
Ankh sign value. What does a symbol of eternal life look like? ANKH: Symbol value

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Cross Anarks (Anh) is an ancient symbol of Egyptians, denoting eternal life, or life after death. It is also called the Coptic cross or a node of life. The symbol is often found in the images of the Egyptian gods, in the bound of the patterns on the surface of the tombs and in the interior of the ancient temples, symbolizing the infinity of being.

Today, the Amulet Ankh can be found in the form of decoration, less often - tattoos on the body. The holders of the sign, as a rule, know exactly the meaning of this symbolism.

Egyptian priests believed that the ANKH symbol is able to open the entrance to the other world.

Egyptians believed after death. Many Egyptian legends talk about the eternal life of the human soul and the afterlime world, during the transition to which after death, the shower remains some needs. Egyptian priests also believed that the symbol in the form of a cross with a loop in the upper part is able to open the entrance to the other world, to endow the ability to know the secrets of the Universe and help establish communication with the gods.
A classic symbol looks like a familiar cross, the top end of which has a loop or circle form. In this case, the loop - eternity, and the cross means life.
There are several versions of the value of the Egyptian Anchkha:

  • the connection of land and sky;
  • communication of man and God, or Divine beginning in every person;
  • immortality of the soul;
  • the key to the truth, that is, to the truth, or the guard from lies;
  • wisdom, the ability to know all the secret;
  • association of female and male energy: the circle indicates Isidu (Idyll), the goddess of motherhood and the patronage of children, slaves, all weak and oppressed, and the cross is the designation of Osiris, her husband and brother Isides, the king of the afterlife.

According to the Legends of the Egyptians, the God of RA passed the cross with the Loop of Pharaoh, showing his blessing on the board and appointing the ruler to the Divine mentor among people. Only Pharaoh could wear ankh cross in the sign of power and power.

The ANCH sign is often found among the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and is sometimes interpreted as a respiratory gymnastics, which allows to reorganize the body and consciousness of a person.

What does the symbol and its varieties look like

Cross Anarks along with and is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of ancient Egypt. However, not everyone knows that there are three types of this hieroglyph, each of which has a special force:

  • Classic ankh is a symbol of vital energy, wisdom. It has a property to protect a person from negative exposure from the outside.
  • Ankh, on the crossbars of which the symbols of the four elements are depicted - a sign of immortality.
  • Ankh without vertical crossbar - death sign. This symbol was used to call the death of unfair.

The value of an ARKH amulet in our time

Ankh translated from the ancient Egyptian language means "man." Therefore, in our time it is considered that this hieroglyph symbolizes a person who spread his hands - a schematic sign really resembles a person.

It is believed that the Egyptian symbol brings good luck and health.

Today, the Amulet Anh is on themselves in the form of decorations those people who lack good luck, faith in their affairs, who want to strengthen their health and the ability to conceive. Experts in Ezoteric believe that Ankh Isisa needs to wear pregnant women and spouses planning an increase in the family - the goddess contributes to the birth of healthy children.

It is also believed that the Egyptian symbol brings good luck in the study of the ancient secrets - those who wish to study historical places, explore the secrets of their pedigrees and other long-time secrets can count on the help of the Egyptian gods.

The Egyptian Cross Anark has a special meaning for fond of magic and esoteric, they will be happy to receive a gift in the form of amulet or the thing on which the symbol is depicted. It is believed that the cross with a loop strengthens the magical abilities of a person, performing the role of the drive of the universe of energy and feeding its owner when the energy supply weakens.

How to use the Egyptian cross

Specialists argue that the amulet anch can wear not every person. It should be used only with clean thoughts and intentions, to cleanse its energy and thoughts from all negative. There are several rules for the correct wearing symbol:

  • women should wear ankh from pure silver;
  • men are encouraged to acquire charm from gold;
  • wearing the overag is not allowed on the chain - only on the leather strap;
  • ankh performs its purpose only after activation.

Ankh cross must be activated.

Unactivated charm will not bring any benefit to its owner. In ancient times, the most favorable activation time was considered the complete eclipse of the sun. But such an event happens very rarely, a person in his entire life can not catch it. Therefore, you can divide the rite into two stages to use the energy of the day and night shone. To ankh began to act, you need:

  • withstand the amulet under running water - for cleansing from foreign energy;
  • in the full moon go out into the street, raise a sign over your head and ask Ident to fill the cross force;
  • on the same day, repeat the action, just already appeal to Osiris.

The rite will work if there was clear weather during the street.
Wearing wearing also has some conditions: the first couple of weeks it is necessary to wear no more than 2-3 hours, over time, increasing the time interval. At first, some kind of discomfort may be disturbed - the overchar power is in contact with human energy, they need time for unity.

