess of carbohydrates, and your body allocates a huge amount of insulin to cope with this redundancy. Use these products in moderate quantities. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body slowly. They are contained in wholegrain flour, strong vegetables, oatmeal and in raw croups, such as brown rice. These products, as a rule, contain more vitamins and other nutrients, useful for the body, as well as more fiber (which helps the digestive system normally function).

    • Think about the use of green-oxide vegetables, such as ordinary cabbage, sheet cabbage, sheet mustard and leaf beets. They contain a huge amount of nutrients and quickly bring you a feeling of satiety. Prepare a simple honeycomb with olive oil, garlic, pinch salt and pepper, and you will get an unexpectedly tasty and very nutritious dish.
    • Choose bread with bran (gray bread) and pasta made of large grinding torch instead of "normal" pasta. From treated carbohydrates, such as in white bread, it is more difficult to extract nutrients, so they give more empty calories.
  1. Eat more low-fat products rich in protein. Try daily to receive from 10% to 35% percent of calories from protein food. Proteins help you build muscle mass and give the energy that is enough for a whole day. Some sources of useful proteins:

    • Non-fat varieties of fish, such as flabble, halibut, cod, perch
    • Non-fat bird meat, such as chicken or duck breast
    • Bean and soy products (Edamam, Tofu)
    • Nuts, such as almonds
  2. Hell discern good and bad fats. So that your body function normally, you need to use fats. However, you need to choose the right types of fats. Here you will find a small help.

    • Monounsaturated fats and fatty acids omega 3 - useful fats that you can try to use regularly. They will help reduce the level of "bad cholesterol" in your body, increasing the level of "good cholesterol". Food-rich foods are olive oil, nuts, fishes and various oils from seeds. By adding these "useful" fats for their weekly diet, you will reduce the level of cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular diseases
    • Avoid trans- and saturated fats. Trans fats are the appearance of unsaturated fats that are everywhere in food products undergoing technological processing. The use of such fat increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Read the product labels that you eat, and look for anything "hydrogenated" in the list of ingredients.
  3. Fuely nutritional products. So-called super-products can wear a misleading name, but some are really incredibly useful and nutritious. Super products can fight cardiovascular diseases, reduce cholesterol and even raise the mood. Here are just some of them:

    Follow the use of salt. Although people need salt in moderate quantities, excess salt can lead to increased blood pressure, osteoporosis and excess of gastric acid. Use salt in moderate quantities and always pay attention to the products with the inscription "Low sodium content".

    Practice moderation. Do not abuse in some kind of product or product type. Instead, try to diversify your diet in such a way that you will eat all the little in moderate quantity.

    • Some people have no problems to abandon meat, sugar, alcohol or other products. However, the majority throws something, but after a while it does not stand up and returns to their old habits. Try to avoid this vicious circle 'Abstinence-Region', allowing you from time to time small "weaknesses." For example, if you want to reduce the consumption of sugar, allow yourself one dessert on Friday night and refrain from the sweet for the rest of the times. Knowing that there is a pause in your diet ahead, you will be easier to last over the other days.
  4. Refrain from Fastfud. We all know that Fast Food is "harmful" for our health. Nevertheless, he remains the main element of the weekly diet of too many people. First, fast food is often fried food, which also has been saved. Add sweet drinks and free-potatoes, and your lunch will easily exceed the caloric content of your food for the whole day. And to top it all the fats contained in Fastfood - this is usually the trans fats, the most harmful of all possible.

    Sometimes you can drink a glass of beer or wine, but try to avoid more. In adults drinking a glass of beer or wine at dinner, a positive impact on the overall health condition, including improvement of memory, a decrease in bacterial infections and even increase estrogen levels. Unfortunately, what is good in small quantities can act destroying in large. More than two alcoholic beverages per day will probably harm your health.

Part 3.

Changing your way of thinking

    Take a healthy attitude towards food. Look critically on your food habits. Do you eat more when you have stress? Do you refuse yourself in food to feel that you keep everything under control? Try to determine if you have an unhealthy emotional connection with food. If there is, then here are a few steps over which it is worth thinking:

    Determine how many calories require your body for normal operation. This amount can be very much varied depending on your metabolism and how physically you are physically active. As a rule, the more you muscle mass, the more calories you need to use to function normally. Otherwise, your body will start splitting muscle tissue to get energy.

