
How actually gets the fee. Fellow fire

Works in the country, in the spring garden

This is the seventh topic. Who wanted to publish some of the subject of the proposed readers - do not hesitate, do. Notify me, and I will make a repost of your post. And now we turn to our topic:

The descent of fire for Easter has been taking place for about 2 thousand years. It is believed that the year when the fire will not marry, will be the last in the history of mankind

In the IV century, on the orders of Holy Equal-to-Apostle Elena over the place of the crucifixion and burial of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the magnificent temple - Basilica was erected. Under her arches, Calvary, and the Holy Tomb. Basilica was repeated several times, collapsed (614), restored and is now known as the temple of the Holy Sepulcher.

Directly above the funeral cave of the Savior, the Chapel is the chapel - Kuvukpia, which means "royal flowing", where "the king of the reigning and the Lord of the dominant" was laid for a thirteen sleep. The Holy Tomb consists of two rooms: a small "burial chamber" is almost half-busy by the stone lie - Arkosapi, and the entrance room, called the angel's attack. In the middle of the Angela, there is a pedestal with a part of the sacred stone, which was recalled from the holy tomb of the angel and on which he was sitting, turning to the myrrian wives.

The Temple of the Holy Sepulcher is a huge architectural complex, which includes several temples and adhesions belonging to various Christian confessions. For example, the altar of nails - the Catholic Order of St. Francis, the temple of Equal-Apostles Elena and the "Three Mary" - the Armenian Apostolic Church, the grave of St. Joseph Arimate - Ethiopian (Copt) church. But the main shrines are Calvary, Kuvuklia, Cafonikon (Cathedral Temple), as well as general leadership, services in the temple, belong to the Jerusalem Orthodox Church.

In the context of the fire, the presence of three groups of participants is necessary. First of all, the Patriarch of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church or one of the bishops of the Jerusalem Patriarchate on his blessing (as it was in 1999 and 2000, when the fire took the coffin keeper Metropolitan Daniel). Only on the prayers of this mandatory participant in the sacrament is made a miracle of convergence of the fertile fire.

Let's remember how it happens now ...

History remembers two cases when representatives of other Christian denominations tried to get the fire. "The first Latin Patriarch of Arnopd of Shock ordered to expel the sects of heretics from the Lord who belonged to them in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, then he began to torture the Orthodox monks, seeking where they stored cross and other relics. A few months later, Arnold replaced the throne Daimbert from Pisa, who went even further.

He tried to drive out all local Christians, even the Orthodox, from the church of the Mernel's coffin and allow Latinians there, generally depriving the remaining church buildings in Jerusalem or near him. God's retribution soon was killed: already in 1101, the miracle of holy fire in Kuvuklia was not accounted for the Great Saturday, as long as Eastern Christian was not invited to participate in this rite. Then King Baldown I took care of the return of their rights to local Christians. "

In 1578, Armenian priests agreed with the new city chamber about the transfer of the right to obtain a fertile fire to the representative of the Armenian Church. The Orthodox Patriarch with priests in 1579 on the Great Saturday was not even allowed to the temple of the Holy Sepulcher. W. Standing closed doors The temple of Orthodox priests prayed to the Lord. Suddenly heard the noise, a column, located to the left of the closed doors of the temple, cracked, got out of it and lit a candle in his hands at the Jerusalem Patriarch. With the Great Joy, the Orthodox priesthood entered the temple and recreated the Lord. Traces of fire convergence still can be seen on one of the columns located to the left of the entrance. Since then, none of the Orthodox has not been trying to repeat such attempts, fearing the inevitable decree.

The mandatory participants in the sacrament of the convergence of the fertile fire are the igumen and monks of the laurels of Rev. Savva consecrated. Of all the ancient monasteries of the Jewish desert, the trustees once the great devotees were preserved, only this laurel in seventeen kilometers from Jerusalem was preserved, in the cedron valley, nonvenibe from the Dead Sea. In 614, during the invasion of Shah Khasroi, the Persians were killed here fourteen thousands of inkom. In the modern monastery, fourteen monasters, including two Russians.

And finally, the third group of mandatory participants is local Orthodox Arabs. On the Great Saturday, with a cry, topper, drumming, riding each other breaks into the temple and starts songs and dances Arab Orthodox young people. The time of establishing this "ritual no evidence. The exclamations and songs of the Arab young people are ancient prayers in Arabic, addressed to Christ and the Mother of God, who is asked to break the Son on the sending of fire, to George Victorious, especially verifiable at the Orthodox East. They literally shout that they are "the most oriental, the most Orthodox living there, where the sun, brought candles with them to the messenger of fire. According to oral legends, during the years of British rule over Jerusalem (1918-1947), the Governor tried to ban once "Dikar" dance. Patriarch Jerusalem prayed for two hours, but to no avail. Then the Patriarch ordered his will to start the Arab youth. After the execution of the ritual, the fire came down.

Somewhere to ten o'clock in the day of the Great Saturday, all candles and lamps stew in the temple. After that, the procedure for checking the kuvukpia for the presence of fire sources and sealing the entrance to it with large wax seal. Representatives of the Jerusalem City Hall, Turkish Guardian, Israeli police put their personal press on Big Wekkik. And soon first occasionally, and then all the stronger and stronger all the space of the temple permeate the light flashes. They have bluish color, their brightness and dimensions are growing wave. About thirteen hours begins Litania ("Prayer Procession") of the Flaratory Fire - the procession from the cafolicone altar through the entire temple with a three-time bypass of Kuvuklia. Ahead of the Horugvostsians with twelve chorugvami, for them the rappies with ripidas, cleric crusader and, finally, the Blessed Patriarch of Jerusalem. In the cross procession, the igumen with the savva consecrated monastery monastery is also involved. Then the Patriarch exposes, staying in one white prison. Patriarch searches, and he goes to Kuvuklia. Voltage reaches the highest point. The intensity and frequency of light raws increases.

Finally, the fire comes down, even before, a patriarch will appear in the door of the Kuvukpiya, with candles litrodium, the Skornekens, who took the fire through the window in the angel's attack, are already spreading it all over the temple. And the joyful bell ringing reports everything about the miracle. The fire lightningly spreads throughout the temple. Moreover, the fire does not burn: And not only from the patriarchal candles, but also from all ordinary candles, bought not in the temple (there is no trade), but in ordinary Arab shops of the old city.

The Easter Candle of the Holy Sepulcher Temple is thirty-three connected candles. In those present often in the hands of two or three beams, candles from other places of Holy Land. In the temple, people stand so tightly that, if there is an ordinary fire, I would definitely catch up. However, people literally were washed with fertile fire, which first does not burn at all. The flame is so extensive that it can be seen as it concerns their people. And in the entire history of the descent of fire - not a single accident, not a single fire.

