
Gracious fire that. Holy Fire in Jerusalem

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

IN Great Saturday From all over the world, tens of thousands of pilgrims flock to the temple of the Holy Sepulcher, to wash his fertile light and get God's blessing.

© photo: sputnik / alexander iMedashvili

Not only Orthodox Christians are waiting for the greatest miracle, but also representatives of various denominations.

For many hundreds of years, people try to understand - where does it come from Fellow fire. Believers are confident that this is a real miracle - God's gift to people. Scientists with such a statement disagree and try to find an explanation to this phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

Fellow fire

According to many testimonies, both ancient and modern, appearance of gracious light can be observed in the church of the Holy Sepulcher throughout the year, but the most famous and impressive is the wonderful alignment of fertile fire on the Great Saturday, on the eve of the bright Resurrection of Christ.

Throughout the entire time of the existence of Christianity, this wonderful phenomenon is annually observed both by Orthodox Christians and representatives of other Christian religions (Catholics, Armenians, Cops and others), as well as representatives of other non-Christian religions.

© Photo: Sputnik / Alexey Kudenko

About the miracle of the convergence of the gracious fire on the coffin of the Lord is known since ancient times, the fire has a fire a unique feature - He does not burn the first minutes.

The first witness to the fortification of fire was the Apostle Peter - having learned about the resurrection of the Savior, he hurried to the tomb and saw where the body was lying, amazing light. Two thousand years old this light is designed for the coffin by the Lord's gracious fire.

The church of the Merry Coffin was erected by Emperor Konstantin and his mother Tsaritsa Elena in the IV century. And the earliest written references to the image of a fertile fire on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ are dated to the IV century.

The temple of his huge roof covers and Calvary, and the cave, in which the Lord who was shot from the Cross, and the garden, where Maria Magdalene was the first of the people who met his resurrected.


At about noon from the yard of Jerusalem Patriarchate, a procession led by the Patriarch. The procession is included in the temple of the Resurrection, heads to the chapel, erected over the coffin of the Lord, and, by three times, bypassing it, stops before its gates.

All lights in the temple are extinguished. Tens of thousands of people: Arabs, Greeks, Russians, Romanians, Jews, Germans, British - pilgrims from around the world - in tense silence follow the Patriarch.

The Patriarch is exposed, the police carefully searched him and the most coffin of the Lord, looking for at least something that can produce Turkish gendarmes over the Jerusalem over Jerusalem), and in one long falling chiton the charter of the church is incorporated inside.

On the knees before the coffin, he prays God about the sending of the holy fire. Sometimes his prayer lasts long, but there is interesting feature - The fertile fire is only on the prayers of the Orthodox Patriarch.

And suddenly the fiery dew in the form of bluish color balls appears on the marble plate of the coffin. Holy Touching to them with a rut, and she flammifies. This cool fire Patriarch lights a lamp and candles, which then takes out to the temple and transfers to the Armenian Patriarch, and then the people. In the same instant, dozens and hundreds of bluish lights flas out in the air under the dome of the temple.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of education covers a multiple crowd. People shout, sing, the fire is passed from one beam of candles to another, and in a minute - the whole temple on fire.

Miracle or focus

This wonderful phenomenon at different times had a lot of critics who tried to expose and prove the artificial origin of the fire. Among the Catholic Church did not agree. In particular, Pope Gregory IX in 1238 made disagreement about the miraculousness of the fertile fire.

Not understanding the true origin of the fertile fire, some Arabs tried to prove that the fire was allegedly mined with any means, substances and devices, but they do not have direct evidence. At the same time, they did not even witness this miracle.

Modern researchers also tried to explore the nature of this phenomenon. In their opinion, the fire is artificially obtained. Self-burning of chemical mixtures and substances is also possible.

© AFP / Ahmad Gharabli

But none of them, nor similar to the advent of a fertile fire, especially with his amazing property - Do not burn in the first minutes of your appearance.

Scholars-theologians, representatives of various denominations, including orthodox church Recently stated that the ignition of candles and lamps in the temple from the alleged "sacred fire" is falsification.

The most famous of the statements in the middle of the last century of Professor of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy of Nikolai Uspensky, who believed that in Kuvuklia fire flashes from a secret hidden lamp, the light of which does not penetrate into the open space of the temple, where all the candles and lamps are extinguished at this time.