    • If you are from those people who add 5 kilos, only feeling the smell of pizza, it means that your daily diet should include about 2,000 calories if you are a man, and 1500 calories if you are a woman. Here the mass of your body also plays a role - people, from nature larger, use more calories, and more miniature - less.
    • If you are from those people who can eat without gaining extra kilograms, or you are physically active, maybe you should improve the daily use of calories per 1000-2000 for men and a little less for women.
  1. Do not skip breakfast. Many people do it because they think that they get rid of a kilogram-another, or because they are simply not tested in the morning of hunger. Although scientific evidence Not yet final, there are many reasons why you would not be able to skip what some call "the most important meal for the day."

    Eat slowly. Have you ever wondered to a huge portion, feeling good immediately after that, and so, as if you will take up 15 minutes later? This is because your stomach takes some time to inform the brain that he is full. Slow absorption of food will help you get rid of this problem. Thus, by the time the signal will be received, and you will feel the satiety, you do not eat too much too much.

    • Make breaks at 5-10 minutes between dishes. Chew every time 20-30 times before swallowing food.
    • Drink a full glass of water during meals. Small pauses for swallowing slow down food intake and help you quickly satisfy.
  2. Eat five times a day. You might think about the three full-fledged meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with snacks between them. Thus, you will eat less at a time, giving your body every time more easily digestible amount of food and maintaining blood sugar levels, avoiding situations when you stay without food for six hours.

  • Products, on the labels of which there is a "low-fat product" or "does not contain sugar", contain more chemicals. Most often, the more simpler product composition, the more useful. For example, squeezed own hands Orange juice is more useful than bought in the store. Even if the pack is written "does not contain fat." If you make the juice of the house, you know exactly what it will contain, without relying on the truthful of the label.
  • Always carry water with you. Try to drink water instead of refreshing drinks and other drinks with different tastes. Verified rule - Drink half of your weight in ounces per day.
  • Do not go beyond the products on an empty stomach, it will help you concentrate on your product list without buying anything superfluous.
  • Try to gradually reduce the consumption of Fast Fud and other unhealthy food, and in a month you can not imagine how you ate.
  • Avoid technologically processed products. They are not natural and therefore it is more difficult to split by your body, which means that they will lie in your intestines, causing a feeling of bloating and lethargy. Eat unprocessed, fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, pasta from solid wheat varieties and so on.
  • A low-fat yogurt will be an excellent snack, and the beneficial bacteria contained in it will help get rid of the intestinal problems.
  • Follow patience. You will not achieve an instantaneous reduction in cholesterol or weight or energy increase. You need to give changes in your diet time so that they led to the desired result. You will probably feel a change in a few weeks.
  • Drink water instead of soft drinks and alcohol.
  • Drink not sweetened tea is approximately 3 calories per liter.
  • Think about the use of organic food. Organic products are produced without the use of a large number of harmful chemicals or other hazardous substances. Organic food is good not only for you, but also for the environment! Production of other products can be very poorly influenced by the environment.
  • Use in cooking olive oil Extra virgin. It is cleaner and better affect your heart than other olive oil varieties. The darker it will be - the better. In addition, the olive oil "Light" contains the same calorie as Extra Virgin - the definition of "Light" (light, light) refers to the intensity of color and taste. Contrary to initial opinion, oils from soybeans and canola are not so helpful. In fact, they stimulate the production and deposition of fat.
  • Healthy diet will give you some benefits of health, but you will not reach all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle if you do not physically active. Sports exercises should not be heavy, you do not even have to sweat. Only 30 minute walk four times a week will seriously improve your health. Start with small if you have not done it yet.
  • Read the labels carefully. What may seem useful or "low-calorie" may contain a mass of artificial ingredients that can harm your health and metabolism.
  • Eat carrots! It helps many - if you want a saline, carrots will help you overcome it. Just make it straw and chew.
  • Carefully follow the food proportions in the "Food Pyramid", make sure that you follow strictly with these rules to get all the necessary nutrients.
  • Try to chew longer. This will give your body more time to digest food and assimilate the nutrients.
  • If you can't stop there are recycled food, try to eat salad.
  • If it seems to you that you are drawn to harmful foods, it may mean that your organism needs some nutrients and minerals, so choose a more useful alternative, for example, fruits or vegetables to kill the craving for unhealthy food.
  • If you do not work easily abandon unhealthy food, try green salads. They can be an excellent replacement of chocolate bars and other strongly recycled products. In addition, instead of iceberg and latch salads, try to eat spinach and other leafy vegetables, such as ordinary and leaf cabbage.
  • Try not to buy a lot of unhealthy food, because you will want to eat her.
  • Choosing yogurt, better stop on natural, it will be the best option.
  • Read the labels on all the products you eat. Do not buy something simply because it is written "useful." Many companies try to issue their products for health care, while it may contain hydrogenated fats, trans fats and hidden sweeteners are also the best way Learn more about the product. On the label there is almost all information about the product that you ever need. If you try to lose weight, try to choose low-calorie products. If you want to gain weight for some sport or something in this spirit, choose high-calorie products. But remember that excess calories, lack of exercise, overeating can bring you to obesity.
  • Nutrient food has a very good effect on brain activity. Just food for reflection.
  • Although healthy food is good, yet it is somewhat more complicated. Avoid hunger strikes arranged in order to lose weight. It is much more harmful than eat nutritious food three times a day. In addition, hydrogenated products, such as margarine, poorly affect your health. If you are looking for a healthier alternative, try natural oil or honey.
  • Make sure you have at home there is no warehouse of harmful products that will be seduced. Give someone or throw away the products that you do not have. You will not be able to eat what you have no! And do not buy again what you drove!
  • If you eat more calories than your body requires every day, your body will postpone excess as fat. Many make this mistake when it comes to weight loss. Despite how much you exercise, the overeating will lead to weight gain. In industrialized countries, this overweight in the body is not needed. We are no longer hunters / gatherers. Your next dinner is not further the nearest grocery store (based on what you live in the city or suburb) and we do not need additional energy reserves to hold out until the next meal.