Then the solemn procession with fire begins in the old town, which, by the way, is carried at the head of each column of Muslim Turkis. The whole Christian and Arabic community of Jerusalem (more than 300 thousand people) participates in processions, and even Arabs Muslims consider it necessary to bring a fertile fire into the house and light home fixtures from him. They have a legend that a year, when the fire does not fit, the end of the world will come. This day in Jerusalem does not celebrate Jews, who prefer not to leave the house. It is the Jews that are mainly written about the imitation of the "dishonest" priests of convergence of a fertile fire, calling it by Greek "tricks". And despite the fact that in the last almost fifty Pet Jews participate in the sealing of Kuvuklia, and in the search of the Jerusalem Patriarch.

It should be noted here that the land on which the temple is built, belongs to the Turkish family. An interesting ritual is happening every morning: the priests are handing the established long-time rent and after that, accompanied by members of the Turkish family undergoing the temple. Any procession in the temple, including a procession for Easter, is accompanied by Kavasov - the Turks guarding the procession from the provocations of Muslims and Jews. Before entering Kuvuklia, the Jerusalem Patriarch, it is sealed, under the supervision of two Turkish guards and Israeli police. Preservation of printing entrance doors Kuvuklia is checked before entering it the Patriarch of Jerusalem with the Armenian high priest. To obtain fire in Kuvuklia, the Jerusalem Patriarch and the representative of the Armenian Church are included. The latter in anticipation of the fire remains in the angel's attack, sees all actions and has the opportunity to intervene. Therefore, the version of the feed torch can only cause a smile in people living in Jerusalem.00 "HSPACE \u003d" 20 "\u003e

The question of how the gracious fire is coming are interested in many. In the Message of Arefa, Metropolitan Caesarea Cappadocyan, to Emir Damasky (beginning of the 15th century) It is written: "Then suddenly it is zipper, and Kadyl is missing, from this light ~ 5The all inhabitants of Jerusalem and light fire." Jeromona Meltyoi, who made pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1793-1794, reports a story about the descent of fire from the words of Archbishop Misipa, Patriarcha Patriarch of Jerusalem, who received fire for many years. "I am inserted inside to the holy coffin, we see be on the whole" cover of a sobric shine illuminating the light, like a bruised small beeter in the form of a blue, white, scarlet and other colors, which later, copulating, bluled and pretended during the time in the fiery substance; But this fire for time, as soon as it is possible to read in slower, "Lord, Homes," do not burn, and from this fire, contaminated Candils and freshness are missing. "

All sources report or condensation of liquid small droplets of the "fire bead" directly on the beds-Arkosali of the Holy Sepulcher at the existing dome over Kuvuklia, or on the loss of raindrops over Kuvuklia and the presence of rain on the lid of the holy coffin of "small beheads" with the open dome of the temple and On bluish sweaters - zippers preceding the descent of the fertile fire. Both of these phenomena simultaneously take place during the crankshake prayer of the Patriarch of Jerusalem and at present. At the same time, the candles or lamps on the lid of the Holy Sepulcher are spontaneously mounted. There may also be plains of wicks of Orthodox lamps hanging near Kuvuklia. With all possible options, during the miracle of the concentration of the fertile fire, remain absolutely inexplicable in terms of modern science The following phenomena.

Wonderful or in the usual way appears fire?

A believer does not need any evidence, facts and theories. He believes that this is a miracle. This is his sacred right.

But for other people you can mention these historical facts.

The first mention of it is dated to the IX century.

The apologists of the miracle, often mention the testimony of Silvia, the pilgrimage of the 4th century as an argument in favor of the miracle, for example:

There are two fragments from written by Sylvia:

1. The pilgrim of the 4th century, mentioning the evening service writes:

"In the ninth hour (what we call the evening)," this pilgrimage writes, "everyone is going to the temple of the Resurrection, all lamps and candles are lit and big light. And the fire is not brought from the outside, but is supplied from the inside of the cave, where the restless lamp is lit and dinner, that is, inside the barrier "/

but, as the pre-revolutionary researcher noticed:

"(...) An earlier certificate could be considered the discharge (227) pilgrimages of the IV century (Sylvia Akvitan, but she says not about the miracle, but only about the customs to support non-regulate fire" / Krachkovsky / ..

2. "The earlier liturgical certificates of ritual of St. We do not have fire, but some hints on its occurrence we find in the description of the Jerusalem worship of the pilgrimage of the IV century Sylvia Aquitanki. She writes the following about the service of the Great Saturday: "On the other day, on Saturday, it is ruled by custom in third hour; also on the sixth; On the ninth on Saturday, it is not ruled, but the Easter voyage is prepared in a large church, i.e. in martyrium. The Easter Village is done in the same way as we have, only here the following is added here: children who took baptism dressed as they came out of the font, are underway with the bishop first of all on Sunday. The bishop goes for the resurrection barrier, one song comes in, then the bishop utters a prayer for them and then goes to a large church with them, where the whole people awake on custom. There is what it usually happens with us, and by the commission of Liturgy, it happens "/ prof. Assumption N. D. to the history of the rite of holy fire committed in the Great Saturday in Jerusalem. The speaker's speech uttered on October 9, 1949, /.

Actually speaking about the service.

But both are not referred to in the miracle, in the first on the ignition of fire from the lamp, here is the second that the evening service is not held during the usual hour, and a miracle is preparing for the unfortunate and not mentioned.

Up until the 9th century, we lose the traces of Bo, it can be assumed that during this period it began to be perceived as a miracle and almost with the first testimonies of the wonderful nature we meet the first evidence of criticism. During this period, criticism comes from Muslims, which, although they exposed this "miracle", but for the most part did not seek to prevent his passage.

Here you need to pay attention to two points.

First, only after the 12-13th century, the priests began to enter into Kuvuklia. In other words, the fire did not go into the presence of a person.

Secondly, the following critics took information from the previous ones, although the ritual itself was already significantly changed.

Based on these features of the ritual until the 12 -13 century, the evaluators indicate primarily on the system of fire delivery devices without human participation.

Let us turn to testimonies:

Ibn-al-Kalanisi (mind 1162)

"When they are on Easter there ... then the lamps hang in the altar and arrange the trick, so that the fire came to them on the oil of balsamago tree and devices from it, and its property is the occurrence of fire when connecting with jasmine oil. It has a bright light and shiny shine. They manage to spend between adjacent lamps stretched iron wire like the threads that are continuously running from one to the other, and rub it with balsam oil. hiding it from the eyes. While the thread will not go to all lamps. When they pray and comes downstream, the door of the altar opens; And they believe that there is a cradle of Isa, let him be peace, and that from there he rose to the sky. They enter and light a lot of candles, and in the house from breathing a plurality of people becomes hot. Anyone from standing tries to bring the fire to the thread, he engages for it and passes through all the lamps from one to the other, until it lights everything. Who looks at it, thinks that there was a fire from the sky, the lamps were lit "/ Krachkovsky /.

al-Jubari (mind 1242)

"And the fact is that this lamp is the greatest of foci, arranged by the first generations; I will explain it to you and I will reveal the mystery. The fact is that in the top of the dome there is an iron casket connected to the chain on which it is suspended. It is strengthened in the very edge of the dome, and no one besides this monk. On this chain and there is a box, inside which emptiness. And when Saturday's evening comes the evening, the monk rises to the box and puts her sulfur into her on the semblance of "Sanbusk", and under it the fire, raised before that hour when he needs the descent of light. The chain is lubricated by oil balsam wood and, when time comes, the fire lights up the composition at the scene of the circuit connections with this attached box. Balm oil is going at this point and begins to flow around the chain, going down to the lampade. The fire concerns the wick of the lamp, and it is used to be saturated with oil with oil, and lights it. Webly all this. "" / Krachkovsky /.