At the same time, the Assumption claimed that "the fire, lighting on the coffin of the Lord from the hidden lamp, still there is a sacred fire, obtained from the sacred place."

Russian physics Andrei Volkov, as they claim, a few years ago managed to hold some measurements at the ceremony of convergence of the fertile fire. According to Volkova, a few minutes before the removal of the fertile fire from Kuvuklia, the device fixing the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, sitting in the temple a strange long-wave pulse, which no longer manifested itself. That is, the electric discharge occurred.

In the meantime, the scientists are trying to find scientific confirmation of this phenomenon, and in contrast to the complete uniformity of the statements of skeptics, the miracle of the harvest fire is annually observed.

The miracle convergence of the gracious fire is available to everyone. It can be seen not only tourists and pilgrims - it happens in the face of the whole world and is regularly broadcast on television and the Internet, on the website of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate.

© Photo: Sputnik / Valery Melnikov

Every year, several thousand people present in the church of the Holy Sepulcher see: in Kuvuklia, which was tested and sealed, entered with a bunch of candletes Patriarch, whose clothing were specifically inspected. It came out of it with a burning torch of 33 candles and this is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, the answer to the question where the fertile fire comes from, can only be one answer - this is a miracle, and everything else is just unconfirmed speculation.

And in conclusion - the fear confirms the promise of the Sunday of the Apostles: "I am with you all the days before the condation of the century."

It is believed that when heavenly fire does not come down to the Merrian coffin, it will be a sign of the authorities of the Antichrist and the soon end of the world.

The material is prepared on the basis of open sources.

During without a small two thousand years, Orthodox Christians meet their greatest holiday - the Resurrection of Christ (Easter) in the Temple of the Globe of the Lord in Jerusalem.

Every time, everyone who is inside and near the temple is becoming witnesses to the convergence of the fertile fire.

The gracious fire is in the temple no longer the first millennium. The earliest mention of the consension of the gracious fire on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ is found in the Grigoria of the Nissky, Eusevia and Silvia Aquitan and dating from the IV century. They have a description and earlier consensions. According to the testimony of the apostles and the holy fathers, the non-resident light illuminated the coffin of the Lord soon after the resurrection of Christ that he saw one of the apostles: "Peter is a terrible to the coffin and the light in the coffin," - writes St. John Damaskin. Eusevia Pamfil tells in his " Church history"That when one day did not have enough lamp oil, Patriarch Narcissus (II century) blessed to pour into the water lamps from the Siloamovskaya font, and the fire came out from the sky, which was then burned to continue the entire Easter service.

Litania (church ceremony) of holy fire begins approximately a day before the start of Orthodox Easter. In the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, pilgrims are beginning to gather, wishing with their own eyes to see the congestion of the fertile fire. Among those present there are always many nonsense Christians, Muslims, atheists, the Jewish police are watching the ceremony. In the temple itself, up to 10 thousand people are located, the entire area in front of him and anti-siblides of the surrounding structures also turn out to be filled with the people - the number of people who wish much more opportunities of the temple, so the pilgrims are not easy.

In the middle of the body of the lively coffin, a lamp filled with butter, but without fire. Throughout the lodge, the pieces of watts are laid out, and along the edges - the tape is laid. So cooked, after inspecting the Turkish guards, and now - the Jewish police, Kuvuklia (chapel over the coffin of the Lord) closes and sealed by the local keynotector of Muslim.

Before the designer of the temple, bright outbreaks of fertile light begin to illuminate, here and there are small zippers. When slowing down, it is clearly clear that they proceed from different places of the temple - from the icon hanging over Kuvuklia, from the dome of the temple, from the windows and from other places, and pour everything around the bright light. In addition, then there, there, between columns and walls of the temple, quite visible lightning flashes, which often pass without any harm through standing people.

A moment later, the entire temple turns out to be disinterested in lightning and glare, who knew along his walls and columns down, as it were to flow to the foot of the temple and spread over the area among the pilgrims. At the same time, the candles stand around in the temple and on the square, the lamps themselves are ignited on the sides of the Kuvuklia (with the exception of 13 Catholic). The temple or its individual places are filled with no analogues with a radiance, which is believed to appear first during the resurrection of Christ. At the same time, the coffin door opens and the Orthodox Patriarch, which blesses the gathered and distributes a fertile fire.

How does the fertile fire light up in the coffin of the Lord?