  • Any radical change of your diet can cause stomach disorders, so try to eat more dark green leafy vegetables and other products rich in fiber. Your digestive system will adapt one or two weeks, but if this does not happen, consult your doctor. (Other good sources of fiber: linen seeds, husk seed husks, wholegrain products, fruits and vegetables and beans. Remember, you can always check the nutritional properties of the product to understand how many fiber in it, and calculate how it is stacked in your day diet . In the case of fresh, unproken products, information about nutrients can be found on the Internet; although fresh vegetables and fruits are unlikely to harm you!)
  • In medical circles there are fierce debates about the utility of organic food. Some believe that chemicals in traditional products are as safe and useful as expensive organic substitutes. Proponents of organic food products prove the opposite. But everyone agrees that organic foods contain as many calories as inorganic equivalents. So even if you eat organic food, make sure you follow the amount of calories used.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


There is a huge amount of diets, allowing you to lose weight. But for some reason, few people think that quite competently and with the mind to approach the issue of nutrition, and no limitations simply do not need. There are certain rules that should be adhere to, then not to cry on scales, and also exists. How to eat right?

  • Follow the size of your portions. If you briefly - eat less! And at home, and away, and in the publication. Refuse severe salad - replace it easy. And share the main dish with the girlfriend (friend).
  • Discard large plates at home. Take a smaller plate. And portions, respectively, superimpose smaller. Remember that the body does not need so much food as you used to impose. Enough so that you felt a little later.
  • We eat much more if the meal takes place by watching the movie on TV (proven by scientists a fact). Learn to perceive the food process as a car refueling. How much fuel do you need the car to go? We refrained, and go ahead.
  • Try to plan your menu At least a day forward. And even better - for all week. On the eve of the working day, think - what exactly will you feed your body? Pour yogurt and a pair of fruits in order to quench the hunger and do not run to the store behind chips and chocolates.
  • To make a menu for yourself for a week, stick to it. Buy all products in advance. Stick to the refrigerator your menu and eat only what is specified in it. "Excess" products hide so that there is no temptation to intercept until dinner a couple of Roganikov Krakow or smoked ham.
  • Drink more water. This is the basis of proper nutrition. At least one and a half liters per day (soups, juices, tea-coffee are coming separately).
  • Be sure to breakfast in the morning. Breakfast should not be hard, but it is obliged to contain those nutrients that will help you calmly hold out before lunch. Dairy products and fiber are mandatory. See.
  • Strictly stick the power mode. If there is still a couple of hours before lunch, but I just want to be unbearable, and you are ready to run behind a hamburger, take an apple, a pear or a banana. Drinking fruit - it will not bring harm, and the feeling of sharp hunger will let go.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Everyday. Each reception. Green vegetables are most useful - Chinese cabbage, salad, romal, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, etc. It is them that contain the maximum number of the necessary vitamins and ensure the uninterrupted operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid fruit in syrup (canned) and cheap fruit juices. Reduce sugar consumption with tea and coffee. Sweets, if possible, replace fruit, candied fruit, dried fruits, bitter chocolate.
  • Twist salt consumption minimize. In some cases and refuse at all. For example, vegetable salad, fastened with oil, does not affect the lack of salt. Again, the cooked egg can be used without salt.
  • Exclude incorrect carbohydrates (sugar, rice, flour) and enter healthy (fruit-vegetables, legumes, wholebreaker bread).
