
How to learn to develop speech. Brevity, clarity, literacy - the foundations of the right and beautiful speech

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Beautiful, correct speech - required attribute Successful man. Why is it so important to develop a speech to an adult person if he has certain problems with her? Maybe not bother and continue to communicate at the same level? Better, of course, pull out your skills. I will explain why.

FirstlyWith the right, confident speech immediately increases efficiency in communication. It becomes easier to agree with a person, convince him, and also make a good impression.

SecondlyIn pickup, this is an important component of successful seduction. "It doesn't matter what you say, important how you do it."

How to develop the right and beautiful speech to an adult person

If there are obvious speech defects, then the first thing should be visited by a speech therapist. With the help of the doctor, you can quickly correct the situation in best side. He will give recommendations, how to work properly on the correction of speech.

If you do not have obvious defects, you can sign up to school of oratory. There are taught to talk and act on people confidently, interest the audience so that people listened to you enthusiastically. Of course, it costs money, and often tangible. But in the end, you will raise in life to a new level, and the fee for these courses will repeat. Such schools work in most major cities.

How to develop competent speech

In order to develop a competent speech, you will have to work as order. The first steps can be made independently:

Reading fiction. An extremely useful occupation, in which you learn the right and understandable presentation of thoughts, a new lexicon, a thin sense of humor and a lot. After the conscious reading of several books, you can already feel a certain result.

View public speeches famous people. Choose a person who is most impressed by the beauty and literacy of speech. It may be a politician, a business coach or a person of any other profession associated with publicity. See the records with his performances, remember the most you liked and impress the moments. You can also try to repeat certain moments of their speech.

Exercises for home training:

In addition to the above councils, it is possible to perform specific exercises at home that will help you in oratorical art. Important conditions For successful development - the methodology, the clarity and awareness of what you do at the moment.

#1 Reading patter. Where without them. One of the most productive and popular exercises for the development of speech, which positively affects the articulation. To begin with, choose a few spells to work out different sounds. Above each patter should carefully work, bringing it to pronunciation to perfection.

#2 Reading out loud words with a combination of several consonants in a row. For example, comedizing, postscript, angstrom, wakefulness, etc.

#3 Reading passages and suggestions with proper intonation and expression.

#4 Story by keywords. To do this, write a few words that are not interconnected, and with the help of them to come up with a short story. This exercise develops logical thinking and intelligence.

#5 Dialogue with the interlocutor. Choose the topic, throw a short conversation plan. The purpose of this exercise is the ability to properly negotiate, enthusiasm your interlocutor, acquire the skills of conviction in a real situation.

Of course, these exercises, like the entire article, is the top of the iceberg. But with the help of this information, you received basic concepts about the development of speech in an adult. And if you do the exercises given above, then your communication skills will noticeably improve. Successes!

No one is a secret that ability to say beautifully, correctly and logically defend your point of view to every person, well, and publicly speaking, doubly. The ability to convince People-gift from nature or acquired skill and how to achieve success in the belief of the interlocutor? Therefore, one of the most pressing issues today, which sooner or later stands up before each, who came to the infobusiness, who came to the profession associated with the need to perform in front of the audience. A confidently speaking interlocutor always has a pleasant to communicate with him, I want to be as open in such a conversation.
Develop skills of beautiful speech It is always necessary. You can do this as independently and visiting trainings, webinars on oratory skill.

Today I want to talk about the speech technique available for each exercises. The most important thing for successful use in its practice is a desire and regular practical application. Result, believe me, will not wait.

Exercise 1.Articulate gymnastics.

It would seem, we know this technique with a school bench. But do you apply it? Why? Yes, because it seems to us this reception is boring and uninteresting. So I offer this set of exercises to do "joking". Cross in front of the mirror, joke on yourself with your beloved or beloved during this exercise. And the process will not seem to you so boring! I will give the easiest complex in this article, I hope that it will be useful to you.