If the Ankha sign is planned to be used for evil deeds and actions, it can lead to the opposite result. IN the best case, the charm does not work, at worst He will take the power of its owner, thus aventing negative thoughts.

Tattoo with an image of an ANKH symbol

An ALCH tattoo has powerful energy.

In ancient times, the sign played the role of the Oberega and the Energy Portal. People expected protection from him from trouble and attracting energy flows. They hoped to extend their earthly existence or even to become immortal.
Anarth tattoo has the importance of power and durability, protection against trouble. Applying an ankh tattoo on the body, a person seeks to protect, purify its energy background. It is worth remembering the strength of the symbol and that every person he manifests himself in his own way.

Main conditions: Tattoo should be in black and exclusively on the right side of the body. You do not need to activate the tattoo.

Holders of Tattoo Ankh celebrate an extraordinary energy tide in the first day after applying a sign on the body. In the future, the fate of a person changes radically - the sign has a rather strong impact on the life path. In some, the intuitive ability can exacerbate, and the person will predict the nearest events. The effect of prophetic dreams is also noted: the newly minted owners of the sign from time to time can see dreams from the past life.

Nevertheless, today you can rarely meet a person with a tattoo in the form of a classic Cross Ankh. More often the symbol is complemented by images of Egyptian gods, additional ancient symbols of Egypt, Celtic ornament.

Cross Anarks (ANH) The most significant symbol in the ancient Egyptians is an Egyptian symbol of life. Later he entered the Coptic symbolism as a symbol of eternal life (ONH - so pronounced the word "life" in Coptic language). Ankh is a cross with a top beam in the shape of a loop.
He is also known as the "Egyptian Cross", "key of life", "Cross with a loop", "Key Nile", "Cross with a handle", "Bow of Life", "Node of Life", "Circle of Ansat".

Where they portrayed the cross Ankh

As the symbol of an inexhaustible vitality, the sign of the ANCH was applied to the walls of temples, monuments and surrounding items; Often it can be seen on the friezes of utensils and even around the foot, from where, maybe, among other things he switched to the belts of sandals. He was an attribute of the gods that hand his king, because many Egyptian gods were depicted with the Egyptian Cross in her hand. It is such a form, according to the ideas of the ancient world, had a key to opening in the other worlds of the gate of Paradise and to unity with God. Frequentlyak pictures when God holds a "key of life - ankh" at the King's nose (as if the breath of life) or with a cult cleaning, the water jet is poured into the king in the form of a "bow of life". Therefore, he was put in the tomb of Pharaohs so that after death, their souls could continue their lives in another world.

The value of the Cross anark.

The values \u200b\u200bof the ankh as a sign of vague and controversial. It is believed that he symbolized life, immortality, eternity, wisdom, was a protective sign, attached an energy equilibrium, eliminated the causes of diseases and fatigue. But the form of this sign and its value has long been disputes among the Egyptologists and other researchers. It gives the ground to appear a variety of theories. Nowadays, there are many parangum, free and unreasonable interpretation studies.

Such hypotheses can be attributed to the most asked:
1. Ankh - the symbol of Egypt, where the oval symbolizes the Delta Nile, and the rest is the river itself, which made a possible life in the desert.
2. ANKH - Symbol of the Rising Sun, the birth of a new day. Thus, in the "Egyptian Book of the Dead", the image of the Jed was preserved - a tree, who supported Osiris, and on both sides of him the crankshakescent Isis and oil.
3. Ankh can be interpreted as the unity of male and female began (the cross of Osiris and oval Isis, as a union of life-producing principles) - the Union of Sky and Earth, and as a result - a symbol of the new birth. Speaking differently, the sign combines a cross as a symbol of life, and a circle, as a symbol of eternity. However, they denote immortality.
4. Cross Ankh symbolizes the tree of life: oval could mean eternity, and cross-like expansion in longitudinal and transverse planes - the transition from infinity into space.

5. ANKH is the key to the opening of the Gate of Paradise in the other events and to unity with the highest forces. In many images, the gods keep ankh in hand or transmit it to people. In this case, we are talking about the visible breathing of life, so to speak about the divine spark, thanks to which life can arise at all. He was buried with this amulet to be confident that the deceased is waiting for life in another world.
6. ANKH is a combination and mixing of signs of activity and passivity, which corresponds to the symbolism of the cross as a whole as the synthesis of the principles of activity and passivity.
7. ANKH is a node connecting a certain combination of elements for the formation of one individual combination.
8. ANKH It is possible to consider as a sign of a microcosm, that is, by analogy with a person: the circle is a man's head or intelligence (i.e. the "Sun", which gives him life), horizontal crossbar is his hands, and the vertical is his body.
Thus, the ANKH personifies life, immortality, "the life that comes", "the time that will come," hidden wisdom, the key to the secrets of life and knowledge.