Mudzhir-hell-Dina, wringing about 1496

"They are satisfied with him tricks, so fools among their ignorants think that the fire comes from the sky. In fact, it comes from lubricating the oil of a balm highly outstretched silk threads, grained gray and other. "

If you lower some, dubious details of the description of Ibn-al-Kalanisi, then from these three descriptions you can make the following simple scheme of obtaining fire, which Muslim critics suspected. In Kuvuklia, most likely in her dome, a lit candle was harnessed (or something more complex, representing an iron chest). Silk thread approached the candle (more precisely copper wire and flush thread) or iron chain, lubricated by the burning substance. At the moment when the candle burned to the place of contact with the thread, the fire passed to the thread and went to the right lamp on the thread. Candle burning time to calculate it is not difficult. It is not difficult to disguise the burning candle inside the Kuvuklia. Since there is a large dome space, there are niches in which the candle can stand and calmly burn without risk to be detected. In addition, the tens of lamps are suspended above the coffin themselves, and disguise another chain is not difficult.

When searching, it is possible to expose such a system only, or completely disassembled Kuvuklia, or in advance knowing where the hidden niche is located.

This method of miraculous can be modified by adding a moving platform for a candle, managed outside of Kuvuklia, using a rope set into the back of the Kuvuklia. And again, disguise this rope is not a problem.

As we can see, the naturalists of that time have already had substances that can cause self-burning when interacting. Moreover, this is not the only fiery composition known for a long time. Self-ignition causes a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid with manganese powder or a potassium chromat. Gold-plated products in ancient civilizations were manufactured using royal vodka - a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids. Both of these acids were obtained only by the action of sulfuric acid on their salt - salter and a cook salt. So sulfuric acid was known for a long time. And the Chromat of Potassium Oncewood was used to tackle the skin, that is, was also available to the ancient chemists.

In 1834, a fight in the temple turned into a cruel partiousness in which the Turkish army had to intervene. About 300 pilgrims died (* _ *). The English traveler left memories of a conversation with the local head of Ibrahim Pasha where the determination of the ruler is described publicly to imagine this deception, but his fear is that this action can be perceived as oppression of Christians on the Holy Land (* _ *)

We learn about the actions taken by Ibrahim Pasha, after 15 years, we learn from the diaries of a prominent scientist and a leader of the Orthodox Church, the founder of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Jerusalem Bishop Porphyry (Assumption). Porphyry led a diary, where he missed his impressions of the events of a historic scale, reflections on the abstract themes, descriptions of monuments and different little things. They were published in 8 volumes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the dependence of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society edited by P. A. Chew, after the death of Asspensky, the third volume was published in 1896.

Here is an accurate quote:

"In that year, when the famous Mr. Syria and Palestine Ibrahim, Pasha Egyptian, was in Jerusalem, it turned out that the fire received from the coffin of the Lord in the Great Saturday there is a fire is not fertrent, but lighting how the fire is lit. This paste was drawn to make sure whether the fire was really suddenly and wonderfully on the lid of the coffin of Christ or the sulfur spicker. What did he do? Announced the Patriarch's governors, which he wants to sit in the Kuvuklia itself during the receipt of fire and wonder how he is, and 5,000 PUNGs will be given to them (2500,000 piastrov), and in the event of a lie, let them give him everything Money collected from deceived fans, and that he will printed in all European newspapers about the murderer. The governors of Petroravsky Misail, and Nazareth Metropolitan Daniel, and Philadelphia Bishop of Dionysius (the current Bethlehemsky) agreed to consult what to do. In minutes, Misail admitted that he in Kuvuklia lights fire from the lamp, hidden for the moving marble icon of the Resurrection of Christ that at the very coffin of the Lord. After that, recognition was decided to humbly asking Ibrahim so that he would not intervene in religious affairs and sent to him Dragoman of the Saint-boring monastery, who set him in the form that he had no benefit to open the secrets of Christian worship and that Russian Emperor Nicholas would be quite Unhappy with the detection of this day. Ibrahim Pasha, having heard it, waved his hand and silent. But from this pore, the Svyatogrobsky clergy no longer believes in the wonderful phenomenon of fire. Told all this, Metropolitan domal, that from one of God is expected to cease (ours) pious lies. As he knows and can, so calm the peoples, believers now in the fiery miracle of the Great Saturday. And we can not start this coup in the minds, we are confused by the chapel of St. Coffin. We, - he continued, - notified the Patriarch Athanasius, who lived then in Tsargrad, about the habituality of Ibrahim Pasha, but in his message they wrote instead of "Holy Light", "Sangered Fire". Surprised this change, the blessed elder asked us: "Why did you otherwise call the holy fire?". We have discovered him the truth, but added that the fire, lighting on the coffin of the Lord from the hidden lamp, still there is a sacred fire, obtained from the sacred place "(* _ *).

In this record, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

1. Recognition was made in the close circle of the highest hierarchs of the Orthodox Church.
2. He told the Assumption of the immediate event of events. An eyewitness recognition in the feed torch.
3. Ibrahim threatened the exacerbation of relations with Russia. Crimean War He showed how dangerous authorities intervene in the religious life of the Orthodox Church on the Holy Land.
4. "But from this pore, the Svyatogrobsky clergy no longer believes in the wonderful phenomenon of fire." So, the result of recognition was the loss of faith in the miracle of the Svyatogrobsky clergy. What was the witness for the Bishop of Porfiry himself.

Records in the Bishop diary Porphyrian seems to be the most valuable of all sources. First, they were not intended for a broad publicity, secondly, the bishop had a very large authority as among the clergy and among scientific circles, and thirdly, the situation of recognition is well described here: "... Misail admitted that he was in Kuvuklia lights fire from the lamp ... ".

"From this point, the Svyatogrobsk clergy no longer believes in the wonderful phenomenon of fire." The priest says about the loss of faith of the Svyatogrobsky clergy, and not an innovants.