"... The most vivid description refers to 1892, where the wonderful picture of the burning of the fertilized fire is given from the words of the Patriarch. He told that sometimes, going to Kuvukhuki, and did not have time to read the prayer, he had already seen a marble sobility covered with small multi-colored. Beaded, like small pearls. And the stove itself began to publish smooth light. Patriarch screamed by a piece of cotton, this pearl, which merged like drops of oil. He felt warmth, and spoke to her wick candles. Fitil flashed, like powder - the candle climbed. On The slab is pre-put cotton wool. According to eyewitnesses, sometimes they make inners to eliminate doubts about this.

There is another testimony. Metropolitan In-Jordansky, who took the fertile fire more than once, said that when he entered Kuvuklia, then the lamp standing on the coffin, burned. And sometimes - no, then he fell and tears began to ask for mercy from God, and when the lamp was rising already burned. From her he lit up two beams of candles, removed and filed fire to those who expected him. But he himself never seen how the fire lights up.

After the Patriarch comes out of Kuvuklia, or rather, they are leaving for the altar, the people rushes inside the coffin - to apply. The whole plate was wet, as if the rain was moistened. " The passage is taken from the book: the gracious fire over the coffin of the Lord, 1991

According to eyewitnesses, the fire does not burn the first minutes after convergence. That's what they write:

"Yes, and I am a multi-sized slave from Metroolita from the hands of anxiously in one place 20, the candle and brow, all the mines in all the mines, and nor the vlas are either scared, neither fell; and there are all the fresh and then growing up with other people, those freshly shovel, so And in the third, those freshests and I, and I didn't touch anything, I didn't stop the vlas, I didn't grow up, and I'm an ilena, not believing that heavenly fire and the message of God, and Tako three times the freshest and Gasish Metropolitan and before all the Greeks about Tom goodbye, that he had poured the power and lights of the Heavenly names that the Greeks are predicted by a sorcerence, and not God's creation; and Metrapolite me in all forgivers and blessings. " Life and walking in Jerusalem and Egypt Kazan Vasily Yakovlevich Gagara (1634-1637).

"Georgy's father removes everything on the camcorder, takes pictures. I also do a few pictures. We have been harvested with ten packs of candles. I stretch your hand with candles to the burning beams in the hands of people, Ignoria. Screaming the palm it is a flame, it is big, warm, light, light -Rell-yellow, I keep my hand in the fire - I do not burn! I stand up to the face, the flame licks the beard, the nose, eyes, I feel only warm and gentle touch - I do not burn !!! " The clergyman from Novosibirsk.

"Surprisingly ... The first time the fire does not burn, he is just warm. They are wrapped, they put on the face, applied to the chest - and nothing. There was a case, one nun caught fire, and the trail was not left. Another risk of burned. Baled home With a hole, but came - there are no holes. " Archimandrite Bartholomew (Kalugin), Salerik Trinity-Sergiyeva Lavra, 1983.

"Trying to take fire in the palm and I find that it is real. It can be touched, in the palm it is felt as a material substance, it is soft, not hot and not cold." The hall of the church of St. Nicholas in Biryulyovo Natalia.

People who are at this time in the temple overwhelm indescribable and incomprehensible feeling of joy and spiritual calm in their depths. According to those who visited the square and in the temple itself, when there is a fantastic feelings, the depth of the feelings of crowded people at that moment was a fantastic, - from the temple, eyewitnesses went out as if re-born, as they themselves say, - spiritually cleaned and twisted.

Many nonsense, when for the first time hear about fertile fire trying to crumble Orthodox: How do you know that it is given to you? And what if he was taken by a representative of another Christian denomination? However, attempts to challenge the right to obtain a fertile fire on the part of representatives of other denominations were not once.