Wrench of life

Consider the Cross Anarks from the point of view of the proposed theory ...
Imagine the process in question as a volumetric figure - a violin key obtained by connecting the extreme points of the axis of the smooth line. If you look at the resulting bulk figure along the x axis, then we will naturally be a cross of Ankh! That is, the Cross Ankh is a symbolic representation of a curve that connects the equilibrium coordinates with full deployment of the process.
Thus, the true meaning of this ancient symbol opens: ANKH symbolizes the complete development of any system. He binds the worlds, it is because he is a symbol of life!
From here it follows that you can look in a different way and on ordinary Christian crosses. The Egyptians had an amulet of the cross long before Christmas and the crucifixion of Christ and their cross indicated the same thing as the Cross of Christians today. Now they are mainly represented in a flat form, although the true meaning of this Christian symbol is disclosed when the cross is presented in three-dimensional form. It is in this form that the crosses were installed on ancient temples, for example, a surround cross on the temple of the Annunciation in Nazareth (Israel).
Other researchers come to the same conclusion: the swastika energies, rotating around the pestle - the basics of the world, this helix, drawn in a violin key vertically (i.e., the plane of the spiral is to the observer) so that it may be easily visually distinguished. If it is drawn perpendicular to the axis of the voltage, as is in reality, the whole treble key is mirrored in the symbol of the Orthodox Cross, symbolizing the crucifixion of Christ, reflecting not only the crucifixion of the Spirit in matter, but also the exit to other being, finding immortality, freedom from The time, the boundless evolution of consciousness (the path of Christ), manifested by the elevation of the heart.

Thus, we found out that the symbol of both the Orthodox Cross and the Egyptian Cross ankh is a treble key, with which the transition is carried out between spaces. That is why it allows, on the one hand, the gods appear and act in the material world, on the other - people fall after death in the afterlife. The images of this symbol are repeated many times on amulets associated with the funeral cult, which were found in tombs, sarcophages. It serves as a "key", which opens the gate to another world and provides an effort to the unobstructed passage. Such is the same symbolism of the key - the attribute of the Roman Janus (from IANUA, the "doors", "gate") - the god of entrances and exits and any start. Janus holds the keys to power opening and closing, as well as the key to the door that gives access to the area of \u200b\u200bgods and people, to the doors of the winter and summer solstice.

K.G. Jung on the key

A sufficiently complex set of associations associated with the key leads by K.G. Jung in the so-called "Tavistok lectures", namely in the fourth lecture we read: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe key often contacted the mysteries in the cave. In the cult of Mitra, there was even a separate God, the god of the Iion key, the existence did not explain it, but I think it is not difficult to understand it. God was portrayed in the form of a winged creature with a male body and a lion head, an accusing snake, towering over his head. Therefore, Iion, Lvogol God, accusing snakes, also represents the desired unity of opposites, light and darkness, male and female, creation and destruction. God is depicted with crossed hands holding keys. These are the keys to the past and future. "

Key in christianity

Key holder in Christianity - Apostle Peter. According to the New Testament Text, Jesus handed Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven:
"Then Jesus told him in response: You are blissful, Simon, Son Ionin, because not flesh and blood discovered it, but my father, which is in heaven; And I tell you: You - Peter and on the Stone, I will create the church of my, and the Gate of hell will not overcome it; And let you give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and that you will tie on the ground, it will be connected in heaven, and that they will allow on earth, it will be allowed in heaven "(MF. 16: 17-19). Taking on the basis of these statements, in the iconography of the European Middle Ages, the image of the Apostle Peter with two keys in the bundle was adopted.
In the text of Scripture, the keys are mentioned several times, in particular, in the revelation of John the Bogoslev, Jesus says John: "And I have the keys to hell and death."

The key is like a symbol

So, the figure combining three-stage, i.e. The full development process is the figure, which was called a "treble key", which from time immemorial considered to be a symbol of wisdom, eternity, movement of energy and harmony. The specific purpose of the key is to close and open access to anything, could not not attract attention from ancient times.
Generally the key is a symbol of the possession of anything. In this case, this is a symbol of possession of higher knowledge.

Thus, all of the above symbols (symbols of the violin key, Egyptian and Christian crosses) are the keys that give the opportunity to penetrate the very depth of higher knowledge - in the process of formation of any object, both on Earth and in the universe.
Despite different images, this is the same key, but underwent modifications under the influence of different external factors: various states and beliefs, as well as the image of this key appeared before the eyes of who he opened.
As you can see, the key has undergone simplification: the closest, relevant process under consideration is the key in the form of a violin key that combines the music of the spheres; A more simplified is the key in the form of an Egyptian key Ankh, and is completely simple to the key in the form of a Christian cross.