As for the uncertainty properties of fire, then this miracle is a simple explanation. Chemists are well known for the so-called cold fire. They are burning with many esters of organic and inorganic acids. The temperature of such combustion depends on the concentration of ether in the air and heat exchange conditions. You can wipe the body with burning ether, and its cloud can well move in space, as heavier than air. That is, you can produce "special" candles in advance and then sell come (in the temple they offer to burn bonds of candles for 33 pieces that are sold nearby). Naturally, the ether is quickly burning, so the "miracle" can only last a short time. Further, the "magic" fire acquires ordinary properties to burn everything that he touches. Naturally, these comments are not particularly popular, therefore not known to the general public. The miracle of the gracious light can be checked - to light from him after the busy brought with her candle and touch the flame hand.

The fact that the miracle exists is still due, most likely, great incomes that are received for him and Muslims and Israelis. Although, the last 200 years has a considerable role and international prestige. It is only worth writhing about the tricks of the monks, as immediately accuses to incite the retirement, harassment, etc.

Al-Jubari (up to 1242) Under the title "The trick of the monks when Ignoring fire in the Sunday church" says: "Al-Melik Al-Mausem, the son of Al-Melik Al-Adil entered the Church of the Resurrection on Saturday's Day and said the monk, (attached) to her:" I'm not I will leave until I see how this light comes down. " The monk said to him: "What is more pleasant to the king: is it a wealth that flocks to you in such a way, or acquaintance with this (case)? If I reveal to you this secret, then the government will lose this money; Leave it hidden and get it great wealth. " When the ruler heard it, he understood the hidden essence of the case and left him in the same position. " (Krachkovsky, 1915).

Revenues are so huge that, in fact, the entire population of Jerusalem fed from them. Prof. Dmitrievsky quotes the following observation by prof. Olesnitsky: "In Jerusalem and Palestine, this holiday belongs not to the Orthodox only to the population: all local residents take part in it, not excluding Muslims ... It feels all the population, and it cannot but feel because Palestine is powered by almost only those gifts that are brought She fans of the holy coffin from Europe. (Dmitrievsky, 1909).

Of the Soviet literature, the evidence of the former famous Theologian A.A. Osipova. He recalls the visible theologian, professor of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy, who became interested in the problem of "Holy Fire" on the coffin of the Lord. "After having studied the ancient manuscripts and texts, books and testimonies of pilgrims," \u200b\u200bwrites A.A. Osipov, - he proved with an exhaustive accuracy that no "miracle" has never been, and there was an ancient symbolic rite of ignition by the churches themselves of the lamps over the coffin. " If only readers could imagine how the clergy raised after the speech of the believing professor of theology, loosened to say the truth to them!

As a result of all this case, the late Metropolitan Leningrad Gregory, also a person with a theological scientist, gathered a number of Leningrad theologians and told them: "I also know that this is only a legend! What ... (here he is named after the patronymic of the author's study) absolutely right! But do not touch the pious legends, and the faith itself will fall! " (Osipov A. A. Frank conversation with believers and unbelievers. Reflections of the former Godoslov. L., 1983).


Let me remind you something else on the topic of religions: for example, such, but the famous. Here was such a person remember more. Do you know why this one? Well, there is of course so The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

"Christ is Risen!" - "Truly Risen!" So we used to hear this Easter greeting of believers, filled with joy and happiness in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Every year, in the spring, believers celebrate the holiday, nameable Easter. Before the celebration, believers are very carefully prepared, for some time they observe a strict post, thereby repeating the feat of Christ, when he was in the desert after baptism, and he was tempting the devil.

On the last day of the post, in the Great Saturday, there is a very unusual phenomenon, which millions of Orthodox Christians are waiting - this is the appearance of a fertile fire in the temple of the Resurrection of Christ. Many people know the extraordinary properties of this fire. It is believed that in the first minutes of his appearance, he does not burn, it is explained by such a miracle a special grace that comes off to us from the sky, some believers even wash their face, hands and body a wonderful flame, without causing themselves no harm.

Now, thanks to the television and the Internet, the congument of a fertile fire can be observed live from any corner of our planet, so you can observe a miracle without leaving in Jerusalem, but even seeing how this miracle happens, people do not cease to ask a question -

Convergence of the gracious fire in history

The historical mention of the disintegration of fire begins at least from the IV century, it is evidenced by:

  • St. Gregory Nissky
  • Eusevia Kesariysky
  • Sylvia Akvitan

There are descriptions and earlier evidence, for example:

  • Grigory Nissky wrote that the Apostle Peter saw, as after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his coffin was consecrated by a bright light.
  • Eusevius Caesarian wrote that in the second century the blessing of the Patriarch Narcissus was ordered from Siloamovskaya to pour water into the lamps due to lack of oil, then the fire was wonderful from the sky, from which the lamps tanned themselves.
  • Latin Monk-traveler Bernard, described in his diary that in the Great Saturday, during the service, "Lord Pomemui" sang, until the Angel appears and he won't lit the fire in the lamps.

Search Patriarch's pockets

In a responsible moment, on the eve before the celebration, all lamps and candles are extinguished in the temple - this is due to the historical past, due to the fact that at different times the miracle of the convergence of the fertile fire for various reasons tried to expose.

Turkish authorities conducted a strictest search of Kuvuklia and the entire temple complex. At the initiative of Catholics, sometimes a search of Patriarch's pockets was searched to test it for the presence of items from which the fire can be removed.

Since then, before entering Kuvuklia, the Patriarch definitely exposes, while remaining only in one contraction, thereby, as if proving that he has nothing to do with him. Of course, now, by and large, such actions are rather a rite, however, during the reign of Arabs - the search of the Patriarch and Kuvuklia was a mandatory element, if something is imposed, or deception was suspected - the death penalty was assumed. Now for processing is the Israeli authorities.

  • Before entering the Kuvukliya of Constantinople or Israeli Patriarch and Armenian Catholicos, a lamp with oil is put on the coffin and a bunch consisting of 33 candles is made. Their number is associated with the earthly life of Jesus Christ.
  • After the Patriarchs enter the cave, the door behind them is closed and a large wax printing is placed, which is further fixed with a red ribbon.
  • Patriarchs remain in the tomb until the advent of the fertile fire. The descent of the fertile fire can be expected both a few minutes and many hours. All this time, being in Kuvuklia, Konstantinople Patriarch Crankshadically and tears.

It is believed that if in last year Easter celebrations fire will not come down, the temple will be destroyed, and all those in it will die.

The gracious fire did not come

By the way, the presence of two patriarchs in Kuvuklia is also historical. In 1578, Armenian priests with the new head of Jerusalem agreed on the right to transfer to the fertile fire, and not by the Jerusalem Patriarch, for which consent was given.

On the Great Saturday of 1579 of the Jerusalem Patriarch with the rest of the priests were not allowed for the temple, and they had to remain in no limit. The Armenian priesthood prayed to the Lord in the cave, and asked him about the image of fire. However, their prayers were not heard and the fire in the tomb did not come.