The most significant case occurred in 1579. The owners of the Temple of the Lord are at the same time representatives of several Christian churches.. The priests of the Armenian Church, contrary to the tradition, managed to bribe the Sultan Murat of the Truthful and local township, so that they allowed them to solely celebrate Easter and take the fertile fire. According to the Armenian clergy, from the entire Middle East in Jerusalem, many of their units arrived in order to note Easter. Orthodox together with the Patriarch Sofronim IV were removed not only from Kuvuklia, but in general from the temple. There, at the entrance to the shrine, they remained praying for the way of fire, mourning about the excavation from grace. Armenian Patriarch prayed for about a day, however, despite his prayer efforts, no miracle followed. At one point, the beam hit the sky, as it usually happens when cutting fire, and got exactly in the column at the entrance, next to which was the Orthodox Patriarch. From it, the fiery bursts splashed in all directions and the candle was lit Orthodox patriarchwho passed the fellow fire to the uninterests. It was the only case in history when the convergence occurred outside the temple, in fact, according to the prayers of the Orthodox, and not the Armenian high priest. "Everybody was delighted, and Orthodox Arabs began to jump and shout out of joy and shout:" You are the same God, Jesus Christ, is one of our true faith - faith of Orthodox Christians "- writes ink parfias. At the same time, in the imfilands of buildings adjacent to the temple area were located. Turkish soldiers. One of them, named Omir (Anvar), seeing what was happening exclaimed: "The United States Orthodox, I am a Christian" and jumped down on stone slabs from a height of about 10 meters. However, the young man did not crash - the plates under his feet were mocked as Wax, captured his traces. For the adoption of Christianity Muslims executed Brave Anvar and tried to scrape traces, so clearly testifying to the celebration of Orthodoxy, but they did not succeed, and they can still see them as a dissected column at the door of the temple. The body of the martyr was burned, but the Greeks were collected by the remains, which until the end of the XIX century were in the women's monastery of the Great Panagi, exiting fragrance.

The Turkish authorities were very angry at the arrogant Armenians, and at first, even wanted to execute the hierarch, but later he was walked and decided on the edification of the party that happened at the Easter ceremony to always follow the Orthodox Patriarch and continue not to take direct participation in receiving a fertile fire. Although the power has long been replaced, the custom is still preserved.

The gracious fire is the greatest miracle of God for all people. For believers - indescribable bliss and joy of Christ, for unbelievers - the opportunity to see and believe!

In the ancient Jerusalem on the Great Saturday - on the eve of the Orthodox Easter - the ceremony of the convergence of saint fire is held. The church of the Mernel of the Lord is filled with pilgrims from around the world. The Armenian Archimandrite and the Greek Patriarch comes into the chapel (Kuvuklia), built on the site of the burial of Christ. Soon there is a fire that is transmitted to believers. But how does he light up?


For centuries, people were looking for an answer to this question. For Christians, the divine nature of fire is unconditional. The atheists also say about the grand mismatch, allegedly, in the tomb behind the icon there is a niche hidden from the eye, in which the lamp is burning. From her, the so-called fertile fire lights up. They write about self-turning oil, which flashes, interacting with oxygen.

Like, the whole noisy ceremony is just a representative, like all the other ceremonies of the passionate saddemic. Two more than a thousand years ago, the joyful news from the coffin of the excitement and illuminated everything around. So now the symbolic repetition of how the news about the resurrection was separated from the world.

A few years ago, the employees of the Kurchatov Institute engaged in physical problems have visited the ceremony of converging of the fertile fire and produced special measurements. A few minutes before the end of the fire, the device fixing the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation was caught a strange long-wavelength impulse that no longer manifested itself. That is, the electric discharge occurred.

Such discharges often happen on the border of the fracture of tectonic plates, and the temple of the Globe is worth it in such a unique place. Interested in scientists and the properties of the fertile fire do not burn first time. So plasma behaves - a low-temperature ionized substance. It was still possible to receive only in laboratory conditions.

No one can give an accurate answer about the nature of fire. Yes, it is not necessary. It is much more important that he unites the believers of the entire planet, millions of Christians are waiting for his appearance. After all, according to legend, the day, when the miracle does not happen, will become the sign of the end of the world.

Scientists managed to get to the coffin of the Lord and conduct research, the result of which shocked believers.

Regardless of whether the man believes herself or not, he, at least once in his life, was interested in real evidence of the existence of the Higher Forces, which each religion tells.

In Orthodoxy, one of the evidence of the wonders listed in the Bible is a fertile fire, coming down on the Globe of the Lord on the eve of Easter. In the Great Saturday, everyone can see him - it's enough to come to the square in front of the resurrection Temple. But the longer this tradition exists, the more hypotheses build journalists and scientists. All of them refute the Divine Origin of Fire - But is it possible to trust at least one of them?

