
Where Andrew was born and therapy. Andrey Varozvannaya: Uncegous Secrets

Pests of garden plants

Apostle Andrey (Lat. Andreas.), more known as Andrei Prozdnaya - One of the apostles (disciples) of Jesus Christ, Brother Simon Peter, the character of the New Testament.


Mentioned in the list of apostles in the Gospel of Matthew (10: 2), from Mark (3:18), from Luke (LC 6:14), as well as in the Acts of the Apostles (1:13).

Andrei was his brother of the Apostle Peter, Fisherman, like Peter, was born in Wethsaida, a city on the north shore of the Galilee Lake.

Andrew became the first of the designed disciples of Christ, in connection with which this apostle is often called first-call.

According to the Gospel of Matthew (4: 18-19) and from Mark (1: 16-18), the vocation of Andrei and Peter took place near the Galilee Lake, the Apostle John in the Gospel of John describes the vocation of Andrei, held near Jordan immediately after the baptism of Jesus (1: 35-40). According to this narrative, the apostle Andrei was at the beginning of the student of John the Baptist.

On the pages of the Gospel of John Andrei, it appears even twice - he leads a dialogue with Jesus about bread and fish before the miraculous saturation of five thousand people (6: 8-9) and together with the Apostle Philipp leads to Jesus Elle Room (12: 20-22).

There is an apocryphic text of Andrei Acts, created by the generally accepted version, in the III century.


In the life of the Holy Apostle Andrei the First-Called, it is mentioned that Andrei and his brother Simon (the future St. Peter) were Galilee fishing fishermen, born and growing in Wifsaid (city on the shore of Genisret Lake); Father their name was ion. Molded, the brothers moved to Capernaum, where they got own home And continued to engage in fishing.

Andrei decided to devote himself to serving God. Saving chastity, he refused to marry. Hearing that on the River John John the Forerunner preaches about the arrival of the Messiah and calls for repentance, Andrei left everything and went to him. Soon the young man became the nearest student of John the Baptist.

Evangelists Matthew and John described in different ways to meet Andrei with Jesus. In the Gospel of John it is said that Andrei first saw the Savior, when the Holy Foreroduction pointed out to the walking Jesus Christ and said: "Here is the Lamb of God." Hearing this, Andrei, together with another student of the forerunner, whose name is an evangelist does not lead, left the Baptist and followed Christ. Then Andrei found his brother Simon Peter and also led him to Jesus. Matthew also tells how the Savior met Andrei and his brother Simon Peter on the shore of the Genisaret Lake, where the brothers caught fish, throwing the network into the water. Jesus appealed to them with the words: "Go for me, and I will make you the cathers of the people." And they followed him, leaving their networks.

Scripture comes to us very much scarce information about the apostle Andrei, but his life appearance speaks for himself. In the Gospel of John it is said that during the miracle of multiplication of breads Andrei pointed to the boy who had "five breads of barley and two fish" (John 6: 8-9). He also showed the Savior to the pagans who came to Jerusalem to worship the true God (in. 12: 20-22). According to the evangelist, Mark, St. Andrey was one of the four students of Jesus, which he opened the fate of the world on Mount Eleonskaya (MK. 13: 3).

Holy Andrei is called first-hand, because he was called first of the apostles and students of Jesus Christ. Until the last day of the earthly path, the Savior followed him the first-rated apostle. After the godfather of the Lord, the Saint Andrei witnessed the resurrection and ascension of Christ. On the day of Pentecost (that is, after fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus), a miracle of the Holy Spirit occurred in Jerusalem in the form of fiery languages \u200b\u200bon the apostles. So, inspired by the Spirit of God, the apostles received a gift to heal, prophesy and the ability to speak different adverbs about the great affairs of the Lord.

Twelve students of Jesus were divided into among themselves the countries where they were to bear the gospel sermon, reversing the pagans to Christ. Saint Andrew fell along the lot of vast lands of Viphinia and propontides with the cities of Halkidon and Byzantiums, also land of Frakia and Macedonia, stretching to the Black Sea and the Danube, in addition, the Land of Scythia and Fessals, Eldlas and Ahey, the city of Amins, Trapezund, Irakli and Amastrd. Saint Andrei passed these cities and countries, carrying the Gentiles to the Gospel Sermon. The first travelery of his apostolic ministry was the coast of the Black Sea, which in those days called the "Evksin Putton" ("Hospitable Sea").

Almost everywhere, where the apostle was turned out, the authorities met him with cruel persecution, he had undergone many sorrels and suffering. But, supported by the power of his faith, the Holy Andrey "With Sendments" transferred all the disasters in the name of Christ. Especially many of the torment had to meet the first apostle in the city of Sinop, where the pagans were subjected to his cruel torture. But, as the legend says, "the grace of his teacher and the Savior Saint Andrei again turned out to be healthy and whole from the Russian Academy of Sciences."

Continuing his preaching path, the apostle passed through the cities of Neokence and self-sugar, through the country of Alana, through the lands of Abascus and Zigov. According to legend, the Gentiles of Zigi first did not accept the gospel sermon of St. Andrew and even wanted to kill the apostle, but, having missed her meekness and mobility, left their intention. After passing through the Bosphorian Kingdom, he took a sea trip to the Thracian city of Byzantium. The apostle was the first to preach there the teachings of the Savior in the future center of Eastern Christianity, where the Holy Andrei founded the church. He ordered in the San of the Byzantine Bishop of Stakhiya, one of the 70 Apostles of Christ, about which Paul mentions in the Message to Romans (16: 9). Also, the saint appointed the presbyters of the church, "so that they taught the people and committed the sacraments."

The residence of the apostle tells about several cases of resurrection to them by heart:

  • in the city of Amaseev, the apostle Andrei raised the boy named Egypt, who deceased from fever, at the request of the father of the boy Demetrius.
  • in Nikomide, during the funeral procession, the apostle resurrected a boy who died from the fact that his body was broken by dogs.
  • in the formalonics, at the request of one of the residents of the city, the apostle publicly resurrected a boy who died of suffocation.
  • an angry preaching of the apostle Andrei Proconsul Virin sent warriors so that they bring the Apostle to Him. One of the warriors fell dead, as soon as the sword snatched, after which the apostle prayer was resurrected. Proconsul Virin ordered to torture the apostle at the stadium, having released into the arena take turns of the vapor, bull and leopard. But the animals did not touch the apostle, while the leopard pounced on the son of Pronsul and removed him. After a long prayer, the apostle raised the son of Virina.
  • also in the formalonics, the apostle raised a little boy who deceased from the bite of the snake.
  • in the city of Patra Apostle Andrey preached in the house of Proconsula Lisbia. The former concubine of Proconsula Trofim followed the teachings of the apostle and left her husband. The Trofim's husband came to his wife Consul Valiste and slandered his wife, accusing it in renewing the connection with Proconsul. By order, Kalisti Trofim was forcibly placed in the house of tolerance for abuse, but Trofim prayed so much that all men trying to touch her died, after which she resurrected one of them. The wife of Proconsula went to the bath with his lover, where they both died. At the request of Kormilitsa Kalisti Apostle Andrey raised the deceased, after which Lisbius and his wife believed in Christ.
  • in the city of Patras during the preaching of the apostle Andrei wave ashore dried a drowned man, which the apostle resurrected his prayer. It was a phyloopater, the son of Sostrath, a resident of Macedonia, who sailed on a ship into patris in order to familiarize himself with the new teaching, but he took him a wave from the ship during the storm. Philopathor requested the apostle to resurrect his friends and servants, also gone from the ship to the sea. When the apostle Andrei prayed, another 39 more people carried the wave ashore, and the crowd surrounding the apostle, asked him as a request for their resurrection. The apostle asked to fold the bodies in one place and his prayer was resurrected to all the dead.
  • in the city of Sinop, the apostle Andrei at the request of the woman raised her husband, found in the pit killed.
  • in the city of Azkuri (modern Georgia) on the prayer of the apostle, the dead rose, and this miracle promoted the inhabitants of the city to take Holy Baptism.