The Israeli Patriarch and Priests prayed on the street, it was then that the only descent of the fertile fire occurred for the entire time all time, then one of the columns, located to the left of the entrance to the temple cracked, and the fire came out of her!

With a great joy then, the Patriarch cast a candle from this column to transmitting it to the rest of the believers. The Arabs were driven out of the tomb, and the Israeli Patriarch was allowed to enter the temple.

Since then, the Israeli or Constantinople Patriarch is participating in the process of adopting fire, and Armenian Catholicos is only present during the descent.

In addition, in anticipation of the convergence of the gracious fire in the temple, there must be a monk and the abbot of Lavra Savva consecrated. This is respected from the time of pilgrimage of Hegumen Daniel in the twelfth century.

Another important element is the presence in the temple of the Orthodox Arab youth. After some time, after sealing the tomb - Kuvuklia, the temple includes Arabs with shouts, tops, drums, dances and prayer songs. Such actions are the Arab youth of Christ and the Virgin. W. God's Mother They ask for grace so that the Son will send them a fertile fire. To accurately determine the history of such a special Arab ritual - it is impossible, but nevertheless such a rite exists so far.

Once, not so long ago in the period of British domination over Israel, the governor tried to live in the Arab tradition, considering what the behavior of "wild" and it is not permissible in the Holy Church. However, in that year, the Patriarch was praying for a long time in Kuvuklia, but the fire did not go, then, according to his will, Patriarch ordered that the Arabs in the temple were allowed, and only after the Arab dance and chants the fire had a fire.

After the patriarch's entrance to the tomb, there is a reverent wait. Waiting for believers before going around the fire is accompanied by another interesting phenomenon. The temple begins to illuminate with bright outbreaks and sweaters, and before the advent of the fertile fire, the intensity of the ascets increases. These outbreaks arise throughout the temple and witnesses of this phenomenon are all parishioners.

The gracious fire is delivered worldwide

Eyewitnesses argue, sometimes it happened that the flame agreed by itself in some parishioners, as well as on Orthodox lamps hanging around Kuvuklia.

The ignition of fire occurs only during the prayer of the Orthodox Patriarch, such a phenomenon reminds sinners about the Great Saturday, that Christ was resurrected and defeated hell. In other words, the meaning of this sacrament and phenomenon can be interpreted as: lost sinners who cannot know the truth, or simply confused in their life paths, the Lord testifies to them about their resurrection on the Israeli land, as a miracle that can help sinners to believe and get on the road Salvation.

Now people who do not seek to stand on the true way of salvation of the soul, the Lord warns of his second coming and a terrible court. Jesus Christ proves his opponents to his power over hell and victory over him, warning the wrong things about hellish torments that they are coming after a terrible court.

After some expectation, the fire appears in Kuvuklia, at this moment the bells begin to call. From the South Tomb windows, the Armenian Catholicos transmits fire to Armenians, the Patriarch fire transfers the fire through the North Window, after that, with the help of special, so-called sworsakers, the fire quickly spreads to all parishioners located in the temple.

In Our. modern time, Fertile fire, delivered worldwide through special flights with which it is entered into various countries. At airports, he is met with special honorable and joy. The ceremony takes part as high-ranking officials and clergy and just believers who have fun in their soul!

Mystery of fertile fire

This wonderful phenomenon at different times had a lot of critics, some because of their unhealthy curiosity or disbelief tried to expose and prove the artificial origin of fire. Among the Catholic Church did not agree. In 1238, Pope Gregory IX spoke with disagreement about the miraculousness of the fertile fire, asking everything, too, the question that does not lose relevance today - Where does the gracious fire come from?

Some Arabs do not understand the true origin of the fertile fire, they tried to prove that the fire was allegedly mined with the help of any funds, substances and devices, but they do not have direct evidence, in addition, they were not even witnesses of this miracle.

Modern researchers also tried to explore the nature of this phenomenon. Artificially fire is mined, of course, possibly self-burning of chemical mixtures and substances, but none of them, nor similar to the advent of the fertile fire, especially with his amazing propertyWhen he does not burn and does not puzzle in the first minutes of his appearance.

There were attempts to get Fellow fire and representatives of other religious Christian denominations. These were Armenians and in 1101 Catholics, which in those days dominated Jerusalem after the first crusade. Then all Christians who were not Latinians were expelled, the temple was captured, and the fire did not reach the Great Saturday! This suggests that Orthodox Christians must be present!

Once, even before the Nativity of Christ, the question of the believers in different gods emerged, what kind of belief is the right one: faith in a true God or faith in various pagan gods? The prophet Elijah rose on the path of reconciliation. He came up with the easiest way of evidence.

The Prophet offered various confessors to call on the name of his God, and from whose prayers will be a response to the convergence of fire, then there is a true God. If Waal God - then believe and go for Waal, if the Lord God is behind him. People willingly accepted such a proposal and raised the prayers to their gods. And only on the prayers of the prophet Elijah was received by the answer, there was a fire on an altar and burned him, then it became clear, whose greevement is truly!

That's the proof that the fertile fire comes from only Orthodox prayers. Here it is, an indisputable miracle from God, which we are watching from year to year in the Great Saturday, on the eve of Easter! It is on this answer to the question - where does the gracious fire come frommaybe only one thing is a miracle, and whose nature, nature or gentlemen, until the establishment failed.

The convergence of Holy Fell Fire takes place every year in the Great Saturday, on the eve of Orthodox Easter. An early certificate of disorder of fire in Jerusalem refers to the IV century and belongs to the pilgrimage of Eterius. The fire goes only on the eve of Easter, celebrated on the old, Julian calendar, and we know that the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ has every year on different days. The gracious fire is only on the prayers of the Orthodox Patriarch.

Jerusalemsky church of the Resurrection Covers its roof Mount Galgogo, and the cave of the Holy Sepulcher, and the garden, where the first phenomenon of the Risen Christ of the Savior Mary Magdaline occurred. This temple is erected in the IV century by the Holy Emperor Konstantin and his mother Saint Elena.

Nowadays, the miracle of the convergence of the heavenly fire is happening. At about noon, Jerusalem Patriarch with clergy and praying procession It comes from the Patriarchate to the Temple of the Resurrection. The procession is included in the temple and, three times by the chapel of the Mernel's coffin, located inside the temple, stops near the entrance to it. The temple gather pilgrims from all over the world, all the candles and lights in the temple are repaid.

Every year, several thousand people present in the church are seen: in Kuvuklia, which was tested and sealed, includes the patriarch, whose clothing was specially inspected. In the inspection of Kuvuklia, in the sealing of it and the examination of the Patriarch every year, representatives of other Christian denominations and police participate. The inspection is carried out to prove that the Patriarch cannot bring the source of fire in Kuvukly. This custom installed the Turks who mastered Palestine in 1517. After the search in Kuvuklia, they sealed it and put the custody before the entrance of the patriarch.

