
Temple, church. Types of christian temples

Vegetable crops

Orthodox church.

Temple forms.In antiquity, Orthodox prayer houses were different. They had different forms. The ancient temples had a round and eight-pointed form. The average day is the most common are the condensed and crucible temples.

Dome of the Temple. Each church should have although the Celebration of the Dome. There is temples with three, five, seven and thirteen domes. Cutting symbolizes the burning candle flame, the flame of prayer and the desire of a Christian to God.

Church bells.Orthodox house for prayer should have a bell. The marsh bells are notifying believers about the beginning of the service, about the most important moments church service and so on.

Cross on the temple.On the dome on every church there is a cross. The cross is a quadrangular form - this is a traditional cross with one vertical and one horizontal beam. At the bottom of the vertical beam, which crosses the horizontal beam is longer than the top.

The external device of the church.

Hexagolecrest - it is like a quadrangular cross. But on the bottom vertical part there is another oblique beam, its left end is raised, and the right lowered down. This oblique beam symbolizes the foot stand on the Cross of the Lord. The eight-pointed cross - it looks like a hexagonal cross, but on the upper vertical beam there is another small plate, delivered during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. On a plate on which in three languages \u200b\u200bin Jewish, Greek and Latin, the following words: "Jesus Nazoria, King Jewish". Also, we can see the eight-spin cross with a crescent at the bottom of the vertical beam. According to the church interpretation of crescents, this anchor, which in the era of early Christianity symbolized the spiritual salvation of man.

Porch. External follower.

External follower.Above the entrance in God's house, as a rule, there is a icon or a wall image of a patron, whose name he is wearing. Before entering each church-free platform. This playground is also called an external entrance. The in front of the temple itself is called Popper.

Churchyard. Cathedral of Archangel Mikhail in Sochi.

Churchyard.Each Orthodox prayer house has its own church courtyard. On his territory there may be a church cemetery, where the clergymen, ktitimens, famous believers who brought their lept in the life and affairs of the temple are buried. In addition, a library, Sunday School may be in the courtyard outbuildings and etc.

Parts of the Orthodox Temple.

Internal structure of the church

Each temple is divided into three parts: a follower, middle part and altar.


Pretake: The first part of the temple is called an internal entrance. In antiquity, in the first part of the church were announced, that is, those people who were preparing to accept St. Baptism and those Christians who have committed great sins were excommunicated from the prayer participation and acceptance of St. Communion. The walls of the River are covered with church frescoes and icons.

The average part of the temple (NAO).

The middle part of the temple : The middle part of the church is designed for believers. It is also called Naos or ship. Here they pray during worship, they raise prayers to God, burn candles, kiss icons and so on.

Thictening and festive icons in the church.

Nao has Analoi (stands for icons) with the icons of the Son of God, the Virgin Mary, St. Trinity, Saints, etc. Also, in the middle part of the temple there are two nations with the throne icon and a festive icon or the so-called day icon.

Through icon - This is an icon on which the image of the Holy and Event of the Holiday is written, whose name wears this Orthodox God's house. Icon of the day - This is an icon depicting a holiday or one of whose memory is celebrated on this day. Usually, an allay is in the middle of the Naos.

And also, in the middle of the ceiling, a big hanging candlestick with a lot of candles is fixed. It is lit during the important moments of worship. This candlestick is called panicadyl. In Bulgarian churches, he is called the Greek word of rainfall. Usually in the temples in Bulgaria there are two panicadiles - big and smaller. For convenience in modern Orthodox churches, the candles are replaced by special electric light bulbs. They have the shape of a burning candle flame or the shape of the church county.


Eve.In the Orthodox prayer house there is a place where the layer can put a candle and prays about their who have repaired close. This place is called the cat. In the Russian churches, the eve of a small delivery with a cross with the image of a crucified Jesus with a multitude of recesses for candles. In Bulgaria, the church eve rearranges a large vessel resembling a deep discos filled with fine sand.