Tradition about the ministry of Andrei First-Called in Scythia

Eustian Caesarian in the first half of the IV century, referring to the essay of Origen, says about the ministry of Andrei in Scythia. Origen, according to Eusevia, argued that 12 apostles were thrown by the 12 apostles to determine the direction of his missionary activity. So Peter fell preachesion in Rome, Matthew - in Palestine, Mark - in Egypt, John - in Malaya Asia, Fome - to Parfia, and Andrei - in Thrace and Scythia.

However, over this evidence, the opinions of church historians differ. So A. Garnak left an open question about how much the quotation given by Esesship represents the literal exposure from Origen. Some scientists argued that the news of the apostle Andrei belongs to the Essiew and the modern church legend himself, and A. V. Kartashev led to a traditional opinion.

Follow-up church writers - Distinity Tirsky, Epiphany Kirp (IV century), Euhheri Lyon (V century), Nikita Paflagon (IX-X) and others in their own way complement this legend. So the apostle route ran "Through all the virginity, all the pieces and Scythians ... then reached the great city of Sevasta ... Where is the fortress aspar and the FASIS River ... who inhabit the inner ethies" (that is, according to these authors, the apostle reached about the current Abkhazia (FACIS is usually correlated with Rioni). Between Ever and Scyfia, Andrei visited, according to Bospospor, Feodosia and Chersonese.

However, in most options, the legend of throwing lots are not mentioned at all. Also in any of the oldest records of the legend are not mentioned by the travels of the apostles in the Northern Black Sea region or on the Dnieper .. And St. Gregory Theologian (IV century) wrote that Andrei Ma lot fell to India. N. M. Karamzin, leading this story in the "Stories of the Russian State", noticed: " However, people who know doubt the truth of this Andreeva travel».

Historians believe that Andrei fell into the chronicle for the simple reason that the booksmen of the Domongolian Rus from Greek apocrifs knew that he reached Corsuni - the city with whom the legend tied the baptism of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. It was easy to compose a new journey, placing it between the third and fourth.

Church historian, Professor, Ober-Prosecutor of Holy Synod A. V. Kartashev notes:

in the VIII, IX and the next centuries, accumulated by the centuries of Mother's in the form of apocryphal and church legends, short news and sown everywhere and other local legends, served as a source for the preparation of new "acts", "praise" and "life" of the apostles. Here is the missionary activity of the AP. Andrei disintegrates for integer three preaching travel copied with traveling up. Paul, and the first-rated apostle is already complete with complete definiteness through the Scythian European and North and the Western Coast of the Black Sea passes to Byzantium, where it supplies the first bishop for this city - Stakhiya.

At the same time (VIII-IX century), the monk of the epiphany is a story about the apostle Andrei. This story mentions "Iron Rand With Image life-giving crosswhich the apostle always relied ". Not far from Nikei in Viphini "Blessed AP. Andrei, overtaking the vile statue of Artemis, put a life-giving image of the saving cross there. ". Next to the east, in Pafulagon "He chose a place of prayer, convenient for the arrangement of the altar, and omitted him by erecting the sign of the life-giving cross". From this story, A. V. Kartashev notes, leads his beginning the cross and rods that appear in two versions of Russian legend.

Legend about Andrei First-Called in Russia

Tradition about the lot of the apostles was known in Russia since the appearance of Christianity here. In 1051 he writes about her kiev Metropolitan Hilarion in the word about law and grace. Also, the legend was made to the "Holy Svyatoslav of 1076". But in them, the tradition of the drawing of the Apostles does not associate with the baptism of Russia. So Metropolitan Hilarion wrote: "The Roman Country of Peter and Paul is praised by the voice of Peter and Paul ... Asia and Ephesus, and Patmos - John the Bogoslov. India - Foma, Egypt - Mark ... Praise and we ... The great and wonderful, our teacher and mentor, the Grand Prince of Our Vladimir ... ". Moreover, the first list of "Tale of Bygone Years" is the so-called oldest arch of 1039, as well as the initial arch of 1095 and the "reading about Boris and Gleb" Nestor's Chronicler directly declare that the apostles "did not go" and what they are in our Lands "not byh."

But since 1116, the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich - Vladimir Monomakh ordered the Igumen of the Vestorsky Monastery of Silvestra to make the Russian version of the legend of the Apostolic Mission Andrei Prolonnoye. So since that time, the stories about the visit of the Upostol of the Earth Russian are certainly included in all subsequent chronicle lists.

So there was a story about the journey of the Apostle Andrei from Crimea to Rome through Ladoga. According to this version, about the service of the apostle in the Black Sea region: "And the Dnieper will take into the midst of the sea with Zheroral; Yezho Sea of \u200b\u200bSloves Rusko, on the short, he taught Saint Nedrey, Brother Petrov " (Stlb 7), - Next it says that, upon arrival in Corsun, Andrei found out that the mouth of the Dnieper is nearby, and, deciding to go to Rome, climbed up the Dnieper. Having stopped overnight on the hills, at which Kiev, the Apostle, according to the Chronicler, was subsequently built, told the apprentices with him:

According to the legend, the apostle rose to the mountains, blessed them and hoisted the cross. From Kiev, the apostle arrived in Novgorod, where the local residents were wondering, washing in the baths, beat themselves with "young twigs," to pour kvaas and student water. The story of the students of Jesus in Rome was limited only by the baths, and the Roman listeners "hearing, dilige."

In the oldest lists and variants of this legend there are no mention of the success of the preaching of Andrei the First-Called. In this regard, Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy E. E. Golubinsky was ironic: the apostle came to our lands only in order to see the Russian customs of the use of baths.