Patriarch in a single linen contraction, with a thirty-three injected candles in his hand enters the chapel. Being the knee, he prays before the coffin of the Lord about the thanks to the fertile fire.

The use of lightning is preceded by lightning in the form of a lightning color, piercing all the airspace of the temple. Then on the marble plate of the Holy Sepulcher appear fiery balls of a blue flame as if in the form of raindrops or dew. Sometimes a gracious fire itself mests the lamps in the coffin. Patriarch lights your cotton and then hends the candles with this fire. Coming out of the chapel, he transmits the fire to the Armenian Patriarch and the people. The whole temple covers the adequacy, the fire transmits each other by burning it from already burning candles. People hold in the hands of a bunch of thirty-three candles - by the number of years of earthly life of the Savior. The gracious fire first has a wonderful property - not to burn. Standing in the temple are carried out with a flame on face and hair, "wash": the first few minutes fire does not burn the skin and does not pour hair.

The miracle of the convergence of fertile fire on Orthodox Easter after the prayer of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarch - proof of the truth of our faith. In 1579, the Armenian community has achieved from the Turkish authorities, in order for their chapter to the chapel, and not the Orthodox Patriarch. (It must be said that the Armenians, although Christians, distorted the Orthodox faith in the IV century and adhere to the monophimita heresy, that is, they recognize in Christ only one - the divine - nature.) Orthodox prayed at the closed doors of the temple, Armenians were waiting for the convergence of the fertile fire. in Kuvuklia. And the Lord created a miracle: the fertile fire gone, but not on the coffin of the Lord. Lightning struck the column, next to which Orthodox prayed, and fire came out of it. Seared marble column and now testifies to this miracle.

Story eyewitness

The famous traveler Abraham Sergeevich Norov was present in the context of holy fire. Norov traveled to Jerusalem in 1835, was in the chapel. From the angel's attack, Misaila's Metropolitan-took the fire: "Thus, we have reached the chapel of the Mernel's coffin among the spectacle of the people, worried or hung from all arcades and cornices.

Only one of the Greek bishops, the Armenian bishop, the Armenian bishop (recently received the right), Russian Consul from Jaffa and We, Three Travelers, entered the chapel of the Merry. Doors got behind us. Never outset lamps over the coffin of the Lord were already extinguished, one weak lighting took place to us from the temple through the side openings of the chapel. This minute is solemn: the excitement in the temple subsided; Everything was expecting. We stood in the angel's attack, a stone that was raised from the Vertipa; ONLY Metropolitan entered the leader's leaders. I have already said that the entrance does not have doors there. I saw the elderly Metropolitan, leaning at a low entrance, entered the Vertips and turned on his knees before the holy coffin, which was not standing and which was completely naked. It took a minute, as the gloom was illuminated by light, and Metropolitan came out to us with a flaming bunch of candles.

Fertile fire that is - deception, myth or reality(Arguments are brought from Alexander Nikonov's book)

... One branch of Christianity considers a miracle phenomenon, and the other is not. Let's say, the so-called phenomenon of the fertile fire in Jerus-Salim today considers only one of the Nar Stihansky churches - Russian Orthodox. The rest honestly admit: it's just a rite, imitation, and no miracle. But Orthodox sources continue to write: "One of the most remarkable God's wonders is the descent of the fertile fire on the Holy Sepulcher under the Light Resurrection in Jerusalem.

Fallen Fire Cheating or True?

This obvious miracle is repeated for centuries, with deep antiquity. "
What is this "obvious miracle"? On the eve of the Orthodox Easter in the Jerusalem Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, God creates an amazing miracle, a pre-foot to any child, "lights fire. This fire, one-nako, "self-turning" is not in sight! The principle here is the same as all other focuss: the loss or the emergence of the subject is carried out not directly before the eyes of the amazed public, but under the cover of the handkerchief or in a dark box, that is, hidden from the audience.

Two high rank priests enter a small stone camork, which Kuvuklia is on. This is a special room inside the temple, such as a chapel, where the alleged beds are located, which lay the body of a crucified Christ. Going inside, two ass closed the door behind them, and after a while you are, the fire is a burning lamp and bundles of heat candles. The crowds of fanatics immediately thrown to them, whatever the candles brought with themselves. It is believed that this fire does not burn in the first minutes, therefore Pharmaceutical pilgrims, who, before that, a lot of Characters languished, waiting, "wash" their faces and hands to them.

"First, this fire does not burn, which is a docking miracle," hundreds of believers write on dozens of forums. - And secondly, than, as we do not miraculously, it is possible to explain that with such a crowding the people and such a number of fire in the temple never had fires? "
Does not burn? .. there was no fires? .. The temple has already burned several times, which is not surprising with such old builder. During one of the fires in the temple, 300 Checks burned down. And another time, because of the fire, the temple even collapsed the dome, seriously damaged Kuvuklia with the "grave" of Christ.
Nevertheless, the fastity is that "wonderful" fire does not burn, continues to walk in the rheric medium.

... the technology is simple - to carry the fire in the face in a district-not chin or carry out a hand through the flame you would need to build. That is how the pilgrims are doing what everyone can kill, looking at the television chronicle from the scene of the event. And many of them are those that are not sufficiently prominent - they are burned with "tender" fire! They overlook the temple with burns and satellite beards. Here it is what is the descent of the fertile fire!

Actually, having a head on the shoulders, experiments with arson of his own beard could not be a hundred. And without that it is clear that the beard will light up, and the fire is burning greatly, because the believers from this fire light their candles. And for this requires a temperature that will be enough for excess to ignite the beard! ..

Temple of the Coffin of the Lord, the convergence of the fertile fire and paganism

These games with fire in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher carry such an obvious trail of paganism that even some Orthodox priests write about him with displeasure.

Through the fire, the Slavs jumped on the night to Ivan Kapahu, they worshiped and used the pagans of all countries and peoples in rituals, they were washed by chins in the christian church of the Lord. This worship before the flame has penetrated even into secular rituals - remember the eternal fire in honor of the soldiers who fallen in the war. In pure form rudiment of paganism! And even deeper: the rite, who donated to the present day from Pierce Cromanons ...

A couple of words should be said about the very Jerusalem church of the Holy Sepulcher. Hundreds of years after crucified Christ, the Christian bosses were concerned about the production of various shrines. Since there were no historical evidence of the one who was transferred to the body of Christ after the crucifixion, there were no churchmen, the churchmen simply appointed that the place where the temple of the Mernel's coffin is now. Meanwhile, it was here that the body of Jesus could not be attributed, because before this place was standing by the pagan temple of Venus! ..
For a while in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, the custom of maintaining the restless fire in Kuvuklia, which was transformed into a "miracle" of his annual "self-relocation" on Easter, was respected in the pagan. (In any case, the historical evidence of the fourth century comes to us the information about maintaining fire, and not his "self-ignition" on schedule.)