As a result, you can come to the following conclusion: the solution of "keys of life" lies in the theory of related spaces! It is the physics of this theory that reveals the "riddles" of world and religious symbols, explains their origin. As a result, these characters become closer and clearer, because they are "arranged" according to the same laws as we ourselves!

Ankh acts as a symbol relating to the times of ancient Egypt. You can also meet it also under the names of the Egyptian Cross, Coptic Cross, a node of life, Anchi, a bowl of life and other similarities.

In the appearance of Ankh, this is a cross from the loop at the top. The loop allowed him to earn one more of his items - a cross with a loop. The Egyptian cross is decorated with pyramids, as well as many vintage temples.

Consider the main variants of interpretations:

  1. The main designation of Ankha is closely intertwined with the question of eternal life. The Egyptians believed that after the physical death, the soul does not die, but goes into the otherworldly world. Based on what death cannot be perceived as a complete end of life, but only as a transition to another state. Since the soul is immortal, it will live forever, over time, gaining a new experience, knowledge in their innumerable lives that replacing one other.
  2. But there is another characteristic that the Egyptian cross possesses: the plexus of male and female energies (represented by Osiris and Isida).
  3. Also, a number of researchers express their position that ANCH is a sign of a combination of an elevated and earthly.
  4. The mystical cross acts as an personification of human and the Most High Communications, the Divine Spark, which is present in each of us. You can see a symbol on Egyptian pyramids. As a rule, the cross holds the God of Armenia (Amon, the God of the Sun), giving it to Pharaoh. This means obtaining the Egyptian ruler of the highest blessing, recognizing him as a deputy god in the material world.
  5. Another Copt Cross awakens a truck for true knowledge, protecting against false information.
  6. Promotes awakening in people of paranormal abilities, the development of the gift of clairvoyance, an increase in bodily endurance.

But note that the Egyptian amulet can be used exclusively by the Herbalities of the Personality, which have crystal clear thoughts. It is unacceptable to apply it with unkind intent, otherwise the sender of the negative selection itself will suffer as a result.

Proper application of a sacred sign

In order for the ankh to show all its powerful abilities, it will require its competent selection and application. The most important here is the most suitable symbol material:

  • beautiful sexes - need to choose silver;
  • the heavy floor is suitable gold.

No other metals will fit, as only silver and gold will strengthen the energy of the cross. Plus, they help eliminate some diseases and clean the space surrounding the amulet owner.

You can wear a talisman exclusively on the lace, ideally - natural leather. Do not hang the cross on the chain, otherwise it will somewhat muffle his mystical abilities.

At first, the amulet Anh is put on just a couple of hours a day. It is due to it too powerful energy that can provoke an unpleasant feeling if you wear more. Gradually, you adapt to the talisman, and approximately after 14 days your energy field is saved with an amulet energy. Then all discomfort must pass.

When this happens - permanent wearing sign is allowed. Now do not remove it even before going to bed. This is explained by the fact that in night dreams there may be answers to many questions, a person will start receiving tips to enlightenment. But the photo of Anchkha has no mystical properties. Therefore, it is possible to use it in the decor of your home exclusively with aesthetic purposes.

Ancient Egyptian mythology and consecration of Ankha

According to ancient legend, when the divine Osiris merged with his wife Iside in one whole - our universe was created. It is from a combination of courageous and feminine energies, day and night Lighting, everything is around us. The Egyptian cross also arose from such a merger.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the eclipses of the Sun are the most positive time to give things to mystical properties. This is not surprising - such events in the sky happen not every day and even more than once a year. Therefore, they used their positive energy to charge their sacred signs, for example, Cross Ankh.

Activate the symbol with the help of the Sun and the Moon followed in 2 stages. A special ritual has been performed to this day. He denoted the combination of the initial energy of two heavenly shining.

To perform it, the talisman is washed under the flow of water. And the lunar at night you need to go out on the open area, raise a sign on myself so that the looping look up and say such a speech:

"Glory to you, Isis, the Goddess of Life, the wife of Osiris, the Lady of Eternity, the mother of all mothers. Praise to you, Isis blessed mother. We went to this subject to this subject, breathe life into it. "

Exactly the same actions should be carried out at sunshine. At the same time, it is important that no more than 24 hours have passed between at night and the rite. Only speech will change, it will be next day:

"Glory to you, Osiris, the good of God, the Great God, the Lord of Eternity, Lord of Constancy. Praise to you, Osiris, Vladyka Eternity, whose pretties are diverse, whose properties are majestic. We went to this subject to this subject, breathe life into it. "

As for tattooes with a symbol, the activation process is not required for them. Please note that the fulfillment of this rite of consecration is allowed only in life. Then the talisman should be safely stored and not lost.