Professor A. V. Kartashev notes:

The Russian author-Yuzhanina in the story about Novgorod bantas was obviously certain, not particularly high goal. So perfectly revolating my native Kiev, he, in Russian, is to work on anyone who is not our village, decided to put the Novgorod residents before the apostles in the most ridiculous form. Novgorods were so understood because, in response to the Kiev edition of the story, they created their own, in which, without rejecting the glorification of Kiev and silent absolutely about the baths, they assure that an up. Andrey "On the limits of the Great Sing Novalady, he moves down the Volkhov and that wands his pissing little in the ground and the place it is a place for the place of Georgian ... The miraculous rod of this" from the treeless tree "was kept, according to the testimony of the lives of St. Mikhail Klopsky, in his time (1537) in the St. Andrew's Church of the village of Georgian. "

So this legend began to finish an increasing number of details.

Various medieval sources report on the further path of St. Andrew in Novgorod, where he erected the cross near the current village of Georgino on the banks of Volkhov, to Ladoga Lake and then to the island of Valaam, where he would definitely installed the Stone Cross and destroyed the capital of Veles and Perun's Christianity of pagan priests. From there, it is believed to be the Apostle headed to Rome through Poland (the Polish medieval legend about the adoption of baptism from Andrei the First-Called also exists).

It is worth noting that the fact of the presence of the Apostle Andrei in the territory of the future Russia was questioned even the Orthodox church historians. Among them: Metropolitan Plato (Levshin), Archbishop Filaret (Gumilevsky), Academician, Professor MDA E. E. Golubinsky, A. V. Kartashev and others. The famous older Pskov Eleazarov Monastery Philofey (Ok. 1465-1542) wrote about Russian land:

In one collection of the XVI century, we read:

Rev. Joseph Volokolamsky (1440-1515) In his "enlightenment", I even put the question: why ap. Andrei did not preach Christianity in Russian land? And he answered:

Sound from St. Spirit. His destiny of the abyss of the mall and this is for the sake of the essence of SIA is incompatible.

However, another opinion is also common in the church environment. Some Orthodox historians tend to consider the tradition of Apostle Andrei Trudiv. So the historian of the Church, Metropolitan Macarium (Bulgakov) (1816-1882) notices about this:

In the introductory article to the "History of the Russian Church" Makariya S. A. Belyaev in 1994 argues that "in the II millennium - the beginning of the I millennium to R. Kh. Eastern Europe It was already quite tightly populated with peoples ... Almost all researchers allocate Slavic in Eastern Europe, and more precisely, Praslavyansky tribes ... in the fact that at least in the XV-XII centuries. to R. H. Praslavyan already live in the doubt of interest to us, "and believes that with the Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea region" All Eastern Europe from the Carpathians in the West to Ural Mountains In the east and from the northern coast of the Black Sea to modern Perm, became an integral part of the ancient world "

Martyrdom for faith

The oblique cross, on which the apostle Andrei took the martyrdom, since then is called the Andreevsky Cross. Crucifixion is considered to be accomplished around the 70th year.

The policy of the Byzantine Church

According to Professor, A. V. Kartasheva, with the help of the development of the legend about Andrei, the Byzantine Church solved two tasks: 1. To protect its independence from Rome's claims and prove their equivalence of Rome (Andrei was the older brother of the Apostle Peter); 2. Ensure dominance over all the east churches.

From here you can conclude that Byzantium willingly supported the legends about the sermon ap. Andrei in those countries where they existed (Armenia, Georgia) and even tried to instill similar legends in the countries of the Northern (Moravia, Russia), which extended its influence. The fact that the Byzantines, at the case, even directly inspired by the Russian beliefs about the sermon on Rus AP. Andrei, we have documentary evidence. This is a letter to the Russian prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, written on the face of Emperor Mikhail Duki (1072-1077) by his secretary, a famous scientist of his time, Mikhail Pwell, with the goal of walling for his brother Emperor's daughter of Vsevolod. One of the arguments to the closest union of two courtyards here is the following: "Spiritual books and reliable stories learn me that our states both have one kind of source and root, and that the same saving word is distributed in both, the same Self-Selfness of the Divine The sacraments and his messengers proclaimed the word of the Gospel in them. "


Under the emperor, Konstantin is great, the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei were solemnly postponed to Constantinople and laid in the temple of the Holy Apostles near the relics of St. Evangelist Luke and the student of the Apostle Paul - Timothy, the Apostle from Seventy.

The Apostle Andrew is revered by the founder and the heavenly patron of the Konstantinople Orthodox Church.

According to the legend, in the VIII century, the relics of the Apostle Andrei were transported to Scotland by the monk Regulus and were placed in the Cathedral of St. Andrews, the city, which received his name in honor of the Apostle and became the church capital of the Scottish Kingdom. According to another version, they (perhaps partially) were transported in the XIII century to Italy, in Amalfi. In the Trier Cathedral (Germany), sandals and nail of the Apostle Andrei are stored.

In the Orthodox Church, the memory of the apostle (according to the Julian calendar): June 30 (Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles) and November 30; In the Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches, who adhered to the Gregorian calendar: June 30 and November 30.

In Russia, the special cult of the apostle Andrei the First Called was distributed since the 1080s. The first church in honor of the Apostle Andrei was built in Kiev in 1086 by the works of the Grand Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav Wise.

Apostle Andrei - Saint Patron of Ukraine, Russia, Scotland, Romania, Greece, Sicily, Amalfi; as well as sailors and fishermen.

Pictures depicting St. Andrew were created by many great painters, including Murillo, El Greco, Surbaran.

In 1698, the first (and then remaining the highest) award of Russia was established by the Russian king of Peter I, the Order of Russia is the Order of St. Andrei. In 1998, this Order in Russia was revived.

On December 26, 1906, the Saint-Andrews football stadium was opened in English Birmingham, named after St. Andrew.

Church ship "Andrey Prolozalny"

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk Region from August 15 to August 31, 2008, a charity spiritual medical and educational Orthodox ship-Church "Andrei Varozvannaya" worked. The Raid of the Church Ship was organized by the Novosibirsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Regional Administration. The main goal of the mission is to provide spiritual and social and material assistance to residents of remote villages. During his trip, representatives of social protection, medical workers, clergymen will visit more than 25 distant villages of Bolotnoy, Kolyvan, Moshkovsky and Novosibirsk area.

Holy Apostle Andrey Prozoznaya († OK.62)

Andrei is the first-surveyn, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, the brother of the apostle Simon Peter, according to legend preached the Gospel in Scythia, Malaya Asia and Greece and crucified in the city of Patras, on Kosom (Andreevsky) Cross.

The Holy Apostle Andrey was the first called from Vifsaida Galilee. He lived afterwards in Kapernaum, on the shore of the Gennisret Lake, along with Brother Simon, doing fishing.

Andrei with his brother Simon Peter catch fish

From the young age, the Apostle Andrei was distinguished by prayer aspiration to God. He did not marry, and became the student of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, who argued about the awareness. When St. John the Baptist pointed to Jordan to the Holy Apostles Andrei and John the theologian on Jesus Christ, calling him the Lamb of God, they immediately followed the Lord.