Fertile fire, scientific explanation
The trouble of Orthodox Christians living in Russia is that it is simply not aware that the "focus" has long been exposed, with the clergy themselves, and these are published.

In the middle of the 20th century, Professor of the Department of the Holy Pi-Sania of the Old Testament and the Department of Hebrew, the famous Master of theology and Archpriest Alexander Osipov, re-shoveling a huge historical material, showed that no "self-burning miracle" has never been. And there was an ancient symbolic rite of blessing of fire, which was lit priests over the coffin of the Lord in Kuvuklia.

At about the same time as Master of theology, the doctor, doctor spent a similar work church history, Honorary member of the Moscow Theological Academy, as well as a member of two local councils Professor N. Uspensky. He is not the last man in the church and very respected, awarded a whole bunch of church orders ... So, in October 1949, on the Council of the Spiritual Academy, he made an extensive scientific report on the history of Jerusalem Fire. In which he stated the fact of deception of the flock and even explained the causes of the legend of self-burning:
"We are still the question: when are the legends about the wonderful origin of holy fire and what was the reason for their occurrence? .. Obviously, once, without giving a timely energetic explanation of his flock about the true sense of the hint of holy fire, in the future they (Ierar -hs. - A.N) were unable to raise this voice before all the incigurant in the virtue of the objective conditions of the fanaticism of the dark masses. If this was not done in a timely manner, later it became impossible for the case without risk for the personal good-get and, perhaps, the kiss of the shrines themselves. They remained - to make a rite and silence, comforting themselves by the fact that God "as he knows and can, so and will arise and will calm the peoples." "

As for the moral aspect of this deception, the Assumption-sky exclaims: "How great and sacred in the Orthodox Fatherland of the Mille on the angle of Holy Fire, so painfully for the eyes and hearts is the most spectacle in Jerusalem."

After hearing the report of Assumption, the Churchings were indignant: why turn the dirty underwear in front of believers? The then Leningrad Metropolitan Gregory Chukov expressed a general opinion: "I don't know how much you know that it is only a piety of legend. Essentially, myth. I know that there is a lot of other myths in the practice of the Church. But do not destroy the legends and myths. For, crushing them, you can crush in trustingly believers ordinary people And faith itself. "

Well, what do you say, besides the fact that the Assumption Outright is an honest person? .. There are those among the priests. And, by the way, a lot! Here are some more examples of priests who spoke with the exposure of deception ...

SingoMiller Professor Assumption - Bishop of Porphy-Riy, who lived in Queen-Batyushka, published a book at the end of the XIX century, in which he told the following story ... This porphyry also, by the way, not the last person in the church, it was he who was the organizer of the first Russian mission in Jerusalem . That is, he knew what he wrote: "That year, when the famous Mr. Syria and Palestine Ibrahim, Pasha Egyptian, was in Jerusalem, it turned out that the fire received from the coffin of the Lord in the Great Saturday, there is a fire is not gracious, but light, How the fire is lit off. This paste was drawn to make sure whether the fire was really suddenly and wonderfully on the lid of the coffin of Christ or the sulfur spicker. What did he do? Announced Patriarch's governors, which he wants to sit in the Kuvuklia itself during the receipt of fire and look around, as he is, and 5,000 PUNGs will be given (2,500,000 pirasters), and in the event of a lie, let them give him All the money collected from the deceived fans, and that he will print in all European newspapers about the murderer.
Petroravsky Misail's governor, and Nazareth Mi-Tropoliton Daniel, and Philadelphia Bishop of Dionysius (the current Bethlehemsky) agreed to consult that de hand. In minutes, Misail admitted that he is in Ku-Vukalia lights fire from the lamp, hidden for the moving marble icon of the Resurrection of Christ that the very coffin of the Lord. After that, recognition was decided to humbly asking Ibrahim, so that he would not intervene in religious affairs, and sent to him the Dragoman of the Saint-boring monastery, who put him in the form that for his lightness there is no use to open the secrets of Christian worship, and that Russian emperor Nicholas It will be very dissatisfied with the detection of this day. Ibrahim-Pasha, having heard it, waved his hand and fell silent. But from this pore, the Svyatogrobsky clergy no longer believes in the wonderful phenomenon of fire.
Tolding all this, Metropolitan to Milns, that from one of God is expected to terminate (ours) pious lies. As he knows and can, so calm the peoples, believers now in the fiery miracle of the Great Saturday. And we can not start this coup in the minds, we are confused by the hour of the Holy Sepulcher. "

Not in vain, almost literally repeating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Raman language thinkers about the benefits of religion for easy people, the Christian Bishop of Saneziy at the beginning of the 5th century wrote: "The people positively demands that it be deceived, otherwise it is impossible to deal with it." He will repeat Gri-Gori Theologian (IV century): "It is necessary to make an impression on the crowd to the crowd: the less she understands, the more admires. Our fathers and teachers did not always * said what they thought, but the circumstances were vague in their mouth ... "

And a couple of words about the moral guidance of meek Christians. The church of the Mernel's coffin belongs in equal shares of a whole bunch of Christian confession - Roman Catholic, Greek-Orthodox, Armenian-Gregorian, Syrian, Coptic and Ethiopian churches. And they do not live in this temple by no means of the commandments of Christ, substituting the second cheek, but as spiders in the bank. Despite the fact that the placement of the church of the Holy Sepulcher is clearly divided between various confessions, heavy conflicts often flare out there. Once upon a time, the twelve Coptic monks were delivered to the hospital. Interestingly, swear swing or lamps? ..
Another time directly in Kuvuklia, the patriarchs, which come there behind the "wonderful fire". One of them began to take up the last-minute candles with the other to the first to go with them and distribute to the people. As a result of the tied scuffle, the Jerusalem Patriarch Irina defeated the Armenian patriarch, the candles of the latter during the fight were extinct. Then the resourceful Armenian pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit his candles, after which he made them from Kuvuklia in the crowd.
There were similar ugly scenes and before. The same bishop Porfiri writes, as in 1853 "In the Holy Sepulcher, after the dead, Syrian and Armenians began to be strengthened, and then Armenians and Orthodox. The reason for the fight was the arrangement of Armenians and Syriane for one cell in the Rotunde of the Merry Coffin, who demanded Syrian from Armenians, as his long-standing property, and these did not want to return it.