History of fertile fire

Fire alignment can be seen only once a year and in a singular place on the planet - the Jerusalem Sunday Temple. In its huge scale, the complex includes: Calvary, the cave with the Cross of the Lord, the garden, where Christ was noticed after the resurrection. It was built in the IV century by Emperor Konstantin and the gracious fire there saw during the first ministry at Easter. Around the place where it happened, built a chapel with the coffin of the Lord - it is called Kuvuklia.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Great Saturday, all candles, lamps and other light sources extinguish every year in the temple. Higher church sansians personally follow this: the last check passes Kuvuklia, after which it is sealing to a large wax seal. From this point on, the protection of holy sites falls on the shoulders of the employees of the Israeli police (the Yanychars of the Ottoman Empire were copied with their responsibilities in ancient times). They also put additional seal over the Patriarch's print. What is not the evidence of the delicious origin of the fertile fire?


At twelve hours of the day from the court of Jerusalem Patriarchate to the coffin, the Lord begins to reach a cross procession. He is headed by Patriarch: bypassed Kuvuklia three times, he stops before her doors.

"Patriarch is in white clothes. With him simultaneously put on the white vestments of 12 archimandritis and four diaclones. From the altar, then there are pairing clerics in white stimals with 12 horagoes with the image of the passions of Christ and his glorious resurrection, for them clerics with ripids and life-giving crossThen 12 priests pairly, then four diakons are also pairing, and the last two of them hold the patriarch in their hands in the silver stand the bunches of candles for the most convenient transfer of saint fire into the people, and finally the Patriarch with a rod in his right hand. According to the blessing of the patriarch, singing and all the clergy with singing: "The resurrection of yours, Christ dese, Angeli sing in the sky, and we are on the ground with a pure heart of Slaviti" go from the temple of the resurrection to Kuvuklia and three times around it. After the third passage of the Patriarch, the clergy and singers stop with the chorugvenossers and the Crusader against the Holy Living Coffin and sing the evening anthem: "Sveta Quiet," reminding that this Litania has once been part of the rank of evening worship. "

Patriarch and the Coffin of the Lord

In the courtyard of the temple of the Patriarch, thousands of eye pilgrims and tourists are watching from around the world - from Russia, Ukraine, Greece, England, Germany. Police searches the Patriarch, after which he is included in Kuvuklia. W. entrance doors Armenian archimandrite remains in order to take prayers to Christ about the forgiveness of sins of human race.

"Patriarch, becoming before the doors of the Holy Sepulcher, with the help of Deaconov, removes Mitra, Sakkos, Omophore and the Tower and remains only in the prison, Epitrohili, belt and failures. Dragoman after that removes the prints and cords from the door of the Holy Sepulcher and imparts inside his patriarch, having a mentioned bunch of candles in his hands. He will immediately go inside Kuvuklia one Armenian bishop, dressed in sacred clothes and also having a bunch of candles for the speedy transfer of holy fire to the people through the southern hole of the Kuvuklia in the angel's attack. "

When the patriarch stays alone, for closed doors, the present sacrament begins. On the knees the Holy Molite of the Lord about the message of the fertile fire. His prayers are not heard to people outside the door of the chapel - but they can observe their result! On the walls, columns and icons of the temple, blue and red flares-flashes appear, resembling the reflections during the fireworks. At the same time, blue lights appear on the marble plate of the coffin. One of them is a priest concerns your cotton ball - and the fire throws on it. The patriarch lights the lamp with a mold and transmits it to the Armenian bishine.

"And those people are all in the church and outside the church do not speak anything else, only:" Lord, humbly! " They appeal unreavingly and scream loudly, so it buzzes and rattles all the place from the scream of those people. And here the streams shed tears from loyal people. Even with a stone heart, a person can then make sure. Each of the pilgrims, holding a bundle of 33 candles in her hand, by the number of years of life of our Savior ... Hurry up in spiritual merry, to burn them from the original light, through the deliberately appointed clerics from the Orthodox and Armenian clergy, standing near the northern and southern holes of Kuvuklia and The first holy fire receiving from the holy coffin. From numerous lies, with windows and eaves of walls descend on the ropes of the same bundles of wax candles, since the spectators occupying places at the top of the temple, seek immediately to join the same grace. "

Transfer of bite fire

In the first minutes after receiving the fire, you can do anything: believers wash them away and touched him with hands without fear of burning. A few minutes later, the fire from the cold becomes warm and acquires ordinary properties. Several centuries ago, one of the pilgrims wrote:

"Elegant in one place 20 candle and brow, with all the mines, and the united Vlas is either scorching, neither fucked; And there are all the fresh and then growing up with other people, those freshers showed out, and I also sentenced the third, and I didn't get a tronewood wife, I didn't quarrel. "

Conditions for the appearance of sacred fire

Among the Orthodox there is a belief that a year when the fire does not light up, the apocalypse will begin. However, this event has already happened once - then the fire tried to extract a follower of another confession of Christianity.