The vocation of the apostles Andrei First-Called and John the Theologian

The Holy Apostle Andrey became the first student of Christ and was the first to confess his Savior (Messiah), leading to Christ of his older brother Simon, the future of the Apostle Peter.

Picture. Apostle Andrey Prozoznaya

After the resurrection and ascension of Christ, whose witness was also the Holy Apostle Andrei, he returned to Jerusalem. Here on the day of Pentecost, together with other apostles and the Most Holy Virgin, the Apostle Andrey was performed by the Holy Spirit, as the Lord himself predicted.

With the preaching of the Words of God, the Holy Apostle Andrei made several travels, during which he returned to Jerusalem three times. He passed Small Asia, Frace, Macedonia, Scythia (The land on which Russia was later formed), Black Sea (according to the legend of the Georgian Church, the apostle Andrey preached together with the apostle Simon Canashi in Abkhazia, where the Apostle Simon took the martyrdom). Up the Dnieper of the Apostle Andrei rose to the location of the future Kiev, where, as the Chronicler tells the chronicler, hoisting the cross in the Kiev mountains, contacting his students with words: "Do you see these mountains? In these mountains, the grace of God will reach, there will be a great city, and God will raise a lot of churches. "

N. Lomtev. The apostle Andrey is the first-surveyant plants the cross on the mountains of Kiev

Going further to the north, the apostle Andrey reached the settlements of Slavyan at the place of the future Novgorod and the current village of Greagino waters his rod. From here the apostle Andrey through the lands of Varyagov (Finnish Valaam)he passed in Rome and returned to Frace again. Next, the Holy Apostle went to the Greek city of Byzantine (Future Constantinople)where founded christian churchBy visiting the bishop of one of the seventy students of the Lord - Stakhiya.

The apostle Andrei had a habit of putting a large stone and iron crosses everywhere. Went with a huge staff crowned with a cross. It was modest, the disciples had little. He did not preach the crowds of the people, like Peter or Paul, and collected usually a small company, as the elders do.

Andrei Promotional Sermon

He was a man who walked a lot in his century. Traveled with northern reindeer herders, Gunns, talked with Greek philosophers and Russian merchants, was familiar with Chinese officials, attended primitive tribes in the north of Pakistan and Berber in the Sahara desert.

On his way, the apostle Andrei has undergone many sorrow from the pagans. He was beaten, expelled from cities. But the Lord kept his chosen one and his prayers committed wonderful wonders.

The last city, where the Holy Apostle came and therapie came and where he accepted the martyrdom, was the city of Patras (Patras). Here, the prayer of the apostle recovered seriously sick suits, a notable town-dweller. The imposition of apostolic hands was healed by Maximilla, the wife of the ruler of the patronage and his brother is a philosopher strokel. It encouraged the inhabitants of the city to take from the Apostle Andrei Holy Baptism, but the ruler of the city of Consul Egeat remained a fallen pagan. Holy Apostle with love and humility appealed to his soul, seeking to open him the Christian secret eternal life, miraculous power Holy Cross of the Lord.

Apostle Andrey in front of the ruler of the city of Patra consul Egeat

Angry Egeat ordered to crucify the apostle. With joy, he accepted the Holy Andrey the first-rated decision of the ruler and went to the place of execution. To prolong the torment of the apostle, Egeat ordered not to nourish his arms and legs to the cross, but to tie them. According to legend, the cross, on which he was Clawing the Holy Apostle Andrei Varozvannaya, had the shape of the letter "x" and got a name "Andreevsky Cross" .

Crucifixion of the Apostle Andrei on the Cross

Two days apostle from the cross taught those who gathered around the townspeople. People who listened to him who had compassioned him and demanded to remove the Holy Apostle from the Cross. Frightened by popular perturbation, Egeat ordered to stop the execution. But the Holy Apostle began to pray that the Lord honored him cross death. No matter how they tried the warriors to remove the Apostle Andrew, they did not obey their hands. The crucified apostle, giving God to God said: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Acceptance of My Spirit."Then the bright radiance of the Divine light consecrates the cross and crucified the martyr. When the radiance disappeared, the Holy Apostle Andrey was already prolonged already betrayed his soul. Maximilla, the wife of the ruler, took off the body of the apostle from the cross and buried him with honor. It happened about 62 N.E.

The relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called

The relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei were originally initially on the spot of his martyrdom - in Patra (Greece) .

In 357, on behalf of the Emperor, Constance II The relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called (except for an honest chapter) were solemnly postponed to Constantinople and put in the temple of the Holy Apostles next to the relics of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist Luke and the student of the Apostle Paul - the Apostle Timothy.

After taking Konstantinople with the Crusaders, in 1208, Cardinal Peter Kapuan, the confessor of the fourth crusade, took the power of Andrey the First Called to Italy and placed them in the Cathedral Temple cities Amalfi where they are currently. The relics are under the throne, and in a separate religion, part of the head of the Holy Apostle is kept.

Internally decoration of the cathedral

In Kripte (underground church of the Cathedral), the relics are stored. Apostle Andrei First-Called

The remains of St. Andrei Apostle is kept under marble sarcophagus, which is used as a throne

The remains of St. Andrei Apostle is kept under marble sarcophagus, which is used as the throne. On this throne, Mesia (Catholic liturgy) serves weekly (Catholic liturgy) and once a week serves an Orthodox service.

Honest headand Andrei Promotional Cross over the centuries remained in Patra. In 1462, the Seasis Despot of Foma Paleolog took away the chapter and the Cross of the Apostle from the Patra, saving them from the Turks, and referred to the storage of Pope of Roman II, who placed them in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Peter. The part of the chapter was put together with the relics of Andrei and the First Called in Amalfi.

Reliquarian with part of the chapter of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called (Amalfi, Italy)

In 1964, Pavel VI decided to transfer the head of Andrei the first and particles of the Andreevsky cross of the Eldlask Orthodox Church, and these relics were solemnly postponed into patters.

Ark with an honest chapter and the cross of the Apostle Andrei and the First Called in cathedral Tatry - the largest temple of Greece

During the Napoleonic Wars, the French soldiers tried to destroy the Andreevsky cross, then in one of the monasteries near Naples, betraying her fire. But one of the monks closed the cross his body and the shrine saved his life.

Part of the chapter is also in Andreevsky Skit on Athos .

Schedule with the frontal part of the head of St. Apostle Andrei First Called (Athos)

In the Great Lavra Athanasius stored hand of the Apostle , but in Panteleimmon Monastery - foot .

Few people know that the relics of the apostle Andrei - peaceful, and wherever they were (in Patra or Amalfi), they are very abundant. Collian clergymen opens the power and take worldly 6 times a year, in the days of the memory of the saint.

In Amalfi, as well as in Bari, thanks to the favor of the Catholic authorities of Naples, the Orthodox priest has the opportunity to serve the Divine Liturgy and prayers for Orthodox pilgrims, because they especially reveal the Apostle Andrei, who first brought the Word of God to Scythian Earth, to the territory of the future Saint Rus.