Iconostasis in the temple.

Iconostasis.The altar and the middle part of the church separates the iconostasis. The word "iconostasis" comes from greek And translates as a "standing stand", which is usually a wooden partition with icons, beautiful carved ornaments, and from above, in the center of the iconostasis is a cross with a human skull. The cross on the iconostasis has a double meaning. It really is the place of death of the Savior and symbolizes the sky.

Northern and southern Games of

Sometimes the iconostasis can only be supplied with an icon. The first nine centuries never blocked the holy of saints in the Orthodox church, but there was only a low wooden partition with icons. The "Raise" of the image stands began after the 10th century, and during the centuries acquired its current appearance. This is how the meaning of the iconostasis and its purpose is the medieval Greek church bishop, the famous Orthodox liturgist and the church teacher of St. Simeon Solunsky: "From the anthropological point of view, the altar symbolizes the soul, Naos - the body, and the iconostasis, in reality, separates two parts of the temple and makes one visible and other part invisible for the human eye.


With a cosmological point of view, the iconostasis separates the sky and land, as the temple symbolizes the world. In this sense, the iconostasis is a partition between the visible and invisible world, and the saints on it are intermediaries to the invisible world, as they are a link between the two worlds. "

The iconostasis has three entrances with the doors. Through two not large entrances, the clergymen and their assistants go and come out during some moments of liturgy, for example, during the commission of small and great entrance. And the central larger entrance, between the altar and the middle part of the church is called the royal gates. In addition to the royal gates, the middle entrance to the iconostasis has a curtain of the fabric. Usually she is red. Icons of iconostasis are identical in all Orthodox churches. On the royal gates is always the icon with the image of the scene, telling as an angel informs the Virgin Mary that she is chosen by God and what will start from St. The Spirit of the child who will become the Savior of the world. On the right side of the iconostasis, the icons of the Son of God and St. John the Baptist are located on the other side, on the other side, the icon of the Virgin Mary with a baby and the image of this, whose name the church is named. For the remaining icons, there is no accurate determination of which images will be there and what location they will take on the iconostasis.

Singer, Closer (Klos)

Kliros, Kloslos, Tsvnitsa. Before the iconostasis, on the left and right are places where the church choir sings. These places are called pollistars or singer. In Russian, the spaciousness of the singer is called Kryoshai.

Horugwi.Usually in Bulgarian churches next to the polls are Horugwi. This is a special church banner with icons on long wooden poles. They are used at the time of church processions. Khorugvi began to be used in St. Orthodox Church from the 4th century and symbolizes the victory of Christianity over paganism.


Salt and Ambon. The space raised by one or several steps between the village and the altar is called saline, and its central part in the center in front of the altar is called an ammon. Here the priests raise prayer exclamations, pronounce sermons and so on.

Saline. Ambon. Church shop.

In the Orthodox God's house there is a place for sale of candles, Orthodox Lateuries, Icons, Sweet Captures, etc. And also here are applied for health and demand, order any church required. It is located in the focus or middle part of the temple. This place is called church bench.

The end follows.

master of theology

And its internal device is completely and fully expressed their aspiration to the Lord, and also serve as salvation. Typically, the part of the temple in which the altar is facing. The fact is that it is East to symbolize paradise.

Any Christian Church may have from one to several domes. One dome is the Savior, three domes - the Holy Trinity, five domes - Christ and the Four Apostle Evangelist. If the temple has twelve domes - these are twelve apostles-students of Jesus Christ. The Dome of the Christian Church is completed by eight-pointed crosses symbolizing salvation.

Part of the church separated from it with a solid wall, a fest. It serves as a place of stay for swing and published. In general, the PET is a symbol of earthly existence. Also next to the Christian Church is usually located bellows (or bell tower).

Internal device of the Christian Church

Altar. This is a symbol of the Heavenly Kingdom and the region of God's Being. The semicircular altar is usually separated from the middle part with a special altar obstacle. It develops to. Inside the altar is a special throne serving to accomplish certain or others.