The value of the Tattoo Ankh.

The first tattoo, on which the node of life is depicted, belong to the times of ancient Egypt. But then wearing the amulet was permitted exclusively by Pharaoh and the Priests. Nowadays, such a tattoo is available to everyone. True, it is usually applied to his body those who have some connection with the world of magic - that is, priests, magicians, shamans, and so on.

What value is the Copt Cross on the body?

  1. It is intended to remind the infinity of being, about the immortal soul.
  2. Associate with wisdom. Made on the body such a tattoo will lead about enlightenment, comprehending many secrets of our world.
  3. Tells about the divine spark that is present in each of us. The application of the symbol is intended to focus on close connection with the creator.
  4. Causes an association with a high public situation. Since before the tattoo of Ankha was performed only by the Pharaoh, and he was considered not a simple mortal, and the deputy god on earth. Accordingly, even today the owner of such a tattoo tells the world about his chosenness, exclusivity.
  5. Washer from negative energy. Tattoo with Ankhh will save a person from different diseases, warning premature death.
  6. Also a frequent query willing to perform this tattoo - meet your soul mate. Since ANKH symbolizes a combination of male and female energy, then his image is designed to attract love. Plus, will additionally increase sexual desire.
  7. Often you can see a tattoo with a sacred symbol on the bodies of representatives of a number of subcultures, for example, gothic fans. Such a symbol, they seem to say that they neglect the ferrous bodily shell and dream of achieving immortality, eternal being.

What is fraught with the wearing of the Coptic Cross?

Any sacral symbol has its own characteristics and strongly affects its owner. Therefore, if you decide on wearing the Coptic Cross - you should prepare for possible consequences.

The very first - you will begin to see strange dreams. They will receive information about past incarnations experienced by you. The Egyptians were convinced that the ANKH returns information about the past incarnations. The human soul always keeps the memory of those bodies in which she once visited.

How to understand that we are talking about such a dream? There are a number of signs, namely:

  • A dream with you is spoken in someone else's language, but he is understandable.
  • You are rejected by incomprehensible names.
  • You are surrounded by unusual incidents, some of them are actively involved. The presence of conscious dreams is one of the most difficult tasks of human psyche. For them, not just passive observation, but direct participation in actions.
  • Sometimes people see even scenes of their death in past lives. At this moment your last person dies. Do not be afraid of such dreams, because they do not act than otherwise, just like the transition of the soul.

Do not ignore with such feces. Of these, you can get a lot of useful information for the real life. Thanks to the memories of the past it becomes easier to understand the problems of the present. If the ankh is applied to the body, then the dream will be even more realistic. And in fact, this is not a night hiring, but echoes of your memory.

But these are not all changes that are waiting for the owners of the sign. It is necessary to think well before buying the Egyptian cross, because it changes life most radically. If you activate the character - the way back will not be. What else will happen to you? It will be possible to figure out in many riddles and the secrets with which the brain did not cope before. The channel of clairvoyance often opens, a person begins to accurately tell about the events of the future.

As you already understood the ankh, the value is very diverse and closely connected with mysticism. It is worth accepting a conscious decision for yourself, are you ready to imbued with an incredible world of magic, otherworldly forces? If the answer is "yes," then the talisman will become your guide on the journey through the unknown reality.

In conclusion, I propose a video

Talismans, charms - sacred symbols that came to us from the depths of centuries are becoming increasingly popular. Before you purchase, make it yourself or - carefully examine the value of the subject.

It is crossed lines. The vertical ends with a loop. The history of the emergence is rooted in ancient Egypt. Found during archaeological excavations, the Cross Ankh has long been a mystery for scientists. Images are detected by almost all objects of the Pharaoh Board Epoch. Temples were erected in the form of this sign, ritual dishes were made, applied to the walls, tools of labor and even shoes. Similar images are found on sarcophagas. Deciphering ancient papyrus with hieroglyphs opened the mystery of characters. According to the old interpretation of acne, the eternal existence of man personifies. He got the name of the Coptic Cross, Ankh, a bow of life. There is another version of the value of the magic item - the unity of the male and female start. Over time, the Egyptian Cross began to be used in many religions. In Christianity, he was identified with immortality, the northern peoples also denoted an endless life and youth, depicted aquatic element. In Egypt, believed that the ankh opens a gate to the otherworldly world. It was used as a symbol or amulet, was considered a privilege of nobility. For ordinary people, it was forbidden because they had no right to immortality. Over time, the ANCH began to use all the estates, it gained wider importance. The Egyptian cross was put on his neck for a quick cure. There is an opinion that was used in black magic. The cross received a special appreciation from the representatives of the hippie subculture, which arose in the 60s of the last century. Thanks to their influence of the loop of life, she became the personification of love. Some religions are considered the key to global knowledge. In the modern world, it is used as an amulet that can fill the soul of energy, take away the ailments.