Part of the photos are taken from the personal photo album of the priest Konstantin Parhomenko.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains

Tropear, voice 4:
Yako Apostles is the first-surveyed, and the Verkhovnago of the day, the lord of all, Andrei, pray, the world of the settlement to give, and the souls of our Grace.

Kondak, voice 2:
The courage of the tezo-alitago of the tag, and the church of the Verkhovnago State, Petrova, I praise, sitting on the ancillary, and now we are called: take the freak-like.

The Apostle Andrey is the first-surveyor - the first of the twelve apostles, which became a student. On icons is depicted as a man with a small beard in red or green clothes, holds in the hands of a straight or oblique cross, as well as a scroll or book. With his name, the name "Andreevsky Cross" is connected, which meets on flags and other signs. His name bears established by the highest Russian award - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

It is considered the patron saint of fishermen and seawoz. Andreevsky flag (oblique blue cross on a white background) is a Navy's banner Russian Federation. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Apostle 13 December. In the temples dedicated to Andrey the First-Called, on this day a festive worship is held. The people of Andreev are celebrated on November 30, this is one of the first holidays for the winter cycle.

Childhood and youth

The Biography of the Apostle fixed in the Bible says that the Andrei and Simon brothers were born and grew up in Wethsaid on the shores of the Galilee Sea, their father was a fisherman named Ion. Young fishermen moved to the neighboring city of Capernaum, from where they sailed from the sea (which is actually a large freshwater lake) on the fishery.

From the young years, Andrei was looking for a way to God. He refused to marry and led the chaste lifestyle. When I started to prophesy about the soon arrival of the Messiah, the young man left the house and came to the saint. Having adopted baptism in Jordan, Andrei was left with John and took a place in a circle of his close disciples, he listened to the sermons and waited for the appearance of the Savior.

According to John's Gospel, Andrei Meeting with Jesus occurred on Jordan. The Savior came to John the Forerunner, who named the Lamb of God in all. After that, Andrei left the Baptist and became the first student of Christ. Later returned to Capernaum and convinced his brother to join the Apostles.

In the gospel of Matthew, it is written that the teacher himself found future students when they threw the networks for fishing. Jesus called the brothers by promising to turn them into "human catchers." Andrei and Simon wanted a call and left Jesus, from whom Simon received a new name, and Andrei became referred to the first name.

Unlike Peter, Andrei did not stand out from the apostolic circle with loud words and sharp actions, but entered into writing as an attentive person. Before Easter, when it was necessary to feed the crowd, it was Andrei who saw a boy with five breads and two fish, which were miraculously multiplied and satuned hungry people. He answered the question of the pagans, who were looking for in Jerusalem of this God.

The gospel of Mark tells that Saint Andrei was with the teacher on Mount Eleonskaya and found out the fate of the world from him. A loyal student attended the crucifixion of Christ, his resurrection and ascension. After 50 days after the resurrection, the Apostles decreased the Holy Spirit and they found superhuman abilities. Now they could heal people from deaths and preach in different languages.

Christian ministry

The apostles threw the lot by choosing the direction of the further path. Holy Andrey fell out the road to the lands lying on the Black Sea coast. Almost everywhere, where the preacher brought the good news, he was encountered in unwriting. The authorities were expelled from the saint from the cities, the population offended and did not allow the night. In Sinop, the pagans subjected to an insistent Christian with cruel torture, but the born body of Andrei was healed by the will of God.

Finally, in the Thracian city of Byzantia, the stories and miracles of the Holy impression of the people. In the future center of Eastern Christianity, the apostle found 70 students and founded the church, which was headed by an ordained by Andrey the first bishop of the stocks. Andrei appointed the presbyters of the Church, instructed them to make sacraments and instruct the people, and he himself went on.

The preacher not only healed his own body, but also resurrected the dead. Four Unnamed Boy and Two Men who died from different reasons are mentioned in the life of Saint. A miracle of resurrection invariably led to the baptism of witnesses of this event. In the Fesaloniki Apostle tried to raise wild beasts, but the leopard instead of the saint strangled the son of Proconsula Virina. Long prayer Andrei returned a child to life.

In Patra, the apostle resurrected forty drowns, which were sent to him from Macedonia. The ship with future students of Andrei turned over during the storm, but the sea made all the bodies ashore and thanks to the power of the saint prayer, everything ended well. This legend explains the worship of St. Andrew as a patron of seafarers. In the Georgian city of Azkuri, only one resurrection was enough for the treatment of citizens in Christianity.

Christian historians complemented the evangelical narration with their versions of the further travel preacher. Eusevia Caesarian wrote about the ministry of Andrei in Scythia. In 1116, the monk Sylvester on the orders included in the "Tale of Bygone Years" the legend of the mission of Andrei First-Called in Russia.

Later, the living was supplemented by a detailed story about the journey of the holy of Crimea in Rome through Ladoga. According to this version, Andrei rose up the Dnieper and, having skipped on the picturesque hills, saw a large city with churches in a dream. The next morning told about this dream to his companions, predicting the foundation in the place of Kiev, blessed the hills and hoisted the cross on one of them.

Further, the tired in the way the apostle was shaped in the baths of Novgorod, which later told his friends in Rome. In the Middle Ages, the legend overtook details: about the erection of a wooden cross near the village of Georgian on the banks of the Volkhov and the stone on the island of Valaam, about the destruction of the Kapping Veles and Perun and the circulation of former priests into Christianity. Be that as it may, the inhabitants of Ukraine and Russia will honor the Holy Andrew of the First Called by their patron.


The apostle accepted the martyrdom in the Greek city of Patras around 67 of the first century. In this city, St. Andrei lived several years, preaching and leading the Christian community. The Grador Egeat considered that the activity of Christians undermines his power, and ordered the execution of an obsessive preacher on the cross. Taking into account the wishes of the saint that considered himself unworthy to imitate the death of Jesus, the gun was chosen to the tool, subsequently called Andreevsky.

Andrei of the First Called did not knocked off to the cross, but tied their hands and legs to the crossbar. Two days the apostle preached to his disciples from the cross. The listeners demanded to stop torture, threatening the riot, and Egeat ordered the guard to untie the martyr. However, the Holy has already configured to die and the nodes did not succumb to the efforts of the soldiers. When the soul of the Holy Apostle left the body, the cross brightly shone, and then a source scored at this place.

The relics of St. Andrew and the cross, on which he died, was first kept in the Pathers, but in 357, by order of the Roman emperor, Constance II were transported to Constantinople and put them in the Church of the Holy Apostles. In the 9th century, the head and remnants of the cross separated from the relics and returned to patters. After the capture of Palemists in 1460, Foma Paleologist saved the head of the holy and particles of the cross from desecration and transferred the shrine to Roman Pope II.