Armenians, without breaking, who whose, hit the two three of ours, and because the fight became common. No one was killed. Armenian monks participated in a common landfill. One of them rusted the bench on the Orthodox Next Rotunda. But, to the NAV-Stew, they noticed her and parted. She fell to the floor. She immediately broke into pieces and they began to beat Armenians ... "
In the "Note of the pilgrim of 1869", we read: "In the evening of the Great Friday, a terrible fight between Armenians and the Greeks took place in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher. Greek monk filled the lamp in the Rotunde of the Merry Coffin on the border of the temple between Orthodox and Armenians; The staircase stood on the Armenian half; Her from under the monk was pulled out, and he fell without feelings on the floor; Former Greeks and Arabs came to him for him, and a fight began; Armenians, in all likelihood, was deliberately weathered, there were sticks and even the stones they threw in the Greeks, and resorted to the rescue of many Armenians from the nearest monasteries. "

Holy people! And the people believe that they will not help to deceive pilgrims, producing a fake miracle! ..
What evillites did not come up with people around the rite of self-ignition "Holy Fire"! If you talk to believers, you can hear, for example, that the Patriarch, who is entering Kuvuklia, undress and searches before it so that he will carry a lighter with him. They also searched the Kuvuklia itself. And not someone, but ... Police!

All this is the wildest nonsense. No one searches for anyone, of course. You just imagine: a naked patriarch of the club, forcing, as in prison, get into and push the buttocks! There are no other affairs from the police! .. To make sure that these fairy tales are wobble, it is not necessary to even go to Jerusalem. Enough to watch a video of the ceremony ...

But 99% of the Russian Orthodox at the ceremony were not and seeing it in records did not bother. But with the pleasure of Ra-tell each other the bikes about the search and so on.

will your gracious fire-Sut Orthodox "Miracle"
As I said above, only Russian orthodox Church Still supports in their parishioners a light of deception, seriously speaking about the miracle of the descent of the fertile fire.
Neither Catholics, nor even Armenian and Greek Orthodox claim that the Lord lights the light. And by the way, the representative of the Armenian Church is just one of those two people who come in Kuvuklia. So, Armenian priests, who relate to their flue more serious than the Russians, do not speak about the miracle. On the contrary, they directly argue that the fire does not come out with heaven with the most digestible way, and it is lit from the lamp previously entered in Ku-Vukley near the coffin of the Lord.

Not further as in 2008, answering questions from Russian journalists, Patriarch, Jerusalem Ferofil, was finalized, but put a point in this matter, saying that the descent of fire is just an ordinary church ceremony, representing - the same as everyone else: " Representation of how the news about the resurrection from Kuvuklia was separated by the world. "
This recognition caused a grand scandal. Not in the world, of course, no one believes in a miracle of self-burning, but on the same sixth of the Orthodox part of the world. Our church hierarchs themselves know about the deception of believers, but from the stands are forced to defend a lie.

Not everything is true. Jerusalem Ferofila actually supported the well-known Russian Orthodox publicist Andrei Kuraev, who was present at the Ferofil's press conference and heard the truth with his ears. It is his principled position and served water for a scandal. The fact is that the delegation of journalists in Jerusalem in the Apostle Foundation Andrei First-Called, headed by the head of RAO RZD Vladimir Yakunin. He is a very distinguished man, therefore the Foundation conducts a lot of extremely expensive events. I hope not on folk money ...
So, Yakunin was extremely indignant by Kurayev's position. He even publicly called on the church bosses to roughly punish the deacon, so that he did not dare to speak more.
After that, in some editions, fake interviews with Ferofil were published, in which he supposedly confirmed the "wondery" of fire. Magted by their journalist nadded the legend from the Internet, put them in the mouth of the Ferofila and the maximum fastened his real answer. Subsequently, the fake was exposed, but can it be a true faith to shake?
Do you know why this faith is so valuable for Orthodox so much in a miracle of the lamp without matches? Including because it is one of the most important reasons boast of Catholics! If you do not regret the couple of days and take on Orthodox sites, you will see that in the environment of the believers themselves periodically flashes: "Our faith Orthodox is the most true. Only we have such a miracle as the descent of the fertile fire! Catholics are not given. Thus, the Lord shows the holiness of Orthodoxy and Heres of Catholicism. " Orthodox do not realize that Catholics also have its own wonders, and no worse.
All this Orthodox boasting kindergarten Reminds whether it is not true? And I have some glass! .. And my mother loves me more! ..
... It would seem, now, after numerous exposures and the recognition of the Christian hierarchs of the highest level, the question with the Jerusalem "miracle" is closed once and for all. There is nothing more to discuss there. Acne! Each year of NTV, RTR and the first channel before Easter, show report-taji from Jerusalem, in which correspondents are performed to complete people about this "miracle."

Fertile fire exposed

While writing this book, I visited Kiev and did not fail to visit the main attraction of the city - Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. There in the underground corridors rest in the relics of Christian saints in special globbles covered with glass.

Everyone knows that some Christians love to dry and dismember the corpses of respected people, and then touring with dried pieces across the country and give believers these pieces of corpses to kiss.

But on the narrow tunnels, the laurels roam the trafficious beagon with candles and fall to the relics, trying to re-kiss everything.

The spectacle is shocking and pretty nauseous. By God, the Kiev Sewer Museum looks older! ..
Imagine with thousands of hands and lips, covered with a layer of dirt and skin glass, which, you-building each other, take turns kissing fanatics.
So I died in the Middle Ages European cities from the plague ...

In the ancient Jerusalem on the Great Saturday - on the eve of the Orthodox Easter - the ceremony of the convergence of saint fire is held. The church of the Mernel of the Lord is filled with pilgrims from around the world. The Armenian Archimandrite and the Greek Patriarch comes into the chapel (Kuvuklia), built on the site of the burial of Christ. Soon there is a fire that is transmitted to believers. But how does he light up?


For centuries, people were looking for an answer to this question. For Christians, the divine nature of fire is unconditional. The atheists also say about the grand mismatch, allegedly, in the tomb behind the icon there is a niche hidden from the eye, in which the lamp is burning. From her, the so-called fertile fire lights up. They write about self-turning oil, which flashes, interacting with oxygen.

Like, the whole noisy ceremony is just a representative, like all the other ceremonies of the passionate saddemic. Two more than a thousand years ago, the joyful news from the coffin of the excitement and illuminated everything around. So now the symbolic repetition of how the news about the resurrection was separated from the world.

A few years ago, the employees of the Kurchatov Institute engaged in physical problems have visited the ceremony of converging of the fertile fire and produced special measurements. A few minutes before the end of the fire, the device fixing the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation was caught a strange long-wavelength impulse that no longer manifested itself. That is, the electric discharge occurred.

Such discharges often happen on the border of the fracture of tectonic plates, and the temple of the Globe is worth it in such a unique place. Interested in scientists and the properties of the fertile fire do not burn first time. So plasma behaves - a low-temperature ionized substance. It was still possible to receive only in laboratory conditions.

No one can give an accurate answer about the nature of fire. Yes, it is not necessary. It is much more important that he unites the believers of the entire planet, millions of Christians are waiting for his appearance. After all, according to legend, the day, when the miracle does not happen, will become the sign of the end of the world.