What does the Egyptian Cross mean?

Ankh was used in many cultures and religions because the interpretation of the symbol is different. According to the Egyptologists, initially it was the subject of ancient priests, which were read as the power, the knowledge of the secret worlds. Such conclusions were made thanks to numerous ancient Egyptian drawings, where the pharaohs are taken from the hands of the priests or the RA RA RA. He was a symbol of eternal life, it was believed that a person continues to exist in the afterlife.

The second interpretation of the sign ankh - dualism. There is a tragic legend about the goddess Isis. Her chosen was killed by brother to get power. He forbade to betray the earth, and ordered to cut into parts and place, so that no place of worship remains. For a long time I was looking for a repeated spouse slices of the body of Osiris, and found, connected and breathed life for a while to conceive the child, who passed his magical forces. Isis was revered as a keeper of a homemade hearth, which owns secret healing. Her son of the mountains became the mighty ruler of the sky and the Sun, the images of this deity holding in the hands of Ankh were preserved. According to the legends of the ancient Egypt since then the ANCs began to wear as an amulet that protects against diseases, dark magic. Based on the various interpretations of this symbol, it is possible to highlight its main values:

  • Personifies immortality;
  • Gives wisdom, power, allows you to comprehend the mystery of the universe;
  • Protects a person from the negative impact of dark forces, helps to keep health, fills the energy;
  • Serves the focus;
  • Promotes to gain love, attract the soul mate.

Ankh consists of three parts, each has its own interpretation:

  • The horizontal line symbolizes the border, forbidden to curb a simple mortal;
  • Vertical - means the life path of a person who should be followed;
  • The loop is the embodiment of the skyscle, the place is symbolizing eternity;
  • The intersection of all lines is the point of medium consuming of general energy.

According to historians, this is a powerful sign, therefore it is impossible to use it mindlessly. Does not suit people with an unstable psyche, unsure.

Three types of Egyptian symbol

It is important to know that 3 crosses are known at the present stage. To the choice of such a talisman, it should be done very seriously, as it carries a different shortening sense:

  • A simple cross with a loop - can serve as a faith, gives the owner by force, energy;
  • With the image of 4 crossbars, on the sides of the Four Element drawings, is the personification of immortality;
  • Ankh, where the ring is attached immediately on the horizontal, brings the sign of death. In this embodiment, used priests. In modern life is a symbol of Ready.

Ankh carries a double sacred meaning, because in magical practice should be treated extremely carefully. He can bestow the great secrets of the universe, at the same time open the entrance to the Outstanding area of \u200b\u200bBeing, freeing the energy of the evil forces. He is able to extend life and take it away.

Many drawings offered in tattoo salons are not just an ornament, but have an overlap meaning. By making a choice, we take this sally. Thoughtlessly chosen pattern can cause harm to its owner. You should know:

  • Examine the varieties of the symbol, if you do not want to be a medium of death symbol;
  • Location - only on the right side of the body;
  • Color gear - exceptionally black and white;
  • Such a tattoo can radically change the life, think is it necessary for you?

Ankh has a great energy capable of turning fate, serves as an external negative, gives health. Still, think about whether to withstand the power of the talisman. If your life is quite well safe and do not want to change, such a sign should not be stuffing. Some owners of such a tagged told that in the body there are incomprehensible phenomena. It is reliably known that such people have dreams related to past lives, perhaps the gift of prediction will open. Today, an ankh image in "pure form" is rare. His people who know the story and the meaning of the symbol are worn. Preference is given to the sketch performed in the ancient style. The human body is just a shell on which you apply an ancient sacral sign with powerful radiation. How your biofield behaves when wearing a symbol is unknown and this is a serious reason to think.

How to use and activate

Use the symbol is best in the form of a talisman made of gold (men), silver (women). Only these metals give force, purify the aura. A chain for a similar cross is not suitable - it will reduce his magical possibilities. The best option is a lace of genuine skin of black color. In the first days of Ankh, it should be put on a few hours, otherwise strong radiation can cause painful sensations. Talisman must get used to you. When your energy and emission of Anchkha will come to balance, they will merge - you can wear it constantly. It should not remove the night for the night, it is a dream that period when you can get iconic adult tips. It is not recommended to use ANCH children.