In the left part of the throne, the altar is usually located. This place is necessary for accomplishment. To the right of the throne is a diaconnik, i.e. The place where liturgia is performed. The part of the altar, directed to the East, has one or three apse - rounded shapes. The elevation, which is located between the altar and the middle part of the Christian church, is called saline. This is the place of all chickens. In his center there is an amvon needed.

The middle part of the Christian church is a kind of world of the angels and righteous, symbolizing the human nature of Jesus Christ and the soul of man. This part can have a variety of forms - from an oblong or rounded to octagonal. Today, the crosses of the church's crosses are most common. Inside the middle part of the Church, choirs (galleries) are usually placed, as well as additional features - special altars addressed to the east and separated from the main church with their own iconostasis.

It is worth noting that the whole Christian church is covered with wall paintings. These are frescoes. They are located on the principle of hierarchy of sacred images and in accordance with the symbols of all parts of the temple. All frescoes represent a stylistic unity - a single dogmatic system that is directly related to liturgical action. The altar is also painted with frescoes.

The device of the Orthodox church is associated with symbolic traditions, the history of the development of worship.

The main parts of the cathedrals are called:

  • altar - holy place;
  • naos - the middle part;
  • fitting.

Each of them symbolizes a certain area of \u200b\u200bbeing, is a repeat of the Divine, Heaven and Earth Life.

Scheme of the internal device of the Orthodox Temple

The altar shown off the iconostasis depicted on the plan from the whole temple - holy place In the cathedral. Then follows the middle part of the temple, and then the bee and pale - the playground in front of the entrance to the church.

The drawing shows the main parts of the structure of the Orthodox church.

Description of the inner structure of the temple

Consider in more detail the internal structure of the Christian temple.


So called prejudice, symbolizing the sinful land.

The external arrival includes a porch with a pale. According to the Old Russian custom, in this place, prayers coming up and people who consider themselves unworthy to be inside the temple, are facing alms.

In the monasteries in the coarse, the brotherly refectory, which is the second warm temple.

A tower bell tower, symbolizing the candle, is being built over the entrance.

Sanctuary of the temple - the middle part

The middle part of the building is considered a temple, symbolized by the earth formerity, is a particle of an updated human world. They call this place with the neopha, it is located from the bottom to the holy place - the altar.

Here are the icons put in large frames or on narrow special tables that have inclined covers, which are called anal. Candlesticks are installed in front of the holy images where parishioners can put candles. The lamp from a set of candles adorns the interior of this part of the cathedral, the chandelier is called a panicadyl.

There is also a small table where there are candlesticks and a crucifix, called the eve or wedding. This place is a memorial service or clogs.

Traditionally, the presence in the church of the image of Calvary, which is placed in its middle part. This is an image in the form of a wooden cross height into a human height, on it the image of a crucified Savior.

At the bottom of the eight-pointed cross, on the stand, there is an image, a symbolizing skull and dice of Adam.

To the right of the crucifixion is the icon with the way the Mother of God, on the left of John the Theologian, sometimes instead of Him Mary Magdalena.

Salus in the temple

In front of the iconostasis and the altar there is an exaltation in the temple, called saline, in the middle of its protrusion - an ambon, which means climbing.

In both parts of the elevation, places are arranged where the choir is located. They call these sites - by the closer, "the clinies" called singing priests.

Next to the closer is placed by Khorugvi - icons made on silk fabrics attached to long strips. As church banners are rushed during the procession.

On the semicircular saline, there are sometimes choirs in the form of a balcony. They are usually located on the west side of the temple.

Altar in church

Traditionally located in the east side, he addressed to sunrise.

The altar is considered "heaven on earth." He is associated with the images of paradise, is considered to be the heavenly housing of the Lord. In the literal translation of the altar called the "sublime altar". It is permitted only to the anointed gods.