In 1964, the shrine returned to the patterns due to the agreement between Pap Paul VI and representatives of the Elaladic Orthodox Church. The Holy Head is kept in the Cathedral of Andrei the First-Called, built in 1974 near the source. In the largest Orthodox church of Greece, the oblique cross-reliquary was also installed, in which particles of the very cross, which served as the weapon of death of the saint.

In the old temple of the Apostle Andrei, located next to the cathedral, is stored part of the finger of the apostle. The shrine presented the Patram in 1847 by the Russian nobleman Andrei Muravyev, who received it with monks on Mount Athos. The rest of the power is scattered and stored with honor in different European cities.

According to the legend, the Greek monk regult to indicate an angel took the relics of St. Andrew to Scotland. The village where the monk ship moored, turned into the city of Saint Andrus, who became the church capital of the kingdom. Relics are stored in the Cathedral of the city, and the apostle Andrei is honored as a patron of Scotland.

Another legend says that in 1208, the Crusaders took the power to the Italian city of Amalfi, where they are stored in the local Cathedral of St. Andrew, built in the rarest Norman-Byzantine style. In Germany, Sandal and Nail from the Cross of the Holy Cross are kept in Germany in the Trier Cathedral. Part of the relics of St. Andrew was in the Cathedral of the Italian city of Mantua.

In Russia, there is a Foundation of the Holy All-Walled Apostle Andrei First Called - a public organization that is engaged in the delivery of parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church of the main Christian relics. The foundation annually delivers from Jerusalem Fellow firecoming from the sky during the Easter service. In 2011, the organization brought to Russia the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


  • 1698 - Peter I was established by the Order of St. Andrew First Called
  • 1754 - Built Andreevsk Church in Kiev
  • 1865-1940 - Church of St. Andrei of the First Called and St. in the village of Palkala
  • 1899 - A steamer "Andrei Prolozynnaya" launched on the water, the first specially built researchsecker Russian Empire
  • 1906 - Opened Football Stadium "Saint-Andrews" in Birmingham
  • 1906 - Launched on the water Drawn-Andrey Varozvanny
  • 1974 - Built Andrei Cathedral of the First Called in the city of Patras on the Peloponnese Peninsula
  • 1991 - recorded song "Walking on the water" groups of Nautilus Pompilius
  • 1992 - founded the Foundation of the Saint All-Walled Apostle Andrei First Called
  • 2003 - Monument in Bataysk
  • 2006 - Opened Monument in Moscow
  • 2007 - Consecrated Andreev Church in Kaliningrad
  • 2008 - Raid of the Charitable Medical and Enlightenment Orthodox Ship-Church "Andrey Varozvannaya" according to the remote villages of the Novosibirsk region

How did Andrei became the first of the Apostles? About life, prayers, stories and icons associated with the saints, you will learn if you read our article!

The Apostle Andrey is the first surveyn: Life, Icon, Prayer

At the very beginning of his ministry, Christ was held by two fishermen brothers who took the networks into the Galilee Lake. He told them the easiest words: "Go for me, and I will make you the cathers of the people." They did it, throwing all their former life overnight. These were Simon (Peter) and Andrei. Why is Andrei called first-call?

The brothers were originally from the village of Vifsaid. Evangelist John tells that even before Andrei was a disciple of John the Baptist and heard that he called Jesus "Labing God". After all, it was the most important thing in his earthly ministry: not a preaching, not miracles, and the victim, which he had to bring on the cross, becoming a lamb for the sake of salvation of all mankind. Andrei believed in it immediately, and therefore we call him today's first-called - from the apostles he was called first. It was he who pointed to Christ to a boy with five breads and two fish, which were then miraculously multiplied to feed the crowd. He, together with Philip, led to Christ of some Ellinov (we do not know another such incident), but in general, Scripture talks little about Andrei. Basically his life is known to us from his acts and lives.

When the apostles went to the sermon, they divided the countries among themselves to the country in which they had to procure the good news. Andrey got the coast of Ponta Evksinsky, that is, the Black Sea. South shores (Including the Crimean South Coast) were part of the then "civilized world", that is, the Roman Empire, and the Varvaras lived in the Northern Black Sea region, who called Scythians. How far north came in his wanders to the apostle Andrei, we definitely do not know - a relatively later legend has been preserved that he rose up on the Dnieper and consecrated the place where the city of Kiev was built, and even how he got to Novgorod land and was surprised by the customs of the local residents to bathe in the baths. Apparently, this is still fiction: early sources say nothing to the north of this, no traces left, and imagine such a trip in the first century n. e. pretty hard. But still we can say that the apostle Andrei was the first to spread Christianity "in our direction." It is likely that he visited Chersonese - the future of Sevastopol.

Another story - that the apostle Andrei visited Byzantine, the city, in the place of which was later built by Constantinople, founded the Christian community and had a staff-folded Bishop of Stakhiya, the Apostle from Seventy. Life tells about the many wonderful healing and even the resurrections committed on the prayers of the apostle in different cities, and the brutal persecution, which he was subjected.

After his trip in the Black Sea region, the apostle went to the capital of the empire - Rome, where his brother Peter was located. In Rome, then the rules of Emperor Nero, and for Christians, the times of persecutions were coming in which both brothers had to die.

From the capital, Andrei decided to return to the previous places. On the way, he stopped in the city of Patras on the Greek Peloponnese Peninsula, where he witnessed the persecution of Christians and spoke in their defense in front of the Roman governor named Egeat. "You are the destroyer of the temples of the gods, Andrei, trying to involve the people in the insane sect, which the Ladies of the Empire decided to exterminate," the Roman answered him. The most unacceptable in Christian teaching was a sermon for him to cruciate the Savior, because this painful and shameful execution was left for the most accurate criminals from the lower layers of society. How can you worship crucified?!

In response to this, the apostle told in detail the Egeat on the history of the creation of peace and fall, about the terrestrial life of the Savior and the meaning of the godfather death and called him to divide the faith of Christians to "find his own soul." He laughed: "Do you want to convince me that I am dead?" From his point of view, only madman could believe in all this, and to challenge the faith of the apostle, he began to threaten that he would subjected him the most maritime death.

The preaching price was really high, but the apostle was ready to pay her. Andrei was thrown into prison in anticipation of the ambulance, and the crowds of the people gathered near her, ready for a riot to free the innocent sufferer. He preached to them, persuading not to prevent what should happen, because temporary suffering will lead it to the eternal glory. And, in the end, he himself agreed to once go for the lamb ...

For the execution of the Apostle Andrei, the oblique cross was chosen in the form of the letter X (why such a cross is now called Andreevsky), and so that his torments are more prolonged, Egeate told not to nail, but to tie his hands and legs. "About the cross, consecrated by my Lord and Lord, welcome you, the way of horror, you, after he died on you, became a sign of joy and love!" - With these words, the apostle ascended this cross. Two days he saved on him to his death, two days he talked with the people standing around the people ...