To charm began to "work", it needs to be activated. You should choose the night of a full moon and a clear sunny day. It is believed that the cross is needed the energy of two shining. The first step is to hold the amulet under running water. The ideal version of spring, but allowed from the crane. So you can wash out someone else's energy. Then leave under the lunar light for several hours, rinse the talisman again. The next step is to hold half a day in the sun, after which the talisman is considered active. Perhaps this is a fiction, but there is an opinion that it was such a rite ancient times the Egyptians applied to the magical forces by magical forces.

In the modern occult practice, anarks (or anch) is considered to be a vertical of life in relation to human essence. Ankh personifies the body with sprawle to the hand. The straight line running up - symbolizes the spine, circle, loop - the personification of the main energy center.

Show interest in Ankh and scientists. At the end of last century, the form of artifact was investigated using radio emission. An interesting phenomenon was revealed - the frequency of the wave emanating from the subject is identical to the background of cells of living organisms. On the human breast a positive effect on the biorhythm.

It is important that in the manufacture of anarks, sacred proportions were observed. When buying should be paid attention to this.

Cross Anarks (ANH) The most significant symbol in the ancient Egyptians is an Egyptian symbol of life. Later he entered the Coptic symbolism as a symbol of eternal life (ONH - so pronounced the word "life" in Coptic language). Ankh is a cross with a top beam in the shape of a loop.

He is also known as the "Egyptian Cross", "key of life", "Cross with a loop", "Key Nile", "Cross with a handle", "Bow of Life", "Node of Life", "Circle of Ansat".

Where they portrayed the cross Ankh

As the symbol of an inexhaustible vitality, the sign of the ANCH was applied to the walls of temples, monuments and surrounding items; Often it can be seen on the friezes of utensils and even around the foot, from where, maybe, among other things he switched to the belts of sandals.

He was an attribute of the gods that hand his king, because many Egyptian gods were depicted with the Egyptian Cross in her hand. It is such a form, according to the ideas of the ancient world, had a key to opening in the other worlds of the gate of Paradise and to unity with God. Frequentlyak pictures when God holds a "key of life - ankh" at the King's nose (as if the breath of life) or with a cult cleaning, the water jet is poured into the king in the form of a "bow of life". Therefore, he was put in the tomb of Pharaohs so that after death, their souls could continue their lives in another world.

The value of the Cross anark.

The values \u200b\u200bof the ankh as a sign of vague and controversial. It is believed that he symbolized life, immortality, eternity, wisdom, was a protective sign, attached an energy equilibrium, eliminated the causes of diseases and fatigue. But the form of this sign and its value has long been disputes among the Egyptologists and other researchers. It gives the ground to appear a variety of theories. Nowadays, there are many parangum, free and unreasonable interpretation studies.

Such hypotheses can be attributed to the most asked:

1. Ankh - the symbol of Egypt, where the oval symbolizes the Delta Nile, and the rest is the river itself, which made a possible life in the desert.

2. ANKH - Symbol of the Rising Sun, the birth of a new day. Thus, in the "Egyptian Book of the Dead", the image of the Jed was preserved - a tree, who supported Osiris, and on both sides of him the crankshakescent Isis and oil.

3. Ankh can be interpreted as the unity of male and female began (the cross of Osiris and oval Isis, as a union of life-producing principles) - the Union of Sky and Earth, and as a result - a symbol of the new birth. Speaking differently, the sign combines a cross as a symbol of life, and a circle, as a symbol of eternity. However, they denote immortality.

4. Cross Ankh symbolizes the tree of life: oval could mean eternity, and cross-like expansion in longitudinal and transverse planes - the transition from infinity into space.

5. ANKH is the key to the opening of the Gate of Paradise in the other events and to unity with the highest forces. In many images, the gods keep ankh in hand or transmit it to people. In this case, we are talking about the visible breathing of life, so to speak about the divine spark, thanks to which life can arise at all. He was buried with this amulet to be confident that the deceased is waiting for life in another world.

6. ANKH is a combination and mixing of signs of activity and passivity, which corresponds to the symbolism of the cross as a whole as the synthesis of the principles of activity and passivity.

7. ANKH is a node connecting a certain combination of elements for the formation of one individual combination.

8. ANKH It is possible to consider as a sign of a microcosm, that is, by analogy with a person: the circle is a man's head or intelligence (i.e. the "Sun", which gives him life), horizontal crossbar is his hands, and the vertical is his body.

Thus, the ANKH personifies life, immortality, "the life that comes", "the time that will come," hidden wisdom, the key to the secrets of life and knowledge.

Wrench of life

Consider the Cross anark from the point of view of the proposed theory

Hope's pyramid has not one, but three burial halls. One of them…

Imagine the process in question as a volumetric figure - a violin key obtained by connecting the extreme points of the axis of the smooth line. If you look at the resulting bulk figure along the x axis, then we will naturally be a cross of Ankh! That is, the Cross Ankh is a symbolic representation of a curve that connects the equilibrium coordinates with full deployment of the process.