  • Do not forget about the fiber! The minimum number per day is about thirty g. Look for it in whole grains and vegetables.
  • Change harmful fats for useful - on nuts and avocado, olive oil and pumpkin seeds, fish, etc. Reduce, if possible, to zero use of red meat, all-milk products, as well as fried, cookies, margarine, etc.
  • Protein is indispensable. This is the source of our energy. We are looking for it in fish, beans, nuts, eggs and tofu daily.
  • Vitamin D and calcium (dairy products, beans, leafy vegetables) - without them anywhere.
  • Categorically avoid catering. Prepare yourself! Not semi-finished products, but "first, second and compote". You can cook in advance and put in the freezer, it will save time. And money - and suppressed.
  • Caloric products use exclusively in the morning. In the second - only lungs.
  • During the day, try to burn calories more than you use per day. Get a notebook for the first time to see the "arrival consumption" of extra kg.
  • Avoid fat-sweet-acute-salty.
  • Any nutrition restrictions do not make sense without exercise. If you do not want to become an old woman ahead of time, then combine your proper nutrition with correct loads. Then your skin won't wither, and the muscles will not weaken.

What is right for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

What you need to eat for breakfast

This energy feed is the basis of the whole day. Breakfast is not postponed on the hips and processed into clean energy. Requirements for the right breakfast:

  • Buns, sandwiches, toasts and croissants - Down. They only tire the body, which after such breakfast wants back to bed.
  • Breakfasts for breakfast - unnecessary . Exception - buckwheat.
  • The main part of the breakfast should be fruit. Moreover, in the summer. In winter, you can replace them with dried fruits.
  • Be sure to include in the morning meals yoghurt, ryazhku or cottage cheese .
  • Milk in pure form for breakfast can only be used until six in the morning. For example, with cinnamon - it provides vigor.
  • Perfect breakfast - fruit salad , refilled by yogurt or ion. You can also add berries and nuts.
  • On the second breakfast you can eat porridge (for example, oatmeal), fruit and a small piece of bitter chocolate.

What you need to eat for lunch

Most of yours, we dine very quickly, not much thinking about what we eat, and throwing "in the firebox" what is at hand. Because the work is waiting. And this meal requires a serious approach. And of course, the sandwiches at dinner do not fit at all. In the extreme case, you can order a lunch to the office or find a dining room with hot lunches. Requirements for the correct dinner:

  • At lunch you can not limit yourself in food But this meal should not happen later than two hours of the day.
  • On the first one can eat, for example, borsch, on the second - buckwear garnish and two hundred grams of chicken breast. Do not forget about the salad (only fresh vegetables) and restless bread. On the third - compote or juice from fresh fruit.
  • Avoid smoked and fried meat at lunch . Replace it with meat on a pair and plenty of vegetables.

What do you need to eat for dinner?

How does dinner usually go? We are founding all and more (and without a dessert), after which you get on the sofa to the TV, so that all this is an abundance of food to digest. Moreover, while you come from work, while you cook dinner, while you collect the whole family at the table - the arrows of the clock confident to ten in the evening are selected. As a result, the night of us goes to digest food, instead of rest. So how should it be? Requirements for the right dinner:

  • Dinner should be easy. Optimal time For dinner - no later than four hours before sleep. Preferably - hours at six pm.
  • For dinner do not use gentlebob - They need to be in the morning.
  • The best dishes for dinner is stewed or raw vegetables . Of course, not meat with fried potato and a huge piece of cake.
  • Before sleeping, you can drink warm milk , flavored honey spoon - it contributes calm sleep and rapid falling asleep.