The memory of the Apostle Andrei is celebrated on November 30 by Old, December 13 - on a new style. An old legend of the preaching of the apostle on the lands of the future Rusi gave rise to a special attitude towards him from the rulers of the Russian Empire: the Order of Andrei of the First-Called became the highest order of the state, and the flaul with the Andreevsky cross still falls on the military fleet of Russia.

Apostle Andrey Beginozal: Icons

Andrei prolonged prayers

apostle Andrei Prolozvnoye:

Yako Apostles is the first-surveying / and the Verkhovnago of the Bug Brother, the Vladyza of all, Andrei, pray, / the world of the settlement to Give // \u200b\u200band the souls of our Grace.

Apostle Andrei First Called:

The courage of the TezoMenitago of the Goggog Baltran / and the Churmer of the Verkhovnago State, / Petrova Skodnika Pravilim, / Looking at the army of the army / and now we are called: // Provide, gained desires.

Andrey Desnaitsky

The Holy Apostle Andrey was the first-surveyed from the city of Vifsaida, which was located on the shores of the Galilean Sea. His father was named Ion, and he was engaged in fishing. That he fed the family. The mature sons of Simon and Andrei joined the Father and became fish, continuing the familiar family dynasty, which lived in the seaside city. However, a little later, they moved and began to live in the city of Capernaum, very well known to all of us from the Gospel. This city was located on the shores of the Gennisret Sea, and, accordingly, the main fishery in it was also fishing. This was also engaged in Andrei with her father and his native brother Simon.

By the way about Galilee. This is the northern part of the Holy Land, very fertile, picturesque, rich in beautiful oases. And this part of the country was inhabited very large in those days of the Greek community, which, however, were kind, confiscalled and went well with Jews. And the market of Jews, in turn, respected the Greeks for their such sequaluable temper, and even taught their language to communicate with the Greeks was pleased with the last. In addition, Greek names penetrated the Jewish environment. A vivid example is the name Andrei, this son in the Jewish family. Andrei's name in Greek means "courageous".

Unlike the brought brother, Andrei decided not to marry and keep himself virgin, looking for God. Therefore, he became a student of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, who heralding the Savior's soon coming.

And when John the Baptist pointed to Jordan on Jesus Christ, calling him the Lamb of God, Andrei understood immediately: he will go beyond the Messiah and becomes his student. What he did. And he became not just a student, but the very first student of Christ. And after him, Simon, who reached the unusually strong and fiery faith, came to Christ and became the first apostle Peter. But from the mouth of Jesus had not yet sounded a call to leave everything and go after him. Although even then, in the first meeting with Simon, Jesus said he would be called Peter. So we tell us the gospel of John.

But the gospel of Matthew and Mark describe their meeting otherwise. They say that the Savior met Andrei and Simon on the shores of the Gennisret Sea, when they sitting in a boat with his father, revenge the fishing nets. Jesus, passing, turned to them, saying: "Go for me, and I will make you the cathers of the people." And Andrei with Simon, leaving the network, and the father, got up and went for Christ.

There are interpreters who claim that Jesus called all three, but Ion, Father Peter and Andrei, refused. We have no documentary evidence, and therefore we will leave this assumption without discussion and comments.

The call to the brothers sounded only after several public sermons and healings, who made Jesus, after the healing of Petra and a miracle, perfect for fishermen. Thanks to all this, Peter began to understand who Jesus was, and was able to respond to his call so that he left another and the richest catch, which was ever in his life, and a network, and a boat ... We read about this from the Evangelist Luke. And under what circumstances the very call of Jesus sounded:

"Once, when the people crowded to him to hear the Word of God, and he stood at Lake Gennisretsky, he saw two boats standing on the lake; And fishermen, coming out of them, washed the network. Entering one boat, which was Simonov, he asked him to sail several from the shore and, nod, taught the people from the boat.When I stopped learning, Simonu said: sail to the depth and throw your own network for fishing. Simon told him in response: Mentor!We worked all night and caught anything, but by the word you will throw a network. Having done it, they caught a great lot of fish, and even the network had a breakthrough. And they gave a sign of comrades who were on another boat to help them; And came, and filled both boats, so they started sinking.Seeing this, Simon Peter crushed to the knees of Jesus and said: "Get out of me, Lord! Because I am a sinful man. " For the horror aroused him and all those who were with him, from this fishing fish, they caught; Also James and John, the sons of the Zezvedue, who former comrades Simonu.And Simonu said Jesus: "Do not be afraid; From now on, you will catch people. " And, pulling both boats to the shore, left everything and followed him. "

Judging by how the events were evolved, Jesus gave Andrei and Simonu enough time and certificates of itself, before he called on them not to believe that he was the Savior of the world, but also to follow him, leaving everything.

So, Andrei became the faithful and devoted student of Jesus Christ. And he is repeatedly mentioned in the Bible. For example, during the miracle of the multiplication of breads, it was the apostle Andrei that pointed to the boy who had five breads and two fish. And also, the apostle Andrei pointed to the pagans of Jesus, when they came to Jerusalem and were looking for to worship the true God. Andrei was among those whom the Savior opened the fate of the world, spoke about the signs of the Second Coming and the preinhibition of the future of Jerusalem.

The apostle Andrei, together with other apostles, witnessed the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. And as we know from the Holy Scriptures, in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost on him, as well as on other apostles and Most Holy Virgin, Holy Spirit. It was exactly how the Lord predicted.

The Holy Apostles divided into different cities and even countries to teach people and turn them into a Christian faith, a cross in the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. The apostle Andrey got Scythia.

The coast of the Black Sea, Danube, Allada heard the preaching of this devotional student of Christ. Heard, they did not listen and baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

But not everything was smooth on the way of the Apostle Andrei. He was expelled from the cities, beat, mocked. But in contrast, it became more and more of the followers of Christianity and the churches arose, the priesthood and the bishop of which did therapy and therapist named.

Next, the path of the apostle lay in Chersonesos. There he remained a long time and a lot and warmly preached. There is even a legend that in one of the coastal stones remained a recess from the feet of the apostle. And when sea \u200b\u200bwater I got into it, I became healing.

Until our times, the ruins of the temples, which the apostle Andrew founded it there. In some, his name on the thrones was even carved.

After Chersonese, the path of the Apostle Andrei lay to the coast of the Dnieper. And the next preaching was elected place, which is now the territory of Kiev. Fraining all night, the next morning the Apostle Andrey was hoisted the cross and told his disciples that soon there would be a big city here, and the Lord will put many churches here. So soon and happened.

"Andrei Varozvannaya connected firmly and forever Constantinople and Russian Orthodox churches"

After that, his sermon heard Novgorod, and then Byzantia and Frace. Here, on the territory of the future of Constantinople, he founded the church and had a person in the bishop of one of the Apostles of Christ, namely, the old one. Thus, Andrey was the first-surveyor connected firmly and forever Constantinople and Russian Orthodox churches.