Thus, the true meaning of this ancient symbol opens: ANKH symbolizes the complete development of any system. He binds the worlds, it is because he is a symbol of life!

From here it follows that you can look in a different way and on ordinary Christian crosses. The Egyptians had an amulet of the cross long before Christmas and the crucifixion of Christ and their cross indicated the same thing as the Cross of Christians today. Now they are mainly represented in a flat form, although the true meaning of this Christian symbol is disclosed when the cross is presented in three-dimensional form. It is in this form that the crosses were installed on ancient temples, for example, a surround cross on the temple of the Annunciation in Nazareth (Israel).

Other researchers come to the same conclusion: the swastika energies, rotating around the pestle - the basics of the world, this helix, drawn in a violin key vertically (i.e., the plane of the spiral is to the observer) so that it may be easily visually distinguished. If it is drawn perpendicular to the axis of the voltage, as is in reality, the whole treble key is mirrored in the symbol of the Orthodox Cross, symbolizing the crucifixion of Christ, reflecting not only the crucifixion of the Spirit in matter, but also the exit to other being, finding immortality, freedom from The time, the boundless evolution of consciousness (the path of Christ), manifested by the elevation of the heart.

Thus, we found out that the symbol of both the Orthodox Cross and the Egyptian Cross ankh is a treble key, with which the transition is carried out between spaces. That is why it allows, on the one hand, the gods appear and act in the material world, on the other - people fall after death. The images of this symbol are repeated many times on amulets associated with the funeral cult, which were found in tombs, sarcophages. It serves as a "key", which opens the gate to another world and provides an effort to the unobstructed passage. Such is the same symbolism of the key - the attribute of the Roman Janus (from IANUA, the "doors", "gate") - the god of entrances and exits and any start. Janus holds the keys to power opening and closing, as well as the key to the door that gives access to the area of \u200b\u200bgods and people, to the doors of the winter and summer solstice.

K.G. Jung on the key

A sufficiently complex set of associations associated with the key leads by K.G. Jung in the so-called "Tavistok lectures", namely in the fourth lecture we read: "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe key often contacted the mysteries in the cave. In the cult of Mitra, there was even a separate God, the god of the Iion key, the existence did not explain it, but I think it is not difficult to understand it. God was portrayed in the form of a winged creature with a male body and a lion head, an accusing snake, towering over his head. Therefore, Iion, Lvogol God, accusing snakes, also represents the desired unity of opposites, light and darkness, male and female, creation and destruction. God is depicted with crossed hands holding keys. These are the keys to the past and future. "

Key in christianity

Key holder in Christianity - Apostle Peter. According to the New Testament Text, Jesus handed Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven:

"Then Jesus told him in response: You are blissful, Simon, Son Ionin, because not flesh and blood discovered it, but my father, which is in heaven; And I tell you: You - Peter and on the Stone, I will create the church of my, and the Gate of hell will not overcome it; And let you give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and that you will tie on the ground, it will be connected in heaven, and that they will allow on earth, it will be allowed in heaven "(MF. 16: 17-19). Taking on the basis of these statements, in the iconography of the European Middle Ages, the image of the Apostle Peter with two keys in the bundle was adopted.

In the text of Scripture, the keys are mentioned several times, in particular, in the revelation of John the Bogoslev, Jesus says John: "And I have the keys to hell and death."

The key is like a symbol

So, the figure combining three-stage, i.e. The full development process is the figure, which was called a "treble key", which from time immemorial considered to be a symbol of wisdom, eternity, movement of energy and harmony. The specific purpose of the key is to close and open access to anything, could not not attract attention from ancient times.

Generally the key is a symbol of the possession of anything. In this case, this is a symbol of possession of higher knowledge.

Thus, all of the above symbols (symbols of the violin key, Egyptian and Christian crosses) are the keys that give the opportunity to penetrate the very depth of higher knowledge - in the process of formation of any object, both on Earth and in the universe.

Despite different images, this is the same key, but underwent modifications under the influence of different external factors: various states and beliefs, as well as the image of this key appeared before the eyes of who he opened.

As you can see, the key has undergone simplification: the closest, relevant process under consideration is the key in the form of a violin key that combines the music of the spheres; A more simplified is the key in the form of an Egyptian key Ankh, and is completely simple to the key in the form of a Christian cross.


As a result, you can come to the following conclusion: the solution of "keys of life" lies in the theory of related spaces! It is the physics of this theory that reveals the "riddles" of world and religious symbols, explains their origin. As a result, these characters become closer and clearer, because they are "arranged" according to the same laws as we ourselves!