Proper menu during the day

Since morning:
A glass of water immediately after you got up from bed. Get yourself such a habit.

  • A pair of dried loaf.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Or vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • 100 g of cottage cheese (cheese).
  • Tea, coffee, you can with milk.


  • 100 g of berries (fruit).
  • Natural juice.


  • Soup (lean, fish, vegetable puree, or on low-fat broth).
  • About 150 g of fish, turkey or chicken (not fried). Baked or stew. No "delicious" skins and crusts! For example, salmon skewers or turkey stew.
  • Salad (fresh vegetables only!) With vegetable (olive) butter.
  • Garnish - a maximum of four tablespoons. Preferably, it is generally refused to refuse it, replacing a greater portion of salad. Either stewed vegetables.

Afternoon person:

  • 100 g of berries or fruit.
  • Tea-coffee, juice or water. You can a non-fat yogurt. Choose.


  • A pair of dried loaf.
  • Any vegetables. Better, if you follow the "traditions": Fresh vegetables and vegetable oil.
  • 100 g Cheese or cottage cheese, plus boiled egg.
  • Boiled (baked) chicken (turkey) breast. Or boiled (stew) fish.
  • Drink at will.

And most importantly, what you need to remember: we eat only to live, but not vice versa.

The systematic use of excessively oily and calorie food is extremely negatively affected by health, causing obesity and related problems.

"Phosphoglie" - a modern combined drug for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases:

  • the optimal composition of active ingredients;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • favorable security profile;
  • neckless vacation from pharmacies.
Some sports diets and preparations used to improve the efficiency of workouts, adversely affect the liver state. How to protect this vital body? In order not to overpay for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, choose preparations with a fixed available price.

Why healthy eating is so important and how to choose the right diet for every day

Ancient said: You are what you eat. Modern studies confirm this statement. Not only health and longevity depends on the diet, but also the mood. Alas, in recent years, people are less likely to have proper nutrition from diets to reduce weight. However, many of the latter not only have nothing to do with healthy nutrition, but they can seriously harm their health. While the balanced menu will help not only lead weight to the norm, but also noticeably improve well-being.

Healthy food is a guarantee of good health and longevity

Why is it so important to eat correctly, even if your weight is normal? Biologically, a person is not able to use such an abundance of food, what we have now. When the nature "designed" us, she assumed that we would pass long kilometers in search of every root or a piece of meat, feed on small portions, most of our diet make up fruits and vegetables, and meat and honey will come across us much less. But civilization has changed everything - today even people with a little sufficient can easily afford the calorie, fatty, salty and sweet food. And for this you hardly move! But in the natural habitat, the average Homo Sapiens should take at least 10-20 kilometers per day. As a result, almost all people of the civilized world move little and overeat, but it does not receive a sufficient number of vitamins and minerals.

The consequences of improper nutrition can be not only overweight and obesity. Unbalanced menus - the cause of lethargy and constant fatigue (even if you get enough calories), liver diseases, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, problems with leather, different types of allergies, brittle and rare hair, irritability and low performance, as well as such formidable diseases such as diabetes, ulcer, gastritis, stroke, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis. More than 70% of all modern diseases are a consequence of irregular nutrition, excessive driving alcohol, overeating or, on the contrary, devastating for health diets.

Principles of proper nutrition

Healthy food is capable of solving many health care, and the earlier you begin to adhere to the principles of a rational diet, the better. When we say "diet", we mean not short-term hunger strike, which allegedly solve all health problems. The correct diet is not the use of some salad leaves, but a lifestyle. Here are the basic principles of healthy nutrition:

  1. Eat only when hungry. The availability of food led to the fact that we often sit down at the table without the slightest desire to eat, "jealous" sorrow or crown the calorie chips and popcorn in the cinema only to take hands.
  2. Prefer the minimally processed food. Minced meat, puree, mousses, all sorts of smoothies - too soft food. Chewing process is a very important part of digestion. Fearing such a meal, we spend much less calories than should.
  3. Watch out calories. On average, 1800-2,200 calories are required per day, these figures vary depending on weight, gender, age, health status, level of loads and period of life. With age, the need for calories is reduced, but it is not to cut the consumption of proteins, but fat and simple carbohydrates (bread, pasta, sweets).
  4. Eat in small portions. Our digestive system is designed for 5-6 meals for food in small quantities, and not 2-3, as we used. Each portion of food should be the size of a fist or less. If there is only once or two a day, the body will begin to accumulate fat.
  5. Watch out for the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.50% of carbohydrates, 25% of fats and 25% proteins - a formula that fits most.
  6. Make a variety.Week on one rice or salad will not make you healthy - it will make you irritable. The food must be diverse and tasty - first, it is good for mood, and secondly, it will provide you with all the necessary vitamins.
  7. Avoid ready meals and fast food.Frozen pizza, dumplings or hamburger may seem not so calorie, but the production technology of such dishes implies a very high percentage of "hidden" fat, preservatives and salts.
  8. Do not eat in the evening.At night, your stomach is also sleeping and cannot cope with the digestion of a dense dinner. It should be at least 2 hours before deploying to sleep.