Repeat each exercise is required at least ten times. By the way, this gymnastics contributes to relaxation, which is very important in front of an important performance in the public: 1. Emploit the browst. 2. Slide the browst to the center. 3. Tighten both cheeks. 4. Renate cheeks at the same time, and then in turn. 5. Put the tank on the cheek. 6.Read the language in a circle behind closed lips. 7. Put the language. 8. Invilitate the lips of the lips in turn top and bottom. 9.Fast tongue tip. 10. Check the sponge into the tube and smile, but without teeth. 11. Check the sponge into the tube, smile wide. 12.Shoco Open your mouth, and then close. 13.Reoco Open your mouth, close half the half, and only then completely.

But once again remind you by replacing any exercise on the "screaming" in front of the mirror you give yourself a bunch of emotions and you will do articulating gymnastics with pleasure.
Exercise 2. Directory.
Take any Selection of patter, And start to pronounce them every day, starting with a slow tempo and gradually speeding it, so that the patters you utterly utterly "eating" sounds and syllables, gradually the speed of their reading will be quite fast, and the pronunciation of the rosary is correct. Let this process also give you pleasure. To do this, you can experiment with a stopper from champagne-read Species with a plug, clamped in the mouth and without it.
Below I give a selection of patter.

1) Interviewer interviewed.

2) There were three Chinese: Yak, Yak - Cedrach, Yak - Cedrocean - Cedroce.
There were three Chinese people: Tsypa, Tsypa - Drypa, Tsypa - Drip - Dryp - Drympamponi.
They all were overlapped: Yak at the Tsype, Yak - Cedrel at the Tsypepe,
Yak - Cedrocean - Cedrocean - Cedaron on Tsipe - Drype - Drympamponi.
And they were born children: yak with chicks: Shah, Yak - Cecilca with a chick - jeep: Shay - Bowls, Yak - Cedroce - Cedroce - Drympamponi Cedaround: Shah - Sharakh - Shirai - Shirai.

3) Tell me about purchases! - What about purchases?
About purchases, about buying your purchases.

4) Spearor score threw thoroughly,
That all the patters do not protrudy do not jump forward,
But kieving, vomited,
that all patters will forward, do not rustify.
And skip patters like karasi in a skillet.

5) Bankers of Rebrandil-Rebrandili Rebrandili, but not buried.

6) In Cannes, Lions were not only lazy wreaths.

7) In Kabardino-Balkaria, Valokordin from Bulgaria.

Deideologized deideologized, and dodeidoicized.

9) Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.

10) Sasha's highway was walking, Sasha found Sasha's highway.

11) River flows, stove stove.

12) Tongs yes ticks are our things.

13) Pike purses in vain, bream.

14) The train rushes a cristle: F, h, sh, sh, w, h, sh, sh.

15) all the coordinators will not protrude, you will not re-title

You can also find various selections of patter in the group in contact and in classmates.

Exercise 3. Sochine a small story about the subject or just describe the subject.
Very interesting exercise. When I did it for the first time, I didn't seem very simple to me. Many can describe a simple item only in two words, and the description of the description is necessary to stretch for 4-5 minutes, while not repeated. Very interesting exercise-develops Imagination and logic and associative thinking. Tellorally you learn to avoid garbage words, unwanted repetitions, watch your speech. Turn this exercise into such an energizer speech and you will certainly get energy charge.
Exercise 4.curing out loud.
Reading out loud to work well on the works of the poetic form. You can use the poems of your favorite poets. Try to read the same poem in different ways: with different emotions, for example, or at a different pace or, making focus on any part of speech, and you will see how differently slap text In your performance every time.
Exercise 5.Prust.
For a negative, it is good to use fables or parables or any genre of prose, your beloved. Here, look for the selection of keywords. You can write them out of the text, they will serve you wonderful square orientation When retelling. Use any article from the magazine that you liked and retell it, for example, adding a particle not to each verb that you say during the recovery. I think you will certainly smile.

Of course, the exercises shown by me in this article is not a dogma, and I must tell you that in fact there are many different exercises and techniques. But sometimes under legs lies thenThat we do not notice, but the receptions described in this article are very easy to use and you can do it both at home and at work during a lunch break, for example, or while cooking lunch or walking with a child on the playground. So that the process of working on speech delivered you pleasure.

With you was Elena Kleenov.