"The first Latin Patriarch of Arnopd of Shock ordered to expel the sects of heretics from the Lord who belonged to them in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, then he began to torture the Orthodox monks, seeking where they stored cross and other relics. A few months later, Arnold replaced the throne Daimbert from Pisa, who went even further. He tried to drive out all local Christians, even the Orthodox, from the church of the Mernel's coffin and allow Latinians there, generally depriving the remaining church buildings in Jerusalem or near him. God's retribution soon was killed: already in 1101, the miracle of holy fire in Kuvuklia was not accounted for the Great Saturday, as long as Eastern Christian was not invited to participate in this rite. Then King Baldown I took care of returning their rights to local Christians. "

Fire at the Latin Patriarch and the crack in the column

In 1578, the priests from Armenia, who did not hear anything about the predecessor's attempts, tried to repeat them. They achieved permission to become the first to see a fertile fire, forbid to enter the Church of the Orthodox Patriarch. He together with other priests was forced to pray at the gate on the eve of Easter. To see the miracle of God to the minions of the Armenian Church did not succeed. One of the columns of the courtyard, in which the Orthodox prayers was cracked, and a pillar of fire appeared from it. Traces of its convergence and today any tourist can observe. Believers traditionally leave in it notes with the most cherished requests to God.

A series of mystical events made Christians sit at the negotiating table and decide that God would like to transfer fire to the Orthodox Priest. Well, he, in turn, goes to the people and gives the sacred flame Iguumen and monks of Lavra Rev. Savva of the Consecrated, Armenian Apostolic and Syrian Church. Local Orthodox Arabs should be hit in the temple. In the Great Saturday, they appear on the square with songs and dances, and then enter the chapel. In it, they utter ancient prayers in Arabic, in which they turn to Christ and God's Mother. This condition is also mandatory for the appearance of fire.

"There is no evidence about the first commitment of this ritual. The Arabs are asked the Mother of God to chite the Son about the sending of fire, to George Victorious, especially verifiable at the Orthodox East. They literally shout that they are the most oriental, the most Orthodox living there, where the sun rises, bringing candles with them to messenger fire. According to oral legends, during the years of British rule over Jerusalem (1918-1947), the English governor tried to ban once "Dikar" dance. Patriarch Jerusalem prayed for two hours, but to no avail. Then the Patriarch ordered his will to start the Arab youth. After the fulfillment of the ritual, the fire went down. "

Will the success of the attempt be fulfilled to find a scientific explanation of the graceful fire?

It is impossible to say that Skeptics managed to win the skeptics. Among the many theories that have a physical, chemical and even alien substate, only one deserves attention. In 2008, Andrei Volkov's physics managed to get into Kuvuklia with special equipment. There he was able to make the appropriate measurements, but their results were not in favor of science!

"A few minutes before the removal of the fertile fire from Kuvuklia, a device that fixes the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, sitting in the temple a strange long-wavelength pulse, which no longer manifested itself. I don't want to refute anything or prove, but this scientific result experiment. An electrical discharge occurred - whether the lightning hit, whether something like a piezoshigali was included for a moment. "

Physicist about fertile fire

The physicist himself did not put the purpose of his study the exposure of the shrine. He was interested in the process of disordering fire: the appearance of raws on the walls and on the lid of the Holy Sepulcher.

"So, quite likely, the appearance of fire is preceded by an electrical discharge, and we, measuring the electromagnetic spectrum in the temple, tried to catch it."

So comments on Andrei happened. It turns out, to solve the mystery of the sacred gracious fire is not under the power of modern technique ...

What will happen if the fertile fire does not come down, says Archimandrite Victor (Kotsaba).


The gracious fire is in the temple no longer the first millennium. The earliest mention of the consension of the gracious fire on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ is found in the Grigoria of the Nissky, Eusevia and Silvia Aquitan and dating from the IV century. They have a description and earlier consensions. According to the testimony of the apostles and the holy fathers, the non-light light illuminated the coffin of the Lord soon after the resurrection of Christ that he saw the apostle Peter.