It is interesting
Not only calorie dishes are growing, but also their volume. Even in McDonalds in 1950th, the standard portion of the soda was 225 grams. Today in these cafes the smallest portion of the cola - 340 grams, and large - 900. This is about 310 kcal.

Products for healthy food

How to eat? When we hear the words "Healthy Food", we often imagine the Heap of Salad Leaves. What to say, leafy vegetables are very useful, but few of whom they cause appetite. Fortunately, healthy foods are not only greens. Here is a list of components for proper nutrition for every day.

A fish. Especially the ocean varieties - fish fat are very useful for health, it lowers cholesterol levels, cleaning the vessels from plaques and reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke almost doubled. The predominance of fish in the diet is the key to the good condition of the skin and hair. In addition, the fish activates the activity of the brain and contains vitamin E, which is necessary for the health of the liver.

Eggs. They should not be takenlated - 4-5 eggs per week is enough to prevent the ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine, pancreatitis and disorders of the nervous system.

Berries. Any berries are rich in antioxidants who slow down the aging process - this applies not only to the appearance, but also all organism systems. Berries must be present on the table of those who suffer obese and diabetes.

Beans.Bean - almost perfect dietary product. The dishes from beans and lentils are quickly saturated, give us the necessary supply of protein and fiber for good digestion. They are useful for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, as well as for everyone who has immunity weakened.

Whole grain bread and pasta. These are "good" carbohydrates that are saturated for a long time. The body spends a lot of energy to digest them, and they are not as dangerous for our shape, like buns and cakes. Moreover, whole grain products contribute to weight loss. Coarse grinding dishes help to defeat obesity, diabetes, avitaminosis, depression, heart disease and vessels. They have a lot of vitamins of group V.

Milk products. Choose unsatheted - there are a lot of protein and calcium, which is necessary for teeth, bones and metabolic processes. There are in them and lipoic acid that promotes liver improvement. Degreased products lose most of their useful properties and taste. In view of the last manufacturers often add a huge amount of sugar in them.

Vegetables. This storehouse of vitamins and fiber, and the calories in them are very few. Any vegetables of bright orange and red flowers are especially useful - there are a lot of vitamin A needed for sight, beautiful skin and a healthy liver. Green vegetables contain the whole complex of vitamins of group B, as well as potassium and calcium.

Olive oil. This is a "magic" product that reduces cholesterol levels, cleaning the liver and output toxins.

By the way
Psychologists calculated that we think about food about 100 times a day.

Prohibited products

Some products are incompatible with healthy food. That's just incomplete list.

Canned food. In order for canned vegetables, meat, fruit or fish to retain the taste and commodity view over long months, they often add dyes, preservatives, a huge amount of sugar and salt. In addition, the useful substances in them are very small - for example, fatty acids of omega-3, which make a tuna with such a useful variety of fish, in conservation completely destroyed.

Ready fatty sauces.For example, so beloved by many mayonnaise. Homemade mayonnaise made of fresh rustic eggs and olive oil, occasionally can afford. But on the manufacture of a finished sauce, oil goes far from better quality, there are many preservatives in it, vinegar, besides, this is a very calorie refueling, which negates all the benefits of dishes, such as vegetable salads.

Smoked smoked In smoked meat and fish, a lot of salt, such snacks are a colossal burden on the kidneys. In addition, it has long been proven that meat, which has been processed, contains carcinogenic substances. In other words, everything that you can buy and immediately eat (sausages, ham, sausages, bacon, breast and other similar products) are not only not useful, but also dangerous to health.