Without the gift of eloquence, unfortunately, not all possess everything, but this does not mean that this skill is impossible to develop. We all know that a person who knows how to speak beautifully, you can listen for hours! And yet, it should be noted that there is a considerable number of different nuances, which is important to take into account, developing the skill of rich spoken speech.

It is important to breathe correctly when talkingSurely, listening to a smooth speaker speech or any charismatic leader, you caught myself thinking that you would like to know how to talk like that. Of course, this can be achieved if you develop speech techniques. However, first of all, for this it should be learn to breathe correctly - deep, calmly and imperceptibly. Please note that speech breathing has differences from the usual. We are talking about the managed process. As is known, a diaphragm-ripe breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhale and exhale are produced using a diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. At the same time, the shoulders and the tops of the chest remain almost without movement. It is possible to control the breath you can independently. Put your palm between the belly and the chest - on the diaphragm region. When you breathe, the abdominal wall is slightly raised, the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by a reduction in abdominal muscles and chest. When speech, inhale should be light and short, but exhale - smooth and long (approximately one-to-ten ratio. When the process of speech occurs, the value of the exhalation is in a large extent. Before talking to make a fast and deep breath, which is carried out through the nose, and through the mouth. Meanwhile, during the speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved. Right speech breathing can be called the basis of the beautiful voice sound. If you will breathe wrong, it will lead the voices instability. Talk confidently and clearly and intelligibleWhen talking, try to avoid mutting - say clearly, clearly and confident. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with the expression, sometimes accelerate, but continue to speak with the expression. Gradually, you will have a skill of such a manner of conversation and in everyday life. Need to constantly train gesticulation and facial expressionsGeastication and facial expressions can be called a non-verbal speech tool, which should also be trained. Try to talk in front of the camera or a mirror to understand if you are not too much and "not in case" you are gesticulating. Sorry, it can be strongly distracting the interlocutor from the topics of the conversation. It is also important to observe for their facial expressions - it is unacceptable as an indifferent expression of the person and the excessive manifestation of emotions. In the second case, it may look just ugly. There are gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smoothly and naturally, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of the said. It is important that the listener still focused on the sense of text, but not your face or hands.

How nice to listen to a person whose speech is competent and interesting at the same time. Unfortunately, there are very few such people. Most often, the overwhelming majority of tonasked, cannot be built as grammatically, and stylistically use poor vocabulary. And if such people have to come before the public, the latter is regretted.

Components of beautiful speech

Speech technique is a combination of several components, knowing that you can gradually learn how it includes several factors. And the main among them is a diction. The technique of speech would be impossible without clearly uttering sounds - vowels and especially consonants. It seems to speak clearly and clearly - easy. In fact, things are exactly the opposite, and the training of diction can take a lot of time.

In addition, it is very important to be able to speak convincingly and emotionally. It is in this way that can be controlled by an audience and influence it. Expressive, lively it is capable of captivating people that they will agree with all the arguments of the speaker, not wanting.

And further. It is important to know what to say. The technique of speech hides in itself a lot of nuances who simply need to consider and keep constantly in the head.

Maybe to the speech therapist?

It may very much that you will have to remember such a specialist, despite the fact that you have already come out of that age when it is necessary. In some people in the mouth, a real porridge, and some sounds are pronounced absolutely not as necessary.

Sometimes one understanding is enough that you do wrong to start talking right. But it often happens that it is very difficult to correct the situation, so you should not even start. The story knows a lot of examples of famous speakers who had non-permissive sounds, but this did not prevent them from conquering the audience.

Go to the Russian lesson?

And one more nuance. Almost every one of us speaks very quickly, "eating" many words and endings. In everyday life, this is normal, for the dialogue reigns here - which I did not hear, you can ask. Although, of course, you need to strive to ensure that it was clean and beautiful. Well, on the podium and doubtful! Indeed, here one side is listening, and the speaker can say, sometimes very hard. And what do we observe in reality?

Proper breathing

Breathing, as a rule, causes great perplexity of people. We all breathe and without it can not exist. What is sophisticated here? However, there are difficulties, and considerable. The speaker is like a singer or a musician who plays on wind instruments, which simply needs to be delivered breathing. It is it that will help preserve the clarity of the narrative, the correct intonation, will not give in vote in an unnecessary place.