Eusevius Pamfil tells in his "church history" that when there was no lamp oil, Patriarch Narcissus (II century) blessed pour into the water lamps from Siloamovskaya font, and the fire escaped from the sky, which was burned then to continue the entire Easter service . Among the early mention of the certificate of Muslims, Catholics.

- Father, how many times have you attended when the collaboration of the fertile fire?

- God's grace was able to be several times the witness of this miracle. Of course, the impressions are unforgettable. First of all, the trip itself requires certain efforts: these days in Jerusalem have a huge number of people and not just go to the Kuvuklia of the Mernel's coffin, where the fellow fire comes down.

It seems that it is on this day, in the Great Saturday, the church of the Mernel of the Lord becomes the center of the world. The people arrive back from the evening, the entire city is blocked, the police are intensified at posts. Not easy and the way to the temple of the Resurrection of Christ, who needs to be overcome by entering the Old Town. Every 100-200 meters - a new post, people are knocked into the crowd. In one of them we once stood more than an hour. The path itself is not long, but takes about 1.5 - 2 hours. It happens that you will be lit in the center of the dress, and you can not move anywhere. Everything is in a hurry to the temple of the Holy Sepulcher.

I remember my first trip to the congument of the fertile fire, then I had no special pass, but I managed to quietly go through the whole way and stop right near the entrance to Kuvuklia. Then for me it was also a miracle. (smiles)

"No one knows, at what point will the fertile fire come down?" How is waiting?

- Our delegation is already in the temple from 10 am. Fire is usually about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. We are all this time in one place, because if you leave, then it will be not easy to go, it is almost impossible. Around the cries, bustle, noise and heat. There are, of course, the opportunity to pray, because it is standing near the Kuvuklia of the coffin of the Lord.

First, the Arab Orthodox young people appear, which in his language shouts the slogans that sustain that Christ is risen, sings different songs, runs, gets out with drums on Kuvuklia. Seeing for the first time such behavior in the temple, I was amazed. But this is considered the norm: during the time, when Jerusalem was under a British mandate, the English governor tried to ban these "dicar" dances, the young people did not let in the temple - and the fire did not appear. The Patriarch prayed in Kuvuklia for two hours and then ordered to let the Arabs ... then only the fire descended.

Arabs seem to appeal to all peoples: the correctness of our faith, the Lord confirms the reduction of the gracious fire on the eve of the Orthodox Easter.

Next, the patriarch with the bishops of the Jerusalem Church is headed Procession, Three times, bypassing Kuvuklia, after which it is completely exposed and goes inside. All lamps extinguish. The royal silence is established, despite the large number of people, only flash phones appear, cameras. After about 15 minutes, the Patriarch is already with fire and distributes it to everyone. Someone from the "dancing" Orthodox Arab runs up to him, takes fire, and, waving the crowd, simply runs to the other end of the temple. Through things, the entire temple flashes with fertile fire.

Immediately after convergence, the fire has a special property, he does not burn his face and hands. I checked on myself, really it is. It is felt soft, not like the familiar fire for us. After that, all each other congratulate the words "Christ Rissed!"

- There is a legend that if the fire does not fit, then the end of the world will be.

- This is, of course, a well-known legend, so everyone is waiting with the thrill and fear of converging of the fertile fire.

- And there were cases when the fire did not go?

- There was the only case in history when the congument of the fertile fire occurred outside the temple on the prayers of the Orthodox Patriarch. It happened in 1579.

As you know, the owner of the chill church of the Lord are several churches. And now the priests of the Armenian Church, despite the tradition, persuaded and bribed the Sultan Murat of the Truthful and the Gradualist, so that they allowed them to solely celebrate Easter and take the fertile fire. At the appeal of the Armenian clergy, many of the Middle East arrived in Jerusalem, many of their units were arrived in order to note Easter. Orthodox together with the Patriarch Sofronim IV were removed not only from Kuvuklia, but also derived from the temple. They prayed for the way of fire in front of the entrance to the shrine, sorrowfully about what happened.

The Armenian Patriarch prayed for about a day, but no miracle happened. At one moment, the beam hit, as it usually happens when there is a refiner to the fire, and got exactly in the column at the entrance, next to which the Orthodox Patriarch was located. From it, the fiery bursts splashed in all directions - and the candle was lit at the Orthodox Patriarch, who handed the fallen fire to the units. This Colon until today has been preserved at the entrance to the Temple of the Resurrection of Christ.

Tamed Natalia Goroshkov