Caution, meat!
According to the World Health Organization and the International Cancer Study Agency, recycled meat is one of the causes of intestinal cancer. So, the use of 50 grams of bacon or other recycled meat increases the risk of development of oncology by 18%!

Roast. Potatoes fries, foods in the batter, pies and pasties - all these dishes are as popular as dangerous. They contain a lot of fat - and often prepared using low-quality oils. Excess fat is generally undesirable - it leads to excess weight, and the cells of the liver under its influence are reborn into fat and cease to perform their functions.

Sweet drinks. Our brain does not use calories derived from juices and soda. Meanwhile in lemonades, there are a lot of sugar in packaged juices - one cup can contain up to 170 or more calories!

Baking and candy. These are so-called fast carbohydrates - the energy obtained from them must be spent immediately. Otherwise, excess carbohydrates become the cause of the deposition of adipose tissue.

Correct diet for every day

Before revising its diet, you need to talk to the attending physician. There are products that are contraindicated in certain diseases. Healthy people can comply with their own menu based on our example of proper nutrition for every day of the week.


Breakfast: Oatmeal on water with the addition of milk, one boiled egg, wholegrain toast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: Vegetable soup, sandwich with whole grain bread and low-fat cheese.

Afternoon person: Cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Dinner: Chicken breast baked with vegetables.


Breakfast:wenty porridge with raisins, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: Green soup, casserole from broccoli.

Afternoon person:vegetable salad.

Dinner: Chicken baked in the oven, with boiled potatoes.


Breakfast: Natural yogurt with a handful of berries, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner:chicken soup with vermicellus, cottage cheese casserole.

Afternoon person: fruit salad.

Dinner: steam fish cutlets with vegetable side dish.


Breakfast: Egg-pashoto on whole grain toast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: Okroshka with chicken, wholegrain loaf.

Afternoon person: Glass of ripper.

Dinner:baked fish, boiled rice.


Breakfast: Muesli with fruits and nuts, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: Mushroom soup, lazy cabbage rolls from low-fat chicken.

Afternoon person:rice casserole with dried fruits.

Dinner:vegetable stew, squid salad.


Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: Zucchini soup with chicken breast, vegetable salad.

Afternoon person:curd cheesecakes.

Dinner: Macaroni from solid wheat varieties with vegetable sauce.


Breakfast: Omelet from 2 eggs, tea or coffee without sugar.

Afternoon person:fruit salad refilled by yogurt.

Dinner: Ear, Vinaigrette.

Dinner: Ragu from beans

As you can see, healthy nutrition is very far from the hunger strike. But it makes no sense to take it as a diet - to keep beauty and health, you need to eat so always, occasionally allowing yourself a retreat from the rules - all the same we are all people.

Assistants in the struggle for health

The life of the average citizen can not be called healthy - stress, bad ecology, lack of time and, as a result, is a large share of fast food in the diet. Some use alcohol to remove voltage, and this also does not add health. The first liver suffers - it is this organ that removes toxins and breaks fats. A 30-year-old person with a patient liver is not uncommon. But is it possible to call this situation normal? Of course not.

Most of us are not enough healthy nutrition for good health - the liver needs additional support. This causes the popularity of hepatoprotectors to protect the liver.

The most common active component of hepatoprotectors is essential phospholipids - vegetable substances that strengthen cell membranes. Phospholipids contribute to rapid restoration of damaged liver cells. They are good by themselves, but the most efficient phospholipids work in combination with glycyrrhizinic acid. This substance that is in nature is contained in the root licorice - a well-known means of liver diseases. Scientists studied these substances over decades and proved that such a tandem is effective in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty diseases of the liver, alcoholic and dosage diseases of the liver and other diseases. Phospholipids and glycyrrhizinic acid strengthen liver cells, accelerate their regeneration, have anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic and antioxidant effect. The combination of these substances from 2010 is included in the list of vital and most important medicines, annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, it is also included in the standards for the treatment of liver disease. This confirms the clinical efficacy and a favorable security profile of this complex.

Thursday, 01.03.2018

Opinion edition

Composing a healthy menu, think not only about the benefits, but also about your preferences. Broccoli is very useful, but you can't tolerate this vegetable since childhood? Replace it on something else - spinach or zucchini. Are you suffering without sweet? Do not refuse it at all, just replace candy on dates, dried and black chocolate. This is important because the stress from the tasteless meal can be reduced to zero all the benefits of a healthy diet.