Inside the altar consists of:

  1. The main shrine called the throne for the accuracy of the sacraments.
  2. Mountain high platform, located behind the throne, where the semots and cross are placed.
  3. The altar where bread and wine is being prepared for the sacrament.
  4. Breakfasts and sacrifice, in which the sacred vessels and the vessels of priests are located for worship.

The iconostasis derails the "sky on earth" from the rest of the cathedral, is forced by icons, they are located in it. In central, called tsari, allowed to enter only the clergy. Gates from the North and South side - for deacons.

The image of the Savior is placed on the right of the central gates, on the left - the icon of Our Lady. After the image of the Savior, the place of the temple icon, which shows the most revered holy, with whose name is the lighting of the temple.

Church Charity

According to the traditions of Russian orthodox church It is not allowed to make more than one liturgy within one day on the same throne. Therefore, additional thrones are installed in the temple, for which parts are mainly located in the main building, or extensions are made outside.

They call them to the adhesives or palacias, they are located in the southern or northern side of the room. The presence of several church adhesions sometimes does not just complicate the structure of the temple, but also creates a whole complex.


It is a sanctified table, the lower clothing of which is a white canvas, top - color expensive fabric.

This is a place for sacred items whose specifics are that only clergy is allowed to touch them.

Altar in the Orthodox Church

Located on the left side of the throne. The sacrificial table is the same as the throne.

Used for the root of cooking wine and recruitment, which are needed for communion.


This place in the form of a semicircular protrusion in the center of the saline, from which the priest is pronounced speech and sermons.

Architectural elements of the temple

According to the appearance of the Orthodox church, its purpose is determined. It may be in the form:

  1. Cross - Salvation Symbol.
  2. Circle, symbolizing eternity.
  3. Square associated with earth and spiritual fortress.
  4. The octagon, personifying the Bethlehem Star.
  5. Ship, repeating Noah the Ark.

An affiliation of the decoration of the temple are:

  • images on icons and frescoes;
  • lamps that are ignited depending on the importance of the service;
  • lampades.

If you look at the photo with the temples, then noticeably in general in their structure is the presence of domes that the head of the cross crosses. For example, the tripling of domes symbolizes the Holy Trinity.

For the parishioners, both for children and for adults, the Orthodox church is perceived as the kingdom of heaven. To know how the main parts of the church are called, it is useful to everyone, the drawing or a picture with signatures well helps for this purpose.

Many Orthodox churches are striking the beauty and grace of decoration, architectural splendor. But besides aesthetic load, the whole building and the design of the temple carries a symbolic meaning. You can not take any building and organize a church in it. Consider how the principles organized the device and interior decoration Orthodox church and what is the point of the design elements.

Architectural features of temple buildings

The temple is a consecrated building in which divine services serve, and believers have the opportunity to take part in the sacraments. Traditionally, the main entrance to the temple is located in the West - where the sun comes, and the main liturgical part is the altar - always laid to the east, where the sun rises.

Prince-Vladimir Temple in Irkutsk

You can distinguish the Christian church from any other buildings by a characteristic dome (chapter) with a cross. This is the symbol of the death of the Savior, who voluntarily climbed the cross for the sake of our redemption. Not by chance and the number of heads on each church, namely:

  • one dome marks the commandment about the unity of God (I am the Lord God God, and you will not have other gods, except me);
  • three domes are asked in honor of the Holy Trinity;
  • five domes symbolizes Jesus Christ and its four evangelists;
  • seven chapters resemble believers about the seven major sacraments of the Holy Church, as well as about seven universal councils;
  • sometimes there are buildings with thirteen chapters that symbolize the Lords and 12 apostles.
Important! Any temple is devoted, first of all, to the Lord to our Jesus Christ, but it may be consecrated in honor of any holy or holiday (for example, the Christmas Temple, Holy Nikolaevsky, Pokrovsky, etc.).