There are several namely: breast, at which the shoulders rise up, abdominal and diaphragimental. As a rule, women breathe breasts, unlike men. Perhaps that is why among the beautiful half of humanity a smaller number of good speakers. After all, in this art, a diaphragimental breathing is required, that is, this, in which the diaphragm is running.

For its production it is necessary to perform non-hard exercises, but it is important to do it regularly. After a small period of permanent and persistent classes, which, by their load, do not differ from exercise, you will notice that you will breathe quite differently.

How to train your breath?

Proper speech technique includes daily exercises on the development and optimization of the breathing apparatus. We are always talking on exhale, and it is especially important that he was long, but did not bring us to exhaustion. Unlike the exhalation, inhale must be energetic and short. Otherwise, the words arose long awkward pauses. Although they themselves are also simply necessary for a beautiful speech, however, these gaps should not be tightened. That is why it is necessary to perform exercises for a long breath, while you need to ensure that the air fills the aperture area, and then slowly, portionly spent. At the same time, it is not necessary to bring yourself to the state when a person has already spent all the air, but continues to speak. It looks not very beautiful. It is better to stop and again "take a breath".

Dickey also requires training

Simultaneously with the performance of breathing exercises, you should not forget about diction. She should be given a small amount of time, 10-15 minutes daily. Very soon you will notice how your speech will become intelligible and well understandable for others. There are many different exercises for diction. But first it is necessary to soberly assess your speech. To do this, it will be enough to just record your voice to the voice recorder, and then listen to the record very carefully. It would be nice to ask for someone else to appreciate your diction, perhaps outsiders will notice what eludes your attention and hearing.

So pay attention to the following points:

  • Consonant sounds. What are they: correct or not, don't they smooth them?
  • How the soft consonants sound.
  • How do you pronounce consonant at the junction of two words.
  • How pronounced vowels are pronounced.
  • How do you agree in different parts the words.

As a rule, you will notice some common trend or error. Perhaps others listening to the entry will hear something else. All this is the front for the upcoming work on the voice and speech in general.

The concept of articulation

In general, it can be said that diction and articulation is the same. There are articulation muscles that participate in the process of becoming sounds, and they must be trained. These muscles form the right sounds, which is why it is important that they are strong and strong.

To strengthen them, it is possible to perform a special charging, which includes a set of exercises for language, jaws, lips and even cheeks.

You can just throw the face, and then slightly massage the cheeks and lips. In addition, there is a lot of exercises for children with speech therapy problems. The most common of them are a "needle" when you need to make a sharp tongue and stretch as close as possible in the nose, and the "shovel" when the language is most relaxed.

Searches for teachers

If you are very careful about the technique of speech, courses are the best you need. You can learn long ago to speak beautifully and correctly at home and not to notice gross mistakes that are not at all efforts. An experienced teacher and mentor will correct on time and will not allow the mistake to consume. The teacher's speech technique will act as the standard and a guide star that will not let go from the way. It is a specialist who will tell you when you already be quite ready for a speech before people, and will stop, if it is too early, and you need to practice yet.

What and how to talk?

So, even if you have long been engaged in diction, the production of the breathing apparatus, but do not know what to say, then it is still early to react. It is necessary that beautiful turns and phrases ripen in the head in time, I remembered the necessary words on time, and we were poured by a stream. For this purpose, you just need to read a lot and reflect on different topics. We must try to look for synonyms to many words and increase your lexicon.

It is also very important to follow the tempo of speech. Many people are taratored, without noticing. It greatly interferes to fully perceive speech. It is necessary to follow, in which pace we speak, it is not so difficult. At first, you will have to pay attention to it, and then it will go into the habit.


Gestures are our second language. It is just necessary for us, however, there is your own rules. Gestures should not be too much. Also very distracting squeezed movements. That is why you need to learn how to manage your body. There is a whole science studying facial expressions and gestures. Even a superficial acquaintance with it will bring much benefit, for you learn at least a little read the body language. Each gesture should be thought out. To begin with, examine and objectively analyze the movements that you often use, and then make adjustments.