Every year, all 12 apostles were going to Jerusalem for the Easter holiday to meet her with the Most Holy Virgin.

After one of the Easter meetings, the apostle Andrei went to Georgia, more precisely in Abkhazia, and made a sermon where the city of Sukhumi is now. The sermon was so hot and sincere that a huge number of people were not only baptized, but also asked the Apostle Andrei to leave someone there for further sermon. There was a simon channel, thanks to which she had even ever assured in Abkhazia. And the path of Andrei the First Called to Bosphorus.

Irakli and Macedonia followed the Bosphorus. There were constructed churches, people turned to faith and many sucks were healed. And after that, the apostle Andrew came to the pits. This is the territory of Greece. There he stopped at a man named sui and healed him. The news about it quickly spread through the city. It came to the rulers of the city, which were idolaters. They began to teach the people that the apostle Andrei - sorcerer. And at the meeting, it was decided to kill the apostle. But at night, an angel appeared to the elder of the city and he told him that he was bad for the fact that he was bad against the apostle and did not believe in Christ, he will be relaxed and will not cure until he learned the truth.

So it happened. Elder Anfipat was deprived of speech ... It was the collapse! How can I manage the city, doing business, being dumb?! He called his friends and warriors and begged them to find and lead to him Andrei Apostle. He was led.

As soon as Andrey was the first-surveyed elders, it was returned to him, and he, falling on his knees, began to begging the apostle to pardon his, lost and alien truth, heal and enjoy! The apostle, reading the prayer over him, completely healed it.

Then the Elder himself and all the genus baptized from the apostle and believed in Christ. This man did not just believed, but began to accompany the holy preacher in long wanders.

Wherever the apostle Andrey preached, the heads were destroyed, the idols were crushed, pagan books were burned. People spiritually resurrected, left the darkness of pseudobogov and false teachings.

The last city, where the apostle Andrey came, there were Greek patters. Shortly before, he saw a dream: Jesus appeared to him and said: "Andrei! Elected my! Take the cross and go to Patras. For you will soon leave the world of this to get the crown prepared to you! "

Waking up, the apostle Andrey, at the destruction of the Lord, went to Patras. The ruler in it at that time was the Egeat, which was a fallen and stubborn pagan. The Apostle Andrey was prolonged more than once again to turn him into faith, he turned to him with the sermons and the words of evangelism. Everything was in vain. Raise, Egeat commanded the curtain of the apostle. Yes, it's not just so ... And hang him on the cross in some way so that he longer felt flour and suffering.

The faithful to Ageate soldiers did that. They did not begin to nourish the apostle to the cross, but tied it with ropes. Yes, and the cross was not ordinary, but in the form of our letter H. But the apostle, even being on the cross, continued his sermon.

It took the night, the day was, and the apostle Andrei did not shine. This continued four days. The faithful student of Christ taught people of love for her teacher, the commandments of God, eternal bliss with the Savior.

People literally illuminated from the words of his sermons. They gathered to the trill on which Egeat was sitting, and began to curse him loudly for the fact that he condemned such a kind and innocent person to such a terrible martyrdom. The cracked ruler decided not to excite himself against himself the anger of the people and said that he would now go to the cross and personally liberate the apostle Andrew. But approaching, he was stopped by speech to him of the First Called: "Why did you come to me? Why do you guide how you intend to remove me from the cross and reassure? I am divided from you. For your heart is a shuffle. And if you think I'm not free, it is not. I have long been free. Because the Savior loves me. And I go to him! "

The last time blessed with the cross of his brothers and students, the apostle Andrei betrayed his spirit to the Lord. We cried all who saw him and heard the words of his sermons. And the bishop of the city of Patras, self-taking off the body of the Apostle Andrew from the cross, anointed with his aromas. I buried the body of Andrei and the First Called with the Great Honor and Sorrow.

And Egeat, still tormented by the remnants of his conscience for the unfair execution of the apostle, fell into the despondency and in the seizure of madness rushed by NIC from the cliff into the abyss.

The relics of the apostle remained in Patra from the moment of the burial until 357, when, with the emperor Konstantin, the great power (except for the head) were transferred to the Great Martyr Artemia to Constantinople and placed in the foundation of the Church of the Holy Apostles next to the relics of St. Evangelist Luke and the student of the Apostle Paul - the Apostle Timothy.

In the Viq, with the emperor of Justinian, the relics of the apostles Andrei First-Called, Luke and Timofey were solemnly transferred to the new temple of the Holy Apostles and were buried under the throne.

And when the Crusaders attacked Konstantinople in the XIIIIV, Cardinal Peter Kapuanian transported independently all the power to Italy, where they were placed in the Cathedral of St. Andrew the First-Called in the city of Amalfi. There they are now. And the relics are under the throne, and in a separate Reliquarian part of the head of the Holy Apostle Andrei is kept.

December 13 Russian Orthodox Church honor the memory of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. The name Andrei began long ago in the Russian people. Back in 1030, the younger son of Prince Yaroslav wise received the name Andrew, and after 56, he founded the Andreevsky monastery in Kiev. At the same time, the name Andrew of the First-Called was made to all Russian calendars, and the memory and glorification of the apostle began throughout the Russian land.

Emperor Peter first established in honor of the Apostle Andrei First and Higher Order, the Order of Andrei First Called, which was given to the state of state as an outstanding award.

And from the same Petrovsky times, the Russian fleet chose and established his stamp Andreevsky flag - flag white color With the Blue Cross of the Apostle Andrei in the form of the letter H.

From the early icons, the image of Andrei is the First Called: Announced Hair Sedoy, a short-lived thick beard, Chiton with clashes and harness.

Klava is a common jewelry in the form of a vertical strip, coming from the shoulder to the lower edge of the clothing. He served as a sign of noble origin in Roman citizens.

Himathy or raincoat is a long and wide segment of the fabric, which put on over Hiton. This rapcoat poorly served and covered during sleep. The fact that he had a significant amount can be judged by the fact that the warriors who have reached Christ and dividing his clothes among themselves, the cloak was divided into four parts: each warrior is one part. Remember the Holy Gospel.

To bring you brighter to introduce you to the personality of the Holy Apostle, I will give words - a description of the binding of a monk. He said that the apostle Andrew was not small on bodily addiction, high, nausea, brought and slightly sloped.

Often on the icons of the apostle Andrei is depicted with a scroll in his hand and with a cross on a long river.

Along with the images of the first apostles, the image of Andrei is the First Called can often be seen in church iconostasis. It is placed, as a rule, opposite the Apostle John the Bogoslov.

That's the way he was, the Holy Apostle Andrey was the first-call. A huge part of his life is a selfless and devotional service to Christ, the spread of His teaching and fulfilling his covenant.

If you are in the temple, look through the icon with his face, go to her. Stay your head and ask him, the Holy Apostle, which is now in the Horses, is very close to the Savior, pray for us, sinful, lost and unworthy ... We really need prayer and intercession!

Holy Apostle Andrei, moths of God about us!

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