About Orthodox churches:

When laying a temple building, one of these figures can be laid into the base:

  • cross (marks the instrument of death of the Lord and the symbol of our salvation);
  • rectangle (associated with a noah ark, like a saving ship);
  • circle (means the absence of the beginning and end of the church, which is eternal);
  • star with the 8th ends (in the memory of the Bethlehem star, which pointed to the birth of Christ).

Top view of the church of Ilya Prophet in Yaroslavl

Symbolically, the building itself correlates with the ark of salvation of all mankind. And how many many centuries ago, on his ark, saved his family and all living during the Great Flood, and today, people go to the church to save their soul.

The main liturgical part of the church, where the altar is located, looks to the east, since the goal of a person's life to go from darkness to light, and therefore from the West to the East. In addition, in the Bible we see the texts in which Christ himself is referred to as the East and the Light of Truth, coming from the East. Therefore, and serve as a liturgy in the altar taken towards the rising sun.

Temple inner device

Going to any church, you can see the division into three main zones:

  1. plot;
  2. the main or middle part;
  3. altar.

The imposition is the very first part of the building for entrance doors. In antiquity it was accepted that it was in the trim that sinners stood and prayed before repentance and ache - people who were just preparing to take baptism and become full members of the Church. IN modern churches There are no such rules, and there are most often the candle kiosks, where you can buy candles, church literature and submit notes for remembrance.

Fitting - a small space between the door and the temple

In the middle part there are all praying during the service. This part of the church is sometimes called a non-oil (vehicle), which again refers us to the image of the noeva ark of salvation. The main elements of the middle part are saline, amvon, iconostasis and pollos. Consider more detailed what it is.


This is a small step located in front of the same iconostasis. Her destination is to raise the priest and all the participants in worship, so that they are better visible and audible. In antiquity, when the temples were small and dark, and they also stuck with people, see and hear the priest behind the crowd was almost impossible. Therefore, they came up with such an elevation.


In modern temples, this is part of the saline, most often than the oval form, which is in the middle of the iconostasis right in front of the royal gates. The priest is pronounced in this oval protrusion, the preachs are pronounced, the gospel is read by Dyakon. In the middle and side of the Ambon there are steps to climb to the iconostasis.

With an ambon, the gospel reads and sermons are pronounced


The place where the choir and readers are located. In large churches, most often there are several trains - upper and lower. Lower trains are usually in the late saline. To large holidays in one temple, several choirs can sing at once, which are on different trains. In ordinary services, one choir sings from one closer.


The most prominent part of the inner decoration of the temple. This is a peculiar wall with icons, which separates the altar from the main part. Initially, iconostasis were low, or their function was performed by curtains or small lattices. Over time, icons began to hang on them, and the height of the barriers grew. In modern churches, iconostasis can reach the ceiling, and the icons on it are located in a special order.

The main and largest gates leading to the altar are called royal gates. They depict an honored Blessed Virgin Mary And the icons of all four evangelists. On the right side of the royal gates, the icon of Christ hangs, and behind it the image of the main holiday, in honor of which the temple is consecled or given the limit. On the left side - the icon of the Virgin and one of the particularly revered saints. On additional doors in the altar, it is customary to depict Archangels.

Over the royal gates depict a mystery in the evening, the icon of the large two-month holidays with it. Depending on the height of the iconostasis, there may be other rows of icons on which the Mother of God is depicted, the saints, places from the Gospel .. they were to be on Calvary during the god execution of the Lord. The same location can be seen on the big crucifixion, which is located on the side of the iconostasis.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the iconostasis is to present the church in all its completeness, with the Lord heading, with the saints and heavenly forces. A person who prays the iconostasis, as if to remain in front of everything that is the essence of Christianity since the time of the earth's life of the Lord and until this day.

About prayer in the temple:


Finally, the holy of holy of any church, without which the ministry of liturgy is impossible. The church can be consecrated even in a simple building without domes, but it is impossible to submit any church without an altar. You cannot have anyone anything in the altar, it is allowed only to clergymen, deaches, straightenings and individuals of male to bless the abbot of the temple. Women enter the altar strictly forbidden completely.