It is desirable to consider all gestures in advance, to paint in front of the mirror, to demonstrate to the best friends.

If you say everyone: "I want to say beautifully ... Speech techniques are so complex!", Then you are unlikely to achieve something. Beautiful and correct is a hand in hand with faith in your strength and success. All of them are needed almost to each of us, because the success and faith in themselves are one of the main components of the modern world.

Practice - And you, undoubtedly, everything will work out!

No one, I think, will not argue with the fact that the ability to speak beautifully is the most valuable human quality.

A person who owns competent speech produces a profitable impression, it is more often achieved by the goal, he is more successful in professional activityIt is easier for him to adapt in any life situation.

Proper speech has an almost magical effect. She wants to listen and listen; And from other - close the ears and run away.

The ownership of art is beautiful and competently talking, unfortunately, meets more and less.

People who think of masterpiecely, sometimes do not know how to pronounce themselves in words. Many people are difficult to express their thoughts, feelings, retell something interesting from the read, seen, experienced.

But for the undiscusing speech of such people sometimes hides a magnificent intelligence, an interesting person. But to recognize this, it takes time. And the time is what we constantly do.

Hence only one way - you need to train your speech. After all, the ability to speak beautifully is not a natural gift, but an acquired skill that can be brought to perfection. Even if you are not going to become a professional speaker, the ability to speak beautifully, to use the speech, will be extraordinarily useful both at work and in everyday personal life.

Following some rules can significantly improve the quality of speech.

First, read more. Newspapers, magazines, high-quality fiction. In this sense, our domestic classic is ideal, which we all have studied in school years (Or did not look, which is sad). Read or re-read the classics! And out loud, not in a hurry. Such reading will give a colossal effect. It will take you to the correct construction of words in the sentence, will increase the vocabulary.

Thirdly, follow the tempo of speech. It should not be monotonous. Pause allocate the main points of the conversation. It should be appropriate and not tightened.

Fourth, use in conversational speech, conversation, metaphors, figurative expressions, sayings, finally. It will be prompting, make it more interesting. And of course, the win-win version is humor. Relevant self-irony, jokes will give the brilliance of your speech. After all, words are only means for transmitting information, but how you will make them, say - either will be in the soul, or not.

Fifth, say, train as much as possible. It is easy to do if you have a wide range of communication. If it is not, then the TV or radio will help. Choose a TV presenter that you like best, and try to imitate him. Repeat out loud (!) The phrases behind it, copying its voice intonation. This is not easy, but after some time you will certainly see progress. In addition to developing melodic speech, you replenish your lexicon.

There is one more funny, and only at first a complex exercise. Choose any simple item from homemade, such as flooring or home slippers. Determine the limit of time in which you will tell about this with a beautiful literary language. First, it will be difficult for a total of 5 minutes to talk about some banal butter. But with each workout it will be easier. Increasing time limit, and complicating theme, you will soon overcome the uncertainty, the timidity in advance, the inability to pick up them. As a result, you will be able to enthibly to talk about your home slippers, never happening. This is better to study in a group or with homemade, turning the training in a kind of game. Alternately each becomes performer, and the listener.

You will not notice how to fall in love with words: you will feel your power over them, they will give you confidence, and will serve you.

Fresh vocabulary, draw information from everywhere - from books, articles, films. Remember bright phrases, phrases, interesting speech turns. Record them in Notepad, use in everyday speech.

Learn the importance of unfamiliar words, paying attention to the correct emphasis, train their pronunciation.

Incorrect pronunciation and inappropriate use of words can make your speech ridiculous, IMG devalizing it. Make up new phrases and suggestions. Avoid vocabulary, use speech image.

Ideally, after several months of systematic (!) Training, you will have a melodic, memorable and vivid speech. You can easily explain the essence of complex things. Your speech will be like a murmur stream. It will pour easily and freely. From now on, such a speech is always and everywhere will be with you.

Excellent ownership of your native language will give you confidence. Moreover, it will change the quality of your life, - you can easily communicate with people without difficulty and fear. You will always be at the height!

I wish you prosperity.