The main part of the altar is the holy throne, which symbolizes the throne of the Lord of God. In the physical sense, this is a large heavy table, maybe a tree or stone. The square form suggests that food from this table (namely, the Word of God) is fed to people across the land, on all four sides of the world. For the consecration of the temple of the mandatory is the laying of holy relics under the throne.

Important! As in Christianity there is nothing accidental and unimportant, and the decoration of God's house has a deep symbolic meaning in every detail.

Newly challenging Christians may seem unnecessary such trustees about the details, however, if they deeper into the essence of worship, it will become clear - every thing in the temple is applied. Such an order provides an example and every person: we must live so that the external, and the inner dispensation led us to God.

Video about the internal device of the temple

The temple is a building designed to make liturgies and public prayer in it, a particularly arranged - having the throne and consecrated by the bishop, it is divided into three parts: the altar, the middle part of the temple and the imposition. In the altar there are an altar and throne. From the middle part of the church of the altar is separated by iconostasis. On the part of the middle part before the iconostasis is saline with an ammon and pollosy.

In the bishops in the middle of the middle of the temple, the bishop of the Ambon with the department is put. Many temples have a bell tower or bells with bells for convening believers for worship. The roof of the temple is crowned with a dome with a cross, symbolizing the sky. Consecrated in the name of the holiday or any saint, the day of memory of which is the temple, or the throne, holiday.

Miscellaneous amount of domes, or chapters, the temple building is determined by those who are dedicated to:

· Single-eyed temple: the dome marks the unity of God, the perfection of creation.

· Two-headed temple: two domes symbolize the two nature of the Bohemian of Jesus Christ, two areas of creation (angel and human).

· Three-headed temple: Three domes symbolize the Most Holy Trinity.

· Four-headed temple: four domes symbolize a four-day, four sides of the world.

· The five-key temple: five domes, one of which is towers over others, symbolize Jesus Christ and four evangelists.

· Seven temple: Seven domes symbolize seven sacraments of the church, seven universal cathedrals, seven virtues.

· Nine temple: nine domes symbolize nine angels.

· Thirteen-headed Temple: Thirteen domes symbolize Jesus Christ and twelve apostles.

The shape and color of the dome also have a symbolic meaning. Helmet shape symbolizes spiritual brand (struggle), which the church leads to evil forces.

The shape of the bulbs symbolizes the flame of the candle.

The dome color is also important in the symbols of the temple:

· Gold is a symbol of heavenly glory. The golden domes were at the main temples and in the temples dedicated to Christ and the two holidays.

· Dome Blue with stars crowned temples dedicated to the Virgin, because the star is reminded of the birth of Christ from the Virgin Mary.

· Trinity temples had green domes, because the green is the color of the Holy Spirit.

· The temples dedicated to the saints are also crowned with green or silver domes.

· In the monasteries there are black dome - this is the color of monastics

Orthodox churches have a different external form:

1. The oblong four-square (type of ship). The world is the life of the sea, and the church is a ship on which you can swim in this sea and to achieve a quiet pier - the kingdom of heaven.

2. The shape of the cross. The cruciform shape of the temple indicates that at the base of the church there is a cross of Christ, through which the believers received eternal salvation.

3. Star shape. The temple having a star shape, or an octagon, reminds us by the Bethlehem star, which pointed out the Warm to Christ, and symbolizes the church as a guide star, illuminating the rheric people the path to eternal life.

4. Circle shape. The type of circle means the eternity of the church. As a circle does not have the beginning and the end, and the Church of Christ will exist forever.

The external color of the temple often reflects its dedication - to the Lord, the Virgin, any holy or holiday.

For example:

· White - Temple, consecrated in honor of the transformation or ascension of the Lord

· Blue - in honor of the Most Holy Virgin

· Red - dedicated to martyr (martyrs)

· Green - Reverend

· Yellow - Saint

The temple is divided into three main parts: the adder, the middle part, or the temple itself and the altar itself.

Focus There is a threshold to the temple. In the first centuries of Christianity, they stood here and announced, i.e. Persons preparing to holy baptism.

Average A part of the temple, which is sometimes called the oil (vehicle), is intended for prayer of loyal or persons who have already accepted baptism. In this part of the temple there are saline, amvon, pollistas and iconostasis.

Salus - (g σολ? α, from the Latin Solium - the throne, throne), elevated part of the floor in front of the iconostasis. In the early Christian and Byzantine Church, the passage, connecting the altar and the ammon, often fenced balustrade.

Amvon - semicircular middle of the saline opposite the royal gates. From the Ambon is read by the Sectation, the Gospel and are pronounced sermons. In the ancient Greek and the ancient Russian temples, the Embon were somewhat resembled a modern teaching department and were sometimes in the middle of the middle of the temple, sometimes near the wall. In antiquity, Ambon was not at the altar, but in the middle of the temple.

And a stone track was led to him (the bishop department in the middle of the temple - the remainder of the ancient Ambon). Sometimes Ambonov had two, and they had the appearance of a certain building carved from marble and decorated with sculpture and mosaic. Modern Ambon no longer has anything in common with ancient. The ancient amvon is best compared with the modern preaching department or analogy (analog) when the latter is placed for sermons.

Closses - The final side places of saline, intended for readers and singers. Khorugvi are attached to the closens, i.e. Icons on trees called church banners.

Iconostasis - Partition or wall separating the central part of the temple from the altar, which has several rows of icons on itself. There were no high iconostasis in the Greek and ancient Russian churches, Altari was separated from the middle part of the temple a low lattice and a curtain. Over time, iconostasis began to rise; They appeared several tiers, or rows of icons.

Medium doors iconostasis are called Royal gates And the side - northern and southern, they are also called deacon. The altar of the temples are usually sent to the east, to commemorate the thought that the church and praying to the "east of over", i.e. to Christ.

Altar - The main part of the temple, intended for the priests and those who serve them during worship. The altar refers to the sky, the dwelling of the Lord itself. In view of a particularly sacred meaning of the altar, he always inspires mysterious reverence and, at the entrance to him, believers should make a terrestrial bow. The main items in the altar: the Holy See, the altar and the same place.

2. The outdoor view of Orthodox churches.

Apse"The altar ledge, as if attached to the temple, most often a semicircular, but meets the polygonal way, there is an altar.

Drum - (deaf, light) cylindrical or multifaceted upper part of the temple, over which the dome ending with the cross is extended.

Light drum - Drum, face or cylindrical surface of which is cut through window openings.

Chapter - Dome with a drum and a cross, who has a crowned temple building.

Zakomara - in Russian architecture a semicircular or a caile end of a part of the outer wall of the building; As a rule, repeats the outlines of the arch position.

Cubic - the main volume of the temple.

Dome - Church chapter, reminiscent of the form of a bulb.

Nave (Franz. Nef, from Lat. Navis - ship), an elongated room, part of the interior of a church building, limited from one or both of the longitudinal sides alongside columns or pillars.

Porch - Open or closed porch in front of the entrance to the temple, sublifted in relation to the level of land.

Pilyast - a constructive or decorative flat vertical protrusion on the surface of a wall having a base and cap.

Portal - Architecturally decorated entrance to the building.

Refectory - Part of the temple, a low extension from the western side of the Church, serving the place of sermons, public assemblies, and in antiquity and place where brethren took food.

Tent - High four-, six or eight-marginal pyramidal coating of the tower, temple or bell tower, widespread in the Temple Architecture of Russia until the XVII century.

Gable- Completion of the facade of the building, portico, colonnade, fenced roofs and cornice at the base.

Apple - Ball at the end of the dome under the cross.

Tier - decreasing in height horizontal membership of the building.